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Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 128136 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2012, 03:16:49 PM »

Mars Colony and Titan Shipyards
Sol System, Chaos March
15th October 3058

   The Word of Blake had heard all about the new Star Leagues birth and despite their possession of Terra and doing their part in the Battle of Tukayyid, while part of ComStar, none of their members had been invited to the Conference.  Instead ComStar had been invited and treated like the saviours of the Inner Sphere while the Word of Blake were ignored and slighted as religious fanatics.  Soon however that would change and the Word of Blake would get their due.  Precentor-Marital Trent Adrian and his Executive Officer Precentor Suzanne Malvarney had come up with their own plan.  Trent Adrian had taken their sole operational WarShip and several assault DropShips with heavy fighter support to the Titan Shipyards near Saturn’s largest moon with a sole duty to engage and destroy or capture the defenders of the ComStar held Facility while Malvarney had taken two Divisions of troops to Mars to capture the training and gunnery ranges there, during the invasion of Terra they had tried to capture these facilities but failed now she would ensure that the job was completed with overwhelming force, despite ComStar‘s reinforcements.

   Commanding from the front Suzanne piloted a seventy ton Grasshopper firing her centre torso mounted Extended Range Large Laser into a twenty ton Wasp, the laser struck the light Mech’s left leg breaking just above the knee the light Mech fell on its face.  Suzanne finished the Mech off with a pair of Short Range Missiles (SRM) from the Grasshopper’s head launcher, as the two missiles struck the target they exploded into balls of flames covering the Mech in Inferno napalm jelly.  With the MechWarrior unable to eject it was a death sentence, nothing more than a ComStar Warrior deserved in her view.  The battle had been ongoing for two hours so far and the Word of Blake assault forces had lost ten Mechs so far however the ComGuards had lost twenty-eight and as many vehicles they were in full retreat.  It was only a matter of time before they were destroyed and soon the Word of Blake would control the Recharge Stations, Venus, Terra and Mars, hopefully Titan would join them and the entire Terran System would be under their control.

   Deeper in the Terran System near the Shipyards Trent Adrian stood on the bridge of the Blake's Sword, a McKenna-class Battleship the most powerful WarShip class currently in service with any Inner Sphere state.  Ahead was the Titan Shipyards one of only a dozen in the Inner Sphere capable of producing WarShips, inside four of the bays were WarShips either under construction or under repairs, alongside them was a Dante-class Frigate and a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser and several dozen DropShips.

   â€œSir, the vessels are moving into a defensive posture” the ship’s sensor operator said.

   â€œBattle Stations.  Open communication systems” he said a tech nodded signalling the system was active “Titan Shipyard Facility this is Trent Adrian, Precentor Martial of the Word of Blake, while your own Precentor Martial acts as a diplomat to the Star League we have come.  It is time the Heretic ComGuards released you of the burdens they have placed on you and for you to see the enlightened path.  Tell them you have no wish of their presence and we will allow them to leave without harassment.”

   â€œThis is Precentor Benjamin O’Brien, commander of the CSWS Blake’s Strength, overall commander of the Titan shipyards we have authority over this facility and this system.”  It was true that ComStar had held the Terran system for centuries, ever since the fall of the Star League but now they had fallen under a Heretic’s grasp and were unbelieving in the teachings of Blake Trent Adrian thought quietly as the ComGuard Commander continued.  “Neither the Blake’s Strength or the Narbonne will be leaving this system without a fight.”  The ComGuard Commander said as both ComStar vessels launched fighters and attack DropShips.

   â€œSo be it” Trent said looking at the range finder, they were just in range, “fire.”  He said eight Naval-class Lasers and four AR-10-class Naval Missile launchers fired launching White Shark Capital Missiles the missiles struck two DropShips shattering both ComGuard vessels under the massive firepower of weapons designed to attack WarShips.

   â€œYou Blakist bastard” the ComGuard commander said as the DropShips broke-up under the weapons fire, the Blake’s Strength returned fire with five of its own Naval launchers, a mix of Barracuda and White Shark missiles launched from the Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser.  All five missiles struck the Blake’s Sword, however the massive Battleships armour absorbed the fire without pause.

   â€œBring us twenty degrees to port, I want a broadside line-up on that Dante.”  The Blake's Sword commander said as the Blake’s Strength opened fire with missiles again, the larger ComStar vessel was obviously trying to get the Blake‘s Sword‘s attention however the Blake‘s Strength‘s commander had eyes only for the smaller ComStar vessel if they could destroy the Narbonne the Blake‘s Strength would soon follow. 

   The Narbonne accelerated to its maximum speed closing on the Blake’s Sword, the Dante weighed less than a third of the Battleship’s mass but the captain was charging forward intent on closing the range, no surprise the McKenna-classes biggest asset was its broadside arcs which each held twenty-four Heavy Naval PPCs.

   The Dante continued to close as the McKenna turned, the Frigate’s forward armour was going to take the entire brunt of the Blake’s Sword’s Broadside.  The Dante was firing all the way damaging locations all over the front of the Battleship doing limited armour damage “How long?” the commander asked as the battleship turned, the massive ship was heavily armoured and armed however it was not the most manoeuvrable vessel in the deep.

   â€œThirty seconds Captain, gun emplacements report all weapons ready for a broadside.”  The sensor operator said “the Narbonne is continuing to close, their weapons are starting to make holes in our armour, no critical damage yet.  Fighters and DropShips are incoming.”  Against most WarShips fighter and DropShip attack was just as lethal as another WarShip because most of a WarShip’s guns could not track a target as small as a fighter and to use WarShip-grade weapons against a DropShip was serious case of overkill.  Massed DropShip and fighter assaults had been the downfall of the largest type WarShip which was why many larger WarShips used their own Fighters and DropShips for close-defence.

   â€œHave our own DropShips and Fighters cover our assault, prepare for a broadside on my mark” he said looking at the sensor screen the smaller Dante was closing quickly, this fight was about to get messy.  In the space around them the Blake DropShips and Fighters were engaging their ComGuard counterparts in a no holds barred battle, another two ComStar DropShips - an Achilles and a Fury - exploded under heavy Blakist fighter attack but more than a dozen Blake fighters were destroyed in the assault giving the ComGuard fighters more freedom.

   â€œWe are in position” the helm officer said, there was a brief pause, the Narbonne continued to close firing all the way causing damage to non-critical areas of the McKenna.

   â€œFire” the commander said moments later the gunners fired all twelve broadside Heavy Naval PPCs, one of the most powerful weapons a WarShip could carry, it was a devastating barrage for any vessel to survive.  The cannons converged on the Dante’s forward prow, this single volley was enough to penetrate the frigates armour and burn its innards to a cinder gutting the ComStar vessel from stem-to-stern.  The Narbonne continued on its ballistic course past the Blake's Sword the stricken frigate, which was now missing half its nose, missed the Blake‘s Strength by only a couple of hundred metres.  Smaller individual weapons along the Dante’s side continued to fire but for the most part the vessel was dead, as the crew began to realise this and evacuate the vessel escape pods and lifeboats began launching off abandoning the vessel to space.  “Nice, very nice.  Good work people” the Precentor Martial said smiling as he watched the vessel spin away into the void he was tempted to say they should take out the escape pods as well but just then he was knocked off his feet as the vessel was battered by ten Naval Autocannons and six Naval missile launchers from the other side of the Blake's Sword.  “Blake’s Blood! What the hell was that?” He cursed pulling himself back to his feet.

   â€œIt’s the Blake’s Strength, she sneaked up behind us.  We have lost six PPC banks with that attack, they are moving position and continuing to fire, staying in our damaged arcs.” The sensor officer said as the ship shuddered from several more hits with the Blake’s Strength staying inside their damaged areas only a minimum of the Blake’s Sword’s guns could hit the Battle-cruiser sustaining its life long enough for its heavy naval autocannons to cause significant damage. “Hull breach deck twelve, docking collar six destroyed, Barracuda-missile auto-loading off-line.”

   â€œSwitch to manuals” Trent Adrian said, he was not a naval officer but all around him the flagship of the Word of Blake Navy Militia was being picked apart by a vessel half its size.

   â€œBring us to three-point mark four.”  The ships commander said regaining control of the situation, the Blake’s Sword continued to turn as the Blake’s Strength continued to move and fire causing severe damage to several systems on the McKenna including taking out another two Naval PPC batteries and a second Barracuda Capital Missile Launcher.  “Roll us one hundred-and-eighty degrees, have all remaining PPCs ready to fire.”  The massive Blake’s Sword began to roll over onto its back making it look upside-down compared to the Blake’s Strength in space everything was relative and vessels upside down or right-side up was the same thing still it looked slightly strange for observers and the combatants.  By rolling the Blake’s Sword could bring its undamaged weapons into play against the Black Lion aggressor.  The Blake’s Strength moved out of the PPCs arc of fire and continued to fire on the massive McKenna causing more damage including two hull breaches which the Word of Blake crew and automatic bulkheads quickly sealed.  With his ship taking more and more damage under the Blake‘s Strength’s fire the vessel‘s commander made a choice, which would save his ship probably at the cost of his own life. “Rig for maximum speed, order all DropShips and fighters to form up on us, we will collect them on our egress.”

   â€œWhat are you doing?”  Trent screamed from the back of the bridge “one volley will destroy them! We can take this facility.”

   â€œNot without losing this ship, Precentor Martial.  Helm begin acceleration, weapons tactical defensive fire only.”  The ships commander said, the Blake’s Sword continued to fire however it was far less than it had been and was only targeting targets close to the vessel it was the ComGuard Blake’s Strength calling the shots with capital-missiles striking all along the Blake‘s Sword‘s rear hull, the Battle-cruiser did not pursue ending the battle.  Several Blakist DropShips were destroyed by the Blake’s Strength’s second volley of missiles as they retreated out of range this battle was over for now, and for now the Shipyards were still ComStar‘s possession.

   â€œCaptain, we need to talk, in private.”  Trent said walking from the bridge, the captain knew he had probably signed his own death warrant but he‘d saved his crews life which was most important.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2012, 03:19:05 PM »

Hall of the Khans, Karl Devalis Personnel Quarters
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
15th October 3058

   â€œWhere is your Clan?”  Sellen Cage asked holding Karl Devalis down against the bed, Karl countered using the Elemental’s size and weight against her Sellen fell onto the bed and Karl slipped her grasp pinning her to the bed, both were naked and since their first meeting in the Hall of the Khans the two had spent six nights together.  For Clan warriors this was almost unheard of, both were trueborn warriors bred for combat in the Clans Iron Wombs, very rarely did Clansmen engage in long term romances and sex was just another activity, a release from regular happenings.  Neither the Ice Hellion Khan or the Nova Cat Galaxy Commander had made any indication of breaking this off, and so far no-one had said anything regarding their activities.

   â€œWhere it has always been, saKhan Ice Hellion” Karl said smiling, Sellen stopped putting up a fight and he slipped from her grasp lying on top of her locked in what seemed to be a never-ending embrace.  Two weeks ago Karl had been in a field base with the Khans preparing for the Nova Cat’s secret Exodus now he was in the Hall of the Khans, in bed, with the Ice Hellion Khan a Clan the Nova Cats were neither friend or enemy.

   Three hours and a bend/broken bed later the two lay on the stone floor of the quarters.  Karl quietly cursed the builders and designers for not including carpets in this ancient building, he had thought about putting some in however what was good for the Founder was good enough for the present and he would make do.  Karl had however installed a rug made from a slain Ghost Bear, during his early days as a warrior Karl had gained entrance to the Clawing Rite of Clan Ghost Bear.

   The Clawing Rite was a sacred ritual where warriors were abandoned in the frozen wastes with little more than light clothing, a spear and a survival pistol.  Their task was to survive the elements, track and kill a Ghost Bear with the spear.  Although he had been abandoned by his team early on Karl had not only survived the ordeal but also succeeded where many had failed and many more had perished, he also became the first outsider to slay a Ghost Bear much to the annoyance of many Ghost Bears.

   â€œSeriously Karl where are the Nova Cats, the ilKhan wants to know and he will find out one way or another” she warned.

     â€œAre you interrogating me?  Trying to find something ilKhan would want so the Ice Hellions have a bargaining chip?” Karl said playfully rolling over back onto Sellen. 

   â€œI would think you know me better than that pussy cat” the Elemental said equally playfully countering flipping him over again pinning Karl, the impact on the stone floor was barely cushioned by the rug.  “All I want to know is where the Nova Cats are and would they oppose me taking over the rest of Dagda barring their enclave?”

   â€œWould we…?”  Karl whispered looking into the distance thinking then turned back to Sellen “well that could be a very expensive proposition, saKhan Ice Hellion” he said smiling.

   â€œOkay, how many more times will I have to sleep with you?”  She asked from the look in her eyes Karl could tell she was joking, but both knew it would cost her more than that as they settled down for sleep on the floor, at least it wouldn’t break.
Khan Trials, Nova Cat Command
Nova Cat Occupied Territory
Tortuga Prime, Periphery
16th October 3058

   Three successful trials had put Santin West one place from Khanship, against him was Leon Rosse, a Star Colonel like West Rosse was a MechWarrior and an ardent Crusader.  If Rosse was victorious the Nova Cat Touman would strike the Inner Sphere, probably the Federated Suns the most powerful Successor State.  Not only would that shatter the Nova Cat Touman and endanger their civilian population, but their secret base would be compromised something Santin West could not and would not allow.

   A second Elemental emerged through the doorway of Santin’s quarters “Star Colonel, the Trial is ready to begin.”

   â€œUnderstood, I will be along presently” he said quietly not moving from his position.

   â€œAff, OvKhan” the elemental said stepping out of the room, Santin West moved slowly standing.  Turning he left the small room and walked down a short corridor through the doors and down a small ramp exiting the DropShip and across the open area where large amounts of warriors were gathered.  In the arena stood around fifty warriors inside the circle stood Leon Rosse dressed in a light Gray suit, Leon Rosse was tall for a MechWarrior making them almost the same height but he was also he gangly man with little muscle, the typical MechWarrior.

   Standing in front of Leon, Santin bowed slightly, “Honour” Leon said.

   â€œSeyla” Santin said Leon copied him and both men dropped into combat poses over the next ten minutes both punched, kicked and threw each other.  Neither man was ready to fall, despite their near equal height Santin was still stronger his genetically developed muscle gave him an advantage, unfortunately Leon was faster and both men had superb stamina.

   Another ten minutes past before Santin made a critical error allowing Leon to get him in a submission pose holding him down, Leon tried for almost a minute to get the pinned Elemental to give up however Santin had another idea, the only thing that sapped strength and stamina more than a submission move was actually holding the downed person.  After a minute of being in the dirt Santin used his superior strength to push against the ground forcing both men up, then in a fluid move he flipped them over and held down the MechWarrior after a minute in one position Leon had no response and with Santin’s bulk crushing him the fight was soon over soon after the Circle of Equals was brought to a close and Santin West was declared winner.

   In front of all the Warriors and Civilians present Khan Santin West is unveiled to the Nova Cats, now the Nova Cats had a new home and a new leader, it was time the Clan found its feet and strode into a brighter future.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2012, 03:22:28 PM »

Federated Commonwealth (Suns) Wing
Whitting Conference Centre
Tharkad, Lyran Alliance
16th October 3058

   Sitting in the Federated Commonwealth’s offices in the Whitting Conference Centre Victor looked at reports from around the Inner Sphere, the Clans still held lots of territory in the Inner Sphere, even more than the entire Capellan Confederation.  The Star League had been formed to turn back the Clan threat however now he read a new report that placed the Word of Blake as a bigger problem.  The Splinter-faction of ComStar had assaulted Mars and the Titan Shipyards in the Terran System, ComStar had lost Mars, two divisions of ground troops and then at Titan they had lost a WarShip in the fighting luckily the ComGuard still held the Shipyards.  The report went on that Word of Blake’s only operational WarShip had suffered heavy damage in the fighting making the likelihood of another strike was very small.  Although the Word of Blake had heavy support from Thomas Marik’s Free Worlds League Victor doubted that the new First Lord would support the Word of Blake’s assaults against ComStar which provided the new Star League with most of its forces.

   There was a knock at the door and Victor looked up at the door, being the new Commanding-General of the Star League he was going to have to get used to this.  “Come in” he said, the door swung open and Brevet General Ariana Winson, commander of the three regiments of the Eridani Light Horse Mercenary Brigade, walked into the room “ah, General Winson, it is good that you chose to come to the conference and I am glad you decided to accept my invitation.”  Victor said rising from his seat.

   â€œThank you Commanding-General Davion” she said moving over accepting Victor’s handshake.

   â€œPlease take a seat General”  Victor said, Winson sat down on the chair opposite the table and Victor retook his seat and began to speak.  “General, your unit is a direct descendant of the original Star League and although you have served as a mercenary for centuries you have upheld your traditions and beliefs that the Star League is the best way forward for the Inner Sphere.”  He said the general nodded but remained silent, why disagree with one of the highest comments you could be given?  Victor continued “Because of this I would like to invite your force to rejoin the Star League Defence Force as full time members.  Your people would form the core of the planned SLDF Corps.”  He said the General looked quite shocked but maintained her cool, her Light Horse were one of the strongest Mercenaries in the Inner Sphere, with three ground force regiments, an Aerospace Regiment and full transport and support.  They were also one of the few Inner Sphere units to be associated with the original Star League and still honour the fallen organisation with the Cameron Star flying at all their major encampments.

   â€œI am flattered Prince Davion” Winson said “however, the Light Horse have been mercenary for many years, I will have to consult with the other Light Horse commanders and our civilian population before we decide whether or not to take up this calling.”

   â€œI fully understand General, I will be leaving Tharkad in six days, you will be able to contact me through command on New Avalon after that.”

   â€œI understand Commanding-General, I will speak to you again” the Light Horse General said standing up and leaving the room.  Victor sat back down again and returned to the information reports, this one concerning the Federated Suns half of the Commonwealth and the lowered amounts of pirate activities along the periphery borders.

Whitting Conference Centre
Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Alliance
17th October 3058

   The Succession Lords came together once more in the great hall but now their focus was on something entirely different.  Now that a new First Lord and Commanding-General had been elected it was time for them to decide on how this new Star League and the Star League Defence Force that would be formed with it would be used.  The room was darkened and Thomas Marik was the first to step into the lights.

   â€œI call the Star League into session.”  Thomas Marik said as First Lord “Commanding-General Victor Steiner-Davion has the floor” he said nodding to Victor as the spotlights moved to Victor’s position there was a collective gasp, Victor was dressed in the green uniform of a Federated Suns Marshal minus every decoration he was entitled other than that of the insignia of a Marshal and the SLDF‘s Cameron’s Star.

   â€œThank you First Lord” Victor said he noticed the others surprise at his dress “my fellow lords, we have reformed the Star League.”  He said looking at the others “now a decision must be made regarding how the Star League Army will be used in defence at home stopping our armies in conflict against each other and in defence against the Clans, or offensively against the threat of the Clans.”

   â€œI believe it is impossible to hold back the Clan force once the Tukayyid Truce ends they will attack en masse.  Only a show of force will show them that we are able to defend ourselves and if they push we have the ability to strike back.”  Kai Allard-Liao said standing at the St Ives table beside Victor’s Federated Commonwealth.

   â€œHowever, if we fail we could weaken our defences so when the Clans attack next they will have no trouble in reaching Terra.”  Sun-Tzu said his nation, like the Federated Suns and Thomas Marik’s Free Worlds League, was in the ‘south’ of the Inner Sphere below Terra and far from the Clan threat.

   â€œWith Clan Wolf (in-Exile) defending the Lyran border and the Wolf Dragoons, Kell Hounds and Northwind Highlanders supporting them on the Lyran and Combine borders were should not fear the Clans that badly.  With these elite mercenary units and these Clansmen, who have seen the correct way to protect the Inner Sphere, we have little to fear of major retaliations.”  Katherine Steiner-Davion said, Victor personally disagreed with her the mercenaries perhaps counted a combined strength of twelve BattleMech regiments against the Clan threat they would be destroyed wholesale without massive amounts of house troop support something he was sure that Katherine would withhold.  She would not mind much if all three Mercenary brigades were destroyed all had ties to the Federated Suns and the Kell Hounds currently commanded the Arc-Royal Defence Cordon within the Lyran Alliance, an area that the Lyran High Command had no control over.  The Kell Hounds and Clan Wolf (in-Exile) officially held this area in protest over Katherine removing the Lyran Alliance from the Federated Commonwealth and it was a dagger at the heart of the Lyran Alliance which Victor could use if he ever wanted to unseat his sister.  It was something Victor had though about a couple of times but never been willing to act upon, to do so would weaken the Lyran Alliance and the Clan borders allowing the Jade Falcons to capture massive amounts of territory while the Inner Sphere’s backs were turned.

   â€œIf we were to form a task force and were to strike the Clans now we could hurt them badly.”  Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht said, “I am willing to put ComStar’s entire military at such a Task Forces disposal.  With the location of Clan Smoke Jaguar’s Homeworld in our grasp we can strike a deathblow to a whole clan.”  There was a collective gasp at that ComStar fielded roughly fifty divisions of ground troops which was the equivalent of one hundred regular combine arms regiments, in space they fielded a navy of thirty-nine WarShips with enough JumpShips and DropShips to transport all ground troops a superior capacity to that of any Inner Sphere state.

   â€œA Clan that shares an Occupation Zone with Clan Star Adder, a far stronger Clan and one we do not know its Homeworld.”  Katherine said “the Jade Falcons on the other hand are weakened by their recent conflict against Clan Wolf, we could destroy their Inner Sphere force far easier and possibly even strike the Wolves as well.  Taking out not one but two Clans.”  She said, the Jade Falcons held large swaths of Lyran territory no shock that Katherine wanted rid of that Clan instead of the Smoke Jaguars.

   â€œDespite the Jade Falcons weakened strength they are still one of the stronger Clans, they showed that with their strike on Coventry.  Also we would not want to strike at a weakened Clan, this would be a sign to the other Clans that we will only strike the weak.  From my discussions with Khan Phelan Kell, of the Wolf (in-Exile) Clan the other Clans will see this as a weakness and strike us again, hard.”  Victor said, he still had scars of that little conflict, a conflict he had only stopped by the offering of Hegira to the Jade Falcon Khan.  Hegira was the Clan word for the withdrawal with their entire force intact and no loss of honour, he knew that would not work again and if they struck the Jade Falcons it would be extremely costly to all concerned.

   â€œI would agree with the Commanding-General also, however, not because I believe the Smoke Jaguars are weaker, but because of the symbolism the Smoke Jaguars currently hold in the Inner Sphere.”  Hohiro Kurita said quietly raising to his feet “they were able to seize and hold the Capitol world of one of the Successor States, my own.  Although we were able to push them back the Jaguars have shown they are strong enough to do things the other clans only dream of and their Khan is currently ilKhan of all the Clans, we need to show them that the Inner Sphere does not shirk away from big targets.  The Smoke Jaguars make a perfect target also need I remind you of Turtle Bay.”  He said naming the city that the Smoke Jaguars had razed to the ground with Orbital Weapons fire because the population fought back against their oppressors.

   â€œThe Free Worlds League agrees with the Draconis Combine, the Smoke Jaguars make a better, also any unit that is taking part in this conflict would have the support of the Free Worlds League and would receive full upgrades for conflict against the Clans.”  All the succession lords barring Victor gasped giving full upgrades to an entire Regiment or more of troops would cost billions of C-Bills.  “I call for a vote on Defence or Offence for the new League.  The Free Worlds League will begin with a call for Offence.”

   â€œThe Federated Suns votes Offence” Victor said he scanned the faces and saw their surprise not only had Victor worn the Federated Suns uniform for surprise factor now he had resurrected the nation of his Father lost when he married Melissa Steiner of the Lyran Commonwealth.  With the Lyran based Federated Suns forces en route back to the Federated Suns and vice versa the Federated Commonwealth would soon cease to exist.

   â€œThe Lyran Alliance vote Defence” Katrina said keeping her eyes locked on her brother “Instead of pursuing combat like the mindless clansmen we should defend the territory we still hold.”

   â€œThe Free Rasalhague Republic calls for Defence, we have lost enough.”

   â€œAs does the Capellan Confederation, all we want is peace.”  Sun-Tzu said obviously trying to stop Victor and Thomas’s first call, although Sun-Tzu had supported Thomas over Victor to the post of First Lord he would not give the Free Worlds League leader too much support.

   â€œThe Draconis Combine calls for Offence.  The Clans invaded our territory claiming it was theirs because they descended from the first Star League, we must show them that the first League co-existed with the Inner Sphere Noble Houses.”  Hohiro Kurita said again it was a tie, three against three, and again ComStar would have the deciding vote.

   â€œComStar will break this deadlock and also vote offence, the ComGuards sacrificed much on Tukayyid, it is time the Clans sacrificed something.”  Anastasius Focht said, the first bill of the new league had past, just.

   â€œNow a call for a target” Thomas Marik said.  Over the next six hours the Succession Lords argued over a target, finally agreeing to target the Smoke Jaguars.  It was decided that two forces would be formed one Task Force Bulldog, it would be the larger of the two and would assault the Inner Sphere holdings of both Clans Smoke Jaguar and Clan Star Adder with an aim of annihilating or driving both Clans out of the Inner Sphere.  The second would be Task Force Serpent and would strike the Clan Homeworlds, specifically Huntress the Homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar.  In the following days it was decided that in the next two years they would prepare the Inner Sphere for a major assault against the Smoke Jaguars then in early 3060 they would strike the Jaguars form all sides.

   Task Force Serpent would be formed first on the Davion world of Defiance and be place under the command of Morgan Hasek-Davion Marshal of Armies of the Federated Suns.  Task Force Serpent would leave the Inner Sphere in late 3059 and arrive around Huntress around the same time as Task Force Bulldog launched assaults against the Smoke Jaguar forces in the Inner Sphere.  Their overall aim would be to completely destroy the Smoke Jaguar Clan.

   With the major decisions made they would now disperse back to their home nations and would next meet at the next Whitting Conference in four years, a conference that would take place on the world of Marik or Atreus inside the Free Worlds League.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2012, 03:25:04 PM »

Headquarters and Planning Room
Irece, Clan Smoke Jaguar Holding
Clan Occupation Zones, Inner Sphere
18th October 3058

   Smoke Jaguar Star Colonel Ayden Moon surveyed the compound that his Jaguars held, there were roughly four trinaries worth of troops on planet, roughly a Cluster of ground troops, arrayed alongside them were almost double the amount of Star Adder forces.  For the last three weeks the Star Adders had been making comments about the Smoke Jaguar forces and had been moving in Smoke Jaguar areas of the planet, as far as Ayden was concerned it was time for that to change.  “Order Star Captain Calvin Kotare to take his Nova into Star Adder territory and challenge their Stavag commander to a trial of possession for the BattleMech Factory.  Have Star Captain Rebecca, to similarly challenge the forces at the Spaceport.  I will led Trinary One against the Adder ground base, and with one strike we will rid this entire planet of Adders.”

   â€œA dangerous move, but a bold one.”  Star Commodore Sara Wimmer commander of the orbiting Smoke Jaguar WarShip, a Fredasa-class Corvette named Dark Mist, one of the smallest vessels in use by the Clans but still a WarShip it would defend the Jaguar ground forces from any space-borne predator “my WarShip stands ready to defend you from the Star Adder backlash however, it is only a corvette.”

   â€œThe Star Adders only have four WarShips in the Inner Sphere, if the others plan their attacks accordingly we should be able to overwhelm the Star Adders and push them from the Inner Sphere before they are able to react, this will be a great day for the Smoke Jaguars.”

   â€œAnd if we fail then we will be consigning the Smoke Jaguars to the long trek back to the Homeworlds.”  Sara said warning of the dangers of their failure to defeat the Star Adders.

   â€œWe will not fail then.”

   â€œSeyla!”  The Smoke Jaguar commanders chanted together.

Khan Santin West’s Command Outpost
Nova Cat Command
Tortuga Prime, Periphery
19th October 3058

   In the four days since the Trial, Khan Santin West had made a dozen decisions the first was to move his command post inside the Sacred Rite to the spaceport and his second was to order his Clan to make a full survey of the planet and the former capital city.  The rest of his decisions had been regarding the Nova Cats future path, first of all they would not be making Tortuga Prime their new capital the world was far too dry and arid to be a suitable staging world let alone a permanent settlement.

   Bringing together several of the Nova Cat Galaxy Commanders and Star Admiral Jan Jorgensson, commander of the Nova Cat Naval forces, this was the first time since his ascension to Khanship they had been together and now it was time to make some choices.  “Tortuga Prime is unsuitable for permanent colonisation by our civilian population, Khans Severn Lervoux and Lucian Carns chose the Dominion as our new home, however, the capital of the Dominion will not be our new capital planet.”  He noticed several strange looks from the Galaxy Commanders and from the Star Admiral present.  “I believe is that there is a world nearby that will be our new home, we must first find it.  Star Admiral, I want you to select five WarShips that we have on hand to make double jumps out with the six planetary we control.  Every system you enter a ground force team will be dispatched to any habitable planet with orders to make full surveys of possible habitation zones, Chi Provisional Galaxy will be assigned to your WarShips for ground survey and support” he said looking to Galaxy Commander Angelique West commander of the Galaxy, she nodded a slight disgusted look covered her face a scientific survey was hardly honourable work.  “Also if you find any unidentified space borne finds I want them fully recorded and investigated in case they can be added to our current forces, or in case they pose any threat to our position here.  Any active threats are to be dealt with accordingly, Mercenary or Pirate forces can be annihilated any force of the Federated Suns should be captured if possible as it is a possible intelligence asset on the nearest Inner Sphere state and the general state of the Inner Sphere.”  Star Admiral Jorgensson and Angelique West wrote down notes as he spoke and looked up after a moment then nodded, both women seemed to have no trouble with the orders.  Turning back to the others  “I want each of you to select a cluster that would be available to be transferred to another command I plan on forming.”

   â€œA new command?”  Star Colonel Jal Steiner asked, he was aide to Galaxy Commander Elianna Deleportis commander of Xi Provisional Galaxy, all eyes turned on the Star Colonel.

   â€œAff, Star Colonel, many of the current Nova Cat Front-Line Galaxies are near full strength.  I want to slim down these Galaxies and form at least one new Galaxy.  This will spread out our units but also make transportation of full Galaxies and internal Galaxy coordination easier.”  He noticed several warriors were unhappy about the idea of loosing troops and prestige that came with commanding more troops, however, most looked happy enough with the arrangement.

   â€œMy Khan, a question” Kelly Hardo commander of the Cat’s Sigma Galaxy stood up.

   â€œPlease Galaxy Commander”

   â€œMy Khan, what are our ground forces to do?  At present we have almost eight Galaxies worth of troops on six worlds, even with your proposed plans we are still going to be crammed together and with no combat.  Tempers may become frayed and our combat edge could suffer.”  She said Santin West had looked at this as well, nearby there was the Federated Suns, Taurian Concordat and the Outworlds Alliance as well as dozens of independent worlds however he did not want to attack any of these targets, as it would tip other factions of the Nova Cat presence before the Clan was secure and ready.

   â€œGalaxy Commander Hardo, I fully agree with you that an isolation stance would turn the Nova Cat Clan into nothing but a glorified version of the Blood Spirit Clan.  I will not allow that to happen.  Once we have re-organised our Clan I will rotate more units back to the Homeworlds to support Delta Galaxy and further our position there, at least on a temporary basis until we have secured our position here.  Also I want you all to select targets which we can strike, no underhand tactics, however I want nothing that can be traced back here.”

   â€œHow far can we go?” Galaxy Commander Carl Lenardon, commander of Omicron Galaxy asked.

   â€œPreferably the periphery regions, and areas closer to Clan space however if you can draw up further plans I will listen carefully.  Also be mindful of your visions they have guided us this far and shall continue to do so.”  Santin said with that he stood up and left the room leaving his Galaxy Commander’s with a new task each moved out slowly.

Plains of Death, Trial of Position
Nova Cat Command Base
Tortuga Prime, Periphery
22nd October 3058

   Following several days worth of discussion and after several trials had been fought it was decided that four clusters would be transferred to the new command which would be known as Tau Galaxy.  Now all that was required was a commander the Star Colonels of each Cluster and other selected Star Colonels were offered the chance to participate in Trials of Position for command of this new Galaxy.

   After several trials it came down to Star Colonel Jal Steiner and Star Colonel Ajax Drummond in a Trial of Position, Jal’s forty-five ton Shadow Cat against Ajax’s fifty Huntsman.  The pirates had called this area the Plains of Death because pirate Lords consigned mutineers and their enemies to death by marooning them in the dunes with no water, food or shelter.

   The two Nova Cat Star Colonels approached the area from opposite sides inside their Mech’s, Jal’s Shadow Cat was faster, more manoeuvrable and harder to hit than the Huntsman due to its lower sense of gravity.  However, Ajax’s Mech was more heavily armoured and carried more weapons.  “Star Colonel Ajax Drummond, I Jal Steiner challenge you for command of Tau Galaxy, this Trial is a solemn matter may no other interfere.”

   â€œStar Colonel Jal Steiner, I Ajax Drummond accept your challenge, Seyla” Ajax said in reply, short and simple.

   â€œSeyla” Jal said both warriors triggered their long range firepower Steiner fired two Extended-Range Large Lasers while Ajax returned fire with its light LB-autocannon and ten-tube Long Range Missile (LRMs) rack.  The two lasers of the Shadow Cat were far more accurate than the Huntsman’s weapons at range and so the heavier Mech took more damage.

   With their initial assaults over the two warriors moved, Jal accelerated his Shadow Cat to the left and into the dunes while Ajax Drummond took his Huntsman right over more solid ground.  After several hundred metres of travel both warriors ignited their Mech’s Jump Jets launching both medium OmniMechs into the air.  Jal Steiner continued his assault firing one of the Shadow Cat’s Large Lasers in mid-air causing more damage to the Huntsman however Drummond held his fire, upon landing the Drummond let loose his Huntsman’s full fury firing both the Mech’s Large Pulse Lasers, the LB-autocannon and the LRMs.  The LRMs went wildly wide however both pulse lasers and the autocannon struck home, Drummond focused his attack on the Shadow Cat’s left leg, that much damaged in one hit blew out the Shadow Cat’s left knee actuator dropping the Shadow Cat off its legs sprawling the lighter Mech over the ground.  Drummond savoured his impending victory by turning his Mech slowly, Jal Steiner rolled his Mech over and with his cockpit facing straight into the sky the downed Star Colonel fired both his Large Lasers, whether it was a reflex shot or a simple lucky shot one of the Lasers struck the Huntsman’s head.  Although it was not enough to decapitate the Mech it was enough to breach the cockpit either destroying the controls or injuring the pilot.  The Huntsman suddenly lost all sense of balance and fell to the ground Jal struggled with his Mech brining it back to its feet, seeing the Huntsman was down and not moving with damage to its Head Jal held his fire he did not want to kill the Nova Cat warrior stepping slightly closer to gain a better look, that pause was all Ajax Drummond was waiting for triggering all his Huntsman’s weapons the pulse lasers, autocannon and missile fire breached the Shadow Cat’s torso armour pulping the stabilizing gyro taking the Mech out of the fight permanently.  Sitting in his command chair Jal listened as Khan Santin West congratulated Ajax Drummond on his victory and his command of Tau Galaxy, it had been an underhand tactic that had been used to win but Jal decided he would not challenge the victory, it was not his day.

   Hours later Star Colonel Jal Steiner sat around the flames of the camp fire, he wondered why his Clan had come here to this barren world.  Of course they were following a vision but so far he had seen nothing on this world to warrant the Clan’s warriors missing out on the Invasion of the Inner Sphere.  “You look trouble Star Colonel, Quiaff?” a deep voice said, Jal recognised the voice but remained focused on the flame.

   â€œAff, I wonder why we are here.  On this world, in this former pirate kingdom, we should be out there conquering the Inner Sphere like our other brethren.”

   â€œI have wondered this also” the man said sitting down opposite Jal “You fought well today and were unfortunate not to win” it was Khan Santin West.

   â€œMy Khan, I meant no disrespect, it was only a question.”

   â€œAff, I have asked this question also, many times I have wondered why the Khans chose to come here, to these six little insignificant worlds.  The answer still is a mystery to me, however that is not why I came here tonight.”

   â€œOf course, how may I serve my Khan?”  Jal Steiner said his eyes were still drawn to the flames but he was now paying far more attention on Khan West as well.

   â€œI plan on sending Sigma and Xi Galaxies back to the Homeworlds, you are assigned to Xi, Quiaff?”

   â€œAff, but why tell me, I am but a Star Colonel.”  He said thinking back to the Trial once more, the chance to command a Galaxy did not come around a lot, Jal silently wondered if he would ever receive such a chance again.

   â€œAff, but even a Star Colonel can serve his Clan and his Khan Quiaff?” Jal Steiner nodded “there is a MechWarrior named Zane on this very world, he is a member of the Carns bloodline.  I want you to be his sponsor in his Trial of Bloodright.  And I would like you to pass this letter to Galaxy Commander Karl Devalis, the commander of Delta Galaxy.”  He said holding out a letter just above the flames Jal looked at the letter for a moment held in his Khan’s outstretched hand, it was a wonder the document didn’t burst into flame, reaching out he took the letter.  As he took the letter he could feel the fire on his hand, the Khan did not let go immediately “Karl Devalis is the only man who you are to give this letter to, Quiaff?”  He said the flames licking both men’s hands, the envelope remained curiously untouched.

   â€œAff” Jal said regarding the letter with slightly more reverence as he placed it into his jacket pocket “I will guard this with my life, and this MechWarrior Zane will retain the Carns Bloodname for Clan Nova Cat’s stewardship.”

   â€œI am sure you will, now I leave you to your meditation.”

   â€œBlessed Path My Khan.”  Jal said quietly, the Khan did not speak again as he withdrew from the fire.
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2012, 03:26:35 PM »

ComGuard Command Centre
Titan Shipyards, Titan Orbit
Terra System, Chaos March
24th October 3058

   Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht stood in the CIC (Command-integrated-Control) Centre of the CSWS Invisible Truth, a Cameron-class Battle-cruiser and the command ship of the ComGuard Naval Armada.  Beside him stood Precentor-Naval Allan Beresick, overall commander of the navy and commander of the Invisible Truth “so they will form their task force on Defiance?  A fools errand without our naval support” Beresick said looking at the Precentor-Martial, who simply nodded.  “However with the Word of Blake at our door can we afford to go off gallivanting to Huntress?”

   â€œWe must” Anastasius said “if we do nothing then all the ComGuard lives sacrificed on Tukayyid, and if the Word of Blake was more enlightened they would see the Clans for the threat they are instead of following their own agenda.  If we fail to support the new Star League then every sacrifice we have given in defence of the Inner Sphere will be for nothing and the respect the Succession Lords afford us will evaporate.  By annihilating a Clan and throwing another out of the Inner Sphere we can send a message to the Clans that the states of the Inner Sphere stand together when threatened with destruction.  They will think again before assaulting our territory on the scale they have previously.”

   â€œThat won’t stop individual Clans gaining a foothold, and we cannot afford to annihilate them all.  The forces the Clans have if combined is staggering especially in naval assets, and considering how off our figures could be…”  He said trailing off ComStar’s ROM agency had theorised that the Clans could have anywhere from one hundred to five hundred WarShips at their Homeworlds either active or in mothball, the Inner Sphere had maybe thirty and almost all of those were in ComStar’s stewardship.

   â€œTrue, assuming the Inner Sphere States continue their commitment to the new Star League and continue to build their WarShip fleets over the coming year we will still need to commit six-to-eight WarShips for the Inner Sphere operation.”

   â€œAt least eight heavy WarShips.” Beresick said quietly outlining the cost of this operation.

   â€œAnd another three to the Huntress expedition.”

   â€œFour, I would suggest the Invisible Truth and three destroyers or corvettes.”  Beresick said “at least half our active fleet will be committed to this fight.  However, we will need at least four to six WarShips in the Free Rasalhague Republic just in case Clans Wolf and Jade Falcon decide to invade while we are distracted.”

   â€œCan we field that many WarShips at once?”  Focht asked although ComStar held control over nearly fifty WarShips they did not have crews to fully man half that many.

   â€œThe Rasalhague force will be undermanned as will the defenders here, also the WarShips assigned to this Shipyard will be lighter elements.”

   â€œWe can do this?”

   â€œWe can” Beresick said in a low voice.

   â€œThen make the arrangements, I will leave for Defiance in a few days time our Star League Serpent contingent can join me there.”

Khan Santin West’s Quarters
Tortuga, Nova Cat Command
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
30th October 3058

   Just outside the gravity well of Tortuga Prime the final elements of Sigma and Xi Galaxies were joining nine Nova Cat WarShips and almost twice that many JumpShips about to begin a long trek back to the Clan Homeworlds.  It was a large force to be sending back to the small amount of territory the Nova Cats held in Homeworlds however they had a lot to do once they returned to the Homeworlds.

   On the ground Khan Santin West sat inside the Sacred Rite which had become his command base on Tortuga, yesterday they had renamed the Dominions the Nova Cat’s Den by popular vote, not original but at least it was better than the Tortuga Dominions.  Looking at a new set of reports Khan West began to understand why the Nova Cat Khans had chosen this region of space, the Nova Cat fleet had discovered four habitable worlds including one idyllic world that Khan West saw as their new Homeworld, however that was not the most important find.  In another system they had found an abandoned but fully functional Olympus-class Recharge Station, the fleet had not investigated further but so far things were looking promising.

   Looking up he looked at Star Admiral Jan Jorgensson and smiled “your people have done well Admiral.  Now we need to go one step further, broadcast the co-ordinates to the WarShips ensure they return to the right world.  Then we will move the population of Tortuga to New Barcella, our new home.”  He said looking up at the Admiral who looked slightly confused, then realised what the Khan was talking about.

   â€œThe natives may not want to leave.”

   â€œThey will be welcome to stay, we will maintain a garrison on planet and in the system, Tortuga has many feature we can use for training purposes and weapon testing.  Also if any pirate forces enter the Den they are likely to look at Tortuga as the entrance, as it used to be for the Dominions, we will not cut off this source of intelligence so quickly.”

   â€œAgreed, I have a WarShip that could hide in this system.  It has the firepower and speed to serve as a decent picket if need be.”  Jorgensson said quietly, it was not the most honourable task but the ship would serve where it was sent that she was sure, also she would ensure that no WarShip assigned to this duty was there for more than two months at a time ensuring the crew did not feel like they were being punished.

   â€œGood, begin as soon as possible.  I will talk to the people of Tortuga.”

More soon, hope you enjoy
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 03:27:13 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2012, 06:13:29 PM »

Smoke Jaguar Battle Line
Irece, Clan Star Adder Territory
Clan Occupation Zones, Inner Sphere
3rd November 3058

   The Smoke Jaguars had attacked the day before and so far the Star Adders had lost the ruined BattleMech Factory, the abandoned Land-Air-Mech (LAM) plant and the Spaceport however the Jaguars had been late assaulting the Star Adder main base and so the Adders had reinforced their position, now the two forces were of almost equal strength and in space a Star Adder WarShip was en route.  “We must hold for an additional day, the Black Adder has been destroyed by the Smoke Jaguars and the Exodus Ranger is en route but she will not arrive until tomorrow.” Star Colonel Andrea Guidice the Adder Commander said to her surviving two Star Captains.

   â€œWe will try Star Colonel, however, the Smoke Jaguars have planned this for quite a while, we are outgunned and they have better support than us.”  Star Captain Karen said

   â€œHave all OmniMechs outfitted with laser weaponry only, and have ammo reserved for conventional vehicles, aerospace fighters and BattleMechs.”  Andrea said “we hold better position than the Smoke Jaguars and we hold less territory so we can concentrate our forces better.  These Jaguars have been over bold with their assaults striking too soon, before they have sufficient forces.  If we hold them and frustrate them we can beat them.”  She said trying to improve their moral, they had been on the losing side for too long and Adder warriors did not like defensive work but it was the hand they had been dealt and that was all they could do.

Raider’s Roost
Tortuga Prime
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
5th November 3058

   The Nova Cat civilians had begun moving off Tortuga and the leaders had broadcast an invitation to all citizens of Tortuga come to the central square of Tortuga for an address by the Nova Cat Khan.  Up on a podium the Nova Cat Khan, Santin West was in the middle of a speech regarding their way forward “…the Tortuga Fusiliers are dead, the other pirates of the Periphery are no threat, the marauders of the Inner Sphere are not a threat.  We control each system of the former Tortuga Dominions and wish to build on it, we have found four additional systems that can support life and plan on moving our civilians there instead of trying to eke out a living on this barren world.  I would like to invite you to come and live with us, and with us build a world that we proudly call our capital…”  West was saying just as someone broke in.

   â€œSo we will swap being slaves to the Pirates to being slaves of Clan test-tube babies no thanks!”  There was a quiet laughter from the gathered crowd.  Several of the Nova Cats armoured Elemental Warriors moved around the crowd their weapons raised, the Nova Cat warriors did not like having the Eugenitics program insulted they way it just had been.

   â€œHold your position” Santin said into the comm. frequency, the Elementals backed off but their weapons were still raised, still ready.  “You will not be slaves” West said “as far as I am concerned you can remain here on this barren rock and try to live in freedom or you can come to New Barcella.  We will maintain a military force on this planet but Raider’s Roost will not be occupied, if you want to stay away from us you can.  But if you come to New Barcella you will be treated as equals with our own civilians and you will be able to move beyond this squalor you call home.”

   â€œWhat will we do?  Clean your houses while you go off to fight, just as the pirates did.”  Another person from the crowd asked.

   â€œIf you want you can attempt to join the Nova Cat military Touman, you will have to prove your worth but we will be willing to accept the worthy candidates.  Others can do what they want, plant crops, build housing, weapons or heavy equipment, open shops.  It will be up to you, as long as you do not interfere with the operations of the Nova Cat Touman or endanger our civilians then we will not interfere with you.  However, if you endanger us you will be treated accordingly.”  He warned “I leave it up to you, in twenty hours time not a single Nova Cat civilian will remain, the choice is in your hands.”  Khan West said leaving the podium, there was general chatter from the crowd as the Nova Cat Khan and his Elementals left the area.  Deeper in the city BattleMechs and Vehicles were moving out as well, as the Nova Cats began a general withdrawal from Tortuga.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2012, 06:16:17 PM »

Nadir point
Transfer Facility 4
Near Draconis Combine Periphery
6th November 3058

   The convoy of Nova Cat WarShips had arrived in a system that should be unpopulated according to records however the WarShip’s sensors detected a Clan Smoke Jaguar JumpShip at the Zenith Point, below the sun, and three DropShips moving through the system.  Normally the Nova Cats would ignore such a threat, however, the Nova Cats had missed battle for several months and even the tiny force defending this supply facility were a viable target.

   â€œBidding will begin at two Binaries” Galaxy Commander Kelly Hardo said to the six gathered Star Colonels.  “The cut-down for this fight is a single star of BattleMechs.”

   â€œI will bid two Binaries minus all aerospace support.”  Star Colonel Jos Keating said.

   â€œI will offer a counter bid.  A single Nova of ground forces” Jal Steiner said there was several moments of quiet, the forces at the Smoke Jaguar base was three Stars of ground troops a single Nova was a Star of Mechs and a Star of Battle Armour.

   There were no other bids Kelly Hardo looked at Jal Steiner “a bold move Star Colonel, your first bid is the last, hope that this battle is not your last.  Good hunting” she said, Jal Steiner nodded “Seyla” she said everyone else followed suit “Seyla” ending the bidding.

   Jal Steiner left the room and immediately returned to his DropShip and saw that his warriors were waiting together for his return with the results of the Batchall “I was successful with the Batchall, we will engage the Smoke Jaguars with a single Nova of forces.”  He looked over his forces and noticed MechWarrior Aaron still had his arm in a sling following a personal honour duel several days before, although honour duels should have been non-injury the fight had gotten slightly out of hand and Aaron had ended up with a dislocated shoulder.  “Aaron you are out of this fight” Aaron looked disgusted and walked off, looking over the bay he noticed MechWarrior Zane was in the corner “Zane!”  He called the Bloodname hopeful looked up “you are taking Aaron’s place, think you can take that?”  He said pointing to the sixty-five ton Ebon Jaguar, Aaron’s Mech.

   â€œAff, Star Colonel, gladly” Zane said moving over to the group.

   â€œStar Commander Kor your Star is with us on the ground, get your men transferred aboard.  We detach in three hours.”

   â€œAff Star Colonel, we will be ready within the hour.”

Star Adder Battle Line
Irece, Clan Star Adder Territory
Clan Occupation Zones
7th November 3058

   After several days worth of defensive fighting the Star Adders had tired the Smoke Jaguars of their fighting spirit, the Star Adders energy only weapon configurations was also brining fruit as the Smoke Jaguars heavier hitting, but ammo dependant weapons began running out of ammunition.  In low orbit the York-class Destroyer/Carrier Exodus Ranger had arrived and was providing the Star Adders with air superiority something the Smoke Jaguars lacked.

   Star Captain Karen leading her forces moved forward her Timber Wolf D was the lead Mech of ten against an equal amount of Smoke Jaguar Mechs and after days of defensive fighting the Star Adders were finally moving forward regaining some of their lost territory.  Now they were moving close to the Spaceport reaches, the Smoke Jaguars had captured this territory early on in their campaign and now the Star Adders were getting some revenge.

   â€œContinue to press them, they cannot hold this up for long” Karen said as autocannon and missiles rang out from the Smoke Jaguar’s defensive line but Karen’s forces held their fire closing, although some of them fielded weapons that had even better range they were under orders and held fire.  Moving forward the Star Adders reached optimal range for their weapons and as one opened fire it was a risky strategy but also a brutally effective one, over six hundred tons of Mech fired everything available to them destroying all ten Smoke Jaguar Mechs in a brutal assault, although the last Smoke Jaguar downed a few Star Adders the Smoke Jaguars in this area were effectively defeated.  “Elemental Star Bravo Four move up and secure downed Mechs and prisoners as Isorla.  Battle Binary Zeta One move onto objective epsilon.”  Karen said into the comm. surveying the sight four Smoke Jaguar Heavy Mechs and an Assault lay on the ground most were missing limbs and one was missing its head, that was how brutal the fighting had become, no quarter asked none given.

   From a downed Warhawk Assault OmniMech Star Captain Rebecca fought back the pain and activated her communication systems  “This is Star Captain Rebecca, Striker Trinary, Star Adder forces have broken Spaceport defences.”  She said closing the communication system down, she was unable to move in her seat, behind her on the backdoor of the Warhawk’s cockpit a pool of blood was slowly growing, by the time Star Adder Security Elementals arrived to take here as a bondsmen the Smoke Jaguar commander would be dead.

Clan Smoke Jaguar Base
Transfer Facility 4
Near Draconis Combine Periphery
9th November 3058

   As they descended in ablative-cocoons Star Colonel Jal Steiner opened up the communication frequency for the Jaguars to hear “Smoke Jaguar force this is Star Colonel Jal Steiner of the Nova Cats, First Garrison Cluster, Xi Galaxy.  We are here to fight a Trial of Possession over your goods and equipment.”  He said, the Nova Cats didn’t want the facility but with three DropShips at the facility they could gain valuable supplies and equipment and cause the Smoke Jaguars much trouble.

   â€œThis is Galina Perez, Star Captain, commanding Puma Garrison Trinary.  We will defend this facility with our full Trinary.”  The Smoke Jaguar said over the comm.

   â€œThat is fine with us Star Captain, meet us on the plains to the south if you wish to defend your claim to the DropShips and their cargo.”  Jal said as the first pods arrived on planet “please advise the commanders of the DropShips that your JumpShip at the Zenith Point is in Nova Cat hands and that a convoy of nine Nova Cat WarShips and two Galaxies of troops are in system.”

   â€œNine WarShips…!”  someone gasped over the comm.

   â€œUnderstood, Star Colonel” Galina said over the comm. “none of the DropShip commanders have any intention of interfering in the battle or attempting to flee we can deal with you Nova Cats ourselves.”  The Smoke Jaguar said from the ground base three stars of BattleMechs began moving out of the base, from sensors Jal could see they were all second-line or Inner Sphere designs except one which was a front-line ninety ton Kingfisher, a state of the art OmniMech.

   â€œKingfisher, this is Jal Steiner, I challenge you to a battle of warriors.”  He said accelerating his OmniMech forward to one hundred-and-thirty kilometres per hour.

   â€œThis is MechWarrior Zane to the Atlas pilot, I challenge you to a fight of warriors” he said seeing the ominous skull of the one hundred ton Inner Sphere Assault Mech.  All around the Nova Cats were calling out challenges, the Smoke Jaguars out-numbered them so some were going to have to wait, if they were honourable Clan Warriors they would wait if not then the Nova Cats were in trouble.

   Zane cut left and opened fire with his Ebon Jaguar’s Ultra-class autocannons and both fifteen-tube LRM launchers the two autocannons ripped small chunks off the Atlas’ left arm and the missiles engulfed the torso of the Atlas.  The mighty assault Mech continued forwards not firing Zane took a couple of seconds to scan the assault Mech a bit more.  Looking at the data he noticed it was a 3025-era Atlas, a Mech which carried technology thirty years our of date.  Zane almost laughed the Smoke Jaguars must be really desperate for technology to use this Mech.  Triggering both autocannons again he closed on the Jaguar Mech, seeing no reason to use only the Ebon Jaguar’s long range firepower.  Normally this configuration of Mech only carried long range firepower with only short-range missiles (SRM) for back up but Zane had modified it mounting two pairs of medium lasers in place of some of the SRM ammo and smaller SRM racks, that was the wonder of OmniMech technology.

   Zane cut left then right as the Atlas pilot opened fire with its twenty-tube LRM launcher, the Inner Sphere missiles were less effective than Clan missiles and only two hit the Ebon Jaguar, Zane smiled relishing true combat firing both autocannons his shots hit the Atlas’s upper torso while the thirty LRMs ripped up more torso armour.  Checking the range he noticed that his lasers and SRMs were now also in range, triggering his third trigger all four Extended-Range Medium Lasers and eight SRMs ripped into the Atlas.  Following such an onslaught the Atlas pilot tried and failed to maintain his Mech’s footings but the one hundred ton Assault Mech fell backwards onto its back, snapping the knee joint as it fell.  Although disabled due to the leg damage Zane triggered all four lasers and both SRM launchers targeted on the Atlas’s torso section breaching the assault Mech’s armour eating away at the engine shielding and gyro ensuring the Mech would remain out of the fight.

   Deeper in the battle zone five Elementals brought down a sixty-five ton Inner Sphere-built Catapult using a swarm-attack.  A swarm attack was five Elemental warriors working together disabling the Mech with laser attacks at joints and with attacks on weak armour spots over the Mech.  The Elementals then leapt clear leaving the Mech in a heap of metal and myomer.  Looking around not a single Nova Cat warrior had been taken down.

   The Shadow Cat of Star Colonel Jal Steiner engaged the Kingfisher a Mech twice is size, Jal triggered his Shadow Cat’s two arm mounted Extended-Range Large Lasers cutting away armour the Kingfisher returned fire with its own three large lasers, only one struck the Shadow Cat’s left leg causing some light armour damage.  Jal Steiner cut left then triggered his OmniMech’s six jump jets leaping over the Kingfisher, turning mid-air Jal opened fire with his Streak SRM launcher.  Streak SRMs would not fire if they were not guaranteed a lock the launcher fired and all six missiles slammed into the Kingfisher’s aft armour causing severe damage but luckily, for the Smoke Jaguar warrior, no armour breach.

   The Kingfisher began to turn but Jal Steiner was already moving, not waiting for the assault Mech to continue its attack, the Kingfisher’s medium ultra autocannon opened fire.  Ultra-class autocannons fired twice the speed of normal autocannons but the warrior’s skill was not up to the cannon’s firepower, the autocannon ripped up the landscape where the Shadow Cat was originally standing.  By the time the Kingfisher had adjusted their sights Jal Steiner triggered both lasers and the Streak SRM launcher causing more damage to the Smoke Jaguar assault Mech, the Kingfisher tried to adjust again but Jal Steiner fired his lasers and missiles again causing more damage to the assault Mech.  The Smoke Jaguar warrior fired the Kingfisher’s three lasers and autocannon again this time all three lasers went wide but the autocannon did not, the depleted-uranium shells ripped into the torso and left arm armour causing no heavy damage.  Cutting right Jal flicked a control that set the Streak SRM launcher on auto-fire, as soon as the launcher acquired a lock the missiles would fire.  Moving he triggered his lasers destroying the Kingfisher’s autocannon, at the same time the SRMs launched striking the Kingfisher with six high powered explosive missiles.  The Kingfisher tried to return fire however the warrior was not skilled at concentrating shots one laser struck the torso while another struck the undamaged right leg, Jal Steiner struck back with both lasers and missiles causing more damage, the lasers broke through the Kingfisher’s torso causing internal damage.  The Kingfisher staggered not for the first time, this fight was nearing its end and it had only just begun.

   Walking through the battlefield Zane looked for another target just then the comm. frequency crackled “Ebon Jaguar pilot, this is MechWarrior Camilla piloting the Owens.  I challenge you to a battle of warriors.”  The voice sounded like she was young Zane turned on the Jaguar Mech making a quick scan the Owens, a newer Inner Sphere OmniMech design built in the Draconis Combine.  This one had been upgraded with Clan technology making it a more powerful foe however it weighed only thirty-five tons and should still not cause Zane‘s heavy Mech trouble.

   â€œI accept your challenge MechWarrior” Zane said firing the Ebon Jaguar’s arm mounted autocannons one completely missed but the other hit the left arm.  The Owens accelerated to near one hundred-and-thirty kilometres per hour, the Owens opened fire with twin five-tube LRM launchers two tight groupings of missiles slammed into the Ebon Jaguar’s right side and the Owens pilot continued forward firing both medium lasers and a single small laser hitting the Ebon Jaguar’s back and leg armour. “Nice move” Zane said as the Owens disappeared into the fight Zane could not fire without risking hitting someone else breaking duelling rules.  Instead of firing Zane followed the Owens movements with his eyes and scanners, the light Mech dodged and ran then turned and began closing on the Ebon Jaguar again launching ten more LRMs, again tightly packed missiles slammed into the Ebon Jaguar indicating that the Owens carried advanced Artemis IV Fire Control Systems (FCS) for its missiles increasing their accuracy.  Zane opened fire with both of his own Mech’s LRM racks, this time his weapons did telling damage with well over half the thirty LRMs striking the Owens.

   Amazingly the Owens pilot remained upright and continued to close hitting the Ebon Jaguar with both medium lasers, Zane triggered another autocannon and an SRM pack striking the Owens the light Mech staggered but continued to come.  The Owens passed behind the Ebon Jaguar firing its medium and small lasers again Zane twisted the Mech’s torso left tracking the travelling Owens and struck out with both autocannon and both SRM racks showering the Owens in fire, once again the Mech seemed to be walking on so Zane opened up with his LRMs as well knocking the Mech down.  The Owens hit the ground and ran across the ground on its chest.  The Mech stopped moving but Zane decided that if the warrior survived she would be his bondsman, she had proven herself worthy of being a Nova Cat warrior.  Turning looking for another target he noticed that there were no Smoke Jaguars still standing, the Trial was over the Nova Cats had been victorious.  This was how battles should be fought and won, fast and with honour, Zane immediately moved to the Owens to see if the Mechs pilot had survived.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2012, 06:17:59 PM »

Smoke Jaguar Hall
Strana Mechty, Hall of the Khans
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
11th November 3058

   ilKhan Lincoln Osis looked at his saKhan, Brandon Howell “two days ago the Nova Cats took our supply base at Transfer Facility Four, just outside the Inner Sphere Occupation Zone.  They overran our garrison force, captured three DropShips, a JumpShip and six warehouses of supplies destined for the Inner Sphere.”  He said pacing back and fourth “and you thought they were no threat to our plans?”

   â€œA mistake, what retribution shall we take?”

   â€œSomething simple…” the ilKhan said quietly “but something clear and to the heart.”  He said thinking closer to home “like the BattleMech factory on Barcella, we will take it from the Nova Cats, that factory is their primary factory of front-line OmniMech Factory in the Homeworlds.”  Wherever the Nova Cats had gone they could not afford such a loss and their front-line forces would be crippled by loosing such a factory.

   â€œWe have no front-line Clusters in the Homeworlds, the only units in fighting shape are your Bodyguard and the Jaguar’s Den Command Trinary, my unit, neither is large enough to take a primary factory and I would not like to rely on Second-Line forces from Huntress.”  Secretly the Smoke Jaguars had replaced most of the Second-Line forces on Huntress with captured Inner Sphere Mech, some had Clan weapons but mostly the warriors were old and inferior to any Front-Line MechWarrior or Elemental, they were piloting inferior Mechs making them totally unreliable in anything but defence, perhaps even that.

   â€œThe Jaguar’s Rage is in the Homeworlds isn’t it?”  Osis said mentioning the Texas-class Battleship, the Clan’s flagship, the saKhan nodded the vessel was orbiting Huntress receiving supplies “good I believe the Anna Rosse, the Nova Cats precious York-class Destroyer, and the True Vision, their flagship Congress-class Frigate, are both still in the Homeworlds.  Send a message to Galaxy Commander Karl Devalis and inform him that in six days time the Jaguar’s Rage will challenge the Anna Rosse and the True Vision to a Trial of Possession for the Barcella OmniMech factory.  If no-one is there waiting for them the factory will be ours by default.”  He said confident that the Smoke Jaguar navy crew could defeat their Nova Cat kin despite the Nova Cat’s inherent naval skill, which rivalled the Snow Ravens.

Near Orbit
Barcella System, Clan Space
Clan Homeworlds, Kerensky Cluster
14th November 3058

   The Jaguar’s Rage moved through the New Barcella system the Texas-class Battleship was one of the biggest vessels available weighing in at just over one-and-a half million tons the vessel was the largest of all Clan Smoke Jaguar deadly in all situations just like the Clan and the animal it was named for.  Ahead hung the two Nova Cat WarShips the Anna Rosse, a York-class Destroyer/Carrier, and the True Vision, a Congress-class Frigate and laughingly the vessel the Nova Cat Navy called their Flagship.  The Jaguar’s Rage weighed more than both vessels put together.  As the Nova Cat vessels closed four DropShips and sixty fighters launched from the capital ships in retaliation the Jaguar’s Rage launched her own six DropShips and forty fighters it would be a tough fight between the support craft but the superior size of the Jaguar’s Rage should prevail in the battle.

   The Anna Rosse came at the Jaguar’s Rage travelling at near flank speed her fighters and DropShips close the ship closing head on presenting the smallest possible target for the Jaguar’s Rage’s gunners.  The Texas’ however needed only a small target for her primary armament to cause damage, the four Heavy Naval PPCs mounted in the Jaguar’s Rage’s bow lashed out first with three striking the front armour of the destroyer but the Anna Rosse continued to close firing Medium Naval PPCs and Lasers causing light damage.  The True Vision was completely out of sight uninvolved in the battle leaving the Anna Rosse to face a vessel twice her size, the Jaguar’s Rage crew became fixated on the rapidly closing York-class Destroyer/Carrier forgetting about the Congress.

   The Killer Whale Capital Anti-ship Missiles of the Jaguar’s Rage lashed out one struck a Nova Cat DropShip and the vessel exploded into flame killing all hands aboard in an instant, that was generally what happened when a DropShip attacked an enemy WarShip, the capital weapons on board a WarShip were no use against an aerospace fighter however against DropShips they were devastating.  The Anna Rosse and her fighters continued forward the Jaguar’s Rage’s own fighters and DropShips charged forward in an attempt to break-up the Nova Cat formations however the Nova Cat’s advantage in numbers and the Anna Rosse’s tightly packed anti-aerospace fighter guns took down many Smoke Jaguar fighters before one Nova Cat fighter could be destroyed significantly tipping the balance in the Nova Cat favour, if the WarShips could survive long enough for the fighters to take out the Smoke Jaguar auxiliary craft then the Nova Cat fighters could win the battle as the Jaguar’s Rage lacked significant anti-fighter weapons and was very vulnerable to fighter attacks.

   As the Texas charged its Heavy Naval PPC’s once more the Anna Rosse banked sharply to port immediately the guns along the York’s sides opened up putting a broadside of Heavy Autocannon and Lasers into the front of the Jaguar’s Rage ruining the Battleship’s forward armour, the Jaguar’s Rage’s own forward Naval PPCs now charged ripped into the Anna Rosse’s starboard flank destroying armour and two naval laser batteries.  The Jaguar’s Rage followed the PPC assault up with Naval Missiles and as the vessel turned pitting broadside against broadside the Jaguar’s Rage unleashed a full barrage of twelve class-55 Naval Lasers over half slammed into the York’s side armour.  The Anna Rosse’s armour crumpled under the onslaught and almost immediately there were internal explosions inside the Anna Rosse as systems aboard the vessel began to fail.

   The Nova Cat crew aboard the Anna Rosse fired again once more before the magazines buried deep inside the vessel cooked off completely and exploded ripping through the destroyer blowing the once proud vessel to pieces.  There was a cheer aboard the Jaguar’s Rage as the vessel exploded they had defeated the Nova Cats now all they had to do was destroy some fighters and this battle was over.  The cheer was short-lived however as the True Vision opened fire with its own barrage of Naval Autocannon and Missile fire slamming into the Jaguar’s Rage‘s rear armour and engines.

   Mounting heavier and more numerous Autocannons than a standard Congress the True Vision supported by the Anna Rosse’s surviving fighters and the surviving Nova Cat DropShips had taken care of the remaining Smoke Jaguar fighters and now together they attacked the Jaguar’s Rage.  The True Vision’s fire ripped into the Jaguar’s Rage destroying Naval lasers and causing hull breaches however the mighty Battleship refused to give up absorbing the damage with its thick armour.  Now the only chance of victory the Smoke Jaguar crew had was to destroy the True Vision before the Nova Cat fighters and DropShips began causing heavy damage.  As the mighty Texas turned the crew returned fire on the True Vision with its Heavy Naval PPCs, missiles and lasers causing damage across the Congress, the Jaguar’s Rage’s gunners were unable to concentrate their fire, although damaged the True Vision was still fully operational and it seemed that the Nova Cat Congress mounted heavier armour on top of the weapon modifications, perhaps it was not such an insignificant threat.

   Surviving the onslaught from the Texas the Nova Cat frigate had given a new lease of life continued to close, with the Jaguar’s Rage turning the True Vision took the risk of crossing the Jaguar’s Rage’s bow.  The Jaguar’s Rage crew attempted to hit the Congress however all they did was hit empty space and one of the Nova Cat DropShip, sending the crew spiralling to their deaths.  The True Vision opened fire hitting the Battleship’s forward armour where the Anna Rosse had already caused so much damage, heavy Autocannon and capital missiles slammed into the Texas‘ bow.  Suddenly without warning Jaguar’s Rage’s forward armour failed as two Killer Whale Capital Missiles fired from the True Vision’s forward launchers slammed into Texas’ forward facing reinforced Ferro-glass view ports.  The first missile damaged the Battleship’s forward armour, the second missile went straight through the ports entering the innards of the mighty vessel.  Travelling deep inside the Jaguar’s Rage the missile exploded setting off the Battleship’s own ammunition which ripped through the massive vessel tarring it apart, two nearby DropShips were caught in the explosion and destroyed by the debris.

   With the Jaguar’s Rage destroyed the remaining fighters and DropShips were swiftly taken by the Nova Cats as Isorla, spoils of battle.  On the ground the BattleMech factory was safe and secure in Nova Cat hands and on Strana Mechty ilKhan Lincoln Osis was not the happiest Clan warrior alive as he was given news of yet another defeat his forces had suffered at Nova Cat hands.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2012, 06:23:32 PM »

Strategic Planning and War Room
Davion Royal Palace, Avalon Island
New Avalon, Crucis March, Federated Suns
15th November 3058

   As Commanding-General of the Star League all nations of the new Star League were required to submit forces to Victor before any action would be taken.  Far inside the Federated Suns its own First Kathil Uhlans, two Rabid Fox Special Forces teams in Battle Armour and two Fox-class Corvettes were confirmed however so far no other nation had sent any force or word of what forces they would send to the Smoke Jaguar Homeworld of Huntress.

   Standing there looking at the map Victor missed Marshal of Armies Morgan Hasek-Davion as he walked into the command room, buried under the Davion Palace, behind him was a familiar face General Ariana Winson commander of the Eridani Light Horse Mercenary Brigade.  “Victor” Morgan said quietly, Victor turned and noticed Ariana Winson standing there her presence indicated to Victor that their forces would join the new Star League but Victor need to hear it from her directly “General, welcome to New Avalon and to a room that few mercenaries have ever stepped.”

   â€œThank You, First Prince” Ariana said testing the ground only recently Victor had worn the uniform of the old Federated Suns, now she tested to see if Victor had adopted the old rank of that nation instead of Archon-Prince the rank of the leader of the united Federated Commonwealth, Victor nodded “Sir, the Eridani Light Horse Regiments would like to accept your invitation to rejoin the Star League and would like to volunteer all three Regiments for duty on Huntress.  Also I bring word from the Northwind Highlanders they are willing to place McLeod’s Regiment, the First Ghurkhas Infantry Battalion and a special company under your command for an extremely modest price, for mercenaries.”  She said handing Victor the Highlanders mercenary contract glancing over it Victor smiled having the Highlanders, one of the oldest and most elite Mercenaries available in the entire Inner Sphere.  Having them support the reborn Star League would add more strength to the force and more legitimacy, the old First Lord‘s bodyguard - the Black Watch Regiment - had originally been close to the Highlanders with many, many warriors of that famous regiment from Northwind, the Highlanders Homeworld.

   â€œSir, the Nadir Point Recharge Station reports that eight ComStar WarShips and twelve JumpShips just entered the system all IFF (Identification-Friend-or-Foe) are for the Star League.  They say they have the Second Division and four WarShips for Serpent and Invader Galaxy supported by four WarShips for an Opposition Force (OppFor) for training purposes.”  One of the rooms tech’s said from the Deep Space Sensor and Communication Station, Victor smiled.

   â€œMore troops for me, good to know it won’t just be me an the Uhlans.”  Morgan said Ariana turned to look at Morgan.  “General, some might say the Federated Suns are lording over Task Force Serpent and Bulldog and perhaps we are however I would like to show the Inner Sphere that we include the whole Inner Sphere in the command structure.  Will you serve as my deputy commander?  You do after all bring the largest force to the Task Force and plan on permanently serving the SLDF.”  Morgan said looking to the former mercenary General and now the Star League General, Ariana Winson nodded her agreement and extended her hand shaking Morgan‘s and then Victor‘s hands in acceptance.

   â€œWhat of the ComGuard?  They will not like being left out of command decisions.”

   â€œAlready sorted, Precentor Allan Beresick will become Commodore Beresick and will command the Naval Contingent of the force, being that you are likely to encounter Smoke Jaguar WarShips on the other side it made sense to have a seasoned WarShip commander in the hot-seat.”  Victor said Ariana and Morgan both nodded.

   â€œSire, we are receiving a communication feed from Luthien via HPG it is Coordinator Hohiro Kurita.”

   â€œA live-feed?” Victor asked the tech nodded “it must be costing the Combine a fortune with ComStar.”  Victor said under his breath interstellar communications was conducted by HPGs most were controlled by ComStar, although the Word of Blake apparently controlled several as well, maintaining a live-feed meant dozens of HPG stations on as many worlds had to be active at once costing millions of C-Bills.  Very few people could afford such an expense and so only nations did it, and even then it was rarely “Put him through on the main screen.”  the Tech nodded again and within a few moments Coordinator Hohiro Kurita’s face appeared on the screen.  “Coordinator, it is good to see you in fine health”

   â€œI thank you, Victor-san” Hohiro said giving a slight bow, they had become friends on Outreach. “Because much of the DCMS will be fighting in Bulldog (Inner Sphere Operation Codename) I cannot give you a BattleMech regiment.”  Hohiro shifted as he noticed Victor’s displeasure at this, the only way they would be victorious would be if they had the full support of both Serpent and Bulldog.  Victor had expected full support from the Draconis Combine and prayed his friend had not abandoned the new Star League at the first operation.  “Instead I have made available a Kyushu-class Frigate, four assault DropShips and three Draconis Elite Strike Teams (DEST) outfitted Kage Armour, the most advanced Battle Armour we can field.  They are currently on the Combine side of our borders awaiting clearance to enter Federated Suns territory, where shall I direct them?”  Victor involuntary glanced at Morgan despite their alliance under the Star League a Combine WarShip in Federated Suns space without escort was almost unthinkable.

   â€œHohiro, I cannot allow your frigate to enter Federated Suns space unescorted” he noticed Hohiro’s expression turn sour “if the frigate entered our space unescorted I could not guarantee its safety, I’m sure you understand.”  Victor pause glancing at a nearby screen pretending to take in the data “the WarShip Intrepid will be in the Breed…” he glanced at Morgan who nodded, the Fox-class Corvette was undergoing trials throughout the Draconis March “…in the Breed system in two days, from there the Kyushu will be allowed entrance and safe conduct to the Defiance system.”  Although the Corvette would stand no chance against a Frigate it still gave the impression that the Federated Suns was guarding itself against the possible threat from the Draconis Combine.

   â€œI understand Prince Davion, old rivalries die hard” Hohiro said nodding slowly, he looked slightly disappointed but understood.  The two men could become friends in combat against a mutual enemy but nations would take longer to heal old wounds. “the Haruna will wait for your signal.”  Hohiro said cutting the link.

   â€œThis might actually work” Ariana said quietly.

   â€œMaybe” Victor said turning from the video link back to the map.  “Morgan make sure the Intrepid’s skipper takes them nowhere near Kentares, as the Coordinator said ‘Old Rivalries Die Hard’”  Victor said walking from the room, Kentares IV had been a black spot in the history between the Combine and the Federated Suns for centuries.  During one of the Wars that had ravaged the Inner Sphere a Combine leader had been killed there and in retaliation the Combine commander had ordered the death of the entire population, eighty-five percent of the population had been killed before the Federated Suns had regained control of the world.

Throne Room
Forbidden City, Sian
Capellan Confederation
14th November 3058

   Sang-iang-jung Talon Zahn Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao’s military Warlord stood in front of the Chancellor’s throne off to the side was Duchess Isis Marik, Sun-Tzu’s long term fiancé and the daughter of Thomas Marik, “Sir, Kingston’s Legionaries have mustered and are ready to leave to join the Star League force.”  Talon said naming the token Capellan unit Sun-Tzu had selected the Legionaries were a former-Mercenary Unit that Sun-Tzu had brought under the Capellan banner, they were a Regular-rated Regiment and known for questionable tactics.  A perfect token unit for the new League and their suicidal strike against the Smoke Jaguars, Sun-Tzu nodded, what was better was the Legionaries commander believed it was a great honour to be chosen.

   â€œGood, clear them to leave and tell Colonel Kingston he has my full support and I wish to see his troops return safe and well.”  He said quietly thoughtlessly “can we do anything to take advantage of the rest of the Inner Sphere’s pre-occupation?”

   â€œOur Chaos March operations could be accelerated and your Xin-Sheng operations could perhaps be brought to the fore.”

   â€œGood, what about St Ives?”

   â€œSt Ives Compact is a sovereign State of the Star League, any operation against them will turn the Inner Sphere against you Sun-Tzu” Isis said as Talon raised one hand to his earpiece.

   â€œWhat is it Zahn?”  Sun-Tzu said quietly giving Isis a ‘quiet’ look, her input was not required.

   â€œSir, I have House Master Shiao-zhang Rachel Moore of Warrior House Lu Sann at the main gates.  She is requesting an audience immediately, she says it regards the Star League and the Capellan’s standing in the Inner Sphere.

   â€œA bit melodramatic.”  Isis muttered quietly moving off to one side, Talon tracked her movements with a frown on his face.

   â€œChancellor, I have known Rebecca Moore for several years and although she is young for a House Master and prone to quick choices she is one hundred percent loyal to House Liao and you, she certainly is not melodramatic.”  Talon said glancing angrily at Isis “she is good at seeing opportunities when others do not.”  Talon Zahn said quietly, Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao nodded and Talon raised his hand to his ear once more “send House Master Moore in.”  He said into the comm. within a few minutes Rebecca Moore arrived in the Throne Room, Rebecca Moore was twenty-nine years old and had shot through the Warrior House ranks to lead on of the Confederation‘s most elite formations despite her none Capellan ancestry.

   â€œChancellor, I will come straight to my point.  I wish to take my House to Huntress as part of the SLDF, we will bring honour to the Capellan Confederation and ensure the SLDF bring Clan Smoke Jaguar to its knees.”  Rebecca Moore said

   â€œHouse Master, I thank you for your straightness now allow me to be equally as blunt the mission to Huntress is a suicide mission.  Any unit that goes to Huntress will die.”  Sun-Tzu said looking at the House Master, she never flinched looking directly at Sun-Tzu who looked to Talon Zahn who fought for a moment then nodded.  “As you wish House Master, Kingston’s Legionaries is preparing to leave for Davion space your force is to join them.  I will order Colonel Kingston to report to and support your House in all ways.”

   â€œOf course Chancellor” Rebecca said quietly “we will destroy the Smoke Jaguars and bring great glory to the Confederation.”  She said saluting before leaving the throne room.  Sun-Tzu waited for the House Master to leave then turned to Talon Zahn.

   â€œEnsure our forces and our plans are adapted to one less Warrior House.”  The Chancellor said to his Warlord who grimly nodded “and send a message to the First Lord Marik and Commanding-General Davion of the forces we have put forward to Task Force Serpent.”  Talon nodded once more and moved out of the Throne Room.

   â€œWhat if they complete their mission?”  Talon dared to ask Sun-Tzu looked at him then at Isis, her rebellious streak was rubbing off on his aide now as well, that would have to stop.  Sun-Tzu ignored the question got up and headed for the exit.

   â€œHe truly see this as an impossible task doesn‘t he?”  Isis asked Talon once the Chancellor had left, Talon rolled his eyes at Isis then left himself, more than ever since coming to Sian Isis felt alone.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2012, 06:26:34 PM »

Ioto Galactic Enterprises and Bowie Industries
Port Sydney Shipyards, Alarion
Alarion Province, Lyran Alliance
16th November 3058

   The Alarion shipyards have been around since the era of the First Star League, during its height the shipyards could produce six WarShips at once and produce various other DropShips, fighters and JumpShips.  During the Succession Wars this capacity had diminished to only a couple of JumpShip lines with the occasional DropShip and fighter line being added with no more WarShips for centuries.  During the Lyran alliance with the Federated Suns Prince Hanse Davion had concentrated on upgrading the Galax, New Syrtis and Kathil shipyards in the Federated Suns slowing the development of the Lyran WarShip Program.  Luckily Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion, during his short rein, had diverted funding to Alarion just before the Lyran Secession and now the first WarShip the Fox-class LAS Katrina Steiner was nearing completion as was a second shipyard construction line.  Sitting in the gravity-deck of the Corporate Headquarters for Ioto Galactic Enterprises, primary fundraiser and owner of the Alarion facility, Fleet Admiral Lyn Hood, Head of the LAAF Admiralty, looked out at the WarShip under construction.  Soon the vessel known as the Katrina Steiner would be her command, behind the Admiral stood Duke Anatoly Serfass, Noble leader of Alarion and a major fundraiser of the refurbishment of the Shipyards, he stood near the complementary drinks bar.

   From the side door Duke Clarence Vanderzham, owner of Bowie Industries, and Seamus Zuiderwyk, CEO of Ioto Galactic Enterprises, entered with two aides.  Both Anatoly Serfass and Lyn Hood both turned to greet them “What is going on gentleman?  Khan Phelan Kell of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) was willing to give me a tour of his command ship, the Werewolf, a McKenna-class Battleship.  That would have given us a great insight into Clan WarShip construction and operation, instead I am here looking at a vessel that is still not complete.”

   â€œI understand your frustration, Fleet Admiral however, we have discovered something rather exciting that we think could turn the Lyran WarShip Program on its head.”  Duke Clarence Vanderzham said smiling as he moved to the drinks bar, he was quite youthful for the CEO of one of the Alliance’s biggest and most profitable enterprises.

   â€œFleet Admiral Hood, what do you think the Archon would say if we could give her two fully operational seven hundred-and-fifty thousand ton Heavy Cruisers in two years?”  Seamus Zuiderwyk said walking over to the windows leaning on the window frame.  He had a right to be pleased with himself, if they could deliver on this promise then they would be giving the Alliance two WarShips that were three times the size of the Fox-class a WarShip a vessel worthy of the title of Lyran Alliance Flagship.

   â€œI would say that you have been drinking Mr Zuiderwyk.” Lyn said smelling the glass in front of her, the alcohol was not that strong, “it will take us at least six years to complete one Mjolnir-class Battle-cruiser and in the meantime we will have two perhaps three Foxes.  The Lyran Alliance has not the money or the resources to begin constructing another WarShip class, the design costs would cost billions alone, it’s something we can not afford.”  Lyn said she left out the fact that the Lyran Alliance military budget was mainly concentrated on upgrading ground forces and the defences alone the Clan borders not on constructing WarShips which could cost as much as a whole planets gross yearly profit.

   â€œThe cost of designing the new vessel will cost you nothing.  All it would cost is the upgrading of another shipyard and the cost of weapons and labour.  The labour I am sure we could find on Alarion, with the Duke‘s support.”  Clarence Vanderzham said taking a drink over to the planetary duke, the fleet admiral and the other CEO.

   â€œAlarion would happily support such a venture” the Duke said having the system here was a boon for his people but he had to ask “How can you make such a promise?” Duke Anatoly Serfass asked “your companies have not nearly enough money to spend on research or construction of a base hull let alone two.”

   â€œAh, but Duke you forget the planetary asteroid belt hides much of the rest of the system.  Beyond the belt there are four planets in this system.”  Seamus Zuiderwyk said “eight days ago we were looking at records damaged during the Succession Wars and we found an interesting file and sent out a DropShip to investigate the claim.  We thought we might find some resources or information instead we found something far more exciting.”  He said pressing a button a large plasma screen lowered out of the roof the screen brought up two long thin vessels being moved by several smaller Tug-class DropShips. “we found these around the last planet the asteroids and radiation had masked their presence for centuries.  They have no weapons and some structural damage from meteor hits and age, however with a little work we can have them fully operational once more.  We even have full schematically data on the class in our computers found along with their approximate location.”  He said as the screen changed to a breakdown of each vessel’s basic performance statistics and armament.

   â€œAll we need is funding and a go-ahead to continue.” Clarence Vanderzham said, Lyn Hood looked to Serfass who nodded his support then turned back to the men.

   â€œI will need to talk to the Archon.”  the Fleet Admiral said, after six hours of conversation with the Archon and several other advisers she returned “please proceed as soon as possible gentleman.  The Archon is very pleased at your initiative at looking for the ships and said that both your companies will be well rewarded once they are in service.  Only one question what are their names and the class name so she can broadcast the find the nation?”

   â€œThe vessels are known as the Athens and the Cairo, they are the last examples of the Hyperion Heavy Cruiser-class an escort vessel of the great Tharkad-class Battle-cruiser.  They served the Lyran Commonwealth throughout the Star League-era.”

   â€œWell hopefully the Athens and Cairo will soon escort the Mjolnir-class into battle and will be the standard bearers of the Lyran Navy into the next century.”  Fleet Admiral Lyn Hood said raising her glass briefly toasting the others in the room.  The presence of these craft would significantly boost the power of the Lyran WarShip fleet.
Hall of the Khans, Nova Cat Hall
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
18th November 3058

   Sitting behind his desk Karl Devalis looked at Star Colonel Jal Steiner and the document in front of him, still unopened.  “Why are you here with this and not one of the two Galaxy Commanders that are on planet with this information?”

   â€œThe Khan gave me this, he asked me to give you it once we arrived in the Homeworlds, it is unopened and now I will travel with MechWarrior Zane to the Carns Bloodname Trial on Tranquil.”  He said looking to the seated Galaxy Commander.

   â€œThe Khan?”  He asked the Nova Cat WarShips had maintained communication silence on their approach to the Clan Homeworlds.

   â€œKhan Santin West, Galaxy Commander.”

   â€œKhan Santin West…very good Star Colonel, dismissed” Karl said quietly a small smile crossed his lips, Jal was unsure if he was acknowledging what the Jal Steiner had said or giving Santin West his congratulations from afar.  Jal Steiner turned to leave and motioned for the doors “and Star Colonel wish MechWarrior Zane my best and inform him that I expect him to return victorious.”  Steiner nodded and left the room.  Karl reached forward to the sealed envelope and opened it, from the inside Karl removed an envelope and two matching insignia Karl gasped as he read the new Khan‘s orders.

   A standard hour later he sent a message to the Khans of Clans Diamond Shark and Snow Raven, both Clans assistance would be needed for this plan to succeed.  A few hours later Karl moved from the Nova Cat’s Hall and headed for the Diamond Shark’s Hall, there he met up with both Khan Barbara Sennet, Clan Diamond Shark, and Khan Lynn McKenna, Clan Snow raven.  “Galaxy Commander, how can we assist the Nova Cats at this time?” Barbara Sennet said as he entered then she noticed his new insignia “my apologies saKhan Devalis, how we assist?”  She asked indicating to the seats Karl sat down as did the two Khans.

   â€œYour Clans control the Samarkand Naval Brian Cache located off Point Alpha Six in the Delios system the Nova Cats require access to the vessels within it.”  Karl said getting straight to the point both Khans exchanged looks, rarely did the Clans activate more of their stored WarShips, unless they had a major operation planned.

   â€œsaKhan Devalis, why do the Nova Cats require another WarShip or several WarShips?”  Lynn McKenna asked, the Snow Ravens controlled a sizable fleet of active WarShips and liked to keep tabs on the other Clans naval forces, and since the Nova Cats already had a sizable navy she was obviously worried at the Nova Cats activating more naval forces.

   â€œRecently the Anna Rosse was destroyed and the True Vision, our flagship, was crippled over Barcella by Clan Smoke Jaguar‘ Jaguar’s Rage.  We have decided to renovate several SLDF-era vessels and create a new class of WarShip that will act as the Nova Cat’s new flagship and command vessels for future operations.”

   â€œAn expensive prospect saKhan, how does the Nova Cats plan to do this?  Your Clan controls no Shipyards.”  Lynn McKenna said, traditionally the Nova Cats traded with the Snow Ravens or the Diamond Sharks for assistance in any major retrofit operation.

   â€œOur Clan has obtained new resources in the last few months, information will be forthcoming when we know exactly what we have.”  Karl said keeping his answers guarded, so far the Nova Cats had told no-one of their new home, not even their allies knew of the Nova Cat’s Den.  “On the table I place these WarShips in trade, how you deploy them up is up to you, in exchange we want three Avatar-class Cruisers.”  He said placing a computer pad on the table Khan Barbara Sennet reached out and took the pad and began looking over the information.

   â€œInteresting you are willing to exchange four transport/merchant vessels and two destroyers for three cruisers, a very militaristic approach, what are the Nova Cats up to?”

   â€œAll will be revealed soon, Khan Santin West will be returning to the Homeworlds in approximately eight weeks, he will explain all then.”  Karl promised, in his order Khan West had said he would return to the Homeworlds but not when, all Karl was interested in was securing the three Cruisers.

   Barbara Sennet looked to Lynn McKenna “the possession of another two Carracks and another Merchant would be helpful to our trade, the Snow Ravens could take the third Carrack and both Lola-III destroyers increasing your own trade fleet and your WarShip forces.”  The Diamond Shark Khan said, it was obvious from her tone that a trade was definitely on the cards.

   â€œI would agree with that, and what of the Colossus DropShips?  The more interesting side of the deal.”  The Snow Raven Khan said, the Colossus were ancient and not in use by any Clan, as far as either Clan was aware none had survived to see the Exodus, the Nova Cats certainly had found some new resources.

   â€œThe depending on their condition I believe I can convince the Goliath Scorpions to purchase both vessels they are always interested in relics of the Star League, split the proceeds fifty-fifty.”  Barbara said, Lynn nodded Karl who had remained silent the decided to speak.

   â€œSo we have a deal?”  He asked at the system’s jump point the Nova Cat WarShips were waiting if necessary the Nova Cats were willing to fight a trial over the vessels.

   â€œAye, saKhan Devalis we have a deal, have your people deliver these WarShips to the Cache and they can take possession of the three cruisers.”  Barbara said standing Lynn McKenna and Karl both followed suit, with a slight nod Karl left the room.  “What are the Cats up to?”

   â€œUnknown, up until recently they have had only a single Galaxy based in the Homeworlds with the Nova Cats consolidating their forces in only a few positions.  However, I have reports of at least two more Galaxies have arrived back in the Homeworlds with the Nova Cat trade fleet, it appears they have secured their new home and decided to return in strength, from what we can tell none of their forces appear battle damaged.”  Lynn said.

   â€œPerhaps they have colonised more worlds, like they did during the Golden Century” Barbara suggested, during that however the Nova Cats had worked closely with the Snow Ravens and the Diamond Sharks this time neither had been consulted on any colonisation efforts “Where is this new home?” Barbara asked.

   â€œUnknown, reports we received suggested they were moving through the Draconis Combine Periphery and they hit several Smoke Jaguar positions costing the Jaguars heavily.  Which is why the Smoke Jaguars attacked and destroyed the Nova Cat vessels over Barcella.”

   â€œThe Nova Cats have always had mystical leanings and have always taken strange paths, however they have always been strong allies when they have been needed in peace or war, I will support them.”  The Diamond Shark Khan said, the Snow Raven Khan remained silent she did not have such faith in the Nova Cats but for now they were little threat to her Clan.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2012, 06:30:56 PM »

Battle Armour Bay One
Deep Space Research Centre
Smoke Jaguar controlled Deep Periphery
20th November 3058

   Although clad in his Clan’s newest Battle Armour Trooper Kennel felt angry, three years ago he had been injured in battle, the injury had healed but lowered his combat effectiveness enough to stop him from taking part in front-line combat.  Now while other warriors his age were fighting Inner Sphere troops he was stuck on a research base with members of the scientist caste, there was no chance of him ever winning rank or a Bloodname on this rock and with his injury there was no chance of real combat at all.  “That was good Elemental Kennel, another run like your that and we should have the data we need.”

   â€œAnother run…” Kennel said warily “yes, Scientist-General” he said closing the faceplate of his suit.  Moving out of the bay he crossed the small parade ground, exited the base and climbed a small hill entering the firing rage “I am in position Scientist-General.”

   â€œVery good Elemental Kennel.  Begin, all weapon systems and tracking are active” the Scientist said Kennel smiled, the active weapons had not tracked him well in the last four test runs, the Battle Armour‘s prototype stealth armour was very effective if a little dishonourable.

   Ducking down low Kennel ran forward accelerating forward, the suit soon reached its top running speed of just over thirty-two kilometres per hour.  The stealth armour shielding it from longer range weapons, the laser turrets and long range missiles were useless.  Kennel laughed although the suit was less manoeuvrable than standard Elemental suits they were fast along the ground and were harder to hit due to the stealth characteristics of their armour.  Crossing between a group of turrets the suit’s darker stealth armour disappeared from the turret sensors and allowed Kennel to reach the end zone, triggering the extended-range small laser twice Kennel struck and destroyed both targets in quick succession.

   â€œBase this is Kennel, test complete” he said into the internal communication system built into the suit.  All he got was static over the comm. “base this is Kennel do you receive? how did is do?”  Still nothing turning around he looked back at the base, everything looked normal enough so he started out perhaps it was a problem with his communication systems.

   Reaching the base a few minutes later Kennel realised that everything was not normal the gates had been kicked in by something.  Rounding the gates he saw an Inner Sphere built Panther, a thirty ton BattleMech, standing in the parade ground with a pair of flatbed vehicles close.  With a deafening blast the Panther opened fire with its main weapon a Particle Projection Cannon.  The lightning bolt from the PPC slammed into the research centre doors which held up to the blast.  The facility had been built to sustain attack and could sustain some hits but not a constant barrage, the Panther fired again the doors continued to hold for now.

   â€œStavag, bandit caste this is Kennel, of Clan Smoke Jaguar, you shall die for your actions.”  He said charging forward grabbing the Panther’s leg with his suits battle claw.  The pilot was obviously experienced enough to try and shake him clear however Kennel was having none of it climbing the Panther’s humanoid body firing his laser cutting into the leg armour of the BattleMech, moving up the Mech he leaned off the Panther and fired at one of the flatbed trucks, the laser hit the fuel tank of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and the vehicle exploded killing six people around it.  The Panther pilot continued to shake about trying to knock him clear but Kennel ignored it, climbing higher up the Mech he fired into the back of the Mech, damaging the Mech’s lighter back armour causing more damage.  The Panther stumbled forward then the pilot followed the MechWarrior’s best defence against Battle Armour, deliberately falling forward the pilot rolled the Mech onto its back Kennel barely got out of the way. “Ha! Stavag you cannot beat me, I am Kennel Smoke Jaguar.  You will never beat me” suddenly in the heat of combat he felt wonderful his old injury causing him no trouble at all.

   â€œBut I will” someone said over the comm. looking at his sensors Kennel noticed something else had moved onto his sensors “break off Joachim, I will handle this little pest.”  The Panther moved off, Kennel turned around to see a fifty-five ton Vapour Eagle (Goshawk) its weapons raised in his direction.  “Smoke Jaguar warrior I give you a choice surrender or die.”

   â€œI will not surrender to you Stavag dark caste outlaws, this is a Smoke Jaguar facility you are attacking, I am sworn to defend it, your actions here will not be forgotten…” Kennel said triggering the suits laser once more destroying the second flatbed just as another two rounded the corner it was a punitive attack but Kennel felt better.  The Vapour Eagle warrior opened fire with his Mech’s four heavy machine guns mounted in one arm and large pulse laser mounted in the other.  The machine guns ripped the battle armours armour with hundreds of bullet hits and the large pulse laser destroyed all remains of the suit killing Kennel giving him the warrior’s death he had craved for years.

   â€œOf course they will, this is a tiny base that no-one cares about.”  the Vapour Eagle pilot said over an open frequency walking forward his weapons trained now on the facility “you have one minute to surrender or we kill you.”  He said into the comm. the scientists inside were out of the building within thirty seconds.  The remaining ground troops herded the scientists together while other new arrivals removed all equipment from the base “rig explosives beside the power station, make it look like an accident, take the scientists and the techs, we might need them later.”  the Vapour Eagle pilot said moving out, on the left leg of the Mech was the insignia of Clan Burrock, the remaining two flatbeds now loaded with equipment and scientists followed as did the Panther, moments later the entire base was engulfed in an explosion from the main power plant.

Carns Bloodname Trials
Tranquil, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
24th November 3058

   MechWarrior Zane looked up at his Arctic Cheetah as techs moved over the OmniMech changing weapons systems giving the Mech an entirely new profile and combat stance.  Sitting in the cockpit was Bondswoman Camilla, the Smoke Jaguar Owens pilot he had taken in the periphery raids, “Camilla, will the Mech be ready?”  He asked, the former-Smoke Jaguar looked at him then over the Mech.

   â€œAye, MechWarrior Zane” she said “the Mech will be ready” she said dismounting the Mech, luckily the Arctic Cheetah was of low stature and she was able to quickly move to the deck unaided.  “Are you ready Zane?”  She asked quietly, Camilla was a year older than Zane and despite her status as Zane’s bondswoman, and her history as a former Smoke Jaguar, the two had become friendly over their brief time together.

   â€œAye, I have a Wolf warrior named Alaric first.  He pilots a Hankyu, forty-five tons heavier armour but it is slightly slower nothing I can’t handle.”

   â€œThe Wolf warrior has probably looked at the terrain and been over ever inch of it a hundred times” she noticed Zane’s query look “the Trial my forbid such an action but the Wolves want the Nova Cats foothold out of the Carns Bloodhouse permanently.” she explained Zane nodded the Wolves hated the Nova Cats for their ownership of a Wolf Bloodname, the odds of success would be stacked against Zane.

   â€œYou will need your rest, I would get some sleep before you face Alaric, I will ensure you are woken before the trial.”  Camilla said, Zane nodded and moved to leave “and you will succeed MechWarrior Zane.”  Zane looked back briefly smiled and left the Mechbay, Camilla watched Zane leave then turned back to the Arctic Cheetah.

   That afternoon Zane in his Arctic Cheetah walked onto the Trial area, roughly three hundred metres of open ground with some light trees and a few large rocks an almost perfect duelling area.  At the other side of the trial area a sixty-five ton Hellbringer entered the area “this is MechWarrior Alaric of the Wolf Clan, I challenge you to a duel of warriors for the right of the Carns Bloodname.”  Zane listened to the Wolf warrior, it was the right man but the wrong Mech the Wolves had substituted Alaric’s Mech for a Mech twenty tons heavier.  MechWarriors were trained in various but most decided on a single class and specialized in it over all others, Zane could only hope Alaric was a Medium pilot and unfamiliar with the larger Hellbringer.

   â€œThis is Zane of the Nova Cats, I challenge you for the honour of this Bloodname.”  Zane said keeping it simple, he looked at the sensor readout on the Hellbringer, although the twice the size of his Mech, the Hellbringer was slower and it’s armour was sub-standard for a heavy which would give Zane a chance.  Looking at the Hellbringer’s armament he noticed a Gauss Rifle, an LB-autocannon and a pair of six-shot SRM racks a powerful opponent and a popular duelling design.

   From across the plain a Gauss flew out missing the Arctic Cheetah by metres, the autocannon followed and struck home but it was a mere cluster shot which shattered over the Arctic Cheetah’s forward torso armour.  Charging forward Zane immediately accelerated to one hundred-and-thirty kilometres per hour the Arctic Cheetah shot forward the Hellbringer’s Gauss Rifle and autocannon cycled, one hit from the Gauss Rifle would be enough to cripple the Arctic Cheetah.

   Zane had also gone with a more aggressive weapons load an Extended-Range PPC in the left torso on a shoulder mount, two Extended Range Medium Lasers and a single small laser in the right torso.  Zane opened fire with his PPC scoring a hit on the Hellbringer’s right arm just as Alaric fired again, this time with the distances shortening the second the autocannon missed however the Gauss Rifle struck home ripping the Arctic Cheetah’s left arm in half with a single supersonic slug Zane compensated for the loss maintaining his Mech’s balance but it was a warning of what the Hellbringer could do.  Holding fire for a couple of seconds more he triggered the Arctic Cheetah’s six jump jets launching the OmniMech skyward on the climb the two Extended-Range Medium Lasers struck out stripping the left arm of the Hellbringer of all armour, the long muzzle of the rifle melted under the massive heat of the lasers, robbing the Mech of its best offensive weapon, amazingly the Gauss Rifle didn’t explode.  Alaric obviously not ready for the attack stepped back but was able to trigger both SRM launchers peppering the Arctic Cheetah with missile Zane fought the Mech’s movements and landed the Mech upright but between a pair of trees.

   Alaric turned triggering the autocannon again ripping into the rear armour of the Arctic Cheetah, the light OmniMech wailed at the hit and the stabilising gyro registered damage.  Zane engaged his jump jets again, Zane launched the Mech backwards in one of the most difficult manoeuvres a MechWarrior could try.  The Arctic Cheetah flew behind the Hellbringer once more and Zane triggered both medium lasers, the small laser and the PPC in mid-air ripping into the Hellbringer’s rear armour the heavy Mech stumbled forward and Zane noticed it fall just as the Arctic Cheetah landed.  The Arctic Cheetah’s lightly armoured legs couldn’t handle such a move and the left leg broke in two just below the knee Zane was slammed back into his chair and found himself looking straight at the ceiling as the Mech slammed into the ground, the rear armour was breached again causing some engine damage flooding the cockpit with warm air “Stavag!” Zane cursed, Alaric would get a free strike on his downed Mech, fighting the Arctic Cheetah Zane fought his Mech and tried to raise it on one-and-a-half legs.  Looking at the Hellbringer Zane saw the Wolf Mech still hadn’t stood up “did I just win?” Zane whispered just as the comm. system crackled.

   â€œWith MechWarrior Alaric’s Mech disabled due to damage the victory goes to MechWarrior Zane of Clan Nova Cat.”  Zane couldn’t believe it, his PPC and lasers had caused heavy enough damage to disable the heavier Hellbringer.

   An hour later Zane was back in the Mechbay with Camilla “what did you do to my Mech?”  She said looking at him, she had watched the trial she knew well and fine what had happened but she was trying to show her frustration “it took me near six hours to get that Mech working in good shape and in six minutes you go and break it.  How am I expected to keep Mech’s in the field with attrition like that?”  She said her clothes were covered in grim and by the look on her face she expected more, looking at the Arctic Cheetah Zane could see why she was annoyed the left leg was severed below the knee, the armour was pitted back and front and the lasers in the left hand here fused after Zane had used that arm to prop up the Mech during the battle.

   â€œYou won’t have to keep my Mech working any longer Camilla” Zane said Camilla turned towards him questioning, as a bondswoman she was expected to be his tech/general servant and the only way out of that was for the Bondsmaster to cut her loose “give me your wrists” Zane said drawing his knife Camilla raised her hands, Zane reached forward and cut the bonds which fell to the ground.  “Camilla you were formerly a Smoke Jaguar warrior, my Clan’s deadly enemy.  However over the last couple of weeks you have become a sounding board and an excellent Tech for my clan, as a result I return you to MechWarrior status effective immediately.  Speak with the quartermasters as soon as you get a chance for a uniform and a Mech assignment.”  Camilla stood looking at the cut bonds the looked up and smiled looking to Zane with a brief nod she turned and walked away rubbing her wrists smiling, all warriors taken as bondsman dreamed of one thing to return to MechWarrior status.
Stellar Serpent (Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser)
High Orbit, Avon
Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone
12th December 3058

    â€œThis is Galaxy Commander Erica Hazen of Clan Star Adder’s Beta Galaxy in response to attacks carried out by Clan Smoke Jaguar forces on Irece we have come.  You will surrender this world to us or you will die for it.”

   â€œThis is Star Colonel Paul Moon of Clan Smoke Jaguar, we refute your claim to this world.  We have a full Galaxy on planet and will defend with all forces at our disposal.”

   â€œWhat no Trial of Possession?  Have the Jaguars been that seduced by the Inner Sphere that they cannot follow our ways of combat.”

   â€œThis world is of vital importance to the Smoke Jaguar Clan Galaxy Commander, we have thousands of tons of supplies on planet and will defend this with our full force.  If there is to be a Batchall our first bid is four clusters of ground troops, two Aerospace trinaries and the York-class Carrier Lioness with full DropShip and fighter support, our final bid is the same.”

   â€œThe Lioness?  We see no WarShip, perhaps you should rethink your bid.”  Hazen said just as sensors began to detect the Lioness coming around the planet.  Sensors reported a Titan-class Carrier DropShip attached giving the WarShip even more fighters to throw into the fray.

   â€œWe stand by our bid Galaxy Commander, what is your bid?”  Hazen had a choice she could order her troops to attack and face heavy damage and possibly defeat or she could retreat, lose face and invite a challenge from other members of the unit.  The Galaxy Commander stood there for several moments then switched the communication system back to transmit.

   â€œSo be it Star Colonel Moon, do you wish to select a battleground for the trial?”

   â€œA battleground?  We choose the planet and the space around her, no safcon will be given” Moon said telling Hazen that the Star Adders would receive no safe passage to the planet for their ground troops, this battle would be very bloody.  Just then the Lioness began launching fighters, DropShips and arming her weapons including painting the Star Adder WarShips with full offensive sensors.

   â€œHell” she said turning to the vessel’s commander “destroy the Lioness, and ensure our DropShips make landfall.”

   â€œGladly Galaxy Commander, sensors paint that York with full offensive firepower, helm prepare for full combat manoeuvring.  Galaxy Commander I would be pleased if you and your DropShips could get off my ship, things are about to get busy up here.”  He said Hazen nodded and moved towards the exit, soon he would lead the Star Adders to victory on the ground below them and WarShip Combat was way above his pay grade or experience, leave it to the experts.

Hall of the Khans, Karl Devalis Personnel Quarters
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
15th December 3058

    A Khan’s quarters was not guarded on Strana Mechty as no Khan would ever attack another outside a trial.  Karl Devalis had just returned to Strana Mechty from the Nova Cat holdings on Barcella, the new Nova Cat OmniMech under development there was progressing well.  Walking down the corridor inside the heart of the Nova Cat halls he notice that the doors to his rooms were ajar, Karl pushed the door open slowly moving into the room.  As soon as he was clear of the door a pair of hands grabbed him and his body was thrown onto the bed, the door slammed behind him and Karl rolled over onto his back looking for his attacker who was on him in seconds “well I am glad to see you too” Karl was able to get out as Sellen Cage landed on top of him on the bed.

   Two hours later they were lying together on the floor wrapped in the Ghost Bear rug, the bed a crumpled heap behind him “why is it always my bed that gets crushed?”

   â€œBecause your Khan isn’t here to complain about the noise, he is wherever the rest of your clan is, somewhere beyond the Outworlds Alliance claimed space.”  She said Karl glanced her direction for a moment then tried to act innocent “so it is true, if Osis knew that he was right…”

   â€œHow the hell did you find that out?”

   â€œThe Smoke Jaguars had a member of their Watch on a Snow Raven WarShip which saw one of your trading fleets moving in that area.  We in turn have a Watch operative in their Watch.”  Karl shook his head ten years before today the very mention of the Clans spying on each other with agents inserted into each others Touman’s would have caused a massive amount of trials and possible full scale war.  Seeing Karl’s reaction Sellen continued “Lincoln Osis wants your Clan in his grasp, he will do anything to get the Nova Cats where he wants you.”

   â€œLincoln Osis wants a lot of things but like a spoiled freeborn child he can not have everything.”  Karl said quietly, the comparison of Osis and a freeborn child was quite amusing but very appropriate, then again all Smoke Jaguars were like spoiled children to the other Clans.  He turned back to Sellen “Why are you telling me this?”  Karl asked so far she hadn’t asked for anything from Karl or the Nova Cats but she had given away some very important information.

   â€œI think… I think I’m falling in love with you.”  Sellen said quietly, rarely did Clan Trueborn warriors fall in love even rarely did Khans of different Clans fall in love, if other Khans or even warriors within their own Clans found out there would be trouble, big trouble.

   â€œYou love me…”

   â€œI think so” Sellen said, she had probably never been in love before Karl knew he hadn’t, all they had known was being good warriors now things had changed.  Both warriors remained lying on the rug together for hours in silence, neither moved or made a single sound.  Neither really knowing how to proceed or deal with these strange alien emotions.

Smoke Jaguar Hall
Hall of the Khans, Strana Mechty
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
16th December 3058

   SaKhan Brandon Howell felt worried, reading the reports of the recent fighting on Avon angered him greatly however Howell worried how ilKhan Lincoln Osis would react when he found out.  Suddenly with a large bang Osis walked into the room with a grand smile on his face “what are you so pleased about, ilKhan?”  Brandon asked he never used Lincoln’s first name, they weren’t that close.

   â€œThe Watch have found the Nova Cats, or at least have a general location on their forces.”

   â€œWhere are they?”

   â€œWe suspect they are closer to the Inner Sphere than any other Clan near the Draconis Combine and Outworlds Alliance borders or in the nearby periphery.”

   â€œHow did we find that out?”

   â€œA Watch/Merchant Operative was on a Snow Raven Merchant ship two days ago that ship detected four Nova Cat Carrack Merchants, a single Nova Cat Lola-III destroyer and their three newly acquired Avatar-class Cruisers heading for the inner sphere heading for the Outworlds Alliance area of space.”

   â€œWhat are they doing out there?”

   â€œUnknown, however it is possible that by now they are below the Tukayyid truce line.  The Inner Sphere would not like that.”  Lincoln said quietly pondering something, then he noticed Brandon’s worried look “what is the matter Howell?  We have found out at least something about the Nova Cats, your not worrying about the Inner Sphere civilian problems again are you?  We can handle the Inner Sphere problems after we handle the Nova Cats.”

   â€œThe Nova Cats are not a threat to us, ilKhan, it is the Star Adders following Irece they have been causing trouble for us in the Inner Sphere Invasion corridor.”

   â€œGood for them, we will crush them if they attack us” Osis said.

   â€œThey attacked us four days ago” Brandon said handing the information to Osis and see the ilKhan’s face drop “although we destroyed their WarShip, the Stellar Serpent (Aegis-class), and devastated their Beta Galaxy we lost three clusters worth of troops and around ten thousand tons worth of supplies either destroyed or captured by the retreating Star Adders and the Lioness has been heavily damaged, we may even have to scuttle her.”  Not for the first time recently the ilKhan exploded with rage.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2012, 06:34:07 PM »

Star Adder Hall
Hall of the Khans, Strana Mechty
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
16th December 3058 (the Same time)

   Khan Cassius N’Buta sat in his small but very function office, he too was looking at the situation in the Inner Sphere however across from him was not another Star Adder warrior, instead Khan Thomas Perez of the newest Clan, the Stone Rhinos, sat opposite the Star Adder Khan.  “Khan Perez, I have been impressed with how your Clan has worked over the last seven months, you have struck at targets you Clan can succeed in taking and have held what you have fought for.  However, this cannot continue, the grace period will be over in five months and then the wrath of the entire Smoke Jaguar Clan will be upon you.”  The Star Adder Khan said Perez remained completely neutral, the Jaguars were several times larger than the Stone Rhinos a single Galaxy of Jaguars supported by WarShips should be more than sufficient for the task of the Stone Rhino destruction.

   â€œIf the Smoke Jaguars come for us they will pay with ten lives for every Stone Rhino they kill.”  Thomas said Cassius smiled, this man was filled with rage and correctly directed they could cause the ilKhan more trouble than he’d wish to count.

   â€œKhan Perez, Thomas, I would like to make you an offer that will change your Clan’s future and bring the Smoke Jaguars to their knees.”

   â€œPerfect for a deathblow strike.”  Thomas said, his eyes sparkled with the idea of the Smoke Jaguars end.  “So what is you idea, Cassius?”  Thomas asked using the same familiarity as the Star Adder Khan.

   â€œRecently my Clan has struck at several of the Smoke Jaguar’s Inner Sphere holdings however the Star Adders cannot continue to make these strikes alone.  I would like to make you an offer regarding joint operations against the Smoke Jaguars.”

   â€œThe other Clans will never allow the Stone Rhinos to take Inner Sphere territory.”  Perez said, the Clans had to fight trials for the honour to invade the Inner Sphere, the Stone Rhinos had done nothing.

   â€œNeg, they will not allow you to enter the Inner Sphere as Stone Rhino flagged units.  However we could offer you a chance to fight under Star Adder colours” he noticed Perez begin to raise, he had no wish for his Clan to become the Star Adder’s indentured slaves.  “Khan Thomas, you would be under Contract not under Star Adder control.  My suggestion would be for the Stone Rhinos to take over the Star Adder’s Periphery Holdings maintaining our supply lines and freeing up Star Adder forces for Inner Sphere work.”

   â€œThe Periphery colonies would be a prize worth our notice, however, I want something else.”  Perez said, Cassius smiled at least the Stone Rhino Khan was open to the idea.

   â€œWhat did you have in mind?”

   â€œThe Stone Rhinos will take your Periphery Colonies and hold them from all aggressor, maintaining your supply lines.  However certain Stone Rhino units under contract with the Star Adders will operate in the Inner Sphere, any Inner Sphere territory we win will immediately become Star Adder territory however the Stone Rhino’s will take any bondsmen or material gains from our trials.”  Cassius' smile never left his face, the Khan of the Stone Rhino Clan knew how to negotiate, by offering to fight under the Star Adder flag he would gain his Clan materials they would need to survive the inevitable Smoke Jaguar counter attacks and the Planets captured would benefit the Star Adders in the long run.

   â€œAgreed, how much forces would you be willing to supply us?”

   â€œOur entire Touman, Seventeen Ground Clusters and two WarShips.”  Thomas said, Cassius was shocked, the Stone Rhinos held territory on Strana Mechty and Dagda in the Homeworlds.

   â€œWhat about your Homeworlds Territory?”

   â€œWe can hold our territory at home and away well enough, you are unlikely to need all of our forces at once.”

   â€œPerhaps I can help with that, three weeks ago we discovered three ancient Essex Mk I-class Destroyers in a Brian Cache on the fringes of the Pentagon worlds.  The vessels are obsolete by Clan standards however your Clan could have them to shore up your forces, the Smoke Jaguars still have several WarShips that could cause you serious damage.”

   â€œVery generous, Cassius.  A chance to strike at the Smoke Jaguars is a worthwhile one, I agree.  When do we begin?”

   â€œSoon, very soon.”

Fairview (Avatar-class Cruiser)
Draconis Combine Periphery near Columbus Base
18th December 3058

    En Route to the Nova Cat’s Den (Tortuga Dominions) the trading Star of Nova Cat WarShips, a Nova Cat Lola-III-class Destroyer and four Merchant Carrack-class Transport vessels,  found two ComStar vessels sitting near the nadir point, one was an Essex-class Destroyer the other a Faslane-class Repair/Yardship.  The Essex began moving to attack however when the three newly acquired Nova Cat Avatar-class Cruisers arrived the ComGuards began charging their Jump Drives attempting to escape alongside the Faslane.  Both Essex and Faslane vessels quickly aborted their jumps as the Nova Cat WarShips closed within their jump radius and ordered them to stand-down.  A WarShip attempting to jump while in close proximity to other vessels normally ended in only one way, the destruction of both vessels, the manoeuvre was known as a Crazy-Jane because only the craziest, or desperate, commanders ordered it on their crews most of the time the commander would just order the escaping vessel‘s destruction but obviously the Nova Cat commander wanted them alive.

   Instead of boarding the vessels however the Nova Cat flotilla commander Star Admiral Fredrick Bavros opened up the comm. system and asked to speak to the ComGuard commander.  “ComGuard commander, we do not wish your destruction.  I want to talk to someone I can negotiate with over your release.”  He said from the led Nova Cat vessel there was several minutes of dead silence then the comm. channel crackle with the ComGuard reply.

   â€œWho do you want to talk to and why?”  a female voice asked, communication trace signals pointed to the Essex.

   â€œI want to talk to someone willing to talk to a clansmen instead of a shoot first approach, perhaps Precentor Padraig O’Bhaoil of Columbus Base” he noticed the ComGuard commander’s surprise “yes, we know all about the base and if we have to we will start looking for it however we would prefer a negotiation for the ceasing of hostilities between the Nova Cats and ComStar.”

   â€œWe will need to leave the system to get within communications range of a ComStar base.”

   â€œNo need, we have on-board HPGs on our vessels.  Give us communication frequencies and locations of receivers and we will put you in communication.”

   â€œThose are classified” another voice said.

   â€œSomeone from your vessel is welcome aboard our vessel” Bavros said calling their bluff, the ComStar vessels were not getting out of here without paying the Nova Cats something in return, within an hour a ComGuard officer was aboard the Nova Cat WarShip.
Main Briefing room, Main Gravity Deck
CSWS Invisible Truth (Cameron-class Battle-cruiser)
New Avalon System, Federated Suns
20th December 3058

   When he had come to the New Avalon system to talk to Victor Steiner-Davion, as commander of the new Star League Defence Force, Anastasius Focht had thought that he would be able to concentrate on operations against Clan Smoke Jaguar, instead the ComStar Flagship Invisible Truth had received word from ComGuard units in the Periphery and things had changed.

   Focht sat in the Invisible Truth’s largest briefing room looking at what was a nightmarish scenario a Clan, the Nova Cats, had cornered two ComStar vessels in the periphery and was holding them ransom.  Although Focht knew it could be worse, the Clanners could have destroyed the vessel outright.  The Nova Cats were an unknown, none of their forces had been deployed in the Inner Sphere although Focht had encountered their Khans on the Wolf Flagship, the Dire Wolf, in 3050.  Then Khans Severn Lervoux and Lucian Carns had been two of the quietest leaders of the Clans abstaining from many votes but opposing the Smoke Jaguars at ever opportunity.  Looking through the report it placed eight Nova Cat capital ships just beyond the Draconis Combine periphery and less than two jumps from Columbia Base, ComStar’s deep space base and the base of all ComStar Explorer Corps operations.

   The Invisible Truth was linked to the ComStar HPG network of the Federated Suns which in turn was linked to the Draconis Combine’s network and the Columbus Base as well as four other ComGuard WarShips, it was costing billions to maintain the link but it allowed Focht and Columbus base commander Precentor Padraig O’Bhaoil to speak in person.  “What is your thoughts on the Nova Cat problem?”

   â€œThe commander of the Deathblow couldn’t give us details on the exact make up of the Nova Cat force but I would guess that there are at least two major vessels and several cargo vessels.”  Padraig O’Bhaoil said, he was a seasoned Explorer Officer but he was not a naval officer, a WarShip Commander and Anastasius didn’t want another opinion.

   â€œPrecentor, we are planning operations against the Smoke Jaguars, the last thing we need is trouble with another Clan.  The Nova Cats are looking for an exit from hostilities, do you think we can come to a compromise with them?”

   â€œMaybe, it depends on what they bring to the table… all I would be looking for is safe return of the Deathblow and the Rosslare and their crews, they are my responsibility, they are Explorer Corps.”

   â€œI understand Precentor, however if we need to open a dialogue with the Cats, we cannot afford another Clan invading the Inner Sphere, not now.”

   â€œYes, Precentor Martial, I shall take the Avenging Sword and enter the system, a single WarShip should not threaten the Nova Cats and show that ComStar can compete on an equal level with the Clans if necessary.”  O’Bhaoil said, the Avenging Sword was an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser and formerly a Star League vessel, hopefully the Clans would respect that..

   â€œGood Luck Precentor” Anastasius said before the link died, now all he could do was wait and pray the Nova Cats did not turn hostile, if they did this could cost the ComGuards and the Explorer Corps a lot in personnel and resources.

Command Bridge
Fairview (Avatar-class Cruiser)
Draconis Combine Periphery near Columbus Base
22nd December 3058

   Standing on the bridge of the Fairview Star Admiral Fredrick Bavros watched as an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser entered the system painted in ComStar colours, a plain white.  “Which vessel is that?”  Fredrick asked, the Aegis was an old class but so was the Avatar, both the Nova Cat and ComStar vessels had served previous masters under the Star League Defence Force flag, the Fairview still held that name and Fredrick wondered what vessel the ComGuards had dragged up for this little meeting.

   â€œIt is the SLS Pride of New Earth” the sensor operator said, ever WarShip had their telltale signs that gave them away to other WarShips, especially ships that had been around in the deep for a long period.

   â€œHail them under that name, weapons if they turn a weapon towards us they are dead, Quiaff?”  Fredrick said quietly, the weapons officer nodded “copy to both other cruisers, this order includes the Essex and that other vessel.”

   â€œSir, they have answered and are sending over a shuttle to negotiate.”

   â€œWhat have the Stavag ComGuard’s called her?”

   â€œThe Avenging Sword, sir”

   â€œThe Avenging Sword… inform their shuttle to dock at airlock sixteen have an Elemental point meet them there and escort them to Hall Four.  Station the rest of the Elementals in adjacent corridors.”  Bavros said quietly, he had heard of the Inner Sphere’s use and embracing of back stabbing tactics and dishonourable bombings as far as he knew ComStar had never resorted to such tactics but one could never be so sure.

   An hour later the shuttle had docked and the Fairview, the ComStar delegation was escorted through the Nova Cat WarShip into an expansive briefing room inside the Fairview’s main gravity deck.  Fredrick entered through an auxiliary entrance other than the Elementals stationed at each entrance he was the only Nova Cat in the room.  Sitting at the table Fredrick looked over at the three members of the ComStar delegation, two women and a man one of the women wore a Draconis Combine uniform the other plain ComStar togs with a Free Rasalhague Republic dragon on the cuff.  “Welcome aboard the Fairview, I am Star Admiral Fredrick Bavros, commander of this flotilla.”  He said from his end of the table, he made no attempt to approach the ComStar personnel.

   â€œI am Precentor Padraig O’Bhaoil, commander of ComStar’s Columbus Base and of the Periphery Operations of the Explorer Corps.”  The male ComGuard officer said standing “those vessels out there are under my command, my responsibility.  I have been authorised by Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht to negotiate with you.”

   â€œGood, let me be blunt and straight to the point Precentor, we have scanned the WarShips out there and we want the smaller vessel.”

   â€œThe Essex?”  Padraig asked, out of the ComGuard vessels the Essex was the shortest of the vessels if not the lightest, Padraig also prayed they didn‘t want the Faslane-class ship, ComStar only had six of the repair ships and with the Word of Blake in the Terran System the Faslanes would be invaluable.

   â€œNeg, the other vessel, the construction ship.”  Fredrick said smiling, he could see the faces of the ComGuard officers drop.

   â€œWhy would you want such a vessel?” the woman with Draconis Combine uniform said “surely the Clans have repair and construction vessels.”

   â€œWe do, however the Nova Cats control none exclusively and none of the other Clans control mobile vessels such as the one out there” Fredrick said.

   â€œWhat are you willing to part with for the rights to the Rosslare?”  Padraig said regaining his voice.

   â€œSomething you may be interested in” Fredrick said sitting down “out there you probably noticed the three Avatar-class Cruisers with their weapons trained on your vessels.”  Fredrick said rubbing it in just how badly he had the ComStar troops cornered “however what you may not have noticed was the Lola-III and the four Carrack-class Merchants, you see that is why we were out here in the first place searching for possible trading partners.”  He lied “the Carrack Merchant is a modified Military Transport vessel, its naval weapons have been removed to make way for larger cargo bays and more anti-fighter defence weapons.  We would be willing to trade an empty Carrack Merchant for your Rosslare.”

   â€œAn empty under armoured transport for a construction vessel, are you attempting to insult us?  I would rather led my fighters against you” the female ComGuard officer said.

   â€œThen again, a WarShip for a repair ship is a good way to start the negotiations” Padraig said glancing at the female warrior.

   â€œOf course my apologies” she immediately said getting Padraig’s meaning, any fight would be death for the ComGuard personnel.

   â€œI also apologise for my companion’s reaction, however I must also refuse the offer.  If I returned to ComStar without the Rosslare and with only a single Carrack-class vessel I would be stripped of my rank.  ComStar only control six Faslane-class vessels as it is.”

   â€œThe trade fleet is an important part of the Nova Cat Clan, especially considering the recent invasion of the Inner Sphere and the expansion of our trading routes.”  Fredrick had to try and cover the real reason the Nova Cats were here.

   â€œWe have never seen Nova Cat vessels in the Inner Sphere” the female Combine officer said not a shock since no Nova Cat vessel had entered the Inner Sphere.

   â€œThen with respects you have not looked hard enough, our vessels and our crews work closely with Clan Diamond Shark forces.  If I remember correctly no Nova Cat vessel has engaged an Inner Sphere vessel however.”  Fredrick said “I can offer you two Carrack Merchants empty of cargo and without their DropShips.”  He said losing two Merchants would be a pain however if the ComGuards refused and went for a fight he could loose one of the newly acquired Avatars of even all the Merchants if the ComGuards attacked the non-combatants.  Also in the long run it was better for the Nova Cats if they remained on good terms with the ComGuards.

   â€œTwo Carrack Merchants…” the Combine officer whispered Fredrick could see he was getting somewhere.

   â€œAllow me to put it one other way we would like good terms with ComStar, however, we would also like the Rosslare.  You will agree to these terms or in one hour the Merchants will leave and we will destroy the Avenging Sword and the Essex and take the Rosslare anyway we have to.  Then because of the trouble you have caused we will look for Columbus Base and destroy it and every ComGuard there, then in the future we will destroy every ComStar vessel without restraint, you will be united like mercenary or pirate dezgra (dishonoured).”

   â€œMay we contact the Precentor Martial?  Losing a Faslane-class vessel will severely hamper Explorer Corps operations and I need the go ahead from someone more senior.”

   â€œAff, you may contact anyone you wish via that terminal, the ships HPG will transmit your message.  You may only send messages and we will check the message before sending to ensure you have not encoded it with a call for reinforcements.”

   â€œAgreeable” Padraig said, a call for help could be sent in many ways and if he thought the Precentor-Martial would send more ships he would have used the Avenging Sword’s own HPG, vessels with the Merchant‘s cargo capacities could be useful.  Following four hours and over two dozen messages back and fore between the Fairview and Precentor-Martial Focht the decision was made and the ComGuards began emptying the Rosslare of extra cargo and the Nova Cats began emptying both Carrack Merchants before the exchange.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2012, 06:36:47 PM »

Command Centre, Fox’s Den
New Avalon, Davion Mountains
Crucis March, Federated Suns
25th December 3058

   It was Christmas Day and even in the thirty-first Century, in a time of constant war, people still celebrated Christmas.  Victor Steiner-Davion was normally enjoying sometime off on Christmas Day, especially when the Federated Suns was not at War.  However, today for a couple of hours it would be business as usual, he had a job that needed done and of all the officers under his command Victor had found the perfect man and the perfect unit for the job.

   Captain Ross McKinnon, of the Seventh Crucis Lancers and commander of the Fox’s Teeth, entered the Fox’s Den command room his uniform was the Federated Commonwealth‘s blue with the Federated Suns Starburst and the Captains Bars replacing the Commonwealths fist-and-starburst and Hauptmann’s bars Victor made a note to ensure all regiments received Federated Suns Uniforms as soon as possible.  His sister had destroyed the Commonwealth by seeding the Lyran half of the realm now all Federated Suns born units were back it was time they received proper uniforms.

   Ross McKinnon’s unit the Fox’s Teeth were a special operations unit that, although attached to the Seventh Crucis Lancers RCT, were often called upon to undertake particularly dangerous missions on their own away from the Seventh Crucis Lancers.  This would be one such mission and Victor hated that it had to be handed out today, of all days.  The RCT or regimental combat team was the centre of almost every Federated Suns unit with one Mech Regiment, four armour regiments and six infantry regiments as well as aerospace fighter support.  Throughout the Inner Sphere the RCT had been copied by the other Succession States in one way or another but no nation combined so much firepower together than the Federated Suns does.  During the FedCom Alliance the Lyran-half of the Commonwealth introduced RCTs as well however it never gained as much respect in the Lyran realm as it has in the Davion realm. 

   â€œCaptain, welcome back to New Avalon.  I’m sorry I have you in here on Christmas.”

   â€œIt’s fine sire, all the family are on New Avalon.  I promised that I would drop in on them before I leave if it is possible.”

   â€œI’m sure it will Captain, you shouldn‘t be required to leave for a couple of days at the earliest.” Victor said he noticed that McKinnon although pleased that he would not have to leave straight away was slightly uncomfortable with the new rank, up until recently it had been Hauptmann McKinnon.  “Captain, the Tortuga Dominions has been very quiet recently.  According to intelligence analysts too quiet.”

   â€œFuchida’s Fusiliers, could have just sealed their borders again.”  McKinnon suggested using the Tortuga Fusiliers original designation.  Fuchida’s Fusiliers had originally been a mercenary command under Federated Commonwealth contract however when the Clans had arrived the Fusiliers had turned their backs on the contract, raided a FedCom Supply Depot and disappeared into the Periphery.  Once inside the Tortuga Dominions they had sealed the Dominions for an entire year while they imposed their own rule on the tiny bandit kingdom becoming the Tortuga Fusiliers, any warrior of this unit captured was tried as a mercenary who had broken their contract first then as a pirate as well by the Federated Suns.

   â€œPossibly however none of our spies have reported in and none of our agents in other pirate bands have reported anything about the Fusiliers at all.”

   â€œThe Fusiliers counter-intelligence can’t be good enough to get all our agents.”  McKinnon said realising where Victor was going with this, another nation could have taken the Dominions over and could use it as a base against the Federated Suns lightly protected belly.  “What would you like me to do?”

   â€œYour company is being outfitted with the best equipment we can field, including a couple of experimental weapons and we have been able to capture a pirate Union-class DropShip for transport.  Your job will be to enter the Tortuga Prime system, land and attempt to contact our agents on the ground in Raider‘s Roost.  Failing that you are to gain all the Intel you can on the goings on Tortuga and then get back out and report in.  To assist you I will be sending three squads of Rabid Fox troopers with Infiltrator Battle Armour.”  Victor said McKinnon nodded, they would be very helpful the Rabid Fox were the Federated Suns most accomplished special forces troops around, and were amongst the most elite in the entire Inner Sphere, and the Infiltrator Battle Armour was the Federated Suns newest Battle Armour with built-in stealth characteristics, the Clans Battle Armour was far more advanced than the Inner Sphere‘s however they shunned stealth technology giving the Inner Sphere some room to work and build their own effective Battle Armour forces.  The Infiltrator Mk I was a First Generation Battle Armour suit and the scientists at NAIS predicted it would take the Inner Sphere ten to fifteen years before they had suits that were nearly as effective as their clan counterparts.

   â€œUnderstood, when do we leave?”

   â€œCan’t wait to go, Captain?” Victor said teasing he noticed the Captain begin to back out however he stopped, he would leave now if Victor ordered it.  “You leave in four days time, go spend Christmas with your family Ross, the Federated Suns will call you when you are needed.”  Victor said, Ross McKinnon smiled then snapped to an salute which Victor matched, the Captain turned and marched out of the Fox’s Den.  Alone except for a couple of operators Victor looked briefly at the maps then decided he too would enjoy Christmas. Upstairs his younger sister Yvonne and younger brother Arthur as well as more than fifty other relatives were waiting for their First Prince, he would not leave them waiting any longer.

Gwithian Base
Star Adder controlled Deep Periphery
26th December 3058

   The transition between Star Adder and Stone Rhino troops inside the Star Adder controlled Periphery was going well.  On Gwithian a small agricultural colony controlled and used as a R&R point for combat troops and a cargo way point for Clan traders.  The colonists of Gwithian were a peaceful bunch and did not bother the Clansmen one bit the Twenty-third Assault Cluster of Clan Stone Rhino were taking over from the Twenty-ninth Battle Cluster of Clan Star Adder, the last Star Adder Broadsword-class DropShip was just taking-off and Star Colonel Malik watched the aerodyne DropShip take off from his Gargoyle’s cockpit.  Turning away from the landing zone Malik walked his eighty ton OmniMech along the main street of the colony moving back to the colony base, even though it was a Garrison unit he enjoyed piloting a Front-Line machine, the Gargoyle was the same Mech he had taken from the Smoke Jaguar Clan when he left to join the Khan Perez and the Stone Rhinos.

   Walking the Mech down the street Malik noticed something moving and turned left all that moved was a pair of civilian vans and a twenty ton APC neither was big enough to get his attention.  “Malik to base, anything to report?”

   â€œNope the Star Adders cleared this place out quite thoroughly, plenty of room for our equipment and plenty more besides.”  Someone at the base said over the comm. obviously they were not thinking about the same things as Malik.

   â€œOn the sensors Talia” Malik said scanning right something was going on, moving forwards he noticed confirmed blips on the sensors “Talia, this is Malik, I have two incoming bogies.  Do we have any troops in the field?”

   â€œAff, two conventional infantry points are in the colony market.”  Talia said after a moments notice “we also have a pair of APCs moving around, one should be near your location.”  She said Malik nodded he had seen the APC moments before.

   â€œI’m looking for something bigger than that” Malik said “I have two incoming bogies, no confirmed ID, I think they are Mechs any support available?”  Suddenly without warning a PPC blast slammed into his Gargoyle’s upper right torso followed by a large pulse laser blast which cut into the same area of the assault Mech’s torso.  “Base I am under attack, unknown assailants using Mech-grade weaponry” he said accelerating forward the Gargoyle was fast for an assault Mech capable of reaching a top speed in excess of eighty kilometres per hour.  Charging forward he noticed an Inner Sphere built Panther and a Clan Vapour Eagle “I have a pair of enemy Mechs, one Panther one Vapour Eagle.”  Malik said opening fire with both LB-class Autocannons one on each target, using cluster munitions the autocannons were like large Mech-sized shotguns and both volleys hit the enemy Mechs, the shots blasting over the Mechs causing little but widespread damage.  The Panther cut right and the Vapour Eagle went left forcing Malik to choose which target to chase choosing the heavier Clan-built Vapour Eagle he ignored the retreating Panther.

   The Vapour Eagle was travelling at just over sixty kilometres per hour a leisurely walk, for that machine was, it did however force Malik’s Gargoyle into a brisk run just to keep up with the target.  Triggering both Autocannons again at long range he was rewarded with a hit against the Mech’s left leg, that turned the Mech around and the enemy Mech charged forward pulse lasers lashed out burning and melting armour plating all down the Gargoyle’s legs Malik’s Mech stumbled forward but maintained its feet.  The Vapour Eagle charged forward accelerating over ninety kilometres per hour “oh no you don’t, Stavag, you‘re not getting away that easy.” Malik said his normal refined Clan speech stained with his use of contractions.  Firing the Autocannon ammo selection down to solid shot he opened fire with both cannons again, this time the solid shells slammed into the Vapour Eagle’s chest tearing armour plate the fifty-five ton machine continued forward pulse lasers flashing again and again, as the Mech closed the other arm raised and the heavy machine guns armed there fired hundreds of machine gun rounds slammed into the Gargoyle’s armour causing more damage.

   Malik’s response was to fire both autocannons and both six-tube SRM launchers fired, the autocannons struck first one tore into the torso armour again exposing internal structure while the other tore at the left arm, the elbow actuator of the arm exploded in a flash disabling the arm locking it in position the weapons now uselessly pointing to the ground, the other autocannon smashed into the head of the Vapour Eagle the medium Mech stumbled as the pilot was thrown around in the cockpit, just as the Mech began to regain its balance the twelve missiles slammed into the Mech, exploding all over the Mech’s body the force of the hit dropped the Vapour Eagle to a ground.  Malik wasted no time in firing both autocannons into the Mech several more times making sure it wouldn’t be getting back up again “respond… I repeat Star Colonel this is base we have two Mechs with Battle Armour en-route they will be with you in one minute.  Please respond”

   â€œBase I hear you, situation under control one Mech down one Mech retreating, have the teams…” just then the Gargoyle was hit from behind by a PPC blast, normally the armour there could sustain a hit from an Inner Sphere PPC, the type normally found on a Panther, however this was not a normal PPC.  The blast ripped into the back of the Mech vaporising the armour there and chewing into the internal structure and equipment at the heat of the assault OmniMech.  Already managing a damaged Mech and unprepared for an attack from behind Malik was thrown forward smashing into the ground armour smashed and Malik was thrown into his instrument panels his nose broken by the impact, with the assault Mech sprawled over the ground Malik attempted to right the machine pushing the arms forward  to lift the eighty ton machine up however just as it began to regain it feet another PPC blast slammed into the Mech’s back and the Gargoyle was thrown down again.  Malik noticed on the sensors the enemy Mech was close so he rolled the Gargoyle onto its back he would try and shoot the Panther from a prone position, the Panther was standing less than thirty feet away it fired its secondary weapons, a four-tube SRM pack.  These missiles normally wouldn’t cause heavy damage however just before they hit they exploded covering the Gargoyle with napalm jelly, the damaged Gargoyle moaned under the massive increase in temperature and Marik had to fight the heat none of the Mech’s weapons caused a lot of heat but nevertheless this was not pleasant.

   Marik triggered both autocannons and SRM launchers however he couldn’t tell if anything had hit, the Mech’s sensors knocked out by the massive sudden heat increase.  “MechWarrior, I will not leave you to burn that is not a MechWarrior‘s death, however it is time for your to die” the Panther pilot said over the comm. Moments before the Panther’s foot smashed through the cockpit crushing Malik under it’s thirty ton mass, by the time the other Stone Rhino reinforcements arrived there was nothing left but a burning headless Gargoyle and a wrecked Vapour Eagle.  Further examination of the destroyed Vapour Eagle however discovered a Clan Burrock insignia, the Stone Rhino’s would have their vengeance and they now had a new target.

Observation Lounge, Olympus-class Recharge Station
Varnay System, Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
31st December 3058

   Although uninhabited this system could prove to be the most important of the Newly formed Nova Cat’s Den, with the recovered and refurbished Recharge Station the system had unveiled its secrets and they were many.  Standing in the Recharge Station’s primary gravity deck Khan Santin West looked out into space at the vessels that had just arrived, it was not what he had expected instead of three cruisers, a destroyer and four merchant ships they had only two merchant ships and a new unknown vessel.  Looking at the vessel Khan West could see a ComStar insignia on the fore-port flank of the vessel, whatever this was the flotilla commander had better have an explanation.  Just then Star Admiral Fredrick Bavros entered the room “Star Admiral, I hope you have a good explanation why we are missing two vessels and why a ComStar vessel is in our space.”

   â€œKhan West, we encountered this vessel in the periphery with an escort vessel.  When we realised what it was I saw its potential worth to our Clan and offered ComStar a chance to escape with their lives.”

   â€œComStar stopped the invasion of the Inner Sphere by the Crusader Clans, they are a mortal enemy to all Clansmen.  What is this vessel and why did you see its potential?”  The Khan asked Fredrick knew that he had to be careful now, his life depended on it.

   â€œIt is a construction and repair ship, ComStar call them Faslane-class Yard-ships, they can accommodate over one hundred thousand tons of cargo and more importantly they have a two million ton capacity repair facility.  I thought that since we have a new home and new vessels it would be prudent for us to have repair facilities as well.”  Fredrick said he noticed the Khan’s mood change and he decided to continue “the ComGuards called on a more senior member of their order who negotiated for two of our Merchant Carracks in exchange he gave us the Rosslare and we parted ways.  My Khan” Fredrick said “the ComStar Officials were from Columbus Base.”  West spun to look at him, the Nova Cat Watch had delivered a report on a possible ComStar vessel in the deep, to have Columbus confirmed was possibly worth more than the new addition.

   â€œThe loss of two Merchants is a loss as is ComStar’s knowledge of our Clan in the deep, however, with the gained valuable intelligence and the new vessel.  It seems you have done well by our Clan today Star Admiral.  I will not be calling you out for a Trial of Grievance, instead I have a new job for you.  Star Admiral, I want you to take command of this station and stewardship of the Varnay system.”

   â€œThe Varnay system?”  Bavros asked he knew of no system with that name.

   â€œThis is the Varnay system, Star Admiral.”  Khan West said, the name Varnay was vaguely familiar to Fredrick but it was not a name from Nova Cat of even from general Clan history or the Exodus before.  “I see you are struggling with the name we have given the system, understandable, you see Star Admiral when you were away we discovered something about this system about a week ago.”  Khan West announced walking over to the windows.  “Between the seventh and eight worlds of this system there is an asteroid field, I sent out a DropShip to survey the field for mining viability.  When conducting their survey the team discovered a WarShip hidden in the field.”  Bavros was shocked to have a non-Nova Cat WarShip that close to the Nova Cat’s Den was indeed worrying.  “Initially the team retreated in-case they were spotted, however, when the Transcendent Star arrived to deal with this threat we found that the WarShip had been abandoned centuries ago, its engines and weapons are all off-line and there are several hull breaches.”

   â€œSo it is a wreck, it was destroyed by Transcendent Star, Quiaff?”  Bavros asked Transcendent Star was Star Admiral Jan Jorgensson’s personal command it had six WarShips including the Thunderbolt, a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser and three Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers, that kind of firepower could ruin anyone’s day and could easily deal with a wreck.

   â€œNeg” Khan West “they looked over the wreck and reported their findings, it took us a couple of days however we found out where it was from.  It is originally a Federated Suns vessel and the former command ship of David Varnay” Bavros recognised the name, before the first Star League had been formed the Varnay family had attempted to wrest control of the Federated Suns from the Davion family.  This had led to a bloody civil war the Varnay family had been defeated and their ships destroyed, or so everyone had thought.  “The ship was once the Thunderchild.”  Bavros shook his head what a find, the Nova Cats truly were on a path to glory, with the three new cruisers and the Thunderchild the Nova Cat Clan was destined for greatness.  “I want the Thunderchild, recovered and made space worthy, make it airtight and get its engines online.  Leave the weapons we will sort that later, at the same time as recovery efforts on the Thunderchild, I want to begin the refurbishment of one of the cruisers out there, there should be space and all the parts we should need are on the Carrack Merchants, this station and assuming you did not give the ComGuards full Carracks the Rosslare should have full cargo bays as well.”

   â€œThey are bursting at the seems with cargo my Khan, the Carrack‘s carry significantly more cargo so there is cargo in the corridors of all the ships out there, we made do with what we had available.”

   â€œGood, then you have plenty to keep you busy.”  Khan West said leaving the observation lounge, five minutes later the small Scout-class JumpShip docked with the station undocked then jumped away returning to the Nova Cat capital system from there he would travel back to the Homeworlds, so far as Nova Cat Khan he had yet to meet any of the other Khans and he had to supervise the evacuation of more Nova Cats from the Homeworlds, also there was the Oathmaster, Biccon Winters, who had yet to join the Clan in the Nova Cat‘s Den.

Ending 3058, hope you enjoyed the full version
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2012, 03:47:50 PM »

Into the next year


Command Room
Columbus Base, Deep Periphery
3rd January 3059

   The tracker aboard the Rosslare had finally began it transmissions, the vessel’s jump-drive had obviously been offline for a couple of days before the Nova Cat’s had taken it to the final destination.  Precentor Padraig O’Bhaoil had expected to be able to give the Precentor-Martial information on a Nova Cat world in the Clan Homeworlds, instead they had the location of a system in the deep periphery near the Tortuga Dominions!

   What were the Nova Cats doing there, so close to a bandit kingdom and below the Tukayyid Truce line?  Transmitting the data Padraig imagined that the Precentor-Martial would have even more trouble believing the data than Padraig had, and he was the one who supervised the transmitter’s installation and programming the technology didn’t lie.  The Nova Cats were in the Tortuga Dominions, ready to strike the backs of the Federated Suns, the Inner Sphere had not faced such a grave threat since the initial Clan Invasion.

Davion Royal Retreat
New Avalon, Davion Mountains
Crucis March, Federated Suns
5th January 3059

   A day before the Righteous Fury, a ComStar registered Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, had arrived in the New Avalon system via a pirate point and a Fortress-class Assault Ship had begun burning towards the planet.  The ComStar WarShip broadcast that Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht was on the DropShip and he desperately required to speak to Commanding-General Victor Steiner-Davion, the fact they had called for Victor as Commanding-General made it clear that it was a matter for the Star League and not just the Federated Suns, something that would effect the entire Inner Sphere in time or right now when only time would tell.

   Two Davion Avenger-class Assault DropShips had met the Fortress just outside New Avalon’s gravity well and they had escorted the ComStar vessel to a secluded landing zone in the Davion Mountains.  From there a heavily armed convoy escorted by elements of the Elite First Davion Royal Guards Regimental Combat Team (RCT) had escorted Focht and his aides to a small cottage situated in a small clearing in the mountains. A Federated Suns RCT was one of the most effective formations in the entire Inner Sphere it combined, one Mech Regiment, up to twelve conventional regiments and aerospace support all permanently assigned together to form an effective combined-arms assault force capable of taking on a variety of different tasks.  The First Davion was one of the most Elite in the entire Federated Suns and was the most prestigious as it was responsible for the defence of the Davion Royal Palace, the Fox’s Den and New Avalon on a near permanent basis.

   Victor sat with several members of the Federated Suns High Command on the porch even though they were miles from the Davion High Command‘s normal seat of power deep within the Fox‘s Den under the Davion Mountain Range they could still determine every move the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns (AFFS) made from here, this innocent looking cabin.  All the Federated Suns officials moved off when Focht approached “Precentor-Martial, ComStar has been warned about entering the New Avalon system in a WarShip, we may not field vessels of such mass or firepower however we have weapons capable of brining them down.”  Victor said raising from his chair and walking to meet Focht several metres from the cottage.

   â€œMy apologies Victor, however, ComStar has come into worrying information that you need to be made aware of immediately.”  Focht said Victor had met Focht several times and as a strategist and a leader of combat troops he respected him so he ignored the Precentor-Martial’s use of Victor’s first name, technically Focht should have used one of Victor’s titles.  There was also some other ties between Focht and Victor however those were not for public discussion, perhaps in their memoirs when the other was dead.

   â€œWhat information?”  Victor asked, he knew Focht would not come here, in such grand fashion, without good reason.

   â€œWe believe that one or more Clans have breached the Tukayyid Truce line and are ready to strike deeper into the Inner Sphere than anyone could have ever imagined.”

   â€œWhere are they?  Have they breached the Lyran, Rasalhague or Combine borders?”  Victor asked naming the three nations with Clan borders.

   â€œNone of those, or any other state.”  Victor gave Focht a confused/explain yourself look.  “In mid-December Clan Nova Cat cornered two ComGuard vessels in the periphery, however, they did not strike.  Instead the Nova Cat commander negotiated a trade for one of the ComStar vessels for two of their merchant vessels, he said the Nova Cats wished not to make enemies of the Inner Sphere.”

   â€œThis is a good thing, at least some of the Clans are willing to negotiate and work with us instead of attempting to destroy us outright.”  Victor said, at least ComStar had met such people he had not been so lucky.

   â€œTrue we thought the same, however, we bugged the vessel we traded with the Clansmen.”  Victor’s face darkened ComStar’s action could endanger the peace they had brokered “we thought it could led us to another Clan Homeworld.  The results were not promising however.”

   â€œWhere did the vessel turn up?”

   â€œA jump, perhaps two, outside the Tortuga Dominions.”

   â€œTortuga” Victor whispered thinking of the Fox’s Teeth company en route to that very bandit kingdom.

   â€œYes, you can now understand our rush to enter the New Avalon system” Victor nodded “if the Nova Cat force there is a recon force for the rest of the clan then we have nothing to worry about however if they are an assault, or invasion force your nation could be in grave danger.  Also if the Nova Cats are this far around the Inner Sphere it could mean that there are Clan colonies in the deep Rimward Periphery that we know nothing about.”

   â€œCould be, however, we have no concrete information Precentor-Martial.  The Star League Council has planned to move against the Smoke Jaguars and we know where their Homeworld is.  I have already deployed a unit to Tortuga.” It was Focht’s turn to look confused “Tortuga has been quiet we wanted to know what was going on.  They should arrive on Tortuga posing as a Pirate force wanting to join the Fusiliers in a couple of days, perhaps a week.  For now we will continue to prepare against the Smoke Jaguars, however I will move certain forces to protect our Periphery borders as well.  If the Nova Cats make their move against us then we will respond but for now they have struck no Inner Sphere world, harmed no Star League citizens the Smoke Jaguars annihilated an entire city from orbit, they are a greater threat.  Please keep the information on the Nova Cats a closely guarded secret, I do not want to panic the Federated Suns population with such information.”

   â€œOf course, we will all monitor the situation and pray the Nova Cats do not share their brethren’s wishes to see us all destroyed.”  Focht had spent time with the Clans before the Battle of Tukayyid, he knew that not all the Clans shared the so-called Crusader bent of the Invading Clans hopefully the quiet Nova Cat Clan was not one of the more aggressive Clans.

   Victor and Focht spoke for more than an hour then the ComStar Precentor-Martial left returning to the Righteous Fury before that vessel left the New Avalon system.  Victor returned to his High Command meeting, just before they broke up he turned to his cousin Marshal Jackson Davion “Jackson, I would like you to travel to Hadrian’s Command and have them step up the reactivation process on their charges.”

   â€œWhy what has happened?”  Jackson asked, normally Victor would not explain such an extreme action but, Jackson was family so he answered.

   â€œThere is a Clan in the Periphery near Tortuga, we could need a little extra firepower, in the next couple of months, take all the resources you need just get the job done Marshal.”

   â€œOf course, sire” within an hour Jackson had contacted the Department of Military Intelligence (DMI), the same command of the Rabid Fox, and within two hours he was aboard a MI3 (Electronic Information Gathering) DropShip on his way to the Federated Suns most secret base in the entire Federated Suns.

Hall of the Khans
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
8th January 3059

   In everyone’s lives there were firsts some you enjoyed and they enhanced your lives, others could spell the end of your life if they went wrong.  Standing up in front of his fellow Khans Thomas Perez looked around the room, he had faced them before however he had been a Star Colonel then and now he was a Khan, a peer, at least that was the theory.  The fellow Khans looked back at him judging his ever movement and rating every word.  “My fellow Khans, on 26th December on the occupied Periphery Colony of Gwithian Stone Rhino forces took over stewardship of this world, working under a contract with Clan Star Adder…”

   â€œKhan Perez, I know you are knew at this but the Grand Council does not have to be called every time your Clan makes a deal with another.”  ilKhan Lincoln Osis said, there was a couple of discreet laughing in the room mostly from the Smoke Jaguar saKhan.  The Smoke Jaguars would do everything to discredit the Stone Rhinos.

   â€œilKhan, I was not bringing this contract to your attention or any of the other Khans as I was confident that your Watch and the other Clan’s Watch Agencies knew this already, I was just setting the scene for the facts.”  Thomas said now there was a little more laughter this time from saKhan Karl Devalis of the Nova Cats and the Wolf Khan Vlad Ward, Thomas made a note that once again the Khan of the Nova Cat Clan was not present.  “As I was saying Clan Star Adder vacated Gwithian the Stone Rhinos moved to secure the planet.  Almost immediately the Twenty-eighth’s Assault Cluster’s commander Star Colonel was assaulted by two Mechs and killed, these Mechs made no official Batchall or challenge.”

   â€œIt is a dangerous area of space, Jade Falcon garrison forces are attacked on a regular basis, these people have no respect for our superior warriors, technology or our ways of combat.”  Khan Marthe Pryde, leader of Clan Jade Falcon, said her Clan controlled a sizable portion of the Clan occupied areas of the Inner Sphere.

   â€œWe are well aware of the lawlessness of the region, Khan Jade Falcon, however these Mechs are the reason for my bringing this to your attention.  If I may direct you to the plasma screen” Perez said as a screen lifted up from inside the Stone Rhino desk, the building may be traditional but the technology used by the Khans was state-of-the-art.  The screen split into two sections one showed a running Mech which any warrior in the room could identify as an Inner Sphere Panther, the Mech looked in good condition and was unmarked other than some light damage on the torso and upper left leg.  The other half of the screen was taken up with a Vapour Eagle, this Mech was similarly in good condition.  “These are the Mechs that assaulted and killed our officer.”  Perez noticed saKhan Brandon Howell of Clan Smoke Jaguar raise and whisper something in the ilKhan’s ear, the ilKhan looked at the saKhan for a moment then addressed the Khans.

   â€œI have just been informed that these Mechs assaulted a Smoke Jaguar research and development station in mid-November of last year.”

   â€œWhy was this council not informed?” Khan Cassius N’Buta asked, the ilKhan stared angrily at Howell for a moment then turned back to the Khans.

   â€œThese forces destroyed the base and took everything, we assumed it was the Dark Caste and have been attempting to track down the culprits, we would have informed this council of their existence then.”

   â€œWe were able to destroy the Vapour Eagle.”

   â€œGood for you, shame you could not bring down the Inner Sphere Panther too.” Khan Marthe Pryde said angrily.

   â€œThat Mech has been modified, it was faster than a standard Panther and carries heavier weaponry.  However this is no the gem of the information we received.”  Perez said smiling looking at the Clan Burrock Khans “when we analysed the Vapour Eagle’s wreckage we found Clan Burrock insignia on the Mech’s armour and inside the Mech’s cockpit.  I would like an explanation.”

   â€œThis Mech was obviously stolen from our Clan, we would never have dealings with the Dark Caste.”  the Burrock Khan said, there was a murmuring around the room “and if you make any such allegations Khan Stone Rhino, you will face me in a Trial of Grievance.”

   â€œI have no evidence, I only produced this to find out if such a Mech was missing or if you had seen these units before.”

   â€œWe have not, and I have no available knowledge of a missing Vapour Eagle, if we were to recess for a few hours I could find this information.”

   â€œHardly a reason to involve us all, Khan Burrock you will bring this information to Clan Stone Rhino Khan, if this is all I have a journey to the Inner Sphere to look forward to and will take my leave.”  Khan Vlad Ward said, the Khans of the Invading Clans spent most of their times travelling between the Homeworlds and the Inner Sphere, a six month trip each way.

   â€œIt is this council is over, safe journey to the Inner Sphere Khan Ward” Kael Pershaw the council Loremaster said, the Khans began shuffling out.  Khan Peres smiled, the presentation meeting had not gone too badly.

Khan Thomas Perez Office
Clan Stone Rhino Hall, Strana Mechty
Clan Homeworlds, Kerensky Cluster
11th January 3059

   Thomas Perez had waited for three days for information from Clan Burrock but nothing had arrived, maybe the Burrocks thought the Stone Rhinos were too small to be recognised, if they tried this with the Wolves or Jade Falcons they would find themselves facing a Trial of Grievance, or Absorption by the larger Clan.  Now Perez was forced to make a choice martial his forces against the Burrocks and risk stretching his Clan too thin, or ignore the Burrock threat and show the Clans the Stone Rhinos were just playing at being Clan warriors.  SaKhan Kirsten Kotare entered the room silently and sat opposite him, she had been a member of the Jaguars once like him and had been one of the first to flow to his banner, however Kirsten was also a Crusader and often advocated striking the Inner Sphere first and the other Clans a far second.  “The Burrocks still have not answered our calls for information on the Dark Caste attacks.”

   â€œDid you expect them too?  I said we should challenge them when they did not answer straight away, but you wavered…”

   â€œAre you challenging me Kirsten?”  Thomas asked immediately recognising her tone and the direction the conversation was going.

   â€œNeg, however I believe that perhaps we should take another route in dealing with the Burrock threat.”

   â€œWhat type of other route is there?  We ignore them or we call them out for a trial.”

   â€œOr we use the Watch…”  She said

   â€œWe have no Watch.”

   â€œNot true, my Khan” Kirsten said quietly “two months ago I and Loremaster Warren Corbett discussed the fact we had not formed a Watch and we chose to designate a Cluster as a Watch unit, the Twelfth Black Lancer Cluster.”

   â€œI did wonder why the unit made such a name change, and why they did so when you were there.  Why was I not informed Kirsten Kotare?”

   â€œIt was a minor change in designation, the Cluster’s duties have not changed thus far, although we have plans to give them further training we have not yet begun.”

   â€œThen why would we use them, if they are untrained in Watch matters then they will not be much use.”

   â€œI was thinking of using them as a regular unit with a surprise in the tail.”


   â€œThe Star Adders I believe have a small trading outpost on Tathis, we ask them if we can drop the unit onto Tathis with one of their trading expeditions.”

   â€œThe Star Adders will want something in return…”

   â€œWe offer them a quarter of the Tathis Mech production for the next year, they will settle for a third, we can afford to loose that much equipment.”

   â€œTrue, and another production plant would be helpful especially with the Stone Rhino program almost ready for production.”

   â€œAlmost ready?”  Kirsten asked surprised Project Stone Rhino had only been started following the Stone Rhino’s independence from the Smoke Jaguars, the program aimed to deliver a totem Mech for their Clan, to give their warriors something to be proud about and rally behind, within a year.

   â€œAff, the designers say that the tests have gone well and they are ready for the prototype stage.  Perhaps the Dark Caste/Burrock attacks were meant to be.”

   â€œYou are sounding more Nova Cat every day” Kirsten said raising “I will make arrangements for the Twelfth Black Lancer to move out.”  She said before he could answer considering they were both former Smoke Jaguars being compared to one of the Smoke Jaguars main rivals was not a nice thing to say despite the Stone Rhino’s severing of the ties between the two Clans.

Burrock Controlled Territory
Mech Production Facility, Tathis
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Space
17th January 3059

   The Star Adders had agreed to shuttle the Twelfth Black Lancer Cluster to Tathis with their next trading convoy which left a couple of days later.  Six days later they had arrived on Tathis and the Stone Rhino’s were ready, saKhan Kirsten Kotare had decided that she would include her command star as part of the Cluster.  Walking her one hundred ton Dire Wolf forward Kirsten watched as her Star line up on her left, glancing right she noticed Star Colonel Jessica and her command star and behind them there were two more trinaries of Clan Stone Rhino’s troops.

   â€œClan Star Adder force this is Star Colonel Drake of Clan Burrock, please explain why you are in our territory.”  A voice asked over the comm. as they approached, of course they were Star Adders Kirsten thought, why would the dezgra Burrocks think anything less.  “Star Adders please respond… all forces we have three under strength Trinaries inbound on our western approaches, thought to be Star Adders prepare for hostilities.”

   â€œThis is saKhan Kirsten Kotare of Clan Stone Rhino, we are here to declare a Trial of Possession for the BattleMech facility and the nearby enclave in response to Clan Burrock’s dealings with the Dark Caste and the dishonourable attack on the Gwithian Colony.  My first bid for the Batchall is two Trinaries and two stars, all troops are rated as elite, this is my entire force and I am willing to send you are combat information, respond.”  Kirsten said as the Burrocks began to assemble, they might as well know who their executioners were.

   â€œsaKhan Kotare, Clan Stone Rhino?  What are you doing here?  Why do you sully the Burrock name by linking us to the Dark Caste?”

   â€œI have no wish to talk Star Colonel Drake, I want your defending force or should we just count your entire force as a legitimate target?”  Kirsten asked as the Stone Rhinos fanned out in a battle-line, they were all ready for a fight.

   â€œMy forces are three trinaries of Mechs and Battle Armour, two Stars of Combat Vehicles and a single star of conventional infantry.  I am willing to transmit their codex information” Drake eventually said, a Warrior’s Codex was a record of his or her history as a warrior, they included every fight they had been in and the result of the battle as well as a sample of the warrior’s DNA and Bloodhouse.

   â€œTransmit to my Mech.”  Kirsten said slowing her Mech’s speed, auxiliary monitors were filled with information on the Burrock defenders, they were green to regular at best typical garrison troops.  Kirsten opened a private comm. channel to Star Colonel Jessica giving her the data as well “Jessica, your bid including my Star?”  She asked giving Jessica the right to decide which of her warriors would fight today.

   â€œA single Trinary plus your Star and my own.”  She said Kirsten looked at the data again and at the update Jessica had sent her.

   â€œWe bid a single Trinary plus two Stars.”  Kirsten said activating her general comm. system.  “I will send you an update on which warriors will fight.”

   â€œWe bid away our conventional infantry and vehicles.”  The Burrock commander said, it was traditional for Clan commanders to find the smallest amount of troops he or she could defend with against an opposing force, the smallest force brought the biggest honour however if they lost they were seen as reckless and dangerous to the Clan.

   â€œI will deploy my Trinary as a Binary with both Stars remaining intact, overall two binaries of Stone Rhinos remain.”  Kirsten said reviewing the data.

   â€œWe will deploy one of our Trinaries as a single Star and the other two at full strength.”  Drake said, he was bidding away the most green rated troops of his command protecting them from the Stone Rhinos assault.  The Burrocks still outnumbered the Stone Rhinos however Kirsten felt confident she could take them with the troops she had.

   â€œWhat do you think Jessica?”  Kirsten asked opening a comm. to the Star Colonel again.

   â€œI would not want to deprive any more of my people of combat, the Burrocks have bid away their most green troops, assuming they fight using Zellbrigen  it should be a fair fight.” The Star Colonel said Zellbrigen was the Clan traditional duelling rules of one-on-one combat, one MechWarrior against another in honourable combat, for Battle Armour five troopers of a point counted as one unit.

   â€œAgreed” Kirsten said swapping back to general comm. “Done, Burrock Commander select a battlefield for this trial.”

   â€œYou are standing on a good enough spot saKhan Kotare, we will meet you and assemble one kilometre from your present location.”

   â€œAgreed, Seyla” she said ending the Batchall.

   â€œSeyla” Drake said in response.  Kirsten and Jessica separated out the forces that would fight in the battle, those warriors not included in the Trial would stand ready, Clan Trial Rules allowed a commander to recall his last bid into battle if he was desperate for the victory in Kirsten’s case that would be another full star of warriors.  The others would form a perimeter ensuring no-one interfered in combat.

   The two Clans forces arranged opposite each other Kirsten stepped forward and opened the comm. “I saKhan Kirsten Kotare of Clan Stone Rhino declare this Trial of Possession for the Tathis BattleMech facility and the Clan Burrock enclave to the south-east.  I bring two Binaries of troops to this battle.”

   â€œI Star Colonel Drake defend this facility, I bring two Trinaries and a single Binary of troops to this battle.”

   â€œSeyla” she said ending the Ritual of Battle.

   â€œSeyla” Drake said then after a moments pause a ninety ton Supernova charged forward and Drake spoke again “saKhan Kirsten Kotare I declare a Circle of Equals with you, may no other enter.”  As individual challenges and battle calls began to be called out across the battlefield Kirsten answered the Call and the two began to fight.

   The Supernova was a second-line garrison BattleMech most often seen in the Clusters of Clan Nova Cat, its armament included six arm mounted Extended-Range Large Lasers giving it massive long range striking power.  Unfortunately for the Supernova its heat sinks could not dispense that much heat and if the Supernova pilot fired all its weapons at once the assault Mech would overheat and be unable to fight for a short time, on the Battlefield even a short term of being unable to fight were deadly.  Drake was not an idiot, only four of the six lasers lashed out at extreme range two struck Kirsten’s Dire Wolf, striking the left leg meting away nearly a ton-and-a half of armour.  The Dire Wolf was the Clan’s biggest OmniMech and it carried a massive amount of firepower and armour, Kirsten was not worried about the hit.  Instead she stopped her Dire Wolf moving and placed her OmniMech’s legs squarely on the ground, targeting the Supernova she opened fire with the Left Arm weapons pod twin Extended Range PPCs lashed out and tore into the Supernova’s right leg, the Supernova stopped for a moment, obviously Drake had not banked on Kirsten piloting a Dire Wolf using the uncommon B Weapons Configuration.  As Drake’s Supernova began to move again Kirsten punched down on the second joystick trigger, four light Ultra-class Autocannons roared into life above Kirsten’s head, although the weapons did little damage individually they fired fast and together they could cause a lot of damage.  The autocannon shells tore into the Supernova, Kirsten made sure her weapons all struck the exact same point as before tearing into the right leg ripping armour clear exposing the structure.

   Drake returned fire with all six lasers, the damaged they dealt together was devastating, all six struck the Dire Wolf overloading systems all over the Mech, if Kirsten hadn’t been standing still the mighty assault Mech would have likely fallen under such an assault.  Kirsten checked her systems, one of the yet unused left arm pulse lasers was damaged possibly destroyed but otherwise her Mech was still fully operational.  Looking across the battlefield she could see the Supernova was not in such good shape, the Mech had overheated badly with the use of all six lasers, switching to Infer-red (IR) targeting mode she could see the Supernova burned white as it tried to fight back the heat.  “Wrong move” Kirsten whispered, using the time she charged forward taking the Dire Wolf on a run, accelerating up to around fifty-four kilometres per hour, the Mechs to speed.  Just as Drake began to regain control of his Mech she was in range for all her remaining weapons, Kirsten looked at the Supernova for a second then without another thought she triggered all her Dire Wolf’s weapons in a classic ‘Alpha Strike’.

   The left arm paired PPCs and single pulse laser tore into the Supernova’s torso stripping the Mech of two tons of armour.  The Ultra autocannons roared into life tearing armour all over the Burrock Mech as Kirsten ‘walked’ the autocannons over her target.  Finally the only weapon Kirsten had not used roared into life a LB-X class autocannon in the right arm fired, Kirsten had selected solid shot for the oversized shotgun and the shot out the Dire Wolf striking the Supernova’s head, although head-shot strikes were frowned upon she had not meant to strike the Supernova’s head so Kirsten felt no remorse.  The Supernova reeled under the hit but surprisingly it did not fall, instead Drake obviously knocked about by the attack maintained control of the ninety ton machine and kept it on its feet only retreating four of five steps in an effort to maintain balance.  Kirsten cursed as she saw the Warriors’ impressive display and watched as her weapons cycled, the fastest weapons were the single pulse laser and the over shoulder autocannons which she hammered down again.  As the weapons lashed out she noticed the Supernova lift off, the Supernova’s one real advantage over her Mech was its three powerful jump jets.  The Supernova leapt ninety metres left just as Kirsten’s autocannons and pulse laser struck the place the Burrock Mech had been standing.  “Stavag!”  Kirsten screamed twisting her Mech’s torso trying to track the Supernova, as the Dire Wolf’s torso twisted the Supernova fired all six lasers one more time.

   The blast of pure destructive power from the Supernova sent Kirsten’s Dire Wolf reeling, the entire left arm was separated from the Dire Wolf as the mighty OmniMech was sent spiralling to the ground, Kirsten slammed her nose against the control panel as the Dire Wolf hit the ground breaking her nose and covering her in blood, Kirsten screamed, not in pain but pure anger.  Now it was a test of speed, could Kirsten pick her Mech up before the Supernova had cooled?  Kirsten doubted it so instead she rolled the Mech onto its side crushing the right arm’s remaining armour but thankfully not damaging the autocannon there.  Then with every ounce of fight and energy she had left the she slammed down on the Dire Wolf’s weapons triggers, all four Ultra autocannons and the single LB-X-type autocannon fired in unison and to Kirsten’s delight everything hit the location she had planned on hitting.  Lying on its side the Dire Wolf’s weapons were in a direct line to the Supernova’s legs, the five autocannons tore into the already damaged right leg causing it to collapse.  Even if the Supernova hadn’t been overheated the Burrock Mech would have fallen under such damage, but as such the assault Mech fell without control.  Drake was unable to do anything as his Supernova’s head slammed into the ground crushing the cockpit as the weakened armour took ninety tons of Mech landing on it.

   Kirsten picked her Mech up careful not to damaged the right arm autocannon as she used that arm to lever the Mech up, it was possible to pick a Mech up without using the arms but it was time consuming and in the heat of battle no warrior wanted to waste time or show weakness and a prone Mech was a sitting duck literally.  Looking around she could see the battle was going well for the Stone Rhinos, over half of the Burrocks were already down.  Searching she noticed the Stone Rhinos had incurred one casualty however, Star Colonel Jessica’s Mech sat on the ground its head a burning mess.  Kirsten vowed on the death of the Stone Rhino Star Colonel that she would win today however just as she turned her damaged Dire Wolf around ready to challenge one of the Burrocks who had yet to fight an opponent a freak gauss slug from one of the other battles slammed into her cockpit beheading the Dire Wolf and consuming saKhan Kirsten Kotare death was instant and Kirsten had no time to react, just the way war went sometimes.

   A less disciplined command may have broken at this point however the Twelfth Black Lancer Cluster showed why they had been selected by the deceased saKhan to be Watch warriors.  Star Captain Lucian took command of the force, informed the Burrocks he was brining in saKhan Kotare’s last bid and the Stone Rhinos surged forward.  Six hours later the Burrocks surrendered to the remaining Stone Rhinos, six warriors, the remains of the Burrock Garrison Cluster were taken by Star Captain Lucian as Isorla, spoils of war and the Stone Rhinos moved to secure their position and hold over the BattleMech Factory and the nearby Enclave.

Oathmaster Biccon Winters’ Sanctuary
Nova Cat Delta Command Base
Barcella, Kerensky Cluster
21st January 3059

   The Nova Cat Enclaves on Barcella were like ghost towns now that the majority of the Clans civilians had left Clan space.  The Enclave on Barcella used to be the Clan’s Homeworld Capital, a hive of activity, now the only activity was Nova Cat Delta Galaxy security teams searching the enclave for stragglers and search teams marking up things the Nova Cats would be taking with them.  Soon the Nova Cats would abandon Barcella as well, their new home beckoned them.  Oathmaster Biccon Winters sat alone in her sanctuary on the top floor of the largest building in the command firebase, about six floors high, she often came here to meditate on the days goings on and wonder what the future entailed for her Clan.  When the recent Trade Convoy had arrived the Merchants had brought her a correspondence from Khan Santin West, he wanted her to join the Clan in the Nova Cat’s Periphery holdings, although he would be returning to the Homeworlds soon he wanted her on the Nova Cats new Capital.

   Biccon had decided soon after the Nova Cats began leaving the Homeworlds that she would not see the Nova Cat’s new home, and she had found a replacement.  There was a knock on the door breaking the silence “Enter, Star Colonel Jal Steiner, and have a seat.”  She said softly, although an Elemental by birth she did not have the deep voice many of the giant infantrymen had.  The doors opened, the light from the doorway flooded into the darkened room, Star Colonel Jal Steiner entered the room and sat down cross-legged across from him.

   â€œI received word that you were looking for me, Oathmaster.”  Jal Steiner said he had not even returned to Xi Galaxy, the message had caught up with him less than an hour after Zane’s Trial of Bloodright and a call from the Oathmaster demanded attention.

   â€œZane was successful.”  She said in a slightly out worldly voice lighting a candle.

   â€œAff” Jal said quietly, he didn’t know what was going on but, considering the Oathmaster’s hushed tone he decided quiet was best.

   â€œGood, I’m sure the Wolves are happy.”  She said, Jal Steiner had known Biccon Winters since his capture from Clan Cloud Cobra almost nine years before, and he had never heard her speak using contractions.  “Jal Steiner, your influence in the Xi Galaxy has been… dramatic.” Xi Galaxy had taken to the Rossei Cloister beliefs which mirrored the Nova Cats mysticism greatly, they had also changed their camouflage to a swirling mess of colour designed to show their devotion to their beliefs and to show an enemy they had no fear of anything.

   â€œAll I did was show them how similar the Nova Cat’s belief in visions and mysticism is similar to that of the Rossei Cloister’s beliefs.”

   â€œThey seem to understand it quite well and have embraced Nova Cat and Rossei beliefs full heartedly, perhaps even more so than any other group in the entire Nova Cat Touman.”  Biccon Winters said quietly.

   â€œWhy am I here, Oathmaster?”  Jal asked he uttered the title with great reverence, the other Clans didn’t have an Oathmaster instead they relied on a Loremaster to guide them and to officiate Clan customs.  The Oathmaster of the Nova Cats was however special over all Loremasters, not only could an Oathmaster change the destiny of the Clan with one vision the Nova Cat post of Oathmaster was the first of its type in any of the Clans.

   â€œI am dying…” she said with but a whisper, it was a statement of fact from the Oathmaster almost as if she knew exactly when.

   â€œDying, how do you…?”  He asked confused.

   â€œHow does anyone?  The Nova Cats are moving on, they have found a new home and are embracing their future.  With this I believe the Nova Cat Clan requires a new Oathmaster…”  Her voice trailed off, the only way a new Oathmaster could be elected was if the present Oathmaster died or if they were defeated in the Grand Melee, an annual tournament that would decide who was the best candidate for the position.

   â€œThe Grand Melee is not for several months” Jal said.

   â€œThere is a rarely used clause, if an Oathmaster dies in office their personal journals are consulted and if a successor is named that person takes over until a Grand Melee can be convened.  I want to name you as my successor.”

   â€œI do not understand, I have not even undertaken a Rite of Vision of my own yet let alone watching over others and helping guide our Clan.”

   â€œThat is another reason I asked you hear tonight, look into the flame and concentrate.”  She said, she would conduct his vision here and now, traditionally warriors chose when to do their visions themselves picking times in their life that suited them.  At Jal’s side was a small vineer pouch, inside were his collected souvenirs of battle, in a Rite of Vision these were sacrificed in an effort to conjure an image or a message that would guide their life’s or even their Clan’s path.  Jal closed his eyes as he drew the pouch forward then opened his eyes looking into the small flame.

   Suddenly without warning the flame expanded to three times its size, Jal could see an image in the flames.  Focusing on the image he saw a dead nova cat, as the image became more focussed Jal noticed that the nova cat’s paws were bloody, but there was no nearby enemies.  This image quickly faded and was replaced with another this one was of a nova cat full of life leaping through a star field, the nova cat landed on an island inhabited by what looked like human skulls the nova cat grabbed the skulls with its teeth and threw them from the island then began shaping the island in its own way, making a home.  As the nova cat began to feel comfortable a dagger appeared behind hit, just before the dagger struck the nova cat turned on the dagger and shredded it before tossing the remains from the island.  Seconds later a long sword appeared and struck the nova cat from a distance, the animal tried to defend itself blunting the sword but was struck down mortally wounded as it crawled away the cat was killed by a group of animals.  This disturbing image disappeared and another appeared this one featured a vigilant nova cat catching the dagger in its jaws but instead of destroying the small weapon the nova cat returned the dagger to the sword and both sides came to an understanding the nova cat bowing to the lowered sword.

   The image disappeared and the flame became smaller returning to normal “what do you make of that?”  Biccon asked Jal noticed that his vineers had mysteriously disappeared, neither of them had moved during the entire encounter.

   â€œThe Nova Cats are in trouble” Jal said quietly “a dagger is nearing the Nova Cat’s Den, and when it strikes the Nova Cats will retaliate by destroying it.  The Sword will then kill the Nova Cat and the Nova Cat’s enemies will destroy us.”

   â€œAnd what does that mean, too you.”  Biccon asked, she had seen the images he had but wanted to know what Jal made of the images himself, she wanted him thinking of anything but the dead nova cat they had seen first.

   â€œThe Nova Cat’s new home is the Nova Cat’s Den” he said, she nodded “the dagger…” he said thinking “the dagger is a small sword, the Federated Suns has been linked with the sword throughout its history.  The Federated Suns has sent a force, or will send, a force to the Nova Cat’s Den.  After they discover our Clan is there they will turn on it and destroy us, our enemies will strike us and kill us?”

   â€œWhat can we do?”

   â€œWe have to capture the force, intact if possible and return it to the Suns.”

   â€œAnd who can do this?”

   â€œThe Khan, I need to speak to the saKhan immediately” he said rushing out the door without another word.  Biccon smiled Jal Steiner would make a good Oathmaster, she extinguished the candle and moved to her bed for the last time.  Her Clan had discovered a new home and they were safe, but she would not see her Clan’s new home or their future, she had seen to it.

Hall of the Khans
Karl Devalis Personnel Quarters
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
21st January 3059

   â€œWhat the hell?” Karl was awoken by a constant beeping.

   â€œIt has been beeping for the last couple of minutes, I did not know what it was so I left it.”  Sellen said rolling over to look at him, she was a saKhan she should have known what it was but Karl ignored the comment.

   â€œIt is the priority comm.”  he said quietly slipping out of the bed, for once he and Sellen had remained in the bed.  Sellen sat up as he crossed the room and entered the adjacent office.  “Receive” he said the image of Star Colonel Jal Steiner appeared “Star Colonel, it is three o’clock in the morning here, this had better be good.”

   â€œI received a vision” Karl sat down, if any warrior came to him with a vision he would take note when a Star Colonel came to him with a vision at three in the morning he really took note.

   â€œWas the Oathmaster with you, Quiaff?” although any vision was taken seriously only ones officially recognised by the Oathmaster were completely followed, after all some visions changed the path of the entire Clan.

   â€œAff” Jal said “the Oathmaster confirmed it “the Federated Suns are a danger to our home.”  He said Karl glanced over his shoulder and noticed Sellen was not in the bedroom, she had probably gone to the bathroom.  “I need to contact the Khan, our people are in danger from the sword, the only way we can defend our people is to capture the dagger.” Karl was in circles but Jal Steiner seemed intent in his belief, in a Clan of beliefs he would take her serious.

   â€œThe Far Vision is in the Barcella asteroid belt, take a DropShip from Barcella Spaceport under my authority and rendezvous with the Corvette.  The WarShip should be able to reach communication range with the Khan within a couple of jumps.”  The Star Colonel immediately broke the link just as Sellen entered.  “You heard?”

   â€œI heard something about a sword, a dagger and a threat to the Nova Cat people, in other words trouble.”  Sellen said entering the office Karl raised to meet her and they locked in an embrace “you okay?”

   â€œI will be, with some more sleep” he said smiling he noticed the look on her face “let’s get back to bed.”  A small contraction in his voice gave away the tension in his voice, hopefully Jal Steiner had seen something in the Nova Cat’s distant future, at the moment the Khan was en-route to Clan space only the Galaxy Commanders were in the Nova Cat’s Den.  This could be delicate and he hoped his people in the Clan’s new home were ready, the entire clan knew that when the Inner Sphere found out about the Nova Cats in the former Tortuga Dominions that there would be trouble, that day had arrived sooner than they had expected.

Avalon Base, Avalon Valley
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Space
25th January 3059

   Khan Thomas Perez looked out over the Proving Grounds seeded to his Clan by the Ground Council, today they would be the scene of a Stone Rhino’s elevation to the position of saKhan.  Although it was traditional for a Khan to find a saKhan themselves following saKhan Kirsten Kotare’s actions in forming the Watch behind his back Khan Perez had decided to allow any warrior above the rank of Star Colonel, or the equivalent naval rank, to compete for the right to the saKhan post.  Beside him sat Khan Cassius N’Buta who had requested the right to be here, although Thomas had no idea why.  Out in the Proving Ground the Loremaster was beginning the ceremony that would begin the first trial announcing the combatants, auxiliary monitors activated in front of Perez and N’Buta giving them close up images of the action.

   â€œKhan Perez if I may I would like to talk to you about the Burrocks.”

   â€œThey have enraged my Touman Khan N’Buta by killing our saKhan the Stone Rhino’s are calling for blood.”

   â€œI was wondering if you might hold off on attacking the Burrocks.”

   â€œHold off, why?”

   â€œThe Star Adders have acquired information about the Burrocks that will prove their actions involving the Dark Caste.  We will bring this to the council and call for a Trial of Absorption but not yet, if your Clan was to hold off its attacks then I could ensure that the Stone Rhinos were well rewarded for their assistance to the Star Adders.”

   â€œSo the Star Adders would absorb or destroy the Burrocks and the Stone Rhinos would still benefit?  Quiaff” Cassius nodded “I could perhaps sell this to my people, but I would need something in return, another target perhaps.”

   â€œHow about the Smoke Jaguars?  You can target three of their Inner Sphere worlds, if you take them you can hold them until the Star Adders have the resources to take custody.  During this time you can take anything you want from the Smoke Jaguar defenders and the planets themselves.”

   â€œAgreeable, I would like to take a chunk out of the Smoke Jaguars, upload the information and I will move my Clan to deal with the Smoke Jaguars.  Deal with the Burrocks.”  As they had been talking Star Colonel Elizabeth Radick had won her first trial, the first of eight she would win that day and the saKhanship of Clan Stone Rhino.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2012, 05:43:07 AM »

Hall of the Khans, Grand Council Meeting
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
4th February 3059

   At the next Clan Grand Council meeting Khan Cassius N’Buta wasted no time in bringing forward information on Clan Burrock’s involvement with the Dark Caste.  By near unilateral vote Clan Star Adder were given complete rights to a Trial of Absorption against Clan Star Adder with only Clan Blood Spirit voting against the Star Adder claim.

Clan Burrock Territory
Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
14th February 3059

   The Star Adders assaulted the Burrocks ten days later on a wide front.  In orbit over the Burrock capital the Burrocks small WarShip fleet was eliminated quickly the vessels barely putting up a resistance, the Warriors of the Clan claiming they had no idea of their Khans dealing with the Dark Caste and death or Absorption by the Star Adders was better than remaining as Burrocks.  On the ground the Adders quickly moved on the Burrock holdings on all six worlds the Burrocks held territory.

Star Adder Territory (Formerly Burrock Territory)
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
23rd February 3059

   On the 16th February during the Absorption Battles between Clan Burrock and Clan Star Adder Clan Blood Spirit attacks the Star Adder and Burrock forces.  Following this the Burrocks remaining in battle and undefeated by the Star Adders assault the Blood Spirits.  Following seven days of heavy fighting the remaining Blood Spirit forces are driven back to their capital holdings on York by the combined Burrock/Star Adder forces.

Freedom’s Price, Scout-class JumpShip
Filtvelt, Nadir Point
Crucis March, Federated Suns
24th February 3059

   â€œThis is not the best way to begin a mission.”  Ross McKinnon said quietly thoughtfully, the old pirate JumpShip had sprung a seal and vented nearly all its oxygen into space.  Thankfully no-one had been hurt or killed and there was a reserve that had kicked in and the DropShip had been able to help replenish the JumpShip’s supply however this was not the best way to start a mission.  The incident had been reported to command and they had directed a nearby Challenger Systems JumpShip to their location, Challenger Systems were long term contractors with the AFFS and had brought the Congress-class Frigate to the Federated Suns during the Star League-era and currently brought them Monolith-class JumpShips from their small shipyard in the Panpour system.

   When the Challenger Team had arrived they had told the JumpShip captain that the problem was far worse than had originally suspected and that to be safe they would need two months at a shipyard, Ross had persevered with them and told them that the ship needed to last one mission and roughly six jumps (three there, three back) and then it could be dropped into the nearest sun.  The Challenger Team leader, a Dr Keith Penshaw, had grumbled about something and using the HPG on Filtvelt had gotten clearance from AFFS High Command to hold the Fox’s Teeth for six days as his team did as much as possible to make the ship safe.  Leftenant Rachel Montgomery, the Rabid Fox commander entered “this is not the best way to start an operation” she said echoing his very words “six days stuck in this tube is not my idea of productive time.”

   â€œYou have an idea?”

   â€œThe Rabid Fox always have ideas Captain.”  She said with a dazzling smile “the local Filtvelt Garrison can do more if they move about, we could give them a release.  Let them check out the other planets around here make sure we are not walking into anything nasty on Tortuga.”

   â€œWe will only be here for six days”

   â€œIf we land on Filtvelt it is six days there and back plus some ground time.  If you were to comm. them then they could take off tomorrow and we could begin the burn out of here tonight.  It would give us some time to see how our people work together and work out some of the kinks.”

   â€œThe good Doctor could have extra time on the deck too” Ross said, the mission was already running late there was no reason why he couldn’t take some liberties with his orders.  “I’ll contact ground base and we will figure something out, have our people ready to leave in four hours.”
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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