Main Conference Room
Royal Estates, New Glasgow
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
6th December 3066 When Peter Steiner-Davion landed on Skye on the 4th December he found all the regiments of the Skye Rangers and the Tamar Cavaliers all waiting for him. Knowing there was little chance of his regiment surviving an assault from all the forces arrayed against him Peter Steiner-Davion called for a truce and talks with the leaders of Free Skye. Duchess Hermonie Aten and Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner agreed to meet him for talks.
“I did not come here to fight†Peter started noticing Robert did not look convinced “however I cannot allow Skye to break free from the Lyran realm.†He said Robert looked more than a little angry “you have to understand that we have the Combine causing trouble.â€
“On Skye borders†Hermonie said quietly but Peter continued unabated.
“We have the Jade Falcons ready to charge across our borders and an unstable Free Worlds League. If the Lyran Alliance disintegrates then the Clans will be able to conqueror the Inner Sphere piece-mail.â€
“That is all you and you brother care about, same as your damned brother.†Robert said “It is all you have ever cared about. What happened to the Tamar Pact? What happened to your compassion when defending Tamar? Tamar was destroyed conqueror by the Clans so don‘t tell me you care whether the Clans conqueror the Inner Sphere piecemeal, that has already started.â€
“Let’s think hypothetical here.†Peter said approaching it from another angle the last thing he wanted Free Skye to start using against him was the fact that Tamar was still in Clan hands, the Lyran people or even the entire Inner Sphere could not liberate all the Occupation Zone it would bring more Clans into the mix. “The Skye Province becomes an independent nation.†He noticed both Hermonie and Robert looked pleased with that idea. “The Lyran Alliance withdraw all house forces from the Skye Province. All mercenary units employed by the Lyran Alliance are withdrawn from the Skye Province leaving you with three BattleMech Regiments and four conventional regiments, NO WarShips and a few JumpShips.†Robert nodded that was accurate “now as things stand the Skye Province has no Shipyards capable of building WarShips so you would be stuck without WarShip defence. What would happen if the remnants of the Free Worlds League decided to cross the border with their still impressive WarShip fleet. The Skye units put up a brave face and defend and the Free Worlds troops are driven back.†Robert smiled sure that would be the case “so the Free Worlds remnants begin using a scorch-earth policy using orbital bombardment and NBC weapons to clear any resistance from the Skye Province conquering what little they do not obliterate.†Peter looked to them both seeing Hermonie was near tears and Robert was looking angry as if he wanted to challenge Peter’s version of events but couldn’t without WarShip support Skye would fall, its position near Terra would make it the perfect target and from there the whole Lyran realm and Terra could fall. “Or lets say the Draconis Combine decide to launch a new invasion of the Isle of Skye, remembering that they blame your mother for ordering the killing Omiko Kurita.†He said looking at Hermonie, it was time to take this discussion to its end, the young duchess would hurt after this but Peter had a nation to protect.
“She did not.†Hermonie said resolutely, she would never believe her mother could order such a thing.
“I knew your mother Duchess and believe that she would not have done such a thing but the fact remains that the Draconis Combine have been led to believe that she did. Could the Skye Province hold against the combined might of the Draconis Combine.â€
“The Lyran Alliance would join us in defending out homes and their border from the Combine.†Robert said not believing they would allow the Combine to gain such a foothold.
“Why should we?†Peter said wickedly throwing the fought in there “the Jade Falcons threaten our borders on a daily basis. Why should we risk our necks defending a rouge state from a legitimate one? Please remember that you would be a rogue state not recognized by any realm and not part of the Star League.â€
“We could petition to join.†Robert said knowing the Lyran Alliance could not stop such a thing.
“It’s possible but I am fairly certain that the Lyran Alliance and Federated Suns would vote against such an appointment and what would the Isle of Skye have to offer? Perhaps a base for their troops the Isle of Skye become a new part of the Star League Protectorate.†Peter challenged them, he knew Victor would support him, it was the problems with Skye that had helped end the Federated Commonwealth Alliance and open the door for Katherine to seize power from Victor.
“Hesperus II.†Robert said proudly the financial might of DefHes was nothing to shirk at and the Star League would never turn down such an opportunity to have the factories working for their army.
“What a war ravaged world with a bunch of empty buildings?†Peter asked seeing their confusion “the factories are owned by Defiance Industries which are in-turn owned by the Brewer family. I am sure the Brewer family as a loyal family of the Lyran Alliance would not abandon their home realm and could be convinced to move their factories deeper into the Lyran Alliance.†Peter said, he didn’t actually believe it but it was an option, and knew the Brewers had too much of a hold on Hesperus to ever allow that to happen, but if the Isle of Skye ever tried to gain independence then it would be an option the Lyran Alliance could use.
“Those are Skye factories run by loyal citizens of Skye!†Robert shouted leaning over the table.
“As I understand it they are Lyran factories served by Lyran citizens. At present two Lyran Guard RCTs defend them.†Peter said “granted both units are under strength but I am sure my sister will reinforce them now Hesperus II is back under her jurisdiction.â€
“We will conqueror Hesperus II.†Robert warned
“That will take all your military might Robert leaving your borders weakened to enemy assault. You would loose the Isle of Skye before you even had independence. And if you did succeed on Hesperus II and were not invaded what would stop Katherine dropping three RCTs on this world and another three on Hesperus II or bombarding them from orbit with her WarShip fleet? You are in a no-win situation.†Peter said gravely from their expressions he knew he had hit a nerve. “Living under Lyran control may not be your idea of a great way to live, but at least you will be able to live free and continue to rule your province.â€
“You would allow us to remain in control in Skye? After all we have supported?†Hermonie said quietly looking at Robert. If they remained in power there was still a chance of independence in the future.
“I do not believe that the people of Skye would accept anyone else Duchess. And I may need your support soon.â€
“Our support?†Robert asked carefully he hated the Steiners with all his being, they had abandoned his family and now they were on the brink of removing another family, another dream from him why would he support one? Why should he?
“Here’s the deal I offer. You remain in power and help me oust my sister from the throne of the Lyran Alliance.†Peter said seeing the surprise on their faces “during the Clan War she attempted to abandon the Lyran Alliance for the Federated Suns, a nation safely away from the Clan threat. She was the one we believe ordered the death of Omiko Kurita to hurt Victor and we believe that she may have even ordered the deaths of the Aten family.â€
“That was the Combine.†Hermonie said convinced of the fact.
“Was it? Katherine had everything to gain from blaming it on the Combine while the Combine had little to gain from denying it. They would normally claim honour had been regained however they have remained silent over the matter.†Peter said going deep into the Kurita psyche that was comfortable “Victor also believes that Katherine ordered the deaths of his mother in 3055, almost Morgan Kell’s death, and ordering you father, Ryan Steiner’s death, by hiring the sniper, the sniper that was never caught.†Peter pointed out “all three were political problems to Katherine’s lust for power my mother, the leader of the Commonwealth, your father the leader of Free Skye, and Morgan Kell, supporter of my mother and my brother.â€
“Victor had the same motivations.â€
“True, but Morgan Kell still supports my brother proving to his creditability and Victor has never profited from the deaths that were caused by that bomb.†Peter said venomously Katherine would pay for what she had done if it was the last thing he did.
“Your offer is a good one but…†Robert began to say.
“…It is not enough†Hermonie said quietly “the people of Skye believe in their freedom and without it we will constantly look for a way out of the Alliance. Peacefully or not.â€
“How about I extend my offer?†Peter asked quietly expanding on his own ideas, he knew that if this became public before he was Archon there would be hell to pay, and it could cost him the throne, but it may just work. “This has to stay between the three of us until after Katherine is gone, if it doesn‘t then we could all end up blind-folded against a wall.†He said looking to both “what if I was to make an offer to you that once I was Archon and once things had calmed down, a year from now perhaps a little more that I would grant the people of Skye Province more autonomy. I would devolve some power from Tharkad and give it to Skye. Skye would still be accountable to Tharkad and you would not be truly independent but you would have powers to make your own laws, you own taxes and expand Skye’s defences to protect itself.†Peter was taking a massive risk with this offer but both seemed to understand it and his offer seemed to get to them.
“This could work.†Robert said quietly. Two days later all three appeared on a broadcast sent throughout the Alliance that due to the efforts of Peter Steiner-Davion the Skye Succession Attempt was over and that hostilities had ended. Now Peter was bound by their agreement, something he would have to pay for in the future but for now Skye was at peace. A week later Isis Steiner arrives from the Federated Suns and they both head back to Glengarry to Grayson Death Carlyle’s funeral. Before he leaves Skye Peter places newly promoted General Keane Sortek in charge of Hesperus II’s defences and as a direct liaison to the people of Skye for the LAAF.
Ross 248 Fleet Anchorage
Classified Location, Inner Sphere
20th December 3066 Not believing that mercenaries attacked their garrison on Caph the Word of Blake retaliate against the ComGuards by attacking the Fleet Anchorage at Ross 248 a location hidden deep in the Inner Sphere. In the early morning of the 20th December 3066 a Lola III-class Destroyer enters the system in which the anchorage is hidden. The vessel moves slowly into the system giving all correct codes to make it past the perimeter defensive weapon posts and fighter patrols. The vessel identifies itself as the CSWS Ranger a vessel that went missing during the Star League’s Operation Serpent portion of the annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar.
From outward appearances the vessel looks exactly what it claims to be a battered Destroyer with its armour blackened and several systems obviously not operational. ComStar fighters and DropShips patrolling the perimeter allow the vessel to pass. The vessel moves in close and is joined by the WarShip Leader, a Lola-class Destroyer, the less advanced cousin of the Lola-III. As the Ranger closes on the anchorage area and the space docks in the area the Ranger takes several close scans of the ComStar installations and starships then engages its HPG array something strictly forbidden by ComGuard regulations and transmits the data it collected. The vessel is given one order to stand down by the Leader however instead of stopping its scans and transmissions the Ranger opens fire with a broad-side barrage of Naval Autocannons and Naval Lasers gutting the Leader from stem-to-stern and showing that it is a fully operational and very hostile vessel.
As the Ranger turns to make a run for it following the identification of the System’s defences and the destruction of the ComGuard vessel. Unfortunately for the Ranger the ComStar vessel Blake’s Strength, a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser, famous for defending the Titan Shipyards in 3058, is in position to end the Ranger‘s easy escape. The Blake’s Strength wastes no time in warning the Ranger to surrender with the warning that if they continue the vessel will be destroyed. The Ranger continues forward charging towards the Blake’s Strength’s Broadside guns with a single volley of Naval Autocannons and Capital Missiles the Blake’s Strength’s gunners end the Ranger’s treacherous life tarring the smaller ship apart none of the crew attempt to escape leaving no survivors for the ComGuards to interrogate.
Who was behind the attack is unknown however the message is clear to the ComGuards their anchorage has been discovered, the crew of the Leader try to save their crippled destroyer for twelve hours however it is useless and the Leader is abandoned to the depths of space the next day with self destruct charges being set off finishing the Destroyer for once and for all.
3066 finished
Love the fact the Grey Death Legion survives in this AU. 
So far...