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Author Topic: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself  (Read 8769 times)

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Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« on: August 20, 2021, 03:57:55 PM »

We all know that the Touman of Clan Wolf is lacking some very important units.  In the Clan Wolf Sourcebook, we see the five Galaxies (sixteen--later seventeen--Clusters) that Clan Wolf began the Invasion with.  But then, we never see any of the Homeworld forces until after the publication of Field Manual:  Warden Clans and Field Manual:  Crusader Clans.  Both of which only looked at the post-Refusal War Wolves and Wolves-in-Exile.

There are missing units, gaps in the Touman that we can only infer because we know (know!!) that Clan wolf was one of the strongest Homeworld Clans.  Yet, their Touman as published is very much that of a second-tier force . . . even after reuniting the Wolves and W-i-E.

So, I have decided to give you my take on what the Wolves on the eve of the Refusal War in 3057.

Any thoughts or comments are more than welcome.  Where possible, I have tried to pull from canon sources, but have had to bridge the gap with my own creations.  Regardless, I hope you will enjoy this little thought exercise.

Code: [Select]
Alpha Galaxy (The Dire Wolves)
Gold Keshik
328th Assault Cluster (Lion Hearted)
279th Battle Cluster (Golden Horde)
11th Striker Cluster (Golden Spear)
4th Wolf Guards Cluster (Cyclops Cluster)
13th Wolf Guards Cluster* (Wolf Spider Cluster)

Beta Galaxy (The Arctic Wolves)
Silver Keshik
341st Assault Cluster (Silver Blizzard)
352nd Assault Cluster (Silver Wolves)
3rd Battle Cluster (Silver Devils)
7th Wolf Guards Cluster (Winter Wolves)

Gamma Galaxy (The Wolf Hussars)
Bronze Keshik
7th Battle Cluster (Hungry Wolves)
11th Battle Cluster (Bronze Lancers)
16th Battle Cluster (Golden Hags)
24th Battle Cluster (Bronze Shield)

Delta Galaxy (The Red Wolves)
Red Keshik
4th Striker Cluster (Red Death)
37th Striker Cluster (Blood Kits)
11th Wolf Guards Cluster (Red Thunder)
17th Wolf Guards Cluster (Maulers)

Epsilon Galaxy (The Werewolves)
Green Keshik
1st Wolf Cavlary (Snapping Jaws)
2nd Wolf Cavalry (Lightning Pack)
3rd Wolf Cavalry (Wolf Lancers)
4th Wolf Cavalry (Wolf Chasseurs)

Zeta Galaxy (The Storm Wolves)
Black Keshik
101st Battle Cluster (Thunder Lords)
42nd Striker Cluster (Shadow Wolves)
10th Wolf Guards (Black Guards)
21st Wolf Guards (Timber Wolves)

Kappa Galaxy (Down to the Bones)
6th Wolf Regulars (Kerensky's Sword)
10th Wolf Regulars (Stalkers)
17th Wolf Regulars (Pathfinders)
20th Wolf Regulars (Night Hunters)

Rho Galaxy (The Grey Wolves))
1st Wolf Regulars (Big Bad Wolves)
5th Wolf Regulars (Ghost Hunters)
12th Wolf Regular (Watchers)
15th Wolf Regulars (Inquisitors)

Sigma Galaxy (The Snarling Wolves)
2nd Wolf Regulars (Conquistidors)
3rd Wolf Regulars (Gladiators)
4th Wolf Regulars (The Howling)
7th Wolf Regulars (Wolfpack)

Tau Galaxy (Defenders of Honor)
14th Wolf Regulars (Wolf Marauders)
16th Wolf Regulars (Forest Raiders)
18th Wolf Regulars (Wolf Fusiliers)
19th Wolf Regulars (Wolf Grenadiers)

Omega Galaxy (Guardians of the Lair)
8th Wolf Regulars (Bared Fangs)
9th Wolf Regulars (Stalking Death)
11th Wolf Regulars (The Black Wolf Cluster)
13th Wolf Regulars (Superstition)

Alpha Command Star
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Dire Wolf
Black Lion-class Implacable
Congress-class Rogue
Lola III-class Nature's Wrath

Beta Battle Star
McKenna-class Werewolf
Liberator-class Victoria Ward
Cameron-class Mother Jocasta (renamed Ulric Kerensky following his death)
Black Lion-class Stealthy Kill

Gamma Battle Star
Texas-class Nicholas Kerensky
Liberator-class Jerome Winson
Cameron-class Bloody Fang
Black Lion-class Blood Drinker

Delta Harasser Star
Vincent-class Killiing Blow
Vincent-class Relentless Pursuit
Vincent-class Trailblazer
Vincent-class Valiant

Epsilon Transport Star
Potemkin-class Full Moon
Volga-class Provider
Dart-class Black Wolf
Carrack-clas Night Warrior
« Last Edit: August 22, 2021, 01:24:54 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2021, 04:11:31 PM »

This gives Clan Wolf (at its Pre-Refusal War height) a strength of 45 Clusters, divided into 11 Galaxies.  Of those, 25 Clusters are Front-Line (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta Galaxies) and 20 are Second-Line (Kappa, Rho, Sigma, Tau, and Omega Galaxies), with 20 WarShips divided into five Naval Stars for support.

I decided to use the Wolf Regulars to replace the various Garrison Clusters we first saw as Epsilon Galaxy back in the Clan Wolf Sourcebook.  Since those four Clusters were never again repeated in either FM:WC or FM:CC, I feel that this can be justified, somewhat.  Rho Galaxy (rather than Epsilon) was the fifth Wolf Galaxy during Operation Revival in this version.

And, you know, I never really liked the "wordiness" of the Post-Refusal War Cluster designations.  "Wolf Guards Strike Grenadier Cluster" for example. 

So, I've streamlined it a bit.  Wolf Regulars are the 2nd-line Garrison Forces.  Front-line forces consist of Assault Clusters (name says it all), Battle Clusters (heavies and mediums designed for heavy combat operations), Wolf Guards Clusters (mediums, heavies, and assaults), Striker Clusters (fast-moving lights and mediums), and Cavalry Clusters (fast-moving mediums and heavies).

While the front-line Clusters are almost exclusively equipped with OmniMechs and OmniFighters, there are BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters found in the Wolf Regulars Clusters (mixed with OM and OF, of course).

Anyway, that is what I've got.  Hope ya'll enjoyed it.  And let me know what you think.


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Re: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2021, 04:16:17 PM »

Such a hard task. Names and even nicknames seemed to change quite often it seemed for some of the Clusters
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Re: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2021, 05:53:13 PM »

This is a topic I've researched plenty and I have my own answers for Salient Horizon. I'm on vacation right now will post more later.


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Re: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2021, 11:33:03 PM »

Annihilation and Absorption - while these were brutal events early in this already strong Clan's history that clearly took their toll they undoubtedly added immensely to their power. Wolf was already the chosen Clan of Kerensky judged to be the best of the best after Operation Klondike before. With the resources of two plus Clans (some spoils were gifted to others) their status as the most powerful Clan may piss off some (Jade Falcon) but it is undeniable after these acquistions. 

Early Innovators - being the inventors of the Elemental (2868) and one of the first Clan's to acquire the OmniMech (late 2850s?) gave this Clan a further edge. Not to mention earlier refinement of the LB 10-X AC (2824) which clearly puts them at the forefront of the science among the Clans. BTW I have always imagined the Wolves fielding the most of Armored Infantry among the Clans perhaps reaching throughout their touman. Second line forces utilizing Elementals as well should not be underestimated. 

Warden vs Crusader attrition - while the Wolves didn't suffer a Coyote Blood Scandal type civil war the toll of constantly fighting the rising Crusader sentiment of the Clans clearly cost them. This along with the Wolf Dragoons (see below) could explain their thin Touman in relation to their Homeworld territory. Not only are their PGCs weak in number (Wolf Dragoons) but so are their front line galaxies in relation to the other Clans. 

Wolf Dragoons - in excess of five 'Mech regiments went to supply this Clan intelligence gathering effort over the course of twenty years which was supplemented by at least two supply runs. I could estimate this loss at perhaps seven to nine 'Mech regiments total regiments (approximately 750 to nearly 1,000 war machines). That is a huge diminshment of second line forces not to mention the other stuff they took. 

Mech-centric Clusters - by the time of the invasion the Wolf Clan Sourcebook (FASA1642) the Wolves are one of two Clans that average 60 war machines per Cluster. Only Smoke Jaguar per the Invading Clans (FASA1645) match this level of force concentration. This is another hidden in plain sight advantage that these Clans have over the rest IMO.

Being First Isn't Always Being Best - while we got to find out the most about the Wolves to begin with this isn't always a great thing. The detail by comparison has shruken over time and been confused by follow on material. Obviously large events like the Refusal War shaped them but I also feel like attention paid to other Clans subtracted from the focus on the Wolves.

Source Materials

Wolf Clan Sourcebook (FASA1642) - my first BattleTech book ever which is nearly thirty years old (wow) holds a very special place in my heart. Probably played this game for two years without any knowledge of the background universe whatsoever if you can believe it. Love the way the units and characters are detailed and think that this spirit should be always retained for my favorite Clan.

Objective Raids (FASA1665) - first look at garrison clusters, more on them later

The Falcon and the Wolf - what a mess and yes MA the classic Wolf names are almost always better than the new dragged out ones that followed.

Field Manuals - do the best they can to merge all previous sources but leave some questions like the homeworlds (my answers later!)

Newer Sources

Widowmaker Absorption (CAT35TP014) - well detailed
328th Assault Cluster (Alpha Galaxy)
341st Assault Cluster (Beta Galaxy)
7th Battle Cluster (Gamma Galaxy)
11th Wolf Guards (Delta Galaxy)

Widowmaker Absorption (CAT35TP013) - well detailed
3rd Battle Cluster (Beta Galaxy)


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Re: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2021, 03:23:02 PM »

I forgot the new Battle of Tukayyid Sourcebook as well...

13th Wolf Guards (Alpha Galaxy)
352nd Assault Cluster (Beta Galaxy)
11th Battle Cluster (Gamma Galaxy)
11th Wolf Guards (Delta Galaxy)

And the massively unaddressed Homeworld Invasion Truce. After the start of Operation Revival it is not debatable that the four Invading Clans left their holdings in the Kerensky Cluster massively underdefended and Wolf is the biggest example of that. Why didn't the Homeworld Clans take advantage of their numerical superiority to expand their territories and enrich themselves during the invasion? That's unClanlike! No it is not. They have plenty of front line warriors looking for glory just sitting around and defending some of the richest areas are second line troops. You have an opportunity to seize the day and it went completely by the boards. Was their a cease fire imposed by the ilKhan or the Grand Council for the duration of the emergency? Did they fear eventual reprisals? Did they not want to dishonor themselves against second line troops??


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Re: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2021, 03:54:20 PM »

I think I remember something in one of the earlier sourcebooks (can't remember where) about how the Clans taking part in the Invasion had their Homeworld territories guaranteed by the ilKhan (Leo Showers, at the time).  No Clan not taking part could try to expand into an Invading Clans territory . . . and I think likewise, no Invading Clan could try to take part of a Homeworld Clan territory.

No such limitation on two Invading Clans having it out (a.k.a., Steel Viper-Jade Falcon and Jade Falcon-Wolf). 

If I remember right.  I could be wrong.

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Re: Clan Wolf Touman (Pre-Refusal War) As Visioned by Myself
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2021, 05:19:50 PM »

I think I remember something in one of the earlier sourcebooks (can't remember where) about how the Clans taking part in the Invasion had their Homeworld territories guaranteed by the ilKhan (Leo Showers, at the time).  No Clan not taking part could try to expand into an Invading Clans territory . . . and I think likewise, no Invading Clan could try to take part of a Homeworld Clan territory.

No such limitation on two Invading Clans having it out (a.k.a., Steel Viper-Jade Falcon and Jade Falcon-Wolf). 

If I remember right.  I could be wrong.

This is logical but then apart from the biding process, why would they not try to bring more units to the Inner Sphere or use their second-line troops to garrison planets?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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