So Microsfot just could not leave the cash cow alone could they? after Bungie took thier money and ran off into the sunset to create what will probably be the NEXT revolutionary First Person shooter, like marathon and halo before it, 343 Industries was made to keep the halo franchise going!
and the first new game they put out is a continuation of the Master Chiefs story...
Maybe I missed something but didn't halo 3 end on sort of a "King Arthur off to Avalon being escorted by his moderately incestuous sister" moment? I thought so. *sigh* so here we are another halo game in the halo universe and already 343 is gearing up to dissapoint me. still I am duty bound to give the game a fair shake out of love of the franchise so here I go. my review will only be based on the single player campaign, as a truly great game has to stand on the single player alone. as a fair point this is my First impression as I have only completed three levels so far.
1) Level Desgin- the levels look organic and well thought out. the cripped remains of the Forward Unto dawn made for cramped and uncomfortable fights, like shipboard combat would be, asnd 343 took care to make the layout of the vessel make sense, unlike the Pillar of Autumn in Halo 1. as far as Requiem itself, the world is portrayed in a lovely but menacing way. I love how the forerunner structures you see in the distance look like they could house a SLDF Division (hey I brought battletech into this!

) and there are multiple areas where you can tell gravity itself was optional for the Forerunner, and get to experience it that way. great attention to detail and I have to give props where they are do. 5 out of 5 stars
2) Sound Part 1 Voice acting- Steve Downes and Jennifer Taylor return as Spartan 117-John and Cortana, this time around The Chief is given a lot more to talk about. in terms of character development the tables seemed to have turned, where once the Chief was a silent protaganist with his blue AI cheerleader, now we see a still clearly traumatized Cortana going through a computer version of Alzheimers and suddenly the Chief needs to be the reassuring one. this dramatic shift in character reflects something we have never seen out of the chief, he truely does regard Cortana as more then military hardware, and establishes a sort of kinship between two individuals who are "not quite human." and lean on each other because of that. the awesome part of Dialog comes from the new Villain called the Diadect. his voice has all of the electronic menace of the Prophets from previous games, but rather then the all bark and no bight imagery of said prophets, the voice acting shows a being that is clearly in control, and menacing as a result. Props need to go to the voice director for providing excellent guidance to the actors here. 4 out of 5
Sound Part 2 Music- I have had a chance to Listen to Halo 4s sound track free of gameplay, and I must say new composer Neil Davidge did a fantastic job. much like successive Star Trek Series, he does pay homage to the work of Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori, mostly through the use of E Chords and the soft piano that can play throughout previous halo games and is injected here and there in the sound track. the only problem is you do not hear it in the game itself. the mixing is poor, trying to go for the subltle ambiance rather then previous entries "YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING AWESOME!" tone, and it makes the game feel like "Battlefield Medal of Duty" more then Halo. a perfect moment comes when you see your first Forerunner Structure on Requiem, and when the light dims and you see it, the game is dead silent. such a pity. 5 out of 5 for composition, and 0 out of 5 for mixing.
Sound Part 3- SFX- pitiful. plasma pistols sound like 9mm, the energy sword sounds like a tesla coil if sped up 900 percent... and the VEHICLES!!!! Gag me with a Brute!
Sound part 4 overall- Sound makes a game for me, and while a distinct amount of effort went into every aspect of the sound, it was just done wrong, despite the excellent voice work to carry it and the clear love and care that went into the soundtrack, overall sound quality has to be given a 2 out of 5.
When I come back I will talk about the meat and potatoes, the game mechanics and narrative.