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Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 168826 times)

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #165 on: July 15, 2012, 10:23:22 AM »

This is great. What more is to come.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #166 on: July 15, 2012, 10:52:43 AM »

This is great. What more is to come.

Ask and I will answer... so far the timeline is written in this format until the end of 3085.  However I have a framework that leads up to 3191 in differing levels of detail.  I need to fluff out sections of the story (certain years have 1 event at present) but the frame is there all is needed is the detail


Dragoon’s Memorial
Harlech City Outskirts
Outreach, Chaos March
4th January 3068

   In the months following the hostilities on Outreach the remaining Wolf’s Dragoons had been able to secure Outreach enough for things to begin to return to normal, Harlech City still lay mostly in ruins but the Dragoons were allowing limited off-worlders onto the world.  Today was a special day for the Dragoons and for the wider Inner Sphere.  The Dragoons were saying a final goodbye to Jamie Wolf and the other Dragoons lost in the Battle of Outreach.

   The Walls of Honour were a series of four-metre long, five metre high rectangle blocks of polished black marble that lay on the Outskirts of Outreach.  On the walls the names of every honourable Mercenary and the unit they were part of was written, a practice that had begun in 3060 by the Dragoons and the MRBC to honour those fallen and to make sure ‘hired-gun‘ warriors were never forgotten by their kin or by the states that had hired them.

   The Dragoons had commissioned an entirely new wall for their own recent casualties with Jamie Wolf’s name right at the very top.  None of the Dragoons talked about Jamie Wolf or his life these were facts that had been well catalogued.  Instead in front of the leaders of the Inner Sphere, including the new First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion and his wife Danai Centrella-Davion, General Maeve Wolf stepped forwards from the gathering holding a small urn.  Maeve snapped to a salute, first in Inner Sphere style with a flattened hand to her forehead then with a cross chest fist salute in Clan style.  Many of the other military officers in the crowd copied her Inner Sphere style salute while many of the Dragoons used a Clan salute reflecting Jamie’s and their own origins as members of Clan Wolf.  Maeve then turned her back to the wind and turned the urn upsides down slowly allowing the ash to be taken by the strong wind carrying Jamie’s remains over Lake Kearny on which Harlech rested.

   As guests and out of respect Victor and Danai followed the other example and also saluted to the ashes, the wall and the gathered Dragoons and Victor began to speak “I did not know Jamie Wolf as well as I would have liked, I did not learn everything I would have liked to learn…” he began however right at that moment as the last of Jamie Wolf’s ashes left the urn Danai Centrella-Davion went into labour with her water breaking.  Eight hours later in a Dragoon Medical facility outside Harlech in the first hour of the 5th January Victor and Danai’s second child Jaylen Davion entered the world.
Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
Nueva Castile Space
17th January 3068

   Following the Hell’s Horses successful entrance into the Inner Sphere, via an Invasion of the Clan Wolf OZ, Clan Ice Hellion attempt to replicate their success by launching their own invasion.  Unfortunately for the Hellions the Clans have fortified themselves following the entrance of the Hell’s Horses and the Hellions are unable to concentrate their forces on one area.  After dozens of failed Trials of Possession and the loss of six WarShips, the largest being in the Outpost system of the Wolf OZ where four Ice Hellion WarShips and an entire Galaxy of warriors are lost when they encounter most of the Wolf WarShip fleet at the Wolves primary Inner Sphere WarShip facility.  Although the Ice Hellions gain a temporary foothold in the Bone-Norman system of the Jade Falcon OZ they are soon driven out and forced to retreat.  The Hellions retreat into the Periphery but do not go far assaulting the tiny realm of the Nueva Castile.

   The Umayyad and Castilian forces that occupy the Nueva Castile would be lucky to survive an assault by a front-line Mercenary force let alone one of the Clans desperate for a home and are annihilated however the Ice Hellions do not find salvation in the resource poor Nueva Castile.  To survive the Ice Hellions have two choices, return to the Clan Homeworlds en masse and attempt to recapture their abandoned territory there or try to attack the Inner Sphere Clans Occupation Zone again.  For now they decide to catch their breath and lick their wounds.

Grand Council Chambers
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
21st January 3068

   The Grand Council of the Khans had been convened at the request of Khan Santin West.  Surprisingly most of the Khans had decided to make an appearance with only Khan Marthe Pryde of the Jade Falcons absent, her proxy Timur Malthus sat in her stead.  “The floor recognises the Khan of Clan Nova Cat, Santin West.”  Kael Pershaw said as Santin stood at his place in the chambers, unlike standard procedure where Khans wore their ceremonial uniforms to Grand Council meetings Santin had chosen to wear a duty uniform.  The only thing that was missing was Canin Rosse was still ten days away, Santin would have liked some back-up.

   â€œMy thanks Loremaster” Santin began “My fellow Khans the Ulric’s infernal Truce of Tukayyid has passed and the campaign to conqueror the Inner Sphere will soon begin again.”  He began play to the Crusader mindset of the Clans then surprise them.  “The Nova Cats have decided that it is time to reveal where we have built our new holdings, so that all the Clans can understand we may not be present but we are strong.”  He said pressing a button on the desk in front of him activating the room’s holographic display which first showed the Kerensky Cluster and the Pentagon Worlds that made up the Clan Homeworlds.  The Display panned down through the Deep Periphery which separated the Homeworlds from the Inner Sphere.  The Display did not however stop over the Clan Occupation Zones or go any deeper into the Inner Sphere instead it began moving around the Draconis Combine borders past the small territory held by the Jarnfolk, which many Clans believed the Nova Cats controlled but in fact the Nova Cats had not even contacted this remote holding.  Instead the display panned down past the Outworlds Alliance and settled over the Tortuga Dominions which grew to accommodate New Barcella, the Varnay System and the newly colonised New Circe system.  “My fellow Khans this is the Nova Cat’s Den, this is the Nova Cat’s new Homeworlds.”  Santin said shutting the display off the map only gave general locations of the newly colonised worlds but anyone with half a brain could begin to close down their actual locations and the men and women in this room were among the most intelligent in all the Clans.

   â€œYou broke the Truce line ten years ago!”  Timur Malthus screamed “this is a direct affront to all the Clans!  If you had been discovered they may have decided to annihilate all the Invading Clans!”  He shouted standing up “I declare…!”

   â€œA Trial of Refusal!”  The Steel Viper Khan Brett Andrews said before Timur could finish “you have endangered us all.  You will fight me or the next call will be for the abjuration of Clan Nova Cat.”  He said threatening to throw the Nova Cats out of Clan society was a big threat considering there was three Galaxies and half a dozen WarShips in Clan Space at present.
   â€œI accept.  Name a place and time.”

   â€œThe place is here the time is now!”  Brett Andres said stepping down from the Steel Viper podium.

   â€œGentlemen please this is not the place for this!”  Kael Pershaw said trying to get some order in the council chambers however no-one was listening.

   â€œI accept.”  Santin said stepping down from the Nova Cat stand.

   â€œThis is highly irregular, I call for order!”

   â€œShut up!”  Timur Malthus shouted at the Loremaster of the Council as the two warriors began to fight, there were no rules or honour given or offered between them.  Brett Andrews was younger than West by almost ten years and for a MechWarrior he was tall but he was a far lighter build than Santin West and less cautious.  Brett leaned in with a series of jabs directed at Santin‘s ribs, the massive muscles of the Nova Cat Khan absorbed the hits then Santin got to work delivering a series of blows to the Steel Viper Khan beating him into a pulp then tossing him on the ground Santin moved over and dropped on Brett Andrews knocking the wind out of the Steel Viper Khan and breaking at least three ribs.  “End it!”  Malthus said the Steel Vipers and Jade Falcons had always been enemies the death of the Steel Viper Khan would be a major victory for the Jade Falcons especially if they had to do nothing.

   â€œThis Trial is ended.”  Santin said picking himself up walking back towards the Nova Cat box.

   â€œAnd another begins.”  Riana Montrose Khan of Clan Ice Hellion said stepping down, she was a massive Elemental almost twice as tall as Santin West, who was short for an Elemental and had a far broader chest.  “There will be no grace period you will fight me.”  Riana said to Santin’s back, her voice full of anger obviously angry because the Nova Cats had found a new Home and prospered while her Clan tittered on the brink of destruction in the Deep Periphery due to a failed invasion.  The Nova Cat Khan slowly turned and just nodded, this was a fight he knew he could not win but the Nova Cats needed the time his death would bring them to secure their positions before the Clan onslaught.  He knew Canin could do the job that was required.  The following battle was a short brutal one as Brett Andrews was carried away Riana Montrose did not leave Santin West to be carried away instead she killed him quickly and efficiently as any Clan Warrior would want to die.  The other Khans called for the Nova Cats to be abjured for their disregard for the Truce of Tukayyid however Clans Diamond Shark, Snow Raven, Ghost Bear, Cloud Cobra and surprisingly Goliath Scorpions all supported the Nova Cats saving them from immediate repercussions.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #167 on: July 15, 2012, 11:14:50 AM »

Crazy Ice Hellion See their insanity
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #168 on: July 15, 2012, 11:43:20 AM »

Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
2nd February 3068

   On the second of February with the Clans still angry at the Nova Cats announcement about the location of their new Den and just before saKhan Canin Rosse’s arrival in the Homeworlds the Steel Viper vessels Coiled Serpent, a Vincent Mk-42-class Corvette, the Snake Pit, a Lola III-class Destroyer, and Martial Legacy, an Essex-class Destroyer attack the Nova Cat Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser Thunderbolt outside a Trial.  Although the Nova Cat vessel is able to destroy the Coiled Serpent and Snake Pit before being lost the Battle-cruiser is unable to overcome all the vessels arrayed against it.  The loss is the first of many for the Nova Cats WarShip fleet.

   At almost the same time Clan Ice Hellion WarShips assaulted the Righteous Return, a Vincent Mk 42-class Corvette, and Growler, a Lola III-class Destroyer, in the Barcella system destroying both vessels loosing the vessel Chaos Sailor, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, which they scuttle to stop the Nova Cats salvaging the vessel.  A Nova Cat crew go aboard the vessel in attempts to stabilize the vessel however it is too far gone and they abandon the vessel to the depths of space.

   On the 4th February just as Canin Rosse arrives in the Homeworlds well aware of the other attacks against his Clan.  The three Nova Cat WarShips (Lucian Carns, Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser, Vision Quest, Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, and Far Vision, Vincent Mk 42-class Corvette) and a dozen JumpShips carrying Delta Galaxy are more than ready when three Jade Falcon vessels that approach and attack them in the Bearclaw system of the Kerensky Cluster.  In a brief one sided battle the Nova Cats destroy the Turkina’s Pride, a Cameron-class Battle-cruiser and capture the Liberator-class Cruiser Gauntlet driving off the remaining Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser White Aerie loosing only the Far Vision, a Vincent Mk 42-class Corvette, the Nova Cat's superior skill and experience proving too much for the Falcon vessels.  Canin sends most of Delta Galaxy and the newly captured Gauntlet, with the Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser Vision Quest as escort, to the Barcella system taking the Lucian Carns and the Watch Cluster to Strana Mechty.

Clan Grand Council
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
17th February 3068

   For a saKhan to have called for a Grand Council was a strange and uncommon event, for a saKhan of a Clan without a senior Khan to have called for the Council was unheard of, standard procedure was for a new Khan to be sworn in before retributions were called for in-case the saKhan was also killed or incapacitated in the following Trials of Position.

        Canin Rosse had however dispensed with any pretence of following procedure and called for the Grand Council.  Once all the Khans were assembled he stood up and addressed the Khans not waiting for the Loremaster to announce the opening of the Council.  “My fellow Khans I come to you under the most grave of circumstances.”  He noticed that several of the Khans scoffed at his words, Canin would set them straight.  “Not only was Khan Santin West killed on this very floor without time to prepare for the trial or the grace required before a second.”  He said looking around the Khans Canin noticed several look to the floor ashamed of the events that had followed Santin West’s death most obviously Khan Brett Andrews still recovering from his injuries caused fighting Santin West “but then several of the Khans in this room authorized their Clans to launch unprovoked attacks against the Nova Cat WarShip fleet without issuing trials against these vessels blatant disregard for Clan tradition or any semblance of honour!!"  Canin allowed his anger to boil to the fore showing all the Clans exactly how far they had fallen.  Looking around the room Canin knew his words hit home on a few, but actions would be required to show the others just how wrong they were.

        "Now if we have abandoned the traditions set down by the Founder" he continued further shaming of the Clans, a risk but a calculated one Canin knew the vast majority of the Nova Cats were safe far from the reaches of any of the Clans.  "Then perhaps I should order my Nova Cats to level this building, and perhaps his city,” he threatened.  He noticed outraged faces on several of the Khans, including the Nova Cat’s traditional allies, few knew the young Nova Cat Khan well enough to knew exactly where he would take this “as it appears that no-one has the honour to conduct business like a member of the Clans.”

   â€œsaKhan Nova Cat, watch your words or your Clan will go the way of the Not-named.”  Khan Vlad Ward warned refusing to name the Wolverine Clan which had been annihilated for its disregard for Clan tradition and its use of Nuclear weapons against a Snow Raven Genetic Repository.  Canin nodded to the Wolf Khan, of all the Khans present Vlad Ward was probably the only Khan Canin truly respected.

   â€œFine" he stated "I shall honour Clan tradition.  Brett Andrews, I challenge you to a Circle of Equals we have business to settle.”  Canin said turning to the Steel Viper Khan who looked shocked that his name had been called out, he almost smiled the Steel Viper Khan had been beaten heavily by Santin West so the Steel Vipers had lashed out thinking they could get away with attacking the Nova Cat’s WarShip Fleet, the Steel Vipers had only just begun to pay.  The Steel Viper Khan struggled to stand under his heavy bandages “wait, I shall allow you more time to recuperate.”  Canin said raising a hand showing the honour Santin West did not receive.  Brett Andrews nodded his appreciation then slumped back into his chair “saKhan Nicole Hoskins, your Khan is unable to fight me.  You will fight me or your Clan will pay the price.”  Canin said looking to the young woman sitting beside the Khan.  At thirty-two years Nicole’s codex was almost as strong as Canin’s a ristar from the time she left the sibkos she had become saKhan following the Steel Viper retreat from Lum in 3065.

   â€œWould the Nova Cats be willing to accept ransom to quell their anger?”  She asked raising at her position she was smart enough to know that Canin had prepared for today and his anger needed to be quelled.  But she also realized that the Nova Cats were one of the more reasonable Clans to trade with.  There was a couple of smiles from around the room but Canin did not take his face off the Steel Viper saKhan.  “I have no wish to fight when it is obvious that we are in the wrong" she said berating Brett Andrews so publicly there could be further changes in the Steel Viper leadership without a Circle of Equals today.  Nicole Hoskins continued "and, unlike others, I will not dishonour this chamber any more than it has been.  Can a compromise be reached, Quiaff?”  She asked more forcefully this time Canin suppressed a smile, he couldn't help but respect her words despite her physical inaction.

   â€œAff, you will deliver to us the WarShips Constrictor and Steel Python.”  He said naming a Whirlwind-class Destroyer and an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser the addition of these vessels would go a long way to replacing the losses the Nova Cats had taken, although it would take years to train new crews to the effectiveness of the lost crews.

   â€œTwo WarShips, Preposterous!!” Brett Andrews exclaimed coughing as his ribs ached, first his saKhan had dealt with an adversary instead of fighting and now he could see the cost.

   â€œTwo WarShips or the lives of two Khans.”  Canin said plainly “simply put we get the ransom of two WarShips or I will kill you both in these chambers today, cracked ribs or not.”  Canin threatened stepping down onto the floor not taking his eyes off the two Steel Viper Khans.

   â€œsaKhan Rosse, this is an honourable chamber, we will not have more fighting.  Return to your position.”  Kael Pershaw said standing up, he seemed to take charge when he felt like it, something Canin Rosse would soon settle.  Turning around Canin looked at the Loremaster he could barely hid his disdain looking at the Jade Falcon warrior.

   â€œMake me.”  Canin demanded looking at the elderly Loremaster.  Nova Cats generally respected elder warriors, especially bloodnamed ones, for their greater wisdom, skill and their ability to live for so long in the cut-throat Clan society however with Pershaw all Canin saw was an old man trying to control a younger man’s world.

   â€œWhat did you say?”  Kael asked his voice raising with his anger.

   â€œMake me.”  Canin repeated looking at the Elemental “if you had half the bottle to stand up during the time of Santin West then my Khan would still be here.  Now sit down before I make you.”  Canin said, he heard several muffled laughs from around the room as he turned back to the Steel Viper Khans, as he turned he caught a glimpse of the Wolf Khan, Vlad Ward a huge predatory smile crossing his lips.  “Deal or no Deal?”  He asked looking at the two Steel Viper leaders.

   â€œDeal, the vessels you want will be delivered as soon as we can.”  Nicole Hoskins quickly answered.

   â€œA prize crew for both vessels will arrive in the Marshall system this afternoon, ensure they are ready.”  He said turning to the next target in this little exercise “Galaxy Commander Timur Malthus!  I challenge you to a Circle of Equals.”  Canin said looking at the Jade Falcon Khan-Proxy, the elder warrior looked shocked that his name had been called out.

   â€œOn what grounds?”  Timur asked quietly knowing he was in trouble.

   â€œThe Jade Falcon WarShip group that welcomed me to the Homeworlds, the Gauntlet has been taken as Isorla and will serve the Nova Cats, and your actions on the day of Santin West’s death.”

   â€œI had nothing to do with that.”  Timur protested confidently, it was true that he had done nothing only started the events that led to Santin’s death.

   â€œWrong, the challenge stands with Clan Wolf support.”  Vlad Ward said standing up.  “Of all whom is guilty the Jade Falcons are the worse offenders.  Also we have sensor data from the Bearclaw system where the Jade Falcons assaulted saKhan Rosse and all I can say is they lost badly.”  He said smiling “the Wolves fully support the Nova Cats and congratulate them for taking the advantage and conquering the Tortuga Dominions, a rouge state the barbaric Inner Sphere allowed to continue.  They did what no-one in the Inner Sphere was capable of doing and they did it under all of our noses.  The Wolves respect there ability and opportunistic actions for creating a future by eliminating a specter of the past that even the Great Father's Star League did not completely quell.   If the Jade Falcons refuse this challenge Clan Wolf will join Clan Nova Cat in any retribution strikes they believe are necessary.”  Any chance to hurt the Jade Falcons the Wolves would take.

   â€œGalaxy Commander, I am waiting.”  Canin said looking at the man, he did not even use the Khan-Proxy title created by Marthe Pryde just so she would not have to be here.

   â€œAnd If I refuse.”

   â€œIf you refuse you will be kicked out of these chambers.”  Kael Pershaw said, Malthus looked at the Loremaster with a betrayed look, they were both Jade Falcons but the Loremaster was siding against him.  Although the Loremaster did not know it, even this action would not save him.

   â€œAnd the Nova Cats will launch a full assault on Jade Falcon holdings with its full fury, I believe Clan Nova Cat have five WarShips, four Galaxies of troops, mostly front-line, all available for deployment and nothing to lose!”  Canin said his anger continuing to show, around the room there was some shocked looks and some very worried looks, Canin Rosse had always been in the background and none of them had taken a former-member of the Watch seriously as a Khan or anything near their equal.  Now he was making his position felt in the Clan Council and none of the Khans liked the look of things to come.  Only Khan Vlad Ward smiled as events unfolded, he’d watched the Nova Cat Exodus from Clan Space and known they were up to something but as long as they hadn’t come near his Occupation Zone he didn’t care, now they had returned and they were causing the Jade Falcons plenty of trouble which he liked. Standing there Canin wondered if they were buying his anger and not seeing he was venting his anger and had no intention of fully attacking Jade Falcon territory just then the Jade Falcon Galaxy Commander moved to the floor as he to accepted the challenge.

   Like the events of the day Santin West had been killed neither offered the other any honour as they got straight down to the fight.  Malthus was at a distinct disadvantage not only was he smaller, older and weaker than Canin, he was also an aerospace fighter pilot who had been bred for the rigors of space and atmospheric combat not hand-to-hand combat.  Using his sturdier frame, quicker reflexes and superior skill Canin reached in first with a left punch followed by a right then a kick to the stomach area, every time he hit Malthus Canin could feel something break or a tendon give way and could see the Jade Falcon warrior gasping in pain, from the older man‘s face Canin could tell he hadn’t felt pain in a long time and was having trouble coping with it.  Grabbing Malthus’ left arm Canin spun the Jade Falcon warrior to across his body sticking out his left knee to knock the aerospace warrior flat on his face then with a practiced motion with the Jade Falcon warrior at his feet Canin reached forward and grabbing Timur Malthus around the neck and with one fluid motion snapped his neck ending the fight and the Jade Falcon warrior’s life.

   Stepping over the warrior as two lower-castemen entered and dragged the body of the broken dead Jade Falcon warrior away, not stopping to breath Canin turned to his next target Riana Montrose, the Khan of Clan Ice Hellion and the killer of Santin West.  “Riana Montrose you are called….”  Canin began to say again the Grand Council chambers was filled with gasps, all realized that Rosse was ready for them all.

   â€œsaKhan Rosse, stop this, you cannot kill everyone in one sitting!”  Vlad Ward warned interupting the challenge leaning forward from the Wolves position.  Although he respected what the Nova Cat saKhan wanted to accomplish and his directness there was no way he could survive many more fights and Riana Montrose was far fitter a warrior and a more active warrior than Timur Malthus had ever been.

   â€œYou are right Khan Ward, however, I do not intend on killing everyone in this room.  Not today.”  Canin answered turning back to see Riana Montrose’s fist flying towards his face.  Canin turned deflecting the punch to his left arm numbing the limb slightly “we shall dispense with the pleasantries then.”  Canin said lashing out with a kick into Riana’s chest then ducking away from the Elemental’s punches.  Canin knew from excises he had fought against Santin West that this strategy of duck and punch would do little but annoy Riana, or any Elemental, however he did know of several points on where to strike any human, even a monstrous wall of flesh like an Elemental, that would put them down permanently.  Ducking right under her left arm Canin lashed out with a pair of jabs to the underside of the shoulder joint right under Riana’s arm.  He then moved behind her and kicked her back as she turned.  Riana Montrose was a fit and young woman however, Canin’s rapid strikes at the joints and pressure points had come totally unexpected and he could see she was in pain not expecting him to be this proficient at hand-to-hand combat.  For a MechWarrior to best an Elemental in hand-to-hand combat it took true proficiency.  Riana charged forward attempting the classic Elemental charge and trample however Canin had seen this before, and been on the receiving end of it from Santin West, he'd learned from it and knew the best way of defeating this was leverage.  Canin jumped upward kicking off the Star Adder desk catapulting thought the air over Riana, as he passed her he lashed out with a kick catching the Ice Hellion Khan in the side of the head with his combat boots.  Riana screamed as she spun hitting Canin mid-air smacking his leg and ribs forcing the Nova Cat saKhan into a compromised landing with an audible thud.  Riana showed she was an Elemental again however with her target on the ground she tried to trample him.  Canin didn’t even think allowing his body to react using his training at the last moment he sat up with an outstretched leg tripping the Ice Hellion Khan, Riana Montrose soared through the air slamming head first into the Nova Cat podium the velocity and angle of the impact snapping her neck killing her.

   Sitting up carefully Canin could feel his ribs strain against the movement, he’d damaged something in the fall, and as he put pressure on his left foot he found more pain, having an Elemental run into it was not the best way to look after any part of your body, his leg was not broken but badly bruised.  Moving carefully he tried to show as little of the pain as possible as he retook his position Canin sat down and Loremaster Kael Pershaw began to speak.

   â€œIf there is no more business then we should end this session, there has been enough for us all to think about.”  He said visibly shocked by the events, Canin wondered if he had been equally shocked by Santin West’s death.  None of the other Khans spoke up, Canin had been expecting another challenge however two deaths it seemed was enough for any council sitting.

Clan Grand Council
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Clan Homeworlds
18th February 3068

   Following the actions of the day before the Khans were not ready for more trouble in the Grand Hall however Khan Vlad Ward had called them to session.  “My fellow Khans I have another piece of business that we did not cover yesterday.”  Khan Vlad Ward said standing “I believe the Nova Cat Khan” he said respecting Canin’s ability with a raise in rank above his own and as the Nova Cats had no Khan at present.  Even without any Trials from the Clan Vlad could tell he was looking at the next Nova Cat Khan “has made a valid points about you Kael Pershaw.  I call for a vote of no-confidence on the ability of Kael Pershaw as Loremaster of this council.”  Vlad said shocking the entire council, the Wolves rarely involved themselves in homeworlds politics now with their Occupation Zone.  The vote was taken with the Diamond Sharks, Wolves, Star Adders (supporting to increase their position in the Homeworlds), Coyotes, Ghost Bears (via HPG), Steel Vipers (supporting to hurt Jade Falcons), Snow Ravens, Cloud Cobras and Nova Cats (supporting mainly because Canin hurts too much to kill Kael Pershaw.)

   With the motion past Kael Pershaw is removed as Loremaster of the Grand Council with Star Adder Loremaster Star Colonel Dagmar Lahiri elevated to the position hours later.  Also after the Council Canin Rosse is elevated to the position of Khan by the Nova Cat Galaxy Commanders.  Canin makes Galaxy Commander Jal Steiner of Xi Galaxy his new saKhan ending a day of turmoil on Strana Mechty.

Clan politics at its best... hope you enjoyed
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #169 on: July 15, 2012, 02:38:00 PM »

FSS Alexander Davion, C&C
New Stevens System, Zenith Point
Chaos March
8th March 3068

   Sitting in what was once the New Stevens system of the Terran Hegemony one jump from the Federated Suns the last thing anyone had expected to happen was for the Alexander Davion and the Unity City to encounter another WarShip let alone five!  New Stevens had been one of the old Terran Hegemony’s jewels part of the Lockdale Region, another dead world, it had been the last world before the Core of the Hegemony.  Kerensky’s army had torn through the world with no Fixed defences the world had fallen quick enough and become a supply world.  However when the SLDF followed Kerensky’s Exodus the world became a target for the massed armies of the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine and Capellan Confederation as they all searched for equipment left over by the Star League armies.  All three resorted to tactical nuclear weapons during the First Succession War inevitably the damage done was too much for the world to continue to be inhabited, by the end of the Second Succession War the world was completely abandoned.

        Today however there was way too much life in this system for Victor Steiner-Davion, the sophisticated sensors aboard the two WarShips had identified the two front running vessels as a pair of Zechetinu-class Corvettes that had obviously gone rogue from the Free Worlds League.  While the three slower moving vessels were a single Naga or Naga II-class Destroyer and a pair of early model Essex-class Destroyers.  Since the Word of Blake was the only organisation known to field either type of vessel they had been labelled as Word of Blake vessels.  The Unity City had sent a distress call out to all nearby HPG stations informing everyone of this attack against the First Lord however standing on the command deck of the Alexander Davion Victor knew that they were on their own.

   â€œFleet Admiral, I suggest you withdraw.”  Victor said quietly to Andrea Petain, he hated to run from any fight but there was no point taking on five WarShips with the Alexander Davion.  The Unity City was fast but it wasn’t well armed or armoured so Victor never even classed it as a fighting asset, which was why he had remained on the Alexander Davion with Danai and his two children.  Victor was still getting used to having little Emma around and was slightly shocked that neither of his children had been born on New Avalon.  He wished Jackson and the Black Watch had come to Outreach instead of returning to New Avalon, having a dozen DropShips with them and a Regiment of MechWarriors would turn the tide nicely here, that was not going to happen unfortunately. 

   â€œWe cannot retreat from the system, sire, the Jump engine still needs another six hours of charging and I have ordered the sail taken in for more manoeuvrability.”  She didn’t mention the vessel could use its reactors to hot-charge the engine a risky plan.  Victor knew this and if he ordered it she would carry out his orders but she would not preside over the loss of the First Prince and his family.

   â€œSo what is your plan?”  Victor asked he was lost in space, quite literally on the ground he could plan and fight a prolonged campaign but in space he knew nothing, even after the Campaigns against the Clans this environment was still alien to him.

   â€œThe two Corvettes are acting independently from the Destroyers.”  She said pointing out their relative positions on the Holo-tank.  “I want to draw them in along with their DropShips and use our superior firepower to take them out of the equation quickly.  Then we could be looking at a slugging match against all three Blake vessels.”  She said Victor didn’t like that idea.

   â€œWhat of the Unity City? They are not equipped for slugging matches.”  Victor said, thinking about it either was the Alexander Davion.

   â€œThey will hold back and hit the Corvettes at long range with their Naval Lasers while the First Royal Black Watch Wing will fight alongside our fighters.  We outweigh the two Corvettes ourselves and our firepower is more than enough to take them.”  Andrea said confidently, this vessel was the Flagship of the Federated Suns fleet, the most skilled crew and was named for the most influential First Prince in Federated Suns history she had rights to be confident.  “It is these three I am worried about.”  She said circling the three Destroyers nearly half an hour behind the two corvettes.  “If our sensors are right and they are Essex and Naga-class vessels then they all weigh as much or more than us and the Blakists have probably upgraded them with all the most recent tech available on Terra.  Also if they are equipped with aerospace fighter carrier DropShips we could face real trouble.”  Victor nodded the Alexander Davion carried a pair of assault DropShips, one Claymore, one Avenger.  These small but powerful vessels could eliminate almost any DropShip they might face but against massed fighters they would be overwhelmed and the Alexander Davion only carried twenty fighters of its own.

   â€œWell we will just have to hope there is help nearby.”  Victor said quietly, they both knew that was not the case the closest vessel was the Hound-class Corvette FSS Proserpina in orbit of the world of the same name in the Draconis March at least four jumps away far to far for the vessel to be of any help while the leaders of the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine may be just as happy to see Victor dead.  “How long?”

   â€œFourteen minutes.”  Andrea said doing the calculations in her head quickly.

   â€œThen I will go below.”  Victor said quietly.

   â€œYou don’t want to remain?”  Andrea asked surprised.

   â€œThis is your battlefield Admiral, you and the crew have my full support but I will be better placed out of the way to allow you to do your job.  Good hunting.”  Victor said leaving the Command Deck with Tigret, his bodyguard and two Royal Black Watch troopers.

   â€œThank you sire.”  Andrea said watching Victor leave, the First Prince had just made her life ten times easier, turning back to her crew.  “Right get this ship moving, full military thrust, launch all fighters and DropShips.  Inform the Unity City of our move.  Helm, I want to hit those two Corvettes as fast as possible then about turn and run like hell, we are not getting into a slugging match, not yet.”  There were half a dozen ayes and the Alexander Davion began to move.  The Fighters and DropShips of the Alexander Davion were quickly joined by forty fighters of the Black Watch and their Vengeance-class DropShip Carrier.  “Have our fighters and DropShips concentrate on the port vessel the Black Watch on the right.”

   â€œWhat of their DropShips and fighters?”  the comm. officer asked after relaying the orders, Andrea guessed it was a question from her own fighter commanders.  She remained silent for a moment looking at the range clocks.

   â€œWeapons, forward Gauss rifles on those two DropShips.”  She ordered answering the question the Alexander Davion’s two front-arc mounted Light Naval Gauss Rifles fired in unison the sound echoing through the vessel as the two weapons fired.  The Light Naval Gauss was a upped sized version of the BattleMech mounted Gauss Rifle and the although the smallest capable of mounting on a WarShip it was still a very capable weapon.  The weapon had awesome range and damage perfect for taking out the enemy DropShips in a single strike which they did shattering both vessels in an instant.  “There’s your answer, the enemy fighters” she counted sixteen in total “are to be left for our gunners.  Have to leave them something.”  She said smiling the destruction of the enemy DropShips had lifted a weight off.  The comm. officer was also smiling as he relayed the orders.

   The two enemy corvettes returned fire with Naval Lasers causing some damage to the Alexander Davion’s forward armour but nothing critical.  As the vessels closed the Alexander Davion’s forward guns four Naval Autocannons backed by four Naval Lasers and the two Light Naval Gauss Rifles opened fire almost in unison.  At this range the weapons fire was not very accurate one of the autocannons did however hit and penetrate the armour of the port Zechetinu causing heavy damage and several decompressions along its forward-port area.  All four Naval lasers also found points on the other vessel causing heavy damage but no penetration.  The Unity City behind the Alexander Davion also fired into the starboard vessel adding its two Naval Lasers to the Davion’s unfortunately they were not coordinated with the Davion‘s and hit other areas causing more armour damage but noting crippling.

   The two Corvettes returned fire with naval autocannons and laser fire however the Alexander Davion had engaged its Screen Launcher defence system and these weapons found their targeting data corrupted unable to find the Alexander Davion.  One naval autocannon blast did get through however causing moderate armour damage to the Alexander Davion’s thick armour.  At the same time the fighters from both sides engaged as did the DropShips on the Davion’s side.  The two corvettes had tightly packed anti-fighter weapons and could cause lots of damage to the fighters however their gunners were showing their inexperience attacking the heavily armed assault DropShips and the Vengeance.  One naval autocannon blast caught the Royal Black Watch’s Vengeance in the port side and the Star League’s fighter carrier DropShip vaporised in an instant as the WarShip showed what the smallest of Naval Weapons could do to a DropShip with a direct hit.

   â€œHave the fighters and DropShips regroup with the Unity City” Andrea said knowing the enemy WarShips could eliminate large numbers of them quickly, she might need them later against the enemy destroyers which lacked significant anti-fighter defences.  “Helm get us in broadside position.”  She said the broadside was the most powerful shot a WarShip had it used three separate arcs of a WarShip’s weapons array to bring truly devastating firepower to bare.

   â€œWhich ship?”  The head helmsmen asked.

   â€œBoth of them, I want to go right between them.”

   â€œWe could get a little toasty in there Admiral.”  her executive officer warned from the weapons console engaging one WarShip in a Broadside battle was dangerous engaging two was fool hardy in most circumstances.

   â€œNot as toasty as they are going to get.  Helm confirm course, flank speed.”  Andrea said watching as the Alexander Davion began moving between the two enemy WarShips, both of them could Broadside the Davion but the Destroyer’s armour could take it, these light corvettes couldn’t that Andrea was sure of they were designed to engage fighters and DropShips in the support of heavier WarShips and were under armoured when it came to battling proper WarShips, a category the Davion-class comfortably fit into.

   â€œEnemy vessels firing.”

   â€œDeploy screens” Andrea said, they wouldn’t matter much at this range and the executive officer was about to say as much when the weapons console exploded in his face.  “Secondary weapons take full control.  Medical team to the Command Centre.  Helm move it!”  She said looking at the Alexander Davion’s damage schematic they had taken two Naval Autocannons, one on each side and two laser blasts on the port side along with dozens of small hits, nothing the damage control teams could not handle.

   â€œIn position.”

   â€œBroadside both sides - Fire!”  Andrea said raising from her chair because the vessel was under its own power there was quite a strong gravity in the command centre allowing her to move freely as two medics arrived to take away the injured executive officer.  A tech began repairing the console even as they were engaged.  He shouldn’t have bothered however as the Alexander Davion’s broadside guns four heavy and assault class Naval Autocannons backed up with conventional rotary autocannons, large pulse lasers and Short Range Missiles opened fire on both sides of the vessel with thunderous and devastating consequences.  The port Zechetinu was cut in half by the autocannons as they tore through the vessel’s centre-line destroying crew quarters, bulkheads and the K-F Drive as they went snapping the ship's back.  The starboard vessel’s command module was consumed with fire by the assault an Autocannons tore into the forward windows shattering them, the atmosphere was venting from both vessels and life boats were launching.  The enemy fighters had not escaped either tagged by the Davion’s gunners as threats the conventional weapons fire had cut all but two of the aircraft apart and they were running, none of them had been prepared for such a devastating assault from one target.

   â€œThey’re finished sir” the secondary weapons officer said “no weapons firing from either vessel, escape pods launching and their distress beacons have activated.”

   â€œHelm move us away, take us to the Stellar Mass near the system’s star, rendezvous with the Unity City, dock our fighters and extend refuelling lines for the Black Watch, looks like they will have to remain in their fighters until we work something out.”  She said loosing their carrier DropShip was a problem although she could see she had lost two of her own aerospace fighters however she would never fit the thirty-eight remaining Black Watch Fighters in the Davion and now would have to refuel them on the move, a risky operation also the pilots would be forced to remain with their fighters for long periods not good for morale or crew rest.

   â€œWhat about the escape pods?”  Someone asked.

   â€œLeave them to their friends, they have more than twenty-four hours air, plenty of time.”  Andrea said as the Alexander Davion began to move rejoining the Unity City and the fighters of both vessels.  “I want a status check on the First Prince then readiness response from all decks.”  Andrea said the easy part was over now they had bigger a far bigger fight to survive.

   An hour later the three Destroyers, all confirmed as Word of Blake vessels, were moving into range in front of them an entire wing of fighters and four assault DropShips.   Sitting in her command chair Fleet Admiral Andrea Petain knew her ship, her crew and her First Prince were not getting out of this alive individually the Alexander Davion could kill any of the enemy targets arranged against them even in its damaged state however against all of them at once one of the enemy ships would score a lucky hit then another and before they knew it the Alexander Davion would die and the Federated Suns would lose its First Prince to an enemy, the first time that had happened since the death of Victor’s uncle, Ian Davion, to the Draconis Combine on Mallory‘s World in 3013 long before any of the Alexander Davion‘s crews birth.  “Admiral, the Unity City is breaking formation, they are going straight in!  The Black Watch fighters are following them, full throttle they are not coming out of that fast.”  The way space combat worked was you built up speed by going one way then had to turn round to slow down, the Unity City had huge engines and was capable of one of the fastest speeds ever recorded by a WarShip but that meant that if the vessel used its full thrust a breaking manoeuvre to stop the ship before it hit something would probably kill the crew.

   â€œGet me Commodore Bey.”  She said moments later they were linked “Commodore what are you doing?”

   â€œBuying you time, there is no way that either of us are winning a straight up fight but if we slow them you can seek refuge in the Stellar Mass.”

   â€œWe cannot hide forever, if you are fighting so are we.”  Andrea said the Unity City had forced her hand but she would prefer a straight up fight anyway, the Alexander Davion deserved to go in a blaze of glory instead of being picked to pieces, Andrea was certain that the First Prince would want them to go down fighting as well.

   â€œNegative, we cannot win this fight, get the First Lord clear.”  The Unity City’s commander said cutting the link.  The Alexander Davion command deck crew were looking at Andrea none of them wanted to die and although all were willing Andrea could understand that if they didn‘t have to die they didn‘t want to, she was the same.

   â€œGet us turned around release the fighters and the DropShips tell them to make a single pass on the enemy picking any targets of opportunity in support of the Unity City then rendezvous with us.  All gunners make long range shots that are possible, if they have ammunition use it.”  Her crew began to move and soon the Alexander Davion’s fighters and DropShips were joining the battle supporting the Black Watch and the Unity City as the Alexander Davion‘s forward weapons continued to fire in support of the charging Unity City at this range the fire was very inaccurate.  The Unity City itself had taken down a dozen fighters on its own and two DropShips but the enemy WarShips were beginning to notice the Unity City didn’t care about fighting them directly.  Andrea Petain had realized that when the Unity City began accelerating and for the Blakists it was too late the Unity City charged into the Blakist formatting at nearly five G’s acceleration and ploughed into the first Essex.  The kinetic energy alone tore the Destroyer in half while the resulting explosion destroyed both ships and dozens of fighters all around all the Word of Blake WarShips and fighters were forced to turn away to avoid being caught in the debris field allowing Black Watch fighters to cause havoc before they were overwhelmed by the numerically superior Blake units.  As the Alexander Davion began to retreat eight of their twenty fighters and the single surviving DropShip, the Claymore rendezvoused with them.  Only three heavily damaged Black Watch fighters survived the Wing’s sacrifice.  Andrea happily took them aboard treating them like her own crew as the Alexander Davion entered the densely packed Stellar Mass.  “Note it in the logs that the Unity City crew died bravely and that they destroyed one of the enemy WarShips before dying themselves they sold their lives for the First Lord.”

   A Stellar Mass was an rare sight outside Star Clusters, it was made up of fragments of malformed or failed solar systems and full of strange gravimetrical waves and thousands lumps of rock some as large as the Alexander Davion.  One wrong move and the Destroyer would not survive a collision, then again fighting two enemy WarShips, their Fighters and DropShips would be just as suicidal.

FSS Alexander Davion, Gravity Deck Conference Room
Unnamed System, Stellar Mass Field
Chaos March
12th March 3068

   After four days of cat and mouse fighting the Alexander Davion had taken a few more hits and hiding in the Stellar Mass was becoming more and more difficult, the fragments remnants of a destroyed moon during the formation of the system barely large enough to hide the Davion-class vessel.  Their last surviving DropShip had been destroyed as had half their remaining fighters leaving them with four operation aircraft.  First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion had called for a meeting with Andrea and her command staff.

   â€œWhat options do we have?”  Victor asked, he was not a naval officer but he liked to know what was going on around him.

   â€œWe could remain here and wait for a friendly WarShip to arrive continuing to use the Stellar Mass as cover.”  The ship’s executive officer suggested, it was possible but dangerous and lengthy.

   â€œToo risky boss, we are already getting weird readings from across the ship and micro-meteor hits are causing more and more damage.  Its only time until weapons and structure integrity are affected.”  The chief engineer reported.

   â€œCould we jump from here?”  Victor asked quietly.

   â€œI’m afraid not, sire, the gravity distortions are too high in the mass, we need to get at least a million kilometres clear.  Preferably two.”  The helmsmen reported, Victor had said that rank did not matter in this meeting he wanted everyone snowballing ideas.

   â€œWe need to get clear and fast charge the drive.”  Andrea said quietly getting startled looks from around the room.

   â€œAdmiral, the K-F Drive has been off-line since we came in here, if we power it up and then immediately charge it…”  The chief engineer said his voice trailing off as he looked at Victor “it could have nasty consequences.”  He finished looking at the deck no-one wanted to contemplate the demise of the First Prince and his family, including Victor already he had decided that in future he would travel with a minimum of two WarShips when outside the Federated Suns Star League Protocol be damned.

   â€œIf we stay I’m just as dead chief.”  Victor said quietly Andrea seemed to take this as authorisation.

   â€œWe charge out of here full thrust in the opposite direction than what we entered then run like hell.  If we have a good lead on them we will charge the drive slowly making sure there are no spikes.  If not, it’s been an honour to serve with and know you all.”  Andrea said although the meeting went on for another half-hour the decision did not change the Alexander Davion would make a run for it.

   Three hours past before they were in position to run what repairs and reloading that could be done were done and the fighters were ready to give what support they could.  “Prep engines.”  Andrea said quietly seeing Victor Steiner-Davion enter the Command Deck.  “Sire?”

   â€œIf you don’t mind I will watch from here.”  He said in the background Danai Centrella-Davion and the couple’s two children were disappearing into a conference room.

   â€œNot a problem, give the order and we will be on our way.”

   â€œTo Oblivion and Beyond!”  Victor said quoting the ship's motto loud enough so everyone could hear Andrea cut in the ship-wide speakers as well “this crew have preformed beyond the call for duty and when we get home you are all coming to New Avalon, the Federated Suns and the Inner Sphere will know of your duty and your professionalism.”  Victor said it was a rarity that naval officers were honoured in the Federated Suns so it would be quite a treat. “Fleet Admiral Petain the order is given.”  He said nodding to the Admiral who bowed in response raising with a smile on her face, once again Victor had made her life easier.

   â€œEngines full military thrust.  Take us out.”  She said turning back to the main displays the Alexander Davion began accelerating quickly reaching three g’s acceleration, the whole crew were dragged down into their seats and onto the deck by the force of the acceleration.  The Alexander Davion sped out of the Stellar Mass straight into the teeth of the waiting Blakists.  Naval autocannon and capital missiles lashed out from both vessels while the Alexander Davion returned fire with Naval Autocannon, the Davion Block III could dish out a lot of damage but it could also take a beating, standing at the rear of the bridge Victor wondered just how badly the Alexander Davion was going to be pounded.  As enemy weapons fire tore into the Davion the destroyer rapidly lost most of its starboard weapons array in the opening barrage “roll us over.”  Andrea ordered and the Alexander Davion rolled over presenting the enemy with relatively fresh armour and new weapons.  Again Naval autocannons lashed out but this time from the Alexander Davion causing telling damage on the two destroyers but not enough to stop them.  A white shark capital missile slammed into the Alexander Davion hitting the first gravity deck near the aft of the craft, although the deck was in standby mode it still exploded as the deck decompressed bleeding away a portion of the ships speed now the enemy ships could stay within range.  “Shut down all power to both gravity decks, vent them of atmosphere so we don’t have another breach.”  Andrea ordered then hit the communication panel “Engineering we need more power, prepare to bring the K-F online.”

   â€œFull power available in ten seconds Admiral, K-F online in the green so far.”

   â€œGood news” she said quietly “Keep us posted chief.”  She said looking up at the Holo-tank, the Alexander Davion was beginning to make a lead on the two Blakist Destroyers, which although were well armed and not badly armoured they were very slow.  The Davion crossed the million kilometre mark and Andrea activated the comm. just as a pair of capital missiles slammed into the Destroyer’s rear shaking the entire ship.  “Engineering!  We need that jump engine now.”  She said there was no answer, “engineering” again nothing “engineering” nothing “hell” she whispered noticing the ship was beginning to slow as well she could feel gravity on the command deck begin to slip, luckily the rear guns of the Alexander Davion were still keeping the two Blakist Destroyers at a distance.

   â€œAdmiral!  Radiation surge!”  The sensor operator screamed as a surge of radiation appeared behind the Alexander Davion “Another one to port one hundred thousand kilometres, all hands brace!”  the sensor operator said again as two more WarShips entered the system, they were so dead.

   â€œIFF?”  She asked wondering if they would be friendly, she knew there was little chance of that.


   â€œDamn” she said looking over at Victor “prepare to offer our surrender” Victor looked to the deck then nodded his agreement there was no point in fighting four WarShips especially with no engines and half their guns gone.

   â€œAdmiral, the two ships are confirmed as Lola III-class Destroyers, they are moving away from us towards the Blakist vessels!”  The sensor operator said unable to contain his excitement.

   â€œIFF!  Admiral it’s the Darius and Nelson.”  The comm. specialist shouted.

   â€œThat’s…” Andrea said looking at Victor Steiner-Davion then they both finished together “the Wolf’s Dragoons!”  The two Lola IIIs were fresh and undamaged as they accelerated towards the Blakists destroying the Naga II quickly with a concentrated effort of forward weapons fire, with surprise on their side the Naga II crew had no chance whatsoever of avoiding the fire or surviving the Wolf‘s Dragoons assault.  The Blakist force was surprised with the Dragoon’s arrival but they rallied and attacked the Darius with their full fury, with one Blakist DropShip ramming the Destroyer slamming into one of the cargo bay doors to cause heaviest penetration the impact caused several internal explosions on the Dragoon WarShip causing its K-F Core to overload and the destruction of the Dragoon WarShip.  With one enemy destroyed most of the remaining Blakist fighters and DropShips all clustered around in a mess of moving metal.  The Nelson seeing its sister ship destroyed so savagely moved closer to the remaining Word of Blake WarShip firing a Broadside into the nose of the Destroyer then as it moved into the vessel’s broadside arc rolled over and delivered another broadside into the stunned vessel.  Finally as the Word of Blake crew aboard the Destroyer attempted to deal with the heavy damage caused by the attacks the Nelson pivoted on the spot and delivered another strike this time directed to the Word of Blake vessel’s rear area penetrating the engine room causing one of the fusion engines to loose containment and tear the vessel to shreds.

   With the Word of Blake forces destroyed or disabled the Nelson then moved alongside the Alexander Davion beginning a joint rescue mission for survivors from the Darius and any downed Dragoon fighter.  “Get a comm. laser on them.”  Andrea said to the communication specialist who immediately set up a direct comm. frequency with the Dragoon WarShip.  General Maeve Wolf appeared on the screen “General, you have my thanks and that of my crew, it was a surprise to see you.”

   â€œWe are sorry we were so slow, the message was slightly garbled.  Where is the Unity City?”  She asked since that had been the vessel that had sent the call.

   â€œDestroyed by the Blakists.”

   â€œThen you have my condolences, Victor Steiner-Davion was a worthy leader of the Federated Suns.”

   â€œMy thanks General, but as you can see I still live.”  Victor said stepping onto the screen.

   â€œThe First Lord not travelling on the First Lord’s vessel” showing mock surprise on her face showing what she thought of the Artemis-class, “who could blame him?”  She asked quietly smiling “this is a good day.  The loss of the Darius is regretful but your continued survival would have pleased its crew, they knew their duty and finally the Wolf‘s Dragoons have been able to show our WarShips are not all for show that we still hold much of our Clan roots in WarShip combat.”  Maeve said proudly over the years since the Wolf’s Dragoons had revealed their true origins and their WarShip fleet many had said the vessels would never be used and that the Dragoons would never be able to use them effectively if they were ever challenged to do so.

   â€œGeneral, whatever the Dragoons want, within reason, is yours.  You have saved this ship, its crew and my family.  I will not forget this.”  Victor said stepping towards the centre of the bridge the crews of both vessels were looking at Victor and Maeve the discussion captivating everyone.

   â€œMy thanks First Prince Davion.”  Maeve said slightly taken aback by the offer she had expected some C-Bills, technology or equipment but the First Prince’s offer was greatly appreciated, the Dragoons would not forget his offer.  “We will collect later, for now can we offer assistance, you appear damaged.”

   â€œYes please, General.”  Fleet Admiral Petain said looking to Victor who was leaving the command deck disappearing into the conference room which held his family.  Twenty minutes later the Dragoons were aboard the WarShip helping bring the Alexander Davion back into a space worthy condition, although it was a temporary measure the destroyer would need months of refit.  At the same time General Wolf used the Nelson’s HPG to call for more Federated Suns help.  Within an hour the Hanse Davion, Melissa Davion and Intrepid were all in the system.  The Melissa Davion taking Victor and his family back to New Avalon and the other two vessels assisting the Dragoons and the Alexander Davion’s surviving crew to make the vessel ship capable of making it to Galax for repairs.  The Dragoon’s remaining vessel then returned to Outreach happy with the knowledge that they had secured their alliance with the Federated Suns and the Star League for years to come.  Once back on Outreach the crew of the Darius were honoured and laid to rest on the Wall’s of Honour outside Harlech City, although the Dragoons did not have their remains they did have their codex data, a hold-over from their Clan origins, the crew of the WarShip would never be forgotten.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #170 on: July 15, 2012, 02:40:29 PM »

Hector and Barcella
Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space Clan Homeworlds
1st-9th April 3068

   Working on intelligence gathered by Watch Operatives working with the Merchant caste the Nova Cats discover that the Ice Hellions are preparing to move the last of their equipment and supplies to the Nueva Castile in an attempt to launch another assault against the Occupation Zones of the Inner Sphere.  Still angry at the loss of their Khan to the Ice Hellions Khan Canin Rosse orders the WarShip Path of Honour, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, to go to the Ice Hellion Capital world Hector and capture what supplies they could from the Ice Hellions.

   In the early hours of the 1st April the Path of Honour entered Hector orbit an spied the perfect target the Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser Coterie fully loaded with twenty-five DropShips and Cargo preparing to leave Clan Space.  Star Commodore Alan Lankenau, the commander of the Path of Glory and a former Snow Raven warrior, decided that this would teach the Ice Hellion’s a lesion they would soon not forget.  “Sensor Operations, I want full targeting sensor scans on that vessel, do not hide it just get me the data I need to disable that ship fast.”  He said, it was not Clan tradition to attack Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers because they were rare and well armed, despite their transport designation they carried powerful Heavy Naval Particle Projection Cannons in the broadside bays which could cause heavy damage to any WarShip.  “Communications, I would like to speak to their skipper.”  He said looking at the vessel.  Moments later the image of an infuriated female Ice Hellion officer appeared in the Holo-tank.

   â€œWhat do you think you are doing?”

   â€œWe are initiating a Trial of Possession for the Coterie and all its cargo, possessions and crew including the DropShips attached.”  Allan said it was clan custom to be completely honest, which he was being.  The Ice Hellion commander’s eyes widened, she had not expected such a move against her vessel, no Potemkin captain ever did.

   â€œWe have done you no wrong.”

   â€œGiving us the innocence routine will not win you any friends.  Your Khan killed our Khan and your forces are preparing to strike into the Inner Sphere without Grand Council approval.  Also we are Clan, we do not need you to have done us a wrong for a Trial to happen.”  Allan said spelling it out, why was it enemy commanders always asked that question?  Do you accept this trial or do I destroy your ship for the inconvenience you have cost us?”  It was an empty threat really rarely did a Clan destroy another’s WarShip just because of an inconvenience, then again there was always a first time.

   â€œWe agree to your trial.  We will defend this vessel with three Stars of Aerospace Fighters, I am transmitting you their codex data.”  She said “what forces do you wish to bid against them?”  Allan reviewed the data on the fighters and the pilots for several moments then pulled together his own bid.

   â€œTwo stars of OmniFighters, I am ready to transmit their codex data now.”  He said nodding to the communications officer, the data was instantly transmitted to the Coterie’s Bridge.  The Ice Hellion commander looked over the data for several moments.

   â€œWe agree to this bid.  To take place at 22:00 hours (HST - Homeworld Standard Time) just off the Zenith Point of this system.”  She said setting the venue then both commanders said in unison “seyla” ending the bidding process and binding the Trial to time.

   At 22:00 hours (HST) In a brief but brutal battle the Nova Cat OmniFighters resounded defeated their numerically superior Ice Hellion brethren securing the Coterie its crew and twenty-five thousand civilians/engineers and scientists.  On the DropShips there was two full second-line Flurry Clusters of the Ice Hellions which the Nova Cats immediately offered back to the Ice Hellions not wanting the unpredictable troops in any of their Galaxies gaining the Nova Cats another Cluster’s worth of brand-new OmniMechs from the Hector factories in ransom.

   Meanwhile on Barcella the Nova Cats capture the rest of the world regaining the territory they abandoned when they left for the Nova Cat’s Den and giving them full control of the world that used to be their overall capital and still served as their primary Homeworlds Base.  Many of the Nova Cats in Alpha, Delta and Rho Galaxies call for the Nova Cats to regain all the lost territory in the Homeworlds however Khan Canin Rosse quelled these calls reminding his troops that they have the Nova Cat’s Den to care for and having Barcella is a bonus but little else.  Canin then contacts Khan Lynn McKenna of the Diamond Sharks wondering if her Clan would be interested in another Potemkin-class Troop Carrier to add to their collection.  Negotiations begin two days later when the Diamond Sharks arrive in the Barcella system to look over the vessel.  The Diamond Sharks agree to trade for the Coterie but ask the Nova Cats take the vessel to the Deep Periphery colony of Nouveaux Paris, which is still under Nova Cat control, for the trade Khan Rosse agrees as he is planning on returning to the Nova Cat‘s Den anyway.  Canin does note the Diamond Sharks are very, very interested in the Potemkin and don’t even try to hide their interest in securing the vessel privately he wonders what exactly the Diamond Sharks are up to and why they wan the vessel transferred over to them in the Deep Periphery but he leaves this mystery for the Diamond Sharks instead concentrating on fixing the Nova Cats own problems home and away.

Press Conference
Mount Davion, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
18th April 3068

   â€œGood evening ladies and gentlemen of New Avalon today I bring you sad news.  This afternoon at 15:36 NAS (New Avalon Standard Time) Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion was found dead in his Fox’s Den office.  Initial reports suggest that this was a death of natural causes with no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death.”  A News reporter said at the foot of Mount Davion, the loss of such an influential figure in the AFFS was a big loss for the military and for the Federated Suns in general.  “First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion wishes to extend his deepest regret to the passing of his uncle to Jackson’s close direct family and to the people of Argyle, the Marshal of Armies homeworld.”  There the loss would be felt the heaviest despite his position as Marshal of Armies Jackson also made sure he travelled home to cater for his Ducal duties at least once per month, the Davion’s of Argyle were adored by the local population and Jackson’s death would be felt heavily.

   â€œThe First Prince has announced that Marshal Reinhart Steiner commander of the First New Avalon Guards RCT will replace Jackson Davion as the new Marshal of Armies of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.”  The reporter continued just as it started to rain, it was a fitting time for it on such a sorrowful occasion.  “Minister of the Draconis March Duke Tarncred Sandoval has welcomed the move saying that having a young energetic Marshal of Armies will regenerate the AFFS and bring forward a golden age for the Federated Suns.  While George Hasek, the Minister of the Capellan March, has openly opposed the move.”  The reporter said it was never easy breaking news of internal rifts inside the Federated Suns but the press corps believed that if they did not break it someone else outside the Federated Suns would do embracing the AFFS from outside weakening morale of the troops and the chain of command, the AFFS and First Prince apparently agreed with them because no-one stopped the reporters filming this news at the foot of Mount Davion less than a kilometre from the High Command.  “Baron Hasek believes that the First Prince is attempting to hang onto the FedCom Alliance despite it being long dead and believes that a Federated Suns born national should be the new Marshal of Armies.  The First Prince has said that he believes that Reinhart is the most capable man for the job and points out that General of Armies Keane Sortek, nephew of Arden Sortek, has done very well in the Lyran Alliance despite his Federated Suns birth so why should Lyran citizens not find success in the Federated Suns?  The Capellan March Minister has remained quiet over this question although it appears there is a diffident rift between the High Command here on New Avalon and the Capellan March Command in New Saso on New Syrtis.”  The News reporter said turning to another camera on her left side.

   â€œIn other news considering the royal family Danai Centrella-Davion has seen taking Prince Burton Davion around several schools over the last few days.  During her last visit to an exclusive school on the New Scotland continent she also had baby Jaylen Davion with her, the baby only born on Outreach following Jamie Wolf’s funeral ceremony, seemed very calm through the calm summer weather New Scotland is currently experiencing.”  She said as archive images of Danai and the children in New Scotland was broadcast.  “The heir-designate for the throne looked very protective of his mother and sister watching everyone.”  She said smiling “already a First Prince in the making it seems” she said “I am Gillian Ford and this was a Federated News Service Bulletin.  We will see you in thirty minutes for another update, now back to your show.”  She said and the screen faded to black for a moment before returning to the show.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #171 on: July 15, 2012, 03:55:14 PM »

I like it just confused why 2 copies of the last part????  ???
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #172 on: July 15, 2012, 04:14:23 PM »

I like it just confused why 2 copies of the last part????  ???

Not entirely sure I've deleted it, anyway continuing 3068 with new stuff not a repost  ;D

Press Conference
The Castle, Tara
Northwind, Chaos March
1st May 3068

   At a press conference in the command centre of the Northwind Highlanders the on Northwind General Maeve Wolf of the Wolf’s Dragoons announces that Colonel Loren Jaffray commander of the Northwind Hussars will be accepting full authority over the Allied Mercenary Command founded by Jamie Wolf to safeguard the Chaos March Worlds from predators.  Colonel Jaffray announces that the main trouble maker in the Chaos March has been the Word of Blake and that over the next few days the AMC would join ComStar in their attempts to destroy the Word of Blake once and for all.

   Two days later the several Allied Mercenary Command led by the First Kearny Highlanders of the Northwind Highlanders and the Wild Geese regiment hit dozens of strongholds the Word of Blake hold in the Chaos March eliminating roughly two combined divisions during the fighting.  The Inner Sphere and the Word of Blake think that is it however the Grim Determination regiment, Burton’s Brigade and Thirteenth Stalking Horse all attack Caph on the 4th eliminating another Blakist Division, this one positively identified as the Twentieth Shadow Division.

   Again the Blakists think things are over and that the AMC will limit their operations to the Chaos March however on the 5th their worse nightmare comes true.  As three Wolf’s Dragoons WarShip’s, the Athena (Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser), the Mars (Vincent Mk 42-class Corvette) and the Beowulf (Congress Block II-class Frigate) lead around eight regiments worth of AMC troops to Mars after entering the Sol System via a pirate point they were engaged by a squadron of Word of Blake WarShips led by the Blake‘s Sword, a McKenna-class Battleship.

   The three Dragoon WarShips were able to knock the lightest of the Word of Blake WarShips aside disabling/destroying a pair of Vincent Mk 39-class Corvettes in their initial volley receiving almost no damage in return making the Word of Blake think twice about a second assault.  During the second wave of attacks the Blakists launched a pair of Lola-class Destroyers at the Dragoon WarShips and the ground forces attempting to break out to the planet.

   Although the Dragoon WarShips were able to draw enough fire away from the AMC ground troops long enough for most of them to make landfall on the red planet they were soon driven back by the arrival of the Blake’s Sword.  The Athena was cut to shreds while attempting cover the retreat of the other Dragoon vessels from the massive Battleship the McKenna’s massed Heavy Naval Particle Projection Cannons proving too much for the Heavy Cruiser’s armour.  Not a single member of the Athena’s crew escaped the vessel’s destruction as the vessel‘s K-F Core imploded incinerating everything in, on and around the vessel.

   The arrival of three ComGuard WarShips is enough to make the Blake’s Sword retreat from battle, the crew knowing they cannot stand against five WarShips.  The AMC are able to land on Terra without the fear of orbital bombardment and begin their efforts to help ComStar liberate the world.

Near Terra Orbit
Sol System, Chaos March
8th May 3068

   With the three ComGuard WarShips and the two surviving Wolf’s Dragoons WarShips in orbit there is little worry of Blakist military forces trying to break their hold on Terran orbit amongst the AMC or the ComGuard however that changes within three days of landing on Terra.  Three WarShips a single antique Winchester-class Cruiser, a vessel long thought extinct and originally in service of the Taurian Concordat, the Winchester is identified as the Aphrodite which has been missing for centuries after running from the Battle of Taurus during the Reunification War and a pair of equally ancient Lola I-class Destroyers attack the ComGuard/Dragoon blockade around Terra.

   The combined force of this vessel and the three Lolas destroy the Mars and the ComStar vessel Avenging Sword, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, are also all destroyed once the ComGuards and the Dragoons are fully engaged proving that although the Word of Blake had many WarShips they were not very good with them.  Without any major naval forces left in the Terra system three more Divisions of ComGuards land on Mars two days later to support the AMC and any ComGuard survivors on planet from the first wave pushing the Word of Blake back to their bases.

New Dagda Colony
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
12th May 3068

   Again between the Nova Cat’s Den and the world of Randis just one jump from the New Circe colony the Nova Cats colonise New Dagda.  Unlike New Circe which is not the perfect environment but a valuable resource the New Dagda colony has perfect environmental conditions just not much more going for it just looking at the world.  Its inclusion into the Nova Cats Den does however expand the Nova Cats territory which is exactly what the New Worlds Cluster is tasked to do.  Yvonne (Rosse) arrives two days after initial land fall, she is again heavily pregnant and Grayson is again at her side, even at just two years old he is already walking strongly and completely unaided.  Yvonne and her aides take full control over the planet and its defensive garrison.  Unlike the situation on New Circe no-one challenges Yvonne’s command despite her condition.

Press Studio
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
16th May 3068

   â€œGood evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of the Avalon Gazette.”  Maria Clarkson said looking into the tri-vid camera “today following several comment against his appointment as Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner laid down a challenge to his growing list of detractors.  The new Marshal of Armies said that he would stand down if anyone else in the Federated Suns could find someone better suited for the job.  Field Marshal George Hasek immediately nominated his father’s cousin Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek a long term veteran of the Syrtis Fusiliers and personal choice of Morgan Hasek-Davion to command the Syrtis Fusiliers brigade.”  Maria said pausing for a moment turning to a secondary camera “With the First Prince’s permission Reinhart challenged Nathaniel to a test of strategy pitting his own First New Avalon Guards RCT against any of the Syrtis Fusiliers regiment.”  Maria said as a map with the world of Kittery highlighted.  “To ensure no-one holds a ‘home-advantage’ the Star League facilities on Kittery will be used for the exercise which will begin in ten days time.  We will keep you up to date one the exercise and announce the victor once it is complete with an exclusive interview with the Marshal of Armies whoever he may be.”

Star League High Command Base
Kittery, Capellan March
Federated Suns
21st May 3068

   Before he goes to bed every night Morgan Hasek-Davion drinks a small amount of whiskey, normally a Terran or Old Northwind brand, it is a ritual he has kept up for his entire fighting life as it settles his stomach and allows him to sleep.  On the 21st May Morgan has his drink then goes to bed only to experience severe chest pains followed by him being sick several times.  Not convinced that the worse is over Morgan calls for base doctors.  By the time they arrive Morgan is passed out with a slow heartbeat and shallow breathing.  On the way to the medical facility Morgan convulses and has to be resuscitated. 

   Immediately the Star League Intelligence Command (SLIC) believe he has been poisoned and after tests on his food, drink and what was in his stomach (sick) they discover a slow moving poison in his drink.  If he had drank more of the liquid then during the night he would have experienced an unrecoverable heart-attack and death.  The SLIC order an immediate investigation and postpone the Federated Suns mock battle for an additional week to ensure they are able to search Kittery more thoroughly.  General Archer Christifori takes temporary command of the SLDF’s day-to-day operations to ensure Morgan has some time off and can fully recover.

Capellan March, Federated Suns
23rd May 3068

   In response for the assassination attempt against Victor Steiner-Davion and his family two months before the Federated Suns lands the First Aragon Borderers BattleMech Regiment with its support on the world of Sheratan the government of this independent world capitulates to the Federated Suns almost without a shot fired knowing that if they resist they will be removed from power, but if they work with the Federated Suns they might be able to remain in power under a Federated Suns appointed Noble leader.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #173 on: July 15, 2012, 05:29:19 PM »

Davion women are fertile pups
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #174 on: July 15, 2012, 06:24:58 PM »

Command/Living Quarters Habitat
Titan Shipyards, Titan Orbit
Terra, Chaos March
1st June 3068

   As fighting between three Blakist WarShips, including the Colt-class Battle-cruiser Heracles, and four ComStar WarShips erupts outside causing damage to several of the repair yards several ComGuard battle armoured marine squads assault the command facility.  The lead team led by Precentor-IV Theta Sarah Chambers was tasked with taking control of the command and control tower on the upper surface of the installation.  Sarah’s six troopers had been given this job because they were outfitted with the new Aerie Power Armour system developed by Clan Snow Raven specifically for zero-gravity fighting.  ComStar’s 208th Division had secured an entire Divisions worth of the troops from Clan Diamond Shark in a trade agreement that would take years to fully resolve but gave the ComGuard much needed units in a time of war.

   Moving steadily forward Sarah stayed to the left of the corridor while her partner Adept-II Theta Colin Samuels stayed to the right.  This would allow them both to fire at any target that they encountered in front of them.  While the other troopers covered the sides or secured rooms.  Holding her Mauser 960 Light Support system, a rare weapon itself, close Sarah moved steadily forward using gentle boosts from her Power Armour’s backpack.  Two Blakist unarmed troopers stepped through the door ahead only to be cut down instantly by the lasers of the Mauser rifles.  “We don’t stop.”  Sarah said quietly, this was the first time the ComGuard had been able to board the station yet more indication that the Blakists were ready to cut and run from Titan but resistance to other teams continued. so far Sarah’s team had gotten lucky.

   Rounding another corner they were hit with a heavy machine gun which tore into Colin’s suit killing him as multiple bullets entered his body “back!”  She called the five remaining troopers darted back behind as the machine gun tore up the bulkheads behind where they had been standing.

   â€œDon’t these idiots know that they could cause a blow out using that thing on the station?”  Acolyte Elizabeth Whiting asked glancing around the corner drawing yet more weapons fire.

   â€œMagnetise to the deck everyone.”  Sarah ordered the five remaining troopers anchored themselves to the deck just as the damage done to the bulkhead caused the entire wall to give way causing an explosive decompression.  The unamoured Blakist marines were picked up by the sudden and rapid expulsion of air and all three men were sucked out of the station as the entire corridor section decompressed, two civilians who had been in a side room were also sucked out of their room and into space dying slow deaths as their bodies were starved of oxygen.  Generally machine guns and fragmentation grenades were the last thing people used on space stations and WarShips because they could do exactly what had just happened a breach of the outer hull and bye-bye go the troopers and any atmosphere in the area of the decompression.  Sarah’s people were fine encased in their power armour they still had eighteen hours worth of air left in their tanks.  “This is Group Xi we have a decompression in section 22 Alpha I, II and III.”  She said into her communicator so the unamoured teams would know to avoid this area, then she turned back to her troopers “we move out, Becker you are up front with me, we don’t stop.”  She said repeating her previous order as the moved.  Precentor Allan Beresick, commander of the ComGuard navy aboard the battered Invisible Truth fighting outside had told her and everyone else that they do not stop until they reach the control room of the main facility and lock down the living quarters and the entire population of the Titan Shipyards.

   Rounding another corner they passed through an airlock area and were back within a pressurised area of the station, a massive explosion outside from one of the repair facilities exploding from stray weapons fire rocked the station as pieces of wreckage hit everything in the area.  Sarah’s troopers stopped moving forwards anchoring themselves to the deck again just in-case there was another decompression.  There was none and they moved forward nearing the final bulkhead door and the command complex standing outside the doors were two Purifier Battle Armour suits their mimic armour making them almost impossible to see as it constantly changed to suit the background.  Another team of ComGuard Marines was fighting them and Sarah’s team could do nothing but watch as the two Purifiers killed all eight unamoured ComGuard Marines as they closed.  With the marines lying dying or dead the Purifiers turned and fired their support lasers down the corridor at Sarah’s team hitting Acolyte Benton killing him instantly dropping the ComGuard number to four.

   â€œWe‘re dead.”  Elizabeth said the Purifiers could hold them all day their lasers would be fully charged and a decompression would not affect them.

   â€œMaybe no, we don’t stop” Sarah said “ideas?”  She asked, Sarah had never been a great thinker, she was good at leading men and women in battle but not the best strategist.  If they couldn’t think of anything it would be a ‘forlorn hope’ charge down the corridor to their deaths.

   â€œI have an idea.”

   â€œSpeak up Becker.”  Sarah said Becker did not speak he just tapped the underside of his Mauser rifle, the grenade launcher.

   â€œYou’re nuts, you forget what happened to the other folk that used something not suited to a marine mission?” Elizabeth said firing her own Mauser down the corridor spraying both Purifiers with several shots hitting each suit doing negligible damage.

   â€œI haven’t forgotten actually it gave me the idea.  Look if we all fire our grenades down there then that will cause a concussion blast when they explode the Purifiers will get knocked around by the blast but not destroyed.  We charge down there and hit them with as much pulse blasts as possible.  In this environment we are faster and more agile than them.”

   â€œWhat if we cause a hull breach?  We could take out the command deck as well.”

   â€œThat’s a bonus for us, I’m guessing there is at least one team heading for Auxiliary Fire Control to take control of the weapons and another group heading for Secondary Damage Control to lock down the population just in-case we fail to make it to the command deck.  If we cause a hull breach we kill the command deck crew and maybe stop the station’s guns for a minute or two buying our people outside another minute or so before the secondary systems kick in.  I’d say it’s a win, win situation for us.”  Becker said, his argument was valid and Sarah nodded then realised her suit would have completely masked her movement.

   â€œLet’s do it.”  She said the four troopers lined up each would fire their jump jets for three seconds pushing them into the corridor quick enough to hit the opposite side of the corridor, in that time they would use to fire their shots.  “Aim for the troopers and pray.”  She said quietly so quiet she was unsure if anyone else heard her “okay go, go, go!” She said Becker was first firing while he was half way gone then Elizabeth, Corwin and finally Sarah all four hit the opposite wall seconds apart “Magnetise!”  Sarah shouted slamming the button activating her own boots magnets the entire suit was pulled to the deck getting her out of the way of the Purifier’s weapons fire.  The four grenades flew down the corridor in the blink of an eye with no gravity to slow them they would hit at ballistic force.  The first shot hit one of the Purifiers right on the head killing the trooper in the suit instantly as his head was pulped by the concussion blast.  The second trooper was hit by the explosive force of three grenades exploding at once causing heavy internal injuries as his body was hit by so many opposite forces.  “Go, go, go!”  Sarah shouted again rousing her troopers once more charging down the corridor with a full jump jet blast.  At the end of the corridor they all fired constant blasts into the trooper making sure his suffering was short.  “Status!”

   â€œFull atmospheres” Becker said triumphantly, there had been no breach, they had gotten lucky.

   â€œCutting team get to work.”  Corwin and Elizabeth pulled cutting torches from their backpacks and got to work within minutes the doors were down and they were all charging into the command deck.  The command personnel of the station put up no resistance closing down the weapons systems and the personnel quarters.  One of the Blakist crewmen did however activate a virus program that wiped the station’s targeting information and power reserves, the station would be useless in this fight.  “Truth, Team Xi, Stronghold secure.”  Sarah transmitted reporting their success to the Invisible Truth less than a thousand kilometres away just then the mighty Cameron-class Battle-cruiser, that had led the Star League to victory around Huntress during Operation Serpent, exploded as it attempted to block the retreat of the Heracles and was targeted by a dozen Blakist DropShips.  The Heracles was heavily damaged but still was still under power and running for Terra or Mars unwilling to continue to fight here.  The Truth exploded in half a dozen places, one being the command and control bridge windows exploding outwards venting the atmosphere killing the command crew.  Moments later the Battle-cruisers Capital Missile and Autocannon magazines exploded spreading wreckage from the vessel throughout the area.  Securing the Shipyards was a real hollow victory, then again every one against the Blakists was.

   The other Blakist WarShips were on-fire as was one of the other ComStar vessels and all were disengaging each other pulling back out of weapons range, ComStar‘s vessels maintaining a defensive curtain near the Shipyards as best they could.  This battle had cost the ComGuard far more than it had cost the Word of Blake, at least in the short term, and the Titan shipyards would be out of commission for at least a year but they were out of Word of Blake hands and in their repair bays were at least a dozen WarShips that could possibly be repaired and returned to service after all this was over.

Steiner Royal Palace
Tharkad City, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Alliance
8th June 3068

   For the first time in years the Lyran Alliance has something to celebrate, the Wolves and Jade Falcons are quiet, Skye is under control, the Free Worlds League border is secure and on Tharkad under the supervision of some of the Lyran Alliance’s most capable doctors and nurses Isis Steiner gives birth to Jessica Steiner, the first child of Isis and Peter Steiner-Davion and the heir to the Lyran Alliance throne.  Throughout the Lyran Alliance including the embattled Clan border and the rebellious Skye region there are celebrations and street parties as the entire nation enjoys welcoming the first of a new generation of Steiner.

   Just hours later in the early hours of the 9th June Duchess Hermonie Aten gives birth to a daughter as well named Ilse Kelswa-Aten by her parents after Hermonie’s assassinated elder sister Ilse will continue the Aten and Kelswa names and be the next leader of the Skye province.  Ilse birth so close to Jessica’s also ensures that the Skye Province will have an heir every bit the equal of the next leader of the Lyran Alliance.

MRBC Offices, Galatea
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
12th-18th June 3068

   On the 12th a few small mercenary units cause trouble on Galatea near the new Headquarters of the MRBC.  The Lone Wolves Regiment step up holding back the hoards defending the MRBC offices and Galatean City with the local militia the best they can until the 18th when all three regiments of Dismal Disinherited land on the planet.  Dismal Disinherited a founding member of the AMC along with the Wolf’s Dragoons and the Northwind Highlanders immediately go to work destroying every single one of the renegade Mech units amongst the dead are Sathen’s Snipers, a two battalion mercenary unit with known Word of Blake affiliations, Deliah’s Gauntlet, a battalion sized unit that is commanded by a member of the discredited religion the One Star Faith, Carson’s Renegades, another Word of Blake affiliated battalion sized unit and Jacob’s Juggernauts a company sized unit.  All these forces have extensive access to advanced technologies from around the Inner Sphere and technology unique to ComStar or the Word of Blake.  The attack against the MRBC is seen as a protest by the Word of Blake of the AMC’s involvement in the Battle of Terra.  During the fighting the Lone Wolves and the Second Dismal Disinherited are both decimated with both units survivors accepted into the surviving Disinherited units.

   Because the MRBC are responsible for mercenary commands the Lyran Alliance charge all the damage done to Galatean City to the MRBC’s accounts.  The AMC’s founding members pitch in considerable capital to cover the losses but the MRBC does take a major hit by the charges.  The Dismal Disinherited stay on the world attempting to rebuild their second regiment and secure Galatea from further attacks.  Another Northwind Highlander Regiment joins other AMC units on Mars in the Terran system showing the AMC’s dedication to eradicating the Word of Blake and its influences.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #175 on: July 15, 2012, 06:38:38 PM »

Star League Training Ranges
Kittery, Star League High Command Base
Capellan March, Federated Suns
23rd June 3068

   Although the beginning of the exercise between the First New Avalon Guards RCT and the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT had been delayed until the 5th June by the 23rd June the two units have beaten each other up in simulated battle after simulated battle and Reinhart Steiner’s forces are far ahead the Syrtis Fusiliers Nathaniel Hasek calls for an end of the exercise and for Reinhart to be declared again as Marshal of Armies and for the argument to be closed.

   To show there is no hard feelings Reinhart immediately orders the two RCTs to load up into DropShips along with the First Kittery Borderers and the Kittery Training Battalion.  Then supported by the Avalon-class Cruiser FSS Lucian Davion all four units launch a surprise invasion of Ares just two jumps away in the Capellan Confederation.  The Defending Capellan Regiment the Fifth McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry, also known as Carson’s Cavaliers, are totally outnumbered by one RCT let alone two supported by another independent Regiment.  However instead of launching a full no holds bared attack on the Regiment Reinhart orders his troops to occupy the undefended cities and towns on the planet then contacts Sang-shao Lord Richard Carson the commander of the Fourth and offers him a way out a stand-up fight for possession of the planet, much like those conducted by the Clans, if the Federated Suns win Richard will surrender himself to the Federated Suns but his unit will leave.  If the Fourth win the Fourth will be allowed with Richard still commanding.  Richard angrily refuses to comply holding tightly to the capital city refusing to surrender the city to House Davion knowing that if he was to return to Sian after surrendering the world with little fight that the Chancellor would kill him.

   Despite calls from the Syrtis Fusiliers and the Kittery Borderers to launch an all out attack Reinhart will not launch a full offensive against a city, that could only lead to mass destruction and murder so they wait in a tense stand off, the Capellans hoping for reinforcements and the Federated Suns waiting for Carson to break.   Following two nights of the stand-off and over a dozen skirmishes the situation is getting desperate for the Armoured Cavalry.  Sitting over his private command table Lord Richard Carson looked at the deployment of the Davion troops.  The obvious weak spot was the Kittery Borderers and their Training Battalion none had been in a real battle since the Fourth Succession War.  If the Cavalry could break through them the Davions would think twice about attacking them.

   Sao-shao Faith McCarron walked into the room, Faith was a member of the family that had founded the McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry and one of the most capable young commanders of the entire Capellan Confederation Armed Forces and was in line for Richard‘s job when she gained enough experience.  Experience was something she was gaining daily recently she had tracked down a terrorist band who had tried to destroy one of the Confederation’s WarShips and been rewarded a Battalion command for her efforts.  “Good to see you Sao-shao, I hear you gave the Davions a right thrashing out on the sixth marker this morning?”  He said smiling broadly her, Faith like most of the members of the Big Mac was not a Capellan by birth she was white Caucasian and like most successful MechWarriors shorter than average, well muscled and always alert.  She had been born in the Federated Suns during one of the Armoured Cavalry’s Mercenary contracts her long blonde hair had put her at odds with the Capellans several times but like any McCarron she kept coming back, this morning her Battalion had eliminated a Battalion of enemy Vehicles and some Mechs belonging to the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT, a very good performance they would need several more of those to confirm success and survival.  Hopefully the Chancellor would send a couple of his precious Warrior Houses to assist them soon, perhaps a WarShip as well to drive off the accursed Avalon in high orbit.  Although Richard did not expect Orbital Bombardment the Davion’s WarShip was in a perfect position for one and from the stats he‘d seen on the Avalon-class he knew it was more than capable.

   â€œWe got lucky, my lord” she said softly her hands behind her back as she stood at attention.

   â€œFaith, you do not need to use my title when we are alone and there are no Capellans about, this is still the Big Mac.  And we both know it wasn‘t luck.”  He said smiling, he was still a mercenary at heart.

   â€œVery good Richard, allow me to cut straight to the point?”  He nodded “you need to surrender yourself to the Davions and allow the Regiment to get off planet.”  She said bluntly, she was a mercenary at heart as well and every mercenary knew the only way for a unit to survive as to know what battles could be won and which had to be surrendered, this was one fight that even the Big Mac could not win.  Richard looked at her dumbstruck by her words.

   â€œAnd if I refuse?”

   â€œThen you will be eliminated and I will surrender in your place.”

   â€œYou can’t you are a member of the McCarron family, the Chancellor would never forgive the Armoured Cavalry for the betrayal.  And to loose Ares without a fight this world has too much history to be abandoned.”  He said referring to the famous Ares Conventions that had been signed on this very world centuries before conventions that limited the use of weapons of mass destruction and cleared up what the legitimate targets of war were.

   â€œThe first rule of the Big Mac is survival, the rest falls into place.  Surely you remember that, or has your Capellan Lord-hood gone straight to your head?”  She asked Richard was again taken for words and as he finally found what to say he opened his mouth only for Faith to draw her arms from her back revealing a long curved sabre.  With a single spinning motion Faith removed Richard Carson’s head killing him in an instant.  “I’m sorry Richard.”  She said placing the bloodied sword on the table as Richard’s lifeless decapitated body fell to the floor.  She pressed the transmit button on the desk.  “This is Shao-shao Faith McCarron calling the Davion commander, we need to talk.  Richard Carson is no longer in command of the Fourth McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry, I am.”  She said not even looking at the body on the floor, she had done this to save her people nothing more, nothing less.

   â€œThis is Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner, meet me ten kilometres north of my base in one hour, you may take one lance worth of guards.  Any duplicity I will order both my RCTs to launch a full offensive and for the orbiting WarShip to destroy any DropShip not flying the Davion flag, your unit will be hunted to it’s death.”  The German accented voice said, a Steiner was here! And he was the Davion’s new Marshal of Armies!  No wonder they had been caught so flatfooted.  The Capellans feared the Davion war machine but Faith often thought it was the Steiner blood mixed in that had given the Davions the extra edge they had needed for the victories of the Fourth Succession War, she also knew Reinhart Steiner’s record, a Clan war veteran, and wasn’t surprised he had beaten Richard Carson or any of the Big Mac officer corps on Ares.

   â€œAgreed” she said looking once more at Richard’s body she bowed once to the body her eyes closed in a silent apology to the dead Lord then turned and left the room.  Faith rounded up the other three Mech Battalion commanders and told them of her actions and her plan, all protested however she was resolute, she would sentence the men to a death or not destroy the Fourth McCarron’s by fighting against two front-line Davion RCTs supported by an extra regiment and a WarShip, some battles you walked away from.

   An hour later with the other three Battalion commanders supporting her Faith walked her gold and green Men Shen OmniMech, a present from the Chancellor himself, to the rendezvous point.  About five minutes later the four Mechs from the First New Avalon Guards RCT arrived led by a Warhawk, commonly known as a Masakari to Inner Sphere troops, the eighty-five ton Clan OmniMech was still painted in the blue-and-white with silver piping of the Lyran Guards a silent reminder of the Mech’s and the pilot’s origin.  On the Mech’s left leg was the Federated Sun sword-and-sunburst with a ’1’ underneath.  Faith had seen videos of the Clan War, some that possibly featured even this Mech, the Warhawk was one of the deadliest Mechs ever fielded and it alone could probably destroy the four Mechs she had taken.  Beside it was a Templar OmniMech and a pair of Stealth OmniMechs, both home-grown Federated Suns OmniMech designs it was a show of strength the Capellan Confederation could never hope to match.

   â€œI am glad to see you never tried anything silly.”  Reinhart said there was no gloating or malice in his voice just a genuine sounding pleasure that they would not have to fight here and now.  Faith was more than a little pleased that she hadn’t listened to the other Battalion commanders who called for a full assault against Reinhart, to kill the Marshal of Armies and then try to bog down the Davions long enough for more Capellans to arrive.  “Are you willing to meet my terms?”  He asked obviously referring to his Trial-like fight for the world.

   â€œNegative.”  Faith said plainly, there would be no fighting, the Fourth could never hope to prevail against the forces both RCTs and the Kittery Regiment but she would not allow him to dictate all the terms, she still had a little strength and dignity within her.

   â€œThen I do not understand why did you call for this meeting?”  Reinhart said Faith was surprised that she heard no anger in his voice he was not meeting her expectations of the rabid Davion war fighter she had been told about all her life then remembered he was a Steiner, a completely different animal.

   â€œHere is the deal.  I will surrender to you Marshal of Armies Steiner, personally.  You will allow my Regiment to leave this world unmolested.  The Federated Suns will retain control over Ares, until the Capellan Confederation return and capture this world.”  She said confident that the Capellans would return to the world eventually.

   â€œYou understand there is no guarantee that you will be ransomed back to the Capellan Confederation?”  Reinhart asked it was common practice for a member of an important member of a major family to be ransomed back for other prisoners or technology to their home realm.

   â€œI killed a Capellan Lord to save my Regiment and sacrifice a Capellan World.  I do not think the Capellan people will want me back.  I surrender myself to you, do you accept?”  She asked there was a long silence before Reinhart answered.

   â€œI accept your surrender the Fourth McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry are allowed to return to their JumpShips which are at the Nadir point unharmed.  They will not be harmed and neither will you unless you attempt to harm me or anyone else under my command.”

   â€œI understand.”  She said quietly “I agree to your terms.”  She said throttling forward her Men Shen’s speed the two Stealths took up escort positions as she walked towards the Davion holdings.

   â€œAnd I yours.”  Reinhart said watching the Mech walk past his Warhawk “Fourth McCarron’s you have one hour to depart.  Any further hostilities will be dealt with quickly and harshly.”  Reinhart said turning walking away he noticed Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek move his Templar behind Reinhart covering the Marshal of Armies weaker rear armour with his own Mech, the McCarron’s troops did nothing to interfere.

   Back at the base Reinhart and Nathaniel arrived several minutes behind Faith and her escort and they found a mob scene surrounding Faith and the two Stealth MechWarriors none were fully dressed, Faith herself was almost completely naked wearing underwear and shorts, she had kept her coolant suit on covering up more but with the liquid drained from it the suit was very see through.  Even from his Warhawk cockpit Reinhart could hear names being shouted at her and the two defending Stealth pilots being told to get out of the way.  From their uniforms Reinhart could tell they were Syrtis troopers almost all infantry troops.  Leaning down to his weapons control console he activated his Warhawk’s weapons display and opened fire with the paired Clan-built Large Pulse Lasers mounted in the left arm the air above the troopers was filled with pulse blasts followed by the rear wall exploding outwards.  The shouting stopped and all eyes fell on the Warhawk however it was Nathaniel Hasek who stepped forward first he had dismounted from his Mech and made his way into the middle of the crowd climbing atop an APC.  “Do you call yourselves honourable men?  Honourable men of the Capellan March of the Federated Suns?”  He asked shouting over the noise of the men.  A resounding “yes sir!”  came from the crowd “then I am ashamed to have you as my men and as soon as we return home ever single one of you will be reassigned to a militia unit.”  He said looking at the faces around him their faces went from shock to anger to ashamed looks in less than thirty seconds.  “You should all look at yourselves, we just won a victory without risking our lives.  We have secured the world of Ares a major world in the Capellan’s war machine and you are interested instead of bothering a young woman who sacrificed her own freedom to save her men.  Not only that you were willing to beat up two of your own fellow MechWarriors to get to her.”

   â€œThey’re Lyran scum!  Why the hell should we care this is a great victory?  For us, for the Capellan March and George Hasek!”  One shouted naming the man they were all fanatically loyal to, even more loyal than to Victor or the Federated Suns.  The mob around him cheered the call.

   â€œYour views have been noted and you are all under arrest.  Marshal of Armies Steiner, if you will please take these bastards out of my sight.”  Nathaniel said turning to Reinhart condemning his own men stepping down from the APC and walking away.  Reinhart was standing with his two MechWarriors protecting Faith who now had a jumpsuit on which Reinhart had taken from his Mech.  All around them were more than fifty Battle Armour troopers of the First New Avalon Guards RCT every single member of the crowd was arrested a total of sixty-two men and women Reinhart offered to hold them for a few days then release them back to the Fifth once they had calmed down, however, Nathaniel refused condemning his men to military court and dishonourable discharge.  Nathaniel pointed out that the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns prided itself as being the most professional army in the Inner Sphere, these men were not showing this.  Although it was possible some may end up in militia units none would ever serve in a premier Federated Suns unit.

   Once the Sixth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT had arrived to take over garrison the First New Avalon Guards RCT also left returning to New Avalon with their new prisoner in tow under the personnel supervision of Reinhart Steiner against the wishes of most of the High Command and even a suggestion against this arrangement by First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.  Reinhart said he had accepted Faith’s parole that by her honour she would do no harm to the Federated Suns while a prisoner.  The High Command had directed that Faith would not be allowed in the Fox’s Den or Royal Palace under any circumstances and that she would be accompanied by a guard when not with Reinhart, an arrangement the Marshal of Armies and Faith McCarron found suitable.

Zenith Point, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Alliance
1st July 3068

   The Lyran Alliance military move to near full alert when an unknown WarShip is detected jumping into the Tharkad system.  Scrambling three WarShips to meet the new contact they worry that the Clans have returned however they soon find their concern is unwarranted when the FSS Peter Steiner-Davion, an Avalon-class Cruiser from the Federated Suns, arrives painted in Lyran Alliance colours.  The crew announce that they are all Lyran born citizens and that the Federated Suns has presented the Lyran Alliance with this vessel and crew as a sign of friendship and as a present to celebrate the birth of Jessica Steiner.

   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion accepts the gift gladly bolstering his small navy with another capable WarShip and crew.  Over the next few days the Lyran Alliance and Federated Suns reopen several of the links they shared during the Federated Commonwealth Alliance, although neither sign a formal alliance, the two brothers leading their respected realms know that cooperation is key to their survival and to their nations prospering.  In the Federated Suns Capellan March Minister Field Marshal George Hasek makes it known he is not amused that a vessel built by Capellan March people has been so easily given to another realm without anything in return however the story does not get much circulation as the news agencies and the people of the Federated Suns believe in the friendship being created by the two sides of the former-Federated Commonwealth.

   In response to his complaints being ignored George takes matters into his own hands using mercenary troops within to Capellan March to invaded Epsilon Indi and Epsilon Eridani destroying a Blakist Division and the Langendorf Lancers a small mercenary unit under the employ of the planetary government on Epsilon Indi.  On Epsilon Eridani Federated Suns mercenaries eliminate local militia forces and Bronson‘s Horde, a mercenary Battalion based on the world under Word of Blake contract. The Lone Star Regiment and Redfield’s Renegades who are both based on Epsilon Eridani offer no resistance retreating from the world without a single word in complaint, both know better than to argue with a Succession Lord‘s forces.  Epsilon Eridani has been the one stable world of the Chaos March outside Outreach and Northwind.  To recognise this fact Victor Steiner-Davion overrules Field Marshal Hasek and orders that Duke Pierre Benton be given a degree of leeway in how Epsilon Eridani is run and that both Nadir and Zenith Jump Point Stations are fully refurbished, the plan being to keep Epsilon Eridani as an open world of trade.  Although some believe the Federated Suns claim to openness cannot last and that soon their businesses will be strangled under the Federated Suns bureaucracy Duke Benton is able to convince them to stay and adopt a wait-and-see approach with their new Landlords.  To cater for the increased immigrants and foreign nationals who will have access to the Federated Suns via Epsilon Eridani the DMI and MIIO Divisions both place units on the world keeping an eye on potential trouble from other States and hostile forces.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #176 on: July 15, 2012, 06:48:20 PM »

New Home, Bryant and Keid
Chaos March, Inner Sphere
2nd-3rd July 3068

   Following the Federated Suns actions in taking Epsilon Indi and Epsilon Eridani and out of anger at the loss of Ares and Faith McCarron to the Federated Suns Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao authorises the censure of Bryant, New Home and Keid in the Chaos March.  On all three worlds local resistance is destroyed by the Capellan troops deployed there this includes the Mercenary forces: Burr’s Black Cobras Battalion on Bryant, Clifton’s Rangers Battalion and Hannibal’s Hermits on Keid and Blanc’s Coyotes Regiment on New Home.  The Capellans leave very little survivors from any of the units and imprison any survivors in local prisons.  Sun-Tzu Liao also declares Liberty, another Chaos March world, is an independent Barony of the Capellan Confederation but does not land on the world because of the presence of the Third Dismal Disinherited a regiment in the service of the AMC on the world, the last thing the Capellans want is to bring down the ire of the Allied Mercenary Command and some of the most elite Mercenaries in the Inner Sphere.

Morgan’s Holdfast
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
4th-16th July 3068

   In the early morning of the 4th July 3068 three Clan Cloud Cobra WarShips enter the Morgan’s Holdfast system and move to engage the two defending Nova Cat WarShips while an entire Galaxy burn towards the inhabited planet of the system.  First contact is made at the Zenith point where a battle erupts between the Cloud Cobra attackers: Nebulous, a York-class Destroyer Carrier, the Perdition’s Faith, a Fredasa-class Corvette and the Cataclysm, a Lola III-class Destroyer, and the Nova Cat defenders: the Promise, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser and the Spirit Vision, a Vincent Mk 42-class Corvette.

   With the Nova Cats superior at the art of Naval Combat and the Cloud Cobras but the Cloud Cobras with superior numbers the battle continued for several hours with the destruction of the Perdition’s Faith and Cataclysm to the Promise’s heavy array of Naval Autocannons and Capital Missiles.  The Cloud Cobra’s heavier fighter screen destroy the Spirit Vision and a final broadside from the Nebulous kills the Promise leaving the Cloud Cobra’s in control of the system’s jump points with a heavily damaged but operational Nebulous.

   On their burn in system the Cloud Cobra ground troops destroyed the Nova Cat Carrack Merchant-class vessel Faithful Rite.  The merchant vessel had been carrying a Cluster of Nova Cat ground vehicles, the 115th Garrison Cluster of Kappa Provisional Galaxy to the planet to reinforce the current garrison as part of regular Nova Cat troop movements.  The Merchant vessel’s light armaments are no threat to the Cloud Cobra’s multiple DropShips and Fighters and is quickly overpowered.  Three days later on the seventh these same DropShips land around the colony on Morgan‘s Holdfast facing off against the remaining three clusters of Kappa Galaxy.  The Nova Cats soon identify the troops as members of Clan Cloud Cobra’s Gamma Galaxy, a front-line unit, knowing they cannot hold against such troops for long the Nova Cat commander Galaxy Commander Gwen Winters calls for aide from New Barcella.

   Two days after the landing of the Cloud Cobras and with the Eighteenth Garrison Cluster of Kappa Galaxy ambushed and destroyed on the outskirts of Morgan’s Holdfast’s only city.  At almost the same time the Severn Leroux jumps into the system just outside the planet’s orbit dropping two Clusters of Xi Galaxy under the command of saKhan Jal Steiner.  The Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser then makes an inter-system jump to the Nadir point intercepting the Nebulous which is recharging its jump engines and its crew is attempting to repair some of its battle damage.  With the Severn Leroux still carrying two Titan-class DropShips and two Carrier-class DropShips giving the Battle-cruiser a total of one hundred-and-thirty OmniFighters which easily overpower the fighters and DropShips and disable the damaged Nebulous allowing Battle Armoured Elemental Marines from the Severn Leroux to board and capture the vessel, aboard the Nebulous the Nova Cats find that a large percentage of the crew were killed when fighting the Promise and the survivors are not ready for any kind of resistance.  Engineers and more crew from the Severn Leroux are shuttled over and the Nebulous is claimed as Isorla by the Nova Cat crew.

   On Morgan’s Holdfast Jal Steiner and the warriors of Xi and Kappa Galaxy eliminates two of the three clusters of Cloud Cobra warriors at the cost of Xi Galaxy’s Second Nova Cat Jaegers Cluster.  With his forces surrounding the remaining battered Cloud Cobras saKhan Jal Steiner contacts the Cloud Cobra’s most senior surviving warrior, Star Colonel Penelope Steiner.  SaKhan Steiner offers the remaining Cloud Cobras bondsmen status in Xi Galaxy for their continued survival and the end of fighting on Morgan’s Holdfast.  The Cloud Cobras agree after several minutes of internal discussions and the Cloud Cobra warriors become Nova Cat Bondsmen.  Eventually saKhan Steiner forms the Rossei Cluster around these troops because many, like himself, are members of the Cloud Cobra’s religious order the Rossei Cloister which has a similar belief system to the Nova Cat‘s belief in visions.  As his final act before leaving Morgan’s Holdfast Jal Steiner renames the system Rossei’s Triumph to show that the unity of the Rossei is what stopped the fighting, several of the Nova Cat born warriors in Xi Galaxy are unsure about his reasoning however agree that the new name is better than the old one.  This begins a general discussion within the Nova Cats that the rest of the former Tortuga Dominions worlds should be renamed putting the state’s origins behind it as the Nova Cats take it into the future.

Nadir Point
Melissa System
Melissa Theatre, Lyran Alliance
17th July 3068

   The newly assigned to the border the SLS Shining Claw is undergoing shakedown trials since its upgrading to House Davion’s Block-II configuration of the Congress-class.  The vessel jumps into the Melissa system to check on the Star League Defence Force Units stationed there only to discover a Clan Ice Hellion Carrack-class Transport known as the Maker.  The vessel’s Jump Drive is offline as are several main systems including sensors so the vessel has no idea the Shining Claw is so close.

   The Shining Claw’s skipper Fleet Admiral David Natale hatches a plan to capture the vessel and orders his four Assault DropShips to shuttle over the Shining Claw’s newest addition the First Battle Armour Marine Battalion who are undergoing training as Battle Armour Marines using Aerie Power Armour suits bought from Clan Diamond Shark.  Once in position the two hundred-and fifty-six Battle Armour troopers assigned to the Battalion storm the Maker at several points throughout the vessel and detonate small explosives on certain areas of the vessel confusing the crew and quickly subduing the crew and the small force of unamoured security Elementals on board.

   Following interrogations of the crew it becomes apparent the Maker is the Ice Hellion’s vanguard for another attack on the Clan Occupation Zone and is tasked with spying on several of the Jade Falcon worlds ready for Invasion.  The Maker’s engine was showing signs of trouble so they came here for repairs as it showed Melissa had a low amount of traffic using the system.  The crew agree to become Star League crewmen and although Fleet Admiral Natale assigns an entire platoon of battle armour, one of his assault DropShips and several of his own officers to the vessel he decides to trust the crew’s word and sends them to Dieron Shipyards for refit to make the Carrack-class a more effective modern day WarShip.  The extra Ice Hellion DropShip is sent to Melissa with its crew and cargo of fifteen OmniMechs assigned to 1894th Light Horse Brigade of the reborn Star League Defence Force based on Melissa.

Clan Occupation Zones
Inner Sphere
21st July - 3rd August 3068

   Following the loss of the Maker to the SLDF full of desperately needed supplies and from the Neuva Castile the remains of Clan Ice Hellion, three Galaxies of Ground troops and four WarShips make an attempt to invade the Clan Occupation Zone striking at the Jade Falcon OZ almost exclusively.  With such little resources the Ice Hellions leave their civilian castes in the Neuva Castile with a single cluster worth of troops protecting them.

   Unfortunately for the Hellions in the first hour of the invasion the Taney, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, is pounded into nothing in the Erewhon by the Jade Falcon’s Frost Falcon, another Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser.  To make things worse newly elevated Khan Conner Rood is killed on the planet by a heavy Jade Falcon force.  Alpha Galaxy, the only front-line force in the Ice Hellion Touman remaining operational is wiped out to the man the Jade Falcons refuse to accept a single bondsmen from the battle but do salvage nearly two clusters worth of equipment and several DropShips.

   Following this heavy defeat, and without leadership, the remaining troops of Zeta and Zeta Prime Galaxies, disliked elements of the Ice Hellion Touman along with the remaining WarShips Impaler and Radiant, both Lola III-class Destroyers, and Cage‘s Pride, a McKenna-class Battleship, choose to abandon their Clan and become members of the Dark Caste disappearing into the Inner Sphere and Periphery joining the ranks of pirate and mercenary bands.  The two Lola III-class Destroyers are never seen again disappearing into the Periphery while the Cage’s Pride made a run for Terra straight into Clan Wolf claimed territory fighting several small skirmishes with the Wolves costing them several JumpShips and DropShips.

   The Cage’s Pride is finally cornered in the Kandis system of the Wolf OZ just one jump from the Occupation Zone capital Tamar.  In the Kandis system the Cage’s Pride meets the Wolf WarShips Jerome Winson, the newly refitted Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser, and the Rogue, a Congress-class Frigate.  There is no standard batchall Cage’s Pride immediately engages the two Clan vessels successfully crippling then destroying the Rogue with three well placed salvos this allows the Jerome Winson to manoeuvre closer and deliver several telling blows alone the starboard side then to deploy an entire Cluster of Battle Armour.  As the Jerome Winson’s large fighter screen and superior anti-fighter weaponry cut down the remaining Ice Hellion fighters and DropShips around the two mighty WarShips while inside the Cage’s Pride the Wolf Elementals are able to reach the McKenna’s command centre and force the vessel’s commander to surrender the battle and the Cage’s Pride to Clan Wolf.

   Three days, following interrogations of the surviving Ice Hellion crew, via an HPG Grand Council meeting Khan Ward calls for the remains of Clan Ice Hellion to be abjured from Clan space and to be classed as outcastes.  The vote is nearly unanimous and Clan Ice Hellion is no more.  Clan Stone Rhino seize most of Hector and the last Cluster of Ice Hellions still in Clan space before the other Clans can act however the Ice Hellion’s destruction sets off dozens of trials throughout Clan space.  The Cage is then transported to the Outpost system within the Clan Wolf OZ and repaired at the Wolves Fleet facility there.  Khan Ward renames the vessel Ward‘s Legacy, after his own Wolf Bloodname instead of one from a dead Clan.  The Clans choose to ignore the periphery state Neuva Castile, which the Ice Hellions had used to launch their assault on the Occupation Zones leaving millions of Ice Hellion lower castes to the wilds of periphery guarded by the last surviving cluster of Ice Hellion Warriors.  Any attempt to contact this state has failed however as there is a single Lola III-class Destroyer patrolling the nine world state destroying anyone whom shouldn’t be there.  This vessel is believed to be either the Impaler or Radiant both former Ice Hellion vessels that have not been seen since the fall of the Ice Hellion Clan and have not been captured by any of the other Clans.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #177 on: July 15, 2012, 06:54:19 PM »

Camelot Medical Facility
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
8th August 3068

   At seven in the morning at one of the most prestigious medical clinics in Avalon City Major Ross McKinnon and Captain Rachel McKinnon become parents to Canin Aleksandr McKinnon their first child.  Their son is named in honour of Canin Rosse of the Nova Cats, the man who brought them together, and Alexandr Kerensky, the legendary commander of the first Star League Defence Force.

Mars Orbit/Near Orbit
Terran System, Chaos March
13th August 3068

   Using the last of their WarShip fleet ComStar launches an all out offensive against the Word of Blake fleet.  The six remaining combat vessels of ComStar, supported by over fifty assault DropShips, moved in on Martian Orbit to find four ancient Corvettes, two Bonaventure-class and two Vigilant-class, supported by a Quixote-class Missile Frigate and a Tracker-class Surveillance craft none of these WarShip classes have been seen in centuries thought wiped out during the Amaris Coup and Succession Wars, where the Word of Blake was able to salvage or build these vessels is unknown.

   Tagging the Quixote as the biggest threat the ComGuards went after the missile frigate with everything they had.  Although the frigate could put a lot of anti-WarShip missiles in the air it had no anti-fighter weapons and small engines compared to its size so it could not run.  While the Blake’s Strength supported by the Fire Fang and Saratoga engaged the Corvettes and Surveillance craft the two ComGuard Carrack-Merchant vessels and the Artemis-class Terra supported by the majority of the DropShips and fighters engaged and destroyed the Quixote in a short one sided battle as the Corvettes fail to defend the vessel that could have turned the battle to the Word of Blake‘s side.

   With the loss of this vessel the remaining Word of Blake naval forces attempted to run but the ancient vessels could not hope to outrun the ComGuard fighters and DropShips and were swiftly destroyed clearing the way for eleven full Divisions, three quarters of what remains of the ComGuard, ground troops to make their way to the ground and begin the serious business of liberating Mars.  During the fighting three DropShips, a Fortress, an Overlord and one of a class never seen before lift off from Mars fighting defensively against ComStar and Word of Blake forces these DropShips hook-up with a JumpShip waiting nearby and leave the system.  ComStar allow the vessels to leave knowing that four DropShips are no threat to them at the moment.  During the battle the ComGuard lose the Star Cat, one of the Carrack-Merchants, to heavy Capital Missile fire from the Quixote and directly following the battle the crew of the Terra are forced to abandon the vessel as they are unable to control the explosive decompressions caused by damage.  The vessel is heavily damaged but possibly salvageable after the fighting is over for now ComStar leave the vessel to join the dozens of derelicts littering the Terra system.

Royal Palace
Tharkad City, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Alliance
20th August 3068

   On Tharkad in front of the media as promised Peter Steiner-Davion signs the Arc-Royal Protocols with Khan Phelan Kell.  The Arc-Royal Protocols officially recognise Clan Wolf (in-Exile) as an independent entity working within the Lyran Alliance and with full autonomy and independence but still held to the Lyran Alliances rules, as well as its own.  At the same time Archon Peter Steiner-Davion recognises the world of Arc-Royal as the capital of the combat theatre formerly known as the Pandora Theatre recognising the loss of Pandora to the Jade Falcons and the Lyran people changing to recognise this.  Grand Duke Morgan Kell of Arc-Royal is recognised as Margrave of the Arc-Royal Theatre despite his mercenary origins.

Columbus Facility
Deep Periphery
25th August 3068

   In retaliation for the Loss of Mars to the ComGuard a Word of Blake Carson-class Destroyer arrived in over the Columbus Facility and initiated an Orbital Bombardment of the surface destroying most of the facility.  In orbit both Faslane-class Yardships that serve the Explorer Corps are destroyed by the Blakist WarShip when they try to move away.  Although ComGuard fighters and DropShips were able to engage and destroy the Destroyer Columbus Base is effectively destroyed with ninety percent of the personnel dead and the life support systems obliterated.  With the Explorer Corps decapitated and the base unable to support its population Columbus begins to transmit a distress signal hoping the Draconis Combine or an Explorer Corps vessel on assignment will arrive and save them.

Chaos March
29th August 3068

   In response to Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation moves in the Chaos March the Draconis Combine take Caph from the Word of Blake.  The Word of Blake’s Third Division attempt to stand up to an assault launched by the Eighth Sword of Light Regiment.  The Elite Word of Blake troops put up quite a fight however facing a full regiment of the Draconis Combine Mustered Society they stand little chance and following six hours of fighting on the radioactive world there is little left of the Division to be put into make-shift prisoner of war camps.  The Draconis Combine claim Caph as a world of the Al’nir Prefecture placing a Draconis Combine friendly ruler and government in place.  The Eighth Sword of Light stay on the world to ensure no-one attempts to cause trouble for the Combine’s newest acquisition.  To ensure there is no trouble from the Word of Blake’s remaining WarShip fleet the DCS Draconis Rift, a Kyushu-class Frigate enters the system adding its firepower the to regiment on the ground and brining in supplies for the worlds population as the Draconis Combine attempts to win the hearts-and-minds of the newly conquered population.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 08:36:15 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #178 on: July 15, 2012, 07:07:30 PM »

Terra Firma, Capolla
Terracap Confederation, Chaos March
4th September 3068

   Following the Draconis Combine’s move to take Caph and the Capellan Confederation’s increasing efforts to secure the last free worlds of the Chaos March the Federated Suns Capellan March under the direction of Field Marshal Baron George Hasek launches assaults on Terra Firma and Capolla the two worlds that make up the Terracap Confederation just one jump outside the Federated Suns held Zurich Salient.  For years terrorist activities in the region had been blamed on this tiny state because of its suspected links to the Capellan Confederation.  As the Capellans now hold most of the worlds in the region surrounding the Terracap Confederation Federated Suns Intelligence believe it will be only a short period before the Capellan Chancellor annex’s the Terracap worlds as well.

   Onto Terra Firma the Federated Suns drop the Second NAIS Cadre Regiment, a training unit of the New Avalon Institute of Sciences, and the Eighth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT while onto Capolla they drop two regiments of the Vegan Rangers Mercenary Brigade.  On Terra Firma the two Federated Suns units encounter the Shin Legion a Capellan Confederation second-line regiment of questionable loyalties and the Capellan Warrior House Hiritsu.  The Federated Suns units fall on the Capellan forces destroying the Shin Legion in a quick brutal battle however  Warrior House Hiritsu avoids most of the fighting and is able to escape via a JumpShip hidden in the system.  On the planet the two Federated Suns units find a world in chaos with dozens of hidden prison facilities holding thousands of prisoners many under heavy guard which the Federated Suns forces destroy as quickly.  The prisoners all claim to not know why they were being held and none appear to be political prisoners.  On Capolla the mercenary units encounter an unknown unit using Star League-era tech.  Believed to be a Word of Blake unit or some unknown mercenary unit the force refuses orders to stand down or leave the system and attacks the Vegan Rangers doing heavy damage to the Beta Regiment of the Rangers before finally succumbing to the heavier firepower and superior numbers of the mercenaries.  Over the following days the Mercenaries find similar camps to those found on Terra Firma.

   After debriefing of the prisoners on both worlds by DMI and MIIO Intelligence agencies of the Federated Suns and SLIC operators of the Star League Defence Force they are mostly released to the worlds population.  Some prisoners remain under lock up because they really are criminals and the last thing anyone wants is to feed criminal organisations on the newly captured worlds.  The two worlds both seem to accept, even welcome, the new Federated Suns rule.

   On New Syrtis Field Marshal George Hasek begins to look at the Capellan Confederation as a viable target now most of the Chaos March worlds have been taken.  Officially the Capellan March is not cleared to attack the Confederation however covertly several Federated Suns units are routinely breaking the Confederation’s borders testing their defences and raiding their research and manufacturing plants.

Nova Cat Colony
New Dagda
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
8th September 3068

   Despite the efforts of the Nova Cat medical technicians to prolong the pregnancy a long as possible Yvonne (Rosse) gives birth to her second child a healthy girl named Sonja, on New Dagda the newest of the Nova Cat’s colonies worlds.  The reason for the attempt to prolong the pregnancy was so the en route Khan would be able to make it to the birth of his second child.  With Canin missing the birth of Sonja he has now missed the births of both his children, although he did see all three via an HPG burst transmission to his WarShip Sandra Rosse deep in the periphery.

Capellan March, Federated Suns
14th September 3068

   With the loss of any chance of gaining control of the Terracap Confederation without a full assault Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao decides that further moves in the Chaos March are not worth the Capellan states efforts, the only ’free’ worlds in the Chaos March are Liberty, guarded by the Allied Mercenary Command, Northwind, guarded by almost all the Northwind Highlander Regiments, Outreach guarded by the Wolf’s Dragoons and their remaining WarShips and Terra which although not part of any successor state is heavily embattled and any attempt to gain control of it by any Successor State would spark another Succession War, a conflict the Confederation is no-where near ready for.

   With only these options and recalls his forces instead choosing to reclaim lost territory starting with Ares lost earlier in the year to a raid by Federated Suns Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner.  The Warrior House Mai-Tsu Kai and the Second Capellan Reserve Cavalry attempt to regain control of the world from the Third NAIS Cadre and the First Capellan Dragoons although they cause heavy damage to the two Federated Suns Regiments they are forced to retreat following this raid the Federated Suns reinforce the system with the Hound-class WarShip FSS Admiral Michael Sallie that could delay or stop anything but a full assault by the Capellans.  Following this deployment Chancellor Liao realises that the Admiral Michael Sallie is a lure bait to bring his tiny WarShip fleet within striking range of the Federated Suns, for now he decides to bide his time unlike many past Capellan Chancellors Sun-Tzu Liao sees the long term picture.

Terran System, Chaos March
28th September 3068

   After almost a month and a half fighting on the red soil of Mars the remains of three ComStar Divisions stand triumphant but at a heavy cost.  On Mars several of the domed cities have been breached by weapons fire killing thousands of innocent civilians bystanders as the two halves of ComStar have torn each other to pieces.  Militarily the effects have also been devastating with hundreds dead on either side.  Eight Divisions worth of ComGuard troops lay dead or incapacitated on the Martian landscape while on the Word of Blake’s side six Divisions of troops are dead or prisoners, the Mercenary Battalion known as the Martian Cuirassiers, which appeared during the fighting has been destroyed and the Word of Blake ROM and its headquarters have been torn apart.  Among the dead are the Sixth Free Worlds Legionaries which went AWOL from the Free Worlds League when the nation fell apart and three Divisions of Word of Blake troops that heavily utilise cybernetic enhanced warriors.  ComStar decide to dig in on Mars, much like they have at Titan, and repair as much of their forces as possible preparing for the next round of assaults against Terra.

Ecol City, Spaceport
Thorin, Freedom Theatre
Lyran Alliance
30th September 3068

   Since returning from the Clan Homeworlds and taking a position full-time in the reborn Star League Defence Force Archer Christifori had returned home to Thorin several times.  During the Clan War his parents had both died and left behind a transport business that Archer left his sister Andrea to care for.  This was his first visit as the Acting-Commanding-General of the SLDF, as he continued to cover for the recovering Morgan Hasek-Davion, because he was effectively in command of the Star League and because of Thorin’s strong relationship with the first Star League on the ground in front of his DropShip stood a Battalion of the Fifteenth Arcturan Guards Regiment of the LAAF and the Battalion strong militia standing as an honour guard.

   With Archer was a full combined arms Battalion of the his first Brigade, the rest had remained on Kittery ensuring there were no further attempts on Morgan‘s life.  From his Penetrator’s cockpit Archer moved the seventy-five ton BattleMech that had served him through the Clan War through all the conflicts to today out of the main Mechbay door of the Overlord-class DropShip.  As soon as the Penetrator stepped clear of the DropShip and onto Thorin soil the Fifteenth Arcturan and the militia troops all snapped to attention.  Archer marched his BattleMech down the line then pivoted to face Colonel Felix Blucher’s Atlas, down the line more of his Battalion were exiting the vessel lining up to face the Fifteenth Arcturan, the SLDF troops were in a very exposed position if this turned nasty.  “Attention!”  Archer ordered into the comm. and the SLDF troops stood at attention for several seconds.  Archer noticed his communication system was active so he keyed it in.

   â€œGeneral Christifori, we are honoured to welcome you to Thorin, welcome home.”  Blucher said on an open frequency glancing around Archer noticed that there were several camera crews around and noted the Lyran Colonel had put this on to keep on good terms with the civilians.  The reason for the Fifteenth’s continued presence on Thorin was a mystery to Archer, Thorin had not been attacked by an outside force in centuries and they had only been stationed here because former-Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion disliked the world’s strong support for her brothers and Archer's refusal to return and serve in the LAAF under her leadership.

   â€œThank you, Colonel, you honour us with this display.”  Archer replied on an open channel “put your men at ease Colonel, we are going to be here a while.”

   â€œVery good General, Fifteenth Arcturan Guards at ease!”  Blucher said “what brings Thorin’s most famous warrior home?”

   â€œFamily, business and the University of Thorin.”  Archer said still on an open frequency, he knew once the news crews realised what he had just said there would be a media frenzy but he’d decided that there would be nothing hidden during this mission.

   â€œVery good General.  Will you require use of The Fort?”  Blucher asked the Star League-era fortification was the only remnant of the Star League still in use on Thorin it was an imposing structure that could house an entire Battalion of troops easily and sustain a direct hit from a nuclear detonation.  Blucher’s Fifteenth as the ranking military force on planet was in control of the facility while the militia used facilities downtown, probably another reason the locals were unhappy with the Fifteenth’s continued presence.

   â€œNegative, Colonel, but thanks for the offer.”  Archer said on an open frequency then swapped over to another frequency. “My troops will camp in the wilderness near the Remington Forest to secure the University ruins and protect the excavation teams, I will store my Mech at my companies warehouses if I stay in the city.”

   â€œHave you clearance to conduct operations on Thorin General?”  Blucher asked quietly the Colonel was a by-the-book officer, and in the times Archer had met him, during family visits, he had found he respected the man for his actions and the way he operated.  Sometimes however it did annoy him.

   â€œNegative, officially I am visiting my sister and checking in on my company.”  Archer said quietly “however Thorin has languished for too long, it is time someone began to take notice of this world again.”  He said, hopefully Blucher would not complain too much “if there is a problem I can send word to Tharkad via the SLS Covenant explaining my actions.”  He added remembering the Star League WarShip assigned to Archer until Morgan was recovered from his injuries.

   â€œI don’t think that will be necessary General, we will talk later, for now welcome home.”  Blucher said sounding slightly surprised that there was a WarShip in system, Archer hoped he had not overstepped his position by taking the Covenant into Lyran space.  Blucher’s Atlas followed by the rest of the Lyran Mechs, vehicles and infantry then began to move out.

   â€œMajor Spade take the Battalion to the agreed positions and begin setting up for the archaeological and excavation team.  I will join you later.”  He said into the SLDF general frequency.

   â€œYes, sir” his aide Samantha Spade said moments later the entire battalion began moving out heading for the country side to the north.  Once they were out of range Archer pivoted his Mech through one hundred-and-eighty degrees then stood at attention one more time this time to the militia troops who all returned his salute then the shut down his Penetrator and made his was to the ground, by the time he had reached the ground Archer found the Mech surrounded by members of the militia cheering his arrival.

   Standing in the centre of the crowd was Andrea Christifori, his younger sister and all the family that he had left, Andrea wrote articles for the local paper and ran the family business in his absence.  Andrea was in many ways exactly like Archer with a very similar build only on a smaller, younger frame, around her neck she wore the Star League Medal of Honour Archer had been presented on Huntress, he’d given it to her when he arrived back on Thorin following the return of the Star League Army from Clan Space.  Although Andrea disliked the military and wars she understood its necessity and fully respected his choice to join the SLDF.  “Welcome home!”  She shouted over the crowd wrapping her arms around his neck giving him a small kiss on the cheek.  Andrea drifted off to his side clearing room for the next person to step forward Hauptmann Katya Chafee, a former MechWarrior herself and head of the militia’s intelligence network on Thorin and extending to other areas of the Freedom Theatre.  Katya and Archer had gotten on well since they first met just after the Clan War and every time he had returned to Thorin they had gotten closer, Archer leaned forward and swept her up into his arms turning her around in the centre of the crowd embracing her.

   â€œIs that any way to welcome a Hauptmann?”  another voice asked over the crowd Archer looked over and noticed Darius Hopkins, a former militia officer himself had only recently retired to work for Archer’s company.  Darius had been like a surrogate father for Archer during his youth supporting his application to the militia and then NAIS.  Archer broke off his kiss with Katya briefly to look at Darius.

   â€œProbably not, but it feels wonderful” Archer said smiling then turning back to Katya kissing her again, the militia went wild once more at that remark, everyone of them was born on Thorin and to them Archer was a hero not only because he was from Thorin, had fought the Clan and one of the highest placed members of the SLDF but also because he had been one of the first to truly see Katherine Steiner-Davion for who she was and to refuse to fight for her.  “Darius, would it be a suitable way to welcome a fiancée?”  Archer said as he lowered Katya to the ground, his eyes never leaving Katya’s face suddenly the crowd went silent more out of shock than anything else.  Most surprised was Katya, her grip on his arm had gotten even tighter in the moments that had passed since he had spoken.

   â€œThat sounded like a proposition.”  Darius said his gruff voice more than a little surprised.

   â€œYes it did, didn’t it?”  Archer said still looking at Katya “well?”  He whispered

   â€œYes” Katya whispered the crowd began to murmur as if they hadn’t heard her properly.  “Yes” she said louder smiling as she launched her self into Archer’s embrace a massive smile crossing her face.  The crowd went totally crazy in celebration as Archer spun Katya around in a full circle, her feet never touching the ground.  In the crowd Archer saw Andrea standing smiling a tear was running down her cheek but she looked pleased, he knew that Andrea and Katya knew each other very well from the letters they had exchanged and during his last visit they had all gone out to dinner, now things would change that was for sure.  Archer was sure they would talk later but for now they were in for a massive party.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #179 on: July 16, 2012, 07:32:33 AM »

Fort Melissa, Dalbans Mountains
Albion Continent, New Avalon
4th October 3068

   The Lion-class DropShip Wolf Paw, belonging to the Wolf’s Dragoons, had entered the New Avalon system, on a civilian registered JumpShip, and been secretly directed to Fort Melissa, a large military facility to the south-west of Avalon City on the Albion Continent.  Landing amongst the forces of the First Davion Guards RCT Commander Michi Noketsuna stepped from the vessel with several escorts, two in Elemental Battle Armour.  Michi a former DCMS Battalion Commander during the War of 39 had fought against House Davion during that conflict and several other battles however today he was here as a member of the Wolf’s Dragoon’s WolfNet intelligence service not to fight but negotiate, the Dragoons had chosen to call in their ‘anything you want’ offer made by Victor Steiner-Davion following the Word of Blake attack against his escorts in the Chaos March.

   Because Victor is off New Avalon on business meeting with Morgan Hasek-Davion regarding the Star League and the Federated Suns Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner negotiates with them.  The Dragoons point out that since they lost a WarShip saving Victor’s life they expect a WarShip in return Reinhart is more than willing to offer them a Fox or Hound-class Corvette however the Dragoons want an Avalon-class Cruiser, something the Federated Suns is unwilling to turn over, having already given one to the Lyran Alliance.

   Following several days of negotiation Reinhart and the Dragoons agree that a Davion Block III-class Destroyer will be transferred to Dragoon control to make up for the loss of the Darius.  The Dragoons win because they have gained a superior vessel than their lost Lola-III and the Federated Suns wins because the remain on good terms with the Dragoons.  At the end of the meeting Michi Noketsuna, as a representative of WolfNet and the Allied Mercenary Command sends a message to Victor Steiner-Davion as First Lord of the Star League.  The world of Liberty currently under the protection of the Allied Mercenary Command wants Star League Protectorate status following several Capellan raids and the Confederation’s control over several nearby systems, Victor agrees and dispatches an SLDF unit immediately.  Noketsuna assures the SLDF that the AMC will remain on the world as long as is needed.

Command Deck, FSS Admiral Michael Sallie
Ares System, Zenith Point
Capellan March, Federated Suns
8th October 3068

   Walking onto the command bridge of his WarShip, the FSS Admiral Michael Sallie Commodore Philip Montrose was still rubbing sleep-sand from his eyes as he saw the holo-tank in the centre of the Hound-class Corvette’s command deck light up.  “This better be good, Miss Andrews, I was just asleep when those blasted sirens went off!”  Philip shouted over the sirens at his executive officer Lisa Andrews turning to the tactical officer “shut that damned sirens off!”  Within seconds they were silenced.  “Good, now what is this all about Major?”

   â€œSir, sensors detected a pair of Jump Signatures coming in at the Nadir point, one appears to be an Imparvido-class Destroyer while the other is eighty-nine percent confirmed as a Feng Huang-class Cruiser.”  Lisa said as the Holo-tank got up to speed and plotted the locations of the two jump signatures.

   â€œExpected time of arrival?”  Philip asked his sensor officer all business now the irritation from lack of sleep gone.

   â€œSixteen minutes.”

   â€œWell that’s something.”  Philip said thinking quietly the Admiral Michael Sallie carried two DropShips of its own, both assault class vessels and had three Vengeance-class carrier ships attached to it for this patrol but against two WarShips the small corvette stood little chance.  “Communications send a burst transmission to the planet tell them they have incoming, very possibly elite Capellan troops with full WarShip support they are to hold as long as possible then get a message off to the JumpShips order them to get out of the system by any means, there’s no telling if the Capellans will stick to the rules of engagement.”  He said assessing the situation the three JumpShips had no combat DropShips or combat value on their own but the Capellan commander may see it as a way of hurting the Federated Suns by destroying them as well ignoring the Ares Convention, the irony in that was well beyond Philip at this point.  “Jump Master, reel in the Jump Sail and store for combat operations.”  He said looking over at the Jump Sail operator, the crew now knew his next order “engines full thrust as soon as that sail is back aboard.  Weapons officer, full combat alert begin checks on all weapons.  CAG” he said over his shoulder at the Commander of the vessel’s aerospace fighter wing and the five DropShips, known as the Commander-of-Air-Group, “brief your pilots and DropShip crews of the situation, I want your pilots to hit the enemy fighters and DropShips to hit the enemy DropShips leave the WarShips to us unless you have nothing else to hit.  All ships in the sky two minutes before the enemy arrives - slow burn.”  There was half a dozen ‘ayes’ as the crew got to work, they didn’t have a chance against two WarShips but would take as many Capellans with them as possible.

   It actually took the enemy vessels twenty-two minutes to enter the system protecting three JumpShips.  All the vessels immediately detached a total of sixteen DropShips which all blazed towards Ares, the JumpShips then executed an immediate jump clear of the system abandoning their fighters and DropShips.  “Helm, at the Feng Huang its guns are far too weak for a cruiser, time to show the Capellans that they made a fatal mistake when designing her, standard approach speed.”  Philip said the corvette began accelerating to two-and-a-half gravities worth of acceleration the Hound had another half a gravity worth of thrust but at the moment the Capellans would be trying to work out if this was a Fox or Hound-class so he had a little advantage.  “Weapons fire at will, have the gunners concentrate their fire on the Imparvido for now, it has the weaker armour so we do damage to them first.  If we are still here at point blank give that Feng Huang everything we have left.”  Philip said looking over at the weapons officers the Admiral Michael Saille’s weapons opened fire along the port side, forward port quarter and fore areas the conventional Rotary Autocannons although not designed for use against targets as big as a WarShip complemented the Naval Autocannons and Naval Lasers well causing damage down the Capellan Destroyer’s port side while the Capellan’s return fire, made up of Naval Autocannons and lasers caused little damage to the Davion Corvette.

   â€œSir, Feng Huang moving, looks like they don’t want to engage us, they haven’t fired at us.  Looks like they want to assist their DropShips.”  The sensor operator said.

   â€œSir, CAG reports heavy fighter screen on the Capellan Droppers, looks like the WarShips sent everything they had to defend them.”  The flight officer control said moments later Philip remained calm, the last thing they needed was someone loosing it, especially him.  The Feng Huang was very poorly armed for a cruiser but it did have very tightly packed anti-fighter weapons and several Naval lasers and PPCs that could heavily damage DropShips making it a decent escort, the Capellans obviously noticed that.  The Imparvido was here to keep any Davion WarShips tied up long enough for the Feng Huang to eliminate any defending DropShips and fighters.  The Admiral Michael Sallie was just now entering range for the Capellan Feng Huang and Philip could see the weapons targeting begin to shift.

   â€œOrder the CAG to take his fighters straight into the Feng Huang for a single pass then head deeper into the system, the surviving DropShips are to do the same but targeting the enemy DropShips, one pass then run.”  He said looking at the Flight Operations officer “give them a rendezvous point out of the path of the Capellans where the Fighters can refuel then all forces are to head for Ares full thrust and assist ground operations.”  The Flight Ops officer nodded the assault against the WarShip was a desperate call but Philip didn’t have any options left.  “Weapons ignore the Feng Huang and kill that damned Imparvido! Helm, zigzag course with the Imparvido keep us out of their forward arc constantly showing them our broadside, any move to keep us living is a good one and take us to max thrust.”  The Admiral Michael Sallie shot forwards with the newfound speed narrowly avoiding a tight grouping of Naval Autocannon fire from the Capellan Destroyer which would have likely breached the hull on the already battered port side.  The helm officer had been tracking the damage and rolled the corvette over onto its back, making the vessel appear ‘upside-down’ to the Capellans, this presented the Capellan vessel with new untouched armour which was almost immediately hammered by a pair of Naval Lasers which rocked the corvette.  At the same time the Admiral’s own broadside Autocannon array spoke out causing a breach in the Capellan’s forward port side, the Capellan vessel rolled over to protect its damaged side forcing the Admiral Michael Saille’s gunners to start again.  Philip Montrose looked at the holo-tank image and knew what was about to happen, for several moments he had thought their survival was possible but not now the Imparvido was firing only defensively with conventional weapons which meant only one thing.  “Communications message to Ares, DropShips and Fighters, Admiral Michael Sallie is lost” he said just as the Imparvido fired all its forward weapons at once.  Philip had heard MechWarriors describe this as an enemy doing an ’Alpha-strike’ firing everything it had in a desperate attempt to kill an enemy but all he knew it was a death sentence. The destroyer fired a tight grouping of Naval autocannons, Lasers, PPCs and a myriad of conventional weapons that tore into the Hound-class corvette’s forward armour one of the salvos breached the armour and tore into the command bridge killing the command crew instantly and destroying any control the vessel had.  The gunners throughout the ship continued to manually fire once, twice, after the loss of the bridge knowing the vessel was doomed by defiant to the end, they knew that the Capellans would take no prisoners from this battle.  Without main control and with power failing they had trouble even getting near with their erratic before the Capellan’s second salvo tore the corvette in half cracking the K-F Boom killing anyone who remained on the vessel.

   Deeper in the system the two remaining DropShips and a dozen Davion Aerospace fighters broke off their attacks content with four DropShip kills and almost thirty fighter kills against the invading Capellan Forces.  The loss of the Admiral Michael Sallie hurt and surrendered space superiority to the Capellans but they had destroyed the majority of the Capellan’s fighter force which would give the ground forces an advantage, the only way the Capellans could help their ground forces would be by using orbital bombardment something the Capellans were not likely to do considering Ares history of preserving life with the Ares Conventions which had outlawed Orbital Bombardment centuries ago.  Instead the Capellan WarShips damaged but still deadly maintained positions in the system auctioning a total blockade on the Ares system destroying any DropShip or JumpShip that entered they system without their consent.  The Capellan’s intent is to starve out the Davion ground troops if their ground troops failed to dislodge the Federated Suns defenders.

Calish II/Calish III
Outworlds Alliance
14th October 3068

   In an unprovoked attack two suspected Draconis Combine hired Mercenary Companies land on the twin system of Calish attacking both inhabited planets.  On Calish II the Mercenaries concentrate on stealing four brand-new Corax OmniFighters while on Calish III the Mercenaries target the HPG destroying it cutting the system off from the rest of the Alliance.  Once their primary objectives had been completed both units then ran amok primarily targeting the Outworlds Alliance Ground Forces but also several civilian resorts near both targeted facilities they then retreated leaving nearly three thousand dead civilians over both worlds and at least twice that many injured.  The mercenaries are then collected by a Combine registered civilian JumpShip, the Draconis Combine Coordinator Hohiro Kurita issues an official statement denying he ordered the attack however both the Outworlds Alliance and the small number of Snow Ravens garrisoned in their territories are not happy with the assault, the Ravens more so as it opens up wounds caused by the White Cloud’s destruction.

Star League Command
Kittery, Capellan March
Federated Suns
21st October 3068

   The Star League Intelligence Corps delivers its report to Morgan Hasek-Davion, another is delivered to Archer Christifori as acting-commanding-general, the report delivers the SLIC’s findings regarding the assassination attempt against the life of Morgan Hasek-Davion earlier in the year.  The report directly points to a Capellan Confederation based Thuggee Terrorist Cell that was later discovered and destroyed by the Capellan Confederation, officially during their own attempts to rid the Confederation of the menace created by Sun-Tzu’s sister Kali still incarcerated on Highspire for the Black May attacks against the St Ives Compact during the First St Ives/Confederation War almost a decade before.  Morgan decides for now to leave the Confederation to riding themselves of the threat, the Star League have more important things to do than follow a trail of vengeance.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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