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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2012, 08:37:53 PM »

I dunno about that, Knightmare, for a couple reasons.  First, the ComGuards, per all the sourcebooks, were kept at a high state of training, which is why Waterly was able to intimidate the Great Houses with them after they became public following the Fourth War.  Second, the ComGuards field Star League equipment almost exclusively at Tukayyid, which means the technology gap is much narrower for the ComGuards than for the Great Houses. 

The site listed by Master Arminas gives the following experience breakdown for the ComGuards by division:3 Elite, 16 Veteran, 24 Regular, 28 Green.  71 divisions, if each has 39 aerofighters as the post-Tukayyid divisions do, this makes for 2769 fighters.

The author of the page gives an overall estimate of 2800 fighters to 2500.  Of course, this assumes the Clans didn't bid away some of their fighters, which is the sort of foolish thing the Clans do all the time.

Per Lost Destiny, at Luthien the Nova Cats & Smoke Jaguars "never came close" to killing 1.3 Inner Sphere 'mechs for each of their own lost, and it was that 1.3 number which the Clans needed to reach in order to win at Tukayyid, assuming they had full forces, nothing bid away internally.

Even assuming the ComGuards took 70% material casualties, by the time the Scorpion WarShips are called in they should still have 600-800 AeroSpace fighters, vs your 90 fighters in the WarShip contingent and 5-6 WarShips. 

I recommend reading his methodology, however, especially in light of the existing thread asking what sources people value.  For the purposes of that examination of Tukayyid, novels trump everything else, because they're novels.  The sourcebooks, naturally, tend to either blindly quote or outright disagree with each other. 

I would also like to echo Blacknova's point that this is clearly getting more believable the more we challenge it.  I personally think the Clans should have come to a crushing halt shortly into the first year, because a single cluster vs an RCT is a great way for the Inner Sphere to gain Clan salvage, yet those are the number disparities which the Clanners routinely mop the floor against in the novels & sourcebooks.  An RCT vs an entire galaxy would come down to difference in command, and the Clans don't operate in formations that size as often as the Inner Sphere militaries -- especially the post-Fourth War militaries of the AFFC and the DCMS benefiting from the Dragoons model (via the Ryoken) and Teddy Kurita's much-heralded reforms (which seem much more thorough in the sourcebooks than the novels, which makes sense to me from a top-down bureaucratic vision). 

On the other hand, I'm not sure that your argument for why the Scorpions can orbitally-bombard all the ComGuard forces on Tukayyid freely holds up.  Maybe I misunderstand Zellbringen, but as it's portrayed in the fiction, the fact that other people can't hit their targets doesn't automatically give the Scorpions the right to do so.  As in the case of Natasha's comments at the end of her and Phelan's Trials -- it's dishonorable to steal someone else's target even if they can't attack it.  To the point where Natasha would have let Phelan die (despite Ulric's needs & plans for the boy) rather than attack Vlad, even though Phelan's mech was clearly disabled and incapable of combat.  Only their pre-start agreement to share targets allowed Natasha to save Phelan when he was incapable of saving himself. 

By the same token, the Scorpions would only be authorized to attack their own targets.  If they seize their objectives, well and good.  Glory for the Clan.  But just because they got theirs does not mean they can go attack the targets of the Clans which had quit.  Targets were assigned to each Clan, and the Clans themselves bid for the targets they attacked and the time they could land.  The fact that the ComGuards weren't behaving according to Zellbringen wouldn't matter -- they're not Clanners, and do not need to follow Clan rules in combat.

Nor were the ComGuard troops the goal of the battles on Tukayyid -- each fight was a battle to seize objectives.  Destroying all the ComGuards after the battle was "over" is unlikely to sit well with the other Clans.  Whether they can do anything about it after the fact is another story.  Per Zellbringen, I'd argue that a general melee wouldn't matter, as the goal was not to gain kills, as in a Trial of Position, but to seize territory -- the troops defending those targets were not included in the bargain.  We'd probably need a group of Loremasters to decide in the end.

And finally, given the highly political nature of the Clan competition, if the Scorpions fail to bid away some of their forces, I can see another Clan launching a claim that they are cowards and incompetent -- afraid of the ComGuards.  This is a pretty serious charge, which could likely get them booted out of the battle completely at this point, especially if Ulric applies some pressure over their refusal to bid away their WarShips.  All of which assumes Ulric didn't ban WarShips from the bid in general.  Ulric did however, per Lost Destiny, establish the upper limit on total Galaxies for the battle of Tukayyid at 25 -- three per Clan, except Wolf, who would be allowed the extra four galaxies (two of which Ulric bid away, leaving the Wolfs with only 5).  It seems Ghost Bear got at least one of those extra Galaxies, but either way, the Scorpions would be constrained to three, which would seemingly be the two line Galaxies and the line Clusters, with none of the PGCs.  I'm not certain if you were including the PGCs in your bid for the Scorpions or not.  But per the setup, they'd be barred.
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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2012, 11:05:57 PM »

A Galaxy consists of up to seven Clusters, though it can be as few as two, and normally doesn't exceed five.  Since the Scorpions have 12 front line Clusters (the Knife Dance Keshik, the two 'independent' Curassier Clusters, and four Clusters each in Alpha and Beta Galaxy), they could add all four of the Garrison Clusters and still remain at three Galaxies.  Of course, some other Clan might well take exception to that, but the Falcons used 22 Clusters among their 3 front-line Galaxies (not sure if all were present at Tukayyid), including 3 Solahma and 3 Eyrie Clusters.

You are quite true about the Comguard being highly trained, but for a (rather) large percentage, Tukayyid was their first combat.  And that Star League is mostly TRO:  2750 designs, which are far from the cutting edge of SLDF technology, albeit better in many respects than level 1 IS standard.

Now, as to the Scorpions attacking other objectives; well, they don't.  Focht was already redeploying forces freed from the withdrawal of the Cats, Falcons, Jaguars, and Vipers (Sharks as well in canon) to move them against the Wolves and Bears.  All the Scorpions (and Bears and Wolves) have to do is sit tight and then attack the ComGuards as they come to them.  Remember as well, the Jaguars didn't want to withdraw:  one of their Clusters (the 6th Jaguar Dragoons) in fact disobeyed the ilKhan's withdrawal order and attacked on their own--they had a total of six individuals survive.

The stakes for Tukayyid are incredibly high:  it was a proxy fight for Terra itself.

Zell only holds for as long as both sides adhere to it.  As soon as the Comguards used mines, or concentrated fire on a single Clan 'Mech, Zell should have--and did--go out the window.

And finally, given the highly political nature of the Clan competition, if the Scorpions fail to bid away some of their forces, I can see another Clan launching a claim that they are cowards and incompetent -- afraid of the ComGuards.  This is a pretty serious charge, which could likely get them booted out of the battle completely at this point, especially if Ulric applies some pressure over their refusal to bid away their WarShips.  All of which assumes Ulric didn't ban WarShips from the bid in general.

Oh, there will be probably be plenty of Trials of Refusal and Greviance arising from this, but really the Clan system does not do what you are saying here.  If one party does not wish to lower a bid, he cannot be forced to.  That is his bid.  Now, he might gain shame from or derision from the other Clans (for precisely the reasons that you state), but he cannot be made to lower his bid.  And since the bids for Tukayyid were only for landing location and time of the landings, not to participate in the battle itself, really there is nothing the other Clans can do.  The Jaguars bid a mere nine Clusters (including the three Keshik trinaries), winning the first landing zone.  The Cats went in with slightly more.  But the Falcons pretty much bid their whole force, as did the Bears, and so did Ulric.

Master Arminas


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2012, 01:24:22 AM »

All True and now everything is being refined by all these great opinions
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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2012, 01:58:16 AM »

What if Star Adders and Goliath Scorpions had more weight in the Clans way of doing warfare since the beginning?

And I agree with Halvagor, Inner Sphere commanders are more used to bigger coordinated fights and it makes also more sense for them to fight with RCT and such.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2012, 06:01:37 AM »

The principle issue with Clan numbers versus Inner Sphere numbers is that on neither side did warfare usually mean the full force of both sides forming up and fighting in one place. Instead battles taken the form of large numbers of sub-units - companies, binaries and trinaries; sometimes even just lances and stars - fighting dozens of small clashes spread out over a period of space and time. Reading through the three Invading Clan sourcebooks, very few worlds were won in a single sharp battle but in a series of smaller ones.

There was an article - I don't have a link unfortunately - titled The Golden Horde, on CBT a long time ago that analyzed the OmniMechs of TRO 3050 to judge the impact of the Clans' equipment compared to that of the Inner Sphere. With the exception of assault 'Mechs, the least common designs in any force, there was a substantial speed edge to the Clans. Thus they could engage or dis-engage easily, not mention holding ranges open where their longer reach gave them the advantage. Thus they very rarely needed to fight any single clash at a disadvantage and if they were out-numbered could maneuver for space and engage while only one enemy could reach them. This is a matter of individual Mechwarriors making the best use of their equipment, not of widespread team tactics, so there's no reason the Clans couldn't do this.

Obviously with the gap in individual firepower due to Clan's use of lighter weapons and near universal use of double heatinks, Inner Sphere 'Mechs are not going to win those contests unless they uptech (as with the ComGuards), can hamper mobility or range (Wolcott's swamps or Twycross's storms) or force a massive set-piece in a confined space (Luthien). Not to mention that Inner Sphere light mechs and tanks in a recon role will be torn apart by the more aggressively built Clan lights, leaving Inner Sphere commanders without a good idea of where the Clans are, greatly impairing their ability to move reserves to counter the faster Clan units.

While the Clans logistics aren't too clever, they do have some advantages in repairs as well. While supplies last, omnitech means that weapons and some internal components can be replaced with far more ease that Inner Sphere Mechs. Thus, while an IS Mech damaged might have armour patched up but have to accept that some weapons can't be fixed easily, the Clans will quite often be able to yank out damaged weapons and slot intact ones in even faster than armour patches can be welded into place. Rather than feeding ammunition into bins they can simply yank the whole ammo bin and replace it with a new one.

Therefore Clans would tend to erode an inner sphere force over a few days by hitting them, pulling out after scoring a few kills and then sallying out again, repaired, to do so again while their adversary is left blinded, unable to form concentrations of firepower necessary to hit back effectively.

Once these advantages were understood, and the Inner Sphere was thinking how to counter it (and build their own advanced 'Mechs) this slipped away, but through most of 3050 the Inner Sphere forces might as well have been the dumb blonde in a horror movie, unable to hit back, sometimes not even aware what was going on until it was much too late. It's not surprising that some refused even to try to fight back.


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2012, 06:39:13 AM »

Not to throw a wet blanket on the whole thread but the Scorpions have much to overcome to be an Invading Clan. Their military prowess is impressive granted but they are pretty resource poor. Love the reforms and all but blood from a stone just ain't gonna happen. What I'm saying is they need to some how build their power before the Clans depart the Homeworlds. You have a good basis for this with your Seeker recall and new OmniMechs which would be extremely taxing - where are these factories and resources for these new models. These new designs would draw immediate interest from the more aggressive Clans like Smokre Jaguar whose thunder you could steal.

Smoke Jaguar is the one Invading Clan who is resource poor yet preys upon the children of Kerensky to create their prosperity. No Falcon banking, Wolf cunning, or Bear industry. I suppose Steel Viper and Blood Spirit are lesser examples of this "we take what we want prosperity" but Smoke Jaguar is my choice for you to make the hay for Scorpion success. If the Scorpions successfully tangle with the Jags and knock them for their perch taking worlds instituting wiser economic policies you'd have a good basis for an Invading Clan.

Another option could be absorbing a Clan prior to the invasion perhaps in 3025 like Burrock if their Dark Caste activity was discovered then by the Scorpions. You'd have your resources and quite possibly an alliance with Star Adder or Blood Spirit. I'd also advise merchant deals with Snow Raven or Diamond Shark a scientific exchange with the Coyotes to help design your Mechs but I'd urge you to build the Scorpions resources prior to invasion.


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2012, 06:41:52 AM »

From Colonel Drakensis's Introduction to Clan Warfare, 3rd Edition, NAIS Press, New Avalon, 3067.

That was an excellent summary of the Clan advantages in combat during the early invasion period.
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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2012, 06:44:57 AM »

Not to throw a wet blanket on the whole thread but the Scorpions have much to overcome to be an Invading Clan. Their military prowess is impressive granted but they are pretty resource poor. Love the reforms and all but blood from a stone just ain't gonna happen. What I'm saying is they need to some how build their power before the Clans depart the Homeworlds. You have a good basis for this with your Seeker recall and new OmniMechs which would be extremely taxing - where are these factories and resources for these new models. These new designs would draw immediate interest from the more aggressive Clans like Smokre Jaguar whose thunder you could steal.

Smoke Jaguar is the one Invading Clan who is resource poor yet preys upon the children of Kerensky to create their prosperity. No Falcon banking, Wolf cunning, or Bear industry. I suppose Steel Viper and Blood Spirit are lesser examples of this "we take what we want prosperity" but Smoke Jaguar is my choice for you to make the hay for Scorpion success. If the Scorpions successfully tangle with the Jags and knock them for their perch taking worlds instituting wiser economic policies you'd have a good basis for an Invading Clan.

Another option could be absorbing a Clan prior to the invasion perhaps in 3025 like Burrock if their Dark Caste activity was discovered then by the Scorpions. You'd have your resources and quite possibly an alliance with Star Adder or Blood Spirit. I'd also advise merchant deals with Snow Raven or Diamond Shark a scientific exchange with the Coyotes to help design your Mechs but I'd urge you to build the Scorpions resources prior to invasion.

Another option is to fall back on the Scorpion strength: underwater mining.  Utilizing massive expansion of underwater operations, away from the prying eyes of the other Clans.  these mining centers link into the underground facilities through hidden entrances, creating an enclave hidden within an enclave.  Even if the OverEnclave is taken, the attackers would not get the UnderEnclave as they never bidded for it.
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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2012, 10:29:21 AM »

Well put drakensis.

I always found Tukayyid to stand out as the odd bird during this period simply because Focht was one of the first commanders to "get smart" to the Clan combat style and psychology...and was (luckily) afforded the right circumstances to actually use what he learned on his terms. 

While using tactics most Inner Sphere armies had long considered their bread and butter, yet exceedingly frustrating for the Clans certainly helped win the battle, I think a large part of the ComGuards' success came directly from the nature of the venue.

Tukayyid was a proxy battle for Terra.

The weight of that outcome and its impact on the Invading Clans shouldn't be underestimated. I can only imagine what the thought of earning Terra through a Trial of Possession was doing to the psych of even the most dire-hard Warden. Regardless of political direction, Trials of Possession through combat speak to the very fiber of the Clans...the poor slots were probably salivating at the thought of precious Terra.

This type of anxious "all or nothing" energy with a prize that big was exploited. No question about it. Focht's war of attrition likely exacerbated and exploded the condition, thereby feeding the cycle as the battle wore on. With so much on the line, the Clans (as a whole) would do nothing less but continue to fully commit. At some point reckless abandon becomes a pretty good adjective to describe their war effort.     

The only Clan seemingly unaffected are your Scorpions. Their actions just seem a little too cool, too calm perhaps for the scenario. But that's just me after a second re-read.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 10:36:22 AM by Knightmare »
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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2012, 02:20:34 PM »

I do agree that firepower and speed are with the Clans and that they have a better repair service than the Inner Sphere when we think about a battle on a world and not about the whole campaign.
However most of the Inner Sphere forces were facing other threats (ie other Inner Sphere powers).

But if the Clans have better tactics, why wouldn't the Inner Sphere have some too?

After all, I read again the 3 "Invasion books" and I could hardly find any battle where RCT were used to the best.
It seems as if they didn't manage to work together or made bad tactical moves or were ignored by the other defenders...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 02:22:47 PM by Ice Hellion »

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2012, 02:25:19 PM »

Revising the Outline according to your suggestions.  Here is what I have so far (Part II, 3045-3052 should be up in a little while).

Timeline for Scorpion Rising (Working Title), Part I (3030-3044)

3030:  Mikhail Kirov becomes Khan of Clan Goliath Scorpion.  Displeased with the current status of his clan he arranges for ristar Nikolai Djerassi to challenge saKhan Gregor Lunde to a Trial of Grievance, defeating him and becoming saKhan.  Scorpion Seekers are recalled to service, expanding the toumen from eight front-line and sixteen second-line Clusters to eleven front-line, sixteen second-line, and one Solahma Cluster.  Loremaster Angela Tazegul objects and fights a Trial of Refusal in which she is killed.  Randal Posavatz (another ristar of Nikolai’s generation) becomes Loremaster.

3031:  Kirov diverts fund from civilian projects to construct a new, modern Manufacturing Complex on Roche.  An underground cavern deep beneath the Temple of the Nine Muses is selected as the site ensuring a high level of security and defensive capabilities.  Djerassi reforms the Scorpion training sibkos, focusing less on individual Warrior tactics and reintroducing the new Scorpion sibkin to the tactics used by the SLDF.  Many dissenters in the Scorpion ranks protest this change in training, but lack the numbers to alter the Clan’s new course.  The Scorpion toumen begins regular, large-scale maneuvers aimed at instructing the veteran Warriors in these same tactics.  Kirov challenges Clan Wolf to a Trial of Possession for Star Colonel Vlad Dinour—by now an old man—and once again Dinour becomes a Scorpion.  He is placed in charge of the Scorpion sibko program, taking the title Master of Instruction.

3032:  In clandestine meetings with the Khans of Clans Cloud Cobra and Snow Raven, Kirov hammers out a deal where these two Clans agree to provide needed resources for the new manufacturing complex on Roche.  In exchange, the Cobras and Ravens—perennially short of modern OmniMechs—will each receive one-quarter of the complexes annual production once the facility comes fully on-line.

3033:  Djerassi finishes his reorganization of the Scorpion toumen.  All Scorpion Clusters are reformed to include a Command Trinary, two Assault Trinarys, a Battle Trinary, and a Striker Trinary.  The groundwork is laid to expand each cluster by 20% over the next decade, adding a Reserve Specialist Trinary to each Cluster.  The reorganization eliminates the Grenadier and Uhlan Clusters, streamlining the Scorpion toumen into the Knife Dance Keshik, fourteen Cuirassier Clusters, six Dragoon Clusters, six Hussar Clusters, and one Solahma Cluster, for a total of 28 Clusters.

3034:  Dinour establishes the 51st and 52nd Scorpion Reserve Dragoon (Cadre) Clusters as part of his reformation of the sibkin training program.  Manned by cadre instructors and final year sibkin, these Clusters are designed to introduce the sibkos to actual military operations—even before their final test as Warriors.

3035:  With the aid and assistance of Cobra and Raven engineers and scientists, the Scorpion Manufacturing Complex Alpha on Roche comes on-line.  Production begins on the Sanguine Shrike, Sidewinder, Night Scorpion, Golden Osprey, and Deathstalker OmniMechs.  The Khans of Goliath Scorpion, Cloud Cobra, and Snow Raven agree to withhold the knowledge of this facility from their fellow Clans until 3040, so that an ample supply of the new OmniMechs will be on-hand.  None of the Clans will field the new units before that time.

3036:  Master of Instruction Vlad Dinour dies in a training accident at Scorpion Sibko Dagda when he throws himself atop of a fumbled grenade, saving the lives of forty sibkin.

3037:  Civil unrest erupts on Dagda over the lack of funding for civilian projects.  saKhan Djerassi successfully meets with the civilian caste leaders and negotiates an end to their strike—pointing out that other Clans are watching and the last thing the civilians want was to become Jaguars.  In return, Kahn Kirov presses through several reforms loosening the control of Warriors over the civilian castes, a move which placates the protestors.

3038:  Khan Kirov issues a call for all those who tested out of the Warrior caste to report for duty.  Thousands of Scorpion civilians between the ages of 16 and 40 report to military bases where they are reintroduced into the military caste and assigned to the first of more than dozen Garrison Clusters Kirov has been acquiring the vehicles and combat gear for.  Eventually fifteen Garrison Clusters will be raised.  Each Scorpion enclave opens a military testing center, where any member of any civilian caste may report to be tested for military service in a Garrison Cluster.  High scores mark suitable candidates for possible inclusion in the second-line Clusters instead.  Civilian morale soars as the Scorpion populace sees a genuine way to move out of their caste.

3039:  Concerned with the growing competence and confidence of the Scorpions, Clan Smoke Jaguar decides to test the waters by sending the 6th Jaguar Dragoons against Roche in a Trail of Possession for the genetic legacy of saKhan Djerassi.  While the Jaguars do not actually want the Scorpion genetics, they know that such a challenge will cause the Scorpions to respond with their best Warriors, allowing the Jaguars to accurately gauge their strengths and weaknesses.  Khan Kirov informs the Cobra and Raven Khans that he will unveil the new OmniMechs in this Trial; although the Cobras and Ravens are displeased at the early revelation, they agree that it will prove good for the OmniMechs to be tested in this instance.  Observers from the Ravens and Cobras arrive on Roche, as the 1st Scorpion Dragoons Cluster (Heartvenom) engages the Jaguars.
Shocked by the ranks of heretofore unknown OmniMechs filling the ranks of the Scorpion Cluster, Star Colonel Marcus Kotare deploys very conservatively, planning on probing the Scorpions and discovering the capabilities of the new units.  Offensively, the Jaguars find that they have the advantage in firepower, but the speed, mobility, and precision of the Scorpions offsets that advantage.  Every OmniMech in the 1st Scorpion Dragoons is equipped with jump jets, and the elite Scorpion Warriors use this mobility and their speed to ruthless advantage, using terrain to shield their movements before popping up and engaging the Jaguars.
The battle in the Roche Wastes rapidly disintegrates into chaos for the Jaguars as the Scorpions eliminate the Jaguar scouts and then drive the Jaguars apart.  Furious at the heavy damage his Cluster is taking, Kotare forms up the 6th into the famed Jaguar ‘wall of steel’ and charges the Scorpions, but Star Colonel Linda Myers melts away into the desert each time, exchanging space for time—and each volley fired by the Scorpions is precisely targeted to strip away the Jaguars arm-mounted weapons.
After four hours of non-stop skirmishing and hit-and-run attacks, the 1st finally makes a stand against the (now) outnumbered Jaguars.  Adhering strictly to zellbrigen, the Scorpions tore into the Jaguars, sending first their lighter Sanguine Shrikes and Sidewinders to wear down the Jaguar OmniMechs.  The battle turned when Star Colonel Kotare was killed, and the Jaguar’s morale crumbled.  Her own OmniMech disabled by heavy fire, Myers passed tactical command of the Cluster to a young ristar, Star Captain Nelson Elam, who hounded the Jaguars for eighty-eight kilometers back to their DropShips, until finally it was the Smoke Jaguars who requested hegira.

3040:  While Kirov and the Cobra and Raven Khans were very pleased with the results of the Trial, the other Clans demanded answers.  Reporting to Strana Mechty for a Grand Council, Kirov was accused by Khan Moon of the Jaguars with violating the Martial Code of Kerensky.  He claimed that the Scorpion troops on Roche had breached zell and he demanded compensation for his losses, threatening to call for a Trial of Absorption against the Scorpions.  Battleroms of the Trial, however, showed no glaring breach in the Clan dueling customs, as the Scorpions had done no more—and no less—than such Clans as Ice Hellion and Star Adder routinely fought.
The Wardens united behind the Scorpions, defending them—and the vote was assured when Khan Truscott of the Adders added his own to the Scorpion cause.  Still, all of the assembled Khans demanded to know why these new OmniMechs were only now coming to light.  But Kirov was prepared for that and he disseminated copies of the schematics and field trials of the OmniMechs to all of the Khans present.  He, and the Cobra and Raven Khans, acknowledged that they had designed and built these new units, which were only now becoming ready for actual deployment.  It had been the ill luck of the Jaguars that the 1st Scorpion Dragoons were one of the few units so far outfitted.
Careful study of the schematics revealed that the pod-space on these new OmniMechs was rather less than that preferred by many Clans, but the combination of speed, mobility, heavy armor protection, and targeting computers (on EVERY OmniMech, in EVERY configuration) took many of the Khans aback.  These OmniMechs were not a hammer, or even a sword—they were a scalpel, and in the hands of the precise and highly disciplined Scorpion Warriors could well prove far more deadly their limited pod-space might otherwise indicate.
Still, the Grand Council ended without the Scorpions receiving more than a mild admonishment from the assembled Khans.  The Jaguars, on the other hand, were incensed that a ‘third-rate’ Clan had managed to defeat one of their best units.

3041:  Trials of Possession rage across the Homeworlds.  The Scorpions fight thirteen Trials this year against every last Clan of Kerensky (from the Blood Spirits to the Wolves), excepting only the Jaguars, Cobras, and Ravens.  The professionalism and discipline of the reformed Scorpion toumen, combined with the new OmniMechs, leads the Scorpions to win eleven of the Trials—only the Star Adders and the Falcons emerge victorious in close-run engagements.  The Cobras and Ravens as well are flooded by challenges and trials, and before the end of the year, the right to produce these new OmniMechs are in the hands of no fewer than eight separate Clans.

3042:  With Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Galaxies fully equipped with the new OmniMechs, and the reserve Garrison Clusters now manned and trained, Khan Kirov launches a series of lightning Trials against first the Jaguars and then the Horse’s, seizing resources from those two powerful Clans and solidifying the enmity and hostility of the Jaguars towards these upstart Scorpions.  Not all of the Trials are won, of course, but by the end of the year, the Scorpions have prevailed in three-fifths of the Trials they committed too, and a flood of fresh resources flow into the Scorpion enclaves.

3043:  Kirov meets with Khan Truscott of the Star Adders on Sheridan.  Despite the Crusader/Warden divide between the two, the Khans agree to a series of conferences to discuss the eventual return to the Inner Sphere—and what the tactics of the Clans should be on that return.  Impressed by the forethought and vision of Kirov, Truscott proposes an annual series of war-games on Marshall, where both Clans have an enclave.  These maneuvers will pit second-line forces of both Clans against each other and will use . . . unconventional tactics hearkening back to the SLDF tactical operations field manuals.  Kirov agrees and the Marshall Martial Competition becomes an annual event that hones the skills of Scorpion second-line Clusters.

3044:  Kirov is diagnosed with terminal cancer.  Unresponsive to treatment, the Khan of Clan Goliath Scorpion steps down from his position and arranges for transport to Huntress.  There he challenges Khan Moon to a Trial of Grievance, and finds his death.  Although Khan Moon kills Kirov, he is mortally wounded himself.  Leo Showers becomes the Khan of the Smoke Jaguars.  Nikolai Djerassi is elected as Khan of the Scorpions, with Randall Posavatz as saKhan and Jeremy Sword as the new Loremaster.

Master Arminas


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2012, 05:00:37 PM »

Timeline for Scorpion Rising, Part II (3045-3048)

3045:  The chaos of 3044 begins to calm down somewhat.  Djerassi offers the Shark Khans an investment opportunity in the Dagda undersea mineral extraction operations of the Scorpions:  15% of the annual production in exchange for a massive one-time infusion of resources and capital to expand the jewel of the Scorpions resource base.  But the Sharks balk—they want more than 15% of the returns.  Three weeks of negotiations resulting in an agreement for 17.5% of the annual production going to the Sharks—and the Scorpions hand over an archipelago to the home of a Diamond Shark enclave.  Djerassi agrees, but also gains the Sharks agreement to fund the majority of a new oceanic mining operation on Strana Mechty.
In June of 3045, the Cobras uncover the Burrock dealings with the Dark Caste.  This news sends shockwaves throughout the Clans.  The Burrock Khans deny the allegations at a hastily convened Grand Council meeting on Strana Mechty, but a Bloodnamed Burrock Warrior (Star Colonel Anthony Moreau) abandons his post with reams of evidence and manages to evade three separate attempts on his life.  Arriving on Strana Mechty, he presents the evidence to the Grand Council, signed documents showing that both the Khan and saKhan (amongst others) were fully aware of their Clan’s support of the Dark Caste.
Khan Hallik manages to escape off Strana Mechty to rejoin his Clan, but saKhan Janos Messi is taken into custody by the Ebon Keshik.
Clan Star Adder calls for the immediate Absorption of the Burrocks, but at this point Djerassi steps in.  Citing the Martial Code of Kerensky, and the severity of the Burrock Crimes, he calls for the Annihilation of the Burrocks—excepting only those Warriors willing to surrender to the Grand Council.  Djerassi’s call for Annihilation shocks all of the assembled Khans, but he argues that the Burrocks have, effectively, committed treason against the Clans of Kerensky.  An Absorption, he says, will not ensure that the taint of the Burrock’s dealing with the Dark Caste is extinguished—it will merely give it a chance to go underground and infect the other Clans.
The Khans debate for several days on the issue, but the general consensus is against Annihilation.  Absorption is decreed, with the Blood Spirits and Star Adders competing for the honor.
Meanwhile, the Burrocks do not wait for the Grand Council decision.  They launch a preemptive strike against the Star Adders on Marshall.  The 21st Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster (Black Sun) is present on Marshall for the 3045 Marshall Martial Competition and swings into action to defend the Star Adders from the surprise attack.  In conjunction with the 132nd Adder Guards, the Scorpions blunt the worst of the attack, defending the civilian castes from the initial onslaught.  Unfortunately, the Burrocks had committed two entire Galaxies in an attempt to loot the Adder storehouses on Marshall, and in the end the numbers were simply too great.
The 21st Cuirassier and the 132nd Guards melted before the assault of ten full-strength front-line Burrock Clusters.
Thousands of Adder civilians were lost in the fighting, but the Burrocks took heavy damage of their own.  Meanwhile, the remainder of the Scorpion Delta Galaxy (charged with protecting the Scorpion enclave on Marshall) was en route, joining up with elements of the Adder Epsilon and Kappa Galaxies.  The Burrock’s withdrew before any of these reinforcements were able to deploy for combat.
News of the attack on Marshall arrived on Strana Mechty while the Council was still determining who would gain the honor of Absorbing the Burrocks.  In a fury over the attack, the Adders demanded the right to go after the Burrocks, but their righteous rage was contested by the Blood Spirits.  Djerassi was angered by the losses of his own personnel, and he too pressed forward a claim.
In the end, the Council voted to allow the Adders the right—but they granted the Scorpions a secondary role for their valor in defense of the Adder civilians on Marshall.  The Spirits were aghast that their own claims had been so light dismissed, and their Khans departed from the Council and Strana Mechty.
Khan Djerassi met with Truscott, and offered him the use of the Scorpion Alpha and Beta Galaxies against the Burrocks; an offer that Truscott accepted.
Throughout the rest of 3045, the Scorpions and Adders engaged the Burrocks in a running fight throughout Clan space—and then the Spirits intervened.  The Spirits attacked the Burrocks on their own, in defiance of the Grand Council, and Spirit Warriors assault the Scorpions and Adders as well.
Khan Hallik of the Burrocks attempted to use the infighting in an effort to flee, but one of his own Galaxies turned against him, resulting in a massive grand melee on the world of Tiber.  In the end, the Spirits were forced to withdraw after suffering heavy damage and Khan Hallik and his loyal Galaxies were decimated.
The Scorpions and Adders took their own share of the casualties in the fighting, but the captured isorla promised to repair many of their own losses relatively quickly.
His own losses lighter than those of the Adders, Djerassi asked Truscott for only two things:  full rights to the Moreau Blood Name and sufficient isorla to restore his Clan to its pre-conflict strength.  An astonished Truscott immediately accepted the offer.

3046:  Calling a halt to all planned Trials against other Clans, Djerassi spent this year rebuilding the battered Alpha and Beta Galaxies, and reconstituting the 21st Scorpion Cuirassier.  Finding himself with too many ships to adequately man, Truscott offered Djerassi an Aegis-class cruiser, a Lola III-class destroyer, and a Potemkin-class troop cruiser, which the Scorpion accepted.  Despite calls for sanctions against the Spirits for their intervention in the Burrock Absorption War, the Mandrills stood united (for once!), preventing the Grand Council from taking any significant actions.  However, the Spirits and Adders became bitter enemies, and the enraged Spirit Khans were also quite wroth towards the Scorpions.

3047:  In an effort to streamline their logistical needs, the Scorpions reached out to the Ravens and offered to trade them their Nightlord-class battleship, their Essex-class destroyer, a Volga-class transport, one Carrack-class transport, and one Potemkin-class troop cruiser in exchange for a Cameron-class battlecruiser, a Congress-class frigate, and three Lola III-class destroyers.  Even though the Potemkin (Epimetheus) was heavily damaged, the Ravens they knew that their Clan would actually gain in effectiveness and agreed.  By the end of the year, the Scorpion Fleet thus consisted of a McKenna-class battleship, two Cameron-class battlecruisers, one Sovietski Soyuz-class heavy cruiser (the Clan flagship), three Aegis-class cruisers, three Congress-class frigates, six Lola III-class destroyers, and four Potemkin-class troop cruisers. 

3048:  Khan Showers of the Jaguars and Khan Elias Crichell of the Jade Falcons reveal to the Grand Council that they have captured the Comstar Exploration Vessel Outbound Light.  Debate immediately arises over the proposal by Showers and Crichell to return to the Inner Sphere.  Djerassi shocks many Wardens when he supports the idea, but not Showers plan.  Speaking out with Khan Truscott and Khan Ulric Kerensky (of the Wolves), the Scorpion angers the Jaguars yet again as he dissects his proposed Operation Revival on the floor of the Grand Council.  Yet, it is not enough, and the Khans approve of Showers plan.  Ulric Kerensky demands a Trial of Refusal; but neither Djerassi nor Truscott supported him.
The Wolves lost the Trial of Refusal, and Operation Revival was approved.
Every Clan (except Wolf, for Showers and Crichell had arranged for a vote that the Clan of Kerensky would participate) arranged their initial bids.
Djerassi bid three full Galaxies, plus a Solahma Cluster, and no fewer than fifteen Garrison Clusters, with two WarShip stars in support, for his opening volley.  Skeptical of the possibility of success with so few Clans participating—and still rebuilding from the heavy casualties of the Burrock Absorption—Khan Truscott made a very conservative bid that included a full three-quarters of his toumen and was eliminated from the bidding process.  The Bears defeated the Mandrills; the Falcons won against the Horses; the Vipers prevailed over the Cobras; the Smoke Jaguars eliminated the Coyotes; the Cats beat the Ice Hellions; the Sharks narrowly won over the Ravens; and last—but not least—the Scorpions soundly emerged victorious over the Blood Spirits.
For the second bid, Djerassi pared his forces down to the bone:  committing 11 elite front-line Clusters, a veteran Solahma unit, and ten Garrison Clusters, supported by a single reinforced WarShip Star, with his Potemkins designated to serve as non-combat supply vessels.
Despite that low bid—lower than any other Clan—the new ilKhan listed the active Clans as the Ghost Bears, Jade Falcons, Smoke Jaguars, and Wolves, with the Steel Vipers in reserve.  The Diamond Sharks, Nova Cats, and Goliath Scorpions all demanded Trials of Refusal, with the Cats and Scorpions winning.
ilKhan Showers then added the Cats to the invasion force as a second Reserve Clan—but once again he left the Scorpions out in the cold.  However, Ulric Kerensky and Khan Truscott spoke up at this point, declaring that the since the Scorpions bid had been less than either that of the Vipers or Cats, they should either be placed in the Invasion as a replacement for one of those two Clans, or held as a third Reserve Clan.
A majority of the Grand Council agreed, and the ilKhan assigned the Scorpions as the seventh invading Clan.  Privately, he vowed to Elias Crichell that the Scorpions would not see combat while he remained ilKhan.
Djerassi made a whirlwind tour of the Scorpion enclaves.  Although Wardens, the Scorpion Warriors were far from immune at the jubilation over their Clan having a role to play in the return to the fabled worlds of the Inner Sphere.  Nikolai informed them that Alpha and Beta Galaxy would be participating, plus the 20th and 21st Scorpion Cuirassier Clusters and the Scorpion Solahma Cluster.  But, he added that every Scorpion Warrior had the right to challenge (via non-lethal combat) for a place in the Expedition.  In short order, the finest Warriors in the Scorpion toumen won positions in the Invasion.
Djerassi also cut short their celebrations.  He assigned saKhan Posavatz and his new aide—Star Colonel Nelson Elam—with organizing the supplies for the Expedition.  Stockpiles of munitions, small arms, spare parts, four entire Clusters of replacement OmniMechs and OmniFighters, scores of combat vehicles, hundreds of suits of Elemental Battle Armor, provisions, clothing, and all of the many things that were necessary to keep a force in the field a year or more away from home were assembled and loaded aboard the Potemkin-class troop cruisers Enceladus, Karttikeya, Prometheus, and Renown.  Although not technically part of his bid, Djerassi also embarked replacement Warriors in sufficient numbers to fill out two front-line and three garrison Clusters.
The Striking Claw Naval Star was ordered for prepare for the voyage as well.  Consisting of the Cameron-class battlecruiser Hephaestus; the Aegis-class cruiser Corona Austrina; the Congress-class frigate Garlon; and the Lola III-class destroyers  Auriga and Scorpio, these ships would be led by the Clan’s Flagship:  the Sovietski Soyuz-class heavy cruiser Serket.
In the meantime, Djerassi devoted himself to leading the Expeditionary Force through high-levels of training exercises and maneuvers.  Drawing upon the experience and good-will of his friend Khan Truscott, the Scorpions exercised for three months straight against the most unorthodox and crafty of the Adder toumen.
Finally, the Scorpions loaded aboard their ships, and began the long journey to their destiny.

Part III will follow.



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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2012, 06:52:20 PM »

Timeline for Scorpion Rising, Part III (3049-3052)

3049:  In August, the first attacks against the Periphery worlds bordering the Lyran Commonwealth, Rasalhague Republic, and Draconis Combine were launched.  The Scorpions were prohibited from participating in the actions, but Djerassi, Posavatz, and their Galaxy and Cluster commanders watched the engagements intently, taking notes and offering their advice upon occasion.  That advice was rejected by most of the other Clans, but Ulric Kerensky listened carefully.  Although his opinion of the Scorpions was quite low—based in no small part of that Clan’s use of the drug necrosia—he had developed a friendship with Djerassi and when the Scorpion spoke, the Wolf listened.
However, pitiful conditions of the Periphery worlds shocked even the most prepared Scorpions.  And despite his own misgivings that the Invasion would not come to a good end, Nikolai found himself growing more and more eager for the real assault to start.

3050:  The first and second wave of attacks proceeded without major incident, with the Clans sweeping aside all opposition with barely a fight.  But slowly resistance began to increase and problems started to arise—primarily with logistics.  Not all Clans were as prepared as the Scorpions, and equipment and munitions shortages soon plagued the invaders.  Further, resistance on ‘conquered’ worlds was steadily increasing and soon enough Ulric Kerensky requested permission to bring forward his PGCs.  Although ilKhan Showers was loath to grant him that permission, his own Jaguars, the Falcons, and the Bears were needing that same support.  Djerassi offered his own Garrison Clusters—already in position—to the Bears and Wolves, but the ilKhan refused to allow the Scorpions to move from their Reserve status.  Then, in a move that blind-sided the ilKhan, Djerassi contracted out ten of his Garrison Clusters (five each to the Bears and Wolves), transferring them to the Wolf and Bear toumens.
Showers nearly challenged Djerassi to a Trial of Grievance over this, but with the support of Ulric Kerensky and Khan Karl Bourjon of Clan Ghost Bear, he was forced to allow this practice to continue.
Consisting of one hundred combat vehicles (light tanks, APCs, hovercraft, and VTOLs), six hundred and twenty-five infantry equipped with PA(L), twenty light and medium Aerospace Fighters, and ten mobile Arrow IV carriers, these Scorpion Garrison Clusters quickly managed to restore order until the Wolf and Bears could bring their own garrison troops forward.
Still, the main Scorpion force remained in the Reserve.  Summoned to Radstadt for a Grand Council aboard the Wolf flagship Dire Wolf, Djerassi learned that the ilKhan had been killed in a suicide attack by a Rasalhague pilot.
Although he vehemently opposed halting the invasion to return to Strana Mechty to elect a new Khan, he was outvoted, and saw the invasion halted in place.

3051:  Nikolai supported the election of Ulric Kerensky as ilKhan to replace the fallen Showers, and he took the time while back in the Homeworlds to ensure that his remaining forces were still in fighting form.  Under the command of Loremaster Ariel Suvorov, the Scorpions were faring well, with new untapped resources flowing into the Clan’s coffers from the expanding undersea mining operations on Dagda and Strana Mechty.  Fearing that the Homeworld Clans might begin to take advantage of the Invaders—and not trusting the Blood Spirits or Jaguars that remained in the Homeworlds—he worked throughout this very short year with Suvorov to increase the number of cadets cycled through the sibkos, and authorized her to begin building a seventh Galaxy.

3052:  Nikolai is astounded when Ulric informs him that the Scorpions will remain as the sole Reserve Clan for the Fifth Wave of the Invasion.  He almost declares a Trial of Refusal, but Ulric manages to convince him that he needs a strong Warden presence in Reserve, should things take a turn for the worse.  Still, Djerassi believes that Ulric has made a mistake in assigning the Cats to the same invasion corridor as the Jaguars, and the Vipers alongside the Falcons.  He argues heatedly against this, but Ulric assures him that those two Clans need the most help.  Djerassi suspects that Ulric is sowing mischief among those four Clans, but after one last attempt to convince Ulric to swap the Cats and the Vipers, he ceases his protests.
As the Wolves and Bears race ahead, taking scores of worlds in the Fifth Wave, Djerassi hopes that his fears are only his imagination—but then comes Luthien.  The disunity and ill will between the Cats and the Jaguars doom that enterprise from the start.  Still, while he suspects the worst, Djerassi keeps his thoughts to himself, knowing that the highly arrogant Jaguars would not have cooperated any better with any other Clan.
At this point he learns of Focht’s offer as Tukayyid as a proxy for Terra.  It is a challenge—a Trial—in the finest of Clan traditions.  Djerassi is delighted when he learns that his Clan will activated for this Battle.
When all of the Invading Clans have assembled at Tukayyid, the bidding (and bickering) begins—and Djerassi’s hope and faith in the Clan way once again falters.  Instead of allowing Ulric to act as ilKhan, each Khan seems determined to win his own fight without assistance.  Most ignore Ulric and Nikolai as they plead with others ensure that their supplies are sufficient and protected—and to commit enough forces to ensure a victory.  Khan Lincoln Osis of the Smoke Jaguars accuses Nikolai of cowardice, and Ulric is forced to call upon the Ghost Bears to separate the two Khans on the flag bridge of the Dire Wolf.  Nikolai demands a Trial of Grievance, and Osis accepts, but Ulric refuses to allow it before the Battle.
The bidding begins, with the Nova Cats casting aside nearly half of their available forces, bidding just ten clusters in an attempt to garner the glory of landing first.  Osis then counters with nine clusters of Jaguars!  The Vipers bid thirteen in response.  But neither the Bears nor the Falcons will allow themselves to be baited:  they bid fifteen front-line Clusters each.  And then it is Nikolai’s turn.  He bids his full force:  eleven front-line Clusters, one Solahma Cluster, five Garrison Clusters, and the Striking Claw Naval Star.
Ulric is taken aback by this:  WarShips have been bid away since the Battle for Rasalhague in 3050!  He bluntly informs Nikolai that he cannot bid his ships—Nikolai asks the ilKhan was he now speaking as Khan of the Scorpions?  The Scorpions, he said, have not agreed to the convention to bid away a valued asset of the Clan.  And they will not.
Ulric points to the Jaguar bombardment of Turtle Bay, and he thunders at Nikolai that he will not allow such a slaughter while he is ilKhan.  And Nicolai replies:  has not the population been evacuated?  The entire planet is empty but for the enemy and use.  I shall confront my enemy in this Trial with all of my forces at my disposal—for the prize here today is no less than TERRA!
Osis starts to make a swarmy remark, but between Khan Jorgensson (of the Bears) and Crichell (of the Falcons), he is restrained.
Finally, Ulric relents, but he warns Nikolai that those ships are not to be used except in the most dire of circumstances—and promises his own Trial of Grievance if that order is disobeyed.
The bid does cost the Scorpions the opportunity for an early landing, as they will now touch down on the sixth day of the Battle, 24 hours after the Wolves.  Most Khans present believe that the Battle will already be decided well before then—for they need only seize eight of the fourteen objectives to win the Battle and thus Terra.
The Battle does not go according to plan.
By the time that the Scorpions land, the Nova Cats and Jaguars have been forced to withdraw, neither Clan having secured their objectives.  Casualties were horrendous, with the Jaguars suffering an estimated 70% dead and wounded; the Cats a mere 54%.  All four of the remaining Clans were engaged in heavy combat, with casualties mounting by the hour.
The Scorpions, under heavy aerospace fighter cover, landed their DropShips in the center of the Kozice Valley, equidistant from their two objectives of Kozice Prime and Urcunat.  Nikolai proceeded cautiously, waiting until of his forces had off-loaded in full before he advanced towards the twin cities.  Leaving the Solahma Cluster, the 21st Scorpion Cuirassier, and all four Garrison Clusters to defend his grounded DropShips, he led Alpha Galaxy against Kozice Prime, while saKhan Posavatz commanded Beta against Urcunat.  The ComGuard Eighth Army was waiting for them, but they were not prepared for the speed and ferocity of the assault.  Every Scorpion OmniMech featured jump jets giving the Scorpions mobility that the relatively inexperienced troops were not ready to counter—and the precise targeted fire that lanced out from the Scorpions tore into the white-painted BattleMechs and combat vehicles cleaving arms from their bodies and turrets from their hulls.  Finding that the ComGuards had heavily mined the approaches, and noting that his OmniMechs were taking concentrated fire from the enemy, he declared his opponents dezgra and order the suspension of zellbrigen for the duration of the battle.
Suddenly on the receiving end of the simultaneous fire from multiple Clan OmniMechs, the front lines of the Eighth exploded as Arrow IV began to rain down on atop of them.  They broke under the strain.
At Urcunat, the Second Army—already understrength and lacking what little experience of the Eighth—were driven away by Randall Posavatz in full rout.
Precentor Martial Focht committed his reserves against the Scorpions, with the veteran Fifth Army performing a combat drop directly atop Alpha Galaxy.  As Khan Djerassi and his men fought for their lives in hand-to-hand combat, saKhan Posavatz order the Solahma and 21st Cuirassier, and two Garrison Clusters to advance and hold Urcunat—and he rushed Beta Galaxy to the defense of his Khan.  Caught between two fires, the Fifth Army withered away beneath the Scorpion onslaught.
Meanwhile, the commanders of the Eighth and Second had rallied their men and assaulted the defenders of Urcunat in force, but a gallant defense by the Solahma and 21st (and the vehicle crews and infantry of the 104th and 107th Garrison Clusters) held firm.
Finally, the veteran Fifth broke, and Djerassi dispatched Alpha Galaxy to hound them in pursuit.  Assuming command of Beta (saKhan Posavatz and Galaxy Commander Sandra Dinour had both been killed in the battle), he recrossed the valley again, and assaulted the flank of the brittle Eighth Army.  It broke, followed by Second, and the Khan called upon his final two reserve Garrison Clusters to pursue the broken and dispirited ComGuards.
By this point, the ilKhan was facing that the Vipers, Cats, and Jaguars had been defeated, the Falcons fought to a draw, and the Wolves, Bears, and Scorpions were victorious. The battle was in balance, and Ulric was concerned about the status of the remaining three Clans—Wolves, Bears, and Scorpions—and their supplies. The other four had withdrawn, three in disgrace and one licking its painful wounds and mourning the loss of a great Warrior.
The Scorpions had taken grievous casualties, nearly 50% dead or wounded out of the troops who had landed just a few short days earlier.  Calling back his forces to the Valley, Djerassi appointed Nelson Elam as commander of Beta Galaxy, while he returned to Alpha (Galaxy Commander Albert Collesano being among the dead).  Hastily reforming his units, he consolidated his forces into six ad-hoc front-line clusters, a handful of Solahma Trinary, and two garrison clusters.
The ilKhan was urging both Nikolai and the Bears tattered leadership into admitting their defeat. It was at that moment that Nikolai Djerassi won the Battle of Tukayyid. Comming Star Admiral Elijah Ben-Shimon aboard the GSS Serket in orbit, he ordered his WarShips to immediately begin an orbital bombardment on the Comstar troop concentrations converging on the Kozice Valley.
ilKhan Kerensky demanded to know what Djerassi was playing at.  At which point the Scorpion responds that the Battle hangs in the balance, Ulric.  We now a chance to win it—without breaking our bid.  This fight is for Terra.  Will you have us stop now, when we are so close to that goal, only for the bloodshed to resume in greater force in fifteen years time?
For many moments, Ulric did not answer, and then he asked Djerassi to place the WarShips under the command of the ilKhan.  Nikolai did.
And Ulric confirmed the orders and also instructed Star Admiral Ben-Shimon to prepare to target the Precentor-Martial’s command bunker.
Focht watched in horror as the WarShips in orbit opened fire on the Tenth and Seventh Armies en route to the Kozice Valley.  And then his radio receiver came to life.
“Precentor-Martial, you are beaten,” came the sad voice of Ulric Kerensky.  “Will you surrender your command and spare the lives of your men?”
Focht looked at the map in agony, at the long scrolling list of confirmed casualties already accumulated.  And he longed to give the order for his remaining fighters to launch an assault on the ships in orbit.  But then he looked at his subordinates, and he could see the faces of all of his ComGuards.
He picked up the transmitter.  “This is Focht.  All ComGuard units . . . stand down.  ilKhan Kerensky, I request hegira.”
“Granted.  I give you two standard weeks to recover your wounded, Precentor-Martial.  Bargained well and done.”
Of course, it is for naught. The Primus has launched Operation Scorpion (funny about that name) and refuses to hand over Terra. Ulric and Focht are disgraced in the eyes of the Clans by her perfidy.

And that is as far as I have gotten.  Any better?  Remember, it is just an outline of events.  I haven’t started actually writing the thing yet.

Master Arminas


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2012, 09:55:11 PM »

Figuring up the casualties, the ComGuards have around 14 divisions of troops left (if given a chance to consolidate), while the Clans have about 22 clusters between the Bears, Scorpions, and Wolves.  That is assuming around 25% dead, 25% wounded for the Bears and Scorpions, 20% dead and 20% wounded for the Wolves, and 40% dead/40% wounded for the ComGuards.  It would be a tough fight that would gut both sides . . . but would Focht surrender?

Master Arminas


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Re: Operation Revival Force Sub (Fleshing out ideas)
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2012, 10:16:35 PM »

With the game in the balance and having 3 wins on the board, he could alsways retreat out of two battles and swarm on a third.  That way he wins 4, draws 1 and looses 2, as per canon.
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