Nova Cat Camp, Chronicle of Battles
40 Kilometres from anything, Wernke, Wernke system
Capellan March, Federated Suns
18th August 3063
In six days the Nova Cats had turned a square kilometre of Wernke’s Vesper continent. In those six days the Nova Cats had completely locked down the area not allowing a single Federated Suns citizen in civilian or military, noble or commoner, no-one had been allowed in. During this time the Nova Cat warriors of the Watch Cluster and the DropShip crews had constructed a mammoth bonfire with a raised platform several metres above it, on top of this platform was a huge drum.
During the preparation time Victor had been told by Canin Rosse to come in comfortable clothing, so he had ordered everyone else to do the same. No-one wore anything formal and all the Federated Suns personnel were excited about something, it varied from person-to-person but for Victor it was everything. From his initial contact with the Clans in 3051 a year after they first arrived all he had done was fight them, he’d never been allowed into there society without forcing his way in. He understood some of their military traditions and beliefs and even had a group of Smoke Jaguar Elementals who had pledged their loyalty to him, following the defeat of their Clan, forming a bodyguard point attached to him at nearly all times
But he had never seen the Clans socially, this would be very interesting even from this distance, some five hundred metres away he could smell and feel the heat from the fire. On the surrounding hills the Nova Cats had erected a wooden wall and at even intervals stood Elementals in full Battle Armour painted black with blue highlights their V-shaped visor was coloured in a deep red when he had first saw them Victor had been taken aback by the ferociousness of the paint scheme, it looked threatening and deadly.
The Federated Suns party consisting of: Victor, Danai, George Hasek, Andrew Redburn, half a dozen officers from the First Kathil Uhlans and Tigret, Victor’s former Smoke Jaguar elemental Bodyguard, all were allowed in the main entrance by two armoured Elementals. As they walked towards the fire Victor turned to Tigret. “Have you ever heard of this before?â€
“Aff, the Nova Cats call this either the Ritual of Battle or the Chronicle of Battle, I am not sure which. It is a regular occurrence and unique to their Clan.†She said after a moments thought, her eyes alert ready for trouble she had wanted to bring her own armour or some personnel weapons but Victor had refused trusting the Nova Cats tonight was one more way of getting close to them.
“Anything else?â€
“No†Tigret said quietly not surprising since her Clan had been the Nova Cat’s greatest enemies. Just then an unamoured, barely clothed male elemental raised up onto the platform above the flames with a massive jousting stick used for elemental hand-to-hand combat training, Victor had seen elementals train with them and felt their strike they were heavy pieces of kit. The elemental began smashing the drum in a timely fashion with complete ease. Victor counted twenty beats before the elemental lowered himself from the platform. Other than the crackling of the fire there was near total silence, the Federated Suns group stood together several meters from the raging fire.
“Do you hear that?†Danai whispered to Victor, Victor listened more closely it was music something resembling Scottish bagpipes, a saxophone and a dozen other instruments all playing together all playing the same tune but it sounded so strange so foreign to hear these instruments together.
“What the hell is this? Look at them, they all look like they are in some kind of trance, I thought you said they didn‘t take controlled substances.†George said Victor and Danai looked around and saw the Field Marshal was right the entire Cluster of Nova Cats, and the DropShip crews, were all around them they had appeared from nothing. Some were dressed in uniform, others in white gowns while yet others wore a mishmash of clothes, most wore very little it was quite a sight and reminded Victor of the Festa Piepa, Festival of the People, celebrated by Roman Catholics on New Avalon every year however he decided to leave that little analogy out of this night.
Victor looked to Danai and noticed she had her eyes closed and a smile on her face “are you alright?†he whispered moving closer to her, the heat was immense he hoped it was not overpowering her.
“Fine, wonderful…†she said quietly her eyes never opening “just let yourself relax, stop thinking of things that are happening and let them happen†she said her voice becoming a whisper. He guessed she recognised this from something of her childhood in the Magistracy of Canopus where social gatherings were ’fluid’ to use a polite word. Victor closed his eyes and tried to relax, he was just beginning to relax when the beats began again, this time the beats did not come from the drum but from recordings from every single Elemental suit’s loud speakers the beats were in perfect time with each other, Victor could feel them penetrate him, move him the beats were oddly relaxing. Then as soon as they had began, they ended and a voice appeared Victor’s eyes shot open as did others of the Federated Suns party who had shut their eyes. Victor looked around for the voice and saw that the Nova Cats either still had their eyes closed or were looking up at the platform, there stood Canin Rosse dressed in his full uniform with a long leather cloak behind him and a full fur Nova Cat headpiece.
“And so we remember the Father’s children and the Founders creation†the Star Colonel shouted, his voice could be heard everywhere but Victor saw no microphones of speakers or anything. “Tonight is a time of remembrance, telling of battles and secrets. We remember the Cloud Cobra, the Coyote, the Fire Mandrill, the Ghost Bear, the Goliath Scorpion, the Hell’s Horse, the Ice Hellion, the Jade Falcon, the Mongoose, the Nova Cat, the Sea Fox, the Smoke Jaguar, the Snow Raven, the Star Adder, the Steel Viper, the Widowmaker, the Wolf and even the Not-Named, the Wolverine. We honour them all.†As Canin spoke each name there was a drum beat, each signifying one of the twenty Clans originally formed by Nicholas Kerensky all those many centuries before. “We remember! Seyla!†Canin shouted, in unison the Nova Cats all replied in one voice “Seyla!†Victor looked around for Tigret looking for clarification of what he was witnessing however she was gone, looking around Victor noticed her with the Nova Cat warriors even though they were of different Clan, enemy Clans, Tigret seemed to fit-in and be accepted by the other clansmen immediately.
“From Kerensky’s Stars came the eight hundred, Beneath a banner of Truth and Righteous Light To Lift up those who had suffered and to smite down with fearful vengeance those who had ruled in the name of Vanity and Greed. The thunder of their BattleMechs’ feet, the lightning from their weapons and the blood spilled in their name. Created the Clan Spirit, the forge on which we have fashioned ourselves to be the weapon. Of the resurrected Star League, honed to a razor’s edge by the Trials, By the Remembrance and by the word of the Great Kerenskys, our sires, our saviours.†Canin said quoting a passage from the remembrance he had committed to memory when he was a small child. All at once together the Nova Cats chanted “Seyla!â€
“The Great Father planned for his Army, his people, to live on the Pentagon Worlds in peace away from the corrupt Inner Sphere a Star League in Exile.†Canin said Victor realised that Canin was talking about something that had happened centuries ago before the Clan had even formed just as the First Star League’s Army had reached the worlds that would become Clan Space. He had read about the events that followed the Exodus Armies flight from the Inner Sphere but never directly from a Clansmen, even Tigret had never spoken of those events. “Unfortunately the people of the Exodus would not let go of the Inner Sphere and fragmented. The Founder led the warriors that would become the Clans to the new Homeworld and formed the twenty Clans†Canin said pausing again the twenty beats were played to the same timing and rhythm, every time they played Victor felt new, reborn, refreshed it was a strange feeling. “The twenty Clans returned to the worlds we would know as the Pentagon Worlds twenty years later. The Nova Cat, Mongoose, Snow Raven and the Not-Named were tasked together to wipe Circe clear of all that opposed our order. On the planet we found a devastated world bombed and destroyed by every weapon mankind had ever devised to harm another. We found hundreds of men and women claiming to be warriors of the nations of the Inner Sphere and even more others claiming to be from nations they had created for themselves in this ravaged war-torn world. We found our way on the world led by our Founder and found great success. All were enemies of the Clans, all were destroyed with no quarter offered or given.†Canin said as Victor listened he realised, he was hearing of how the Clans killed hundreds of enemy troops without taking a single prisoner of war it was shocking but something he could believe considering what the Clans were and what they had been originally formed to do - conqueror the Inner Sphere. Again the Nova Cats chanted as one “Seyla!†Victor looked into the bonfire still raging below Canin and thought he could see Mechs, ancient Mechs battle scarred and beaten being torn apart by Mechs that looked brand-new undamaged and deadly. It reminded him of when the Clans had first returned to the Inner Sphere. The armies of the Inner Sphere battle ravaged and beaten by centuries of Succession Wars once more torn apart by the armies of the Clans.
“Over time the Clans took their own path. Some chose the Crusader path deciding that the Founder created the Clans to teardown the nations of the Inner Sphere and reform the Inner Sphere in our own image. Others Chose the Warden path choosing to seek peaceful paths back to the Inner Sphere, to make alliances and guide the Inner Sphere nations to a better standard of life.†As Victor listened to the Nova Cat Star Colonel he wondered what path the Nova Cats were on, it looked like they were a Warden Clan but several of the Nova Cats harboured crusader viewpoints and a deep hatred for the Inner Sphere, all it would take was for one to topple the current leadership and the Nova Cats would be poised at striking the Federated Suns weakly defended periphery belly. In the Tortuga Dominions the Nova Cats were in a perfect position to play both games. As if Canin was thinking the same thing “The Nova Cat was destined for greatness, the Touman was ready to participate in Operation Revival but the Khans foresaw our destruction with the other Clans and a white light, we now know to be ComStar, so the Nova Cat refused Revival and instead have walked a different path transporting nearly everything they had from Clan Space into the depths of the Periphery where they have begun clearing up the trash of the Periphery and making contact with the Inner Sphere. Only time will tell how far the Nova Cats and the Inner Sphere will walk together. The Other Clans so strongly believed in Revival that they continued on despite the Nova Cat warning only to be stopped by the white Mechs of ComStar. The Inner Sphere States reformed the Haloed Star League and used it to strike back at the Clans showing the Crusaders the folly of their course killing the Smoke Jaguar Clan. Now the war has ended but soon it will begin again, how it will end no-one will know but only that our way must survive.†Canin said there were several moments of silence then as one everyone present, Nova Cat and Federated Suns Officer alike chanted “Seyla!†By the time Victor looked back up at the podium Canin was gone from the platform. All around the Nova Cats began dancing wildly with little coordination as the music that had been in the background came to the fore and the Warriors followed the music. Tigret was lost in the sea of Nova Cats, she would find her way back but for now she was with her own people fellow Clansmen and in her element. Several members of the AFFS party were moving on the spot slowly, Victor realised he too was swaying back and fourth. Canin appeared beside Victor from nowhere “First Prince†he said bowing slightly, it was a polite acknowledgement nothing more.
“This is quite something†Victor said watching as the officers of the Uhlans and Danai were swept up by the Nova Cat dance “it’s almost hypnotic.â€
“Aff†Canin said quietly he was not looking at Victor instead deep into the flame “some Nova Cats use the fire to concentrate on their quest of a vision, it is not unheard of warriors to ascend the podium and cast their vineers into the fire I doubt that will happen this far from home but it may, the flames have a strange power.â€
“Vineers?†Andrew Redburn asked quietly watching the dance, he to was swaying slightly, beside him stood Field Marshal George Hasek who did not look impressed with the proceedings although Canin could see his right foot tapping on the ground as he followed the music, his mind may not approve but his body did.
“Our vineers are our Souvenirs of Battle, unlike the other Clans and the Inner Sphere nations we do not take decorations for our achievements, our rank, names and vineers are enough. Following a battle or a significant event in a Nova Cat warriors life they take something from the scene, something that will invoke an emotion during their Rite of Vision.â€
“You have done this?†Victor asked curious by the whole idea as he watched Danai dance, she was enchanting, her pure while dress spinning as her body twisted and turned she was as happy with these Clansmen as he had ever seen her adapting so easily with so much fluidal it made Victor slightly envious.
“Once before, just before Yvonne arrived in the Nova Cat’s Den†Canin said naming Victor’s sister. Recently Victor had noticed Canin and Yvonne almost constantly referred to each other in first name terms neither had said anything about it but Victor had noticed.
“May I?†Victor asked indicating to the platform, he wanted to climb it and get a private moment with the Nova Cat Star Colonel.
“Aff, it will support two people comfortably, the fire should have dimmed by now.†Canin said glancing at the fire, from what Victor could see the fire had not changed from when he had first seen it.
“Sire, I do not think that is wise…†George said quietly.
“Nonsense, Star Colonel Rosse and I will be fine.†Victor said walking off with Canin, within a few minutes they were at the very top of the podium above the dimming fire, they could see for miles all around “amazing†Victor said looking out they were higher than the tallest BattleMech and their view was totally unobstructed. Looking down he saw how smartly the Nova Cats had built this site the walled perimeter was a prefect circle around the fire which was placed in the lowest part of the base ensuring that the fire could not escape the area the Nova Cats had set up. “You do this often?â€
“The Chronicle of Battles takes place every month, a different story is told each time and warriors are free to tell their own stories as they dance. I have told the story I told tonight before but thought it would be appropriate again due to your involvement.†Canin said, he had sat down on the wooden podium and crossed his legs, his eyes half closed “shall we talk now First Prince Davion? Quiaff?†Cain asked quietly and slightly more formally.
“What is going on between you and my sister, Yvonne?†Victor asked as he turned back to Canin deciding a direct and simple approach was easiest, he knew the Clansmen would appreciate that.
“I do not know†Canin said honestly.
“You don’t know?†Victor said walking back and fore on the platform, it was sturdily built but creaked and moved every time he took a step. “When I read the reports about your first visit I thought you were playing a game with Yvonne taking her on a little joyride, but then I discover that you continued in the same manner when she traveled to the Nova Cat’s Den, letting her pilot a Mech when she has no previous experience, and you gave her one of your uniform jackets.†Victor said sitting down “then I hear you believe you had a vision about her before she arrived on Tortuga†he saw Canin about to protest that he had a vision not specifically about Yvonne just a vision and he raised his hand. “It was about Yvonne†he said looking at Canin who nodded “now since a vision put your Clan on Tortuga in the first place I would like to know where this is going.â€
“I gave her the jacket on Tortuga†Canin admitted plainly “I have feelings for Yvonne, strange, confusing and wonderful emotions that I have felt for no other in my life. And I had a vision about her.†He said confirming the vision Victor believed he had experienced.
“What was the vision?†Victor asked, he barely believed in the Nova Cat visions but after what he thought he saw in the fire earlier and the obvious complete belief in visions amongst the Nova Cats he thought he would indulge Canin.
“In the vision I met a woman from a nation of metal warriors, but she was not a warrior herself.†Canin said trying to explain it to someone other than the Oathmaster was strange, to Victor the description matched a thousand women on a thousand worlds throughout the Inner Sphere, very thin ice to proclaim it was his little sister. “During our time together we became close and she proved that she was a warrior, just a reluctant one.â€
“Is that it? You saw that my sister had raw MechWarrior talent and thought that meant something more?â€
“Neg, after this was revealed the female warrior and the nova cat in my vision merged into one and two Nova Cats came from the merging, both with swords instead of claws. Tell me First Prince Davion who is the nation of the sword?†Canin asked opening his eyes looking at Victor who took a step back in surprise, the Federated Suns had always been the nation most closely associated with the sword, the King Arthur Camelot legend and the ancient belief that MechWarriors were modern day knights, although the Word of Blake and the Free Worlds League had both tried to cash in on the beliefs the Federated Suns still held the strongest, longest claim to the heritage. In the AFFS there was a medal, the Medal Excalibur, which was the highest medal anyone could gain and had only been awarded thirty-four times in history it was directly associated with the sword and there was the title Knight of the Realm again associated with swords and knights of ancient Terra.
“So what will you do?†Victor asked, it was obvious to Victor that Canin felt something for his sister and from what he had seen the Clan commander was an honourable man worthy of his sister.
“Nothing, I am a Clan Trueborn Warrior she is a Federated Suns Duchess, we are from two alien cultures both human but far different. There would be no future for either of us in pursuing it.â€
“Never believe that, Canin†Victor said using the Star Colonel’s first name for the first time, he was now considering this Clanner to be a real human being not just an enemy to be destroyed “if you feel strongly about Yvonne and she feels the same way don’t allow politics to get in the way. I did and now I have lost her forever.â€
“Duchess Centrella is happy with you.†Canin pointed out.
“And I am happy with her, but before Danai there was another woman whom I was very close with. She was recently killed by an assassin. I would never consider Danai to be a replacement or a substitute they are totally different women and I love them for different reasons but I will never know if the other relationship would have worked because of politics. Don’t allow yourself to fall into the same pit.†Victor then lowered himself from the platform without another word and sought out Danai, Victor and Canin did not speak for the rest of the night until right before the Federated Suns party left when Victor presented Canin with a St Ives Diamond medal and George Hasek presented him with a Syrtis Medal of Honour. Canin accepted both as medals for the unit instead of for himself, if he had taken them he would have only destroyed them in a Rite of Vision, at least now they would last as long as the cluster lasted.