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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2012, 08:30:03 PM »

The last three snippets, please replace the data:  September 31 and September 32 with October 1 and October 2, respectively.  I am an idiot, and I cannot believe that I did that.   :-[




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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #46 on: May 24, 2012, 10:08:11 PM »

Kerensky Trial Ground, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
October 3, 3036

“Kerlin, why are you forcing this issue?” Ulric asked as he tightened the sword belt around his Khan’s waist.  “You are no swordsman—the Scorpion is going to kill you out there.”

Kerlin Ward tugged on the thick leather gauntlet he wore on his right hand, seating the fingers tighter against the fabric.  He glanced around, but no one was close enough to hear; still he leaned in close to Ulric and whispered his answer.  “He has evidence of my final orders to Jamie and the Dragoons.  Evidence enough to have the Wolves Annihilated, Ulric.”

“Then why did you provoke him?” hissed Ulric in alarm.

“Provoke him, saKhan?  He provoked me,” Kerlin answered setting the gauntlet-clad hand on Ulric’s shoulder.  “You need not fear—Kirov is a honorable fool.  He will abide with his bargain, and upon my death the Clan will be safe.  You, Ulric Kerensky must now lead the Clans away from this folly of an Invasion.”

Ulric shook his head sadly.  “With the strength Mikhail Kirov gains here today, the Council will follow him—not me.”

Kerlin smiled.  “That has been arranged for—though, perhaps you do not need the details, Ulric.  You would disapprove of the tactics in question.”

“Kerlin,” Ulric growled, “what have you done now?”

“I’ve given the Clans a chance to live, Ulric.  That is all that you need to know.”

Loremaster Mendoza walked over and cleared his throat.  “Khan Ward, the circle is prepared.  Are you?”

“Aff, Loremaster,” the Wolf answered as he drew a basket-hilted rapier in his right hand and a main-gauche in his left.

Ulric stood back as he watched Kerlin Ward cross into the Circle of Equals behind the Loremaster.  On the far side, Mikhail Kirov entered as well, with a curved saber in one hand and his Clan’s customary zulkari in the other.

“Khan Kirov, Khan Ward,” the Horse spoke, “we are here for a Trial of Grievance this day.  I implore you both to set aside this issue between you, and not to shed the blood of a fellow Khan. “

He paused, looking first at Ward, and then at Kirov.  Both of the Khans shook their head, and so the Loremaster nodded.  “Very well.  You may begin upon my command.”

The Loremaster walked away, and he simply said, “Begin.”

Kerlin and Mikhail circled each other warily, their weapons held low; neither Khan uttering a word.  Then the Wolf launched himself forward in a blur, and steel clanged upon steel.  Mikhail sprang back, then he rolled to the side as Kerlin rushed in and saber met rapier, main-gauche parried zulkari as the two whirled like dervishes, blades flashing on the sandy floor of the Trial Grounds.  Kerlin—two decades older than Mikhail—began to slow and falter as the Scorpion pressed him relentlessly.  Blood splattered across the sand as the saber tore through Kerlin’s upper arm, and now he was fighting completely on the defensive parrying blow after blow—but several more from the long saber and the short zulkari left crimson slashes in their wake.

Kerlin stumbled fell to one knee—he raised his rapier, but the blade snapped in half as Mikhail threw his weight behind the curved saber.  The Scorpion made a back-hand slash with the zulkari, but Kerlin ducked under the slash and he thrust his main-gauche into the Scorpion Khan’s thigh.  Mikhail grunted in pain but swung down his saber’s hilt and caught Kerlin in the jaw, knocking him back onto the sand.  The Scorpion paused and he examined his wound, but the blade had missed the artery, and he left the main-gauche to plug the hole.

The Wolf sat on his knees and he panted heavily, bleeding from a dozen wounds to the Scorpion’s one.  But he held his chin high as Mikhail took two steps towards him, swung the saber, and severed his head from his body.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2012, 10:11:10 PM »


Guarantee that blade had poison on it. Kirov is a dead man.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2012, 12:10:53 AM »

Hall of the Goliath Scorpion, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
October 11, 3036

Nikolai stood as the physician exited the Khan’s personal chamber.  The elderly doctor shook his head.  “He was poisoned with polonium-210; a radioactive isotope that is normally harmless unless ingested, saKhan.  The low levels of radiation cannot normally penetrate the skins epidermis, but it appears to have introduced into his blood through the wound on his leg.”

Nikolai stared in horror, and he clenched a fist tightly against the anger that he was feeling.  “Poison?  Kerlin Ward sank so low?”

The civilian shook his head.  “I, of course, know not who introduced the isotope to Khan Ward’s blade—I can only tell you that we must prepare for the funeral of Khan Kirov.”

The saKhan’s mouth gaped open.  “You must treat this—he was poisoned just eight days ago!  We have anti-radiation medications!”

“Which are effective against large doses of radiation; but the polonium has travelled throughout his body.  There are molecules in every part of his muscle tissue, his fat reserves, his liver, his lungs, his kidneys, his heart, his brain.  Each emitting alpha particles that kill the cells surrounding it.  There is no cure for this . . . vile weapon of assassination, saKhan.  I have given him drugs for the pain—others that will alleviate some of the worst symptoms, for a short while.  But he will be dead in two weeks time.  He has asked to see you.”

Nikolai lowered his head, and then he nodded and stepped into the Khan’s bed-chamber, where Mikhail was sitting up, struggling with an attempt to stand.  Nikolai rushed to his side, but Mikhail waved him off.  He blinked at seeing the bald head—Mikhail’s full head of hair was gone.

“I had them shave it off, Nikolai,” the Khan said with a weary laugh.  “It was falling out anyway.  I need you, saKhan Djerassi to call an emergency meeting of the Grand Council.  There is one final thing I must do as Khan before my time ends.”

“They will not act against the Wolves with more proof, my Khan,” Nikolai warned.

Mikhail laughed again.  “You will not accuse the Wolves.  That is my last order to you.  I know who was behind this, and he is dead.  I even know why he did this—it no longer matters.  You must stand ready to lead our Clan, Nikolai Djerassi.  Our future will now be in your hands.  You must make certain that the Khans hold to our agreement for Silver Sable II.  We must have those three years to gather information on our target worlds—we must, Nikolai,” Mikhail retched and coughed heavily, and spat up bloody phlegm.  “You, and Khan Truscott, must hold them to that.  We cannot go in blind with no planning at all besides 'a race to Terra’.  Promise me, Nikolai.”

“I swear it, my Khan,” Nikolai said softly and Mikhail nodded.

“Go then, Khan of the Goliath Scorpions, go and tell my servants I need my ceremonial uniform—and to prepare my OmniMech and DropShip and one of the JumpShips in orbit for my use.  I will meet you one last time at the Hall of the Khans.”

Hall of the Khans, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
October 11, 3036

“Why have you summoned us here for this emergency session, Kirov?” snapped Lucien Moon as the final Khans sat.  “At this time of the night, as well.  Is it not enough that you and Truscott and the Wardens hound us day-in and day-out on the need to postpone yet again?”

“If the Smoke Jaguar Khan would care to notice, it was my vote that gave him the possibility of invading the Inner Sphere in his lifetime.  Perhaps he should rest his tongue before I decide to remove it,” Mikhail grunted harshly as he sat, clenching his left hand to keep it from trembling.

“By Kerensky’s Seed, Scorpion, you are begging me to declare a Trial against you,” Lucien Moon said in a furor, pounding his desk with his gloved fist.

“And I shall grant you that Trial,” Mikhail said as he laid one hand on Nikolai’s shoulder.  “My Khans, I asked to here this evening to witness a challenge.  As we are discussing the Invasion of the Inner Sphere, I have taken stock of Scorpion assets.  I believe that my Clan needs more.  Therefore, I issue a Trial of Possession for the Jaguar OmniMech Production Centers on Huntress!”

No Khan made a single sound for one heartbeat, and then two.  Finally, saKhan Leo Showers of the Jaguars barked out an unbelieving bark of laughter.  “Are you insane, Scorpion?  You bid a Trial for ALL of our production centers?”

“Such is my right under the Martial Code, Jaguar.  Do you accept my Trial?  Or are you as craven and afraid of a real fight as a bandit?”

Lucien Moon blinked twice, and then he released a yell of rage and leapt forward, but six Khans—it took six Khans—held him back.  “I will meet you myself, Mikhail Kirov!  And I shall eat your heart!”

“I would not recommend that, Khan Moon.  In that case, my Khans, I am leaving Strana Mechty tonight—and will land on Huntress in four days time.  I hereby request safcon—unless the thought of fighting a true Scorpion on the surface of Huntress terrifies you, Lucien?”

“Your Clan will be crushed, Mikhail Kirov!  I shall shatter what you send against me!  Land your ships and we shall meet you in force!”

“Deeds . . .,” Mikhail began, before he doubled over in pain, and slammed his own fist into desk before forcing himself back up right.  “Deeds, not words are the Clan way, Khan Moon.  Prove your strength in action, in four days time.  I bid all of you a fair evening.”

Smoke Jaguar Spaceport, Lootera City
Huntress, Clan Homeworlds
October 15, 3036

The lone Union-C DropShip landed on the tarmac of the spaceport outside of the Jaguar capital.  One bay door opened, and a ramp opened, down which walked a single OmniMech clad in Goliath Scorpion colors.  One single Scorpion OmniMech, facing more than five hundred Jaguar OmniMechs and almost a thousand Elemental Warriors.  Not to mention the hundreds of OmniFighters circling the spaceport.

“What is this,” broadcast Lucien Moon from the cockpit of his Dire Wolf.  “Where are your Clusters, Khan Kirov?”

“I bid no Clusters, Khan Moon.  Only myself.”

Nervous laughter filled the radio channels, and Jaguars Warriors began to look at each other in shock.

“One Warrior.  I bid three Galaxies in defense of my Capital and my Production Facilities, Scorpion!” Moon shouted.  “Three Galaxies!  And you insult them by landing one Warrior!”

“It was the lowest bid I could make.  If these odds are too much, Jaguar, I will bid away some weapons.”

Leo Shower’s voice cut in on the transmission.  “You are committing suicide, Scorpion.  You cannot prevail—request hegira, and I, as saKhan will accept it—you have proven your bravery.”

“NO.”  Two voices—one that of the sick Scorpion Khan and the second that of Lucien Moon—barked at the same time.  Mikhail remained silent, but Moon at last continued.  “No, I will see this Scorpion finished.”  And he charged his Dire Wolf forward.

Mikhail accelerated his own Death Stalker in return and the distance between the two Khans closed rapidly as each OmniMech began spitting out fire—but Nikolai’s Death Stalker pivoted and the Jaguar’s shots mostly went wide.  Three powerful PPC bolts spat out in answer, and Moon’s Dire Wolf staggered as nearly a ton of armor evaporated.  The two continued to close and now Mikhail’s OmniMech was wreathed in a halo of fire as Moon cycled his weapons, pouring lasers, and missiles, and autocannon burst after burst into the lighter Scorpion OmniMech.  But Kirov kept coming and his PPCs stabbed out again and again and again; some shots missing, but ALL of those successful ones eating through the assault OmniMech’s center torso armor at a frightening pace. 

At last, Lucien Moon seemed to realize the danger, and he shifted his chest away from Mikhail, shielding it with one arm as the second kept pouring fire—but the ranged had closed enough for the Scorpion to use his jump jets.  Jets of flame lit in the rear torso of the Scorpion Death Stalker and it flew up towards the Jaguar Dire Wolf—and too late Moon realized what Kirov was doing.  The 90-ton OmniMech piloted by Mikhail crashed down atop the head and shoulders of the Jaguar OmniMech, and both Khans fell to the ground.

Leo Shower’s moved his own Dire Wolf forward in shock, but then there was movement on the tarmac.  And Mikhail Kirov stood, his Death Stalker broken and battered, but still functioning.  “Scratch one Jaguar Khan,” Mikhail broadcast as he deliberately fired his right arm PPC into Moon’s already crushed cockpit.  “Now for the second!” he finished with a ragged cough as he began to charge towards the Jaguar lines.  His second and third PPC reached out for Shower’s—one missing, but one hitting.

A furious Jaguar Warrior, sent flying into an unthinking rage at the death of his Khan jumped his light Mist Lynx out to meet Mikhail, but the Scorpion OmniMech salvoed all three PPCs into its chest, and the twenty-five ton design crumpled.  One-by-one, the Jaguars charged forward, and Showers just stood there, staring in horror as Kirov kept coming.  Eight, nine, ten, Jaguar OmniMechs fell, but at last all three of Mikhail’s PPC were eliminated.  His armor was holed in every location, and he staggered forward, dragging one frozen leg.  Finally, he stopped, and turned around, presenting his back to Khan Showers, and he fired again from the large laser mounted there!

Showers finally moved forward and he unleashed a full barrage from his (mostly) fresh Dire Wolf, a barrage that ripped away one leg and both arms, and Mikhail fell to the ground.  Still, his Death Stalker moved forward a meter a time, one leg pushing against the ground.

“Ask for hegira, Khan Kirov,” Showers asked as the Jaguars stood in mute witness.  The Scorpion’s only answer was another wild shoot from the back mounted Large Laser that went wild.  At last Showers stepped forward and leveled his arm mounted weapon pods as the Death Stalker quit moving.  Steam clouds rose from the Dire Wolf as the Jaguar's new Khan fired all of his guns, and the Scorpion’s OmniMech exploded.  There was no ejection.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #49 on: May 25, 2012, 02:17:38 AM »

Treachery from the wolves. How the mighty have fallen
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2012, 07:20:35 AM »

[/Smug Reply]

Called it.

Seriously though, that was absolutely brilliant.
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #51 on: May 25, 2012, 01:56:28 PM »

“Clan Burrock?”

“Both Clans vote Aye.  And we will bid for the right of Absorption as well.”

You probably mean both Khans :D

And you managed to surprise me.  8)

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #52 on: May 25, 2012, 06:19:19 PM »

It happens time to time
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2012, 05:24:52 PM »

Chapter Two

“The greatest failure of the Clans is also our greater strength, my brother Scorpions.  We wage Trials, not Wars.  We fight with limited forces for limited objectives that are defined well in advance of any conflict.  Because of our traditions laid down by Nicolas Kerensky, we waste precious little in resources and preserve our industry and civilian castes to serve the whole of the Clans, no matter which Clan reigns over them.  This is something that has been before been achieved by any military arm of any branch of humanity—but achieve it we have.”

“It is our greatest weakness, our greatest failure, however, in that many of our brothers and sisters do not seem to remember that War is Hell.  And when we return to the Inner Sphere, my Scorpions, we must be prepared for they will not fight Trials against us.  Their response to the Invasion will be total War.  And we will be fighting in Hell.”

—Khan Mikhail Kirov, addressing the Goliath Scorpion Council of the Bloodnamed, August 6 3035

Watch Headquarters, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
December 4, 3040

The bustling movements of the free-birth and true-born Warriors, Scientists, Merchants, and Technicians did not slow when the Khans entered; in fact, none of those engaged in the work here even seemed to take notice.  That fact did not escape any of Nikolai’s guests, judging by the crimson flushing of Yvonne Hazen’s cheeks, or the pinched lips of Marion Truscott, or the exasperated sigh of Jake Fletcher, and the clenched fist of Amanda Tseng.  Only Ulric Kerensky seemed unfazed.  Nikolai Djerassi smiled.

“They are under strict orders, my Khans, not to pause their work when a higher ranking officer—not even a Khan—enters this chamber,” he said.  “Otherwise, their efforts would grind to a halt every single time a Star Colonel or Galaxy Commander comes in here and demands to know when they will be finished!  And that is something which occurs at least twice a day, on average.”

“Yes, I can see where that might slow things down,” Yvonne said at last.  She leaned against the railing on the third story level where the doors had led the Khans.  The massive chamber was the size of two adjacent football fields, with the ceilings stretching close to twenty-meters.  From their lofty perch, the Khans could see row after row of desks, with analysts hard at work—but it was the thirty-six meter wide and eighteen meter tall screen on one wall that caught their attention.

On that screen was projected a map of the Northern Quadrant of the Inner Sphere.  At the top of the screen were Manaringaine and Von Strang's World in the Periphery; at the bottom was Terra.  To the left, the Lyran world of Viborg sat on the edge of map (although several Periphery micro-states were also included), while to the right the map extended to the pirate haven of Antallos, beyond the borders of the Draconis Combine.  The worlds of the periphery we given a light grey back drop, but those of belonging to the House of Steiner were drenched in royal blue; those of Kurita in crimson; while the Free Rasalhague Republic that separated the two giants was a sky-blue.  Only at the bottom of the screen was the bright sand yellow of House Davion represented, with a just a hint of Marik purple showing the borders of the Free Worlds League.  But the world at the very bottom, Terra, the space around it was adorned with no color save white.

Every claimed system—and many more that the Star League had known well—was represented on the screen by either a green dot, a black dot, or a grey skull.

“The culmination of four years work, my Khans,” Nikolai said as he waved a hand towards the map screen.  “It took a year to mobilize the Trackers, gather enough Scouts and Hunters, convince the Clans to work together and contribute their Fredasas, and send them all into the Inner Sphere with orders to gather information, but not to engage.  But for three years now, we have collected data on our targets in quantities undreamed of.  My Khans, Silver Sable II has achieved far more than we ever thought possible.”

“What do the symbols represent?” asked Ulric.  “The ones on the individual systems?”

“Systems marked with a skull have been abandoned or otherwise been rendered lifeless by the Succession Wars—there are far too many of those, as you can see, my Khans,” Nikolai answered bleakly.  “The ones that remain black we have not yet been able to gather enough information on to make a tactical and strategic analysis, whereas the ones in green have a complete and up-to-date report on military targets and defenses, civilian infrastructure and industry, weather patterns, socio-economic and cultural differences from our own, and other pertinent information.”

“Can you overlay the current Invasion routes?” asked Yvonne.

Nikolai nodded and he whistled down to the floor and made four signs with his hands to an alert supervisor, who began to key in commands to his workstation.  Eight golden lines dots strobed at the northern edge of the map, and then long lines began to form, angling their way towards a convergence point at Terra herself.  The background of the space in each of these invasion zones shifted to match the colors of one of the Clans of Kerensky.

“From west-to-east—Lyran Commonwealth to Draconis Combine—my Khans, the invading Clans will be, according to the latest version of Revival, Jade Falcon, Hell’s Horse, Wolf, Ghost Bear, Steel Viper, Star Adder, and Smoke Jaguar, with my Scorpions and a Raven Naval Force in reserve.  It is, of course, subject to change as the Khans continue to debate our exact plans for carrying out Revival.”  Nikolai frowned; already the plan had changed eleven times—and each time the number of participating Clans had been reduced.  Each reduction had forced Trials of Refusal which had either confirmed the new orders or forced a change back to the previous ones.  Needless to say, the Clans which had not been chosen—and which had lost their Refusal Trials—were furious.

The Scorpion Khan sighed.  And these plans would be revised again, he thought to himself as he brought his mind back to the real reason he had asked these five Khans here today.  Nikolai led the Khans down the stairs and across the floor to a guarded door.  The Scorpions standing watch came to attention and saluted, and Nikolai held it open for his guests.

The noise level immediately abated as the Scorpion Khan closed and sealed the door behind him, and he crossed around the round briefing table to stand beside a chair.  “I believe, my Khans, that you all know my saKhan, Randall Posavatz.  saKhan Posavatz has had full operational control of the Watch and is responsible for many of our successes.”

The Khans greeted the younger man and each slowly found a seat; Nikolai joined them.  “As you are all aware,” he began, “when the Grand Council approved the plan for Silver Sable II, the Watch was merely a shell organization.  Each Clan had its own Watch, and only seldom were those intelligence assets and the information that they gathered shared.  However, with Revival now on the horizon, the Grand Council directed that I reorganize our assets to gather information on our target worlds.”

Amanda Tseng chuckled.  “You were the only Khan who volunteered for the task, Nikolai.  Most see this task as beneath a true Warrior.”

“Aff, Khan Tseng,” Nikolai replied with a smile.  “But it is a task that I think I can take pride in.  Excepting only a few, the Watch has taken elements from every Clan and forged them into a whole far greater than the sum of their parts; they are now operating in a manner that ALL of us can be proud of.  However,” and Nikolai’s smile faded, “the sheer distances involved meant that not all of our assets could be focused on Revival.  Over ninety percent of our resources are concentrating on that task, but for the remaining ten percent, I have increased intelligence operations here in the Homeworlds.”

“That was not within your purview!” Yvonne Hazen barked, as the rest of the Khans glared at Nikolai.  “You exceeded the authority granted by the Grand Council—this is the entire reason that many Khans did not want the Watch consolidated in the first place!”

Nikolai held up a placating hand.  “I realize that, Khan Hazen.  These operations were not directed at the Clans—but against the Dark Caste bandits who continue to plague us.  Three months ago, we achieved a major intelligence coup against them . . . one that has serious implications for the Clans as a whole.”

The Scorpion nodded at Randall who stood and unlock a case; he extracted seven bound reports and he gave a copy to each of the Khans seated at a table before he sat once again, the final copy before him.

“If you read what I have prepared, my Khans, I think you will understand why I asked each of you here today.   This entire matter will have to be presented to the Grand Council, but the consequences, my Khans, this could derail Revival.  Or postpone it indefinitely.”

Five very uneasy Khans broke the seal on the report and opened it; each slowly began to read.  And as they flipped through page after page, the blood drained from their faces.  Amanda looked up in shock at Nikolai, but the Scorpion only nodded yes.  It is the truth, Ghost Bear.  And she turned her gaze back to the report and kept reading.

One-by-one, each Khan reached the last page.  Marion Truscott turned back and the Adder reread sections, while Yvonne Hazen and Ulric Kerensky only sat there waiting.  Jake Fletcher slammed his fist into the table.  “How dare they?  They are Clan!  How could they?”

And Amanda Tseng looked as if she was about to be physically ill.

“We have since concentrated our assets here in the Homeworlds on confirming this information, confirming that the Burrocks are working hand-in-glove with the Dark Caste.  It has been confirmed that Clan Burrock is arming them and supplying them and receiving a share of the loot from them.  The interrogations of the bandits we have captured—and their contacts among our civilian castes—show clearly that they know what is happening on our enclaves.”

“It would be folly to presume that the Burrocks are their only source of information, but so far we have identified no other Clan involved with the Dark Caste.  There are indications, however, that members of the civilian castes—of several Clans—are conspiring against us, my Khans.”

“Unconfirmed indications, Khan Djerassi,” Ulric pointed out.

Nikolai nodded.  “As of this moment, yes.”

“Why did you ask us here, Scorpion?” Jake Fletcher asked.  “Why not surprise us along with the rest of the Grand Council?”

“I do not like you, Horse, and I do not care for the Wolf either.  But I trust each of you to a far greater degree than I trust the other Khans.  None of you would have anything to do with this . . . treason.  I could have presented it to the Grand Council and let it simply play out, but the consequences for getting this wrong; my Khans, they are staggering.  And that is not even considering the ongoing feud between the Burrocks and the Spirits.”

“Oh, by the Great Father,” Marion said as he laid his face down in his open palms.  “They will demand the right to Annihilate the Burrocks.  Do they have the ability?”

“They and the Burrocks are evenly matched,” Nikolai answered.  “But consider this:  if the Burrocks manage to defeat the Spirits, then they cannot be held guilty under Nicholas Kerensky’s own laws—despite the evidence, they will have cleared their name and retain a seat on the Grand Council.”

No one said a word around the table.  “On the bright side, I have managed to uncover three distant systems where the Dark Caste base their operations in the Homeworlds.  Now, if forces from our Clans were to suddenly arrive there and take those facilities by storm, we might well uncover additional information.  Unfortunately, I must inform the Council at our next session—in ten days time.  If we launch this strike against the Dark Caste, it must be done immediately, otherwise it become part of the Trial against the Burrocks.”

“There is another facet to this,” Yvonne said firmly.  “You are speaking of a Crusader Clan—and eliminating their vote might well put a halt to Revival.  There are some Crusaders who will accuse you personally, Nikolai, of engineering this simply to stop the Invasion.”  She smiled.  “And having Ulric Kerensky sit at this table, will only add to their conspiracy theories on that regard.”

“That is one of the reasons, other than impeccable sense of honor and devotion to her duty, I requested Amanda Tseng to join us today.  The Ghost Bears originally voted against the Invasion, Khan Tseng.  But your Clan has been selected as one of the key components of Revival.  If the Burrocks fall, and their vote is eliminated, will the Bears shift their position and allow the Invasion to proceed?”

“We will.  The problem arises in that you might well lose other votes—the Spirits at the least will threaten to withdraw their support if they do not receive the right to act against the Burrocks.”

Ulric Kerensky raised an eyebrow, but Nikolai laughed.  “Do not worry yourself, Wolf.  I know better than to even ask you.”

There was mild laughter around the table, and Nikolai continued.  “We will cross that bridge when it becomes necessary.  In the meantime, do I have your support to commit troops against these Dark Caste bandits, my Khans?”

“AFF!” all five answered in unison.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2012, 11:52:21 PM »

Great writing and as I have always said not using The Watch is a great waste of resources. In my AU Clan Fennec uses The Watch to greater effect than other Clans . We do not use solahma because unless a warrior is dead or crippled so badly that they cannot serve their Clan we use them where ever they can best serve their Clan. Our Fennec Watch has used these aged warriors in our Intelligence gathering and Strike Force against the Dark Caste using Star League era equipment and still in their Star League colors so the Dark Caste will not know who struck at them till we have built sufficent resources to wipe them out once and for all.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #55 on: May 30, 2012, 02:18:00 PM »

Clan Central Spaceport, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
December 5, 3040

Nikolai shielded his eyes as he watched the last of the DropShips lift off in a glare that nearly blinded him.  Oh, how he wanted to be leading them, his Scorpions, on this strike against the Dark Caste, but he dare not leave Strana Mechty, not while the Burrock treachery remained unrevealed.  He had not doubt that Randall Posavatz would deal with the bandits; and that appraisal did not even include the Jade Falcon Cluster assigned to the same target.

Yvonne Hazen as well had chosen to remain behind—but she had not dispatched her saKhan from his assigned post of Ironhold.  Instead, she had a chosen a ristar—Star Colonel Timur Malthus—to lead her Turkina Keshik into battle.  The Wolves and the Horses were departing for the second target, as were the Bears and Adders for the third.  His fellow Khans, agreeing that time was of the essence, had dispatched their own command units and sundry other formations directly from Strana Mechty—none had wasted time to divert their normal combat Clusters into the action.

Nikolai looked at Yvonne, and he wondered if the rumors were true that relations between her and Elias Crichell were growing strained.  The Falcon saKhan was closely aligned with the Jaguars, and he was a vocal opponent of Yvonne’s growing alliance with the Scorpions.  He smiled as he thought of the saKhan challenging Yvonne—the upstart was good, but he was no match for Hazen in her prime.  Still that haughty Falcon pride was surely pushing Elias into a confrontation that he must know he could not win—and that worried Nikolai.  He worried because Elias struck him as too . . . Machiavellian and convoluted for the powerful Jade Falcons.  He wasn’t a hunting raptor who soared through the sky, King of all that surveyed; no, Elias Crichell was a weasel who harassed around the edges and gnawed away at his opponents before moving in for the kill.

Yvonne finally turned away her eyes from the now vanished DropShips, as the exhaust of their engines evaporated into the cloudy sky.  And she raised an eyebrow as she saw Nikolai staring at her.

“Something attract your attention, Khan Djerassi?” she asked in amusement.

“My dear Yvonne; you always attract my attention,” Nikolai replied with a slight bow and a smile.

She laughed, and then her laugh turned into a sigh and she looked skyward again.  “I do not care for dispatching my Warriors when I cannot accompany them, Nikolai.  I do not care for it one whit.  I shudder to think of what the Great Father felt seeing his legions thrown against Terra and knowing that he could not be there to share in their hardships.”

“He wrote many passages, Yvonne, about just that.  How he watched the youth of the Star League throw themselves selfishly against Amaris; how they would not allow him to hazard himself until the final moments of the campaign when he led the assault against Unity City and the Usurper.  He spoke thus to General DeChevilier:  ‘General, soldiering has one great trap:  to be a good soldier you must love the army.  To be a good commander, you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love.  We do not fear our own death you and I.  But there comes a time . . . We are never quite prepared for so many to die.  Oh, we do expect the occasional empty chair.  A salute to fallen comrades.  But this war goes on and on and the men die and the price gets ever higher.  We are prepared to lose some of us, but we are never prepared to lose all of us.  And there is the great trap, General.  When you attack, you must hold nothing back.  You must commit yourself totally.  We are adrift in a sea of blood and I want it to end.  I want this to be the final battle.’  Of course, he was quoting a leader of a war nine centuries before his time, but it held true for Him, and it holds true for us, Yvonne.”

“You Scorpions continue to surprise me, Nikolai.  How do you remember such?”

“It is important to remember who and what we are, Yvonne.  Without knowing ourselves, we are not Warriors, we are simply killers.”

The Falcon nodded and she turned on her heel and headed back towards the ground car waiting for the two Khans.  Nikolai followed her.

When the two were seated and the car began to slowly carry them back to their respective halls, Nikolai finally nodded to himself.  “Khan Hazen,” he said, “can you attend a small event at the Trial Grounds this evening?  A believe that I have a gift for you and your gallant Falcons.”

“A Gift, Nikolai?  I adore gifts,” she said as she battered her eyebrows at him, and both Khans chuckled.  “Seriously, I would be honored to attend.”

“Eighteen hundred hours, then?”

“I shall be there.”

“And Yvonne?  Bring your Chief Scientist and your personal Technician.”

Kerensky Trial Ground, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
December 5, 3040

‘There, my Khan,” Nikolai said as he extended his arm.  “There is our gift to you—what do you see, Khan Yvonne Hazen?”

The Falcon snorted.  “It is a Hellbringer, Khan Djerassi.  I have seen . . . a few . . . in my lifetime.”

“Ah,” the Scorpion answered.  “This is no ordinary Hellbringer, Khan Hazen.  What is the greatest weakness of the design?”

She shook her head.  “The armor is too weak.  But to add more armor will reduce the available pod space—and what is an OmniMech with no weapons, Nikolai.”

The Scientist at her side nodded.  “The Hellbringer, Khan Djerassi is a perfect blend of speed and firepower.  There is simply no room to add anything else without raising the cost considerably.”

Nikolai snorted.  “Khan Hazen, your scientist is an idiot.  That Hellbringer carries the exact same pod space as the Hellbringers currently fielded by the Jade Falcons today; yet it also has increased armor protection by 64.8%; a feat that has been accomplished by raising the construction cost by less than 1.9%.  My scientists developed this prototype when they were researching our new Scorpion OmniMechs—to date I have shared it with the Adders and Horse’s.  The Wolves turned us down, without even looking at the improvements.”

Yvonne frowned.  “What have you done?”

“We replaced the original internal skeletal structure with endo-steel, Yvonne.  That saved enough weight to thicken the armor protection to eleven full tons of ferro-fibrous, instead of the eight tons of standard armor the design normally carries.  Although the bulk of the components caused some initial problems, we managed to shift most of that bulk to the left side of our new Hellbringer, allowing for all existing configurations to be replicated exactly.”

The Falcon scientist shook his head.  “He admits it consumes more resources, my Khan.  The Hellbringer is a delicate design that has been tested and tried throughout these past years—Warriors do not realize what compromises must be made in order to provide the finest equipment for the Clans!  It is unbalanced!  It cannot be effective.”

“You are wrong again, Scientist,” Nikolai replied solemnly.  “It was a simple matter to adjust the gyro control program to accommodate the off-center weight.  The OmniMech control computers themselves house a similar adjustment program that compensates for weight changes—it was a matter of simply calibrating the new weight distribution.  This Hellbringer is my gift to you, Khan Hazen; to your Clan I give the schematics so that you might produce more.”

“Why are doing this, Nikolai,” the Falcon asked.

“When we Invade, Yvonne, we must not fight with one hand tied behind our backs.   The Hellbringer brings tremendous firepower to the battlefield—but that matters not if it is disabled or destroyed in the first engagement when you have to fight four or five or six or seven to complete the conquest of a world.  Yes, it consumes more resources:  1.88% more resources.  But answer me this, Khan Hazen:  is it worth this pittance to increase your Clan’s chances of winning a trial?  Is it worth this pittance to avoid having to replace a damaged or destroyed engine?  Or leg?  Or arm?  Or gyro?  Because of the thin armor plating more appropriate for a 40-ton Viper, not a 65-ton heavy line-of-battle OmniMech?”

Nikolai chuckled.  "To put the matter in perspective, Khan Hazen:  that Hellbringer standing on the Trial Grounds moves as fast your own, it has the same engine, the same gyroscope, the same communications systems, and the same fire control systems.  It has identical pod space, and can mount every existing weapons configuration currently available to Clans, with the exact heat dissipation and cooling systems.  The only difference is that instead of carrying the armor of an SLDF Phoenix Hawk it now carries more armor than an SLDF Thunderbolt.   Is that increase in capabilities worth a cost increase of less than 200,000 Kerensky's per unit, Khan Hazen?"

“Vincent, your thoughts?” the Falcon Khan asked her Tech, who shrugged in answer.

“I have pleaded with the Scientists for years to do just this modification, my Khan.  It is always the same answer—keep to my place; they design and I repair . . . and the Warriors fight.”

Yvonne turned her cold blue eyes to the Scientist.  “You still object, Gunthar?”

“The design must be studied, my Khan.  We cannot trust what this Scorpion says without extensive field tests!  Such changes in traditional armaments cannot be simply dictated.”

Yvonne Hazen nodded and she unbuttoned the flap on her holster, pulled out her pistol and fired a single round through the forehead of her Clan’s (former) Chief Scientist.  She turned to his assistant.  “Chief Scientist Maria, can you approve of this change in the Hellbringer chassis for immediate production?” She asked, the smoking pistol pointed at the ground.

“Aff, my Khan,” the terrified Scientist answered.  “We can convert the factories in less than a month’s time.”

“Good.”  She holstered the weapon and turned back to face Nikolai.  “The Falcons thank the Scorpions for their gift—it will be put to good use.  Now, I believe I will take that OmniMech for a test drive.  Vincent, would you fetch my cooling suit?"


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2012, 03:45:47 PM »

Nice! Way to work in your Hellbringer AND Clan design doctrine, and then shoot said doctrine in the head! Well done sir!
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #57 on: May 31, 2012, 01:42:48 AM »

Very well done and the former chief scientist was probably one of the society.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #58 on: June 07, 2012, 06:54:11 PM »

Hall of the Khans, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
December 14, 3040

“Khan Djerassi; you have requested to address the Grand Council before this vote scheduled for today,” the Loremaster of Clan Diamond Shark, Melissa Hawker said after the Khans were seated.

“Aff, Loremaster.  Thank you.  My Khans, it is with much regret that I must ask you—again—to postpone the Go-No Go vote on Revi-. . .”

A thunderous explosion of raised voices drowned out Nikolai’s words as many of the Khans present jumped to their feet and began shouting in a chaotic din that bruised the ears of all present.  Loremaster Hawker pounded her gavel and her voice gradually cut through the cacophony; “Order!  We will have Order!”

Finally, the shouts dwindled away and the Khans sat once more, leaving only Nikolai and one other on his feet.

Khan Leo Showers sneered at Nikolai, as his jaw worked.  “Delay?  No, Scorpion, there will be no more delays.  We are prepared!  We are strong!  Your Silver Sable II has gathered information in such depth that makes Klondike look ill-prepared in comparison.  For what possible reason do you have for asking this Council for such yet again?”

“Treason, Khan Showers, bloody treason on the part of two of the Khans sitting here amongst us today!”  Nikolai answered calmly, and the chamber went absolutely still.  “Before we can undertake this effort to reclaim the Star League as the Great Father intended, we must first set our own house in order, my Khans.  We cannot allow those who plot against us, who betray us, who dishonor the Code which Nicolas Kerensky instruct us to live our lives . . . we cannot allow such dezgra to hold a dagger against our back while our toumans are engaged against the Inner Sphere thousands of light-years away!”

“My Khans, in our preparations for Revival, those of the Watch here in the Homeworlds discovered a plot of heinous proportions.  We have discovered that one of our Clans does not fight the bandits which plague us; one of our Clans does not condemn the Dark Caste to a swift death; no, my Khans, one of the Clans seated here today has made accommodations with the Dark Caste.  They have provided them with supplies, with medicines, with munitions, with intelligence on the state of your toumans and your enclaves, and they have done this . . .” Nikolai paused, and he glared at Khan Henry De Leon and saKhan Paulina Holliday of Clan Burrock, “they have done this in exchange for a share of the stolen spoils that the bandits have taken from you.  They have done this so that they might bypass the Laws of Nicolas Kerensky and use the Dark Caste to further their own ambitions; relying on men and women who reject the Clans in order to build the power of their Clan!”

“My Khans, I name Clan Burrock as this treacherous cancer in our midst!  And I am here today to demand of you that they pay for their crimes!”

“LIES!” thundered Khan De Leon as he surged forward.  “We Burrocks are Crusaders, and we follow the will and law of the Clans!  This . . . this Scorpion lies today, my Khans, he seeks to delay us once again!  To sow discord among us!  I will have your life in a Circle of Equals, Scorpion!”

“Someone is lying, Khan De Leon,” Ulric Kerensky said smoothly as he stood.  “But today, it is not the Scorpion.  My Khans, ten days ago, the Wolves and the Scorpions; the Falcons and the Horses; the Adders and the Bears; each of us dispatched our Keshiks to an uninhabited system designated TZB-427.  There, we discovered two planetary bodies marginally capable of sustaining life—and a Dark Caste enclave upon each.  Today, we have received reports that our Warriors have killed more than two thousand of these bandits—and captured six hundred more for future trial.  We have searched the caves where they hid away, and we have recovered evidence that supports the accusations of the Scorpions.”

Marion Truscott also rose, and he nodded.  “And in orbit of one of those worlds, our Keshiks captured a Clan Burrock Odyssey, manned by Warriors and civilian technicians of Clan Burrock.  On the surface, our Keshiks captured four DropShips in the colors of Clan Burrock, manned by members of their touman.  DropShips filled to the brim with food, medicines, small arms, munitions, and even fifteen old BattleMechs!  While on the tarmac of the same makeshift space-port, crates of stolen goods from all of our Clans waited for the Burrocks to take possession of.  We have interrogated your Warriors, Khans of Clan Burrock; we have interrogated your allies amongst the bandits.  And we will make those interrogations and the evidence they have provided available to any Khan who wishes to view them!”

Paulina Holliday swayed and she nearly fainted, while Henry De Leon only stared at first the Scorpion, then the Wolf, and finally the Adder in shock.

No one in the chamber spoke, until one more voice arose.

Khan Andrew McFadden stood.  “We claim the honor of Absorbing the Burrocks; the Spirits have long contested with this dezgra Clan; we claim the right of being the instrument of their destruction!”

Nikolai clapped, slowly and theatrically.  “Such courage, the Blood Spirits display.  My Khans, were the Burrocks accused of a lesser crime than they are, I would second a call for Absorption.  But they are not, my brothers and sisters of Kerensky.  They have committed TREASON against all of the Clans, against all which Nicolas Kerensky decreed.  You would absorb them?  Take into your own Clan their . . . taint?  No, my Khans, for what the Burrocks have done, there is but one penalty—Annihilation.  They must be destroyed utterly, their civilians sterilized, their possessions melted down into the furnace until they are purged of all the contamination that this act of treachery has infected them with.  All Burrock Warriors must die; their Bloodnames must be destroyed; their genetic legacies must be Annihilated.”

Khan McFadden glared at Nikolai.  “It is our right!  We can purge this from them, and by absorbing them . . .”

“You endanger us all,” Nikolai interrupted.  “They cannot be allowed to survive; their crime is too great to be taken as abtakha.  We all desire the isorla, my Khans.  We desire the opportunity to swell our touman with fresh warriors.  We desire their WarShips, and JumpShips, and DropShips, and OmniMechs, and OmniFighters, and their factories.  But no, the risk is too great.  Their crimes too grave.  Annihilation is the only answer.”

Khan Pavel Kerensky of Clan Coyote stood.  “And do the Scorpions claim the right of Annihilation then?  Khan Djerassi, will you bleed your touman white in such a fight on the very eve of our return to the Inner Sphere?”

“If necessary, yes, the Scorpions will volunteer for such a task.  But perhaps a single Clan does not need to spend their Warriors lives to Annihilate the Burrocks alone.  There are some who will volunteer alongside me to take up that task; a task that is necessary and proper under our laws.  A task that we will share with any Clan who rises to take up the burden.”

One by one, Ulric Kerensky, Yvonne Hazen, Marion Truscott, Amanda Tseng, and Jake Fletcher stood.   Along with Pavel Kerensky, and then Jillian Andrews of the Steel Vipers and Peter McKenna of the Snow Ravens, and Andrea Steiner of the Cloud Cobras, until one by one at last every Khan and saKhan stood, looking down on the shivering, pitiful figures of the Burrock Khans before them.

Nikolai nodded.  “Loremaster, I call for the vote on the Annihilation of Clan Burrock by the combined forces of the loyal Clans of Kerensky.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #59 on: June 08, 2012, 02:26:30 AM »

Oh Very well done
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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