Heya Knight. Thanks for putting a plug in the topic, we're seeing what we can do by uniting our efforts for IGG! It's going great so far =)
I thought a little 2d art might spark some interest, so here it is.
The left picture represents a firmly entrenched alien tank delivering a devastating ambush with it's
Fusion Cannon, a tactic you'll be able to pull often in the actual game, if you get the tech. On the right is a Human
Hover Tank in assault mode, backed by air superiority and possibly defending captured structures in the back. From my understanding, those are also all part of the game:
Like Hawawaa mentionned, many gameplay and such related questions can be answered by watching the video on IndieGoGo. It's a 20m video, so if you want you can skip ahead to 2m58s to get to the crunchy parts. The game Beta will be released once the IGG campaign is finished. Hope to see you there!
PS: Code Geass was really, really good =)