Hello there found myself in the Lothian Leageu on a cold snow planet with Retromechs at my back and a firebee as my ride but for the last month my mind is reading scorpion material and forum posts and if been thinking alot about Escorpion Imperio...
But anyway i was thinking about garrison Clusters for the worlds of the Imperio wouldn't it be a good asset to have the Castillian Ice Powered Mechs in garrison forces and then so keeping the mechs taken with them only to Goliath Scorpion and Seekers and certain Castillian or Umyavid mechwarriors ...
and if the Goliath Scorpions want some more money or people in debt to them then sell them Ice Powered Mechs using the Castilalina or GS merchant jumpship fleet ...
Would the Goliath Scorpion empire focus only on internal problems or would it focus outward and even colonize some planets or garrison other worlds like protection and housing for something from the planet ( if the planet has a tank factory like a vedette factory then the GS would get vedettes for its garrison clusters ...
Question :: with what did the Scorpions leave the Homeworlds what supplies and what for castes's did they take with them ..
Id like to create a list about the Scorpions and their possesions
If anybody would want to help me then please