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Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« on: February 04, 2010, 08:36:05 PM »

General Notes
The DCMS relied heavily on light mechs during this time as it’s main assault force FM:DC p. 14
Over 50 mech regiments were gathered for ther 2787 offensive against the FS. This represented over a third of the DCMS HKSB p. 53
District forces were formed prior to the 1st SW HKSB p. 144

Benjamin Regulars
Easiest units to join. Few political requirements. Serve as a reserve- often fight in other districts. HKSB p. 144
2nd BR -formed ? FM:DC p.  41
2nd BR Defenders of the Combine specialize in city fighting
3rd BR - formed ? FM:DC p. 42
3rd BR -Pride of Benjamin specialize in open country fighting HKSB p. 144
6th BR - formed ? FM:DC p.  43
6th BR Lord Kurita’s Hopes HKSB p. 144
9th BR formed ? FM:DC p.  44
9th BR Wrath of the Common People speciialize in city fighting HKSB p. 144
11th BR Comfort of the Poor specialize in city fighting HKSB p. 144
11th BR founded 2781 as a light mixed regiment, 1 mech battalion, 2 armor battalions Galtor P. 52
15th BR formed ? FM:DC p.  45
15th BR Tribute of the Unproductives HKSB p. 144
17th BR formed ? FM:DC p.  46
17th BR Power of Proper Religion specialize in open country fighting HKSB p. 144
22nd BR formed ? (NOTE: Not in HKSB-3025) FM:DC p.  47

Dieron Regulars
2nd DR Pride of Shionoha - originally raised on Shionoha formed ? FM:DC p.  49
2nd DR specializes in mountain combat HKSB p. 142
3rd DR formed ? FM:DC p.  50
3rd DR Ever-Vigilant of Kessel (nickname is SW era) - specializes in City Combat HKSB p. 142
3rd DR fought on Barlow’s Folly in 2804 TR3025 p. 142
5th DR destroyed 56th Avalon Hussars on Towne in 2785 HDSB p. 58
8th DR formed ? FM:DC p. 51
8th DR Wrath of the Spurned - specializes in nght combat HKSB p.142
9th DR formed ? Will of Dieron HKSB p. 142
12th DR formed ? FM:DC p.  52
12th DR Arm of Unsweravable Power HKSB p. 142
15th DR formed ? FM:DC p.  53
15th DR Devotion Through Combat HKSB p. 142
18th DR formed ? Pride of Dieron specializes in city combat HKSB p.142
20th DR formed  ? Invaded Tamar 2915 HSSB p. 70
22nd DR formed ? FM:DC p.  54
22nd DR Vengeance of Dieron specializes in Recon HKSB p. 142
24th DR formed ? FM:DC p.  55
24th DR Collector of Heads HKSB p. 142
27th DR formed ? Claws of the Tigers HKSB p. 1442
32nd DR fought the LC on Sakhalin (1st SW??) TR3025 P. 112
36th D Hungry Ghost,s formed? Specialize in open field battles HKSB p. 142
40th DR formed ? FM:DC p.  56
44th DR formed 3056 FM:DC p.  57

Galedon Regulars
Several units can trace their history back to the Alliance of Galedon FM:DC p. 59
Due to the prestige of this unit they have stict requirements to join. Draw many recruits from Sun Zhang Academy HKSB p. 143
2nd GR formed 2295 serves as a training Cadre for the Galedon Military Academy FM:DC p.  60
2nd GR Wrath of History - specialize in open field battles HKSB p. 143
5th GR -dates to the earliest days of the DC-was a heavy armor battalion, served as Shiro Kurita’s guard during the invasion of Scerlovsk.  still holds armor in high regard. FM:DC p. 61
5th GR Pride of Galedon specialize in Mountain Fighting HKSB p. 143
7th GR - fought in Reunification War Periphery 1e p. 37
8th GR - formed? eventually disbanded & included in 42nd GR FM:DC p.  68
8th GR (still existed in 3025) Fate of Enemies HKSB p. 143
9th GR fought Paul Bunyon Regiment in 2825 HKSB p. 60
12th GR - dates to early SL era, specialized in recon, started as light armor & aerospace fighters, expanded to light & fast medium mechs later.  Typically parcelled out as battalions or companies to other regiments as a scouting force. FM:DC p.  62
12th GR Avengers of Crime specialize in Recon HKSB p. 143
16th GR formed ? FM:DC p. 63
16th GR Keepers of Treasures specialize in City Fighting HKSB p. 143
17th GR formed ? FM:DC p.  64
17th GR Protectors of Karma Specialize in city fighting HKSB p. 143
17th GR fought in Reunification War  Periphery 1e p. 25
17th GR involved in Santiago Massacure during RW SLSB p. 43
17th GR fought on Xhosa VII in 2929 HKSB p. 82
19th GR formed during 2nd SW FM:DC p.  65
19th GR  fought in Reunification War Periphery 1e p. 37
21st GR probably formed 3rd SW FMDC p. 66
21st GR evolved from Marlowe’s Rift Planetary Militia Galtor p. 54
24th GR  fought in Reunification War Periphery 1e p. 37

Pesht Regulars
Smallest forces of all the districts- rarely saw combat FM:DC p.  69
Originally no different from other district forces- sometime during the SWs became a place for Veterans to go and train newer soldiers. HKSB p. 144
1st PR fought the ELH on Benet in 3000. TR3025 p. 90
3rd PR Gray Panthers - specialize in Recon HKSB p. 145
4th PR formed ? FM:DC p.  70
4th PR Evening Warriors HKSB p. 145
6th PR formed ? FM:DC p.  71
6th PR The New Hopes HKSB p. 145
7th PR formed ? FM:DC p.  72
7th PR The Future Guards HKSB p. 145
9th PR formed ? FM:DC p.  73
9th PR Pride of Pesht HKSB p. 145
10th PR formed ? FM:DC p. 74
10th PR Red Dawn HKSB p. 145

Rasalhague Regulars
RR soldiers undero heavily scrutininy HKSB p. 142
4th RR fought in the Reunification (note refered to as 4th Rasalhague Brigade) Periphery 1e p. 37
5th RR Crushers of Insurrection - formed ? speciializes in Crowd Control HKSB p. 143
8th RR Executioners formed?  HKSB p. 143
9th RR Pride of Rasalhague - formed ? Specializes in city fighting HKSB p. 143
13th RR Bane of the Commonwealth formed ? HKSB p. 143
17th RR Veterans of Tamar formed ? Specialized in Recon HKSB p. 143
20th RR Torturers formed ? HKSB p. 143
22nd RR Krushers of Kobe formed? Specialize in opne Warfare HKSB p. 143

Otomo - have served as personal guards to the coordinator for “several centuries” FM:DC p.  79
Otomo were present on Kentares IV HKSB p. 56

Sword of Light
Formed during Kerensky’s regency FM:DC p. 82
1st SoL Ivory Dragon FM:DC p.  84
1st Sol fought in 2787 offensive HKSB p, 54
2nd SoL Steel Dragon FM:DC p.  85
3rd SoL fought on Colia in 2872 HDSB p. 77
3rd Sol fought in 2787 offensive HKSB p, 54
4th SoL fought on Tushomingo in 2849 HDSB p. 71
5th SoL Gold Dragon FM:DC p. 86
5th SoL formed in Spring on 2796 Sorenson Sabres P. 7
6th SoL wiped out on Freedom in 2913 HSSB p, 69
6th SoL accompanied Minoru Kurita to Kentares IV in 2796 HDSB p. 62
7th SoL Teak Dragon FM:DC p.  87
8th SoL Jade Dragon FM:DC p.  88
15th SoL fought on Quentin in 2899 later disbanded TR3025 P. 138 TR3039 P. 220
SoL regiment # not given fought on Nox in 2471 (note contradiction HKSB p. 35 puts this event in 2475) HSSB p. 24
There have been 12 different SoL regiments during the history of the DCMS HKSB p. 70
All SoL regiments have 4 battalions HKSB p. 141

Sun Zhang
Unclear if these date to the Pre-SW era- possible units inclued 5th, 9th, 12th, 13th, & 14th Cadres FM:DC p.  89-92
A Sun Zhang mech rcon patrol was fired on by SLDF forces in 2784 HKSB p. 51
In 3025 there were the 1st, 5th, 9th & 12th cadres HKSB p. 148
9th Sun Zhang fought pirates in 2902 TR3025 P. 90

Amphigean Light Assault Groups
Formed by Jinjiro Kurita - date not clear but probably in between 1st & 2nd SW FM:DC p. 94

An Ting Legions formed at start of 2nd SW FM:DC p.  97

Arkab Legions
Predate the SWs- raised as part of an agreement between the Azami & DC It appears that the DC raised 3 mech regiments of the Arkab legion FM:DC p.  100
DC raised 3 mech regiments specializing in recon & raiding. HKSB p. 145
2nd AL - traces back to conventional regiment of planetary militia that opposed the DC in early 2500s. apparently they managed to maintain SL era mechs despite the SWs. FM:DC p.  101
2nd Arkab Defenders of the Faith - Specializes in fast attacks HKSB p. 145
4th Arkab formed ? FM:DC p.  102
4th Arkab Allah’s Blessings specialize in recon HKSB p. 145
5th Arkab - destroyed in 2nd SW formed ? FM:DC p. 103
6th Arkab raised in 2nd SW FM:DC p.  103

Proserpina Hussars
Haved served the Kuritans since before the DC.  A tank division known as the Proserpina Hussars served Shiro Kurita. FM:DC p. 107
Linked to University of Proserpina - graduates would join the HussarsHKSB p. 146
1st PH formed ? FM:DC p.  108
1st PH Blood Suckers- specialize in hit & run tactics HKSB p. 146
2nd PH raided Hean in 2920 TR3039 p. 289
3rd PH formed ? FM:DC p.  109
3rd PH (incorrectly listed as 2nd in book) Kurita’s Vampires specializes in hit & run Tactics HKSB p. 146
4th PH formed ? invaded Tamar 2915 HSSB p. 70
4th PH Luthian Leeches -specializes in hit & run tactics HKSB p. 146

Unnamed Armor Regiment went Merc  roughy 2850 became the Furies FM:MErc p.54

Erronous Entries
2nd Legion Of Vega -TR3025 puts them in 1st SW did not exist at the time p. 30
Legion of Vega mention fighting on Hoan in 2920 TR3025 P. 66
NightStalkers (mcGavins & Johiro’s Reg)TR3025 puts them in 1st SW did not exist at the time p. 24


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2010, 08:40:10 PM »


Great stuff Irose, analyzing now.  Wink


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2010, 08:40:38 PM »


Working hard on coming up with a preliminary look at the DCMS who is proving to be much simpler than Liao to assign units to. Here is how the numbers panned out with a reduced Sun Zhang Academy Cadre (now 8 regiments as we discussed in the other thread) and Proserpina Hussars (I can't find any evidence of more than 4 regiments). More details to follow. I apologize for the lack of proof but thought the overall conclusion might provide some interesting insights.

Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery
134 Mech Regiments

Draconis Guards
Otomo (1 regiment)
Sword of Light (5 regiments)
Mobile Warfare
Proserpina Hussars (4 regiments)
Arkab Legion (3 regiments)
Cadet Corps
Sun Zhang Cadre (8 regiments)
District Regulars
Galedon Regulars (21 regiments)
Benjamin Regulars (21 regiments)
Rasalhague Regulars (21 regiments)
Pesht Regulars (10 regiments)
Shadow Units / Draconis Militias
Kessel Militia (11 regiments)
Algedi Militia (9 regiments)
Matar Militia (5 regiments)
Chian Militia (5 regiments)
Samarkand Militia (5 regiments)
Ashio Militia (5 regiments)

The UNR Hot Spot write up I did for Altair contained three child units that I established for BTSD. The 2nd Sword of Light, the 5th Benjamin Regulars, and the 2nd Sun Zhang Academy Cadre. The Fifth was a creation of Liam's, some relevant notes from the Hot Spot write up are contained below.

5th Benjamin Regulars (The Pride of Ijima)
The city of Hikoboshi is perhaps the strongest bastion of support for the Dragon on Altair thanks in part to the efforts of the 5th Benjamin Regulars. Since it’s founding during the earliest days of human stellar colonization this community, along with the companion city Orihime on Vega, has been the center of an ancient Japanese Star Festival called Tanabata. The 5th Regulars have had a long historical relationship with this Festival and as a result the populace firmly backs their cause.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2010, 08:41:06 PM »


Are the nascent Dieron Regulars going to be included as well? It would seem at least one regiment was active in 2785.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2010, 08:41:32 PM »

Rainbow 6

I belive they are currently know as the Ronin Regiments.

Quote from: Takiro on April 18, 2009, 03:10:47 AM

5th Benjamin Regulars (The Pride of Ijima)
The city of Hikoboshi is perhaps the strongest bastion of support for the Dragon on Altair thanks in part to the efforts of the 5th Benjamin Regulars. Since it’s founding during the earliest days of human stellar colonization this community, along with the companion city Orihime on Vega, has been the center of an ancient Japanese Star Festival called Tanabata. The 5th Regulars have had a long historical relationship with this Festival and as a result the populace firmly backs their cause.

Is this the style of regimental briefing you will be using for the regiments in Threat Assessments 2785?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2010, 08:41:52 PM »


Quote from: FirstStarLord on April 18, 2009, 03:31:42 AM
Are the nascent Dieron Regulars going to be included as well? It would seem at least one regiment was active in 2785.

The Dieron Regulars are in fact half of the Shadow Units listed above. The Matar Militia (5 regiments), the Chian Militia (5 regiments), the Samarkand Militia (5 regiments), and the Ashio Militia (5 regiments) are Ronin who at the start of the Succession War try to seize Dieron and establish themselves as the Fifth Draconis District Regular Force (Dieron Regulars). Competing with the Ronin are the Gaijin which in this report comprise the Kessel Militia (11 regiments) and Algedi Militia (9 regiments) who are trying to seize Vega and establish themselves as the Fifth Draconis District Regular Force (Vegan Regulars). It is a race quite simply setup by the High Command to judge the effectiveness of Terran and Lyran defenses. First one to seize their targets wins and is so rewarded. The loser, well ......  Wink

Quote from: Rainbow 6 on April 18, 2009, 12:39:57 PM
Is this the style of regimental briefing you will be using for the regiments in Threat Assessments 2785?

No Six, this was simply a pull from the appropriate source although the length might be ideal for child units.

How about the Sword of Light regiments, should we have more than 5 at this time?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2010, 08:43:08 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on April 18, 2009, 02:56:34 PM
How about the Sword of Light regiments, should we have more than 5 at this time?

I vote no as that contradicts the 5 pillars motif.  But we can pick different numbers then the ones used in 3025 if we want.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2010, 08:43:36 PM »


The numbers appear to be;

1st Sword of Light (Ivory Dragon, is unchanged apparently never been destroyed)
2nd Sword of Light (Steel Dragon, is unchanged apparently never been destroyed)
3rd Sword of Light
4th Sword of Light
6th Sword of Light

For some reason there is no 5th at this time (see Sorenson's Sabres), perhaps some kind of gesture to such respect to the number five.

Also we need to assign Gold Dragon, Teak Dragon, and Jade Dragon to each of the remaining three. Any ideas there??


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2010, 08:43:54 PM »


Okay I've run into a continuity problem with the Swords of Light. To explain, there are always 5 such units. The 5th (the Gold Dragon incidentally) is not created until 2796. The same year as Kentares interestingly enough. Now under the guidelines established one of the Sword of Light units must die in order for the 5th to be created. If the 1st and 2nd were never destroyed that counts them out and both have been confirmed to have existed at this time. The 3rd initially led across the Davion border by Minoru certainly exists and wasn't destroyed until 2891-2892 at the Battle of Robinson. Minoru also led the 6th onto Kentares were he of course died but the 6th is mentioned again in 2913 so I'd discount them. This means we have four locked in units for the Swords of Light (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th). However, the 4th appears only once in HKSB at the Battle of Tishomingo in 2849 and is my only option for solution. I was thinking that the 4th might not have existed at this time but rather another yet unnumbered SoL unit did presumably representing the Gold Dragon. This unit can't be the 4th, 5th, 7th, or 8th (units that will eventually exist but not at this point) so I'd propose the 9th Sword of Light (Gold Dragon). Perhaps they committed suicide after the events of Kentares including the death of their sovereign. Actually this solution doesn't fix the problem of SoL continuity as the 4th must exist by the time of its destruction in 2849 but such a replacement is needed until 2892. I know this just proves what a great job previous fact checkers did but we research the existing for answers. Failing to resolve the continuity issue also raises another possibility there was more than 5 SoL regiments.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2010, 08:44:16 PM »


Maybe the sixth SoL was acting as or was dual-hatted as the Otomo


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2010, 08:45:11 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on April 19, 2009, 02:57:16 AM
Okay I've run into a continuity problem with the Swords of Light. To explain, there are always 5 such units. The 5th (the Gold Dragon incidentally) is not created until 2796. The same year as Kentares interestingly enough. Now under the guidelines established one of the Sword of Light units must die in order for the 5th to be created. If the 1st and 2nd were never destroyed that counts them out and both have been confirmed to have existed at this time. The 3rd initially led across the Davion border by Minoru certainly exists and wasn't destroyed until 2891-2892 at the Battle of Robinson. Minoru also led the 6th onto Kentares were he of course died but the 6th is mentioned again in 2913 so I'd discount them. This means we have four locked in units for the Swords of Light (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th). However, the 4th appears only once in HKSB at the Battle of Tishomingo in 2849 and is my only option for solution. I was thinking that the 4th might not have existed at this time but rather another yet unnumbered SoL unit did presumably representing the Gold Dragon. This unit can't be the 4th, 5th, 7th, or 8th (units that will eventually exist but not at this point) so I'd propose the 9th Sword of Light (Gold Dragon). Perhaps they committed suicide after the events of Kentares including the death of their sovereign. Actually this solution doesn't fix the problem of SoL continuity as the 4th must exist by the time of its destruction in 2849 but such a replacement is needed until 2892. I know this just proves what a great job previous fact checkers did but we research the existing for answers. Failing to resolve the continuity issue also raises another possibility there was more than 5 SoL regiments.

Looking at my notes:
1st SoL and 3rd SoL were involved in the FS invasion in 2787
6th SoL went to Kentares in 2796
5th SoL was formed in 2796
2nd SoL - we know they existed during the Von Rohrs era but do we have any references for them existing in 2787?  I didn't note any but I may have skipped over it since I had an earlier reference to the 2nd SoL.

So what I would suggest is that the 2nd SoL was stricken after the Von Rohrs era since it was tainted.  So let's say in 2787 we have:
1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th & 9th SoL.  The 9th was destroyed in 2795 by the FS (or the LC) which led to the creation of the 5th SoL.  Then later either the 4th or 6th can be destroyed to make way for the 15th (needed in 2899) and then maybe after the 6th is destroyed it is replaced by the 2nd.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2010, 08:45:58 PM »

Lord Grayson

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Re: Threat Assement 2785 Notes
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 04:26:34 AM »
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2nd sword of light was on the davion planet of New Rhodes per TRO 3039 page 140 in the Dervish's deployment fluff

1st (active during SW)
In the spring 2787 Minoru Kurita launched an attack on the Federated Suns involving over fifty regiments to demonstrate the might of the Draconis Combine and support his claim to the throne as First Lord of the Inner Sphere. The first landing on Franklin led ny Minoru personally.

2nd (active during SW)
per TRO 3039

3rd (active during SW)
In the spring 2787 Minoru Kurita launched an attack on the Federated Suns involving over fifty regiments to demonstrate the might of the Draconis Combine and support his claim to the throne as First Lord of the Inner Sphere. The first landing on Cartago led by the coordinators son Jinjiro Kurita.

Late 2891 the third are forced off Robinson by a large Davion. force.

4th(active during SW)
The fourth Sword of Light were all but annihilated on the world Tishomingo in 2849.

Either during the Jihad or the period of piece immediately afterwards the fourth are reformed.

In June 3135 elements of the fourth attacked and garrisoned the world Ancha as part of Tai-Su Mitsura Sakamoto's unsanctioned invasion of The Republic of the Sphere.

5th(formed after the SW started Formed   2796 given their history they might have started out as something over then a true SoL unit)


Formed on the order of Jinjiro Kurita to act as a fanatically loyal Household Guard to protect him from his political enemies. The fifth served in this capacity for a number of years before being transferred first to the Sun Zhang Military Academy on New Samarkand and then onto front-line duty on the Davion border.

6th(active at start of SW)
Minoru Kurita was personally leading the sixth in an attempt to secure Kentares IV from elements of the 7th Crucis Lancers. During this effort Minoru was assassinated by a sniper from the Lancers triggering what would later become known as the Kentares Massacre.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2010, 08:46:41 PM »

Rainbow 6

I would have to say that we need to keep to 5 Sword of Light regiments.

I don't think the older power that be were very good at keep continuality streight, the Corsair ASF for instence is well messed up.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2010, 08:47:18 PM »


Quote from: lrose on April 19, 2009, 03:39:33 AM
2nd SoL - we know they existed during the Von Rohrs era but do we have any references for them existing in 2787?  I didn't note any but I may have skipped over it since I had an earlier reference to the 2nd SoL.

So what I would suggest is that the 2nd SoL was stricken after the Von Rohrs era since it was tainted.  So let's say in 2787 we have:
1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th & 9th SoL.  The 9th was destroyed in 2795 by the FS (or the LC) which led to the creation of the 5th SoL.  Then later either the 4th or 6th can be destroyed to make way for the 15th (needed in 2899) and then maybe after the 6th is destroyed it is replaced by the 2nd.

I wondered about this too. Aside from my reference to them on Altair I thought maybe. However, LordGrayson points out that the Second Sword of Light appears in TRO3039 (Dervish write up) and I did further research which confirms the Second existence in 2796. HDSB under the Kentares IV page has the Second Sword of Light on New Rhodes III. In my mind this makes the elimination of the 2nd impossible.

Quote from: LordGrayson on April 19, 2009, 04:26:34 AM
5th(formed after the SW started Formed   2796 given their history they might have started out as something over then a true SoL unit)


Formed on the order of Jinjiro Kurita to act as a fanatically loyal Household Guard to protect him from his political enemies. The fifth served in this capacity for a number of years before being transferred first to the Sun Zhang Military Academy on New Samarkand and then onto front-line duty on the Davion border.

6th(active at start of SW)
Minoru Kurita was personally leading the sixth in an attempt to secure Kentares IV from elements of the 7th Crucis Lancers. During this effort Minoru was assassinated by a sniper from the Lancers triggering what would later become known as the Kentares Massacre.

My original thought was to eliminate the Sixth as it was on Kentares with the Coordinator. However I believe it shows up later in DC history.

LG I like the 5th's history as I was gonna do something similar, Jinjiro's philosophy being different from Minoru's and such, where did you get it from?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2010, 08:47:35 PM »

Lord Grayson
sarna battlewiki when I looked up the 5th Sword of Light
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