The Chamber of Elders, Tara
March 30, 3038
“I do not see why this concerns the Free Worlds League at all,†said Thomas Marik after Jaime Wolf had finished with his briefing. “This . . . threat of Invasion will come, so you say, on the Periphery borders of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine. This is your problem; seldom enough have your states come to the defense of the League and its peoples—and I shall not commit my forces to defending your realms today.â€
“Captain-General Marik,†answered Jaime, “we must all hang together, or we shall most assuredly hang separately. The Clans will not stop after devouring the Lyran Commonwealth and Draconis Combine; they will keep going until all of humanity is united under their dictatorial rule. They remember well how your ancestor snubbed General Kerensky and denied him the support of the League during the Amaris Coup—they will come for you as well, Lord Marik.â€
“Hah!†barked Thomas. “Do not try to frighten me or intimidate me, Wolf! By your own admission, they will commit no more than one hundred of these Clusters—possibly less. That is just forty-two Regiments of BattleMechs—forty-two! Even if their weapons are as powerful as you claim, and it takes two or three of our Regiments to fight against them and win, the Lyrans, the Combine, and the Federated Suns alone can quite easily quash this invasion force with just their own forces! No, the League will not get involved with this . . . foolish excuse to surrender our sovereignty.â€
“Have you forgotten that they possess WarShips, Lord Marik? And that their infantry alone is something from a nightmare that will rip through your ‘Mechs like paper-mache sculptures?â€
Katrina Steiner smiled and she shook her head. “He hasn’t forgotten, Colonel Wolf—he is asking what is in this for him? Aren’t you Thomas?â€
“Bribery will get you little, Katrina,†the Lord of the Free Worlds answered bluntly.
“Oh? You are immune to bribery, Thomas?†she laughed. “That alone makes you better than the rest of us.â€
“What you could bribe me with, you will not. You will not return the worlds you seized in the 4th Succession War, nor will you return Bolan to the League. So, no, dear Katrina, there is nothing which you are willing to do which would coerce me to support this.â€
“Not even a complete technical database which explains the recovered Star League technology found in your copy of the Helm Core, Captain-General Marik?†Jaime Wolf said sharply. “A database which shows exactly how to manufacture those weapons, equipment, and construction materials once used so commonly by the SLDF?â€
Myndo Waterly jerked in her seat and if looks could kill, then Jaime Wolf would have been dead a hundred times over.
Thomas snorted. “My people will unlock the secrets of that core on their own, Jaime Wolf. You and your masters will have to do better than that if you want the assistance of the League in this matter.â€
“Thomas, the Federated Commonwealth has to keep the Terran Corridor open,†Hanse said. “We cannot give you back those worlds—not all of them.â€
“Oh, and which ones would you keep then, Hanse Davion?â€
“Alula Australis, Graham IV, Procyon . . . and Oliver. If that is your price, we will return the remainder to your rule.â€
Thomas Marik sat back in his chair. “It is a start, Lord Davion.â€
“Then let us settle this matter once and for all time, Lord Marik,†Katrina began to say, but then she winced in pain; several servants began to cross over towards her but she waved them back down and composed herself. “Bolan is yours, Thomas. I will withdraw all Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Commonwealth personnel from it immediately after this conference.â€
The Captain-General slowly nodded. “I will commit only Federal forces—and only a portion of those. That must be understood.â€
“It is,†answered Hanse, but the First Prince of the Federated Suns was still staring at his mother-in-law. She had not announced publicly the news that she was terminally ill; her physicians gave her a year; perhaps two before the cancer eating away at her would claim her life. He squeezed Melissa’s hand, but Melissa Steiner-Davion did not let any emotion play across her face.
“Well, then. If Coordinator Kurita would agree, I will place a portion of the FWLM within the Draconis Combine, as you are already moving to reinforce the Lyran side. That leaves our newest Lord, Candace Liao to supplement the Free Rasalhague Republic—since you have problems with both Steiner and Kurita, Lord Magnusson,†Thomas continued.
“That is acceptable,†Haakon answered crisply. “Within reason, Lord Liao; I shall not allow your forces to outnumber my own.â€
Candace laughed. “It will be quite a while before I can spare enough forces to outnumber yours, Lord Magnusson,†she answered.
Jaime Wolf nodded at the Lords seated before him. “There are many details that remain to be ironed out, but for now I think we have reached a meeting of the minds—tomorrow I have arranged for a demonstration of Clan weapons technology for each of you; bear in mind the units I will be allowing you to handle and observe tomorrow are considered . . . well, they are not quite obsolete, but they are war-machines reserved for garrison use. Their front-line forces are far more intimidating and lethal, my Lords.â€
The Wolf paused, but then Myndo Waterly’s voice cut in.
“There remains one final matter, Jaime Wolf,†she said. “Your WarShips. Those ships could alter the balance of power between the Great Houses. I, must, as the only neutral party present request that you turn those ships over to the control of ComStar, to be used against these Invading Clans as required.â€
Jaime’s eyes hardened into flints, and he shook his head. “Request denied, Primus,†he growled.
Myndo smirked. “You having these ships will provoke the Lords gathered here into investing tremendous resources in trying to build their own, Jaime Wolf. ComStar is the only reasonable alternative to field them, on behalf of all mankind.â€
“No. Those ships belong to the Dragoon’s, Primus, and I shall not hand them over to you.â€
Her nostrils flared, but she said nothing.
Jaime nodded. But then Haakon Magnusson spoke up. “Colonel Wolf,†he began, “you have told us of their numbers and their strengths and that they mean to invade our worlds. But why? Why wage a wage where it will take them more than a year’s journey aboard JumpShips to start. Why are they coming?â€
“Lord Magnusson, your realm—and those of Lords Steiner and Kurita—are merely in their way. The Clans are striking at you not to destroy you, but to determine which Clan among them garners the most honor, glory, and stature as they race for their actual target. Terra.â€
Myndo jerked; the blood drained from her face, and her jaw worked, but she uttered no sound. “The Clans hold Terra as a sacred world and they seek to claim as their capital. From there, they will then conquer us all, under the direction of an ilClan, the Clan that seized the seat of the long-dead Star League. The ilClan will be assigned the worlds of the Hegemony to rule over, while the remaining sixteen Clans divide the rest of the Inner Sphere amongst them, and eventually the Periphery states. The come, Prince Haakon, because they would impose their society, their culture, and their rule over every free man and woman living. And only the blood of those free men and women, shed on the field of battle, has a hope of stopping them.â€