I have changed a few things on the Invading Clans. Here is the (tentative) TO&E:
Clan Ghost Bear (effective 19 Clusters; 4 Galaxies; 11 WarShips)
Alpha Galaxy: The Ourse Keshik, The Silveroot Keshik, 1st Bear Guards, 3rd Bear Guards, 5th Bear Guards, 50th Striker Cluster
Beta Galaxy: The Shrill Keshik, 7th Bear Guards, 12th Bear Chevaliers, 304th Assault Cluster, 332nd Assault Cluster, 14th Battle Cluster
Delta Galaxy: Jorgennson's Keshik, 8th Bear Guards, 20th Polar Bear Attack Cluster, 68th Striker Cluster, 115th Striker Cluster, 140th Striker Cluster
Rho Galaxy: Kabrinski's Keshik, 18th Battle cluster, 243rd Battle Cluster, 288rd Battle Cluster, 300th Battle Cluster
WarShips: Black Lion-class Bear's Den (Flag), Congress-class Shining Claw, Lola III-class Blizzard, Icepick, Essex-class White Fang, Whirlwind-class Fire Fang, York-class Ursa Minor, Fredasa-class Black Ghost, Volga-class Ursine Boatman, Carrack-class Den Mother, Yggdrasil
Rationale: Ghost Bear had the worst of the starting corridors, yet it had a smaller bid force than the Falcons. That doesn't seem right. So, I increased the size of the Bears to equal (in clusters) that of the Falcons.
Clan Goliath Scorpion (effective 15 Clusters; 3 Galaxies; 11 WarShips)
Alpha Galaxy: Knife Dance Keshik, 24th Scorpion Cuirassier, 25th Scorpion Cuirassier, 8th Scorpion Dragoons, 14th Scorpion Hussars
Beta Galaxy: 9th Scorpion Cuirassier, 20th Scorpion Cuirassier, 23rd Scorpion Curassier, 1st Scorpion Dragoons, 6th Scorpion Hussars
Delta Galaxy: 17th Scorpion Cuirassier, 21st Scorpion Cuirassier, 26th Scorpion Cuirassier, 11th Scorpion Dragoons, 4th Scorpion Hussars
WarShips: Sovietskii Soyuz-class Serket (Flag), Cameron-class Hephasestus; Aegis-class Corona Austrina, Congress-class Garlon, Lola III-class Auriga, Scorpio, Potemkin-class Bonaventure (hired from Clan Snow Raven), Enceladus, Karttikeya, Prometheus, Renown
Rationale: Did away with the Solahma and the Garrison Clusters. Three Galaxies seems about right for a Reserve Clan. Five full ships of the WarShip Reserve (the Potemkins) are only being used to transport supplies, not troops, and are considered non-combat assets able only to defend themselves. They will not be bid in any fight.
Clan Jade Falcon (effective 19 Clusters; 4 Galaxies; 11 WarShips)
Turkina Keshik (Cluster)
Gamma Galaxy: Jade Falcon Guards, 7th Falon Regulars, 12th Falcon Regulars, 3rd Falcon Talon Cluster, 9th Falcon Talon Cluster
Delta Galaxy: 305th Assault Cluster, 5th Battle Cluster, 2nd Falcon Jaegers, 8th Falcon Regulars, 1st Falcon Striker Cluster
Vau Galaxy: 89th Falcon Striker cluster, 94th Falcon Striker Cluster, 4th Falcon Talon Cluster, 4th Falcon Velites
Iota Galaxy: 3rd Battle Cluster, 1st Falcon Jaegers, 124th Falcon Striker Cluster, 2nd Falcon Velites
WarShips: Cameron-class Turkina's Pride (Flag), Nightlord-class Emerald Talon, Liberator-class Gauntlet, Aegis-class Frost Falcon, Hawkeye, Jade Talon, Congress-class Green Lantern, Kerensky's Pride, Whirlwind-class Emerald Tornado, Vincent-class [/i]Lightning Strike[/i], Carrack-class Ironhold Provider
Rationale: The Falcons, in canon, had three Solahma Clusters and three Training/Cadre Clusters! Seriously? I removed those and added a fourth Galaxy. Even so, the Falcon numbers shrank to 19 Clusters--the same number as the Ghost Bears. That extra Galaxy seems to fit the Falcon style more than overloading Galaxies to seven or eight clusters each.
Clan Nova Cat (effective 13 Clusters; 3 Galaxies; 6 WarShips)
Alpha Galaxy: The Nova Cat Keshik, The Vision Keshik, 4th Nova Cat Guards, Nova Cat Fusiliers, 449th Assault Cluster, 489th Assault Cluster
Sigma Galaxy: The Lachesis Keshik, 44th Nova Cat Cavaliers, 53rd Nova Cat Cavaliers, Nova Cat Lancers, 179th Striker Cluster
Delta Galaxy: The Shiva Keshik, 3rd Nova Cat Guards, Nova Cat Uhlans, 274th Battle Cluster, 119th Striker Cluster
WarShips: Black Lion-class Severn Leroux (Flag), Congress-class True Vision, Lola III-class Faithful, Hunter, Ranger, York-class CVL Anna Rosse
Rationale: The Nova Cats had a mere 10 Clusters, divided amongst three Galaxies (and this is if you add in the combined Keshiks as the tenth Cluster!). I increased their strength slightly (three Galaxies of four Clusters each, plus four command Keshik Trinary units).
Clan Smoke Jaguar (effective 16 clusters; 3 Galaxies; 11 WarShips)
Alpha Galaxy: The Shroud Keshik, The Jaguar's Den Keshik, Jaguar Grenadiers, 5th Jaguar Regulars, 6th Jaguar Dragoons, 7th Jaguar Dragoons, 17th Jaguar Dragoons
Beta Galaxy: The Swath Keshik, 1st Jaguar Guards, 362nd Assault Cluster, 225th Jaguar Battle Cluster, 4th Jaguar Dragoons, 21st Jaguar Dragoons
Delta Galaxy: The Skyriders Keshik, 2nd Jaguar Guards, 3rd Jaguar Cavaliers, 336th Jaguar Combat Cluster, 1st Striker Cluster, 19th Striker Cluster
WarShips: Black Lion-class Streaking Mist (Flag), Congress-class Hunter's Pride, Snow Leopard, Lola III-class Griffin, Stormcat, Essex-class Dark Claw, Sabre Cat, York-class Lioness, Queen Lynx, Vincent-class Azov, Ripper
Rationale: I added the Jaguar units we see listed in Invading Clans, which brings the Jags up to a respectable 16 Clusters (including 5 command Keshik Trinary units). Of the primary Clans in the invasion, they are still the lowest bid, which gave them the prestigous Draconis Combine corridor.
Clan Steel Viper (effective 14 Clusters; 3 Galaxies; 6 WarShips)
Triasch Keshik (cluster)
Alpha Galaxy: 1st Viper Guards, 2nd Viper Guards, 4th Viper Guards, 400th Assault Cluster, 94th Battle Cluster
Beta Galaxy: 9th Viper Guards, Viper Fusiliers, 126th Striker Cluster, 195th Striker Cluster
Gamma Galaxy: 423rd Assault Cluster, 428th Assault Cluster, 51st Battle Cluster, 57th Striker Cluster
WarShips: Cameron-class Zalman's Endeavor (Flag), Sovetskii Soyuz-class Sanra Mercer, Congress-class Snake Leader, Lola III-class Anaconda, Essex-class Martial Legacy, Whirlwind-class Constrictor
Rationale: I increased the size of the Vipers slightly, to 14 Clusters.
Clan Wolf (effective 21 Clusters; 5 Galaxies; 6 WarShips)
Alpha Galaxy: The Golden Keshik, 4th Wolf Guards, 13th Wolf Guards, 328th Assault Cluster, 279th Battle Clsuter
Beta Galaxy: The Silver Keshik, 9th Wolf Guards, 341st Assault Cluster, 352nd Assault Cluster, 3rd Battle Cluster
Gamma Galaxy: The Bronze Keshik, 7th Battle Cluster, 11th Battle Cluster, 13th Battle Cluster, 16th Battle Cluster
Delta Galaxy: The Red Keshik, 11th Wolf Guards, 12th Wolf Guards, 4th Striker Cluster, 37th Striker Cluster
Epsilon Galaxy: The Green Keshik, 5th Wolf Guards, 8th Wolf Guards, 271st Assault Cluster, 103rd Striker Cluster
WarShips: Sovetskii Soyuz-class Dire Wolf (Flag), Congress-class Rogue, Lola III-class Nature's Wrath, Vincent-class Trailblazer, Valiant; Potemkin-class Full Moon
Rationale: An entire Galaxy of Garrison forces? And labelled like a front-line Galaxy (Epsllon)? That has always bugged me. I did away with those five Garrison Clusters and instead added four actual combat Clusters. No other Clan had PGCs or Garrison units considered as part and parcel of their offensive strength, so I removed that from the Wolves. I also added three more Clusters (one each to Beta, Gamma, and Delta) bringing all give Wolf Galaxies up to a strength of 4 Clusters and a command Keshik.
Total Strength: 25 Galaxies (effectively 117 Clusters) and 62 WarShips