1. Early Jumpships. On page 15 under the sidebar entitled the Liao Fleet a description of Franco's armada is given in comparison to modern craft - warships, jumpships, and dropships. His 2367 (24th century) interstellar flotilla is described as "smaller vessels that interacted with planetary surfaces using shuttles or intrasystem freighters" (Precursors of the dropship - presumably I think they would travel in system from planet to jumpship loading and unloading cargo but never dreaming of traveling through hyperspace).
"Most JumpShips of the time were similar in design to modern WarShips; they had maneuvering drives that let them move in-system, as well as massive cargo bays and small craft bays, but the DropShip as we know it wasn’t developed and accepted until well into the 25th century." (Very interesting build on stuff we already know but it got me thinking about retrotech of sorts for Jumpships. The KF Core on modern ships is massive but it enables jumps of up to 30 light years in distance while the 1st Core on the TAS Pathfinder went only to 18 light years in distance. Now I know that normally equipment is refined into smaller more efficient models but with KF mechanics being so complex could modern 30 LY cores be larger than their 18 LY forerunners? If so how much? Apparently enough to have massive cargo bays and interplanetary engines included on earlier models. The drives like would be all that powerful like 1,2 or 2,3 at best manuvering but structural reinforcement may have been necessary adding even more weight. And remember these ships are smaller than your Merchant, Invader, and Star Lord not to mention the Monolith.)
So here is what I was thinking of purposing for Jumpship RetroTech - what about smaller 20 LY KF Drives? Clearly they would open up weight on Jumpships for other uses such as cargo, small craft, fighters, or weapons. Engines don't work as they would change it from a Jumpship into something else. Station keeping drives and minimal structural integrity go together so if you up the speed you need to up your structure. Still might make for a better Jolly Roger. Would they be able to transit as many Dropships - the KF field generated might not be as efficient as the 30 LY Core. 20 LY models would likely be cheaper, easier to maintain, and possibly faster to build.