OBT Forum
Off-Topic => Computer and Console Games => Topic started by: Takiro on October 13, 2011, 10:39:43 PM
Hey folks, in case you haven't been following Twitter or CBT it looks like the Mechwarrior reboot might be back in production again.
http://www.classicbattletech.com/forums/index.php/topic,11198.0.html (http://www.classicbattletech.com/forums/index.php/topic,11198.0.html)
It has been a few years since we saw that fantastic trailer of a Kurita invasion of a Davion world in 3015 were a Warhammer battles it out with a few Mechs. It looks like things might have changed if you put credence in the twitter feed which has several reports from 3048 which could indicate a change in setting. We are getting fragmented pictures of a poster which is an obvious tease but for what?!
I'm getting my hopes up and wanted to let you all know. ;)
Well, I hope they stick with the 3014/3015 setting, as the Third War is my favorite time period, but given how closely the Clans are tied to the franchise, I wouldn't really be surprised if things got pushed forward to around the time of the Invasion.
We are getting fragmented pictures of a poster which is an obvious tease but for what?!
Pretty sure the teaser pics are an Atlas.
The fragments being posted via twitter look more like a crazy looking Archer or Warhammer than an Atlas, but that's just me...
Well folks the announcement has been made.
Mechwarrior Online
Kinda disappointed as I'm not that big of an online fan. It will be available on the PC I also hear.
Thoughts? Comments?
...A 'free' game? I'm in. Until I have to pay for something - the wife would kill me.
I agree red pins
It's an MMO, so I'll pass. I don't have the time to invest in an MMO and time is what you are going to need to advance. That and I doubt my compy will be up to their specs and I'm not shelling out hundreds just to play a game.
It's an MMO, so I'll pass. I don't have the time to invest in an MMO and time is what you are going to need to advance. That and I doubt my compy will be up to their specs and I'm not shelling out hundreds just to play a game.
...Um. Yeah, come to think of it, the box is 4 years old this year. Damn. :'(
Well, it's also not entirely free. There are pay options that will enrich your account for limited period of time. Like say, upgrading your IS 'Mech for a Clan Mad Cat, etc. Still, I registered my pilot name. Why not? At the very least I'll be on the ground floor to see how the game develops.
Just wanted to let you guys know that I registered today under my usually moniker (Takiro). Guess I'll give it a try. FYI!
I'll be there, investing in a Founder's package June 19th.
Also, if you guys are looking for me at all over there, my new gaming callsign is Ebynfel. Been using it for a while, shwagpo's pretty much the old school cbt stuff name, which is why i kept it OG here:)