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Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 170255 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #390 on: December 11, 2012, 04:14:19 PM »

Martial Olympiad
Defiance, Crucis March
Federated Suns
3rd November 3085

   With the Starliner One, passenger cruise ship, arriving two days before the final events the Draconis Combine led by the enigmatic Warrior A go on to win the Martial Olympiad.  The MechWarrior, who refuses to appear in public without a specialist set of armour similar to that of the Bounty Hunter, pilots an Atlas II Assault Mech.  As the Draconis Combine does not manufacture this type of Mech many wonder if the pilot is a specialist hired in by the DCMS so the Draconis Combine could push for the victory.  Lyran Intelligence investigates all foreign sales of Atlas II BattleMechs from Hesperus II in an effort to track down the warrior not only because of the Martial Olympiad loss but to ensure they knew who this rogue assault Mech belonged to.  After coming up blank they then check all combat losses of Atlas II’s and find only one that fits the bill.  In 3080 the Seventeenth Isle of Skye Guards Regiment had been forced to retreat from Ko by Draconis Combine forces.  Their commander a Colonel Alex Hutchings had surrendered to the Combine to ensure his regiment was allowed to leave unmolested, he also piloted an Atlas II.  To the LIC it appears that the Draconis Combine has attempted a “Fredrick Steiner” with the Colonel turning the warrior once loyal to the Lyran nation into a weapon for someone else just like what ComStar did when Fredrick Steiner joined them after being a prisoner of the Draconis Combine.

   In space the Rasalhague Dominion’s bad luck ship the Silverdale, a Conqueror-class Battle-cruiser, dominates the competition supported by a group of Aesir and Vanir type Assault DropShips.  This is the debut of both types of DropShips and they impress many who look at them making the Inner Sphere even more wary of the Ghost Bear Military of the Rasalhague Dominion.  Passengers aboard Starliner One receive the best seats in the house as they are able to watch a magnificent light show put on by the competing WarShips.
Tenth Whitting Conference
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
6th November 3085

   Today was the beginning of a momentous occasion for the reformed Star League and for the SLDF the end of the Ninth First Lord’s term and the beginning of the Tenth, at the end of which would usher in 30 years of the reborn League.  Victor Steiner-Davion was leaving the office for the second time but already the day had been mired by claims of War Crimes being brought against the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry by Protector Erik Martens-Calderon.  Based on information which dated back as far as the Star League Civil War, but with nothing other than witness accounts that had “survived” since the times of the crimes before the Second’s miss-jump the claims are thrown out with the Taurian leader virtually laughed out of the Council.

   Unfortunately the day had gone from bad to worse.  As the vote had begun it was clear that the Capellan Confederation would be victorious despite the efforts of the Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth and St Ives Compact efforts.  All three former Free Worlds League Realms, the Draconis Combine and the Taurian Concordat all voted for the Capellan Confederation and Naomi Centrella was sworn in as the new First Lord.

   Almost immediately she calls for a no confidence vote on Commanding-General Archer Christifori due to actions made against the Capellan Confederation and its allies when Christifori has been in charge.  Unfortunately unlike the support with votes that made her First Lord the former Free Worlds League states support Christifori’s position as First Lord as does the Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth, St Ives Compact and Draconis Combine completely vetoing the First Lord’s order.

Tenth Whitting Conference, Unity City
North America, Terra
Star League Protectorate
9th November 3085

   The Office of the First Lord was a new Officer within the Whitting Conference Centre and Commanding-General Archer Christifori felt like a school child being called to the principal’s office.  The new First Lord had ordered him to attend her office after her embaracing defeat in the High Council “Commanding-General please come in” Naomi said as Archer entered.

   â€œSir” Archer said formally standing at attention "he would carry out any lawful order but to hell with her if she thought he'd consider her to be anything like his liege lord.  Naomi rose from her chair she wore a figure hugging black dress which set off her dark skin and dark hair.  A single pair of diamond earrings sparkled as she moved around the table leaning on the edge of the table leaning forward towards Archer intentionally showing more of her body to the Commanding-General.

   â€œGeneral, I do not trust you” she started “you have master-minded missions against my people and as a former officer of the Federated Commonwealth I am sure you are more loyal to the First Lord that has left this officer than the current one.”  She said smiling as she spoke Archer could smell Naomi’s perfume it smelled as poisonous as her attitude towards him.

   â€œI am loyal to the office of the First Lord, not the person.”

   â€œGood, I need you to do something for the First Lord.”  Naomi said smiling again “I need you, and the Head of Intelligence, to investigate House Davion’s extended contact with the Clans and ensure they have not compromised the Inner Sphere by this contact.”

   â€œAs I understand it House Davion’s contact has been limited to some technology exchanges.”

   â€œYou will investigate further” Naomi ordered.

   â€œYes sir” Archer said accepting the order from the office.
Northwind Command
Northwind, Star League Protectorate
15th November 3085

   In their continued rotation of their regiments the Northwind Mercenary Command deploys the Stirling’s Fusiliers Regiment to the Clan Jade Falcon border.  While the Second Kearny Highlanders agree a contract with the Oriente Protectorate this Colonel James Cochranes last command before his retirement at age eighty-three.  They begin their contract by landing in force on the world of Wasat taking the world in the name of the Protectorate without a fight.

Steel Viper Assaults
Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
22nd November 3085

   In a week of rage Clan Steel Viper sets the Homeworlds on fire with a series of deadly attacks on the Clans that have invaded the Inner Sphere.  Starting on Tiber Clan Steel Viper assault Clan Wolf’s holdings there with the entire Rho Galaxy, four heavily under strength Clusters, defending are the Fourth and Sixth Wolf Regulars of the Wolf Tau Galaxy.  The Wolves make the Vipers pay for every square metre of Tiber’s territory eventually falling back completely from the war but completely destroying the Steel Viper Galaxy in the process.  The Steel Vipers hold the territory but the entire Rho Galaxy is stood down, the Wolves stand down the Sixth Wolf Regulars Cluster.

   Three Days after the assaults against the Wolves the Steel Vipers turn their attention onto the Snow Ravens based at Brim.  In total six ground Clusters and five WarShips enter the system immediately launching an assault on the three Snow Raven WarShips at the Jump Points and sending troops to the planet.  In a near three hour battle the Snow Raven vessels Vision of Terra and Cold Hunter, both Lola III-class Destroyers, and the Rook, a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser are “sunk” by Clan Steel Viper vessels.  The Rook had been carrying materials and infrastructure from the Snow Raven facilities on Brim.  Against them the Snow Ravens destroy the Ophidian, a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, and the Snake Leader, a Congress-class Frigate, two heavy losses for the Steel Viper Clan but it is clear the Steel Vipers control the field.  On Brim the Steel Vipers find all Snow Raven facilities near abandoned and stripped of useful material.

   Completing their week of strikes against the other Clans the Steel Vipers strike down the Jade Falcons on Hoard in a rapid series of attacks made by the Steel Vipers Beta Galaxy they wipe out the Seventh and Twelfth Falcon Regular Clusters of Rho Galaxy.  These troops have been all but abandoned on the world with vehicles and Inner Sphere Mechs making up the Clan Jade Falcon garrison forces.

My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #391 on: December 14, 2012, 12:12:19 PM »

Occupation Zones
Jade Falcon, Wolf, Hell’s Horse Territory
Inner Sphere
1st December 3085

       The trouble in the Homeworlds began by the Steel Vipers seems to travel the distance between the Homeworlds and the Occupation Zones.  Fires of trouble ignite when Clan Hell’s Horse assault the Jade Falcon worlds of Leskovik and Zoetermeer in brutal Trials that resort in the destruction of the Jade Falcon’s Eleventh Provisional Garrison Cluster and elements of the Pryde Eyrie Cluster both of Kappa Galaxy.

         Sensing an easy victory Clan Wolf then strikes at both the worlds of Dell and Severn eliminating the remains of the Pryde Eyrie Cluster on Dell and driving off elements of the 126th Striker Cluster on Severn securing both worlds.
Roche, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
14th December 3085

   As other Clans battle out their differences on the battlefield Clan Goliath Scorpion has other problems brought on by their own inquisitiveness.  The return home of Chi Galaxy was heralded as a momentous event in the development of the Clan.  The Galaxy which had been deployed with the Eridani Light Horse to study that unit’s development from the Star League-era and then continued its study by travelling through the Federated Suns to study the Kentares Massacre Monument and to meet with Star League Defence Force personnel from the time of the original Star League including a member of the Cameron family had finally completed its journey and come full circle.

   Unfortunately the Galaxy had also brought revelations that the Goliath Scorpion Leadership and people had never expected.  During the units time with the Eridani Light Horse they had learned of the unit’s past, its troubles and its triumphs and seen how different the unit was from what the Scorpions believed was a true Star League unit.  They had then learned of the troubles of the Inner Sphere, the Clans had always known of the massive deaths brought on during the Succession Wars and seen the lists of dead worlds but to see the results of the Massacre on Kentares first hand had changed many of the warriors of Chi Galaxy.  For them to see the faces of the people of that world who still hated the Kurtia family for the orders that nearly wiped their world from history had moved many of them.  While the meeting of Bannister Cameron had completely thrown their beliefs to question, a member of the ruling family of the original Star League had been cast out by his own people because his beliefs differed slightly from the rulers of House Cameron.  He had been exiled seen as a threat; there was no honour in his exile, no glory to be won and no chance of a warrior’s death.  For the family that had founded the Star League to treat on of their own in such a way was inconceivable for the Clansmen.  As was Bannister’s continued belief in the rebuilt Star League Defence Force, when asked if he had the choice would he have left to join the Clans when his unit had arrived in the modern age Bannister’s response was one of anger and disgust.  He openly hated what Nicholas Kerensky had done to the remains of the Star League when his father’s forces had fallen into Civil War.  To hear a member of the Cameron family talk down the Founder’s actions and the results of these actions had rocked the members of Chi Galaxy to their cores.

   Now the return of Chi Galaxy and their findings worried the Leaders of the Goliath Scorpions there was no way to “put a lid” on Chi Galaxy’s findings as soon as the unit had returned home its findings were for all to see.  A Trial of Annihilation would stop the members of the unit spreading their experiences further but the unit had done what the Khans had ordered.  Removing the Khans for their actions did not eliminate the results.  With no direction the Goliath Scorpions ordered all their forces into the defence of their enclaves as they tried to access their entire belief system.

Allard Residence
Arc Royal, Arc Royal Theatre
Lyran Commonwealth
20th December 3085

   The Allard Residence was dressed up like a massive Christmas tree as everyone prepared for the big day.  It was cold but not snowy outside Daniel Allard was well wrapped up as his wife Megan Kell continued to experiment for Xmas dinner.  His eldest child Mark was back from Tharkad home for the festive season while his other two children Patrick and Katrina were on assignment within the LCAF.  That wasn’t to say the family home was quiet, it wasn’t, Dan had been commander of the Kell Hounds Mercenary Command for several years and there was a near endless stream of well wishers at the door.

   The door knocked again for nearly the one hundredth time that day Dan got out of his seat “I’ll get it” he called at nearly the same time as his wife.  Shaking his head Dan headed for the door anyway reaching it at nearly the same time as Megan, neither said a word as they opened the door together standing there was Lt. Colonel Akira Brahe his dark eyes filled with a mix of anger, sorrow and regret.  “Akira” Dan greeted him neutrally

   â€œColonel” He replied formally still using Dan’s rank despite being retired.  “Sir, there’s been an incident.”  Akira said his voice near breaking


   â€œYour son Patrick” Akira began “I’m sorry to inform you sir; he was killed in the line of duty serving with the Lyran Commonwealth on the Marian border.”  His words hit Dan like a ton of bricks but that wasn’t all that had hit him, the Mercenary Commander hand informed him of his loss not someone from the nation’s Armed Forces.

        “Why you?”

       â€œI heard of the death through the Military pipelines.  Given your continued connection to the Kell Hounds I asked if I could be the one to deliver this news.  Sir, from the bottom of my heart please accept my condolences and those of all the Hounds.”

        Thank you Colonel” Dan said quietly closing the door without further words turning he saw Megan was crying as she was held by Mark.  Crossing the space Dan’s arms enveloped them both sharing their support as well as their grief.  A father should never bury their children he thought quietly the life was a dangerous one that he had lived for so many years but this was something he had never expected to happen.

Nadir Point
Baker 3, Jade Falcon Territory
Occupation Zones
23rd December 3085

   After nearly a month of being on the back foot against strikes from both Clan Hell’s Horses and Clan Wolf all Jade Falcon forces were on high alert against further trouble.  Nothing came until a strike near the end of the year in the Baker 3 system when two Hell’s Horses WarShips entered the system.  “This is Star Commodore Henrik Cobb of the Hell’s Horse Clan commanding the WarShip Red Knight; we claim this system in the name of Clan Hell’s Horses.  Our ground forces are on their way to the planet to claim our possession.  Any interference will be met with deadly force.”  The communication from the Hell’s Horses attack force had been played throughout the system.  However Baker 3 was an important system for the Jade Falcons it was a link that maintained supply lines and the Jade Falcons had prepared for an attack.

   Charging from the Zenith Point the WarShip Night Talon rose to engage the Hell’s Horse vessels immediately Naval Autocannon and Laser fire from the ship lanced out turning four Hell’s Horse DropShips and two JumpShips into atoms eliminating the ground forces.  Two whole Clusters of Hell’s Horse troops dying in an instant.  A panicked reply from the Hell’s Horse commander was heard briefly as the Nightlord II-class Battleship moved into position “Jade Falcon naval commander you will engage in the tenants of Zellbrigen and initiate a Trial of Possession for this world.”  It had been a question that had sounded like a request the Jade Falcon reply was only one syllable.

   â€œNeg” followed by Naval Autocannon, Laser, Particle Cannon and Gauss Rifle fire.  The Lola III-class Destroyer that used to be the Red Knight ceased to be within minutes as the Jade Falcon battleship engaged them with everything they had.  The Hell’s Horse second vessel the Sharon, an Essex-class Destroyer, seeing the demise of its companion vessel and the Jade Falcon’s obvious capabilities quickly hot charged its Jump Drive and escaped the system.  With a vessel such as the Night Talon in the system there was little to no chance of a Hell’s Horses conquest of the system.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #392 on: December 14, 2012, 02:01:43 PM »

Another good update, i'm not sure i'd like to be the Marian Hegemony though.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #393 on: December 24, 2012, 01:05:40 PM »

Another good update, i'm not sure i'd like to be the Marian Hegemony though.

And the people are just realizing that...

I was going to wait until the new year to start 3076, but it's Christmas Eve, the weather's atrocious and I wanted an excuse to post here so here it is the start of 3076.

I hope all the fans of this timeline have a very Merry Christmas


Border skirmish
Reykavis, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
4th January 3086

   In the Reykavis system a simple border raid from the Marian Hegemony turns into a full our border skirmish as Marian Hegemony WarShips, the Hanse and Protector, battle against the Impavido-class Destroyer Jeremy Brett.  The Tamarind WarShip is outgunned and out maneuvered by the periphery vessels and is destroyed however further damage is caused to the Lola III-class Hanse while the newly built Protector is also destroyed in the conflict.

   With their new ships turned to dust in single engagements and the Hanse’s might continuously being downgraded by combat operations it’s clear to many within the Marian Hegemony they cannot hope to stand up to a concentrated Inner Sphere assault.  Unfortunately for the Marian people their leader Caesar Katrina Ward is still holding onto desires from her past and the warriors that traveled with her from the Clans keep her safely in power.

Clan Snow Raven Territory
Lum, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
12th January 3086

   After months of conflict Clan Snow Raven secure what remains of Lum in the Kerensky Cluster after incursions by Clans Steel Viper, Star Adder and Sea Fox.  The fighting had devastated much of the industry on the planet but the shipyards in orbit were mostly intact which was all the Snow Ravens were interested in.  With the shipyards they could produce plenty DropShips and JumpShips to transport the remains of their civilians to the Raven Alliance space in the Periphery.

Nadir Point
Baltazar III, Timbuktu Theatre
Bolan Province, Lyran Commonwealth
20th January 3086

   The shuttle from the planet joined the DropShip at the Nadir point “Welcome aboard Leiutenant, we should have you on Arc Royal in a few weeks assuming we get lucky with a couple of Jump point transfers.” the Captain greeted her at the airlock.

   â€œThank you Captain” she said quietly “the timescale isn’t important only the journey.”

   â€œI understand, I’m sorry for you and your family’s loss” he said quietly “we have your brother in guest quarters.”  The Captain said “would you like me to escort you there?” He offered

   â€œThat would be nice, thank you.”  She said quietly as they moved along the corridors, the zero-gravity made the travel slightly more difficult but it wasn’t new to her.

   â€œYou can have all the time you need Leutenant.”  The Captain said as they reached the room.

   â€œThank you, sir” she said entering the room.  The room was no different than any other guest quarters except for the coffin resting in the middle of the room strapped to a weighted trolley.  It was made of wood with a Lyran Commonwealth flag draped over the top section and a Kell Hounds symbol over the lower half.  “Together again Patrick” she said quietly moving over to a chair on the far side of the room staring at the box her brother was now contained in.  Katrina Allard felt it was her duty to escort her brother home to Arc Royal, she’d been granted compassionate leave by Colonel Butcher for the journey.

Circle of Equals
Sudeten, Jade Falcon Territory
Occupation Zone
22nd January 3086

   â€œHere lies Khan Marthe Pryde her time has come; now we must move forward.  I claim the position of Khan of Clan Jade Falcon.  Are there any challengers?”  Diana Pryde said looking around it was time to breath new life into the leadership of their Clan.  Diana had been saKhan since the death of Samantha Clees she was also a freeborn but she was sure she would have the support for the position; she had won her father’s bloodname that alone carried much support within the Jade Falcons.  No-one spoke up “I proclaim Uvin Buhallin hero of Operation Revival and commander of the First Strikers Cluster as our new saKhan.”  She said looking at the Star Colonel from her own Gamma Galaxy, well connected and respected within the Clan he was approaching sixty-three years old but didn’t look a day over forty.  “Are there any challengers?”  She asked looking around the circle of warriors, they had seen her kill the Khan none were willing to challenge her.  “Excellent, now clean up this mess.”  She ordered glancing at the dead Khan before marching from the room Uvin Buhallin following in her wake.

Hope you've enjoyed more in the new year
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #394 on: December 30, 2012, 10:38:13 AM »

Now something for the New Year!

Contract Negotiations
Ionus Shipyards, Ionus
Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
3rd February 3086

   The Star League enters negotiations with Ionus Shipyards within the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth for access to their Britannic-class Heavy Transport, a WarShip with more space dedicated to cargo than to weaponry.  As the Star League expands it is becoming clear to many within the higher levels that more HPG sites and Recharge Stations are required to meet the demand required.  The Britannic is seen as a perfect vessel to fill this gap in Star League transport needs and a way for the Star League to further solidify links to the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  By mid 3086 the Star League are granted permission to buy several vessels in the future as production catches up with demand.

Near Orbit
Galatea, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
8th February 3086

   With Outreach still closed as a mercenary world with only select commands allowed to land on that worlds Galatea was becoming the Mercenary’s Star once more.  However years of neglect in Outreach’s shadow had left the facilities on the world wanting.  In an effort to find a way to attract further interest in the world and help the commands that come to visit Duke David Nowakowski begins to investigate the possibility of building a Space Station in the system.

Interstellar News Network
New York, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
10th February 3086

   â€œLadies and Gentlemen welcome to a special edition of INN.  Today the Draconis March of the Federated Suns and many worlds within the Draconis Combine are ablaze with the fires of anger.  For once this is not related to one Succession Lord attacking the other and the ensuing counter attacks instead it has been brought by the revelation of one person’s origin” the broadcaster said quietly as a picture of Ambassador Kitsune Kurita was shown “this is Ambassador Kitsune Kurita, until a few months ago he was seen as a viable other option to Duke Minoru Kurita or Coordinator Vincent Kurita with many nobles within the Draconis Combine supporting him.  He informed everyone he was not interested in leadership instead he pursued the diplomatic approach to help his nation.  Surprisingly he became the first Kurita in many years to travel to New Avalon visiting in private with First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion” the broadcaster paused as a picture of the Federated Suns leader was shown beside Kitsune.

   â€œIt is now clear that this visit was of a more personal nature than a professional one.  It appears that Kitsune Kurita is in fact Victor Steiner-Davion’s illegitimate son born to Duchess Omiko Kurita during the Clan War.  It is a well known fact that Victor and Omiko were involved during the Clan War, a relationship that began on Outreach during the secret meeting with the Wolf’s Dragoons and that continued as Victor helped save Hohiro Kurita and beat back the Clans cumulating in the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar.  It appears that Kitsune’s birth and his parentage were hidden from a select for many years, even his father did not know until the meeting on New Avalon.”
   â€œThe news has caused ripples throughout the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns with much anger directed at Victor Steiner-Davion’s cavalier youth and at Coordinator Theodore Kurita and First Prince Hanse Davion who allowed the relationship to go on.  Kitsune has publicly said that he has no interest in leadership of either realm and is happy to serve the Draconis Combine as Ambassador to the Star League.  However, this has not quelled all voices that have come out against him or his father who still rules the Federated Suns from New Avalon.”

   â€œAt this time we are aware of riots taking place on six worlds in the Federated Suns and an unconfirmed amount within the Draconis Combine.  Duke Tarncred Sandoval has ordered for AFFS troops to support local law enforcement forces on three of the six worlds experiencing riots.”  The broadcaster said as the worlds of Robinson, Kentares and Al Na’ir were highlighted on a map of the Federated Suns.  “With Ambassador Kitsune’s statement it is hoped that the troubles on these worlds and others will end and normality will return.  It is understood that the High Commands of the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine and Star League Defence Force are all taking an interest in the situation.”

Dig Site, Allied Aerospace Company
Southern Region, Pollux
Star League Protectorate
18th February 3086

   Sixty-four days into what was the strangest salvage operation in Skibinski’s Salvage Mercenary Command’s history.  The unit had struggled for the last fifteen years to win a single military action but they had become near experts in repairing the near destructible.  Their commander Edward Skibinski had no military training at all but loved technology; he’d been challenged by Gilmour Miltech of Talitha to salvage a military experiment from the radioactive ruins of Allied Aerospace Company on Pollux.

   They had searched the ruins for nearly a week before finding what appeared to be a launch tunnel that went nearly three hundred metres below the ground.  Skibinski’s Salvage worked through the tunnel finding artifacts from the Star League era the tunnel was wide enough for a BattleMech to walk up to the surface.  Skibinski’s Salvage’s IndustrialMechs had dragged more than three thousand tons of rock to the surface but Edward Skibinski wasn't ready to give up just yet, deep scans of the area had shown a hollowed out area at the end of the tunnel.

   Pushing through the last layer of rock the entire entrance to the cavern opened up to reveal a large cavern with various BattleMech cradles and support facilities recessed into the walls.  Most of the cradles were empty, some had BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters in their bays but these had been crushed over the years by cave ins and collapses.  Only one of the bays had anything that resembled an operational BattleMech standing as tall as most Medium BattleMechs the Mech had a strange almost aerospace fighter shaped cockpit.  Stumpy legs supported a long torso with what appeared to be large enhanced jump jets of some sort on the back.  Over one shoulder it had what looked like a Light Autocannon.  On the other shoulder was a missile launcher of some sort to the untrained eye it looked like a five-tube Long Range Missile weapon.  Finally a laser type weapon appeared on one of the Mech’s arms  Even to the untrained eye Edward Skibinski guessed it was some type of experimental Land Air Mech, Edward Skibinski knew that Allied Aerospace had produced one of the Early LAM designs known as the Shadow Hawk LAM.

   To the trained eye Skibinski’s Salavage had actually found one of the original three Shadow Hawk X1 LAMs the long lost Chassis 002 lost since the fall of the Star League and the destruction of Allied Aerospace.  Gilmour of Talitha reward the mercenary command well for their find while claiming the rights to the Shadow Hawk LAM from the defunct Allied Aerospace Company despite having no real idea how to produce a LAM design.

Medical Facility
New Samarkand, Midway District
Draconis Combine
20th February 3086

   Dressed in the uniform of a DCMS MechWarrior Tami Moto felt like a fraud, what was left of her arm was still heavily bandaged; ot was likely she would never pilot a Mech again.  By the Coordinator’s order she had reported to New Samarkand for treatment.  Arriving at the medical facility she had been taken through various rooms and given various tests.  According to the doctors her arm’s nerve endings were intact and the limb was in very good condition despite the damage done to it already.  They then announced that they would be able to give her a cybernetic enhanced limb in replacement, and with it return her to the battlefield, despite the costs involved they said that with the right treatment she could use the arm as she would her flesh and blood model.  As her treatments began Tami Moto could not help but wonder why she had been singled out for such special treatment.

General Katya Christifori Office
The Fort, SLDF Intelligence, Ecol City
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
26th Febryary 3086

   Deep within The Fort at the centre of Ecol City General Katya Christifori was reading over a particularly troublesome intelligence report.  On the periphery world of Astrokazsy Star League Intelligence Agents investigating claims of further caches of weapons and equipment on the world had witnessed two large BattleMechs fighting pirates on the planet.  These Mechs were of the heavy category with large shoulder plates, particle cannons on each arm and further lasers in the torso.  The description and pictures of these Mechs showed them to be nearly identical to the PRF-1 Prefect BattleMech produced by Irian for the Star League Defence Force.  Why such Mechs would be fighting on a periphery world?  And why Irian had sent an incomplete order to the Star League Defence Force raised serious flags towards Irians motives and their allocation of resources.  Katya decided to send additional SLIC resources to Irian to watch the corporation there.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #395 on: January 01, 2013, 02:32:13 PM »

Former Free Worlds League
Inner Sphere
2nd March 3086

   Following a successful test on the world of Tappachulo the Regulan Fiefs continue their expansion into the independent worlds of the Free Worlds League using blunt force.  Beginning with the worlds of Home and Ibarra both worlds join the Regulan nation without a single shot fired.  On the worlds of Aconcagua and Panjang the Regulans face more resistance, the RFS Clipperton and RFS Gibson arrive in orbit over both worlds, the Regulus-class Frigates with their Mass Drivers a threat that few could ignore.  On Panjang the RFS Gibson uses its Mass Driver to flatten a small inactive mining facility this act of open violence convinces the world’s leadership to join with the Regulan Feifs.

Trials of Possession
Lum, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
11th March 3086

   After securing all of Lum the Snow Ravens had continued to strip the world of everything useful to the Clans as they continued their transition to being the Raven Alliance.  The other Homeworlds Clans angered by the Snow Ravens continued movements to remove resources that they could use.  Jumping into the system the entire Alpha Star of Star Adder WarShips entered the system declaring a Trial of Possession for the shipyards and the system.  The Snow Raven’s three defending WarShips and seven stars of aerospace fighters along with several DropShips declare themselves in defence.

   As the battle continues across the star system the Snow Raven vessels Black Beard, a Fredasa-class Corvette and Ice Storm, a Cameron-class Battle-cruiser, are destroyed while the Star Adder vessels Divine Conquest, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, the Admiral William S. Preston, a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser, and Yodan, a Lola III-class Destroyer.  The remaining Snow Raven vessel James McKenna, a McKenna-class Battleship, holds the field badly damaged but in control.  Snow Raven leaders accelerate their evacuation of the Lum system.

Trials of Possession
Lum, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
13th March 3086

   Barely two days after the Star Adder assault on the Lum Shipyards the Goliath Scorpion vessels Lei Wang, a McKenna-class Battleship, Corona Borealis, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, and the Garlon, a Congress-class Frigate jumped into the system “This is Star Admiral Caroline Shaffer of Clan Goliath Scorpion, Clan Snow Raven has betrayed all the Clans by removing resources from this system that all the Clans need.  We declare a Trial of Possession for this world and all the resources here.”

   â€œThis is Star Commodore Jeremy Sukhanov commander of the James McKenna we and all Snow Ravens in this system refute your claim.”  The sole Snow Raven WarShip returned the challenge as aerospace fighters and DropShips moved in on the Goliath Scorpion force from both Jump points and the James McKenna, still damaged from the Star Addder attack assaulted them with Naval Particle Cannon fire.

   The Snow Ravens intentionally fought a retreating battle using the broadside weapons of the James McKenna to hurt all three Goliath Scorpion vessels as they pulled back deeper and deeper into the star system.  The Lei Wang a match for a fully operational James McKenna continuously tried to charge the James McKenna pulling it into a real duel of naval titans but the more experienced crew of Snow Ravens aboard the James McKenna were able to avoid the Goliath Scorpion vessel constantly causing a little more damage.

   Battling across the system for three days the WarShips fought through the system’s shipyards which claimed the Corona Borealis as an entire star of Carrier type DropShips descended on the Goliath Scorpion vessel overwhelming it at point blank range.  The remaining two Goliath Scorpion vessels began to target the shipyard installations in an attempt to draw out the James McKenna and any remaining Snow Raven defenders.  The lure worked as all remaining Snow Raven aerospace fighters and DropShips rose from the planet joining in the defence, the renewed vigor of the Snow Raven defence caused telling damage on the Lei Wang causing further and further damage to the Goliath Scorpion vessel but the attack also exposed the James McKenna to crippling damage.

   As the Goliath Scorpions put down the last Snow Raven defenders within the shipyards the reason for the delaying tactics became clear.  During the last moments of the battle in the heart of the Lum Shipyards the SLS Argus, a Newgrange-class Yardship that had been integrated into the Lum Shipyards following the foundation of the Clans blasted its way clear of the shipyards using its array of Naval Lasers.  As the Snow Raven controlled vessel accelerated the Goliath Scorpion vessel Garlon tried to close on it only to be met by the BattleMechs of the Fourth Raven Garrison Cluster.  With their Mechs refitted for space operations the forty-five Snow Raven Mechs landed all over the Congress-class Frigate and began firing weapons into the ship at point blank range.  As Goliath Scorpion Aerospace fighters diverted to engage the BattleMechs on Garlon’s hull the SLS Argus broke Lum’s gravity well and after fast charging its jump drive jumped clear of the system.

   Even after the Fourth Raven Garrison Cluster’s Mechs had been destroyed it was clear to the Goliath Scorpions that the Garlon was too badly damaged to be saved and that the Lum Shipyards were crippled possibly beyond repair.  On Lum there was still three Clusters of Snow Raven warriors, the Goliath Scorpions had declared no trials against them but the Snow Ravens had declared “all Snow Ravens” would defend the system.  From orbit over Lum’s capital the Lei Wang turned its broadside of Naval Particle Cannons on the planet and began a bombardment of all Snow Raven military installations.  Although the Goliath Scorpions did try to limit fire to military formations there was massive civilian casualties on the planet as massive cities were turned to ash under the weapons fire.
When the Goliath Scorpion ground forces landed on the world they find a destroyed world with little to answer for, instead of occupying the world they take what is left of value, along with the majority of the population and strip the remains of the shipyards.  The Goliath Scorpion actions effectively turned Lum into a dead world, the first Homeworld to be reduced to such by conflict, the Clan Council calls for all the Khans to convene for a meeting on Strana Mechty to discuss the events that had led to Lum’s loss.

National Elections
Liberty, Star League Protectorate
21st March 3086

   Across the Star League Protectorate worlds the populations of the world vote for who would represent them in the future Star League Council meetings and dealings of the Star League.  Every world within the Star League’s control, including the worlds Kittery, in the Federated Suns, New Olympica in the former Free Worlds League and Valerius, in the Marian Hegemony, are given equal votes.  The Star League represents each world in various ways and each should decide where its leadership would come from and would they wanted to represent them.

        Front runners are current leader Governor of Terra Gavin Dow, retired mercenary Colonel Andrea Stirling of Northwind and Major-General Bannister Cameron of the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division.  After the first day of the election and with the worlds of Valerius, New Earth and Fletcher declared it becomes very clear who would be victorious.  Five days later and with all twenty worlds declaring their individual winner Major General Bannister Cameron is declared victor and leader of the Star League Protectorate.

Meeting of Khans
Tukayyid, Rasalhague Dominion
Clan Occupation Zones
23rd March 3086

   Not since the early days of the Clan Invasion had so many Khans met within the Inner Sphere, on the very world that stalled the invasion Tukayyid now deep within the Rasalhague Dominion.  Leader of the Dominion Bjorn Jorgensson had drawn them together in the wake of news that a Cameron had ascended to a leadership position within the Star League Protectorate but also other matters.

   â€œMy fellow Khans” he began Bjorn was an Elemental by birth although he flew an aerospace fighter into combat his deep voice echoed through the simple meeting room within the purpose build facility.  “Welcome to Tukayyid, it has been many years, I am glad you all honoured the Cease Fire and have traveled from far and wide to be here.”  He said looking around in the room there were seven Khans and saKhans, the leaders of each Clan that had ventured into the Inner Sphere and Periphery.  Some controlled huge swaths of territory carved from the Inner Sphere’s Succession Lords while others controlled periphery realms and individual worlds.  But as far as each was concerned they were all the others equal.  “I called you all here to discuss recent events within the Inner Sphere, Bannister Cameron, a direct descendant of the Cameron Bloodline and a blood relative to the last First Lord has ascended to the leadership of the Star League Protectorate.  This act neither the Great Father or Founder could ever have though possible.  Out actions in the future could be directly against a member of the Cameron Bloodline, I wonder what are your feelings on the matter?”

   â€œNothing changes” Nathan Fedladral Khan of the Wolf Clan said quietly “we came to place Clan order on the Inner Sphere, Cameron is not a Clan Bloodhouse.  This Cameron has openly said he would oppose us in combat in support of the Inner Sphere’s own sham Star League.  The Cameron house failed the Star League; the Kerensky’s saved our people and brought lives to our Clans.  We cannot deny the history of change, a Cameron or not.”

   â€œI agree” Diana Pryde, new Khan of the Jade Falcon Clan said quietly the two strongest Crusader Clans still remaining together despite the changes in leaders.

   â€œAs do I” Khan Canin Rosse of Clan Nova Cat said quietly, the Nova Cats had taken no territory in the Inner Sphere but their dealings with the Federated Suns and its allies were well known at this table.  “We are the Clan, they are the Inner Sphere.  This Cameron is no First Lord, and even if he was able to take that position, he is no leader of mine.  The Nova Cats stand as a Clan of Kerensky, we make our own destiny.”

   â€œA Cameron or not, the Inner Sphere is of little problem to us.”  Khan Lynn McKenna said rapidly, the Snow Raven Khan obviously agitated by other events.  “Recent actions within the Homeworlds have become rash to the point of wasteful, the recent destruction of Lum is proof of the madness that is spreading.  Our people are no longer safe.”

   â€œI agree, my traders have already begun to pull the last Sea Fox assets from the Homeworlds, the Clans there have become resentful of our place in the Inner Sphere.”  Hanna Coston, leader of the Sea Fox Clan said.

   â€œCan I suggest that should the Clans call council that we” James Cobb, Khan of the Hell’s Horses, said raising his hands taking them all in “vote together to block any attempt to call for the abjurnment or annihilation of any Clan present, at least until we remove required assets from the Homeworlds.”

   â€œSuch as a Newgrange Yardship from the Lum Shipyards?”  Diana Pryde asked accusingly knowing what had spurned the Goliath Scorpion anger against the Ravens.  “Tell me Raven how long did it take your people to prepare that ship for independent operations?  And when were you planning on informing us of your possession of the craft.”

   â€œWe have always had access to the ship; you will all be granted access to it once we have moved it to Quatre Belle Shipyards within the Raven Alliance.”  Lynn McKenna promised.

   â€œI will stand by any Clan here that is wrongly accused of actions within the Homeworlds that they did not commit.  But if you cross a line, you will lose my vote.”  Canin Rosse warned, around the table the Wolf Khan and Sea Fox leaders nodded their heads agreeing “it is clear to me that the Homeworlds have moved from the path that we are on, we should make sure that we are not swallowed by their troubles.”  He said wisely around the table the other leaders nodded in agreement.

   â€œSeyla” they all chanted together in agreement.  Should the Homeworlds Clans go to war against them, they would be ready united as one.

Hope you enjoy and hope you had a good New Year
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #396 on: January 02, 2013, 03:03:11 PM »

A short April and May

Rim Association Expansion
Former Free Worlds League
21st April 3086

   Several months since their last move against independent worlds of the former Free Worlds League, and with no reaction from any of the major FWL states, the Rim Association moves again against its independent neighbours in a string of assaults led by the Liger Warriors and mercenary commands hired by the Association they take the worlds of Ghaziabad, Karachi, Mankova, Gallchina and Bismark within a single week capping off the month of April with the annexation of Bayindir and Tellman’s Mistake.

        For most of these worlds is it the first time they have been under the heel of a larger power since the fall of the united Free Worlds League giving the Rim Association occupation forces and mercenaries plenty of work to do on these planets.  Fortunately there is little in the way of resistance that is worth sending additional forces to any of the planets.

Grand Council Meeting
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
30th April 3086

   â€œThis session is called into order.  There are talks of Abjurnment and Annihalation.  These matters have grave consequences for all the Clans, take caution when discussing them.”  Loremaster Dagmar Lahiri said bringing the Grand Council into session.  The room was nearly half empty every single one of the Inner Sphere and Periphery based Clans choosing to attend via HPG Link from the planet Tukayyid.  The homeworlds based Clans had already raised objections over this but over the last thirty years it had become nearly common place for at least one of the Clans not wholy based in the Homeworlfs to attend virtually.  “Khan Andrews of Clan Steel Viper has the floor.”

   â€œThank you Loremaster.  Clans Snow Raven and and Goliath Scorpion have brought a great loss to these Homeworlds.  The Lum Shipyards is a massive loss to our ability to maintain our spaceborne vessels.”

   â€œClan Goliath Scorpion was merely attempting to stop the Snow Ravens from removing this capability.”  The new Goliath Scorpion leader Khan Colin Yeh said quietly

   â€œIndeed, Clan Steel Viper completely supports the actions of Clan Goliath Scorpion, for the Snow Raven’s to have robbed us of resource goes against everything that supports the Clans.”

        “Those yards were Snow Raven property, crewed by Snow Raven men and women.  It should have been to upto the Snow Raven Clan for how they were used.  Instead Clans Steel Viper and Star Adder conspired against the Ravens launching attacks of each other within days.  The Ravens had no option but to retreat how they did.”  Khan Canin Rosse of Clan Nova Cat pointed out from his position on Tukayyid.

        “And what we have salvaged from Lum is still available for Clan use, our Shipyards in the Quatre Belle system will soon be fully operational capable of servicing vessels of many Clans.”  Lynn McKenna said from her position near Canin Rosse.

        “Half a galaxy away!” Khan Garet Sainze of the depleted Fire Mandrill Clan almost shouted

         â€œAny WarShip or JumpShip can make the journey, our Clan’s do all the time.” New Jade Falcon Khan Diana Pryde pointed out.

         â€œMy fellow Khans I see a stalemate…” Khan Nathan Fetladral of Clan Wolf said smirking as he did “I have been given permission by all the Clans within this room to say we will not support any action against Clan Snow Raven.  And any action taken will result in direction action being taken in defence of Snow Raven assets still in the Homeworlds.  If you want us to return to the Homeworlds in force and cause you all issues to worry about, we will accommodate you we are leading the Clans of Kerensky by example by holding our ground within the Inner Sphere despite the fall of the Smoke Jaguars and the retreat of the Star Adders and Steel Vipers.”  Fetladral said intentionally trying to rile the two snake Clans leaders.

         â€œYou don’t even live here!”  Khan Brett Andrews shouted losing his temper.  "You can't even bring yourselves to turn up to simple council meetings!"

         â€œBut at least I can speak properly” Khan Nathan Fetladral quipped noting Andrews blatant use of a contraction within the Council Chambers.  In the eyes of all but the most liberal of Khans Andrews had just invalidated much of his argument by a simple vocal mistake.

         â€œMy apologies” Andrews said quietly retaking his seat.

         â€œPerhaps other issues” Loremaster Lahiri said quietly “Khan Goliath Scorpion perhaps you could explain what happened to your former Khan?  This chamber was unaware of the change?”

         â€œKilled in action on the world of Huntress yesterday along with two Clusters of Clan Goliath Scorpions finest warriors as we fought to control all of that world.”

         â€œShe was aware of this meeting Quiaff?”

         â€œAff, her unit was already engaged.  Areil Suvanov believed in leading her force from the fore, as a true warrior of Kerensky should.  She died a warrior’s death and led her forces to victory over Clan Star Adder’s Tau Galaxy.”

        “A Galaxy that fought to the last man, we have heard nothing from the unit?”

        “There is nothing left of the unit to hear from Khan Star Adder.  They fought bravely but were overwhelmed.”  Khan Colin Yeh reported, the Star Adder leaders looked angry but knew there was little they could do, few Clans had any assets on Huntress since the fall of Clan Smoke Jaguar seeing little potential for the world other than the SLDF Garrison which remained within its own enclave for almost the entire year round.

Bridge, Starliner One
Matsuida, Matsuida Prefecture
Military District of Midway, Draconis Combine
2nd May 3086

   Jumping from the An Ting system of the Federated Suns into the Matsuida system of the Draconis Combine should have been a straight forward event however as soon as the Starliner One entered the Combine system anti-avoidance alerts activated and other alarms sounded.  Sitting just off the jump point was a triangular shaped vessel the Starliner One’s military grade sensor suite, had fortunately never been removed or cleared since its time as the Blake’s Vengeance, immediately identified the vessel as a Tatsumaki-class Destroyer of the Draconis Combine Admiralty.  Fortunately the five hundred thousand plus WarShip was not moving in on them or attacking straight away instead Captain Conner Kitsch decided a different approach “This is the Starliner One, we have been given clearance to pass through the Combine to New Samarkand as part of our journey.”

   â€œThis is Dedication of Duty, we shall be your escort and will transmit you jump coordinates for your journey.  Do not deviate from the planned course and there will be no problems. This will be your only warning.”  The WarShip commander ordered not even identifying himself, Captain Kitsch had been warned by Duke Richard Brannson X that this journey would be full of interesting developments; he guessed that this was just the newest one.

Commanding-General’s Office
The Fort, Ecol City, Thorin
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
10th May 3086

   Noticing a growing discord within the SLDF troops Commanding-General Archer Christifori had come up with a plan to hopefully bind his troops closer together without starting another war.  As Thorin was mostly a Star League world these days, and because of the University Construction Project, the world had two HPGs so as Commanding-General he commandeered one for this important message.  Ordering it Linked to the Solaris VII Primary HPG Archer sat down in his office and looked at the real time image of Lieutenant-General Jerry Wagner commander of the Third Brigade of the First Division “Bolton’s Rangers” the unit had served the Free Worlds League between the fall of the First and the rise of Second Star League but had rejoined very soon after.  It was a Veteran command and Solaris had been very quiet of late which made the unit perfect for rotation.  “Jerry how are you doing?”

   â€œGood sir, the gaming season is wrapping up so mostly police actions for our troops.  But all in all very quiet, I assume this isn’t just a social call?”

   â€œNegative General, I need your unit for a mission”

   â€œThe Rangers are always ready sir.”  Jerry said proudly

   â€œDon’t volunteer for something until you know what the mission is” Archer said smiling “no one ever tell you that?”

   â€œNot an option in my family sir, a mission is received and you carry it out.”  Jerry replied quickly making it clear there was no way his Regiment wouldn’t be completing their mission.

   â€œJerry, recently there was an attempt against the Coordinator of the Combine’s life.  We’ve volunteered our services of two Regiments to help keep order in the area of the attack and investigate for further trouble.”

   â€œSomething my unit can do sir, we’ve had plenty trouble with Isle of Skye Independents on Solaris the last few years.  Draconian ones won’t be that different.”  He said confidently Bolton’s Rangers was a Free Worlds League unit almost as much as an SLDF one despite its storied history.  Archer knew they had dealt with their fair share of insurgencies in the Free Worlds League and in fighting against the Capellan Confederation but the Draconis Combine would be something completely different for them.

   â€œGeneral, I’m sending along with your unit two others the Third Royal BattleMech and its support units and the Seventy-eighth Special Operations Battalion.”

   â€œSir, we’re happy to take the Killer Bees, their previous experience in these operations are well known.”  Jerry began naming the Seventy-eighth by their nickname “but the Fourth they’re a bunch of kids…” He complained but trailed off as he saw Archer’s mood darken slightly.

   â€œLieutenant-General” Archer began reminding him of his full rank “the biggest problem that unit has is lack of experience.  Working with you and the Killer Bees will help it along.  We need to bind the SLDF together not drive it apart.”

   â€œUnderstood sir, we will do our best.”

   â€œI’m sure you will Jerry, I have full confidence in the Rangers.”  He said cutting off the link he needed to break through some of the SLDF’s miss conceptions, if he had to annoy some people doing it he would.

Chemical Extraction Plant
Riverton, Antallos
Raven Alliance, Periphery
12th May 3086

   It had been a quiet night on Antallos, exactly the kind of night each warrior serving the Snow Ravens hated.  Ever since the initial pacification of the world by Clan Snow Raven it had been this way.  Most of the warriors stationed here were long past their prime, Antallos had been a pirate world with little interest from the nearby Draconis Combine when the world fell to their forces.  Ever since the fall of the world the Snow Ravens had begun to clean up of the surface and atmosphere of Antallos which had for centuries been the target of military action.

   The small settlement of Riverton in the northern hemisphere had been selected for the positioning of a Chemical Extraction Plant.  Situated on the Coast of Boogerlong Lake, which itself connected to the Sea of Green, the plant’s sole duty was to clear the water and air of pollutants.  Once the amount of pollutants got to a certain level a DropShip would arrive and remove them from the planet never to trouble the world’s 5 million plus inhabitants.

   MechWarrior Stacy was forty-two years old; by Clan standards she had no bloodname or rank and was going nowhere assigned to the Twelth Garrison Cluster of Gamma Galaxy.  Her Omen BattleMech was brand-new design but it was far from the best Clan Snow Raven could produce, a standard non-OmniMech unit weighing in at eighty-five tons it was armed with a variety of medium ranged laser, autocannon and missile weapons.  Nearby a pair of newly deployed Nuberu Anti-Aircraft Tanks, a pair of Nova Cat manufactured SM1 Tank Destroyers and a couple of points of conventional infantry rounded out the defence force.

   The first strike came in the early hours during her patrol Stacy’s assault Mech had been smashed by an LRM and laser barrage from the air from a Buccaneer-class DropShip that had identified as the weekly supply ship.  Her assault Mech damaged Stacy had turned her guns to the air as had the Nuberu’s throwing barrages of LB-X Autocannon fire into the air.  As they fired into the air a company of BattleMechs charged on the ground, both Nuberus became the target of a Longbow and an Atlas while Stacy became the target of a Victor BattleMech that seemed to be carrying an artillery piece in place of its standard autocannon.  The paired SM1 Tank Destroyers had become target of nearly a lance of BattleMechs, the fifty ton Hovercraft a seen as a serious threat by the enemy force.

   Forging ahead into the enemy’s fire Stacy tried to become a target for all the enemy forces bringing fire from all directions as she tried to defend the vehicles and infantry forces serving beside her.  Despite not being a leader of her Clan or a Bloodnamed warrior MechWarrior Stacy fought like she was possessed by the Founders of Clan Snow Raven firing in multiple directions she broke every Clan dueling rule engaging enemies in multiple directions.  Her efforts were not enough however the Nuberu Anti-Aircraft Tanks were first to be destroyed even with their four autocannons turned on ground targets they were still no match for a BattleMech assault.  Concentrated fire from the two SM1s tore an arm off the Longbow knocking the Support BattleMech to the ground but even that was not enough, the Atlas charging had crushed one under its massive left foot while the second had been crushed by a Heavy Gauss Rifle slug from its torso weapon.

   Stacy turned her lasers into one Mech, her autocannon at another Mech and missiles at a third engaging everyone within her forward arc.  Arms spread wide weapons firing everywhere Stacy stood like a Clan hero of old but even one Clan assault Mech piloted by a driven Clan warrior was not enough to turn the tide of this particular battle.  The return fire from nearly eight BattleMechs tore into the armour of the BattleMech obliterating armour, structure, weapons and engine.  Stacy fought to control her BattleMech but it was too late the Omen had taken too much damage and was falling forward out of control crashing into the ground.  Stacy survived the fall but her Mech was damaged beyond repair the last thing Stacy remembered seeing was a strange looking Mech carrying a massive chain run up towards her Omen and kick the cockpit, the already damaged cockpit crumbled under the impact and the MechWarrior inside was crushed to death.  At least she had received a warrior’s death fighting for her Clan.

   The pirates made short work of the conventional infantry which formed the last line of defence of the extraction plant before connecting massive hoses to the storage tanks.  The Buccaneer-class DropShip was in fact the Red Raider, DropShip of Vance Razek the former ruler of Antallos, the ship had been missing since the fall of the world.  Once loaded the ship blasted away from Antallos chased by Snow Raven aerospace fighters but the DropShip had too much thrust and too much firepower for them to shoot down.  Antallos did not warrant a WarShip in its defence, with the fighters unable to catch them the Red Raider had a clean run all the way to a waiting JumpShip before escaping the system with over one thousand tons of hazardous materials.  As one final insult to the Snow Ravens once they had reoccupied the extraction plant and begun to bring its systems back online an explosive charge detonated within the factory spreading further lethal materials throughout the Riverton enclave causing further problems for the Clan leaders of the world.

Thirteenth Star League Games
Star League Stadium, Solaris VII
Star League Protectorate, Lyran Commonwealth
20th May 3086

   On the world of Solaris VII MechWarrior Tamara Nova Cat felt like a Clan Warrior once more as she battled in the Thirteenth Annual Star League Games.  It was a battle of skill, warrior and machine locked together in combat.  Her Sphinx BattleMech had taken a pounding but somehow the Wild Geese Techs that had accompanied her had kept the seventy-five ton machine standing.  Colonel Sandy Reich had said as long as she brought home the top prize she could extend her leave from the Wild Geese as the Regiment continued its rebuilding efforts from the losses taken during Alisande Faulkner’s revenge raid into the Free Worlds League.

   Twisting and turning through the weapons fire Tamara made the Sphinx dance like it was lighter than the air surrounding it.  Laser blasts crossed the Star League stadium as another opponent fell, across the stadium another Mech was falling to another warrior’s fire.

   With those Mechs destroyed it left only Tamara’s Sphinx and one enemy Mech remaining a heavily modified Grim Reaper BattleMech.  The fifty-five ton Mech was so modified even the enhanced scanners of Tamara’s Clan Mech struggled to identify it as a Grim Reaper.  Tamara knew the pilot of the Mech was a former member of ComStar who went by the name of Einar she also knew the medium Mech carried Clan weapons and additional armour than the chassis was rated for.  Fortunately the Mech was badly battered and its Long Range Missile bays were empty reducing the Mech to two lasers on its right arm.  Tamara’s own Sphinx was badly damaged its left arm and the large laser house there hung useless after taking a shoulder and upper arm hit while half her torso mounted medium lasers had shorted out.  Fortunately she still had one large laser and five medium lasers at her disposal; her Mech was bigger and faster than the Grim Reaper.

   Cutting to the right she blasted with her remaining large laser concentrating on the Grim Reapers right side as the lighter Mech tried to close to bring both its weapons into range.  Tamara almost laughed at the thought, at this range the two Mechs were evenly matched, should the Grim Reaper close the firepower advantage of her torso lasers combined with the arm laser put the odds massively in her favour.

   The Mechs continued to close dancing between the laser blasts, it was like an augmented Clan Trial of Position with the crowd surrounding them screaming for victory.  Despite everything Alisande Faulkner had tried to teach her Tamara still found herself missing that life in so many ways but now she was a Wild Geese pilot and she would do her Regiment proud.  Continuing to close Tamara saw the targeting recticle go green for all the Sphinx’s remaining weapons and pulled the trigger seeing three medium lasers and the large laser all hit their target and the Grim Reaper blossom into fire.

   Excess heat caused by the firing of her lasers sent the temperature in the Sphinx’s cockpit skyrocketing but Tamara hit the override intent on keeping her Mech functional for as long as possible.  She needed not to however over the tannoy she could hear a familiar voice congratulating MechWarrior Tamara on her victory at the Thirteenth Star League Games, she knew the voice it wasn’t any of the normal commentators who had spoken over the last few days instead it was Colonel Sandy Reich commander of the Wild Geese.  Who had traveled all this was to congratulate her, any thoughts of a return to Clan life were banished in nearly a second of hearing the Colonel’s voice, she was already home.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #397 on: January 04, 2013, 07:39:33 PM »

Into June, starting with something spectacular (I wish my courses started like that), then showing Bannister Cameron uncomfortable.  Please not I haven's read Surrender Your Dreams so if "Custos" seems off let me know, also with no Republic they are going to have a little different path.

Lyran Commonwealth Naval Training
Port Sydney Naval Yards, Alarion
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
2nd June 3086

   The massive gravity deck aboard the space station spun at a relatively comfortable 0.9G as the class of cadets sat down for the opening lecture of the year.  Among the cadets was Duchess Jessica Steiner newly completed a physics degree she had now chosen to follow in the footsteps of her father and grandfather and join the military.

   Entering from the left of the room the class Kommandant Arturo Toretto stepped in front of the Class.  He was a retired veteran of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces having piloted aerospace fighters early in his career he had moved onto DropShips and then JumpShips.  “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to piloting school one-oh-one.  Each of you are going to be challenged both academically and physically over the next three years, you will study, you will live, you will even breath aerospace fumes before you are even allowed within a cockpit of a fighter.”  He said walking from one edge of the student group to the next “everyone will meet the standards required by this school or they will be dropped from this course no matter, who they are or what family they belong to.”  Jessica knew he was on about her, although there may have been one or two others he had taken a jab at.  “Some of you will fail, I am afraid that is the nature of this course.  Some of you may be hurt or even die.”  He said letting that hang in the air for several moments “we pride ourselves on running a safe environment for our students but accidents have unfortunately been known to happen, space is a dangerous place.”  He warned them all “others will graduate and never progress beyond being a pilot of an aerospace fighter, some will never want to progress further than that lofty position enjoying the thrill of pilot and machine locked in deadly combat with an enemy.”  He said raising a small control pad to his hands “but one or two of you may decide that despite the freedom of piloting an aerospace fighter you would prefer to pilot something a little larger and perhaps even rise to the command of such a craft.”  He said pressing the button suddenly the massive clam-shell doors that made up the portion of the wall opposite the students seats began to move revealing massive windows out to space.  To keep these exposed all the time would be highly dangerous but they did give spectacular visions out to space “behold the pride of the Lyran Commonwealth Navy the Mjolinir-class Battlecruiser Snow Fire.  One of only three such craft currently serving within our naval forces you will see the heavy battle damage along her port side which was caused by the Clan Jade Falcon vessel Falcon’s Nest.”  He said allowing them to look at the massive 1,350,000 ton vessel one of the largest WarShips ever constructed it carried more firepower than a combined BattleMech Regiment and carried enough aerospace fighters and DropShips to dominate an entire solar system it was magnificent despite the damage which had been caused to it, infact it was perhaps more impressive because of the damage showing it had fought for its nation and sacrificed so much.  “To even come close to that vessel, you will have to work hard, study harder and show that you want it, otherwise you will wash out and I will be sorry you ever stepped into this school.  Now lets get started ATTEN-TION!”  He shouted at the top of his voice, all the cadets snapped to a salute all still looking at the massive WarShip docked at the shipyards, each filled with hope, pride and desire.  Among them Duchess Jessica Steiner, heir-apparent of the Lyran Commonwealth knew one thing, in her heart she believed the future held for her a WarShip command.

Major-General Bannister Cameron’s Office
Second Armoured Cavalry Division’s Base
Liberty, Star League Protectorate
19th June 3086

   The one thing that Bannister Cameron had always hated was paperwork unfortunately being a Division commander he had always had paperwork, his father had said the Cameron family runs on paper and it wasn't because people lay it at our feet.  Being attached to a Special Operations unit testing the Blackwasp AM Drone Fighters had added to his paper work which more often than not was system updates and additional testing.  Now that the Second was at the forefront of the new Star League Defence Force and the higher powers of the new SLDF had an almost unhealthy interest in drone technology.  It seemed they had forgotten the damage drones and automated SDS systems had caused during the time of the first Star League, Bannister had meant to speak with the current Commanding-General about the SLDF’s interest but so far he hadn’t had the chance, too much paperwork.

   Since becoming Governor of Liberty he had had the additional paperwork of a world to contend with and now he had the additional work leading the Star League Protectorate.  Not to mention the growing amounts of what Colonel Kincaid called “fan-mail” his being a pure-blood Cameron had spread word throughout the Inner Sphere and many saw him as their savior.  More than one letter demanded that he become leader of the Star League not by democratic vote but by the power of Succession and birthright.  He hated it, none of these people understood, he wasn’t a politician he was barely managing the Second Armoured before Liberty got involved and now the Protectorate it was a mess.

   It was late and he was still in his office there was a massive storm outside with the ocean’s swelling and causing damage to some of the Second’s facilities.  Colonel Kincaid had already coordinated the Division’s troops into disaster relief teams who were working to counter the damage done.  The Fifth Light Infantry Brigade was already deploying infantry detachments and engineers across the planet to provide assistance Bannister was left with his paperwork.

   There was a knock on the door “how many times Andrea, you do not have to knock.”  He called out if anyone was going to knock it would be Andrea Kincaid.  The door swung open to reveal a tall broad shouldered man with blonde hair that had begun to go slightly grey.  “I am sorry; I thought you were someone else.”  Bannister said raising to his feet his hand drifting towards his regulation sidearm.  “Visiting hours are long over, if you wish to meet with me you should come during the daylight hours.”

   â€œI am aware General; however my appearance during the day would not serve you or me very well.”  The figure said entering the room slowly in the better light Bannister could see he was nearly seventy perhaps eighty years old from his size he thought the man may be a Clan Elemental warrior.  The Clans were an entirely different challenge for Bannister Cameron many saw his allegiance to the new Star League as the darkest betrayal against them and against Aleksandr Kerensky.  “I am Custos Paul” he said softly “my people are descendant from the original Star League, we have been cast off from the people we once sheltered with and now wish a new home.”

   â€œThere are many worlds out in the galaxy Custos, I cannot home everyone.”

   â€œGeneral, my people are well armed and well motivated if we wished we could take a world to call our own.”  Custos said Bannister was unsure if it was a threat or not.  “But we do not wish war General, we wish to work towards a better future.  My people number perhaps four hundred souls, we would like to occupy Mopelia Island.”

   â€œMopelia Island is a dead zone has been since 3079 since the biological attack.  Nearly forty thousand lives were lost on that world.”  Bannister said surprised by Custos Paul’s idea “no-one else has been willing to go there despite the biological damage being cleared, much of the city is still in ruin destroyed during the riots.”

   â€œMy people are aware of the situation” the Custos said he must have seen Bannister’s expression change then clear “we were not responsible for the attack on that island.”

   â€œWhich unit of the Star League did you saw you were descendant from?”  Bannister asked changing the subject.

   â€œI did not, my people descend from multiple units of the old League that banded together and tried to form a new civilization.  Unfortunately that did not work out for us.”

   â€œI will have to consider your idea Custos, and there will be a price to your acquisition of the island.”  Bannister warned Custos Paul just nodded “come back to me in six months and I will tell you what my decision is.”  He promised the shadowy figure remained standing for several moments before nodding leaving as quietly as he had come.  Bannister sat back down behind the piles of paperwork but did not pick up any of the papers; this new problem could cause more issues in the long run.

Capellan Confederation Expansion
Former Free Worlds League, Inner Sphere
21st June 3086

   The former worlds of the long defunct Duchy of Andruien become part of the Capellan Confederation as Armed forces loyal to the Chancellor land on the worlds of Ryerson, Xantha III, Ingonish, Villanueva, Leyda and Cursa creating the new Andruien Commonality.  Leading these forces is the new Capellan OmniMech the Culverin, a newly developed Heavy design carrying stealth armour.  Built on Grand Base by Earthwerks the seventy-five ton OmniMech like the smaller Men Shen before it is an exclusive OmniMech for the Capellan Confederation.

   Although there is wide condemnation against the Capellan actions for destabilizing the area Chancellor Naomi Centrella points out that the worlds targeted by the Capellan Confederation were all former Duchy of Andruien worlds, and that with the creation of the Andruien Commonality the area would be more stable.

The Culverin comes from Fan TRO 3063, one of my favourite designs in that for looks even though I don't like one or two bits of the design fortunately its an OmniMech and you make what you want :D
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 07:46:37 PM by Dragon Cat »
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #398 on: January 08, 2013, 05:43:33 AM »

Clan Halls, Wolf City
Arc Royal, Arc Royal Theatre
Donagal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
8th July 3086

   â€œEvan Wolf, you are called before this council” the Clan Loremaster Patrik Fetladral called throughout the Clan Hall, the massive Elemental’s booming voice carrying to all in the room.  Evan Wolf stepped out wearing his Clan leathers.  He was a freeborn warrior who had recently completed his first Trial of Position but had yet to receive his rank nor command.

   â€œI stand called” he said ahead both Khan Phelan Kell and saKhan Ranna Kerensky sat at the head of the council.

   â€œEvan Wolf, you have accomplished something that no freeborn Clan warrior before you has ever accomplished.  Four kills in your first Trial of Position, an impressive feat which should grant you the rank of Star Colonel and command of a Cluster of Wolves.”  He continued Evan stood silently “unfortunately there are no Cluster commands available.  You could challenge any of the current Cluster Commanders but know you would do so with no support.”

   â€œThen what will become of me, I am a Wolf warrior I deserve what I gained though combat this is the Clan way.”  Evan protested.

   â€œEvan Wolf, four kills in a Trial of Position is a rare feat.  The reward you deserve is what the Khan decrees.”  Fetladral continued “our Khan has ordered that you command the Wolf Spider Keshik under saKhan Ranna Kerensky and that you serve as her aide within Beta Galaxy until a Cluster is made available.”

   â€œI protest, I won the right to command a unit of my own, I want combat.”  Evan said, from behind him he could hear support from the Clan’s warriors and he could see the saKhan smile despite her advancing age she was a beautiful woman and a feared warrior within the Clan.

   â€œTrust me young warrior, you will have all the combat you could cater for.  The Wolf Marauders will be our Clan’s reaction force for the next several months you will be involved in as much combat as you could possibly desire.”  Fetladral promised the young warrior “do you accept this charge and duty?”

   â€œI will serve the Wolf.”  Evan promised saluting the Clan leaders

   â€œGood, you have been assigned a Lycurgus OmniMech, young Star Colonel.  Your duties start immediately” saKhan Ranna Kerensky said rising from her chair.

   Around the chambers all the Wolves chanted together “Seyla” in agreement and salute.

Throne Room, Forbidden Palace
Forbidden City, Sian
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
11th July 3086

   The tension within the walls of the Forbidden Palace could have been cut with a knife the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation was in the midst of one of her now famous, or infamous, rages.  An assassination attempt against her son Dao-Shen Centrella had failed on Grand Base former headquarter worlds of the McCarrons Armoured Cavalry.

   â€œHow many people have your men rounded up?”  She asked Hadji Doru who stood to attention within the throne room.

   â€œSupported by elements of the Centrella Black Guards Regiment Jason Zaklan and the Youling Zhanshi have rounded up three thousand and sixty-two people that were in the area.”  Hadji Doru said quetly since his actions on Victoria Jason Zaklan had become a favourite of the Chancellor as had the Youling Zhanshi Lance which appeared to have attached itself him without any real orders.

   â€œGood pass orders to Zaklan, I want them shot.”

   â€œZaklan is a national hero, having him execute our own citizens is perhaps not a good idea.”  Doru protested Zaklan was a warrior not an executioner his reward for service should not be fighting the people he was sworn to protect.

   â€œFine pass it to the Centrella Black Guards commander I want all those we have captured executed.”

   â€œChancellor, in your position as First Lord of the Star League having your own people executed could put you in trouble with members of the Star League Council.”  Doru continued to protest

   â€œThis is an internal matter, I am Chancellor of the Capellan people, I am the Celestial Wisdom.  Pass on my order to the Centrella Black Guards or become one of their victims.”  Naomi ordered her anger rising, Hadji Doru was a brave and honourable man but he was also pushing her patience.  For a moment it appeared that the House Master would oppose her but he simply nodded and left the throne room, the people of the Capellan nation would learn she was not to be challenged or they would pay the ultimate price, she would protect her family whatever the cost.

Interstellar Expeditions Mission,
Deep Periphery Adean Dulcimer (Bug Eye-class Surveillance Vessel)
21st July 3086

   The command deck of the Adean Dulcimer was a compact area settled within the nose of the the ancient Bug Eye-class Surveillance Vessel with enough room for eight crew at various stations keeping control over the tiny ship which was technically a WarShip built around a Sub-Compact KF Core and was easily the smallest WarShip ever created.  The Adean Dulcimer was also quite possibly the last of her type in operation by an Inner Sphere power salvaged from a system in the Deep Periphery many years before.  After spending several years scouting Caesar’s Bow, a collection of new systems beyond the Marian Hegemony, the ship had been assigned to a mission within the Axumite Provence and then to the Union of Samoyedic Colonies neither of which had been very interested in contact with them despite the advanced technology they could offer.

   Travelling to Refueling Base Gamma near Vul Rift the Adean Dulcimer was now heading towards the Chainelane Isles for another mission which promised to be a far more busy one because of increased Clan business in the area.  Jumping into a new unchecked system the Adean Dulcimer’s advanced sensor arrays immediately went active detecting another vessel nearby “Oh my god we’re so dead!”  Analyst Josh Gibb whispered looking at his screens “ war-book identifies as a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, we’ve even got a name Reaver.”  He said quickly

   Project Leader Fredrick Lord glanced from his command chair at the Analyst then at the forward screens which were showing the Heavy Cruiser.  “Reaver, was that one of the ships that left with the SLDF Exodus Fleet or one of the missing ships?”

   â€œOne of the ships that left with the Clans, SLS Reaver ended up with Clan…” Analyst Rebecca “Becka” Forsyth reported “Clan Fire Mandrill.”

   â€œFire Mandrill?  What the hell are they doing here?”  He wondered the Fire Mandrills had never been anywhere near the Inner Sphere.  “Have we got any active sensors off that thing?”  He asked one hit from any of the Heavy Cruiser’s main guns would turn the Adean Dulcimer into dust.  The Bug Eye was built as a scout and intelligence gathering craft; it wasn’t designed to fight off an aerospace fighter let alone a fully armed WarShip.

   â€œNothing at all sir, no sensors, no active engines, no life signs.  She’s dead.”  Josh Gibb reported “the ship is just outside the gravity well but at the rate its orbit is decaying she’ll be in the sun within a year.”  He reported without any active power the gravity of the star was ready to draw the WarShip into a fiery grave.

   â€œFurther contacts!”  Rebecca called “looks like a Carrack-class Transport and a Lola III-class Destroyer, IFF says she’s the SLS Anathema another ship that left on the Exodus.  Both are in close proximity of the fourth planet of this system which is within the system’s Goldilocks Zone.”  She said naming the region of a system that could potentially support a habitable system. “There also both very dead, little to no power off both of them.”  She said as the sensors caught up with the targets.

   â€œDidn’t we have a report of a faction of the Fire Mandrills going AWOL a few years ago?”  Political Analyst and Researcher Malcolm Polson inquired quietly from the back of the bridge.

   â€œCheck that” Fredrick Lord said looking at the screens with a bit of wonder had his people just found a goldmine?

   â€œConfirmed boss, according to SLDF Records Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant left Clan Fire Mandrill in 3069 with no confirmed orders.  The group had three WarShips and four Clusters of Ground troops with them, they were believed to be on a secret mission of some sort for the Fire Mandrills but in 3070 the Clan declared them dezgra, rogue.”  Rebecca reported “I think we might have just found them, everything fits so far.”

   â€œBut what the hell happened to them?”  Three WarShips and four Clusters of troops are enough to carve out a small empire out here.”  Fredrick said quietly “send a message to Gamma Base via Black Box have them relay it to Interstellar Expeditions.  Message Reads assistance required, major find, encrypt highest level of security.”  He said looking at the communication analyst “Helm officer bring us up to 1G acceleration, heading for the fourth planet.  Sensors and weapons keep a look out for anything that shouldn’t be in the system, never know another Clan might have wrecked their WarShips but left aerospace fighters or DropShips to defend the survivors.”  He said it was unlikely but looking at the mess that had been made to Reaver they wouldn’t be taking chances.

   As it turned out Fredrick’s caution was unneeded Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant was dead, someone had found them and crippled all three WarShips before dropping at least three cobalt bombs onto planet four covering every continent in a thick radioactive cloud.  If the world was pleasant enough before now it was deadly to human life.  The Adean Dulcimer’s advanced sensor arrays and active scanners detected the remains of several DropShips on the planet as well as three ruined settlements all left intact since the attack the aggressors allowing the Cobalt bombs to kill the people with radiation rather than force of arms.  Why these people’s attacker had never returned to try and salvage the WarShips or remove the technology from the planet was unknown only that on the ground nearly twenty thousand people lay dead around a goldmine of Clan technology and information.

   Even with all the resources of Interstellar Expeditions they knew it would be impossible for the company to take everything from the world.  So word of the find was sent to the Star League Defence Force and a deal was struck.  The Star League Defence Force would take possession of all three WarShip wrecks and half of the Clan equipment on the planet along with a share of all the information found about Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant.  In return they would provide the First Special Operations Group minus the Killer Bees Battalion.  Making up the four Battalions of the First SOG were units specifically designed to clean up nuclear, biological and chemical spills and a former mercenary command known as the Devil’s Advocates which specialized in securing and making safe zones that had been exposed to dangerous materials.
Daycare centre, Robinson City
Robinson, Draconis March
Federated Suns
22nd July 3086

   In an effort to quell continued anger at the revelation that Kirsune Kurita is in fact Victor Steiner-Davion’s illegitimate child the First Prince and his wife Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion had went on a goodwill tour of the Draconis March with the First New Avalon Guards RCT and the FSS Alexander Davion acting as escorts.

   After a brief meet and greet with Duke Tarncred Sandoval Victor had insisted on meeting the people of the Draconis March not just its leadership.  First was a visit to Robinson Standard Battleworks followed by a visit to Valiant Systems, a relatively new company producing Combat Vehicles for the Federated Suns, both these visits went very well with the people happy to see their First Prince and his wife.  They then went onto a daycare centre in downtown Robinson City for their third visit of the day.

   Major Jacob Theron, head of the First Prince’s Bodyguard, had known something was wrong as soon as the First Prince’s convoy had moved up to the centre but hadn’t been able to pinpoint it.  As the Battle Armour and standard infantry fanned out securing the area both Victor and Danai had remained within their heavily armoured Limosuine.  Two streets every direction around the centre was secured by BattleMechs of the First New Avalon Guards while aerospace fighters and VTOLs patrolled the air.  It should have been enough, it wasn’t, almost the moment the Deusenberg Limo’s doors opened and a figure exited the the first of six explosive devices went off at strategic points around the craft causing complete mayhem as people were thrown threw the air and pieces of building were turned to shrapnel flying through the air.  Fortunately the first person to exit the craft was not the First Prince instead it was Major Theron with quick instincts, sharpened fighting the Clans and serving as the First Prince’s bodyguard commander, Theron had pushed Victor back into the craft and hit the door closing button just as the third explosive went off crushing the Major into the side of the Limo.

   The Deusenberg Limo was designed with the duty in mind, a craft designed to carry First Prince Hanse Davion had already saved Duchess Danai Centrella and Victor’s family once before.  It’s military grade armour was designed to shrug off weapons fire from BattleMechs and easily dealt with the Improved Explosive Devices (IEDs) used by these would be assassins.  The Hovercraft was disabled as bricks and supports from the buildings around fell on it pinning it in place but its armour held and the Hovercraft’s independent air supply systems kept its passengers safe and sound as the First New Avalon Guards locked down the area and evacuated the wounded.  In all three hundred civilians and sixty-two members of the AFFS had been killed by the bombs, structural collapse of several buildings had destroyed any evidence of who had triggered the devices which appeared to have been triggered by sensor waiting for a vehicle matching the Deusenberg’s profile to have arrived at a specific point.

   With this obvious attempt against the First Prince’s life the decision is made to cut short Victor’s trip to the Draconis March, with tensions continuing to ride high everyone including Victor Steiner-Davion knows it may be a while before the people of the region completely trust him.  Both the DMI and MIIO assign additional assets to the Robinson Intelligence Division in an attempt to get on top of the events that had transpired and prevent future troubles.

Hope you enjoyed it
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #399 on: January 11, 2013, 10:55:13 PM »

Author Note

After a minor hick-up where I got locked out of Microsoft Word I've been able to transfer much of the timeline (at least the future) to notepad so I should be able to write more.  Updates may be slowed however until I can figure out what is wrong with word.


My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #400 on: January 12, 2013, 07:30:02 AM »

No worries DC, we are all looking forwards to the next update.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #401 on: January 18, 2013, 07:15:00 PM »

Words messed up I'm going to have to invest in Office it looks like...  :'(

Clan Neigotiations
Csesztreg, Hell’s Horses Occupation Zone
Inner Sphere
9th August 3086

   The Clan Hell’s Horses Hall on Csesztreg was as grand as the one they had on Strana Mechty it was a symbol of their Clan’s new position within the Inner Sphere.  Khan Hanna Coston almost smiled looking at the transformation the Hell’s Horses had made to the world they were turning it into a model of Clan society.  “Khan Coston, welcome to Csesztreg” Khan James Cobb said entering the room behind the Elemental an equally large Elemental stood a little further back.

   â€œThank you Khan Cobb and Star Colonel Kabrinski, your reputation precedes you.”  She said recognizing the other Elemental.

   â€œAs does yours Khan Coston” Kabrinski replied quietly remaining behind his Khan, the former Ghost Bear warrior seemed to have fit into the Hell’s Horses well and knew his place behind Khan Cobb.

   â€œPerhaps business would be a better approach?”  Khan Cobb asked Coston nodded “Clan Hell’s Horses is aware that your Clan has built a shipyard within the Chainlane Isles, and we would like to use it.”

   â€œOur Chainlane Isles facility was created to build our ArcShip vessels, homes for our people.  The facility was not built to create further WarShips.”  Coston protested although she knew fine that plans were well ahead of schedule for that to become a reality soon.

   â€œAff Khan Coston, we are aware of what your wishes were, which was why we traded you Troop Cruisers for Destroyers.”  Cobb said “now we would like to offer a new source of materials to continue your efforts in creating homes and provide you with a potential escort craft.”

   â€œWe have a craft in mind for such a task.”

   â€œWe also have a craft in mind one we would like to produce, sooner rather than later.  It will be many years before we will have a shipyard capable of supporting such efforts.  We would like to use yours.”  Jake Kabrinski said stepping forward his Khan nodding approvingly.

   â€œIf you are willing to share the craft you have in mind then we potentially could help you.”  Coston said guardedly as Cobb passed her a data chip.

   â€œWe wish to receive the first Halcyon-class Cruiser produced and we would prefer you did not trade it to the other Clans until we have vessels operational.”

   â€œWe won’t trade the craft but cannot be held accountable if other Clans win it in combat.”

   â€œOf course not Khan Coston, but your Clan doesn’t need to advertise its existence either, Quiaff?”  Cobb said pushing the Sea Fox Khan into agreement, Hell’s Horses scientists had spent months developing the vessel and they intended on having access to the craft first and foremost even if they needed help producing it.

   â€œWe will not cause undue interest in the design until the time is right.”  The two Hell’s Horses Elementals exchanged looks but both knew they couldn’t force the issue with the Sea Fox Khan, her Clan would act as it saw was necessary for its continued success as would they.

Star League Quartermasters
Terra, Star League Protectorate
12th August 3086

   After almost being a Protectorate world for five years, without incident, the SLDF Council agree that New Olympica’s request for a naval training ship to assist with their already considerable aerospace training facilities.  They also agree that future SLDF Naval training and advanced ship handling will take place within the New Olympica system.

   As a result of this decision funding is made available for one of the derelicts in Terra system, Determination, a Vincent-class Corvette formerly belonging to the ComGuard, to be converted into a training ship and delivered to the Lloyd-Marik Stanley Aerospace School for use.  The work renovating the hulk is expected to take three to four years due to damage the ship took during its service with the ComGuards and additional refitting work that is required this includes additional quarters for two crews and additional trainers.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #402 on: January 18, 2013, 07:16:56 PM »

Rim Association Expansion
Former Free Worlds League
26th August 3086

   For the last two years the Rim Association had pushed into several of the independent systems of the Free Worlds League increasing its influence and strength.  The former Nova Cat warriors of the Liger Warriors, the Association’s best equipped and trained troops, were at the fore of this easily overwhelming the under-equipped and trained Independent world militias.  This system was different to others however; it wasn’t officially an FWL world or at least didn’t appear on any Interstellar map.  The Rim Association scout team had only stumbled onto it when discovering the wreckage of a Monolith-class JumpShip, scouting further they had found an inhabited world with strange characteristics.

   The world was massive three to four times the size of Terra standard, and it was easily 90% covered in land with few open bodies of water.  The Northern and Southern Hemispheres seemed well developed separated by a massive desert that ran the entire circumference of the world.  As they approached the DropShip’s sophisticated sensors could tell there were fusion plants on the world but they were very few, they could also tell the world was well built up with a population in the millions with at least two dozen cities and three Maglev lines linking the North to the south.

   â€œQuite a prize” Major Sandra Rimmer said quietly, she was a Nova Cat by birth but had fully embraced her place as a Rim Association citizen going as far to take the surname of “Rimmer” to show her dedication to their new cause.

   â€œStar… I mean Major; we are detecting a battle on going on the surface.”  One of the crewmen said stumbling over her new Inner Sphere styled rank.

   â€œShow me” she ordered moments later one of the screens changed showing a group of tanks firing on another group either side of a group of trees.  There were infantry formations moving around them and what appeared to be Mechs.  “No fusion signatures?” She noted “IndustrialMechs?”  She wondered thinking of the Arbiter SecurityMechs in her own unit, which were little more than armed IndustrialMechs.  The Clans and Inner Sphere would never use such units but here on the Periphery they made do with what they had.

   â€œPossibly” the crewmen replied, the Mech-type units moved swiftly around the armoured vehicles supporting them, the Mechs looked small but highly mobile.  “We also have a cluster of fusion signatures from this area in the east, looks like we might have a pair of DropShips?”

   â€œLocal Drop Port in a desert” Sandra wondered looking over the ships, even from this distance Sandra could tell the ships were not operations missing parts of their hulls.  “Maybe a junkyard or a military compound, any other signs of DropShips or other space craft?”  Sandra asked frustrated, a Drop Port would be the perfect place to put down.

   â€œNone they seem fully stuck on the planet despite their number of armed units.”

   â€œThey also seem to be stuck in a civil war of some sort.”  Sandra said slightly annoyed, it seemed this planet would be far more of a find than any of them had ever expected.  “All right we are landing here north of this MagLev line and city.  As soon as we land we offload everyone and secure a perimeter, and then we will see where these people stand.  If they come after us, we will strike the MagLev to cut off reinforcement.”  She said watching the monitor again the “battle” they had seen before had tapered off now with the two forces pulling back rapidly, now the real interesting bit would start.

   Moving from the bridge to her Shadow Cat Sandra felt the DropShip change its orientation and then felt the familiar “thud” of the vessel hitting the atmosphere.  The planetary gravity soon began to pull the vessel down and Sandra could feel the real gravity under her feet, it felt like a normal g’ strength.  Reaching the Mechbay she could see her Shadow Cat waiting her, the Mech had been hers from Clan Nova Cat and was of the advanced OmniMech type.  Only five OmniMechs survived under Liger command since they had moved to the Rim Association, the rest had been destroyed or scavenged for parts.  So far the Rim Association’s researchers on Niops had failed to reverse engineer any of the Clan technology they had been given.  Beside the Shadow Cat were the other two true BattleMechs in her formation a medium class Nimravus salvaged from combat against the Federated Suns and a lighter Raven which had been taken during their stay on Herotitus.  Across the bay were eight Arbiter SecurityMechs, more spoils from the Liger Warriors travels, which had been upgrade with Autocannons which replaced their ancient Rifles.

   One deck below Sandra knew there were two Oro Heavy Tanks, two Hachiman Fire Support Tanks and ten Elemental Battle Armour suits all crewed by the same people who had come with her from Clan Nova Cat, it seemed a lifetime ago since those days.  Sometimes Sandra pondered over where her life would have taken her if she had chosen not to betray the Clan who had given her birth… but that was not for today.  “Bridge to Major Rimmer!”  The comm. unit called raising her own personal comm. unit she answered them.

   â€œBridge this is Sandra” she said, she was still getting used to her new “surname” she truly wondered if she ever would.

   â€œMajor, the engines are suffering from heavy turbulence, once we are down I think it will be difficult to launch again.”

   â€œWe could be stranded here?”  She asked her heart sinking could this be why this world had fallen off the interstellar maps because once you landed you never left?  She remembered seeing those broken down DropShips on the ground, could her ship be about to join them?

   â€œI think we will be able to leave again sir, but the stresses on the hull mean that once we land we shouldn’t move again unless we’re trying to leave.”  The crewmen answered his speech slurred by the contractions, right now however Sandra did not care, as long as this was not a single trip.  “Regardless sir, it would be more damaging to try and reverse our course now.”  He added as if reading her mind.

   â€œUnderstood continue landing sequences.  We will come to the problem of leaving after we have resolved the other issues on this world.”  She answered as she removed her jumpsuit revealing just shorts and a t-shirt, the gear of a MechWarrior preparing for combat.  She then quickly began her ascent to the top of her OmniMech.  The DropShip around them continued to shudder heavily as it descended towards the ground; Sandra concentrated on getting her Shadow Cat powered and ready for potential combat.  As the OmniMech came to life she saw the engineers had kept the Mech in her preferred Alpha configuration which mounted a pair of Extended Range Large Lasers and a Streak Short Range Missile (SRM) Launcher.  The greatest asset an OmniMech had over all others were that its weapons, equipment and in some cases jump jets could all be switched between battles giving them more tactical flexibility.  The battles the Ligers had gone through had robbed them of many of their OmniMechs but from what Sandra had heard recently the rebuilding factories and labs on Niops were close to a breakthrough to producing the Rim Association’s first home grown OmniMech.

   As the Mechbay doors opened Sandra stepped her Shadow Cat out of its bay towards the doors, the DropShip was still over two hundred metres in the air but that wasn’t going to stop Sandra “Sierra One, Bridge, I will provide ground cover” she communicated to the bridge before stepping her Shadow Cat out of the doorway, immediately there was a strange sensation as the solid deck disappeared and the forty-five ton Mech began to fall, Sandra fought hard to avoid the temptation to interfere with the Mech’s fall.  Within moments the fall had been slowed considerably as the Jump Jets mounted in the Shadow Cat’s back fired, normally used to provide additional mobility on the battlefield they were perfect for fast insertions.  As her Mech dropped towards the ground Sandra could see seven of the small BattleMechs she’d seen before advancing over the sand dunes that dominated the scenery, she also noticed her comm. array was active.  Flicking the switch to receive she heard the planet’s first words.

   â€œDark Caste force you are not welcome on Twin Sons leave now or be considered a hostile force.”  A male voice declared, Sandra’s mind raced, how could this world cut off from the rest of the Free Worlds League and the greater Inner Sphere know of the Dark Caste?  Or better yet how could they know her force was of the Dark Caste?  She didn’t like to consider herself a member of the Dark Caste but there was little disputing it, even to her parent Clan she’d be considered to be little more than a bandit that needed to be hunted down.

   â€œPeople of the Twin Sons” she started using the same name the enemy had used “this is Major Sandra Rimmer of the Liger Scout Company; we hail from the Rim Association.  We come here to bring this world back into the Free Worlds League which it has been cut off from for so long.”  She said as her Shadow Cat came into a land, the seven Mechs she had seen were still approaching.

   â€œDark Caste, we know your ship and your technology” Leave now and we will not consider you hostile.  Inform Port Arthur that these incursions are an act of war.”  The man repeated, Sandra had no idea what or who Port Arthur was but had quite enough of threats.

   â€œTwin Sons defenders, I am very willing to defend myself, and my people.  I did not come here for war but if you bring it, I will answer.”  She said defiantly swapping communication channels “Sierra One to control, have made contact with natives consider them hostile.  Command Lance deploy to the North-West.  Alpha One through four and all Echo units attack targets of opportunity.  Support Group One and two deploy to North-East and South-West flanks, targets of opportunity but do not pursue any target.  Control try to keep out of this fight, I don’t want the DropShip targeted if we can help it.”  She ordered, she saw a variety of clicks and acknowledgements from her people before turning back to her incoming targets.  “All forces shoot to disable not destroy I want prisoners.”

   The seven defenders could barely be classed as Mech’s; even Sandra’s squat Shadow Cat completely dwarfed the largest of them.  Between them they were about six to eight metres in height according to her advanced Active Probe scanner they weighed between ten and fifteen tons – Ultra-lights.  Also according to her scanners none of the incoming designs had fusion engines which were common in BattleMechs.  As they came into view Sandra saw that the designs were similar but different most had either angular or circular armour plating, an arm mounted cannon and a shoulder mounted missile pack, although they varied in size and Sandra guessed capability.

   Moments of quiet passed as Sandra watched the defenders move from sand-dune to sand-dune then felt the rapid “ting-ting-ting” as her Shadow Cat took its first piece of damage, she glanced at the armour graph on the left of her cockpit some armour damage.  The computer designated the weapon as a machine gun.  She glanced at her target, a six metre design to her left with angular armour plate on one shoulder was a grenade launcher or a mortar on the other a missile pack while carried in the right arm was what looked like a massive infantry machine gun.  Sandra looked at the design for a second time trying to confirm what she’d seen… yes… the main gun was a “carried” weapon.  She had no interest in letting her own curiosity hold back her attack instead twisting her Mech’s turret-like torso she fired off a laser blast from the Shadow Cat’s left arm.

   The green laser blast burned through the air in seconds impacting the small design’s left side almost instantly the entire left torso of the Mech caved in taking the grenade launcher and left arm with is.  Metal fell to the ground as parts flew off the ultra-light before the entire Mech fell to the ground, the enemy Mech wasn’t out of the fight but it was disabled for now.  “Sierra One all units, these guys are ultra-light, conservative firing don’t over tax your cooling systems.”  She ordered feeling more weapons fire this time on her other side, not bothering to move her Mech she twisted the Shadow Cat’s torso and spied two more of the ultra-light machines trying to hide behind a rock as they fired their machine guns.  One was the same as the design she’d just knocked down the other slightly bigger with the same angular plates.  As she looked at them they both fired their shoulder pack missiles at her Shadow Cat.

   As she had barely moved the Shadow Cat was a sitting target and suddenly missiles from both designs were smashing into the armour.  The damage schematic glowed under each hit as armour was blown away by the enemies fire, Sandra could tell by the feel of the impacts these were like short range missiles pelting her OmniMech.  Enough was enough she launched her Mech into the air on its jump jets throwing off their machine gun fire.  In the air she targeted her SRM pack, the Streak technology built into the launcher ensuring her missiles waited until lock before firing, six missiles flew away impacting on the first design, several hit the designs left leg while others hit the torso.  Sandra could see the ultra-light’s leg was crippled as was the missile launcher.  Turning on the other design she fired her other large laser, the green blast tore down on the second machine bathing its head and torso section in light.  Normally a head shot was not a kill shot with a large laser like Sandra’s but this one was the entire cockpit crumbled under the blast.

   As Sandra’s Mech landed she looked at her sensors realizing these designs have quite light head and cockpit armour, the slightest hit was causing a breach.  She watched as the remaining designs began a fighting withdrawal pulling back, they had impressive mobility able to “hop” over small sand dunes and dodge some obstacles which larger Mechs would need Jump Jets to clear.  Looking around she realized her other units were deploying and these people had seen they were far out gunned.  Activating her comms she spoke again “Twin Suns defenders, we do not want war.”  She said it was short and simple hopefully they understood “Echo One secure disabled target designated Tango One.  Echo Six secure disabled target designated Tango Two.  I want their pilots captured alive.”  She ordered her Elemental points, the armoured warriors lept into the air on their own jump jets towards the two heavily damaged targets both of which were struggling to move under their own power.  “Alpha One, secure wreckage Tango Three, maybe we will learn something from it.”  She said ‘other than they are suicide machines?’ she silently wondered to herself.  First contact with a new world shame it hadn’t been peaceful, these people had spirit exactly what the Association needed if it was going to survive.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #403 on: January 18, 2013, 07:18:24 PM »

Rim Association Expansion
Twin Sons, Former Free Worlds League
26th August 3086

   The armour damage to Sandra’s Shadow Cat seemed to be the least of her unit’s problem according to the DropShips commander the long modified Fortress-class vessel had taken a severe beating in the entry through this planet’s atmosphere.  The damage was repairable but they would need parts, which currently they didn’t have, considering this planet’s obvious well developed industry these should be easy to come by but that meant making friends.   After the first encounter Sandra wasn’t entirely convinced that would be easy.  However she had decided that there would be not harm in trying.   Nightfall was quickly approaching but the temperature was still massive, the name “twin suns” seemed appropriate despite the defenders, although listening over the recordings from the battle Sandra was sure he’d said “twin SONS” a strange name for a world but it was up to the inhabitants to choose their name and their fate.

   The DropShip’s long range sensors had tracked the surviving defenders back towards a settlement in the far north east just beyond some mountains.  It was easily a three day trek at the speed of their slowest member.  Sandra though it was stranger as there was an equally large settlement to the south of their coordinates within half a day’s travel.  Sandra guessed they hadn’t wanted to cross the DropShips weapon arcs to retreat to a friendly base but it was still quite strange.  Although tonight there was no sign of incoming enemies she had chosen to have one Star outside the DropShip on patrol at all times, for four hours at a time.  Already Support Group One had reported their Arbiters were struggling with the increased heat which surprised Sandra as the enemy machines had shown little to no ill effects from the heat perhaps they had been conditioned for this environment?  She’d wondered her techs were looking over the two salvaged Mechs now so far all they had reported was both were of the same design, powered with Fuel Cells and both were crippled.  One of the techs as said the word marvel at least once as he’d crawled over the design personally Sandra hadn’t seen the attraction what was left of the Mech came in at a little over nine tons, a complete Mech would be ten tons.  That was barely bigger than some of the Clan’s ProtoMech designs and their combat performance had been little better.  Their hand held weapons were of interest, they were styled as if they were enlarged infantry weapons but their combat performance had shown they could match a Mech sized machine gun easily weighing in at a ton total weight it was quite a weapon.

   Unfortunately that was almost all they had gained from today’s exercise, the pilot from the first Mech had escaped from his downed machine the second warrior from the Mech with the crippled leg was currently unconscious from neural feedback from the warrior’s neurolhelmet.  The design of the helmet was quite advanced according to the techs, perhaps as advanced as the Clan’s own models but of a different design with extra circuitry the techs didn’t recognize.  Hopefully they would understand what these changes were when the pilot woke up, if he woke up.  With so many mysteries Sandra turned in for the night hoping for an easier day tomorrow.

   Unfortunately this world’s climate made sleeping at night almost impossible; the DropShip seemed to bake even with the sun down and the temperatures dropping to minus twenty-one outside.  It made the Mech patrols easier although not it appeared to be problems with sand getting into their joints.  Sitting on the edge of her bunk in the morning Sandra was beginning to think she knew why the world had been abandoned, and why the native Mech units were so light.  Reaching the cargo bay in the morning she brought all the warriors in her command around.  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are on what appears to be quite a hostile world, or at least this region of it is.”  She said looking around she noticed few of them had gotten much sleep “we cannot let it get to us.  I am going to take my star to the city to the south.  If we are attacked we will divert to the maglev and eliminate it, cutting off reinforcements from at least one direction.  Both other Stars will remain here and provide support for the DropShip’s defence.  I also want you to look at the captured equipment, see if there is anything we can use or that can help us in combat against them.

   â€œMajor, the techs get the Mechs working can we test them?”  One of the Arbiter pilots asked, he like most of the Arbiter pilots was a native of the Niops worlds and although the Arbiter was a solid design for a light it lacked any sense of styling.

   â€œI’ve instructed the techs to cannibalize one design to repair the other.  If they can repair the Mech without using our spare part cache AND interface one of our neurohelmets with the design, you can play with it.”  She noticed several smiles from the Arbiter contingent “but I want it understood, the captured neurolhelmet must not be used under any circumstances.  If you want to see the results of its use have a look in the infirmary.”

   â€œStar Major” Captain Steven Nova Cat said quietly he was a freeborn member of the Ligers and still held onto many of the Clan customs including her abridged rank.  “If you don’t return from this incursion what are your orders?”

   â€œTo the North-west there is a small settlement with what appears to be several DropShips.  Your orders are to gain access to these DropShips by any means necessary.  Get the parts you need for the engines and report our findings to Lesnovo.  Our people need to know of this world and the potential wealth that can be had here before one of the other Free Worlds League nations stumbled over it.”

   Several hours later Sandra’s star was approaching the settlement limits immediately a group of defenders, of various designs, moved forward and Sandra’s communications activated.  “Incoming Dark Caste force we do not welcome combat within Khayr Ad-Din.  This is home to the gladiator games and fair trade.  Watch your step.”  The communication warned then the machines moved off without another word.  Sandra noticed her star channel was also active and swapped over to it.

   â€œMajor, I really wish these people would stop calling us Dark Caste Quiaff?”  Elemental Point Commander Jonathon said

   â€œAff, point commander I would also like to know where they have heard of the Dark Caste.  We are a long way from the Clan borders Quiaff?”  She asked moments passed as the Elemental thought over the question that had bothered her since the first mention of the name.

   â€œAff a question worthy of an answer.  Especially since this world was supposed to be lost for centuries?  It does not make sense for them to know of the Dark Caste.”  He mused

   â€œAff, there is something very wrong on this world, star keep your ears open I want answers almost as much as I want parts for our ship.”  She ordered lights winked as everyone acknowledged her orders.  They moved slowly into the city, which was a cross between a trade post and what appeared to be some sort of junkyard.  They were led into a small corralled area; people seemed wary of them but no-one acted hostile towards them.  Sandra brought her Mech into the area then began a power down sequence she removed the Gauss SMG from the rear of her ejection seat, one of the bonuses of it being a former Nova Cat OmniMech.  Climbing towards the ground she slung the weapon over her shoulder one of the Elementals approached her she saw the silver star on the helmet of the Battle Armour suit showing it as a Point Commander’s suit.  “Point Commander, secure this area, I am going to take a walk around.”

   â€œDo you require an escort?  This does not appear to be the most lawful of places.”  The warrior said Sandra could tell even through the voice synthesizer that it was Point Commander Daniel.

   â€œNeg, Elementals tend to stick out even out of your armour.”  She answered “I will be fine, ensure this area remains secure do not engage any of the locals other than in defence.”

   â€œAff, Major I understand.”  He answered.  Sandra nodded and headed out of the compound into the street her uniform jacket was torn in places from wear and tear it didn’t look like an active military uniform although her weapon did mark her out as did her fair skin and dark hair.  Looking around the streets she could seem most people had heavily sun tanned skin and lighter shades of hair, bleached naturally by the sun, several also had strange markings on their face like intricate tattoos.  She decided the best idea to find out more about the area was to simply mingle around the streets listening and observing the world around her.

   Several streets over she had seen almost twenty different cultures all vying for position with trade deals or negotiations.  She’d noticed several different languages and hundreds of dialects this settlement seemed to be a meeting and trade place for this world which made sense given the maglev line access to north and south.  On several of the video screens she’d also noticed Mechs fighting in what looked like arenas of rubble like a mini Solaris based in this city.  It seemed that this place was where everything happened, it also appeared that this was a place one could lose everything they had to a single act.  Stopping in the street she spoke out loudly and clearly “I did not come here to fight.”  She said slowly turning facing the three men who had followed her for several streets.  They wore a mix of clothing that looked like it had been worn for several years and been through a couple of wars, each was armed but they had no weapons drawn.

   â€œPerhaps not Dark Caste, but you did come with a weapon.  And that says to us you want a fight, or you want to give it away?”  Sandra drew the weapon around her body but did not raise it “a fight perhaps” the leader said as the two others moved out to the sides drawing bladed weapons.  She could take one out with a burst of fire but the others would be on her.

   â€œI just came to trade” she repeated

   â€œSo did we, it’s called the five finger trade, we put in five fingers and you give us all your things.”  The leader said, suddenly there was a flash of movement to Sandra’s left as one of the muggers was picked up by a huge man and thrown across the street.  He impacted the wall with an audible thud and slipped down to the ground unconscious.  Glancing at him Sandra could tell the man was an Elemental by birth even lacking Battle Armour, his clothing was like the locals so she couldn’t tell what Clan he had come from but he was clearly capable of fighting unaugmented.

   â€œNow how is that a way to speak to a lady?” The Elemental boomed his voice was deep, Sandra could see he was older than most Clan warriors easily into his forties.  He stood more than ready for a fight however, both remaining assailants must have gotten the same impression as after a moment standing up to the newcomer they turned and ran.  As they escaped the Elemental roared in laughter “willing to stand up to someone with a gun but not to a single warrior!”  He shouted after the men “come back when you are ready for a war.”  He laughed again turning towards Sandra “welcome to Twin Sons newcomer, I can tell by your accent a former member of Kerensky’s Clans Quiaff?” He asked looking Sandra up and down.

   â€œAff, after a fashion” Sandra answered “I am Sandra Rimmer of the Rim Association.”  She introduced herself still holding her Gauss SMG in her hands.  Against an Elemental it was her best hope to stay armed.

   â€œA nation I have never heard of and a claimed name of no Clans.” He said looking her up and down once more “I guess it can only be expected when departed from ones Clan.  I am Michael Furey, former Star Captain of Clan Smoke Jaguar” he introduced himself bowing slightly but given his massive frame he barely reached the top of Sandra’s head with a bow.  Sandra was even more on edge by the introduction; the Smoke Jaguars had been long enemies of Clan Nova Cat.

   â€œI am Sandra Nova Cat, formerly Star Captain of Clan Nova Cat.”  She said her grip tightening on the SMG.  The Elemental looked shocked at her announcement then roared into laughter.

   â€œWho would have thought a Nova Cat and a Smoke Jaguar her of all places after all these years” he continued to laugh, Sandra wondered if he had taken a drink or two before hand given his jovial mood or perhaps it was the fight.  “We should have a drink and food while we talk, come” he ordered turning his back to her walking off “as long as there’s no iron wombs or dead animals around I think we’ll get on just fine.”  He laughed again as he walked down the street, Sandra had a choice she could walk away there was nothing stopping her.  Looking at the downed mugger she thought that following the former Smoke Jaguar and knowing who he was and how he was here was better than knowing nothing.  Today was continuing to be a surprising and interesting day, she silently wondered how it would end as she followed Michael Furey, everyone kept a respectful distance from him which was a nice change to the hustle and bustle of the city at least one thing was looking up.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #404 on: January 18, 2013, 07:20:08 PM »

Rim Association Expansion
Twin Sons, Former Free Worlds League
26th August 3086

   A couple of streets over there was a small bar with seats and tables out facing the street.  Furey sat down on one of the metal chairs; it sagged under his bulk but didn’t cave in.  Sandra sat opposite him “barkeep” Furey bellowed at the staff behind the bar “freebirths” he said smirking looking at Sandra, the waiter came over he couldn’t have been older than eighteen years old with sandy blonde hair.  “Two of my usual” Furey ordered Sandra remained quiet.

   â€œHow does a Clan Bloodnamed warrior become a usual at a place like this?”  Sandra asked without thinking

   â€œWhen your Clan falls and no-one lifts a finger to stop it, you have little option I am afraid” Sandra opened her mouth to speak.  The Nova Cats and Smoke Jaguars were never friends; in fact they were blood enemies for centuries.  She was sure had things been different and the Nova Cats been in a position to help they still wouldn’t have.  “For the past…” he said quietly as the waiter arrived back with their drinks, without ceremony Furey lifted the mug to his lips and drank several large mouthfuls of the drink.  Sandra was more cautious sniffing the glass first before taking a sip of the liquid in her mouth, it was probably the strongest thing she’d ever tasted it nipped her throat all the way to her stomach.  Her reaction must have been noticed because Furey burst into laughter once more.

   â€œSo how does a Smoke Jaguar end up here in a forgotten corner of the Free Worlds League?”  She asked testing the waters, Furey’s face immediately darkened.

   â€œWhen the Smoke Jaguars were struck down I was aboard a troop transport heading to the Inner Sphere along with some garrison units.  I had recently won my bloodname and was rising within the Smoke Jaguars ready for the challenge of the Inner Sphere.”  He began Sandra nodded winning a bloodname was the highlight of ones career in any Clan.  “When news filtered down that the Smoke Jaguars had been forced from the Inner Sphere our commander a Star Colonel Phillip Osis forced the JumpShip captain to take us on a tour of the Periphery.  We raided some Lyran worlds, but rapidly Osis was losing patience with the garrison forces on his DropShips, they were a burden he didn’t want to deal with.”  Furey explained Sandra nodded she knew what Clan officers were like with none MechWarriors and Elementals they didn’t have time for Armour or Conventional Infantry forces.  “We raided some FWL targets, one of the armour stars got bogged down, he left them to die at the hands of some Free Worlds League Legionaries forces.  Ten vehicle crews dead, we jumped here, my captain had already agreed that this system would be his DropShips last with Osis’ JumpShip.  We detached as did two others from the JumpShip Osis never even communicated with us the JumpShip just jumped away.  When we reached the planet we found it was inhabitable but that it was clear there was a break between north and south, we chose to land between them.”

   â€œLike us, do not ally with one until you know the story.”

   â€œExactly!”  Furey exclaimed a little louder than Sandra had expected “two Lions and a single Fortress not exactly front-line Clan ships but all solid vessels.  Then we experienced this worlds atmosphere everything changed, all three ships were old past their retirement age, but the Smoke Jaguars couldn’t replace them.  We came down a few kilometres north-west of this city intact but shaken.”

   â€œWhat did you have?”  Sandra curious about the Smoke Jaguars forces

   â€œA vehicle cluster, a single star of Elementals with Battle Armour and seventy-five further elementals with no armour along with nearly two hundred civilian engineers and scientists we were transporting to the Inner Sphere.”

   â€œThat is way over capacity; you must have been squabbling over each other just to sleep at night, Quiaff?”

   â€œAff” Furey confirmed “on this world even in the baking heat we had a refuge from where to plan our next move.  As Smoke Jaguars we did as we were bread to do, to conquer.  Our technology immediately gave us an advantage and we soon had cut a sizable amount of territory out of the Badlands, which is this region, the Confederated Northern States of Cameron Marik, which dominates the Northern hemisphere, and the Allied States of John Marik to the south.  Unfortunately they banded together, something that has never happened on this forsaken world, and began forcing us back over ourselves, for every piece of territory we took they forced us back.”  He explained.

   â€œCameron and John Marik?” Sandra asked not knowing the names

   â€œBastard twin sons of Captain General Simone Marik, she gifted them this world in 2740 as their personal playground.  They split this world up and created their own nations to play wargames on; limiting the technology to Fuel Cell engines was their way of keeping the violence from getting out of control.  Training Mechs were placed on this world for their games; live-ammunition kills even if it’s on a smaller scale.  As it turned out their choice to limit the size of machine on this world saved my people’s lives, we had no BattleMechs of our own but our tanks out massed even their largest Mechs two to one.  Even as they pushed us back it would take three or four of them to take one of our units down, in the end they got tired of the war their alliance broke and we held onto Port Arthur, the town we landed on.”

   â€œAnd you have been stuck here ever since, amazing.”  Sandra said quietly she saw Furey’s expression darken “not that you have been stuck here but that we would meet.  We are both Clan warriors without a Clan.”  She stated Furey did not reply “but where you have been abandoned by your commander, my commander took his unit to a refuge, the Rim Association.  Our nation is a small member of the former Free Worlds League, but we are growing, we came here scouting out possible worlds for conquest.”

   â€œIt would not be easy to take this world, even with a Mech force.”

   â€œTrue, but how about if we could provide your Elementals with Nighthawk Power Armour suits?”  Sandra asked immediately Furey’s face brightened “we have a Power Armour manufacturing plant on Niops it has survived from the time of the Star League, and is on the verge of producing our first true Battle Armour suit.”  Furey smiled at those words “Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats together against the Free Worlds League.”

   â€œIt would be glorious.”  Furey said smiling “how can this be done?”

   â€œAn alliance between the Ligers and your people, together we will forge the future of the Rim Association, but first I hope you have something my people desperately need?  My DropShip was crippled when we landed here.”

   â€œOur ship is fully operational but has no fuel, we traded it for supplies to get Port Arthur on its feet, if we could move our parts to your ship or your fuel to ours then we would have a working ship.”

   â€œWill your people agree to my ideas?”  Sandra asked their past could stop the whole thing and leave Sandra’s people stranded here also.

   â€œAff, I believe they can be convinced as long as our territory here is supported and protected.”  Furey warned “our people have built a home here; Port Arthur was nothing before we came.”

   â€œIt can and will be supported, we are not finished with this world.”

   â€œWell bargained and done” Furey stated standing up flipping a coin onto the table, Sandra guessed in payment for their drinks “I know where you landed, I will have people come to you and together we will retake the stars.”  He stated stepping out onto the street, Sandra followed closely banging into Furey as he came to a stop “it seems our friends went and found more support” across the street there were nearly twenty men staring at them all armed with knives and swords “you are ready, Quiaff?”  He asked moving his cloak slightly.

   â€œAff” Sandra said raising her SMG as the first of the men began to charge she fired.  Furey drew a slug-thrower of his own and also began to fire.  The first rank of men fell quickly in a hail of fire but the second rank trampled over them and continued to charge Sandra quickly switched targets and continued to fire as Furey engaged them in hand-to-hand combat.

   Sandra’s SMG finally ran empty with still half a dozen men moving in, Furey was still standing and fighting but even the massive Elemental couldn’t hold them forever.  Sandra steadied herself for hand-to-hand combat and likely her death as the men continued to close, but suddenly the air was full of lead and noise as above several machine guns opened fire as one tearing down into the six men who were approaching.  At least a dozen bystanders were caught in the hail of fire as all six men were gunned down.  As the fire died down she stepped out into the open to see five Elementals standing on the rooftops, they’d tracked her down.  The men fighting Furey ran away as quickly as they could at the sight of the armoured Elementals the former Smoke Jaguar warrior bloodied from a large gash above his eye looked up at the Battle Armour Point and burst into laughter.  “Never thought I’d be happy to see Nova Cat Elementals” he shouted waving up to them.  “The people of Khayr Ad-Din do not like violence outside their arenas.  Come to Port Arthur, we will rise again.”  He said looking around Furey marched off into the crowds, despite his size he was soon lost in the crowds.  Sandra surveyed the scene, the people of this city had been caught in the crossfire, it hadn’t been intentional but the blood of this world was yet again on her hands, perhaps in the future the people who lived here would understand.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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