Finally got caught up on all the posts. Keep at it, lest your labor of love be never finished.
It'll only end when time runs out
First Round
Duchy of Andruien/Capellan Confederation
8th February 3076 Supporting the invasion of the Duchy of Andruien from the Canopus half of the Capellan nation the First Canopian Cuirassiers Regiment landed on Aspropirgos and Butzfleth conquering both periphery worlds in quick and easy succession. Also from the Capellan nation came the First Canopian Light Horse landing on Piriapolis and Fagerholm taking them easily and quickly this is despite the discovery of a Heavy Vehicle Construction Plant on Fagerholm, it becomes obvious to the Capellan invaders that the Duchy of Andruien is sacrificing its outer worlds to protect Andruien. Finally the First Canopian Fusiliers landed on Claybrooke to ceremony and celebration from the people, who welcomed the Canopian troops with open arms, as with previous invasion attempts from the Magistracy of Canopus the world defects as soon as a Canopian solider arrives in system, their rebellious population happy to leave the doomed Duchy.
Coyote Territory
Grant’s Station, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
16th February 3076 Clan Steel Viper invade Clan Coyote’s territory on Grant’s Station in the Kerensky Cluster pushing an entire Cluster over the border between the Clans in less than an hour but getting no-where. In sixteen hours the Coyotes have pushed the Steel Vipers back to their original starting point with over two clusters of troops from both Clans lying dead or injured on the battlefield. During the fight there is a surprising inclusion of two Athena 2 Heavy Battle Tanks from Clan Hell’s Horse manufacture on the Steel Viper side.
Second Wave
Duchy of Andruien/Capellan Confederation
20th February 3076 With the first round of worlds secure or under Capellan siege Capellan Confederation move forward their schedule and assault their next wave of targets like the First Wave the Capellan Confederation troops assaulting first. First was the Red Lancers Regiment, thrown off of Sian, they were now used as a blunt instrument to beat the Third Andruien Sentinels Regiment on El Giza and Hudeiba, the elite unit may have been betrayed by the new Capellan Chancellor but given a target they were more than happy to tear the Andruien Regiment to pieces in very short order.
Forwarding their assaults the Sung’s Rangers land on Mosiro to support the Confederation’s assaults on the Duchy of Andruien. The regiment make quick their assaults on Mosiro attacking the Seventh Andruien Sentinels Regiment on the world, unfortunately for the Capellan unit the Seventh was far more skilled at guerrilla tactics and sneak attacks and in a short week the Sung’s Rangers have lost two Battalions of troops to the Andruien troops and a very hostile native population. The Kingston’s Rangers Regiment are called to support them, instead of taking the conventional approach these new troops favour a far more brutal style of warfare, entering urban areas and turning their weapons on community centres and other civilian shelters calling out the Seventh’s troops. If they failed to appear, or in many cases even when they had appeared, the Liao troops would set the civilian targets on fire using several Firestarter BattleMechs spread throughout the Regiment and inferno equipped Battle Armour and infantry troopers.
In less than forty-eight hours the combined troops brutal tactics did what the Sung’s Rangers could not do in a week. Naomi Centrella sent her personal congratulations as well as orders for the units name to be changed to the Centrella Rangers and for the remnants of the Sung’s Rangers to be folded into the Regiment. Elsewhere in the former-Free Worlds League and in the greater Inner Sphere when word of these war crimes became known this regiment is called to face trial, Naomi Centrella refuses to release her unit or its personnel for trial.
Second Wave Continued
Duchy of Andruien/Capellan Confederation
24th February 3076 Just like the first wave the second Capellan wave was followed by a second Canopian wave the Second Canopian Cuirassiers Regiment landed on two Duchy worlds like the First Regiment had done, the worlds of Villenueva and Igonish both fell almost without a shot being fired. The populations tell that their defenders and militia have been recalled to Andruien to support the defence of their crumbling nation’s leaders.
Following their easy assault on Claybrooke in the first wave the First Canopian Fusiliers were ready for their next fight. Supported and then replaced by the Third Canopian Fusiliers Regiment on Claybrooke the First Regiment moved further into the Duchy of Andruien landing on Cursa finding the Fifth Andruien Sentinels Regiment loading into DropShips. Without hesitation the commander of the Fusiliers orders a fire-bomb attack on the DropShips, the sticky napalm inferno fuel explosives roast an entire battalion alive inside their DropShip. Following this display the Andruien troops surrender under the heavy guns of the Canopian Fusiliers guns, several artillery pieces are targeted on the DropShips making certain doom for the Fifth Andruien Sentinels Regiment if they had fought.
Instead of sending in a fighting unit to deal with the world of tourist planet Lopez Chancellor Naomi Centrella landed on the world herself with a single company of the Centrella Black Guards and a single Union-class DropShip. In a low key affair they moved through the city of Orton, the planetary capital, high in the planet’s mountains to a small tourist hotel where Naomi booked ever single room for a week. After a weapons check from local militia security, which proved Naomi’s bodyguard only carried defensive weapons, the world’s leader Secretary General Charles Cunin agreed to meet her in the hotel.
“Chancellor, it is an honour to have you holiday on our world, we have never had someone of your stature on our world.†Charles said sitting opposite Naomi a long wooden table between them.
“I know.†Naomi said bluntly “I’m not going to beat around the bush Charles, I want your world’s allegiance.†She said moving around the table perching against it looking down at the older man, she’d worn a lime-green skin-tight jumpsuit especially for this meeting; it fit her body well and amplified her small breasts which she had seen Charles look at twice already.
“The Duchy have our world, as they have always, we owe them a lot. This world is small and unimportant, a Tourist haven in this region, an oddity for the scientific community.†Charles said, it was true Lopez shouldn’t have existed, it was the sole planet in a system with two stars it had no moons, a tainted atmosphere and an abundance of life, it shouldn’t have worked but it did and it worked well.
“True however your world is something of a cash-cow, something my nation could use. Perhaps not the pull of Solaris VII but people travel here from all over the Inner Sphere and that has an appeal to me. In the next six weeks my troops will land on Andruien. This Duchy, or at least what’s left of it, will be under my domain your nation will be cut off, you will have no chance of survival. What do you want Secretary?â€
“I want to be able to survive this change with my life intact, I want to be able to enjoy my retirement on this world I have called home and I want my people to live a peaceful existence under Capellan rules as they have under the Duchy of Andruien.â€
“I’ll give you that all.†Naomi said “this world’s only change will be that it’s GNP goes to Sian instead of Andruien and is home to a small security force from my nation, this will become my military’s vacation spot your world’s economy will grow. As for your retirement†she said drawing her hand across his cheek “that can be arranged, you have a daughter don’t you?†He nodded Nikki was his only child, how could this Capellan whore threaten her?
“Nikki Cunin will become this world’s new leader; your family will be hereditary Dukes of this world successively into the centuries to come. Your name will be sung by your family for generations, as will your daughters.†Naomi promised him, Charles smiled and nodded with a simple gesture that sealed his world’s fate. Twenty-four hours later Naomi was on her way off world four Capellan officers had been left to oversee operations until a security company from the Confederation arrived. These officers carefully controlled Nikki’s ascention to the post of Duchess and control over the world.
Filtvelt Coalition, Periphery
28th February 3076 Using information gained from the Sea Fox Clan and resources gained from the same Clan and from Clan Nova Cat the Filtvelt Coalition hire several engineers from across the Inner Sphere and buy resources from several different places brining them together on Lackland.
From this information and using these resources the engineers begin converting a disused IndustrialMech factory on Lackland to production of BattleMechs. Though not able to produce a modern design like the Federated Suns’ Enforcer or even the Periphery built Marshal this plant is able to produce ancient BattleMech designs not seen for centuries. Using some industrial espionage and some negotiations with Federated Suns manufacturers the Filtvelt Coalition is able to gain access to and produce BattleAxe and Hammerhands BattleMechs by mid-3076. These Mechs are primitive compared to modern designs however they do provide a welcome defence boost to the tiny Filtvelt Coalition.