This update was originally smaller before James Tanaga got into it
![Cheesy :D](
my thanks to a superb story line affecting the Rim Collection and Clan Fire Mandrill. With the ultimate curve-ball being thrown and me not seeing it until it happened
Also this month had one or two changes as I approached it
Originally a Succession Lord passed over leadership then delayed it
Then an heir to a Succession Lord died then I dropped it
Then the Ravens did something but that's been delayed too
Outskirts of Federated Suns Embassy Complex
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
3rd October, 3104Galaxy Marshal Mandy Hall forced herself to keep from cursing in front of her troopers. On paper, her Guards’ were in an excellent position. The Rim Lancers and Rim Watch forces were surrounded and unable to escape. Moreover, they were positioned in an opened area, easy pickings for artillery units. And the best part? Her Guards’ had total aerial supremacy.
But in the field, that piece of advantage was only as good as a piece of toilet paper, for the Lancers had pulled a rabbit out of their hat and picked to defend the ONLY complex which she absolutely refused to use artillery and air support on. The Federated Suns embassy.
It gnawed at her, even while she reluctantly admitted the genius behind it. Attack it and the embassy security personnel would be “forced†to come to the defense of the Rim Lancers. It would also put Mandy Hall at odds with the Federated Suns and by extension the Star League Defence Force. Something she and her fellow warriors were loathed to do.
Yet it also meant the Lancers couldn’t attack as well, for it meant it would force her hand and order the attack. And so an unspoken agreement between the Rim Guards and the Rim Lancers had been formed.
And it unfortunately meant the Lancers were slowly winning, for two reasons. While her units were stuck here keeping the Rim Lancers from escaping, it meant Gilfillan’s Gold militia units were staging attacks on much-needed logistical and security needs in the capital. And second, far more importantly, it meant the much needed quick victory Megan Hall needed had evaporated, giving time for the Mandrills to answer the Lancers plea for aid.
And when that happens, Mandy thought disgusting, I will be forced to recall my forces and withdraw from Gilfillan’s Gold. The only bright side so far was two-thirds of the President’s Council and three-fourths of the Rim Congress were being held prisoner by her forces. That was something at least, at the very least they were a good bargaining chip.
For now, she resolved to keep her watch on the embassy, for it was all she and her forces could do. For now.
RCT Firebase Lost
Lost, Rim Collection
6th October, 3104Natasha Faraday studied the latest report from Gilfillian’s Gold with a scowl on her face. Heavy fighting had finally erupted around the FedRats compound between the Rim Guards and the outnumbered Rim Lancers upon the arrival of Lancer reinforcements into the system. The whole situation was rapidly escalating. She decided it was time for her clans’ response.
Getting up, she made her way through the Rim Collection Touman base on Lost to the comm center. There, she nodded to the Rim Ranger manning the HPG station. “All channels,†she announced as she folded her hands into her chest and gave her deadliest glare where she knew the holo-camera was.
Moments later, the technician nodded back, signaling to her she was on. “This is Khan Natasha Faraday of Clan Fire Mandrill. I regret to inform the Collection that heavy fighting between the Able and Hall factions within the Collection has finally broken out on Gilfillian’s Gold.â€
She ignored the sounds of sucking of hair of those in the room as she continued. “In accordance with our agreement to defend the Collection from any threats, I am ordering Clan Fire Mandrill forces to intercede in this conflict and bring both sides to the table. All Rim Collection forces are ordered to remain at their posts during this time. Any and all who do not will be seen as enemies until this conflict has ended.â€
She visibly sighed as she closed her eyes for a moment then continued to look at the camera, her glaze softening. “Clan Fire Mandrill will do what we must to bring peace back to the Collection, but that does not mean we will act as tyrants. We will not trample on your homes or rights as Collection citizens. You yourselves will be the ones to judge those who are attempting to force civil war within the Collection, not us. Nor will martial law be enacted all across the Rim Collection.
“I ask all citizens and civilians in the Collection to go about their lives. For those on Hiberius and Gilfillian’s Gold, I ask you to stay inside if you can and if not, to avoid the conflict zones. Clan Fire Mandrill will work to mitigate civilian losses, but cannot promise Able or Hall supporters will do the same.
“Finally, to our enemies and neighbors across our borders, I ask only this one question. Do you REALLY want to anger Clan Fire Mandrill? If you do, I invite you into the Collection. If you are smart, stay OUT of the Collection. Natasha Faraday from Lost signing off.â€
Thirty minutes after her speech, Clan Fire Mandrill forces, under the command of saKhan Jonathan Banacek jump into Gilfillian’s Gold, beginning a cat and mouse game with Robin Michaelson’s Fourth Rim Lancers CCT and other Lancer reinforcements as both proceed to the planet at their quickest pace.
Timbuktu, Rim Collection
11th October, 3104Leonard Stewart sat watching the ongoing news like a hawk. At the moment, Clint Goldberg of INN was reporting from Gilfillan’s Gold on the now-three way conflict between the Lancers, Guards, and Mandrills. Curiously, his segment for today was on the newer equipment being seen in the conflict, particularly the Lancers and Mandrills.
“Those Snow Fox designs the Lancers are using go hand in hand with our stealth armor beautifully,†his daughter commented ask she drank a cup of tea.
“They’re all just one design, Rowena,†answered her brother, Karl, the design should have been in different configurations to make the most out of it. “Nice to see the Lancers made the Snow Fox into an actual OmniMech though.â€
Leonard nodded at that. It was both nice and terrifying to see, for while it meant good things for the Collection itself, it meant his House was now in a tougher position within the nation. Something he long sought to remedy, but currently couldn’t.
“What do you make of that,†he asked his son as he nodded to the screen, where a small four-legged Mechs stood atop a hillside, the eye and pyramid of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga on the left shoulder and the Fire Mandrill on the right showing where its loyalty stood.
“Some kind of knew ultra-light Mech maybe,†he answered. “Or possibly a new ProtoMech. The journalist reported it as belonging to a point of Amarok’s. Capabilities are unknown, though the journalist reported it was singularly guarding the Mandrill flanks from power armor forces, suggesting it’s likely a power armor killer.â€
Leonard nodded at his son’s answer. He was the most technically gifted of those in the room. Then another ‘Mech caught his eye as it entered the screen, causing his daughter to whistle.
“I wonder where the Monkeys were hiding those,†she commented as the camera concentrated on the lumbering BattleMech. Leonard noted the biped BattleMech dwarfed many of the nearby Mechs as the camera zoomed out to show the others.
“They’re Kirghiz-G’s,†Karl informed them. “Weapon schemes of the Kirghiz put on a one hundred ton ‘Mech. Slower than most other Collection BattleMechs, but should be perfect for the Assault clusters. Khan Showers refused to allow Armory Gamma to build them for some unknown reason. Wasn’t expecting to see one for a while.â€
“Just like she refused to build those,†Rowena pointed to two lighter OmniMechs in the frame.
Leonard caught his son’s shadow shrugging. “Crimson Langurs I think she refused them while they still had Armory Beta. The Langurs seem a bit specialized in comparison to the Shadow Cats they are now replacing.†He said the Mandrills changed what they produced more regularly than any Inner Sphere nation he had ever seen. There were more than thirty Shadow Cats in the Mandrill Touman but now it appeared the Clan wished to add another design at the expense of further Shadow Cats.
“Not like they’ve much a choice. The Mandrills rather build ‘Mechs from their own factories then get replacements from those they don’t,†Rowena replied nastily.
Leonard understood all too well why. The Mandrills had all but turned their noses on the fifty ton Ghost BattleMech the Stewarts had offered. At least their Khan had given the diplomatic answer of her Mandrills preferring OmniMechs to specialized BattleMechs. In their small Touman an OmniMech while more expensive was more useful to the Clan. Polite way of telling them to go to hell, he thought, though Leonard smartly kept that thought to himself.
Then the next video clip shook him. In the middle of Rim Guards’ Clints, Stingers, and Commandos, an Uziel BattleMech stood out. “That’s unexpected,†Rowena expressed.
The view of the fifty ton Uziel made Leonard Stewart think. Perhaps it was time for his family to intercede. “Wade,†he called out to his quiet son, who leaned against the wall behind the three. “Contact Caldarium and tell them I need to speak to the Rim Assault CCT’s commander.â€
His two legitimate children turned towards him, judging by their shadows, as he heard Wade leave the room. “We don’t have enough forces alone to do anything,†Rowena answered, demanding he answer their unasked question.
“Alone, no, but if we unite with the Rim Assault CCT and other units, we might be able to send an ad hoc force the Mandrills would appreciate.â€
“Thereby raising our standing even further,†she responded the Stewart family had fallen a long way to have to try and impress one of the Clans.
“Exactly,†he answered simply, smiling as the three again watching the news program.
Lyran Offensive
Dixie Theatre, Halfway Province
Lyran Commonwealth
18th October 3104 In an attempt to break Clan Wolf’s offensive into the Isle of Skye Lyran Commonwealth units and the mercenary commands Rubinsky’s Light Horse and Blackledge’s Iron Hand strike at Hyde, Lauram, Arcadia and Gienah. On Hyde the Twenty-fourth Lyran Guards RCT found the 271st Assault Cluster of Clan Wolf. Despite it being a veteran command the Wolf Cluster was no match for the numbers the Lyrans employed against them. Despite the odds the Wolves continued to resist the Lyrans for eight days before the last Clan forces were disabled or destroyed.
The Rubinsky’s Light Horse and Blackledge’s Iron Hand mercenary units move on Arcadia despite their dislike for each other the two units work seamlessly together on the planet’s surface outflanking the Wolves Twentieth BattleMech Cluster forcing the Wolves into retreat. Following the battle the two mercenary commands come close to brawling over their salvage claims and are only held apart by the commands of their liaison officers.
Both Arcadia and Gienah are found to be abandoned by Clan Wolf which has shifted its defences towards other fronts. On Gienah the Lyran forces find Gienah Automotives has been completely razed by the Wolves its civilian vehicle construction and primitive BattleMech facilities in ruins. Gienah’s economy had long been based on the economy of the worlds around it and while the Lyrans find that the Wolves did not intentionally harm the planet or its people they find that Clan Wolf’s restrictions of inter-planetary movement and trade has completely destroyed business on the planet. Of the nine hundred thousand population recorded before the Clan Wolf occupation of the system only three hundred thousand people remain the others distributed among the other worlds of Clan Wolf’s claimed territory. The Lyrans find that the Wolves withdrawn much of their border units to support their drive towards Terra as if to reinforce the point Clan Wolf launches attacks on Cheretan, Dubhe and Wing. The Lyran and SLDF defenders on the planet are able to force back back the Clan forces but their intent is quite clear.
With Gienah’s economy compromised by its occupation the population on the planet continue the exodus. In the space of a year by the end of 3105 the Gienah system’s population is reduced to a mere tens of thousands and is removed from most cartography maps.
Trials of Possession
Clan Coyote Occupation Zone
21st October 3104Fighting erupts in the Clan Occupation Zones as Clan Coyote engage Clan Hell’s Horses in several Trials of Possession. The two Clans fight in adherence to Zellbrigen minimizing the damage done to both Clans. By the end of the year Clan Coyote has seized control over Skokie, Severn, Blota, Rastaban, Wheel and Orkney from the Hell’s Horses. The Horses do not counter-attack against the Coyotes instead they rotate their units through other systems training them against the established Horde Clusters as the Horses continue their training in the Mongol Doctrine.
Gold Mountains
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
23rd October, 3104Jonathan Banacek grinded his teeth as he pushed forward his old Blood Asp. His forces, eight clusters of Mandrills, were locked in the middle of a three-way battle. To their flanks lay the shattered Lancers; in front, the battered Rim Guards. His forces had finally done it, but at a horrible price. One in three of his Warriors were either dead or combat-ineffective.
Worse, the Mandrills had battled up from the ravines, where artillery fired down upon them. Only the fact Robin Michaelson of the Lancers was now dead had allowed Banacek and his forces to slowly and painstakingly take the upper-hand as the Lancers were hit from both sides at once, eventually being pushed to both his flanks.
Another hit from a large laser reminded him the battle needed to end and end soon. Otherwise, the Collection’s and Mandrill enemies would begin to circle. Once again he cursed in rage at the stupidity of Natasha Faraday, who refused to take the obvious route to victory in allowing his forces to wait until both sides had exhausted themselves. Instead, she demanded he lead the forces in charging headlong into the fight.
The Collection would remember the day the Mandrills answered their call for peace, she had said at the time. And Banacek well knew riots for peace were happening all over the Collection in response to Natasha’s speech the Khan had really roused the freeborns with her words. But was it enough? That was the million-Kerensky question, he judged.
His radio erupted to life. “SaKhan, the Guards have entered the Embassy! Repeat! The Rim Guards are targeted the embassy!†Star Colonel Yu Nevversan reported. “The ambassador is leading his Rats and holding the Guards at bay for the moment.â€
Jonathan cursed into his radio before sighing. “Deploy your Makos into the embassy. And help Redburn’s Rats.†The last he added as an afterthought.
He heard his subordinate cursed, then a sharp click. Both men well knew what the order meant. Yu Nevversan’s Makos, the sole Fire Mandrill unit Jonathan held in reserve, would soon be dropping into combat, task to safeguard Victoria Able at all costs. Jonathan knew the Makos would sustain heavy casualties, but Makos were known to accomplish the impossible. He only hoped he wasn’t wasting their lives.
The response to their communications was immediate with the Makos' Fortress-class DropShip diving down over the battlefield. The DropShip which had remained in orbit had been ready to deploy at a moments notice and that moment was now swooping down over the battlefield its engine flares blasting up a massive amount of dust as it came in low over the ground troops. From their elevated position the DropShip’s gunners expertly targeted hostile units below with autocannons, missiles and lasers as the craft's pilot moved into position over the Embassy. From the DropShip's cargo bays BattleMechs and Battle Armour troopers threw themselves into the battle below several of the elite Fire Mandrill warriors firing their weapons as they fell. Almost as quickly as the DropShip had arrived the craft's engines flared and she was gone accelerating back into the night's sky. The battle to hold the Embassy would take its toll on the Makos but of all the Mandrill units in the area they were the ones to hold the line; perhaps even more so than either of the Khan's Keshiks.
Six hours later, as he led his Keshik and elements of the Second Battle CCT and the Sixth Mandrill Militia into an attack on Third Rim Guards positions, his radio erupted to life. “All forces currently fighting on and in space around Gilfillian’s Gold, this is Khan Natasha Faraday.†Natasha? Here?! What the hell!
“I bring with me forces from all across the Collection. From Timbuktu and Caldarium. From the Trinity Worlds and Waypoint. From Wiltshire and Qurayyat. We are ALL here to end the fighting on Gilfillian’s Gold, one way or another. All non-Mandrill forces are ordered to cease and desist and to stand down. This is your one chance to remain Warriors of the Collection after this. This is Natasha Faraday out.â€
Jonathan shook his head and frowned. Diplomacy had no part of the battlefield. But oddly, slowly, but surely, as Natasha’s adhoc force began to make their way planet side, Lancers not trapped in the embassy begun to steadily withdraw from the battlefield.
Yet, he grimly noticed the Guards begun to pull back as well. Not off the battlefield as he at first expected. No, he realized those his units were facing now fighting on the defense. And he knew why.
Victoria Able.
Their mission was to hold his and Natasha’s forces off while their compatriots fighting in the Embassy could capture the young Collection heir. And because of that, instead of doing the smart thing and allow his forces to wait until Natasha’s reinforcements arrived, he instead kept them engaging the Guards. His honor demanded that much.
Press Offic, AFFS Command
Robinson City, Robinson
Draconis March, Federated Suns
24th October 3104 Around the room half a dozen reporters stared into their cameras as they tried to compose their messages to the people of the Federated Suns. Bernie Michaels was one such reporter and he could barely believe what he was about to say looking into the camera he took a second to compose himself and then spoke.
“Ladies and Gentlemen†he said “initial reports from Addicks have filtered through to us here on Robinson that Prince Burton Davion has been shot and killed fighting against the Draconis Combine.†He said breathing deeply “Prince Davion had been fighting against the DCMS for the last two weeks and it now appears…†suddenly behind Bernie Michaels the doors sprung open and a sweating bedraggled looking man in AFFS uniform burst into the room.
“He’s alive!†The officer shouted out for all of them to hear “Burton Davion is alive! He’s been evacuated from Addicks and is on his way to a medical facility on Tikonov†the officer explained “the initial message from Addicks appears to have been a plant set by drac spies!†He said breathing deeply trying to catch is breath. Bernie Michaels turned back towards the screen.
“Ladies and gentlemen I apologize for my previous statement it appears to have been in error. Prince Burton Davion is alive it appears that he is on his way to Tikonov to recover from his injuries.†He said “it has been confirmed that over the last week DCMS forces have attacked Ingress, Deneb Kaitos, Towne and Murchison. Although authorities on Robinson have refused to acknowledge it if the fighting continues we will be in a defacto state of war with the Draconis Combine.
Federated Suns Embassy
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
26th October, 3104Damien Redburn piloted his Templar through the battle, his face in a permanent grimace. He was proud of his staff. When the Rim Guards finally attacked three days ago, they had gone above and beyond his expectations, fighting off the best the Rim Guards until help had arrived.
But the cost had been great to the embassy’s security team and those aiding them. Before the battle, it consisted of two companies of BattleMechs, a conventional infantry company, and a platoon of Sniper Suit battle armor. This number was aided by Redburn’s eighty-five ton Templar OmniMech, DMI Agent Winters in her Enforcer III, and, lastly, Damien’s own daughter piloting Karen Able’s own Dire Wolf.
Now, after three days of combat, a mere six Mechs of that number were still standing. He thanked God his daughter was one of them; in fact he knew the Dire Wolf was in the best shape of the forces he led in the embassy. And judging by his scanners, he knew Star Colonel Yu Nevversan’s Makos were just as beat up.
How they had not been overrun until now was beyond him, but he knew this time there was no way they could stop the battered Rim Guards, even as he tore apart a Rim Guards Partisan tank with his three Rotary AC/2 cannons. On his sensors, he idly noticed his daughter destroying an enemy Clint even as she began facing a Firestarter OmniMech.
He shook his head as he continued his way through the battlefield, targeting a Merkava tank. Trust the Monkeys to “gift†Hiberius with that design after salvaging it from the Lyrans during the Kwangjong-ni debacle. Still, the workhorse OmniMech was downright dangerous in the hands of the Rim Guards, a fact he well knew. He forced himself to abandon watching his daughter and concentrate on destroying the Merkava heavy tank he was currently engaging.
An obsolete design, it was still very much deadly in the hands of the Hiberians. A fact well -earned since the Hiberians began their invasion on Gilfillan’s Gold. Only their Firestarters, Kangas, and Maxims were much of a threat on the common battlefield usually, yet teamwork had made their obsolete designs come through for them. If he lived through this battle, he resolved to give a dissertation at NAIS on the Hiberians tactics.
A moment later, he came out of his thoughts as the Merkava he was dueling with was suddenly destroyed by concentrated fire. Not from the air, as he expected, but from the ground.
Glancing down on his scanners, he couldn’t believe what he saw. Turning his mech around, he finally allowed himself to sigh in relief, as his radio erupted to life with cries of joy.
There, a Fire Mandrill Blood Asp stood, with more BattleMechs, OmniMechs, armor, and power armor units pouring around the OmniMech. Judging by the mechs and armor, it could only be Task Force Determination, as the forces saKhan Jonathan Banacek of the Fire Mandrills lead were called. His guess was soon proven correct a moment later as the Mandrill’s junior Khan’s voice piped into his radio.
“Ambassador, as soon as we secure the embassy, get moving to the rear! Star Colonel Spencer Douglass and his Fourth Assault Cluster will escort you out.â€
“Agreed!†He answered back. Soon, the embassy was secured and he stood guard as Rim Watch personnel quickly scurried Matthew Davion and Victoria Able and other embassy occupants from the hidden bunker into waiting armored vehicles belonging to the ad hoc Fourth Assault Cluster.
It gnawed at him how quickly Khan Natasha Faraday and the Rim Collection had mobilized the forces she led here. A star from one unit, a point from another. A trinary here, a supernova there. The Collection couldn’t redeploy cluster level units beyond the Khan’s own Keshik and the Mandrill forces already on planet.
The solution? Ingenious! Or so he thought. Create ad hoc clusters from several different units, with those belonging to the same CCT or galaxy serving together to quickly form units that could operate well enough together in combat without overly weakening their home units for the short time they were needed elsewhere.
It came to him then, just after he gave the order for the convoy to move behind the Collection front line and finally into safety. The Khan had sacrificed her own Monkeys for the good of the Collection. Instead of allowing her Clan to become the predominant military power, she instead chose to keep the balancing act within the Collection’s military intact.
But why?
He shook his head. All he knew was that the Fire Mandrill Khan had thrown a giant curveball into what was expected of her. And it was something the First Prince needed to know as quickly as possible.
President’s House
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
30th October, 3104Damien leaned against the back of his chair, deep in thought, as he and the Fire Mandrill Khans awaited HPG connection to be established. The junior Khan acted every bit a former Star Adder Damien expected to be highly practical and very strategic.
The senior Khan, Natasha Faraday, on the hand, he couldn’t figure out, except she was determined to throw curve-balls around. The last was just the biggest of them all, for all he was concerned.
“I still do not agree with your actions lately, Khan†he heard the younger man mutter to the young woman. “Still, I do understand them.â€
“If you understand, yet do not agree with them, will you demand a Trial of Grievance as is your right,†he heard the younger woman queried back.
“Neg,†was the junior khan’s answer. “Though I may not agree with your actions in weakening the Clan, they do serve in strengthening the Collection,†Jonathan added.
“Doesn’t make sense to me,†Damien muttered loudly.
“But it does, Freeborn,†the saKhan answered him. “That dezgra Mandy Hall,†he all but spat the name, “executed nearly the entire President’s Council and a good portion of the Rim Congress during the Rim Guards occupation of this world. And while my Khan may be popular enough to become the next President, she resolves herself to not take the position, thereby continuing what she believes to be the much needed balancing act of keeping Clan Fire Mandrill subservient to the Collection.â€
He shook his head. He didn’t believe it still even three days after the battle had finished when Mandy Hall had finally surrendered. Why a Clanner, whose loyalty should be with her own Clan, instead chose to strengthen the Collection was beyond him.
Just as it was beyond him by her very recent decision to instead nominate the “hero of the hour,†as the Rim Press was calling him these past few days, as the next President of the Rim Collection. “I doubt my sire will agree to this,†he answered back, bringing them back to the matter at hand.
“You could say no,†was the young woman’s simple response.
He grunted. “Unfortunately for me, I have begun seeing the Collection as my home away from home.†He caught her small smile as he continued on. “Any plan on what to grant the Able-loyalists? From my view, the Hiberians may have lost the battle, but won the war in getting me President.†He said seeing the two skeptical look on the two Clan warriors faces “well maybe not me†he admitted “but I am someone they could accept. Someone not affiliated with Karen Able’s rein and not a Clanner.†He said “as far as the people of Hiberus will be concerned Megan Hall did everything she promised so the people who were loyal to Karen have lost their leader and effectively lost the war.
“We are allowing them to remain Warriors, is that not enough?†Jonathan Banacek answered him acidly he did not understand what these people expected they were entitled to nothing it was his troops that ended the war his troops that saved their precious Collection.
Damien turned his head to face the younger man directly. “Honestly? No.â€
Natasha raised her hand to forestall the expected response from the conservative Fire Mandrill Warrior. “I admit I myself do not understand what they truly want beyond protecting Victoria Able and her family,†was her reluctant reply.
Redburn nodded to her as he turned his head back to the holo-projector. An uncomfortable moment passed as the two Fire Mandrill Warriors awaited his response.
“The Collection was finally becoming a true nation, a true House at Karen’s death,†he answered them. Seeing the two Clanners still did not understand, he elaborated. “The other Inner Sphere nations are led by one family. Steiners in the Lyran Commonwealth, Davions in the Federated Suns. Kuritas in the Combine, the Liaos in the Capellan Confederation. The Calderons in the Concordat and the Centrellas in the Magistracy. As far as the Inner Sphere and Periphery are concerned each proper nation must have a ruling House. For them and many others, it’s that simple.â€
“If that is the case, what of the United Marik States or the Star League Protectorate or the Clans?†Jonathan rebutted.
Damien decided not to correct the saKhan on the true name of the Free Worlds League. Allowing himself a small smile as he caught the deer in the headlights look on Natasha Faraday’s look as she caught on. “Even they are no different, with power belonging to a few families or bloodlines,†she announced a moment later, startling the junior Khan.
“We are nothing like them!†he yelled out in anger despite the Mandrill separation from the other Clans and their obvious differences in interacting with the Inner Sphere and Periphery nations the saKhan was a very proud trueborn Clansmen.
“Are we not?†she asked as she glared into his eyes. “There are Bloodhouses that always gain leadership positions Faraday, Kerensky, Ward, Truscott, Jorgennson, McKenna, Nagasawa, Drummond Rosse, Pryde, Hazen one way or another eventually they end up in power.†Was her swift and sharp rebuttal to Jonathan before she turned her gaze towards Damien’s own. “You have a suggestion, quiaff?â€
He answered her with a nod. “Granting the Able-loyalists their wish would solve a lot of political and internal issues the Rim Collection currently faces, with one being an identity problem.â€
He could see they were contemplating it. Mostly Natasha, but Damien also caught curiosity flicker in Jonathan Banacek’s eyes and so continued. “I propose for House Able to become the nominal leaders of the Rim Collection, with power shared between and largely held by the President’s Council, the Rim Congress, the governors, and Clan Fire Mandrill.â€
“So we give them what they want and yet we hold the power, quiaff?†Jonathan surmised openly.
“Makes sense,†Natasha answered him. “We give the Able girl a fancy new title and some limited political power, the Collection once and for all becomes a proper Inner Sphere nation with its own House, and the illusion democracy once again flourishes within.â€
“Exactly,†Damien agreed. “And now I finally understand why you want little old me to become president,†he commented further, sighing.
Natasha Faraday grinned at him in response, shrugging her shoulders as she did so. “You finally caught onto why it had to be you. Though I had no idea just how the Clans were so similar to your Houses,†she mused out loud.
“So does that mean you will take the job?†she asked a moment later.
“Damnit to hell!†Damien cursed out loud at their amused faces. “Only if he says yes!†he answered, waving a hand to the holo-projector. Moments later, they were in conference with First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion, informing him of the situation and the proposal to make Damien Redburn the Collection’s next President.
Several days later even as the dust was still settling in the aftermath of the Rim Collection civil war, seven-year old Victoria Able is announced as the first Sovereign of the Rim Collection, with her father, Matthew Davion, and older members of House Able as her regents until her thirteenth birthday. Surprising the interstellar community, however, is the choice of Ambassador Damien Redburn as the Rim Collection’s next president. In his speech, he sends a strong message of unity and reform, gaining many admirers from within the Collection.
Outwith the Rim Collection it is surmised that the internal conflict cost the Rim Collection almost six full military units with several of their high level commanders killed. Reports suggested as many as ten thousand civilians had died in the conflict along with dozens of civilian leaders killed either in the fighting or by Mandy Hall in her purge of the electorate. Observers note that with the political fallout created by the Civil War the Rim Collection’s partners in Clan Fire Mandrill are now in a stronger position than ever even with Redburn taking control over the political stage. They note that while the Clan cannot exert full control over the Collection anyone within the periphery nation would do so at their peril. Some long term analysts further believe that the civil conflict is not over in the Rim Collection but instead moved to a new stage one that will bring into question just who controls the nation? The Able family? The Politicians or Clan Fire Mandrill?