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Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 169867 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #135 on: July 11, 2012, 05:55:45 PM »

Marik-Stewart Commonwealth/Skye Province
Free Worlds League/Lyran Alliance border
5th December 3065

   With the Free Worlds League in turmoil and the recent operation against the Lyran Alliance by Jeremy Brett the Skye Province launches an unauthorised attack against the Marik worlds of Alula Australis, Zosma, Wing, Rochelle and Uhura.  Only Uhura fell without incident the others attempted to resist the Lyran troops offensive.

   On Rochelle the Fourth Skye Rangers RCT encounter the Eleventh Atrean Dragoons Regiment routing the Marik-Stewart unit in less than six hours.  The commander of the Fourth Leutnant-General William Harrison Von Frisch allows the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth unit to retreat following some heavy fighting.

   On Wing the Third Tikonov Republican Guards, which have thrown in with the Free Skye Movement of the Lyran Alliance, encounter the Thirtieth Marik Militia.  The Thirtieth had joined the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth on the outbreak of the Civil War and was fully prepared for the attack but not the ferocity of the Tikonov Republicans the Thirtieth stood their ground to the Lyran troops and were annihilated to the man by the 10th December.

   On Zosma the Tamar Cavaliers personally loyal to Duke Robert Ryan Kelswa-Steiner assaulted the Steel Guard of the Duchy of Oriente which had refused a recall order defending the world in case of such a Lyran Attack.  Following a game of cat-and-mouse the numerically superior but less experienced Steel Guard are quickly crushed by the Free Skye troops with the few warriors taken as Prisoners of War thrown in planetary prisons with common criminals.  A Reinforced Battalion supported by a Battle Armour Company then jumped to Alula Australis and beat the Haematite Guard of the Duchy of Oriente, another unit which had refused a recall order.  All captured words begin the indoctrination process placing Lyran/Skye friendly governors in charge of the world.  The Free Skye forces also make sure local militia forces are raised with known Lyran supporters placed in command positions.  This ensures that the main Lyran force can be redeployed and that if the Free Worlds League forces return they will face armed opposition not just a hostile government.

Hesperus II, Skye Province
Lyran Alliance
12th December 3065

   Free Skye Movements actions did not stop on the Lyran/Free Worlds League border however.  Free Skye had always been about freeing the Isle of Skye from the Lyran Alliance’s yoke and the only way to do that was attack the forces within the Lyran Alliance.  The only way to do this was securing Hesperus II, site of the largest Inner Sphere BattleMech factory, and Skye itself.  While the under strength First Skye Jaegers dropped onto the nearly undefended Skye.  The Seventeenth and Twenty-second Skye Rangers assaulted the Under strength Fifteenth and Thirty-sixth Lyran Guards RCT on Hesperus II beginning the Fifteenth Battle of Hesperus II.  Only Hesperus II’s impressive defences allow the two Lyran Guard units to hold against the driven Skye Ranger units.  Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion places a call to the Gray Death Legion Mercenary Regiment on nearby Glengarry to assist on Hesperus II however the mercenaries will be unable to mobilize until January.

Illium Naval Engineering Shipyards
Ionus, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
25th December 3065

   Capellan Confederation Agents who have been in place for nearly a month operating under the noses of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Security guards act firstly by allowing two unmarked, unregistered, DropShips to dock with the shipyards.  The DropShips do not unload any cargo or personnel just sit there, the Capellan Agents meanwhile set of dozens of fire, intruder and malfunction alarms keeping station security busy and buying them time for phase two.  In the early afternoon they detonate several explosives vaporizing a half finished Eagle-class Frigate docked at the yards.

   In the confusion surrounding the explosions the Capellan WarShip crew and marines charge from their DropShips to the Thera-class Delos which is nearing completion in one of Illium’s largest shipyard docks.  Gaining control of the lightly defended vessel quickly they use the vessel’s turreted conventional weapons to blast away the construction scaffolding before igniting the main manoeuvring thrusters moving into open space.

   In open space the defending WarShips Kay, an Eagle-class Frigate damaged in combat earlier that year moving in for repairs and refit, the Kustarachnae, a Zechetinu II-class Corvette, and the Menellaus, an Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser all move to block the Delos’ escape.  Without a full crew or fighter support the Delos has no chance against one vessel let alone three however suddenly around the stolen carrier appear three Capellan Feng-Huang-class Cruisers the Franko Martell, Aleisha Kris and Sundermann Rhys.  These three vessels immediately engage the three lighter Marik-Stewart vessels creating a wall of WarShips, fighters and DropShips around the Delos as the Carrier brings it K-F Drive on-line ready to leave the system.

   The Kustarachnae, smallest of the defenders is cut apart quickly by the massed firepower of the three Capellan Cruisers and their massed fighter and DropShip screen while the Menellaus finds itself fighting an internal conflict as ninety-six battle armour troopers from the Franko Martell board the vessel and attempt to seize the vessel.  The Kay attempts to ram the Delos denying it to the Capellans however the Aleisha Kris intercepts it ramming the lighter Frigate destroying both vessels in a massive fireball leaving no survivors.  With two vessels and one boarded the Capellans have time to recall their DropShips and Fighters as the Free Worlds League WarShip forces have been taken care of.  As the Menellaus crew continue in their attempt to fight off their Capellan boarders the two remaining Feng-Huang Cruisers and the Delos Jump from the system leaving the Capellan Marines to capture or death.  The fanatical Capellan Marines continue to fight aboard the Menellaus despite the loss of any hope of rescue or escape they fight to the vessels main magazines and detonate a bomb consuming the vessel in a horrifying explosion.

   The two Capellan Cruisers and their Thera-class prize travel back to the Capellan Confederation using uninhabited systems to ensure they come across no Marik-Stewart Commonwealth or other Free Worlds League nation’s patrols.  Although the loss of a cruiser is a heavy loss for the Capellan’s small WarShip fleet the capture of a Thera, one of the largest modern WarShips, from such a long distance is seen as a massive victory by the Capellan people.

And so ends 3065, a bit short on depth but not action, hope you enjoyed
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 03:46:17 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #136 on: July 12, 2012, 03:57:38 PM »

Into another year


Royal Compound
Tian-Tan, St Ives
St Ives Compact
1st January 3066

   Just as 3065 ended on a high note for one of the Inner Sphere’s Capellan cultures 3066 began badly for people of another nation with the death of Candice Allard-Liao, Duchess of St Ives and Prime Minister of the St Ives Compact.  Officials confirm that Candice finally succumbed to old age and died of natural causes at the age of seventy-eight.  Instead of a large ceremony the Allard-Liao family hold a small ceremony on St Ives to say goodbye to the their mother and founder of the St Ives Compact burring her beside her husband and great love Justin Allard, the former Federated Suns Intelligence Chief.  Duke Kai Allard Liao, Candice’s eldest son, assumes the position of Prime Minister of St Ives and inherits the title Duke of St Ives.  Kai like his mother before him vows never to allow the Capellan Confederation gain hold of St Ives again.

   As Kai takes over leadership of the Compact he turns day-to-day control of the St Ives Compact Military over to Colonel Tamas Rubinsky, former-executive officer of Rubinsky’s Light Horse Mercenary Regiment, a long term employee of the Compact.  Tamas was injured during the Black May attacks during the First St Ives Conflict with the Capellan Confederation and fell in love with Kai’s younger sister Cassandra.  The appointment of a mercenary to such a powerful position in the compact suggests that the Rubinsky Light Horse, still employed with the Compact, may be on their way to becoming House troops.

Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
8th January 3066

   As the Gray Death Legion Mercenary Regiment assemble on their Homeworld of Glengarry preparing to move to Hesperus II to try and stop the Free Skye Movement the First and Second Tikonov Republican Guards Regiments drop onto the world and assault the Legion.  As is the Legion tradition the Mercenaries refuse to fight a stand-up battle against the numerically superior Free Skye Forces the Legion breaks and begins to disappear into the Glengarry wilderness preparing to wage a guerrilla warfare campaign.  Unfortunately for the Legion their commander Colonel Lori Kalmer-Carlyle is killed when a gauss rifle strikes her Highlander’s head killing her instantly.  Lori’s husband, founder of the Legion and Baron von Glengarry Grayson Death Carlyle comes out of retirement to rejoin the Legion and make sure his Regiment, and his world, is not destroyed by Free Skye and that there is no leaving the Lyran Alliance.  Grayson Death Carlyle is known as one of the premier military minds of the modern age and Free Skye know his is a major threat to their plans.

saKhan Canin Rosse’s Personal Quarters
Severn Leroux, Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser
Deep Periphery en route to Nova Cat’s Den
14th January 3066

   Sitting in his quarters aboard the Severn Leroux saKhan Canin Rosse was completely bored for the last several days he had been buried in dozens of reports from the Nova Cat’s Den on the progress of Clan Nova Cat’s supplanted population.  Two days before the Thunderbolt and Khan Santin West had rendezvoused with the Severn Leroux.  The Thunderbolt was travelling to the Clan Homeworlds to direct a Nova Cat offensive to take control of all of Barcella and deal with some Clan Council meetings, Canin would take charge of matters in the Nova Cat‘s Den while the Khan was away.

   There was a chime at the door and Canin looked up all day he had been left alone by the WarShip crew and the members of the Watch, as they analysed the new OmniMechs, even Yvonne had left him alone he’d noticed that she’d been slightly distant since leaving Arc-Royal.  Canin suspected that she was slightly homesick as she had seen her family, Canin had seen freeborn members of the Clans exhibit the same characteristics.  “Come in” he called the door opened and in stepped Yvonne “well hello” Canin said smiling standing from the small desk.

   â€œsaKhan” Yvonne said stepping in the door closed behind her.

   â€œYvonne, you don’t have to be so formal not when it is just us.”

   â€œPerhaps I do today.”  Yvonne said looking down crossing the small room to the bed sitting down.

   â€œWhat is wrong?”  Canin asked moving over sitting beside her putting an arm around her, a tear was running down her cheek.

   â€œSomething has happened.”  Yvonne said quietly “something great, but terrible at the same time.”

   â€œHow can something be great and terrible?  Speak plainly, it is the Nova Cat Custom.”  Canin said slightly sharply he had gotten used to her occasional contraction and had even used them when he was alone with her, however, he hated it when she went off speaking of something he had no idea about.

   â€œCan I ask you something, personal?”  She asked a strange question for a wife to ask her husband but she had learned the limitations of what she could get from Canin.

   â€œOf course.”  Canin said quietly kissing her gently on the cheek, Yvonne smiled as tears were running down her cheeks.

   â€œWhat is your beliefs about freeborn children and family?”  Yvonne asked although they had spoken about their own childhood when in private they had never spoken about expanding their own family.  Yvonne knew that trueborns like Canin rarely had time for freeborn children or were capable of the natural way of procreation, the Genetic Engineering of the Clans made a large percentage of the warriors produced sterile.

   â€œI don’t know” he said looking away slightly as he used a contraction of his own “I suppose they have their place.  The Clans would never survive without freeborn filling the roles of the technician, scientist and merchant castes.  Freeborn children are a by-product of the freeborn life.”

   â€œSo what you are saying is a trueborn would never have a place with Freeborn children?”  Yvonne said looking at Canin he saw a slight taste of anger in her eyes but didn’t understand why the Clans had always placed Trueborns higher than Freeborns, it was a fact of life.

   â€œAff, although many Trueborns who fail to become warriors have contact with Freeborns but a Trueborn warrior has little contact with them, unless they were to be warriors in the Clan.”  Canin said plainly rarely did Freeborns become warriors in the Nova Cat Touman and they never could reach high ranks of the Clans due to their Freeborn status and their ineligibility of gaining a Bloodname.  Yvonne’s reaction shocked Canin slightly as she pushed him off and walked across the room leaning heavily on the wall crying.  “Yvonne, what is wrong?  You may be a freeborn but you are important to me and our Clan.”

   â€œWell, I have something to tell you that could change your perception of Freeborns and their position.”  Yvonne said through her sobbing.

   â€œWhy?”  Canin said bluntly although he respected her and her capabilities in a Mech and in administration he wondered how she could persuade him that Freeborns could ever be his equal.  Although they were married Canin didn’t even consider Yvonne his equal.

   â€œI am pregnant.”  Yvonne said looking over at Canin who raised to his feet and crossed to her reaching out to her.

   â€œReally?”  Canin asked sounding surprised.

   â€œAre you angry?”  Yvonne asked worried that perhaps their relationship had progressed to far for it to be comfortable with the Nova Cats.  It was hard enough keeping their marriage secret in the Clan Homeworlds she could never hide the fact she was pregnant and would not terminate the unborn child, her child, their child.

   â€œNo” Canin whispered shakily “no” he repeated more confidently touching her arm “I am just a little shocked.” Canin said “and I do not know how the rest of the Nova Cats will react.”

   â€œThe Nova Cats accepted our marriage but how about this?  It takes this further than we ever expected.  I don’t want my child to be hated by our people.”  Yvonne said she had seen how the Clan Trueborns sometimes treated Freeborns and she could not have her children treated like that, she would rather leave the Nova Cats than allow that to happen, she would even leave Canin to protect the child.

   â€œThey will accept it as I have.”  Canin said solemnly turning to look at her seeing she wasn’t convinced especially with his reaction.  Canin crossed to her and wrapped his arms around her holding her close to him “Yvonne, we will get through this together and we will bring a beautiful child into this world.”  He said kissing her forehead, whatever happened his child would be well cared for and he would love it as much as he loved Yvonne, even if he didn’t know how to look after a child he would do his best and the Nova Cats would adapt or lose him, he was committed to his path, strangely walking away from the Clan for Yvonne and his child did not seem foreign despite the difficulties it could cause.

Press Conference
Quatre Belle Naval Facility
Quatre Belle, Outworlds Alliance
28th January 3066

   The Quatre Belle Naval Facility was a shipyard based in the Outworlds Alliance system of the same name, the years had not been good to the facility and it had fallen into deep disrepair with the Outworlds Alliance barely able to get maintenance facilities operation let alone construction facilities.  The Entrance of the Snow Ravens had allowed them to bring on-line a Corax OmniFighter Construction facility and the Snow Ravens were beginning to help bring Quatre Belle online in a more complete way the first step of that was the designing and completion of a new Fighter Carrier DropShip done entirely at Quatre Belle between the joint work of Snow Raven and Outworlds Alliance engineers and scientists.

   Following completion of the vessel and successful trials President Mitchell Avellar had called for a press conference.  Standing at the podium against the backdrop of a darkened view port President Avellar addressed the gathered media.  “Ladies and Gentlemen, peoples of the Alliance and neighbouring nations today I plan on unveiling a new class of DropShip that has been designed and constructed solely at this facility however first I would like to introduce the Outworlds Alliance partner in this endeavour and other projects, Khan Lynn McKenna, leader of Clan Snow Raven.”  He said there was a collective gasp as the Snow Raven Khan walked in from a side room wearing her full ceremonial uniform with Snow Raven feathered shoulder pads.  “When the Snow Ravens first appeared on our borders we greeted them with guarded respect.  The Snow Ravens respected out pilots skills and offered us a technical exchange for supplies which ended in the Development of the Corax OmniFighter.  Following that project I asked Khan McKenna if her Clan would be interested in working at this facility, a facility that served the Star League army before it left to head for the worlds that would become the Clan Homeworlds.  That project has brought many areas of this facility on-line and brought the Outworlds Alliance the Raven-class Aerospace DropShip.”  Mitchell said as the glass behind him lightened to show the newly launched DropShip, even Khan McKenna looked surprised at the name the vessel had been given, she had not expected such an honour.  “Using Star League-era technologies the Raven-class DropShip is based on the Titan-class DropShip previously launched by the Star League.”  Mitchell said the similarities in the designs were unmistakable a long aerospace craft with large wings and large launch doors on three decks covering the length of the vessel “although the weapons had been upgraded since the original vessel the vessels operate quite similarly.  Also since we worked with the Snow Ravens on this vessel we decided to issue it with a aerospace complement of thirty fighters allowing it to carry five squadrons of fighters or three OmniFighter Stars of Snow Raven warriors.”  Lynn McKenna nodded in appreciation although she knew the vessels capabilities as well as Mitchell she still enjoyed looking at the craft.  “This vessel will serve our forces in the coming years as we shore up our defences and stop the damaging pirate attacks that endanger our civilians.  Khan McKenna would you like to say anything to the people of the Outworlds Alliance and the Inner Sphere beyond?”  Mitchell asked turning to the Clan Khan, for a second he thought she would refuse however the Snow Raven warrior nodded and took the podium allowing Mitchell to step aside.

   â€œWhen we came to the Periphery and the Inner Sphere borders we did not expect to find honour and aerospace skill to match our own.”  She began stating the belief of the Snow Ravens that they were the best in the naval arts, among the Clans only the Ice Hellions came close in an Aerospace Fighter or the Nova Cats in a WarShip and even then it was only on a good day.  “We planned to take territory of our own.  Instead we found allies in the Outworlds Alliance, a people who shared our belief that Aerospace Fighters, DropShips and WarShips were the superior force in the galaxy and that to stop an invasion force you hit them first in space instead of letting them land.  We were honoured when the Outworlds Alliance named the Corax in our honour and again we find ourselves honoured with the launch of the Raven.  I wish for us to continue this relationship of cooperation and friendship as we travel towards the end of this century and into the future.”  She looked to Mitchell who nodded his agreement with her announcement “this morning a Snow Raven WarShip with supplies entered the Outworlds Alliance.  The vessel will travel the Outworlds Alliance helping upgrade the defences of each world and distribute supplies that will improve education and health throughout the Alliance.  Also this morning Clan Snow Raven agreed to help bring the Quatre Belle facility fully on-line enhancing the Outworlds Alliance’s abilities to repair and construct more DropShips and JumpShips.”  Although the media were not as polite as Lynn McKenna had been and were suspicious of her Clan’s intentions she handled the situation extremely well and as promised a Snow Raven WarShip began moving through the Outworlds Alliance improving the nations infrastructure and defences shoring up people‘s belief in their leadership and the Snow Raven’s good intensions.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #137 on: July 12, 2012, 04:06:21 PM »

New Canton, Styk, Old Kentucky, Campertown
Sarna Commonality, Capellan Confederation
12th February 3066

   In retaliation for the damage done at Illium Shipyards in the Ionus system forces of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth attack four worlds of the Capellan Confederation finding light defences and doing moderate damage on all and capturing various supplies intended for the Capellan military machine on three of the worlds.  On New Canton however they encounter the Racicre River Raiders Regiment and the Tenth Battle Armour Battalion of the Star League Defence Force.  The SLDF troops give the Marik-Stewart troops a severe beating driving them off and causing over two battalions worth of damage to the former-Free Worlds League troops.  This  victory for the SLDF makes a point that New Canton is off-limits to aggressors.  The Capellan Confederation attempt to gain control of the salvage taken by the SLDF troops however General Harry Sanders points out the SLDF are not mercenaries and they will keep their own salvage.

First Royal Guard RCT Command Complex
Tharkad, Asgard, Mount Wotan
Donegal Province, Lyran Alliance
19th February 3066

   Sneaking out his small room in the First Royal Guard command complex Hauptmann Alexander Carlyle headed for the Mechbay, since the outbreak of hostilities in Skye Province and more recently on Glengarry Alex had lost contact with his family.  Despite repeated requests to be allowed to join the Gray Death Legion, and his family, on Glengarry Alex had found every request rejected, the last at the highest level, so using his connections he had arranged transport off Tharkad and back to Glengarry the LAAF would probably imprison him for going Absent Without Leave (AWOL) but Alex was beyond caring.  “Herr, Hauptmann!”  Someone called to him as he entered the Mechbay, Alex recognized the voice and turned to see First Leutnant Caroline Harper commander of his scout lance, they had become close recently and of all the people he would be abandoning he would likely miss her the most.  “Surprised to see you up this late sir, I thought you were not on late duty tonight.”

   â€œI’m not just some personal work to do on my Mech, First Leutnant, wouldn’t want trouble with it on the field.”  Alex said smiling heading for his BattleMech standing near the entrance to the bay, unlike many of the members of the Royal Guard he owned his Mech and because of this he had to perform much of the maintenance himself or with favours from the techs.

   â€œNo, sir” she said matching his pace step for space as they approached Alex’s seventy ton Archer.  “Any news from home, sir?”  Caroline asked.

   â€œCaroline?” Alex said dryly, he hated being called sir every two seconds especially by people he knew.  In the Legion it had never been this difficult, even when he had been left in charge during the last Skye revolt the Legionaries still just called him Alex, sometimes the Glengarry-born members would call him sire, because of his father’s position, but rarely was there a sir.

   â€œYes, sir” she said immediately.

   â€œDrop the ‘sir‘ we are part of the same company and there are no superior’s about.”

   â€œYes, sir, of course sire.”  Caroline said smiling, her last use of his title caught him by surprise but he guessed she was being sarcastic.  “The only thing is I don’t know how much longer I will be calling you sir.”  She said Alex stopped dead and looked over at her for a moment wondering if she suspected anything.

   â€œYou going somewhere, Leutnant?  Or were you promoted without my knowing?”  He said brushing her rank epaulets on the shoulders of her uniform, they were still Leutnant ranking stripes.

   â€œUnfortunately no promotion today, sir.  As for going somewhere I wondered if you were the one going somewhere, sire.”  Alex spun to look at her again, the use of his title completely throwing his thought's into chaos but Caroline was giving nothing away.

   â€œJust to my Mech” Alex said wondering towards his Mech again “why would you say I was going somewhere?”

   â€œPlease don’t treat me like a fool." she pleaded "your family and your regiment are in danger.  Anyone could see you are itching to help them.”

   â€œI was ordered not to leave the base, my leave request has not been granted and my resignation letter has been rejected by the Archon herself.  What could I do?“  Alex said continuing to walk hoping Caroline would go, he hoped he wouldn’t have to knock her out or worse.  “And if I was leaving to help them.”  Alex said suddenly wondering if there was another way out of this by all but admitting he was about to head home against orders, the Archon’s orders at that, “would you stop me?”

   â€œNo, sir” Caroline said, Alex suddenly felt a rush of emotion and gratitude, however Caroline was raising a small communicator to her mouth “Condition Alpha.”  Alex looked at her again his arms raised ready for a fight just then three Mechs stepped from their alcoves and a hover APC rounded the corner from deep within the Mechbay.  “We are coming with you.  All the machines are family owned Parsons, Lewis and Cole.”  She said pointing to the three Mechs in turn, there were all members of his company. “The APC is borrowed but we will leave it at the spaceport.”  She said as the APC stopped beside them “your Archer is powered and ready for move.  We sent a message to the central computer informing them that your lance was escorting a security patrol into Asgard.”  Caroline said in rapid fire succession “sir, we are ready when you are.”

   â€œYou’re throwing your commissions away!”  Alex said loudly looking at her it wasn’t a shout but it was way louder than he had meant.  “The Archon could throw you all in prison with me, if Free Skye don’t kill us, she might even throw us in prison anyway.  And you‘ll be dispossessed.”  Katherine Steiner-Davion was not known as the most forgiving of leaders and the threat of being dispossessed could turn any MechWarrior‘s mind.

   â€œWell sir, we will be in good company either way.  We’re coming.  Friends are more important than stupid orders from a power-mad boss.”  Caroline said suddenly shocked by what she had said the Royal Guards were always fanatically loyal to their Archon and Caroline had just shown that she was in no way supportive of her Archon “we need to go and after this I will definitely need the Legion‘s help.”  Caroline said climbing into the APC.  Alex decided not to argue anymore climbing aboard his Archer, sure enough it was fully operational and they were not stopped until they reached the Spaceport.  Even then they were able to convince the guards they were checking security inside the Spaceport in preparation for the Archon’s visit.  Then quietly they moved aboard the DropShip and left Tharkad meeting a JumpShip just outside orbit leaving the system as quickly as possible via a pirate point.  If Alex had left alone without clearance they would likely have been shot down however because of his people’s actions they had been able to slip away.  Alex knew that he would never be able to pay them back, and could get them killed in this crazy possibly lost mission but was glad to have them with him, now all they had to do was find his parents, save the Gray Death Legion and stop the Skye Region breaking from the Alliance.  If they helped stop Free Skye maybe the Archon would be lenient with sentences.

Rousset-Marik Mansion, Augustine
Rousset-Marik Alliance
Former-Free Worlds League Territory
21st February 3066

   Following the defeat on New Canton to the SLDF and the failure to really repay the Capellan Confederation for the stealing of the Delos the three children of Kirsten Marik lead the challenge to Corrine Marik and the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth by breaking away taking several worlds with them to form the Rousset-Marik Alliance.  A nation dedicated to the re-establishment of the Parliament and the Free Worlds League as a singular nation, immediately the Duchy of Tamarind support under Duchess Therese Marik and Jeremy Brett support their nations legitimacy and their goal.  Kirsten Marik’s eldest child Ana Marik takes over as Duchess of Augustine and leader of the new nation.  The other two children Jonas Rousset-Marik and Alys Rousset-Marik handle the military and public matters of the new nation.

Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission Headquarters
Galatean City, Galatea
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
28th February 3066

   Before the Wolf’s Dragoons shot to prominence and gained the world of Outreach in the 3030s Galatea in the Lyran Alliance’s volatile Skye Province was known as the Mercenaries Star.  The closest thing mercenaries could call home and a world that they could make contracts to serve any of the Inner Sphere or Periphery nations.  When the Dragoons turned Outreach into the centre of Mercenary trade in the Inner Sphere Galatea lost its prominence with almost everyone going to Outreach although low-grade mercenaries continued to find work on the hiring halls on Galatea it was decidedly second-rate compared to Outreach.

   Then in 3065 the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission (MRBC) founded and supported by the Wolf’s Dragoons but no-longer controlled by the mercenaries announced that they would return to Galatea and build a new Headquarters there in the Capital Galatean City with the Wolf’s Dragoons and Lyran Alliance’s blessing.

   The opening of a new Headquarters tower on Galatea sets the MRBC completely separate from the Wolf’s Dragoons although they still keep a major presence on Outreach because Outreach was still the home to ninety percent of the Inner Sphere’s Mercenary Trade.  With a new hiring hall on Galatea the MRBC hopes to diversify of Mercenary Trade and raise the profile of more mercenary units.

First two months down, hope you enjoy

any comments, questions feel free to ask here or on the Q&A page
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 04:19:15 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #138 on: July 12, 2012, 06:49:18 PM »

Castle Robinson, Robinson
Draconis March, Federated Suns
4th March 3066

   Following a stroke the year before Duke James Sandoval dies on Robinson inside his castle surrounded by nearly his whole family.  As is tradition his son Field Marshal Baron Tarncred Sandoval, already commander of the Draconis March for several months, now officially inherits the title of Duke of Robinson.  The people of Robinson begin a year long mourning for their lost Duke and James Sandoval’s body is laid in state for millions to see over the entire year including several DCMS Commanders that had faced him and his forces over the years.

Breed, Raman PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
17th March 3066

   Hearing of the death of the Draconis March’s Duke the Twenty-second Benjamin Regulars Regiment of the DCMS attack Breed attempting to take the strategically valuable world.  Although almost completely combat inexperienced and using over fifty percent advanced technologies the First Chisholm’s Raiders of the AFFS defend Breed taking over a Battalion of Mech losses and nearly a combined regiment of other forces in losses before driving back the DCMS force.  The defence of Breed is hailed as a victory by the AFFS because of their continued hold on the world but in material losses it is certainly a DCMS victory.

Glengarry Highland Wilderness
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
22nd March 3066

   Following more than two months of roughing it in the Glengarry Highlands the Gray Death Legion Mercenary Regiment hear that the Tikonov Republican Guards are rounding up hundreds of civilians in preparations for executions due to the publics continued support of the Lyran Alliance, the Gray Death Legion and Grayson Death Carlyle.  Unwilling to allow this brutal act to be carried out against his citizens Grayson Carlyle hatches a daring plan.

   Hearing that the Tikonov Guards were using the Mag-Lev trains, that criss-crossed the planet’s surface, to move around their prisoners the Gray Death Legion would strike at several stations along the route taking the prisoners off the trains in a move inspired by Grayson’s son’s defence of the world in the late 3050s.  At the same time Grayson would lead a combined arms Battalion into the capital Dunkeld as a diversion as a Platoon of Battle Armour equipped troopers broke in and killed the Tikonov Guards commanders in a Head-hunter attack inspired by the Clan Wolf attacks during the Initial Clan Invasion.

   The first part of the plan went like a dream with the Legion evacuating over one thousand innocent prisoners from the Free Skye forces.  The Second part of the operation went well for a start as the Tikonov forces followed the Legion battalion leaving the defences weakened however fell apart when Grayson Death Carlyle was killed by a stray autocannon to his Marauder’s head.  A veteran commander who had survived battles with enemies from across the Inner Sphere and beyond from the Clans killed in an instant showing that no-one was invincible.  With the death of their founder and commander the rest of the battalion fell into a rage and destroyed well over two battalions of Tikonov Guards troops as all Tikonov marked forces are seen as hostile.  Unfortunately more Tikonov forces arrive quickly surrounding and destroying the remaining Grey Death Mechs wiping out the remains of the force.

   Fortunately for the now heavily weakened Legion the Head-hunter attack went perfectly killing three Kommondants, one Lt Colonel and one Colonel in a perfectly executed raid.  This attack stopped the Tikonov Guards pursuing the Legionaries as they disappeared back into the Highlands.  For now the Legion was safe but without any of the ‘old guard’ to command them some began questioning if they could survive this and if continuing was worth it, perhaps the Legion’s legendary luck was all used up.

Imperial Palace, Imperial City
Kagoshima Prefecture, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
27th March 3066

   Deep in the Imperial Palace Grounds on the capital of the Draconis Combine Marianna Kurita, Coordinator Hohiro Kurita’s wife, gives birth to the couple’s first child Vincent preparing a clear line of succession for once Hohiro is gone.  Vincent’s birth is kept secret from the Draconis Combine public for several months protecting him and his mother from any Black Dragon attacks and ensuring that Vincent will be physically capable of assuming the mantle of Coordinator.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #139 on: July 12, 2012, 06:53:39 PM »

Fronc Reaches
6th April 3066

   The New Colony Region had wanted its independence almost since its creation by the Magistracy of Canopus and Taurian Concordat.  The abortive attempt at independence by the Colonial Marshals cost the Magistracy and the Concordat their leaders however the New Colony Regions were still under the thumb of the two nearby Periphery nations.  In April 3066 however this changed following the Magistracy’s occupation of the world of Detroit, site of a Capellan Confederation BattleMech factory, the Magistracy of Canopus recognised the New Colony Region as an independent nation and cut it loose.  The Capellan Confederation, knowing their BattleMech factory was safe also recognised the nation soon after.  The loss of access to the Detroit facility and with all the money invested in New Colony Region close to being lost/wasted the Taurian Concordat resisted the move however by the end of April an angered Taurian Concordat also recognised the New Colony Region which had chosen to call itself the Fronc Reaches.  With the Colonial Marshals and several small mercenary units to defend them the Fronc Reaches began to look for new worlds to colonise and for ways to enhance their new nation.

Zion, Oriente Protectorate
Former Free Worlds League
11th April 3066

   Following several months of negotiations Zion Province decided to join the Duchy of Oriente in an alliance creating the Oriente Protectorate.  With a new nation on covering a large swath of its borders the Capellan Confederation decided to test their defences sending the Second McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry Regiment supported by Ambermarie’s Highlanders to Zion itself.  Landing on Zion in forces they found the Third Free Worlds Guards still serving the people of Zion despite the fact the Free Worlds League was no longer a nation.  The two Capellan units dropped on Zion in force dropping directly from their DropShips onto the battlefield around the Free Worlds Guards.  In an eight hour campaign the Capellans destroyed the defenders of Zion executing the survivors and taking over a Battalion’s worth of salvage before leaving the world.

Nova Cat Watch Base
Tortuga Prime, Nova Cat’s Den
13th April 3066

   A Diamond Shark trade convoy arrives and with them are seventeen warriors of Clan Cloud Cobra’s Rossei Cloister.  These Cloud Cobra warriors claim a vision has sent them to join the Nova Cats and following seventeen trials of possession against the local Second Watch Cluster garrison force the Cloud Cobra warriors prove they are worthy of being Nova Cat Warriors.  They request to join Xi Galaxy and are granted permission by saKhan Canin Rosse, Xi Galaxy had been home to a contingent of Nova Cat warriors that were members of the Rossei Cloister for years putting the Cloud Cobra Rossei members with them made perfect sense to Canin.

   Meanwhile Canin’s executive officer in Delta Galaxy Star Colonel Jal Steiner, the man who had brought the Rossei Cloister beliefs to the Nova Cats in the first place challenged and defeated Xi Galaxy’s commander Galaxy Commander Elianna Deleportis in a Trial of Position making Jal Steiner commander of the Galaxy.  With an influx of new experience warriors all using front-line equipment saKhan Canin Rosse ordered a reorganisation of the Nova Cat Touman and ordered Xi Galaxy to upgrade fully to a front-line Galaxy honouring the addition of the new Rossei Cloister and Jal Steiner’s new command.

Iran, Rousset-Marik Alliance
Former Free Worlds League
20th April 3066

   Newly appointed Captain-General of the Rousset-Marik Alliance Duke Jonas Rousset-Marik takes the rebuilt Krushers to Iran headquarters of the Iran Corporation one of the widest spanning corporations in the former-Free Worlds League.  There he originally intended to engage the Seventh Free Worlds Legionaries based there however found the commander of the unit more than happy to work with him in defending Iran against the Third Marik Militia Captain-General Corrine Marik of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth had sent to reinforce the Legionaries.

   Working together they secure Iran for the Rousset-Marik Alliance and Jonas is able to report to his older sister that they have also secured a new Regiment for their nation much to the pleasure of Ana Marik and the anger of Corrine Marik.  Unfortunately the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth has lost a lot of forces in the fighting and is severely weakened unwilling to attack Iran in a long bloody campaign Corrine Marik leaves the world in the hands of the tiny Rousset-Marik Alliance.

Hyades Cluster, Dark Cloud Nebula
Taurus System
Taurian Concordat
25th April 3066

   Taurian Concordat ground controllers get into a massive panic when an Overlord-class DropShip belonging to the Fighting Urukhai mercenaries enter Taurus system and begin to make a fast burn to planet.  Surprising the ground Controllers the Fighting Urukhai making it through the nebula and asteroid rings without assistance from a Taurian guide ship and begin heading straight for Taurus.  The Fighting Urukhai a well-known Federated Commonwealth Mercenary Regiment could be under Federated Suns contract and the Taurian defenders decide to take no chances ordering the vessel destroyed the Urukhai DropShip is swiftly destroyed before it reaches the atmosphere of Taurus.  At the Nadir Jump Point a Urukhai JumpShip informs the Taurians that the DropShip carried their negotiating team and that now the Taurian Concordat had made an enemy before leaving the system.  The Taurian ground controllers pride themselves in a job well done defending Taurus without a single loss to the Concordat’s military.

Conquista, Andurien
Duchy of Andurien
Former-Free Worlds League
26th April 3066

   Following a successful operation on Zion the Capellan Confederation attack two more former Free Worlds League worlds Conquista and Andurien.  Leading the attack are Marshigama’s Legionnaires, a former Mercenary unit that had joined the Capellan Confederation and were considered to be a perfect sacrificial unit if the mission went wrong.  On Conquista the attack goes well and the Legionaries send back four Civilian DropShips laden with supplies and captured equipment.  On Andurien however things do not go well facing all five regiments of the Andurien Sentinels the Legionaries find their DropShips attacked as soon as they enter the atmosphere.  In less than an hour the surviving Legionaries surrender under the guns of the Duchy of Andurien Sentinels.  Hearing of this surrender Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao strikes the unit from the records not caring they were outnumbered five-to-one.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #140 on: July 12, 2012, 07:02:07 PM »

Quatre Belle Naval Facility
Outworlds Alliance
3rd May 3066

   Following the successful launching of the Raven-class DropShip Clan Snow Raven was given near full control over the renovation of the Quatre Belle facility.  By May the facility is now capable of constructing Corax OmniFighters, Raven-class DropShips and maintaining JumpShips and WarShips although construction of these units is still a ways off.  Khan Lynn McKenna offers the Outworlds Alliance a chance to station one of their units at the Quatre Belle facility to assist the Snow Ravens in defending the world, although five WarShips are already defending the facility and another regiment of fighters will make little difference the Outworlds Alliance sees this as a way of solidifying their relationship with the Clan and immediately agrees and sending the Second Regiment.  Almost as soon as the Outworlds Alliance unit arrives it begins to retrain in the Clan organisation style with Freeborn Clan Snow Raven Warriors filling in the gaps of their TO&E, in the first obvious move of integration between the Snow Raven and Outworlds Alliance militaries.

Glengarry, Highlands
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
15th May 3066

   Fighting for almost two months without proper leadership had taken a severe toll on the Gray Death Legion wearing the reinforced Regiment down to just a single Reinforced Battalion.  This was not to say the two Tikonov Republican Guard regiments had not paid dearly for their efforts with their combined strength down to just under half, roughly three battalions combined.  The Gray Death Legion headed into Beggars Canyon, a fissure in the ground that units rarely used because of sensor anomalies that made moving a Mech difficult and combat nearly impossible, the Legion survivors hoped that the Tikonov Guards would leave them there bottled up until Skye Forces had been victorious or lost on Skye and Hesperus II.  However the Tikonov commanders had decided otherwise, angered by the Legion’s continued defiance and the head-hunter attack which had cost them many of their commanders they charged into the canyon in pursuit of the mercenaries with orders to kill everyone of the Grey Death's warriors even if it came down to physically destroying each and every cockpit and battle armour suit.

   This move perhaps saved the Legion because the Tikonov forces weakened their spaceport defences enough for Alexander Carlyle, his company of AWOL warriors and the Denebolah Warriors Mercenary Unit to land on the planet.  Alex had met the Denebolah warriors CO Major Samantha Logan during his time with the Royal Guards and after a little detour and a little persuasion had convinced her to help him.  The appearance of a reinforced Battalion takes the Tikonov garrison forces by surprise and they are driven from the spaceport and the capital Dunkeld within just one hour.  The remnants of the Gray Death Legion receive a communication from Alexander Carlyle using secured phrases and codes that only a member of the Carlyle family would know, knowing that Alex was back on Glengarry drove the Legion into a frenzy as they charged from their canyon hideaway and straight through incoming the Tikonov forces.  Because of the canyon’s sensor anomalies the Tikonov forces were already disorganized and struggling to even maintain a decent formation as various warriors got lost in the twisting rocks and mounds.  The faster Legionaries well trained in the area charged past the Tikonov forces at speed trying to avoid any major conflicts they escaped onto the Glengarry plains.  By the end of the day the Legion and the Denebolah Warriors both under the command of Alexander Carlyle had rendezvoused in Dunkeld and were ready to face the Tikonov forces on nearly a level playing field for the first time since the battle for Glengarry.

Capellan March, Federated Suns
31st May 3066

   Following months of planning and the insertion of several covert operatives the Capellan Confederation launch an assault on Tikonov in the Federated Suns‘ Capellan March.  Tikonov had once been capital to a region of the Capellan Confederation and the Capellan people and their chancellor had never given up on the world or their belief that it was a Capellan holding.

   With two WarShips in support the all seven active Warrior House Battalions of the Capellan Confederation drop onto Tikonov.  Their first target is the Tikonov Training Battalion and its campus two Davion creations that had no place on a Capellan world.  Outnumbered seven-to-one the Battalion’s cadets and the training grounds are raised to the ground in less than twenty minutes.

   Then as three of the Warrior Houses begin laying down the law on the world’s population arresting Davion administrators and nobles Houses Imarra, Dai Da Chi, Ma-Tsu Kai and Ijori all move to engage the First Argyle Lancers an independent Mech Regiment of the AFFS.  Against four Battalions of the Capellan’s most elite troops the veteran Lancers had little chance.  Colonel Walter Scully ordered his regiment to concentrate on House Imarra as the charged towards the Spaceport attempting to escape the world.  The damage caused on House Imarra by three times their number was devastating crushing the Battalion and allowing more than two Battalions of the Argyle Lancer Regiment to reach their DropShips and escape the world ready to inform their First Prince of the Capellan assault.  Unfortunately the Capellan WarShips had moved closer to the world and cut off the three Argyle troop DropShips.  In less than a minute the three vessels and their human cargo had been reduced to ash by Capellan WarShip guns.  This bloody end brought Tikonov back under Capellan Confederation control.  Due to the far-flung nature of the world, deep inside the Capellan March’s borders, Capellan Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao allows his Warrior House Masters to see to executions of Davion planetary leaders and the introduction of Capellan leaders and ideals to the world.  Three days later the Federated Suns find out about the attack and the destruction of the Argyle regiment, First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion vows that Tikonov will be returned to the Federated Suns if it is the last thing he does.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #141 on: July 12, 2012, 07:04:42 PM »

Clan Fire Mandrill Holdings
Dagda, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
4th June 3066

   For all of the Clans diversities Clan Fire Mandrill is one of the strangest with its politics not decided by the Khan or saKhan but by various Kindraa that control every aspect of the Clan from the humblest merchant to the most Crusader-bent MechWarrior.  A Kindraa is an alliance of the Fire Mandrill Bloodhouses.  Following some heavy losses to the Star Adder Clan Bloodhouses Payne, Beyl and Grant form a new Kindraa turning three minor Bloodhouses into one of the strongest in the entire Clan.  With this new Kindraa formed the Fire Mandrills hope that they can control their politics better and hold back the march of the other Clans.  Unfortunately the Star Adders remain just over the border waiting.

ComStar Battle Armour Factory Alpha
Memoria, Tukayyid
Free Rasalhague Republic
13th June 3066

   Following the Draconis Combine’s refusal to sell them Kage Battle Armour the Free Rasalhague Republic had come to ComStar and asked them to help in the development of a new Battle Armour suit.  With the ComGuards secretly training to assault Terra ComStar had been hesitant to become involved however the Star League Defence Force had offered to join them and split the costs three way with the Free Rasalhague Republic providing the resources for the factory and grounds.  ComStar building and running the factory on Tukayyid in their de facto capital city of Memoria and providing technical expertise and the Star League Defence Force providing the bulk of the funding.  After four years of work, development and testing the factory unveils its first product the Kobold Light Battle Armour suit.  As agreed each nation/organisation will receive a third of each production run brining reach’s military roughly one hundred suit’s a year.

Tau Galaxy Command Base
New Haiti, Proving Grounds
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
20th June 3066

   Following a lengthy development in conjunction with Nova Cat Scientists the members of Tau Galaxy develop a new type of armoured combat vehicle that would embrace the Advanced Tactical Missile Launcher and modernise the Nova Cat Armoured forces.  Named the Shoden Tactical Missile Tank, by a captured Combine tech, the design is a seventy ton wheeled tank carrying an array of three nine-tube Advanced Tactical Missile Launchers and Light Machine Guns and a healthy supply of ammo. 

   Of all Nova Cat forces the Tau Galaxy has show most interest in the use of armoured vehicles and following a successful trial period the warriors of Tau Galaxy prove the Shoden can successfully engage targets at far greater range and accuracy than tradition missile carrying units and that the ATM system is the perfect weapon system for armoured vehicles.  Watching the tests the Nova Cat Khans give the go-ahead for the Shoden’s full production at a factory to be built on New Haiti, the design is also sold to the Diamond Sharks for resources the Nova Cats turn into expanding their settlements in the Nova Cat’s Den and increasing the size of their Touman.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #142 on: July 12, 2012, 07:17:52 PM »

James McKenna, McKenna-class Battleship
Dante System
Outworlds Alliance, Periphery
5th July 3066

   When President Mitchell Avellar had been invited aboard the Snow Raven’s flagship the James McKenna he had not expected the vessel to jump nearly as soon as he was aboard nor for them to arrive in the Dante system.  The Dante system was home to the Omniss Cult, a group of Outworlds Alliance citizens who had rejected all technology not necessary for the continuation of life, this surprised Avellar because the Outworlds Alliance had no military forces there.  The world was only in contact with the outside once a month when a single DropShip was allowed to land there and offload supplies or drop off any visitors.  Mitchell respected the Omniss’ right to run their world as they saw fit and left them to it, Dante was so deep in the Outworlds Alliance that no pirate force would be able to get to the world without being seen by Alliance patrols.

   As soon as the James McKenna reverted to real-space the vessel’s huge manoeuvring drives flared into life and the 1,930,000 ton Battleship began to move just as Mitchell reached the bridge.  Just inside the room were a pair of armoured Elemental guards and beyond them was Lynn McKenna Khan of the Snow Raven Clan.  “Khan McKenna, could you please tell me why we are in the Dante system?  This is the most peace loving system I have ever come across, the people may be a little backward in their views but they are entirely harmless.”  Mitchell said walking onto the bridge in the light gravity provided by the vessel’s thrust.

   â€œWell, we shall soon see Mr President.”  Lynn said turning briefly towards him then back to the Holo-tank active in the centre of the room.  Mitchell glanced at the Holo-tank briefly although not a military man Mitchell had always been smart, some said he was a genius, although the technology seen on the James McKenna was a little beyond him he did understand most of it on a basic level.  Stepping closer to the Holo-tank he saw that one of the icons was defiantly the James McKenna, the Holo-tank was so precise in its rendering of the massive McKenna-class Battleship it could not be mistaken for anything else.  In the far corner hanging from nothing was a large round object Mitchell recognised as Dante, the Holo-tank even rendered the world’s continents, but near the planet’s moon was something else.

   â€œWhat is that?”  He asked looking at the craft moving away from the planet.  “Is that some sort of DropShip?”  He asked looking around blankly the Snow Ravens ignored him.

   â€œNo, Mr President, that is a Baron-class WarShip.”

   â€œA WarShip?  A Snow Raven vessel?”  He asked blankly he did not recognise the Baron-class designation assuming it was an ancient Star League-era design still fielded by the Clans.

   â€œNeg, the Star League retired that class before they left the Inner Sphere, it is an inferior design and none of the Clans field such craft.  The Star League sold them off to the Inner Sphere and Periphery states before the Reunification War. Is it a Outworlds Alliance vessel?”  Lynn McKenna said looking directly at Mitchell, she wanted to know if the Outworlds Alliance leader had been lying to her since day one.

   â€œNo, we have no such vessels, or any need for such vessels, you know this.”  He said accusingly “I would like to know who it does belong to.”

   â€œWe will find out in time.  Star Admiral, order your fore Gunners to fire at will, all other on standby.”

   â€œAye, Khan McKenna” the vessel’s commander, Star Admiral Hinda Shu, said the James McKenna’s command bridge lights dimmed as the vessels closed.  “Fore-guns fire at will, all other hot standby.”  she repeated into the intercom.

   â€œIn range with Naval lasers” one of the bridge crew said “gunners firing” he said as the James McKenna’s forward paired heavy Naval Lasers lashed out catching the enemy vessel in the rear quarters. “Good shooting gun crew, we need that again.”

   â€œStar Admiral, target is turning and blossoming” a sensor operator said as the enemy WarShip began deploying fighters.  The standard Baron carried six aerospace fighters which would be easily dealt with the star of escorting fighters travelling alongside the James McKenna.  “Sir!  Seventy-Two, repeat Seven-Two Aerospace Fighters deploying and enemy WarShip’s forward guns coming on-line as they turn.”

   â€œStar Admiral, Fore Quarter Guns released to fire.”  Lynn McKenna said stepping over beside Mitchell “now it gets interesting.  Someone has been doing some work on that ship.”

   â€œYou think this is where all the pirate attacks have been coming from?”  Mitchell asked putting things together the Snow Ravens had agreed to help the Outworlds Alliance find the pirates who had been attacking them.

   â€œI think this may be part of the problem.”  She said as the James McKenna’s fore quarter Naval Lasers and Capital Missiles joined the fight spraying the Baron’s forward armour with varying degrees of damage.  Amazingly the smaller vessel held up to the attack and returned fire on the Battleship sending six of its own Naval-lasers and four Capital Missiles into the James McKenna’s port side causing some armour damage but little else.

   â€œEnemy guns have been upgraded as well, sir.”

   â€œStill not match for us.”  The Star Admiral muttered “bring us to port and activate Broadside guns.  Launch all fighters and tell them to destroy those fighters.”  the Hinda Shu said not waiting for the Khan’s opinion the James McKenna carried fifty fighters meaning the Snow Raven pilots would be outnumbered, but they were the most elite the Snow Raven Clan could field plus the James McKenna was about to even this fight by taking out the Baron. The enemy WarShip continued to close firing as it came weapons fire splashed over the James McKenna’s hull, this deep in the vessel and with almost one thousand-five hundred tons of armour protecting them the weapons fire sounded like rain drops hitting a tin roof.  Around the James McKenna the Snow Raven OmniFighter pilots were already facing half as many enemy fighters as they had before they started with only two losses of their own.

   â€œBroadside solution charged, targeted and ready.”

   â€œFire!”  The Hinda Shu said, moments later even as the Naval lasers of the Baron hit the James McKenna’s port side the Battleship’s own twelve Heavy Naval Particle Projection Cannons opened fire at once.  One of the most devastating Broadsides any WarShip could deliver the McKenna’s broadside was designed to destroy or at least cripple any other WarShip in one volley.  This time the broadside did not disappoint as all twelve blasts of man-made lightning each the size of an aerospace fighter slammed into the enemy vessel almost at the same time.  The bolts burned straight through the vessel gutting it from port-to-starboard and burning through the other side of the vessel. The four-hundred-and-eighty thousand ton vessel consumed by a fireball as its wreckage spun away towards the planet, fragments of the vessel would burn up in the atmosphere for the next month while larger chunks would slam into Dante’s major oceans.  Around the James McKenna the Snow Raven pilots had destroyed all seventy-two enemy fighters loosing six of their own number in the process it had been a short but productive battle.

   â€œStar Admiral, bring us into orbit and begin scans of the planet.  Any DropShip attempting to leave is to be given one chance to surrender then destroyed understood?”  Star Admiral Shu nodded as Lynn McKenna slipped her arm into Mitchell Avellar’s “how about some dinner?  We may not have such luxury as you have on Alpheratz but it should suffice.”  She said leading the Outworlds Alliance leader from the room, how she could think of food after that was beyond him.

   â€œSure, what about Dante?”

   â€œLater, first we eat.”  She said triumphantly leading Mitchell from the command bridge.  Snow Raven repair crews had already begun repairing the superficial damaged done to the James McKenna taking supplies out of the quarter of a million ton capacity cargo bay, this ship could transport nearly as much as about half of all Outworlds Alliance DropShips, it was the Snow Raven's only McKenna-class vessel but they had many others of different classes.  Seeing the ship and crew in action Mitchell Avellar realized just how crazy those in the parliament who had suggested resistance were, the Alliance for all it's fighters would have no chance against this mighty vessel.

   A few hours later they were finished eating and back on the James McKenna’s bridge looking down at the world.  To Mitchell’s eyes the world chosen by the Omniss was as beautiful as the first time he had seen it however the Snow Raven sensors told another story.  During the time they had been eating three DropShips had attempted to run and were shot down by the James McKenna’s powerful weapons array, on the planet’s surface there were at least a dozen DropShips and throughout the cities on the planet were BattleMechs and combat vehicles.  There were also several dozen camps scattered across the planet “I had no idea.  The people of the world wanted to be left alone and we left them to this.”  Mitchell said, he didn't understand how the transport DropShips could have missed all this, Snow Raven fighters relayed pictures of forced labour camps on the planet and prison camps.  “I want who did this dead.  Whatever it takes.”  Mitchell said looking away from the pictures with disgust, the time for peaceful solutions to problems was over.

   â€œIt will be done.”  Lynn McKenna said heading from the room leaving Mitchell on the bridge as she moved to her command DropShip.  Six DropShips then detached from the James McKenna’s hull and sped towards the planet.  In sixteen hours of heavy combat with help from the James McKenna's fighters the Corvus Keshik, First Raven Phalanx and the Sixth Raven Battle Cluster of the Snow Raven’s Swift Wing (Alpha) Galaxy destroyed over two Regiments worth of raider troops freeing the planet’s battered population from their slavery.

   From the James McKenna Mitchell Avellar sent word back to Alpheratz of the raider presence on Dante and ordered a relief convoy sent to the world.  By the time the battle had ended six cargo DropShips and a Regiment of fighters from the First Alliance Air Wing had arrived to help get the world back on its feet.  Walking the soil of Dante Mitchell could see the hurt in the population’s eyes whomever these pirates were they had treated the population like they were nothing and the Alliance had done nothing for them.  Following several attacks against Alliance troops in the first couple of hours of them being on Dante Mitchell turned to Lynn McKenna and asked the Snow Raven if they could take permanent stewardship of the worlds defences the Snow Raven Khan agreed and the Alliance troops retreated allowing the Snow Ravens to distribute supplies.  Mitchell returned to Alpheratz with his troops angered that they had been made to look like fools by some smart well equipped pirates and vowing revenge to the Outworlds Alliance population, the Alliance had never been strong militarily that was about to change the Alliance would become dedicated to eradicating any pirate threat.

Outside City of Memoria
Focht War College, Tukayyid
Free Rasalhague Republic
16th July 3066

   Following his criticising of the Star League’s apparent ‘Company Store’ Policy to increase its numbers when it came to mercenary forces it was slightly a shock when newly promoted Lieutenant-General Marcus Johnson of the Seventy-Seventh Special Operations Group found himself trying to convince the Killer Bees Mercenary Battalion to sign on full time with the new SLDF. Following over a months negotiation with unit commander, Major Ernst Murdoch, however that is exactly what happened with the Killer Bees joining the SAS Division as an official auxiliary to the Blackhearts, becoming the Seventy-Eighth Special Operations Battalion.  The Killer Bees officially joined the SLDF having their Light BattleMechs upgraded to light OmniMechs, their conventional infantry upgraded to Kobold Battle Armour and their single squadron of Aerospace Fighters upgraded to brand new Huscarl OmniFighters provided by ComStar.

   Following this move by a former mercenary and from complaints from other mercenary unit’s the MRBC officially complain to the SLDF for their taking control of so many mercenary troops.  The SLDF point out there are plenty of mercenary units in the Inner Sphere and that the only major mercenary units to join them have been the Eridani Light Horse and the Blue Star Irregulars, Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion points out that these units have historical ties to the Star League and have voluntarily rejoined the SLDF’s ranks and he continues to say that the MRBC can complain if the Northwind Highlanders, Kell Hounds or Wolf’s Dragoons join the SLDF units that are linchpins in the MRBC and have no previous ties to the SLDF.

   At the same time as Morgan’s speech ComStar announce the arrival of the ComGuard’s first home-grown OmniMech.  The Focht Light OmniMech weighs in at thirty tons, can reach speeds of ninety-seven kilometres per hour and can carry thirteen-and-a-half tons of weapons and equipment in its pod space.  As with almost all of ComStar’s products the Focht Light OmniMech will be open to sale after the first production run which will go exclusively to ComGuard Divisions.  The Star League Defence Force and Free Rasalhague Republic both put in an order for the thirty OmniMechs each.
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #143 on: July 13, 2012, 02:40:07 AM »

This is great
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #144 on: July 13, 2012, 04:45:28 PM »

Hyades Cluster, Dark Cloud Nebula
Taurus System
Taurian Concordat
1st August 3066

   Angered at the loss of an Overlord-class and a Battalion of troops the Fighting Urukhai jump en-masse into the Taurus system fighting their way through the Taurian blockade around the planet and burning onto the world.  Two and a half regiments of angry mercenaries all using advanced technology attack the Taurian Defenders, the Taurian Guard and the Taurian Commandos, in total four regiments but only two Mech units.  The Fighting Urukhai destroy the two Taurian units, all four regiments and their attached fighter wings before beginning to destroy all manufacturing and support bases for any military force the Taurian authorities only have one option left to them.

   Unlike the other nations of the Inner Sphere and Periphery the Taurian Concordat has never outlawed the use of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons.  Under the capital are several such weapons set-up almost like a dead-mans switch.  Protector Grover Sharplen orders the weapons detonated just before evacuating the city.  The bombs detonate wiping out Samantha, sixteen million Taurian men, women and children and all remains of the Fighting Urukhai.  Hours later Grover Sharplen assures the Taurian people he escaped unharmed and that it was the Fighting Urukhai carrying a Davion Nuclear bomb that destroyed the city, Grover Sharplen declares war on the Federated Suns.  Taurian units began crossing the border, the Taurian Concordat almost totally forget about the devastation on Taurus mainly the destruction of large portions of their capital, Samantha, in their bid to claim revenge against the Federated Suns.

   Six days after confirming that it was not a Federated Suns ordered attack and that the Fighting Urukhai were not carrying Davion nuclear weapons First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion refutes Taurian Concordat claims and to the horror of the Capellan March offers the Taurians a chance to step down.  The Taurians answer by invading the Pleiades Cluster a long disputed group of tightly packed planets and stars.

   Following the Taurian refusal to back down over their offensive Victor Steiner-Davion authorises Field Marshal Baron George Hasek to use all forces necessary to defeat the Taurians and stop the Invasion of the Federated Suns.  George re-routes the First Kathil Uhlans and several mercenary units to the Pleiades Cluster in an effort to destroy the Taurian units however guerrilla warfare scale fighting continues on.

Gray Death Legion Command Complex
Glengarry, Dunkeld
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
21st August 3066

   Supported by the Denebolah Warriors Alexander Carlyle leads the resurgent Gray Death Legion to victory on Glengarry defeating the Tikonov Republic Guards and brining the world back under the control of his family and under Lyran Alliance authority.  He frees several government officials imprisoned by the Free Skye forces and is officially awarded the title Baron von Glengarry and the rank of Colonel commanding the Gray Death Legion.  Although a separate unit the Denebolah Warriors commander Major Samantha Logan remains on the world under Alex’s command, they have rekindled their previous relationship.  Alex orders his units to board their DropShips and prepare to go to Hesperus II to end the Free Skye threat to the Lyran Alliance and complete the Gray Death Legion’s orders.

MRBC Headquarters
Galatean City, Galatea
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
28th August 3066

   Following their victory in the suing the Lyran Alliance Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion approaches Devil’s Advocates Mercenary with the opportunity to form a special unit within the SLDF.  They will be a bio-hazard unit capable of providing humanitarian aid in inhospitable areas and will be assigned to cleaning up and disposing of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (NBC).  Because of recent complaints the unit will technically be under contract with the SLDF for the first year to ensure there are not more complaints from the MRBC.  Captain Charlene Cypher, the commander of the Devil’s Advocates, agrees under one condition her unit’s to the Wolf’s Dragoons are paid off in full by the SLDF.  Morgan Hasek-Davion agrees and the Devil’s Advocates enter into a contract with the SLDF with an option to extend it and become members of the SLDF, the MRBC are not happy by the arrangement but as they Devil’s Advocates are technically still mercenaries under temporary contract they have no grounds to complain.

Defiance of Hesperus II (DefHes), Hesperus II
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
31st August 3066

   The loss on Glengarry and the two Tikonov Republican Guard units hurt the Free Skye Movement however with the arrival of the First Tikonov Republican Guard on Hesperus II the movement gained more steam and following a break-down of communications between the two Lyran Guard regiments defending the Defiance Factories Free Skye was able to bring the Fifteenth Battle of Hesperus II to a close with victory.  The loss of the DefHes Plants and the allowing of a enemy state/organisation to gain control of Hesperus II’s main is something that has never happened in Lyran history and a major sore point for the Lyran Archon to swallow.  The Survivors of the Fifteenth Lyran and Thirty-Sixth Lyran Guard under the command of Leutnant-General Keane Sortek, nephew of Federated Suns Crucis March Field Marshal Arden Sortek, flee to the planetary capital Maria‘s Elegy.  Even together they only number four combined arms troops, less than a single RCT significantly less than the Free Skye forces arrayed against them.  The population of Hesperus II demand that their families, the majority of whom are employed at the DefHes plant are freed from the Free Skye Tyranny.  However Keane Sortek refuses to throw his troops at the DefHes security grid instead servicing his equipment and giving his troops some rest before trying to retake the facility unofficially surrendering the Fifteenth Battle but not the world to Free Skye - the fact that his troops trust him and that they control most of the planet is probably the only thing that saves Keane from the Hesperus II masses.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 04:45:58 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #145 on: July 13, 2012, 04:49:18 PM »

VI Corps Command Complex
Marknick, Calderon Protectorate
Former Taurian Concordat
6th September 3066

   Standing in front of the Holo-projector Marshal (Baron) Cham Kithrong felt one hundred percent wrong with what he was doing but knew it was the only way for his people to regain control of their nation and for the true ruler to claim his throne.  As the unit activated Cham began to speak “People of the Concordat I am Baron Cham Kithrong, Marshal of VI Corps and Regent to Erik Martens, also known as Erik Calderon.  Erik is the adopted son of Jeffery Calderon a fact that we can now prove with legal documents obtained from ComStar delivered from a law-firm based on Terra. I have presented this to Protector Sharplen calling for him to step down and allow Erik to assume the throne of the Concordat when he is of legal age but Sharplen has refused.  I hereby denounce Sharplen as an usurper to the Taurian leadership and withdraw the VI Corps from the Taurian Armed forces, with us stand six worlds and we shall stand alone as the Calderon Protectorate, centred on Erod’s Escape with New Taurus as our capital, we shall stand alone until Grover Sharplen stands down as Protector and turns over the leadership to Erik or his lawful Regent.”  Cham left out that the regent was him, no need for the people of the Concordat to see him as grabbing power for himself, something he would never do.  “Also today I have the grave duty of bringing evidence that the nuclear explosion that consumed Samantha on Taurus was not caused by Federated Suns Mercenaries but by the orders of Grover Sharplen.  Grover Sharplen ordered the death of sixteen million Concordat lives and is required to stand as a war criminal immediately.”  Cham said, the last part was laying it on a little thick, there was evidence that the explosion came from under the city of Samantha and records that stated only the Protector could order their detonation however there was no written evidence that Grover ordered their detonation.  “I have no lust for power” he said frankly breaking from the script “and I have supported the Calderon family my entire life.  When Jeffery Calderon died on Detroit I felt like my heart had been wrenched from my chest and stabbed, then I discovered Erik and his legal adoption making him the unannounced heir of the Concordat, his father’s realm, I will do everything I need to make sure that Erik is given the nation he deserves.”  An hour later the broadcast was sent across the Concordat and into the Inner Sphere.  It would take another four months for legal recognition of the nation by other major powers, one of the first recognitions coming from the Federated Suns, the Concordat’s ancient enemy and the nation currently at war with the Concordat.  Cham saw the move by the Federated Suns for what it was a way to weaken the Concordat not strengthen the Protectorate but accepted their word of recognition.  As expected Sharplen refused to step down and denounced Cham Kithrong as a petty tyrant of weak-minded world leaders.

Medical Facility Alpha
Borealis Facility, New Barcella
Nova Cat’s Den
14th September 3066

   During a routine inspection of the newly completed mammoth floating structure known as Borealis Facility Yvonne (Rosse) experiences to first indications that she is about to give birth to the child she and Canin are expecting when her waters break.  Unable to travel back to land due to a severe storm she gives birth in the Primary medical facility to a healthy and strong son, which she and Canin name Grayson.  Upon hearing this there is widespread call for Khan Santin West to step aside as leader of the Clan as Canin Rosse was fulfilling prophecy by having a son to Inner Sphere nobility, he was brining the Clan back to the Inner Sphere fold.  The information is transmitted to Santin West by one of his supporters and from the Clan Homeworlds Santin West realises that his Clan is ready to tear itself apart over the birth of a child, something he allowed to continue to happen.  Knowing there is only one civilized way through this he transmits encrypted information for Canin’s eyes only offering to turn over the Khanship.

   On New Barcella Canin immediately transmits his refusal of the position of Khan throughout the Nova Cat’s Den and the Nova Cat enclaves in the Clan Homeworlds.  He informs Nova Cats that they are a Clan and will always be a Clan and the birth of one freeborn child changes nothing.  He informs the Clan that if they stop respecting Clan traditions then they risk alienating the Nova Cats from the other Clans and ending their existence as a Clan.  Khan Santin West remains Khan with Canin remaining as an immensely popular saKhan, now Canin’s supporters and Santin’s supporters believe in Canin as a potential Khan.  Meanwhile Canin begins to get to grips with the most alien concept possible to a Trueborn Clansman, parenthood.

Uninhabited System
Gray Death Legion JumpShip Star Wolf
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
4th October 3066

   Entering an uninhabited system heading for Hesperus II the Gray Death Legion were confronted by a Fox-class Corvette, the Lyran Alliance fielded five such vessels and none had signed on with the Free Skye Movement, this could be a Lyran WarShip waiting to receive orders to strike Skye or Hesperus II or it could be a vessel lying in wait for anyone trying to reinforce the Free Skye forces.  Alex was not overly concerned the Gray Death Legion was under contract with the Lyran Alliance and had been ordered by the Archon to stop the fighting.  The only thing they could do is arrest Alex and the other warriors who had joined him when he went AWOL from the Royal Guards.  The Star Wolf’s crew sent the vessels identification signal ensuring they were not attacked by mistake “Can you identify them?”  Alex asked.

   â€œHaving problems locking onto their IFF, it‘s encoded.”  The JumpShip bridge sensor officer said from his station about a foot from where Alex was standing, the JumpShip’s bridge was tiny, cramped and in zero-g conditions making it probably the most uncomfortable place to be at present.

   â€œEncoded?  Why would one of our own ships have their IFF encoded in our space?”

   â€œWhy would they have it encoded at all?”  The JumpShip captain asked quietly “rotate the frequency through the old FedCom frequencies, see if these fools have never swapped their IFF to the new frequencies.”

   â€œAye sir” the sensor officer said.  Moments later the JumpShip sensors registered the Vessel and its name “sir, its the Intrepid, last assigned to the Tenth Lyran Guards during the Clan War as Victor-Steiner-Davion’s command ship.  That‘s a Federated Suns ship.”  He said his voice full with dread Alex looked up out the view port watching the Fox turn slowly sure enough there was a Federated Suns Sword-and-Sunburst on the vessels port side they certainly were not hiding who they were.  Alex wondered why a vessel that now served the Federated Suns would be in Lyran space years after the end of the FedCom Alliance and during an internal crisis, he secretly wondered if the Federated Suns were funding Free Skye, a frightening possibility.

   â€œCan you raise them?”  Alex asked

   â€œSir, they are not Alliance friendly.  Standard policy is to remain quiet and hope they stick to the Rules of Engagement and leave us out of this.”  The JumpShip commander said quietly.  For years the ability to manufacture JumpShips had been lost to the Inner Sphere and JumpShips had become prize assets and were not to be destroyed or even fired on.  Since the rediscovery of technology this rule had slowly begun to be forgotten but most JumpShip crews still prayed the WarShips would ignore their defenceless vessels.

   â€œI didn’t know the Federated Suns and Lyran Alliance were at war?” Alex said looking at the JumpShip commander who wore a blank expression.  “Raise them.”  Alex said this time it wasn’t a question and the JumpShip captain under contract with the Gray Death Legion had a duty to follow his order despite it being his ship.  Moments later the radio crackled to life.

   â€œRepeat this is the FSS Intrepid to JumpShip Star Wolf do you read?”  The WarShip’s sensors having identified them and recognized the Star Wolf’s IFF as a JumpShip afflicted with the Gray Death Legion.

   â€œThis is Star Wolf, what do you FedRats want?”  The JumpShip Captain said before Alex could, Alex shook his head slowly, that wasn’t the tone he’d have used.

   â€œPermission to send over a shuttlecraft.  I have a passenger that would like to talk to the commander of the Legion.”  The Intrepid crewmen said ignoring the insult against House Davion troops.

   â€œThis is Colonel Alexander Carlyle, permission granted to bay two.”  He said the JumpShip only carried one shuttle leaving space for a visiting vessel the JumpShip Captain scowled at him, Alex didn’t know if it was because he was a ground-pounded interfering with naval operations or if it was because he’d just accepted to have Davion troops on the Captain’s ship.  “Dock them at bay two Captain.”  Alex said leaving the bridge.

   â€œYes, sir” the Captain said angrily at the closed door.  The Captain turned back to his three man bridge crew “the apple fell far from that tree.”  He said quietly “not a bit like his parents that one.”

   â€œThey say he fights like his father.”  One of the Bridge crew said.

   â€œPerkins, he better or we will be looking for another employer.  Clear that blasted Davion Shuttle to the bay.”  He said watching the Intrepid let loose a small ovoid shuttle that began heading over.  “Let’s see what they want.”

   Twenty minutes later the Shuttle was docked and at the other side of the airlock Alex and Major Samantha Logan, the Denebolah Warrior’s Commander stood waiting.  As the airlock slid to one side Alex forced himself to catch his breath as it rushed out from surprise standing there was Peter Steiner-Davion and Adam Steiner, the last two men Alex had expected to see.  Both were kitted out in Federated Commonwealth uniforms both with Marshal insignia on them.  Both Alex and Samantha saluted out of reflex despite these men arriving on a foreign ship and wearing foreign uniforms.  “Welcome aboard, sire.”  Alex said respectfully bowing slightly to both Peter and Adam, whatever their official standing both were members of the head Lyran noble house.

   â€œThank you Colonel, I was sorry to hear about your parents.  A great loss to the Alliance and the Inner Sphere.”  Peter said Alex remained silent, he’d hardly thought about his parent’s deaths, whenever he thought about them he ended up in tears something he could not afford now.

   â€œThank you, sire.  May I ask what you are doing here with a Federated Suns WarShip?”

   â€œWhen Katherine broke the Commonwealth she abandoned it.  My brother Victor has not abandoned it and perceives Skye to be a far larger threat than Katherine will give them credit.  The Intrepid has been loaned by the First Prince and escorted us this far unseen however in two days time unmarked JumpShips will arrive and I will lead a force to Hesperus II.  I was hoping that I could count the Gray Death Legion in as part of this force.”  Peter said Alex thought about that carefully at present the Legion was in Katherine’s good graces however if he led them to Hesperus II with Peter then she may see it as if they favoured Peter over her making them a target.  Then again if they did not go with Peter and he failed or worse was killed then the Legion would be hated by the Federated Suns and Lyran Alliance.

   â€œWhat forces do you have?”  Alex said cautiously buying time.

   â€œThe Fox’s Teeth, the Blackheart Seventy-Seventh Special Operations Battalion and Twelfth Battle Armour Battalion of the SLDF and the First Royal BattleMech Regiment also of the SLDF.  When the JumpShips arrive we will also have the Twentieth Arcturan Guards and a Battalion of Kell Hounds with the complements of Morgan Kell.”

   â€œThe SLDF?  Isn’t this an internal matter?”  Samantha asked risking upsetting Peter’s plans.

   â€œAff, but we called on the Star League to assist in Humanitarian and anti-Terrorist activities.”  Adam said “both SLDF units will remain out of the heaviest of the fighting which we hope will not be heavy but are planning for the worse.”

   â€œWell you can count the Gray Death Legion and the Denebolah Warriors in as well, we are roughly a combined-arms Regiment in strength together.”  Alex said throwing his weight behind Peter seemed like the best bet he didn’t know where he stood with Katherine since he went AWOL so throwing behind a pair of Dukes was better than with a dodgy Archon in his opinion.  Samantha just looked on with a small smile playing on her lips as he spoke for her command as well, no doubt he’d pay for that later.

   Four days later following the arrival of the Arcturan Guards and Kell Hounds Peter leads the force to Hesperus II immediately informing the Free Skye Forces of whom they now face.  The two Lyran Guard regiments immediately align themselves with Peter’s forces with Lt General Keane Sortek becoming a close aide to Adam Steiner and Peter Steiner-Davion.  The Sixteenth Battle of Hesperus II begins.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 06:14:45 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #146 on: July 13, 2012, 06:21:22 PM »

Independent Barony
Former Free Worlds League
12th October 3066

   Over the centuries Dieudonne and its Star League-era fortification had been the prize of many would be conquerors and covert operations however in May 3066 several terrorist bombings began taking place across the planet.  Unable to find the perpetrators of these bombings various elements of the planet’s garrison force, the Twenty-Fifth Marik Militia, begin blaming each other for causing the bombings without proof the units commander, Colonel Anita Webel, is able to keep her unit away from each other’s throats however in October 3066 the units decide enough is enough when Colonel Webel is killed in her quarters.  The Unit breaks into various battalions and sub-units and begin to tare into each other and Dieudonne.  After a week of fighting with little hope of ending the fighting the planets surviving governors contact the nearby Rousset-Marik Alliance with hopes of them accepting Dieudonne and ending the fighting.  On the 12th Jonas Marik and his Krushers arrive and literally Krush the remaining elements of the Twenty-Fifth bringing peace to the world and the world into the Rousset-Marik Alliance.

Tikonov, Capellan Confederation Holding
Capellan March, Federated Suns
21st October 3066

   Although ordered not to initiate a ground campaign on Tikonov until the fighting in the Lyran Alliance dies down, for fears that this would begin a war with the Capellan Confederation destabilizing the entire region, Field Marshal George Hasek does deploy two Federated Suns WarShips, the Congress Block II-class Frigate FSS Jason Hasek and the Davion Block III-class Destroyer FSS Charles Davion these two vessels maintain position at the Nadir and Zenith points intercepting any JumpShip or DropShip civilian or military confiscating any military equipment.  In the first two days of the blockade they seize a Battalion’s worth of military grade Hovercraft.  The Capellans begin ordering their captains to use more dangerous pirate-points to keep the supply lines open.  For now the Davion WarShips maintain their positions at the jump points.

Word of Blake HPG Compound
Caph, Chaos March
3rd November 3066

   In an unprovoked assault a ComStar ComGuard Division assault the Word of Blake HPG Compound and its defending forces.  Using the Star Nova Galaxy name as a cover and having their equipment painted in every colour of all the Inner Sphere militaries the ComGuards hope they can hide their identity.  The Word of Blake force holds its position and both units take heavy damage, as the ComGuards retreat an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser escorts them clear of the battle scene keeping up the illusion that it was the Star Nova Galaxy, the Word of Blake are not convinced however.

   Immediately the Word of Blake ROM attempt to begin to track the Star Nova Galaxy tracking them deep into the Federated Suns however getting nowhere deeper due to heavy DMI and MIIO interference.  The Word of Blake ROM spend six months attempting to track the force with very little to catch them out on however their agents do cause quite heavy casualties to DMI and MIIO operatives during the period trying to uncover information that only the highest levels of House Davion were aware of, the Word of Blake find no trace of the Star Nova Galaxy or anyone who may have been masquerading as them.

Civilian Administration
Philip Drummond City, New Barcella
Nova Cat’s Den
14th November 3066

   Since the birth of Grayson Yvonne had gained a lot of respect of her fellow workers and been able to do far more on New Barcella to improve the life of the castes lower than the Warrior caste.  The naval cluster that patrolled the seas and explored New Barcella were virtually under her command and things were progressing smoothly.  The sight of the saKhan in the halls of Yvonne’s building was no longer a source of gossip although the workers still afforded Canin all the respect he was due as second-in-command of the entire Clan.  Yvonne sat in her office working through papers as Grayson slept in the crib one of her fellow workers had built there was a tapping at the door.  Yvonne looked up and noticed Canin standing at the door leaning against the frame “hello” she said softly smiling, it had been nearly a week since she had seen him and from his unshaven, unkempt look she could see he had just arrived.

   â€œHi” Canin said gingerly walking in and over to the crib “this is nice” Canin said touching the crib its wooden frame was soft to the touch as if it had been sculpted.  Just then Grayson who had been sleeping until then woke up and began screaming “Hush, hush, hush” Canin said softly trying to sooth the baby but Grayson continued to scream.  “Hush a bye baby on the tree stalk when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bow breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and all.”  Canin sung quietly completely out of tune as Yvonne came alongside him and picked up Grayson putting him over her shoulder the baby quietened almost immediately.

   â€œSomeone wants attention.”  Yvonne said smiling walking back behind her table looking up at Canin “where did you learn that rhyme?  I haven’t heard that for years.”  She asked, the rhyme dated back to ancient Terra where Canin had heard it was anyone’s guess.  Grayson as always was not interested in anything but food and as soon as he say Yvonne’s exposed breast he latched on and began to suck.

   â€œSomeone gets all the attention” Canin smiled ruefully from the expression on her face Canin could tell she was barely holding in a laugh.  “Doesn’t that hurt?”  He said curious, he had never witnessed a freeborn baby feeding until he had seen Grayson and Yvonne.

   â€œNot really, it’s rather soothing actually” Yvonne said looking down at her baby son.

   â€œI bet” Canin whispered but not quietly enough Yvonne’s had a massive smile on her face as she threw a pen at Canin hitting him on the shoulder “ouch” Canin said playing along “well I bet it is.”  Canin said smiling again Yvonne was barely holding herself together and as she looked down seeing Grayson looking up at her and Canin she burst into a fit of laughter which Grayson was soon copying bringing a smile to Canin’s face as well.

   â€œSo how can we help you today, saKhan” Yvonne said trying to regain control of her emotions and be more formal.  If Canin had come to see her and the baby alone he would have waited until later in the night so he could take them home.  Because Yvonne was now fully civilian she and Canin were living apart with her in the City above the Clan Hall and Canin in Delta Galaxy’s garrison outside the city.  They saw each other less but despite this they both felt the same that the addition of Grayson had completed their lives even more than their marriage.

   â€œI have a new job for you.”  Canin said Yvonne looked at him questioningly, she enjoyed her job here keeping New Barcella ticking over it helped the Nova Cats and kept the Khan‘s paper work in order.  “It is Khan Santin West’s idea actually but I think you would be perfect for it.  Your work here on New Barcella has been nothing short of stunning” he said Yvonne looked at his with an expression that said ‘flattery will get you nowhere.’

   â€œSo why do I get a new job?”

   â€œThe Khan said it was because of your success.  But actually I think he wants you off New Barcella so your popularity does not increase more than he can handle, the people have already called for him to stand down once.”

   â€œA Clansmen playing politics”  She said shocked “I thought he was happy with me here.”

   â€œHe is, but now he has a new job for you which I think will suit you just as well.  He wants you to take command of a new Cluster we are forming.”

   â€œI am not a warrior, Canin, you know this.”  Yvonne said protesting with Grayson joining them the last thing she wanted was to be in a fighting unit “I will fight a trial against this.”  She promised.

   â€œWould you let me finish.”  Canin said raising his voice slightly, rarely did he raise his voice around Yvonne or Grayson.  Grayson did not think much of this and began to cry only to be soothed once more by milk from Yvonne’s breast.  “The Cluster is not a combat unit or even a military support unit.  It is called the New Worlds Cluster and its job is to expand the frontiers of the Nova Cat’s Den.  Assigned permanently to it is a Carrack-Merchant and a large group of Nova Cat Merchants and scientists and we hope to attach engineers as well.  The whole idea of the unit is to colonise more worlds for the Nova Cat’s Den allowing us more resources and territory without attacking someone.”

   â€œWithout attacking?  Doesn’t sound very Clan-like.”  Yvonne said not completely convinced.

   â€œThe Nova Cats are changing, our relationship is a fact of that.  We will still fight people that is our way however at present the only person we could fight is the Federated Suns and your brother’s forces something we do not want.”  Canin said honestly he respected Victor and did not want to launch and invasion on the Federated Suns despite several calls for the contrary from other Nova Cats.  Of course they could strike at the Taurian Concordat or the distant Outworlds Alliance but neither would be able to offer the technology or resources of a Inner Sphere House State.

   â€œSo what would our overall mission be?”

   â€œTo colonise at least two worlds in the surrounding area.  To accomplish this you will need to scout systems and report anything that could be of use.  Then land on planets and establish colonies.”

   â€œNot the safest jobs, especially for a newborn.”  Yvonne said looking down at Grayson his immunities were weaker than an adults.

   â€œYou will have a full medical and surgical team with you and a security detail.  Your Merchant ship has an HPG able to call in reinforcements at a moments later and I promise you I will have a Cluster, a combat cluster, on hot-standby at all times.”  Canin said standing rounding the table kneeling down beside her “I will not let anything happen to you or my son, but this project may fail without you then the Nova Cats will have to look at military action.”  Canin said stroking Grayson’s cheek as he continued to feed.

   â€œI will do it.” she said after a moments thought Canin leaned over and kissed her on the lips then the forehead.  “Ouch” she exclaimed removing Grayson from her nipple “only a couple of months old and already I can feel his teeth.”

   â€œHe is a Nova Cat, we need our teeth” Canin said smiling as Yvonne picked up Grayson and put him back in the crib.

   â€œWell that is enough for you, sleep now.”  She said tucking the baby into the crib within moments he was fast asleep once more.  Turning around she saw Canin in her chair relaxed Yvonne moved across and sat on his lap he made an ‘Ooof’ noise as if she had drive the air from his lungs by sitting on him but from the look on his face she could tell he was joking around.  In all her years and experiences she would never have thought to meet a man like Canin, he was so normal and down to earth yet so different to any man she had ever met, which was why she loved him.  “I have plenty left for you if you are interested!”  She whispered as they embraced Canin could barely keep a straight face as they kissed and cuddled.

DefHes Primary Facility, Hesperus II
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
28th November 3066

   Walking his Fafnir slowly over the battle raged landscape Duke Peter Steiner-Davion could see this battle was over most of Free Skye’s forces had retreated to their DropShips and began leaving the planet heading for Skye hoping for salvation.  Only the First Tikonov Republican Guards continued to stand against Peter’s combined forces and they were being pressed by the three prongs of Peter’s final assault.  In the centre Peter and the newly arrived Arcturan Guard Regiments and the Kell Hound Battalion made for a solid force, to the right was Adam Steiner, the Fox’s Teeth and the two defending Lyran Guard Regiments (from Skye’s original defence) and on the left was Alexander Carlyle’s Gray Death Legion, the SLDF and a hog-bodge command led by Lt. General Keane Sortek. 

   The battle was not over however and Peter continued to push his forces forward hitting a Free Skye Awesome with both his Fafnir’s Heavy Gauss Rifles.  The Fafnir really was the ‘mugger’ the Lyran Alliance MechWarriors had nicknamed it the Awesome went down as both supersonic slugs slammed into the Mech and put it down for good.  Peter smiled his first official operation in the Lyran Alliance was going well but just then things turned sour the radio crackled “Steiner’s down!”  The call went out, the Steiner call was for only one warrior Adam Steiner anchoring Peter’s right flank.

   â€œConfirm!”  Peter ordered shouting into his comm. system there was dead silence for several moments.

   â€œConfirmed” a resigned male voice said “a Free Skye Atlas crushed his Hauptmann’s cockpit.  No way he survived that wreck.”  The man said Peter was shaking uncontrollably of all the people in this fight Adam Steiner had been the most solid, even more so than him, Peter had even been tempted to champion Adam to challenge Katherine instead of himself using Adam’s pure Steiner heritage to their advantage.

   â€œDamn.  General Sortek move to Adam’s position with a company in support.  Take command of the flank and end the Republican Guard’s fight.”

   â€œUnderstood” Keane Sortek said moving off with a group of warriors.  Since Peter’s arrival Keane had become a rock for the Lyran forces controlling the troops, liasing with Peter’s forces and the two Lyran Guard units ensuring everyone was working together.  Peter continued to push his forces forward as Alexander Carlyle’s Gray Death Legion, supported by the SLDF forces, pushed on one side and when Keane Sortek arrived the forces on that flank began to push again as well.  Within hours the Sixteenth Battle of Hesperus II officially ended with the Lyran Alliance firmly back in charge of the world and its manufacturing might.

   Not chancing the Free Skye Movement spreading Peter ordered the Gray Death Legion and the Kell Hound Battalion to mount up in DropShips and begin to head for Skye.  Before he leaves Hesperus II Peter formally promotes Keane Sortek to full General and in full command of Hesperus II’s defences.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #147 on: July 13, 2012, 06:24:29 PM »

Love the fact the Grey Death Legion survives in this AU.  ;D

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #148 on: July 13, 2012, 06:27:44 PM »

Main Conference Room
Royal Estates, New Glasgow
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
6th December 3066

   When Peter Steiner-Davion landed on Skye on the 4th December he found all the regiments of the Skye Rangers and the Tamar Cavaliers all waiting for him.  Knowing there was little chance of his regiment surviving an assault from all the forces arrayed against him Peter Steiner-Davion called for a truce and talks with the leaders of Free Skye.  Duchess Hermonie Aten and Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner agreed to meet him for talks.

   â€œI did not come here to fight” Peter started noticing Robert did not look convinced “however I cannot allow Skye to break free from the Lyran realm.”  He said Robert looked more than a little angry “you have to understand that we have the Combine causing trouble.”

   â€œOn Skye borders” Hermonie said quietly but Peter continued unabated.

   â€œWe have the Jade Falcons ready to charge across our borders and an unstable Free Worlds League.  If the Lyran Alliance disintegrates then the Clans will be able to conqueror the Inner Sphere piece-mail.”

   â€œThat is all you and you brother care about, same as your damned brother.” Robert said “It is all you have ever cared about.  What happened to the Tamar Pact?  What happened to your compassion when defending Tamar?  Tamar was destroyed conqueror by the Clans so don‘t tell me you care whether the Clans conqueror the Inner Sphere piecemeal, that has already started.”

   â€œLet’s think hypothetical here.”  Peter said approaching it from another angle the last thing he wanted Free Skye to start using against him was the fact that Tamar was still in Clan hands, the Lyran people or even the entire Inner Sphere could not liberate all the Occupation Zone it would bring more Clans into the mix.  “The Skye Province becomes an independent nation.”  He noticed both Hermonie and Robert looked pleased with that idea.  “The Lyran Alliance withdraw all house forces from the Skye Province.  All mercenary units employed by the Lyran Alliance are withdrawn from the Skye Province leaving you with three BattleMech Regiments and four conventional regiments, NO WarShips and a few JumpShips.”  Robert nodded that was accurate “now as things stand the Skye Province has no Shipyards capable of building WarShips so you would be stuck without WarShip defence.  What would happen if the remnants of the Free Worlds League decided to cross the border with their still impressive WarShip fleet.  The Skye units put up a brave face and defend and the Free Worlds troops are driven back.” Robert smiled sure that would be the case “so the Free Worlds remnants begin using a scorch-earth policy using orbital bombardment and NBC weapons to clear any resistance from the Skye Province conquering what little they do not obliterate.”  Peter looked to them both seeing Hermonie was near tears and Robert was looking angry as if he wanted to challenge Peter’s version of events but couldn’t without WarShip support Skye would fall, its position near Terra would make it the perfect target and from there the whole Lyran realm and Terra could fall.  “Or lets say the Draconis Combine decide to launch a new invasion of the Isle of Skye, remembering that they blame your mother for ordering the killing Omiko Kurita.”  He said looking at Hermonie, it was time to take this discussion to its end, the young duchess would hurt after this but Peter had a nation to protect.

   â€œShe did not.”  Hermonie said resolutely, she would never believe her mother could order such a thing.

   â€œI knew your mother Duchess and believe that she would not have done such a thing but the fact remains that the Draconis Combine have been led to believe that she did.  Could the Skye Province hold against the combined might of the Draconis Combine.”

   â€œThe Lyran Alliance would join us in defending out homes and their border from the Combine.”  Robert said not believing they would allow the Combine to gain such a foothold.

   â€œWhy should we?”  Peter said wickedly throwing the fought in there “the Jade Falcons threaten our borders on a daily basis.  Why should we risk our necks defending a rouge state from a legitimate one?  Please remember that you would be a rogue state not recognized by any realm and not part of the Star League.”

   â€œWe could petition to join.”   Robert said knowing the Lyran Alliance could not stop such a thing.

   â€œIt’s possible but I am fairly certain that the Lyran Alliance and Federated Suns would vote against such an appointment and what would the Isle of Skye have to offer?  Perhaps a base for their troops the Isle of Skye become a new part of the Star League Protectorate.”  Peter challenged them, he knew Victor would support him, it was the problems with Skye that had helped end the Federated Commonwealth Alliance and open the door for Katherine to seize power from Victor.

   â€œHesperus II.”  Robert said proudly the financial might of DefHes was nothing to shirk at and the Star League would never turn down such an opportunity to have the factories working for their army.

   â€œWhat a war ravaged world with a bunch of empty buildings?”  Peter asked seeing their confusion “the factories are owned by Defiance Industries which are in-turn owned by the Brewer family.  I am sure the Brewer family as a loyal family of the Lyran Alliance would not abandon their home realm and could be convinced to move their factories deeper into the Lyran Alliance.”  Peter said, he didn’t actually believe it but it was an option, and knew the Brewers had too much of a hold on Hesperus to ever allow that to happen, but if the Isle of Skye ever tried to gain independence then it would be an option the Lyran Alliance could use.

   â€œThose are Skye factories run by loyal citizens of Skye!”  Robert shouted leaning over the table.

   â€œAs I understand it they are Lyran factories served by Lyran citizens.  At present two Lyran Guard RCTs defend them.”  Peter said “granted both units are under strength but I am sure my sister will reinforce them now Hesperus II is back under her jurisdiction.”

   â€œWe will conqueror Hesperus II.”  Robert warned

   â€œThat will take all your military might Robert leaving your borders weakened to enemy assault.  You would loose the Isle of Skye before you even had independence.  And if you did succeed on Hesperus II and were not invaded what would stop Katherine dropping three RCTs on this world and another three on Hesperus II or bombarding them from orbit with her WarShip fleet?  You are in a no-win situation.”  Peter said gravely from their expressions he knew he had hit a nerve.  “Living under Lyran control may not be your idea of a great way to live, but at least you will be able to live free and continue to rule your province.”

   â€œYou would allow us to remain in control in Skye?  After all we have supported?”  Hermonie said quietly looking at Robert.  If they remained in power there was still a chance of independence in the future.

   â€œI do not believe that the people of Skye would accept anyone else Duchess.  And I may need your support soon.”

   â€œOur support?”  Robert asked carefully he hated the Steiners with all his being, they had abandoned his family and now they were on the brink of removing another family, another dream from him why would he support one? Why should he?

   â€œHere’s the deal I offer.  You remain in power and help me oust my sister from the throne of the Lyran Alliance.”  Peter said seeing the surprise on their faces “during the Clan War she attempted to abandon the Lyran Alliance for the Federated Suns, a nation safely away from the Clan threat.  She was the one we believe ordered the death of Omiko Kurita to hurt Victor and we believe that she may have even ordered the deaths of the Aten family.”

   â€œThat was the Combine.”  Hermonie said convinced of the fact.

   â€œWas it?  Katherine had everything to gain from blaming it on the Combine while the Combine had little to gain from denying it.  They would normally claim honour had been regained however they have remained silent over the matter.”  Peter said going deep into the Kurita psyche that was comfortable “Victor also believes that Katherine ordered the deaths of his mother in 3055, almost Morgan Kell’s death, and ordering you father, Ryan Steiner’s death, by hiring the sniper, the sniper that was never caught.”  Peter pointed out “all three were political problems to Katherine’s lust for power my mother, the leader of the Commonwealth, your father the leader of Free Skye, and Morgan Kell, supporter of my mother and my brother.”

   â€œVictor had the same motivations.”

   â€œTrue, but Morgan Kell still supports my brother proving to his creditability and Victor has never profited from the deaths that were caused by that bomb.”  Peter said venomously Katherine would pay for what she had done if it was the last thing he did.

   â€œYour offer is a good one but…” Robert began to say.

   â€œâ€¦It is not enough” Hermonie said quietly “the people of Skye believe in their freedom and without it we will constantly look for a way out of the Alliance.  Peacefully or not.”

   â€œHow about I extend my offer?”  Peter asked quietly expanding on his own ideas, he knew that if this became public before he was Archon there would be hell to pay, and it could cost him the throne, but it may just work.  “This has to stay between the three of us until after Katherine is gone, if it doesn‘t then we could all end up blind-folded against a wall.”  He said looking to both “what if I was to make an offer to you that once I was Archon and once things had calmed down, a year from now perhaps a little more that I would grant the people of Skye Province more autonomy.  I would devolve some power from Tharkad and give it to Skye.  Skye would still be accountable to Tharkad and you would not be truly independent but you would have powers to make your own laws, you own taxes and expand Skye’s defences to protect itself.”  Peter was taking a massive risk with this offer but both seemed to understand it and his offer seemed to get to them.

   â€œThis could work.”  Robert said quietly.  Two days later all three appeared on a broadcast sent throughout the Alliance that due to the efforts of Peter Steiner-Davion the Skye Succession Attempt was over and that hostilities had ended.  Now Peter was bound by their agreement, something he would have to pay for in the future but for now Skye was at peace.   A week later Isis Steiner arrives from the Federated Suns and they both head back to Glengarry to Grayson Death Carlyle’s funeral.  Before he leaves Skye Peter places newly promoted General Keane Sortek in charge of Hesperus II’s defences and as a direct liaison to the people of Skye for the LAAF.

Ross 248 Fleet Anchorage
Classified Location, Inner Sphere
20th December 3066

   Not believing that mercenaries attacked their garrison on Caph the Word of Blake retaliate against the ComGuards by attacking the Fleet Anchorage at Ross 248 a location hidden deep in the Inner Sphere.  In the early morning of the 20th December 3066 a Lola III-class Destroyer enters the system in which the anchorage is hidden.  The vessel moves slowly into the system giving all correct codes to make it past the perimeter defensive weapon posts and fighter patrols.  The vessel identifies itself as the CSWS Ranger a vessel that went missing during the Star League’s Operation Serpent portion of the annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar.

   From outward appearances the vessel looks exactly what it claims to be a battered Destroyer with its armour blackened and several systems obviously not operational.  ComStar fighters and DropShips patrolling the perimeter allow the vessel to pass.  The vessel moves in close and is joined by the WarShip Leader, a Lola-class Destroyer, the less advanced cousin of the Lola-III.  As the Ranger closes on the anchorage area and the space docks in the area the Ranger takes several close scans of the ComStar installations and starships then engages its HPG array something strictly forbidden by ComGuard regulations and transmits the data it collected.  The vessel is given one order to stand down by the Leader however instead of stopping its scans and transmissions the Ranger opens fire with a broad-side barrage of Naval Autocannons and Naval Lasers gutting the Leader from stem-to-stern and showing that it is a fully operational and very hostile vessel.

   As the Ranger turns to make a run for it following the identification of the System’s defences and the destruction of the ComGuard vessel.  Unfortunately for the Ranger the ComStar vessel Blake’s Strength, a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser, famous for defending the Titan Shipyards in 3058, is in position to end the Ranger‘s easy escape.  The Blake’s Strength wastes no time in warning the Ranger to surrender with the warning that if they continue the vessel will be destroyed.  The Ranger continues forward charging towards the Blake’s Strength’s Broadside guns with a single volley of Naval Autocannons and Capital Missiles the Blake’s Strength’s gunners end the Ranger’s treacherous life tarring the smaller ship apart none of the crew attempt to escape leaving no survivors for the ComGuards to interrogate.

   Who was behind the attack is unknown however the message is clear to the ComGuards their anchorage has been discovered, the crew of the Leader try to save their crippled destroyer for twelve hours however it is useless and the Leader is abandoned to the depths of space the next day with self destruct charges being set off finishing the Destroyer for once and for all.

3066 finished

Love the fact the Grey Death Legion survives in this AU.  ;D

So far...
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #149 on: July 13, 2012, 06:54:57 PM »


Nadir Jump Point Recharge Station
Kazanka, Tabayama Prefecture
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
1st January 3067

   Following their successes over the border in the Outworlds Alliance the Snow Davens decide to test their luck by challenging the Draconis Combine to a trial.  The WarShip White Cloud, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser that once won the Star League’s Martial Olympiad Competition in 2738, was ordered to breach the Draconis Combine/Outworlds Alliance border and challenge the Draconis Combine Jump Point Recharge Station to a trial.  If the White Cloud won the trial the Recharge Station would recharge the White Cloud’s K-F Drive and the White Cloud would leave.  If the Combine station won then the Snow Ravens would give them a Carrier-class DropShip.

   In a short one sided battle the two Snow Raven pilots out fly and defeat their Draconis Combine opponents.  Honouring their agreement the Draconis Combine station allows the White Cloud to move alongside the Recharge Station and dock to receive its engine recharge.  However just as the WarShip docks the station self-destruct charges explode throughout the station, unable to break loose the White Cloud is caught up in the explosion with a loss of all hands as the Cruiser is incinerated.  Clan Snow Raven sends a message to Luthien telling the Draconis Combine they have made a error of massive proportions and the Snow Ravens will take no reconciliation payments and that the Draconis Combine will pay with its own blood.  Officially the Draconis Combine blame this dishonourable action on the Black Dragon Society however the truth is unknown.

Meeting Room, Steiner Royal Palace
Tharkad City, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Alliance
3rd January 3067

   Upon hearing of her Peter’s successes in the Skye Province without having to call for help from Tharkad Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion feels a little left out and decides she has to do something.  Singling out Alexander Carlyle and his cohorts that went AWOL from the First Royal Guards RCT, her unit, she dishonourably discharges each of them and charges each with dereliction of duty sentencing them without trial to five years imprisonment.  When her Peter finds out about this and before Katherine has made the announcement public he publicly announces that any warrior that helped him are exempt from punishment other than being discharged from service.  Katherine goes slightly crazy although she does find out that Peter has allies in the Royal Court and the Estates General’s office, two organisations critical to the running of the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces.

Family Cemetery
Carlyle Estates, Glengarry
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
9th January 3067

   In what had originally been planned as a private ceremony Grayson Death Carlyle and Lori Kalmer-Carlyle are laid to rest with over six hundred individuals watching including: Peter Steiner-Davion, Isis Steiner, Victor Steiner-Davion, Jamie Wolf and Morgan Kell.  All pay their respects to the fallen leaders and founders of the Gray Death Legion.  Following the ceremony Alexander is formally made Baron von Glengarry by Peter Steiner-Davion and Peter presides over the marriage between Alexander and Samantha Logan commander of the Denebolah Warriors.  Also before he leaves Victor Steiner-Davion and Ross McKinnon are able to secure a squad of White Knight 64-AV Battle Armour suits from Gray Death Technologies by trading four of the Fox’s Teeth’s Infiltrator Mk. II Battle Armour suits.  Victor and the Fox’s Teeth retreat from the Lyran Alliance without Katherine ever knowing they were there so compromised are her links in the Skye region.  Peter and Isis accompany Morgan Kell to Arc Royal when the Duke leaves Glengarry with his Kell Hounds that had helped end the Skye Succession attempt.

Pleiades Cluster
Capellan March, Federated Suns
23rd January 3067

   Fuelled by reports that Davion mercenaries detonated a nuclear bomb on Taurus destroying large portions of their capital, Samantha, the Taurian Concordat’s Pleiades Hussars and Pleiades Lancers launch a two pronged assault on the Pleiades Cluster.  With two Mech Regiments and nearly two regiments of conventional support troops the Taurians quickly spread throughout the Pleiades Cluster and overwhelm the Davion militia troops.  Before being deployed to Pleiades the Taurians supplied the two units were heavily upgraded with weapons gained from the Capellan Confederation and several members of the regiments were trained in how to use Nuclear weapons.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 02:24:00 AM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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