Posted this on the Battletech forum, thought I would post it here as well:
This map was built by taking the image created by Oystein, converting it to a .tiff file, and the geo-referencing that image over a Worlds Shapefile. Capitals, Major and Minor, are indicated. I have elected to show all the worlds known, including those shown as "Abandoned" in 3025, because noone is quite sure what worlds, if any, are abandoned in the EA Alt-Universe. If a planet has more than one name, it's alternative name is usually also shown, however, affiliations listed in world names are going to be canon.
Abandoned Wolrds are labeled in red with the white backdrop. Where a border intersects a world, I have left that area alone. You all can fight those battles. :-)
At preset this map is scaled at 23x17, and should be printable. There is not a lot I can do with the label placement, the Maplex engine does a good job of resolving conflicts, but there will be cases of overlap especially with the addition of all the abandoned worlds. I could go in, convert them all to annotation files, and then manipulate each label, but this is a vanity project.
Planets whose names are underlined have Mech Factories on them.
Planets whose names are italicized have ASF Factories.
Planets whose names are bolded have Space facilties.
So, Capella is shown as Capella because it has all three types.
Note, this is based on information found in the 3025/3050 canon sourcebooks.
I've also attached a .pdf with a list of factories and affiliation as well.