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Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 169271 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #75 on: July 05, 2012, 07:10:51 PM »

First Babylon Diet
Babylon, Pentagon Worlds
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
5th September 3062

   With peace secured between the Clans, at least for now, Clan Cloud Cobra sponsored the First Babylon Diet.  The Diet was a gathering of all religious and spiritual leaders of the Clans and the Inner Sphere.  Although some of the Clans were openly hostile to the presence of so many Inner Sphere citizens in the Clan Homeworlds there was no trouble arriving.

   Nova Cat Oathmaster Jal Steiner had travelled back from the Nova Cat’s Den specifically for this event with him stood, the newly promoted, Star Commander Zane Carns and Camilla Nova Cat.  “Well a good showing for the Cloud Cobra gathering, do you not think so Oathmaster, Quiaff?” Zane said quietly.

   â€œAff, Star Commander, keep your eyes alert and your mind open.”  Jal said walking off, the Oathmaster was in his element, many of the people around were from the Cloud Cobra Clan, the Oathmaster’s first Clan.

   â€œEyes alert for what? Mind open for mystical mumbo-jumbo.”  Zane whispered hopefully low enough for no-one to hear.  The Diet had taken on top of a massive mesa on Babylon’s southern continent.  All around the buildings were one hundred foot cliffs and the only way up were by three narrow entrance ways which were guarded by Cloud Cobra Elite Guards.  Only a fool would attack this conference.

   â€œYou could help me for something…” Camilla said quietly Zane looked over at her “unless you are too wrapped up to conduct some Nova Cat mysticism.”  Zane was puzzled Camilla never had accepted the Nova Cat way of believing in visions and had often distanced herself from Nova Cat visions and beliefs.  Although it would limit how high she could ever raise in the Nova Cat touman that did not seem to bother her.

   â€œWhat do you mean?”  Zane asked then he noticed that Camilla was wearing a Vineer pouch, the small leather pouch hung at the side of her uniform.  Traditionally Nova Cats carried vineers, or souvenirs of battle, in the pouch and once they felt they were ready they conducted a Rite of Vision trying to find some insight into the future.  Zane had been collecting his vineers for years and still felt he had some time to go before undertaking his Rite of Vision.  “I thought you did not believe in visions.”  Zane said closing on her, his voice but a whisper.

   â€œI don’t” Camilla answered quite quickly “but I have been collecting little things ever since I met the Nova Cats and I think I am ready to have a clear out and why not try to be a Nova Cat for once in my life.”

   â€œI will tell the Oathmaster…”  Zane said stepping away but Camilla snagged his arm.

   â€œNo, Zane, I would prefer it if the man who brought me into the Clan and my commander to e the man who watches over my vision.”  Camilla was talking about Zane in both positions.

   â€œIt will carry little credence with the other Nova Cats without the Oathmaster present.”  Zane warned, visions could change the path of a Clan which was why the Oathmaster or a major member of the Clan like a Khan or Galaxy Commander was present at most if not all visions.

   â€œI do not care… Zane, I am a Smoke Jaguar, who was given another chance by the Nova Cats, my most hated enemy from birth, to make a difference. Any vision I have will be for the people I trust implacably and me.”  She said Zane looked at Camilla carefully, he had thought she had forgotten her life as a Smoke Jaguar and embraced the Nova Cats and their path, perhaps it would just take longer.  He nodded his agreement and walked off to find the Oathmaster excusing himself and Camilla from the proceedings for the next two days, they then both went down to the Mechbay and collected some survival gear and stowed it in their Mechs then less than an hour later they left Zane’s Arctic Cheetah following Camilla’s old Owens.  They would find a quiet spot of Camilla’s choosing and conduct her Rite of Vision.

Meeting Room, First Babylon Diet
Babylon, Pentagon Worlds
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
7th September 3062

   The Babylon Diet was also being used by certain factions within the Clans and the Inner Sphere delegations to negotiate trade, intelligence gathering and begin new treaties.  The new Scientist-General of the Nova Cats, Miranda, had chosen this opportunity to approach the Diamond Sharks and negotiate with the Nova Cat’s long term allies about the possibility of help terraforming several worlds in the Nova Cat’s Den.  Before she had left the Nova Cat’s Den she had been uploaded a great deal of information regarding the Diamond Sharks and what the would want from the negotiations.  After pouring over the records for several days Miranda had sent a message to the Diamond Shark Loremaster Semi Kalasa and the on planet Merchant-Leader Carmen asking for a meeting.  Oathmaster Jal Steiner had joined them so a senior member of the Clan could give extra information or stop Miranda giving something she had no power to give.

   â€œMerchantman Miranda, you asked for this meeting, how can we help you?”

   â€œLast time I looked at the Chatterweb the Diamond Sharks were in possession of several oxygen reclamation units and other terraforming equipment.”  Miranda said start with what she wanted.  The Chatterweb was an inter-clan intelligence sharing and trading network run by the Diamond Sharks and used by all the Homeworld planets, some inner sphere worlds had been tied into this system as well.

   â€œAff, we still have the oxygen unit from the Golden Century.”  Carmen said “I think they are inside the Kraken.  Why would the Nova Cat‘s need them?”

   â€œThey are needed for several of our new colonies, they are liveable but we want to make them more comfortable.”

   â€œI did not know the Nova Cats had techs capable of operating this equipment.”  Miranda looked at Jal Steiner who nodded, Carmen already knew she would need Diamond Shark scientists but wanted to make it appear she knew less, it would make the Diamond Sharks more comfortable in dealing with her.

   â€œWe do not, we will need techs and trained scientists as well.”

   â€œAnd what would you want in return for this equipment and a contract for techs and scientists to operate it?”  Carmen looked to Semi Kalasa who pointed to two points on a list of things Carmen nodded.

   â€œFirstly we would like to be included in the Nova Cat’s little exploration and exploiting of new resources, which would mean Diamond Sharks with Nova Cats on exploration duties.”

   â€œWe are not involved in exploration duties.  Our new Homeworlds are conquered worlds.”  Miranda said the Diamond Sharks looked to each other with surprise, there had been no Nova Cats in the Inner Sphere that they knew of and none of the other Clans had reported Nova Cat invasion forces in their Occupation Zones.

   â€œWhere are your people?”  Semi Kalasa asked looking at Jal Steiner.

   â€œThe Nova Cat’s Den.”  Jal Steiner said smiling “the systems formerly known as the Tortuga Dominions and several surrounding systems.”  There it was the secret was out, the Nova Cats were below the Tukayyid Truce Line and were within range of striking the Inner Sphere.

   â€œWhy?”  Semi Kalasa asked, she was shocked perhaps more so than the merchant.

   â€œA vision”

   â€œIf the Inner Sphere knew you have broken the Truce Line, if the other Clans knew.”  Semi said quietly beginning to realise why the Nova Cats had remained silent about their activities of late.  “Could we set up a trading post in your territory, a base where we could keep the Diamond Sharks safe and together between assignments?”

   â€œThat is possible, however the Diamond Sharks must maintain absolute secrecy about the Nova Cat’s new home.  We are not hiding our presence to exploit massive amounts of resources, as we are sure many of the Clans think, we are hiding our new home to keep our people and the original citizens of Tortuga safe from retribution from the other clans and the Inner Sphere, we saw what they did to the Smoke Jaguars…”

   Over the next eighteen hours the Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks negotiated an agreement that suited both Clans.  The Nova Cats would gain the Diamond Shark promise of silence over the Nova Cat’s Den’s location, the use of one hundred Diamond Shark Scientists and techs for one year, the terraforming equipment and have access to the Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser Kraken.

   The Diamond Sharks would gain Intelligence on the area surrounding the Nova Cat’s Den, the right to station a Cluster of troops on Tortuga Prime, the right to station the Kraken in the Nova Cat’s Den and rights to build the Nova Cat OmniMech and Stone Rhino Quad-OmniMech.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #76 on: July 05, 2012, 07:13:42 PM »

Babylon, Pentagon Worlds
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
8th September 3062

   After searching for days Camilla had found the place she wanted to hold her Rite of Vision Camilla and Zane had built a small fire and sat on opposite sides looking at each other and the fire.  “What should I do?”

   â€œDo what feels right at the time, allow the emotion to run over your body and wait.  There may be no vision or you might see the smallest thing.”  Zane said quietly.  One by one Camilla retrieved her vineers from the pouch.  The first was a small bracelet with a small clasp attached.

   â€œI found this after my first battle in the Inner Sphere as a Smoke Jaguar, I thought it was pretty so I kept it.”  She said casting it into the fire, there was a small glow to the fire as the bracelet entered but little else.  “My bond-cord, the symbol of my greatest failure and the beginning of a new path.”  She said dropping the next item into the fire, the bond-cord was still severed in the same place it had been when Zane had severed it.  The third and final Vineer was a chocolate bar “I got this soon after arriving on New Barcella.” She whispered quietly, “I realised I was happy where I was and that I was home.”  She said casting the chocolate into the fire the bar immediately melted filling the air with a pleasant sweet smell.  Nothing seemed to be happening but then Camilla noticed something “do you see that?”  She whispered as the image began to grow.

   â€œYes” Zane whispered seeing the image grow with his own eyes.  The image was of a charging smoke jaguar, the beast was a female of the species, ran with reckless abandon until a smaller but stronger nova cat pinned and captured the animal.  The smoke jaguar was covered by a nova cat skin and the two nova cats moved together working together against many foes including a solitary wolf.  They then encountered a coyote leading several hell’s horses and ice hellions against the cloud cobras who protected a group of men in white atop a mesa.  The two nova cats waded into the fight however as the fight wore on the smoke jaguar broke loose of the nova cat concealing it but continued to fight with the nova cat taking down many enemies until a hell’s horse knocked it down.  As the battle wore down the nova cat defended the smoke jaguar until its death.  Camilla shot to her feet and the image disappeared Zane stood “Camilla…”  he began but could not form the words, she had just witnessed what could only be her death.

   â€œThis is happening now.”  Camilla said “we need to go.”

   â€œWait!” Zane shouted leaping the fire grabbing her “you cannot go, we just saw your death…”

   â€œYou cannot fight destiny, Zane.”

   â€œBut visions allow us to change our destinies, make them better…”

   â€œI’ll watch out for the Hell’s Horse with my bullet and try to avoid him.  Let’s go.”  She said her voice was ragged but she broke free of Canin’s grip and before he could say a thing was running to her Owens.

First Babylon Diet
Babylon, Pentagon Worlds
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
9th September 3062

   Following several days of quiet grumbling over the presence of Inner Sphere citizens on one of the Pentagon worlds Clan Coyote Loremaster Calarissa Jerricho led elements of Clan Coyote’s Omicron Galaxy and elements of Clan Hell’s Horses and Clan Ice Hellion against the First Babylon Diet.  Clans Cloud Cobra and Diamond Shark defended strongly on all fronts however one of the defence forces guarding one of the three access ramps to the mesa was beginning to break when two Nova Cat light Mechs arrived, an Arctic Cheetah and an Owens.  The Cloud Cobras recognised them as friendly and Mechs that had left days before and watched as the two light Mechs tore into attacker after attacker.  Two light Mechs alone would not normally cause a large force like this trouble however Zane had an idea on their travel here considering the disparate nature of the attackers the enemy force would have no co-ordination and it would be unlikely that they would be working fully together so they would play on that fact and sow as much trouble as possible.  Approaching they noticed that Clan duelling rules were not being honoured and it was a free-for-all.  Cloud Cobra lines were beginning to break.  “What plan boss?”  Camilla asked firing her Mech’s shoulder mounted Extended-Range PPC killing a Coyote thirty-five ton Jenner IIC with a cockpit hit, at this extreme range was extremely impressive.

   â€œWolf Pack, we get in hit them and sow as much trouble as we can.  We keep moving whatever happens.  Constantly shift targets, it will take down our kills but give us a better chance” he said triggering his own Extended-Range Large Laser hitting damaging a Hell’s Horses tank “a better chance of surviving this.  Do not challenge anyone and keep moving…” he said triggering the laser again, the Arctic Cheetah’s heat jumped but Zane ignored it “…stay away from the Hell’s Horses” he said remembering the vision.

   â€œYes mum” Camilla said charging into the fight nearly constantly firing her PPC, when she got close enough she triggered the PPC the four machine guns her customised Owens mounted when she got to point blank range to vehicles she lashed out with kick and punch attacks.  The Clans generally disdained physical combat on Mech scale but Canin remembered the Smoke Jaguars often lost control in combat and sometimes lashed out physically at each other and vehicles.  Zane was constantly firing his Arctic Cheetah’s single large laser and three heavy lasers, one medium and two small.  The Arctic Cheetah’s heat scale was constantly raising but he continued to slap the override and keep fighting, every now and then he would trigger the Mech’s six jump jets and take a look at the battle on a larger scale but for the most part he concentrated on damaging as many aggressor Mechs as possible.

   It seemed that no-one could touch his Mech or Camilla’s Owens today, neither of them had been struck by a single weapon the entire fight until Zane’s Arctic Cheetah was rammed in the back by a suicidal Hell’s Horses hovercraft.  The thirty ton Mech went down under the impact and Camilla moved to cover Zane’s recovery gunning down the hovercraft remains with a hail of machine gun fire killing the crew.  Zane regained his feet and turned ready to give Camilla into trouble for wasting ammo and lives for no reason, to disable the craft would have been enough, when a Hell’s Horses Ares Medium Tank struck out at them with a hail of Long Range Missiles.  One of the missiles struck the Owens head and the thirty-five ton machine went down in a heap, Zane had no time to check on Camilla launching into the air with his Mech’s Jump Jets he brought the Mech down on the Ares in a classic Death-From-Above attack, a manoeuvre the clans hated but Zane did not care, this was a day for the Clans to forget.

   For the next twenty minutes Zane warded the downed Owens without thinking about anything but protecting his downed sub-ordinate, starmate and friend.  Zane constantly checked the downed Mech but it made no movement after going down.  After the battle was long over Zane still stood in his Mech watching the Owens as Cloud Cobra med-techs removed Camilla’s broken body from the OmniMech’s cockpit.  Later they had said she had died immediately but Zane remembered the vision well, Camilla had known she would die and still returned to fight.  After informing Jal Steiner of what he had witnessed the Oathmaster promised that Camilla although lost to the Clan’s genetic records, because she lacked a Bloodname, would receive a passage in the Nova Cat remembrance for her actions on the field that day and would live eternally in the written word of their Clan.  Zane promised himself and Camilla’s memory that he would never forget the Smoke Jaguar who became a Nova Cat when its Clan died only to return to the Smoke Jaguars when it died, to guide the Smoke Jaguar’s lost souls with its new found wisdom.  Zane also realised that he had begun to believe in an afterlife, perhaps the Diet had been worthwhile after all.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #77 on: July 05, 2012, 07:17:20 PM »

Celentaro, Predition, Logan’s Land
Taurian Concordat/Federated Suns Border
21st-29th September 3062

   With Wolf’s Dragoon’s Epsilon guarding Galax the Davion Heavy Guards returned to New Avalon.  After a few days of training with Zeta Battalion and the on planet AFFS units Victor Steiner-Davion deployed the Heavy Guards and Zeta Battalion to the Taurian Concordat following Taurian attacks on Federated Suns troops in the St Ives Compact and the attack on New Syrtis Shipyards earlier in the year.  With the FSS Lucian Davion, an Avalon-class Cruiser, in support the Davion Heavy Guards RCT and Wolf’s Dragoon’s Zeta Battalion are ordered to raid several Taurian Concordat worlds along the Taurian border and eliminate as many Taurian troops as possible showing the Taurian’s that they are fighting in the big leagues by joining the Capellans in the St Ives Conflict.

   The Heavy Guards and Epsilon pick three worlds along the Federated Suns border with the Concordat Celentaro, Predition and Logan’s Land.  On Celentaro they found the battalion of local militia troops was supported by the Black Angus Boys a mercenary battalion, and a unit known for questionable tactics and dealings with employers.  Colonel Jamison requested to Marshal Ann Adelmana, the Heavy Guards overall commander, to engage the force with his Zeta Battalion alone because he considered the Black Angus Boys an affront to the Mercenary trade and wanted to make an example of them to other commands.  Adelmana agreed to the Colonel’s request and following the FSS Lucian Davion and the Davion Heavy Guards securing of all Taurian Aerospace Fighters and DropShips, either through forced surrender or destruction of all offensive units, the Wolf’s Dragoons landed on the Taurian world.

   Landing three kilometres from the target the Wolf’s Dragoons began to march on the assembled Black Angus Boys and their Taurian Militia support who believed that they were facing a standard raiding force.  When Zeta Battalion crested the ridge painted in standard black with the Wolf’s Dragoon insignia on the left torso of each Mech and Battle Armour.  Jamison offered the local Taurians a way out by surrendering, they refused because of the Wolf’s Dragoons contract with the Federated Suns, without further warning Zeta Battalion went to work.

   The heavier hitting Zeta Mechs with more advanced technology allowed them to drop half the militia and several Black Angus Boys Mech’s in the first salvo.  As the brave, foolhardy, Black Angus Boys moved forward attempting to at least damage some of the Dragoons one of Zeta’s Clan-style trinaries flanked left while another flanked right.  Jamison had ordered his troops not to kill locals if possible so Zeta’s Mechs carefully disabled the militia while the Elementals and vehicles kept the Black Angus Boys busy, this allowed the Black Angus Boys to close and bring all their weapons into play however even with combined-fire they could not down any of Zeta’s Clan and Inner Sphere OmniMechs only able to force one Mech to retreat and disable a couple of vehicles.  With the Militia disabled Zeta turned on the Black Angus Boys with a vengeful fury taking out every Black Angus Boy in a total of three salvos.  Although most of the militia walked away from the fight with mostly destroyed equipment, cuts and bruises only five Black Angus Boys walked from their Mechs alive.  Jamison took the strange decision of taking all five MechWarriors as bondsmen to the Wolf’s Dragoons intent on training them how to be proper mercenaries.  This action and the death of Colonel Angus Black effectively killed the Black Angus Boys as an independent mercenary command.  Zeta left the local militia with the broken remains of their own forces and the Black Angus Boys allowing them to rebuild over time.  Zeta then returned to their DropShips and rejoined the Davion Heavy Guards and the Lucian Davion and headed for the next target.

   On both of the next worlds Predition and Logan’s Land Zeta Battalion took the back-seat as the Davion Heavy Guards engaged the Third Taurian Lancers on both worlds.  Because of their superior training and technology advantage the Davion Heavy Guards deployed a reinforced Mech Battalion, two armour regiments and two infantry regiments to each world allowing the full Regimental Combat Team to gain experience.  Mixing forces the Guards set up a broken firing line made up of three echelons, attack groups, offering each other supporting fire.  The Taurians on the other hand had no discernable strategy, on Predition, the First reinforced Mech battalion supported by the units double company of armoured vehicles and the two battalions of infantry approached the Davion Heavy’s most forward echelon and tried to stand up to fight the Heavy Guards as if they were equal in skill and technology to the Davion unit, something they were not one either, the entire defence force of Predition was destroyed in less than thirty minutes with the fanatical Taurian Lancers refusing to stand down to the superior Davion unit.  On Logan’s Land it was an entirely different story the four companies of the Taurian Lancers attacked from different directions at different times.  If there had been communication and any sort co-ordination between the companies it may have been effective and they may have caused some light damage unfortunately because there was no communication and no centralised command between the various Taurian companies they were cut to shreds peace-mail by the Davion Guard’s many echelons and the Taurians caused no damage to a single Davion Mech or vehicle and only killed two infantry soldiers one due to a stray autocannon blast and one due to a miss-fired tank gauss rifle and shrapnel killing a trooper guarding the vehicles flanks.

   With all three worlds defenders disabled the Davion Heavy Guards RCT and Zeta Battalion informed the Taurians that if their leadership continued to support the Capellan Confederation then the attacks would continue they then left Taurian space heading for nearby New Syrtis for training against the Davion Light Guards RCT and the Eighth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT.

Throne Room
Forbidden City, Sian
Capellan Confederation
4th October 3062

   Word of the Federated Suns assault had reached Taurus a few days later and Protector Grover Shaplen had immediately put in an HPG call to Sian demanding to speak to Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao who was awakened from his bed.  The palace servant responsible for wakening Sun-Tzu and Naomi Centrella had been executed on the spot by the Death Commando guards on order of the Chancellor.

   â€œWhat is it Grover?”  Sun-Tzu asked, he had little time for the man or his troops but they acted as good cannon fodder protecting his true Capellan troops from the worst their enemies could throw at them.

   â€œA few days ago House Davion and Wolf’s Dragoons destroyed one of my BattleMech Regiments and several conventional regiments and a mercenary unit under my employ!  I must recall the regiments I have deployed in the Capellan Confederation to safe-guard my nation against the Davion Hoards!”  He said the man was being irrational and was more scared than any man Sun-Tzu had ever seen in his life, finally after centuries of standing waiting for the Federated Suns to invade and now that they had the Concordat was in a panic.  Sun-Tzu had expected this, he had heard of Victor Davion’s order and of the contract with the Dragoons a few days before and had been waiting for them to attack him somewhere.  Trust Davion to pick the weak link, Sun-Tzu could not afford to loose three Mech regiments, perhaps one regiment.

   â€œProtector if you recall your troops then that will violate the Trinity Alliance agreement.”  Sun-Tzu warned, the Capellans had been giving the Concordat economic upgrades and support as well as military not to mention the upgrades they were doing to their secret WarShip, the TCW Vadenberg.

   â€œI need warriors capable of defending my borders, you have three of my regiments.”

   â€œThen I will send you one of mine, the Second McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry” he said naming the mercenary regiment that had only recently signed on with the Capellan Confederation’s Armed Forces (CCAF) along with the rest of McCarron’s Brigade.

   â€œOne regiment for three?  How does that give me the troops I need?”  Shaplen may be a fool and the partnership the Confederation had signed with him was becoming more and more a liability but Sun-Tzu needed them for now.

   â€œThe McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry are fully upgraded troops and are battle hardened they are worth eight of your regiments!”  Sun-Tzu screamed at Shaplen, if the Taurian leader wanted to be scared then Sun-Tzu would give him something to be scared of.  “However, I will also send upgrade kits for an entire Battalion of your BattleMech forces with McCarron’s forces and a full platoon of Battle Armour forces for your Taurian Guards.”  He said, the Battle Armour and upgrades would go straight to the Protector’s first line of defence, not the Taurian Concordat’s defenders.

   â€œAnd they will arrive within the next couple of months?”

   â€œAs soon as possible Protector, goodbye.”  Sun-Tzu said cutting off the link.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #78 on: July 05, 2012, 07:45:35 PM »

Time for some 'combat'

Open Ground, Near Firebase
New Scotland, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
10th October 3062

   â€œBy the numbers people, we do not want these folks thinking we are here to cause trouble but we do want to drop in the usual way.  DropShip commander over to you” Canin said as the Nova Cat DropShips entered the atmosphere over New Scotland, New Avalon’s most northerly and least populated continent.  Canin’s Watch Cluster was the first Nova Cat unit to enter the Federated Suns and the WarShip assigned to the unit, the Congress-class True Vision had secretly slipped into the Galax system two days before while the Nova Cat JumpShips had continued to New Avalon and released the ten DropShips of the Watch Cluster.

   Over the last six months the Watch Cluster had developed a new way of dropping onto the ground, while the aerospace fighters from the unit’s Carrier, along with the Carrier itself, maintained a high Combat-Air-Patrol (CAP).  The rest of the DropShips would orbit low over the landing zone while two DropShips would drop in release their cargo then take off, the sequence would continue until all nine Broadswords had released their Cargo then the ground forces would secure the Landing Zone (LZ) for all ten DropShips and the fighters to land.  Although it was in line with the Nova Cat High Risk Insertion Techniques it was experimental much like the make up of the Watch Cluster.

   â€œDrop Zone is hot” the DropShip commander said into the entire unit’s communication frequency, the hot part of the landing zone was the BattleMechs and vehicles of the Tenth Lyran Guards, although they would not fire real weapons at the Nova Cats and their DropShips they would engage the Canin’s people with simulated weapons fire.

   As the DropShips reached their insertion level a wing of Tenth Lyran fighters attempted to interdict them however the massed firepower of nine Broadsword A1-class DropShip, the official classification of the Watch DropShips because of their modified weapons and cargo capacity, the massed simulated firepower brought down ten of the twenty Tenth Lyran Fighters forcing the others into a massed retreat.  “Insertion Secure.  Lervoux and Bavros, you are clear for grounding.”  The overall DropShip commander Star Commodore Eric Bavros said naming the first two DropShips, all the Watch Cluster DropShip were named for the Nova Cat Bloodname Houses.

   From several hundred metres away Victor Steiner-Davion watched as two Nova Cat Broadswords dived down over the area Lyran and Davion units reported heavy simulated damage as the two DropShips fired constantly on their drop.  In all his fighting during the Clan War Victor had only ever encountered the Clans using their DropShips to secure a landing zone twice and on both occasions the Inner Sphere force had received heavy damage.  As the first two DropShips landed more DropShips appeared in the lower atmosphere diving quickly on the battlefield, they looked like huge aerospace fighters conducting strafing runs an extremely dangerous move.

   â€œWhat on earth?”  Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion exclaimed as the new DropShips strafed the ground one of the vessels, nearly identical to the landing vessels, soared over their position, all of Victor’s command group reported damage then as the DropShips were raising Victor’s own Dire Wolf, Prometheus, rocked heavily as a flight of missiles slammed into the Mech’s back forcing Victor to fight the controls just to keep the one hundred ton monster still standing.  On the ground the first Nova Cats led by an unknown type of Mech was approaching the assembled troops.

   â€œLet’s introduce ourselves.”  Victor said “Reinhart your company on me, Arden if you want to come you are welcome.  Jackson hold back and join the First Davion.”  Victor said throttling his one hundred ton OmniMech forward.  Beside him Danai Centrella’s seventy-five ton Falconer and Arden Sortek’s Atlas were keeping pace with him.  Further along the line General Reinhart Steiner’s Warhawk led a company of the Tenth Lyran Guard’s most experienced troopers stood providing long range sniper and support fire as they closed.  Behind them stood a company from the First Davion Guards, their commander Marshal Bishop Sortek and Jackson Davion and beside them were the Fox’s Teeth Company, newly outfitted in the latest OmniMechs, under the command of Major Ross McKinnon.  In the surrounding hills were the majority of the Tenth Lyran Guards RCT and a large portion of the First Davion Guards, these forces were partially there to ensure no New Avalon citizens wandered onto the field but also were there in case the Nova Cats decided they wanted to cause some trouble all the support forces were armed with live weapons just in-case the clan force did cause real unscheduled trouble.

   â€œDamn” Reinhart muttered.

   â€œWhat is it Reinhart?”  Victor asked, the General had fought with Victor throughout the Clan War and was his distant cousin on the Lyran half of the family.

   â€œAdmiral Richards informed me that the Nova Cats have deployed fighters in the upper atmosphere and the DropShips are using massed long range weapons to keep her other fighters at bay.  We will be doing this without any aero-support.”  He said Rear Admiral Lisa Mae Richards commanded the RCT’s four Aerospace wings, for this fight two wings had been deployed and now Reinhart had informed him that all forty fighters had been intercepted, not a good start to the battle.

   â€œWell hopefully the Nova Cat fighters will decide not to interfere, we are having enough fun with their DropShips” Arden Sortek said his Atlas firing lasers and LRMs at the DropShips in a vain attempt to keep the strafing Broadswords at bay.  Unfortunately they had no idea how many DropShips the Nova Cats had as all the Broadswords were painted identically, because of the set up of the exercise Victor had said he didn’t want to know how many Nova Cat DropShips were inbound, on top of that thick cloud cover over New Scotland was limiting visual identification.  For all its beauty Arden hated this continent because of the weather, apparently it was almost exactly the same here as the original Scotland on Terra.

   On the ground clear of the DropShips Star Colonel Canin Rosse looked at the situation, fifteen Mechs were inbound mostly with Tenth Lyran Guards markings and most in the Heavy or assault category.  The Mech’s class and the muddy ground was slowing them considerably however Canin noticed that the Lyran Mechs were constantly looking to the air in anticipation of a DropShip attack.  Canin keyed in his comm. channel to the DropShip commanders “remember low over those troops keep their heads down.”  He said as the Elementals and vehicles of his star arrayed around him.  From the other DropShip Jennifer’s star made up of similar units to his were arriving.  “We hold this landing zone.”  He said as the two DropShips took off one headed straight for the incoming Lyran company while the other circled once then hit the company on the hillside before ascending to a higher altitude.  Just as the DropShips disappeared another two were coming into land and another two were beginning strafing runs.

   â€œDamn them” Victor muttered the Nova Cat ground forces were holding station and laying out heavy fire despite their small number, combined with the constant overpasses by the DropShips was making closing on the slow going.  As the second pair of DropShips landed doubling the Nova Cats number Victor activated his comm. channel “Jackson, we are going to need you.  Have the Fox‘s Teeth go around and try to flank them.”  He said as more Nova Cats began joining the firing line, Victor only saw a total of four Mechs but there was four times as well as vehicles and ten times as many Elementals giving them a lot of firepower.  Walking forward he triggered all four of his Extended-Range Large Lasers missing the intended Unknown class of Mech and hitting one of the taking off DropShip.

   Canin saw the laser blast at the last moment and stepped out of the way, two blasts struck the ground while another two slammed into the DropShip behind him.  Spinning around he could see the aggressor the charging Dire Wolf, lead Mech of the Lyran Guards “Capture a Clan Mech and think you can fight like a Clan Warrior?”  Canin muttered quietly, before the fight he had told his warriors not to issue challenges to the Davion troops time to break that rule.  Accelerating forward Canin activated the Dragon Cat’s wide spectrum communications system allowing everyone in the area to hear him.  “Dire Wolf pilot, this is Star Colonel Canin Rosse, Watch Cluster, Clan Nova Cat.  I challenge you to a circle of equals may no other enter.”

   Watching as this strange Mech approach the Lyran Guards alone Victor held his fire, mainly because the Dire Wolf was badly overheated, then he was shocked that the Nova Cat commander and he wanted to fight a one-on-one fight, momentarily forgetting it was the Clans he was fighting.  “Star Colonel Canin Rosse, this is First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion, welcome to New Avalon and the Federated Suns.  I will accept your challenge, if you tell us what class of BattleMech you are piloting.”

   â€œThis Mech is a Dragon Cat it is an OmniMech not a BattleMech.  May no other enter.”  Canin answered quickly finishing the ritual, he realized that he had picked the perfect target taking out the First Prince would certainly make an impression on the Federated Suns Military.

   â€œMay no other enter” the Prince repeated, Victor had fought the Clans often enough to know the Clan Warrior would not accept his challenge if he did not say on an open channel that no-other warrior would break their so-called circle of equals.

   â€œSeyla” Canin said then after a slight pause the Dragon Cat accelerated to eighty-four kilometres per hour suggesting the Mech was a heavy design.  Victor held his fire and tried to track the Mech and line up his shot but Canin did not wait.  Triggering the Dragon Cat’s arm mounted large pulse laser and two medium pulse lasers first tearing into Victor’s Dire Wolf’s left arm armour.  Then the Clan Star Colonel followed up with its missile launchers on the other arm, the Dire Wolf’s computers registered twelve high-explosive missile impacts also on the left arm disabling one of the large lasers.  Victor returned fire with the assault-class ultra autocannon, the Dragon Cat was moving too fast and only the first shells slammed into the OmniMech tearing up armour high on the torso causing heavy simulated damage.  Rosse’s Dragon Cat  did not pause to count damage and returned fire almost immediately with two pearl coloured heavy medium lasers slicing into the Dire Wolf’s torso, the two powerful weapons pierced the armour and damaged the Dire Wolf’s fusion core.  The cockpit temperature inside Victor’s Mech raised several degrees.

   Returning fire with the twenty-tube LRM launcher Victor watched as the Clan MechWarrior turned his Mech violently causing most of the missiles to go wide so only five missiles flew towards the Dragon Cat only to be cut down by the Dragon Cat’s central mounted anti-missile system ‘this guy is good’ Victor thought as the Dragon Cat lashed out again with its pulse lasers, missiles and then heavy lasers.  The pulse lasers again damaged the left arm knocking out another one of Victor’s large lasers, the twelve missiles did more damage than SRMs of Victor assumed they were the Clans new Advanced Tactical Missiles (ATMs) and the heavy lasers did twice the damage of normal weapons cutting deep holes in the left leg‘s simulated armour the computers registered all the damage as real and Victor was once again fighting for control.

   Triggering both remaining lasers Victor caught the Dragon Cat square in the chest with his fire however the Clan OmniMech shrugged it off showing it had strong armour as well as speed and hitting power.  The Clan warrior did not stop his assaults opening up with its missiles and heavy lasers this time cutting into the Mech’s left leg, the battle computers registered a damaged knee actuator and a damaged foot actuator, the Dire Wolf stumbled to one knee Victor barely kept the Mech upright as he used both arms to stabilise and pick up the Mech.  The computers registered the left leg was destroyed and he was barely keeping the one hundred ton Dire Wolf standing.  Victor twisted the assault OmniMech’s torso left tracking the Dragon Cat which once again was travelling at speed Victor fired the LRMs and the assault-class autocannon, the LRMs went horribly wide but the autocannon tore into the left arm disabling the limb and the weapons there.  The Dragon Cat pilot controlled the Mech trough the hit and twisted his own Mech to bring the ATM launcher into play the computers registered nine missile hits each tore into Victor’s autocannon disabling it.  Canin then followed it up with both heavy lasers more armour was registered as gone, a real hit would have boiled off over a ton of armour off the Dire Wolf‘s right torso the computer also registered another hit to the assault Mech‘s fusion engine again, the Dire Wolf stumbled even more as Victor began struggling with a heavily damaged fusion engine and damaged legs.

   Returning fire Victor tied the two remaining large lasers, LRM launcher and four torso mounted medium pulse lasers into a single trigger the lasers hit the Dragon Cat’s left arm again unfortunately the computers registered the limb as gone and the lasers did no damage, the LRMs all headed towards the torso the Dragon Cat’s anti-missile system cut down over half of the missiles so only six of the missiles struck the Dragon Cat causing little damage.  The pulse lasers struck the Dragon Cat’s torso causing the heavy OmniMech damage all over the Mech and two armour breaches.  Finally the autocannon struck the Dragon Cat as well finally finishing the Mech’s fight as the shells tore into the central armour and disabled the fusion engine, however Victor’s assault Mech was in no condition to continue the fight, it could barely move so the rest of the fight would continue without either commander.

   For the next hour and a half the Nova Cats continued to struggle along without their commander with near constant DropShip attacks keeping the Federated Suns troops and at a safe distance but eventually the combined Lyran and Davion Guard force charged the Nova Cat lines, at the same time the Fox’s Teeth attacked from behind mobbing the Nova Cat landing zone forcing the Clan force to surrender.  The damage simulation computers released the Mechs from their damaged state returning them to full combat effectiveness and the Nova Cats were allowed into the nearby firebase.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #79 on: July 05, 2012, 07:58:25 PM »

Nova Cat Staging Base
New Scotland, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
10th October 3062

   The staging base House Davion had given the Watch Cluster was large enough for a unit twice its size but was very basic in the utilities, it suited Canin fine.  The Lyran and Davion Guards along with the Fox’s Teeth backed off as the Nova Cats got settled.  With his troops secure and all ten DropShips landed Canin ordered the gates opened and Victor’s command lance closed on the firebase.  Reinhart Steiner and Bishop Sortek commanders of the two Regiments had stayed in the field marshalling their troops into DropShips, a battalion of First Davion Guards would remain in the area watching the Nova Cats just in case the Nova Cats decided to attack or cause trouble and keep all non-authorised personnel at a distance of twenty-five kilometres.  Regular aerospace patrols would keep atmospheric guests clear and the FSS Fox would watch the space over New Scotland, the Fox-class Corvette drew plenty of attention but kept everyone at a distance as well.

   With Elementals on the walls and two Athena Heavy Tanks on the main doors Victor’s command knew that they were in hostile territory, even though the Nova Cats were here to work with them.  Victor’s Dire Wolf, Danai’s Falconer, Jackson Davion’s Battlemaster, Arden Sortek’s Atlas, Ross McKinnon’s Black Hawk-KU and a modified Crockett were escorted into six slots in the Firebases Mechbay.  There Nova Cat techs were already overhauling the equipment making them ready for the next patrols or duties.  The group were shown to a clean up area and all, except Victor, were shocked to see Yvonne Steiner-Davion exit the Crockett along with a First Davion Subaltern.  “Yvonne?  I was not aware you piloted” Arden said Yvonne looked over at the young officer then back to Arden.

   â€œYou give me too much credit Subaltern Thompson was the my chauffer today.  I just came along to observe the battle and to see how our guests were welcomed.”  She said each of the senior members nodded their acceptance of the young MechWarrior took cursory glances at the Crockett then wandered off following a Nova Cat elemental out of his Battle Armour.

   â€œSubaltern” Victor the young officer walked off and snapped to attention “how much did you do?”

   â€œVery little sire, although your orders were for us to remain out of the fight.  When your Mech was disabled following your fight with the Clan commander Yvonne… I mean the Duchess” he stammered, Victor could understand him using her first name at present they had just finished combat together so he nodded for him to continue “she said that it was not right for a Davion to be on the field and not in the fight.  She released the weapons controls to me and closed to firing range.”

   â€œAny kills?”

   â€œI think I got the kill shot on a Nova Cat Hovercraft but I am not sure.  Not enough to claim a kill.”  He said, they had entered the fight late and the modified Crockett’s weapons were not concentrated like other designs it was a pure training Mech.

   â€œVery good, get cleaned up and watch over the Mechs.  Have a look around if the Nova Cats will let you.” Victor said jogging along to catch up with the rest of the party who were almost out of the Mechbay.

   â€œGrilling my pilot for no good reason?”  Yvonne whispered with a smile on his face.

   â€œJust wanted to make sure he followed my orders and kept you out of the fight.”

   â€œWe were fine enough.”  Yvonne said quietly, Victor nodded his sister seemed to have a natural flare for piloting, he wondered how it had been missed for so long and if she would use the talent but that could wait for now the Nova Cat commander was waiting.

   Upstairs in the main building Victor and his party were led into a large amphitheatre, probably the biggest briefing room in the entire base capable of briefing an entire regiments worth of MechWarriors.  They each made their way down the steps and joined Canin Rosse who stood at one end of a large table, Victor was unsure if the table was there before or not.  “Star Colonel Rosse, Welcome to the Federated Suns and New Avalon.”  Victor said giving Canin a slight nod Canin remained silent and returned the nod.  “Allow me to introduce my people”  He said moving from person to person “Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion, commander of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.  Field Marshal Arden Sortek, Head of the Crucis March the area of the Federated Suns you are currently in.  Duchess Danai Centrella, Clan War Veteran and personal friend.”  Each nodded to Canin as their name was mentioned Canin noticed a slight smile on the Duchess’s face as Victor described her.  “And the last two people you know Duchess Yvonne Steiner-Davion, my sister, and Major Ross McKinnon.”  A smile blossomed on Canin’s face when that was read out.

   â€œCongratulations Major on the promotion and your upcoming wedding.  Did I not say we would meet again?”  Canin said stepping past Victor to shake Ross’ hand it was a total breach of diplomatic protocol but Canin did not care he knew Ross and Yvonne he didn’t know the others they could wait.

   â€œAff, how do you know I am getting married? sir” Ross said, Canin noticed both Marshals shift uneasily at Ross calling Canin ‘sir’ Victor did not seem to notice.

   â€œWell it is one of the main reasons for us being here.  It is not often the Watch get asked to go somewhere.  Your invite was very generous.”

   â€œMy invite?”  Ross was confused and now Canin was getting angry, if he wasn’t wanted at the wedding why did Yvonne have the invite, he looked at Yvonne.

   â€œMy fault, Major, you never gave me any invites before I left so I made one up for the Star Colonel and his unit.”  Yvonne said explaining things to Ross, Canin‘s anger was beginning to evaporate but he didn‘t like the deception.

   â€œWe are wanted, Quiaff?”  Canin asked looking back to Ross.

   â€œAff, I just never realised that the Duchess would make it formal, or that your unit would be so large.”

   â€œWell a Star Colonel rank demands the troops to match.”  Canin said smirking turning to Victor “I hope our entrance was not too over the top.  Quineg?”  He asked looking back to the First Prince.

   â€œNeg, Star Colonel, the flare of your entrance and the use of your DropShips in the strafing runs was a surprise but a welcome one.  I believe it made us all re-evaluate your unit’s worth to this contract.”  Victor said, the tactics used only really worked when there was large open spaces for the DropShips to manoeuvre and act like massive aerospace fighters, you also needed the pilots to match the skill required, but he wasn’t about to knock back a complement.  “Where are the rest of your troops?”  Three Nova Cat WarShips and three ground clusters were expected.

   â€œThe True Vision, a Congress-class Heavy Frigate, is waiting in an uninhabited system for clearance to enter the Galax system.  Next month the Blade and Remembrance, two Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers, with the First Nova Cat Guards and the Fifth Nova Cat Regulars will arrive and be ready for assignments.”  Victor nodded, he had hoped for another look at one of the Nova Cat’s new ships but the vessels provided would do very nicely especially the True Vision, combined with the data being gained from the Wolf’s Dragoon’s Beowulf the information on the Congress would be very interesting and helpful for the Federated Suns admiralty‘s future plans.  “Our original deployment plan calls for one WarShip to be deployed at each of your three shipyards, they will be hidden from public view but fully supported during their stay.  The three clusters will exercise with Federated Suns troops throughout the Federated Suns.  One Cluster per Federated Suns March sounds good to me.”  Victor nodded it would keep the Nova Cats apart if they decided to cause trouble and would allow more of his troops to work with the Clan force.

   â€œYou understand the need for secrecy means that any Nova Cat force deployed in the Federated Suns will not be able to publicly wear its own insignia, or formally act as Clan troops.”  Victor said, if the other realms suspected the Federated Suns was working with any Clans there would be a heavy price to pay for the Federated Suns and for the Nova Cats.

   â€œAff, all our troops have been briefed and that is one of the reasons for the delay some of our warriors want nothing to do with the Federated Suns unless they are facing them in battle.  The other two clusters are moving other troops into positions currently filled by these troops.”

   â€œAnd your own troops?”

   â€œThey are Watch personnel, First Prince, they have to learn to deal with people they do not like.”  Canin said bluntly he had not checked his own troops but knew of at least four who would like nothing more than to enter this room and gun them all down, at one point the would have included himself in that but recently he‘d began to question some of his decisions, they did not like the path the Nova Cats were on and saw their presence here as allies to the Federated Suns as a corruption of the Clan way.

   â€œWell, we will give you a few days to settle into the base then your unit will be invited to the Major’s wedding on the Rostock continent, near Captain Montgomery’s home town.  At the request of Major McKinnon you will be able to bring a Trinary’s worth of equipment and two OmniFighters will be allowed to join the First Davion fighters for a flyby.”  Jackson Davion said Canin nodded his agreement to the terms but little else.

   â€œI will inform my people.”  Canin said to Jackson and Ross then turned back to Victor “when is the first exercise?”

   â€œWell your first exercise is tonight Star Colonel, at the Davion Royal Palace, we will give you a proper welcome.”  Victor said “I will send a VTOL to collect you, best dress please.  No need to hide who you are tonight everyone will know who you are and why you are here.”  Canin nodded, little did Victor know what the Nova Cat’s traditional best dress was, for a second he was tempted to wear that but ultimately he would wear a standard uniform with a couple of additional adornments ensuring he passed for normal for the night, he had never personally liked the traditional dress uniform anyway it was too over the top for him despite Clan tradition.

   â€œThe first exercise for your people will be a training session at the Albion Academy.  Outside Avalon City” Arden Sortek said “we have a piloting and gunnery range there your people may find interesting and some MI6 troopers are wanting to challenge you Elementals with the new Infiltrator Mk. II.”  Canin found the idea of his troops being tested before combat annoying but said nothing, this was their playground he would comply with whatever they laid down for him and his people.

   That night Canin was dressed in a charcoal-Gray full body suit with leather collar, shoulder pads and cuffs, the shoulder pads were branded with the pattern of Nova Cat fur.  On the left breast sat the Nova Cat insignia while on his collar there were three pins.  The first was a full moon pin which designating him as Point One in his Star, the second was a yellow-sunburst set against a blue circle designating him as a Star Colonel while the final pin was a red daggered-star which said he was a MechWarrior, technically Canin didn’t need the final pin, because he was no longer a just a MechWarrior but it felt right to wear it as a reminder of what he was first and foremost a MechWarrior then an officer and member of the Watch so he continued to wear the pin.  Finally his pouch of vineers was attached to the left side of his uniform.  Following his vision of a woman who was not a warrior came from the people of warriors and became one in front of his eyes, which Canin believed could only be Yvonne Steiner-Davion, the vineers were depleted however as was the Nova Cat way he would begin collecting them again.  As he waited for the Federated Suns VTOL, which they could hear in the distance, Star Commander Jennifer appeared at his side.

   â€œYou should not be going to this party, it is not right we socialise with them.”

   â€œYour opinion Jennifer, not mine.”  Canin said quietly “we followed our Khan’s vision, our Clan is prospering.”

   â€œAway from the other Clans, we are straying from the teachings of the Founder.”

   â€œNo we are embracing his vision, we have returned to within striking range of the Inner Sphere and Terra.”  Canin said quietly, his voice but a whisper as the Federated Suns VTOL appeared “do you know that right now, we are the closer to Terra than any Clansmen other than the traitorous Wolf’s Dragoons have ever been?”  He said as the VTOL circled, Jennifer looked at him surprised she had not thought he believed in that kind of talk anymore. “And did you know that everyday, every contact we make gives us a better picture of how the Inner Sphere is set out and where would be best to strike?”  He asked as the VTOL landed “for example at present we know there are four WarShips under construction at the Galax Shipyards and two defending vessels?”  He asked walking towards the aircraft, Jennifer was left stunned despite outwardly appearances her commander was still gaining intelligence for their Clan in preparation for resumed operations against the Inner Sphere.  Even though she was totally against the Nova Cats association with the Federated Suns or any other state this relationship was perhaps beneficial after all.  The VTOL lifted off with Canin and began heading for Avalon City, never know he may even pick something interesting up there as well, only time would tell.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #80 on: July 05, 2012, 08:10:40 PM »

Main Dining Hall, Davion Royal Palace
Davion Royal Palace, Avalon Island
New Avalon, Crucis March, Federated Suns
10th October 3062

   The Federated Suns had gone to every effort to ensure Canin was welcomed by everyone important he may encounter in the Federated Suns baring the most important people of all, the Regimental Commanders.  Instead of them there was the Sandovals of Robinson, the Haseks of New Syrtis and the Sorteks of New Avalon.  Victor’s younger brother a cadet with the AFFS had been recalled to meet him and there was various Brigade and regimental commanders, luckily for Canin there was enough military personnel in the room to keep him sane and Yvonne Steiner-Davion had attached herself to his arm which was a pleasant and welcome distraction anytime, anywhere.  He was also pleased to see Ross and Rachel had been invited as had a good portion of their personnel.

   â€œSo Star Colonel, how do you find New Avalon?  Better than what you may be used to I guess?”  Arthur Steiner-Davion asked as they ate, Canin cleared his mouth before speaking his manners shocking everyone he was sure.

   â€œAff, New Avalon is a beautiful planet it reminds me of Barcella in the Kerensky Cluster during summer.  I do prefer the simpler battlefield of war, however, leave politics to leaders and wars to the rest of us.  War is easier to get around and you know who your enemies are, this is beautiful”  He said raising his arms slightly and glancing at Yvonne beside him “but it is complicated and not what I would describe as…”  He paused looking for the words “normal” he finished brining a could of giggles from around the table, including one from Yvonne, Canin could see Victor, Tarncred Sandoval, Arden Sortek, Jackson Davion, Reinhart Steiner and Bishop Sortek all nodding or smiling approving of his choice, he wasn’t really surprised House Davion had always been the most militaristic of the Succession States with the Davion Family had always been involved throughout the military this was possibly one of the unseen reasons the Nova Cats had chosen to talk instead of invade, respect between warriors went a long way for any of the Clans and House Davion was a warrior culture to the bone.

   â€œI thought we were all friends here.”  Arthur continued “you are here to assist us?”  He said obnoxiously Canin’s expression went a little sour at his attitude.  Canin did not like Arthur’s thought that the Nova Cats were nothing more than hired help the Nova Cats had more than enough power to fight off the Federated Suns if need be and although it would likely destroy the Nova Cat Touman it would also decimate the AFFS and probably dozens of worlds leaving the Federated Suns wide open for assault by its neighbours.

   â€œWe are allies, that does not mean we are friends.  Because the Field Marshals…” he said indicating to James Sandoval, George Hasek and Arden Sortek, “…control areas of the Federated Suns would you say they are your best friends, First Prince Victor?”  Victor looked to them all in turn knowing he‘d successfully found a chink in the Federated Suns armour, politics.  Canin could tell that Victor’s brother and perhaps another couple of people around the table would be a problem.

   â€œWe do our best, but not always.”  Victor said smiling as he agreed with Canin who nodded his thanks “people could be allies and not friends.  But I prefer to think that we will be allies and friends.”  Victor said nodding slightly to Canin remained impassive for a moment then mainly out of politeness he also nodded ‘keep them happy and ignore the little brat’ he thought silently seeing the look on Victor‘s face, the First Prince understood diplomacy Arthur didn‘t that was for sure.

   â€œThat was an interesting insertion method this morning Star Colonel, is that standard among the Watch?”  Reinhart asked changing the subject to things more recent and more tangible Canin noticed Arthur was angry but Victor was happy with the switch in topic and was ready for his answer.

   â€œNeg, if I am honest the entire idea of a Watch Cluster is not standard either.  The Nova Cats are the only Clan, as far as I know, that has an armed force permanently attached to the Watch.  Most if the other Clans treat the Watch with complete disdain and assign old warriors to the task, the Watch gets little new technology and is left to do a job most of the Clans care little about.  I was the only Bloodnamed warrior to volunteer for duties within the Watch.  Khan West was impressed by the Special Forces of the Inner Sphere, mainly the Draconis Elite Strike Teams, of the Draconis Combine, and your own Rabid Fox troops, he wanted a force of his own so the unit was formed just before your Fox’s Teeth arrived” he said looking to Ross and Rachel. “If we had not been present then they would have faced a regular Battle Cluster and a whole different problem.  The insertion technique we used was something completely new, our pilots were only assigned the Broadsword A1 very recently so they were a little rusty.  They will improve as they get more practice.”  Canin noticed the Federated Suns senior military commanders around the table look slightly surprised and worried at that thought and suppressed his smile he didn‘t need to worry them he needed to gain their trust.

   â€œWell if you could please pass onto them, from me and the Tenth Lyran, that it was impressive.”  Reinhart said Canin nodded his thanks, the insertion method like the unit was completely new and untested in battle Canin was pleased to receive a plaudit from a successful military commander like the Lyran commander, the Tenth‘s Clan War exploits were well known among the Clans.

   â€œI will second that, and if I may the First Davion Guards Aerospace Forces and DropShip commanders may borrow some of your pilots for a spell?” Bishop Sortek asked to get such an ask from the Davion Family’s Elite House Guard was a major step forward.

   â€œMy pilots would be happy to pass on what they know and how it could be adapted to your DropShips and units.”  Canin said having the Watch pilots train with the pilots of the AFFS could never be a bad thing, this was a major step whatever happened.  The rest of the meal went relatively quietly there was a couple of questions about the Nova Cat Clan and life as a Clansmen all of which Canin was able to answer easily.  Barring one from Tarncred Sandoval who had been watching him and Yvonne carefully all night.

   â€œSo Star Colonel are you involved with anyone at present?”  Tarncred asked Canin noticed Arthur smirk Canin took that to mean romantically involved with someone, which officially he wasn’t.

   â€œIf you are asking am I having sex with someone on a regular basis” Canin said bluntly a couple of people coughed or choked with surprise at his bluntness not something someone would normally say at this sort of gathering, ‘good‘ Canin thought smiling it was time to show what he truly was and see if they would accept a Clan Warrior being a Clan Warrior in his truest form not some sort of diplomat. “The answer is no” he noticed the people gathered that had not dealt with Clan personnel looked shocked including Yvonne. “We approach relationships differently than you do, in the Clans our military Toumans do not grow naturally most of our warriors are born in Iron Wombs, using genetic engineering.” Several of the people around the table knew this of course they had fought the Clans and Victor’s head of security Tigret was a former Smoke Jaguar Warrior captured during the destruction of that Clan.  “This has made relationships redundant among our front-line warriors, some warriors are looked down on with disdain for forming lasting relationships and within other Clans a warrior could even face adjournment because of a romantic involvement.  The Nova Cats are not so strict but relationships are just as uncommon within my Clan as others many wonder what is the point as their children, if it was even possible, would be looked down on by other members of the Clan for not being Trueborn.  The genetic life of our clan is very important to the Nova Cats as it is with all the clans.”

   â€œSo your single for your whole life, I can see a bonus in that, especially in my class!” Arthur said Tarncred, Victor and the senior Sandoval Duke James Sandoval all gave Arthur ’you idiot’ looks but it was Yvonne who spoke up.

   â€œYou’re sick Arthur, this is not something to discuss on the dinner table with the leaders of any Succession State, more like on the battlefield between drunken warrior of the lower-class or in a Capellan hoar-house.”  She said storming out Danai Centrella left the room moments later as did a couple of the other women.  Arthur did not look bothered in the slightest but Victor looked like he was going to beat Arthur into a pulp, Canin‘s thoughts mirrored Victor‘s but he made sure he kept his thoughts buried under the surface, no weakness no emotion would be showed.

   â€œDamn Star Colonel, you made quite an impression” Ross whispered leaning in close Canin nodded, he didn’t really care what kind of impression he made on a social level, he cared about making an impact on the martial level.  Looking at the door in which Yvonne had left through he did feel some regret, maybe he had been a bit too blunt.  The rest of the night went smoothly and Canin was soon standing on the side of the palace on one of the many VTOL landing pads waiting for the aircraft to arrive.

   â€œYou’re going to be waiting a while I’m afraid the last ride of the night doesn‘t arrive for a while.” Yvonne said walking out the glass doors her appearance brought a smile to his lips then he noticed the jacket he had given her on Tortuga was in her hands “I’m returning this” she said holding it out to him.

   â€œIt is yours, Yvonne” Canin said refusing to touch the jacket, he would not accept it back, he had given it to her.

   â€œStar Colonel, I do not want to be just another notch on your bedpost.”  She said Canin didn’t really get what she was meaning but took a step closer she took a step back towards the building doors.

   â€œYvonne” he noticed her flinch “listen to me, what we shared was something to be cherished by both of us.  I have never felt like that about anyone I have ever been with.  I don’t know how you felt but I really enjoyed being with you the whole time we were together and tonight when we were together.  I would like to perhaps explore it further”  he said his voice drifting off as the VTOL started to land Yvonne looked at the aircraft and Canin moved in closer, this time she did not retreat “whatever you feel about me, keep the jacket, you look better in it than I ever will.”  He said kissing her on the cheek before turning away and moving to the landed aircraft.  With one last look at her then at the surrounding palace he climbed aboard the VTOL and within seconds the aircraft was airborne whisking him away.

   The combination of the VTOL rotors and the cold midnight air made Yvonne feel cold so without thinking she pulled on the Nova Cat uniform jacket and zipped up the front it felt warm and smelled of Canin even though he had not worn it in months.  Walking back inside she headed to her quarters still wearing the jacket Yvonne saw the Sandovals moving up one of the staircases towards the guest quarters, Victor had invited them, George Hasek and the Sorteks to remain for a couple of days while the Nova Cats moved through Albion training ranges.  Tarncred Sandoval noticed her and hesitated for a moment waiting for her then noticed the jacket, so far Yvonne had told no-one of the Star Colonel’s gift, although it had no Nova Cat insignia on it the jacket was of the same design as the one Canin had worn tonight even down to the three pins on the left collar.  This was the first time she had worn it since returning to the Federated Suns and now that it was on there was no-way she was removing it just because Tarncred had seen her wear it the Baron nodded and then followed his father up the stairs silently, they had a budding relationship before she had met Canin, when the Nova Cats turned over the Fox‘s Teeth and the Thunderchild, she had drifted away from him and now he knew why.  Yvonne did not like the idea of being just another one of Canin’s conquests as Arthur had made it sound but she did not think that was what was going on with the Star Colonel, only time would tell.
Mech Piloting Training Range, Albion Academy
South Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
11th October 3062

   After watching the cadets go through the obstacle course the Nova Cats were ready for their turn.  Canin’s Command Trinary were here today and he was up first.  For this he had the Nova Cat techs reconfigure the OmniMech’s weapons to the Alpha configuration, which gave him a massive Gauss Rifle, three Heavy Medium lasers, a six-shooter SRM rack and a TAG laser, one of the vehicles in his command star also carried Arrow IV Artillery Missiles and the TAG was aligned to its frequency.  The Dragon Cat Alpha also had five jump jets giving Canin unparallel manoeuvrability compared to the standard design, it was time to show off.  For today’s exercise the Dragon Cat and the whole command Trinary had been repainted in the Watch Parade colours an all-black base coat with silver highlights on the knee, elbow and head assemblies and blue marking the weapon ports.

   â€œTime to see just how our Star Colonel handles himself” Victor said looking at the assembled gathering “Arthur your lance went through here earlier what was your time?”

   â€œFour Minutes, twenty-three seconds” Arthur said proudly “I was within the top two percent of cadets this morning and beat all but two of the instructors in the medium weight class.”  He said continuing to boast, Arthur had recently been given his first permanent BattleMech, a gift from Duke James Sandoval, a brand-new fifty ton Enforcer III.

   â€œWell let’s see if the Star Colonel…” Victor said drifting off as Danai and Yvonne both entered, he noticed Yvonne wore a black jacket similar to the one Canin had worn the night before where she had got it was a mystery to Victor, but one he would investigate. “…let’s see if the Nova Cat Commander can do any better.”

   â€œUnlikely” Arthur whispered Victor could not wait until Arthur was gone, his time on New Avalon had not been productive.

   â€œEspecially unlikely since the Star Colonel ordered the range techs to set the artificial targeting systems to their hardest settings.  I think the Star Colonel will be lucky to walk his Mech clear of the range.”  The range Commandant said Victor saw Arthur smile but thought that the Star Colonel was more likely to do something a little more impressive than lose to a computer program.

   â€œStar Colonel Rosse, you may begin when ready” Victor said into the comm.

   â€œAff” Canin replied, the Dragon Cat shot forward towards the first obstacle a tunnel with a laser turret at the far end.  Crossing the mouth of the entrance the laser fired but missed the seventy ton OmniMech, crossing a second time Canin fired a blast of heavy laser fire into the tunnel the three opal coloured laser beams vaporised the turret in an instant.  Still in the entrance way Canin ducked the Mech to avoid the dying breath laser blast from the turret and charged down the entrance way, as he exited the tunnel Canin stomped down on the Mechs floor pedals and launched the Dragon Cat skyward the laser trap set outside the tunnel fired but missed the flying OmniMech burning the walls of the tunnel instead.  Twisting the Mech in mid-air Canin launched a gauss slug at one turret and a flight of SRMs at the other.  The gauss slug destroyed its target while the SRMs disabled the turret mechanism shutting down the weapon.  Showing he was an expert pilot Canin twisted the Mech in mid-air again completing a full 360ï‚° turn before bringing the Mech into a controlled landing and running on.

   â€œWow!” Arthur exclaimed watching the Nova Cat Star Colonel control his Mech, Victor smiled perhaps now his younger brother would understand why the Nova Cats were here.  The Dragon Cat continued on blasting three more turrets in quick succession before reaching the last area.  Four turrets arranged in a semi circle right in front of the observation windows “there is no-way he will get past this without a fight, two turrets cover the sky and one cover each entrance, we all took damage doing this part.”  Arthur said, his own Enforcer III had lost its Ultra-class autocannon in this fight but the large pulse laser had brought him through the fight.

   The Dragon Cat appeared at the entrance and then dodged out of the way narrowly missed by a autocannon blast.  The second time he launched over the small gap using the Dragon Cat’s jump jets twisting the OmniMech’s torso he cut off a gauss rifle slug destroying the closest turret as a pair of PPC blasts and an LRM salvo flew past.  Now with the gap clear Canin stepped into the breach as the three turrets attempted to track his Mech a laser blast destroyed the laser turret, an SRM salvo destroyed the PPC turret and then Canin began running around the LRM turret, the Inner Sphere-tech LRMs unable to track the fast moving OmniMech “what’s he doing?  It has over ten tons of ammo.  He’s wasting time!”  Arthur said as the Dragon Cat twisted its torso still running at full speed “finally!”  Arthur exclaimed expecting Canin to fire, instead the Dragon Cat launched skyward way from the turret turning in mid-air “Fire!”  Arthur shouted, Victor felt slightly embarrassed by his brother Arthur was like a kid watching the display but Victor realised was barely stopping himself screaming the exact same thing.

   â€œCom’on Canin” Yvonne whispered just as the turret was hit by a missile from directly above, the turret was engulfed in a massive explosion just as the Dragon Cat landed its arms spread wide.

   â€œTime” the range supervisor said as the Dragon Cat with arms spread wide appeared to take a bow Victor often marvelled at how lifelike the Clan Neurohelmets could make Clan OmniMechs look even with all these years with his Prometheus the technology still surprised him.  “Three minutes, fifty-eight seconds a new course record for the heavy class.”

   â€œAnd within the top percent of the medium times” Victor said looking at the display “you see why the Nova Cats are here? Arthur”

   â€œThe last shot was not from the Mech” Arthur said, “he broke the rules of the course” he had to find some sort of fault with an excellent performance although Victor was curious to hear where the weapon had come from himself.

   â€œWe will hear from the Star Colonel when he arrives” Victor said as two Nova Cat Elementals and a small vehicle arrived at the Dragon Cat’s feet.  The Elementals remained guarding the Mech while the vehicles took Canin up to the observation deck.  Canin entered the deck wearing a black jumpsuit, his face and short hair was covered in sweat a towel was around his neck and shoulders.  “Well done Star Colonel, a very impressive score I’m sure it will take a while for our cadets and perhaps even the instructors to beat that time.”

   â€œThank you, First Prince Davion, it was quite an impressive course and challenges many aspects of Mech piloting with plenty of gunnery challenges to keep things interesting.  However there are a couple of changes I would suggest starting with…”  Canin began but Arthur interrupted.

   â€œHold it Colonel, how did you destroy the last target?  It looked a lot bigger than one of your SRMs.”  Arthur said accusingly.

   â€œArthur…”  Victor whispered, he wanted his brother to drop it, this wasn’t the time, if there ever was a time for this not now.

   â€œIt is alright First Prince Davion, Duke Davion” Canin said addressing Arthur with his title the young man seemed to like that further lowering him in Canin’s ratings “before the exercise began I checked with the course supervisor on the rules of the course.  He said that during the exercise they wanted to see MechWarriors fully utilising their Mechs and their personal abilities.”

   â€œThat doesn’t explain why you called in artillery support” Arthur said looking at the data, the explosion could only have come from an Arrow IV Artillery Missile even Victor looking at the information had to agree with his brother, Canin had cheated which left him with a slightly sour taste in his mouth.

   â€œI am afraid you are wrong, Duke, you see the Dragon Cat carries a Light Targeting Accusation (TAG) Laser specifically tied to Arrow IV Missiles, one of the Epona Pursuit Tanks in my Star has an Arrow IV System currently fitted.  I simply used my OmniMech’s capabilities and my Star Mates capabilities, as any good commander does.  Now if there is nothing else I could suggest some improvements…”  Canin said Arthur remained silent as both Victor and the Commandant Major General Fredrick Hastings both slowly nodded their approval to the unorthodox tactic Canin walked off with Victor and the Commandant .  Across the College training grounds for the rest of the day Nova Cat warriors set records on every course they stepped on.  Arthur was on his DropShip a couple of hours later heading back to Robinson with one clear message ‘The Nova Cats are way better than us.’  It wasn’t a defeatist thought but more of a task Arthur would take on, before the Nova Cats left the Federated Suns he would beat them.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #81 on: July 05, 2012, 08:33:10 PM »

Robinson Battle Academy
Beuller, Robinson
Draconis March, Federated Suns
18th October 3062

   Merely days after Arthur and the Sandoval family had returned from New Avalon unknown Draconis Combine troops arrived.  The Draconis Combine troops made a direct line to the Robinson Battle Academy and destroyed the prestigious facility, destroying the Robinson Training Battalion in the process and heavily damaging the Second Battalion of the Second Robinson Rangers.  The only reason Arthur survived the attack was because he was on a training exercise with Baron Tarncred Sandoval and the First Battalion of the Robinson Rangers on the other side of the planet, they arrived a few hours after the last Draconis Combine Mech had been taken down.  None of the Combine MechWarrior survived the attack, any who survived their Mech’s destruction committed suicide instead of being captured.  Two days later the worlds of Breed, New Ivaarsen and Royal all Draconis March worlds report attacks by unidentified units of the Draconis Combine again all captured warriors committed suicide but are all Japanese of origin.

   Over the next few days the Draconis March demand retribution for these attacks.  With the Draconis Combine unwilling to apologies or even admit responsibility Victor Steiner-Davion authorises a punitive strike.  The Federated Suns will take seven Draconis Combine words in retribution for the Draconis Combine raids, just like the Combine did with the Lyran Alliance’s Lyon’s Thumb following Lyran attacks on Combine troops.   Victor releases five additional units, including the Davion Heavy Guards RCT with Wolf’s Dragoons Zeta Battalion supporting, the Fourth Davion Guards RCT, the newly commissioned First Federated Suns Lancers RCT, the First NAIS Training Cadre and the Second Crucis Lancers RCT.  Along with these troops Victor assigns two Fox-class Corvettes the Invincible and the Brest to the strike.  But he also warns the ‘Old Duke James Duke’ Sandoval that if the Draconis March over steps the mission boundaries he will come down on them just as hard.  With units moving towards the Draconis March the assaults won’t begin until late December.

Alshain, Ghost Bear Capital
Ghost Bear Dominion
19th October 3062

   Hours after the unauthorised attack against Robinson and on the other border of the Draconis Combine another attack was well underway the four regiments of the Alshain Avenger Brigade supported by the DCS Dragon’s Last Tear, a Tatsumaki-class Destroyer were in position to launch an attack on their Homeworld of Alshain, occupied by Clan Ghost Bear for nearly twelve years.

   The Alshain Regiments had been infiltrated by members of the Black Dragon Society at every level and under their own initiative had organised this assault alone out with regular command levels.  The Black Dragon Society was an underground movement within the Draconis Combine comprised of politicians, business men and members of the military who believed that the spawn of Theodore Kurita, including current leader Hohiro Kurita, were unfit to run the Draconis Combine.  The attack by the Alshain regiments was seen as a way for the Black Dragon Society to force the DCMS to send more troops to secure Alshain and the worlds around it beginning the end of the Ghost Bear occupation of their Homeworlds.

   Unfortunately for the Alshain Regiments Clan Ghost Bear had made Alshain their capital world, in orbit they found an expansive shipyard facility defended by the Nightlord-class Battleship Ursula Major.  The vessel tore into the Dragon’s Last Tear gutting the destroyer in less than twenty minutes, the Tatsumaki-class Destroyer remains slammed into Alshain’s southern plains before the Alshain Regiments made landfall.  The Ground Regiments were attacked in space with a third of their number destroyed before they even made landfall, on the ground the regiments met three Galaxies worth of Ghost Bear troops.  Although they fought valiantly and took down three clusters of troops they were overrun and destroyed after eight hours of fighting.

   Following this unwarranted attack the Ghost Bear Dominion officially declares war on the Draconis Combine and begins launching attacks all along the border, DCMS commanders redeploys units from Federated Suns, Lyran Alliance and periphery borders to counter this threat.  Even with these redeployments by the end of the month the Draconis Combine are under assault on ten worlds and have lost control of three worlds.
Wedding Day, Banchory
Rostock, New Avalon,
Crucis March, Federated Suns
31st October 3062

   Although not religious Star Colonel Canin Rosse a trinaries worth of troops attended Ross’ and Rachel’s Wedding on the Rostock Continent.  Instead of going into the church building the Nova Cats stood guard around the entire facility the equipment was all painted in Fox’s Teeth colours covering their identity.  About half the way though the morning a convoy of vehicles arrived and Victor Steiner-Davion, Danai Centrella and Yvonne Steiner-Davion arrived.  Even with wars breaking out all around them and with the entire Draconis March reading for an invasion of the Draconis Combine Victor was showing he still looked after his people.  With so much Clan equipment on hand there was a lot of media attention however when Victor arrived with Danai and his sister the media attention went through the roof.

   In the surrounding area Canin’s five MechWarriors, twenty-five Elementals and ten vehicles, the same type of Trinary Canin had commanded on Tortuga during the time the Fox’s Teeth were there, remained in position the entire day receiving the whole wedding service though their communication systems.

   Following the service the media went crazy again as first with the married couple leaving under the escort of two points of Elementals until they were clear of the town.  Before the media decided to leave completely Victor Steiner-Davion made an announcement to the press.  “Ladies and gentlemen of the press, people of New Avalon and of the Federated Suns in the greater beyond.  Today we have seen a beautiful ceremony and the beginning of a marriage I hope lasts until death parts them.  Witnessing this has moved me to make an announcement” he said reaching back behind him snagging Danai’s hand pulling her forward “I have asked Duchess Danai Centrella to be my wife and she has accepted.”  The cameras went mental in front of them as Victor and Danai sealed the announcement with a kiss.  Another three points of Elementals had maintained an exit corridor, no-one willing to challenge the massive armoured warriors to break the wall.  “Further details will be announced as time moves on” Victor said before he and Danai escaped the media to their armoured limousine, again Elementals escorted them clear of the small town then once clear two Nova Cat armoured vehicles in Fox’s Teeth colours escorted them further away.  With such a big announcement there was very little coverage of the fact the whole Fox’s Teeth was deployed with their commander getting married and that all their equipment was Clan made.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #82 on: July 05, 2012, 08:37:44 PM »

ProtoMech Trial of Possession
Huntress, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds, Clan Space
2nd November 3062

   During a Trial of Possession for ProtoMech technology and a group of former-Smoke Jaguar scientists who worked on the project Clan Coyote Khan Sullivan Koga is killed during combat with Clan Star Adder.  Although the Coyotes are able to secure ProtoMech Technology and the scientists they have lost one of their most brilliant minds, following the loss of their Loremaster during the ill-fated attack on the Babylon Diet the Coyotes withdraw to their holdings as they lick their wounds.  Five days late after fighting off trials from several senior Galaxy Commanders saKhan Silas Kufahl becomes the new Khan of Clan Coyote.
Sirian Concordance Worlds
Free Worlds League
6th November 3062

   Tensions between the Sirian Lancers and the Free Worlds League Militia had been high since 3061 when the Lancers broke all ties from the FWLM and travelled home.  To the  Sirian Concordance, first liberating the remaining two worlds of the Concordance and setting their leader, General Helen Thrall, as Primus of the Concordance.  The three Lancer Regiments had began cashiering out or transferring non-Sirian born warriors against FWLM regulations.  The FWLM under direct orders of Captain-General Thomas Marik had deployed the Fourth Marik Legionaries and the Thirty-seventh Marik Militia to the worlds in an effort to bring the Lancers to heal and being humanitarian aid to the population of the ravaged worlds.

   On the third November a brawl in a bar sparked the beginning of a fight that would eventually encompass all four worlds of the Concordance and break a relationship.  A Sirian MechWarrior had been in a bar following a long patrol and two Marik Legionaries along with two more cashiered Lancers had entered and assaulted the warrior, putting the MechWarrior in a coma and near death.  The Sirian bar staff and punters had taken offence to one of their own being attacked by the ‘outsiders’ and attacked the Legionaries and the cashiered warriors which resulted in the death of two men and the kidnapping of the other two.  General Adiss Sullivan had ordered her troops to lock down all Sirius towns and block all off-world travel including humanitarian efforts until her men were released.

   On the Fifth the two kidnapped men were found executed with the words ‘Independent Sirius Now’ burned onto their chests.  On the Sixth the three Sirian Lancer Regiments deployed with the Fourth Legionaries and Thirty-seventh Marik Militia on all four worlds as they began a hunt for the perpetrators and a total lockdown including widespread arrests.  The Sirian Lancers under direct orders from General Helen Thrall lined up with the two FWLM regiments but never went a step further, at almost the same time on all four worlds the Sirian Lancers attacked the FWLM units and General Helen Thrall sent a message to Atreus, the Free Worlds League capital, ‘Sirian Concordance declares independence, you are no-longer welcome here.’

   In a whirlwind campaign that lasted six days the Sirian Lancers destroyed the two FWLM Regiments, at the cost of the Third Sirian Lancers the least experienced or desirable Lancer Regiment.  In total they captured nearly one thousand prisoners.  To ensure there was no immediate retribution for these action General Helen Thrall sent a message to Northwind contracting the Stirling’s Fusiliers Regiment of the Northwind Highlanders for additional firepower and sent a message to New Canton requesting SLDF Humanitarian Aid and Protectorate Status saving them from retribution from the Free Worlds League.

   Lieutenant General Harry Sanders of the SLDF on New Canton immediately deploys the Fourth and Fifth Battalions of the First Battle Armour Corps to the Sirian Worlds without authorisation from the First Lord or Commanding-General.  The SLDF troops begin humanitarian aid as soon as they arrive.

Disputed Territory
Schuyler, Pesht Military District
Draconis Combine/Ghost Bear War Front
23rd November 3062

   During the battle for this world the Warlord of the Pesht Military District Tai-Shu Teyasu Ashona fell in battle battling Ghost Bear saKhan Aletha Kabrinski.  Twp days later Tai-sho Tomoe Sakade, the low-born wife of the old Draconis Combine Coordinator Theodore Kurita was elevated to the position by Theodore’s son Hohiro, the current Coordinator.  Although no regiment had fallen, other than those of the stricken Alshain Avenger Regiments, all DCMS troops on the Ghost Bear lines were now taking heavy damage at the hands of the enraged Ghost Bear forces.  Six worlds Maulang, Yamarovaka, Kanowit, Kiesen, Schuyler and Luzerne had all fallen to the Ghost Bears with another ten worlds under attack.  The Star Adders who still controlled three worlds of the occupation zone they once held with Clan Smoke Jaguar had also claimed Turtle Bay for their own however they appeared to be turning against the Ghost Bears instead of the Draconis Combine.

Ghost Bear Dominion
25th November 3062

   Following a successful trial against the Draconis Combine for ownership of the world of Turtle Bay, a world made infamous by the Smoke Jaguars for their Orbital Bombardment tactic, the Star Adders decided to leave the Draconis Combine to the Ghost Bears instead turning back on the Ghost Bears striking Jarett, Constance and Thule in quick succession.  This move took the Ghost Bears by complete surprise however the Ghost Bear rage soon turns on the Star Adders as they enter other systems the Star Adders find far stronger resistance including the WarShip Bear’s Den, a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser, in the Pinnacle system.

   After vaporising the Eleventh Armoured Cavalry Squadron (Cluster) of the Star Adder’s Alpha Galaxy with a barrage of Naval Autocannons while the ground troops were still in their DropShips the Bear’s Den brutalises the Exodus Ranger, a York-class Destroyer.  The Ghost Bears claim the WarShip as their own and return it to Alshain for repair and refit.  Following this display the Star Adders hold their assaults into Ghost Bear territory and attempt to fortify their positions content with the new territory they have gained.  The Bears return their anger to the Draconis Combine, the Star Adders will wait for now, the Bears will to continue fighting the Draconis Combine is beginning to diminish.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #83 on: July 05, 2012, 10:02:16 PM »

Imperial Palace
Luthien, Pesht Military District
8th December 3062

   Despite the war threatening her realm Omiko Kurita knew there was nothing she could do, she was not a warrior at least not one that could affect the course of a battle more like a war.  She was Keeper of House Honour and she was head of the Order of the Five Pillars, a shadow intelligence organisation hidden so deep within the Draconis Combine that nearly no-one outside was aware of its even existence.  Omi had directed the OP5 to assist the Draconis Combine’s ISF as much as they could but there was little they could do against the Ghost Bears, the Clan wanted revenge for an attack on their realm, their capital Alshain a captured Combine world.  Omi understood their mindset and had tried to explain things to her two brothers before they had left Luthien to fight against the invading Clansmen however they did not listen.  Now Omi was reading reports of another potential problem the Federated Suns was preparing to attack, she had not expected Victor to authorise such an attack but according to the report he had assigned additional troops to the operation.

   Reading through the reports Omi was engrossed, although she did not interfere with military matters and would not know where to start fighting a war she found the psychology involved interesting and complex.  Omi was so engrossed she did not hear the attack outside her room which killed her two ISF guards or the assassin slipping into her room.  Just before he struck she sat up straight “why do you do what you do?”  She said making no move to defend herself or look at her attacker.

   â€œMy boss wants to hurt someone” he said his voice muffled thought the mask as he leaned over her and brought the knife up in one swift movement slitting Omiko Kurita’s throat, as she died he held her for a moment “and because she pays good.”  He whispered before slipping out of the room leaving Omi in a pool of blood.  Within an hour a palace servant had found Omi’s body and gotten the word to the ISF who immediately took care of the servant killing her and killing any chance of the word leaking out.  The Palace was locked down by the ISF and everyone who worked there was arrested and taken to secure holding.  Within six hours the word had reached Hohiro and Minoru on the front-lines.

   By the end of the day the entire DCMS aerospace force from WarShips to DropShips to aerospace fighters was active and the borders were secured, vessels trying to leave were stopped and arrested.  Although Hohiro remained on the front with the Genyosha Regiment and the Royal Black Watch of the SLDF, protecting him as First Lord of the SLDF, he did loan the SLS Unity City, the First Lord’s personnel vessel to Minoru he set out to find and eliminate the assassin who killed Omiko.

Federated Suns Retribution Strikes
Draconis Combine Proserpina and Irurzun Prefectures
22nd December 3062

   In a move reminiscent of Hanse Davion and the Federated Suns of the Fourth Succession War Baron Tarncred Sandoval leads six House Davion RCTs, one Robinson Ranger regiment, two mercenary regiments and two mercenary battalions supported by two Fox-class WarShips across the border into the Draconis Combine in retribution for the attacks against Robinson and three other Federated Suns worlds.

   Like the Fourth Succession War attacks Sandoval drops units on all seven targeted worlds Marduk, Paris and Tripoli, in the Irurzun Prefecture, and Fellanin II, Sheat, Kathandu IV and Prefecture Capital Proserpina, in the Proserpina Prefecture at once overwhelming the Draconis Combine defenders with the sheer speed and power of the assaults.  On all targeted worlds the Davion forces neutralise communications first surrounding the ComStar HPG centres first without actively interdicting the sites, to avoid ComStar’s wrath.

   The only three worlds to put up any real fight are Fellanin II, Proserpina and Marduk, the DCMS has recalled most units to the Ghost Bear border to deal with what they saw as a greater threat.  On Fellanin II the Second Crucis Lancers RCT and Wilson’s Hussars, a mercenary regiment of low technological and experience value but under Federated Suns employ, encounter the First Shin Legion protecting a BattleMech factory and warehouses.  Surprised to find a Veteran DCMS Regiment the Second Crucis Lancer prepare for a long fight against the DCMS troops, unfortunately their mercenary allies charge in and are destroyed to the man in a fast brutal battle.  The Second Crucis Lancers ready for a long battle were surprised when the Shin Legion offered them a stand up battle, they were ready to die like true samurai.  The Second Crucis Lancers met them on the plains south of the capital city and in a four hour battle the Shin Legion was destroyed as was a regiment of armour and a regiment of Infantry from the Crucis Lancers, the world was now in Federated Suns hands.

   On Proserpina the First Robinson Rangers, Davion Heavy Guards and Wolf’s Dragoons Zeta Battalion encounter both remaining Proserpina Hussar Regiments the First and Fourth.  In Proserpina’s hostile environment, caused by centuries of war the two sides clashed several times over a week of fighting before one massive battle to end all battles two kilometres outside the capital Conqueror’s Pride.  In an epic battle of sixteen hours both Draconis Combine Regiments are devastated and destroyed, although roughly a battalion of Battle Armour escape into hiding following a mix-up between the Davion Heavy and Zeta Battalion.

   With the battle over and a Draconis Combine Prefecture Capital in their grasp the Federated Suns forces take stock of what they have captured a prefecture capital and two major defence industries for the Draconis Combine.  The cost however also hits home the First Robinson Rangers, Pride of the Draconis March, is destroyed Baron Tarncred Sandoval sends the survivors back to Robinson with one other casualty.  During the heavy fighting Leftenant Duke Arthur Steiner-Davion’s Lance and the adjoining company had been singled out by a Battalion of the Fourth Proserpina Hussars, somehow they had found out Arthur was there.  The entire company is destroyed and the surviving MechWarriors beheaded, Arthur is found hours later when a Robinson Ranger force arrives and secures the area.  Arthur is still inside his Enforcer III killed by a stray autocannon shell that had penetrated the cockpit.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Writer's note
« Reply #84 on: July 05, 2012, 10:09:23 PM »

One comment I'll make before posting the next bit, I know Clan Nova Cat and the Federated Suns get a lot of coverage in these early years.  There's big reasons:

number 1) I needed to build up a few characters within these two realms, Danai Centrella, Yvonne Steiner-Davion, my own character's Canin Rosse and Zane Carns (who is based off the canon character Zane from Path of Glory) and surprisingly Victor Steiner-Davion and Morgan Hasek-Davion, the first who is now cast as a working First Prince instead of the wandering warrior and the second who survives Serpent to become the first SLDF Commanding-General

The establishment of these characters in their differing roles from Canon I saw as important markers in where the story was going

number 2) the rest of the factions have a quiet time around now rebuilding mostly, and they get plenty play in the future, I realized myself that they had less development in the story than I intended (they are fully developed in my notes but less so in the posted stories.

Enough of that, hope you enjoy and back to the story
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #85 on: July 05, 2012, 10:39:09 PM »

Very interesting DC, I gotta go back over this one again.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #86 on: July 06, 2012, 12:37:30 AM »

Very interesting DC, I gotta go back over this one again.

Glad you like it, I've always written the timeline out like this, just always thought it was too big for the Forums :S so plenty more to come

Into the next year...


Robinson (Federated Suns)
Ghost Bear Front (Draconis Combine)
1st January 3063

   On Robinson hearing of Arthur’s death in combat and the success of the strike in general Duke James Sandoval calls for further assaults but Victor orders the troops to hold their ground in the captured territory and begin efforts to integrate the worlds into the Federated Suns Draconis March.

   On the Draconis Combine leader Hohiro Kurita, fighting the Ghost Bears, agrees that he has lost the worlds to the Federated Suns and for now he cannot recapture them refuelling the Black Dragon Society Movement within his realm.  He asks for Star League Observers and Star League troops to be sent to the region to ensure that Draconis Combine citizens and officials and any prisoners of war are allowed to return to the Draconis Combine.

Draconis March Militia Base
Bennet III, Draconis March
Federated Suns
8th January 3063

   An unknown reinforced Battalion of BattleMech and Battle Armour forces with heavy aerospace support assault the Federated Suns world of Bennet III presumably for the Federated Suns annexing of Proserpina months before.  During the fighting the enemy forces destroy everything in their path destroying large portions of the spaceport and the March Militia.

   Leftenant Jean Graves a skilled MechWarrior, graduate of the demanding and controversial Point Barrow Academy and a graduate of Officer Candidate School lead her company, The Graves’ Dancers, through the fighting against orders to a Union-class DropShip forcing the vessel’s commander to take off and get them off the world.  Although Jean says she does not remember what happened ever member of the unit tells the same story that Jean Graves knew exactly where every single shell was going to land during the chaos and saves ever single one of them from joining the rest of the militia in their deaths that night.  Their commandeered DropShip burns to the jump-point where they commandeer a Merchant-class JumpShip and force its commander to take them out of the system. 

   Following the end of the battle and the enemy forces retreat from Bennet III the AFFS Draconis March Command on Robinson declare Jean Graves and her unit a threat to national security and charge them with Disobeying a superior’s orders, being Absent Without Leave, Damage to National Property, Theft of Property Belonging to House Davion, Damage to Property Belonging to House Davion and kidnapping of the DropShip and JumpShip crews placing a One million bounty on Jean Graves head.

Star League High Command
Kittery, Capellan March
Federated Suns
15th January 3063

   SLDF Commanding-General Morgan Hasek Davion recalls the Third Brigade of the SLDF, the Twenty-eight Hussar Regiment plus attached units, to Kittery.  Attaching the Second Battle Armour Battalion, formerly attached to Second Brigade and the Second BattleMech Regiment, Morgan sends the Third Brigade to the captured worlds to ensure an orderly transferral of power.  The SLDF contract Group W Mercenary Regiment to assist in operations in the St Ives Compact following the end of their current Lyran contract on Solaris IV.

   Morgan Hasek-Davion sends a message to New Avalon and Robinson informing Victor Steiner-Davion and Duke Sandoval of the move, Victor announces approval for the inclusion of SLDF Peacekeepers while James Sandoval is not amused that the Draconis Combine do not believe his son Tarncred would not treat prisoners properly and lodges a formal complaint but allows the move.

   On Robinson Arthur Steiner-Davion’s body arrives, following approval from Victor his brother will lie in state on Robinson for a period of two months before being buried in the Robinson Royal Cemetery as per his wishes.  The Draconis March see this as a great honour and his body is visited by over one million inhabitants of the March.  Victor travels to Robinson with his sister Yvonne Steiner-Davion and in a private ceremony they say goodbye to their brother.  Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion is invited to say goodbye to her brother but refuses to enter the Federated Suns and Peter is unreachable on Zaniah.

Illyrian Palatinate/Marian Hegemony
19th January 3063

   On the orders of his father Caesar Sean O’Reilly his son and heir to the thrown Julius O’Reilly leads a quarter of the Marian Hegemony Legions to the Illyrian Palatinate conquering the tiny group of worlds in just six months of heavy fighting.  Surrender June 30th 3063.  Although the more and more unstable Caesar had hoped this might get his son killed it actually rallied more support to Julius than he already had.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 12:38:16 AM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #87 on: July 06, 2012, 12:51:15 AM »

Training Grounds near Castle Barcella
New Scotland, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
21st January 3063

   With Victor and Yvonne both off planet visiting their brother’s body on Robinson Danai Centrella had decided that she would leave them to it, she had not known Arthur well and so had remained on New Avalon deciding to go and see the troops that had come with her from the Magistracy.  These troops had come through the Clan War and to the Federated Suns into exile, sometimes she thought she didn‘t spend nearly enough time with them.

   Being back in her Falconer and with the Magistracy troopers felt good there was none of the politeness of the palace just the troops and their equipment.  She had chosen to exercise on the New Scotland continent, as far from the First Davion and the Tenth Lyran Guards as she could get, they were near the visiting Nova Cats but she knew the Clanners would not interfere in the exercise without an invitation.  “Battalion battle-line north point four” she ordered the battalion formed up on her position but were so slow, even with better equipment, they had allowed things to slip when she was away.  “Com’on people battle-line south six” she ordered again the battalion turned and formed up “east eight” she said turning the Battalion again, they were beginning to show the speed they used to have.  Danai noticed the emergency communication channel for the First Davion was lit.  She keyed in the channel “this is Danai Centrella” she said completely forgetting who she was talking to, when she was with her troops she dropped the ‘Duchess’ and any rank, they were her people.

   â€œDuchess, this is Field Marshal Bishop Sortek”

   â€œGo ahead Marshal” she said the day-to-day battalion commander was continuing the drill.

   â€œDuchess, a group of DropShips bearing Capellan Confederation markings is burning towards your location.  They have destroyed the WarShip Murmansk and have avoided the Fox.  I have troops mobilising now but the will not get there in time.”  The fact the two Fox-class Corvettes defending the system had proven ineffective would trouble the Federated Suns admiralty for a while, and Danai would have quite a bit to say about it, if she survived this.

   â€œHow large a force?”

   â€œAt least a regiment.”

   â€œWe will hold” she said, if it was a full regiment they could be in trouble, why would the Capellans want to attack New Avalon now?  And why would they be coming after her?”  Danai noticed another comm. frequency activated, an outside channel.  “Hold on Field Marshal, I someone else on the line keying you in.”  She said crossing the frequencies “this is Duchess Danai Centrella.”

   â€œDuchess Centrella, good to hear you are in good health and with your men and not the others prepare to surrender and join our forces.”  A male voice said as the DropShips prepared to land, the thickly accentuated English was decidedly oriental.

   â€œWho are you and what do you want?  This is Federated Suns territory and you provoking a War by attacking us.”

   â€œI am clearing up some family issues you have and rescuing you from the Davion Hoard.”  The voice said as the first of four Overlord-class DropShips landed.

   â€œI have no family issues and will not be surrendering.”  Danai said switching to open bandwidth communications “this is Duchess Danai Centrella of the Federated Suns" she stated clearly showing where her new loyalties laid "to the DropShips landing three kilometres north of my location on the New Scotland continent of New Avalon.  You are ordered to stand-down, surrender your personnel and equipment to my forces and submit to interrogation.”

   â€œWe will not!” the voice said, his voice now taking on a even more mandarin sounding accent, very Capellan.

   â€œThen you are considered enemies of the Federated Suns prepare to be destroyed.”  She said “Field Marshal Sortek, having you people here would be good as quickly as possible.”  She said in the other frequency then switched over to her own troops before the First Davion commander could manage.  “Head south people, they outnumber us at least three to one, let’s not make this easy for them.”  She noticed another comm. frequency flashing “what is it?!”  She shouted activating the comm. channel.  As the Battalion began to turn and move away from the incoming enemy troops.

   â€œDuchess, this is Star Colonel Canin Rosse Watch Cluster, can my people assist?”  Canin Rosse asked, Danai had completely forgotten about the Nova Cats based on this remote continent.

   â€œWe are under assault by an unknown regiment of troops who have already assaulted the Federated Suns naval defence forces in system and plan to land just north of my position.”  She said moving with her regiment south as the fastest elements of the enemy force charged forward.  Danai could see the regiment looked very Capellan in its make up and the lead light Mechs all had the stylised skull of the Capellan’s Elite Death Commandos she said just as a pair of Aerospace Fighters carrying Capellan Confederation insignia flew past.  “They appear to be the Capellan Confederation’s Death Commandos.”

   â€œUnderstood bring them to the co-ordinates I am transmitting and leave it to us.”  Canin said cutting the frequency Danai read the co-ordinates they were two kilometres south east near the mouth of a deep canyon.

   â€œPeople turn south east drive towards the canyon” she said her battalion began a fighting retreat targeting the Capellan light Mechs as they got close, Danai herself sent a Gauss Rifle slug and several laser blasts into a forty ton Snake disabling the Mech as the lasers weakened the left leg and the gauss slug ripped the limb clean off.  ‘If they are all like that I can take them myself’ she thought as they retreated, now heavier enemy Mechs were arriving led by a fast moving fifty-five ton Men Shen OmniMech.

   On the OmniMech’s back were four Fa Shih Battle Armour troopers who launched from the Capellan Mech onto her Falconer.  After fighting the Clans Danai and all her MechWarriors knew how to deal with Battle Armour as they began cutting into her Mech’s armour Danai forced her Mech into a controlled fall and immediately rolled over crushing three of the four Fa Shih troopers under seventy-five tons of moving BattleMech.  Picking herself she watched as one of her MechWarriors piloting a brand-new Templar OmniMech, the Federated Suns had gifted the battalion as a welcoming gift, die as a Death Commando Ti Ts’ang buried its massive axe in the Templar’s cockpit the Assault OmniMech fell backwards off the axe its cockpit nothing more than a gaping hole.

   Danai turned on the sixty ton Capellan Mech firing her Gauss Rifle, PPC and four lasers into the Mech as the Falconer’s weapons burned armour and the Endo Steel Skeleton of the Ti Ts‘ang so much damage near the Extra-Light Fusion Engine was too much and the Mech exploded turning sixty tons of equipment and a pilot into a crisp.  Although compromised with an overheating Mech Danai’s Mech was still faster than most Inner Sphere heavy Mechs and made it to the mouth of the canyon, there were no Nova Cat’s present.  “Star Colonel Rosse, we are here” she said there was no reply as she watched the Capellans fanned out three Battalions of Mechs and another battalion of Battle Armour.  The Capellans slowed to a walk as if savouring their victory “Star Colonel, we could really use your help here.”  She said more desperately still no response “damn, damn, damn!” she cursed the Capellan’s had tricked her, they had somehow faked up the Nova Cat commander’s voice and now her troops were stuck, how the Capellans had even known about the Nova Cat presence on the planet was a complete mystery.  Their only chance was to run into the canyon and hope there was an exit “in the canyon now!” She ordered the Magistracy troops retreated into the narrow canyon although it would allow the Capellans to move above them and behind the Magistracy Battalion would always have a way out at the far end for an hour they evaded the Capellans until they reached a box-canyon, the end of the road a few of the Magistracy troops could use their Mech’s jump jets, Danai included, to escape the Canyon but that would leave the others to be slaughtered and although the Magistracy troops could probably hold the Capellans in the canyon they could not hold the troops moving above the canyon.  They only thing they could do is try to survive until the First Davion or Tenth Lyran arrived to break the Capellan unit.

   Meanwhile the Jiang-jun Michael Hyung-Tsei was thinking this was his easiest job ever, whoever this Star Colonel the Canopian whore was talking about he wasn’t turning up and the inept periphery troops had driven themselves into a box canyon which although gave them good cover soon his troops would have surrounded them.  There was suddenly a scream on the Death Commando comm. frequency from some of the outlaying elements then dead.  “Report!” the commander screamed the Davions could not have gotten here yet their agents in Avalon City had disabled over dozen DropShips and ground transport was notoriously bad on this planet.  More of his troops disappeared from the screens someone was attacking them, probably just a passing Davion patrol or Aerospace forces on runs but he couldn’t see them or get an accurate picture of what was going on.  This left one thing for him to do “FOR THE CHANCELLOR!”  He shouted driving his ninety ton Yu Huang  forward at full speed into the box canyon “full assault I want the Duchess secured or dead now!”  The other Death Commandos quickly moved with him faster Mechs charging into the Canyon slower Mechs following him in.

   â€œVictor, I love you” Danai whispered her Gauss Rifle was down to the last three shots and many of her troops were completely out of ammo there was no help for them only for them to stay at the back of the Canopian lines and when the Capellans moved into melee range try to engage them in hand-to-hand combat.  As the next wave of Capellans moved forward Danai fired her last few shots then waited for the slaughter with only her PPC and three active lasers for defence most Medium Mechs would overpower that kind of armament and even her jump jets were now offline damaged in one of the running battles they had fought in the canyon and left unnoticed and unused Danai switched them to idle ensuring they would not be triggered in the damaged state which could end up killing her by her own battle educed mistake.

   Above Star Colonel Canin Rosse was ready for his big entrance however, the Duchess’ battalion had moved faster than he had expected and the Capellans had pushed them further into the canyon so he had to reorganise.  They were finally ready, the fighters and DropShips had gone to attack the Death Command DropShips on the ground and defenceless while his armour troops had began to systematically take out the two battalions deployed above the canyon.  Activating their jump jets Canin led a team of five Mechs and fifty Elementals launched into the canyon, using controlled bursts they landed just ahead of the Canopians “Battle-line now!  No-one gets through, full push move!”  Canin said the Nova Cats certainly did go to work led by five heavy and assault OmniMechs the fifty Elementals began swarming every Mech they could get close to, five troopers per Mech.  “Sorry we are late Duchess, stay behind me.” Canin said triggering both Heavy Large Lasers, the oversized opal-silver beams sliced into a Death Commando medium Mech like a knife in hot butter, they were the centre armament of the Dragon Cat Charlie Configuration and although they produced a lot of heat Canin liked them, guided by the Dragon Cat‘s standard targeting computer they could be used to their full potential and the oversized laser beams produced one of the highest damage ratios in all the Clans.  Against Clan opponents the Heavy Laser suffered from a lack of range however against the Inner Sphere most of the time they were equal in range leaving it down to the skills of the pilot to win the fight and Canin knew that ninety percent of the time Inner Sphere pilots had not chance in matching him or any of the other Nova Cats.

   â€œBetter late than never, although I did begin to wonder” Danai replied tears were running down her cheeks, as she watched the Nova Cat Elementals and Mechs go to work she began to understand why Yvonne and the McKinnons trusted the Nova Cats so much.  She had seen the Clans fight on dozens of occasions during the Clan War and every time they had frightened her, this time included.  Unlike the Jade Falcon or Smoke Jaguars the Nova Cat Elementals did not sadistically move from cockpit to cockpit killing downed pilots who refused to surrender but their shots, especially their laser shots, were deadly accurate with almost every shot disabling a weapon or actuator on an enemy picking them to pieces.

   The new OmniMech the Nova Cat Star Colonel certainly did the job it was asked to she though watching as twelve missiles launched from deep within the Mechs chest and fire blossomed over the next Capellan Mech with twelve successful hits, she wondered if Victor could secure a couple of Regiments of them, that would give our enemies something to worry about she thought as the Dragon Cat tore another medium Capellan Mech to pieces with its lasers, these Nova Cats were not adhering to the duelling rules of the Clans, Zellbrigen, which made them even more dangerous.

   â€œWell we had a little trouble finding a good point to make a real entrance, you certainly do move quickly.”  Canin said triggering only one Heavy laser and one Extended-Range Medium laser to allow the heat sinks deal with the heat his Mech had built up from the first couple of salvos “also I had to direct some forces to their DropShips, would not want any of these dezgra escaping” he said looking at the comm. frequency it was set to general broadcast so the Death Commandos could hear as well ‘good’ Canin though keying in his Light TAG laser, the Dragon Cat was designed to be a command Mech and came with all the perks that involved including lots of electronics.

   Moments later an Arrow IV Missiles slammed into a Capellan Emperor flattening the Assault Mech.  Watching the Emperor explode the Jiang-jun Michael Hyung-Tsei heard this so-called Clansmen say the DropShips were under attack and began to pull back his forces, they were fanatically loyal to their Chancellor but being captured on New Avalon had not been part of the plan.  Four DropShips destroyed fighting the Murmansk was more than enough to capture this Canopian bitch.

   â€œWe have them on the run, kill them all” Canin roared seeing the Capellan retreat driving forward firing at multiple targets as he went, the DropShips and fighters were under orders to disable or destroy the DropShips then hunt down every enemy Mech they detected, as far as the Nova Cats were concerned this was a Trial of Annihilation against the invading force.  Canin spotted a large Capellan Mech, about ninety-to-ninety-five tons he charged at the Mech firing both Heavy Large Lasers then both Extended-Range Medium lasers then both six-tube ATM launchers, the attack devastated the Capellan Mech although it did not fall instead as Canin’s Mech overheated and began to shutdown the Capellan Mech moved forward closer its big left arm raising, Canin was sure this was his end that he would be beaten in the background he could hear Danai Centrella and several other Nova Cats scream warnings but the Dragon Cat was severely overheated there was nothing Canin could do as the Capellan Mech finished raising its weapons to firing position he closed his eyes ready for the end.

   The pilot of the lead Clan Mech that had landed in front of Danai Centrella had charged forward and devastated the Jiang-jun Michael Hyung-Tsei’s Yu Huang however he had also overheated his own Mech as the Death Commando raised his massive assault autocannon to fire he took his time savouring the moment.  Just then the front of the assault Mech was engulfed in a massive explosion as a large missile slammed into the Mech.

   Canin felt his Mech buffeted by an explosion and was sure that was the Death Commando Mech firing however then there was nothing instead the Mech came back alive and Canin looked at the sensors of the cooled Mech, the Yu Huang lay dead on the ground “who the hell killed that Mech?”  He asked, his Mech had been in the way of a clear shot.

   â€œYou did” Danai said “the TAG your Mech carries was still active” she said Canin looked at the Light TAG laser, the Dragon Cat’s systems showed the laser was dead damaged earlier in the fight.  “The loss of that Mech broke their backs the Capellans are in full retreat and I have word that elements of the First Davion and the Tenth Lyran are en-route and being directed to their DropShips by your armour forces.”  Danai said as she moved her Falconer up alongside Canin’s Dragon Cat.  “Thank you for the save Star Colonel, I can see why you have so many admirers among the people here, I just became one of them.”  With their DropShips disabled by the Nova Cat fighters and DropShips the Capellans had nowhere to run.  Thirty Death Commandos were captured over the next two hours, eight of them captured by the Nova Cats.  Two enemy warriors remained unaccounted for.

Front Lines
Ghost Bear/Draconis Combine War
23rd January 3063

   The Draconis Combine strikes at four Ghost Bear Dominion worlds Stemwerde, Ardoz Kernice and retakes Kiesen securing all in fast Trials of Possession.  Coordinator Hohiro Kurita standing on Stemwerde two jumps from Alshain sends the Ghost Bear capital a message via HPG that he wants to end the conflict began with the dishonourable actions of his troops.  The Ghost Bear Khans reply saying they will stop the conflict when they see fit and attack the world of Byesville, DCMS troops on planet hold firm.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 12:59:59 AM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #88 on: July 06, 2012, 12:54:41 AM »

Zi-jin Cheng, Forbidden City
Sian, Capellan Confederation
25th January 3063

   The Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation was not pleased the Death Commandos, his ‘elite’ guard had failed to secure one person from the clutches of the Federated Suns and his nemesis Victor Steiner-Davion.  To make matters the St Ives Compact was still holding out even with the Trinity Alliance support and the Capellan WarShip fleet.

   For now it was damage control looking at the Tri-Vid recorder he nodded and the tech switched on the recorder “In response for the accusations levelled at the Capellan Confederation that Death Commando troops invaded the Federated Suns, and even the capital system of that planet New Avalon, I prove to you this is a lie.”  He said stepping over to four guards all in Death Commando uniform “this is Jiang-jun Michael Hyung-Tsei commander of the Death Commandos” he said at the first man, who looked nothing like the Death Commando commander but then Death Commando identities were kept secret.  “As you can see he is here with three of his men defending the Forbidden City from Davion spies and would-be assassins.  This evidence the Federated Suns claim to have is obviously fabricated and I welcome Star League Observers to Sian to see the Death Commandos in their splendour.”  He said as the Tri-Vid recorder cut our, the Red Lancer Regiment was at this very moment repainting its equipment down stairs.  “Package that and post it following the Davion claims of the Death Commando raid.”  Sun-Tzu said glaring  the tech nodded and took the recorder away “get out!”  Sun-Tzu shouted suddenly at the four Red Lancers dressed like Death Commandos.  “Zahn!”  he shouted at the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces field commander.

   â€œYes, excellency!”  Talon Zahn said stepping from behind the throne.

   â€œStrike the Death Commandos from the rolls permanently.  Burn all reference to them and form a new guard.”

   â€œWhat shall this new guard be called?”

   â€œThe Anti-Victor Steiner-Davion Squad” Sun-Tzu said Talon didn’t question the name as he walked towards the exit, the Capellan Chancellor would change it when he saw fit, for now the name would be a state secret.  “On second thought” Sun-Tzu said “call it the Centrella Black Guards.”  Sun-Tzu said as Naomi Centrella entered in a beautiful silver dress.

   â€œWhat’s this?”  The Magistracy of Canopus leader asked hearing her family name, she knew nothing of the Death Commando raid.

   â€œThe new name of my Death Commandos, the Centrella Black Guards” Sun-Tzu said walking up to her wrapping his arms around her waist “you like?”  He asked.

   â€œYes” she said as he kissed her “Talon, you can leave” Naomi said it wasn’t a question Talon Zahn nodded and left, he didn’t like getting bossed about by the Periphery leader but had decided months before that there was no point in fighting the inevitable, Naomi Centrella and Sun-Tzu would marry and Naomi would become his boss, at least she would be more sane than Sun-Tzu sometimes was, then again recently Naomi had shown she had her own sadistic streak Talon stopped for a moment thinking about Naomi as worse than Sun-Tzu a shudder ran down his spine as he began hurrying along, that was a scary thought.  Sun-Tzu’s denial of Death Commando attack launched two days later when Victor Steiner-Davion complains to SLDF and increases Federated Suns presence in St Ives Compact to five Regiments increasing the resistance given to the Invading Capellan Forces.

SLS Covenant, Bridge
Nadir Jump Point
Sirius, Sirian Concordance
28th January 3063

   Morgan Hasek-Davion could feel he was getting too old for this constant travelling between planets, no sooner had he arrived on Proserpina with the Twenty-eighth Hussar Regiment and Third Brigade had a message caught up with him requesting his presence in the newly christened Sirian Concordance, a breakaway state of the Free Worlds League.  The Sirians were requesting immediate aid from the SLDF and in return they were willing to allow SLDF troops to be garrisoned on the Sirian Concordance worlds permanently.  This was an opportunity that Morgan could not allow to slip through his grasp so he had begun travelling to Sirius.

   En route he had been joined by the SLS Covenant, the Star League’s newest WarShip, the former Kirishima was now modified to Star League needs and Morgan had named it Covenant just before he had left Kittery.  The ship modified at New Syrtis shipyards and was near completion when Morgan had been asked to deploy forces to the Draconis Combine/Federated Suns border.  The ship’s new commander Commodore Anders Hellenic had put the ship into service and they had followed Morgan’s JumpShip, when Morgan had gotten detoured they had changed course and intercepted now he would arrive in the Sirius system in style.

   Now on the final leg of the journey the Covenant entered the Sirius system only to be confronted by a Free Worlds League Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser.  As alert sirens sounded throughout the ship Morgan moved to the bridge, despite his journey to and from the Clan Homeworlds he was still uncomfortable moving in zero-gravity.  Reaching the Covenant’s bridge Morgan took quick stock of the status screens and at the holo-tank which gave them a full three dimensional view of the surrounding space with the Covenant dead centre.  “Visitors, have they hailed us?”  He asked moving to the holo-tank.

   â€œNegative, as soon as we dropped in system they deployed all four of their DropShip, all Assault craft, and a squadron of fighters.  No sensor screens or weapon lock-ons.  I have DropShips ready and pilots in their fighters but nothing launched.”  Anders Hellenic said, Morgan could see the Commodore’s hand hovering over the comm. frequency one word from Morgan would launch everything the Covenant had and then they would be in a real stand-off.  Looking back to the holo-tank there was four medium-sized blips near the Agamemnon representing the DropShips and six smaller aircraft moving around in a large circular pattern.

   â€œOkay so they want us to play the first ball.”  Morgan said from what he could remember of the Agamemnon’s firepower it outgunned the lighter Covenant, had more DropShips and the same amount of fighters but lacked armour to survive drawn out combat and lacked speed to keep up with an opponent.  “They want us to hover here in a stand-off, there are people on Sirius that need our help.  All ahead full.”

   â€œAye, sir.  Weapons status and fighter status.”

   â€œWe are not here to make war Commodore.  All weapons stand-by, as soon as we reach flank speed stand-down your fighters and the DropShip crews.”  Morgan said Anders did not look convinced but gave the orders and the Covenant’s massive drive engines roared into life quickly accelerating past 1G, 2G reaching 2.5G its safe cruising flank speed if need be the Covenant could accelerate up to 4G however that kind of speed could stress the engines and was very uncomfortable for crew and passengers.

   As the vessel was passing the Free Worlds League Heavy Cruiser at under five hundred metres the crew held a collective breath if the Agamemnon wanted to attack now would be the time.  The Covenant accelerated past the vessel the Free Worlds League WarShip Skipper unwilling to start an interstellar incident held fire and the Covenant continued to accelerate.  Within the hour the Covenant was deep in the system and the Agamemnon was leaving the system, the Free Worlds League would have to rethink their strategy with the Sirius Concordance.

Primus Helen Thrall’s Office
Lost Hope, Sirius
Sirian Concordance, Chaos March
30th January 3063

   Three days later the Covenant established orbit over Sirius IV and Morgan Hasek-Davion’s DropShip dropped down on the battered world of Sirius IV-a, the moon of the planet.  Of the three settlements in the system Sirius IV-a was the most habitable and most populous and the location of system and Concordance government.  Landing Morgan could see that the moon colony was in bad shape and before he had even reached the government buildings he had decided that this would be a protectorate.

   Entering the building Morgan heard the door pressurise behind him before he, his bodyguard and two clerks were allowed in the main building, even with the breathable atmosphere the buildings were still pressurised due to the low pressure outside.  Looking at the living condition and standard of life reports on the system Morgan had wondered why anyone would want to live there then read deeper into the report although the system had nearly no heavy industries it made more gross national profit (GNP) than some of the Succession Lords major planets.  This was due to the massive natural resources the planets of the system had.  Because life was so harsh in the system its full potential had never been tapped out like so many other core worlds of the Inner Sphere.

   Clearing the airlock Morgan saw General Helen Thrall standing there waiting for them since the liberation of the Sirian Concordance worlds she had been holding political office however she remained in her military uniform effectively forming a military dictatorship.  “Welcome to Sirius Four Alpha, Commanding-General.  I hope our shadow did not interfere with your entrance” she said obviously referring to the WarShip.  As Morgan entered she indicated for them to walk.

   â€œThey did not interfere, I think they realised who we were and what was going on, and thankfully they did not have orders to interfere with a Star League vessel.”

   â€œI am glad, perhaps you will be able to stay and see exactly what our needs are, and this is only the Sirius system.”

   â€œI will be here for as long is necessary.  On board the Covenant we have supplies that the DropShips will begin to bring down and the Battle Armour Battalions can distribute.”  He said Lieutenant-General Harry Sanders had deployed two Battalions of Battle Armour to the Sirian Concordance for humanitarian and security.  So far from reading reports Morgan feared that the entire SLDF could be based here and still it would take decades to sort out.  “On top of that I want to officially make the Sirian Concordance a Star League Protectorate and declare an immediate state of emergency.  As soon as possible I will call for the Advisory Council to direct full SLDF support to these worlds.”  He said as they entered an office.

   â€œWe have not even begun negotiating yet” Helen Thrall said surprised sitting down behind the desk which was covered in reports.

   â€œYou asked Lieutenant-General Harry Sanders for Protectorate Status I have confirmed it, now the SLDF troops based here are legally based here the Free Worlds League cannot say we have over-stepped our boundaries.  Now we can begin to negotiate.”

   â€œWhat should we negotiate over?  I wanted protectorate status and you have given it to me, I wanted Star League support and you have given that to us as well.  What more could I want?”  Helen Thrall said, she was obviously happy Morgan was giving her everything for nothing and now was looking for a catch.

   â€œHow about membership in the reborn Star League?”  Morgan said getting straight to the point.

   â€œMembership?  The Concordance is far to small, too new a nation for such a move.”  She said the Concordance was four worlds, at present the smallest Star League nation was the St Ives Compact with seventeen worlds.”

   â€œIt would not be full membership, you or any leader of the Concordance could not be First Lord.  However your military would be eligible for inclusion in the Star League.  The Star League would be forced to garrison your worlds and maintain your troops.”  Morgan said, he was looking to gain the three Sirian Lancer Regiments in the Concordance for his SLDF.  They would not be combat capable for another decade but it would increase the size, strength and prestige of the Star League making it a bigger force in the Inner Sphere and would allow him to concentrate forces making bigger better impacts in Inner Sphere politics.

   â€œMy troops are fiercely loyal to their homes, they would not make good international organisations.”

   â€œI have not heard one bad report about them working with my Battle Armour Battalions.”  Morgan pointed out, the reports actually said that the Sirian Lancer Regiments were going out of their way to accommodate the SLDF troops.  “And there would be provisions for your regiments.  They would not be deployed away from the Sirian Concordance until all are brought up to full strength a process I am told will take a minimum of six years.  Even when they are deployed away from the Concordance one Regimental Brigade will always be left in the Concordance.  The Sirian Division will be commanded by a Sirian Concordance born where possible.  And if the Sirian Lancer regiments do not want someone in their unit, that person will be transferred into another unit with no question asked and no posting on that persons SLDF Record.”

   â€œYou have obviously thought about this for a while Commanding-General” Helen Thrall said quietly thinking.

   â€œAllow me to take your troops off the wage bill and resource drain and you can put your full attention to rebuilding your worlds and if the Free Worlds League or anyone else decides to cause trouble the Star League can put its full force behind defending you.”  He said the argument was promising and two days later the Sirian Lancers and the Sirian Concordance as a whole accepted Star League membership.  Morgan Hasek-Davion made the announcement to the entire Inner Sphere of the step forward the Inner Sphere had taken today and welcomed the Sirian Lancer Regiments into the SLDF placing all three Regiments in a separate Division from the other SLDF Units Morgan’s first act was to announce General Helen Thrall as commander of the Division.  His second act was to warn the Free Worlds League and any other nation to stay away from the Sirian Concordance unless they were delivering humanitarian supplies and he calls for the Star League Council to immediately offer aid to the Concordance worlds.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #89 on: July 06, 2012, 02:25:49 AM »

Yes this is Great Book time
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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