Into February
Things look like it going back to normal of sorts for the inner sphere and periphery powers.
Normal... let's see if you think normal comes into it after this change... To the Wolf (in-Exile) fans who read this I hope you don't hate it.
Meeting, Wolf City
Arc Royal, Arc Royal Theatre
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
12th February 3095 Far from the Clan Wolf (in-Exile) Clan Hall Khan Patrik Fetladral and Loremaster Evan Kell along with nearly two Clusters of Exile warriors had secured a building in the merchant sector of the city. Soon after word of their visitor's arrival had been signaled by their guards. The two men waited silently the recent death of Ranna Kerensky had effectively placed Evan Kell, as Loremaster, into a position second only to Patrik Fetladral. Neither liked each others company much but they both agreed that they had to work together to ensure that the Exiles survived, as Evan Kell planned to enter the upcoming trials for a new saKhan, Patrik Fetladral had ensured that he was here for this meeting.
Their wait did not last long as a pair of armoured Elementals entered the room taking up positions next to Patrik Fetladral's own guards. The Elementals wore armour that was identical to his own down to their paint scheme and the “unique†crest signifying that they were the Wolf Khans escort. Moments later the reason for this similarity was answered as Khan Nathan Fetladral of Clan Wolf entered the room quickly crossing to the table. Never in Clan Wolf's history had the Fetladral name been so powerful, two Khans, it was a shame that they had differing political differences Patrik thought before speaking. “Welcome to Arc Royal†he said raising from the chair “please take a seat†he said indicating to the chair opposite the Exiles.
“Thank you†Nathan Fetladral said sitting opposite the two Exile leaders “and thank you for agreeing to meet with me.â€
“You said you had a proposal for us.†Evan Kell said before Patrik could ask the reason for the meeting.
“We are the same you and I†he began “we are Wolves born by the same blood, to the same traditions and the same history.†Nathan Fetladral began seeing their hostility raising he continued before they could disagree “however we are forever separated by the choices of those that came before us and the beliefs that we hold.â€
“I agree with you completely; our Clans can never be one again.†Patrik Fetladral said agreeing “our paths have separated.â€
“What is the reason for your visit Wolf Khan, not to remiss over past choices we had no hand in, Quineg?â€
“Neg, Loremaster, I believe that we should stop living in the past. As you say in there were decisions made that we were not a part of; beyond our control.†He said “now however we can control what happens, I have a proposal for you, there are currently two Wolf Clans I wish there to be only one.â€
“You come here to declare a Trial of Absorption?†Patrik Fetladral asked angrily standing to his feet.
“Neg, your Wolves and mine should not come into conflict†Nathan Fetladral said raising his open hands in an attempt to show no hostile intent. “Instead I say that you stop being Exiles and embrace what you are.â€
“And what is that?†Evan Kell asked
“An independent Clan with its own destiny.†The leader of the Crusader Wolves said “give up your desire to be the Exiled Wolf and become something your people can be proud of.â€
“Were it so easy Patrik Fetldral our Wolves believe they have as much right to Kerensky's legacy as yours do.â€
“But they are also proud of who they now are and of where they now live†Evan Kell said warriors of his Bloodline were now being born into the Iron Wombs of the Exiles more and more of the freeborns born in Wolf City and beyond were being accepted into the Exile Touman.
“What do you suggest we become the Lyran Wolf? Further subjugate ourselves to the Succession State?†Patrik Fetladral asked.
“Neg, we are Wolves but we will never be Lyran Wolves.†Evan Kell said quietly thinking for a moment “we must be our own people, the Mountain Wolf.†He said thinking of the BattleMech company owned by the Kell family named for the species of Wolf native to the Lyran homeworld.
“Mountain Wolf†Patrik Fetladral said sounding out the name “a strong name†he admitted “but one that our Council must rectify.†He said speaking to Nathan Fetladral.
“Aff, of course Khan Mountain Wolf†the Wolf leader said reinforcing the name in Patrik Fetladral's mind the Exile leader was not convinced that this was the path for his Clan but it was something he was at least willing the look at. Looking at the Wolf Khan he knew that this was not the only reason that Nathan Fetladral had visited them. “Was there anything else, Quiaff?â€
“Aff†he admitted “there are changes coming to Clan Wolf, changes that you would be advised not to interfere with, should you get in our way we will destroy you and all others that are with you.†He warned the previously friendly tone completely gone from the Wolf leader's voice. I also wish to challenge your Clan...â€
'Here it was' Patrik Fetladral thought quietly the real reason for this visit the Mountain Wolf was a charade.
“I wish to challenge you for a copy of all information you have on the Ghosts of the Abyss and the locations your forces engaged them on. I believe that saKhan Ranna Kerensky transmitted such information to you before her passing.â€
'What? Why do you want that' Patrik Fetladral wondered looking at the Wolf leader not realizing his mouth was silently open in surprise.
“Why do you want this information?†Evan Kell said regaining his composure more quickly “what good would it do you?â€
“Our reason is our own†Nathan Fetladral said giving little away to the Wolves motives the two Khan and Loremaster exchanged glances and a nod of agreement.
“To show that we harbour the Wolves no ill and to honour Ranna Kerensky's passing as a Wolf†Evan Kell said stressing that she was a Wolf first not a crusader or warden “we will release the information to you without trial on one condition?â€
“What are we Foxes or Wolves? There is no conditions we fight for this information in a trial or we do not.†Nathan Fetladral said angrily after several moments of silence from the two Exiles however he relented “what is your condition?â€
“That whatever the Wolves have planned does not effect our Clan or those we protect adversely.†Evan Kell stated his Wolves would not give their counterparts information that could cause them harm; there was no sense in it.
“Your Wolves will not be effected directly by our actions; you may even benefit from our plans.†He said smiling knowingly both Exile warriors knew that the Wolf had big plans however they also knew what he had planned would not effect them; no Wolf would lie to another even those who were set apart.
“Then we will transmit you the information before your JumpShip leaves the system. We will consider your... other proposal.†Patrik Fetladral said raising to his feet Nathan Fetladral nodded raising from his own seat.
“It was only a suggestion†Nathan Fetladral said “I am glad we were able to meet like this, as Wolves, it is how the Founder would have wanted it I am sure. He said without another word the Wolf Khan walked from the room followed by his Elementals Patrik Fetladral slipped back into his chair.
“The Wolf plan will change many things†Evan Kell said it wasn't an answer, it wasn't nearly one, just a feeling he had.
“Mountain Wolf? The Kell factory name?â€
“The Kells are as part of this Clan as any other, Patrik, Phelan Kell's blood does not just run through my veins it will soon run through many others in our Touman. Our Clan is also a part of the Lyran society the name fits on both accounts.â€
“And I assume that you would like to push through your other agenda also, Quiaff?â€
“Aff, I have been able to gain the Kell name because of my bloodline, the trueborns that follow Phelan Kell and me should be allowed to fight for the right as well.â€
“And what of the Kells in the Lyran Commonwealth? Their reaction may not be a good one.â€
“To hell with them†Evan Kell admitted “we are Wolves they will accept what we do or they will not but we must continue.â€
“Spoken like a Wolf†Patrik Fetladral said proudly remaining silent for several minutes “fine we push on with both. You are correct the future Kell Bloodhouse should have its voice, the warriors deserve their place within our Clan and the right to fight for a bloodname. The Mountain Wolves...†he mused “a new start for our Clan after all these years in Exile†he wondered.
“Not a new start†Evan Kell said “embracing what we now are, we are not the Wolves who came to conquer, we are the wolves who come from our homes and defend those who need us.â€
“You are moonlighting as a part-time soothsayer, perhaps you should join the Nova Cats, quineg?â€
“Neg I am a Wolf†Evan Kell said bringing a smile now to the face of Patrik Fetladral, perhaps he could work with this young wolf after all.
In the weeks that followed the meeting between the Exile leaders and Nathan Fetladral a series of changes happened on Arc Royal. First was the public acknowledgment by the Wolf leadership that Kell blood had been mixed into the Iron Wombs and the first warriors were already training to be Wolf warriors and that in the future they would be allowed to fight for the Kell Bloodname as Evan Kell had done. This initially sent a few ripples through the Wolf Touman however most already considered the Kell name as their own in the Lyran Commonwealth there were slightly larger ripples with many questioning the loyalty of the “true†Kell line that resided on Arc Royal questions that were rapidly answered by Duchess Megan Kell. Although Megan did not condemn the Exile actions she did point out that the Kell Family would always be a Lyran family first and foremost.
The second change to the Exiles caused far greater ripples within the Wolf ranks Khan Patrik Fetladral and new named saKhan Evan Kell jointly proposed at a Council meeting of all the Bloodnamed warriors in Clan Wolf (in-Exile) that they officially change their name to the Mountain Wolf. Initially even thought of changing their Clan's name was seen as grounds for a Trial of Grievance with both the Khan and saKhan defeating opponents in Circles of Equals to ensure their ideas could be heard.
Both Wolf Khans explained their reasons behind their idea. Since their discussion with Khan Nathan Fetladral both Khans had spoken with each other at length on the subject looking at the various reasons behind supporting the change and against it. The two Khans explained their reasons to the Clan Warriors and each reason was debated for nearly eighteen hours without recess although several of the Wolves were unhappy with even the mention of changing their Clan's name many of the others, many of the younger generation and others who would happily drop the stigma of the in-Exile tag.
Eventually the vote was called and once the counts had been made and checked Clan Wolf (in-Exile) was no-more and Clan Mountain Wolf had arisen. For the short term future the Mountain Wolf Clan would have problems with old warriors that they were no longer 'Wolf' warriors. Khan Patrik Fetladral would also have to explain to the Lyran Archon why the Tharkad's national animal now had a Clan named after it.
Mission Rubicon, Outrageous Fortune (Merchant-class JumpShip)
Sharpe, Sian Commonality
Capellan Confederation
17th February 3095 With Terra and Unity City under the control of the reborn SLDF there was a magnitude of information available to the SLDF. To help sort through the information, specifically indicators towards lost SLDF Caches, the SLDF had hired civilians employed by Interstellar Expeditions. Once they had found something interesting this was passed to the SLIC for further analysis and tasked with a scouting group to confirm if anything remained in some cases Interstellar Expeditions were hired to follow up on the find as well due to a shortage of available JumpShips operating with the SLIC.
This was the case with this particular mission according to every map from the fall of the First Star League throughout the Succession Wars and into modern times the Sharpe system of the Capellan Confederation did not exist. However on 'original' SLDF the system existed and was home to the the Sharpe Rifles Regiment, a unit of the St Ives Armoured Cavalry, after the fall of the Star League and the beginning of the First Succession War there was no mention of it. The First Succession War was devastating with whole worlds destroyed but even those that had been destroyed there was still records of them Sharpe seemed to just disappear.
In an effort to discover what had happened to the system the Interstellar Expeditions Merchant-class JumpShip Outrageous Fortune had been tasked to jump into the system and discover what had happened to the system. Entering via the system's Nadir jump point the JumpShip had immediately been confronted by dozens of metallic signatures between them and the planet including one massive space station. With aerospace fighters approaching them the Outrageous Fortune fast charged its KF Drive escaping the system heading for the nearest SLDF outpost on Kittery.
Gilmour MilTech Test Grounds
Talitha, Star League Protectorate
21st February 3095 Several SLDF officials stood with the directors of Gilmour MilTech Industries near their factory on Talitha watching the sky. Gilmour was one of the few places within the Inner Sphere capable of full scale production of Land Air Mechs (LAMs) and Gilmour's contract with the SLDF gave them much latitude in who they dealt with. The Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Draconis Combine were both routine customers of Gilmour MilTech however for this contract they were offering the SLDF Exclusive access.
“Ladies and Gentlemen†Director Arthur Caldwell began “in the late days of the first Star League Martinson Armaments worked on a new Land Air Mech design.†He said as a roar of an engine began to fill the air “this design was co-opted by Amaris and his forces following their occupation of Terra during the Star League Civil War.†He explained it wasn't the best topic to bring before SLDF officers and officials but it was history “the design was miss used by the Amaris and did not impress.†He explained “the design is intended as a flanker and harassment unit but they tried to use it as a front-line unit where it did not work†he said as the aircraft came into range.
The aircraft was as large as most medium aerospace fighters with wings that extended from mid-way along the fighter to the rear. Under the right wing there appeared to be a single large weapon. The aircraft turned slowly towards them diving to a lower altitude as it did the LAM began to convert first into an Air-Mech, part way between a Mech and an aerospace fighter, and then into a BattleMech as it closed on them igniting its jump jets lowering it slowly to the ground.
“Allow me to present you with the SCR-1X LAM Screamer†Arthur Caldwell said as the Mech walked towards them “built on a fifty-five ton chassis the Screamer is able to keep up with most Inner Sphere BattleMechs on the ground with the added bonus of being able to convert into an Aerospace Fighter. It is armed with an Extended-Range Particle Cannon which can be used on the ground or in the air and it has two internal bomb bays which can be employed in its aerospace fighter mode.†He said seeing the SLDF Officials taking an interest now they could see the Mech before them “due to the work originally done by Martinson Armaments, and rejected by Amaris, we can begin production of this design immediately for the exclusive use of the SLDF. Alternatively it will be available for the general market by the end of the year.†He said he didn't need to mention the availability for the design however from the comments he could hear them say to each other he knew that Gilmour MilTech would be producing these Mechs for the SLDF for the foreseeable future.
Arthur Caldwell had hoped the new technology that Gilmour MilTech had been working on would be ready for the Screamer however there were still problems with the equipment. Instead for now the Screamer and Gilmour's Shadow Hawk LAM would have to remain in their original configurations.
Base Camp, Thunder Road Mercenary Command
Darby, Bowang
Bowang Free Trade Sphere, Former-Free Worlds League
28th February 3095 With the agreement signed the Thunder Road had moved into their new base camp, which as part of their agreement with Bowang would belong to them, Colonel John Wrangler was not completely happy with the facilities on offer. Although Bowang had long been regarded as a trade hub and it had been the capital of the Bowang Free Trade Sphere for seven years it had never been high on military expenditure with only a couple of bases on the planet renovated to modern standards. This particular fire base which had been gifted to the Thunder Road had been abandoned since the Second Succession War when Lyran Commonwealth forces severely damaged the base during a long range strike.
“Look first we concentrate on the Mech bays.†Wrangler said to his chief tech “we can man those walls all day and all night but our Mechs will not maintain themselves.†He pointed out “first the Mechbays then accommodations and the kitchens.†He said first the Mechs, the unit's lifeblood, then accommodations; the DropShip beds they were currently sleeping in were not designed for long term stays despite how comfortable their ship was. The kitchens were another priority as at the moment they were boosting the local Bowang economy with their take-away meals and eating out Wrangler knew that it wouldn't take long before the cost of all this “eating out†bankrupted the unit even with some of the discounts being offered to them as “Defenders of Bowang.â€
Bowang had hired them in good faith as a long term training and raiding unit however this base had a lot to be desired about it Wrangler believed that it was more likely that the Bowang Government had given it to them to save the cost in ripping it down. One major positive of the base was that it had been designed to service an entire regiment which would give the Thunder Road plenty of space to expand should they find the funds to do so. The base also had its own dedicated landing pads for three spheroid type DropShips the Thunder Road only had one DropShip at present but again in the future it could benefit them greatly.
John Wrangler had never been a man who had considered settling down he had always wanted to be a MechWarrior and had always known that would mean moving from base to base and planet to planet. However this offer from Bowang was too good the Thunder Road would make in the next six years what they would normally make in nine years and Bowang had stated that after their term was over another contract would be offered, however, if the Thunder Road wished to seek employment elsewhere they could AND more importantly keep the fire-base as their own. It wasn't Outreach, Northwind or Arc-Royal he thought thinking of the homes of some of the bigger mercenary commands however it was a significant step in the right direction.