Into June, starting with something spectacular (I wish my courses started like that), then showing Bannister Cameron uncomfortable. Please not I haven's read Surrender Your Dreams so if "Custos" seems off let me know, also with no Republic they are going to have a little different path.
Lyran Commonwealth Naval Training
Port Sydney Naval Yards, Alarion
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
2nd June 3086 The massive gravity deck aboard the space station spun at a relatively comfortable 0.9G as the class of cadets sat down for the opening lecture of the year. Among the cadets was Duchess Jessica Steiner newly completed a physics degree she had now chosen to follow in the footsteps of her father and grandfather and join the military.
Entering from the left of the room the class Kommandant Arturo Toretto stepped in front of the Class. He was a retired veteran of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces having piloted aerospace fighters early in his career he had moved onto DropShips and then JumpShips. “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to piloting school one-oh-one. Each of you are going to be challenged both academically and physically over the next three years, you will study, you will live, you will even breath aerospace fumes before you are even allowed within a cockpit of a fighter.†He said walking from one edge of the student group to the next “everyone will meet the standards required by this school or they will be dropped from this course no matter, who they are or what family they belong to.†Jessica knew he was on about her, although there may have been one or two others he had taken a jab at. “Some of you will fail, I am afraid that is the nature of this course. Some of you may be hurt or even die.†He said letting that hang in the air for several moments “we pride ourselves on running a safe environment for our students but accidents have unfortunately been known to happen, space is a dangerous place.†He warned them all “others will graduate and never progress beyond being a pilot of an aerospace fighter, some will never want to progress further than that lofty position enjoying the thrill of pilot and machine locked in deadly combat with an enemy.†He said raising a small control pad to his hands “but one or two of you may decide that despite the freedom of piloting an aerospace fighter you would prefer to pilot something a little larger and perhaps even rise to the command of such a craft.†He said pressing the button suddenly the massive clam-shell doors that made up the portion of the wall opposite the students seats began to move revealing massive windows out to space. To keep these exposed all the time would be highly dangerous but they did give spectacular visions out to space “behold the pride of the Lyran Commonwealth Navy the Mjolinir-class Battlecruiser Snow Fire. One of only three such craft currently serving within our naval forces you will see the heavy battle damage along her port side which was caused by the Clan Jade Falcon vessel Falcon’s Nest.†He said allowing them to look at the massive 1,350,000 ton vessel one of the largest WarShips ever constructed it carried more firepower than a combined BattleMech Regiment and carried enough aerospace fighters and DropShips to dominate an entire solar system it was magnificent despite the damage which had been caused to it, infact it was perhaps more impressive because of the damage showing it had fought for its nation and sacrificed so much. “To even come close to that vessel, you will have to work hard, study harder and show that you want it, otherwise you will wash out and I will be sorry you ever stepped into this school. Now lets get started ATTEN-TION!†He shouted at the top of his voice, all the cadets snapped to a salute all still looking at the massive WarShip docked at the shipyards, each filled with hope, pride and desire. Among them Duchess Jessica Steiner, heir-apparent of the Lyran Commonwealth knew one thing, in her heart she believed the future held for her a WarShip command.
Major-General Bannister Cameron’s Office
Second Armoured Cavalry Division’s Base
Liberty, Star League Protectorate
19th June 3086 The one thing that Bannister Cameron had always hated was paperwork unfortunately being a Division commander he had always had paperwork, his father had said the Cameron family runs on paper and it wasn't because people lay it at our feet. Being attached to a Special Operations unit testing the Blackwasp AM Drone Fighters had added to his paper work which more often than not was system updates and additional testing. Now that the Second was at the forefront of the new Star League Defence Force and the higher powers of the new SLDF had an almost unhealthy interest in drone technology. It seemed they had forgotten the damage drones and automated SDS systems had caused during the time of the first Star League, Bannister had meant to speak with the current Commanding-General about the SLDF’s interest but so far he hadn’t had the chance, too much paperwork.
Since becoming Governor of Liberty he had had the additional paperwork of a world to contend with and now he had the additional work leading the Star League Protectorate. Not to mention the growing amounts of what Colonel Kincaid called “fan-mail†his being a pure-blood Cameron had spread word throughout the Inner Sphere and many saw him as their savior. More than one letter demanded that he become leader of the Star League not by democratic vote but by the power of Succession and birthright. He hated it, none of these people understood, he wasn’t a politician he was barely managing the Second Armoured before Liberty got involved and now the Protectorate it was a mess.
It was late and he was still in his office there was a massive storm outside with the ocean’s swelling and causing damage to some of the Second’s facilities. Colonel Kincaid had already coordinated the Division’s troops into disaster relief teams who were working to counter the damage done. The Fifth Light Infantry Brigade was already deploying infantry detachments and engineers across the planet to provide assistance Bannister was left with his paperwork.
There was a knock on the door “how many times Andrea, you do not have to knock.†He called out if anyone was going to knock it would be Andrea Kincaid. The door swung open to reveal a tall broad shouldered man with blonde hair that had begun to go slightly grey. “I am sorry; I thought you were someone else.†Bannister said raising to his feet his hand drifting towards his regulation sidearm. “Visiting hours are long over, if you wish to meet with me you should come during the daylight hours.â€
“I am aware General; however my appearance during the day would not serve you or me very well.†The figure said entering the room slowly in the better light Bannister could see he was nearly seventy perhaps eighty years old from his size he thought the man may be a Clan Elemental warrior. The Clans were an entirely different challenge for Bannister Cameron many saw his allegiance to the new Star League as the darkest betrayal against them and against Aleksandr Kerensky. “I am Custos Paul†he said softly “my people are descendant from the original Star League, we have been cast off from the people we once sheltered with and now wish a new home.â€
“There are many worlds out in the galaxy Custos, I cannot home everyone.â€
“General, my people are well armed and well motivated if we wished we could take a world to call our own.†Custos said Bannister was unsure if it was a threat or not. “But we do not wish war General, we wish to work towards a better future. My people number perhaps four hundred souls, we would like to occupy Mopelia Island.â€
“Mopelia Island is a dead zone has been since 3079 since the biological attack. Nearly forty thousand lives were lost on that world.†Bannister said surprised by Custos Paul’s idea “no-one else has been willing to go there despite the biological damage being cleared, much of the city is still in ruin destroyed during the riots.â€
“My people are aware of the situation†the Custos said he must have seen Bannister’s expression change then clear “we were not responsible for the attack on that island.â€
“Which unit of the Star League did you saw you were descendant from?†Bannister asked changing the subject.
“I did not, my people descend from multiple units of the old League that banded together and tried to form a new civilization. Unfortunately that did not work out for us.â€
“I will have to consider your idea Custos, and there will be a price to your acquisition of the island.†Bannister warned Custos Paul just nodded “come back to me in six months and I will tell you what my decision is.†He promised the shadowy figure remained standing for several moments before nodding leaving as quietly as he had come. Bannister sat back down behind the piles of paperwork but did not pick up any of the papers; this new problem could cause more issues in the long run.
Capellan Confederation Expansion
Former Free Worlds League, Inner Sphere
21st June 3086 The former worlds of the long defunct Duchy of Andruien become part of the Capellan Confederation as Armed forces loyal to the Chancellor land on the worlds of Ryerson, Xantha III, Ingonish, Villanueva, Leyda and Cursa creating the new Andruien Commonality. Leading these forces is the new Capellan OmniMech the Culverin, a newly developed Heavy design carrying stealth armour. Built on Grand Base by Earthwerks the seventy-five ton OmniMech like the smaller Men Shen before it is an exclusive OmniMech for the Capellan Confederation.
Although there is wide condemnation against the Capellan actions for destabilizing the area Chancellor Naomi Centrella points out that the worlds targeted by the Capellan Confederation were all former Duchy of Andruien worlds, and that with the creation of the Andruien Commonality the area would be more stable.
The Culverin comes from Fan TRO 3063, one of my favourite designs in that for looks even though I don't like one or two bits of the design fortunately its an OmniMech and you make what you want