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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2012, 09:04:03 PM »

It's been interesting so far.  Thanks for the feedback.   We've got a TRO in the works as well.  The main sourcebook is set in 3110, and I'm plugging away on a 3150 update. 

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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2012, 10:33:02 AM »

Okay that meat of the field manual portion.  organizationally we are combining the style of the recent House books with Field Manuals from a decade ago, hopefully creating something both coherent and thorough.

The EDF BattleMechs forces organize as would be considered typical for most inner sphere forces.  4 BattleMechs make up a lance, with a lance led by a Lieutenant.  3 lances make up a company, led by a captain. While mixed lances are common, the production capacity of the EDF allows it to field lances and companies made up of the same BattleMech, and with their Omnimech program, this offers little loss in capability.

3 companies make up a battalion, led by a Major.  Battalions contain by doctrine an independent Command Lance making each battalion 40 mechs.  The composition of Battalions is dependant largely on their designated purpose, as an example the 15th Recon Battalion (21st Rim Worlds, 1st Division) contains a Fire Support Company, a Medium Recon Company, and a fast Scout Company Battalions are typically the largest BattleMech unit expected to see combat as a whole unit.

3 battalions make up a regiment, when combined with an independent command company consist of 132 Battlemechs.  Regiments are lead by Lt. Colonels, or sometimes full bird Colonels or Senior Majors.  Each Division within the EDF contains only two Battlemech regiments, each of which is attached to an armor brigade

Each vehicle within the EDF is lead by a Warrant Officer or Jr Lieutenant.  Combat vehicles like Centaur Carriages and Manticore tanks are assigned to combat pairs, so no two tanks are far apart from each other.  2-3 combat pairs make a platoon, led by a Senior Lieutenant.

3-4 platoons of vehicles make up a company led by a Captain, with 3 companies making a Battalion.  With armor, it is common to see entire battalions made up of the same vehicles, particularly the Manticore tank.  Other times more specific battalions may be made of Fire Support oriented combat vehicles of various types. 

3 Battalions make a Regiment, and 3 Regiments make up a Brigade.  Elysium does not field any Brigades that are 100% Armor.  Typically one regiment is devoted towards heavy armor and fire support, and the other to cavalry and reconnaissance.

Infantry is deployed based on a pattern developed by the Lioness Combat Team, Styled in a “top down” fashion rather then traditional SLDF formations present in modern armies.  Each infantry brigade is guaranteed two line Battalions, a Cavalry Battalion, and a Field Artillery Battalion. Standard and Heavy Infantry Brigades also have a “Brigade Special Troops Battalion” While Striker Brigades contain a third Line Battalion.  Finally each infantry brigade is equipped with a Support Battalion for maintenance, medical, logistical and engineering purposes.
Infantry Brigades are the bread and butter of the EDF infantry, with line battalions consisting of three rifle companies and one heavy weapons company.  Their cavalry squadrons tend to favor land based transports such as Badger and Saxon hovercraft, and they utilize the same Thumper Field guns and artillery vehicles in use since before the Star Leauge.
Heavy Infantry Brigades utilized extensive Mechanized Assault infantry in their line battalions and supplement with two companies of Manticore tanks.  because those tank companies take the place of heavy weapons platoons, the third infantry company tends to be combat engineers, usually bridge builders.  Their Cavalry Squadrons tend to be air mobile, emphasizing the use Raven VTOLs and Paladin Battle armor.  The Field Artillery unit emphasizes Universal Weapons Carriers equipped with Arrow IV and Sniper Artillery.
Striker Infantry Brigades are fast mechanized units Favoring line platoons equipped with M12 Force Application Vehicles across 3 battalions.  these versatile  lightweight all terrain vehicles can be equipped for a variety of tasks and move across the battlefield with great speed and subtlety.  Thieu Cavalry squadron tends to rely on Kasatka variant Raven VTOLs in their cavalry units, and artillery battalions use Centaur Carriages rather then formal artillery.

Planetary Defense Forces:
Officially, Planetary Defense Forces (PDF) are to be built with a Battalion each of battlemechs, armor, and a brigade of infantry at thier disposal.  Realities of colonization has led to size being largely dictated by the size of the colony they are defending.  This ad-hoc nature has led Primary colonies boasting disproportionate forces when compared to newer and more vulnerable colonies.
In Terms of organization, Planetary Militia typically follows the Standard EDF templates, though realities of size and situation often mean that combined arms “task forces” have to be built as the situation demands.

Aerospace Fighters
Aerospace Fighters are under the universal purview of the Elysium navy.  Eschewing any traditional aerospace organization, the EDF developed its own, reflecting the ship centric nature of EDF aerospace forces.

The largest unit of organization is the Tactical Fighter Squadron.  Officially a TFS is made up of three groups; each group identified by a color and made up of twelve fighters each.  More realistically a TFS is simply the unit name for aerospace forces aboard a single ship, with a ship carrying multiple TFS’s only if its fighter contingent exceeds 36 planes.  It is not lost on the EDF admiralty that despite massive resources devoted to warships that the EDF fleet is at a serious deficit when it comes to fighter units.  With only two aerospace fighters in inventory, the Vulcan III and Jayhawk, and political reliance on warships for defense of space borne threats, it appears that the EDF’s aerospace assets will remain anemic for some time.

8492nd Tactical Fighter Squadron- Fox- attached to the Lioness Combat Team
229th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Havoc- Currently Stationed on Elysium
207th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Firebird- Currently Stationed on New Edinburgh
126th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Arrow- Currently Stationed on Seoul
118th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Mobius- Attatched to the 2nd Division
108th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Silver- Currently Stationed on Cardiff
52nd Tactical Fighter Squadron- Red- Claimed by EsROC
51st Tactical Fighter Squadron- Indigo- Claimed by EsROC
32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron- Wizard- Attached to the Marsielle PDF.
23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron- Starfire- of the Nitzachon
11th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Espada- of the Nitzachon
8th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Seeker- Attatched to the 1st Division
6th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Warg- of the Atzmaut
5th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Gault- of the Atzmaut
4th Tactical Fighter Squadron- Skyfire- Attatched to the Orbital Response Command

Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons
A part of warfare that the Elysium Republic does not shy away from is its nuclear and chemical weapons stockpiles.  Official records are hard to come by, being classified as Top Secret, but the estimated count of Nuclear Warheads is somewhere between 200 and 500.  officially no single weapon’s yield is above SLDF Recognized Grade III weapons (50 Kilotons)

Chemical weapons are exclusively of the non lethal variety (Type 1 on the SLDF Table).While not used in every situation, often times the use of such munition may be deemed tactically necessary.  Wide deployment of battlefield tear gas occurs in certain circumstances, as does other skin irritants and toxins designed not to kill but disable enemy forces. 

Biological weapons are forbidden in the EDF by constitutional decree.  Military doctrine states that Bioweapons are impossible to fully control or neutralize on the tactical and strategic battlefield.  This does not prevent the Republic from being prepared though, as the EDF medical corps has a robust “Special Hazards Research Unit” dedicated to studying biohazards, their use in warfare, and most importantly their counters.

As a specific counter to NBC weapons, there is a paramilitary unit as part of the EDFs intelligence agency called NEST (Nuclear Emergency Search Teams).  NEST teams are designed to intercept and disable battlefield weapons of mass destruction, or in the event of WMD use, to perform clean up operations as they see fit.  NEST is a highly classified operation, with their equipment, numbers, and locations unknown to all but the EDF joint chiefs and prime minister at any given time.
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2012, 09:44:24 AM »

Mor History stuff, boring I know

Elysium’s forgiving earth-like climate and diverse geographical conditions, made it  a go-to place by many Jewish families within the Republic, escaping a rash of Anti-Semitic pogroms on backwater worlds of the Rim Worlds Republic.  Wanting at least a part of a planet that was uniquely theirs, Jews of all traditions from throughout the republic took their entire families to settle on the new planet.  Most were farmers, engineers, and doctors, all trades that assisted the Mining colony greatly.
    People came in droves, ranching cattle on the Illium plains and planting trees in droves so they could later engage in sustainable yield harvesting.  Mines were started on the planet’s sizeable germanium and titanium lodes, and soon after, iron was discovered on one of the southern island continents.

In 2617, only ten years after the planet was opened for colonization, its population was somewhere around seventy thousand.  It seemed like a golden age for the next hundred years, as manufacturing began, population grew, and there was very little involvement by the government in Apollo in the planet’s affairs.  Soon, they thought.  Soon they would be a full member of their Rim World’s Republic.   

As part of Tadeo Amaris’ military buildup a large naval repair facility was completed in 2655 within a massive asteroid in the planet’s system.   Orbiting beyond the planet was a substantial asteroid field left over from the prehistoric collision of two large rocky bodies.  The natives called the two-layered belt “The Elysian fields”, and soon companies had established zero-G mining and factories throughout the belts.  Habitats sprung up around the factories, and upon discovery of a gigantic asteroid, work was begun to clear it out so it could be used as a repair bay for Republic warships.   Because “The Rock” never appeared in official paper work, it was never forced to close down after Council Edict 2650 was issued.  Many Warships that were “Decomissioned” were merely sent to the Rock for long term storage, most famously a collection of over 30 Pinto Corvettes.

It would have seemed folly to anyone observing this had they known, but the Republic desperately needed resources.  Money could be thrown at the project, as the planet’s own economy was home-grown anyways.  The settlers got security and a decent standard of living, and the Republic got the resources it badly needed.

A young Stefan Amaris often argued with his mother Cynthia about the openness of the planet.  He knew very well that it was loaded with resources that his nation needed, and didn’t want the resource rich world to exist on anyone’s radar.  Some estimated Elysium’s germanium lodes to be among the largest discovered on a single planet.  such a stockpile would be a great bargaining chip for the Usurper’s future plans. 

Stefan orchestrated a plan to destroy any record of the planet as soon as he took over the Republic when his mother died.  Travel agents who had billed passage to Elysium died in arranged accidents, and certain documents mysteriously disappeared. On Elysium itself, the populace lived under quarantine until 2765, when a few warships arrived, were upgraded at the Elysium yards, and then every last means to escape the planet’s orbit was confiscated.

However, traffic to the planet didn’t stop.  On the contrary, jumpship traffic increased, as Nevermind Industries churned out copies of the SLDF Royal Division’s Warhammers,  upgraded Rampages, and Vulcan fighters for Amaris’ military buildup.  By brutality and paranoia, Elysium became one of Amaris’ hidden manufacturing worlds, building up his Rim Worlds Army for his eventual coup, and shifting older assets to the infamous “Hidden Army”.
    That brutality and paranoia came to a head when Stefan Amaris, in preparation for his Christmas Day coup, ordered The Forty-Seventh Amaris Dragoons to gas the planet, sealing the stockpiled war equipment for later use.  AsRoc and Krypteia were also ordered to purge every last record of the planet in existence, with only a few key personnel in possession of the coordinates.  The Commanding officer of the 47th, Junichiro Kuribayashi, an Elysium native, had a different plan.  After removing all off world transport, he swapped the nerve gas for several tons of harmless blue colored smoke canisters.  On “Blue Sunday”, December 4, 2766, the streets of Elysium turned blue and the Dragoons departed forever, taking the Rim Worlds Republic with them.

On December 8, 2766, a message from Colonel Junichiro Kuribayashi, the commander of the 47th Dragoons, embedded itself in every computer on the planet. 
Not a single dropship remained on planet, and any capability to manufacture them was locked away in the Elysium yards - the location of which had been shrouded in secrecy by AsRoc, the Republic’s Intelligence service.  To add insult to Injury, the attempts by pilots in Vulcan fighters to break Elysian orbit were foiled by Drone fighters left to patrol the planet’s airspace.  Elysium was completely blockaded.

SIDEBAR: WHAT ABOUT THE STOCKPILES? if Elysium was to fulfill its role as a depot world, why was it not utilized during the Amaris Coup? Even Elysian histories are unsure of this.  After all, if the planet was not exploited by the RWA, surely Kerensky would have jumped at the divisions of stored battlemechs, plus a factory to build more.
The most popular hypothesis among Elysium’s EsROC is that all records were kept either on Apollo or Terra itself.  In the case of Apollo, it could stand to reason that those records and any personnel aware of their existence were killed in the Black Buck raid on June 3 2767.  This hypothesis seems likely as the Imperial Palace was completely leveled by the raid.  As far as those records and personnel being on Terra with Amaris himself, that would only account for the Star Lord’s foolishness, as RWA forces in the hegemony would be too far away to exploit such a cache, especially as the war grew more and more desperate.
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2012, 12:31:04 PM »

okay, everything that has been displayed so far... subject to revision.

Firstly when Intersteller players 3 was announced we knew that that could have humongous implications for our project. believe it or not we are thrilled that we may be able to allow the ER to have a wider role in Battletech as a Fan Product, including ditching the "Lost Planet" Trope.

Secondly, after the awesomness that was XTRO Primitives, I High Test and I are discussing rewriting the EDF to take advantage of Retrotech as it's Primary means of self defense, and show off a power that has successfully leveraged the technology by choice rather then circumstance.  the plan is that by time the ER is "exposed" to the Jihad we were 100% Retrotech, and by 3085 are sporting "Introductory" Technology across 75% of our Military, with the remaining 25% being either Retro or SLDF Royal Standards.  depending on how we can integrate 3250, we may choose either to pull off a 3rd Generation Coup, or decide to build knock off clan mechs and nestle happily into our "low tech but effective." niche again.
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