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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2012, 03:50:18 PM »

Originally I thought the Taurian Civil War was going to be fairly short.  Then I started plotting it out and found that it won't be over that quickly.  Shraplen will still get a chance to join the SL in late 3064 (If I think it makes sense for the CC to push the TC over the MOC for membership).  What happens then remains to be seen.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2012, 04:43:48 PM »

WOB gets Contract from Concordat to Run HPGs
New Chappelle Defender, Les Rollins January 1st, 3063

In a statement released by the Taurian Ministry of the Interior, the Word of Blake has been issued a contract to run and maintain the HPG network in the Concordat.  In explaining the decision, Minister Alistair Cranston stated that the Word of Blake made a very competitive offer, undercutting the Comstar bid by nearly 20%.  From rumors we are hearing, the Word of Blake also made offers of technological assistance and, if it can be believed, they offered to provide military aid against any possible attack by the Federated Suns.  An unnamed government official stated that the Word promised to not only help increase production of Ferro-Fibrous armor by 500% this year alone, they have offered to provide the technological know how need to upgrade our factories to produce the latest military technologies.  If this is true, it should prove to be a huge boon to our forces that are fighting in the St Ives War, giving them access to advanced technologies without being dependent on the Capellans.  So far Comstar has not responded to requests for comments about losing the HPG contract with the Concordat.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2012, 12:47:25 AM »

Concordat Press Release – Transcript of original broadcast from February 23rd, 3063
Pleiades Hussars Suffer Minor Losses During Fighting
Conrad Brean, Taurian News Network, Special Reporter

This is Conrad Brean reporting from Warlock.  I am embedded here with the Pleiades Hussars.  The Hussars have seen heavy action this month against the Mercenary Illician Lancers, hired guns of the Federated Suns.  The arrogant and pompous Davion lap dogs learned recently that they are no match for the power of one of the Concordat's finest regiments.  In a series of battles, the Hussars managed to inflict heavy losses on the Lancers.  However for reasons that can not be publicly revealed at this time, the Hussars were forced to abandon Warlock.  With the permission of the Capellan Chancellor, the regiment was released from service with the CCAF and allowed to return to MacLeod's Land, where they will repair the damage they suffered and prepare for further service against the Davion aggressors.    This is Conrad Brean for the Taurian News Network.

The Bullhorn, Broadcast #25, underground report first posted to Taurian Com Networks on March 1, 3063.

Last time we here at the Bullhorn told you the truth about Colonel Teresa Danielle of the newly formed 3rd Taurian Lancers and her close ties with the Protector. Today we are going to respond to Brean's fantasy story of February 23rd.  He did get one part right, the Pleiades Hussars are coming home to MacLeod's Land.  But that only occurred after the unit suffered casualties approaching nearly 75%.  Based on initial reports received at the TDF Command Center and made available to the Bullhorn, almost 30 mechwarriors were killed and over 70 wounded in action.  Mech losses were significant, nearly 50 machines were abandoned on Warlock and another 50 are so badly damaged that they are unable to be repaired.  According to reports, the Illician Lancers suffered little damage during the campaign.   We will provide more details as they are available.  We hope to be able to provide a full casualty list in the next few days, that data is still being complied by the TDF.  While we at the Bullhorn do not support the war in the St Ives Compact, nonetheless our thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost friends and loved ones in the fighting.  Despite any political differences we may have, we are all sons and daughters of the Concordat.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2012, 09:28:14 AM »

Concordat Cuirassiers Stricken From the TDF
From: Senior Marshal Brenda Calderon
To: All Officers of the TDF
Date: May 5th, 3063
RE: Concordat Cuirassiers
Classified: Secret

It is with great regret that I inform you of the destruction of the Concordat Cuirassiers.  Fighting against the forces of the St Ives Compact, the Cuirassiers were out numbered nearly 2 to 1 when they landed on Texlos.  Deprived of promised support from the Capellan Confederation, the Cuirassiers pressed on any way, inflicting heavy losses on the Federated Suns 7th FC Regiment and the 2nd St Ives Lancers.  Ultimately, despite numerous acts of heroism and bravery, the Cuirassiers were forced to retreat from Texlos.  A number of soldiers have been captured, we are currently working through intermediaries from the Outworlds Alliance to obtain a list of those currently held as POWs.  What we do know for certain is that less then a company of mechwarriors, 2 companies of armor and 2 battalions of infantry managed to escape from Texlos. It is with a heavy heart that I have been forced to disband the Concordat Cuirassiers.  The surviving members of the regiment have been assigned to the Taurian Velites, helping to replace some of the losses they suffered during the St Ives War. Even so the Velites remain severely understrength at less then 2 full battalions.  At this time I want to offer my thoughts and prayers to all those who have lost friends and loved ones during the fighting in the St Ives Compact.  At the request of the Protector, this information I am providing you has been classified secret and is not for distribution.  The Protector fears that should the public learn of the Cuirassiers heavy losses and the disbanding of the regiment it will  have a very negative effect on public morale.  I trust all of you to use your best judgement regarding the dissemination of this information.


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2012, 11:49:18 PM »

When you write stories nothing is fairly short because the story takes a life all it's own
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #35 on: July 14, 2012, 05:31:53 PM »

Transcript of Press Conference- Marshal Cham Kithrong, Commander VI Corps, Erod's Escape May 15th, 3063

My fellow Taurians, today I take an action that should have been taken long ago.  Unknown to all but a handful of people, Jeffrey Calderon did not die without an heir.   He does in fact have a son, Erik Martens-Calderon, who was born to Talia Martens, a member of the Prey's Divisionals mercenary unit.   Erik was born in 3056 and while was not officially recognized as his son by Jeffrey, the Protector was planning to announce his existence when he was killed on Detroit.  As a friend to both Jeffrey and Talia, I was aware of Erik's existence and I have worked behind the scenes to try and convince Grover Shraplen to name the boy the next ruler of the Concordat and assume the role of Regent. Despite DNA tests showing that Erik is indeed the son of Jeffrey Calderon, Grover Shraplen has refused to recognize him as the rightful heir.  He has instead been focused on securing his power as Protector of the Taurian Concordat.

I had been content to wait until Erik was older to announce his heritage, but recent events have left me no choice.  Grover Shraplen has committed us to alliance with the Capellan Confedertion, an alliance that has forced us to send our sons and daughters to fight for the Inner Sphere warlords.  Jeffrey Calderon would never have allowed this to happen.  I know this because Protector Calderon had confided in me prior to his death that he was opposed to the Trinity Alliance.  He knew in his heart that the only reason the Capellans sought an alliance was so that they could rape our worlds and use our troops to fight their wars.  Unfortunately, Grover Shraplen was so convinced that the Davions are out to get us, that he was willing to sign up with the Capellans, and you can see the results.  Every day we hear of losses suffered by our forces and increasing casualties in the war with St Ives.

It is time for this to stop.  Today I am declaring my self Regent for Erik Martens-Calderon, the rightful heir to the Protectorship of the Taurian Concordat.  I will hold that position until young Erik reaches his majority.  I call upon Grover Shraplen to recognize the legitimacy of this claim.  If Lord Shraplen truly has the best interests of the Concordat as his goal, he must certainly recognize that putting the true heir to Jeffrey Calderon in position to become the next Protector is the only choice.  By acting now we can assure that young Erik receives the best training and education, so that he will grow into a fine young man and an excellent leader like his father.

Thank you for your time, and God bless the men and women of the TDF. 


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2012, 05:48:02 PM »

Correspondance between Colonel Clarence Cheplak & Protector Grover Shraplen June 3063
From Official TDF Archives

To: Protector Grover Shraplen
From: Clarence Cheplak, Commander Red Chasseurs
CC: Senior Marshal Brenda Calderon, Marshal Valerie Makepeace
Re: Op Order Alpha 2623 Delta, Red Chasseur Deployment to Capellan Confederation
June 7th, 3063

Protector I am in receipt of your order of June 4th, 3063 ordering the Red Chasseurs to deploy to the Capellan Confederation in support of the war against the St Ives Compact.  With all due respect you can take your orders and shove them up your ass.  Every unit sent to fight in the St Ives War has been mauled, in my opinion this is nothing short of a suicide mission.  While you can request that we undertake a suicide mission, you can not issue such an order – that is a clear violation of article 12 of the TDF Regulations.  As these orders have skipped the chain of command and come direct from your office under your signature I have filed a complaint with the local JAG representatives against you.  The Red Chasseurs will remain on their current stations until this matter has been adjudicated.

To: Colonel Clarence Cheplak, Commander Red Chasseurs
From: Protector Grover Shraplen
CC: Senior Marshal Brenda Calderon, Marshal Valerie Makepeace
Re: Op Order Alpha 2623 Delta, Red Chasseur Deployment to Capellan Confederation
June 8th, 3063

Colonel Cheplak, you are in receipt of a legal command ordering your regiment to deploy to the Capellan Confederation for operations against the St Ives Compact. If you do not immediately begin preparations for deployment, you will be in violation of those orders.  If that becomes the case you will be arrested, stripped of your rank and tried for treason during time of war.  The penalty for such charge is death by firing squad.

To: Protector Grover Shraplen
From: Clarence Cheplak, Commander Red Chasseurs
CC: Senior Marshal Brenda Calderon, Marshal Valerie Makepeace
Re: Op Order Alpha 2623 Delta, Red Chasseur Deployment to Capellan Confederation
June 9th, 3063

If you want to arrest me go ahead and try- we'll be waiting for you. 
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 06:33:13 AM by lrose »


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2012, 06:20:22 AM »

Things are heating up!


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2012, 07:10:58 AM »

Transcript of New Vandenberg Daily News Broadcast July 9th, 3063

[Andrea Linten]: In further news, we have received word that Vandeley's Valkyries have engaged the forces of the St Ives Compact on Texlos. We have only received limited information about the action so far but from what we have heard, the Valkyries have successfully landed on Texlos and are inflicting heavy losses on...what?
[A man enters onto the set from the right]

[Joseph Tanner]: I'm sorry I need to interrupt you Andrea.   We have some news that our viewers need to know. News that we haven't been allowed to share with you for the last year.  For the last year, we and other broadcasters have been operating under strict censorship rules imposed by the Protector and enforced by the Concordat Constabulary.  We have just received word from sources that the Protector is stepping up his enforcement of these rules.  We have received word that a unit of the Constabulary is on their way here, now to take control of this station.

[sounds of gunfire in the distance]

[Joseph Tanner]: We don't have much time but we will keep broadcasting until they shut us down.  The war in the St Ives Compact is not going well.  Our forces have suffered horrific losses.  The Concordat Cuirassiers have been disbanded due to heavy losses.  Many of our soldiers are refusing to fight for the Capellans seeing it as a suicide mission.  Colonel Cheplak of the Red Chasseurs has refused orders to deploy to the Confederation. 

[More gunfire, much closer]

[Joseph Tanner very agitated and constantly looking over his shoulder]: Marshal Cham Kithrong has declared himself regent for Jeffrey Calderon's son Erik Martens-Calderon.  There are rumors that large numbers of protestors have been...

[Explosion off screen- unintelligible screams]

[Joseph Tanner]: We're unarmed.  Don't shoot.  Everyone get down...

[Unidentified Voice off screen shouting]: Shut it down, shut every down.  You there, get away from the camera.

[Gunfire and the screen goes blank]


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2012, 07:12:11 AM »

Are things getting hot enough?  The next chapter is really going to blow things up in the Concordat. 


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2012, 07:41:09 AM »

Arrest Order for Brenda Calderon, July 10th, 3063

Warrant of Arrest

To any member of the Concordat Constabulary

By order of the Protector of the Taurian Concordat, Brenda Calderon, formerly Senior Marshal of the TDF has been charged with committing crimes against the Taurian Concordat, to wit treason and suspicion of Davion sympathies.

You are therefore commanded, to make an immediate arrest of the accused and confine her until such time as she can be presented for arraignment. 

Witness my official signature on this the 10th day of July, 3063

Judge Hamilton Boneham
Chief Justice Taurus Court of Planetary Appeal


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2012, 08:20:06 AM »

Brenda Calderon's Address  July 11th, 3063

My fellow citizens, for those who do not know me, I am Senior Marshal Brenda Calderon.  For the last 55 years I have served as a soldier in the Taurian Defense Forces.  As an officer in the TDF I have had to learn to put aside my political views and beliefs to execute the orders given to me by the Protector.  I have served under 3 Protectors and despite many differences of opinions, I have always felt that the Protector has had the best interest of the Taurian people in his mind, until now.

I can no longer stand by silently while Protector Shraplen tramples over the freedoms that we hold so dear.  We are not a police state like the Capellans and Combine, we are the Concordat, and ability to question our government is not just our right but our civic duty. The Protector has over stepped his bounds by using the Concordat Constabulary as thought police.  He has ordered them arrest anyone who dares to question the government and its actions, claiming they are Davion sympathizers.  These citizens have been placed in prison without the benefit of a trial and no legal recourse.  When the Court of Judicial Review began overturning these arrest the Protector took the unprecedented and illegal action of disbanding the Court, arresting its members and replacing them with people who would rubber stamp his decisions.   In response to these actions I approached the Protector and asked him to reconsider his views.  Upon returning to my headquarters I was greeted by members of the Concordat Constabulary seeking to arrest me for treason against the Taurian Concordat.  Their charge claimed that I was a Davion sympathizer.  The basis of this charge was that I had the temerity to ask the Protector to reconsider his actions.  These Constables are now enjoying the comforts of the Fort Samantha Stockade.           

Protector Shraplen has violated the trust put into him by the Taurian people.  The Concordat exists to protect its citizens, not to terrorize them.  His actions are no better then those of the Capellan Chancellors.  I can no longer stand by and watch this situation from the sidelines.  I am calling on Protector Shraplen to stand down and relinquish his title.  It is with great reluctance that I am accepting the position of Acting Protector for the duration of this crisis.  As my first act I am ordering an investigation into the claims that Erik Martens in the son Jeffrey Calderon.  Should these claims be proven true, I will serve as Regent for Erik until he comes of age. 

It is with great reluctance that I take these actions.  Effective immediately I am resigning my commission in the TDF and I am promoting Marshal Valerie Makepeace to Senior Marshal and appointing her commander of the TDF.  It is my hope that this situation can be resolved without any bloodshed.  We are all Taurians and it is time that we started acting like it again. 


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2012, 09:37:33 PM »

Transcript of New Vandenberg Daily News Broadcast July 9th, 3063

[Andrea Linten]: In further news, we have received word that Vandeley's Valkyries have engaged the forces of the St Ives Compact on Texlos. We have only received limited information about the action so far but from what we have heard, the Valkyries have successfully landed on Texlos and are inflicting heavy losses on...what?
[A man enters onto the set from the right]

[Joseph Tanner]: I'm sorry I need to interrupt you Andrea.   We have some news that our viewers need to know. News that we haven't been allowed to share with you for the last year.  For the last year, we and other broadcasters have been operating under strict censorship rules imposed by the Protector and enforced by the Concordat Constabulary.  We have just received word from sources that the Protector is stepping up his enforcement of these rules.  We have received word that a unit of the Constabulary is on their way here, now to take control of this station.

[sounds of gunfire in the distance]

[Joseph Tanner]: We don't have much time but we will keep broadcasting until they shut us down.  The war in the St Ives Compact is not going well.  Our forces have suffered horrific losses.  The Concordat Cuirassiers have been disbanded due to heavy losses.  Many of our soldiers are refusing to fight for the Capellans seeing it as a suicide mission.  Colonel Cheplak of the Red Chasseurs has refused orders to deploy to the Confederation. 

[More gunfire, much closer]

[Joseph Tanner very agitated and constantly looking over his shoulder]: Marshal Cham Kithrong has declared himself regent for Jeffrey Calderon's son Erik Martens-Calderon.  There are rumors that large numbers of protestors have been...

[Explosion off screen- unintelligible screams]

[Joseph Tanner]: We're unarmed.  Don't shoot.  Everyone get down...

[Unidentified Voice off screen shouting]: Shut it down, shut every down.  You there, get away from the camera.

[Gunfire and the screen goes blank]

Very B5! I'm enjoying this story very much!!

Rainbow 6

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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2012, 01:12:59 PM »

Really enjoying the story so far, only thing i did notice is the name of one of the merc units, bluewood's longcoats? Should this be Longwood's Bluecoats?


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Re: Taurian Civil War
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2012, 01:19:51 PM »

Really enjoying the story so far, only thing i did notice is the name of one of the merc units, bluewood's longcoats? Should this be Longwood's Bluecoats?

Just a typo on my part. It should be longwood's bluecoats - I'll get it fixed.
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