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Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 158948 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« on: June 26, 2012, 07:32:29 PM »

This is my timeline in full.  It starts off pretty slow but picks up pace after the Clan War

So ask yourself...

What if History went a little different...


Cyclops, Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser
Unexplored Deep Periphery System
96 Light-years Core-ward Cirincus Federation
14th August 3040

   Exploring deep space was part of parcel with being part of ComStar’s Explorer Corps some of the things that were found in deep space were amazing and some finds were so much different from others.  Captain Isabelle Cain had been a merchant JumpShip Captain once upon a time but ComStar had bought her JumpShip and her service, she’d begun serving as a Explorer Corps officer commanding the Merchant-class JumpShip, Spirit of the Periphery, and a ComGuard Union-class DropShip, the Blessed Mission, with one spare Docking Port for a civilian DropShip which would help the JumpShip blend in as a regular vessel prowling the space lanes.  Luckily for them on this particular jump they were not transporting a civilian vessel on this mission and they could keep this find a secret for ComStar‘s eyes only.

   The Spirit of the Periphery had jumped into the system with the Blessed Mission attached and almost immediately been surrounded by small craft, fighters and DropShips of various pirate bands.  The near defenceless JumpShip had been ordered to surrender to Queen Jennifer Briton II the leader of the Cyclops.  Not knowing what this was and being totally surrounded by the pirates the ComStar Explorers had no choice but to surrender with Captain Isabelle Cain taken into custody aboard the Cyclops.

   Following nearly a week in custody inside the unknown pirate base, known as Cyclops,  which appeared to be a massive uncharted Spacestation likely cobbled together from space junk Isabelle Cain had been able to finally meet Queen Jennifer Briton II, a beautiful woman in her early thirties with a beautiful well kept body and striking long black hair.  “Captain, it is so nice to meet you.”  Jennifer said moving slowly, although this area had stronger gravity than the area Isabelle had been held in it was still less than one standard gravity in strength, she was dressed in a long red and black dressing grown, which perfectly fit her trim figure, her long dark hair flowed over her shoulders.

   â€œQueen Briton, it is nice to meet you.”  Isabelle said quietly “very interesting indeed.”  She said again

   â€œLikewise captain, it appears that you are not the merchant your papers claim you are” she said rounding her desk looking at Isabelle Cain, who hadn’t cleaned in a week and was still dressed in her standard well worn merchant jump-suit uniform, all part of her cover she had nothing to show she was from ComStar.

   â€œWe are explorers as well as merchants, there were rumours that the Star League Defence Force had come this way when they destroyed the Rim Worlds Republic during the Reunification War, I take calculated risks in our journeys to see if they left any relics behind.”  Isabelle said keeping generally to her cover story.

   â€œAnd who would you report these finds to?  Captain, the Star League has been gone for centuries, no-one cares where their army is now or what they did back then before we were just figments of our mother’s wrenched imaginations.  We care about the here and now.  Now here and now you have delivered me a new JumpShip and a new DropShip both in near perfect condition, even with the recent discoveries from the Helm Memory Core at NAIS, and across the Inner Sphere, these are very rare finds, especially for people like me.”

   â€œYou’re base is a rare find for me also.”  Isabelle said without thinking, knowing she’d stepped over her bounds slightly she knew she’d have to say more.  “You are correct Queen Briton we are not purely merchants, though we do make a side profit on such things our main work is more complex. I work for an organisation that is interested in exploring space, we chart new worlds for colonisation, Star League finds and worlds that have previously fallen off the grid.  We could use a base such as this.”

   â€œThis base has been in my family’s name since we found it centuries ago, it will be ours as long as we bring breath to our lungs, no-one will ever take it from us.”  Jennifer Briton said suddenly there was an edge to her voice, she was angry.  From the way she spoke of the base and the lighter than norm gravity Isabelle knew they were on a ship or space station but little else.

   â€œOf course, we would never want to control this station, it is yours and you are quite welcome to maintain control over it and the system, our resources and expertise do not stretch that far. However, we would be interested in perhaps using it as a supply base?  Perhaps an information centre as well?  We could come up with some arrangement I’m sure…”  Isabelle said her voice drifting away inviting Jennifer to make the next move.

   â€œYes, we could perhaps, but what would be in it for me and my family?”

   â€œWell I’m guessing that this station is a relic of the old Star League?”  Isabelle asked Jennifer didn’t speak so Isabelle continued along those lines “and I’m guessing you cannot find as many spare parts as you once could?”  Jennifer nodded briefly “my organisation has access to Star League-era parts, supplies and other essentials.  You allow us to use this base as a re-supply base and information gathering point and we will bring a constant flow of parts allowing you to keep this base operating for generations to come, we could also assist you with dealing with threats to your station.”

   â€œWe have no enemies.”  Jennifer said proudly and confidently “the man who found this place and built this base from its bare bones, my great-grandfather Paul ‘Mad Dog’ Briton knew that the only way this place could survive was if everyone respected its neutrality, his control over the station and this system and the Station’s status as a free port.  We have maintained this for centuries it is the number one rule of the Cyclops, no-one except my people have weapons on board this station and anyone who tries to use their ships weapons does not last long.  Your organisation would be held to the same rules.”

   â€œRules we’d happily follow, having a base in this region and an ally would be very helpful for us in our explorations.”

   â€œWe are not allies” Jennifer warned “we are business partners, nothing more.  I owe you no loyalty and you owe me none either.”

   â€œI think we can deal on that” Isabelle said quietly she knew that ComStar had the resources to take most objectives it needed, but that would mean showing more of their cards than they were ready to.  With access to this base they wouldn’t have to spend resources on it.

   â€œOr something like it.”  Jennifer said smiling “now I think it is time to show you and your people around.”  She said stepping forward pulling Isabelle to her feet “and perhaps get you a bath.” Jennifer continued a smile appearing on her face.  They then headed over to the windows where Isabelle was treated to a wonderful, amazing sight.   They were in space as she thought onboard a space station of some description on one of the Gravity Decks rotating around a long core, with dozen of DropShip Collars and around them there were several other Gravity Decks all of various different sizes and dimensions, obviously more had been added over the years.

   â€œAmazing” Isabelle whispered looking out, around them in space there were several DropShips, several of designs and names that Isabelle knew by sight some deadly enemies but at peace here.  “Unbelievable.”

   â€œI almost say the same thing.”  Jennifer said quietly, “you are right, this used to be a Star League creation” she said beginning to explain a little of what this place was.  “The Cyclops formerly known as the SLS Cyclops was recalled from mothball to serve the SLDF during the Reunification War.  It was an unlucky ship, some called her a cursed ship, however she served with distinction during the conflict right up to the point when Stefan Amaris staged his Coup de etat against the Star League and Alexandr Kerensky decided that Terra would be his next target.  The Cyclops jumped beginning its long journey home when its core overloaded and killed half the crew and passengers.  A week later SLDF found her rescued the crew they decided that the Cyclops was unsalvageable removing what they could to repair other vessels in their battered fleet.  Suicide charges were set but never exploded, for the first time in its history the Cyclops was lucky.  Several pirate bands used it but none had an idea what to do, Mad Dog came along with a plan, taking control he stripped what he didn’t want and began down the path we are still on today.”

   â€œAmazing, it’s a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser” Jennifer said finally seeing the vessel for all its worth under all the additions the pirates had added, one of the largest SLDF vessels in mass production capable of transporting twenty-five DropShips at once they were the backbone of transporting the Star League‘s massive Corps formations.

   â€œNot any more, it’s our base of operations and the one free port in this region.”

   â€œWell, Queen Briton, I can guarantee that my organisation will want to use this base for its operations and that your station will greatly benefit from out little arrangement.”  Isabelle said, within a week more ComStar vessels had arrived.  These vessels were under various cover names and false companies that all answered to this exploration firm Isabelle Cain claimed to work for.  In fact these vessels carried higher ranked Explorer Corps and ComGuard officers that could speak for ComStar and agree to Queen Briton’s terms they signed off on agreements that the people they sent to the station would cause no trouble and would pay over the odds with equipment and supplies for the exclusive use of three DropShip collars and for permanent residency of one DropShip at the Station for support personnel.  They also agreed to begin supplying the station with upgrades and spare parts that could fit a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, fortunately ComStar had always maintained one such vessel in their secret WarShip fleet, like the Cyclops a hold over from the Star League.

   With new supplies and capabilities opening on the station new partners quickly began to arrive as word spread of the station’s new capabilities and facilities the Cyclops Station experienced a new lease of life as business once again picked up for the Free Port.  Meanwhile ComStar had a base to strike out deeper into the Periphery in search of other mysteries of the Periphery.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 07:54:29 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 07:34:40 PM »


Inner Sphere and Clans

   As per canon the nations of the Inner Sphere continue to rebuild from their decades of war with the Gray Death Legion’s discovery of a Star League Memory core fuelling rebuilding efforts.  For the Clans the Crusaders constant call for invasion of the Inner Sphere falls on deaf ears until the Outbound Light appears in the Huntress system.


WarShip True Vision (Congress-class Frigate)
Before Operation Revival Invasion Trials
Deep Periphery, Clan Fleets
22nd January 3049

   Following an encounter with the ComStar vessel Outbound Light over the Clan Smoke Jaguar Homeworld of Huntress deep in the Kerensky Cluster, the territory claimed by the Clans descendants of the original Star League Defence Force Exodus Army, the Clans were hit by a revelation the Inner Sphere was beginning to rebuild their armies and rediscover technology, soon they would be able to resist the Clans and the formation of the Federated Commonwealth super state, which covers half the Inner Sphere.  They soon realise that only way to ensure the Clans held the advantage in an Invasion would be to attack now.  Following a lengthy debate the invasion is planned to begin in 3050 with trials taking place in deep space between various Clans all vying for their position in the Invasion.

   The Clans were split in two camps the Crusaders and the Wardens.  The Crusaders wanted to invade the Inner Sphere crushing the Succession Lords and Periphery States rebuilding the Star League in their image, while the Wardens wanted to return to the Inner Sphere and present themselves as the reborn Star League prepared to guide, teach and serve the Inner Sphere on how to live honourably and in peace.

   The Crusaders with all of the most powerful Clans included within their number and the dwindling resources of the Clan Homeworlds won the disagreement and an invasion was planned.  Now in deep space all the Clans who wanted to join the invasion gathered ready to strike. Waiting for ilKhan Leo Showers to order the attack to begin, already they had swept aside several deep range and pirate colonies that had opposed their march towards the Inner Sphere.

   The leaders of Clan Nova Cat Khan Severn Lervoux and saKhan Lucian Carns are ready to submit the Nova Cats to the force and engage in trials to see when they would attack the Inner Sphere.  The Nova Cats had always been one of the strongest Clans and the two Khans wanted to keep them there, with the resources of the Inner Sphere supporting them the Nova Cats could maintain their position and become ilClan by conquering Terra while the other Clans fought each other.  However, just as they are ready to leave to join the other Clans aboard the Clan Wolf Flagship Dire Wolf, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, Oathmaster Biccon Winters arrives in system aboard the Nova Cat’s Flagship True Vision, Congress-class Frigate.  Within the Nova Cats the Oathmaster had always been the ‘third’ force within the Clan because they translated the visions of the Clan’s warriors and had visions of the Clan’s future.  The Nova Cats have always believed in the power of visions driven from the purity of their spirit, powerful experiences they had and a higher power that gave them the strength to see the future for a short spell.  Of all the Clans the Nova Cat’s belief in visions is the closest any have to a belief in a higher power or something beyond the material world, only the Goliath Scorpions belief in visions comes close and they use drugs to bring on their delusions.

   Biccon Winters informed the Khans that she has had a vision and it has told her that if the Nova Cats invaded the Inner Sphere they would cease to be as a Clan.  Following a heated discussion between the Khan’s, their Galaxy Commanders and the Oathmaster the Nova Cats chose to embrace their past as they look to the future and withdraw Clan Nova Cat from the Invasion Forces, despite widespread condemnation from the Crusader Clans and several outright threats from Clans Smoke Jaguar and Jade Falcon, however others soon realise this as their meal ticket into the Inner Sphere without the Nova Cats there is less competition for inclusion in the initial invasion and more chance they will have access to the resources of the Inner Sphere quicker.  Biccon reveals that the Nova Cats have a different path than the other Clans and now they must find it.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 07:35:54 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 07:37:34 PM »


Operation Revival
Inner Sphere
Mid-Late 3050

   The Clans launch a surprise blitzkrieg on the Inner Sphere taking the technological inferior Inner Sphere by total surprise.  As the Inner Sphere do not even know who or what the Clans are and do not recognise their strange Mechs, their alien looking Battle Armour and massive WarShips.  Fear that the Clans are an Alien Invasion force quickly spreads throughout the Inner Sphere an many panic driven units run at even the mention of a Clan attack.  Although the rumours of Alien Invasion are soon quelled however these rumours and battle reports of constant defeat at the hands of the superior enemy forces help to constantly break the Inner Sphere’s morale helping the invasion continue unrelenting with dozens of units shattered in their wake. 

   Clan Jade Falcon invades the Free Rasalhague Republic/Federated Commonwealth (Lyran-side) zone almost capturing Heir-designate Victor Steiner-Davion of the Federated Commonwealth on Twycross when his unit is temporally trapped on world.  Victor’s escape and the subsequent damage done to the Jade Falcon forces by his unit during the escape is one of the things that proves to the Inner Sphere can defeat the Clans.

   Clan Wolf gains the central invasion corridor encompassing only Free Rasalhague Republic space, this is seen as a slight against the Wolves because of their strong warden leanings and because their Khan, Ulric Kerensky is against the invasion, the only reason the Wolves are here is because they are the chosen of Kerensky and their place in any invasion was almost a given from their foundation.  The Free Rasalhague Republic are the weakest of the Inner Sphere States and the Wolves make the most rapid progress of all the Clans.  During the opening attacks Clan Wolf captures Phelan Kell, son of the legendary Morgan Kell founder and owner of the Kell Hounds Mercenary Regiments.  Although many of the other invading Clans baulk at the capturing of a freeborn warrior Khan Ulric Kerensky puts Phelan to work and Bondsmen Phelan, as he is known, helps the Wolves to their early successes.

   The Ghost Bears gain an invasion corridor that offers more resistance the Free Rasalhague Republic/Draconis Combine border.  The Bears make slow but steady progress crushing the Draconis Combine’s District of Alshian as they progress forward deeper into the Inner Sphere.

   The final front-line invading Clan is the Smoke Jaguars they gain the Draconis Combine corridor exclusively and although they find stern resistance from the samurai warriors of the Draconis Combine they make steady progress towards their first target, Luthien, the Draconis Combine’s capital.  Within the Smoke Jaguars there is a worry that their Clan is heading for ruin with the invasion as they are stripping their Homeworlds territories of all front-line warriors and are taking heavy casualties in the fighting.  ilKhan Leo Showers leads his Clan forward regardless continuing to ship captured Inner Sphere equipment to the Homeworlds forces to bolster their forces while taking more and more Homeworld warriors to the Inner Sphere.


Inner Sphere Occupation Zone
Operation Revival
November 3051

   The First Wave of the Invasion was a resounding success with over two hundred worlds captured by the unstoppable Clan Juggernaught.  The Free Rasalhague Republic reduced to a mere handful of worlds from over a hundred.  In late 3050 however a Rasalhague fighter piloted by Kapten Tyra Miraborg rammed the Dire Wolf, the Clan Wolf WarShip leading the Clan Invasion.  Normally such an attack from a single fighter would pose little threat to the multi-thousand ton WarShip, however, fate would smile on the Inner Sphere as the ramming attack penetrated the armour causing a hull breach killing the Clan War Leader ilKhan Leo Showers and injuring or killing several more of the prominent Khans.  Almost immediately operations against the Inner Sphere stopped as the Clans withdrew all of their Bloodnamed warriors to the Clan Homeworlds to vote for a new ilKhan and to fight Trials for new Clans to replace those lost.

   Following the election of Clan Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky to the post of ilKhan the Clans returned almost exactly a year after they had left.  Natasha Kerensky, the infamous Black Widow of the Wolf’s Dragoons, rejoins Clan Wolf following the recall order retaking her position within the Clan.  Natasha is the only member of the former-Clan Wolf’s Dragoons Mercenary Brigade to return to Clan Wolf the rest of the warriors are now fully assimilated into the Inner Sphere and have no wish to return to their previous lives of servitude.  Natasha fights a trial against Wolf Warriors wanting to test her skills against ’proper’ warriors before allowing her to return to the position of a Clan front-line warrior.  Natasha repeats her first Trial of Position taking down four Wolf Mechs making her an instant Star Colonel.

   With Ulric gaining the position of ilKhan, leader of the whole Clan Invasion.  Even with her status as a former member of the Dragoons and all her time in the Inner Sphere Natasha Kerensky proves she is still worthy of being a Clan Warrior and claims the position of Khan of Clan Wolf.  Soon after this captured Inner Sphere bondsmen Phelan Kell, of the famed Kell Hounds Mercenary Unit captured during the original invasion, gains his Bloodname, of Clan Wolf’s Ward bloodline and becomes saKhan of Clan Wolf.  All three are stanch wardens dedicated to the preservation of the Inner Sphere however they find themselves leading the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere.  Despite their Warden leanings the three Clan Wolf Khans continue to push their Clan faster against the Inner Sphere than any other Clan Khan.

   This time the original invaders, Clans Wolf, Jade Falcon, Ghost Bear and Smoke Jaguar are joined by two more Clans the Steel Vipers partnered with the Jade Falcons attacking the Lyran-half of the Federated Commonwealth, an alliance of the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth that controlled half the Inner Sphere.  And the Star Adders partnered with the Smoke Jaguars attacking the Draconis Combine helping the struggling Smoke Jaguar Clan which had taken heaviest losses of all the Clans so far.  Even with the assistance and training provided by Wolf’s Dragoons and superior technology available the Inner Sphere’s militaries following intense research/development and reverse engineering the Inner Sphere’s armies are still ineffectual against the Clans winning few battles.  The Inner Sphere also begins debuting their first generation Battle Armour designs field testing them against live opponents.  The new Battle Armour quickly proves to be one of the greatest accomplishments the Inner Sphere has made in fighting the Clans as now Inner Sphere Infantry can fight on a closer level to their Clan Elemental opponents.  Unfortunately the Inner Sphere lacks sufficient production capacity and understanding of the suits to produce significant quantities of the armour and Inner Sphere soldiers are still not as powerful as their Clan cousins limiting the effectiveness of these suits.

   Although the initial batch of suits are welcomed by the units engaging the Clans quickly the units testing the Battle Armour return to the designers pointing out flaws that are limiting the designs these are soon corrected making the Battle Armour more effectual and allowing the Inner Sphere Standard suit to go into full production.  Although this suit is one hundred years behind the Clan’s Elemental it is a welcome sight to any unit fielding them for the first time.

   The Gray Death Legion Mercenary Regiment decimated by the Clans in their first Battles are among the units to be used to test the Battle Armour suits by the Federated Commonwealth.  The Legionaries are known for their use of infantry against BattleMechs and are seen as perfect test subjects for this powerful new weapon.  The Gray Death Legion soon return to the Federated Commonwealth’s NAIS Research Division with improvements for the design and construct two unique sub-variants of the design for their use.  Hand-building these suits at their Glengarry base in the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth on a case by case basis keeping the Gray Death Legion well stocked in Battle Armour for years to come.

   Meanwhile on the Clan front Clan Smoke Jaguar almost secures the capture of Heir-designate Hohiro Kurita of the Draconis Combine however they do not immediately realise who he is and throw him in prison.  An intervention by Victor Steiner-Davion saves Hohiro’s life and marks the first time the Federated Commonwealth and Draconis Combine have openly cooperated in centuries.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 07:40:09 PM »


First Battle of Luthien
Draconis Combine
14th January 3052

   In January the Inner Sphere was rocked when Clan Smoke Jaguar and Clan Star Adder launch a full scale invasion of and conquer Luthien, the capital of the Draconis Combine and home to House Kurita.  Even with help from the Federated Commonwealth hired mercenary regiments the Wolf’s Dragoons and Kell Hounds the defenders of Luthien are defeated with both Kell Hounds and Wolf’s Dragoons taking heavy losses and are forced to retreat from Luthien.

   Before the DCMS can retreat four Combine BattleMech Regiments are decimated and broken, the DCMS’ largest loss in the entire invasion campaign.  On the throne world both the Combine’s leader Coordinator Takashi Kurita and, his son/heir, Kanrei Theodore Kurita are missing presumed dead, Theodore’s son Hohiro Kurita is whisked from Luthien on the orders left by his father and is named Coordinator (Pro-tem) of the Draconis Combine until either Takashi or Theodore can be found or their bodies identified.

Second Battle of Luthien
Draconis Combine
13th March 3052

   Following two months of planning and many backroom deals between the Draconis Combine and Federated Commonwealth Warlord Hohiro Kurita leads a multi-national task force against Luthien.  Liberating the world in six weeks of heavy fighting.  Which devastates Luthien and dozens of regiments taking several of the Inner Sphere’s front-line units off the battle roster for months.  This victory does however prove to many that the Inner Sphere can work together as a single force if they put their differences behind them.  The only force missing from the battle is ComStar, who although invited to participate in the battle refused. It soon becomes apparent the ComStar has its own plan for the Clans.

   When everything done several units are devastated including the Wolf Dragoons Beta and Delta Regiments.  On the Clan side the Smoke Jaguars and Star Adders are bloodied with the Smoke Jaguars loosing their entire Beta Galaxy in the fighting and the Star Adders loosing their WarShip Eagle, an Essex-class Destroyer, that had been supplying ground troops when a pair of Capellan Confederation DropShips engaged and eventually rammed the vessel when its engines had been destroyed and the crew could do nothing else.  Both ships are destroyed in a fireball that tore through the Draconis Combine‘s Capitol‘s atmosphere impacting on one of the Dragon‘s Tears Islands rendering the island uninhabitable with a massive fireball and explosion.

   Following the battle Takashi and Theodore Kurita are found dead in the ruins of the Imperial Palace, suspiciously they have both been stabbed in the back.  Following a full examination it appears they were killed by an ancient scimitar but neither the weapon or possible murderer are ever found.  ISF officially declare it was a member of the Clans who killed them then fled following the Liberation of Luthien by Inner Sphere forces however they keep both cases open just in case something comes up.

Battle of Tukayyid
Tukayyid, Free Rasalhague Republic
June 3052

   Finding out that the Clans intend on fighting their way to Terra in the centre of the Inner Sphere conquering it then the rest of the Inner Sphere ComStar stops assisting the Clans with communications and intelligence.  Then Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht, commander of the ComGuard, challenges ilKhan Ulric Kerensky to a Trial of Possession between the ComStar and the Invading Clans on the world of Tukayyid in what little remains of the Free Rasalhague Republic.  If the ComGuards win the Clans stop their invasion where they stand and do not continue their invasion for another fifteen years.  If they loose the ComGuards surrender to the Clans, ComStar turns Terra over to the Clans and ComStar becomes sub-servant to the Clans, or at least that is the deal.

    After some convincing on both sides the Trial is set and after a monumental effort by ComStar to get its forces from Terra and the Periphery to Tukayyid, and to evacuate the population of the world, approximately fifty ComGuard Divisions meet the front-line Galaxies of the six invading Clans supported by several small forces from other Clans who have yet to invade the Inner Sphere but want to test themselves against the Inner Sphere‘s force.  After several weeks of heavy combat the Battle ends with heavy damage to all of the ComGuard Divisions, with some destroyed, and entire Clan Galaxies destroyed the battlegrounds slowly all fall silent.  As the tallies are done the Clans are declared the losers with only two Clans causing serious damage to the Clans and/or secured their objectives.  Defeated the Clans must honour the fifteen year truce bought by ComGuard blood and are forbidden to move anywhere closer to Terra until the Truce ends.  The Clans angry at what has happened begin to strike against each other in the Occupation Zone and at home in the Clan Homeworlds, the Inner Sphere Militaries drop into a defensive posture and begin to rebuild and develop new technologies to fight the Clans in the future.

   Following the Battle Primus Myndo Waterly launches Operation Scorpion in an attempt to crush the Inner Sphere and Clans but it fails by killing their leadership and severing all communications.  Several of the commands under her refuse to carry out their orders or are thwarted by the Inner Sphere of Clan forces, on at least one occasion by the two working together.  Soon after ComStar is split in two with a small amount of leaving to form the Word of Blake, a ComStar (in-Exile) hidden deep within the Free Worlds League.  While the majority stands as ComStar ready to defend the Inner Sphere from any further Clan threat.  One factor that does hamper ComStar is that the combined failure of Operation Scorpion and the defections to the Word of Blake cripple ComStar’s intelligence service the ROM blinding ComStar to most threats until they are right in front of them.  Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht initiates a wide range of programs to gain ComStar more acceptance among the Inner Sphere following the lost respect from Operation Scorpion which causes more defections.

   Just days after the end of the Battle of Tukayyid First Prince Hanse Davion of the Federated Commonwealth passes away in his sleep on New Avalon, in the Federated Suns half of the Commonwealth.  Leadership passes to his son Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.  However, Victor is unwilling to take the crown and instead names his mother, Hanse’s wife, Melissa Steiner-Davion as leader of the Federated Commonwealth as he continues to wage war against the Clans.  Melissa promises to pass on leadership when Victor asks for his throne back while proving that she is as able a leader as her husband was concentrating on the people of her nation instead of the troubles along their borders.  Across both halves of the Federated Commonwealth Melissa Steiner-Davion proves to be a symbol of hope and prosperity.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 07:44:07 PM »


Wolf’s Dragoons Training Sibko Training
Outreach, Chaos March
28th February 3053

   Being former Clansmen the Wolf’s Dragoons had brought many machines and customs with them when they had joined the Inner Sphere as a mercenary force.  Their winning of Outreach from the Federated Commonwealth following the Fourth Succession War had given them room and the necessary secrecy to build things the Inner Sphere could only dream about.

   One of these such creations was a small Genetic Repository and Iron Womb facility on Outreach were the Dragoons could literally breed new warriors that would fill their ranks in the future and provide the Dragoons with Clan-styled Elemental Warriors for infantry operations.  This facility located near the Dragoons’ own factory was a top secret facility that no-one outside top level Dragoons were ever allowed to enter allowing the Dragoons to keep their programs a total secret.

   With this facility was a Clan Sibko-style training school where newly bred warriors were trained from birth to become the ultimate warrior, much like Trueborn Clan Warriors.  One of these new generation Dragoon warriors was Brian, a communications expert and talented warrior.  Soon after his graduation Brian quickly won the Honour name of Cameron, becoming Brian Cameron, in a process similar to the Clan’s Trial of Bloodright.

   Assigned to the Alpha Regiment of the Dragoons Brian Cameron was assigned to the rebuilding Regiment following the Battle of Luthien.  With several captured Star Adder and Smoke Jaguar warriors added to the ranks of the Dragoons, captured as Bondsmen during the Second Battle of Luthien, the Dragoons had a resurgence of life and were ready for duty.  Unfortunately because of Kantov's Battalion, of the Wolf’s Dragoons, defaulting on a contract and the damage done to the Dragoons at Luthien the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission (MRBC) on Outreach had placed a year long ban on the Dragoons taking any legal contracts.  With Colonel Jamie Wolf unwilling to take contracts out with the MRBC, as he had pioneered the organisation’s rebuilding and the honest mercenary trade especially on Outreach, the Dragoons were stuck on Outreach rebuilding and training.

Wolf Dragoons Command, Harlech
Outreach, Chaos March
18th March 3053

   With the return of the Dragoons from Luthien there was trouble brewing with the various commands and the new adoptees taken from the Clans on Luthien.  Some of the major hotspots of trouble within the Dragoons ranks comes from Elemental warrior Elson Nova Cat.  Although captured from the Smoke Jaguar Clan Elson continues to cling to the Clan of his birth, the Nova Cats, now free of the Clans bearing over him he has elected to retake his Nova Cat heritage.  Inspirational and charismatic Elson wins a lot of support within the Dragoons willing to speak out against Colonel Jamie Wolf and other commanders of the Dragoons.  One of Elson’s major supporters, and mouthpieces, within the Dragoons is Jamie Wolf’s own estranged grandson Alpine Wolf.  Although he is unhappy with the moves being made against him Jamie Wolf continues to martial his forces and stand ready but does not make any moves against either Elson or Alpine, hoping to avoid any real fight.

   Meanwhile within the Dragoons a new warrior begins to raise through the ranks Captain Maeve of the Wolf Spider Company.  A trueborn warrior born on Outreach at the Dragoon’s own Iron Womb facility few know that Maeve is an exact clone of Jamie Wolf, even Jamie Wolf himself does not know, Maeve continues to impress commanders within the Dragoons on exercises.


Charity Event
Tharkad City, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Federated Commonwealth
19th June 3055

   The fragile Federated Commonwealth Alliance is rocked when at a charity event on Tharkad Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion and Morgan Kell’s wife are killed and Morgan is crushed alive under the rubble by a bomb-blast that destroys the charity conference building they were staying in.  Days later Morgan is recovered alive but with one arm crushed beyond repair, the Grand-Duke of Arc-Royal returns home to command his Kell Hound‘s mercenaries in their continuing struggle to maintain the Lyran border against Clan Jade Falcon.  Even with extensive surgery Morgan loses his arm and is unable to pilot a Mech, instead Morgan begins to concentrate on larger issues such as running Arc-Royal, his families land hold.

   Following the death of his mother Victor Steiner-Davion officially takes over the leadership of the Federated Commonwealth becoming Archon-Prince of the largest of the Succession Lord States.  Hanse Davion’s and Katrina Steiner’s dream of uniting half of the Inner Sphere under one banner finally comes into being.  Unfortunately the Federated Commonwealth is not a happy place, the Federated Suns half of the nation is peaceful and undamaged by the recent conflicts however it has been stripped of many premier fighting units sent to fight the Clans, while the Lyran Commonwealth half is battered on one side by the clans and attacked from within by separatists movements.  Added to this is Victor is a combat veteran not a politician making beginner mistakes which make things even more complicated.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 07:46:43 PM »


Skye and Solaris VII
Skye Province, Federated Commonwealth
April 3056

   On Solaris VII Victor Steiner-Davion’s aide and Katherine Steiner-Davion’s lover Galen Cox is apparently killed by a bomb-blast in a Solaris Hotel Katherine barely gets away from the attack with her life.  In fact Galen escapes death with the aide of a Loki agent who informs him that Katherine ordered his death.  On that day Galen Cox dies and Jerrard Cranston takes his place beside Victor Steiner-Davion, it takes several years for anyone to think Jerrard Cranston is anything but what he says he is, some wonder about him however because Victor seems to trust Jerrard implicitly.  The truth is that Galen is Jerrard and the swap was made to make everyone believe Galen’s assassin had succeeded.  Victor neither denies or promotes this helping hide Jerrard‘s exact identity.

   Four days later on Skye Duke Robert Steiner is killed by a sniper.  The assassin is never caught although the rumour is that either Katherine or Victor Steiner-Davion ordered Robert‘s death to stop Free Skye launching another damaging rebellion while the Lyrans were barely holding things together against the Clans.

Cyclops, Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser/Space Station
Unexplored Deep Periphery System
96 Light-years Core-ward Cirincus Federation
14th July 3056

   For sixteen years ComStar had used the Pirate controlled Cyclops Space Station in the deep periphery as a base for their Explorer units in the Core and Rim Exploration areas to great effect.  The break away Word of Blake had taken several of these finds, mainly ex-SLDF bases, when they broke from ComStar in 3051 but the resources and Intel available at Cyclops had remained in ComStar hands.  With the revealing of the ComGuard Navy and Ground forces Queen Jennifer Briton II, owner and ruler of the Cyclops, had amended the deal with ComStar and the ancient vessel-turn-space station had began extensive upgrades in weapons, although ComStar had been able to keep naval grade weapons out of the pirates hands.  The pirates and ComStar also had maintained the non-aggression treaty that had made Cyclops such an effective free port, even when the true power and the secrets of ComStar had begun to be revealed, the peace ensured and Cyclops ensured.

   It was early morning local time, late evening Terra-standard time, onboard the ComStar registered Union-class DropShip Marathon.  Over the years the ship had been extensively modified and now housed over a hundred ComStar Explorer Corps personnel and was the hub for local Explorer Corps missions.  Alongside the Marathon was two more Explorer Corps DropShips waiting for the pick-up call by a JumpShip.  Instead of this call however it was another that was awakening the ComGuard crew aboard the Marathon and every pirate on-board ships in the area.  “Attention this is Demi-Precentor Karl T. Lockhart of the Word of Blake, we are under orders to take custody of the DropShips Marathon, Lonely Quest and Cargo Jumper, all registered with the Heretics of ComStar and the ComGuard.  We will not be leaving without these vessel and will use force if necessary.”  The Word of Blake officer had said over an open frequency naming all three ComStar Explorer Corps vessels, before Adept Hanna Stocker, the Marathon’s commander, could reply another voice came onto the comm. frequency.

   â€œPrecentor, you have one minute to turn your DropShips around or you will be in violation of Cyclops Sovereign territory and will be destroyed.”  Queen Jennifer Briton II said into the comm. channel across the Cyclops fighters and DropShips were launching.

   â€œOur trouble is with ComStar, not you Queen Briton” Lockhart said showing he knew who she was, on the video screen Jennifer did not look amused with his knowledge.

   â€œI have a problem with anyone with a gun in my space, leave now.”  She warned one last time.

   â€œThat will not be happening, Peace of Blake be with you.”  Lockhart said suddenly all three of his DropShips began launching fighters and powering weapons, the last move any of them would ever make.  Already launched and already in position all local pirate forces, some from the station other not, dropped on the Word of Blake forces destroying fighter after fighter within minutes all the Word of Blake Fighters were destroyed while the three DropShips were under heavy fire from the combined DropShips of the fighters and the Cyclops’ own extensive weapons suite.  The Word of Blake Achilles-class assault DropShip was swiftly destroyed, followed quickly by the Leopard CV-carrier DropShip and finally the Hamilcar being disabled and captured by Pirate marines from the station, a brand-new Free Worlds League design was quite a catch as were the eight BattleMechs in its cargo hold.

   After a few minutes of silence as various ships and EVA pilots were recovered Hanna Stocker was able to get onto the video comm. channel with Queen Jennifer Briton II.  “Queen Briton, the Explorer Corps are in your debt.”

   â€œNonsense, the Word of Blake broke the non-aggression treaty we maintain in this system, I had to destroy them or anyone would feel they could violate the treaty and Cyclops would be destroyed or badly damaged in the cross-fire.  The Laws of the Cyclops will always apply here.”  Jennifer explained herself and their actions, the Word of Blake had been destroyed due to their own stupidity, Hanna liked that.

   â€œStill, I think that perhaps we can help you out in some ways and ensure if this happens again, perhaps against a bigger threat, then the Cyclops will be able to defend herself.”

   â€œI’m interested Adept Stocker, shall we meet in six hours, in my private suite?”  Briton suggested although it would still be early morning on ComStar’s clock Hanna was ready for that and agreed to the plan.  During the meeting Hanna negotiated the rates of the Explorer Corps docking fees would be lowered and the Cyclops would receive weapons upgrades on all weapons and tracking systems ensuring it could meet any threat up to a full naval assault.  Hanna was able to keep naval grade weaponry out of the Pirate Queen’s hands so ComStar would always have that advantage if it was needed.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 07:50:47 PM »


New Avalon Institute of Science, Avalon City
New Avalon, Crucis March,
Federated Commonwealth
September 3057

   While receiving treatment for Leukaemia Joshua Marik, son of Free Worlds Leader Captain-General Thomas Marik, dies at the NAIS, the premier research facility in the Inner Sphere.  Instead of informing the Captain-General of his son’s death Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion chooses to replace him with a duplicate knowing that if Thomas was to break the agreement he made with Victor’s father to supply the Federated Commonwealth with weapons for their treating Joshua the nation may cave under intense Clan pressure.

   Thomas Marik soon exposes Victor’s plot and launches an assault against the Federated Commonwealth’s Sarna March, an attack the Capellan Confederation happily supports gobbling up several of the Sarna March worlds they lost in the Fourth Succession War, this attack split’s the Federated Commonwealth back into its two separate halves.  Horrified by her brother’s actions Katherine withdraws the Lyran-half using an emergency escape clause in the Federated Commonwealth Alliance Agreement forming the Lyran Alliance.  She also recalls all Lyran troops home, while the FedCom personnel in the Lyran Alliance are stripped of their transport assets and trapped in the Alliance by the new Archon.  The recall of the Lyran troops causes the Sarna March to disintegrate into the Chaos March a lawless region of space in the centre of the Inner Sphere.

Refusal War
Clan Occupation Zones
Wolf and Jade Falcon Territory
September-December 3057

   Following charges of genocide against the Clans with the Truce of Tukayyid stopping an entire generation of warriors experiencing a real invasion or test by Clan Jade Falcon.  Clan Wolf fights the Refusal War against Clan Jade Falcon, the Jade Falcons attempt to absorb the Wolves in the fight turning it into a Trial of Absorption.  Under Ulric Kerensky’s leadership the Wolves bid their entire force and engage the Jade Falcon in their own territory much to the surprise of the Jade Falcons.  Although it causes the life of Ulric Kerensky and Natasha Kerensky the Warden element of Clan Wolf, dedicated to the defence of the Inner Sphere, travels into the Lyran Alliance under the command of Khan Phelan Kell, Kerensky creating the Kell Bloodname for Phelan, and they become the Wolf (in-Exile) Clan settling on Arc Royal the land hold of the Kell family.

   Following the battles, and a temporary absorbing of Clan Wolf by the Jade Falcons the Clan High Council meet in the Homeworlds and officially abjure the Exiled Wolves and vote Smoke Jaguar Khan Lincoln Osis as their new ilKhan.  Many of the Khans see this as a hollow position now that the Invasion is over however there has been an ilKhan since the foundation of the Clans and the Smoke Jaguars take great pride in having the position of ilKhan back within their ranks despite their weakened state and their internal problems.

   Many Inner Sphere people call for a strike against the Wolves and the Jade Falcons in their weakened state however the leader of the Inner Sphere are nowhere near ready to strike back against a Clan alone and none are willing to put the centuries of war behind them to combine their militaries to fight back against the Inner Sphere.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 07:53:40 PM »


Hall of the Khans
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
12th January 3058

   â€œMy Great Khans” Star Colonel Thomas Perez said standing in front of all the Khans of the Clans.  The Twenty Clans had been formed by Nicholas Kerensky, son of Star League Defence Force Guardian/Commanding-General Alexandr Kerensky, the Clans formed from the remnants of the Star League Army following the break out of hostilities by factions of the army loyal to the Inner Sphere States.  Strana Mechty and the other Homeworlds were located roughly one hundred thousand light-years from the Inner Sphere and were settled in two groups the Pentagon Worlds, the first five worlds settled by the Star League army, and the Kerensky Cluster, centred around Strana Mechty these worlds numbering over twenty were the core holdings of the Clans.  “For years the Smoke Jaguar Clan has treated its lower castes with disdain and mistreatment.”  Thomas continued  “within the Clan there has been an element that fought against these practices, however our leadership have kept us quiet through the same such treatment used against the civilians by calling for a Trial of Annihilation against us.  I have defeated our Khans in combat in a Trial of Grievance stopping our Annihilation, but we are still subject to Smoke Jaguar laws and treatment.  I now call on you, the Khans of all the Clans, to allow us our independence.”  He said the Khans looked to each other and a quiet murmuring filled the room, the two Khans of Clan Smoke Jaguar Lincoln Osis and Brandon Howell never moved or wavered on their gazes at Thomas Perez, their eyes full of pure hate, the only reason they were even here because Thomas had defeated both Khans in single combat stopping the Jaguar Touman from annihilating them all, now the decision was in the hands of all the Khans and it could go either way, the Smoke Jaguars had plenty of enemies.  In an attempt to stop this break away faction Lincoln Osis stood up.

   â€œMy fellow Khans if you allow a faction to break from the Smoke Jaguar and form their own ‘clan’ you will invite factions from within all the Clans to act towards forming their own Clans.  Our united front against the Inner Sphere will be broken and the Inner Sphere will take us apart piecemeal.”  He said from the reactions of the other Khans Osis could see that some of the Khans were swayed by his words but others saw it for what it truly was, a desperate attempt to stop people breaking from the Smoke Jaguar Clan.

   â€œI do not think that will happen, the rest of the Clans understand their lower castes and deal with them in the appropriate way, it is only the Clans who are unable to control their people and cater for their needs that have to worry.”  Khan Severn Lervoux of Clan Nova Cat said standing briefly “I motion for a vote on the formation of this new Clan and that any Smoke Jaguar that wishes may join, also to ensure the civilians and warriors of other Clans do not feel mistreated any warrior or civilian who wishes to join this new Clan will be allowed a trial against a senior member of his, or her, own Clan winning will allow them to leave and join the new Clan.”  He said before sitting back down again there was stunned silence in the grand hall for several moments, although none was willing to admit it this motion could set off several trials in every Clan weakening them all.

   â€œI second the motion” Khan Barbara Sennet of Clan Diamond Shark said standing briefly then sitting again before Loremaster Kael Pershaw, the Jade Falcon Loremaster and currently speaker of the grand council could speak, the Diamond Sharks and Nova Cats had been allies for centuries and out of all the Clans they used and understood their civilian castes best so it wasn’t a great shock these Clans had voted to free the Smoke Jaguars who had been brutalized under that Clan.  Neither the Nova Cats or the Diamond Sharks feared loosing people or resources because their Clans were unified unlike the Smoke Jaguars who brutalized their lower-castes and often cut down their own warriors for minor offences, one of the many reasons the Nova Cats and Smoke Jaguars hated each other.

   Over the course of the next hour the Khans of the seventeen remaining Clans voted over the fate of Thomas Perez and his people.

   Being the nominating Clans the Nova Cat and Diamond Shark Khans voted first with ‘Yes’ votes.

   Clan Smoke Jaguar being the defensive Clan voted next with a resounding ‘No.’  Clans Wolf, Jade Falcon and Star Adder followed suit each with ‘No’ votes stacking things against Perez and his people.

   Clan Blood Spirit smallest of the Clans was next with a ‘yes’ vote anything to weaken their stronger brethren increasing their chances of survival brining the total to three for and four against.

   The Clan Cloud Cobra Khan voted next and as an ally of the Nova Cat and Diamond Shark Clans the Cloud Cobra Khan voted ‘yes’ bringing the votes equal.

   The Khan of Clan Fire Mandrill, Garret Sainze, stood next “although many observers would say that Clan Fire Mandrill is a divided Clan we put our differences behind us and can not understand why other clans cannot do the same as such we will not vote on the break up of another clan, but we will not stand in their way.  Clan Fire Mandrill abstains.”

   â€œThe great monkey fails to make a decision once again” Lincoln Osis said quietly making fun of the Fire Mandrill Clan‘s animal totem and the Clans legendary reputation for being unable to make a major decision without fighting among themselves first, it was enough for the Fire Mandrill Khan to challenge Osis to a Trial of Grievance but the Fire Mandrill Khan remained silent.

   â€œThe vote is tied with four votes each and one abstention” Kael Pershaw said “Clan Coyote will vote next.”  The Loremaster said the Khan of Clan Coyote stood.

   â€œThe Coyotes vote yes” the Coyote Khan, Sullivan Koga, said traditionally the Coyotes were the Wolves allies however politically the Wolves were Crusaders, hated and looked to destroy the Inner Sphere, and the Coyotes were Wardens, looking to live with and defend the Inner Sphere, so this could have a say in the decision by removing elements of the Smoke Jaguars they weakened the Crusader viewpoint.

   The next two votes the Ghost Bears and the Goliath Scorpions both followed suit with ‘yes’ votes.  The Hell’s Horses voted next with a ‘no’ vote trying to counter their enemies, the Ghost Bears.  Clan Burrock voted next with an abstain, their Khan never even bothered to stand it was as if the Burrock Khan cared nothing for this entire Grand Council, an insult to all the Khans and to the Founder, Nicholas Kerensky, none of the other Khans challenged the Burrock leadership to a Trial of Grievance but there was several angry glances from around the table, this would not be the end of their retribution.

   Following this was the Ice Hellions who also voted ‘no’ brining the vote to seven votes for and five votes against with only the Snow Ravens and the Steel Vipers to vote.  The Snow Raven Khan Lynn McKenna the Khan stood “Clan Snow Raven abstains from this vote, we have nothing against the Smoke Jaguars and we are not interested in their petty struggles.”  Sitting down Thomas Perez looked at the Snow Raven Khan he would have hoped for support from them but it had not come.

   The last Khan stood, Perigard Zalman, Khan of Clan Steel Viper who smiled looking at the Jade Falcon Khan and the Smoke Jaguar Khan two rivals of his Clan “Clan Steel Viper votes Yes” he said sitting back down a wicked smile crossed his face.

   â€œThe votes are complete with eight votes for, seven against and three abstains.  Thomas Perez you and your people are freed from Clan Smoke Jaguar.  Any warrior willing to join you will be forced to fight one of the Khans in a Trial of Grievance before being able to join you.  Your new Clan will be given the Avalon base in the De Chavilier Valley of Strana Mechty and a grace period of one year.  In this time you will only be forced to fight trials of your own choosing.  This grand council meeting is over.”  Kael Pershaw said standing, the Khans chanted in one ‘Seyla’ there was a moment of silence then the Khans began moving out.

   Lincoln Osis approached Thomas Perez “Star Colonel, enjoy this year because after it you will be dead as will your upstart Clan.”  Thomas Perez turned to leave but the Smoke Jaguar Khan grabbed his arm “trust me, Thomas Perez, you and your people will be dead one year from now.”

   â€œWe will never be Smoke Jaguars again” Thomas Perez said walking off leaving Khan Osis alone in the Grand Council chambers.  Four days later Thomas Perez was voted Khan of Clan Stone Rhino, the newest of the great Clans.

Last part for today - only minor changes so far, the Clan War I didn't have huge problems with just a few minor changes set things off towards the future
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2012, 01:31:10 AM »

Battle of Coventry
Coventry Province, Lyran Alliance
March-April 3058

   The Lyran Alliance is invaded by Clan Jade Falcon who fight their way to Coventry before being stopped and bogged down by a combined Lyran defenders supplemented by a Mercenary force made up of the Eridani Light Horse, Wolf‘s Dragoons and several smaller units.  After a slight delay caused by Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion, her brother Victor Steiner-Davion arrives with a multi-national force to turn back the Jade Falcons.  In a surprise move Victor offers the Falcons Hegira, the clan term for honourable retreat, which the Jade Falcon Khan Marthe Pryde accepts and returns her forces to the Occupation Zone.  Some Inner Sphere experts believe that the Jade Falcon Khan just wanted to prove the metal of her Clan and blood the youngest members of her military however this proves to the Inner Sphere that they can work together during an Invasion or during a time of peace leading to plans for the First Whitting Conference to take place on Tharkad, the Lyran capital, to discuss further alliances.

   During the battle Katherine Steiner-Davion meets with the leader of Clan Wolf when her transport is intercepted as she tries to reach the Smoke Jaguar Khan for a secret meeting.  Katherine secretly agrees to hand the Inner Sphere to the Wolves once the Truce of Tukayyid has passed when the Wolves invade the Lyran Alliance will aide them.  Khan Vlad Ward warns her that if she has not secured her position in the Inner Sphere by 3068 then he will come for her and she will be his bondsman. Katherine believes she has won a great victory however in fact she has sold her soul to the devil.

Raider’s Roost
Tortuga Prime, Tortuga Dominions
4th August 3058

   Over the last couple of weeks reports suggesting there was a new pirate band walking the six worlds of the Tortuga Dominions annihilating everything that stood in their path.  Some reports had suggested that it was the Federated Suns coming to finish what they stated in 3042 and bring the Tortuga Fusiliers to justice for the crimes they had committed.  Twyla ‘The Major’ Sameral, commander of the Fusiliers, and pirate queen of the Tortuga Dominions had recalled all her troops to Tortuga following the first report and now they were dug in around Raider’s Roost.
   The capital city of Tortuga, Raider’s Roost, was the only real city in the Tortuga Dominions and roughly six of the nation’s ten million inhabitants resided in the city, many as slaves to the Fusiliers but some who had gained their freedom or arrived showing the Fusiliers there was more they could do than slave work.  Over the years high rise accommodation, the only examples of such buildings in the Dominions, had been erected.  However without equipment and the correct skills to maintain them they had begun to fall apart, Twyla had always intended to search out some engineers in the Federated Suns or the Taurian Concordat she could abduct and bring to Raider’s Roost and sort things out but she had never gotten around to it “shoulda, woulda, coulda, didn’t, end of story” Twyla often said about it.  Sometimes people who had run away from the Fusiliers slave pens would hide in the buildings but no-one with any brains would go near them.  The Fusiliers used them as look out points however the constant landing of multi-ton BattleMechs on their roof’s had made the buildings even more unstable.

   The BattleMech was the primary weapon of the modern era.  Ranging from twenty to one hundred tons they could reach speeds of over one hundred kilometres per hour and travel over any terrain in any weather, some were equipped with Jump Jets allowing them to ascend buildings and cross hindering terrain.  All were armed with a variety of lasers, missiles, autocannons and Particle Projection Cannons (PPCs) and were capable of levelling an entire city block alone.  Generally only a bigger Mech could take out a Mech however in recent years with the development of other units on the field that rule was beginning to change.  Regardless BattleMechs were the kings of the battlefield with their mix of speed, armour and firepower seeing a Mech on the field put the fear into any common foot soldier.

   Then two days before the JumpShips at the Zenith and Nadir points, recharging their Kearny-Fuchida Jump Engines, which would allow the Tortuga Fusiliers to escape the system if things went bad, went dark refusing all communications from Tortuga.  JumpShips were the lifeblood of interstellar travel and even for pirates they were off limits as targets.  A JumpShip could jump up to thirty light-years in one jump leaving the orbit of one star and entering the other.  After every jump they recharged their K-F Drives using solar energies with massive jump-sails and then jumped on to the next planet.  Some advanced, and expensive, JumpShips had a Lithium Battery which allowed them to store two Jump Charges at one giving them an effective range of sixty light-years per jump, none of the Fusiliers’ JumpShips were equipped with such devices however.  Most of the time JumpShips remained in high orbit over a Star collecting solar energy, and radiation, for their next jump while their passengers travelled in system with Small Craft and vessels known as DropShips. DropShips were capable of travelling into a system, something JumpShips were completely incapable of during due to their tiny station keeping drives, DropShips were also heavily armed and armoured and capable of carrying troops onto a planet.  Between them there were hundreds of thousands of JumpShips and DropShips travelling thought the Inner Sphere on a daily basis keeping nations together, worlds stocked and armies marching.  Lately combat JumpShips known as WarShips had begun to reappear in the Inner Sphere armies these heavily armed, heavily armed vessels could do everything that a JumpShip could do and could travel in as system and wage war against other vessels.

   With contact lost to her JumpShips Twyla had set-up her battalion of thirty-eight BattleMechs and regiment of conventional foot infantry around the city, they were now dug in twenty-four hours a day ready for an attack.  The Mechs were old but reliable and the pilots all trained by Twyla herself, while the regiment of infantry were little more than armed citizens and would be little more than cannon fodder.  In the air the sixteen Aerospace Fighters of the Tortuga Corsairs flew near constantly waiting for an attacker.  Aerospace Fighters were capable of space and atmospheric operations making them extremely valuable, having the pilots flying constantly and in the atmosphere was dangerous and expensive but it gave the Fusiliers extra firepower when the enemy arrived, they might even be able to stop the enemy DropShips landing allowing the Fusiliers to push them back and destroy them in space.

   â€œMajor, we have enemy DropShips” Cameron ‘Hot-Seat’ Kline reported high above the city just before several, sixteen, smoke trails was seen criss-crossing the city, the Tortuga Corsairs were no-more.

   â€œDig in people, you know what to do.  Jumpers, set-up as many canyons as possible, everyone else we are the bait we get them in then the canyon kills them.  Scalphunters, any infantry or vehicles are yours, anyone from Raider’s Roost who interferes is a target as well.  You see any disabled Mechs, kill the pilot and the Mech is yours!”  Twyla said addressing her troops, the Jump capable Mechs ascended to the highest possible buildings giving them increased range and visibility while the ground-bound Mechs disappeared into the city streets, the Scalphunters or infantry forces began setting up traps throughout the city streets giving them the incentive of capturing and keeping a Mech would make the infantry do anything for her, most would die in the battle but infantry were cheap and you never know one or two might actually get a Mech out of this fight.

   Once the Tortuga Fusiliers were set-up there was silence for several minutes “where are they?”  One warrior said quietly, his Mech high on one of Raider’s Roost’s many decrepit high-rise buildings.   Twyla often wondered how the building remained standing after all these years of neglect her Fusiliers were not engineers and would never stoop to doing repair work, she had always wanted to capture an engineering team and get them to fix the city but they had never found the personnel.

   Suddenly everything happened at once from every imaginable direction Aerospace fighters of a type Twyla did not recognise dived in over the city targeting the jump capable Mechs on the rooftops.  In less than a minute all but a couple of her canyon Mechs were falling from the rooftops, the warrior so interested in where the enemy were was among them.  Twyla was scared, the enemy had hit with such pace and hitting power, but she knew the fight was not over.  The only way they could take Tortuga was to take Raider’s Roost and only Mechs with full Infantry and armour support could do that.  “Drop to the ground people!  We will drop them when they enter the city.  We can still survive this, we do or it is prison for the rest of our lives!”  She shouted, they were all pirates and criminals they knew what the price of failure was.  She saw two surviving Mechs from the canyon forces drop to the ground “you two Panther warriors attach yourselves to my lance” for a light Mech the Panther was a slow but hard hitting design and they would be helpful.  The two Panther pilots had other ideas turning tail and running into the city Twyla lashed out with her Awesome’s full PPC battery, the three weapons each fired a bolt of man-made lightning at the retreating Panthers but missed widely instead hitting a small building blowing it to pieces “you cowards!”  She screamed slamming the controls as her assault Mech overheated.

   Just then things went from bad to worse Mechs dropped into the city all over the place, the enemy was not approaching the city on the ground instead they were dropping from their DropShips high in the sky.  Twyla watched one of her warriors target one Mech and hit it with an autocannon blast the enemy Mech lost control and slammed into a building, which exploded as the Mech hit, the entire building crumbled in on itself on top of the emeny Mech.  With the enemy Mechs Twyla could see something else as her Awesome regained control, dropping to the ground were smaller targets that looked like tiny Mechs at this distance but as Twyla magnified in on one of the landed troopers she could see that they were Clan Elemental Warriors in Battle Armour.

   The Clans operated Elemental Warriors which, from what Twyla knew, were walking walls of muscle and flesh each standing over eight foot tall they operated in squads of five and were deadly to anything from conventional infantry right up to BattleMechs.  To make the Elementals even worse each trooper was armed with a laser, a Short Range Missile (SRM) Rack with four missiles, a Battle-claw and an anti-personnel weapon allowing them to seriously damage BattleMech grade armour and conventional infantry soldiers alike.  The suit also gave the warriors jump jets allowing them to bound up to thirty metres and armour capable of resisting everything up to a PPC or medium autocannon.

   â€œThe Clans…” Twyla said disbelieving her people had come here to avoid the Clan Invasion, they had become pirates by breaking their mercenary contract in an effort to avoid the Clan’s unstoppable invasion forces and now here they were on Tortuga, Twyla was sure they were coming for her a reckoning of some sort.  “This cannot be happening” she said watching as five Elemental warriors swarmed over one of her Mechs tearing the Mech to pieces then dragging the pilot out of his Mech’s cockpit throwing him to the ground killing him.  It was a favourite tactic of Elementals to leap up onto a Mech and tear into the armour disabling systems forcing the pilot to surrender before they got to him and killed him, Twyla had heard that some Elementals killed surrendering MechWarriors for the simple reason that they could it was the last thing she wanted for her or any of her people.  As far as she had known there were no Clan forces anywhere near Tortuga, none.  This just confirmed Twyla’s thought that ComStar the shadowy organisation that controlled most of the Inner Sphere’s communications never could be trusted and now her band would pay for their mistake.

   Loosing her temper she struck the weapons console firing all three PPCs again the three bolts of man-made lighting soared into the sky and struck an enemy aerospace fighter.  The fighter lost control and slammed into the ground exploding, perhaps these Clansmen were not so indestructible Twyla thought as her Mech overheated again, unable to hit the override quick enough the Awesome over heated and shut down.  All Twyla could think about was killing as many Clan warriors as possible before they killed her but then felt her assault Mech rock violently as something hit it, in its shutdown immobile state she could do nothing.  Then again, and again three more times Twyla Sameral thought someone was shooting her without looking her in the eye but that was not the case, she knew that a single weapons barrage would have knocked her Mech on its back drawing her personal pistol she steadied herself for her greatest fear and Elemental assault.

   Outside on the Awesome were five Elementals, one tore open the hatch and broke into the Awesome’s cockpit ignoring Twyla’s weapons fire physically ripping the pilot’s chair from the Mech’s head and  throwing it on the ground.  The impact of falling almost ten metres and landing on her bottom crushed Twyla’s spine and broke several ribs causing internal organ damage, she was helpless as the Clan Elementals surrounded her massive hulking soldiers that looked like walls of steel in their thick battle armour.  The Elementals removed her from the seat and then removed Twyla from all her clothes leaving her naked in the street, how she had left so many like this since taking control of Tortuga.  Forced her to her feet, which was painful and difficult Twyla was dragged through the streets as the slaughter of the Tortuga Fusiliers continued for the next hour.  By the end of it Twyla barely conscious and tied up in one of the courtyards naked, beaten and in massive amounts of pain from her injuries, she now knew what all those people she had put through similar procedures felt like, she felt sick not only from her injuries but from what she had done once she had been an honourable mercenary but fear had driven her to lash out at others, if she had remained the honourable Mercenary she may have died just the same and a lot quicker but she would have felt better about herself when it happened.  She was joined by three other survivors from the Fusiliers and several hundred civilians in the courtyard as the fighting still continued in some areas of the city no doubt some of her troops trying to escape and being hunted down by these demon Clan warriors.

   One Elemental spoke up, its voice amplified by the suit’s speakers giving it a mechanical alien sound. “For crimes against humanity, we the warriors of Clan Nova Cat find you guilty.”  As one Elemental fired a single shot into one prisoner’s head killing him instantly.  The Elemental stepped back and another stepped up behind the next prisoner “For killing Khan Severn Lervoux of Clan Nova Cat, we find you guilty.” The warrior said firing a single shot again killing the prisoner and again stepping backwards for another Elemental to step forward all along they were getting closer to where Twyla knelt.

   Twyla sitting at the end of the row tried to compose herself but burst into tears, this morning she had been Pirate Queen of this city and the surrounding cities and worlds and had been feared by everyone in the Tortuga Dominions, the Taurian Concordat and the Federated Suns Periphery Regions.  Now she was battered, naked, humiliated, beaten and about to die. “For killing saKhan Lucian Carns we find you guilty.”  The next Elemental said killing the next prisoner, Twyla was now the only prisoner remaining alive. “For forcing us to fight in the city risking civilian and collateral property damage” the Elemental said “and causing destruction on your own subjects”  The warrior said Twyla closed her eyes and tried to remain calm as the armoured Elemental raised its arm.

   â€œNo please, I can help you, I can control the people, I can point out targets, I know where resources are, please don‘t kill me!”  Twyla said rapidly begging for her life as she tried to look over her shoulder at the Elemental.

   â€œWe find you guilty” the Elemental said, the voice totally devoid of emotion or hesitation, firing a single shot, the rifle round caught Twyla in the left side of the head, the bullet travelled across her brain and out the other-side of her head killing the pirate queen instantly the last thing to go through Twyla‘s head was relief it was all over.  “Anyone resisting Clan Nova Cat will be dealt with quickly and harshly.  We are beginning a curfew at 17.00 Hours make sure you are home by then or you will be dealt with.  Your queries will be dealt with in time.  Now go about your lives!”  The Elemental said to the crowd releasing them from the courtyard, several of the civilians looked at the bodies of the executed prisoners then hurried away not wanting to be next, these Clan warriors were in charge there was no question about that in anyone‘s mind.  By the end of the day the Nova Cats were in control of the city and everyone knew who they were and who was their new masters, although some of Tortuga’s Fusiliers were unaccounted for the pirates who had been in charge had effectively ceased to exist.  The Nova Cats released the Fusiliers slaves and ordered them to get inside somewhere by the beginning of the curfew, most were too shocked to try anything silly and crawled into one of the hundreds of open, abandoned Raider‘s Reach buildings.

   At 17.00 Hours the Nova Cats began patrolling the streets, anyone found outsider after the beginning of the curfew was taken to a public square and tied up for the night outside with no provisions or shelter, if they survived the Nova Cats would let them go but with a warning, ‘get caught again and they would get a bullet instead of humiliation.’  After the first night the Nova Cats found very little people willing to try the Nova Cat’s new rules of law and order.  For the most part people welcomed the change from raping, murder and pillaging to the peace under the gun policy of the Nova Cats.

Hope you enjoy comment's questions welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2012, 02:55:36 PM »

Whitting Conference Centre
Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Alliance
1st October 3058

   The Succession Lords, leaders of the five main Inner Sphere states and two minor states had gathered together within four walls, a sight not seen in hundreds of year not seen since the fall of the first Star League and the departure of their army.  Now they were together looking towards the possibility of forming a Second Star League, this League would be used against the invading Clans stopping their invasion once and for all.  Standing at the podium Archon Katherine (Katrina) Steiner-Davion leader of the Lyran Alliance.  “Leaders of the Inner Sphere, Welcome to Tharkad.  Today is perhaps the most important day that any generation has faced in hundreds of years, instead of planning our next war against our neighbour or each other today we can plan a future of peace under the banner of a new Star League.  Today we all have to work together to ensure future generations never face a Succession War on the scale of the generations before, we have to ensure that the Inner Sphere has an answer to the Clan threat and the possible threats we have to each other.  Thank You.”  She said stepping to one side sitting on a chair behind the House Steiner section of the Table.

   From the other side of the table Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion, Victor was the Federated Commonwealth and technically the Lyran Alliance.  Katherine, his younger sister, had stolen the Lyran half of his realm and so far he had left her to it concentrating on rebuilding the Federated Commonwealth’s battered defences.  “Some of us are enemies, we will always be enemies” Victor said with all of his usual tact, he was a MechWarrior first and a politician a far second, “however, we all face a far more deadly enemy than each other.  When the Clans invaded in 3050 they steamrolled almost every unit we threw at them and although now we have more advanced technology capable of competing with the Clans, are rebuilding our armies and are more capable in resisting their forces we still face five first-rate Clans.  All Clans deployed in the Inner Sphere are intent on destroying our militaries and turning our people into mindless followers like their own.  According to intelligence there are over ten more Clans waiting to join them we must resist and we must act together, if we show them we are strong they will think again before attacking again.  I urge each of you to join the Federated Commonwealth in voting for the reformation of the Star League Defence Force (SLDF).  Thank You”  He said sitting back down, Thomas Marik Captain-General of the Free Worlds League moved to stand however Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao of the Capellan Confederation stood first looking menacingly at Victor.

   â€œI like you all see the benefits of having a Second Star League, however, this new League will need a First Lord and a Commanding-General.  I would like to submit that Victor Steiner-Davion is suitable for nether post, he had shown a lack of respect for other nations borders and he has shown a willingness to use force when diplomacy was a better tactic.”  The Capellan leader said sitting back down.  Duke Kai Allard-Liao at the St Ives table stood, beside his mother, and the leader of St Ives Compact, Duchess Candice Allard-Liao, Sun-Tzu’s aunt.  The St Ives Compact’s fifteen worlds had once been part of the Capellan Confederation and had broken free with Federated Commonwealth help during the last Succession War, the Fourth, a Succession War the Federated Suns had nearly destroyed the Capellan Confederation.

   â€œSun-Tzu, Victor is quite possibly the most capable leader of men, and women, in this room and could fight circles around any of us on the open battlefield.  Along with his personnel experience against the Clans I would submit that if the Star League was to be formed and that Victor was not named First Lord then that he should be made the first Commanding-General, in our fight against our common foe - the Clans.”  Kai said sitting down he exchanged looks with Victor both men had been friends for years, even serving together in the Tenth Lyran Guards fighting the Clans and the St Ives Compact owed its independence to Victor’s father, Hanse Davion, Kai would support his friend and ally anyway possible.

   â€œOf course the son of a Davion spy master would say that!”  Sun-Tzu said remaining seated Kai‘s father Justin had been a deep cover agent for House Davion during the Fourth Succession War and his efforts had helped House Davion destroy and capture over half of the Capellan Confederation.

   â€œNever speak of my father again Sun-Tzu if you do my Lancers will hit Sian and you will not have a Confederation.”  Kai said naming the Capellan Capital World, the St Ives Lancers led by Kai, who was considered to be the best warrior of his generation, could do a lot of damage to the Confederation although conquering them was probably not possible for the tiny breakaway state it was still a threat worth worrying about for Sun-Tzu who could little afford the renegade parts of his family returning to Sian to haunt him.

   â€œYou threaten me on this auspicious day, young duke, do you try and spark another Succession War with your words?”  Sun-Tzu said trying to goad Kai into a response, Candice Liao laid a hand on her son’s hand holding him down and trying to calm him.

   â€œGentlemen, this gets us nowhere.  We are here to re-establish the Star League not bicker, I suggest a thirty minute recess.”  Thomas Marik said several of the delegates nodded, Sun-Tzu immediately left not waiting for the meeting to be abjurned.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2012, 02:57:07 PM »

Hall of the Khans
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
2nd October 3058

   Meanwhile the Khans of the remaining seventeen Clans sat together on the Clan Homeworlds far from the Inner Sphere, this was their first council in several weeks and the first time that many had been on the same planet as each other.  Over the time since their creation following the Exodus Civil War centuries before three Clans had fallen, the Not-named (Wolverines) annihilated from Clan records due to their use of Nuclear weapons against Clan Snow Raven‘s Genetic Repository and their wish to use democracy over the Clan rules established by Nicholas Kerensky.  The Mongoose and Widowmakers absorbed by larger Clans that wanted more space to expand and found smaller clans in their way.  When it came to invading the Inner Sphere the others were divided over Crusader and Warden lines, those who wanted to conqueror the Inner Sphere and those who wanted to join the Inner Sphere protecting and guiding it in a golden age of humanity.  At present with five Clans holding territory in the Inner Sphere gained through combat the Crusaders held a far larger hold in the Clan Council.

   â€œMy Khans we have encountered many hurdles but we still stand firm.”  ilKhan Lincoln Osis, the Khan of Clan Smoke Jaguar and the current elder of all the Clans, Osis glanced around the room and then spotted an oddity the Hall of the Khans was for Khan and saKhan, the two leaders of any Clan, at the Clan Nova Cat table sat a Galaxy Commander, Karl Devalis, and the Nova Cat Oathmaster, Biccon Winters.  Despite the oddity of Clan Nova Cat in general and their recent switch from Crusader to Warden Politics the Nova Cats knew that at least one of the Khans had to be present.  “I see the Nova Cat’s Khans have not deemed to appear to us.  Are we the Khans of their fellow Clans not worthy of their presence?  Speak now or face our Grievance.”  He said looking over at the two present Nova Cats, the Galaxy Commander began to stand however Biccon Winters stood instead.  The Nova Cat Oathmaster was like the ilKhan an Elemental warrior, however following her gaining of a Bloodname, surname, she had become the Nova Cat’s spiritual leader instead of pursing a life as leader of the Clan.

   In the Clans the only true surname a warrior could wear, other than the Clan name, was a Bloodname.  The Bloodnames had been created to honour the two hundred warriors that had fought with Nicholas Kerensky following the formation of the Clans.  Each Clan had access to their own set of Bloodnames plus a limited access to other Clan’s Bloodname houses.  All Bloodnames were won by Trials of Bloodrite, one-on-one combat trials.

   â€œMy honourable Clans, I am Oathmaster Biccon Winters, I regret to inform you that during their return from an inspection of deep space observation and scientific installations our Khan’s vessel miss-jumped and is missing presumed lost, with all hands.  Until replacement Nova Cat warriors prove themselves strong enough for Khanship we” she said opening her arms to include the Galaxy Commander “will represent Nova Cat interests at this Council.”  The Nova Cats could not afford to allow any of the Clans to know the real reason the Khans were dead.  If the Nova Cat dealings in the Tortuga Dominions became public knowledge among the other Clans the Nova Cat’s tiny force remaining in the Clan Homeworlds would find itself the target of retribution and the Clans may attempt to attack the Nova Cats in the Tortuga Dominions and surrounding periphery, for now the Nova Cats had to keep secrets, their survival depended on it and although it was dishonourable the Nova Cat had to survive.

   â€œI can accept their presence and I have a question for the Nova Cat representatives” the Ice Hellion saKhan Sellen Cage said, she was quite a striking woman in her late twenties her massive bulk of muscle and her tremendous height showed her to be a genetically bred elemental Warrior however she actually piloted an OmniMech, also unlike many elementals she looked completely normal a large factor in this was that she kept her golden hair long.  “Where is the Nova Cat Touman and Merchants?  We were always visited by at least one of your Clan’s Merchant Carracks and we used to engage Nova Cat forces on a regular basis in training and in minor trials that benefited both our Clans.  Now you have disappeared almost like the Burrocks or Blood Spirits” she said making references to two of the smaller Clans.  Looking at the Nova Cats before Biccon could answer Galaxy Commander Karl Devalis stood and bowed slightly to the Khan.

   â€œsaKhan Ice Hellion” he said respecting her rank and Clan as they did not know each other personally, normally Khans would speak to each other using their first names to save miscommunication from many warriors with the same Bloodname.  By using the Clan name instead of hers Karl was ensuring there was no miss-communication.  “The Nova Cat Touman has been and always will be where it has to be to answer any challenge and any threat to our population, our Merchants have been maintaining links with our allies” the Khans of Clans Diamond Shark, Snow Raven and Cloud Cobra all nodded their heads in agreement, the Nova Cats had maintained strong links with each of those Clans keeping their power base and support in the Homeworlds while moving their forces from the Homeworlds, however not even the Nova Cat’s allies knew what they were up to. “Perhaps the Merchant Caste overlooked your base on Babylon this trading cycle.  I will ensure that they are informed of this oversight and it will be corrected immediately you have my word on this matter, no offence was intended.”  The Ice Hellion Khan nodded and sat down smiling in Karl‘s direction.

   â€œI also have a question, Galaxy Commander” Lincoln Osis said looking at Karl “during the last several months the Nova Cats have initiated thirty-two Trials of Possession against various Clans.  Although your Clan has won the majority of these I notice the Nova Cats have withdrawn almost completely to Dagda, Circe and their posts here on Strana Mechty.  Your territory in Clan space is not large enough to house your entire Clan and your forces.  You did not compete for or win a place in Operation Revival so the Inner Sphere cannot be your destination.  Also Clan Smoke Jaguar’s Watch intelligence suggests that over three quarters of your Naval Forces are missing.  Where are your forces and your lower castes?”

   â€œAs our Clan is without a Khan or saKhan at present, I feel it would be wrong of me to divulge critical information, especially when other Clan may try to gain advantage of the situation.  All I am willing to say is that the territory held by the Nova Cats violates no Clan law and that we have not attacked a single Inner Sphere world or moved our forces into any of the Inner Sphere occupation zones.  Star Colonel Santin West is travelling from Dagda to join the other candidates for Khanship at an undisclosed location, once he has arrived the Trials will begin and you will have your answer within two weeks.”  Biccon said standing beside Karl, Biccon was an Elemental like the Ice Hellion Khan so she dwarfed the MechWarrior however it was Karl who had their attention, as the most junior warrior present, they were all assessing him.

   â€œI am the ilKhan, you will divulge this information now.”  Lincoln Osis said, Biccon looked to Karl, who nodded, Biccon sat down and looked over at the Galaxy Commander despite the fact she was sitting she was still as tall as Karl.

   â€œilKhan, allow me to speak plainly as is my Clan’s custom, you are the war-leader of the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere a post won and hold well.”  Karl said Lincoln smiled at this praise, not often he heard such praise from anyone let alone his Clans biggest rival and enemy, ilKhanship had its perks. “However, you are also a member of Clan Smoke Jaguar and no Smoke Jaguar will hear of Nova Cat affairs until they need to be aware of the Nova Cat crashing into their Den.”  Karl said Lincoln looked like he would explode as Karl sat back down alongside Biccon.

   â€œDo not threaten me or my Clan, Devalis, if you do your entire Clan will face my wrath.”  Osis said looking down at Karl.

   â€œI meant no offence ilKhan, however, the Nova Cats have felt a Smoke Jaguars wrath before, the Nova Cat have always survived and always will survive.  If you wish to test our resolve then that is your choice, however I would not want your Clan overstretching itself.”  Karl returned immediately the entire time he remaining seated not moving, Osis moved onto his next topic.  Looking at the ilKhan Karl guessed Lincoln was enjoying the limelight before he and the Smoke Jaguars were knocked off of power, from the look on the ilKhan‘s face the part of ‘overstretching‘ the Smoke Jaguar power had hit a cord, perhaps the Smoke Jaguars were overstretched. A weakness the Nova Cats could exploit?
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2012, 02:58:41 PM »

Raider’s Roost Spaceport
Nova Cat Occupied Territory
Tortuga Prime, Periphery
13th October 3058

   After a long trip aboard the Black Lion-class WarShip Thunderbolt Star Colonel Santin West arrived on the Nova Cats new Homeworld, known as Tortuga Prime the world had been a pirate world since its colonization but now the old Nova Cat Khans had chosen this world and the six surrounding it as their new home.  Due to the Clan/ComStar agreement following the ComGuard victory on Tukayyid, which stated no Clan forces could cross the Tukayyid Truce line for fifteen years, the Nova Cats had kept their movements and presence completely secret, even the other Clans knew nothing about their movements.

   As the Sacred Rite, a Noruff-class assault DropShip, landed Santin looked out the observation windows at the desolate world, strange place to make a new home he though silently.  He also noted that at least a cluster of troops were on guard around the spaceport and more Nova Cats were patrolling the streets keeping control of a curfew.  Once the DropShip had been grounded a MechWarrior boarded the DropShip and appeared before Santin “Star Colonel West” it wasn’t a question but Santin nodded acknowledgement anyway, “I am MechWarrior Zane.  I was sent to take you and your command point to the base.”

   â€œWhy do I need a Mech for transport?  Surely an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) would work just as well and be a far more effective mode of transport and resources, Quineg?”  He said using the interrogative, Clansmen used ‘Quineg’ when they thought the answer to a question was no and ‘Quiaff’ when the thought the answer was yes.

   â€œNeg, Star Colonel, there has been some insurgency forces operating in the city.  The other worlds have been hostile to us but Tortuga is causing us the most grief at present.  So much so we have moved our Civilians out of the city.  We have them camped outside the capital where they are being protected by the majority of our forces.  The Command Base is in one of these bases, around fifteen minutes by Mech.”

   â€œVery Well, I will suit up and you can take me on a little tour of this world.”  He said intentionally omitting the name Zane had used as far as he was concerned the word Tortuga did not exist anymore, as soon as he won the Khanship that would be the first thing to change.

   â€œAff Star Colonel, my Arctic Cheetah awaits.”  Zane said proudly turning leaving the DropShip cargo ramps and making his way over to his Mech, the Arctic Cheetah was a thirty ton machine and was the most popular light class OmniMechs used by Clan Nova Cat’s front-line forces.  An OmniMech was an advanced version of a standard BattleMech generally they were more expensive and used more cutting edge tech than standard machines but they also had one distinct advantage, they could change weapons and equipment configurations within the spell of a few hours meaning a front-line brawler in the morning could be a sniper or fire-support Mech in the afternoon.

   Half an hour later Santin West and his entire bodyguard point were suited up in their Elemental battle armour.  An OmniMech was designed to carry five Elemental suits as if it was an APC carrying Mechanized Infantry, like the ground based APCs carrying Mechanised Infantry the OmniMech did not suffer from any disadvantages while carrying five Elementals.  Moving out the five suits lit their battle armour’s jump jets and all leapt up onto the of the Arctic Cheetah, MechWarrior Zane adjusted the OmniMech’s balance to compensate for five extra tons of Battle Armour cargo and then without pause or communication accelerated the OmniMech to its top speed of one hundred-and-thirty kilometres per hour (kph).  The highly trained Elementals moved into positions and anchored themselves to the Arctic Cheetah’s back keeping low so not to effect the OmniMech’s performance.

   Running out of the spaceport Santin could see from his vantage point on the Mech that the streets were almost empty.  With the Nova Cats out in force no-one was venturing out of their homes.  Running down the streets Zane glanced at the sensor display, which was augmented by an advanced active probe, something was wrong twice he had seen something large moving but there were no Nova Cats deployed in this area.  Normally he would not be bothered but on the back of his Mech was possibly the next leader of their Clan.  “Star Colonel West, hang on” he said glancing at the sensors he saw something again, igniting the Arctic Cheetah’s six leg and back jump jets launching the Mech one hundred-and-eighty metres into the sky, the Mech’s speed carried it forward and out of the path of two PPC bolts which ripped through the space they had just been occupying, the man-made lighting struck a building crumpling an entire wall as the energy tried to dissipate.  That kind of attack would have crippled or destroyed the Arctic Cheetah ripping through the rear armour like paper and damaging internal systems, the Elemental riding ‘piggy back’ would also have suffered grievous damage maybe death.

   Instead of picking a crippled Mech up off the ground Zane landed the Arctic Cheetah nimbly “Star Colonel West dismount, cover ninety, Echo” he said directing them to the right, into a small shop they could use for cover.  The genetically-engineered Battle Armoured infantrymen moved quickly crashing into the building, Zane turned his OmniMech he saw a pair of damaged thirty ton Panther’s, a popular light BattleMech in the Draconis Combine and with pirates.  These Panther’s both bore the Tortuga Fusiliers insignia of a Goblet with a pair of dice, they were among the last survivors of the Nova Cats invasion.  Looking at the Mechs Zane realised that neither was as fast as his Arctic Cheetah however both together weighted in at twice the weight of the Arctic Cheetah and even with their obsolete technology they heavily outgunned the light Mech.  Both enemy Mechs were however damaged “a fare fight then” he said “I MechWarrior Zane…” he began as one of the Panther’s opened fire with its PPC missing by a hair “as you wish, Stavag dogs, you shall die with no honour.”  Zane said opening fire with two Extended-Range Medium-class lasers and a single Medium Pulse Laser on each target, the heat level inside the Mech’s cockpit raised significantly but Zane could handle it and slapped an override.

   Engaging multiple targets was against Clan fighting traditions however these people had attacked without attempting to engage in honourable combat, they were below such an honour to fight a Clansmen in combat, they were dezgra and would be treated as such with no quarter given.  The lasers struck both Mechs, one of the lasers hit the left hand side Mech on the head flooring the Mech but not killing the warrior outright or destroying the Mech he would be back, the other three lasers did light damage to both Mechs.  The other Panther stunned by his assault and the fate befalling his companion turned and ran trying to escape, Zane glanced at the downed Mech decided it was no threat and he charged after the retreating Mech.

   Further down the road the retreating Mech was too slow to escape and Zane caught up with a brisk walk, pressing down on the weapon triggers pulse laser and standard lasers converged and slammed into the back of the Panther vaporizing the minimal armour protection there and damaging the Panther’s fusion engine causing it to explode in a ball of flame destroying the Mech in an instant, the warrior tried to eject however the fireball consumed him and the seat flew into the sky ablaze.

   Back down the street a family cowered in their shop watching the battle unfold, the pirates that had destroyed their lives and taken what they wanted when they wanted but these Clansmen had arrived and destroyed all that, now these alien Elementals fully clad in Battle Armour sheltered in the front of their store.  The owner of the store grabbed a double-barrelled shotgun and stood up “get out of my shop!” he shouted firing at one of the suits striking the Elemental’s left arm, doing some superficial damage.  The suited solider turned around on the fore of its helmet sat a dark-blue circle and a yellow sunburst.

   â€œNo, do not fire!” he said to the Elementals, the four troopers stepped back “I am not your enemy, the Nova Cats are not your enemies the pirates who destroyed your life are your enemy.  We Nova Cats will deal with them and they will never threaten you again, you have my word.”  The damaged Elemental said out loud raising his arms.  Swapping over to internal communications West spoke to the other Elementals “We must end this, time to bring down that Panther, we must permanently end this threat to the city, and then we can see to mending old wounds.”  Then all five troopers ran from the building running straight at the fallen Panther just as the Mech began to regain its feet.  At around sixty metres the Elementals opened fire with their SRM backpacks rocking the Panther and causing damage all over the Light Mech but nothing that would disable or destroy it.  The warriors then ignited their suit’s jump jets rocketing up onto the pirate Mech. 

   On the BattleMech the five Elementals manoeuvred around the Panther firing their arm mounted lasers and attacking with their battle claw arms cutting armour.  Santin West was almost on the Mech’s helmet/cockpit within less than a minute, the warrior was obviously not used to battle armour and had barely put up a fight against the Elemental’s assault waving his arms around doing little to dissuade the Elemental’s movements.  Once on the cockpit West opened fire with his laser damaging the armour already damaged by the Arctic Cheetah’s laser then with one fluid movement he slammed the Battle Claw through the window and grabbed the warrior inside.  West’s own impressive strength was augmented by the suit and the Battle Claw and it easily pierced the MechWarrior’s coolant vest and his bare chest underneath, skin broke followed by bones and organs.  With one fluid movement West pulled the warrior through the smashed canopy and threw him to the ground below, the Panther ceased moving its pilot and brain gone.  Santin West stood on the Mech’s head as the MechWarrior bleed out below, activating his suit’s loudspeakers as the Arctic Cheetah moved back down the street.

   â€œInhabitants of this City, the old Raider’s Roost is gone.  The Tortuga Fusiliers are destroyed and will never return, if any other pirate lands here they will die.  We are Clan Nova Cat descendants of the great Alexandr Kerensky’s Star League Army, we have come here to begin a fresh, outside the corrupt Inner Sphere and away from the in-fighting of the Clans.  However, we cannot do this alone.”  He said around the street people began moving out of the surrounding buildings even as more Nova Cat forces arrived, “to build a new Dominions and a new prosperous Clan Nova Cat we need you.  Now there are two ways, either we can maintain a constant curfew and kill any that challenges us or we can maintain the peace together, it is your choice.”  He said moments he, and his bodyguard point, jumped up onto the Arctic Cheetah and out of the city they rode reaching the Nova Cat base within a couple of minutes even before the salvage/security teams collected the pirate‘s equipment and got to work boarding up damaged buildings, techs took the names of the citizens with damaged property.
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2012, 03:03:33 PM »

Whitting Conference Centre
Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Alliance
14th October 3058

   As the Conference reached the end of its second week Anastasius Focht, Precentor-Martial (Military leader) of ComStar, stepped up to the podium to address the Succession Lords.  ComStar controlled the Hyper-Pulse-Generator (HPG) Grid that allowed communication throughout the Inner Sphere as well as an not so insignificant military force that had held back the Clans in 3050.  Although ComStar no longer controlled Terra, at the centre of the Inner Sphere, the fighting prowess of the ComGuard fighting the Clans on Tukayyid winning a fifteen year peace for the Inner Sphere had gained them entry as a non-voting member of the new League.

   â€œHonourable Lords” he began, Anastasius hailed from the Steiner realm so he had a slight Germanic accent but his time with ComStar had dulled it slightly.  “Originally ComStar had pledged to see this Star League formed and form the core of its military as we seek to hold back the Clan threat.  Today however I bring you something more, two days ago ComStar received the location of Huntress, Homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar from a member of that very Clan.  This Clan has conquered Luthien we threw them back but they will come again unless we deal with the threat they pose.”  There was a murmur throughout the room at this news, so far no Inner Sphere organisation had found the location of any of the Clan Homeworlds, although several expeditions had been sent.

   â€œAnd what are we to do with this information?  There are more Clans based solely in the Homeworlds, we would be hard pressed to push them out of the Inner Sphere let alone destroy them in their Homeworlds.  This information changes nothing.”  Sun-Tzu Liao said waving his arms in disgust at the information presented.

   â€œIt changes a lot, Sun-Tzu” Victor said quietly not even looking at the Capellan leader, his eyes were fixated on the ComGuard Precentor-Martial “we have successfully shown the Clans that the Inner Sphere can beat them in combat and using misdirection Tukayyid, Coventry, Luthien and Wolcott.”  He said naming the four most famous Inner Sphere victories against the Clans, there were more but these were the ones that stood in the minds of the peoples of the Inner Sphere.  “With the location of one of their Homeworlds we can strike back and force them to come to our the peace tables.”  He said continuing without loosing a beat “I believe that the new Leagues first business should be to end the Clan threat by assaulting and taking one of their Homeworlds.”

   â€œI believe the Star League should contain the Clan threat no-more.  To assault their Homeworlds would only bring them down on our nations even more.”  Elected-Prince (Regent) Christian Mansdotter leader of the Free Rasalhague Republic said, no shock that he wanted to contain the Clans his nation had been reduced to seven worlds by the Clan Invasion of 3050 and the only reason the nation was still independent was due to the presence of a large portion of the ComGuards in the Republic based on Tukayyid.

   â€œIf we only contain the Clans then in the long run we could loose even more worlds to the Clans, we have lost enough.  It is time for the Clans to suffer a blow closer to home.”  Hohiro Kurita leader of the Draconis Combine said, the Combine had almost lost Luthien, its capital, and Hohiro had lost his father and grandfather during the failed first defence of that world.  His nation had only reclaimed the world with help from the entire Inner Sphere.

   â€œI suggest we call for a vote of a new First Lord before we choose what the new army should do.” Thomas Marik said standing behind the Free Worlds League table, despite his advanced age and his scared face Thomas Marik still abounded with confidence and stature.

   â€œAgreed, the St Ives Compact nominates First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.”  Candice Liao said using the old title of the Federated Suns instead of the title of the Federated Commonwealth.  Despite the ending of the alliance the Federated Suns half of the Commonwealth held onto hope and Victor still held the old FedCom rank of Archon-Prince and the Federated Suns was still officially known as the Federated Commonwealth.

   â€œDoes Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion accept this nomination?”

   â€œI do, chairperson” Victor said quietly.

   â€œI do not” Sun-Tzu Liao said from the Capellan Confederation table, no surprise the Capellan Confederation had been cut in half by the Federated Suns, with the power of the Star League Victor could finish what his father started.

   â€œUnfortunately, if another seconds Victor Steiner-Davion’s nomination all you can do is vote against him, Chancellor.”  The chair person said.

   â€œI second Victor Steiner-Davion’s nomination, despite our disagreement with the suggested course of the New SLDF, Victor has shown his worth in operations against the Clans before and will do so in the future.”  Christian Mansdotter leader of the Free Rasalhague Republic said, again not a shock the Free Rasalhague Republic had been crushed by the Clan assaults Victor had shown a capability and a willing to face the Clan threat.

   â€œWith two nominations Victor Steiner-Davion of the Federated Commonwealth is put forward for the position of First Lord of the new Star League.  Is there a challenger?”  The chairperson said.

   â€œI nominate Thomas Marik, Captain-General of the Free Worlds League.”  Katrina Steiner-Davion said there was a collective breath from the audience boxes high above and a couple of the tables around the room, anything to get in Victor’s way she would pounce on Katrina wanted the position herself but in a straight fight between them Victor would likely win, Thomas Marik was the elder statesman of the Inner Sphere respected by all and with the Free Worlds League his leadership had become the model way of leadership in the Inner Sphere while Victor was known for his warrior skill not his politics.

   â€œI will second this” Sun-Tzu said from his table looking over to Thomas Marik who nodded his thanks, they had allied with Theodore Kurita to counter the Federated Commonwealth Alliance before the Fourth Succession War there was no reason for them not to be allied again.

   â€œCaptain-General Thomas Marik do you accept this nomination?”

   â€œI humbly do.”

   â€œUnless there is a third nomination, no-one spoke up, there will be a short recess before the vote is taken.”  The chairperson said leaving the chamber.  “The two leaders nominated for the position of First Lord are Archon-Prince (First Prince) Victor Steiner-Davion of the Federated Commonwealth (Suns) and Captain-General Thomas Marik of the Free Worlds League.  This session is at an end, reconvene in one hour.”  The Chairperson said breaking up the council for now.  Katrina sat looking watching Victor leave, she could not allow Victor to gain power in the Star League he might use it to regain control over the Lyran-half of his realm.
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2012, 03:07:47 PM »

Hall of the Smoke Jaguar
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
14th October 3058

   Sitting in the Great Hall of his Clan ilKhan Lincoln Osis looked over at his saKhan Brandon Howell, although he was a Smoke Jaguar the ilKhanship set him aside from leadership duties of the Clan so he could concentrate on overall clan matters he was still a Jaguar Warrior.  “We need to find out what the Nova Cats are up to” he said looking at his deputy.

   â€œilKhan, the Nova Cats have shown they have no interest in the invasion and have just lost both Khans.  They are insignificant to our Clan’s plans for the Inner Sphere and Terra.” Khan Brandon Howell said, reporting the basic Nova Cat position as stated by the Nova Cat Khans before the Invasion Began.

   â€œAre you so sure” Osis said looking to the saKhan, “every Clan has a secret ambition to conqueror Terra whether they are Warden or Crusader, I believe the Nova Cats are using their sudden Warden leanings as a shroud to cover their true movements. in the last few months the Nova Cats have initiated over a dozen trials, to their allies the Diamond Sharks, Cloud Cobras and Snow Ravens they have lost with little loss other than the trial objective.  Against their enemies they have fought hard and cost their enemies heavy damage especially those Clans who have invaded the Inner Sphere and those with a need to concentrate on other areas.  The Nova Cats are up to something find out, direct all Watch efforts to finding them.  Have our Homeworld sources check all Nova Cat strongholds, I want to know numbers and positions.  And get me a full run up on Karl Devalis, the Galaxy Commander on Strana Mechty, I want to destroy him in the next council meeting instead of being made to look like an idiot again.”

   â€œilKhan, the Watch has been directed to the Inner Sphere War effort, the Draconis Combine and Free Rasalhague Republic populations have proven difficult to subdue.” Brandon said outlining the situation in the inner sphere, the civilians of the Inner Sphere worlds captured had not welcomed the Clan forces but had opposed them venomously with several underhand tactics, guerrilla tactics, car bombings and assassinations were common and taking their toll on the invasion forces.

   â€œI do not care about the inner sphere!”  Osis shouted at the saKhan “they will fall in line once we control Terra and we are declared ilClan.  The Nova Cats are a potential threat to that plan, order the Watch to find them now!”  He said completely loosing his temper.  Both Khans were taken aback by this outburst but neither spoke as orders were drawn up to recall units and agents of the fledgling Clan Intelligence agency.
Khan Trials, Nova Cat Command Base
Nova Cat Occupied Territory
Tortuga Prime, Periphery
14th October 3058

   After a short period to adjust Star Colonel Santin West waited anxiously for the Trials to begin, he had fought several trials in his lifetime however none were as important as this, today he would fight for leadership of the Nova Cat Clan.  Behind him stood MechWarrior Zane, the warrior who had save him from ambush “MechWarrior, I ask you one thing.  What do you think of our current path?”

   â€œIt secures our Clan’s future in the short term, however, we are close to the borders of the Federated Suns, one of the stronger Successor States.  Even with our fleet defending these systems we are venerable.  At present we only have the Clan Homeworlds Factories producing Mechs, Battle Armour and fighters, if we were attacked our supply lines would be stretched.  Also these worlds are not the promised land we had come to expect from worlds closer to the Inner Sphere.  In many ways they are like many worlds in the Kerensky Cluster before terra-forming efforts.”  Zane said summing up their situation quite quickly although these former pirate worlds secured their future in the short term they had little potential for a long term future.

   â€œI agree.  MechWarrior Zane of what house are you?”  Santin asked querying the Bloodhouse the warrior belonged, in the Clans Bloodnames mattered more than rank in many places, becoming the holder of a Bloodname was the ultimate goal of warriors it showed they were the elite of the elite and it meant their genes would eternally survive in the Clan Eugenitics Program.

   â€œCarns” Zane said quietly naming Wolf Bloodhouse, the Nova Cats only held one position in the Carns Bloodhouse a position they had won centuries before, which Lucian Carns the previous Khan vacated upon his death, the Nova Cats would need to defend their claim to the place.

   â€œZane you saved my life, you will get your chance for that Bloodname if I survive, victorious or not, I promise.”  He said glancing over at the MechWarrior who smiled briefly then returned to attention “now leave me, I must prepare.”

   â€œGood Luck, OvKhan” Zane said regarding Santin as his superior although not a true Khan, not yet OvKhan was a word for respect and of those destined for a higher purpose and rank.  Without another word Zane moved out of the room leaving the Star Colonel alone.
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2012, 03:10:01 PM »

Whitting Conference Centre
Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Alliance
14th October 3058

   The chairperson stood in front of the House Lords as the vote for the First Lordship was about to begin “We will begin with the Lyran Alliance Vote and continue around until all members have voted, in event of a tie ComStar will have the deciding vote as the neutral force present.  Archon Steiner you vote please”  He said looking at Katrina’s table, the Lyran ruler stood and nodded briefly at him then turned to her fellow House Lords and the gathered audience above.

   â€œAs I nominated Thomas Marik for this position I will vote for the Captain-General” she said nodding to Thomas “I believe that Thomas is a more capable and stable leader than my brother will ever be and that his military are one hundred percent reliable unlike those of the Federated Suns.”  She said twisting the dagger as much as possible, several Lyran house units were in the Federated Commonwealth (Suns) and several Federated units were in the Lyran half of the fractured Commonwealth loyalties were being tested every day by their Lyran superiors and by Katherine herself.  Although some regiments had agreed to serve Katherine other openly opposed her and even though they all had helped keep the Lyran Alliance alive by their actions and their sacrifices against the Clans and against internal enemies of the Alliance they were often treated as enemies of the state by the Lyrans.

   â€œThank you, Lady Steiner.”  The Lyran Chairperson said showing where his loyalties and beliefs resided, even if it was only to Katherine.  “Next is Chancellor Liao of the Capellan Confederation, Chancellor please”

   â€œOf course we will vote Marik also, none of Hanse Davion’s Spawn will ever hold the First Lordship as long as I stand alive.”  The Capellan leader said not even bothering to stand or acknowledge the chairman both Victor and Katherine gave Sun-Tzu nasty looks, Hanse Davion was one of the most accomplished modern leaders, as well as being their father he deserved their respect if not love.

   â€œWith two votes caste the vote stands with Thomas Marik on two votes and Victor Steiner-Davion on none.  Next vote to be caste is Duchess Candice Liao leader of the St Ives Compact.”

   â€œCommonality” Sun-Tzu whispered the Compact‘s old Confederation name, Candice ignored her nephew’s comment and stood gracefully bowing to the Chairman.

   â€œThe St Ives Compact will vote for the Federated Commonwealth leader, Victor Steiner-Davion.  As has been pointed out already Victor has faced the Clans in combat personally, and won, this League is being formed specifically to combat the threat they pose.   We need a leader who knows how to fight them.”  She said sitting Kai Allard-Liao gave Victor the thumbs up, Victor smiled and nodded his thanks.

   â€œCoordinator Kurita, will the Draconis Combine please place its vote.”

   â€œThe Federated Suns has long been the Combine’s enemy, however against the Clan Invasion they have been steadfast allies and kept every word that Hanse Davion gave my Family on Outreach.” He said referring to the several months all the Succession Lords had spent on Outreach training to fight the Clans on the Homeworld of the Wolf Dragoons Mercenaries, former clansmen themselves.  “However, the Free Worlds League has kept the militaries of the Inner Sphere standing while the Juggernaut of the Clans stormed through our worlds.  In my view both of the men nominated are worthy of this prize and I am not willing to choose one over the other with a simple flick of the wrist.  The Draconis Combine Abstains.”  Hohiro said sitting down, he and Victor had fought together and respected each other and Victor had become romantically involved with Hohiro’s sister Omiko during the Clan conflict, however, showing such allegiance at the Star League could still up trouble at home and in the Combine’s fragile state he could not afford that.  Victor understood this well, the Federated Suns own Draconis March hated the very idea of Victor being friends with the Kuritas let alone his suspected involvement with Omi and the current alliance between the two nations.

   â€œThe Draconis Combine Abstains” the Chairman said “the vote is two-to-one in favour of Thomas Marik with one vote to be placed.  Elected-Prince Mansdotter could the Free Rasalhague Republic please finish this vote please.”

   â€œOf course, I believe Victor is the man to led us to victory over the Clans, the Free Rasalhague Republic vote for the Federated Suns.”  He said, that was it a stalemate all eyes turned to Anastasius Focht, Precentor Martial (Warlord) of ComStar’s ComGuard forces and the organisation that was likely to be the primary force of the new Star League.

   â€œCan ComStar please cast its vote and decide the First Lord of the Second Star League?  Anastasius Focht the floor is yours.”

   â€œI thank your chair person.” Focht said standing “I have watched the Inner Sphere scurry against the Clans and I have marshalled the ComGuard to victory against them.  However, the Star League will not be formed to only counter the Clans, we are looking to create a second Golden Age of the Inner Sphere with the recreation of this body.  ComStar will vote for Thomas Marik, the Free Worlds League is a template for the Inner Sphere a collective body working together in harmony.  ComStar would however request that Kai Allard-Liao’s previous call for Victor Steiner-Davion to be the first Commanding-General of the new League stand and be honoured by the new First Lord” slowly Thomas Marik stood not waiting for the Chairman to call him fourth as the victor.

   â€œThis would be agreeable. Victor, commiserations on your loss, would you be willing to serve as my Commanding-General of the Star League?”

   â€œI would be willing to serve the Star League, First Lord Marik, I accept.  And may I be the first to congratulate you on this victory.  Secondly I have prepared this list of units that is required for Star League service, all member states are to please provide this force or an equally corresponding force when called to.”  He said handing an orderly pads with requisition forms which were passed to each leader.  Katrina Steiner-Davion stood immediately looking at Victor angrily.

   â€œCommanding-General, this is unacceptable!  You have asked for the entire Federated Suns contingent to be withdrawn from the Clan border leaving the Alliance completely undefended from the Clan threat.  This League has been created to hold the peace not for your political manoeuvring!  How is the Star League supposed to defend us if half the defenders arrayed against the Jade Falcons are being withdrawn?”

   â€œKatherine, the forces formerly belonging to the Lyran Alliance are already en-route to replace them, which has left the Federated Suns already weakened for several weeks.  Once the rest of your ‘reliable’ forces have returned then my forces will return home, not before.  Additionally the Federated Commonwealth Corps will be disbanded and the Lyran-born warriors will be give the choice whether to return to their homeland or serve the Federated Suns.  The Tenth Lyran Guards, the Davion Assault, Heavy and Light Guards and First Kathil Uhlans will all immediately begin training for upcoming service against the Clan threat.  However, if and when they return to your borders they will be Star League not Commonwealth, Suns or Alliance and they will be under my command.  And Katherine” he said using her true name “for the Alliance this is a none negotiable requirement.”  Katherine turned to Thomas Marik who looked at both Steiner-Davions.

   â€œThe Tenth Lyran Guards RCT are a Lyran House unit, you cannot expect me to allow them to remain under your command.  If you want a Lyran command to serve you directly I will give you one of my choosing, the Tenth deserve some rest and refit before being thrown into another fight, you have led them in some of the worst fighting the Inner Sphere has faced this century and cannot expect them to continue just because you want to keep them.”  The Tenth Lyran Guards, also known as ‘The Revenants’ were Victor’s personal command robbing him of them would be a gut punch and would give the Lyran Alliance an Elite unit to play with despite their political leanings, perfect cannon fodder troops.

   â€œYou cannot have things all your way Commanding-General, a House Lord is allowed to give any unit they deem able to fit the mission profile and withdraw any force they do not want to participate.”  Thomas Marik warned Victor however Victor raised his hands in surrender, he had expected this.

   â€œOf course First Lord, that is why before I left the Federated Suns Marshal James McFarland and Leftenant General Reinhart Steiner, the commanders of the Tenth Lyran Guards RCT sent me a letter along with their resignation and their entire RCT’s notice for resignation of commission in the Lyran Alliance and Federated Commonwealth Armies, they enrolled their command in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns are now undergoing training.  By the time I return home they will be ready to act.” He said sitting down Katherine was about to complain but Thomas Marik broke the two Steiner-Davions argument up.

   â€œThe Commanding-General has overview over military forces deployment.  The resignations of the Tenth will have to be confirmed by an independent source, I would suggest ComStar or the Word of Blake, otherwise the Lyran Alliance has no leg to stand on.  Archon Steiner, please comply with the new Star League‘s orders.”  He said to Katrina, the Steiner Lord looked as if she might explode as she slipped quietly back into her seat.

   â€œWe will reconvene in twelve hours to discuss how the Star League Defence Force will be used.”  He said “this session is at an end.”  He said, everyone began to move out barring Sun-Tzu Liao who watched Victor Steiner-Davion leave.  As he left the chambers he turned to Sang-rang-jun Talon Zahn, his military Warlord inside the Capellan Confederation.

   â€œHow did we not know the Commonwealth was moving so many troops” Sun-Tzu asked in rapid Mandarin.

   â€œChancellor, as far as we know the Federated Suns has made no new troop movement other than the normal routine.  The only major new developments was the deployment of the Fox, Indomitable and Intrepid, the first three Fox-class Corvettes on Trials.  One vessel is deployed in each March, any movement we made would face at least one WarShip with another six under production.”

   â€œSo we cannot take advantage of this?”

   â€œNone more than what we are doing in the Chaos March.”  Talon said mentioning the former FedCom March shattered just before the Lyran Alliance broke away.  Many of the Strana March worlds had been Capellan and on the orders of Sun-Tzu Liao the Confederation was retaking them one-by-one, the development of the FedCom Fox-class Corvette was the first Inner Sphere designed and built WarShip in almost three hundred years, had slowed this progress, however, it was continuing as even the active FedCom WarShips could not be everywhere.  And the only other groups to field WarShips were the ComStar and their splinter-faction the Word of Blake two organisations more busy with working against each other and against the Clans than countering the Succession States.  As far as Sun-Tzu was concerned WarShips were a waste of money and resources and although he had kick-started the Capellan’s own program it was a PR program only as far as he was concerned, they were still years from producing a vessel capable of combat.

   WarShips were combat JumpShips, heavily armoured and armed they could do everything a regular JumpShip could do and they could travel in systems and manoeuvre in combat, even the smallest WarShip was able to destroy a DropShip with a single shot of their main guns and were capable of attacking planetary targets as well.  The only way to destroy a WarShip was with massed fighter and DropShip attacks, a costly endeavour or with a bigger WarShip.

   â€œWhat about the Taurians?  Could we use our Trinity Alliance Allies to cause trouble and a distraction?”  Sun-Tzu asked looking at Talon, the recent deal with the Magistracy of Canopus and the Taurian Concordat had given the Capellan Confederation allies with the two biggest Periphery realms and a much needed boost in manpower and in the case of the Taurians, cannon fodder.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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