Well here is what I was thinking....
1. Abort. I know this is cold but we could call the whole thing off as freeing the POWs had little effect in canon. Its not like their rescue spurred on any patriotic upsurge, nobody halt Lyran secession cause of this, maybe they aren't that important. Likewise the supplies are too heavily defended at the moment so lets save our bullets for another engagement.
2. Retask. Hit them where they ain't, while the POWs and the logistics center are priority targets for certain, the presence of additional forces here means they aren't somewhere else, perhaps there is something of value there.
3. Reinforce. Knowing the forces there we send even more folks to the party hoping to take the objectives in spite of the garrison we know that is there. Plus this time around we will be expecting them and maybe that foreknowledge is an advantage we can use. As a part of this perhaps we give up on the supplies and go all in on the POWs or reverse that.
Your diversion isn't a bad idea Ice but it sounds difficult to accomplish unless you attack nearby systems hoping to draw off units from the main target, Sudeten.
Trying to gather more information on the Jade Falcon Galaxy mentioned in the fluff but so far no specifics.