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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #285 on: September 01, 2012, 12:02:19 PM »

Star League Training Range
Thorin, Thorin University
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
3rd September 3077

   Tensions on Thorin had been growing for months, the local militia had not left its base and rumour was the SLDF had placed them under house arrest with Morgan’s Lions, the First BattleMech Division of the SLDF, effectively becoming the planet’s defence force.  Alongside them stood the First Thorin Training Battalion and the First Isle of Skye Training Battalion unfortunately neither was tested in battle and neither unit liked each other.

   Though under escort of SLDF Instructors and a company from the Morgan’s Lions the two forces came to blows on one of the Training ranges adjacent to the University of Thorin with both sides using live weapons on each other.  Star League personnel risking their own lives are forced to intervene in the battle fortunately no-one is killed however the situation remains tense on the planet, the SLDF forces continue to take up more planetary defence duties with Commanding General Archer Christifori and General Vladimir Rostov both becoming involved in meetings with the local leaders.
Pirate Point
Bad News, Raven Alliance
18th September 3077

   Furthering their goals to destabilize the Draconis Combine and weaken Kurita line the Black Dragon Society sends the DCS Theodore, a Kirishima-class Cruiser, carrying three DropShips into the Bad News system first destroying the local recharge station before releasing three DropShips and jumping clear of the system.

   The three DropShips begin to head in system, predictably the Snow Raven vessel Eternity jumps to one of the system’s pirate points in an attempt to stop the DropShips unfortunately the Draconis Combine vessel’s have a solution to this as one of the DropShips launches a brace of nuclear-tipped missiles at the Eternity, two of the missiles are destroyed however a third strikes the craft and the resulting explosion wipes out the DropShip and the Essex-class Destroyer Eternity.

   The two other DropShips continue in system.  Within hours the Snow Ravens have dispatched another WarShip to the two incoming DropShips this vessel the Bloody Talon, a Lola III-class Destroyer, puts up a massive ECM bubble in the path of the two craft along with a heavy anti-fighter/DropShip screen of weapons fire the second DropShip is torn to pieces by the barrage attempting to use the same tactic on the Bloody Talon as on the Eternity however the third DropShip, an ancient Dictator-class vessel is able to make a landing on Bad News deploying three companies of Ronin Draconis Combine warriors, fighting without a care or a home these warriors wear almost every regimental badge ever worn by the DCMS and cause nearly five thousand casualties on the planet before the Fifth Raven Wing Cluster is able to put them down without a single survivor.

Colonel’s Meeting, Nortwind Highlanders
The Fort, Northwind
Star League Protectorate
21st September 3077

   Following years of service Colonel Andrea "The Cat" Stirling retires from command of Stirling's Fusiliers, Northwind Highlanders Brigade.  The Sterling’s Fusiliers had just completed a contract with the Star League Protectorate shoring up defences teaching locals how to defend their worlds and showing the flag for the SLDF.  At a final meeting with the other Colonels of the Northwind Highlanders she urges them to raise more Ghurkha units to help combat the Clan threat and to bolster the Northwind Highlanders size and capabilities, she also urges them not to rest on the laurels and accomplishments of those that had come before them and push the Brigade into the next century.  She passes command over to her long serving XO Alice Roberts.

Ghost Bear Counter Attack
Suladal, Buckminster Prefecture
Draconis Combine
25th September 3077

   Continuing to punish the Draconis Combine for its attacks against their Dominion the Ghost Bear Clan continue their assault deeper into the Buckminster Prefecture arriving at Suladal with elements of Rho Galaxy escorted by the WarShip Exodus Crusader.  For the first time in the campaign however the Draconis Combine is ready for the counter attack and the Dedication to Duty has been secreted away in the system, the Tatsumaki-class Destroyer reveals itself only after the Ghost Bears have detached themselves from the JumpShips and along with an assault squadron of DropShips and several wings worth of fighters the Combine force approaches.

   Before the crew of the Exodus Crusader can react to the presence of this defensive force naval weapons fire and capital missiles strike several of the Rho Galaxy DropShips shattering them effectively destroying the 300th Battle Cluster.

   Knowing they cannot retreat without loosing more of the ground forces and more of their honour the Exodus Crusader charges headlong at the Draconis Combine vessel hoping to bring the York-class Destroyer’s Autocannons into play.  Unfortunately the Tatsumaki-class was built to be an infighter and with DropShip support the Ghost Bear vessel is soon destroyed, this sacrifice allows the remains of Rho Galaxy to retreat however Draconis Combine marines are able to capture two Broadsword-class DropShips and their contents of ten OmniMechs before the JumpShips escape.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #286 on: September 01, 2012, 04:27:59 PM »

Snow Raven Assaults
Kaznejoy Prefecture, Draconis Combine
3rd October 3077

   As it is clear the Draconis Combine cannot control its military and that the military itself was without honour the Snow Ravens choose to punish the Draconis Combine Declaring outright war on the Successor State as a Periphery State.  No Batchalls will be issued through the course of the conflict - it is effectively a Trial of Annihilation to appease the Snow Raven Touman who are still angry at the loss of the White Cloud.

   Landing troops on Valantina, Weisau and Delacruz the Snow Raven and Outworlds Alliance troops go to work trying to isolate the defenders.   In the Valantina system the WarShip Hunter, a Lola III-class Destroyer, escorting the First Raven Phalanx, the First Avellar Guard Cluster and the Second Alliance Air Wing find the DCS Theodore in the system taking supplies from the Second and Forty-second District of Galedon Regulars.  Knowing it was this ship that delivered the troops to Bad News the Hunter and the Second Alliance Air Wing make short work of the Theodore giving the cruiser little chance with fast passes from the fighters followed with heavy firepower from the Destroyer.  On the ground the numerically inferior but better experienced Clan/Periphery forces assault the two regulars forces pounding both regiments for three days before the DCMS commander requests and surprisingly is given Hegira by the Snow Raven commander.

   At the same time as the Valantina attack the Snow Ravens push the DCMS smashing deeper into the Galedon district landing on Weisau.  With the Lord Death, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, in support the One hundred-and-first Raven Battle Cluster, of Beta Galaxy, formed six months before land on the ground with no opposition from the regional militia and a company sized mercenary band.  Star Colonel Henry meets with the planetary governor and explains if they do not surrender arms to the Clan force they will be wiped out, the Governor agrees ordering the mercenaries off world before he surrenders ensuring the Clan force does not target them as dezgra, an uncharacteristic move from the Combine leader but then this was proving to be an uncharacteristic war.

   The three other clusters of Beta Galaxy have a stronger fight planned for them as they land on Delacruz to find these troops have been recalled to protect the more strategically important world of Kesai VI, so much is the DCMS afraid of having three worlds cut off by the Snow Raven advance.

Governor’s residence
Kesai VI, Kaznejoy Prefecture
Draconis Combine
5th October 3077

   The World of Kesai VI was becoming steadily isolated by the Snow Raven assaults the on planet defence force was becoming more and more nervous as was the small civilian population.  After a full day of trying to calm the people Martin Reynolds retreated to his residence on the hill beside the capital, the heat was baking and Reynolds wondered what he’d done wrong to be exiled to this barren rock, along with almost all his family.  Even his brother who had nothing to do with politics had recently been sent here to work in the spaceport, Reynolds had annoyed someone but he didn't know who.

   Something was not right, the air felt wrong, Martin had been a member of the DCMS during the Fourth Succession War and during the War of 39 he’d never done anything massive but he’d kept himself, his squad and many others alive by his sense of what was right and wrong.  Tonight felt completely wrong.  “If you are here to kill me, get it over with.  I cannot stop the Snow Ravens, nor can I right any wrong I have done to you.”  he said out aloud, a figure rose from behind his small office desk.

   â€œGovernor unlike the rest of this wrenched world I do now want you to stop the Clans for me, I want to stop them for you.”  Martin could see that the man was dressed in a stealth sneak suit of some type and that he made not a single sound when he moved obviously someone of a decent amount of training .

   â€œNo offence to the man who does not want to be seen but how can you stop the Clans?”

   â€œOur organisation has links to other sources with forces that could put enough forces out to stop the Snow Raven Clan in its tracks, at least for now.”

   â€œWe cannot afford mercenary forces all our funds are tied up in state affairs.” he said immediately for the fifth time today a mercenary wanted a job.  “Unless you have WarShips then it would be a fools errand anyway" he said quietly realizing what the figure had meant "you want me to betray my nation to another?”

   â€œWe are all part of the Star League Governor, my nation just has more assets to spare than yours.  Convince the local defenders they don’t want to be here and that you need outside protection and we will be here.  My people will move in under an agreement that we will be peacekeepers.  If our stay has to be permanent then so be it, I’m sure your government, my own and the Star League Council will agree.  During the tenure of your new landlords you and your family will be well looked after, and transported off world if that is your choice.”

   â€œIf this is discovered, we’re dead“

   â€œMore to the point you’re dead, I was never here, good night Governor.”  The figure said before disappearing into the darkness of the house.

DCMS Fortifications District Command
New Samarkand, District of Galedon
Draconis Combine
6th October 3077

   The defeated Second and Forty-second District of Galedon Regulars arrive back on New Samarkand following the push by Snow Raven forces on Valantina.  Despite the larger amount of survivors from the Forty-second the New Samarkand commanders choose to disband the regiment along with the Second Regulars Regiment instead forming the First District of Midway Regulars in their place from the survivors of the two regiments.  The troops are unhappy with this choice and confused that New Samarkand would be naming the regiments from another district, creating something that does not exist.

Snow Raven Assault
Nile, Galedon Military District
Draconis Combine
7th October 3077

   Following three victories for Snow Raven forces the Clan leaders turned to their periphery allies, offering them a chance of retribution against the Combine.  The Outworlds had lost many civilians on Bad News after consulting with the commanders the Outworlds government agreed.  The world of Nile was chosen as the Outworlds target, home to the Veteran Seventh Sword of Light Regiment.

   Inside the Nile system they found little troubles as the First Long Road Legion Regiment supported by two newly formed 'Support' Battalions of Clan freeborn troopers and local graduates and by the Second Avellar Guard Cluster landed, on the world they found no resistance at the landing zones.  Intent on keeping this as the case the First Long Road ordered the Third Alliance Air Wing pilots to destroy transport and communication facilities across the world intent on keeping the DCMS completely in the dark, much to the confusion of the Clansmen that had accompanied them, they always preferred a straight fight.  With the initial operations clear the Snow Raven warrior and technology heavy Second Avellar Guard agreed to remain at the landing zone allowing the Outworlds troops to fight their own war.

   In the initial hour the Long Road took heavy casualties however the Sword of Light had lost three key locations in and around the capital.  With the Third Alliance Air Wing now bombing the command complexes in the capital causing heavy damage.  Unwilling to allow this to continue longer than necessary the First Long Road Legion commanders released the Second Avellar from the landing zone defences.  The wound up Clansmen charged straight at the DCMS troops, a credit to the training of the Sword of Light was they kept together fighting back-to-back as they retreated to their DropShips under some of the heaviest fighting in the entire conflict the Seventh began boosting from the world, the Third Alliance fighters were unfortunately refuelling at the time of the Seventh's retreat which likely saved the Regiment's life.

   The next day the Alliance Borderers Regiment of the Outworlds Alliance land on Grovekl III expecting a similar battle as the First Long Road, they find the DCMS have completely abandoned the world.

Disputed Space
Kesai VI, Galedon Military District
Draconis Combine/Federated Suns border
10th October 3077

   To add insult to injury for the DCMS the FSS William Davion, an Avalon-class Cruiser, and the First Robinson Rangers RCT Commanded by Duke Tarncred Sandoval, head of the Federated Suns Draconis March, arrive in the Kesai VI system as peacekeepers.  The planetary Governor Martin Reynolds informs the DCMS that they have been called in to support the DCMS, in defending the people from the Snow Ravens, and keep the peace following several riots that have left several hundred dead.  The DCMS commander of the Fourth Arkab Legion Tai-sa Jabal Sharief informs him he has betrayed the Draconis Combine and shoots him in the head immediately sending the regiments air wing and six brand-new Nekohono'o Assault DropShips to repulse the AFFS troops.

   The William Davion responds launching three Overlord A3 Assault Ships and a pristine Titan-class Carrier along with three aerospace wings against the DCMS troops resulting in a brief space conflict.  The DCMS DropShips attempt to ignore the WarShip and her escorts and attack the Robinson Rangers destroying five vessels including a Fortress, a pair of Leopards, a Gazelle and a Union hurting the Rangers ground forces but being decimated themselves by the AFFS Naval force.

   On the ground the weakened but not crippled First Robinson fight the Fourth Arkab into the deserts of Kesai VI leaving them to the wastes for three days.  Cut off from their supply bases the Fourth Arkab return to the capital with a portion of their force, most of their other troops cannibalised to keep their remaining forces operational two Battalions.

   After a brief fight Duke Sandoval offers to allow the DCMS troops off world claiming he never wanted a fight and that his people are here as peace-keepers they agree at the cost of a company of OmniMechs of the Duke's choosing, the Fourth Arkab call for transport and are evacuated to New Samarkand where the commander is Jabal Sharief is executed for not catching the governor’s betrayal sooner, the Fourth Arkab Legion find themselves at the end of a very long refit request form.  The Draconis Combine lodge a formal complaint with the Star League Council about the conduct of the AFFS troops and the Federated Suns Nobility, the SLDF agree to send observers to the world to ensure the peacekeepers were doing exactly that.  These berserkers would be accompanied by troops from the First Special Operations Ground, First Special Operations Battle Armour Battalion and would arrive on planet towards the end of the month.
Nock Engineering Inc Training Ranges
New Avalon, Crucis March
Federated Suns
19th October 3077

   Following months of delay the first Successful flight of the F-302 and F-302/A Vanguard aerospace fighters in front of AFFS Marshals the fighters created by Nock Engineering Inc are the companies their first aerospace fighters and are a resounding success piloted by Leftenant-Colonel Cameron Mitchell an AFFS veteran pilot.  The sixty-five ton design impresses the AFFS Quartermasters who order one hundred of each design.

Clan Training Ranges
Mortiz, Clan Wolf Territory
Clan Occupation Zone, Inner Sphere
21st October 3077

   The Clan Wolf training base on Mortiz is razed to the ground with three hundred-and-two deaths no survivors.  None of the destroyed training Mechs are salvaged though each is rendered useless in any use other than salvage or scrap, surviving gun camera footage shows that twelve Mechs attacks each was painted black-and-red, each wore a red bloodied hand and six of the Mechs were of unknown design - the others Star League vintage carrying alternate/largely experimental weapons configurations.  A Clan Observation satellite shows a modified Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser collecting the single Union-class DropShip from the planet shortly after contact was lost with the base the vessel jumps clear before it can be identified.

DCMS Counter Strike
Orbit Alshain System,
Ghost Bear Dominion
30th October 3077

   Following the Star League Defence Forces peace accords with the Ghost Bear Dominion the day before the Draconis Combine commanders decide to test the Ghost Bears resolve by upping the stakes launching a deep strike against Alshain, the bears capital.  This attack is not aimed at the planet instead attacking the Great Bear, one of only three Leviathan 2-class Battleships in existence, which is under repair at the orbiting shipyard, the vessel lacks good portions of armour and port weapons giving the DCMS Admiralty the incentive.

   For this operation the DCMS Admiralty task the DCS Nagato, a Yamato-class Battleship weighing in more than a million tonnes and fresh from the New Samarkand Ship Yards, along with the DCS Victory at Walcott, DCS Dieron Star, two Kyushu-class Frigates, the DCS Tomoe, a Kirishima-class Cruiser, and the Order of the Five Pillars, one of the Draconis Combine’s few remaining Tatsumaki-class Destroyers. This massive naval armada is the largest raised by the Draconis Combine since the Succession Wars and it is supported by nineteen Assault DropShips and nearly three hundred aerospace fighters assault the Great Bear.

   Jumping in system the Combine forces detect the Great Bear moving clear of the shipyards soon after engaging them just beyond lunar orbit.  The massive Leviathan, the largest warship ever designed and built by man makes quick work of the Tomoe which had been ahead of the other craft escorting the assault DropShips.  The Great Bear goes to great lengths eliminating the DropShips and fighters that had been escorting the Kirishima-class Cruiser while the Nagato remains at range.  A second bear force lifts from the moon base attempting to encircle the DCMS forces the Order of the Five pillars falls back to engage them while the DCS Victory at Walcott and the Dieron Star close in on either flank of the Leviathan intent on overwhelming the vessel’s own cooling system by giving it multiple targets at once.  Though this is a valiant attempt these two craft take heavy damage and are eventually destroyed caught in broadside after broadside from the Great Bear the Clan ship focusing on one ship then the other.

   Reduced to two WarShips and five Pocket WarShips the DCMS force continuously engage the Great Bear focusing all their remaining firepower on the Great Bear’s battered nose and port side.  Luck became heavily involved in the DCMS forces survival as the Great Bear suffered three internal explosions following hits from the Pocket WarShips capital missiles and the Nagato’s fire.  Then with one last concentrated volley from almost the entire DCMS force the Great Bear’s nose splits and is replaced by fire as the massive ship burns its final breath and die.  The DCMS force including the Nagato, the Order of Five pillars, two DropShips and thirty-one fighters limp to the nearest pirate point and are able to jump clear of the system before further Ghost Bear forces can arrive.

   The Draconis Combine have given the Ghost Bear Dominion another bloody nose, one that actually hurt this time hoping to stem the Ghost Bear conflict before it gets out of control.  The Ghost Bear is now awake to the Combine's threat.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #287 on: September 02, 2012, 10:05:25 AM »

The Black Dragons are causing much trouble for the Dracs along with I suspect Clan Wolverine forces with the Crusader Clan Wolf
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #288 on: September 02, 2012, 11:20:42 AM »

The Black Dragons are causing much trouble for the Dracs along with I suspect Clan Wolverine forces with the Crusader Clan Wolf

Certainly Knightmare's friends are causing trouble for the Wolves.  The Wolverines may be further away...

Here's more

Parade Ground, The Fort
Ecol City, Thorin
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
2nd November 3077

   Though the arrival of the Mjolinir-class Battle-cruiser LCS Yggdrasil in the system had tipped many off that something was going on.  The arrival of a single Union-class DropShip had passed as if nothing had happened, few expected something important from such a common transport, the march of four Lyran Assault BattleMechs down the central street of Ecol City to the Star League Controlled Fort facility equally passed, people had grown used to the sight of BattleMechs on their streets from the times of the Federated Commonwealth.  Now with the Star League so invested in the world they were a common sight.

   The presence of Lyran Mechs in the city was a small oddity since the local militia had refused to leave their barracks in over a month and the First Royal BattleMech Regiment had taken over all their duties.  Standing in The Fort’s courtyard stood Commanding-General Archer Christifori wearing full dress Star League uniform including ever decoration earned from his Federated Commonwealth and from Star League service.  As the Mechs shut down a single warrior dropped to the ground on a chain link ladder and approached wearing a simple pale blue Jumpsuit “General, should we talk as we walk?”  Archon Peter Steiner-Davion said as he walked into The Fort’s main corridors leading straight to Archer’s office.

   â€œAs you wish Sire” Archer said respectfully falling into step with him. “Sire, as I’m sure you are aware we have disarmed the local militia following their recent confiding in us of their involvement in the Coventry Attack.

   â€œWhich is still to be confirmed or fully investigated by Lyran Intelligence.”

   â€œWe have done a full investigation sire, including utilising agents on Coventry and on the Clan border.  Sir, they are telling the truth it was two enlisted men, no family on Thorin little previous Lyran or Federated Commonwealth military experience.”

   â€œFine, so they acted alone, it is still true that they were the breeding ground for two terrorist attacks on Lyran soil.  Democracy Now has been playing this up for weeks I need answers and solutions, Archer, I will not allow this organisation to gain any prominence in my realm.”

   â€œHow about exile for the entire unit?”  Archer asked as they entered his small office, Peter looked at him quizzically.  “The entire unit is transferred to Star League command or cashiered out of Lyran service, my family’s business here on Thorin would take plenty my sister wants to recruit and she wants trained Lyrans to be her new workforce.”

   â€œThat’s a can of worms isn’t it what if they turn out to be trouble makers?  Your business interests and the SLDF could come into disrepute.

   â€œThese troops will not be in your realm they will be on Kittery for at least three years getting trained by the instructors who used to train the Eridani Light Horse and the Northwind Highlanders.”  Peter looked surprised though Archer didn’t go into more details the Eridani had joined the SLDF wholesale but the Highlanders were still very much independent despite their historical links to the Star League and to Terra.  “If we have problems with them, well the Martian facilities still need workers as does those on Venus.”  Archer said naming two of the worse places in the Terran system Peter involuntarily shuddered the Star League was growing stronger by the day and they had direction especially from the likes of Archer Christifori, Morgan Hasek-Davion had left the new born SLDF in a very strong position for its future.

   â€œOk so they leave, your family’s business will be under a microscope for a while but I’ll ensure they aren’t interfered with and the Star League begins another expansion.”

   â€œOnly one that is required Archon, the Star League has to prove it is a force that plans to stay, with more units requires more personnel.  These militia troops are unwanted by you or your government, we can use them, rehabilitate if need be and similarly cast aside if it comes to that.  Allow us to take you burden away and it saves you the bother of dealing with them.”

   â€œCommanding-General, I admire your loyalty to these sons and daughters of Thorin.” Peter said Archer opened his mouth to complain but Peter silenced him by raising to his feet “but I can also see that this move is for the best interests of the Star League.  And you are correct Archer, the Star League is here to stay” Peter said, from the tone Archer wasn’t sure if the Archon was happy with this or not despite his use of Archer’s name “just let it be known that though the SLDF may be increasing in size and capability they are also under our eye and at the service of its members, something one Commanding-General forgot and the Inner Sphere paid for it then and two hundred years later.  I do not want to see another set of Clans in the future.”  Peter warned extending his hand to Archer shaking it.

   â€œThat won’t happen, Sire, I remember where I come from and I wouldn’t give it up.”

   â€œVery good, I’ll have the papers drawn up and on your very desk by the break of morning, and I will forward a report to the Council of this development.”

   â€œThank you, Archon”

   â€œAnd you General, now I’m off to New Avalon, so I’ll wish you good fortune and take my leave” the Archon said saluting, Archer returned the salute.  “Not to worry, I know my way, good day General.”

Snow Raven Trade Convoy
Deep Periphery
Coreward Draconis Combine
5th November 3077

   The Scabbard, one of Clan Snow Raven’s many Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers, had been tasked with escorting a group of JumpShips to the Outworlds Alliance as the Clan moved more of its military assets to the Inner Sphere and Periphery.  So far it had been a completely uneventful trip and the commander of the Scabbard was getting tired of the inconsistency of his merchant caste companions.

   As the Scabbard emerged from another jump he was about ready to call for a stand down from general stations when his sensor operator shouted a warning, moments later the Scabbard was hit amidships by a heavy naval particle cannon.  One of the attached DropShips the Scabbard was carrying was destroyed in the initial hit.  Moments later the Scabbard was coming under increasing fire from an emerging WarShip, which was soon identified as the DCS Lyon’s Thumb, a Draconis Combine registered Kyushu-class Frigate, the Scabbard was outgunned and already under increasing fire.

   Ordering the DropShips to scatter the Scabbard turned into the fire as heavy naval autocannons and lasers slashed into their armour plating.  The JumpShips were beginning to spool up their Jump Engines when two fighter wings and several DropShips appeared from behind the Scabbard and its protected DropShips though the Void, a Snow Raven Carrack-class Armed Transport, tried to fend off further attack it was not possible three DropShips and their attending JumpShip were wiped out in a second effectively destroying the Sixth Raven Auxiliaries Cluster of Delta Galaxy.

   Knowing that there is no way to survive the battle but that the ground troops and their DropShips were more important the Scabbard ignored fire from the Lyon’s Thumb instead turning her guns on the aerospace fighters and their attending DropShips buying enough time for the Void and three remaining JumpShips to jump away doing so however exposed her already damaged amidships to the incoming Lyon’s Thumb constant autocannon and laser volleys penetrated the armour and almost literally cut the WarShip in half.

Steel Viper Occupation Zone
Kolovraty, Pangkalan, Annazuita
Inner Sphere
9th November 3077

   Tired of the Steel Vipers Occupation Zone at their backs the Jade Falcons launch an attack on Kolovraty, Pangkalan and Annazuita all within the Steel Viper Occupation Zone intent on splitting the Steel Vipers Occupation Zone and sending them screaming back to the Clan Homeworlds for the second time.

   Forcing themselves onto Kolovraty they suffer only light damage with no major naval forces in system and a simple honourable trial on the planet.  Pangkalan is not so easy in space the Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser Hawk Eye is heavily damage fighting the Steel Python, a Steel Viper Aegis-class vessel, both craft are forced to retreat from battle returning to the Clan Homeworlds.  On the ground the casualties are light with a simple trial.

   On Annazuita casualties are far higher with the Serpents, a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, under Steel Viper flag is drafted to front line service and ordered to gun down the Jade Falcons in space.  The First Falcon Jaegers Cluster are destroyed in space and the Falcon Guards Cluster are heavily damaged.  The Steel Vipers continue to hold the world.

FSS Fire Fang, Whirlwind-class Destroyer, Command Deck
Terra System, Star League Protectorate
14th November 3077

   â€œGround Control, this is the FSS Fire Fang, we are ready to jump, at your command.”  Major Nathan Heaps said floating just above the communications console which was a mesh of Star League, Federated Suns, ComStar and Clan equipment noting the ships many owners.

   â€œHouston, Fire Fang, we have you on scope, all local traffic have been cleared, Jump in your own time.  Safe journey Major.“

   â€œThank you Houston, you’ve been wonderful hosts, it’s time for us to go home.”  Nathan said communicating with the Terran based controllers the Terran and Star League people and officers had been very accommodating of the Fire Fang’s refit team and the Intrepid’s guard force with generous allowances of shore leave and replacement expendables.  The crews working on the two Federated Suns WarShips had lived well and been able to not bankrupt the Federated Suns doing it.  Signing off Nathan changed the communication channel.

   â€œIntrepid, Fire Fang, we jump then fifteen seconds later you follow copy and confirm.”  He said

   â€œFire Fang, Intrepid, copied and confirmed on your count Major.” the Intrepid’s communication officer said, moments later the Fire Fang’s jump computer began counting down.  “In five, four, three, good bye Terra and Jump!”  He triumphantly announced as the space around the Fire Fang seemed to warp around the vessel into the ship and its crew and then completely backwards again launching the vessel twenty-light years nowhere near maximum range but enough for a test.  Moments later the FSS Intrepid carrying the majority of the engineering teams and their five Tug-class DropShips also jumped joining the Fire Fang in an uninhabited system they were on their way.

Davion Royal Palace, Throne Room
Avalon City, Mount Davion
New Avalon, Federated Suns
28th November 3077

   While most people were unaware New Avalon paid host to some very special guests.  In planetary orbit sat the LCS Yggdrasil, the mighty Lyran Mjolinir-class Battle-cruiser, beside it sat the smaller but equally impressive FSS Lucian Davion, one of the Federated Suns premier Avalon-class Cruisers.  Close to these two vessels were two more equally impressive vessels but belonged to neither succession nation. The first was the mighty round armoured Severn Leroux, the Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser that was Clan Nova Cat's flagship.  Beside this vessel was the spinier Nagasawa a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser recently upgraded to the "Dire Wolf” Configuration.

   Unfortunately this was one of the times Khan Canin Rosse was not with his troops instead he and Hanna Coston, the Khan of Clan Sea Fox had been summoned to the Davion Royal Palace.  There in the throne room instead of finding Victor Steiner-Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns, they found Peter Steiner-Davion, the Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, and instead of the Sword and Sunburst emblem they found the chain mailed fist of the Lyran realm.  For today and today only New Avalon, and the Davion Royal Palace, were Lyran holdings sovereign territory of the Steiner family.

   â€œKhans of Kerensky’s Nova Cats and Sea Foxes, I welcome you to New Avalon and extend my thanks.  People of your Clans have put aside the adversity of growing up in different cultures and in different areas of space.  And against the Crusader mentality of other Clans, to save my daughter’s life and I am very happy with your results.”  He said raising from the throne “because of their efforts, under your direction, my daughter should lead a healthy and long life just like everyone else. Because of this I would like to offer both you Clans the right of SafCon throughout my realm.  Your merchants, but not your armies, will be welcome to travel and trade throughout the Lyran Commonwealth.  If this is abused to attack your enemies or if you violate local laws while in my realm there will be penalties however I believe you can both see the advantages of this mutually beneficial offer.”

   â€œArchon, on behalf of Clan Nova Cat, I will accept your terms however if we are attacked or challenged by any of your people we will reserve the rights to defend ourselves and if we lose people or equipment to subterfuge we will react.”  Canin Rosse warned, what the Archon had offered was a great thing but he’d defend the Nova Cats before accepting any terms.

   â€œI will also accept these terms laid out by the Nova Cat Khan, Clan Sea Fox is spread out now and we do not take kindly to being miss treated by our trading partners.  The Capellans have already learned this mistake on Sarna I hope your people do not have to be taught the same lesson.”

   â€œThen with your terms as Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth of Nations I welcome your merchants to trade against the best the Inner Sphere has to offer.”  Peter said descending shaking each Khan’s hand once.  “Now that is officially over I’d like to personally thank each of you for providing the resources required for this day to happen.  From one man very happy to be still able to enjoy looking forward to his child growing up.”  Peter said fighting back the tears of joy which had already taken over him today more than once.

   â€œIt was approached like any other deal, now if you would excuse me, my people are ready to leave Khan Rosse.”  She said saluting the Nova Cat leader who returned the salute with a deep nod.

   â€œKhan Coston” Canin said quietly as she turned and left the throne room, Victor Steiner-Davion appeared from behind the throne as they head the Sea Fox Khan’s boots click all their way out onto the courtyards.

   â€œPerhaps not as enlightened as we had hoped?”  Peter pondered as she left.

   â€œEnlightened enough to trade with you Archon, instead of shooting you.  You appealed to her wallet always a good strategy with the Sea Fox Clan.”  Canin said in answer “I should also go, we are rearming the Forty-fourth Nova Cat Cavaliers Cluster and changing over some personnel in the New Scotland region.”

   â€œKhan, I wondered if you would like to stay on New Avalon for a spell.  I had hoped you had received my communiqué regarding the invitation of your family.”  Victor said descending to join his brother and the Nova Cat Khan, Victor was now the shortest but he had never let his size keep him from being the man and the leader he was today.

   â€œI did, however my affairs must be in Clan Nova Cat’s best interest, I am not sure if remaining here for longer than is necessary is in my Clan’s best interest.”

   â€œAh, I see, perhaps it is for the best then.” Victor said disappointed, he’d hoped that the Nova Cat Khan would have taken his sister back to New Avalon and perhaps lightened up a little but perhaps it was too much to hope fore, still Peter and his family were here and they would be staying for a while at least until Melinda was well enough to travel.

   â€œHowever, my troops especially those of Sigma Galaxy which has accompanied me would like to test themselves against some line units of the Federated Suns and perhaps the Lyran Commonwealth, if the Archon would permit it.  Perhaps I could suggest a time of Trials and training that all our warriors could benefit from, with powered down weaponry obviously to ensure no untimely deaths.”

   â€œThat sounds reasonable my people always like a test against the Clans especially a non-lethal one, Victor?” Peter said smiling looking at his elder brother.

   â€œYes Victor, listen to the man, he is normally right” another voice, this one female said from behind them both Steiner-Davion brothers turned together to see Yvonne Nova Cat (Steiner-Davion) sitting cross legged on the Federated Suns throne. “To be honest I’m not entirely certain I like the new décor in here either” she said smiling beside her stood her eleven year old son Grayson and her nine year old Sonja who flanked the throne.  As tears swelled in both brother’s eyes Yvonne rose to her feet “I know just how to fix this.  Nova Cats Rise!” she shouted putting both brothers on alert as two Elementals replaced the Steiner Royal Guards behind the throne, and three more appeared at the door all dressed in full battle armour painted in black and blue.  Yvonne smiled as she walked down the steps around her stunned brothers “It appears I still have some pull on this planet, but wait there's one other small thing” she said clicking her fingers above the Davion throne the Steiner mail fist fell to be replaced by the roaring sunburst insignia of the Nova Cats.

   Though Peter saw the funnier side of it and hugged his sister Victor looked more annoyed than anything else “How the hell did you do that?”

   â€œI know the right people” Yvonne answered cryptically

   â€œDanai…” Victor muttered knowing his wife would have had something to do with it.  Reunited with his younger sister Danai would be very pleased indeed.

   â€œI never give up my sources”

   â€œI suggest you give up, First Prince Davion” Canin offered knowing the answer though he was leader of the Nova Cats and held power over all in the Nova Cat’s Den and for Clan Nova Cat he knew better than to try and argue with Yvonne especially when she was on a roll.

   â€œWell I suppose we’ll give the mighty First Prince at least an incline of how I did it, Ladies if you please!” Yvonne said raising her voice from two side entrances came Danai Centrella-Davion and Isis Steiner who joined their husbands in the small gathering “It helps to know the right people.”  Yvonne said causing a chuckle from almost all in the group.  Standing still at the throne however both Grayson and Sonja looked more confused than anything, Canin as their father and their Khan had realized that and remained in his leader roll for at least a couple of moments.

   â€œFirst Prince Davion, Archon Steiner, please allow me to introduce two of my Clan’s most important ristars, to me anyway, Grayson and Sonja Nova Cat.”  Both Victor and Peter with full military baring saluted the two children who returned their salutes with curt nods.  Soon Victor and Peter were lost in conversation with Yvonne, after several years apart Canin spoke to the two children in a hushed voice “over the time we are here, I want you both to enjoy yourself but remember you are members of our Clan as well as part of this group.  These people are our allies and potential enemies be on your guard.”  Grayson gave his father a confident stare and slight smirk while Sonja was more lost by the presence of everyone in the room suddenly it was if her world had been opened up to far more possibilities and challenges.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 02:41:27 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #289 on: September 04, 2012, 02:53:52 PM »

Open Ground, Coast of Loch Arthur
New Scotland, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
8th December 3077

   For one battle only the Federated Commonwealth was reborn First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion sat in his Dire Wolf, Prometheus, for the first time in several months, and it felt very good.  Beside him stood Archon Peter Steiner-Davion piloting his own FNR-6X Fafnir Assault BattleMech behind them was an entire combined arms Regimental Brigade taken from both the First Lyran Royal Guards RCT and the First Davion Guards RCT, the two honour guard regiments of the participating nations.  Across the field of battle stood the forces of Clan Nova Cat’s Sigma Galaxy augmented by the warriors of the Forty-Fourth Nova Cat Cavaliers Cluster, the local liaison force.

   In this area where snow lay on the ground nearly all year round on the coast of Loch Arthur Victor decided to begin the proceedings opening a communication channel to all involved, in a transition that would eventually be transmitted throughout the Federated Suns and to the wider Inner Sphere.  “I First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion joined with my brother Archon Peter Steiner-Davion in this battle.  Together as the Federated Commonwealth takes to the field one last time.  My father formed that nation to ensure the people both Federated and Lyran prospered in a better future, unfortunately time would not continue for the united Commonwealth.  Instead my brother and I stand as allies today against a force of Clan Nova Cat warriors who are residing on this frozen continent.  Today we fight as one force, Clansmen I challenge you to show us your best.”  He said anyone within one hundred kilometres would have been able to hear it, although both sides were using under-powered rounds and paint shells their Battle computers would register them as if they were real, this was going to be an interesting fight.

   On the other side of battle Khan Canin Rosse sat at the front of the Nova Cat force behind him in his Dragon Cat, he’d been surprised to find the Forty-Fourth Cavaliers now fielded several Federated Suns OmniMech designs, Star Colonel Cassin Drummond had explained that they had won them from several different Federated Suns Regiments they had fought against which he could accept in the Nova Cat’s Den the Second Watch Cluster fielded almost exclusively Inner Sphere Mechs captured by the Nova Cats.  Hearing Victor’s challenge Canin answered it “I Khan Canin Rosse, leader of Clan Nova Cat and of Sigma Galaxy, answer your challenge First Prince Davion.  Fight bravely for you will need it against my Clusters. All Nova Cats advance!”  He said he’d already ordered all his Nova Cats to fight honourably unless the Inner Sphere forces decided to break the rules of Zellbrigen.

   As the Nova Cats began move Victor saw Peter’s Mech step forward, when Victor had first seen the monster his brother piloted he’d not known what to think.  It had started as a Standard Fafnir Assault Mech however the Lyran engineers had gone a little overboard with their work, the two ‘Hammerfist’ Heavy Gauss Rifles had been upgraded to the new Improved version of the weapon which did a lot more damage for a little more tonnage.  The lasers had all been removed as had the Guardian ECM Suite and replaced with a pair of Extended-Range Medium Lasers in the centre torso one above the other and one each in the arms, the Fafnir’s arms themselves had been fully removed and replaced with large muscular arms that extended far further than the shoulder stumps the original Mech carried this would improve the Mech’s balance and give it the opportunity to do physical attacks and carry Hand-held weapons.  Which is exactly what Peter had chosen to do, between the two massive arms, held like a massive Mini-Gun on the Fafnir’s left side, the Fafnir held a Rotary Autocannon though only a light version of the weapon its damage potential was not to be argued with.

   Because of his weapons shorter range than Victor’s Peter took a few steps forward and then let rip with the Mech’s Rotary Autocannon using full automatic fire for the weapon.  The barrels spun and a stream of lead momentarily connected the Fafnir to a Nova Cat Summoner tearing into the heavy OmniMech’s upper torso tracing up towards the shoulder mounted missile launcher.  The Nova Cat Mech looked momentarily stunned before returning fire with a single Particle Cannon, the lightning bolt struck Peter’s Mech on the left side Victor’s Mech’s sensors registered only a small amount of armour damage then Victor remembered Peter’s Mech also carried Hardened Armour which allowed his Mech to soak up far more damage than a regular Mech Peter used this extra surprise to launch a Improved Gauss slug into the advancing Clan Mech, the slug caught the Summoner low taking the pilot by surprise at the ferocity of the hit knocking the Mech to the ground it didn’t get back up - one down.

   On the Nova Cat side Canin Rosse watched the Lyran Archon’s Monster put one of his Mechs down hard and knew that the Mech which read as a modified Fafnir needed to go down, quickly.  As a result he targeted it with his primary weapon and let loose from the left arm the Heavy (Hyper) Assault Gauss Rifle struck out at the Fafnir the class-30 weapon fired a constant stream of gauss slugs into the Clan Mech cutting armour off the left arm and torso but with no armour penetration, now Canin would be the Archon’s target as per Clan engagement rules.  Across the battlefield Nova Cats and Inner Sphere troops were engaging the Inner Sphere force a brand-new Nova Cat Sphinx BattleMech charged forward engaging Victor Davion’s Dire Wolf, a brave thing for a seventy-five ton Mech.  Meanwhile Canin sidestepped another stream of rotary autocannon from Peter Steiner’s Fafnir cutting loose with another Heavy Assault Gauss barrage of his own, he saw several of the slugs strike the Fafnir’s head but was shocked when the simulated damage was nearly completely shrugged off by the Mech.  Now Peter fired both of his own Improved Heavy Gauss Rifles one struck the Dragon Cat just below the left leg's hip smashing armour damaging the knee actuator, Canin checked his range to the Fafnir then double checked the damage, if it had hit the Dragon Cat’s arm it could have ripped it off. 

   Victor was fighting his Mech to keep track of the fast moving Sphinx it was obviously a new Nova Cat design built on a heavy chassis so far Victor knew it was capable of speeds reaching nearly ninety kilometres per hour and carried lasers as its primary armament.  So far the Sphinx had hit the Dire Wolf’s left leg and arm luckily causing no major damage.  Twisting his Mech’s torso at the waist he tracked the Sphinx with his Ultra Autocannon, the assault-class weapon tore into the Nova Cat Mech’s right torso and right leg causing the heavy Mech to stumble slightly but it remained standing.  Now in firing position itself the Sphinx’s pilot triggered all the Mech’s weapons ten Extended-Range Medium Lasers and two Extended Range Large Lasers struck out at Victor’s Prometheus, the armour loss was staggering as eight of the mediums and one of the larger weapons his the Dire Wolf but Victor ignored the Sphinx for a moment and was more concerned with staying standing as inbuilt simulators showed the Dire Wolf become almost four tons lighter because of armour loss caused by the weapons fire.  He noticed the Long Range Missile Launcher was destroyed so hit the ammo-dump button, the paint rounds wouldn’t actually cause damage if they were hit by simulated damage they would cause the computers to shut down most of the Mech’s left side simulating an ammo explosion.  Victor turned to see the Sphinx struggling to move as the pilot battled the massive heat build up in the Mech, firing that many lasers at once had caused a severe overheating Victor toggled his primary laser armament four Extended-Range large lasers in an arm mounted pod together and fired, the heat generated overwhelmed his own heat sinks but the resulting damage on the already battered Sphinx caused the Nova Cat BattleMech to shut down, it was out of this fight.

   As Victor battled the Clan BattleMech Peter continued to battle the Dragon Cat OmniMech, there was only two in the entire Nova Cat force so this was either a highly ranked Nova Cat or the Khan himself.  The Heavy Assault Gauss Rifle on the Dragon Cat was sheering away Peter’s armour and the superior speed of the lighter Clan Mech was allowing the Clan warrior to avoid most of his shots already Peter had used half of his Rotary Autocannon and a quarter of his Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle magazines.  At the same time the Clan Mech was closing in on Peter’s position which would allow the Heavy OmniMech to bring even more weapons to bare.  Targeting the Dragon Cat Peter used his links to the hand-held Rotary Autocannon to switch off all the weapons safeties intent on firing until it was empty, pulling down on the trigger with his Mech’s left hand the Autocannon began to rotate throwing out a steady stream of lead at the Clan Mech causing damage to the left and centre torsos, suddenly the autocannon stopped, jammed, Peter reached back with his Mech’s right hand trying to clear it, he’d practiced long and hard ever since receiving this modified Mech to clear jams.

   This break in the firing was long enough for Canin to close the gap on the Fafnir unmolested the Nova Cat Khan unleashed a barrage of Extended-Range and Heavy laser fire supported by Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle fire several of the AP Gauss slugs slammed into the Fafnir’s hand-held weapon causing it to blow up in the Lyran Archon’s face.  The simulated and paint explosion on the weapon tore the left hand completely off the Mech and threw the Mech backwards, despite Peter’s efforts the Mech fell onto its back, not holding back Canin triggered another Heavy Assault Gauss barrage at the downed Mech concentrating on the damaged left side as he walked around the felled Mech, the fire caused damage to the Improved Heavy Gauss weapon held there causing a simulated internal explosion which began to shut down Peter’s engine.  Further fire from Canin’s weapons caused the right side gauss rifle to do the same effectively causing the simulated death of the Lyran Archon and his Mech.

   Satisfied with the ‘kill’ Canin turned to face his next opponent only to see a flash of light then feel his Mech get steamrolled to the ground snapping the left leg and crushing the left arm as the Mech was thrown to the ground in a physical attack, Canin barely saw who had hit him before a simulated laser blast engulfed his cockpit causing Canin’s own simulated death.  Fortunately or unfortunately the death of their Khan and the breaking of Clan battle rules which released the entire Clan force to engage the Inner Sphere troops in a free-for-all melee.  Four Mechs, six vehicles and at least two platoons of infantry were cut down within moments as the Clan force went to town almost instantly forgetting their engagement rules, the Nova Cats had long trained in Inner Sphere engagement rules as well as their own and concentrated fire with Clan weapons was lethal on the remaining Inner Sphere troops without their leader they had nothing to lose.

   Three hours later the battle was called off as the battle whittled down the numbers on both sides.  The simulated damage was cancelled by the training course computer governor all Mechs that had been damage with simulated fire were able to move again including Peter Steiner-Davion’s Fafnir.  Canin’s Dragon Cat however with a broken leg and crushed arm would be going nowhere quick it would take hours to recover and repair the Mech.  Crawling out onto the frozen tundra of the New Scotland continent Canin looked around to see if he could see who had hit him, the Mech that had caused the damage would be heavily damaged physically while the rest would only be covered in paint from simulated hits.  Glancing around he saw Victor Steiner-Davion walking towards him dressed in a jumpsuit “I am sorry for the loss of your Mech Khan Rosse” Victor said apologetic “I assure you it was a complete accident you unexpectedly turned and impact was unavoidable.”  He said, for Canin it sounded too easily a prepared response.

   â€œI would like to meet the person who hit me, they will answer to me personally.”

   â€œOf course” Victor said stepping aside, behind Victor was his OmniMech, Prometheus was lying on the ground its right side heavily damaged, the right arm and leg only stumps, the limbs missing.

   â€œIt was you!” Canin shouted accusingly stepping towards Victor,  "you broke engagement rules!" he said annoyed, so much for respect for the Clan way of combat.  Just then Peter arrived with some Royal Guard infantry.

   â€œIt was an accident, I meant to assist Peter’s downed Mech, I did not expect you to turn the way you did I lost my own footing there” he said pointing to a tuft of grass “then I hit the ground it destroyed the leg and the gyro taking me out of the fight with you.” Canin was obviously annoyed with Victor, accident or not an experienced warrior like Victor should know better.

   â€œKhan Rosse, perhaps the results of the fight would interest you more?” Peter asked Canin only nodded.  “Following your ‘death’ the Nova Cats destroyed sixty percent of the forces aligned against them, disabling a further twenty-two percent, the remaining eighteen percent of our forces are not combat worthy, Complete Victory goes to Clan Nova Cat who also hold the plain of battle.  Had this been real you would have just personally taken out two of the Inner Sphere's succession lords.”  This caused a slight smile from the Nova Cat leader.

   â€œWell at least that is something” he said quietly “so recovery and go again tomorrow?”  he asked the two bemused Steiner-Davion brothers.  “Only joking” he muttered as he walked over to a bunch of still armoured Elementals “Get some heavy lifting gear in here, we will need to recover any of the overly damaged Mechs, including mine, post a guard just in case Davion security is not as good as they claim.”  he ordered the Elementals nodded as Canin began walking back towards the Nova Cat firebase the end of another day though he wasn’t happy he’d ‘died’ it was good his people knew what they were doing.  Victor and Peter stood watching as Canin continued shouting orders at his people as he continued coordinating the recovery effort.

   â€œI’ll never understand Clanners” Victor said quietly so only Peter could hear.

   â€œWell you’re the one who invited them, it was nice fighting side by side again though.”

   â€œI agree, should definitely do this again.”

   â€œCan’t do that First Prince Davion, the last time the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns held multiple sets of war games the Capellan Chancellor lost her mind.”

   â€œYes, but I’m not marrying your daughter Archon Steiner.” Victor said, both men burst out laughing as they joked about the past, it had been a different time then.

Snow Raven Incursion
Tabayama Prefecture, District of New Samarkand
Draconic Combine
15th December 3077

   Despite and possibly because of further DCMS attacks against their naval forces and trade convoys the Snow Ravens decide to further punish the DCMS invading the remaining worlds of the Tabayama Prefecture intent on taking anything and everything the Draconis Combine could want in the region and continuing to threaten New Samarkand.

   In one swift decisive move the Ravens drop troops on Tabayama, Pondicherry and Suinhaer all at once each with heavy Outworlds Alliance Aerospace support and WarShips from within the Outworlds.  The Ravens also ensure that Tabayama itself is held almost exclusively by the Clan’s forces effectively turning the world into an armed camp.  Within the Draconis Combine the remaining world of the Tabayama Prefecture, Elif is folded into the Ningxia Prefecture making it part of the District of Pesht, further infuriating the Warlord of New Samarkand as yet another world is lost to someone else - despite it being internal.

   Days after these events the First Genyosha Regiment with two armour regiments and a battle armour regiment all watched over by the DCS Lyon’s Thumb, a Kyushu-class Frigate, arrive at New Samarkand to help shore up the border defences and allow the Draconis Combine to counter any further Federated Suns or Snow Raven troubles.

Royal Family Section, Davion Royal Palace
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
25th December 3077

   The Steiner-Davion family enjoy Christmas on New Avalon with both sets of Royal children meeting each other for the first time, also present were Khan Canin Rosse, his wife Yvonne (Steiner-Davion) and their children.  Though Canin had vetoed the two Nova Cats taking any ‘presents’ from the celebrations from the day he does suggest they take vineers to remind them of the day for the next time they see these people they may have to fight them in battle.

   From the Christmas day celebrations Grayson Nova Cat claims a small specially made piece of dining material featuring an armoured Cat with gloved fists and wielding a sunburst shield and a Sword of Excalibur.  For Sonja Nova Cat she claims one of Danai Centrella-Davion’s fallen Magistracy Insignia earrings which no-one had seen the Duchess lose, otherwise the entire Nova Cat contingent, perhaps with the exception of Yvonne, remain watching the entire proceeding though they interact with the others when challenged.

   In the afternoon Victor and Peter Steiner-Davion along with Canin Rosse hunt in the forests of the Mount Avalon Mountains surrounding the Davion Royal Palace, while Danai Centrella-Davion, Isis Steiner and Yvonne enjoy a quiet relaxing time in one of the secluded parts of the Davion Palace.

   The children including the Davions Burton, his younger sister Emma and the two six year old twins Fredrick and Sarah, the Steiners Jessica and Melinda-Anne and the two Nova Cats are given an entertaining time at the NAIS College with activities such as white water rafting (for the older children), paintball practice, dancing and adventure runs.  During this time away from the ridged ness of Clan life both Grayson and Sonja are able to observe and experience much of what it is to be born as a freeborn in the Inner Sphere and in many ways begin to envy their distant cousins, though both are equally eager to rejoin their Clan-kin and their training.

   By the end of the night all the children are tired which allows the adults to spend time just relaxing in one the massive rooms of the Davion palace, overall it allows the Steiner contingent of the family to relax as Melinda was well on her way to recovery despite scientists and doctors following her everywhere and it was good for both sides to see their distant family from all round.  For Yvonne it was a chance for her to see what she had been missing from her previous life, and later confiding in Canin admitting it wasn’t a life she would want back in the Clans she was just another freeborn despite her high connections here there was constant pressure.  For Canin he was able to see the leaders of two massive Inner Sphere states in their own surroundings and know exactly what to expect in the future from them.

Boxing Day
Steel Viper/Jade Falcon Border
Melissa Theatre, Lyran Commonwealth
26th December 3077

   Intent on giving his nation something to celebrate for Christmas General of Armies Keane Sortek leads the First Commonwealth Guards Regiment, the First Skye Jaegers Regiment, the Eleventh Arcturan Guards RCT, the Seventh Donegal Guards RCT and the Clan Wolf (in-Exile) Zeta Galaxy against the forces of Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Steel Viper intent on retaking as much worlds as possible.  Supported by the Battle-cruisers Implacable and Snow Fire this force charged first onto Kwangchow Wang in the Steel Viper Occupation Zone there they found the Ninety-fourth Battle Cluster, the Fifty-Seventh Striker Cluster and the Gamma Galaxy Cluster of the Steel Viper’s Gamma Galaxy.  Galaxy Commander James Andrews was willing to answer a Batchall fighting with roughly two Clusters of troops culled from the units available.

   Against him faced Galaxy Commander Mathew Shaw of Clan Wolf (in-Exile)’s Zeta Galaxy leading a combined force equivalent to Four Battalions from all five Pan-Commonwealth forces.  While the rest continued onto Annazuita.  On Kwangchow Wang the allied Commonwealth forces fought stronger and harder than the Steel Viper force effectively destroying the Fifty-Seventh Striker Cluster and heavily hurting both other clusters by destroying their respective forces.  The remains of Gamma Galaxy was left to limp from the Inner Sphere battered and beaten in disgrace.

   Keane Sortek had bigger targets on the pecking order however pushing his forces onto Annazuita finding the badly damaged One hundred-and-fourth Assault Cluster of Delta Galaxy on the planet.  With the Steel Viper commander unwilling to negotiate they were met by the Eleventh Arcturan Guards RCT, though the Steel Vipers tried to fight a cat-and-mouse game on the planet’s surface but the Steel Vipers were not adept at this type of warfare and found themselves outclassed by the full strength RCT and were subsequently destroyed.

   Again pushing on Keane Sortek left the WarShip Implacable to defend the ground forces while continued onto Chapultepec on December 29th 3077.  There he found the rest of Delta Galaxy, akin to the One hundred-and-fourth Assault Cluster, they were unwilling to surrender.  With two front-line Clusters on planet Keane tasked the First Skye Jaegers and the Seventh Donegal Guards RCT to the ground battle fighting in a wide high rimmed gorge.  The fighting on the ground was brutal with the majority of the Seventh Donegal’s BattleMech Regiment destroyed along with almost a battalion of the Skye Jaegers

   With an entire Steel Viper Galaxy destroyed and another in retreat for General of Armies Keane Sortek to dig in and end his campaign would have been understandable however he still had one target he wanted to target with the First Commonwealth Guards Regiment and the Fifth Mountain Wolf the world of Clermont which had been under Steel Viper control until a surprise trial by the Second Falcon Lancers of the Jade Falcon’s newly formed Alpha Galaxy.  On the 1st January 3078 the beginning of a new year the WarShip Snow Fire led the two remaining units of Sortek’s force into the system.  The Jade Falcon Commander refused point blank to deal with an Exiled Jade Wolf or deal with a Federated Commonwealth orphan taunting the Inner Sphere force all the way to orbit.  The Jade Falcon found herself on the opposite foot almost immediately as the Fifth Mountain Wolf Cluster Combat dropped directly on top of her command base while the First Commonwealth Guards secured both the Spaceport and a Jade Falcon training base on the south continent capturing fifty new dispatched cadets.  The fighting between the Jade Falcons and the Exiles was brutal with no attempt even made for Zellbrigen to be adhered to instead the two units beat each other mercilessly until a Battalion from the Commonwealth Guards arrived to assist and eventually destroy the remaining Falcons.

   With four liberated worlds Keane Sortek had placed his name in the record books for the Lyran Commonwealth and given hope to billions that perhaps under the right leadership the Lyran Commonwealth could push the Clans out of all their former territories.  Many begin to wonder if a Son of the Suns would perhaps be the right man to lead the Lyran nation into its future.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 04:10:36 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #290 on: September 06, 2012, 10:05:52 AM »


Taurian Military Academy
Taurus, Taurian Concordat
5th January 3078

   In front of his mother Talia Martens and Marshal (Baron) Cham Kithrong Cornet Erik Martens-Calderon graduates from Taurus Military Academy as a Battle Armour trained infantry trooper.  Instead of instantly becoming a member of the House Guard and effectively the Protector without name, at Erik’s own request he becomes a member of the First Taurian Pride Regiment assigned to the Sixth Corps.  To ensure that her receives enough protection in this far flung regiment Erik is assigned to an reinforced squad of six Bruce Battle Armour suits all newly bought from the Northwind Highlanders.

The Fort, Ecol City
Thorin, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
14th January 3078

   In his office with his wife Major Katya Christifori and Caradoc Trevena, who had recently landed after travelling from the Star League Council on Defiance, Archer Christifori informed them both of the newest request to come to the SLDF.  “Thank you for making the trip Caradoc”

   â€œIt’s nice to be back in the Commonwealth even if it is only for a short time.”

   â€œRight well I’ll get straight to it, yesterday the local Combine representative presented the sentries with a letter with the official stamp of the Coordinator asking us for assistance against Clan Snow Raven.”

   â€œThey have a cheek after getting us into that Bear trap.  Why not go direct through the Council? Kouda is still quite well thought of in the Combine for his ability to stay above the infighting that is crippling Minoru’s family.” Caradoc noted speaking of the Combine’s permanent resident on Defiance Lucas Kouda.

   â€œWe cannot say for definite however it is believed that the current tensions between the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine blocked any attempt to make him aware of the Draconis Combine’s request.”  Katya said “the timing of the Combine’s request is almost prefect though.”

   â€œWhy is that major?”

   â€œYesterday the First Genyosha supported by several conventional regiments and the mercenary regiment, Legion of the Rising Sun, landed on and liberated Delacruz and Grovekl III on the Combine/Suns/Raven border obviously picked to put pressure on Kesai VI which has joined the Federated Suns.”

   â€œThe Raven casualties?” Archer asked himself not fully aware of the event.

   â€œThe Ravens themselves lost a single Cluster, the Ninety-fifth Assault Cluster, Beta Galaxy, Elite troops the lot of them.  The Outworlds Alliance lost the second and third battalions of the Alliance Borderers.  According to intelligence reports from the Outworlds the Mech Battalion and some stragglers were able to escape off world the Legion of the Rising Sun deciding not to push them further, the regiment has since been stood down and instead is reforming as a new Snow Raven commanded Cluster.”  Katya said giving them the full briefing.

   â€œSo the Snow Raven Clan doesn’t suffer but the Outworlds do?” Caradoc said quietly more to himself than anything else “don’t they see the Snow Ravens are no good for them? They will take over full control at this rate mark my words.”

   â€œI agree but what should we do? The DCMS has turned their backs on us even fought against our forces recently do we want to get back into bed with them so quickly?”

   â€œDo we have a choice if the Combine decides that the SLDF is not helping them any we could have the withdraw from the League something I think we couldn’t afford lightly.”  Katya warned.

   â€œI’d agree, the Combine needs to stay, and in many ways we need to stay to ensure that Minoru is kept in power, he is our ally as much as his father and brother were.  Also we have Fort Winson to think about, we loose that the Light Horse will not be happy, their people are only now being accepted in the Combine.”

   â€œWell if we are to help them, I think some measures have to be in place, first we cannot afford a fight on two sides the Ghost Bear battle has to finish and finish quickly, with the two sides sitting down and thrashing out a deal if need be.  Second Caradoc when you go back to Defiance heap some pressure on the Suns, there is no need for them to be pushing the Combine deeper into its shell quietly remind them that they joined the SLDF making the Combine their ally.”

   â€œI know what answer I’ll get.  Who are you sending to the Snow Raven border?”

   â€œThe Eridani Light Horse are closest, I’ll order the SLS Striking Claw to rendezvous with the Covenant on the way.”

   â€œThe Covenant?”  Katya asked surprised looking at her husband “that’s your ship?”

   â€œYes, I’ll take a Battalion of the SAS with me; it’s time the Commanding General got out from behind his desk.”  He said confidently

Parade Grounds
Hesperus II, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
22nd January 3078

   Taking further licence from the Federated Suns efforts to form Training Battalions and unwilling to spend masses on training whole regiments of troops the Duke of Skye instructs select worlds within his Isle to form Training Battalions that will train to protect the world and in the future come together and form new Isle of Skye Guard Regiments.

   The Brewer family of Hesperus II almost immediately form the First Training Battalion of Hesperus II, this unit made up of elements of their former private police force and trained by former LCAF and AFFS professional soldiers is combat ready almost straight from formation and is immediately gifted to the Isle of Skye Armed Forces which Duke Ryan Kelswa-Steiner happily takes in.

Emerald Talon, Nightlord-class Battleship
Nadir Point, Adelaide System
Steel Viper Occupation Zone
28th January 3078

   The massive Emerald Talon, one of the few Nightlord-class Battleships to exist, shimmered into the Adelaide system of the Steel Viper Occupation Zone as the Jade Falcons invaded all three of the Steel Viper’s remaining worlds at once.  There was no batchall as the Emerald Talon’s gunners immediately opened fire on the Cameron-class Battle-cruiser Zalman’s Endeavour the Steel Viper flagship. Naval autocannon, laser and gauss rifle fire tore into the smaller Steel Viper vessel with ferocious effect.  From the start the Steel Viper vessel was at a disadvantage the Emerald Talon had more guns, more armour, was faster and had more support craft.  After less than thirty minutes of fighting the Steel Viper craft was drifting towards the system’s star burning and venting atmosphere on all decks.  The Jade Falcons not willing to finish with that crushed the Steel Vipers on Newton’s Square and Medellin removing the Steel Vipers from the Inner Sphere for the second time.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #291 on: September 06, 2012, 07:54:57 PM »

Main Government Complex
Filtvelt, Filtvelt Coalition
6th February 3078

   For what seemed like the fourth time since landing Marshal Boris Tharn straightened his uniform.  He was one of only six Taurian officers on planet and this made him nervous, these negotiations had progressed at length over the HPG Net and via courier carried transcripts.  Boris had not seen the need to travel here in person however Marshal Cham Kithrong had insisted, it gnawed at Boris that he had been ordered to the world by a simple Marshal of course that did not matter now as Boris himself was only a Marshal.  If only Grover was in charge things would have been so much different.

   Not that mattered he had been ordered to this world to complete the negotiations in person and on the way to the planet he’d seen something that was possibly a deal breaker, possibly something that would be a deal breaker.  Moments after Boris had settled into his chair the Filtvelt negotiator Maria Stolvaniski entered she was a striking woman over six foot in height she held her head high and wore a well kept New Avalon-styled Business suit with an open shirt underneath, if Boris was ten maybe fifteen years younger he thought he may have a chance with the woman.  “Miss Stolvaniski, how nice to finally meet you face to face” he said rising from his seat smiling all the way.

   â€œMarshal Tharn, likewise welcome to Filtvelt.  I assume your trip was pleasant?” she said moving closer to her seat “please, let’s not stand on ceremony.”  She said sitting down.

   â€œAs you wish, I’m not surprised you bring up my journey, I assume Filtvelt has had troubles of late?”

   â€œNothing more than usual Marshal, a new pirate force The Bloodhounds raided several of our worlds however they have disappeared from sight otherwise all quiet in the Coalition.” The pirate band name was familiar to Tharn and sent a shiver down his spine, the Bloodhounds or Rocky’s Bloodhounds had caused some heavy damage to several Taurian worlds in recent weeks they seemed to be headed by a Federated Suns national who had gone rogue, at least that’s what the Federated Suns had claimed, tracking down the Bloodhounds had proved difficult however.

   â€œSo the presence of a Nova Cat WarShip in the system is not cause for concern?” Tharn asked, surely the people of this world knew of them being here.

   â€œHa, you mean the Far Star?  It is nothing more than a trade vessel, limited armaments.”

   â€œLimited maybe, but I believe still enough firepower to turn this little city into a cinder and more than a match for your entire nation’s naval forces.”

   â€œMarshal, the Far Star is a trade ship nothing more.  They have less than a dozen warriors aboard and are no more a threat to this world as they were your DropShip.  They likely allowed your ship to scan them to show exactly what you just said, they possess the firepower but have no intention of using it, they are simply our trade partners as we hope you will be.”

   â€œThere is nothing simple about it Miss Stolvaniski, Marshal Kithrong does not like the Nova Cats he doesn’t trust a Clan that travels into the Periphery and makes its home in a bandit kingdom. And could you blame him, what exactly do you know about them?  There brethren conquerored a fifth of the Inner Sphere, collectively holding more territory than the Capellan Confederation.  They are in bed with the Davions; if I remember it correctly their Khan is still on New Avalon.”

   â€œWe have nothing to worry about from them, they mean us no harm, are we going to forget the ‘Clan Menace’ for one minute and discuss our negotiations?”  She said sitting straighter “our deal was two Battalions of Mechs and Vehicles for the Taurians providing the Filtvelt people with all the parts required to produce a Snowden Mining Facility does this offer still stand?”


   â€œWhat do you mean? No Tharn, our nations have had this deal on the table for over a month!”

   â€œThe offer has to change, the Nova Cat presence cannot be ignored, to keep the Taurian people quiet and happy with this arrangement we need a Battalion of BattleMechs up front.” Maria nodded, that was easily doable “then a further three Battalions per Station to be delivered.”

   â€œThat’s ten battalions of BattleMechs for three stations!  That preposterous what are you trying to do bankrupt my nation?” Maria shouted raising to her feet Tharn sat back “we can give you two Battalions up front” she said knowing that it would hurt the expansion of the Guardian Regiments but it was something that needed done “and a further two per station as agreed that’s eight Battalions, however we want the first station now.”

   â€œNot possible, they are not jump capable” which was true.

   â€œBut the Mark One has a KF Boom, allowing to be transported on a specialized JumpShip which the Taurians have three” which was also true.

   â€œWe need the stations we have to keep the Taurian economy alive.”

   â€œWe need the BattleMechs you want to keep this nation alive, the Federated Suns is constantly expanding and the Nova Cats though trade allies are still a potent threat should they come to blows with the Federated Suns we want to be a significant thorn in their side.”  Maria explained, Boris nodded he saw logic in that.

   â€œI’ll take your two Battalions of Mech, Maria, and the Taurian people can spare a single Snowden Mining Facility however the Filtvelt people will pay for future stations with natural resources as well as BattleMechs.”  Tharn said seeing a business opportunity.

   â€œWhat do you want Boris?”  Several hours later the two had come to an agreement Boris would leave Filtvelt with a brand-new Battalion of Hammerhands and BattleAxe BattleMechs produced on Filtvelt and in three weeks a Snowden Mining Facility, which Boris would ensure was the worse condition station in the Concordat, would arrive in the Filtvelt Coalition.  In the future the Filtvelt Coalition would also produce six further Battalions of Mechs and several DropShips of natural resources and the Taurian people would build three new Snowden stations.  The new production would be the first in centuries and would boost Taurian employment while the Filtvelt people would get brand new stations.  The Taurian Concordat, and more directly Marshal Boris Tharn would keep their mouth shut about the Nova Cat presence within the Coalition, at least for now.

   When Tharn returned to the Concordat with this new deal Cham Kithrong was indeed happy with the deal made agreeing with Tharn’s request to reactivate the Fifth Taurian Hussars Regiment as part of the Four Corps.  He was also happy with the new job opportunities Tharn had created for the nation and rewarded him by restoring his Senior Marshal rank although he remained second to Cham himself in the military hierarchy.

Steel Viper Enclaves
New Kent, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
15th February 3078

   Following news breaking of the Steel Vipers being routed from the Inner Sphere the other Clans could smell a wounded Clan a mile off.  The Steel Viper merchants began to return to their enclaves the Steel Viper’s Homeworlds Touman batting down the hatches for a fight for their very survival.

   It didn’t take long for the first attack forces to land, first striking the world of New Kent in the Kerensky Cluster Clan Coyote’s Elite Fiftieth Assault Cluster from Alpha Galaxy landed less than three kilometres away from the furthest east Steel Viper enclave, taking it in a simple trial they moved onto three further enclaves capturing them all nearly completely destroying the Steel Viper’s One hundred-and-forty-first Phalanx Cluster in the process.  This victory for the Coyotes effectively turned half of the world over to Coyote control.

   Unfortunately for the Vipers this was not the end of their torment, the very next day the almost timid Stone Rhino Clan launched an attack against the Steel Viper stronghold on Dagda in the Pentagon worlds.  Although the Steel Vipers were able to fend off the majority of the assaults the Stone Rhino Clan was able to dig into some areas roughly securing ten percent of the planet’s territory and almost half of the Steel Viper’s enclave.  As the tenants of Zellbrigen are upheld neither side loses much in the way of personnel or equipment.

Trial of Refusal
Disputed Territory
Tabayama, Draconis Combine
26th February 3078

   Protected by the SLS Covenant and the SLS Shining Claw the 151st Eridani Light Horse, the First Royal Pathfinders Battle Armour Regiment and the Twenty-first Light Horse Battalion of the Special Armed Service all entered the Tabayama system.  The two WarShips were almost immediately engaged by the Venture Star, a Snow Raven Carrack-class Armed Transport, the vessel nothing more than an armed merchant ship was no match for the Star League WarShips and was quickly destroyed giving the Star League troops naval superiority in they system.

   Deeper in the system the Star League WarShips detect a second incoming Snow Raven WarShip which had just executed a jump into one of the system’s distant pirate points.  While Commanding-General Archer Christifori and the ground troops headed for Tabayama the two SLDF WarShips turned towards this new attacker.

   On the ground Archer and his troops were able to quickly secure the local Spaceport and rendezvous with the beleaguered survivors of the initial Snow Raven Invasion however with two Galaxies of Snow Ravens on planet.  In space the two SLDF WarShips engaged the Morning Violence, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, although they outnumbered the Snow Raven vessel the Clan crews experience and the superior number of Clan aerospace fighters kept them in the battle. After nearly three hours the Morning Violence was heavily damaged as it limped away from the planet and jumped clear of the system once again restoring SLDF Naval superiority.

   On the ground little changed as the SLDF and Snow Ravens battled it out it seemed there would be a stalemate however two days later Khan Lynn McKenna, the Montbatton, a Texas-class Battleship, and the whole Snow Raven Alpha Galaxy jumped into the system weapon ports ready again changing the tables.  The ground burned quickly to the planet while Archer Christifori tried to negotiate with the Khan, although she was unhappy at having to deal with a ‘stavag SLDF’ commander she agreed that an open battle would devastate all three of her Galaxies and likely damage her WarShip.  Instead a Trial of Refusal would determine the end to this conflict and the fate of the world being fought on.

   On the planet the SLDF and Draconis Combine survivors fought a gruelling six hour battle against the Snow Ravens which only really ended when a force from the Twenty-first Light Horse Battalion conducted a head-hunter raid against the Snow Raven command capturing two DropShips, destroying a further three and capturing several high ranked Clan officers.  Although Khan McKenna did not appreciate her forces being assaulted in their landing zones she knew the Wolves had used similar tactics during the initial invasion and she did respect the skill of the troops.  Khan McKenna surrendered Trial and the planet shortly afterwards, after recovering her troops from the SLDF, retreating back to her Clan’s own territory.

LCS Morgan Kell, Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser
Pain, Periphery
14th March 3078

   Although only recently commissioned, with barely dry pain, and a still inexperienced crew the LCS Morgan Kell, the Lyran Commonwealth’s newest Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser, is dispatched directly from the shipyards of Alarion to the world of Pain in the periphery near the Distant Rim of the Lyran Commonwealth.

   The world of Pain was a very well known Pirate band which was run by the Morrison’s Extractors Pirate band run by Hooper Morrison himself.  Although the pirate band had been a minor problem for years the Able’s Aces Mercenary command under contract with the then-Rim Collection had beaten them on their own ground and since neither Morrison nor his Extractors had been a major problem.  With the Able’s Aces now forming the core to a new Lyran Commonwealth Brigade, the Distant Rim Lancers the problem from the Extractors was nothing major any more.

   The pirates were not the problem with today’s mission however Kommadore Kennedy Holmes had strict orders from command, jump in scan the system and jump out report any strange readings.  The LCS Morgan Kell jumped into the system “Full scan of system, weapons prepare for combat manoeuvres…”

   â€œKommadore, Jump signature we have a ComStar registered Magellan-class JumpShip the Purity of Purpose jumping clear of the system.”

   â€œThere is no ComStar anymore Leutenant, disable her.”  Kennedy said it had to belong to the pirates, an impressive capture for them.

   â€œToo late, Herr Kommadore, the vessel is gone”

   â€œThat’s one failure today Leutenant, let’s not make a habit of it.  Now find us the bounty.”  She ordered he nodded after a few moments the officer looked back “yes, son, what is it.”

   â€œKommadore, there are no other WarShips in the system.  Two DropShips and a dozen fighters nearer the planet but nothing substantial.”

   â€œUnderstood, it was only a rumour, ignore the pirates we will not be engaging them today.  Communications send a message to command, there are no Black Lion-class Battle-cruisers in the Pain system and we are continuing onto Gilfillian’s Gold.”  In some ways Kennedy was glad there was no cruiser, her crew were inexperienced and nowhere near ready true combat but for Kennedy herself she yearned for combat.

Star League R&D
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
22nd March 3078

   After nearly a year of research and work Star League engineers, scientists and covert operatives are able to put together their own version of Clan Nova Cat’s Patriot-class.  Although they are able to match the vessel’s improved armour and get a close match to the anti-ship weapons they do not include sub-capital missiles instead, for aerospace fighter defence the vessel would mount a mix of Rotary Autocannons, twenty-tube Long Range Missile Launchers with Fire Control Systems and Light Gauss Rifles.  The vessel would also keep the four DropShip Hard points the Nova Cat vessel lacked.

   Although the Commanding-General and the Advisory council are impressed with what they have done they shelve any plans for upgrading the mothballed Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers in the Terra system because the SLDF budget cannot come close to being able to cope with the costs involved.  It appears that plans for a reborn SLDF Navy are to be kept on hold for now.

   Through sources unknown and funding dating back centuries of Terran History Sir Richard Branson X CEO of Virgin Global Industries and Interstellar Transport approaches the SLDF six days after this decision is made and offers to fund the construction of the first Star League Patriot-class Missile Cruiser.  However he has a cost, the Blake’s Vengeance, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, disabled by ComStar when they assaulted Terra liberating it from the Word of Blake.

   Initially the Star League and Terran Councils block this request however before the end of March Sir Branson shows them his plan.  The ship looks like a Sovetskii Soyuz however it lacks nearly all its armament and instead carries a stronger conventional array of weapons and it carries one thousand two hundred first class passenger berths, a hyper pulse generator and three one hundred-and-twenty metre diameter gravity decks.

   Although sceptical of the man’s plans the SLDF was desperate for further funds and allowed the sale of the vessel as well as the loaning of one of the Star League’s Titan shipyard docks, for an elevated charge their only true request is that he changes the name which Sir Richard happily did naming the vessel Starliner One.  As his engineers begin their work of tearing out the Blake’s Vengeance’s damaged system’s Sir Richard Branson X begins negotiations with all the succession states to allow his vessel, the first truly commercialized WarShip to travel the lengths and breaths of the Inner Sphere.

WarShip Cache
Strana Mechty System
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
24th March 3078

   With recent losses telling on the Steel Viper Touman Khan Brett Andrews selects three WarShips held in mothball to be reactivated for the Steel Viper Clan.  Two are Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruisers while the third is an ancient but incredibly preserved Dart-class Light Cruiser.

   The Steel Viper engineers are around two thirds of the way through their work on the three vessels when a Stone Rhino Carrier-class DropShip arrived in the area declaring trials against the engineers and the three WarShips.

   In three trials that follow the Steel Viper warriors with the reactivation party are able to secure the Viper’s Legacy, one of the two Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruisers, and the Dart-class Light Cruiser Crazy Horse however the third vessel is claimed by the Stone Rhinos and is named Eden’s Blessing.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #292 on: September 06, 2012, 09:08:04 PM »

LCS Morgan Kell, Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser
Pain, Periphery
14th March 3078

   Although only recently commissioned, with barely dry pain, and a still inexperienced crew the LCS Morgan Kell, the Lyran Commonwealth’s newest Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser, is dispatched directly from the shipyards of Alarion to the world of Pain in the periphery near the Distant Rim of the Lyran Commonwealth.

   The world of Pain was a very well known Pirate band which was run by the Morrison’s Extractors Pirate band run by Hooper Morrison himself.  Although the pirate band had been a minor problem for years the Able’s Aces Mercenary command under contract with the then-Rim Collection had beaten them on their own ground and since neither Morrison nor his Extractors had been a major problem.  With the Able’s Aces now forming the core to a new Lyran Commonwealth Brigade, the Distant Rim Lancers the problem from the Extractors was nothing major any more.

   The pirates were not the problem with today’s mission however Kommadore Kennedy Holmes had strict orders from command, jump in scan the system and jump out report any strange readings.  The LCS Morgan Kell jumped into the system “Full scan of system, weapons prepare for combat manoeuvres…”

   â€œKommadore, Jump signature we have a ComStar registered Magellan-class JumpShip the Purity of Purpose jumping clear of the system.”

   â€œThere is no ComStar anymore Leutenant, disable her.”  Kennedy said it had to belong to the pirates, an impressive capture for them.

   â€œToo late, Herr Kommadore, the vessel is gone”

   â€œThat’s one failure today Leutenant, let’s not make a habit of it.  Now find us the bounty.”  She ordered he nodded after a few moments the officer looked back “yes, son, what is it.”

   â€œKommadore, there are no other WarShips in the system.  Two DropShips and a dozen fighters nearer the planet but nothing substantial.”

   â€œUnderstood, it was only a rumour, ignore the pirates we will not be engaging them today.  Communications send a message to command, there are no Black Lion-class Battle-cruisers in the Pain system and we are continuing onto Gilfillian’s Gold, include all information on that Magellan someone may get lucky.”  In some ways Kennedy was glad there was no cruiser, her crew were inexperienced and nowhere near ready true combat but for Kennedy herself she yearned for combat.

Star League R&D
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
22nd March 3078

   After nearly a year of research and work Star League engineers, scientists and covert operatives are able to put together their own version of Clan Nova Cat’s Patriot-class.  Although they are able to match the vessel’s improved armour and get a close match to the anti-ship weapons they do not include sub-capital missiles instead, for aerospace fighter defence the vessel would mount a mix of Rotary Autocannons, twenty-tube Long Range Missile Launchers with Fire Control Systems and Light Gauss Rifles.  The vessel would also keep the four DropShip Hard points the Nova Cat vessel lacked.

   Although the Commanding-General and the Advisory council are impressed with what they have done they shelve any plans for upgrading the mothballed Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers in the Terra system because the SLDF budget cannot come close to being able to cope with the costs involved.  It appears that plans for a reborn SLDF Navy are to be kept on hold for now.

   Through sources unknown and funding dating back centuries of Terran History Sir Richard Branson X CEO of Virgin Global Industries and Interstellar Transport approaches the SLDF six days after this decision is made and offers to fund the construction of the first Star League Patriot-class Missile Cruiser.  However he has a cost, the Blake’s Vengeance, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, disabled by ComStar when they assaulted Terra liberating it from the Word of Blake.

   Initially the Star League and Terran Councils block this request however before the end of March Sir Branson shows them his plan.  The ship looks like a Sovetskii Soyuz however it lacks nearly all its armament and instead carries a stronger conventional array of weapons and it carries one thousand two hundred first class passenger berths, a hyper pulse generator and three one hundred-and-twenty metre diameter gravity decks.

   Although sceptical of the man’s plans the SLDF was desperate for further funds and allowed the sale of the vessel as well as the loaning of one of the Star League’s Titan shipyard docks, for an elevated charge their only true request is that he changes the name which Sir Richard happily did naming the vessel Starliner One.  As his engineers begin their work of tearing out the Blake’s Vengeance’s damaged system’s Sir Richard Branson X begins negotiations with all the succession states to allow his vessel, the first truly commercialized WarShip to travel the lengths and breaths of the Inner Sphere.

WarShip Cache
Strana Mechty System
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
24th March 3078

   With recent losses telling on the Steel Viper Touman Khan Brett Andrews selects three WarShips held in mothball to be reactivated for the Steel Viper Clan.  Two are Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruisers while the third is an ancient but incredibly preserved Dart-class Light Cruiser.

   The Steel Viper engineers are around two thirds of the way through their work on the three vessels when a Stone Rhino Carrier-class DropShip arrived in the area declaring trials against the engineers and the three WarShips.

   In three trials that follow the Steel Viper warriors with the reactivation party are able to secure the Viper’s Legacy, one of the two Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruisers, and the Dart-class Light Cruiser Crazy Horse however the third vessel is claimed by the Stone Rhinos and is named Eden’s Blessing.

City 1km Limit
Alshain, Ghost Bear Dominion
Clan Occupied Space
5th April 3078

   The Opacus Venatori had sneaked into the Ghost Bear Dominion and all the way onto Alshain without the Clan troops or their WarShips spotting them.  Trust the Clan to let its guard down when fighting the Combine Berith though smiling inside the cockpit of his Archangel OmniMech.  He was the last of the true Word of Blake left, and his unit the Opacus Venatori would prove this, and complete the Master’s will.  Recently the Wolf Clan and the Exiles had felt the Opacus Venatori’s wrath with the Clan’s pathetic training units no match for Berith and his enhanced warriors.

   â€œVenatori, there is a school five hundred metres east of your location, destroy it and all inhabitants.  Opacus continue forwards.”  He said splitting his forces into their level II formations.  There was silence as six of his Mechs moved towards their new target led by Kari Martia’s ponderous King Crab assault Mech.  The Demi Precentor‘s Mech could match Berith‘s machine for speed but not elegance, the Archangel had been designed to be the future of the Word of Blake, what was known as the Celestial series, now it was one of only a few remaining active.  Although Martia had beaten him in simulation with a death-from-above attack Berith knew his Archangel was a superior design it annoyed Berith that production of the mighty machine had been halted.  The Master had said that would change Berith had to have faith that would be the case.

   â€œBears detected.” Achillius St John said off to Berith’s right his voice almost mechanical from cybernetic enhancements, Berith reveled in the pureness of it.

   â€œDirection of travel?” He demanded

   â€œHeading for the Venatori, as expected”

   â€œExcellent, continue.” Berith ordered, he knew the Venatori would also have heard St John’s warning.  Soon the battle was joined as a second-line Clan star engaged the Venatori, the previously targeted school now a battleground caught in the crossfire between Blake and Clan Mechs.  From his vantage point Berith smiled the facility would be destroyed whatever the Clansmen did either by Venatori guns or by their own there was almost poetry to it.  “Opacus, move in time for Blake’s Hammer to strike the Anvil.”

   â€œFurther Bears detected, a full Trinary!” Kendali Morris said, she was most experienced in Dominion operations and her Petra was always moving around the Opacus formation scanning ready for the Clans, now the arrival of further Bears was unexpected.

   â€œOpacus Lead to Venatori, finish those Bears it is time we joined and destroyed further more of their cubs.”

   â€œVenatori Lead, two are dead the others won’t last long, we will join you soon.”

   â€œFurther Bears!” came another shout this time this time from Rufus Black Bear to the west in his Grigori OmniMech “a second Trinary.”

   â€œVenatori, withdraw from combat Opacus begin CASE RED operations.”  He immediately said charging his PPCs targeting a nearby building he fired turning it to ash, the other Venatori were doing the same targeting everything as they began a slow withdrawal.  CASE RED was a simple order, it was known throughout history but by a different name “Scorched Earth.”

   â€œOpacus Lead, we are under heavy fire element six is down, condition K.I.A.”  Berith knew that was Elisabeth Rodriguez a troubled young woman desperate for a place within the Opacus or with other Manei Domini units, something she’d never experience now.

   â€œVenatori, Rodriguez is CASE ORANGE.”  He ordered, if Rodriguez Mech cockpit was intact it was to be destroyed under ORANGE protocols.  “All forces initiate CASE BLACK” he said quickly CASE BLACK was fall back at best speed ignore all enemy targets, the operation was blown, even the Opacus Venatori knew when they were beaten.  For their part the Ghost Bears were not charging in instead using their long ranged weapons sniping at the retreating Mechs.  Twined Particle Cannon blasts hit the back of Portia Thomas’s Buccaneer toppling the Mech but not disabling it, as she tried to regain her feet as the rest of the unit outran the downed Mech Berith turned seeing the Buccaneer was being caught by Clan units.  Quickly dropping his targeting systems across the Buccaneer he triggered his weapons enveloping his fallen comrade’s cockpit in fire ensuring there was no prisoners for the Ghost Bear troops.

   For three hours later the Ghost Bears gave up the chase with the Opacus Venatori destroying three more Clan Mechs and a town they had taken the chase through.  Two losses for the unit was their biggest yet, Berith knew he’d have to gain further troops through conventional means, he would not endanger the remaining Five just to refill his ranks.  The Opacus Venatori were taken from the Clan world several hours later smuggled off world the same way they got onto the world soon they met up with their escort a modified Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser and they were away from the Ghost Bear world.  Berith was left pondering his next target, a Clan or a greedy Succession Lord?  There were so many targets that required the Peace of Blake but first he would replace the Venatori’s losses, it felt only right for his unit to be at strength.  Perhaps one of the new Champion II designs the Master had ordered deployed to the Shadow Divisions, the Inner Sphere thought the Word of Blake was gone, there wever very wrong.

Militia Base
Glasgow, Skye
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
9th April 3078

   Following the relative success of the First Thorin Training Battalion and the First Hesperus II Training Battalion the Isle of Skye Command form the First Skye Training Battalion attached to the local Skye militia force this is to bolster Skye’s forces and bolster the growing Isle of Skye Armed Forces giving Duke Kelswa-Steiner yet more strength in numbers.  Though a bare Battalion in strength the Skye force is strengthened by the inclusion of Armour and a Battle Armour apprentice course as well as BattleMech, graduates of this particular Battalion are also guaranteed membership into the Skye Militia and the best will make the Skye Guards by order of the Duke.

Federated Suns/Nova Cat Contest
Lee, Alcyone Combat Region
Capellan March, Federated Suns
14th April 3078

   The now yearly exercise between the Nova Cat liaison force and the First Defiance Training Battalion takes place on the Capellan Border world of Lee right in the eye of the Capellan Confederation.  For the competition the First Kittery Training Battalion is detached from duty with the First Kittery Borderers Regiment to allow the Capellan March units to experience combat with a Clan force.

   However they are in for a surprise as the Capellan Confederation had been watching movements and knew exactly what was planned on their border world.  Unhappy at the Nova Cat/Federated Suns Alliance and remembering the Nova Cat attack that ended the St Ives War in 3062 the Capellan Confederation took its opportunity to strike back.  With an irregular force already on the planet equipped with nearly a regiments worth of weapons and vehicles Warrior House Fujita already well versed in fighting Clan troops, with the Sea Foxes on Sarna, was dispatched to be the hammer that would strike on the Training troops.

   Unfortunately for the Capellans they had not considered two things, firstly that the Nova Cat Cavaliers Cluster was an Elite unit of the Clan’s Touman and secondly that Star Colonel Cassin Drummond, the Nova Cat Commander, would be able to make the AFFS troops not only fight with his people but also for him and follow his commands as if he was from New Avalon itself.

   With both Training Battalions holding the Nova Cat flanks with the Nova Cat aerospace fighters providing dedicated strikes against the Capellan irregulars this released the Forty-Fourth Nova Cat Cavaliers to continually push forward closing to near point blank range with the Clan Elementals striking at the Capellan’s own Battle Armour it was a Battalion of Capellan Warriors against a Cluster of Nova Cat warriors desperate for combat.  This desperation helped and hindered the Nova Cat force but it made little difference to Warrior House Fujita, with both its Battle Armour and its Irregular force out of the fight the Battalion was left horribly exposed and with the Elite Clansmen looking for blood they stood no chance.  Within twenty-six minutes later the Warrior House was no-more.

   With the battle over Star Colonel Cassin Drummond ordered that the First Kittery Borderers were given first pick of any salvage as they had been most badly damaged in the fighting and he giftakes a Timber Wolf OmniMech to the First Defiance Training Battalion.  Meanwhile he sends a single Bolla Stealth tank, the Nova Cat’s only piece of salvage, back to the Nova Cat’s Den for study.

Disputed Territory
Draconis Combine/Ghost Bear border
22nd April 3078

   As agreed with the SLDF the Combine calls on the Ghost Bears to end Second War however because of Opacus Venatori attack on Alshain and their Scorched Earth tactics the Ghost Bears refuse further assaults driving at Dieron.  The Clan troops land on Dalkeith and Sakhalin in the Lyran Commonwealth as well as Port Moseby and Camlann in the Draconis Combine in an audacious raid from the former Free Rasalhague Republic territories as the Ghost Bears take the gloves off their attacks.  For the Lyran position they are completely caught off guard by the attack as the Skye Command forces attempt to organise.  As a result of the expanded combat line the SLDF troops re-enter battle in the Lyran Commonwealth preparing for assaults against the Ghost Bears.

New Samarkand Shipyards
New Samarkand System, New Samarkand Military District
Draconis Combine
31st April 3078

   Despite problems with Clan troops on two borders the Draconis Combine makes contact with Clan Sea Fox’s Faulk Khanate in an attempt to broker a deal with repairing the New Samarkand Shipyards after Clan Snow Raven and Clan Nova Cat attacks in recent years have done so much damage.

   The Sea Fox engineers agree to help them in their repairs however they will need access to the shipyards and full control of Itabiana for their work.  The Draconis Combine reluctantly agrees though they are able to convince the Sea Fox engineers to throw renovating the half falling apart Togura museum ship in orbit of New Samarkand, the Samarkand-class Carrier would not be operational for a decade or more but it was a big symbol for the Kurita leaders to have to beat the bad PR they’d get in ‘giving’ away Itabiana to a Clan menace.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #293 on: September 06, 2012, 11:58:20 PM »

Outer Becon, Nadir Point
Alexander (Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser)
Outreach, Star League Protectorate
10th May 3078

   The Wolf’s Dragoons flagship Alexander was quiet as the night watch continued as normal in the Outreach system, although the WarShip’s position was more symbolic of the Dragoon’s power than a necessary guardian the crew took their duty very seriously.

   â€œThere is goes again…” one of the sensor operators said quietly speaking to himself at his port bridge position.

   â€œWhat is it, Leutenant?”

   â€œAn energy signature it appeared about six minutes ago, very low range.”


   â€œAround sixty kilometres from the Nadir point actual.”  He reported crisply “it could be background…” he said trailing off “Wow, massive radiation and energy spike, we have a ship jumping in.”  He reported quickly, nothing was due in the system “energy signature suggests a WarShip around two hundred thousand tons.  I‘d say it was a Fredasa if I didn‘t know better”

   â€œInform the Colonels on Outreach that we have incoming and have the Wolf Pack to be ready for incoming there also.  Weapons warm up the forward cannons.”

   The smaller ship emerged from its Jump nearly forty kilometres from the Alexander and the crew were shocked to see it.  The ship was pained nearly flat black with red highlights and a spider’s emblem on its back.

   â€œSend them a challenge.”

   â€œThis is Star Admiral Arnold McKenna of Clan Sea Fox; we need no assistance however I suggest you do not fire.”

   â€œThis is Fleet Colonel Issola Chandra, commander of the Wolf’s Dragoons WarShip Alexander.  We offer no assistance, what right do you have us to tell you what to do or not…”

   â€œEnergy spike!” the sensor operator shouted interrupting her as a second WarShip entered the system this one far larger, far more deadly and far more recognisable as one of the most lethal WarShips in existence the Nightlord-class Battleship Terror of the Deep flagship of Clan Sea Fox.

   â€œBattle stations; inform the planet we may need Star League intervention two Clan WarShips.”

   â€œYou will not” McKenna said Chandra cursed herself for not noticing the communications was still active.  “We are here to see the Wolf’s Dragoons Colonels, we are willing to fight if need be however we did not come here to fight you.”

   â€œWhat are your terms Star Commodore?”  Issola asked even with the Wolf Pack the two Dragoon WarShips stood little chance against the two Sea Fox vessels.

   â€œA single DropShip, Outpost-class, will proceed in system and land on Outreach, our party will meet with the Dragoon leadership to discuss a contract.”

   â€œAnd if these terms are refused?”

   â€œThen we will leave, Clan Sea Fox has no quarrel with the Wolf’s Dragoons today, perhaps in the future.”

   After several tense moments a communication returned from Outreach a single Clan DropShip was permitted to make landings on the planet under escort.  The Outpost-class DropShip detached from the Terror of the Deep and made its way in-system to the planet landing on it three days later.

Contracts Building
Harlech City, Outreach
Star League Protectorate
13th May 3078

   The landing of a single DropShip, even a Clan one, at Harlech’s main spaceport had not aroused any suspicion neither had the five BattleMechs that exited the vessel and been escorted into the city to one of the many contract negotiation buildings scattered around and in the Mercenary city, for today the Dragoons had sealed this particular building for their own purposes.

   As the five Dragoon Colonels, two Lt Colonels and Michi Nocketsuna, head of the WolfNet, sat waiting they were surprised then a variety of uniforms entered the room and sat opposite them.  Along with the two Sea Fox Warriors there was a warrior each from Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Hell’s Horses and the Dragoon’s parent Clan Wolf, the last person to enter was also the most recognisable she was saKhan Marialle Radick second in command of Clan Wolf.

   â€œWelcome to Outreach, saKhan” Colonel Kelly Yukinov, commander of Alpha Regiment, said standing from his seat saluting her.

   â€œI can nearly smell Terra” she whispered her eyes alive with hatred and desire.

   â€œHow can we be of assistance to the Clans today?”

   â€œAssistance that is what you Surat mercenaries do is it not, you sell your services to your employer.”

   â€œTo the right employer, not to all.”

   â€œAnd are you, old man, the person I speak to hire the Dragoons?”

   â€œWe are” Michi Nocketsuna said also rising from his seat, Marialle recognised him as an honourable warrior of the Draconis Combine and noted even the mighty could fall from grace.

   â€œThen we have the right people, Wolf; sort this out so we can leave.”  The Hell’s Horses Star Colonel said glancing at Marialle, the way he addressed her was almost an insult completely ignoring her superior rank, and it was also obvious he detested the Dragoons and what they stood for but also that he had not respect for the Wolves.

   â€œWhy are you here?” Michi asked again.

   â€œWe have had a small niggling problem in the last several months from a unit that attacks from nowhere and then disappears.”

   â€œThe Opacus Venatori” Michi declared naming them in their Latin name “the Shadow Hunters, one of the Word of Blake’s last surviving remnants.”

   â€œMost recently this Shadow Hunters attacked the Ghost Bear Capital of Alshain causing thousands of deaths and continued the war with the Draconis Combine.  The Ghost Bears will not listen to us, they see the Combine as dezgra and a sneak attack is exactly what they expected.  I very much doubt they will believe your reborn Star League either, the Bear has been roused often it is only calmed by blood.”  Marialle said looking from Michi to Kelly.

   â€œWe are aware of their attacks, what of them they are not a Dragoons’ problem” John Cavell said, he commanded the Wolf Spider Battalion Natasha Kerensky’s unit.

   â€œAnd yet you have done nothing, typical of a Wolf” the Jade Falcon officer said.

   â€œEnough of this” the Sea Fox warrior declared “Dragoons, everyone in this room is aware of your capabilities and your contacts throughout the Inner Sphere.  The contacts built during the time you were sent to the Inner Sphere by our Clans.”  He reminded them “these Opacus Venatori, as you call them have caused damage across Clan space escalating in each attack and I will bet they have attacked Inner Sphere targets as well.  They originated in the Inner Sphere are an Inner Sphere problem, the Inner Sphere will fix this or we will be forced to.”

   â€œThey are becoming bolder, despite the debacle facing the Bears on Alshain.”  Michi said the Bears had gotten lucky but the Opacus had paid for it in blood.  “I am surprised the Clans have allowed them to move so freely, and wonder why they have to be “forced” to act.”  He pondered before the Clan warriors could answer John Cavell spoke.

   â€œI’ll bid my Battalion against these Shadow Hunters; the Wolf Spider can track and destroy them.”

   â€œI’m glad to see the Wolf still beats in your heart, Major.”  Marialle said smiling “the Fredesa-class WarShip we have taken with us was specially constructed by the Sea Fox Clan for this use; this WarShip is your mercenary’s payment for services rendered.”  She revealled “and if the Opacus Venatori is not destroyed by the Wolf’s Dragoons we will come looking for our payment back.”

   â€œYou gift us and then threaten Radick.”  Kelly asked anger boiling in his veins he did not like an employer dictating a contract especially with a former employer like Clan Wolf.

   â€œOnly a fact, Colonel, unless you do not want the Fredesa? Clan Hell’s Horses could always use another WarShip.”

   â€œWe do not take Wolf caste-offs” the Hell’s Horses warrior said quietly.

   â€œWhat is your play Wolf?” Radick asked staring Kelly right in the face, eye to eye with the saKhan Kelly did not flinch.

   â€œWe’ll take your WarShip, and the Opacus Venatori just found themselves an adversary.  Major Cavell your Wolf Spider Battalion just found a new home, our new toy will be your transport against the Opacus Venatori.”  He said glancing at John then back at Marialle “now Wolf” he said using the saKhan’s title for the Dragoons “get off our planet.”

   â€œAs you wish, we will be watching.”  She said turning leaving followed by the Jade Falcon, Hell’s Horses and two Sea Fox warriors.  Two days later the Terror of the Deep jumped clear of the system leaving the Fredesa in the hands of the Wolf’s Dragoons which they named Widow’s Lair in honour of Natasha Kerensky and of the Wolf Spider Battalion's mission.

Royal Palace
Augustine, Rousset-Marik Alliance
Former Free Worlds League
21st May 3078

   Following years as adversaries the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and the Rousset-Marik Alliance meet on Augustine to begin talking about a united Free Worlds League once more.  It begins with simple trade between the two nations with both sides agreeing to make allowances for the other and agreeing to each try and bring the other former nations of the Free Worlds League to the table at following meetings.

Clan Counter Attack
Koinz, Blair Atholl
Lyran Commonwealth
28th May 3078

   In an attack authorized by Khan Phelan Kell Clan Wolf (in-Exile)’s Second Wolf Legion Cluster of Alpha Galaxy and the Second Wolf Grenadiers Cluster of Beta Galaxy are allowed to declare trials against Clan Jade Falcon forces on Koinz and Blair Athol.

   The Second Wolf Grenadiers have no problem on Koinz capturing the world in a quick near bloodless trial against Clan Jade Falcon forces however it is another story for the Second Wolf Legion Cluster.  On Blair Athol the Wolf (in-Exile) troops found the Seventy-fifth Striker Cluster of the Jade Falcon’s Kappa Galaxy, a second-line unit of poor reputation.  The seventy-fifth refused to give the Exile troops an honourable trial and refused to fight openly with the Wolf forces instead a cat-and-mouse battle erupted a mile east of the capital in a group of caverns and woodland, the fighting did not remain confined there however and spilled into the city causing horrendous collateral damage and casualties.  With the Seventy-fifth refusing to give up the Wolf (in-Exile) troops were forced to destroy the entire Cluster with no Jade Falcon survivors.

Port Simon Fleet Yards
Galax System, Crucis March
Federated Suns
12th June 3078

   After a long and uneventful journey from Terra the Fire Fang finally arrives in the Galax system of the Federated Suns.  Although the vessel will need another year of refitting before it is fully operational there are celebrations within the Federated Suns as another of the original Davion Block I-class Destroyers arrive back within a Federated Suns shipyard.  During the journey Major Heaps and his team has discovered the vessel’s original name, the FSS Swordsworn, the AFFS Admiralty allow this vessel name to stay in history and maintain the name Fire Fang honouring the vessel’s deeds as a Clan and ComStar vessel.

   The FSS Intrepid also moves into the Galax shipyards for refit.  Upgraded to what they are describing as a Block-II the vessel will soon become a fully outfitted construction/maintenance vessel following its duties during the Fire Fang’s refit.  The Intrepid’s crew and the engineers that had been assigned to the vessel are given extended shore leave for their efforts in returning the Intrepid to the shipyards.

Disputed Space, Arc Royal Theatre
Lyran Commonwealth
19th June 3078

   On the Lyran Clan border the Wolves in Exile and Jade Falcons clash again with heavy casualties on both sides.  The Exiles are again the instigators in the fighting launching a strike at Goat’s Path and Antares both on the border with Lyran space both worlds fall to the Exiles in trials.

   Two days later the Jade Falcons counter attack against further Lyran Commonwealth worlds taking Machida and Zhongshan.  On Zhongshan the local militia and the Fighting Intellectuals Mercenary Company attempt to fight off the Clan assault, the First Falcon Lancers Cluster led by Loremaster Bryan Pryde destroys both units taking no prisoners.  Jade Falcon WarShips are also spotted in the Chahar, Blue Hole, Pandora and Arcturus systems in a clear warning cease these attacks or they’d return.

   By the end of the month Archon Peter Steiner-Davion sends a message to Khan Phelan Kell ordering his troops to stand down over their reprisal attacks against the Jade Falcons.  Phelan Kell receives several messages from Duke Kelswa-Steiner on Skye supporting his troops reclaiming of Tamar Province worlds.

Fifth Star League Games
Solaris VII, Star League Protectorate
Lyran Commonwealth
30th June 3078

   House Davion has further to celebrate following the victory of Leftenant Anna Holmes, from the First Kestrel Grenadiers Independent BattleMech Regiment of the AFFS wins the competition in her Stealth OmniMech beating crowd favourite Alexander from Solaris’ Own Zellbrigen stables, piloting his customized Wraith.  Before she left Solaris VII she was able to secure a pair of Zellbrigen stables Partial Wings she’d seen on Alexander’s Wraith in a private ‘Trial of Possession’ on returning to the Federated Suns Anna found herself whisked off to New Avalon for medals and a promotion to Captain.

Second Round Hell’s Horses Assaults
Clan Occupation Zones
2nd July 3078

   With their neighbours backs turned Clan Hell’s Horses launches an assault into all three of the other Clan’s Occupation Zones.  Led by saKhan Tanya DeLaurel in her brand new Balius Quad-OmniMech Eta, Theta, Iota and Kappa Galaxies of the Clan lead the assault with the primary Galaxies holding onto what they have left in the Inner Sphere.  Zeta Galaxy remains as the Clan’s only Homeworlds defence with minimal support.

   With Clan Wolf preparing deeper assaults into the Lyran Commonwealth chasing Clan Ghost Bear’s own very successful assaults with dreams of Terra saKhan DeLaurel saw an opportunity.  Leading first with Eta and Theta Galaxies they struck at Steelton, Persistence and Winfield all worlds the Wolves had taken from Clan Jade Falcon effectively destroying all inroads they had made on their Jade Falcon neighbours.  Only on Persistence did the Wolves put up significant resistance with the 103rd Striker Cluster of Gamma Galaxy fighting off against Eta Galaxies Thirty-fifth BattleMech Cluster supported by Omega Keshik.  The presence of their saKhan and several of the new Cygnus-class Assault Mechs won the day for the invading Hell’s Horses force however the Wolf defenders lost no honour and great respect from saKhan DeLaurel.

   Carrying on with Theta Galaxy saKhan DeLaurel on the 5th and 8th in lightning assaults the Hell’s Horses won two Jade Falcon worlds Maxie’s World and Romulus again with little resistance.  For the warriors of Theta Galaxy it was nice to be involved in the combat and gain some Inner Sphere experience for the saKhan, she wanted more leaving Theta and Eta in position to secure worlds while she moved on with Omega Galaxy rendezvousing with Iota Galaxy in an unnamed system, the Hell’s Horses had chosen to avoid the pirate hole of Star’s End until they had significant WarShip support which they’d use to sterilise the entire world if necessary.

   With Iota Galaxy’s Sixty-first and Sixty-ninth BattleMech Clusters saKhan DeLaurel landed troops on Icar on the 10th July and on New Caledonia on the 13th of July.  Both battles lasted around two hours in traditional Clan trials before the saKhan left the clusters and moved on with the rest of Iota Galaxy and Omega Keshik.  Following the arrival of reinforcements from the rest of Iota Galaxy on the 15th the saKhan pushed on once more, taking the Sixty-seventh BattleMech cluster and Omega Keshik and joining up with Kappa Galaxy and the WarShips Selipnir, a Cameron-class Battle-cruiser, and the Mount Olympus, a Volga-class Transport.  There Omega Keshik was completely refit for the saKhan’s last assault against the Wolves.

   Deep within Wolf space travelling through unoccupied systems they arrived in the New Oslo system on the 22nd in space the Selipnir engaged the Wolf’s Moore’s Honour.  The former Ice Hellion Essex-class Destroyer stood little chance of stopping the Battle-cruiser and stood down allowing the Hell’s Horses to engage.  On the ground the whole of the Wolves own Omega Galaxy with five full Clusters waiting for the invading Hell’s Horses troops, the Wolf ground commander Stevic Hawker informed the Hell’s Horses command that his entire Galaxy was his first and last bid before cutting off communications.

   Grounding on the 24th of July saKhan DeLaurel found her forces under attack from the moment they stepped from the DropShips the Wolves assaulting even the grounded DropShips unwilling to allow them to land.  Providing the Wolf ground troops with long range support were at least three Trinaries of brand-new Sun Cobra medium BattleMechs produced at the New Oslo plant and piloted by raw unblooded warriors.  Despite the hail of Gauss Rifle slugs saKhan DeLaurel ordered her troops forward making headway pushing through the Wolves disabling a star’s worth of the Sun Cobras however the accurate and constant Gauss Rifle fire was telling on the Hell’s Horses troops, two shots went into the saKhan’s Balius, the QuadMech took the well but the second hit struck and destroyed the Gyro leaving the Mech to sink to the ground uncontrollably.  Although Tanya DeLaurel was able to avoid capture by a star of Clan Wolf Headhunter Elementals she knew that their fight on New Oslo and for this campaign was over, the Hell’s Horses retreated from the planet shortly afterwards.

Administration Building
San Nicholas, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
13th July 3078

   â€œTurn those damned militia troops over to my command and we’ll protect your little capital and keep your hands clean of the dirt of combat.”

   â€œColonel, you know as well as I do that your Battalion are only on this world because of your units poor combat performance and low price how do you expect to hold back a Marian Hegemony assault?  One that has already landed troops on five other worlds and does not look like it is ready to give in anytime soon.”

   â€œWe may be here because our luck has been down, but may I remind you my people are the only thing between a bunch of former pirates on an ancient Roman cruise across the stars and the Marians still consider pillaging and raping targets as a valid option in war.  If we resist, make them think twice, your leadership may survive this.”

   â€œYour people will be killed.”

   â€œI know” Colonel Maxwell Green admitted “everyone of them knows it too.  But we’d rather go down swinging than surrender without a shot.  My people will be facing off against the Marians.  I’ll leave it to you if your armour joins us on the line and give your civilians half a chance of survival.”  He said turning marching out of the building without saying another world, the governor had been right, the green machine only took this job because it was an easy garrison contract and they’d only been hired because Green Machine’s previous records didn’t allow them to call for much in the way of cash but still they were here and they’d do their job.

   Leaving the building Green walked the short distance to his ancient Crusader BattleMech, the Mech had been long handed down in the Green family and despite Maxwell Green having no-one to hand it to he knew its legacy would outlive him even if he died today.  Five minutes later she was inside the cockpit and brining the old Mech on-line.  “Captain Slyghe, what is our status?”

   â€œThirty BattleMechs all ready for combat”

   â€œOnly thirty?”  He asked his unit fielded thirty-three Machines on their TO&E including his own.

   â€œMechWarrior Grant is in the local lock-up the Governor had cut orders he was not to be released under any circumstances and MechWarrior Faulkner’s Stinger is not combat ready after the last training exercise.”

   â€œTell her to take Grant’s Catapult.”  He didn’t like taking one MechWarrior’s Mech for another but they needed every machine.

   â€œGrant has locked his Mech down with three security protocols we can’t break them and he won’t give up the code.”

   â€œDamnit, can’t this lot see we’re in a life and death situation here the Marians have steamrolled the defences the outlying Duchy worlds we’re their first major Mech test.”

   â€œWhat about the militia?”

   â€œThe governor hasn’t decided.”

   â€œThat’s great, he’s sentenced us to death.” Captain Phyllis Margrove said butting in, by her slurred speech and her Marauder’s movements were restricted.

   â€œListen up the lot of you, if we surrender we’re as good as dead the Marians will happily take our Mechs and be done with it so I’ll leave it to you to decide fight and have a chance or be dispossessed.”  No one replied they all knew his words were the truth “I’ll take the stinging silence as you want to fight? Good, stick together watch each other’s backs and let’s go kick some periphery arse.”

   â€œIncoming DropShips, I count six Union-class” MechWarrior Rebecca Lopez shouted out, that put the enemy at upto of six companies in strength.

   â€œAdvance units have hot-dropped, we have a company incoming.”

   â€œHold together people, fire at will, combine on targets as long as we have numerical superiority.  And may god have mercy on our souls.”  Green said targeting an incoming Wasp light Mech, “eat it” Green said triggering his long range missiles causing light damage to the twenty ton Mech’s leg and torso.  Across the line Green Machine Mechs were firing their weapons however as Colonel Green followed up on the Wasp with a second volley of missiles on the Wasp he saw a Mercury from Charlie Company fall under three PPC blasts from a Marian Awesome.  Turning on the incoming assault Mech Green began to run at the Mech brining his old Mech up past sixty kilometres an hour for the first time in many years - Green past his eighty-second birthday two weeks before smiled as he closed on the Mech finally he was back in real combat.  Firing short range missiles and lasers as he closed Green felt the heat raising but ignored it closing to point blank with the Awesome getting inside its minimum range bracket he planted two punches into the side of the Awesome smiling as he saw his Mech’s right first crush one of the PPCs on the Awesome.  The massive eighty ton Mech turned still standing following this savage physical attack and fired its two PPCs at point blank range the blasts tore into Green’s Crusader, the sixty-five ton Mech shook under the attack but Green didn’t care punching again this time adding his leg SRM launchers into it as well he was intent on destroying the biggest Mech he’d seen so far, giving his unit a chance of life.

   Up above someone must have been smiling on Colonel Maxwell Green maybe it was his long dead wife Elizabeth or maybe the Almighty himself as Maxwell Green continued his dance with the Awesome for a good minute finally downing the massive assault Mech with a punch that went straight through the Awesome’s cockpit.  Battling to avoid heat shut down he walked his Mech back towards his battered command “Captain Slyghe, status”

   â€œWe’re down… sir watch out!” She suddenly screamed Maxwell Green turned to see a smaller fast moving Mech charging towards him firing his lasers he tried to slow it however the Mech swung its massive blade at Green’s Mech hitting the left shoulder severing the limb where it was, as the blade drew back it stuck the cockpit shorting out half of Green’s life support.  Charging forward Green literally steamrolled the Ghurkha BattleMech crushing the thirty-five ton Mech under his Crusader’s feet before the Crusader itself fell to the ground.  “Colonel please respond, Colonel Green do you hear me.”

   â€œYes, Rhe, I hear you” he said to his XO his Crusader wouldn’t be fighting much longer but at least it was warm.  That stopped Green his Mech hadn’t fired weapons for a good minute it shouldn’t be warm… he glanced down and noticed his coolant vest was punctured in the gut by a large support from the frame of the cockpit now he felt the pain too.  Trying to ignore it he brought his Mech to standing point “Rhe, how are we doing?”

   â€œDown three Mechs including Captain Margrove she took two Marians with her if that counts.”

   â€œWhat about… the militia?” he wheezed fighting the pain

   â€œNothing yet, sir, please report status”

   â€œFine so be it…” he said struggling to speak. “…we’ll fall back to the treeline… there we’ll have a little… a little cover.”

   â€œSir, are you alright?”

   â€œSure just a bit winded. Move out people we have a battle to win.”  He said his Crusader struggling to keep up he noticed Rheannon Slyghe’s Bushwhacker staying close to him.  “I’ll manage Captain, no need to worry.”

   â€œNot worried just putting up a united face of our enemies.”  Moments later she turned they were still three hundred metres from the trees and the Marians were catching them.  “Three full companies, I see two of armour behind that. We’re in trouble boss.”

   â€œI’ll take care of them, take the unit to the rear in the trees, engage from cover, set fires if you can it’ll hold up there armour.”  He suggested

   â€œYou’ll never get within range.”

   â€œI’ll slow them” he said putting the pain to the back of his mind he charged forward in his one armed battered Crusader Slyghe’s Bushwhacker standing with the rest of the unit watching as he closed on the Periphery troops.

   â€œColonel, change direction minus forty degrees east current direction.”  Came another voice over the Green Machine band, out of reflex Colonel Green did so.  There moving directly for the periphery troops was MechWarrior Grant’s Catapult surrounded by militia armour nearly a full Battalion in the air several combat VTOLs provided further support, Green recognized the voice as Grant himself.

   â€œI though you were in the local lock-up?”

   â€œThe Governor just didn’t want me leaving without a proper military escort sir.”

   â€œVery good, link up with Slyghe and the rest of our people I’ll take the militia in.”

   â€œNegative Colonel, we’re right behind you” Slyghe said her Bushwhacker already running alongside him “the Green Machine fights as one, and if need be we go down as one.”  Despite the pain from his stomach wound Colonel Green smiled his unit was finally coming together and in their greatest time of need.

   Less than ten minutes later the Marians had been pushed back and broken, two of their Union-class DropShips had been destroyed the other four captured by the militia and the remaining Green Machine machines.  However Colonel Maxwell Green was not with his victorious troops instead he was in a militia hospital about to be rushed into emergency surgery beside him was Rheannon Slyghe his XO and truth be told the real reason they’d won today, Green had known she was great when he hired her on Outreach aged just nineteen. “Rhe, listen to me very carefully”

   â€œI’ll listen to you when you come out of surgery.”

   â€œNo damn it, listen now!” Green demanded “I’m not coming out of this one, but we did it Green Machine is back on the right track and I got one last win.”

   â€œYou’ll have plenty more” Rheannon said quietly

   â€œNo, Elizabeth is calling me” Maxwell Green said quietly “my will is in the safe in my desk code 16-06-67 your orders are there, Major” he said before coughing up blood and going into cardiac arrest.

   â€œGet him into surgery now!!” The doctors screamed but it was too late, an hour later after fruitless attempts at brining him back from the brink Colonel Maxwell Green was proclaimed dead.

   In the following days the Governor would call Maxwell Green and the Green Machine heroes of San Nicholas but it did not hide the fact he was dead.  Rheannon Slyghe in the presence of two other members of the Green Machine opened the safe - Green’s combination Rheannon’s enlistment date - the orders inside confirmed Rheannon’s promotion to Major and full command/ownership of the Green Machine Mercenary Command.

Wolf Spider Ground base
Downtown, Galatea City
Galatea, Lyran Commonwealth
23rd July 3078

   Not wanting to restrict themselves to purely Wolf’s Dragoons sources the Wolf Spider Battalion had moved to Galatea to search for sources and information regarding the Opacus Venatori.  Because they wanted the Widow’s Lair a secret as long as possibly they’d initially travelled to the planet via commercial JumpShip whilst the WarShip had jumped in at a pirate point about a day from Galatea.  There were no Lyran WarShips stationed in the system and the Widow’s Lair was off any usual trade routes so no-one noticed the presence of the lonely WarShip.

   â€œNewest burst from the Widow’s Lair, nothing new from Outreach no new attacks in the Inner Sphere or on the Clan Occupation Zones, unfortunately nothing new we can use.”  Captain Ian Macintosh commander of the Spider Trinary said.

   â€œThings are quiet here on Galatea as well” Stacy Church said “I have the Black Widows Trinary scouring downtown for leads, nothing yet.”

   â€œHas anyone else picked up anything?” John Cavell commander of the Wolf Spider Battalion said quietly seeing blank faces.

   â€œBecause there is nothing to know, Major” came a sneering voice over loud speakers.  “You Dragoons have always looked at the wrong place and caused more trouble than you were worth.  Time for that to end!”  John Cavell looked up at the warehouse windows and saw a moving shadow.

   â€œEverybody Down Now!”  But his shouted warning came too late as a huge BattleMech slammed through the wall sending bricks and mortar flying everywhere Captain Dirk Samuels, commander of the Tarantula Trinary, was crushed under flying debris.

   â€œTime for your little hunt to come to a disastrous end.”  The voice said again the Red-and-White Mech firing PPCs at the warriors and the stored Wolf Spider Mechs, Captain Church’s Timber Wolf took a hit to the chest, the Timber Wolf falling over crushing two more warriors of the Battalion.

   â€œEverybody scatter, Spider One to all Spiders we need back up!  All units clear out to the DropShip!”

   â€œCavell the Widows are still out there, there Mechs are sitting targets!”  Stacy Church screamed her own Mech was already being crushed into the ground by the enemy Mech.

   â€œForget it Stacy, let’s get as many of our people clear of this turkey shoot before we lose the entire Battalion.”  Over the next ten minutes the attacking Mech destroyed eight more of the Wolf Spider’s BattleMechs before retreating.  John Cavell and the rest of the Wolf Spiders retreated to the DropShip, in all they had lost nine MechWarriors mostly from Tarantula Trinary, the surviving warriors were reassigned to the Black Widow and Spider Trinary however the Wolf Spider Battalion had lost a third of their number and been given a major defeat.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #294 on: September 07, 2012, 12:50:23 PM »

Disputed Territory
Blair Atoll, Lyran Commonwealth
4th August 3078

   The Jade Falcons raid recently lost Blair Atoll led by Loremaster Bryan Pryde’s First Falcon Lancers Cluster, in his Jupiter Assault Mech, they fight off against a Wolf (in-Exile) Cluster containing several Ryoken II BattleMechs and a pair of Cygnus Assault Mechs.  Although no territory is exchanged between the two Clans this fight will likely be remembered because out of both units only two OmniMechs are included in the fight despite both sides being rated as front-line.

       Some Inner Sphere analysts predict this is because the Clans have had to leave advanced manufacturing techniques in the Clan Homeworlds and supply lines are stretched.  While others believe that the Clans are simply adapting to the needs of manufacturing larger amounts of units lost fighting against Inner Sphere forces.  Both sides agree that while these “less” advanced BattleMechs are not a match for their OmniMech predecessors the new designs by the Clans are no less deadly and the Clans are still a major threat.

Main Body Return
Steel Viper Assaults
Clan Homeworlds
22nd August 3078

   The battered, rejected main body of Clan Steel Viper returns to the Clan Homeworlds beaten badly in the Inner Sphere they find their Homeworlds forces are also being attacked.  Going straight on the offensive the Steel Vipers target the Hell’s Horse garrison on Tiber.

   In the system the Steel Vipers maliciously attack the Carrack-class Transport Golden Clydesdale destroying the transport without even considering allowing the vessel to surrender.  On the planet the Steel Vipers find only the 888th Mechanized Strike Cluster of Clan Hell’s Horses Beta Galaxy, offering no quarter the Hell’s Horses the Steel Vipers 195th Assault Cluster destroyed all remnants of the Hell’s Horses unit, the find several advanced vehicle designs worth salvaging amongst the Hell’s Horses unit however the bases are stripped nearly completely of supplies and fittings and large portions of the Hell’s Horses civilians are also missing.

Tessalonika, Disputed Territory
Ghost Bear Dominion
24th August 3078

   The Second Genyosha Regiment supported by Covenant’s Commandos and the First Kearny Highlanders, of the Northwind Highlanders Mercenary Brigade; assault Tessalonika in the Ghost Bear Dominion.  The world is defended by the Second Claw Cluster, Zeta Galaxy, and the Seventeenth Provisional Cluster, Theta Galaxy; the Ghost Bears are steadily driven back until the Seventeenth Provisional is no longer combat effective the Second Claw fall back into a resistance styled defence.

Soverzine, Disputed Territory
Ghost Bear Dominion
29th August 3078

   Continuing the Combine counter-attack against Clan Ghost Bear the rebuilt and reinforced First Sword of Light Regiment supported by the Always Faithful Mercenary Regiment, the Crimson’s Crusaders and the Clifton’s Rangers Mercenary Commands launches an assault against Soverzine across the Combine/Ghost Bear border nearest the Irece Prefecture.

   On planet they find the Eight Bear Regulars Theta Galaxy, a green rated command, and the Tenth Bear Regulars Cluster Xi Galaxy.  The Bear commander believes in straight up fighting and so challenges the Combine/Mercenary force to a stand-up fight which the Inner Sphere forces agree to.  The next day they meet on the rolling hills of the southern continent however the Clan force soon finds itself out gunned and out manoeuvred and is soon encircled.  When Star Colonel Jessica Carns, Eighth Bear Regulars, attempts to surrender the world she is gunned down by Combine MechWarriors as both Regular Clusters are cut to pieces under Combine and mercenary guns.

Disputed Territory
Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
4th/5th September 3078

   Rallied to a cause by the Marian Hegemony attacks against their nation the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby turned on the Periphery State.  Captain-General Jeremy Brett directing several Tamarind Militia Regiments supported by mercenary commands and WarShips against the invading Marian forces.

   On the 4th September the First Tamarind Militia supported by the Heart of Blake Mercenary Command and escorted by the Impavido-class Destroyer Tamarind the units hit Landfall, in less than one hour their periphery opponents were in full retreat.  Alongside this assault the Second Tamarind Militia supported by The Furies Armour Mercenary Regiment attacked Hazeidean another of the lost worlds like the First Militia the unit has the full backing of an Impavido-class Destroyer which hopelessly outclasses any air assets the Marians can field.  With air superiority lost immediately the Marian resistance crumbles within two hours of fighting on the ground.

   One day later the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby not wanting to allow the Marian Hegemony forces any chance of preparing for the follow up assaults the Impavido-class Therese Brett-Marik supports the Fourth Tamarind Militia Regiment and the Harlock’s Warriors Mercenary Command in liberating Huntington.  Again almost a direct copy of the previous assaults the Therese Brett-Marik cuts off Marian aerospace assets from providing cover and destroys two of the periphery DropShips from orbit cutting off the units retreat.  On the ground the mixed Duchy and mercenary force make short work of the local defenders and once again Huntington is a Duchy of Tamarind-Abby world.

   Not happy just to take back what had been lost the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby wanted to show the periphery nation of its mistakes Colonel Photon Brett-Marik leading the Second Tamarind-Abby Guards Regiment supported by several conventional regiments assaults Reykavis just over the border in Marian Hegemony space.  During the burn in the MHS Caesar jumps into the system the Dart-class Light Cruiser immediately attacking the Jeremy Brett, the Duchy’s escorting Impavido-class Destroyer.  The Jeremy Brett holds off the previously damaged MHS Caesar, which is showing the lack of proper maintenance and supplies of any WarShip in the Periphery too long.  Colonel Photon Marik order his people forward and they head for the planet’s surface.  On the ground they complete the destruction of the V Legio which the Green Machine began on San Nicholas destroying the remaining Marian Hegemony troops on planet welcoming another world into the Duchy.

   Caesar Julius O’Reilly orders all forces to rally around Alphard in case the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby decides that they need to wipe out the small nation.  Marian Hegemony forces leave picket forces in the occupied Magistracy of Canopus and Niops worlds.

   Within days of the withdrawal by Marian forces the Magistracy of Canopus regains control of all its lost worlds strengthening the borders while the Niops Association unveil several hidden Power Armour and BattleMech units to overpower the Marians liberating their own conquered nation.

Trade Mission
Broken Wheel
Filtvelt Coalition
22nd September 3078

   â€œExcuse me, Commander, I need your warriors to keep a tight cordon on this area, we cannot have the locals just wondering in and stealing our technology and our trade goods.”

   â€œIt is Colonel” the warrior said staring back at the man, he wasn’t Clan a native of what used to be the Tortuga Dominions taken in by the Clan because of his trading skill.


   â€œIt is Colonel, as in Star Colonel, your commanding officer show some respect you stavag periphery pig!”

   â€œNow then Colonel, we’re all part of a big happy family you scratch my back and I’ll help you.  I’m sure you’ve noticed at least one or two things here that take your fancy?”  He said then noticing the arrival of the main Filtvelt Coalition trade party completely forgot the Star Colonel “here they come! Time for me to work, we’ll talk later.”

   â€œNo we will not.”  He said the man smiled but Trent did not continue instead raising his communicator to his mouth “Higall to all Lost Ones execute Operation ORANGE.”  He said all around warriors, Mechs and vehicles turned their weapons on traders from the Nova Cats and from the Filtvelt Coalition.  Some tried to draw weapons and were cut down immediately the Master Trader turned back to Trent Higall who had also drawn his side arm.


   â€œI am tired of you, and I am tired of peace.  It is time I died like a Clan Warrior in battle.”  He said his finger closing on the trigger.

   â€œOr died like a pirate” the master trader whispered as the bullet fired from the Star Colonel’s gun and blew his head off.  All around the warriors of the Fifteenth Battle Cluster were executing traders; it was over in less than a minute.  Star Captain Katherine came running up to Higall who still stood over the Master Trader’s body.

   â€œSir, operation successful shall we begin reloading the DropShips? Sir!” She said stronger breaking him from his thoughts.

   â€œYes, of course, break camp load the DropShips have two Aerospace Fighters buzz the local HPG Building level it and have our perimeter guards ensure that no Coalition troops decide that we need to be dealt with contact the Space Fairer and tell them we are on our way CASE BLACK DRAGON is in effect.”  She nodded it was a phrase they’d stolen from the Draconis Combine, it meant simply that the Cluster had turned its backs on Clan Nova Cat’s leadership and that there would be no going back from now on, they were on their own.

        Three hours later the goods loaded into their three DropShips the renegade warriors lifted off Broken Wheel before the Filtvelt Coalition defenders could react they rendezvoused with their fourth DropShip in orbit and headed for their Odyssey-class JumpShip leaving the system shortly after.  The inability for the local defences to react to this threat worries parts of the local population as the Nova Cats are a real threat not just a passing one posed by this renegade group.  Many of the local Broken Wheel population begin to question whether leaving the Federated Suns was their best course of action.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #295 on: September 07, 2012, 12:59:22 PM »

End of Contract
Outreach, Star League Protectorate
3rd October 3078

   The Wolf’s Dragoons officially end their contract with the Federated Suns with the last units leaving Galax and New Avalon heading back to Outreach for rest and refit.  Because of continuing operations to track down the Opacus Venatori the Dragoon Colonels agree that no further contracts will be taken in the short to mid term.

Trade Post
Detroit, Fronc Reaches
13th October 3078

   During a simple trade mission between Clan Nova Cat and the Fronc Reaches merchants on Detroit the Protector’s Guardians, a Taurian Concordat regiment raids the planet intent on capturing several newly built BattleMechs from the Detroit factory.  Initially the Nova Cat defence force escorting the traders’ remains out of the fight however following a stray artillery strike on one of the Clan’s Mule-class Transports the mixed Trinary of Nova Cat troops launch a flanking attack on Taurian Regiment in support of the Fronc Reaches Colonial Marshals.

   The warriors of the Nova Cat’s One hundredth Strike Cluster successfully take out the Taurians artillery company losing three of their members in the process abandoning a Huntsman OmniMech in the process.  During the Nova Cat retreat back to their lines Subaltern Erik Martens-Calderon’s Battle Armour squad attacks a trailing Elemental group with disastrous results.  Four members of Erik’s six man unit are killed by the Elementals and Erik is knocked unconscious as his Bruce Assault Armour suit is picked up and thrown by one of the Nova Cat warriors.  The Nova Cat traders and their defence unit retreat from the world shortly afterwards.  Erik is recovered by his regiment but he is deeply troubled by recent events, in his eyes the Taurian people have a new threat that is more dangerous even than House Davion.
High Orbit
Toffen, Rasalhague Dominion
20th October 3078

   Aboard the DCS Nagato, the Draconis Combine’s Yamato-class Battleship Warlord Minoru Kurita meets with Khan Bjorn Jorgensson and Elected Prince Ragnar Magnesson representing the newly minted Rasalhague Dominion.

   During the talks Bjorn Jorgensson insists that his Ghost Bear Dominion is now the Rasalhague Dominion a sovereign state within the Inner Sphere and that the Draconis Combine will respect them as such.  Minoru Kurita becomes the first leader of the Inner Sphere to formally, and publicly, recognise the Rasalhague Dominion as an Inner Sphere state and not a Clan Occupation Zone.  With this agreement the Ghost Bear leadership agree to put an end to the fight between the two nations.

Industrial Zone
Malagrotta, Malagrotta Combat Zone
Crucis March, Federated Suns
30th October 3078

   A new pirate band land on the planet raiding Malagrotta’s light industrial zone for supplies when challenged these Liger Warriors refuse to communicate with the local militia forcing a confrontation.  The sheer amount of Clan technology seen within the unit makes it obvious this is not a regular unit the local militia commander Leftenant-General Arnold Maddox requests and receives support from the Governors personnel bodyguard forces which includes a company of brand-new ARB-001 Arbiter Combat IndustrialMechs the governor had purchased specially from Meridian Manufacturing on New St Andrews for his own bodyguard.

   The Ligers intentionally single out the Arbiters capturing one of these Mechs trying to determine their exact capabilities while destroying the rest of the company.  After raiding the factories capturing several thousand tons of parts and materials including capturing a Wasp and a classic Phoenix Hawk BattleMech they retreat from the system.

Joint HPG Announcement
Former Free Worlds League
2nd November 3078

   Standing at a podium on Augustine Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik stepped in front of the masses of Augustine.  Her world had suffered greatly in recent years with bombardment and further troubles but they had persevered and her people were still free from all oppression.  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I will make a brief statement however there will be no questions due to the sensitive nature of what I will announce.”  She began with the standard Augustine briefing speech, the local press should know by now not to expect to ask questions she briefly thought.

   â€œFor the past several months The Rousset-Marik Alliance has been in negotiations with our neighbouring Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.”  She said immediately shock was a good tool when used right.  “Although our nations have had our problems we are both members of the greater Free Worlds League and recently have treated each other with the amount of respect we should expect.”  She said proving that she had not sold her nation short.

   â€œWith our discussions at advanced stages I can announce that an open, free trade, agreement has been made with the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth businesses from both sides of the border and a mutual defence pact between our nations.”  She said outlining both halves of the agreement she and Corrine Marik had agreed on.

   â€œPolitically we are two nations within the greater Free Worlds League and though we disagree on the correct path of our greater nation it is my wish that this agreement will lead to a reunification of the greater Free Worlds League under one banner, allowing our House to retake its position among the nations of the Inner Sphere.  Perhaps it will be in my daughters time that our nation sees the rebirth of the Free Worlds League but we will have to wait and see.”

   â€œI thank you for your time, god bless the people of Augustine and the Rousset-Marik Alliance” she said stepping out of the limelight as per usual there were the flurry of questions shouted at her back none that would be answered for now.  Most were directed at her last comment about her daughter who had until now been hidden away behind the stage Quinn Ana Rousset her ten year old was stood smiling, during her time out of the limelight Alys had trained her in many forms including deception and how to speak to people and now she’d been shown how to pull off a master stroke, the papers would be about one thing for the next week Quinn.  While the pact would be signed and completely out of the press which had been the plan since Alys had decided to hold this conference, she knew that Corrine Marik would be holding a similar conference on Marik but also that she didn’t have massive revelations to cover her announcement, which would cause more trouble in the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth than the ‘Captain-General’ wanted.

Press Conference
Luthien Armour Works, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
5th November 3078

   The Duchess of Augustine was not the only one who was making grand announcements to the public.  Across the Inner Sphere in the Draconis Combine on Luthien the primary weapons producer was also making an announcement.  With the end of the War with the newly minted Rasalhague Dominion the DCMS was in a state of rebuilding and so the Luthien Armour Works was ready to unveil its newest product for the DCMS exclusive use.

   The RYO-O-P Ryoken KU OmniMech was a direct copy of the Clan OmniMech of the same name unlike recent Clan developments such as the Jupiter, Cygnus and even the Ghost Bear’s new Ryoken II this Mech was the same tonnage as its Clan brother, it matched its performance with inferior Inner Sphere equipment and already thirteen separate weapon configurations available this would soon be one of the primary OmniMechs in service with the DCMS with planned assignments in the Sword of Light and Genyosha regiments.

   The Draconis Combine Mustered Society High Command take this opportunity to announce that a new Inazuma II-class Corvette will begin production at Draconis Combine shipyards very shortly to further boost flagging numbers of Draconis Combine WarShips.  Further boosting the DCMS’ power and the public image of Warlord Minoru Kurita.

Naval Engagement
Huntress system, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
8th November 3078

   What had been a simple raid between enclaves had spiralled into a full blown conflict between Clan Coyote and Clan Steel Viper in the Huntress system.  Though the Steel Vipers held numerical superiority on the ground they had a larger amount of ground to defend while the Coyotes were more than happy to pick at them.

   When the Steel Viper’s Dark Asp, one of the mighty Nightlord-class Battleships, had arrived in system and driven off Coyote naval assets and supply carriers the Coyotes had dug in and called in their own Nightlord, the Great Coyote Spirit.  For three days the two WarShips had burned towards each other before meeting in a dead region of the system between Huntress and the system’s star.

   Although kings in their own right the two vessels found themselves matched, the crews as equal in skill as the ships were in firepower.  As naval grade weaponry was exchanged between the two vessels DropShips and fighters from both sides exchanged fire in a great melee not seen in Clan space for years.

   As the ships manoeuvred the Dark Asp was able to damage the Great Coyote Spirit’s aft port engines causing the craft to move erratically towards the Dark Asp.  Not knowing the vessel’s intentions and themselves heavily burdened by heat build up something/or someone aboard the Dark Asp broke and the K-F Jump drive fired.  A sudden radiation spike and both vessels were gone leaving their fighters and DropShips alone in the system.  With both capital ships gone and no-one knowing if they had even survived the jump both sets of DropShips and fighters agreed both had lost too much to continue landing in separate areas on Huntress.

   An extensive search of Clan space found no sign of either Nightlord-class vessel, after a week and no sign both Clans marked the vessels down as lost in action and tried to move on from this massive loss.  Rumours from the battle and from sensor data seemed to suggest the Great Coyote Spirit had also initiated a jump at the same time however these were written off as such an event would have been suicidal for both vessels.

Pirate Attacks
Norman’s World/Hobson
Taurian Concordat/Federated Suns border
14th/26th November 3078

   On the 14th November new pirate band/renegade clan force the Liger Warriors raided Norman’s World on the Taurian Concordat border with the Federated Suns finding nothing worth taking and no opposition worth fighting they moved onto their next target.

   Two weeks later the Liger Warriors appeared deep within the Federated Suns’ Capellan March raiding the system of Hobson just one jump clear of New Syrtis itself.  In the system their Carrier-class DropShip and its fighters engaged an AFFS fighter squadron escorting three cargo DropShips towards the Jump point.  All six defending aerospace fighters along with two of the Liger’s fighters and two of the DropShips, the third DropShip a Mammoth-class vessel was disabled and boarded by the Ligers.  Aboard they found six brand-new  Dagger OmniFighters and several crates of Light Autocannons all bound for the Wolf’s Dragoons as a parting gift from the AFFS for five long years of service.

   The Ligers not massive fans of the Wolf’s Dragoons seized all six fighters and the Light Autocannons before scuttling the DropShip.  Their Odyssey-class JumpShip left the system only minutes before the FSS New Syrtis, a Fox-class Corvette, arrived in the system.  This blatant act of piracy by a Clan equipped force put the whole AFFS Capellan March on Medium Alert to keep an eye on all incoming traffic.

Mechbay 6, Mercenary Quarter
Old Connaught, Arc-Royal
Arc-Royal Theatre, Lyran Commonwealth
28th November 3078

   On Arc-Royal the Wolf’s Dragoons Wolf Spider Battalion had been able to gain an entire Mech hanger in the Mercenary Quarter outside Arc-Royal; Major Cavell had negotiated with the Kell Hounds for new supplies and been able to buy several new Mechs.  Two Dragoon warriors had even Challenged Clan Wolf (in-Exile) to trials for their Mechs which surprisingly the Clan warriors had accepted without hesitation, MechWarrior Lucien Cusick had failed in his Trial and was now a Wolf (in-Exile) bondsman but MechWarrior Francine, one of the Dragoon children bred through the sibkos of Outreach, had succeeded in claiming a Dire Wolf Assault OmniMech much to the surprise of the Wolf (in-Exile) troops.

   Captain Stacy Church had been tempted to join the other warriors in testing herself against the Clansmen but Major Cavell had told her to keep her time for the Opacus Venatori and that he’d replace her fallen Mech.  What Cavell had not told her was what he’d return with and what Stacy saw did not impress her, it was a brand-new Zeus.  The Zeus was a popular Lyran assault Mech but did nothing to impress Stacy who was used to her Clan OmniMech, her tech came walking over as she surveyed the Mech which was being repainted in Wolf Spider colours.  “Well?”

   â€œIt’s horrible.”  He said

   â€œElaborate, what has Cavell got me into?”

   â€œWell Capt’n you’ve got a heavy LB autocannon in the Left arm good for beating the crap out the enemy two tons of ammo keep you going but they are in the right torso.”  He said meaning the ammo would go all around the Mech to the cannon “I can fix it but it’ll take a week or so.”  He said gesturing to the right arm “there you have a Combine build Heavy Particle Cannon, good punch crap range.”  He said she nodded the cannon had as good a punch as a Clan weapon but the range suffered greatly “in each torso you have a single Extended-Range Medium-class laser for exploiting the holes the others make.”

   â€œWhat else?”  She demanded four weapons on an assault Mech even an Inner Sphere machine was a joke.

   â€œNo weapons you have Light Ferro Fibrous armour protecting a light Engine and something called the Blue Shield Project.”

   â€œNever heard of it”

   â€œIt’s one of the NAIS’s toys that barely got off the drawing board don’t know how the Kell Hounds got one but it basically reduces a PPC’s blast to about half the normal.” Stacy nodded that was nice especially since several Opacus Mechs carried PPC weapons “it gets a bit junked up but I think I know how to keep it clear enough to keep it workable.  The second toy this thing carries is an AES in the Left Arm giving your PPC its very own targeting computer.”  He said Stacy wasn’t completely aware of the Actuator Enhancement System’s properties but she’d look it up sooner rather than later.

   â€œSo what can you do with her for me?”

   â€œWell straight away I can give you the ammo for the LB in the right side along with the CASE bin shouldn’t be difficult maybe take a week depending on how long until you need it in combat.  If we’re lucky I’ll be able to steal a Clan Extended-Range PPC give you some range as well as punch as well as a couple of extra tons.  What I really want is a Clan AC for that LB its eating tonnage and space but not much chance of that here.  The Blue Shield and AES are worth keeping at least for now until you get to try them out.”  He said and without another word walked off.

   â€œThanks a lot Major” Stacy muttered

   â€œDon’t mention it Captain” Cavell said from beside her she hadn’t even noticed him “not the prettiest of Mechs but enough to get you on your feet and started again until we go back to Outreach.”

   â€œYes, sir, I’m guessing not a social call?”

   â€œNegative, orders the Opacus Venatori struck Marik two days ago lifting an entire Battalion of Mechs and levelling an Iran owned factory, we’ve been invited into Clan space.”

   â€œDamn, the Colonel will rise from the ashes if we go back there as will the Widowmaker.”  Stacy said mentioning Jamie Wolf and Natasha Kerensky without by legacy alone the Dragoons had plenty history with the Free Worlds League.

   â€œAye, but we’ll get the job done Stacy” Cavell said wandering off

   â€œInto the Breach of Hell” Stacy said looking at her new Mech, soon be time for that test drive she thought.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #296 on: September 07, 2012, 01:02:57 PM »

Interstellar News Network
Chicago, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
3rd December 3078

   â€œGood Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Caroline Jackson and I’m here to bring you the newest gossip straight from Terra and around the Inner Sphere.”  Caroline said looking at the Tri-Vid camera the Interstellar News Network had been an idea of ComStar’s originally aimed at brining the Inner Sphere news from the Clan front and from around the Inner Sphere keeping everyone informed and safe.  As the years had gone by and the Star League had grown in strength and importance the INN had introduced new channels in several different languages and had even tried to break into the Clan markets by broadcasting on the Clan’s Chatterweb frequencies although the Clans had so far rebuffed official status as users of INN.

   One such channel was Earth Weekly one of Terra’s most popular Celebrity programmes and hosted by Caroline Jackson a native of the windy city itself Chicago.  “Tonight my main story comes from my hometown Chicago, as the Interstellar States which became the Succession Realms were formed many cities on Terra became depopulated and overgrown, in many ways the windy city did the opposite as other cities were empties in the original Exodus from Terra or were gutted by the fighting of the Reunification War Chicago thrived.  Though the Usurper tried to bring its inhabitants to heel the City continued to produce some of the best automobiles, Mechs and Fighters the Inner Sphere has ever seen.  Even following the Star League’s Exodus of the Inner Sphere the city continued to work under the guise of ComStar where nearly seventy-five percent of the inhabitants were employed by the Order in some capacity - a figure higher than almost any other City barring Hilton Head and Geneva.”  She said changing direction to face another Camera “However never did Chicago gain the prominence of other cities on Terra.  Until maybe now, INN has learned that as of the beginning of 3079 Chicago University, one of the oldest and biggest Campuses on Terra will be welcoming a very special man to its student and lecture body.  Doctor David Lear, son of famous Clan War Veteran, Solaris Champion, St Ives Compact Prime Minister and current First Lord Duke Kai Allard-Liao.  Dr Lear a recent graduate of St Ives University will be studying at Chicago as well as partaking in select presentations, the single twenty-eight year old is considered by many to be the premier mind of the current era much like his father was the premier warrior of his own.  I hope all Terrans will join me in welcoming him to our world, and that he enjoys his time within the cradle of humanity.”

Trial Grounds
Ceres Metal Industries Complex
Warlock, St Ives Compact
8th December 3078

   The main factories of the St Ives Compact outside those on the capital St Ives came under heavy aerospace fighter assault and bombing by six crimson painted Dagger OmniFighters followed by a dedicated ground assault force made up of primarily Clan machines.  The defending Second St Ives Lander Regiment moved to engage these forces however they could not stop the attacking unit claiming three newly built Highlander BattleMechs, one Emperor BattleMech and a single stealth armour equipped Marauder BattleMech.

   Although the St Ives Lancers harried the enemy attackers for several kilometres felling two Mechs, gutting three vehicles and crushing several Elemental warriors in the process the pirate force later identified as the Liger Warriors - who had plagued the Federated Suns and Taurian Concordat - escaped the world and eluded capture.

   On a brighter note for the St Ives Lancers and for the St Ives Compact Duchess Cassandra Rubinsky nee Allard-Liao gave birth to twin sons during the fighting which she named Justin and Marko Rubinsky for the babies passed grandfathers.

Lucky Two, Explorer-class JumpShip
Uncharted System, Former Free Worlds League
18th December 3078

   After six months charting the unknown systems around the Rim Commonality in the former Free Worlds League the Lucky Two, named as such as a Lucky One had to exist somewhere, was heading home to its base world of Lesnovo.  When it jumped into another uncharted system and almost immediately its sensor lit up.

   â€œWhat on earth is that?”

   â€œRadio communications, and it appears space stations deeper in the system”

   â€œYou’re joking?”

   â€œNegative, and we have fighters incoming six Vulcan Aerospace Fighters!”

   â€œWhat the hell?  Launch the Less and Nova” he said naming the Explorers’ two Aquarius Escort Ships “And power our own lasers” he said the Explorer had long ago been armed with ten Small Lasers which weren’t much use in combat but gave the crew more than nothing.  The two Aquarius and their crews were the JumpShip’s only real defence against the incoming fighters.  “Are they saying anything?”

   â€œNot to us, maybe each other their encryptions are ancient.”

   â€œWell get onto them, I don’t plan on declaring war on the system that everyone forgot!”  He said his crewmen nodded the captain rechecked the charts, this system wasn’t marked.

   â€œI got them”

   â€œPut them on”

   â€œThis is Captain Puck Salzburg commander of the Second Squadron of the Trinity Moons Defence Navy, you will identify yourself and why you have attacked this sovereign Free Worlds League Nation, or you will be destroyed.”

   â€œWhat the hell?” The Lucky Two’s chief engineer asked from the entrance to the bridge, just what had they fallen into?

   â€œCaptain, this is Captain Les Stuart, commander of the Lucky Two a Rim Commonality, a nation of the former-Free Worlds League.  Please clarify you’re who?”

   â€œWe represent the Trinity Moons, we’ve been out of contact with the Free Worlds League Government for several years but I’m sure they will have a record of our membership in the Succession State of House Marik.”

   â€œCaptain the Free Worlds League has fallen into its individual realms.  The Rim Commonality is one of these states a state of cold war exists between the FWL members with individual states trying to get one better than their neighbours.  I suggest your fighters slow down and power down your weapons, we have a lot to talk about, and I will call off my support craft also?”

   â€œAgreed, we’ll vector away however our sensors will continue to monitor your craft until the Trinity Moons can be contacted.”

   â€œOf course.”  Captain Stuart answered glad he had averted starting a war on his first hour in this strange system.  He looked at the ancient Vulcan fighters and ran a passive scan of the system nearby was a small space station from which they had launched from deeper in the system the Lucky Two’s sensors could pick up other stations, fighters and one or two DropShips travelling between three moons of a massive gas giant.  Over the next three weeks the Lucky Two and her crew would get to know the system and its inhabitants and convince them to open negotiations with the Rim Commonality for membership in a larger group of worlds.  By the end of January 3079 a formal treaty of membership had been signed.

   With these links established the Trinity Moons became far busier with Rim Commonality businesses wanting to see what was in the system and what they could sell to this world.  As part of the agreement with the Trinity Moons government the system would keep its own rule and would limit visitors to a single JumpShip at a time, all incoming vessels would be escorted by the Trinity Moons Navy Fighters and the system’s exact location would be kept secret by the Rim Commonality leaders.  For the Rim Commonality they found a system untouched by the Succession Wars with its own set of rules and technology base where space travel had been based from several space stations built for defence and as monitors, with this potent weapon the system had fought off several raider attacks that had emerged over the years and the Rim Commonality saw an opportunity using modern technology to upgrade the stations the Rim Commonality wanted at least three for all of its systems which brought dozens of jobs to the system and constant trade pleasing the people and the sitting government.  The first Commonality-class System Station is constructed in parts within the Trinity Moons system and assembled within the Lesnovo system in mid 3079.

Knights of St Cameron Base
Odessa, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
21st December 3078

   From their base world of Odessa in the Lyran Commonwealth the Knights of St Cameron Mercenary Regiment’s commander Colonel Mortimer Dewey sends a message to the Lyran High Command informing them they were enacting a emergency escape clause in their contract and expected no further payment.  With this the entire Regiment boarded their DropShips rendezvousing with their JumpShips before exiting the system.

   The LIC conduct a thorough investigation of this disappearance however they are unable to track the Knights as they travel through the Lyran Commonwealth and disappear around the Distant Rim area of the Commonwealth.  Going over the Knights former base on Odessa they discover Colonel Dewey received six deleted HPG messages over the last week, the LIC are unable to recover any of the messages and the Knights disappearance is considered to be a mystery.

Star League Court of High Justice
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
26th December 3078

   In an effort to show the Star League was more than a military entity that controlled worlds and defended Terra the Star League Court of Justice was formed in the rebuilding Unity City.  Opened by Governor of Terra Gavin Dow the Court of Justice would sort out legal cases between the Succession States and between the massive Corporations that spanned the Inner Sphere, and even the Clan states, any case of appeal could be taken to the Star League Court of Justice.  To further show the Court’s impartiality a Terran born defence lawyer and court Judge Jillian Elton was made the first High Commissioner of the High Court.  Because of Terra’s long standing neutrality in Inner Sphere politics it is hoped her position will be respected from natives of all the Inner Sphere’s realms.

And so ends 3078, I hope you enjoyed it.

As always comments and questions are welcome.  I'll try to answer any questions quickly

More soon
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #297 on: September 07, 2012, 10:24:55 PM »


New Hedon, Herotitus
12th January 3079

   In near perfect formation Three Union-class DropShips landed at the Herotitus Spaceport just outside the capital city New Hedon.  From the DropShips came several BattleMechs of unknown designs to the locals.  At the local Customs Office the person on duty watched as a man in his late 30s wearing a simple tan jumpsuit approached, the officer put down his cocktail drink and raised his clipboard “How can I help you sir, would you like to book into New Hedon control?”

   â€œSure, I am Sta… Colonel Trent Higall of the Liger Warriors”

   â€œThe Liger Warriors?  I’ve not heard of you before, first time to Herotitus?”

   â€œAye, we are new” Trent announced “we have been looking to register?  Where is the local mercenary office?”

   â€œThere isn’t one, Colonel; Herotitus is unofficially a mercenary world and only recently even that, most see this as a backwater.  Mercenary commands that want to register have to travel to Outreach or Galatea, half a sphere away, here you can recruit if there’s anyone worth it but there’s no registered trade.  Anything would be off the books, unofficial if you were willing to do it.”

   â€œAh, well perhaps I will take my Mech out for a tour see if I can pick up any new recruits - a mercenary unit can never be without warriors.”

   â€œI’m afraid not commander…”

   â€œIt is Colonel” Trent interrupted.

   â€œWhatever" he said dismissively "Colonel, no military assets are allowed in the city - our roads are nowhere near strong enough to support their weight or size you’ll destroy the city with your Mechs.”

   â€œHow does your defence force get around?”

   â€œWhat defence force?  Other than the three or four other mercenary units on planet there are no defence forces.”

   â€œReally?  What fantastic news” Trent said smiling raising his communicator to his mouth.  “Lost One, to The Fallen, rein fire and hail” he said simply above there were several sonic booms as his fighters dived into the atmosphere, they’d been deployed an hour before landing of his ground troops.  “All ground armour and Elementals with me, Mech forces secure the spaceport.”  He said as a Svantovit Infantry Carrier came up behind him on a cushion of air Trent glanced at the stunned Custom’s officer. “Don’t worry it will soon be over and a new rule will be in place.”  He said smiling again this time a wicked smile as the Svantovit smashed through the exit barrier followed by a second, deeper in the city explosions could be heard as the fighters began bombing runs.  From the direction of the explosions the Customs officer could tell it was the government building and the HPG Tower near the centre of the city.

   Travelling at the head of an ad-hoc star of armour made up of units from both his second and third stars Trent Higall watched as the local traffic tried in vein to get out of the way of the speeding well armoured Hovercraft leading his forces.  In the back were five Elemental in full Battle Armour warriors ready for deployment and combat.  Pulling up to the burning government buildings in the centre of the city Trent sent his Elementals into the building on an eradication mission killing anyone who put up any resistance as he and the vehicles secured a perimeter as per orders The Fallen moved on from New Hedon picking targets around the planet the Ligers had identified from orbit as potential problems and destroying them.

   Within the hour resistance within the capital and the Spaceport had been quelled with four DropShips all carrying BattleMechs and Armoured vehicles seized without a shot fired.  The Liger Warriors had found resistance on most of the DropShips as the crews and passengers tried to defend their possessions.  The Ligers had little choice but to eliminate them meaning they had newly captured Mechs and vehicles but no-one to use them.

   At a hastily built podium in front of the destroyed Government buildings Star Colonel Trent Higall stepped in front of a nation wide camera broadcast.  “People of New Hedon and Herotitus, I am Star Colonel Trent Higall the commander of the Liger Warriors and new ruler of this city and soon to be this world.  All military units still active are ordered to stand down immediately; if they do they will not be harmed however any resistance will be dealt with lethal force.  We are former Clan warriors; we have no interest in running your world, I will be happy to allow normal operations to continue within New Hedon while under Liger control however any disruptions or trouble caused while we are in charge will not be tolerated.  Already Liger forces are en-route to Myrmos, from there our might will extend, this is a planet wide challenge if you want to try and stop us - we are here and we are staying.”  He said laying down an ultimatum to everyone on the planet before stepping down.  Myrmos a small suburb outside New Hedon frequented by mercenaries put up little resistance and fell to Liger forces within the hour, once the military hardware had been claimed as salvage the Ligers returned to the spaceport keeping to Higall’s promise not to interfere with day to day events.  Within the next three days the rest of New Hedon’s small cities fell to Liger forces each time the military technology was removed, government buildings bombed out and the cities left to their normal operations.  The local population of Herotitus was inconvenienced for less than a week and barely noticed the leadership change; several embraced it as the previous President Allison Carver was a fundamentalist Catholic intent on changing everything that made Herotitus great.  With the Ligers in charge things seemed like they would remain the same.
Royal Mile
Samantha, Taurus
Taurian Concordat
18th January 3079

   People ringed the street as the Protector’s Guardians marched down the Royal Mile towards the Calderon Palace in the heart of Samantha.  At the head of this was newly promoted Brigadier Erik Martens-Calderon, now a decorated battle hero, who had ordered the unit to return to Taurus.

   â€œEnd of the Line? Baron” Janice Calderon asked looking at the leader of the Concordat Baron Cham Kithrong.

   â€œPerhaps, I have always said I am but Erik’s regent, it has always been his choice when to take power.”

   â€œAnd that’s it; you’ll abandon post and power?”  She asked Janice was still weak from her recent recovery from Brisbane Syndrome but Cham could tell she was still looking out for the Protector and for the Concordat.

   â€œI am not Grover Sharplen, if Erik wants the job it is his post and power together.  I will offer my presence, and advice, as a Marshal of the Taurian people and as a Baron of the realm but if he does not want me, I will happily return home.  Samantha has not the place in my heart as other places.”

   â€œCham, you are an honourable man, don’t think your place is over here.  Erik is still young he will need a guiding hand.  Some would take advantage, and some of his experiences will cloud his judgement.”  She said as Erik reached the steps near where Cham and Janice had been talking.

   â€œMaybe” Cham said stepping away from the elder Calderon towards Erik “Welcome back to Taurus Brigadier.”

   â€œThank you, sir.” Erik said saluting which Cham instantly returned.  Cham could not notice the difference in Erik he was older and more than just years he was stable and world aware.  “May I?”  He asked indicating to a nearby podium.

   â€œOf course, your position is here it always has been, I am but your Regent.”

   â€œBaron, you are far more than just a Regent.”  Erik said quietly stepping away taking the podium with both hands.  “People of Samantha and of the Taurian Concordat, it has been many years since I have had a chance to speak to you directly, though Baron Kithrong has kept me in touch with the events of our nation.  I have decided that it is time that I stop indulging myself in being a hero on the battlefield and help mould our nation for the future.  We have several threats all around us the Federated Suns remains our biggest however the Fronc Reaches, the Colony Region we helped form, has begun to gain more power and is increasing in its armaments and the Magistracy of Canopus continues to grow stronger with the Capellan Confederation.

   â€œThese threats are perhaps nothing compared to that posed by Clan Nova Cat which resides in the former Tortuga Dominions.  They have benefactors in the Federated Suns which protects them from the rest of the Inner Sphere and already they have penetrated the Filtvelt Coalition and the Fronc Reaches, they are perhaps the greatest threat our nation has ever faced.  As a result today I will be taking our nation in a direction that will bring us protection from all threats.  With the leaders of the Concordat behind me and a great future ahead of us all together we cannot fail.  Today I want the whole Taurian Concordat to know that there is a Calderon back on Taurus and one who is ready to take charge.  I thank you.”  He said turning for a few moments there was a stunned silence then someone from the crowd screamed.

   â€œThree cheers for the Protector Hip-Hip!  Hoorah!”  Throughout the central square of Samantha the cheers rang out lifting everyone’s spirits including Erik’s.  It was good to be home.

Closed Briefing
Sandhurst, United Kingdom
Terra, Star League Protectorate
21st January 3079

   At the Sandhurst Military Academy in southern England that served as the Star League Defence Forces primary deployment base on Terra Major General Caradoc Trevena held one of the highest level briefings of his life.  One that could define his entire position as the Star League’s Head of Staff and the safety of Terra, it was also a decision that he alone had to make with the Commanding-General busy countering the Snow Ravens and as involving the First Lord would be more trouble than it was worth.

   Bringing together some of the biggest minds on Terra and in the SLDF he laid out the reason for this meeting. Clan Sea Fox had approached the Star League and requested that their Clan be allowed to take control of the Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser Vision of Truth which drifted in a dead area of the Terran system after being badly damaged during the ComStar/Word of Blake conflict.  Because the Star League did not require a vessel of such size and capabilities it had been allowed to drift after the remains of the crew had been removed.

   The Clan already possessed several Potemkin-class vessels which they were converting to use as massive moving city ships that traveled the Inner Sphere’s space lanes making trade and picking fights.  After a heated discussion, which included opposition against all contact with the Clans, it was agreed that giving the Sea Foxes possession of a derelict vessel for generous trade and good relations in return was a good deal and benefited both sides.  Although strong security measures would taken and restrictions be put on the Sea Fox Clan’s movements within the Sol System they would be given possession of the vessel.

Primary Space Port
Hope, Nova Cat’s Den
26th January 3079

   Though the nights sky a single Mule-class merchant DropShip dropped towards the planetary spaceport that served the capital of Hope.  The DropShip was returning from a mission to the Filtvelt Coalition and promised to bring plenty of materials and goods into the markets of Hope keeping the Colony in touch with the rest of the Nova Cat’s Den and the periphery.  Under Nova Cat rule the world had moved forward well from the world the Brotherhood of Randis had defended and was now a bustling metropolis all alone in the darkness of space.  From her window on the DropShip Amy Frews looked out at the city and quietly wondered to herself if the nation could survive again on its own after what the Nova Cats had done to the world, at the same time however she knew what her grandfather would have wanted her to do, even if she had never known him well.

   As the DropShip came to a landing Amy brought herself up to a stand and moved into the main cargo bay, she’d been able to convince the DropShip’s commander she was a good dock worker from Filtvelt who wanted a better life.  He’d agreed as long as she pulled her weight which she planned to do immediately for one of the DropShip’s four Powerman LoaderMechs, though nothing like as powerful as a BattleMech these powerful machines were easily strong enough to aid in her escape from the spaceport and into the city, the Nova Cats could recover it themselves.

   Powering up the Mech she saw the Master Loader open the main cargo hold moving her Powerman she picked up a pair of large crates the Mech’s lift hoists automatically locking onto them allowing her Mech’s Arms to move freely.  Stepping out onto the planet’s surface Amy paused briefly, it was her first time on the planet her grandfather called home, Randis was far different from the stories she’d heard.  She smiled thinking of her grandfather then moved over the ground dropping the crates near a group of others.  A quick look at the customs gate showed only minimal forces there.

   Taking a chance she accelerated the Powerman towards the gates the five troopers there raised their gauss sub-machine guns and other hand weapons and began firing at her Mech but although their small arms fire could do damage to the commercial armour that protected her Mech they were never going to stop the thirty-five ton Mech charging the gates and running down the streets.  She smiled more broadly when the ground stood up to her Mech’s thirty-five kilometre per hour charge down the street, whoever had laid the roads had done a good job protecting the underlying infrastructure under heavy ferro-crete tarmac.

   Amy could not become complacent however, by now the word would be out to the Nova Cats that her Mech was to be considered hostile and she had nothing to defend herself in a fire fight, she dreaded to think what a BattleMech class weapon would do to the Powerman.  Turning down another street she could see a Nova Cat Mech ahead looking in a different direction, turning again the immediately turning down a third street always changing direction she slammed the Powerman through a commercial warehouse smashing her Mech’s windscreen as it toppled over the broken wall and onto the warehouses contents.  Luckily for her there was nothing explosive inside but she didn’t wait to see if she’d been noticed climbing out of the Mech she headed back onto the street and headed for the biggest group of people she could see.

   As she reached some traffic lights she stopped breathing a sight of relief as a Nova Cat military vehicle moved past at high speed ignoring the red light and ignoring Amy.  “Welcome to Randis” came an instantly recognizable voice behind her, turning she saw Grand Knight Lucas Beckett the man who had replaced her grandfather as leader of the Brotherhood, now dressed in the full regalia of a Nova Cat Star Colonel and carrying what appeared to be a Gauss Sub-Machine Gun.  Her game was up.

   â€œI’m sorry, do we know each other? Star Colonel I am a simple merchant.”

   â€œOf course you are Sister Frews; ensure that it remains that way.  I will overlook your little LoaderMech incident, as a desperate attempt to ensure you made it to the home of the Brotherhood.  But if you cause trouble I will find and destroy you.  Randis had prospered under the Nova Cat’s rule, we would do well to keep in their good graces.”

   â€œWhat if the people want better than they have?”

   â€œThen it is there choice, not yours, just remember everything is peaceful, everyone is alive, there is no oppression and that is before you arrived.”  He said without another word he walked away leaving Amy slightly stunned she’d expected him to be her biggest rival on this planet yet he was ready to allow her free rein as long as she behaved - if only he knew her better.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #298 on: September 08, 2012, 12:52:36 AM »

Clan Shipyards
Lum, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
2nd February 3079

   With assistance from Clan Snow Raven engineers from Clan Coyote launch two newly built York-class Carrier WarShips into their fleet from the Lum Fleet Shipyards in the Kerensky Cluster.  These ships named the Temple Hill and David’s Point, which had been under construction for the better part of two years, do little to make up for the recent loss of the Great Coyote Spirit but they do bolster the Coyote’s Naval strength and provide much needed fighter transport. 

Nadir point
New Earth, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
4th February 3079

   After being dropped off by an unmarked Invader-class JumpShip two Union-class DropShips and a single Leopard-class vessel reached orbit over the planet of New Earth.  As none were squawking with identification records a fighter patrol from the Twenty-second Isle of Skye Guards challenged them three vessels.

   As these fighters approached they were met by the Leopard which identified itself as hostile by engaging them with an arrangement of LRMs and heavy Particle Projection Cannons destroying all six fighters in this surprise attack.  The three DropShips then launched a total of six aerospace fighters between them providing their own air patrol.  The two Unions then orientated themselves towards the planet and without further warning began firing capital missile fire down onto the planet concentrating on the Isle of Skye Guards main base and the New Earth Trading Company.

   From the other side of the planet a reinforced wing of aerospace fighters and three DropShips launched and intercepted the three DropShips - one Union was destroyed nearly immediately however the second was able to fire a single Killer Whale Capital Missile at the Mopelia Island which supported nearly forty thousand people.  The missile, an air burst weapon exploded over the island showering it with a Chemical Agent which had a large percentage of the population sick or dying within six hours.  The remaining two DropShips and fighters were finally overcome by the Isle of Skye Guard fighters however at heavy cost effectively destroying air wing while the regiment had been decimated on the ground.  None of the attacking DropShips or fighters were identified by the defenders - the planetary government on New Earth sent a distress call to anyone nearby capable of helping the massive amount of casualties on New Earth.

Mopelia Island New Earth
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
18th February 3079

   Answering New Earth’s call for help DropShips bearing markings of the Star League’s 79th Special Operations Battalion, also known as the Devil’s Advocates, entered the atmosphere deploying Aerospace Fighters as they descended towards the planet’s surface.  Not knowing the scale of the damage on the ground Major Charlene Cypher ordered her company of BattleMechs to disembark first, with a lance of the Jump Capable Mechs making a Hot Drop onto the spaceport while the DropShips were still landing.

   On the ground this lance of Mechs immediately picked up what Charlene Cypher had worried about, the spaceport was in compete chaos.  Vehicles and Mechs belonging to the Isle of Skye Guards laid burning within and around the spaceport as did dozens of civilians.  It was clear that the city’s population was in panic and they were lashing out at the local military forces.  In case of airborne cotangents Cypher ordered her troops to keep buttoned up in their Mechs and Vehicles and for all medics to wear full environmental suits when outside as the remains of the Battalion began to land and disembark.

   Moving from their DropShips The Devil’s Advocates secured a perimeter around the Spaceport while Major Cypher led an advanced group to the cities HPG and government buildings.  The government buildings were ablaze riot police and civilian bodies littered the ground as it became obvious of the panic that had spread through the city in the last fourteen days.  Knowing her battalion alone, reinforced as it was would never be able to keep the Island quarantined and the rest of the planet stable Cypher sent a message to Terra requested that the whole First Special Operations Group and Naval assets be deployed to New Earth.  Then she pulled her forces back to the spaceport and ordered the Devil’s Advocates to lock down the spaceport while the rest of the Battalion using their many Expandable Service Vehicles and Oppie Hazmat Vehicles to set up a medical area at the spaceport allowing the process of helping the planet’s victims to begin.

   A few days later the other Battalions of the First Special Operations Group and the SLS Helm, the SLDF’s Venturer-class Light Cruiser, arrived in the system.  The other battalions would assist the Devil’s Advocates while the Venturer acted as a ‘High Ground’ for the ground troops and stopped any further forces entering the Island’s airspace without SLDF approval.

Thorin General Hospital
Ecol City, Thorin
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
20th February 3079

   â€œPush now, I can see the head!” from outside the medical ward Commanding-General Archer Christifori could hear what was going on but could not see, Katya had told him she didn’t want him interfering as she gave birth to their first child.  “Come on one last push”

   â€œI’ll give you one last push doctor straight trough that damned wall!”  Katya screamed but moments later Archer could hear a small cry then the large howl of a child in the room a new baby being born.  “Archer, get in here!” Katya screamed the Star League’s Commanding General did not need to be told twice darting into the room.

   Laying on the bed Katya was cradling their newly born baby in her arms Archer paused for a moment to take in the sight.  “I’d like you to meet your father” Katya was whispering softly.  Archer crossed the gap between them and could see the face of his child “Archer, I’d like you to meet Morgan Victor Christifori, your son” she said looking at him, they’d chosen the name weeks before when the first tests had shown it was a boy naming him for the former leader of the Star League Defence Force Morgan Hasek-Davion a fitting tribute to the first leader of the reborn League.  Archer kissed her forehead looking at the child smiling lost for words.

Burn in System, SLS Helm (Venturer-class Light Cruiser)
New Earth, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
25th February 3079

   â€œCaptain, we have jump signatures at the Nadir Point, several ships just jumped in system.”

   â€œAre they flying IFF signals?”

   â€œAye, sir I ready two Lyran Commonwealth Fox-class Corvettes, the LCS Katrina Steiner and the LCS Ian McQuiston.  They are escorting three Invaders which are launching DropShips.”

   â€œSend them a standard welcome see what we get in return.” the ship’s commander said the communications officer nodded.  A few minutes passed and the communications officer reported in.

   â€œSir, they have received our communiqué and replied.  Sir I quote, ‘New Earth is under our protection, we will be taking over all operations on planet.’ the two Corvettes and DropShips are increasing speed, still two days out.”

   â€œUnderstood, send them a follow up message ‘SLDF aid workers and security troops are on Mopelia Island.  We are willing and most grateful for Lyran Commonwealth support in aid operations however replacing SLDF servicemen with Lyrans would do more damage than good. We suggest you land at the capital and assist the remains of the local government in controlling the rest of the population.”  The communications officer sent the message and they waited a few moments for a reply “Tactical, I want full scans of the incoming forces and any defensive measures we need to take.  Have all our actions copied to the ground troops.”

   â€œSir, return communication from the LCS Katrina Steiner Rear Admiral Alex Horner in command.  ‘SLDF vessel Helm, the is a Lyran world we will go where we are needed and where we want.  Any actions against our forces will be considered an aggressive act against the Lyran Commonwealth by an occupying SLDF force.’ End communication sir.”

   â€œCopy to the ground to be sent back to Terra and to Thorin for the Commanding-General’s attention.  ‘LCS Katrina Steiner, we are here to safeguard as many lives on Mopelia Island as possible.  This is a humanitarian mission however the SLS Helm is fully combat capable.  Your forces will not be cleared for landings on New Earth’s Mopelia Island, an alternate landing near the capital has been designated.  If you attempt to land on Mopelia Island I am authorising the use of the SLS Helm’s weapons to stop your landings.  Signed Captain Luther Still.  Send that to the Social Admiral.  Tactical analysis of their ships and support craft, find me ways to engage them if we need to.”

   Several hours passed before the Lyrans replied to the Helm’s ultimatum replying that they would land near the capital and help bring order and set up secondary hospitals with the two WarShips brining medical supplies not weapons of War.  The SLS Helm settled into an orbit around Mopelia Island monitoring the Lyran’s incoming forces.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #299 on: September 08, 2012, 08:55:58 AM »

Lyrans can be trusted only so far. Always keep a gauss rifle ready
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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