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Scorpio Ascendant
« on: May 13, 2012, 01:11:47 AM »

Scorpio Ascendant

A Novel of an Alternative BattleTech Universe

by Stephen T Bynum

All Rights Reserved


Temple of the Nine Muses
Roche, Clan Homeworlds
May 4, 3030

The flash of a bolt of lightning lit the dark sky, casting long shadows over the rocky wastelands of Roche. The massive fortress—carved from a granite mesa more than two centuries ago by the laborers of Clan Widowmaker and first named Spiderholm in their honor; the fortress sullenly brooded over the parched and barren landscape beneath it. Star Colonel Mikhail Kirov halted his climb along the long and winding path that led from the valley below to the entrance tunnel above. He looked out at the low hanging clouds that hid the stars from his sight, the glow of the night moon as well, and he nodded as another thundering crash from the heavens heralded a lightning strike in the distant wastes.
Roche herself will soon weep for my Scorpions, he thought, even as the first heavy drops of the storm began to plummet down around him. He ignored the warm rain that splattered from his ceremonial leathers, and he once more resumed his course towards the Temple of the Nine Muses. Cleansed of the taint of the Widowmakers, Spiderholm had been given to the Scorpions in appreciation for their defense of Khan Jerome Winson of the Wolves during that long ago War. Forty years of work by artisans and laborers had removed all symbols of the defunct Clan, and transformed the fat-bellied Spider that had once rested above the gates on eight slender legs into a rearing Scorpion, its obsidian sting poised to deliver death.
How prideful we are, Mikhail thought as he stared into the polished golden gemstones that served the eighty-meter wide statue of a Goliath Scorpion for eyes. This edifice is what we wasted our finest days upon, when we could—and should—have devoted our strength to making the Nest strong. You care not for such works, he directed towards the massive statue as he continued to climb the ramp. You care only with our devotion to your ideals; a devotion which has, of late, gone awry.
But the unmoving colossus of polished granite and obsidian and precious stones dug from the Wastes remained silent.
At long last, Mikhail reached the summit, and he nodded in approval as the Elemental Warriors on duty raised their weapons—and servo-mounted automatic cannons swiveled towards the approaching Warriors. While the old fortress was now a ‘temple’ in name, she had not been totally stripped of her claws.
“I am Star Colonel Mikhail Kirov, commander of the 24th Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster. I am expected this evening, Warriors.”
“Sir,” one barked, “if the Star Colonel would present his codex for confirmation.”
Mikhail removed one leather gauntlet and held out his clenched fist and bare forearm, a tight metal band fixed just below his wrist adorned with blinking lights. A second Elemental stepped forward and pressed an electronic reader to the codex, and then both the reader and codex beeped.
“Your identity has been confirmed, Star Colonel Kirov. You have full authorization to enter the Temple,” the commander of the Elemental Guards said in a much softer and restrained voice.
Kirov nodded as he tugged the gauntlet back on and he briskly moved forward, followed by each and every one of the Blood-named Warriors assigned to The Khan’s Own Cluster. Twenty-two pairs of steel-shod boots echoed down the long sloping tunnel as those Warriors moved downwards in Mikhail’s wake, passing by gun emplacements set in the walls, underneath murder holes in the ceiling, and through two more checkpoints before he finally entered the Scorpion Grand Cathedral itself.
The Chamber was filled by Scorpions dressed in their ceremonial leathers, gathered about the room; few looked up as Mikhail and his entourage entered. Ignoring the rest, Mikhail picked up his pace and he strode with purpose towards the bier set in the center of the Cathedral; the bier upon which rested the body of his Khan, surrounded by a Guard of Honor bearing long flickering torches.
Mikhail stood there for what seemed to be an eternity, staring at the waxen features of the corpse of Conner Yeh as he lay there, slowly decomposing. Finally Mikhail turned to one of the Guards of Honor.
“Where is he?”
The young Warrior’s eyes grew large, and he stared at Mikhail for a moment. But the veteran Star Colonel’s gaze was too fierce to ignore, and he swallowed. “In his private chambers, Star Colonel—but he commanded that he not be disturbed.”
Mikhail snorted and he turned on his right foot and set off for the guarded pair of high doors leading into the depths of the warren that honeycombed the mesa turned Temple. Another Star Colonel stood in front of the door, and he shook his head and held up one hand.
“He is resting, Kirov, and is not to be disTURB—AARGH!” the voice turned into a scream as Mikhail grabbed the protestor by the throat and slammed him back into the stone wall. Conversation in the Grand Cathedral drifted to a halt as everyone present turned to look.
Mikhail glared at the two armed guards. “Open those doors now, Warriors, or kill me. For I swear if they are not unsealed in the next fifteen seconds, then I will kill the both of you.” He dropped the gagging Star Colonel on the ground, and Mikhail’s solemn officers hauled him away, pushing him from his post and tossing him to the flagstones.
The guards unlocked the doors and opened them wide for the passage of Mikhail and his band of men and women. He pressed forward, and behind them came a flood of other Scorpions, many with grins of glee upon their faces; a sad few resigned to the necessity of what was occuring; a handful in shock that someone was actually daring to press the issue.
Mikhail’s boots rang from the flagstones as he crossed the extravagant office—an office larger than the ‘Mech bay on an Overlord, and he shook his head in disgust as the naked pleasure girls and boys scampered like rabbits out of his path. He pressed forward until he reached the doors of Gregor Lunde’s sleeping chambers, and he thrust them open with a loud BANG against the cold stone walls.
The saKhan of the Scorpions looked up in confusion, and then he smiled at Mikhail. “Kirov, you came. It is good of you to pay your respects to our fallen Khan.”
“You are using again, are you not, Gregor?” Mikhail asked softly.
The saKhan smiled, and he lifted an injector and pressed it against his own throat—the luminous green liquid plunging into his bloodstream. “Necrosia is the Scorpion’s gift to us, Mikhail—through it we see what he wants us to see. And you shall address me as Khan, Star Colonel.”
“Tell me, ‘Khan’, were you high when the Jaguars killed Yeh two days ago? When you abandoned him and his Star to pursue your own glory in individual combat?”
“I care not for your tone, or for your accusations, Star Colonel. I had imbibed the Gift to sharpen my senses and defeat the Jaguars—and defeat my opponent I did.”
“Yet, you lost the Trial, and you allowed the Khan to die.”
“Had he been a better Warrior, he would be alive today. I think that I shall instruct all of the Scorpions to inject the Gift before battle—it makes one fight better, sharper, clearer; and removes the distractions and discomforts of our daily drudge.’
Mikhail shook his head, a look of revulsion upon his face. “Our Clan has fallen enough, Gregor. I challenge you, here and now to a Trial of Grievance. You are not fit to be Khan. You are not fit to be a Warrior.”
“Ah, but to Challenge a Khan, one must be a Khan. Or have a Khan’s approval. Do you have the approval of a Khan, Mikhail?”
“No. But I have their approval,” the Star Colonel answered as he swept his hand towards the densely packed crowd of Blood Named Warriors who filled Lunde’s office and watched.
“Perhaps you do,” Lunde mused as he stood and stretched. “Shall we arrange for combat in ‘Mechs, or . . .” Lunde smiled. “No, I feel the rush of necrosia in my veins. Kirov, if you mean to challenge me, I shall meet you here and now. And I will defeat you.”
“Here? Now? With what the two of use have at our disposal, my Khan?”
“Was that not what I said?” Lunde asked as he picked up a knife, the light flickering from the keenly honed edge.
Mikhail smiled. “Bargained well and done,” he snapped as his left hand dropped down and he drew his slug-thrower and fired two shots into Lunde’s chest, and the saKhan collapsed to the floor, bleeding profusely.
“Or perhaps, saKhan Lunde, I should say that you bargained poorly,” he said as he raised the pistol and fired twice more into the man’s forehead.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 10:00:37 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 06:06:51 AM »

Well, it's hard to see that the Scorpions could be worse off than this. Stagnant, degenerate... possibly only avoiding absorption because no one wants them.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 10:25:13 AM »

To build high, you must first clear the ground and make certain the foundations are sound!   ;D  Looking back over Warriors of Kerensky, Field Manual:  Warden Clans, Field Manual:  Crusader Clans, Invading Clans, and other material, we certainly get the impression that the Scorpions are excellent warriors in a one-on-one environment, but the Clan appears to be on the decline.  Although we can take the impressions of OTHER Clans with a grain of salt, they ALL seem to imply that the Scorpions rely far too much on necrosia; almost to the point of the Clan being shunned for their hedonistic ways.

We can dismiss such views as exaggerations and propaganda, but I thought it would be interesting to use that sterotype as a basis of fact--and then reform the Scorpions from that starting point in the story itself.  As of the date of the story (3030), they are very much a third-tier Clan:  24 Clusters, no PGCs, no Solahma, BattleMechs and standard ASF in their front-line Clusters, enclaves on a mere five worlds (if you count Strana Mechty), little industry, few easily accessible resources, heavy use of intoxicants (especially necrosia), almost a third of the available Warriors of the Clan wandering as individual Seekers on their vision quests for relics of the Star League.

Frankly, as much as I like the Scorpions, they should have been absorbed by the Wolves or Jaguars or Bears or . . . well, anybody by now.  But no one wants them.  It is the ultimate Clan snub; you don't deserve to exist, yet you are too insignificant and beneath ME to be absorbed; and you aren't worth the effort of Annihilation. 

By starting from this nadir of the Scorpion history, I hope that we can make the reformations appear to be more than a mere 'book' reorganization to the reader; he will actually get to see how the Clan changes course and corrects its past errors, and becomes a Clan of Kerensky in deed as well as in name.

Just some rambling thoughts.

Master Arminas


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 10:53:09 AM »

Indeed They do need to remember their purpose. To rise up and regain their place as one of Kerensky's Clans once more.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 09:10:04 PM »

Temple of the Nine Muses
Roche, Clan Homeworlds
May 6, 3030

Loremaster Angela Tazegul frowned from her appointed seat on the dais at the gathered Warriors of the Clan Council who were seated around the semi-circular auditorium.  Many of her Seekers were still absent, far distant from the world of Roche on various quests—but far too many of the remainder of the Clans Bloodnamed were present.  The other two thrones carved from living stone were empty, for both the Khan and saKhan were now dead.  The Khan having died at the hands of the Jaguars; the saKhan murdered by one of his own officers.

At long last, the doors to the underground chamber were closed, the dull thud echoing through the auditorium, and Angela stood.  She walked across to a pedestal set to one side of the dais.  “On this, the Sixth day of May, in the year 3030, I hereby call to order this meeting of the Council of the Blood Named of Clan Goliath Scorpion.”  She paused and took a deep breath.  “Lacking a quorum, I hereby postpone the elections,” outraged shouts from the audience thundered down upon her, and scores of the assembled officers sprang to their feet, “for Khan and saKhan for a period of no more than sixty days!” She finished raising her voice to a shout.

One officer seated in on the front row stood, and slowly the noise abated as the Scorpion Warriors once again took their seats.  “Point of order, Loremaster,” Mikhail said calmly.  “I demand that the roster of the Blood Named be called to determine if a quorum is indeed present.”

“You have no right to demand anything, Star Colonel Kirov,” Angela snarled.  “Only a Khan, the Clan Loremaster, a Galaxy Commander, or a Star Admiral may demand the roster called.  There being none such here that will make that demand, this Council is hereby . . .”

“WAIT!” barked a voice as another Scorpion stood.  “This Clan cannot go sixty days without a leader, Loremaster.  I am David Ben-Shimon, Star Admiral of the Scorpion’s Destiny Naval Star, and I demand, as is my right under Clan law, that the roll be called.”

Angela glared at the old man, the oldest Warrior in the Clan toumen, who had challenged her.  But Ben-Shimon defiantly met her gaze, and it was Angela who first looked away.  "Fine,” she spat.  “The roll will be called.”

She walked back over to her throne and she sat once more, as a Star Captain stood at the podium.  “Brenda Arbuthnot,” he called out and a voice answered “Present.”  “Crystal Arbuthnot . . .” and there was only silence.  “Christopher Arbuthnot . . . Present.”  One by one, the Star Captain called out the names of each Blood Named Warrior of the Clan until all four hundred and ninety eight names had been read.

The officer looked down at the computerized tally log, and he turned towards the Loremaster, and bowed.  “Loremaster,” he said, “there being three hundred and seventy-four Blood Named Warriors present, a quorum is found to exist.”

Angela winced.  If there had been just eight fewer Warriors in the room, there would be no quorum.  Eight.  She stood and walked back over to the podium.  “A quorum being present, as revealed by a call of the roll of the Roster of the Blood Named, this Council of the Clan is now in session.  We are here today to select a new Khan and a new saKhan.  I submit to you that in these troubled times, the only choice for our Clan to elect a leader who is a proven Warrior, but also a Warrior who has proven her ability to command at the Galaxy and Clan level, one who is knowledgeable of Clan History and Law.  I submit to the Council my own name for consideration, citing my service as Loremaster of the Clan as proof of my qualifications.”

The Loremaster raised her left arm and presented her codex and she transferred her service record from the device fixed to her forearm to the room’s computer network.  “My qualifications are evident to any that examine the record.  There can be no other choice—not if our Clan is to continue.”

“Continue?  We will continue to be weak if you are elected Khan, Loremaster,” Mikhail said as he stood and ascended the risers to the dais.  “For too long, have we Scorpions been laughed at by our brother Clans.  We have stagnated, we have backslid, we have let the universe pass us by.  All this, has happened under the leadership of you, and Gregor Lunde, and Conner Yeh; your predecessors as well.  This must change.”

“How dare you, Star Colonel Kirov!” Angela snapped in a fury.  “I should demand of you a Trial of Grievance—GUARDS!  Remove this Warrior from these proceedings.”

“Stand your ground!” Mikhail barked.  “In this Council, Angela Tazegul, your rank is meaningless.   Once convened, the Council of the Blood Named offers every Warrior a single vote—neither the Khans nor the Loremaster have a greater say than any other who bears the honor of carrying the name of one of our Founders.  I will be heard, Loremaster; you shall not silence me.  Not here.  Not in this sacred chamber, not under the Laws which govern the Scorpions.”

Murmurs and whispers rose from the serried ranks of the Warriors, and Angela shook her head.  “Fine then—we will settle this later, Star Colonel.  Speak your piece.”

“For too long, brothers and sisters of the Scorpion,” Mikhail continued as he walked to the edge of the stage, “we have surrendered the initiative.  We have been complacent.  We have not been willing to maintain our edge.  Our leaders, in their blind obsession with the past, have given leave for a full third of our Warriors to Seek.  A third, my brethren!  Is there even one Cluster or Ship in our toumen which is not at this moment understrength?  Can even one of you here today, tell me in truth that your command does not need trained Warriors?”

“Instead, we waste our strength; we squander the most precious of resources our Clan has available:  the Warriors who are our claws and our stinger.”  Mikhail shook his head and he chuckled in bitter irony.  “Scorpion Warriors are trained to a degree that other Clans cannot even imagine.  You are no mindless Jaguars, nor haughty Falcons, nor trickster Coyotes, nor greedy Sharks.  You, each of you, are Scorpions.  We teach philosophy and history, alongside martial expertise—we demand that our Warriors prove themselves mentally as well as physically.  Each of you know this, you have achieved what no other Clan demands.”

“And yet, since the development of necrosia, we have become less than we should be.  Why is that?  Not because we give our Sibkin this drug so that they may prove their will and their strength, their devotion to the Scorpion.  No.  We have become less because our Warriors, some of them, abuse this substance.  Look no farther than former saKhan Gregor Lunde.  Who abandoned our Khan to his death while under the influence of this drug in a pursuit for his own personal glory.  Is that what our Clan has descended too?”

Angela snorted.  “You killed Gregor Lunde in an illegal Trial of Grievance, Star Colonel Kirov.  I intend to see you hang for that.”

Mikhail turned to face Angela Tazegul, and he smiled.  “I stood with the courage of my convictions, Loremaster.  That is the heart of what the Scorpion is—and I think you will find that there are ample witnesses to the legality of that Trial.  Yes, I killed Gregor Lunde.  Who allowed the Jaguars to slaughter our Khan.  I shot him four times and I removed his misery from our Clan.  I do not regret that deed; I exult in that deed.”

“Are you confident, Warriors of the Scorpion?  Confident that our course is the right one . . . or do you fear that we are becoming a target for the next Absorption?  That we have wasted our talents and our honor; and have forgotten what it means to be Scorpions.  Ask yourself this:  would Cyrus Elam look upon his Clan of today with pride . . . or with disgust.  Would Jenna Scott?  Would Naomi Djerassi?  Would Ethan Moreau?”

Mikhail shook his head.  “I believe that they would not be proud of us.  We have expanded not one square meter of territory since the death of Ethan Moreau.  Our toumen is the smallest of all the Clans of Kerensky—and we cannot even produce the OmniMechs, and OmniFighters, and Battle Armor that we use.  Most of Clusters use Star League ‘Mechs that have been repaired time and again; still more use modern BattleMechs—because we cannot afford to give our Warriors, the finest Warriors in these Clans of Kerensky, the tools and equipment they need to make our Clan strong.”

“We cannot do this because of how many resources this Temple of the Nine Muses and the Seekers—a third of our Clan, I remind you—pull away for dusty pieces of antiquity that sit unused in storage.  We are Scorpions, my brethren.  And we shall always Seek.  But like the drug necrosia, we should Seek in moderation, lest our visions become our poison.”

Mikhail looked out of the assembled Warriors and he nodded.  “Our future is in your hands today, brothers and sisters of the Scorpion.  Make your decision well.”

He then leapt down from the stage and he sat.  Angela walked up and slowly clapped her hands.  “Bravo, Star Colonel Kirov.  Bravo.  What a performance; of course you do not understand what this Clan represents.  We discover the past and in doing so we open the door to the future.  A future that will not have you as one of our leaders,” she smirked.  “You did not even nominate yourself for Khan.”

“Nominating one’s own self is a sign of arrogance and a lack of trust in one’s brothers and sisters, Loremaster,” Mikhail answered.  “I have faith that my Scorpions will make the correct decision.”

The aged David Ben-Shimon stood again.  “And in any case, he does not have to nominate himself, Loremaster.  I propose Mikhail Kirov for the post of Khan of Clan Goliath Scorpion!” he shouted.  “Is there a second?”

“AYE!” thundered the crowd, and Angela’s eyes went wide.

“We are tired of being laughed at, Loremaster," Ben-Shimon continued.  "We are hungry for a leader who actually leads and does not represent the status quo which has so failed us!  I call for nominations to be closed and the vote held!”

One by one, the Scorpion Warriors began to chant, “Mikhail!  Mikhail!  Mikhail!  MIKHAIL!  MIKHAIL!”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2012, 06:06:36 AM »

By starting from this nadir of the Scorpion history, I hope that we can make the reformations appear to be more than a mere 'book' reorganization to the reader; he will actually get to see how the Clan changes course and corrects its past errors, and becomes a Clan of Kerensky in deed as well as in name.
Well, I have to admit that tempts me to see what I could do with another self-crippled clan rather than the relatively potent Star Adders.

Not sure what could be done with the Fire Mandrills offhand...

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2012, 01:24:19 PM »

Most of Clusters use Star League ‘Mechs that have been repaired time and again; still more use modern BattleMechs

use or don't use?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2012, 02:40:06 PM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion Headquarters Complex, Lieurus
Roche, Clan Homeworlds
June 17, 3030

“Nikolai,” Mikhail said as he rose from his seat and extended a hand towards the young ristar.  “That was certainly prompt.”

“My Khan orders and I obey,” Star Captain Nikolai Djerassi said with a grin as he shook the Khan’s hand firmly.

Mikhail chuckled.  “SaKhan David Ben-Shimon, I do not believe that you have been introduced to young Nikolai here.  He tested out as a Star Captain three years ago and it was his Trinary that won two of three trials we Scorpions have successfully completed during that time.”  And here, Mikhail’s mood shifted.  Three successful Trials in three years—and twenty-eight more that the Clan had lost.  It was good that the Clans did not often share information among each other, for the weakness the Scorpions had shown would have normally caused a deluge of trials as Clans began snapping up the limited Scorpion resources left and left.

“SaKhan,” Nikolai said, as he shook the older man’s hand as well.

“Star Captain Djerassi.”

“Chief Scientist Philip,” Mikhail continued, indicating one of three civilian caste members, before moving on to the others, “Merchant Factor Thomas, and Technical Master Olivia.”

“Sirs, and Madame,” Nikolai greeted each of the civilians gravely.

“Take a seat, Star Captain,” Mikhail said as he sat, followed his subordinates.  “I have just returned from an inspection tour of all Scorpio facilities in the Pentagon and the Homeworlds, Star Captain Djerassi—and I am most distressed at our current state of affairs.”

Mikhail paused and he turned back to the three civilians.  “And this budget you have given me to review; frankly I cannot make any sense of it, which is why I called you in here to explain to me exactly where our resources as a Clan are going?”

Merchant Factor Thomas smiled thinly, and he sat forward.  “Technically, as you are well aware, my Khan, we do not have an official standard of currency in the Homeworlds.  Money is, after all, one of the evils that Nicolas Kerensky, may be blessed in all that he wrought, sought to do away with.  However, we have a de facto currency, which we in the Merchant Caste refer to as the kerensky, ironically enough.  In the first days of the Clans, even while ilKhan Nicolas refused to accept printing or minting of a new monetary system, he realized that an intra-Clan system of resource transference would be needed.  He didn’t like it, he recognized the importance.  A kerensky, my Khan, is based upon the value of one standard burst of machine-gun ammunition; a full ton thus having the value of 100 kerenskys.”

“Having this unchanging standard as our basis, the Merchant Castes were able to estimate the value of all other items produced by our society, from food, fuel, munitions, OmniMechs, to construction projects, Orbital Stations, and WarShips. Accordingly, we can trade this de facto currency between Clans, bankers such as the Falcons can generate a profit on making loans available, and we can gauge how efficiently each Clan uses the raw resources at its disposal.”

Mikhail nodded.  “I understand that, Thomas.  I do not comprehend this budget document,” he flatly stated as he tapped the two-thousand plus bound pages of figures and percentiles.  “The numbers do not add up; totaling all of the line item expenses listed here, we are missing 4.2% of our total revenues for the Clan.  Factor Thomas, I need an explanation for this discrepancy.”

The Merchant squirmed, and the Scientist and Technician both edged away from him.  “Ah, then you were not briefed on Operation Pathfinder, then?  My Khan?”

“No.  Pray tell, Factor Thomas, what is Pathfinder?”

“Fourteen years ago, Khan Yeh decided that the Dragoon reports from the Inner Sphere were . . . incomplete.  There were gaps in the information that we received, gaps that appeared—to him—be deliberate.  He decided to begin a clandestine project codenamed Pathfinder.”

Mikhail groaned, and he lowered his head into his hands, his elbows propped up on the desk; the saKhan looked absolutely furious.  “I am not going to like this, am I?”

“I doubt that you will, my Khan.  Pathfinder is a scouting expedition undertaken by certain . . . naval assets . . . assets that are not . . . officially part of our toumen.  Supported by the Seekers and directed by the Loremaster.”

“A scouting expedition to where, exactly?” David Ben-Shimon growled.  “And what naval assets that I, as the ranking Star Admiral of the Scorpion Fleet was unaware of?”

Thomas swallowed heavily.  “We are scouting the Inner Sphere, my Khans.  With three Tracker-class surveillance vessels mistakenly classified as Merchant-class JumpShips.”

Silence filled the office, and all three Scorpion officers stared at the merchant in abject horror.  “Khan Yeh sent his own expedition to the Inner Sphere?  Against the direct order of the Grand Council of Khans?”  Nikolai blurted out, before he blushed and lowered his head.  “My apologies, Khan Kirov.”

Mikhail waved it off.  “Continue.”

“That missing part of the budget is why I am aware of the Project, my Khan.  I was not the Clan’s Merchant Factor when Pathfinder was begun, but I was given need to know in order to conceal the loss of the revenue—at the direct order of Khan Yeh, saKhan Lunde, and Loremaster Tazegul.  These ships cycle back and forth between the Homeworlds and the Inner Sphere, delivering Seekers searching for lost artifacts of the Star League, and collecting data on the Inner Sphere since the reports from the Dragoon Expedition ceased.”

“I want those ships—and Seekers—recalled immediately.  Is that understood, Factor Thomas?”

“Only the Loremaster has the means to contact them, my Khan.  And, if I may speak frankly, Sir, she has no great love of you or for your proposed reforms.  My merchants have heard . . . chatter . . . from her agents in Gamma Galaxy.  Nothing more than talk, perhaps, but the words chosen by these Warriors has given me pause.”

“I see,” Mikhail said and he exchanged a long look with his saKhan.  “That matter will be corrected in very short order, Factor Thomas, I assure you.  Along with the budget allotment that provides the Temple of the Nine Muses, the Loremaster, and her Seekers with the same proportion of the Clan’s resources as the entire fighting toumen of the Clan.  Nikolai, you are probably wondering why I summoned you here to this meeting, and why I have permitted you to sit here and listen.  It has been so that you might know my reasons for commanding this of you.  I want you to challenge Angela Tazegul to a Trial of Grievance, Star Colonel Djerassi.  You must recover the recall codes and HPG communications protocols to contact the various components of Pathfinder, and you must do so without raising the suspicons of the Watch or the Grand Council.  And once you have those codes and protocols, Nikolai, I want Angela Tazegul dead.  Can you do this, for the Clan?”

“Yes, my Khan,” the young Warrior answered in a confident voice.  “She will not escape her crimes.”

“Good.  I have recalled the 20th Cuirassier Cluster here to Roche, and through a judicious amount of reassignments, I have brought that Cluster up to 120% of TO&E strength—with the finest Warriors in our Clan.  None of whom are necrosia abusers.  That is your Cluster, Star Colonel.  Go, gather your Warriors, bid well, and end this problem before it comes to the attention of the other Clans.”

Nikolai stood, and he bowed.  “My sting shall strike true, Khan Kirov.”  He then turned on his heel and left the office.  The corner of Mikhail’s mouth twisted in a smile, and he focused his attention on the civilians once more.  “And now, lady and gentlemen, we will go through this budget line-by-line and see what we can afford to cut and what we must, as a Clan, retain in order to become strong and proud once more.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2012, 02:42:06 PM »

Most of Clusters use Star League ‘Mechs that have been repaired time and again; still more use modern BattleMechs

use or don't use?

Most of the Clan's BattleMechs are ancient SLDF equipment.  A majority of the remainder are modern SECOND-LINE BattleMechs.  Because the Clan does not have enough OMNIMECHS to fully outfit even the eight front-line Clusters, let alone the sixteen second-line units.

That is what I was trying to say.  I should have phrased it better, Ice.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2012, 02:46:20 AM »

They do need to upgrade quickly. Great Storytelling so far.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2012, 02:36:27 PM »

That is what I was trying to say.  I should have phrased it better, Ice.

You could have written Second-Line 'Mechs.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2012, 10:45:12 PM »

Temple of the Nine Muses
Roche, Clan Homeworlds
June 18, 3030

“I do apologize, Star Colonel, but at the orders of the Loremaster, your troops cannot enter the Temple,” the Elemental stated as he held one out raised hand towards Nikolai. 

“Understood, Warrior,” Nikolai said with a genial smile.  “May I have your rank, name, and Blood Lineage?”

“Point Commander Marcus, of Demos, Star Colonel,” he answered . . . and then paused.  “Why do you inquire as to my Blood Lineage, Sir?”

“To ensure that the Scientists remove the proper genetic legacy from our breeding program, of course,” Nikolai replied, his smile twisting to show his bare teeth.  “Would you expect anything less of a Warrior who disobeys his Khan to follow the orders of a lower ranking officer?”

“The Khan?  I have received no orders from the Khan, Star Colonel.”

“Ah, then we must remedy that forthwith, Point Commander Marcus.  Here is an electronic copy of his orders for the 20th Cuirassier to enter the Temple on Clan business.”

Nikolai held out a data-pad, and the Elemental attached one lead to his arm mounted computer data-port.  Nikolai watched as the information was downloaded, and then the Elemental stood straight.  “I do not disobey my Khan, Star Colonel.”

“Of course not; such disobedience is a grave matter of dishonor, Point Commander.  By the authority of the Khan, you and your men are relieved of duty—return to your barracks and await orders from your new commander.  My men will assume responsibility for guarding the Temple.”

“My new commander, Star Colonel?”

“Khan Kirov is most . . . displeased with the bearing and attitude of Star Colonel Solheim—the 14th Grenadiers will be receiving a new commander within the next twenty-four hours.  Until then, I have orders to take him into custody and confine him to his quarters.”

The Elemental didn’t move for several moments, and then he leaned forward, the mirror image of Nikolai in his visor distorting slightly.  “Star Colonel, Gamma Galaxy has the right to select its new officers from within its own ranks—it is tradition.  The other Clusters, they will not . . .”

“Matter, Point Commander Marcus.  The 3rd Cuirassiers, 16th Dragoons, and 8th Uhlans are on field training exercises and are at least two days travel away.  Should the commanders of those Clusters choose to disobey their Khan, the consequences for their legacy will be grim.  Their Warriors as well will suffer.  I do not believe they would risk such a schism for Andrei Solheim, or Angela Tazegul.  We will take your warning under advisement, however.”

The Elemental saluted and then he led his point off into the Temple.  “Post guards on all the choke-points and entrances, Randall,” Nikolai said to his second-in-command, Star Captain Randall Posavatz.  “Has Epsilon and Zeta secured the airfield?”

“Two minutes ago, Star Colonel.”

“Very well, post the remaining ‘Mechs here to garrison the entrance, have the fighters land, refuel, and remain on standby; the Elementals are to accompany me—split off points as needed to secure choke-points in the interior.  You are to assume command here—allow no one to pass without either my authorization or the Khan’s.”

“Understood, Sir.”

Nikolai began to descend the ramp into the Temple of the Nine Muses, with Battle Armor clad Elementals trailing behind him.


Angela Tazegul was still pulling on her field jacket as she exited her quarters.  The sounds of gunfire—gunfire in the Temple—had awakened her, and no one was answering her calls!  But the sight before her in the Grand Cathedral brought her to a halt.  Several of the men and women most loyal to her lay bleeding out on the flagstones—and the massive hall was filled with Elementals whose armor was marked with a blue shield adorned by several stars, forming the ancient constellation of Scorpio, as seen from old Terra.

One young officer, clad not in armor, but in his field uniform smiled at her and he clicked his heels together and bowed slightly.  “Loremaster Tazegul; how good of you to join us this evening.”

“What is the meaning of this?  I will have you torn limb from limb for spilling blood in this sacred hall!”

“I bear a message for you, Loremaster, from our Khan—and these . . . former Warriors did not wish to allow me to present it to you.”

“Oh, he has sent a message.  Invading the Temple, desecrating this shrine to our past; I shall shed his blood and his dishonor will be made manifest!”

“You sound more like a Cobra than a Scorpion, Loremaster,” the Star Colonel answered with a wry grin.  “Our Khan is more than slightly displeased with you given that more than a month has passed since his election, and yet you have not met with him once, or answered his summons to meetings important to the Clan’s future.  Are the broken artifacts of our past truly more important to you than the future of our Clan?”

“What is your name?” Angela snarled.  “I will have your genes annihilated.”

“Nikolai Djerassi, commander of the 20th Cuirassier, Loremaster.  I would say at your service, but I serve only the Scorpion and the Khans whom he deigns to place over us Warriors.”

“I am the Loremaster, Djerassi—my place was confirmed again by the Blood Named at the Council.  Your insolence will be your undoing.”

“And your arrogance will be yours, Loremaster.”

Another Scorpion officer briskly walked up to Nikolai and saluted.  “The Temple is secured, Star Colonel.  Our pre-assault intelligence has been confirmed—there are no visitors from the other Clans present at this time.”

“Very good, Star Commander,” Nikolai answered and he turned back to face Angela.  “We know about Pathfinder, Loremaster,” he said calmly, and Angela’s face drained of color.  “We know of the funds that you have diverted—and your Khan demands an answer for both.”

Nikolai walked over to a display case and he opened it, and lifted an ancient pistol, encrusted with gemstones and gild with gold plate.  He smiled and shook his head.  “This is the very weapon that Stefan Amaris used to murder Richard Cameron.  According to the diaries of General DeChevilier; of course, he could have lied or been mistaken.  Does it still work, Loremaster?”

Nikolai turned back to face her, still holding the pistol, not quite directly pointed at—but neither was it pointed away.

“You cannot simply kill me, Star Colonel—that is against the Way of the Clans.”

“Well, I could very well simply kill you, Loremaster.  And my troops would not give a damn in the slightest over the death of a traitor such as yourself.  But I will not resort to killing you—not in this manner, at least, and not with this tainted weapon.”

Nikolai placed the laser back in its case and closed the lid.  “Where are the recall codes and communication protocols for Pathfinder, Loremaster?”

She smirked.  She actually smirked at Nikolai.  “Your Khan will not issue those orders—that decision is mine alone.”

“I believe you, Loremaster.  But let us test the resolve of that fiery spirit of yours.”  Nikolai snapped his fingers and four Elementals entered the room, followed by a half-dozen technicians.  Between them they carried an interrogation couch, the pharmaceuticals, the pain-inducing machines, and Angela blanched.

“I demand a Trial of Refusal!” she cried.

“Granted, and I shall face you—after we extract what we need, Loremaster.”

The Loremaster turned to run, but Elementals grabbed her arms and dragged her screaming towards the couch, where she was strapped down and needles shoved into her veins.

Nikolai stood over her.  “One last chance to end this, Loremaster:  where are the recall codes and communication protocols?”

She spat on him.  “You will burn!  The entire Clan will burn if you follow Kirov!  He will break away from the tradition of Nicolas Kerensky, from the Path we Scorpions must follow!”

Nikolai nodded and he calmly wiped away the spittle from his face.  “We do this the hard way then—never fear, Loremaster.  I shall give you time to recover afterwards so that you may face me at your fullest strength and skill.  Gentlemen, you may begin.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2012, 12:02:47 AM »

Quote from: Chris O'Farrel said
"And now Loremaster, we will discuss the location of your secret Pathfinder base"

And now, a thought RE finding a balance between seeking and tradition vs operational capacity in the Clan.

 Why not make it that if you want to go Seeking the lost treasures of the Star League, you can ONLY do so as an unblooded warrior? Unless you have the direct consent of a Khan, Loremaster, Galaxy Commander / Star Admiral? Essentially in most cases, making it off limits to Bloodnamed warriors who comprimse the bulk of command level officers and Elite Clan warriors?

 So it encourages the younger Warriors after a few years of service to go and walk this path if they feel drawn to it, but the intense competition for Bloodname places will put an artifical cap on doing this for an extended period of time, because if you spend TOO long, other Risestars will take your place and you'll never amount to anything in the Clan, something that will keep 90% of warriors honest. Thus many warriors will early on in their life after few years on the front line take SOME time to go seeking some vission, but will not spend too long as doing so robs them of valuable combat experience which gets them nominated for Bloodnames?

 And then when they ARE a Bloodnamed warrior, they cannot go running around unless they can convince the Clans senior leadership it would be of value to both the Warrior AND the Clan. And as the older warriors fail to win Bloodnames start to reach the end of their service lives at 30, they can then put off joining the ranks of the Solahma for many years by stepping down from frontline service and becoming Far Seekers, who are honored by the Clans as having given their 'dues' of service and now, older and presumably much wiser, if they have a strong vission they are supported (and expected) by the Clan to go and seek it out.

 Thus they make way for the younger generations of warriors, you don't have to waste the older people in useless suicide squads (let alone have to equip them with your scant military resources if you want them to be even at all effective) and they gain a sort of parallel honor to the Bloodnamed if they DO find what they are looking for, honored by the Clans as True Seekers or something, and gaining some measure of immortality that way in the Rememberence.

 Just putting a ramble of ideas out there!

Chris O'F, over on Spacebattles came up with this idea.  And I like it!  Any thoughts as whether or not it could work?



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2012, 03:00:20 AM »

Good Quick Action
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2012, 04:49:13 AM »

Quote from: Chris O'Farrel said
"And now Loremaster, we will discuss the location of your secret Pathfinder base"

And now, a thought RE finding a balance between seeking and tradition vs operational capacity in the Clan.

 Why not make it that if you want to go Seeking the lost treasures of the Star League, you can ONLY do so as an unblooded warrior? Unless you have the direct consent of a Khan, Loremaster, Galaxy Commander / Star Admiral? Essentially in most cases, making it off limits to Bloodnamed warriors who comprimse the bulk of command level officers and Elite Clan warriors?

 So it encourages the younger Warriors after a few years of service to go and walk this path if they feel drawn to it, but the intense competition for Bloodname places will put an artifical cap on doing this for an extended period of time, because if you spend TOO long, other Risestars will take your place and you'll never amount to anything in the Clan, something that will keep 90% of warriors honest. Thus many warriors will early on in their life after few years on the front line take SOME time to go seeking some vission, but will not spend too long as doing so robs them of valuable combat experience which gets them nominated for Bloodnames?

 And then when they ARE a Bloodnamed warrior, they cannot go running around unless they can convince the Clans senior leadership it would be of value to both the Warrior AND the Clan. And as the older warriors fail to win Bloodnames start to reach the end of their service lives at 30, they can then put off joining the ranks of the Solahma for many years by stepping down from frontline service and becoming Far Seekers, who are honored by the Clans as having given their 'dues' of service and now, older and presumably much wiser, if they have a strong vission they are supported (and expected) by the Clan to go and seek it out.

 Thus they make way for the younger generations of warriors, you don't have to waste the older people in useless suicide squads (let alone have to equip them with your scant military resources if you want them to be even at all effective) and they gain a sort of parallel honor to the Bloodnamed if they DO find what they are looking for, honored by the Clans as True Seekers or something, and gaining some measure of immortality that way in the Rememberence.

 Just putting a ramble of ideas out there!

Chris O'F, over on Spacebattles came up with this idea.  And I like it!  Any thoughts as whether or not it could work?

Well it would be necessary to convince the bloodnamed warriors that they should give up on it as an endeavour.
Then again, it would imply that being bloodnamed is a duty, not a privilege. So well worth it if it can be done.
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