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Taurian Civil War
« on: June 22, 2012, 05:53:40 PM »

The Taurian Civil War, A History of its Origins and Events
Project Leader – Professor Edward Van Luewen, Department Chairman, History Department, University of Taurus

With the end of the Taurian Civil War, normality has begun to return to life in the Concordat.  After so many years of battles between brothers and sisters it is almost impossible to believe that the war is truly over.  Now comes the task of reconstruction and reconciliation.  As part of these efforts the Protector has commissioned the University of Taurus' History Department to write the definitive history of the Civil War, so that we may learn from what happened and hopefully prevent this from occurring again in the future.

Our goal here is to provide an unvarnished and unbiased look at the Taurian Civil War.  Yet even the use of the name the Taurian Civil War is biased.  Created by the Concordat media, the Civil War nomenclature was adopted by the supporters of Marshal Calderon.  The supporters of Protector Shraplen are more like to call the recent conflict the Great Betrayal or the Insurrection.  We have chosen to use the Taurian Civil War as this has become the most common way of referring to the conflict in the popular media. 

We are very appreciative to the Protector for providing us with nearly unlimited access to the files of the Taurian Ministry of Intelligence and the Concordat Constabulary. I would also like to thank Senior Marshal Brenda Calderon TDF (Ret), Senior Marshal Cham Kithrong, the Estate of Senior Marshal Valerie Makepeace, Marshal Alexandra Hamilton, the Estate of Marshal Kai Shoguwa,  Comptroller Kathleen Zheng, Comptroller Bertram Jancek, Colonel Clarence Cheplak, Colonel Kenneth Slayton, Colonel Ted Masters, Space Master Adele Walters and Brigadier Leonard Killinger for their insight to the events of the War and access to their personal archives and records.  While it it true that history is written by the victors, we have strived to include the views of Protector Shraplen and his supporters where possible. Unfortunately many of these records were lost during the fighting.  Efforts to interview surviving supporters of the Protector have met little success.  The vast majority, unfortunately including  Boris Tharn, have refused all requests for interviews and have made no public comments about their roles during the campaign. The few instances where there have been published accounts,  most notably Maxwell Albritten, are generally filled with half truths, self serving statements and outright lies.  As a result we have been loath to use these sources without confirmation from other sources. Hopefully in the future we will get more accounts from Protector Shraplen's supporters which will allow us to provide a fuller and more balanced view of the war.

Lastly I would like to thank the entire staff of the University of Taurus History Department.  This has truly been a group effort and I am pleased with the result.  I only hope that a work like this shall not ever again be required.



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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2012, 05:56:36 PM »

I cannot wait for more!  Well, I actually can since I cannot force you to update faster.  But I am waiting with anticipation!



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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2012, 11:36:28 PM »

Chapter 1: Origins of the Taurian Civil War

Part 1: Prelude to War
The origins of the Taurian Civil War trace back to a single day, June 28th, 3061.  It was on that day that Protector Jeffrey Calderon was killed during a rescue attempt by Capellan Commandos.  Rather then rehash all of the events leading up to that day, we will provide just a brief overview.  It was in December of 3060 that Protector Calderon and Magistrix Emma Centrella were taken prisoner by the Colonial Marshals on Detroit.  The Capellans, coming to the aid of the Canopian allies would launch the rescue attempt that ultimately cost Jeffrey Calderon his life.  The Protector's death conveniently removed the biggest stumbling block to the Concordat joining the Trinity Alliance.  While there has been no conclusive proof that the Protector's death was intentional, it seems very likely that the Capellans targeted Jeffrey Calderon for execution.  In any event, on September 5th, 3061 Lord Grover Shraplen was named the new Protector of the Taurian Concordat. 

Almost immediately the new Protector began a campaign to blame the Davions for the death of Jeffrey Calderon, while at the same time touting the “virtues” of Sun Tzu Liao and the Capellan Confederation.  While there was a small, vocal minority that was willing to believe these charges, the bulk of the Concordat's populace was very wary of the situation.  Having only recently come out from the paranoia of Thomas Calderon, the people of the Concordat were not interested in false threats, even those attributed to the Davions.  It was during this critical time that the head of the TDF's Propaganda Divisio, Marshal Alexandra Hamilton, at the specific request of Marshal Calderon, issued the booklet Jeffrey Calderon, A Life Cut Short.  Ostensibly a biography of Jeffrey Calderon that was issued in commemoration of his tragic death, it was in reality a reminder to the men and  women of the TDF of the way things were before Jeffrey Calderon came to power.  The booklet included a detailed look at the last years of Thomas Calderon's reign, how he abused his power and Capellan efforts to convince Thomas Calderon that the Clan invasion was a Davion trick.  The booklet had the intended effect on the TDF, reminding many of the older officers and NCOs of how life was during Thomas Calderon's reign. By early 3062, the TDF was beginning to chaff at the thought of an alliance with the Capellans. 

The Protector, having surrounded himself with his cronies, was largely ignorant of the opposition to his policies.  It was in this state of blissful ignorance that in August of 3062, Protector Shraplen entered into the Trinity Alliance with the Capellan Confederation and the Magistracy of Canopus. While a few Taurian citizens welcomed the alliance with the enemies of the hated Davions, the majority of the Concordat and the TDF was opposed to the treaty.  In particular they were concerned about the potential cost to the Concordat.  History had taught the people of the Concordat that no good could come from entanglements with the Inner Sphere powers, unfortunately events would prove this truism correct once again.  Within days of signing the treaty, the Capellans invoked the mutual defense clause, requesting TDF units to help fight in the Chaos March and St Ives. In response to this request the Protector order the Taurian Velites and Concordat Jaegers to deploy to the Capellan Confederation.  In the words of the Protector the Taurian troops were to “support our allies in the Capellan Confederation in their war against the aggression of the St Ives Compact”. 


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2012, 12:06:11 AM »

August 25 New Chappelle Defender OpEd
Capellans Go Home
Jaxson Henner

Citizens of the Capellan Confederation, pack up your toys and trinkets and go home.  We don't want you here.  Despite what our new Protector is saying, we don't trust you any more then we do the Davions.  We've done just fine without your aid for the last 3 centuries and we sure don't need it now.  You come promising to help educated us.  We don't need that, our populace is better educated then yours, our worst universities are better then our best, so what can you truly offer us?  You come offering us access to advanced technologies.  Why do we need your help?  We managed to reverse engineer numerous lostech weapon systems, without the aid of the Helm memory core.  Under Jeffrey Calderon's Men & Machines program these efforts were expanding and starting to show amazing results.  We are doing just fine on our thank you very much.  You offer us a mutual defense pact, but who do we need defending from?  Not the Canopians.  The Davions?  They are so tangled up in their own mess that they don't have the resources to attack us, nor have they shown the interest.  In fact right now the Davions are busy trying to counter your little war.  So what do you have to offer us that would make us need this alliance?  No we don't need you, but you do need us.  I've seen the reports of the fighting in the St Ives Compact and Chaos March.  I've talked with friends who are serving in the TDF and several senior officers.  They all tell me that your tiny military is over extended.  You can't keep fighting without an influx of fresh soldiers.  Most Mercs don't trust you and the good ones aren't stupid enough to sign up to fight in the meat grinder that the St Ives war has turned into.  So you are now coming to get our troops to fight for you.  We are not some cheap whore that you can hire and then throw away when you are done.  You need us, we don't need you.  So take your worthless trinkets and go home.  Don't expect our soldiers to fight and die  for you in one of your pointless wars of conquest when we need them here to protect our homes and families from pirates and raiders, the true threat faced by the Concordat.  So Capellans get the hell out of here and don't let door hit your ass on the way out.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 05:47:12 PM by lrose »


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2012, 12:21:04 AM »

Sons and Daughters of the Concordat
Pamphlet (Distributed across the Taurian Concordat in September of 3062)

Citizens of the Concordat do not believe Capellan lies. They are not here as our friends.  They are here to rape our worlds and pillage our wealth for use in their pointless wars of conquest.  They seek to have our sons and daughters, our husbands and wives, our brothers and sisters shed their blood for the benefit of the Capellan Confederation.    Do not consider those of us who oppose the war to be disloyal.  We are loyal sons and daughters of the Concordat.  Many of  use have shed our blood protecting our worlds and fellow citizens and would gladly do so again if called upon.  But we can no longer sit idly by while the Protector orders our citizens to fight for the Inner Sphere imperialists.  Do not sit quietly by while this happens.  All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.  Now is not the time to be quiet.  Let your voice be heard.  Make sure the Protector knows that you oppose sending our citizens to fight in foreign wars.  If we remain silent we dishonor the sacrifice made by our ancestors who fought and died to protect our way of life and allow us to live free from  entanglements with the Inner Sphere.  It is up to YOU to make sure this does not happen.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 05:49:49 PM by lrose »


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2012, 06:27:21 AM »

Good stuff, I anxiously await more!!

Ice Hellion

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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2012, 08:05:17 AM »

I wish I had more time to work on similar projects.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2012, 10:04:15 PM »

Add one more to the list of persons waiting for more.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2012, 12:04:41 AM »

Part 2: Fighting for the Capellans

With in a days of receiving their orders, the Taurian Velites, despite misgivings about their mission, began deploying to the Capellan Confederation and were soon thrown into battle against the St Ives Compact.  While the Velites were willing to following their orders, no matter how distasteful they were, Colonel Carol Trennouth and the Concordat Jaegers were unhappy with their orders to fight for the Capellan Confederation.  Having spent most of their existence protecting the border with the Capellan Confederation, the soldiers of the Jaegers had developed a great deal of hatred towards House Liao.  These feelings were the result of having experienced first hand Capellan brutality, especially their treatment of POWs.  Upon learning of her units new assignment, Colonel Trennouth was recorded as having said, “We've spent the last century defending the Concordat's borders against these bastards and now we're supposed to help them in their war”.

As the TDF began making preparations to deploy the Jaegers to the Capellan Confederation, Colonel Trennouth and her senior officers worked behind the scenes to sabotage those efforts.  Lack of sufficient ammunition stockpiles, failure to meet Deployment Readiness Requirements and other nuisance problems forced the Jaegers' deployment date to be rescheduled numerous times.  While none of these acts reached the level of treason, the continual delays infuriated the Protector who tried to have Colonel Tennouth removed from command of the unit.  The efforts to replace Colonel Trennouth were defeated by the efforts of Marshal Calderon and Marshal Kai Shoguwa, who were able to convince the Protector that if he replaced Colonel Trennouth, the Jaegers would not be rated as combat ready for over six months.

In September of 3062, the Taurian Velites arrived in the Capellan Confederation.  They were soon thrown into the meat grinder that was the St Ives War.  Landing on St Loris, the Velites found themselves in a tough battle against the local defenders.  Lacking the advanced weapons, which though promised by the Capellan Chancellor were not delivered, the Velites found themselves outmatched by the well equipped defenders. Despite this, the Velites pressed the attack and managed to inflict heavy losses on the St Ives troops.  Even so the unit suffered losses approaching 20% of their strength.  When the fighting finally did end, the Velites found themselves forced to rebuild using battlefield salvage, as vitally needed supplies promised by the Capellans were routed to other units. The lack of support by the Capellans created a severe morale problem for the Taurian commanders.  With the majority of the troops already disenchanted with the idea of fighting for a foreign power, the lack of support by Capellans made many of the soldiers and officer question why they were fighting and dying for the Capellans.  Colonel William Heise, commander of the Velites, attempted to rebuild morale and support for the campaign among his troops but found his efforts largely thwarted by the Propaganda Division personnel assigned to his command.  These officers, operating under the direct commands of Marshal Alexandra Hamilton, refused to sugar coat the situation or hide the true facts of the situation.  Combined with a lack of time for R&R after the St Loris mission, the situation in the Velites was becoming critical.

It was at this time, in late October of 3062, that the Protector, having become fed up with the constant delays by the Concordat Jaegers, decided to deploy the Pleiades Hussars to the Confederation.  Sun Tzu Liao had spend much of the previous 2 months pressing the Protector about his obligations in the Trinity Alliance and the need to deploy more troops to support the St Ives War.  Led by Colonel Maxwell Albritten, the Hussars were fanatical supporters of the Protector.  By mid November the Hussars had arrived in the Confederation, eager to join the fight against the St Ives Compact and their Federated Suns defenders.

While the Hussars were eager for a battle, more and more citizens of the Concordat began to question why the TDF was fighting for the Capellan Confederation. As casualty reports began to filter back from the front, more and more rallies began to be held across the Concordat protesting the needless deaths of Taurian soldiers.  Rather then respond to these protestors, the Protector chose to order the Concordat Constabulary into action.  Suspecting “Davion sympathizers” were behind these protests, the Constabulary was ordered to investigate the leaders of the protests and to arrest them if necessary.  At the same time, the Protector invoked emergency war time powers, in an attempt to regain control of the situation.  Protector Shraplen soon invoked a news blackout on information about the war in the Confederation.  Only government approved press releases, which were highly sanitized accounts of the war and included a number of out right lies, could be distributed.  Any news reporter who attempted to report the truth would soon find themselves locked up in a prison cell.  But despite these draconian efforts, the truth about the war continued to be distributed by pamphlets and word of mouth. 

As opposition to the war began to increase, the Protector became desperate for something he could use to turn public opinion in his favor.  With Propaganda Division of the TDF firmly in the hands of Marshal Hamilton and unwilling to support the Protector, Shraplen ordered the Ministry of the Interior to take a more active role in promoting the Protector's vision.  Soon the Ministry was producing responses to the Propoganda Division's publications.  However these failed to sway many people, most of whom were highly insulted by the Protector's blatant attempts to lie to them.  Desperate for authentic good news that could not be countered by the Propaganda Division, the Protector pressed Colonel Albritten for a great victory against the Davions. 

In early December of 3062, Colonel Albritten led the Pleiades Hussars into action against the forces defending the St Ives Compact.  Battling the 7th FC Regiment, the Hussars score several early victories. In January of 3063, the Protector a publicity campaign, promoting the success of the Pleiades Hussars in their battles “against the imperialistic Davions, who seek to subjugate our worlds under their fist”. The success of the Hussars does slightly improve the Protector's approval ratings.  But even these small gains are soon negated.  While most senior members of the TDF refused to criticize the Protector, Marshal (Baron) Cham Kithrong declared “It is one thing for Taurian sons and daughters to fight and die defending the people of the Concordat, but we can not accept any situation in which our sons and daughters are sent to fight for the greed of the Inner Sphere warlords”.  Despite efforts by the Constabulary, Marshal Kithrong's words are soon spread across the Concordat, inspiring many to question the Protector and the Trinity Alliance.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2012, 07:45:09 AM »

Very nice, does ComStar and/or the Word of Blake have any impact on this little information war? Wondering who has control of the HPGs in the Concordat at this time.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2012, 08:05:01 AM »

Hadn't really thought about that.  I believe at this point C* still has control of the HPGs.  I'm finding the info on the TC is actually pretty sparse- especially on the actions in the St Ives War.  I was surprised how little detail there is.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2012, 08:14:41 AM »

Well I know ComStar helped arrange the alliance with the Canopians but WoB is doubtlessly trying to get their foot in the door here. Whoever has the contract the HPG situation (ComStar may have a long term deal as a result of its dealings with Jeffrey) is likely in flux (WoB may have been bought in by Sharplen and his cronies in the Trinity Alliance aka the Capellans). I'd suggest their conflict be part of yours with Blakist allied with Sharplen and ComStar reformers allied with Calderonist.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2012, 08:21:26 AM »

Eventually the Blakists will be involved.  I know at some point Shraplen throws out C* I just don't think it has happened yet in the canon timeframe.  Per Shattered Sphere- C* is still in the TC in early 3062, but signs are that Shraplen will turn to WOB.  So I will say that happened in early 3063.  Right around the time he needs major help dealing with the opposition.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 08:26:20 AM by lrose »


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2012, 08:34:14 AM »

Ah very good!


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2012, 05:26:38 PM »

Hell No We Won't Go
Letter from Colonel Carol Trennouth, CO Concordat Jaegers to Marshal Valerie Makepeace, Commander I Corps  August 30th, 3062 From the Archives of Senior Marshal Valerie Makepeace

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, no seriously what the fuck is the Protector thinking. Has he lost what little was left of his brain. I know he's no Jeffrey, but really what the hell is that dipshit thinking?  An alliance with the Crapellans? What's next? Is he going to join the Star League?  Rape old women in the street?  Eat baby brains?  And I'm supposed to take the Jaegers to the Constipation Confederation and fight for those double crossing, back stabbing bastards?  There's no way we're going.  I've lost too many friends to Capellan raiders, there's no way I'm fighting for them.  You send me there and as soon as I land on planet I'll blow the brains of my Capellan liaison officer all over the wall of my office and then order the Jaegers to shoot every fucking Capellan they see.  Then I'll join the St Ivers and help them fight off the Capellan aggressors.  I may just be a country girl from Spitz, but I ain't stupid.  I know who the real aggressor is and so do you.  I don't know why you're keeping your mouth shut.  Did Brenda Calderon ask you to keep it shut?  I know how much you respect her, but she needs to take a stand, this isn't like it was with Thomas Calderon in the 3050s. It's about time someone holds Shraplen responsible for his irresponsible decisions. That turd, I'm sorry the Protector, doesn't deserve your respect or your silence.  But I know you- orders are orders and he's the Protector now.  Well Val, you can order me to go the CrapCon but it's not going to work.  The Jaegers currently do not have sufficient munitions supplies for deployment.  Be sure to take your time getting more supplies to me, I'm in no rush.  When the do arrive you'll be disappointed to learn that were are at readiness state 5, seems that we haven't be conducting the necessary training for deployment due to a lack of supplies.  If you've got a problem with what I'm doing you're going to have to relieve me of my command, publicly.  And don't think I won't put up a fight.  I've never known when to keep my big mouth shut and I'm not planning on starting now. 

Say hi to the kids for me.  I hear Lenny just made Subaltern.  Tell him I've got an opening in the 3rd Battalion if he's interested but not to expect any special treatment, even if I am good friends with his Gran. 

Best of luck to you- so glad I don't have your job, I couldn't stand being hip deep in the bullshit that's going on.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 06:26:23 PM by lrose »
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