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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #180 on: June 22, 2012, 11:22:29 PM »

And The Plan!  Heh, actually the scheduled worlds for each Wave of Attacks (at 45-day intervals!).  This is only the schedule; reality will interject itself relatively quickly.

And you will insist this was not posted with ulterior motives?

What a fantastic idea BlackNova, why yes, we would love to see that in map form.

The official Plan.
The revised Reality, as it develops in the story.

Great job, and thanks!
And The Plan!  Heh, actually the scheduled worlds for each Wave of Attacks (at 45-day intervals!).  This is only the schedule; reality will interject itself relatively quickly.

And you will insist this was not posted with ulterior motives?

Actually, I'm quite happy with your original map.  Over on spacebattles, they can't see it though (I can't post PDFs there) and someone folks wanted to know the corridors.  So I went ahead and did the Waves as well.  It was simpler that way. 



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #181 on: June 23, 2012, 06:54:39 AM »

I am enjoying mapping this one, so it is no real effort on my part.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #182 on: June 23, 2012, 08:02:34 AM »

Tricky Scorpions.
They deserve their mascot.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #183 on: June 23, 2012, 10:12:40 AM »

Aff They do well. The Clan Fennec would be proud to be their allies if not to enchance our touman by captureing a few of their warriors.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #184 on: June 23, 2012, 12:52:14 PM »

Sanctum of the Primus
Hilton Head, Terra
July 18, 3043

The two ROM bodyguards from Mu carefully shut the doors behind Myndo after she entered her private quarters buried deep beneath the island off the coast of Carolina.  She lowered her hood and walked over to the sideboard setup in the parlour, where she poured herself a glass of red wine.  And she jumped in shock as a voice broke the silence.

“Your plans have failed, Primus.”

Myndo turned around cursing at the wine stains on the front of robes, and she snarled.  “How did you get in here?”

The adept rose from an overstuffed wing chair facing the flickering fireplace and he turned to face the Primus of ComStar.  “Here at the heart of ComStar, Primus, who pays attention to a simple Adept of the Order?  Did I startle you?”

“Thomas, I haven’t the patience for your games this evening,” Myndo growled as she ceased trying to wipe away the stains—but she had only succeeded in marring more of her robes.  “What do you want?”

“To inform you that your plans have failed, Primus.”

She stopped, and looked up at the misshapen, horribly scared man, his features half concealed by the hooded robes he wore.  Not even the cybernetic prosthetics which had been surgically implanted could restore his full range of movement—the explosion and fire which nearly killed him had been that severe.  “Failed, Thomas?  I have provoked the Clans of Kerensky into a conflict with Hanse Davion from which the FedCom will never recover—the Kuritas as well will be destroyed, leaving only our favored Free Worlds League and ComStar to pick up the pieces from the ashes and rebuild.  When they have all bled themselves white, then we shall move and finish their destruction.  I have not failed; I have fulfilled the promise of ComStar.  We shall have peace in my time.”

“No, Myndo, you have failed.  Your bomb will not kill the ilKhan—I have seen to that.”

“Explain yourself,” she whispered in a low growl.  “And you will refer to me by my title, Adept Thomas.”

“Myndo, did you think that I, Thomas Marik, would never discover that it was not my cousin who planted that bomb on Atreus—but a ROM agent acting at your direction?  Did you think that I would never ferret out that my injuries, although severe, were not as crippling as you had hoped for?  That you ordered my surgeons to purposely maim and scar me, to prevent someone with the knowledge I possessed from assuming the role of a Lord of a Great House?  Hmmmmm?”

Thomas walked over to the side board and he poured himself a glass of wine, and took a sip.  “It was a bold plan, I grant you that.   But then I lived.  And too many people within ComStar knew of that for you to quietly kill me.  But then you made your mistake, Myndo; you replaced me with a double, implanted with my memories, a double that you believed loyal to you.  You are wrong—I am Thomas Marik; he is Thomas Marik; and we have always been loyal first and foremost to ourselves.  You kept me alive, even after your duplicate replaced me; as a court jester, perhaps.  Condemned to a lowly rank, and shuffled back and forth among the Divisions here.  I was seen as nothing more than your plaything—an object of derision and horror to be ignored as harmless.  That was your mistake, Myndo.”

“I do not know where you are getting this disinformation, Thomas, these lies,” Myndo said slowly, with a pleasing smile on her face.  “You know this is not true.”

“Ah, Myndo, but it is.  While you have cast your vision on the broad picture, I have been working on the details—you will find that ROM is no longer yours, but instead mine.  I have full access to the confidential files—and I spoke with my surgeons at length before they died under my interrogation.”

“So it is revenge you want?”

“Actually, I was content in my role as a hermit monk, safe and hidden in the shadows.  I never wanted to be Captain-General; I had a vocation, you well know, and I only wanted to serve Blake and humanity.  I was content, until I learned through my connections of what you intended to do—the conflagration you planned to ignite.  That is not serving humanity, Myndo.  You condemn millions of the innocent to death for your own personal gain—that is not the Will and Word of Blake.”

“It is too late, Thomas, you cannot stop this.”

“I already have, Myndo,” Thomas said sharply.  “My agents were aboard your ship when it departed Terra two years ago.  They had orders to ensure that your device would not get within a thousand kilometers of the ilKhan.  There will be no holocaust amongst the civilians of the Inner Sphere in response to what you attempted.”  He paused and took another sip of wine.  “And that was when I realized that you must be removed, Myndo Waterly.  You are ill, and I wish you to receive care from medical professionals in an environment where you can injure none—not even yourself.”

“I AM PRIMUS!” Myndo screeched, and she hit the panic button concealed within the folds of her robes.  In answer, the guards at the door burst in, their weapons raised.  “KILL HIM!” she spat.

Thomas raised one hand.  “Lower your weapons and return to your post, Adept Caleb, Adept Lars.  The situation is well in hand.”

The ROM agents slowly lowered their weapons as the Primus stared at them in shock.  “As you command, Primus,” they answered and closed the door behind them.

Thomas chuckled and he shook his head.  “You always ignored the details in favor of the big picture, Myndo.  I, on the other hand, have long been aware that it is the little cogs inside the machine that allow it to function.  Step aside; you have my word that you will live out your life in comfort—but you will never wield political power again, Myndo.”

“NEVER!” she screamed as she pulled out a concealed micro-laser from her pocket and fired into the abdomen of Thomas, who grunted and staggered as the beam cut and burnt through his lower chest and abdomen, steam rising from the flash-heated blood.  But the beam ended, and Thomas rose back to his feet, even as he pressed one hand against the horrific wound to keep his intestines from spilling.

Myndo tried to fire again, but the micro-laser held only that single shot.  “You would have . . . fared better with . . . a slug-thrower, . . . Myndo,” he gasped.  “Lasers that do . . . not kill immediately . . . depend on shock and pain . . . to incapacitate . . . their victims.  I am . . . no stranger . . . to pain.”

He staggered forward, and Myndo turned to run, but Thomas grabbed her from behind, and she heard the wet sploosh as his intestines and blood dropped onto the floor.  But his arms—the mechanical arms she had ordered the surgeons to fit upon him after sawing off the still intact living limbs—; those arms and hands still had strength, and they circled around her throat.  She tried to scream, but she could only try to draw a gasping breath beneath their constricting hold.

“Perhaps this is for the best, Myndo,” Thomas whispered, as his blood pooled on the floor at his feet.  “Given the power of your rank, perhaps I would have seen my soul transformed in something as monstrous as my appearance—I might well have become you.  Let us die together, then.”

The last thing Myndo heard, as her sight began to gray was the crack of her vertebra as Thomas twisted her head with the last of his strength.  And then both collapsed upon the floor.  And the lights went out for the last time.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #185 on: June 23, 2012, 01:40:58 PM »

I am getting Dizzy from all the twists and turns
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #186 on: June 23, 2012, 10:02:54 PM »

wow....  A brutal and amazing death....  well done!  (applauds)


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #187 on: June 24, 2012, 12:12:18 AM »

Very well done!

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #188 on: June 24, 2012, 01:41:43 AM »

My agents were aboard your ship when it departed Terra two years ago.

Two years?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #189 on: June 24, 2012, 03:01:02 AM »

Invasion Eve from the eye of the map maker.

The Clan holdings in the Chainlaine Isle I had no name to go by so made one up.  also, the invasion waves lines are nice and straight, something that will change on the ground.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #190 on: June 24, 2012, 10:49:37 AM »

Invasion Eve from the eye of the map maker.

The Clan holdings in the Chainlaine Isle I had no name to go by so made one up.  also, the invasion waves lines are nice and straight, something that will change on the ground.

Very nice.  I didn't realize how wavy those wave lines would be; I was trying to keep everyone around the same number of target systems in each wave (but Corridor Epsilon ran out of planets!).

For Chainelaine, it is complicated.  Several Clans share worlds, and one system (Fredotta) has three Clans.  While other Clans have an entire system for themselves.  Your solution is probably for the best, but here are the Chainelaine possessions (enclaves):  Vannes (Jade Falcon); Ingvolstand (Wolf; Coyote); Fredotto (Blood Spirit; Fire Mandrill; Nova Cat); Idrmach (Smoke Jaguar); Syrstart (Cloud Cobra; Star Adder); Haublan (Diamond Shark); Rondane (Ghost Bear; Goliath Scorpion); Paran (Hell's Horses; Snow Raven); Far Reach (Ice Hellion); and Chaine Cluster (Steel Viper).



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #191 on: June 24, 2012, 12:42:08 PM »

ComStar First Circuit
Hilton Head, Terra
July 19, 3043

“Primus Myndo Waterly is dead,” intoned Charles Seneca, Precentor-ROM.  Of course, everyone present knew why the First Circuit had been hastily convened.  “Last evening, she had a meeting with an Adept—her guards responded to the sounds of a struggle, but they were too late.  Both Adept Thomas and the Primus were dead.”

“Thomas?  That clown?” barked Precentor Atreus, Demona Aziz.  “The guards must be interrogated and punished for failing in their duty to protect the Primus!”

Focht frowned, and he shook his head.  “They responded quickly, Precentor Atreus.  Yet you wish to subject them to torture and execution for an event that no one foresaw?”

“They failed, Precentor Martial!  That is reason enough for them to suffer.  Why was he allowed access to the Sanctum in the first place?”

Charles shook his head.  “The Primus summoned him—and she dismissed the guards.  The two apparently argued over some matter, and she managed to fatally wound him with a laser.  Unfortunately, her body guards had only just entered the room when Adept Thomas broke her neck with his bare hands.  They hesitated to fire for a split-second in fear of hitting the Primus accidently; her death was not caused by their actions or inactions.”

“So you say!  They are your men, and they failed in their charge.  All who fail must suffer the consequences!”

“I realize that I am new here,” spoke up Gregory Zwick, Precentor Naval, “but I must say that many of our personnel will resent seeing men who did their jobs and obeyed the orders they were given held accountable for the actions of others.  Terror is all well and good, but unless you are planning on inciting paranoia within our ranks, it is often counter-productive.”

“You have no vote here, Precentor Naval!  Hold your tongue, lest I order it removed!”  Aziz spat, and Zwick’s expression darkened.

“You are not Primus, Precentor Atreus,” the Naval officer said quietly.  “But you are welcome to try; I assure you that you will not care for the outcome of that confrontation, however.”

“You threaten me?  Precentor Naval, I will have you torn limb from limb!”

“Precentor Atreus,” Sharilar Mori, Precentor Dieron, spoke up.  “We are getting ahead of ourselves here.  We must first have a Primus—afterwards, we can decide upon what to do with those who do not follow the Word of Blake.”

“Do not utter that holy phrase, Precentor Dieron; you pay only lip-service to your beliefs.  Have you not argued time and again for the secularization of this organization?  Ignoring ritual and tradition in favor of promoting those loyal to you?”

“All that I did, Precentor Atreus, was at the direction and order of the Primus—whom I served faithfully and completely.  She was my mentor after all . . . but since you have raised the issue, yes, I support a loosening of the restrictions placed upon the members of this Order.  Jerome Blake commanded that ComStar stand ready to act in defense of humanity; yet this Order has at times stood opposed to the restoration of civilization.  And what for cause?  Our own power?  Our own arrogance that only we are able to lead the human race into the future?”

“The Word of Blake cannot be compromised!  All will accept it or they shall perish!”

“And so you would start your reign with a purge, Precentor Atreus?”

“I will cull those unsuited for the Call of the Word of Blake from our midst, Precentor Dieron—starting with you.”

Mori just nodded her head pleasantly, as if Aziz were asking her to tea.  The older woman’s cheeks flushed as the unspoken rebuke.

“Just because we do not advocate conversion of the unwilling by force, Precentor Atreus, does not mean we are less committed to the teachings of Blake,” calmly spoke Michael York, Precentor New Earth.

Aziz sneered.  “You remain only on the First Circuit out of deference to your ancestor Hollings York, Precentor New Earth.  You are secundus in this chamber, so I would advise you to remain silent.”

“And let someone as insane as you speak in my stead.  No Precentor Atreus, I have remained silent long enough.”


“How dare you believe that only your interpretation of Conrad Toyama’s alterations of Jerome Blake’s own words is the correct interpretation?  You ignore that which prevents you from getting what you want, and impose the rest upon all other people, Precentor Atreus!” Michael answered in a fiery roar.  “We have had enough madness and insanity in the robes of the Primus, and it will be a cold day in Hell before you ever wear those white robes!”

“HERETIC!  APOSTATE!  GUARDS!  Seize him!” Aziz sputtered.

But the guards did not move.

Mori laughed.  “Precentor Atreus, there is no Primus to command the Guards—they answer only to Precentor ROM at the moment—one of those you threatened to purge.  Perhaps we should have the vote for Primus, so that we might settle this?  Are there nominations?”

“Aye,” answered Precentor Tharkad.  The old bespectacled man lowered his hood and gazed across the First Circuit with glistening blue eyes.  “I name as nominee for Primus Michael York.  He comes from a good line, he knows well the catechisms, and he bears the intelligence of his great-grandfather.  He is healthy, and young, and well-respected amongst the Adepts.”

Precentor Bryant frowned.  “He is too soft; I nominate Demona Aziz for Primus.  She will restore ComStar to its rightful place.”

Mori nodded and then she smiled.  “I call for the vote—and announce my support of Precentor New Earth.”

Demona whipped around and she only stared at Mori in shock.  She knew that Mori wanted the title of Primus, but she was not contesting it with York—which meant that Aziz’s faction might not have the votes to put her in place.  But Precentor Atreus was too slow, for a half-dozen voices seconded her motion.

In a matter of moments, the vote had been taken, and Michael York exchanged his yellow robes of a Precentor with the white robes of Primus.

“You have won here today, Primus,” Aziz spat.  “But one victory does not win the war.  I will return to my post on Atreus.”

“Ah, Demona.  I am issuing an order in chambers for all of the First Circuit to remain on Terra until the Clan crisis is resolved.  Your deputy on Atreus will have to handle the burdens of that distant station.”

“I AM PRECENTOR ATREUS!  I have a sacred duty!  And no one, Primus or other, can stop me from that duty!”

“Guards, arrest former Precentor Aziz; take her outside and shoot her,” Michael replied calmly.

The ROM Guards moved, grabbing the Precentor’s arms and they hauled her screaming outside, until a single gunshot silenced the woman.  “Anyone else want to defy their new Primus?”  He paused but there was no answer in the now silent chamber.  “Good.  We seem to need to a Precentor Atreus—Cameron St. Jaimais,” he said to the Demi-Precentor who served as Aziz’s aide.  “You will not be receiving that post—guards detain him for questioning.”

A stunned St. Jaimais was hauled away from the First Circuit and Michael began to pace.  “Precentor Martial, can you spare Trent Arian from his post?”

Focht frowned.  “I’ve just promoted him to full Precentor and given him the 85th Division, Primus.  He is an excellent officer.”

“Yes, he is.  And he is a man I can trust—can you spare him?”

Focht bowed low.  “As the Primus commands.”

“To hell with that blessed nonsense that deifies the Primus, Precentor Martial—yes or no?”

“Yes, Primus,” Focht answered with a smile.

“Good.  Then I appoint Trent Arian as Precentor Atreus—unless the First Circuit objects?”  Michael paused.  “No objections.  Good.  Then we are adjourned—Precentors Martial, Naval, and ROM, please stay.  I need a full briefing.”
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 01:25:47 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #192 on: June 24, 2012, 01:09:01 PM »

Ah another York, of course I approve! Thought you might put William Blane who is currently Precentor of Gibson and good friend of Thomas Marik (the only one left alive) in as the new Precentor Atreus. Surprised there wasn't more word play from Precentor New Avalon Huthrin Vandel, Precentor Tharkad Ulthan Everson, Precentor Sian Jen Li, and Precentor Rasalhague Gardner Riis. As of 3052 these four along with Mori and Aziz were the only 6 Advocate (voting representing a House) members. Here is a list of the entire First Circuit which I have plans to reactivate in Clarion Call. Enjoy!

      6 / Original First Circuit Precentors (Primus Jerome Blake - 2785)
   First Precentor of New Earth      
   First Precentor of Caph (Barnard)      
   First Precentor of Rigel Kent (Alpha C)   
   First Precentor of Bryant         
   First Precentor of Procyon
   First Precentor of Dieron*         
      4 / Expansion Reform (Primus Raymond Kaprov - 2857)
   First Precentor of Arcturus         
   First Precentor of Oriente         
   First Precentor of Altair         
   First Precentor of Capella         
      4 / Advocate Precentors (Primus Yin Takami - 2988 - *Precentor Dieron represents the DC)
   First Precentor of Atreus         
   First Precentor of Sian         
   First Precentor of New Avalon      
   First Precentor of Tharkad         
      1 / Free Rasalhague (Primus Myndo Waterly - 3034)
   First Precentor of Rasalhague
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 01:10:10 PM by Takiro »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #193 on: June 24, 2012, 01:27:37 PM »

Ah another York, of course I approve! Thought you might put William Blane who is currently Precentor of Gibson and good friend of Thomas Marik (the only one left alive) in as the new Precentor Atreus. Surprised there wasn't more word play from Precentor New Avalon Huthrin Vandel, Precentor Tharkad Ulthan Everson, Precentor Sian Jen Li, and Precentor Rasalhague Gardner Riis. As of 3052 these four along with Mori and Aziz were the only 6 Advocate (voting representing a House) members. Here is a list of the entire First Circuit which I have plans to reactivate in Clarion Call. Enjoy!

      6 / Original First Circuit Precentors (Primus Jerome Blake - 2785)
   First Precentor of New Earth      
   First Precentor of Caph (Barnard)      
   First Precentor of Rigel Kent (Alpha C)   
   First Precentor of Bryant         
   First Precentor of Procyon
   First Precentor of Dieron*         
      4 / Expansion Reform (Primus Raymond Kaprov - 2857)
   First Precentor of Arcturus         
   First Precentor of Oriente         
   First Precentor of Altair         
   First Precentor of Capella         
      4 / Advocate Precentors (Primus Yin Takami - 2988 - *Precentor Dieron represents the DC)
   First Precentor of Atreus         
   First Precentor of Sian         
   First Precentor of New Avalon      
   First Precentor of Tharkad         
      1 / Free Rasalhague (Primus Myndo Waterly - 3034)
   First Precentor of Rasalhague

I didn't know their names!  I do have Precentor Tharkad with a single line, but for the most part, the First Circuit was of the philosophy the nail that stands above the rest is just asking to be pounded.  They weren't going to put themselves between Demona and Sharilar.  They are, after all, survivors.

Master Arminas


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #194 on: June 24, 2012, 02:34:49 PM »

ComStar First Circuit
Hilton Head, Terra
July 19, 3043

“. . . and that is the current status of our forces, Primus,” finished Focht. 

Michael York frowned and then he shook his head.  “Things could be worse, I suppose.  Precentor Martial, I want your First and Second Armies to move out immediately to join with Jaime Wolf’s Grand Army on Tukayyid—but you will remain here on Terra to crack the whip over the rest of our command.  Use whatever resources you deem necessary, but I want the remaining ten Armies ready for combat operations as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Primus.  Do you intend to subordinate our forces under Wolf’s command?  Primus Waterly refused to entertain such a notion?”

“The House Lords agreed to put him in charge of the Grand Army—it would be hubris to commit the equal of just six ‘Mech Regiments and demand operational control.”

Focht smiled.  “It would indeed, my Primus.  I’ll have the orders cut within twenty-four hours.”

“Good.  Precentor Naval?”

“The Titan Yards are fully on-line and have six ships that they are currently working on restoring.  Our Yard-Ships are assembled at the Naval Caches and are working to transfer ships to Titan.  At the moment, we have managed to activate fourteen vessels, including the Dantes we had prior to this crisis, but not including any of the Yard-Ships themselves.  I am currently flying my flag from the Cameron-class BC Invisible Truth, with the Sovetskii Soyuz-class cruiser Blake’s Vengeance as our only other heavy vessel.  We do have all seven frigates back in service, along with five Lola III-class destroyers.  We have designated the Congress-class Frigates Cleansing Fire and Hollings York,” and Gregory Zwick chuckled, as did the Primus, “as our training vessels.  They have more internal room than the Dantes, or the Riga-class Fire Angel.  That one was quite a surprise when we found her in the cache.”

Michael nodded.  “Gentlemen, there is another military force which ComStar has access to—a force known only as The Blood.  I have already issued them orders to report to Terra immediately.  Precentor Martial, their ground component is the 331st Royal BattleMech Division, a former Star League formation belonging to . . . well, let us just say it plainly.  They are the descendants of the survivors of Clan Wolverine—the ‘Not-Named’ Clan Jaime Wolf briefed the House Lords on.”

Focht inhaled sharply, and then he nodded.  “Do they have Clan equipment?”

“No.  They left too early in the timeline of the Clans to be have benefited from the research and development—but they are fully equipped with Star League era technology—including Royal BattleMechs.”  Michael smiled.  “And their infantry are completely outfitted with Nighthawk PA(L); no match for an Elemental one-for-one, but the 331st fields nearly 1,300 infantry troopers wearing them.  Not to mention the six hundred and forty-eight BattleMechs, three hundred and twenty-four tanks, thirty-six mobile Arrow IV launchers, and one hundred eight aerospace fighters.”

The Precentor Martial whistled.  “That is close to two full Armies in and of itself, Primus.”

“Yes.  But we cannot use them against the Clans except in the most dire of circumstances—if the Clans discover the nature of the Blood, that the 331st Division lives, that the Wolverines still exist, they will stop at nothing to destroy them and us.  Precentor Naval, the Blood also has a Naval Flotilla which is en route to Terra as well.  This force consists of a McKenna-class battleship, a Texas-class battleship, a Quixote-class frigate, a Concordat-class frigate, and two Essex-class destroyers.  Unlike the 331st, the Blood have managed to change the emissions signatures enough so that, hopefully, the Clans will not recognize these ships as being former Wolverines.  I want you to retain the Blood’s battleships here, along with your training frigates to provide security for Terra, Precentor Naval.  The rest of your ships will accompany the First and Second ComGuard Armies to Tukayyid.  Sixteen new WarShips should give Jaime Wolf and the House Lords pause if they doubt the strength of ComStar, correct?”

The men laughed.  “Primus,” asked Seneca, “how were you aware of the Blood?”

“Don’t pretend you didn’t know, Precentor ROM—I am well aware of how close you and Thomas were.  My family has known of the Blood since their arrival in the Inner Sphere so long ago.  The colonized a world not far from Terra, one that fell off the maps in the aftermath of the First Succession War.  Over the years, my family has served as a liaison to them, and I know them well.  They will fight against the Clans, but realize that if their presence becomes common knowledge, it could well mean the end of all we are fighting to defend.”

Michael paused, and then he nodded precisely.  “And there remains the small matter of those who will take affront with what I have done about Aziz and St. Jaimais.  Precentor ROM, I want your ranks cleansed of those who will fight us—I want all of ComStar cleansed of them from the highest echleon of power to the lowest Acolyte.  Understand me, gentlemen, I will brook no rogue elements within ComStar.  In order to protect humanity, we must stand united as one.  And if I have to kill a third of our order to do that, I am willing to pay that cost.”

“There are many in ROM who believe in the vision of Aziz and Waterly, Primus.  This will weaken us,” Seneca protested.

“This too will pass, Precentor ROM.  Precentor Martial, Precentor Naval, assist Precentor ROM if he requires it—but the rot will be removed before the body of ComStar becomes septic.  Gentlemen.” 
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 02:52:56 PM by masterarminas »
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