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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #60 on: July 03, 2012, 07:54:26 PM »

In-system Burn
Milos, St Ives Compact
15th November 3061

   Although officially the Second Royal BattleMech Regiment had only been together for six months in fact they had been together since the Battle of Luzerne over two years before, they had faced the Smoke Jaguars as part of the SLDF even though they were from different organisations.  The two were now one, under the Star League Defence Force every DropShip, Fighter, Mech, Armoured Vehicle and Infantry trooper carried a Cameron Star on their uniform.

   The Second Royal BattleMech Regiment was actually four Regiments, One Mech, One Armour, One Infantry and One a mixed bag of units they were all supported by an entire wing of fighters and an entire squadron of Assault DropShips making it the strongest unit in the entire SLDF.  Although the First had the experience and technology advantage the Second had pure numbers.  Lieutenant-General Marguerite McCafee sat in her Stone Rhino BattleMech’s cockpit waiting for the Drop, the Mech she piloted now was a captured Smoke Jaguar design one of the few operation Clan Mechs in the unit, the rest were mostly refitted Inner Sphere designs that dated back centuries although a couple were brand-new OmniMechs gained from the Draconis Combine.  The although the Clans called the Mech Behemoth the Inner Sphere had called it Stone Rhino as there was a tank named the Behemoth.  The Stone Rhino weighed in at one hundred tons it carried a heavy array of paired large pulse lasers, Gauss Rifles and an overhead mounted Extended-Range Large Laser.  Although slow with a top speed of only fifty-four kilometres per hour the Mech mounted heavy armour and three jump jets for extended mobility.

   Marguerite opened up her command frequency the comm. signal spread to all the ships, about twenty DropShips in all.  “Okay people here we go again, No WarShips to worry about this time” she tried to make a joke out of the last drop they encountered over Luzerne but even she could not smile under the Davion and ComGuard flags her troops had suffered greatly under the guns of Clan Smoke Jaguar.  “The defenders of Milos have been resisting the Capellans for almost two years, they are outnumbered and outgunned but they haven’t given up.  I don’t know about you, but this sounds familiar to me.”  She said, everyone on the DropShips knew what she was still thinking about Luzerne, for some of them it would never leave them, the Smoke Jaguars had outnumbered and outgunned them for months and had WarShip support cutting off their exit, so far the Capellans didn‘t have WarShips but the situation on Milos was eerily similar.  “We are going to give the Capellans a chance to surrender on the drop and when we hit that turf any Capellan that hasn’t run back to his mommy is getting a gauss slug.”  She imagined she could hear a cheer run through the ships from her troops ready to finally get back into the fight “the Second St Ives Lancers know we are coming, they have pulled their regiment’s forces and the attached militia back to their bases so everyone we see on the ground is a target.  Good hunting and I’ll see you on the ground.”  She said cutting off the transmission, then she cried in the silence of her captured Clan BattleMech the Lieutenant-General cried, it was getting too much.  Every night she thought of Luzerne, every night she saw friends and comrades cut down by the Smoke Jaguars, hopefully this fight would put those nightmares out of her mind.

   Breaking through the atmosphere the fighters of the Fifty-first Crucis Interceptor Wing engaged the few Capellan fighters that had been sent up to resist the twenty-four strong DropShip force of the Regiment.  Supported by an assault DropShip squadron specifically tasked with clearing our enemy DropShips and major ground based installations the Capellans retreated from the sky with the Second not loosing a single DropShip in the landing phase although the Fifty-first did loose a squadron‘s worth of fighters.  With this attack on the DropShips Marguerite passed the word that the Capellans were now considered hostile to the SLDF.  She then passed the word to the Aerospace commander to attack all targets in the area as long as ordinance and fuel permitted.

   The escorting fighters and assault DropShips broke from formation and drove on the Capellan ground forces.  The Fifty-first Crucis was formerly a House Davion unit inherited completely from the Third Davion Guards, however supporting them were an entire squadron of six Chippewa Assault Fighters which had served the 208th ComGuard Division, this gave the Fifty-first a powerful bite.  The fighters flew over the area attacking any Capellan unit that moved allowing the DropShips to land unmolested, they then escorted the assault DropShips to the local spaceport and helped them secure the airspace around the landing zone, a Jump Infantry Battalion and a Battle Armour Battalion Dropped from the DropShips and secured landing zones for the DropShips and the Fifty-first Crucis’ Fighters.

   Stepping her Stone Rhino from the Fortress-class Tremor, that served as the Second’s command base Marguerite spied her first targets, a lance of Capellan Heavy-Assault Mechs.  Not even waiting for her whole lance to form up Marguerite charged forward accelerating the Stone Rhino to its top speed of fifty-four kilometres per hour.  In range she triggered the over head large laser then both torso mounted Gauss Rifles knocking a Capellan Atlas on its back with one attack, the Mech was not out but she‘d slowed it.  Switching her targets she was ready to fire again when all three standing Capellan Mechs opened fire at once all targeting her Mech, angry that she‘d have the audacity to attack a lance alone and surprised with the Mech‘s ferocity seeing it as a major threat.

   A seventy-five ton Lao Hu opened fire with its own large laser and fifteen LRMs, the laser burned the Stone Rhino’s left leg while the LRMs struck near the torso mounted gauss rifle but causing no lasting damage.  Then a seventy ton Cataphract opened fire with its dual autocannons tearing into the Stone Rhino’s legs again, Marguerite fought for control of the Clan assault Mech and charge on triggering both large pulse lasers in defiance damaging the Cataphract’s left arm.  The sixty-five ton Junggau fired its Gauss Rifle blowing a massive chunk of armour off the right arm while the fourth Capellan Mech a ninety ton Yu Huang opened fire with its Extended Range PPC and massive assault LB-class Autocannon.  The PPC missed by a hair fizzling the air alongside the Stone Rhino’s cockpit while the Autocannon blasted flak all over the torso of the Stone Rhino causing little but widespread damage over the assault Mech.

   Now in close to her targets Marguerite went to work, both Large Pulse Lasers cut into the side of the Cataphract then the left arm smashed into the seventy ton Mech, the Capellan pilot not expecting the savage attack lost control and crashed his Mech into the dirt.  Twisting the Stone Rhino’s torso to the left Marguerite triggered both gauss rifles, the weapons normally suffered from being so close but this time the flew true and straight into the Junggau, the first slug tore off the Mech’s left arm while the second crushed the knee actuator.  Marguerite never even waited to finish off the Mech launching the Stone Rhino up into the air on its Jump Jets she sent the Assault Mech backwards landing just behind the Lao Hu allowing Marguerite to fire the large laser straight into the Mech’s weak rear armour causing some penetration and some gyroscope damage.  The heavy Mech unable to balance without its gyro working at full power fell forwards slamming into the ground crushing the cockpit on a large bolder killing the pilot.

   The enemy Yu Huang turned, it was now the only undamaged Mech and the most dangerous.  Marguerite braced for the hit, but just as the Capellan warrior was preparing to fire the Yu Huang’s back exploded as the Tremor, fired it’s nose mounted Long Tom Artillery Cannon providing support for the ground troops now the DropShip was fully grounded.  It wasn’t a direct hit but it was close enough and knocked the Capellan’s shot off meaning that only the Yu Huang’s PPC hit causing some torso damage.  Marguerite exploited the Capellan’s misfortune and blasted the Yu Huang with both Large Pulse Lasers, both Gauss Rifles and the overhead large laser, she then triggered both yet unused medium pulse lasers as well.  The heat inside the Stone Rhino was unbearable but as Marguerite slapped the override she saw the Capellan Yu Huang slam backwards into the ground its head a burning ruin.  As the rest of Marguerite’s Command Company arrived the three surviving Capellan Atlas and crippled Junggau surrendered, knowing if they resisted they would be committing suicide.  Marguerite walked her Mech back to the Tremor and into the DropShip’s cargo bay, even taking on an entire Lance of Capellan Mechs had not released her, she would need to overcome these feelings soon or people around her would begin to die.

Isis Marik’s Guest Quarters
Imperial Palace, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
15th December 3061

   The winter had come early to the Draconis Combine’s capital, or at least that was what the locals said, Isis cared nothing for the weather she had been here for almost six months and still she did not know what she should do or more importantly what she wanted to do.  The doors opened and Omiko Kurita entered “Omi?”  Isis asked surprised Omi rarely came to see her normally she waited for them to ‘bump’ into each other, in fact Isis saw Omilko’s brothers Minoru and Hohiro more than she did Omi herself.

   â€œIsis, how are you?”

   â€œFine I guess, I’m lost Omi, I don’t know what I want to do.”

   â€œPerhaps I have a solution for your problem.”

   â€œYou do how?”  Isis asked, she had thought Omi was looking after herself and allowing Isis to do the same but really she had been thinking of Isis all along, she was a true friend.

   â€œI was thinking about your problems and the situation you have found yourself in, I was looking for a solution for it” Omi said stepping away looking out the window but looking at the ground outside.

   â€œOmi what is it?”

   â€œYou must forgive me, Isis, I have intruded in your personnel life…  I only searched for meaning to help you, forgive me.”  Omi said stepping away back towards the doors as if realising she had done something wrong.

   â€œOmi, wait” Omiko Kurita stopped immediately but remained turned to the door.  “What did you find that could help me?  You found something or you would not have come.”

   â€œI found someone that has found themselves in the same position as you.  Unsure about the path they are walking an lost to the world.”

   â€œWho?”  Isis asked, she could not think of anyone as hard off in life as her disowned by her father and dumped by the man she loved for another woman.

   â€œVictor’s brother, Peter” Omi said, she still said Victor’s name with a smile as she turned to face Isis.  “Peter was a promising officer in Victor’s army but others used him for their purposes.  Lost without his parents and with his brother struggling with his own problems he sought out Morgan Kell who took him to Saint Marinus House on the world of Zaniah in the Lyran Alliance.  Although he may not be able to help you the people there may help you find answers, as may a change of scenery.”

   â€œYou want me to leave?”  Isis asked, she had not expected Omi to ask her to go.

   â€œNo, no, Isis stay as long as you want.  I want to see you get better, to live and enjoy your life.  Stuck here in this room, in this palace, hiding from the world is no way for you to live.  Think about it please, and accept my apologies for the intrusion.”  Omiko said leaving the room quickly before Isis could speak again.  After several days of seclusion Isis searched out Omi and thanked her for her help then two days later found passage to Zaniah, she would try her friends idea, it could do her no worst than remaining in seclusion on Luthien.

Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission
Contract Negotiations Offices
Outreach, Chaos March
21st December 3061

   Although most things were winding down for the Christmas and New Years celebrations the Mercenary trade rarely stopped, especially on Outreach home to the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission (MRBC) and home to Wolf’s Dragoons the most powerful Mercenaries in the Inner Sphere.  Wolf’s Dragoons were originally a Clan intelligence operation that had entered the Inner Sphere posing as mercenaries, after decades of service to the various Inner Sphere realms, including stopping an entire Draconis Combine Invasion of the Federated Suns during the Fourth Succession War, an act that had won them Ownership of the world of Outreach from Hanse Davion, they had turned on their Clan masters and refused a recall order just before the Clan invasion.

   Now Wolf’s Dragoons rarely took contracts content to protect Outreach with their formerly Clan owned WarShip fleet and their massive ground forces, the Dragoons maintained their edge by fighting every new Mercenary unit on the block and maintaining a technological advantage over all their opponents employing massed formations of Elemental Battle Armour amongst their infantry and clan weapons technology on their Mechs, vehicles and aerospace fighters.

   Outreach had been the centre of the legitimate mercenary trade in the Inner Sphere for the last twenty years and this brought Wolf‘s Dragoons great prestige and a steady income without risking themselves.  Although they had fought in both the First and Second Battles of Luthien costing them an entire Regiment of troops which had brought massive respect from around the Inner Sphere and even the Clans, who generally despised the Dragoons for everything they stood for, the Dragoons still refused to take regular contracts happy to remain on Outreach in relative peace watching for trouble that could threaten their position in the Chaos March or the position of any of their allies.

   Colonel Harry Sanders, commander and founder of the Stalwart Support Regiment, had not expected a contract negotiation to begin this late in the year however the source was highly creditable and interested him so he had gone along to the MRBC Hiring Hall on Outreach, the Stalwart Support were still on New Canton, a world in the Chaos March and a world they had been on for the last ten years in garrison duty.

   Entering the room Harry saw that he was not being fooled around with, the man he had been told would be here was sitting behind the desk, Commanding-General Duke Morgan Hasek-Davion commander of the SLDF.  Harry immediately stood up straighter and walked up to the desk, Morgan raised as the Colonel approached “sire, it is a great honour to meet you.”  Harry said saluting, Morgan was not his Duke or anywhere near Harry’s chain of command but his reputation and standing in the Inner Sphere demanded great respect.  Morgan immediately returned the salute and offered Harry his hand, something which Harry took with great respect and gave Morgan an solid handshake.  Morgan directed Harry to sit and the Colonel sat down opposite Morgan.

   â€œColonel, I heard your unit was thinking about leaving New Canton and finding a new contract?”

   â€œWe are experiencing more combat than expected and our employers are unwilling to match the pay we expect.  We have begun trying to bring the MRBC into the negotiations, if they do not progress then we will be looking for something new, the SLDF wouldn’t like to hire and Infantry Regiment would they?”  Harry said smiling half jokingly, the Stalwart Support Regiment were almost entirely made up of conventional infantry troopers with some artillery and some VTOL support added.

   â€œMaybe” Morgan said, Harry was floored, he hadn’t expected Morgan to be offering the Stalwart Support a contract with the SLDF.  He had to be careful he’d heard horror stories of Infantry attacking the Clans and being massacred by their Elementals and BattleMech Mounted Anti-Infantry Pods, Harry would not allow his men to be massacred so easily.  “What the SLDF is really looking at is an entirely new type of unit.  Something we could use in the Chaos March for garrison duty and as peacekeepers and a unit that could equally be put up against the Clans or another front-line unit and give them a bloody nose.”

   â€œMy Regiment have been on Garrison Duty on New Canton for the last ten years, however recently we have been tackling much heavier opponents.  With respect General I will not allow my unit to be used as anyone’s plaything or rat-test case especially not against the Clans, I‘ve heard enough horror stories of PBIs (Poor Bloody Infantry) against them to last a lifetime.”

   â€œAnd I would not expect the Stalwart Support to for fill such duties, your reputation is far greater than that kind of treatment deserves.  In fact I would like to use your unit as a training unit for a new Battle Armour Corps I want to form.”

   â€œBattle Armour Corps?”  Harry asked astonished he‘d never heard anything about such a thing but it intrigued him “but the Stalwart Support have no Battle Armour to speak of!”  Harry said, he’d dreamed of upgrading his regiment to Battle Armour troops but they had never the money to pull off that kind of transfer and probably never would, still it was a dream and sometimes they came true.

   â€œI am aware of that Colonel, that is why I was wondering if your troopers would be interested in permanently signing up with the Star League Defence Force.  Would the Stalwart Support be interested in forming the core of the Battle Armour Corps under the command of Lieutenant-General Harry Sanders?”  Harry was gob smacked, he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

   â€œYou’d want to buy my unit and turn us into a Battle Armour Regiment under my command?  I‘m a bit old to become a Battle Armour trooper.”  Harry was only in his late fifties but he hadn’t been in the field for years tied up with contract negotiations and making the nobles of New Canton happy with his regiment‘s work.

   â€œThat’s right, allow me to be completely straight forward with you Colonel.  The Chaos March is a mess, one way I want to tackle it is by having a peacekeeper force on every planet, at the core of each force will be a Battle Armour Battalion supported by VTOLs and artillery and maybe Mechs later.  What I need is a well trained infantry force that can transfer to battle armour.  I need and infantry force that can work with artillery and VTOLs.  And I need a commander who is able to deal with planetary and city leaders with enough finesse.  Tell me what other unit meets those criteria?”  Harry sat there dumbfounded he didn’t know what to say.  “Colonel?”

   â€œSir” Harry said standing up saluting, Morgan slowly raised to his feet and returned the salute.  “I think we can deal, where do you want to form this Corps of yours?”

   â€œWell Lieutenant-Genera” Morgan said using Harry’s new rank for the first time seriously “I was thinking we could go to New Canton and see if they would be interested in having a permanent Battle Armoured SLDF presence replace their mercenary defenders.”  Morgan said shaking Harry’s hand Harry burst into laughter as they walked to the exit.  Over the next few days the Stalwart Support Regiment were officially bought from Colonel Harry Sanders by the Star League Defence Force.  Normally this would have made the owner of the regiment a rich man but the Stalwart Support were in so much debt so Harry got out with little profits and sacrificed being his own boss for working for someone else something he said he’d never do.  Then again every one of his troopers including Harry could now rely on a constant wage from the SLDF something mercenaries could not rely on, that was they could rely on a constant wage after they agreed to join the SLDF something he was sure few warriors would refuse.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #61 on: July 04, 2012, 12:34:57 PM »


Khan Santin West’s Office, Alpha Galaxy Command
Phillip Drummond City, New Barcella
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
12th January 3062

   The Phillip Drummond City was well under construction as was the Clan’s new Genetic Repository, Clan Nova Cat was completely secure on New Barcella, Khan Santin West had heard that some of the civilians from Tortuga were also becoming productive members of the Clan’s civilian castes helping the Nova Cats begin to explore the thousands of islands that were scattered across the planet’s massive ocean.  Today was not about New Barcella however today Khan Santin West would meet with the Clan’s scientists to discuss the progress they were making terraforming the former Tortuga Dominion worlds into liveable worlds unlike New Barcella, which was a near paradise, worlds like Tortuga Prime, Morgan’s Holdfast and Fletcher’s Feast all undeveloped former pirate worlds were struggling to find their feet and support their populations.  For the last two years Nova Cat scientists had been trying to Terraform the worlds into more Terra-like habitats.

   Looking out his sixth floor office Khan Santin West looked at Philip Drummond City roughly a kilometre away, he was beginning to understand Biccon Winters decision to have her office so high up, the view was breathtaking.  In the other direction Santin could see the boundaries of the Ways of Seeing National Park, over one hundred square kilometres of untouched land, it was there several prides of nova cats were being bred by the Scientist Caste, soon they would be released to explore the rest of the land of New Barcella.  Just then there was a knock at the door “enter!”  Santin called and a pair of female scientists entered “please take a seat and begin when you are ready” Santin said over his shoulder.

   â€œMy Khan” the first and older woman said “we have endeavoured to terraform the three worlds and have made great steps towards gaining out goal…”

   â€œThese steps are?”  Santin asked breaking in cutting the woman off, he still looked out the windows.

   â€œHigher oxygen content on all worlds, better ground nutrients and on Tortuga we have discovered an underground water supply that we are hoping to bring to the surface to create the planets first river linking the two largest bodies of water.”

   â€œGood work, how long until we see results?”

   â€œWith current supplies six years to a decade” the younger woman said.

   â€œSix years…” Santin said quietly that was longer than he had expected, perhaps the Nova Cat Clan would have to move some of its population back to the Homeworlds or conqueror some more habitable planets.

   â€œWe have another solution…”  The younger woman said

   â€œNo Miranda” the older scientist said.

   â€œSpeak, what is this alternative?”

   â€œAlthough our isolation has brought us security while we colonised the Nova Cat’s Den we have ignored our allies.  Some of us believe it is time we included our allies in terraforming these worlds.  During the Golden Century the Nova Cats worked closely with the Diamond Sharks…”

   â€œI know our history, Scientist Miranda, if we were to include the Diamond Sharks how quicker would things go?”  He asked, he had been thinking of informing the Diamond Sharks of the Nova Cat situation for a while anyway, perhaps it was time the Nova Cats gained some help, the Clan’s dealings with the Inner Sphere were at an end for now anyway.

   â€œAssuming all things went to plan the time scale would be three-to-five years until the worlds were more comfortable for sizable civilian populations.” Miranda said

   â€œA fifty percent reduction” Santin West said turning “why do you oppose this?”  He asked turning to face the older woman.

   â€œIt would compromise the Nova Cats security and the time scale is dependant on whether or not things go to plan.”

   â€œSecurity is my concern time scale with work how it always does fluidly.  Scientist Miranda, you will leave for the Homeworlds with the next trade convoy in six days, once in the Homeworlds contact Galaxy Commander Kelly Hardo, Sigma Galaxies commander, she will contact the Diamond Sharks for you.”

   â€œMe?”  The younger woman asked surprised, she was the more junior scientist.

   â€œIt is your idea, your project, Good Luck Scientist General, dismissed” Santin said turning back to the view, in the distance a DropShip was taking off and in the air several aerospace fighters were conducting manoeuvres.

   The Clan’s future here was secure for now but they had to constantly look to the future, Santin had spotted on the maps a possible place for expansion of the Nova Cat’s Den that would be their next task.  An hour later Galaxy Commander Ajax Drummond, commander of Tau Galaxy, and Star Colonel Canin Rosse, commander of the Watch Trinary arrived Santin had a job for them, the first of many the Nova Cats would act on.  In deep space another group of Nova Cats were also preparing to act, beginning Santin’s long term plans.  When the new Scientist General left Oathmaster Jal Steiner joined her, in the Homeworlds he would be attending the proposed Clan Cloud Cobra Babylon Religious Diet on Babylon, it would be the first meeting of Inner Sphere and Clan religious leaders ever and the Nova Cats unique mysticism would not be missing for any reason.

Antares System, Inner Sphere
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
21st January 3062

   Two days after their arrival on the Jade Falcon/Lyran Alliance Border the Blue Star Irregulars launched their first probing strike against the Jade Falcons.  The Blue Star Irregulars were under SLDF contract for the next year and their job was not to keep the Clan menace contained but to constantly probe the Clan’s defences and look for weaknesses, because they were new to the border and many of the junior warriors had not met the Clans in battle the Irregular Commanders had chosen Antares as the target, a small border world the Jade Falcons had three clusters on planet and a Vincent Mk-42 Corvette in the system.

   The mercenaries mission was two fold, train their junior warriors and damage the Vincent, enough to force the Jade Falcons to withdraw the vessel from the Inner Sphere.  If possible there was a third part to the mission, liberate the planet but that was only a distant secondary objective.

   The three Mech Regiments went in first with the Fredasa-class Corvette Kerensky’s Blues leading the DropShips, six hours behind them followed the majority of the armour and half of the infantry from each brigade (the rest were back on the Blue Star Irregular’s base world guarding their civilians.)  The plan was simple the Kerensky’s Blues and the fighters support would gain orbital and atmosphere superiority while the Mechs dropped to the ground, the MechWarriors would secure a beachhead on the planet for the armour to land and secure the landing zones.  Once secure the Mechs would move on the Jade Falcon positions.

   Unfortunately plans never lasted past contact with the enemy.  Inside the Antares system the Jade Falcons did not have a Vincent Mk-42-class Corvette like Lyran Alliance Intelligence has said they did instead a Whirlwind-class Destroyer, the Emerald Tornado, was inside the system.  A Whirlwind was a far superior vessel than the Vincent expected and more importantly a far superior vessel than the Kerensky’s Blues.

   With this fact changed the Blue Star plan went from offence to defence as the entire force aborted the mission and looked to escape the system with the Kerensky’s Blues, half a dozen DropShips and the Blue Star Irregular’s entire Aerospace Fighter Group engaging the Emerald Tornado, four Jade Falcon DropShips and roughly an entire cluster of aerospace fighters.

   After a duel lasting nearly six hours the Blue Star Irregulars seemed to be winning the battle, the entire ground force contingent had escaped as had two of the DropShips that had attacked the Emerald Tornado, however it was at a cost the Kerensky’s Blues was heavily damaged with the K-F Drive badly damaged and almost all the aerospace fighters were destroyed.  Unable to jump and unwilling to surrender the Kerensky’s Blues, a vessel that had once been a Jade Falcon WarShip.  The vessels commander ordered the Kerensky’s Blues forwards at full speed the forwards guns fell silent as the crew began evacuations.  The Emerald Tornado not expecting such a moved was unable to stop the Fredasa striking the Whirlwind in the starboard mid-ship area, the fast moving corvette smashed through the outer decks crushing weapons, armour and crew, then it seemed to stop the two vessels locked together drifting in space each vessel had fires on several decks.

   Blue Star Irregular evacuation DropShips rescued what crew had escaped the Kerensky’s Blues before the collision then rendezvoused with the last couple of JumpShips leaving the system just as the ammunition onboard the two WarShips was reached by fires, engulfing both vessels in a massive fireball destroying both vessels and leaving no wreckage bigger than suitcases, the Blue Star Irregulars first mission under SLDF contract had not gone well but it had hurt the Jade Falcons which was the point of the mission.

   Upon returning to the Lyran Alliance they were met by both Khan Phelan Kell and Duke Morgan Kell, commander of the Kell Hounds Mercenaries, in a secret deal any operations conducted by the Blue Star Irregulars would receive full support from the Kell Hounds and Khan Kell’s Clan Wolf (in-Exile).  The Blue Star Irregulars also cut all ties to the Lyran Intelligence Corps (LIC) as it was sure they LIC had been directed to give the SLDF troops faulty Intel due to their ties to the Blue Star Irregular’s ties to Katherine’s brother Victor Steiner-Davion, it was well known that Katherine was not pleased at Victor removing all Federated Suns troops from the Lyran Alliance.  The other two Federated Suns House Units assigned under SLDF flag had also been contacted and moved within the so-called Arc-Royal Defence Cordon (ARDC) at least there they would receive the support they needed.

   The ARDC was an area within the Lyran Alliance stretching from the world of Arch Royal to the Clan Jade Falcon Border, inside this area no unit loyal to Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion operated, instead units loyal to Morgan Kell and the troops of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) operated maintaining the Clan border defence and a knife poised at Katherine’s throat if she over stepped herself.  Although not officially Independent the eight worlds inside the ARDC took no order from Tharkad or the Lyran Government.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #62 on: July 04, 2012, 12:38:08 PM »

Griffin Base
Stalwart Support Base
New Canton, Chaos March
4th February 3062

   The Stalwart Support Regiment had been recalled from their bases across New Canton much to the anger of Count Balantine, leader of the world who had informed the Stalwart Support three times that they were moving closer and closer to being charged for breach of contract.  Lt. Colonel Wu Tsen Lo, the unit’s executive officer, had tried to smooth the Count by deploying small amounts of the Regiment over the night ensuring the cities and firebases were secure from the frequent raider/pirate attacks, however the Count was getting angrier and angrier at the lack of numbers being provided by the mercenaries.  Just as the Count Balantine‘s limousine pulled up in front of the assembled regiment of over eight-hundred men, twenty-four Artillery pieces and twelve Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft. “ATTEN-SHUN!”  Wu Tsen Lo screamed the entire regiment snapped to attention.

   â€œLieutenant-Colonel” Balantine said walking up to Wu, the Count always liked to remind him he was not a Full Colonel and did not command the unit.  “I would like to know where your Commander is and why your regiment is here standing about, in parade formation, looking into the sky…”  he said turning around following their gaze, in all his anger he had missed the massive Overlord-class DropShip dropping down on the firebase, the DropShip was bigger than any building in the Firebase and blotted out the sun as it landed.  “Lieutenant-Colonel, who is that?”  The Count asked as the DropShip’s doors began to open.

   â€œThe CO, Count Balantine, he has just been to Outreach to see if there are any other Contracts we could for fill.  He said he was coming back with the Regiment’s new employer.”

   â€œâ€¦new employer?  New employer?  You are leaving?”

   â€œI don’t know Count, we will soon find out, the CO has the details.”  Wu said seeing the confusion on the Count’s face Wu barely kept the smirk from his face, he loved it when nobles looked stupid or dumbfounded.  Moments later he felt stupid and dumbfounded as a Clan-built Shadow Cat OmniMech with Kathil Uhlans camouflage and a Cameron Star.  The Shadow Cat was followed by a one hundred ton Devastator also clad in the same camouflage and Cameron Star, ten more Mechs followed the two Mechs all were clad in the same camouflage all wearing the Cameron Star on their torsos and legs.

   â€œWho are they?”  Ignoring the fact he could see the Kathil Uhlans camouflage and the Cameron Star, the only unit that would carry that colours was the SLDF’s Commanding-General’s escort honouring where they had come from and what they now stood for.

   â€œI don’t know but I think I like them, yip, I think I like them a lot.”  Wu said as one final Mech walked out, this Mech was a Clan Dire Wolf one hundred tons of the most advanced tech available to MechWarriors “they are also scaring me a lot.”  He whispered as five troopers in Elemental Battle Armour leapt from the Dire Wolf’s back, one warrior seemed to have some trouble landing but soon all five troopers were standing in front of the Stalwart Support.  Then as one the thirteen Mechs and the five Battle Armour troopers saluted the infantry troopers raising their left arms into the air.  “Regiment Salute!”  Wu screamed the entire Regiment returned the salute of the BattleMechs.  “At ease!”  He screamed after a count to ten no point in the infantry standing out in the morning sun at attention longer than necessary.  Wu stepped forward pasting the Count who still stood mouth open gawping at the Company of BattleMechs.  One of the Elementals stepped forward “welcome to New Canton, I’m Lieutenant-Colonel Wu Tsen Lo Executive Officer of the Stalwart Support Regiment.”

   â€œI am well aware of who you are Lieutenant-Colonel” the Elemental said, the voice was distorted by the Battle Armour’s external speakers but seemed familiar.  “And Colonel, you can make that a full Colonel and shove that rank straight down the Count’s throat” the visor opened to reveal Harry Sanders inside “after I get out of this suit.  How the hell the Clanners fight in these things is beyond me!”  He said Harry was covered in sweat and perspiration Wu stood there totally shocked, who were these people and why was Harry in Elemental armour?  This was going to be a very strange, very wonderful day.

   An hour later Harry was out of the Elemental suit and the commander of the Mechs and the Star League Defence Force, Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion, had joined them in the Stalwart Command Bunker along with Count Balantine.  “So Colonel how is it you have returned with Elementals, a Davion Duke and a Company of BattleMechs?  Most of them Clanner design.”  Count Balantine asked completely ignoring Morgan sitting across the table beside Harry.  The Federated Commonwealth controlled New Canton before the Marik-Liao Offensive in 3057 which shattered the Sarna March and created the Chaos March now New Canton was in a lawless area of space where the people were prayed upon by pirates, raiders and the forces of the Succession Lords surrounding and people of power had claimed more power.

   â€œThe Duke here is no longer a House Davion man he is Commanding-General of the SLDF and that alone demands your respect, Balantine!”  Harry said turning on the Count, if Balantine did not like his tone then they would go somewhere else to make this unit but it was happening whether he liked it or not.

   â€œOf course, my apologies” he said to Morgan the SLDF Commanding-General remained quiet “now, Colonel, why are you here with them?”  His voice still full of contempt for Morgan and anything else associated with House Davion.

   â€œWell for a start Count, I am here to inform my command that I have sold the Regiment.”  Harry said Wu looked sick and felt just as bad, the only reason the Regiment held together was because of Harry Sanders owner and founder of the unit now without that the men would disband either joining a house, another mercenary company or be forced to take early retirement, the independence and home the Stalwart Support had built here would disappear and New Canton would become lawless once more. All the blood they had spilled here was for nothing, Wu felt his anger begin to rise he needed to know why this was happening?

   â€œYou’ve sold the unit?  So we’re out of a job?”

   â€œYour welcome to join my militia Lieutenant-Colonel, perhaps we could make that a full Colonel.”

   â€œHe’s already a Full Colonel.”  Harry corrected Balantine, “I cut the orders the day I agreed to end the independence of the Stalwart Support. Wu, the reason the Commanding-General is here is because he bought the unit, the equipment and all our contracts.  I have accepted a new post, and rank, with the SLDF and we are here to offer the entire unit contracts and promotions.”

   â€œContracts and Promotions for the SLDF?  Why would the SLDF need an infantry regiment?”  Wu asked the Count looked helpless sitting there are there was a whirlwind of conversation around him.  He was suddenly realising that all his contract renewal postponing with Harry Sanders had caused this and the services of the only true peacekeeping force on New Canton.

   â€œWe don’t need an infantry regiment, we need a Battle Armour Corps.  And I want the Stalwart Support to accept SLDF contracts then begin training in Battle Armour operation before operations begin towards the end of the year.  Now Lieutenant-General Sanders has accepted command of the First Battle Armour Corps, so I have a commander.”  Wu Tsen Lo leaned over the table and slapped Harry on the shoulder offering his congratulations to his commander and friend.  “On the DropShip I have over two hundred Battle Armour Suits of various Inner Sphere designs, tomorrow a JumpShip will arrive at a pirate point and drop off another three DropShips each carrying an additional eight hundred suits.  Now all I need is troops and a training ground, which is why we have come here to New Canton.  The Stalwart Support seem to be an excellent training ground for troopers and I would like to make New Canton as a permanent SLDF Training and Command Base, which is where you Count Balantine come into the picture.”  Morgan said outlining his Plan.

   â€œMe?”  The Count said surprised, he had not expected to be involved in this at all he now looked at Morgan feeling subservient, it was just like when House Davion moved in following the Fourth Succession War but this time he seemed to have better cards, only time would tell.

   â€œYes, you control a large portion of this world and General Sanders has said some interesting things about you and this world.”  The Count turned to Sanders who remained completely passive to Balantine’s stare, what exactly had Sanders said about him?  How many of the Count’s skeletons had he seen?

   â€œGeneral?” Balantine said, his voice but a whisper wondering what exactly Harry had said about him. “I will of course be able to give you some pointers in New Canton’s political landscape.”

   â€œAnd an area for training and a base for major deployments, this base is a nice start Count” Harry said Balantine glared at Harry.

   â€œYou want Griffin Base?”  He asked not surprised it was the best equipped and defended base on the entire planet.  Not quite a Star League Castle Brian but still a formidable position with a capability of garrisoning over a thousand men and a Battalion of BattleMechs here if need be.  “I’m sure we could work out something.”  Balantine said smiling, having a permanent SLDF force on planet would change things on New Canton and Balantine’s personnel plans, he’d have to use the SLDF to work for him.

   â€œWell then onto the troops and a new job, Colonel, let’s go see our men” Harry said the two Stalwart Soldiers moved out of the room leaving the Commanding-General and the count to talk alone.  Over the next eighteen hours almost every single Stalwart Soldier signed up to the SLDF’s new First Battle Armour Corps those who didn’t take the job got generous pay-offs from their contracts or became administrators of Griffin Base for the SLDF keeping the Stalwart family almost totally intact. They then began making room on the base for the SLDF’s new equipment and personnel that the DropShip had brought.  The word that more equipment was on its way had given then entire base a buzz, word that everyone was in line for promotions had gotten around and that was helping things a lot.

   During their time on New Canton however the Commanding-General and his staff heard about the trouble the Blue Star Irregulars had faced on the Clan border while under SLDF contract.  Although Morgan immediately sent his condolences to the Blue Star Irregulars, he would have liked to head to the Clan Borders straight away but the St Ives troubles were more pressing at the moment.

Lost City, Nowhere
Draconis Combine/Periphery Border
Pesht Military District
18th February 3062

   En Route from the Clan Homeworlds for the last four and a half months, and still looking at another two months journey until their destination Clan Nova Cat’s Kappa Provisional Galaxy under the command of Galaxy Commander Gwen Winters was preparing to act upon orders laid down by Khan Santin West before he left the Homeworlds.

   The orders stated that any Nova Cat unit travelling in the deep would strike out at targets of opportunity between Clan Space and the Nova Cat’s Den, the Khan had stated that the Nova Cat’s new home was secure now it was time for the Nova Cat’s enemies to feel its wrath.

   The first such target was the world of Nowhere, just inside the Draconis Combine, the unit honoured for this was Kappa Provisional Galaxy.  Because it was an Inner Sphere realm they were attacking an because of the recent assaults against the Smoke Jaguars Kappa has repainted its Mechs for this battle using every single type of standard camouflage known to the Nova Cats there was also several Inner Sphere camouflages, such as the Davion Guards Parade Camo and the Wolf Dragoons Black-and-Red, none of the Mechs displayed the Nova Cat or any Clan insignia, other than the insignia of the destroyed Clans the Smoke Jaguars, the Mongoose, the Widowmaker, the Burrock and the Not-named Clan were all represented, mostly on the Nova Cat Elementals or on the backs of the Mechs.

   Officially, to the rest of the Inner Sphere and Clans, they would not receive the recognition for the battle but inside the Nova Cats victory would assure the warriors of Kappa Galaxy a great honour.  As it was an Inner Sphere world that was the target there would be no bidding for battle the whole Kappa Provisional Galaxy would partake in the battle.  In the early hours of the 18th February 3062 Kappa Provisional Galaxy landed on plains north of the capital and marched on the capital, their goal to annihilate the defenders and take whatever supplies/bondsmen they were able to.  Some warriors had complained that they were acting like dezgra pirates or mercenaries Galaxy Commander had met each in a Circle of Equals and so far this battle had claimed the lives of two Kappa MechWarriors and one Elemental and that was before a single shot had been fired.

   The defenders of Nowhere consisted of the Fifth Ghost Regiment of the DCMS supported by some armour, infantry and minimal aerospace support.  In less than ten minutes the Nova Cat aerospace fighters had driven the Fifth Ghost fighters from the air and herded the DCMS unit into a controllable area, their only retreat was through the capital city.  To the credit of the Fifth Ghost they remained in their dug in positions firing at the Nova Cats with what limited long range armaments they had.  In an effort to flush out the Fifth Ghost from their positions the warriors of Kappa Galaxy charged the dug in positions costing the Clan force just under three Trinaries, a quarter of their strength.  In close quarters the Fifth Ghost’s weapons were far more effective costing the Nova Cats more, the Fifth broke relatively quickly though as Galaxy Commander Gwen Winters herself dispatched the Fifth’s commander’s Avatar with the assistance of her fellow Elementals.  The DCMS Ghost regiment broke and began retreating towards the city looking for cover inside the built up area, the Nova Cat’s long range weapons turned on the retreating DCMS forces cutting them down as the weapons cut through the lightly armoured backs of the enemy.

   Entering the city the Nova Cat warriors of Kappa Galaxy first destroyed the B-class HPG on Nowhere cutting the planets interstellar communications, the ComGuard Level I (a reinforced lance with six units instead of the standard four) defending the base were little threat and were dispatched quickly, the local ComGuard techs put up no resistance and were left unharmed while the Nova Cat Elementals destroyed all the equipment and then the building with satchel charges.  Without communications the planet was at the mercy of the Nova Cats, instead of terrorising the planet as the population expected the Nova Cats withdrew from the city and salvaged every piece of military hardware they could from the battlefield.  They then went to the Fifth’s base and took over a battalion’s worth of spare parts and several scientists/engineers as bondsmen.  Two ancient Vulture-class Infantry DropShips and a Fortress-class DropShip were also made flyable and taken by the Nova Cat warriors as Isorla, then sixteen hours after their arrival the Nova Cats left Nowhere heading for the Nova Cat’s Den.

   It wouldn’t be until the 21st March that Luthien heard of the trouble on Nowhere or the destruction of the Fifth Ghost Regiment, and even then it was only because ComStar checked on their HPG and personnel.  The DCMS chalked it up to a pirate attack however the ComGuards thought there could be a larger problem and began checking all nearby systems for similar troubles, when none was found the Explorer Corps was directed to watch the nearby area for the foreseeable future.  A ROM Contingent was also added to Columbus Base personnel over and above the standard complement, this personnel were tasked with specifically watching the surrounding area for unknown forces and possible Clan incursions.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #63 on: July 04, 2012, 12:40:53 PM »

Brotherhood of Randis Command
Hope City
Randis, Periphery
21st February 3062

   Grand Knight Lucas Beckett looked across the table at Brother Galahad Frews, the former leader of the Brotherhood of Randis, defenders of the world and a beacon of hope in the Periphery.  The world of Randis was situated roughly five or six jumps from the Federated Suns, four jumps from the Taurian Concordat, eight jumps from the Pirate Haven Star Cluster home to one of the worst pirates in the entire periphery, and four jumps from the Tortuga Dominions another traditional hive of scum and villainy although recently they had not been causing Randis or any world in the area much problems, Lucas had been tempted to investigate however other things had gotten in the way and so the Tortuga Fusiliers were spared the Brotherhood‘s wrath for now.

   â€œWe don’t know who they are?”  Galahad asked quietly, he was older than Lucas by almost twenty years and had lead the Brotherhood for twenty-three years before the arrival of Lucas Beckett and another warrior from the ashes of Clan Smoke Jaguar.  Lucas had impressed the Brotherhood and been able to gain control of the Battalion and ruler ship over Randis but in the last two years Lucas had kept Galahad in the loop, the news he was passing on now was big news.  Sixteen hours ago the early warning towers on the nearby mountains had detected ten inbound DropShips, only a major nation or mercenary force could field that type of force in this area, finally someone had taken notice of Randis.

   â€œWe have no idea who is behind the force.  Although six hours ago we received a communication signal from one of the merchant JumpShips at the Zenith Point they said there were three JumpShip at the Jump Point in close formation and that the largest was an Odyssey-class vessel.”  Lucas said quietly “the Odyssey is a clan class of vessel, they could be coming for the small population of former Smoke Jaguars that have settle here, they could be coming here for me.  I could…”  His voice trailed off.

   â€œYou could what?  Give up to them and hope your former brethren leave us be, unlikely brother, although your fellow brothers would be touched by the sentiment.  The Clans like stand-up fights don’t they?”

   â€œThey do, as do the Brotherhood.  Unfortunately their weapons would tare us apart, even with the Star League-era tech we have and the OmniMechs Carson and I brought with us from the Clans we cannot hope to match them for firepower.”  He said, the unit had two former Smoke Jaguar OmniMechs, Lucas’s Kingfisher and Carson’s Warhawk, both were assault OmniMechs and in good repair but against an entire unit of Clan Mechs they would be picked apart in a very short time.

   â€œNo we cannot but we know the terrain far better, how many troops do you think they could have?” Galahad asked taking charge of the discussion, it had been a while but it felt real good.

   â€œDepends on the DropShips they have, they look small and fast from the sensor images we have been able to gather so I would say they could all be Broadswords or Carriers.  That would give them an entire Cluster of OmniMechs or BattleMechs and an entire Star of Fighters.  Although the Carrier could be a Titan then it would be entire Trinary of fighters.”  Lucas said thinking of the worst case scenario, Galahad wished he hadn’t.

   â€œRight so we challenge them to meet us in Trimmer’s Valley, it’s closed in and their weapons will have the same limitations as ours.”

   â€œIt depends what Clan we are facing some will attack without challenge they see us as Dezgra, the dishonoured, we are worse than Inner Sphere warriors.”

   â€œWe will just hope to meet an enlightened Clansmen then, because if they attack in full force with full aerospace support we are dead men.  Send the signal to the incoming force then we will go see the men and prepare them for some heavy fighting.”  Galahad noticed Lucas was still unsure “Lucas, we can survive this, anywhere else I’d say we were dead but we can defeat them on home soil.”  Lucas pressed down the transmit button of the long range communications system built into the situation table.

   â€œIncoming vessels, this is Grand Knight Lucas Becket, I am commander of the Brotherhood of Randis the defenders of this world and the defenders of any injustice raked upon them by the harshness of space.  We welcome you to Randis however if you plan hostilities we will resist you with our entire Battalion of BattleMechs.  If you prefer a stand up battle I am transmitting a location that would be suitable now.”  He said pressing another control “we off this area for a Trial to limit the damage done to the people of Randis by any possible conflict that my arise between our peoples.”  The lead target vessel replied exactly six minutes later, the incoming DropShips were requesting clearance to land at the capital’s spaceport and they were not interested in hostilities.  Following a brief discussion Lucas transmitted clearance but warned them the entire Brotherhood would be waiting for them and trouble would be met with a fight.

Hope City, Spaceport
Randis, Periphery
24th February 3062

   Three days later the incoming force arrived in near orbit, instead of all nine DropShips landing at the same spaceport however they landed three at each of the planets three spaceports with one DropShip, the Carrier, orbiting over the capital with an entire star of aerospace fighters.

   The Brotherhood of Randis began moving to cover all three Spaceports however by the time they were on the outskirts of the capital the first three DropShips were down and enemy troops were on the ground.  Grand Knight Lucas Becket tried to martial his troops but the loose Brotherhood were beginning to scatter and were all receiving communications from all over the planet.  “Hold your fire unless they attack” Lucas said into the Kingfisher’s comm. grid.  “Brother Carson, take two lances to Randis City, same orders against these people.”

   â€œAff” the clan warrior said his Warhawk leading away seven more Mechs.

   â€œBrother Galahad take your lances to Camelot City, same orders.”

   â€œUnderstood Grand Knight, people move out.”  Galahad said moving out with his group of eight warriors.  That left fourteen warriors and Lucas to defend Hope City, ahead of them were three Broadsword-class DropShips, their doors still sealed.  Walking forward Lucas addressed the Clan vessels using his Mech’s loud speaker system.

   â€œClan vessels this is Grand Knight Lucas Becket, commander of the Brotherhood of Randis.  Identify yourselves and your reason for being here.”  The doors opened on all three DropShips simultaneously, several of the Brotherhood Mechs moved from side to side worried about the firepower the DropShips could be about to release.

   Instead of Mechs leaving the DropShips however it was Elementals, Battle Armour!  Something no-one was expecting and something Broadswords could not normally carry any type of Battle Armour and the Brotherhood had never encountered Battle Armour before, this could be bad.  Next to exit the Broadsword was a pair of Svantovit Infantry Fighting Hovertanks then a pair of Ares Medium Tanks again a Broadsword didn’t normally carry.  Instead of being more worried however Lucas was feeling more confident, vehicles were weaker than Mechs and Battle Armour was less mobile.  Looking out over the battlefield he saw thirty Elementals and twelve vehicles, of which most were light or medium designs, perhaps they would be able to resist this and the other forces.  “I am Lucas Beckett, identify yourself or be prepared to meet resistance.”  Lucas said again unfortunately the DropShips were not finished offloading their cargo, from each DropShip a single OmniMech stepped down, on either side stood a Dire Wolf and a Warhawk while in the middle stood a design Lucas had never seen before.  It was lighter than the other two but looked well armoured and each arm was heavily laden with weapons, the Mech reminded Lucas of the Night Gyr fielded by the Jade Falcons.

   These three Mechs would be the biggest threat and Lucas labelled them as Primary targets and transmitted the data to the other Brothers, if they came to blows the Brotherhood would drop usual fighting rules and combine fire on the three Clan Mechs brining down the biggest targets first.  “I am Lucas Becket…”  He began again only to be interrupted by another voice.

   â€œBy the Great Father we heard you the first and the second time, what do you think we are deaf?  Quineg?  Becket is a Bloodname and that is a Clan Mech, you are a Clan warrior?”  The mystery voice asked the enemy force remained standing in position, Lucas’s Mech detected targeting sweeps from all the Battle Armour, Vehicles and Mechs they were more than ready for a fight.  Lucas searched his memory trying to place the accent, although the Clans were nearly devoid of accent speaking nearly perfect English some Clans had slight variations that could only be noticed if you looked carefully.  During his time with the Clans Lucas had begun to write a paper on just that, but since leaving the Clans he had stopped no longer seeing a point.

   â€œNeg, I do not think you are deaf, but that was quite an entrance.  I was worried you might have missed my welcome.  I was Clan, this Mech served me in the Clans and serves me now.  I am no longer Clan.”  Lucas said to the point, there was no point in lying to the Clansmen, to do so would give them a reason to fire.  “Who are you?”

   â€œYou were Clan?  You are Dezgra?  Which Clan did you serve?  Why did you leave?”  The voice asked continuing on his line of questioning, if the Clans though Lucas was dezgra they would destroy everything in sight.

   â€œI am no longer Clan.  I do not consider myself or the warrior that I serve with to be dezgra.  I served the Cloud Cobras originally but was captured by the Smoke Jaguars and served them as a Star Commander.  I left because my Clan was destroyed.  Now I must ask who are you?  Without an answer I must consider this to be an invasion.”

   â€œWhat do you and your companions do?”  The voice asked again refusing to identify themselves “this world does not appear on our records as an inhabited world but all three cities appear well developed and in good repair, is this a secret Succession Lord world?  Or an ancient forgotten Star League world?”  The voice sounded more and more inquisitive, Lucas started to wonder if it was a Goliath Scorpion Warrior, one of those drugged up Seekers who searched for forgotten relics of the Star League.

   â€œI do not know the history of this world well.  All that I know is that is was founded after the fall of the Star League as a pirate world.  As the centuries passed the Brotherhood of Randis was formed to defend this world and the surrounding Periphery from any bandit force and improve the way of life for all citizens of the Periphery.”

   â€œWe also wish to improve the area around our home” the warrior said quietly Lucas’s mind was racing, there were no Clan occupied planets in this region that he knew about.  Could this be members of the Dark Caste or maybe rumoured remnants of the Annihilated Not-named Clan?  If they were either it was his duty to destroy them, Lucas primed his weapons.

   â€œYou interest us Brotherhood.  Allow me to introduce myself, I am Star Colonel Canin Rosse.”  The MechWarrior said, the unknown type of Mech stepping forward slightly.  Lucas took his fingers off the firing triggers Rosse was a Nova Cat Bloodname and most Dark Caste warriors dropped any Bloodname they held when they became Dark Caste.  Technically Lucas was a member of the Dark Caste but he did not consider himself to be dishonourable or a bandit.

   â€œA Star Colonel?  Of what Clan, and how can you claim to have territories in this area?  The Homeworlds are far from here.”

   â€œI am Star Colonel Canin Rosse, Commander of the Watch Cluster of Clan Nova Cat.  I claim this planet is near my home because we have occupied the area surrounding the world of Tortuga Prime, it has become the Nova Cat’s Den, the new Homeworlds for our Clan.”  Lucas’s mind was spinning, the Nova Cats had occupied the Tortuga Dominions and the area surrounding it?  He thought Randis was far from the Clan threat but in fact they had followed him into this area and now were poised for another invasion.

   â€œYou plan to strike at Terra from here?”

   â€œNeg, we plan to live here, improve the worlds we occupy and build a home.  For now nothing less or more.”

   â€œBut you still maintain links to the Homeworlds?  Quiaff?”

   â€œAff, we are Clan.”  Canin answered, the Nova Cat warrior took that particularly bad for someone who had just admitted they were moving into a new home away from the other Clans.

   â€œSo what do you want with our little insignificant world?”

   â€œWe are building relations with forces around us, some we deal with, some we open negotiations.  We dealt with the Tortuga Fusiliers but we are talking to you.”

   â€œWith respect, Star Colonel, we will call you” Lucas said using a saying he had picked up from the people of Randis “if we need or want to talk to you we will send out word, I assume you will not be difficult to find?”

   â€œCome to Tortuga and we will be waiting” Canin said there was no point in Canin’s mind of pursuing the matter and he did not have the forces to prosecute the Nova Cat case, he was sure they would be back to Randis but not today.  The Nova Cats packed up into their DropShips and began the long burn back to their JumpShips.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #64 on: July 04, 2012, 07:31:22 PM »

Gravity Deck Executive Lounge/Bar
Federated-Boeing Reserve Shipyard Omega
Galax, Crucis March, Federated Suns
1st March 306

   On their way back to New Avalon Victor Steiner-Davion had directed the crew of the FSS Alexander Davion to the system of Galax, current home to the Davion Heavy Guards and to the Federated Suns largest and oldest Shipyards.  As the WarShip had burned to the shipyards the two DropShips with nearly all the personnel from the WarShip and Victor’s escort had left heading for Galax itself, officially they were going to spend a couple of days exercising with the Heavy Guards while the Alexander Davion received some slight overhaul work.

   The real reason was that Victor wanted as little people around to witness Victor travel to the most outer shipyard in the entire Galax Shipyards.  Approaching the shipyard had brought over a dozen fighters and several assault DropShips to warn them off until the shuttle was identified and even now the entire facility was crewed by less than six hundred personnel, in a facility that could hold over three thousand.

   Looking out the windows Victor looked at the Federated Suns big secret and wished he had been here when it had been gifted to them by the Nova Cats.  If he had been here then he could have sneaked it to Hadrian’s Command and hidden it there for the next hundred years, now it was here and there was little he could do but use it or he’d feel like an idiot when the Federated Suns went to war with nothing bigger than the Avalon-class an impressive design in its own right but weak compared to other designs fielded by the Clans and on the design table of the other Succession Lords.  Looking at the vessel Victor realised the Federated Suns would have one vessel bigger than the vessel in front of him but it would not be ready for nearly a decade, the Pegasus was currently hidden at Hadrian’s Command under refit the Davion-class refits had taken precedence because they could be completed quickly, Pegasus would be completed now that work was being spread around more evenly.

   Admiral Andrea Petain entered the Lounge with a team of designers and engineers, over the next several hours they showed Victor what they wanted to do to the vessel.  At the end of the process the FSS Thunderchild would be transformed into a completely new type of WarShip and a completely different vessel.  Victor liked that idea, it would no longer be a Varnay-class vessel, there would be nothing for them to latch onto and use against his family, searching Victor found the perfect thing that would complement these changes.  As the engineers and designers were finalising details Victor named the class as the First Prince-class Battleship because its power would instil the Federated Suns Navy with the strength of their First Prince and that the vessel would be named the FSS Hanse Davion, named after his father, originally an Avalon-class Cruiser had been slated to bear his father’s name but this vessel would be far more appropriate for his father and prove the Davion family could always supplement the Varnay family and beat them even their ancient legacies.  Victor also confirmed Andrea Petain’s promotion to Fleet Admiral, the Federated Suns now had over a dozen WarShips, it was time the Admiralty received a commander of sufficient rank for the job.

   Following the meeting Victor had returned to viewing the Hanse Davion, every time he viewed the vessel he noticed something new.  As he watched the vessel the doors opened, Victor knew it could be only one person.  “Welcome back to the Federated Suns Field Marshal” Victor said turning to look at the newcomer, Arden Sortek, the Field Marshal immediately saluted Victor, despite the fact they had known each other since almost the day Victor was born Arden still recognised him as the First Prince of the Federated Suns and his Commander-in-chief first and foremost a friend and fellow warrior a distant second.  Victor returned his friends crisp salute with his own equally crisp salute before enveloping Arden in a hug.  Arden had been one of Victor’s father’s closest friends and even though Arden was now well into his sixties Victor considered him a friend also, he was definitely a man you‘d want at your side when trouble was arise.

   â€œThank you, sire.  I have been back for a while, on extended leave by your order.  Why?”  Arden asked Victor couldn’t help but smile “sire, I might be getting old but I am not ready for retirement yet.”  Arden said defensively.

   â€œGood, because I have a job for you.”  Victor said immediately “Field Marshal you were once Field Marshal for the entire Crucis March, how would you like to be again?”  Arden asked, he had been removed from that position just before the formation of the Star League to become the Federated Suns personnel representative on the Star League Advisory Council, a decision that had been made by Victor himself, Victor had wanted someone he trusted at the Star League and someone he knew would do their best by the Federated Suns.

   â€œI thought that twit Gallagher was in charge.”  Arden said it wasn’t anger just disgust at his replacement’s abilities.  Simon Gallagher was a former Lyran High Command officer and did not know one thing about the Federated Suns way of doing things.  Victor had removed him, refused to give him another post and suggested he return to the Lyran Alliance, he had not been seen since.

   â€œMy mistake and I removed him as soon as I returned from the Clan War.  I need you back Arden, we all need you back.”  Victor said quietly.

   â€œYou don’t have to lay it on that thick, you had me when I landed” he said with a chuckle.

   â€œIt’s good to have you back old friend.”  Victor said shaking Arden’s hand and grabbing shoulder.

   â€œLess of the old.”  Arden said looking out the windows  “She’s beauty isn’t she?  Surprising the Clanners just gave us her.”  Victor shot him a glance only active members of the High Command and the First Davion Guards escorting the Nova Cats were supposed to know about that.  “I’ve been around too long for me to miss that, oh look a new Battleship that just popped out of the sky right.  Although the boat you sailed in on was a surprise.”  He said thinking back to the surprise he had when the Alexander Davion and her sister ships had appeared.

   â€œAh well, glad to know we still have some surprises.”  Victor said quietly.

   â€œI hear you have quite a beauty with you as well, Victor.”

   â€œYou’re not going to tell me to be careful as well are you?  Morgan was the first at that…”  He started but Arden raised a hand silencing Victor.  To any other man, well maybe not Morgan, but to most men Victor would have taken offence an officer trying to tell the First Prince of the Federated Suns to, for lack of a better term, shut-up.  Instead he listened to Arden for advice it could never hurt.

   â€œYou love her?”  Victor looked into space then back at Arden and nodded silently “then don’t let her go not for anyone.”  Arden said looking away back at the Hanse Davion.

   â€œHow’s Cadent and the kids?”  Victor asked quietly.

   â€œShe’s happy to be back on New Avalon and the ‘kids’ as you put it are all doing fine but you should know better than me, they are all in your command at some level.”  All six of Arden’s children had joined the AFFS or Federated Suns Government while Arden’s extended family also served the Federated Suns on some level his second-cousin Field Marshal Bishop now commanded the entire Davion Royal Brigade of Guards since Jackson Davion‘s elevation to the rank of Marshal of Armies.  “I think I like the name.”  Arden said finally quietly in silent reverence to his old friend, Victor’s father, “certainly is a good name.”  He said the two men stood there looking at the vessel under renovation in the shipyard, soon the Hanse Davion would serve the Federated Suns Navy just as the man it was named after would have wanted.

   Following the meeting Arden returned to New Avalon while Victor headed directly to Galax itself and joined the Tenth Lyran Guards, the Davion Heavy Guards and Danai Centrella for some ground manoeuvres and some rest and relaxation after all the travel of late it was nice to be back in his Dire Wolf Prometheus and with the warriors he had fought with during the Clan War.  Although when he returned from the Clan Homeworlds Victor had wanted peace now he began to wonder, he was a warrior and warriors fought wars.  The DMI and MIIO had found out several locations of possible secret Taurian Shipyards, perhaps it was time House Davion went looking for some trouble.  But first Victor had another idea, the Federated Suns needed to be secure from attack from the mystery WarShip that was plaguing the realm and Victor had an idea to end this threat once and for all. 

Various Locations/City-states
Novo Franklin, Franklin Fiefdoms
3rd March 3062

   When Khan Santin West had deployed the Watch Cluster and Tau Galaxy it had not been together nor had it been at the same target.  While the Watch would have a possible friendly encounter on the world of Randis with the Brotherhood who resided there Tau Galaxy had been sent on a mission of pure military value and orders.  Outside the Federated Suns/Outworlds Alliance borders there were two tiny nations of planets who fought their own wars and were the prey of pirate attack/bases to be used by nations inserting agents into nations.  The first target would be the Franklin Fiefdoms a single planetary system several light-years from the Federated Suns and the Outworlds Alliance the world was made up of a group of rival city-states.  The mission was simple destroy all defenders/pirate forces discovered in the system then give the population of the planets a choice to return to the Nova Cat’s Den and help build the Nova Cat nation or live and possibly die on these worlds.

   From orbit around Novo Franklin, the first targeted world, the commanders of Tau Galaxies four Clusters and Galaxy Commander Ajax Drummond stood aboard the Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser Remembrance, the WarShip had been temporally attached to the Galaxy for additional transport and support if necessary however Ajax saw no need for the later mission, no-one used WarShips in this area of space mainly because there was nothing here to defend or attack.  As far as Novo Franklin was concerned there were seven cities on the planets surface each in different states of advancement and repair, or disrepair, Ajax had already decided on the forces that would be used to take this tiny world.

   â€œFrom each of our forces we will select a force amount suitable to gain honour and give the defenders an adequate chance of defending themselves.  Vision Keshik will take One Heavy Star of OmniMechs from the three available and attack the Fiefdom of Galus” he said, the other warriors looked quite happy with his forces but not the target, Galus was the most powerful target fielding an entire company of BattleMechs and would prove to be the best place for honour to be won.  “Star Colonel Bavros your forces for use against the Harn Fiefdom?”  Ajax asked the commander of the Galaxies newest Cluster, the Second New Barcella Guards.

   â€œOne Star of mixed forces.  My OmniMech, one Black Hawk, three points of Elementals and two Hachiman Fire Support Tanks.”  He said the others nodded impressed that he would attack with such a force considering the Second were such a new unit. 

   â€œStar Colonel Bel, your forces from the Twelfth Nova Cat Regulars?”

   â€œThe Celt Fiefdom is barely a force to be bothered with” the young woman said quietly “the have the equivalent to a single Star of BattleMechs available so I will match their force and offer their warriors honour duels”

   â€œAgainst your OmniMechs that is hardly a challenge” Ajax said, he did not want his people getting killed on this insignificant world but he at least wanted them to show some respect for those they would fight.

   â€œWe will not use OmniMechs, we will pilot standard BattleMech designs and each Mech will be one weight class lower than its expected opponent.”  That brought with it some significant nods from the other commanders and from Ajax.  Using standard BattleMechs took away the ability to custom their Mechs for the battle and using a lighter force gave the technological weaker enemy a chance of causing some damage with their limited weapons.

   â€œBetter.”  Ajax said Bel blushed slightly having to be told what was a decent force and what was not had not been part of the plan.  “Star Colonel Otis your forces?”  Ajax continued onto the warrior commanding the One Hundredth Striker Cluster, Khan Santin West’s old command.

   â€œNew Saar Fiefdom fields a Lance of Mechs and some light vehicles, I will take a single Elemental Star into combat.  The Elementals will be selected randomly from the three Trinaries I have available.”  A purely Battle Armour vs. Mech fight would certainly give the Nova Cat warriors a harder time, the Battle Armour’s weapons were limited to short range only.

   â€œAnd finally Star Colonel Jullamon Lossey?”  He said announcing the commander of the 274th Battle Cluster, of all the assembled Star Colonels she was most likely to challenge for command of Tau Galaxy having previously served as part of Delta Galaxy.

   â€œTwo OmniMechs, my own and one other warrior of my choice.”  She said the Trellis Fiefdom only fielded six Mechs on a good day and even then the two Nova Cat OmniMechs could probably handle them without problem.

   â€œGood well bargained and done.  Have your forces prepared for an immediate drop.  Good Hunting!”  Ajax said then in unison they chanted as one ‘Seyla’ there was a moment of silence then they broke up and prepared for their assignments.

   Four hours later the five Nova Cat attack groups dropped near their targets and began issuing challenges, there was no attempt to hide who they were or what their objectives were.  The fighting was fast and brutal, of the defenders not a single enemy Mech, Vehicle or infantry trooper that faced the Nova Cats was still alive, none had survived or surrendered to the Clansmen.  The various Warlords of the cities were warning the Nova Cats they would feel their wrath however the Nova Cats were not scared and salvage teams began dropping, standing orders was for all technology to be salvaged where possible.  Ajax Drummond commanded the remaining Nova Cats, possibly the highest ranking command in the entire Nova Cat Touman, casualties had been light but heavier than Ajax had predicted.  The battle had cost the Nova Cats five Elementals, one Hachiman Fire Support Tanks and Star Colonel Jullamon Lossey, killed when an defending Atlas fired its large bore autocannon at her Mech’s cockpit at point blank range.  Even with the loss the remaining Nova Cats still numbered a Galaxy Commander, three Star Colonels, two Star Commanders and nearly another forty Nova Cat warriors.

   The commanders of Tau Galaxy were gathered together inside one of the Nova Cat’s grounded DropShips while they waited to work out their next move, the cities although undefended by Mech forces were still high walled and none were likely to accept the Nova Cats with open arms.  Instead Ajax had decided the only way to break the people was to execute all leaders in all five cities and if necessary hold the populations under martial law conditions, he knew that meant the Nova Cats could take ever mounting losses but he needed to talk to the people and the only way he could do that was if the warlords that ran the city were out of the way and the population was controlled.  “Galus is our biggest target and has the largest population, we have to bring the leader of this city under control and eliminate his command before we can begin moving against the others.  If we eliminate him then the other cities may see that there is little point to resist and surrender” he noticed some sceptical looks from the other warriors “it is a long shot but our only option.  Star Colonel Bavros have the Second New Barcella Guards land and provide security here.  Once they have arrived to protect our DropShips we will go into the city and make sure everyone understands we mean business.”

   â€œWhat are the rules of engagement?”  Star Colonel Otis asked.

   â€œIf attacked we return fire with maximum force.”  Ajax said, although if asked he would say he was a Warden member of the Clans, wishing for the Clans and the Inner Sphere to live and work together, if any of his warriors were attacked he expected them to return fire with deadly force.  Although they had eliminated most of the worlds defenders some scattered infantry forces and unaccounted for vehicles or light Mechs could still cause a lot of damage if the Nova Cats were not willing to destroy all opponents without reservation.

Warlord of Galus ‘Throne’ Room
Novo Franklin, Fiefdom of Galus
Franklin Fiefdoms, Periphery
3rd March 3062

   The Warlord of Galus, Robert Galus, paced his throne room angrily the BattleMech forces that were so prized by the people and by his military leaders had failed totally and now all his city had remaining was a couple of hundred conscripted infantry forces and a pair of Goblin Infantry Fighting Vehicles he had scrounged from a down-on-their-luck mercenary force that visited a few months back, they were effectively completely defenceless against the Clan force.  “I thought it was guaranteed that no Clan force would ever come into this region!  You won that victory years back that had them stuck where they were!  Why are they here now and why have your forces not acted?!”  He screamed at the white robed individual, on his left shoulder was a sword set downwards against a black rectangle.

   â€œIt was not my organisation that won that victory, it was ComStar.”

   â€œYou are ComStar!”
   â€œWe were ComStar.”  The white robed individual said agreeing with him “we are the True ComStar and now you can see that the lies the Heretic ComStar have been telling are just that lies” he said calmly.

   â€œWho cares if you are the True ComStar or the Heretic ComStar?  Who cares about truths or lies?  We have a Clan force on this planet!  They will kill us all!”

   â€œPerhaps, and perhaps not.”  The white robed figure said “unfortunately I believe it is time for us to part ways.”

   â€œWhat do you mean part ways?  You have a duty to defend this city, I guaranteed you a place here, and your training camps are well underway.  If it were not for me you would not be in control of Terra.  I want what was promised to me!”

   â€œOf course, it was wrong of us to withhold your reward for so long.”  The robed figure said stepping forward raising his arm, instead of a data-pad or a weapon however only a hand appeared from the robe.

   â€œWhat is this?”  Galus asked even more angry now, the Word of Blake, or True ComStar as they called themselves, always played these little games.  Suddenly across the room both guards at the main entrance were shot dead with a high powered rifle, a figure in a strange stealth cloak lowered himself to the ground.  The cloak was constantly changing to match the surrounding area making them hard to see and distinguish from the background, how long had they been on the roof?

   The other robed figure’s hand still outside the cloak split open between the second and third fingers, there was no blood, instead a blade moved out several centimetres and locked into place.  “What are you?”  Galus asked looking at the man his mind racing as the robed figure lashed out and the blade penetrated Galus’ chest.

   â€œThe future” the robed man said as Galus died on the blade the last thing Galus saw was the man‘s deep red eyes as he slid off the blade crumpling to the floor in a bloody heap.

   â€œHave our forces withdraw to the DropShips, it is time we left.”  He said to the sniper in the mimic cloak.

   â€œAnd our new recruits?”

   â€œRelease them to the population, it will provide plenty of a distraction and keep these Clanners occupied while we leave.”  He said then both Word of Blake men left the throne room.  On the far side of the city over one hundred men and women were released from holding pens, all had been cybernetically enhanced with various weapons and devices, some had been driven insane by the implants and as soon as they left their pens they immediately grabbed the nearest weapons then charged into the city attacking anything that moved including each other.  At a nearby airfield three Triumph-class DropShips began to lift off, the vessels were registered as civilian vessels but combined they could transport an entire division of ground troops that was now was attempting to escape.

   At the city gates the Nova Cats were approaching the city, sitting inside his newly repaired Huntsman’s cockpit Ajax Drummond watched as twenty-five Elementals leapt the cities outer walls and prepared to detonate the main gates, at the same time the orbiting WarShip informed him that its fighters had interdicted an enemy JumpShip which had entered the system near the planet.  The JumpShip crew had detonated the vessel instead of being captured by the Nova Cat Elementals and OmniFighters.  “Understood, Star Commodore, it is likely they were attempting to retrieve a DropShip.  Continue to scan for incoming DropShips.  As soon as you detect them fire for effect, these stavag cowards obviously have no will to fight us or even attempt to become our bondsmen.”

   â€œAye, Galaxy Commander” the Remembrance’s commander said just as the Elementals detonated the main gates, Ajax’s ad-hoc command moved into the city.  There was widespread panic inside the city with armed groups attacking each other, the Nova Cats were receiving little attention.

   â€œSomething is wrong.” Ajax murmured “all forces there is something going on here that we have either started or walked straight into.  Anyone who targets us or unarmed civilians is a target, we are here for civilian defence and for territorial capture.  Go to work” he said into the comm.  The Nova Cats began going to work targeting the armed forces with BattleMech class weapons was heavy overkill, but it was all they had.

   The three Triumphs, began heading across the city trying to escape Ajax keyed his communications to the WarShip however the Remembrance’s gunners were far ahead of him.  There was a thunderous explosion as the Remembrance’s weapons entered the atmosphere.  Anti-WarShip Capital Missiles and heavy Naval Autocannons impacted all across the first Triumph shattering the DropShip into a thousand little pieces in a single volley some of the rounds went straight through the wreckage and slammed into the city causing massive damage to the surrounding city.  The second volley followed the same routine with the Triumph destroyed but massive parts of the city set ablaze by the extra weapons fire killing dozens.  The third volley was a complete catastrophe the missiles struck the DropShip heavily damaging the vessel but the autocannon fire completely missed the vessel eighteen autocannons tore into the city killing thousands of innocents combined with the other missed weapons fire and the crash of the damaged DropShip into the city they destroyed a good third of the city.  Ajax looked out of his Mech’s cockpit and shook his head this had not been part of the plan, the gunners should have waited until the DropShips were away from the city before firing, then again he had said ‘fire for effect‘ and they had done exactly that, it was done now nothing he could do about it except move on.

   At the city gates Ajax felt the explosions and the impacts of the WarShip guns, he felt sick, the mission had not called for his troops to target civilians.  Now the Nova Cats had followed the course the Smoke Jaguars had taken and WarShip weapons had struck the city killing civilians, the Smoke Jaguars had been annihilated after targeting civilians with orbital weapons fire Ajax hoped the Nova Cats did not follow the same course, it had been a mistake the Nova Cat‘s had not meant for it to happen unlike the Smoke Jaguars who deliberately targeted civilians, then again the location of the world mattered as well, when the Nova Cats were done there would be no-one living here and no Succession Lord claimed this territory.  Ajax acted quickly calling down all remaining ground troops to bring order to the planet and offer humanitarian aid to the planet’s shell-shocked population.

   Deep inside the Fiefdom of Galus Louise Fenton felt strong, she did not know where she was or why she felt the way she did but she felt good and strong and ready to kill something.  ‘No, I don’t want to kill someone, why did I think that?’ she wondered walking down the street, everything was a blur around her, people running and fighting, things exploding.  ‘How did I get here?’ she wondered, last thing she remembered was walking down the streets of Geneva, on Terra, after a night out with friends from work.  She had been celebrating the engagement of a friend, someone she worked with, then something had happened and she was here.  She raised a hand to her face, the left side of her face felt fine, dirty but fine, the right side however felt wrong.

   Turning to look into a shop window she saw what was wrong, the right side of Louise Fenton’s face was covered by a metal plate, her right eye was encased in a strange looking device.  Realising this she saw the read-outs moving in front of her eye and tried to remove the device, it wouldn’t budge and she felt pain when trying to remove it, the pain felt good.  Backing off from the building he looked at the rest of her body, Louise was naked head to toe, she wore nothing, although she was not a vain person Louise had always been pleased with the way her body looked.

   In College she had been a star athlete and won several medals, her body was in good condition, her ample breasts had always brought admiring gazes from men and women and Louise was happy to see they looked as good as ever.  Her normally shaved pubic regions were overgrown suggesting she had been here for weeks if not more, wherever here was, looking over her body she noticed scars on her legs she ran her right arm down the scars, they were not painful suggesting they were old but she could not remember them.  Then she noticed the biggest thing that was wrong with her body, her right hand had been removed and replaced by a three fingered claw, like one seen on military battle suits!  Moving the three fingers Louise could feel them moving like her fingers normally would, there was no difference to her real hand!  Something was wrong!  Something was very wrong!  She thought, the anger was beginning to build within her, Louise could feel the anger build it felt good, it was time she found whoever had done this to her and why she was here and not at home with her family.  Down the street she spied her target for her anger, an alien creature with a single V for an eye and massive bulky armoured plates covering its inhuman body.

   Down the street a point of five Elementals were moving taking down anyone with a weapon while controlling any unrest from the civilians, because there was only their point for this street they were widely spread meaning help would take a while to come however none of the Nova Cats saw a problem, this was simple crowd control.

   Point Commander Katriona commanded from the front, although she hated crowd control missions she was honour bound to complete the orders given to her by her senior officers.  Suddenly out of the corner of her eye Katriona noticed something odd a naked woman charging at her, at amazing speed, Katriona turned to face the threat.  Even though Katriona was in prime condition the Elemental seemed to turn in slow motion as the woman attacked, Katriona triggered her left arm mounted support machine gun, the chain gun tore into the woman’s chest however it seemed to have no effect.  The naked woman was suddenly on her screaming tearing at the Elemental Battle Armour, Katriona saw no threat in the woman, she was injured and naked unarmed, there was no-way an unarmed woman could harm an Elemental normally let alone while they were in Battle Armour.  Trying to flick her off however Katriona found this woman had somehow dug her arm into the short range missile pack disabling the weapon Katriona cut the backpack loose and both it and the woman dropped to the ground.

   Looking at this crazy naked woman Katriona could see her chest was torn open by the machine gun but there was no blood “what are you?”  Katriona asked with her suit’s loudspeakers.  The woman only answered by charging again Katriona opened fire with the machine gun again this time tearing off the woman’s left arm, most targets would fall at this however this target continued forward, the attacker drew in close then with one swipe buried her right arm into Katriona’s chest breaking the armour and smashing Katriona’s rib cage crushing a lung in the process.  Katriona immediately began to go into cardiac arrest and heart failure however in her death gasp she pulled the machine gun trigger sending over two hundred rounds into this crazy naked woman killing her.  By the time the rest of the Elementals arrived from their own areas of the street all they found was Katriona’s corpse and the torn remains of another woman.

   Word reached Ajax Drummond of the Elementals encounter with this mysterious warrior and he heard reports of other troopers encountering stronger opposition in Galus than had been expected with nearly a stars worth of Nova Cat troopers reporting damage.  Following sixteen painstakingly slow hours the Nova Cats had secured Galus and began Ajax began splitting up his troops two Clusters were rendering full humanitarian aid to Galus trying to save as many people from the destroyed city as they could while the other two clusters were deployed to the other three cities.  Taking no chances Ajax ordered the cities neutralised one by one with full force.  Harn Fiefdom surrendered in eight hours the Warlord of Harn had died fighting the Nova Cats in the opening trials.  The people of Harn Fiefdom also showed great compassion accepting groups of civilians from Galus.  The Nova Cats left a star of vehicles and a star of Elementals to guard Harn then moved onto the next city Celt Fiefdom, the smallest city-state fell in less than two hours with no organised defenders to speak of, the Nova Cats left two points of Elementals and began to make plans to move the population from Celt Fiefdoms.  Trellis Fiefdoms fell next in almost four hours, the resistance of this small city was bolstered by the appearance of a ninety ton Awesome which destroyed three Nova Cat Mechs and two armoured vehicles before being taken down, the warrior was taken as a bondsmen by the on scene Nova Cat commander.

   The final Fiefdom New Saar was approached by nearly two Trinaries of Nova Cat troops who immediately encountered heavy weapons fire from turreted weapons systems which encircled the New Saar city.  Following eighteen hours of hard fighting the Nova Cats were no nearly in breaking the New Saar perimeter defence loosing nearly a full binary of troops before Star Colonel Otis called in WarShip support.  Unlike the weapons fire in Galus this weapons fire was far more effective and far more surgical, the naval autocannons slammed into all six major New Saar turrets destroying all in a blaze of fire.  An hour later the Nova Cats were walking the streets of New Saar and completely in control.

   Over the next week to month the Nova Cats would begin broaching the idea of taking the population off planet and offering them a better life with the Nova Cats.  Most of the population resisted at first but eventually they agreed to leave Novo Franklin for a better standard of living.

A slightly darker twist to Periphery life, a legacy of the canon timeline

Hope you enjoyed
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 07:40:10 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #65 on: July 04, 2012, 07:49:11 PM »

Guest Quarters, House Davion Royal Palace
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
12th March 3062

   Following the Alexander Davion’s inspection was complete, some training and some R&R on Galax Victor Steiner-Davion, Danai Centrella and their bodyguard units had returned to New Avalon.  As always there had been mass parades to welcome them back to the capital city of the Federated Suns, the people celebrated the return of their First Prince and of his guest Danai felt really strange, even in the Magistracy of Canopus her home nation, she had rarely felt so much from and for a worlds population.

   Even though she was a guest on New Avalon and not officially an officer in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns she was still a MechWarrior and the commander of the Battalion of Magistracy warriors that had accompanied her to the Clan Homeworlds and into exile and she tried to spend as much time with these people as possible ensuring that she never forgot where she came from and the people that had followed her were happy.

   Danai had chosen to retire early in the night, although there was a growing relationship with Victor she still received her own quarters in the massive palace because of her status as a visiting royal dignitary.  Around midnight there was a knock on the doors Danai was awake almost immediately, a knife from under her pillow ready, old habits of battlefield readiness died hard.  Looking around she noticed no-one was there but there was a quiet knock again there was someone outside, Danai replaced the knife climbed out of her bed and pulled on a dark green dressing gown with golden edges.  “Enter!”  She called the door crept open and light seeped into the room, Danai switched on a bedside light brightening the room.  At the door stood Yvonne Steiner-Davion dressed in her own nightgown “Yvonne?”

   â€œDanai, are you awake?”  Yvonne asked peering in she was a lot like Naomi, Danai’s sister, when they were younger on Canopus Naomi would come to see her when she was nervous about something or wanted to get advice.

   â€œI am now” Danai whispered as Yvonne stepped into the room “what’s wrong?”

   â€œI needed to ask you a question, just one” she said Danai smiled, Yvonne was acting like a child asking for one more cookie after eating half the tin.

   â€œGo on then” Danai said, there was no point in refusing, because now she was up there was no chance of her sleeping without answering the question.  Yvonne moved across the room and perched on the edge of the bed.

   â€œI was wondering, have you ever been in love?  I mean really, really been in love?”  Yvonne asked, at twenty-two years old Yvonne had been in love before but this was a question about true love.

   â€œDid your brother put you up to this?”  If she had asked that to anyone else they would have probably looked at Danai and wondered if she was on another planet, of all the people in the Inner Sphere Victor Steiner-Davion was the last person you’d expect to play these kind of games but in the short time Danai had known him she knew Victor was far happier playing soldier games than being polite and proper, which fit in with most Davion men from history.

   â€œNone of my brothers put me up to this, what have they got to do with it?”  Yvonne asked thinking about all three of her brothers Arthur had returned to Robinson with Tarncred, Victor was down the corridor, up the stair and she hadn’t seen Peter in four years following his self-imposed exile.

   â€œNothing, have I ever been in love?”  Danai asked quietly “yes, I have been.”

   â€œWas it love at first sight?” Yvonne asked obviously she had found someone.

   â€œI thought you were going to ask one question!”  Danai said teasing, she found it funny that they were both grown up women and were discussing this in a bedroom after midnight, the fact it was in a palace made it even funnier.

   â€œYou asked me a question so I get another, that's the rule you know?” Yvonne said a small smile creeping onto her face, she had never been this close with Katherine and her brothers were always more interested in combat.

   â€œNo, it wasn’t love at first sight.  The man I fell in love with was in love with someone else.”  Danai said thinking of the first time she had seen Victor away from the battlefield, he was the man she was in love with and the reason for not returning to the Magistracy even with her mother gone.  “Are you in love Yvonne?”  Danai asked in return, she knew Yvonne would keep asking questions now but she was interested and while she had become attached to Victor she was becoming attached to his life and his family as well.

   â€œI think I am” Yvonne said, her voice was but a whisper “do you believe in love at first-sight?  You know as soon as you see a person there is a connection and all you can do is think of them and see yourself with them?”

   â€œTwo questions” Danai said smiling but she continued anyway, since first meeting Yvonne Danai had felt welcome and they had enjoyed some good times together, with her Danai felt totally accepted and almost like part of the family.  “I believe in love at first-sight but you have to follow it up and make sure that buzz doesn’t die before you can make the feelings true and proper.   I know what it is like to see someone and see your entire life with them, it has happened to me…”  Danai said quietly thinking of Victor, she sometimes wondered if the Federated Suns First Prince felt the same way.  Before they left for Clan Space Victor was close to Omi Kurita but since returning he hadn’t spoken to the Draconis Combine Princess, or Keeper of House Honour as the Dracs called it.  The Clan War had changed Victor and somehow Danai had become part of his life.

   â€œYou should tell the person your in love with how you feel.”  Yvonne said seeing Danai was thinking about herself at the same time as answering the questions.

   â€œSo should you.”

   â€œThat’s the hard bit, his home isn’t quite down the road…”

   â€œYou can travel anywhere in the realm Yvonne, if you feel strongly about someone don’t let it slip away.”  Danai said Yvonne nodded and rose to her feet.

   â€œI’ll let you get back to sleep, night Danai” Yvonne said moving off towards the doors.

   â€œGood Night Yvonne” Danai said as Yvonne closed the doors Danai stayed silent for a couple of moments then extinguished her own lights going back to bed.

Reception Halls, House Davion Royal Palace
Davion Royal Palace, Avalon Island
New Avalon, Crucis March, Federated Suns
20th March 3062

   The rumour mills on New Avalon had being going critical with a rumour that Victor would be leaving in a couple of days so Major Ross McKinnon still on leave from the Seventh Crucis Lancers, like the rest of his unit, had headed for the Royal Palace intent on requesting an audience with the First Prince.  After four hours Ross had been taken into an auxiliary reception hall, which was smaller but no less impressive as the main hall, to find not Victor but Yvonne, the former Regent of the Federated Suns and Duchess of New Avalon.  “Major, it is good to see you again, fully recovered from your dealings on Tortuga?”

   â€œAff” Ross answered he cursed himself silently for using the Clan answer but Yvonne made no action that she had noticed as he continued “I am doing well Duchess, actually that is the reason for my being here today.”

   â€œHow so?”  Yvonne asked sitting down on a small comfortable sofa Ross sat on the other side without being asked Yvonne only smiled.

   â€œDuring our time on Tortuga, I became close with the MI6 Detachment Commander Leftenant Rachel Montgomery.”

   â€œI remember her, the Leftenant is doing well I hope?”

   â€œRachel is doing very well, thank you” Ross said smiling broadly thinking about her always brought a smile to his face.  Rachel had just been promoted to Captain and would soon be returning to Rabid Fox duties meaning their wedding plans had been derailed and pushed back several months.  “During our time on Tortuga we also became close to the on planet commander, and we were wondering if he could come to our wedding?”

   â€œYou’re getting married to Leftenant Montgomery?”  Ross nodded “Congratulations!”  Yvonne said hugging Ross, who felt slightly embraced by the Duchesses actions, he had always had a good relationship with superiors but being hugged by Royals wasn't covered in most training books. “Now having a Nova Cat inside Federated Suns territory again?  I do not know how that would be received.”

   â€œI know it is risky, Rachel actually wanted Canin’s entire unit invited but I convinced her it would be tough enough to get Canin invited alone, then we have to convince the Nova Cats to let him come if the First Prince allows it.  I never knew a wedding could be this difficult.”

   â€œI will tell you this Major, I will talk to Victor for you and see what can be done, I am sure we can figure something out.”  Yvonne said smiling, maybe this was the opportunity she had been looking for, it was the perfect excuse for her to go to Tortuga and find this Nova Cat in his natural habitat.

   â€œYou think so?”  Ross asked, he was astonished Yvonne would be so willing to help so quickly, he was expecting this could cost him his promotion or more.

   â€œRoss, this is the Federated Suns anything is possible, watch this space.”  She said and with that she raised and left the room, Ross was left sitting on the sofa dumbfounded not sure he had just experienced what he had experienced.  Maybe this wedding was possible.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #66 on: July 04, 2012, 08:13:26 PM »

First Prince’s Office, House Davion Royal Palace
Davion Royal Palace, Avalon Island
New Avalon, Crucis March, Federated Suns
25th March 3062

   It had been a long day, hell it had been a long week, for Victor.  He had not been able to spend much time with his sister or Danai Centrella and he hadn’t been inside his Mech and with his troops since Galax nearly two weeks before.  So when the doors of his office opened and Yvonne entered, wearing a two piece dark blue suit with a short business skirt replacing trousers, Victor immediately took notice.  Rarely did Yvonne dress in such a business manner, that was more Katherine’s style “Yvonne, I’m sort of busy, I rendezvous with the Melissa Davion later and everything has to be sorted before I leave.”  He said the FSS Melissa Davion, the Federated Suns first operational Avalon-class Cruiser, had entered the system eight hours ago at a pirate point.  Once he joined them they would have a four month journey to their destination before negotiations which could take just as long, he wanted to make sure everything was set on New Avalon before he left, he felt bad about leaving the Federated Suns again but he knew that only a member of the ruling line could complete this deal.

   â€œThis won’t take long” Yvonne said formally walking over to the desk sitting on one of the guest chairs crossing her legs, she was totally confident and it was obvious to Victor she wanted something important.

   â€œWhat is it?”  He asked briskly professionally, “that’s not right, sorry” he apologised almost immediately this was his sister not some diplomat of foreign dignitary, although she was acting like one “Yvonne, what's going on? How can I help?”  He said more softly putting down what he was looking at giving her his full attention.

   â€œMy Prince” she said sending Victor into an even higher sense of alert, Yvonne never addressed him by his title “I want to go to Tortuga.”  She said, Victor almost choked with surprise and reached for a glass of water downing half of it before looking back at her.

   â€œYou want to what?”  He asked wanting to ensure he had heard her right.

   â€œI want to go to Tortuga to see the Nova Cats there.”  He had heard her right, Yvonne had not been part of his planning why would she want to go?  How could she know of his plans?

   â€œWhy?”  He asked leaning back in the chair.

   â€œA few days ago Major Ross McKinnon came here looking for you, unfortunately you were in a meeting and I took the meeting.”  She said, Victor had known about this but not the reason for the Major’s appearance at the Palace.  “You see Ross is getting married to the commander of the Rabid Fox contingent that was on Tortuga with him, a Captain Rachel Montgomery.  As part of their wedding plans they wanted to request Star Colonel Canin Rosse the Nova Cat Commander on Tortuga was allowed to attend, assuming he was alive.”  She said ‘good she understands the Clanner may be dead, knowing the Clans’ Victor thought silently as he listened, 'the way this is going I hope he is' he continued.

   â€œYou didn’t promise them anything did you?”  Victor asked quietly, his plans did not include Nova Cats setting foot on Federated Suns soil, not yet.

   â€œNo I did not, I just said I would do what I could.”  Yvonne said raising from her chair “now over the last two days I have spoken to several members of the High Command that know about the Nova Cats inside Tortuga, their so-called Nova Cat’s Den, and they have all told me that you were planning on going to Tortuga.  So Victor” she said standing then perching herself on the edge of the table “I will go to Tortuga as your representative and you can take care of things here on New Avalon, the people need you.”

   â€œAbsolutely not, firstly no-one should have revealed those plans” Victor said showing his annoyance. “Yvonne, the Nova Cats might not even see me, they might take out the Melissa Davion or worse capture me and turn on the Federated Suns…”  Victor said outlining his worst fears, if the Nova Cats turned on the lone Avalon with substantial force then the Cruiser would stand little chance it was a risk but one he knew he had to take.

   â€œExactly for that reason I should go.  Victor if you are killed or capture the Federated Suns will have lost a leader and since you haven’t got any heir’s the throne would fall to me or Arthur.  I am not comfortable with that responsibility and Arthur is becoming more and more anti-Combine, he would lead us to war.”  Yvonne hated having to outline things in such black-and-white terms but it was true Arthur had become a rallying point in the Draconis March, and the call for war against the Draconis Combine was growing daily.  “The only other person that could take over, and she happily would, is Katherine.”  Yvonne said she noticed Victor take these words like body-blows and remembered that if it had not been for the arrival of the Nova Cats Katherine would be in charge of New Avalon right now because of her invitation to her elder sister.

   â€œSo what would you do?  Turn up and tell the Nova Cats you wanted to invite one of their Star Colonels to a wedding and by the way the Federated Suns would like to get to know you a bit better?”  Victor asked throwing his arms in the air.

   â€œSomething like that.  What were you planning?”  Yvonne asked realising the rumours coming from the High Command had been right, Victor was planning on going to Tortuga to see the Nova Cats, soon.

   â€œI was going to turn up and ask them for assistance in finding and destroying the WarShip that destroyed New Syrtis JumpShip yards.”

   â€œAnd how would they be able to find them?”

   â€œIt was a Taurian WarShip, I was thinking of painting the picture of a dangerous Nuclear capable WarShip on the prowl.  Pointing at the Taurian Concordat and sending in the Nova Cats.”

   â€œAs shock troops?”  Yvonne asked she was quite shocked, the Nova Cats she had met were nothing like the Clan troops Victor described fighting before.

   â€œThey are Clansmen, Yvonne, all they are bred for is combat.”

   â€œThen why did the Severn Lervoux negotiate with us instead of attack, or the Nova Cat forces negotiate with ComStar for one of their Yardships when they could have fought for it?”  She had read the reports when Victor was away and it looked like she could have to fill the hot-seat permanently if he didn‘t come back someday ‘good‘ Victor thought quietly knowing that people who became First Prince of the Federated Suns didn‘t always live long lives.  "These Clansmen are not the same as the Jaguars" she pointed out.

   â€œI don’t know.”  Victor admitted, he hadn’t thought about why they had negotiated only that they were a clear and present danger to his realm, just like the Taurian WarShip.

   â€œWell they are more like Phelan’s Wolves” she said from what had happened so far she saw the Nova Cats akin to their cousin Phelan Kell’s Warden Wolf (in-Exile) Clan than the Crusader Jade Falcons or the destroyed Smoke Jaguars.  “Tell me did they fight in the Great Refusal on Strana Mechty?”  She asked, Victor shook his head Yvonne had read the after action reports and knew the answer already but wanted Victor to see what she saw.  “Intelligence places the Nova Cats as one of the stronger Clans, with a powerful navy and a capable ground force, yet instead of invading the Inner Sphere they found another place to gain territory and make a home.  They destroyed a pirate threat that we ourselves created” Yvonne said, during their father’s time Fuchida’s Fusiliers a mercenary regiment had been ordered to engage the Clans despite having far inadequate technology or training to face such a threat.  Fuchida’s Fusiliers had refused, broken their contract, then raided several Federated Suns weapons depots on their way to becoming the Tortuga Fusiliers.  “According to the Nova Cats the Fusiliers had been annihilated and the Nova Cats were taking care of other threats in the area.”

   â€œSo we should leave them where they are and invite them to a wedding?”  Victor asked shocked that he had just said what he had said.

   â€œNo we should give them an opportunity to operate against Inner Sphere targets.”  Yvonne said smiling Victor looked at her surprised but remained quiet interested in what she had to say.  “We inform them that a rouge WarShip is operating in the area and is armed with Nuclear weapons.  We give them the information we gathered from the New Syrtis attack and ask them for assistance in defending Galax, Kathil and the remains of New Syrtis Shipyards so we can hunt down this vessel.  The Nova Cats gain the right to assign three WarShips to our territory, these vessels are to stay out of sight but be ready to act if needed.  During their time we will keep them fully supplied and keep their warriors from becoming bored, we will also give their officers tours of the three shipyards and see what information we can get from their people.”

   â€œWe seem to be getting a lot from this deal and they seem to be getting little.”

   â€œThey get intelligence on the WarShip and a look at our shipyard facilities more than any of the other Succession states could dream of.  We feed them intelligence on the Inner Sphere and make sure it is decent not eight months out of date as we do with most exchanges” Yvonne said walking around the room, Victor smiled he had never seen her like this before “we also give them the right to station a single Cluster in our space and ask for it to be commanded by this Star Colonel Canin Rosse for the first rotation.  During their time in the Federated Suns the Nova Cats will be allowed to train against any unit in the Federated Suns they wish and they will be allowed to fight in St Ives, assuming the fighting is still on-going, and the Chaos March.  This gives the Nova Cats real combat experience against real targets something they are probably lacking in the periphery.”  She said outlining her plan, Victor was impressed that she had done this without any help, it was likely that Jackson and maybe Ardan had helped her in some places, but still even with help Victor was impressed with his little sister’s accomplishments.

   â€œAnd what do you get out of this?  Yvonne you have never been interested in combat, war or the military.  Why the change?”

   â€œI get the knowledge that I have helped two of our citizens make their wedding perfect.  For once I help my big brother with a problem and I get to do something other than be a face for our family on New Avalon.  And I‘m finally growing up, it‘s time to take some responsibility in my life.”  She said Victor could see how that could be the reason but she had to have another reason, one she wasn’t willing to share with him.

   â€œYou want this?”

   â€œI do”

   â€œI guess you had better be on the Melissa Davion then.”  Victor said surrendering, if she wanted this then he would give her the chance.  Yvonne’s face immediately brightened as if a hundred pains had been lifted, Victor knew she wasn’t telling him everything that had driven her to this but he would let her keep her own council for now.  “Anything else before I show you through all this?”

   â€œYes, one or two other things…”  she said telling Victor of her conversations with Danai the night before, she had done some guessing work that Danai had been talking about her brother that night and now she wanted to know about how he felt for Danai.

   After several hours of deep conversation Victor fully admitted he was falling in love with Danai and he told Yvonne of Morgan’s concerns, especially considering the Magistracy’s connection to the Capellans.  Yvonne reminded Victor that Danai had not returned to the Magistracy since arriving back from Clan Space and that Danai did not trust the Capellan influence over her sister Naomi.  As far as Yvonne and her womanly instincts were concerned Danai was falling more and more in love with the Federated Suns and was forgetting about home and her rights as heir to the Centrella throne.  Before Yvonne left she told her brother to follow his heart with Danai before he drove her away and out of the realm through neglect.  Also just before she left Yvonne sent Ross McKinnon and his bride, to-be, a message asking them to hold off getting married until 3063, she might have a surprise guest for them, this message was carried by one of Yvonne’s personnel aids and was destroyed as soon as it had been read and understood by Ross and Rachel.

   The next day the Melissa Davion left the Federated Suns heading for Tortuga, on board Yvonne Steiner-Davion Victor’s personal representative.  As far as the population of New Avalon knew Yvonne was away to see her brother Peter at Saint Marinus House on Zaniah in the Lyran Alliance and would be gone for several months before returning, hopefully with Peter in tow.  Victor just hoped the media would stay off Zaniah and not start looking for Yvonne there.

Uninhabited Island
New Avalon, New Hebrides Isles
Crucis March, Federated Suns
27th March 3062

   In the early spring morning Danai Centrella had awoken early in her guest quarters inside the Davion Royal Palace and went for a run.  She had expected to find Victor for breakfast but he was nowhere to be seen probably in some meeting.  Yvonne had left a couple of days before.  For the first time since coming to New Avalon Danai felt alone, Danai was tempted to skip breakfast and go see the Magistracy troops on the field with the Tenth Lyran, she could feel like she was home or on the battlefield when she was with them much like when she had first met Victor, and seen him as the man who was more comfortable being the warrior and the leader of the troops than a state leader and career politician.  Deciding against skipping breakfast, the most important meal of the day, her mother had called it.  She sat down to breakfast in the main hall, the table was huge and she felt crazy being in this room alone just for breakfast.  One of the house servants had given her a note from Victor.  On the note had been written:

Danai, my apologies for not joining you for breakfast
there are affairs of state that need my attention.
Give this to the pilot on the roof and get in, leave the guards. 
See you soon Victor x.

   As long as she had known him Victor had never signed messages with an ‘x’ although it was definitely a message from Victor written in the scrawl he called hand-writing.  So Danai had finished her breakfast quickly and headed up onto the roof, sitting there was a Lexan Oceanic Series IV Luxury Helicopter.  The Lexan Oceanic was an expensive aircraft starting at 1.1 million C-Bills in cost, Danai hadn’t been aware of any one New Avalon, the Series IV was sixty tons in weight, had two massive sets of main rotors and was capable of landing in water.  Looking over the aircraft Danai moved near the front of the craft.  “I was told to give you this” she said nervously handing over the note to the pilot.

   â€œUnderstood, I can take you there now Duchess, please climb aboard” the pilot said as he and his co-pilot climbed into the cockpit.  Although she had no idea where ‘there’ was Danai climbed in the rear cabin.  The Series IV’s main section was effectively a fully sized room fitted with every comfort that travellers would ever need with plush seating area, a large flat-screen video sets and a small but very functional bar area.  Pouring herself a fresh orange-juice Danai settled into one of the large chairs as the aircraft lifted off and began to fly over Avalon City before heading out over the ocean.  Over the ocean the aircraft accelerated to top speed, nearly two hundred kilometres per hour, Danai had noticed just how quiet the aircraft was as it skimmed surface of New Avalon‘s busy oceans, although travel by sea was not as popular as it once had been on ancient Terra there was still companies that used sea going tankers to transport raw materials instead of using expensive DropShips, it was slow but still got the job done at a fraction of the price.

   For nearly six hours the aircraft flew over open oceans, Danai had drifted off to sleep and was still asleep when she was wakened by the Lexan Oceanic’s extending of landing gear as the aircraft landed.  The pilot leapt from the cockpit and ran around the aircraft and opening the doors allowing her to exit onto a soft sand beach, leading her clear he returned to the aircraft and the aircraft was gone again into the darkening sky, there was total silence within about thirty seconds as the aircraft disappeared.  Danai looked around the beach and wondered if Victor was playing a prank on her, the island looked totally abandoned.  Then she began to smell something burning, walking along the beach she removed her shoes within a couple of steps the sand was so soft.  Walking barefoot around a group of large stones she felt like a child on an adventure holiday anxiously waiting the next thrill.  Ahead she could see a small camp “Hello!” She called as she walked around the single tent to find a raging fire and a barbeque.  Standing at the barbeque was Victor Steiner-Davion in a pair of red sandals, a pair of sky-blue shorts, a dirty white apron and a pair of dark sunglasses in his sandy blonde hair, he looked quite a picture especially without his shirt, “you should have told me!  I would have brought a camera, I could have made a killing when I got back to Avalon City just by selling one picture.”  She said amongst the giggling that was taking over her as she closed, walking off Victor gave her a betrayed look “I’m sorry it’s just this is so unexpected.”  She said noticing an icebox with a dozen or so beers in it, this was beginning to remind her of the Victor she had met fighting the Clans a man who cared little for appearances, cared everything for his men and the moment, not the future.

   â€œHave a drink and dinner will be served as soon as I can get it off this thing without burning my fingers.” Victor said struggling with the food, Danai crossed to the icebox and sat on one of the loungers looking out over the beach, in the background she heard Victor yelp as he burnt something on the barbeque.  The light was beginning to fade and the fire was silhouetting everything, looking out over the sea she could see for miles upon miles and not a person in sight it was perfect.

   â€œIt‘s beautiful here!”  Danai called over her shoulder, so he could hear her over the fire, but Victor was already appearing in front of her.

   â€œDinner is served” Victor said dropping down on the other lounger with a pair of plates full of food, some of it was a little over done and some of it was more like charcoal than food but Danai made no comments as they ate and enjoyed the scene.

   â€œHow did you set this up?”  She asked eating a mouthful hamburger, although it was slightly burned it was gorgeous, the First Prince of the Federated Suns was a good cook as well as an impressive general, a learning statesman, a strong leader of men and a good man.

   â€œI’m the First Prince of the Inner Sphere’s most powerful nation, anything is possible.”  Victor said eating his own burger keeping tight-lipped about how he had done this, but Danai wasn‘t ready to give up on it yet.

   â€œBut how can you be here, out of communication with the High Command, with everything?  What if something happened?”

   â€œIt won’t.”  Victor said confidently “and if something was to happen” he took a swig of his own beer “I’m the First Prince and this is New Avalon, if they wanted me it wouldn’t be difficult.”  He said biting into his burger again.  Danai continued to eat her own food, Victor certainly had made a lot of food, something that shouldn’t really have shocked her.  When they had first met Victor and the Tenth Lyran, his Revenants, were resting after a major battle on the Smoke Jaguar front and were tucking into a meal just like this one there had been so much going around Danai‘s entire unit had been invited along with all the tech support from both units.  Although Victor had been wearing more that time than he was now and he hadn‘t cooked the meal it brought back fond memories for both of them.  “How’s your food?”

   â€œGood” she said her mouth full of food, they both burst into laughter, all their noble training gone they were just two people enjoying the scene, good food and each others company.  “Why did you do this?”  she asked clearing her mouth.  Victor continued to eat smiling, again this was the Victor she had fallen for in the field the warrior, the comrade-in-arms and the joker.

   â€œFor you, for me” he finally said “for New Avalon, for the Federated Suns” he took another drink “for the Inner Sphere, , for humanity even the Clans” he continued followed by another drink from the bottle “for the galaxy, for history…” she had seen him like this before and knew he could go on for a while, the only way the members of the Tenth Lyran were able to stop him when he was in this kind of mood was to tackle him.  So Danai launched herself at him pushing Victor back onto his lounger kissing him deeply in thanks “for that” he said quietly they both burst into laughter “and that!”

   â€œWould you stop that!”  She said again pushing to the deck, for now he was not a First Prince and she was not a visiting Duchess, they were just man and woman.  Their instincts took over laughed and remembered what it was like just to live Victor leaned forward and kissed her back they were locked like that holding each other and kissing for what seemed like hours.

   â€œAnd for, this…” Victor whispered reaching into the sand behind them as they kissed, he couldn’t find what he was looking for so he kissed her again then reached into the sand on the other side again nothing so he kissed her again before reaching back to the original spot again this time finding the object, he retrieved a blue diamond ring with one blue diamond in the centre and four green diamonds surrounding it “…this is for you.”  He said holding it in front of Danai who was mesmerised by it as he started to put it on her finger, her wedding finger, Danai began to weep “we don’t have to… I mean I want… but if you… Danai I love you.”  He said stuttering around not knowing what to say as he saw the tears run down her cheeks, he was slightly shocked by her reaction.  “If this is too much…”  He hoped she would not say it was he‘d finally admitted he was in love with her and now he prayed she felt the same.

   â€œNo” she said, wiping the tears from her cheeks, Victor’s heart sank “this is wonderful” she said looking around and back to Victor then to the ring “all of this, you, are wonderful” she said kissing him “I love you with all my heart.”

   â€œThen what’s wrong?”

   â€œNothing, I just wish my mother was here to see it.”

   â€œI’m kinda glad your mother and my mother are not here to see this” Danai looked at him shocked he would say such a thing his mother had been dead for years killed by an assassin’s bomb, and her mother was only newly deceased, how could he say such a thing.  “I mean look at us, we are on a beach, I’m half naked, your hopefully going to be naked soon, then two naked people together well things happen…”  His voice trailed off as both he and Danai struggled to keep a straight face “… and well if our parents were here then, that would just be embarrassing, and I think illegal in most parts of the world, especially this world since I'm the Prince and…”  He said continuing to rattle off information.  So Danai, borrowed the Tenth's method again, pinned him to the lounger again in a long deep kiss.  “…so is that a yes?”  He asked as they broke off Danai remained silent lying on top of him she drew back slightly, Victor held her close gently Danai didn’t resist just relaxing into his grasp.  When she remained silent Victor spoke again “Danai, I will love you whatever your answer, but I must ask Danai Kyalla Centrella will you be my wife and marry me?”

   â€œWith all my heart I must say…” there was a pause in her voice that went on for an eternity, Victor was sure for a moment she was going to say she couldn’t but then there it was “yes, I will marry you, Victor Ian Steiner-Davion.”  Victor launched himself to his feet brining Danai to her feet at the same time as he began dancing around the fire, he grabbed Danai and although he was not the tallest person showed he had the strength of many men carrying her around the fire as they danced locked in an embrace they entered the tent for a very long loving night, one that would be the first of many.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 08:14:07 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #67 on: July 05, 2012, 02:47:00 AM »

ROM Headquarters
Mars, Terran System
Chaos March
12th April 3062

   The Word of Blake ROM, Intelligence Branch, was one of the most effective in the whole of the Inner Sphere and Clans.  When they had split from ComStar the Word of Blake had taken nearly ninety percent of ComStar’s ROM personnel and they had transferred seamlessly to the Word of Blake command on Terra.  Since the liberation of Mars from ComStar’s Occupation forces the Word of Blake had turned Mars into a hive of research labs and ROM outposts.  From Mars the ROM could spy on any of the Successor States using the powerful intelligence networks ComStar had built over the centuries it controlled the Terran System.

   Rarely did Precentor-Martial Cameron St Jamis travel to Mars normally he expected anyone who wanted to see him to come to see him on Terra or wherever he was in the Inner Sphere.  Precentor ROM Alexander Kernoff had requested that Cameron come to Mars however, as Kernoff was a member of the Toyama Sect of the Word of Blake leadership and a member of the Sixth of June Cameron had appeased him.  The Word of Blake unlike the corrupt ComStar believed in a mix of leaders and styles so there were several sects within the Word of Blake Ruling Conclave including: the Counter-Reformists, the Expatriates, the True Believers, the Shunners and the Toyama.  Until recently the True Believers had held the power in the Word of Blake however with the deaths of Precentor-Martial Trent Adrian and his aide Precentor Suzanne Mulvanery to a suspected terrorist bomb and the raising of Cameron to the post of Precentor Martial the more radical Toyama were gaining more and more power with Kernoff the leader of the Sect and St Jamis in a powerful position as well.  The Sixth of June were an even more radical group inside the Toyama, although an unrecognised one, within the Word of Blake many believed that it was the Sixth of June and not ComStar that had killed Trent and Mulvanery to elevate their leader Cameron St Jamis to the post of Precentor-Martial.  This gave what effectively was a terrorist organisation control of the Word of Blake Militia.

   Cameron entered Kernoff’s command dome on Mars, instead of one massive structure on the Martian surface the Word of Blake had built hundreds of self-contained domes compartmentalising everything and keeping everything buried beneath hundreds of layers of secrecy, on top of this there was only one communications station on Mars and that was only linked to one place, a WarShip in high orbit, everything coming out of Mars was controlled and anything going into Mars was rarely heard of again.  “Kernoff this had better be important.”  Cameron said immediately dispensing with the pleasantries, Kernoff was an old man in his seventies at least he had lived twice as long as Cameron but made no comment on the Precentor-Martial’s abruptness.

   â€œOh it is, Cameron” Kernoff said quietly, inside the Word of Blake Alexander Kernoff was the only one who called Cameron by his first name, he was also probably the only one who could get away with it.  “We found the CSWS Ranger in deep space.  Well actually it was a ComStar Explorer Corps group that did but they turned the information over to me.”

   â€œThe Ranger?”  Cameron said quietly thinking the vessel was a Lola-III-class Destroyer “you called me to Mars to tell me we found a destroyer in deep space?  We have a dozen of those already, another Battleship would have been worth the call but not a Destroyer.”  He went on the Word of Blake had built an impressive navy but every ship helped Kernoff thought he’d be happy about such a find especially since it was a ComStar vessel.

   â€œNot quite.  We have also lost contact with Novo Franklin base, our first level Soldiers were undergoing indoctrination and first level implantation there.”  Kernoff said now Cameron was going from being angry about being called here for nothing to worried that someone had discovered their forces training in the Periphery before the coming of the Third Transfer.

   â€œDamn.  What of our forces in Tortuga?”  Their agents on Tortuga Prime had been turning the Tortuga Fusiliers to the Word’s call but suddenly just over a year before all contact had been lost.

   â€œWe have still not heard from them.  It is possible the Fusiliers turned on us but we would have heard something if that was the case, we have heard nothing from the Tortuga Dominions.”

   â€œWhat about ComStar have they anything to do with this?”

   â€œPossibly, they have assigned additional forces to Columbus following an attack on Nowhere in the Draconis Combine, and one of their Faslane-class vessels is missing.  It also appears they are reorganising their fleet following the losses during Bulldog and Serpent.”

   â€œSo what is our losses on Franklin, consider it a total loss.”  Cameron asked reorganising the Word’s plans in his mind working around the loss of Franklin.

   â€œA total loss?”  Kernoff said surprised the Precentor-Martial would turn them loose so easily it would drive half the projects on Mars months behind schedule, “an Entire Division of Regular Troops, the Sixth Division.  Special Operations troops nearly as many, another full division and months of research down the drain, I'd call it a complete debacle, and now answers to the reason.”

   â€œDamn.  Move all our operations away from that area of space, something is wrong there.”  Kernoff nodded, normally Cameron could make those orders himself but this was special projects and fell under Kernoff’s purview, at least officially and at least for now.

   â€œWhat of the Heracles?”

   â€œRecall it here before the Davion’s decide to invade the Taurian Concordat looking for it, find it and blow it up, the way our luck is running we may need the vessel here.”

   â€œThey might do that anyway before it can get here.”

   â€œAnd without evidence of a preparatory vessel they will have launched an illegal war against a sovereign state which will turn the Inner Sphere against the Federated Suns and work in our favour.  Make sure the vessel returns via our hidden network in the Capellan Confederation, that should hide it from all eyes.”

   â€œWouldn’t be the first time the Federated Suns has done something against public opinion knowing that in the long run it would benefit them, the Fourth Succession War for example.”

   â€œPerhaps but Victor does not seem the type to rush into decisions.”  Cameron said thinking quietly ‘Victor is useless for our plans, Arthur and Katherine are far more useful’ he decided to move up other operations.  “Increase our operations in the Capellan Confederation, Free Worlds League and push the timetable forward for the Marian Hegemony and Cirincus Federation.”

   â€œWhat of the Taurians?”

   â€œWhat of them? Forget them, for now Sharplen is crazy enough without our help.”

   â€œAnd Kali?”

   â€œAuthorise Kali to inform her people that it is time to reunite the Capellan Confederation and for them to bring the defenders of St Ives to their knees.”  Cameron said smiling thinking about all the carnage sweet Kali and her minions were about to unleash on the tiny little rebellious state.  He actions would be a nice test for the future gauging the reactions of the Inner Sphere by unleashing the things they feared most on St Ives was a good way to test something.

Command Deck, Snow Raven (Nightlord)
Brim Shipyards, Brim
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
14th April 3062

   From the bridge of the Snow Raven, Clan Snow Raven’s Nightlord-class Battleship, entered shipyards at Brim.  From there the vessel would undergo a period of upgrading bringing the vessel back the title of being the most lethal WarShip fielded by the Clans.  Over time the Nightlord had been surpassed by other WarShips so Khan Lyn McKenna had ordered her Clan’s scientists to upgrade the Nightlord and make it a more effective fighter.  Over a year later they had come back with a redesign of the Snow Raven’s weapons configuration and the Khan had immediately approved the changes, now the Snow Raven was entering the Brim Shipyards for and eight month refit.  Because of the sheer size of the vessel, the largest built by the Clans in numbers, the Snow Raven took over an entire ‘dry-dock’ at Brim causing several delays and a great cost for the Snow Ravens and Diamond Sharks.  In the Snow Raven’s opinion however the cost was worth it.

   The Brim Shipyards were amongst the largest and most advanced in existence, they even out paced the three of the biggest Inner Sphere yards Port Sydney Yards, the Federated-Boeing Shipyards at Galax and the New Samarkand Shipyards but not quite the Titan Shipyards in the Terra system.  The Brim Shipyards were co-administered by Clan Snow Raven and Clan Diamond Shark and there WarShips, DropShips and Fighters were constructed and modified by the two Clans.  The other Clans often contracted the two Clans for maintenance of their vessels.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2012, 02:50:35 AM »

Second Royal BattleMech Regiment
Command Tent, Milos
St Ives Compact
2nd May 3062

   Following nearly five months of heavy fighting the Capellan Confederation Forces were beginning to fall back from the St Ives Compact worlds, Chancellor Sun Tzu-Liao finally seeing that his forces could not stand against the combined might of the St Ives Armed Forces, the Star League Defence Forces and the Federated Suns forces still based in the St Ives area.

   Against her best efforts Lieutenant-General Marguerite McCafee, commander of the Second Royal BattleMech Regiment, was still alive struggling with the horrors of battle on St Ives and with her past demons.  Some of her most trusted warriors had suggested that she should retire, that there would be no dishonour in stepping aside after all she had heard and seen.  Marguerite had slammed them down, harder than she had meant, they had no right to tell her what she should and should not do since then she had drifted away from people she considered to be close allies people she had bled with against the Clans and Capellans and trained with her entire career.  Once thing she knew was she needed to find an out before the Commanding-General arrived, Morgan Hasek-Davion had been in the Chaos March for the last couple of months forming the First Battle Armour Corps however now he was on his way to the St Ives Compact with ComStar Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht, they would call for a meeting with the Capellan Chancellor and bring the conflict to an end and end any chance of her ending her life in combat.

   A young Infantry Lieutenant entered the command tent and saluted “Mam, there is an local mayor’s aid at the gates asking to speak to you.  He said he brings news of Capellan atrocities committed against civilian targets in his town.

   â€œHave him brought here” the infantry man saluted and rushed off to get the civilian visitor “Captain Markesan assemble your company.  If the intelligence is accurate I want to catalogue it first hand and drive off the Capellans before they can try and cover anything up.”

   â€œYes, Mam” Captain Nicole Markesan said leaving the tent just as the infantry man returned, it was a good five minutes from the gates to the tent so the man must have been allowed onto the base without authorisation, the Lieutenant had got it right this time but Marguerite would have to drill the units personnel on correct procedure.

   â€œWelcome to the Second BattleMech Regiment Command Post, I am Lieutenant General…” Marguerite began just as the civilian flipped off the cloak she had been wearing, the Woman’s head had been shaved and her eyes were wide and bloodshot, she was muttering something silently under her breath and around her waist was ring upon ring of explosives and small glass canisters filled with liquid and surrounded by ball-bearings “this is how I die” Marguerite said her voice but a whisper just before the woman detonated her suicide bomb which engulfed the whole command tent killing almost ever senior member of the Second’s command staff.  With the explosion there was a gas that filled the immediate area taking nearly another battalions worth of troops before they could enact NBC protocols.

   Throughout the St Ives Compact Thuggee Terrorists loyal to the insane Kali Liao, sister to Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao, carried out similar attacks killing thousands of innocent civilians and members of the St Ives Armed Forces included in these deaths was Mandrinn Tormano Liao leader of the Free Capella Resistance Group.  Although he did not authorize these attacks Sun-Tzu Liao did take advantage of the confusion caused by the attacks and launched another offensive against the St Ives Compact including a raid on St Ives itself following a Thuggee attack on the Spaceport and another near the Royal Palace.  These attacks would become known as the Black May attacks.  Calls for Kali Liao’s immediate arrest are heeded by Chancellor Liao and Kali is taken under arrest by Capellan authorities until she can be tried for her crimes, Kali was imprisoned on the World of Highspire, the world she would eventually be sentenced to life imprisonment.  The Second Royal BattleMech Regiment and its support assets are withdrawn from the St Ives Compact returning to their base world, Kittery, until a new command staff could take charge.

Former-Franklin Fiefdoms
Novo Franklin, Periphery
5th May 3062

   Although some people resisted leaving their homes for a start there was little left of Novo Franklin that was worth them remaining and most realised that the Nova Cats did not want to leave the world populated, although they would leave a garrison if anyone chose to leave, knowing this they chose to make life easier on the new landlords and move to the Nova Cat‘s Den.  From Tortuga the people would be screened and watched by Nova Cat Watch personnel before being moved on to other planets.  Because of what had been observed on Novo Franklin none of these people were to be permitted anywhere near New Barcella or the Varnay systems.

   The second target for Tau Galaxy, the Mica Majority, would be left for now as Tau Galaxy begins rotating to New Barcella.  By the end of June Tau Galaxy would be the new defenders of New Barcella while Alpha Galaxy and Xi Galaxy would be ready to move to the Homeworlds supporting military actions there and brining them up to standard against proper Clan opponents.  En Route they would deploy another HPG Relay Station in the deep periphery completing the link between the Homeworlds and the Nova Cat’s Den.  Once the two Galaxies arrived in the Homeworlds in December Sigma Galaxy, the Current Homeworlds garrison, would rotate back to the Nova Cat’s Den on its way back the Galaxy would check both HPG Relays to ensure they were operating at peak efficiency.

   Meanwhile Delta Galaxy under the command of saKhan Karl Devalis also leaves the Nova Cat’s Den heading for Astrokaszy on a long range reconnaissance mission to the distant Free Worlds League Border world.  With two Nova Cat WarShips, the Lucian Carns, the second Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser to enter service, and the Vision Quest, one of the Nova Cat’s powerful Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers, and supported by two Carrack Merchant-class Transports from the Merchant Caste the Galaxy is more than prepared to meet the most well equipped force in the Periphery region.

   The Nova Cats are not on a peaceful mission however they plan on searching Astrokaszy for any Star League Depots that have not been plundered by raiders over the centuries and eliminate any bandit force that attempts to stop them.  The Nova Cats also plan on contacting the Niops Astronomy Consortium to see if this colony has survived the Succession Wars as an independent world, Niops was colonised by the Star League centuries before and is in the same area of space.  The Niops Consortium was made up of some of the Star League’s top Astronomers and had some of the best technology defending them from bandit attacks on this remote outpost.  Hopefully they will have valuable research data and Astronomical data the Nova Cats can use in future operations.

Sirius Concordance
Sirius, Free Worlds League
15th May 3062

   In 3062 all three Regiments of the Sirian Lancers begin to a purge their ranks of all non-Sirian born personnel in direct violation of FWLM Rules and Regulations.  The Free Worlds League deploy the Fourth Free Worlds League Legionaries and the Thirty-seventh Marik Militia to the Sirius Concordance worlds of Sirius and Procoyn however the Sirian Lancers refuse orders to stop purging their ranks of warrior not born within the Sirian Concordance.

   With public opinion behind the Lancer regiments the Fourth and Thirty-seventh do not impede the Sirian Lancers instead wait for orders from Atreus, in the meantime the two units try to mend bridges burned when the FWLM refused to liberate Sirius and Procoyn.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #69 on: July 05, 2012, 12:47:55 PM »

Bridge, FSS Melissa Davion (Avalon-class Cruiser)
Nadir Point, Tortuga Prime
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
29th June 3062

   After three months of travelling alone through the Federated Suns Crucis March and into the Periphery the FSS Melissa Davion entered the Tortuga Prime system a world that once was a hive of pirate activity now resided in the Nova Cat’s Den an unknown amount of planets that was claimed by Clan Nova Cat.  Entering this system with a vessel as large as the Avalon-class Melissa Davion was dangerous but it also showed the Nova Cats that they could field powerful vessels without having to rely on Nova Cat gifts such as the Thunderchild.

   Sitting at the Nadir Point the Avalon-class Cruiser scanned the system, the Avalon was an impressive feat of engineering seven hundred and seventy thousand tons in mass it was just over eight hundred metres in length.  Along the each side of the vessel were long tubular sections that tapered away to cone shaped engine shields in the rear.  In the centre of these tube sections was a broad central area covered in weapons emplacements and sensor towers including one in the centre of the vessel.  Under this main hull were six DropShip Collars and twelve launch bays for the vessels two aerospace squadrons.  One thing that did mark the Avalon as a Federated Suns vessel was the hull, the entire ship was painted in a deep red with black lines highlighting some areas and ringed the vessel.  On the main tower was the Federated Suns sword-and-sunburst insignia and on the aft upper hull the Davion family crest was painted.

   â€œNothing in immediate vicinity, Duchess” Admiral Victoria Napier, the Melissa’s commander, said turning to Duchess Yvonne Steiner-Davion commander of the mission who stood at the rear of the bridge, although the Avalon-class followed modern design with the command centre near the centre of the ship far from the hull and any windows the Federated Suns navy still followed traditional designations such as bridge for the command centre, these terms were a hold over from blue navy vessels of ancient Terra centuries before when man was restricted to Terra alone amongst the stars.

   â€œThe Fox’s Teeth said the same.”  Yvonne said “there was nothing out of the ordinary or anything that would set off alarm bells.  Begin to broadcast our message of peace and begin the burn in system.”

   â€œWeapons and auxiliary craft status?”

   â€œWeapons in hot-standby mode, either a squadron of fighters or one DropShip outside at anytime.  If a DropShip has fighters they can launch one flight at a time for two hour periods.”  She said the Admiral nodded and seemed content with that heading off to hand out orders.  The Melissa Davion’s engines roared into life and Yvonne began to feel gravity pull her down to the deck, it wasn’t like planetary gravity but it was constant and it was far better than the zero gravity they had been experiencing.  Under the ship six fighters launched and began patrolling the area around the Melissa, just in case the Nova Cats thought they were the vanguard of an attack force.  On every communication frequency known to the Federated Suns the Melissa Davion was piping out that they were on a mission of peace and trade not war, hopefully the Nova Cat’s were listening.

   As the massive unknown WarShip began to move the Fredasa-class Future Triumph watched the silently before activating its own manoeuvring drives, so far the star’s radiation had hidden them but soon that would not help.  The Future Triumph had sent word to the rest of the Clan of this incursion and was ready to act on its own to delay the intruder until the bigger vessels arrived however that would not be necessary the Nova Cat Khans on New Barcella believed the vessel’s story it was on a peaceful mission and the Future Triumph quickly received word that two WarShips were en-route to act as an escort for the new vessel to the planet.  The Future Triumph had been ordered to reassume its recharge position and support the other Nova Cat vessels if there was unexpected trouble.

   â€œJump Radiation signature!”  the sensor operator announced on the starboard side of the bridge deep inside the Melissa Davion.

   â€œJump Radiation signature!” the port side operator announced almost at the same time.

   â€œVessel exiting the star’s corona, a Fredasa-class Corvette” another member of the bridge crew announced.  As two vessels entered the system near the Melissa Davion, the vessel shuddered slightly as one of the vessels entered closer than normally accepted.

   â€œThat one was right on top of us!”

   â€œSeems damn hostile to me” Victoria Napier said looking at Yvonne who remained totally passive.

   â€œIf we launch your ships could get caught in their jump wake correct?”

   â€œYes” Napier surrendered the Duchess who wasn’t even a member of the military had pointed out a basic fact of interstellar space travel, two vessels close together during a jump was deadly to everything surrounding including both vessels involved.

   â€œWhat are the vessel’s out there?”  Yvonne asked.  As the radiation cleared already she knew there was a Fredasa, one of the Clan’s smallest vessels.

   â€œA pair of Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers, each weights twenty thousand tons less than us, we could destroy them at range but at this close…” Victoria said quietly “one of them could kill us easy.  And between them they carry far more fighters and DropShips than we could ever hope to launch.”

   â€œSo if we could launch you would you?”  Yvonne asked moving closer to Napier who shook her head, the Melissa was brand-new her crew inexperienced, she would not throw her people’s lives away.

   â€œThen let’s see what the Nova Cat’s are saying.”  Yvonne said they crew activated the communication systems on the Melissa’s bridge the message the Nova Cat’s were playing was played to the bridge.

   â€œThis is Star Colonel Canin Rosse, commander of the Watch forces in this system and guardian of the Tortuga system,” Yvonne smiled just the man she wanted to see, “under the authority given to me by the Khan’s of Clan Nova Cat I am authorised to seize your vessel and your crew.”  He said Victoria looked at Yvonne who continued to remain as passive as possible, ‘perhaps the Nova Cats are not so friendly’ she thought quietly.  “However, we have received your message and the WarShips Bond and Blood Oath will escort you to Tortuga.  You are authorised to fly one squadron of fighters or a DropShip during the journey, just to keep the air jocks happy, however I must ask you keep your weapons un-powered.”  On the screens the two WarShips had moved into escort positions, Yvonne noticed no DropShips on either vessel however fighters were launching from both Heavy Cruisers.  “Authorize on same channel and I will see you on Tortuga.”  Canin continued Yvonne nodded to Victoria who carried out the order the three vessels began the slow burn to Tortuga.  The Fredasa moved into a higher orbit of the star but remained in position, the two Aegises were overkill at this range already.

Nova Cat Watch Base
Raider‘s Roost, Tortuga Prime
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
7th July 3062

   The burn in system to Tortuga was uneventful the Melissa Davion moved into orbit of the planet while the two Nova Cat Aegis remained in a higher orbit, now the Federated Suns cruiser was trapped, even if the Avalon wanted to leave now it would have to break orbit before even trying to activate its jump drive, a manoeuvre that would be suicide at the moment.  Leaving was not high on the agenda however, from the Melissa Davion’s ventral hull a single Excalibur-class DropShip detached and began descending towards the planet surface with an entire squadron of six Federated Suns Aerospace fighters escorting.

   Once inside the planet’s atmosphere they were joined by ten Nova Cat OmniFighters, all weighing seventy-five tons or more, below one hundred metres the Federated Suns fighters were instructed to break off and return to the Melissa Davion while the Nova Cat Fighters broke off just after them also returning to their vessels in orbit.

   On the ground the DropShip was met by several groups of ground forces, a pair of Federated Suns OmniMechs, a fifty-five ton Men Shen and a ninety ton Sunder, exited first providing security for the DropShip. Although painted in Federated Suns colours these Mechs were actually of Capellan and Draconis Combine origin, the Men Shen captured in a raid on the Capellan Confederation, the Draconis Combine Sunder built under licence in the Federated Suns, they were still powerful designs that could provide basic protection if trouble erupted although considering the Nova Cat‘s Naval support options any trouble or resistance would be short lived.  Yvonne’s Armoured Limousine exited the Excalibur’s lower cargo bay next and stopped just ahead of the two guarding OmniMechs waiting for the next pair of escort Mechs.

   The first of the second pair of Mechs was a seventy-five ton P1 Perseus from the Free Worlds League, the OmniMech was the only one owned by the AFFS and by order of the First Prince had been added to this detail, the next Mech to exit the DropShip was another OmniMech this time a Lyran-built ninety ton Hauptmann, one of the most hardy and effective Inner Sphere OmniMechs.  Normally that would be the end of it however the AFFS command had one last surprise for the Nova Cats.  The fifth OmniMech was brand-new and had never seen real combat, this actual Mech was the first of its type to leave the Kathil Assembly Lines in the Capellan March, and was the Federated Suns first and so far only home-grown OmniMech an eighty-five ton Templar.

   Sitting there the Federated Suns reinforced Lance surrounded Yvonne’s Limo protectively as the Nova Cats stood waiting for orders.  An unknown Clan OmniMech moved forward and the communication system in all the Federated Suns units crackled to life “I am Star Colonel Canin Rosse, please follow me, be warned there is over a cluster of Nova Cats at this facility and more units in the city.”  He said the first Nova Cats moved out an OmniMech, four OmniVehicles and two points of Elementals.  Next was the five Federated Suns OmniMechs and the Yvonne’s car in the centre.  Canin Rosse’s Mech moved silently along side it as did two vehicles on either side, behind them were two Armoured Personnel Carriers.  Rounding out the convoy was another Mech, four armoured vehicles and two more APCs.

   As the moved through the city Yvonne looked out the windows at the former pirate city, Ross McKinnon’s report had placed only around five hundred civilians in the city however Yvonne could see significantly more population moving around and engineering teams working on several of the buildings, obviously the Nova Cats had not abandoned the city completely as they had when the Fox’s Teeth were held here.

   Yvonne also looked at Canin’s Mech during the journey, although not a member of the military she had seen pictures of many Clan Mechs and this one looked like none she had ever seen before.  The Mech was the same as most others built around a humanoid body with two legs and two arms.  It looked like a heavy or assault Mech from it’s size and from the thickness of the armour and it easily kept pace with the convoy as they moved at roughly fifty kilometres per hour.  Yvonne suspected that the Nova Cats had developed this design here and that it was one of a new breed of Clan OmniMechs and made a point to ask the Star Colonel more about the design if negotiations went well.

   They arrived at the base within about thirty minutes and although some of the Nova Cats remained on guard duty, mostly Elementals in Battle Armour of various types, most of the Nova Cats moved to a massive Mechbay that looked quite new and out of place in the generally old base.  The Fox’s Teeth had reported the Nova Cats had made little effort to repair the base and were still using the former pirate bases as their own.  Yvonne stepped out of her limousine, she was dressed in a cream one piece jumpsuit with her long blonde-brown hair tied up in a bun, as soon as she stepped clear of the vehicle Yvonne could feel the warm, dry Tortuga air wrap her and the sun quickly made her began to sweat.  The five guarding OmniMechs remained standing guarding their torso’s in constant movement watching the area for potential threats.  A female Nova Cat officer flanked by two Elementals approached “I will show you to the command bunker.”  She said abruptly, Yvonne could not tell if she was just like that all the time or if she did not care.

   â€œWhat of the Mechs?  I could be here a while.”  Yvonne said hopefully, the woman made a strange face then turned to one of the Elementals.

   â€œOnce you are comfortable the MechWarriors will be taken to a more comfortable waiting place.”  The Nova Cat officer said Yvonne nodded, there was little point arguing the Nova Cats out numbered the Federated Suns troops by quite a bit, Yvonne signalled she was ready to follow.  The Nova Cat officer moved off without another word and Yvonne followed the two Nova Cats smartly turned as Yvonne passed and followed at a distance.

   â€œI noticed there was quite a lot of work going on, the last time any of our people were here the city was abandoned.”

   â€œAff, there are more here now.”  Was all the woman said she did not look interested but Yvonne did not let it go that easily.

   â€œI’m Yvonne Steiner-Davion, Duchess of New Avalon.”  She said extending a hand in offer of a hand-shake.

   â€œI am Star Commander Jennifer, nice to meet you Yvonne.”  The Nova Cat said, Yvonne noted that she had no Bloodname but then she was also very young, by Yvonne’s guess work Jennifer looked like she was still a teenager, it was also evident that the Nova Cats had no respect for her name or title.

   â€œI hope you’re not offended but can I ask how old are you?  You look very young to be a warrior.

   â€œNeg, I am not offended, the only thing that offends me, other than you not being a bondsman to our Clan, is your use of Contractions.  Speak using full words and speak plainly to gain our respect.  I am eighteen years old in two months.”  Jennifer said, she was only seventeen years old and already drafted into the military!  Yvonne did not know if that was Clan custom or if the Nova Cats were desperate for troops to recruit teenagers into their forces.  The continued to walk the entering a large office the two Elementals remained outside as the two women walked in.  “Star Colonel Rosse will be in soon, if you need anything ask the guards, other than that make yourself comfortable.”  Jennifer said walking out of the room leaving Yvonne alone as the doors closed.

   Yvonne had a look around the spacious office it was a very plain sight the only two things that stood out was the Clan Nova Cat insignia on a flag on one side of the centre window and a large cartoon character picture on the other side inside an expensive looking wooden frame.  The cartoon was badly faded but it appeared to be a yellow character with some sort of waist coat and a hat, there was a metal plate on the bottom of the fame which was slightly dirty.  Yvonne began cleaning the plate revealing the name as the side door of the office opened Yvonne continued to clean the plate revealing two words, ‘Top-cat,’ she assumed it was the character’s name.

   Turning around satisfied she had cleaned it as much as she could she saw the half naked Star Colonel Canin Rosse wriggle into a black shirt, although slightly embarrassed she was still seeing him dress Yvonne did notice that the Nova Cat Star Colonel was well muscled and had multiple scars on his body despite his young age.  “Now where were we?”  Canin asked sitting down on the chair behind the desk as if nothing had happened since their last encounter.  Yvonne took the seat opposite “it is good to see you again Regent Yvonne.”  Canin said showing he had remembered him.

   â€œIt’s…” she began then caught herself “it is just Yvonne now, Star Colonel, Victor returned safe and well from the Refusal War in Clan Space.”  She said opening the door for him to use her first name as he had done so when they were together last.

   â€œI heard, and please it is Canin while we are alone.”  He said taking up her offer with his own.  “You have arrived with something far more impressive this time than we encountered in the New Avalon system, you have come far.”

   â€œThe Avalon was in production before you arrived, if you had come to New Avalon a couple of months later there would have been three of them as well as the other vessels.”  She said then realised she had just given him some tactical information without receiving anything in return, this could be a long costly day.

   â€œWell we would have arrived in more force if that was the case, a few of our nine Aegis should have been sufficient.”  He said quietly thinking, Yvonne involuntarily smiled he had given her something in return, the Nova Cats were being friendly or Canin was as bad at negotiating as she was.  If the Nova Cats did have nine Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers they had little to fear from the Federated Suns three Avalons she caught herself a moment later the Nova Cats had given them a Battleship.

'Given!' she thought why would they ever have anything to fear from three cruisers if they were willing to give away a Battleship?  She had to remind herself that although the Nova Cats were playing nice they were as powerful as any other major Clan and any of the Successor States and could cause a lot of damage to the Federated Suns.  “So down to the reason for your visit. ‘peace and trade’ I believe your message said.  We have peace established and now you want trade?  This is quite a relationship we are developing.”  He said smiling.

   â€œWell first we wanted to give you something in return for your gift last time.”  She said referring to the Thunderchild.

   â€œUnnecessary, we could not utilise it so it was an open trade.  The only thing we could do with it is destroy it or break it down for parts and the Clans hate waste.”

   â€œWell our gift is similar.  On board my DropShip we have twenty-four ProtoMechs developed by Clan Smoke Jaguar on Huntress.  My brother was able to secure them from the SLDF when he arrived in Clan Space and was able to secure the ProtoMech pilots as well.  We have been unable to reverse-engineer them like we have other Clan technologies and the it is unlikely the pilots would ever be accepted in the Federated Suns so we turn them and their bond oath over to the Nova Cats and hope that you can use them and their technology.”  She said Yvonne personally liked the symmetry the Nova Cats did not have the resources to renovate the Thunderchild so they gave it to the Federated Suns the Federated Suns could not use the ProtoMech technology so they had given most of it away, two ProtoMechs remained on New Avalon at NAIS as the scientists there tried to make sense of them and a way to counter them before the next Clan push against Inner Sphere holdings.

   â€œThank you, that is quite a gift.”  Canin said, he was impressed that these Inner Sphere barbarians would give anyone anything especially a people they considered to be mortal enemies of the Inner Sphere, the Nova Cats had never expected something to be given as payment for the Thunderchild and had given it away lessen the load on the Nova Cat‘s limited resources, the Tortuga worlds had more resources than the Clan Homeworld Territories but it was still limited compared to the size of the Nova Cat‘s ever growing population.  "I am sure the former Smoke Jaguars will be very pleased to be in Clan Nova Cat's care" he said smirking but not expanding, Yvonne wondered what she had just dropped those warriors into.

   â€œI have one other gift for you, Canin”

   â€œSomething else?”  Canin asked surprised as if ProtoMechs was not enough.

   â€œIt is personnel, from Major Ross McKinnon and Captain Rachel Montgomery.”  Yvonne said handing Canin a small note, Canin was happy to hear they had been treated well and been promoted upon returning to the Federated Suns.  He opened the note which said:

‘Star Colonel Canin Rosse, Clan Nova Cat Watch Cluster
You are cordially invited, with your unit, to attend the formal wedding reception of
Major Ross McKinnon, Fox’s Teeth Company, Third Crucis Lancers RCT
Captain Rachel Montgomery, Department of Military Intelligence, MI6 Branch
To be held at an unset time and location
We really hope you can attend, we would not be together without you.’

   The Nova Cat Star Colonel fingered the not then looked to Yvonne slightly stunned “I was their captor not a guest for their wedding.”  He said Yvonne nodded it was probably the biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome in history, the entire Fox’s Teeth and Rabid Fox detachment believed the Nova Cats could do no wrong.

   â€œI would agree but Ross McKinnon went directly to the First Prince and was quite forward with his wishes.  The wedding will likely be on New Avalon either at the end of this year or near the beginning of the next.”

   â€œNew Avalon?  How am I supposed to make the wedding on New Avalon, it is the capital of a foreign realm, your realm.”

   â€œYou reached the capital of a foreign realm quite easily before.”  Yvonne said it felt strange speaking of the Federated Suns in such a way, and she did not feel comfortable pointing out how easily the Nova Cats had slipped in before. “However I may have a way that allows you and your unit to be there officially.”  Canin looked interested “the second reason for my visit.  The Federated Suns would like to officially invite a detachment from Clan Nova Cat within our borders.  You would be allowed to train against any unit in the AFFS you wished, have full access to our training facilities and be able to operate covertly within AFFS units involved in combat against the Federated Suns enemies in live-fire real combat.”  Canin blinked shocked, this had not been expected, the Khan had guessed the Federated Suns would be looking for trade of Clan OmniMechs or Battle Armour for the latest Inner Sphere technology nothing like this had ever come up.

   â€œAnd what would we have to pay for this?”

   â€œThe services of three Nova Cat WarShips for non-combat guard duty of the three Federated Suns WarShip yards.”  She noticed Canin’s confusion “you heard of the nuclear attack against New Syrtis JumpShip yards?”  Canin nodded “we are afraid of similar attacks.  For additional security for one year we would fully support your WarShips and give them full access to our facilities if needed as well as tours of any Federated Suns WarShip they wanted.”  Canin was shocked, the Federated Suns really wanted the use of the Nova Cat’s WarShip fleet and for what could be a non-combat mission they were willing to give a lot back to the Nova Cats.  To Canin it was a good deal however he would contact the Khan before giving Yvonne an answer.

   â€œI think I must confer with New Barcella before I can say anymore.  I will have a tech take you and your MechWarriors on a tour of the facilities we have here on Tortuga, and I will catch up with you in an hour.”  Yvonne nodded and left the room by the main exit Canin activated the laser communication system with one of the orbiting WarShips which in turn would contact New Barcella and the Khan.

   After almost two hours of talking to the Khan on New Barcella Canin had gone looking for the Federated Suns group finding them in the MechWarrior Virtual Centre, the five Federated Suns MechWarriors were in five of the pods while Five Nova Cat MechWarriors faced them Yvonne was standing in the observation booth.  Watching from the entrance of the room Canin was surprised to see her there instead of in a pod with the troops then realised he had never seen her in a Mech or even a combat vehicle.  Walking into the booth Canin browsed the monitors seeing that the techs had loaded the statistics of the five OmniMechs the Federated Suns troopers had taken with them into the machines, the five Inner Sphere OmniMechs were facing five Nova Cat Omnis including one pilot using a Mech of the same type as Canin’s new ride.  “Who is winning?”  He murmured looking at the screens within minutes he could tell that although it was close the Nova Cat warriors were winning having already taken down two Federated Sun Mechs and lost none of their own, he was pleased to see that both sides were adhering to traditional Clan duelling rules.

   â€œThey are both fighting well, but I believe your men are winning today.”  She said not looking from the screens, she was constantly looking from one screen to another keeping in touch with the ever changing situation.

   â€œNot tempted to suit up yourself, Duchess?”  Canin asked, he was curious and it opened the door.

   â€œI have never formally trained as a MechWarrior, wouldn’t…” she corrected herself again “I would not know where to start.  In time of war I am afraid to say I would be quite useless.” Canin was impressed that she was catching on so quickly and making an effort.  When the Fox’s Teeth had been here none had tried to fit in with the Nova Cats as much as Yvonne was.

   â€œI am sure that is not true.  Being a MechWarrior is simple, tell me did you ever play MechWarrior games when you were younger?”

   â€œYes, with my brothers, I was not very good neither was Katherine” she said, when they had been very young they had spent sometime together as a real family then as they grew up they travelled around the Federated Commonwealth going to different schools and not seeing each other for months maybe even years Yvonne missed those times and wondered if her parents had realised that their separation would end up destroying the Federated Commonwealth as they all had plans of their own and one of them was willing to sacrifice all the others to get what she wanted.

   â€œWell just because you were not very good then does not mean you could not be a MechWarrior now.”  Canin said “there is an auxiliary training room in the other side of the base, we could…” his voice trailed off as he noticed Yvonne’s interest growing “I can inform the techs here to bring the MechWarriors to us when you are done.”

   â€œI would prefer if we met them away from a simulator.  I am not sure it would do my image any favours if they saw that the first time I was in a real Mech simulator was in on a Clan base in Clan territory.”

   â€œFine with me, I will have them taken to the mess where we will meet them later before continuing negotiations.”  He said offering her his hand leading her from the room, Yvonne wrapped her arms around his as they walked.  “Are you cold?”  He asked quietly as they walked through the near abandoned halls of the Nova Cat base.

   â€œA little” she said in but a whisper Canin reacted by removing his black jacket and wrapping it around her, Yvonne continued to put the jacket on fully as they walked and Canin made no complaint or effort to stop her, the jacket's material seemed to be some sort of leather but was very warm and extremely comfortable to wear, not at all how she expected it to feel.  If the Federated Suns troopers would not think much of her in a Clan simulator then what would they think of her in a Nova Cat uniform?  Canin wondered silently as the entered the next room, there were no simulators just Mechs.  “What is this?”  She demanded suddenly feeling vulnerable alone with the Nova Cat Warrior.

   â€œBest way to learn is from up there.”  Canin said pointing up to a nearby eighty-five ton Crockett Yvonne had seen the same type of Mech in Federated Suns and Lyran Alliance colleges for years.

   â€œI have never spent a minute in a real Mech simulator let alone a real Mech, how can I pilot a Mech just like that.”

   â€œHave faith and believe that you can do it.”  Canin said holding both her hands in his.

   â€œBut…” she said softly

   â€œTrust me, you can do it.”  He said softly she nodded, she would at least try.  “Good, now we need to get you stripped.”

   â€œExcuse me!” Yvonne said surprised grabbing Canin‘s black jacket closer to her, she hadn’t expected him to go that quickly to get her naked.

   â€œWhat you have on is good for being outside but inside a Mech cockpit is like being in a furnace, the less you have on the better.  Trust me” he said quietly Yvonne nodded so Canin led her over to the changing and shower area which was thankfully empty.  Yvonne disappeared behind a screen.

   â€œWhat should I keep on?”  Yvonne’s muffled voice asked.

   â€œUnderwear and or a light top, then we will get you into a coolant suit.”  Moments later Yvonne emerged wearing only her underwear Canin was taken aback, she was gorgeous, even though he had seen naked women his entire life Yvonne looked stunning and something to behold and admire.

   â€œYeah, deal with the heat right and put on a show.”  She said quietly Canin snapped out of it.

   â€œSorry, Duchess, but you look great.”  He stammered Yvonne smiled embarrassed, she hadn’t expected such a straight answer.  “Here put this on” he said giving her an Advanced Clan Coolant suit, the suit was made up of dozens of tubes that circled the suit around the chest and down the arms.  Yvonne struggled into the suit.

   â€œI can not believe I’m doing this.”  She managed as she dressed, Canin joined her behind the screens and quickly removed almost all his clothes dressing just a pair of shorts and a suit similar to her own one.

   â€œTrust me, you will be fine.”  He said leading her over to the Crockett a small two man lift rose until it was alongside the Crockett’s cockpit which opened as soon as they were close.

   â€œOh my lord!” She exclaimed looking into the cramped cockpit and all the controls, then she noticed the Mech had been modified with a second seat in behind, the second seat had almost the exact same controls as the front controls.  “You are coming with me?”  She asked relieved Canin nodded, he would get her started but would do little else once she was started.

   â€œClimb in” Canin instructed Yvonne climbed onto the Crockett and squeezed into the cockpit Canin followed her inside, with the two of them there it was very cramped even with the second console “you comfortable, anything rubbing uncomfortably?”  Canin asked Yvonne shook her head “good I am going to tighten these harnesses, they will be hard but they have to be combat can throw you around a bit.”  Yvonne nodded nervously Canin climbed into the front of the cockpit resting on the controls right in front of her.  Half standing he reached over Yvonne and pulled the back belts and pulled them down her front locking them into a central lock between her legs.  Canin then reached around the sides and locked the two side ones as well.  “How is that?” He asked looking at her Yvonne tried to move and it was tight but she still had some movement and both her arms and legs were free to reach the controls “good” Canin said reaching down to her side pulling up a group of three tubes “this is the coolant feed, I am going to attach them now.”  He said showing her as he screwed them onto her suit and locked them. “Now, when I switch this on you are going to feel a chill that will run the length of your body, it will be like nothing you have ever felt before but it will pass.”  He said activating the coolant feed, coolant fluid ran into the suit that circled Yvonne’s body, as it ran the course of her body Yvonne reached out and snagged Canin’s hand “are you okay?”  He asked Yvonne nodded after a few seconds as she began to adjust to the coolness of the fluid “trust me you won’t be cold for long.”  He said she released his hand as he brought down the last part of the puzzle a Light Clan Neuralhelmet, Yvonne had seen some inner sphere models which were two or three times the size.  “This needs time to set to your brain patterns, the more still you are the quicker it will be” he said lowering it onto her head and connecting the under chin strap, he then raised the visor so there was nothing in front of her eyes, if she had to eject this would close and protect her eyes from the ejection blast.  “I am going to be in the back connecting up” he said passing by her into the rear chair, a seasoned veteran MechWarrior Canin was connected up in less than two minutes, he instantly brought the Mech’s Fusion power plant up to eighty percent power and the cockpit was filled with heat “How is that?”  He asked.

   â€œI can see why you need the suit.”  Yvonne said back activating the helmet comm. instead of shouting like many rookie pilots.  This Mech had been captured by Kappa Galaxy a couple of months before an because of the general Clan disdain for multiple cockpit Mechs it had ended up here with the Watch, two undesirable elements together, Canin had never been in a multiple Mech in his life so this was completely new to him as well.  There was a constant tone from Yvonne’s neuralhelmet informing them that she was connected to the Mech Canin felt a new pull to the controls as the Mech tried to decide who was in command.


   â€œNo” Yvonne said honestly “but let’s go for it.”  She said

   â€œAlright I have control” he said brining the fusion engine up to one hundred percent and standing the Crockett up fully away from the Mechbay wall.  The Mech took its first steps as a Clan Mech as Canin carefully guided the Mech clear of the gantries and out of the building, because Yvonne was in front he had to use monitors that fed images from cameras placed around the Mech.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #70 on: July 05, 2012, 12:56:15 PM »

Firing Range Beta
Nova Cat Watch Base, Tortuga
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
7th July 3062

   Ten minutes later they were on the Mech exercise yards, the rest of the Nova Cats were on other duties today so the range was completely abandoned “ready for control?”  Canin asked Yvonne nodded then shakily answered.

   â€œYes, I’m ready.”  Canin keyed in Yvonne’s brain pattern to the Crockett’s controls the Mech rocked slightly as the gyroscope adjusted to a new pilot.

   â€œYou can take the controls now” Canin said releasing his joystick Yvonne took her own set of controls “now the legs have been locked in position so we are going to get used to torso movement first.” Canin said as Yvonne pushed the stick forward carefully the Crockett’s torso tipped downwards so they were looking at the floor then pulled it backwards so they were looking into the sky.  She then turned the stick left, the Crockett twisted left slightly then the entire torso section of the Crockett twisted left.

   â€œWow, did I do that?”  Yvonne asked turning the stick back then to the right the same happened to the right “cool” Yvonne said quietly moving the Mech’s torso around.

   â€œNow, we will add in some movement the accelerator on your left hand side, control to you” Canin said Yvonne reached for the T-shaped accelerator and moved it forward the Crockett lurched forward, the BattleMech groaned as it moved but unlike the first step of many MechWarrior in simulators or real Mechs Yvonne kept the Mech standing quickly she accelerated the Mech forward into a thirty kilometre per hour walk.  Without prompting Yvonne twisted the Mech’s torso left then right then back to centre in one fluid motion.

   â€œNicely done”  Canin said, the Mech was slightly wobbly but felt stable enough “the foot pedals…” he began as Yvonne pushed the right pedal turning the Crockett right she then pushed down on the left pedal turning the Mech back to centre.  “You sure you have never been in a Mech before.”

   â€œNever, but it feels great.”  Yvonne said, she felt so powerful almost like she could go anywhere and do anything she was beginning to understand the attraction to being a MechWarrior.  Now she was accelerating the Mech closer to its top speed and constantly turning the Mech from left to right and twisting the Mech’s torso.  Canin was feeling a little sick, he wasn’t used to not being in charge of the Mech he was riding in.

   â€œWell I think you have mastered the basic controls, straighten the Mech out then hit both foot pedals with a sing jolt then hold it for a couple of seconds.”  Canin said Yvonne did as she was told and activated the Mech’s three feet and torso jump jets.  The eighty-five ton Mech soared into the sky and Yvonne screamed with surprise releasing the stick Canin grabbed his controls and kept the Mech from tumbling.  “Grab the controls!  You have to keep it straight and under control or it won’t be nice landing!”  The jump jets cut out and the Mech began to fall Yvonne grabbed her stick and with some help from Canin brought the Mech into a half controlled landing, the eighty-five ton giant stumbled as it landed but the combined efforts of them both kept the Mech standing.

   â€œWhen did it get so hot in here?”  Yvonne asked she was sweating nearly non-stop as she slowed the Mech to a walk, soon the Mech’s double heat sinks brought the Mech back under control.

   â€œRunning and using the Jump Jets will heat the Mech up gradually over time, most of the time the heat sinks can cope with it but sometimes you don’t notice the heat has risen until it is unbearable.  You want to try some weapons testing as well?”

   â€œCan we?”  She asked surprised, Canin released the sticks again an the Mech was moving again fully under Yvonne’s control, for someone who claimed to have never piloted a Mech she was doing an amazing job, Canin wasn’t very surprised it just proved the Nova Cat belief in visions was the correct belief.

   â€œOnce again a vision is proven right” he said quietly.

   â€œWhat was that about right?”  Yvonne asked turning the Mech right towards the weapons test range.

   â€œI said turn right, but you seem to have found the range, throttle us to a stop.  We will begin weapons testing from a stop for a start.”  He said, Yvonne quickly slowed the Mech to a standstill.  “Weapons controls are on your right hand side, the joystick.” Yvonne grabbed the other stick “now ever Mech can be configured differently on how to use its weapons.  This one was set up as a training Mech so every weapon is on a single trigger, or TIC (Target-Interlock-Control).  The one under your index finger controls the main guns, the top buttons control your secondary weapons.  If your unhappy with the set up a tech can change them before each mission, or you can change them during combat if you are experienced enough.”  He said they were leaving them for now because Canin had no idea how to change this Mech’s weapons firing controls.  If this was a Timber Wolf or Nova Cat, let alone his new state-of the-art Dragon Cat, he could have changed the weapons quickly and easily but this Crockett was ancient.

   â€œSo what am I firing at?”  Yvonne asked, the range has several targets of various size, shape and range.

   â€œFire at your discretion, one at a time.”  He said captioning her against an alpha strike, one of the most effective by dangerous manoeuvre a MechWarrior could do, it involved firing everything a BattleMech had at once.

   â€œFiring One” she said pulling the Mech’s first TIC trigger firing the Extended-Range Laser in the right arm at the nearest target
which she missed by a fraction.  “Damn it” she cried out aloud.  Instead of waiting for the laser to recharge she activated the second TIC triggering the left arm Large Pulse Laser, this weapon was heavier and had less range but made up for it by being a far more accurate weapon and the target disintegrated.

   â€œNice shot, next target” Canin said watching the heat bar raise dramatically following the discharge of both lasers.

   â€œSure” Yvonne breathed triggering the next TIC on top of the joystick a flight of six Short Range Missiles shot out of the tubes and guided by an advanced fire control system the missiles buried themselves in the target and gutted it.  Heat was becoming an issue now and the Mech was beginning to sag and overheat Canin watched the override, of it got much closer to the redline he would shut the Mech down.  “Next on our list today” Yvonne said there was little humour in her voice as she triggered the next TIC launching ten Long Range Missiles again they were guided by an advanced fire control but they sailed past their target.  Yvonne was about to fire the next trigger but Canin overrode her and the Mech shut down.  “What… happened?”  She asked looking back in the cockpit as all the controls locked up and the Mech shut down.

   â€œOverheat, this Mech is designed to train a MechWarrior how to use different weapons and control their firing, you didn’t control you heat and this happened.”  He said smiling, he could see Yvonne was not amused, “as a trainer I had to show you what can happen in combat.”  He said the cockpit was cooler now and the Crockett came back to life.  “Next targets and weapons.”  He said the first weapon used was a LB 5-X- class medium autocannon firing cluster munitions, although using cluster munitions was more accurate it generally did less damage, Yvonne fired off the shot and despite it being a long range shot the cluster shot went straight through the target.  “Impressive.”  Canin muttered just loud enough for her to hear, he was impressed.  The next shot was not so impressive the Mech’s last ranged weapon an Ultra class-5 autocannon similar to the other weapon but if fired faster.  Again it was a long range shot but hittable.  The double firing autocannon went well wide however.  Yvonne pulled the last trigger and there was a large ‘bang!’ but nothing happened so she pulled the trigger again another large ‘bang.’

   â€œA malfunction?” She asked

   â€œNeg, you just activated the Anti-Personnel Pods on the legs, they are this Mech’s point blank defence against attacking infantry and if we were under attack by infantry then you would have just killed a platoons worth.  I personally do not like them and would prefer some machine guns, but we have no choice with this Mech.”

   â€œReady to put some movement into your firing?”  He asked.

   â€œI don’t think so, Star Colonel” she said her tone had changed, it seemed more subdued “I think I am ready to go back now” she said without another word she turned the Mech around and walked it back to the base.  Lowered from the Mech she went over to the changing area had a very fast shower dressed and left before Canin had finished shutting down the Mech.
Canin Rosse’s Office
Nova Cat Watch Base, Tortuga
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
7th July 3062

   After finishing shutting down the Mech Canin pulled on his uniform, he noticed his jacket was still missing but walked back to his office not bothering to look for it.  Reaching the office he found the door slightly ajar and entered more carefully than normal, sitting on the guest chair was Yvonne staring into the space in front of her, she was still wearing his jacket.  Canin returned to his chair in front of her “so Star Colonel, what did your Khan have to say?”  She asked immediately slipping into the conversation they had been in before the trip in the Crockett.


   â€œPlease, Star Colonel, these are critical negotiations, I would appreciate it if we kept this formal.”  She said leaning forward her hands rubbing together nervously.  Canin stood up but Yvonne failed to follow him and only noticed he had moved when he pushed the desk in front of her out of the way and leaned on it.

   â€œYvonne, what is wrong?”  He asked taking her hands in his, the Duchess grabbed them tightly.

   â€œI just realised…” she struggled out, Canin slipped off the desk and with a gentle kick made room for him to kneel in front of her.  “I just realised when you said you just killed a platoon of men that, that was what we were doing.  Training to kill.”  She said “I’ve never even thought of killing someone before and there I was enjoying it!”

   â€œThere is nothing wrong with that.”  Canin said quietly he noticed Yvonne’s horrified look “what I mean is that you were training to kill, you are totally right, but you were also training to stay alive.  I am not saying that you should go out there and kill everyone who does not agree with you or the Federated Suns, because then I could be on that list” he said that brought a smile to her lips.  “But what I am saying is that it is alright to train to defend yourself, your people and your friends.  And if you ever need to you can, you proved that today.”  That seemed to cheer her up slightly.

   â€œBut you were there as well…”

   â€œThe only bit I helped on was the jump, the rest was all you, you did it Yvonne and for someone who has never controlled a Mech before you did very well and I am very proud of you anyone would be.”  He said smiling.

   â€œI just realised…” she said quietly “we really stink!”  She said struggling to keep a straight face both burst into laughter and Yvonne dropped to her knees and hugged Canin, who didn’t know what to do for a start then decided just to copy her.  “Thank you.”  She whispered into his ear as they knelt there.

   â€œIt was my pleasure.”  Canin said quietly “now if you want to clean up properly there is a shower in the next room we can use.”  Yvonne pulled away suddenly standing, Canin wondered if he had said the wrong thing.

   â€œAre you suggesting we share a shower?”  She asked her voice was full of shock, Canin hadn’t meant they use it at the same time and tried to explain.

   â€œNo, I meant you could use it then I would, then we could get back to this.”  He said spreading his arms standing to meet her.  “I would never suggest we share a shower…” he never got to finish as Yvonne moved closer.

   â€œBut I would” she whispered leaning into kiss him passionately, they stood there for a few minutes locked in embrace but otherwise not moving, for a start Canin barely moved with the kiss then as Yvonne didn‘t stop he got into it and wrapped his arms around her.  Then they struggled through to the shower and got cleaned up and got to know each other a little more closely and personally.

   An hour later Leftenant Daniel ‘Frank’ Coots arrived at the office “Duchess, sorry for the interruption, I just wanted to see things were alright.  You have been gone a while.”

   â€œI am quite well Leftenant.  The negotiations are almost complete, I will contact the Prince to confirm things but assuming there are no problems we will be leaving in a couple of hours.  When the DropShip crew get here please have them look at our new DropShip and have your MechWarriors bring the Nova Cats up to speed with your Mechs.”

   â€œOur Mechs?”

   â€œAs part of the negotiations I have traded your OmniMechs for Clan models.  Star Colonel Rosse has informed his people of the transfer and five Nova Cat OmniMechs are on their way as replacements and we will be taking one last Mech with us.”  Yvonne said, the Leftenant was a little shocked to say the least but nodded and left without another word.  First Prince Victor said he agreed to the terms, the Nova Cats would deploy four clusters in the Federated Suns along with their three WarShips in return the Federated Suns got the services of the Nova Cat WarShips for one year although if the Nova Cat vessels were needed to defend the Nova Cat’s Den the Federated Suns would not stand in their way.

   An hour later the DropShip crew arrived and transferred to a Nova Cat Lion-class DropShip on board they loaded a sixty ton Mad Dog, a fifty ton Huntsman, Canin’s old seventy-five ton Timber Wolf, forty-five ton a Shadow Cat and a factory-new seventy ton Nova Cat.  The last Mech to be loaded was the Crockett Yvonne had piloted although neither Canin nor Yvonne commented on the Mech as it was loaded aboard the DropShip.  When all the Federated Suns personnel were aboard leaving only Yvonne and Canin together they locked eyes for a moment.  “Well Star Colonel, I will see you soon?”  She asked smiling.

   â€œWithin the month my Cluster will enter the Federated Suns with the first WarShip, the rest will follow presently.”  He said.

   â€œThree months to New Avalon then?”  she asked.

   â€œAff”  Canin said doing the math quickly, he was not a spacer but got the general principle behind space travel the jumps were instantaneous but then they had recharge times so it would probably take about three weeks for them to make it to the Federated Suns capital system.

   â€œThen I will see you then.”  She said jabbing him in the stomach with her hand.  She then realised she was still wearing his Nova Cat uniform jacket, none of the Federated Suns troopers had mentioned it and she realised she was entirely comfortable in it.  Yvonne began to take it off, the jacket was Canin‘s and the Nova Cat‘s property.

   â€œKeep it, you look better in it and out of it than I do anyway.”  Canin said stepping backwards smiling, Yvonne burst into laughter “three months” he said holding up three fingers. 

   â€œThree Months” she whispered copying the movement as she walked up the ramp they had started something here only time would tell how far it would go.
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #71 on: July 05, 2012, 12:57:48 PM »

Cyclops Incorporated, Skye
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
12th July 3062

   In the early hours of the Twelfth Mechs and vehicles painted in the colours of the Fifteenth Dieron Regulars attacked the Lyran Alliance world of Skye, capital world of the Skye Province, although they did little damage to the defending First Skye Jaegers the DCMS troops were able to raid several warehouses belonging to Cyclops Incorporated and escape the system before the Skye Jaegers could mount an effective defence.  Bloodied, shamed and demanding vengeance the Skye Jaegers packed up their equipment and headed for the Fifteenth’s Headquarters and Base World Ko, a Lyran World the Draconis Combine holds in auspices of the SLDF.  The DCMS reported that none of their forces had been involved but the Skye Jaegers could not be stopped and the Skye Authorities made no attempt to stop them.
Reception Hall
Saint Marinus House, Zaniah
Freedom Province, Lyran Alliance
21st July 3062

   Instead of relying on Omiko Kurita or anyone else Isis had chosen Civilian transport from Luthien to Zaniah, it had been quite an adventure but Isis felt good about the journey and arriving at Saint Marinus House she felt a real sense of achievement.  She had read many stories about the mountain top House, it was apparently a quiet reflective place where anyone from any place in the Inner Sphere or beyond could come and try to clear their head.  Isis felt strange standing in the reception hall less than two jumps away she would have been back in the Free Worlds League for the first time in nearly six years but instead of going home and grovelling to her father, who cared nothing for her, she had come here where ‘People who were Something became Nothing until they learned to be Someone.’  She did not really understand it but looking around she could see the Chinese and Tibetan influences in the building all the exposed wood and real woollen rugs made the place feel homely a roaring fire kept the place warm even when someone opened the doors to come in from the snow topped mountain.

   One of the Monks, did they call themselves Monks?  She didn’t know but would find out until then they were officials she thought silently.  One of the Officials came up to her with a steaming cup of tea which he passed onto her “drink, please” he said, his face was hooded and as soon as she took the cup his hands disappeared into the robes “come” he said leading her towards a comfortable wooden bench with red cushions.  Isis began to drag her bags, on Luthien she had sold almost all her possessions as they had arrived from Marik and Sian she had decided they were of the past she needed a future.  The three bags were all she had in the world “leave them” the man said Isis looked at him then at the bags “they will be taken care of, let go” he said.  Isis looked at the bags one last time then released them and moved over to the seat which the man sat on the edge of, Isis sat down beside him and nearly immediately crossed her legs as she had done since she was a child then stopped herself looked at the man who made no motion either way so she crossed her legs anyway.  “Why did you come here?”

   â€œI came…” she started then stopped why was she here to ask someone she had never seen before what the meaning of life was, yeah right “I came here on the advice of an old friend who said this was a place where I could find myself and figure out what I can do with my life.”

   â€œA friend suggested I come here also” the hooded figure said “when you enter those doors and climb the stairs you leave your life, Isis Marik disappears and Isis comes to the fore, your name and status mean nothing within these walls.”

   â€œMy family name means nothing to me, my status no longer matters” Isis said honestly, her life really did suck.

   â€œThen I welcome you to Saint Marinus House Isis, I am Peter” the man said extending his hand and removing the hood to reveal Peter Steiner-Davion.  Third born in the Hanse and Melissa Steiner-Davion’s five children behind Victor and Katherine he shared Victor’s sandy brown hair and Katherine’s piercing blue eyes.  She had seen picture of him on the way here in them he always looked alive and angry but this man looked older, wiser and calmer than any picture Isis had ever seen of him.

   â€œNice to meet you Peter, I am Isis” she said calmly shaking his hand, her life started again here.
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #72 on: July 05, 2012, 01:28:25 PM »

I like it. This is great work.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #73 on: July 05, 2012, 06:55:44 PM »

I like it. This is great work.

Glad you like it

Here's more

Fifteen Kilometres North Jarlton (Planetary Capital)
Ko, Lyon’s Thumb, Disputed Territory
1st August 3062

   Following the attack on Skye by the Fifteenth Dieron Regulars, a DCMS Regiment, the Lyran Regiment First Skye Jaegers attack the Fifteenth’s current base world on Ko, a Lyran world defended by the ‘SLDF Peacekeepers’ the Fifteenth Dieron.  Executing a two gravity burn in on the planet the Skye Jaegers do not give the Fifteenth time to muster and in the midst of a massive planet-wide dust storm, something very common on Ko, they land and immediately go on the offensive.  During their attacks the Jaegers break the Fifteenth’s defensive lines four times before surrounding and destroying the remains of the DCMS regiment with one final fifth break.  After an extensive search of the wreckage the survivors from the Fifteenth are taken prisoner and put into a makeshift prison just outside their former base camp now controlled by the Jaegers.

   Unwilling to back the Skye Jaegers commander Colonel Steve Pitcher the Lyran Alliance High Command orders the Skye Jaegers to return to their posting, Pitcher refuses to leave Lyran citizens and citizens of the Isle of Skye to the mercy of the DCMS.

Forbidden City
Sian, Capellan Confederation
6th August 3062

   The Trinity Alliance is officially signed between the Capellan Confederation, Magistracy of Canopus and the Taurian Concordat when Protector Grover Sharplen and Magestix Naomi Centrella come to the Forbidden City on Sian, the Capellan Capital.  This allows troops from each nation to be based in their allies territory and allows the Capellans to issue orders to their allies troops.  The Capellans also have a duty to help the two periphery realms upgrade their military forces.

   Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao immediately deploys the Taurian and Canopian troops on hand to the St Ives war front using these troops specifically against the Federated Suns and Star League forces as any Capellan unit attacking them would be inviting war with the Star League.  Sun-Tzu feel little wrong with using his periphery warriors as cannon fodder.

Jarlton (Planetary Capital), Ko
Lyon’s Thumb, Disputed Territory
8th August 3062

   The Seventeenth Skye Rangers acting under orders from Skye Province Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner arrives to reinforce the First Skye Jaegers and secure Ko.  The DCMS officially lodge a complaint with the Star League Council calling for sanctions against the Lyran Alliance.  When there is no response from the Council First Lord and Draconis Combine Coordinator Hohiro Kurita orders his troops serving as peacekeepers in Lyon’s Thumb to secure all the worlds as Draconis Combine holdings.  Ko remains in Lyran hands however the seven other worlds of Lyon’s Thumb are seized by the Draconis Combine.  Although a heroes to the Skye people Colonel Steve Pitcher and the First Skye Jaegers are seen as pariah by the Lyran High Command although no official charges are ladled against the Regiment or its personnel.

St Ives Compact
12th August 3062

   The Second Royal BattleMech Regiment was recalled from St Ives following the Black May attacks, which claimed most of its command staff, the Fist Royal BattleMech Regiment has now completed the journey from Tukayyid in the Free Rasalhague Republic.  Supported by two ComGuard WarShip and two ComStar Divisions all under SLDF banner the SLDF troops under the command of Colonel Archer Christifori immediately attack the Taurians and Canopians and any Star League forces that get in the way.

   The SLDF units report a high amount of terrorist activity on each world attributed to the Thuggee Terrorists and pro-Liao Zhanzheng de Guang terrorists.  Not trained in anti-terrorist operations Archer Christifori makes a request to Commanding-General Morgan Hasek on Kittery.  Morgan sends word to New Canton for a Battalion of the First Battle Armour Corps the former-Stalwart Support troopers are fully trained in anti-terrorist operations.  The Pathfinders of the Eridani Light Horse also show their worth in this situation proving General Ariana Winston‘s decision to form the company right.

Solaris VII, Freedom Theatre
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
15th August 3062

   A battle between pro-Federated Suns/Anti-Katherine Steiner MechWarrior Michael Searcy and Lyran National/Pro-Katrina Victor Vandergriff erupts into widespread riots across the planet when their battle breaks out of the Steiner Stadium.  Quickly battles between random warriors breaks out the damage across Solaris quickly mounts into the millions of C-Bills.  ComStar’s local garrison a Level III, roughly a battalion, of the 394th Division of ComStar’s fifth army try to hold the line however even their neutrality can not stop Mech-bands forming across the planet and the riots causing more and more damage.  The Lyran Authorities call for support, as Solaris is an open world no house troops are based on the planet so the Lyran Alliance sends Group W a mercenary regiment of long term employ with the Lyran Alliance based on nearby Lyon.  Group W are due on planet by the end of August.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 06:57:00 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #74 on: July 05, 2012, 07:05:55 PM »

Davion Throne Room
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
21st August 3062

    Today was an important day for Victor five days before the Wolf’s Dragoons owned WarShip Beowulf, a Congress-class Frigate, had entered the New Avalon system and detached a DropShip.  On board this vessel was Wolf’s Dragoons founder, owner and Supreme Commander Jamie Wolf.  Victor had first met him in the 3051 when Wolf’s Dragoons revealed their true identity as former Clansmen and offered the Succession Lords technology and tactical training on Outreach to allow them to better defend against the Clan attacks.  During the months long training, Victor had received his Dire Wolf (Prometheus) as a gift from Jamie Wolf in an effort to forward the Federated Commonwealth’s fight against the Clans on a more even footing.  Since then Jamie had fought off a civil war within his own ranks to maintain control over the Wolf’s Dragoons and the Outreach system.  The Wolf’s Dragoons had not been taking contracts in the past few years rebuilding and upgrading their equipment.  Since the Dragoon Civil War, as it was known to outsiders Victor had heard of Jamie travelling off world only twice.  Once was to retrieve the Wolf’s Dragoons WarShips which had hidden in the periphery in 3005 when they arrived in the inner sphere and recovered only when a ComGuard Explorer Corps vessel discovered them and the other time was to briefly attend the First Whitting Conference on Tharkad, even then he had not stayed the full time returning to Outreach.

   â€œSupreme Commander Jamie Wolf, Wolf’s Dragoons, Colonel Elizabeth Nicole, Wolf’s Dragoons Epsilon Regiment and Colonel J. Elliot Jamison, Wolf’s Dragoons Zeta Battalion” the Infiltrator Mk II Battle Armoured door guard announced.  Victor signalled for them to allow the Dragoons in and noticed Danai had arrived at his side just behind the twin thrones, despite their engagement she refused to sit on the throne until after they were married Victor had allowed this to continue at her wish, he would not force her to take something she thought she did not deserve or was ready for.

   Now they watched as the Wolf’s Dragoons Supreme Commander entered proudly although he was past his prime Jamie Wolf was still an impressive man nearing eighty-two years old he still walked like a man twenty years younger and according to rumour still piloted his ancient Archer on a regular basis.  “Welcome to New Avalon, Supreme Commander, Colonels” Victor said greeting them from his throne.

   â€œHello, First Prince, it’s been a while.  Nice to see New Avalon is still as beautiful as I remember, despite the new management.”  Jamie said, the last time he had been on New Avalon was just after the Fourth Succession War when Hanse Davion had been First Prince.  At that time Hanse had just seeded Outreach to the Dragoons setting the Dragoons up for the rest of time.  If it had been anyone else Victor would have been offended, some of the Succession Lords might have even had them locked in chains, however with Jamie Wolf he let it slide, at least the Supreme Commander was not addressing him as Vicky-boy as he did when they first met.

   â€œWhat is your business today?  Supreme Commander.”  Victor asked raising from the throne and walking down so he was level with the Dragoon’s commander, something Jamie seemed to appreciate.  If the Dragoons wanted work all they had to do was walk out their front doors on Outreach and a hundred people would try to sign them up, they did not have to go all the way to New Avalon unless they wanted something.

   â€œWell I wanted to congratulate you and the Duchess there who is trying to hide from an old man.”  He said Danai walked out from behind the throne with a smile on her face, like Victor she had an AFFS uniform on but it was devoid of any rank only the SLDF Cameron Star and the Federated Suns Sword-and-Sunburst.

   â€œYou lost me, Supreme Commander.” Victor said, neither he nor Danai had made their engagement public knowledge deciding to wait a little while and enjoy this period.  Victor also wanted to tell his family when as many were present as possible, although in hindsight Danai having worn an AFFS uniform was asking for more questions.

   â€œWell the ring on the finger is a dead give away.”  Jamie said in a hushed voice standing closer to Victor.  Neither Victor nor Danai wore their engagement rings, which had been bought in secret from two of New Avalon’s most expensive jewellers.

   â€œWe don’t have any rings.”  Victor said in an equally hushed voice a small smile creeping onto his face.

   â€œWell then guess its faulty Intel from WolfNet again, have to kick them into shape when I get back.”  Jamie said extending his hand to Victor then Danai, the handshake was not an apologetic one but firm and a congratulatory one, somehow WolfNet, the Wolf Dragoons impressive Intelligence Division, had found out about their engagement.  Victor trusted Jamie and his officers to keep it quiet until Victor and Danai were ready to reveal the news to the Inner Sphere.  “The other… the real reason for my visit actually was not to see you.  It was more to see the boys at Federated-Boeing on Galax.  You see we heard off the grape vine that they had developed an upgraded version of the Congress-class Frigate and were preparing to present plans to the AFFS High Command to bring the Congress back to the Federated Suns fleets.”

   â€œI wouldn’t know, they are an independent company.”  Victor smiling as he lied, he knew fine that Federated-Boeing had developed a new Congress Upgrade, three of the vessels were in production for the Federated Suns all hidden at Hadrian’s Command again WolfNet had impressed him, nothing surprising from the Wolf‘s Dragoons.  He secretly wondered if Jamie Wolf was aware of even Hadrian’s Command?  Not that he worried that the Dragoons would ever strike at the facility only that someone else knew where it was.

   â€œOf course” Jamie said, he knew how the game was played “well I wanted to get them to upgrade the Beowulf, assuming our vessel was acceptable.  But they said I had to clear things with you before they could open up a Shipyard for our vessel.  And since I guessed I would need to pay you as well as them I picked up some support.”  He said looking over his shoulder at the two Dragoon officers.  “Here is our offer, Epsilon Regiment and Zeta Battalion sign a contract for six months to a year with the Federated Suns.  The Federated Suns through Federated-Boeing upgrade the Beowulf to this newly developed ‘Block II’ version of the Congress.”  Victor was slightly stunned although Epsilon Regiment was not the strongest or most prestigious of Dragoon Regiments they were still a Reinforced Regiment of Veteran troops, and they were Wolf’s Dragoons trained and bred, while Zeta Battalion, or Zeta Cluster as it was sometimes referred to, was a Dragoon unit that had returned fully to the Clan organisation structure and was one of the Dragoons most Elite units, them alone would have been enough to make Victor consider the offer.  “These troops will be able to Cadre duty, train them to fight the Clans or anybody in the Inner Sphere, they can do raids, covert or real, or standard garrison duty.  All I ask is that they are allowed to have a minimum of a Battalion on Galax guarding the supplies and the Beowulf’s crew, not that I don’t trust the Davion Heavy but I would rather my troops looked after my troops.”

   â€œOf course.  I can do better than that.”  Victor said thinking about having an extra regiment and an extra battalion of troops to play with Federated-Boeing had done him a great favour by turning down Jamie‘s first offer.  “Assuming I would agree to your terms” Jamie nodded “I could give Epsilon Regiment sole garrison duty on Galax and allow them access to the Federated-Boeing Factories and first dibs on their newest tech after the AFFS.”  Again Jamie nodded  “It would be garrison, research and development and maybe a little cadre duty with passing units.  In the meantime Zeta Battalion would be attached to the Davion Heavy Guards as a trouble-shooter for the RCT.  Zeta would be independent of the Davion Heavy Command chain but would be expected to join the Heavy Guards in any mission they were asked to undertake, whatever the risk.”

   â€œThat is Zeta’s job anyway.”  Jamison said quietly smiling.

   â€œSome cadre duty couldn’t hurt my troops and neither could seeing into the Federated-Boeing factories.”  Elizabeth Nicole said Jamie glanced at his two Colonels then back to Victor.

   â€œYou’d think I’d retired already.”  He whispered so only Victor and Danai could hear properly, the Dragoon unit commanders had been well trained, but Jamie was not ready to go just yet.  “I think you have a deal First Prince, however I would like to amend the deal slightly.”  Victor looked at the Wolf’s Dragoons commander with a sceptical eye, rarely did the Dragoons mess around with negotiations especially when they were almost over.

   â€œWhat do you want?”

   â€œA ride home, I came on the Beowulf but it’s about to be pulled apart.”  Jamie said, although the Dragoons had JumpShips they were assigned to the ground troops as integral transport assets.

   â€œI think I can arrange that, the FSS Reynard Davion, should be able to rotate through on its way to the next patrol, we can amend its movement to include Outreach.”  He said naming the second Davion Block III to enter service "I'm sure word of an FSN Destroyer in the Outreach system will drive Sun-Tzu nuts just at the thought of what is going on."

   â€œYou’re a gent, First Prince Davion” Jamie said broadly smiling shaking his hand again then Danai’s smiling again as he looked at the two of them together there was a little nod, they had past his inspection.  “Right boy’s and girls hope you have everything off Outreach” Jamie said to his two Colonels “because the Prince here is your new boss, don’t get used to it though soon enough you’ll be back with me.”  He said the two Colonels exchanged glances then saluted Jamie before shaking his hand, the old Dragoon left the throne room on his own and without another word to anyone of them he had returned to his DropShip and within the hour the vessel was taking off.

   Victor quickly contacted the FSS Reynard Davion and ensured it would be in system in time to meet the Dragoon’s Supreme Commander, it just wouldn’t be right for him to be left waiting.  Once Jamie was gone Victor deployed Epsilon to Galax but retained Zeta Battalion on New Avalon, springing the Dragoons loose on the Tenth Lyran RCT and the First Davion Guards RCT.  Once Epsilon had reached Galax and been briefed by local commanders the Davion Heavy Guards RCT would travel to New Avalon and Zeta would travel with the Heavy Guards to their next assignment.

Solaris VII, Freedom Theatre
Skye Province, Lyran Alliance
31st August 3062

   The mercenary regiment Group W land on Solaris VII and in an eighteen hour moving battle Group W eliminate nearly three regiments worth of troops in company to battalion strength.  This takes out so many championship candidates from the Game World’s various stables officials announce that there will be no championship this season.  Group W remain on planet to maintain order, gamers who surrendered to Group W are eventually released over the next few weeks however Solaris has lost over half their competitors and the cost of damage to the planets infrastructure was in the millions of C-Bills.  Construction of the new Star League Stadium in Silesia, the planetary capital, was delayed for at least another four years because of the damage done to Solaris and the stadium construction sight.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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