Next bit with a significant bit from James Tanaga in the Rim Collection and Lyran Commonwealth and an introduction of a character from Wrangler's Thunder Road
Lower deck, Niops shipyards
Niops IV, Niops
District of Lesnovo, Free Worlds League
1st March 3114 Deep inside the facility that Niops claimed was a shipyard the damage control team led by Abdullah Ababneh rushed as quickly as they could in their magnetic boots would carry them. The District of Lesnovo’s newest vessel was preparing to launch and the command centre had discovered a serious issue in one of the de-docking process that the damage control team needed to repair. As he made his way through the ex-Showden Mining Station Abdullah already knew what the issue would be something related to the fact that Niops had repurposed a pair of Showden-class Mining Stations and latched them together to create their “shipyard†Abdullah had come across dozens of these issues since he’d arrived from Astrokazsy looking for work and a better life for his family. “Move quickly people we need to sort this issue.†He said trying to motivate them.
“They should delay the damned launch!†One of the workers called back “an exploration ship isn’t exactly going to save our worlds from trouble.â€
“It’s not a call we can make, we must trust our leaders know what they are doing.†Abdullah replied trying to believe the words himself as they entered the are where control suggested there was a fault. “Spread out, find the source of the issue!†He commanded and the five-man team immediately got to work. “Command, this is DC-4, we are in position and assessing the situation.â€
“We need answers DC-4 make them quick and accurate.â€
“Affirmative†Abdullah confirmed cutting the link “we would do no less.†He said to himself beginning to work on his section looking for the fault. Unfortunately, he and the other workers quickly established what was wrong there was a cascade fault in the power management of this section which was slowly building towards an overload.
“Control, this is DC-4, we have established the origin of the fault. Generator Six is building towards a cascade failure which will obliterate this section of the station. We cannot stop it.â€
“DC-4, we need options other than watching a section of the station explode, you’re onsite work the problem.â€
“We are†he said “options people we need them any ideas.â€
“We get the frak out of here!†One of them suggested
“Won’t make a difference, the power in this section will spark throughout the corridor we just came down we’ll be fried.â€
“Shut all the bulkhead doors†another suggested “seal us in, vent the atmosphere and start a vent of all the local reactors.â€
“Ezra are you nuts that’ll flood this section with hard radiation, we’ll be turned to jelly by the heat!â€
“But the station will be saved from a serious explosion which could take the Spirit of Northumberland with us.†Ezra suggested “we will die if we try to run, we may as well make things count.â€
“Agreed†Abdullah said all of you seal your pressure suits and get into the airlock, it’s shielding will protect us from much of the radiation.†He said and opened a communication with the control room as his team headed into the airlock. Being in there was still probably a death’s sentence but it might give them another option. “Control, this is DC-4, you need to shut all bulkhead doors and seal this section from the other station. I would suggest also evacuation the sections directly adjacent as well before emergency shutting down and venting all local reactors into this section and the space away from the Spirit. My team will be EVA from the station within the next thirty-seconds†he said flicking a control locking them inside the airlock much to the horror of the other five men “they will need a pick up as soon as possible. I am remaining onsite to shutdown additional power relays to stop further damage.†He said cutting the link hearing his team inside the airlock shouting angrily at him for his sacrifice. “DC-4 assume explosive decompression protocol position now it’s your only hope!†He snapped “you have ten seconds, stay apart once you are away from the station and make sure your emergency locators are on transmit.†He said the team didn’t move but continued to complain “do it now!†He commanded external door opening in ten seconds†he said as the team began to move into crouched positions facing the doors. Elsewhere the station began to shut down sections of power and vent the reactors nearby. “Good luck†he said flicking the control which released all the air and his team into space, it was their best chance to get as far from the radiation as possible, their suits would protect them from the hazards of space for a short period of time. Abdullah then walked across the room and began to shut down the power circuits that would lead to the surface of the station stopping them from overloading would stop any additional hull breaches. His suit’s radiation metre began to register greater radiation levels bleeping louder and louder Abdullah tuned it out by saying a prayer as he did his final duty of the shipyard in trying to save as much as he could before hot radioactive plasma flooded the compartment consuming him.
Due to Abdullah Ababneh’s actions the station only suffered a single further hull breach and no-one was hurt by it. The reactors returned to save mode after expelling their excess plasma and dampening their power output. While Abdullah Abebneh had died protecting the station Niops newest Vengeance Pocket WarShip was able to collect up his team with minimal injuries taken to them. For his sacrifice Abdullah Ababneh’s name was given to the Vengeance which had recovered his team and would be assigned to the nation’s newest vessel the Endevour-class Spirit of Northumberland which had been captured from the Marian Hegemony and refurbished over Niops.
Erinyes (Modified Newgrange-class)
Viborg Asteroid Field
Viborg, Rim Collection
3rd March, 3114Calvin McIntyre smirked, watching in satisfaction as the CF Erinyes continued its slow crawl deeper into the system, intent on destroying the heretical Rim Collection sole shipyards. Drone fighters and DropShips crewed by righteous believers of the Word of Blake and their noble Circinian allies escorted the behemoth WarShip like a swarm of bees protecting their sacred queen.
And like the swarm, the drone fighters and DropShips would soon enter the battle against the heretics and non-believers of the Rim Collection, he knew, Against the Word of Blake battleship and its escorts, the heretics could only defend their oh so vital shipyard with a mere transport and a small construction ship and what fighters and DropShips the system held.
“Something’s not right,†she heard his beloved murmur. He allowed his lone remaining eye to dart to her. She stood next to the acolyte manning the tactical station, annoyingly tapping the side loudly.
“What’s not right,†he asked, his eyes returning to his screen.
“The system’s defenses,†she replied, no, snarked, backed at him. He approved of her fiery spirit, though was careful not to show it in front of the others. She was not a righteous believer as he and the others were on the bridge, though her continued belief and loyalty to him was just as strong as their zealotry, he knew.
“They seem to be concentrated around the lone transport,†he supplied. “Though I wonder where they hid their construction ship,†he thought out loud. His eyes traced a Behemoth DropShip leaving the enemy transport and fleeing to the enormous station that served as the shipyard.
“It’s not that. It’s the size of their forces.â€
“Meager,†Mcintyre judged a second later. “All their forces are caught up in battles of fire and ash, too eager to free their brethren heretics,†he dismissed her concerns as the CF Erinyes and its swarm of escorts skirted the edge of the system’s asteroid belt. “They are too far to be part of this battle. Even if they left their battles immediately, they would be too little too late. And soon all in this system shall burn, as all heretics deserve.â€
His concerned beloved’s answer was cut off before it began from the acolyte beside her. “The Heretic’s transport and its escort just entered into range. Soon victory and thereafter, fire and ash!â€
“Fire and Ash!†he heard approvingly from the other members of the bridge crew as the CF Erinyes entered the fray. Ahead of the noble WarShip, the heretic WarShip and its meager escort lay, a final wall between the Erinyes and its target.
Moments later, his eyes squinted in annoyance as the bridge was slightly rocked by the first few volleys exchanged. The heretical WarShip’s weapon systems were surprisingly decent, he judged in disgust. He was soon proven correct.
“Moderate damage to our port dorsal batteries. Slight damage to that side’s maneuvering thrusters. Armor is holding, but getting red-lines across multiple segments,†the female acolyte manning Damage Control succinctly reported. “Recommend we turn to port so as to shield that side.â€
He shook his head, silently cursing, as the acolyte manning the Pilot station immediately changed their course. The CF Erinyes, the finest WarShip remaining to the believers in their righteous crusade, unfortunately still had battle damage they could not repair and the Heretics had found the Achilles Heel of the Erinyes.
Another minute passed as the mighty WarShip presented its starboard side to the enemy heretics’ vessel, all the while. Just as the Erinyes began its next volley, his eyes widened in disbelief at his screen. He heard his lover a half second later.
“Radiation burst directly behind us! Another ship! Behind us!â€
“Ship’s IFF reads the RCS Warrior! Battlenet confirms it matches same class that hit Erdvynn!†the acolyte beside her yelled out a moment later as Calvan paled in disbelief. Seconds later, the Erinyes began taking fire from recent arrival.
“Wepaons, fire the asteroid!†Calvan urgently yelled. “Helm, turn out about as soon as it leaves the mass driver!â€
As he listened to his bridge crew reply back, he could not help but look back at his screen in dread. The heretical WarShip he judged as at least comparable to the Erinyes in terms of weapons as multiple damage reports immediately came across his screen.
“New contacts! From the belt!†his lover yelled. “Damnit! they ‘re heading for our JumpShips!â€
“Comms, have our JumpShips jump out of system and into Steiner space. I doubt the Collection and their pet monkeys are stupid enough to jump across the border. And if they are, then all is well even if we die here!†ye yelled just before the bridge was rocked hard.
“A dozen or so assault fighters just broke through our fighter screen,†he heard his beloved’s voice report. “Having secondary gunners concentrate on the fighters-â€
He saw a bright explosion and then nothing.
Mechbay, The Fort
Ecol City, Thorin
Thorin EDZ, Star League Protectorate
4th March 3114 Morgan was clambering over his Shirke OmniMech which was in the SLDF Mechbay on Thorin. The Mech was still painted in its Ghost Bear camoflague and while he had been allowed to take it out several times on exercises with local forces, he still hadn’t been given any sort of assignment. On the ground below Marika Danko stood watching and waiting for him. Since his return to Thorin and his release from the Rasalhague Dominion she had been assigned to him as his debriefing from the Star League Intelligence Command they’d slowly but surely rekindled their previous relations. Suddenly there was commotion on the ground of the Mechbay Morgan manipulated the maintenance pully’s and he shot down quickly towards the ground grabbing a tech who was near Marika. “What is going on tech?†He demanded formally sometimes he still forgot his manners.
“MechWarrior there’s been an explosion near Fell’s Fort, a disused mine imploded somehow took a bunch of buildings down with it. There was a school group in the area, they are all missing!†The tech said rapidly “the Guard’s all over the damned place on exercise.†He explained
“Then I need you to get my Mech equipped to assist†he ordered the Tech who looked surprised “I can get there before any of the guard get back, if there are any cadets still in the Fort get them in the training Mechs they can come with me, we’ll use the Mechs to dig for the school group.†He suggested “do it now Tech.†He said the man nodded and ran off.
“You have no authority to make that order Morgan, be careful†Marika warned him.
“I do not care, if I can help, I will help.â€
“Good luck, I’m going to try and help muster more help, be careful†she repeated stepping up beside him kissing him passionately before rushing off. Morgan stood there for a moment gobsmacked since she’d shyed away from kissing him before despite their feelings for each other.
Within the hour Morgan was in his BattleMech with a pair of Chameleons and at the disused mine between the three of them they began digging through the rocks supporting the ground teams that were already working on the area trying to clear debris. For eight hours Morgan remained on station assisting the teams until more of the guard arrived. Due to his actions and the others in the area twenty-eight school children and their teachers were rescued from the mine with minor injuries.
Following the rescue mission Morgan gains greater respect from the local SLDF forces and he chooses now rather than later to propose to Marika Danko. Instead of waiting Marika insists they marry now before he’s taken from her again so in the presence of the Thorin Guard members and his mother Duchess Katya Christifori. Morgan Christifori and Marika Danko are married by Colonel Miguel Ãngel Silvestre, the commander of the First Thorin Guard.
First Kathil Uhlans RCT Basecamp
Cassandra Station, Bruin
Irian, Free Worlds League
13th March 3114The basecamp of the First Kathil Uhlans RCT was a hive of activity as Colonel Celeste Lussier exited the executive transport aircraft. The unit’s equipment seemed to be a hodgepodge of Federated Suns, Free Worlds League, Capellan and Clan Wolf equipment unlike any other Federated Suns unit she had seen. She was met by a young male Leftenant dressed in a duty uniform who escorted her across the assembly yard and into the main command building a battered structure which had seen some fighting but looked structurally sound. Entering the building she was led to a back map room where Marshal Richard Steiner stood with three other Colonels all dressed in duty uniforms, she immediately saluted which was returned by the other officers.
“Welcome to Irian, Colonel†Steiner said greeting him. “We have assisted the SLDF repulsing another Wolf attack this morning the First Wolf Regulars Cluster. We probably damaged them enough that they won’t have enough to remain as a unit.†He said proudly
“Well done Marshal, I have been dispatched by Marshal of Armies Fredrick Davion…â€
“Very good, your forces can be integrated into our forces here, they will be very welcome…†Steiner began he knew she also had the FSS Emma Davion, an Avalon II-class Cruiser, at the Nadir point as well which would help secure Irian.
“Sir, sorry to interrupt you.†Celeste said interrupting him the Marshal smirked and nodded for her to continue. “I have arrived with an empty WarShip and some JumpShips. My orders are to recall you back to the Federated Suns, your transport is waiting you’ll be welcomed home as the heroes you are.â€
“Excuse me†one of the Colonels said his name tag read Wiig “we’ve lost a lot of people here, they are the heroes who sacrificed their lives for those who can’t fight for themselves.â€
“The Marshal of Armies wishes to see the Kathil Uhlans returned to the Federated Suns and stood down for rest and refurbishment.â€
“That’s a mistake, we are an integral part of the defence of this world with the SLDF.†Wiig responded “the SLDF and FWL got us to this point, we owe them…â€
“The Marshal of Armies does not agree†Celeste responded “Marshal Steiner, the Uhlans have been out of command for a long time. It is time that the Kathil Uhlans to return home.â€
“I’m struggling to agree with him†Steiner responded “Colonel, our people are going to have to discuss this.â€
“Sir, with respect they are yours to command.â€
“Affirmative they are but we’ve had to take unit orphans from SLDF, mercenary and Free World League units into our TO&E.†He explained his name tag read Klimek but he carried a few other markings she didn’t recognize at first before thinking about what he’d said one of his unit patches was a Free Worlds League one!
“This is a Federated Suns line unit… they are expected!â€
“COLONEL Lussier†Steiner said emphasizing her rank “the Kathil Uhlans are currently on station and they are under MY command. Now I’m telling you that the Uhlans need to discuss their position on these orders. You’ll be assigned guest quarters we’ll recall you when we’re ready. Dismissed†he said and Celeste Lussier was escorted out of the room.
Nearly three hours later Colonel Celeste Lussier was escorted back to the map room to meet with Marshal Richard Steiner who now was on his own and dressed in his formal dress uniform. As she entered, she immediately saluted the man who returned it immediately. “Colonel, at ease†he said she stood down “Colonel Lussier, please accept this declaration from the members of the First Kathil Uhlans who originated in the Federated Suns for the Marshal of Armies and the First Prince.†Steiner said handing her a written declaration which had dozens, no hundreds of signatures on it. “This is a declaration that as of this date we are resigning our commissions with the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.†He explained Lussier’s face must have told the story “our unit has had a mix of nationalities in it since we served with Task Force Serpent.†Steiner said “now we’ve all been away from the Federated Suns for almost two years we’ve been serving with people from several different backgrounds now we’re the Kathil Uhlans, our people are loyal to their unit and the unit have decided once and for all to align our futures with the Star League Defence Force.â€
“You cannot betray your oaths and steal equipment.â€
“We served the AFFS loyally for years Colonel, now we’ve had to survive on our own and we’ve taken others in.†He explained “we’re moving onto the next stage of our careers and we won’t be leaving the people hear in the lurch.â€
“You could be cut off from your families, refused entry into the Federated Suns, branded tra…â€
“I’m going to cut you off right there COLONEL.†Steiner said angrily “in that document it states that the people of this unit are ready to accept not being able to return to the Federated Suns. We’ve made this decision in full knowledge of that fact but do not dare go further than that. The men and women of this unit were exiled following orders to follow a Federated Suns combat mission, we did our damned jobs now we’re dealing with the consequences.†He said feeling himself he was beginning to rant and tried to calm down “we’ve been accepted as commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the SLDF. If the Marshal of Armies has a problem with it take it up with Terra, your dismissed do not let me delay you in your return to the Emma Davion.â€
Trial of Possession
Sherwood, Nova Cat’s Den
20th March 3114 While Clan Nova Cat’s 449th Assault Cluster declares a Trial of Possession over the Federated Suns world of Minette Tyler’s Terrors led by Earl Jonas Tyler land on Sherwood, their homeworld, for the first time in thirteen years. There they face off against the Nova Cat’s 451st Pouncer Cluster and while they fight in accordance with Clan dueling rules of Zellbrigen they are soundly defeated and forced off world. The attack is seen as a further afront to the Nova Cat’s territory by their neighbours and a greater challenge to Khan Canin Rosse’s rule. With the Nova Cat’s returning from Minette in defeat further calls for a challenge against Rosse continue to boil beneath the surface.
District of Regulus Hiring Hall
Bowang City, District of Bowang
Free Worlds League
22nd March 3114 The door to the hiring hall wooden slammed into the wood paneled wall taking the door off its hinge as Colonel Jocoam Chowla charged into the Hiring Hall for the District of Regulus on Bowang. He marched up to the negotiators desk and threw down a set name tags in front of a middle-aged man dressed in a business suit. “You want to explain to me what the hell happened on Wallis!†He demanded the man looked back at him calmly and then down at the name tag they read Aletha Chowla “your guns killed the people you hired to defend you!†Chowla continued angrily leaning over the desk grabbing the man and dragging him up off his seat “you killed my wife, you *******!†He bellowed his anger beyond its boiling point.
The District of Regulus had agreed to meet with representatives of the unit but the negotiator had been expecting the unit’s other co-commander Ariel Peregrine-Simpson not this muscled giant who could probably rival a small elemental. He stammered for a moment but Chowla wasn’t finished dragging him over his desk he threw the man to the ground. “I want ****** answers not excuses!†Jake Chowla cursed taking a stomp towards him.
“Stop right there!†a young woman dressed in a mercenary coat said from the door her hand was on her sidearm, which was still holstered, as were the two guards behind her.
“You know what the **** these pieces of crap did to my unit on Wallis!†He said stepping towards the man who shuffled across the floor away from him the guards reached for their weapons but the woman motioned to them to stop. He studied her for a moment she was in her early-to-mid thirties had long dyed red hair, someone who’d obviously been a fan of the old Natasha Kerensky stories.
“I heard Colonel†she said, he guessed she’d recognized his unit patch “the sold you up the river, but this isn’t the way trust me.â€
“It might not be†he said grasping one of the office chairs in his hands “but I promise you he said looking down at the negotiator, I’ll get mine one way or the other and I’ll start with your sorry hide†he said swinging the chair up off the ground and across the room into the wall in one fluid motion. The guards drew their weapons but the female mercenary didn’t.
“We’re done here†she said to them “Colonel, I’ll escort you outside, calmer heads can come together tomorrow.†She said flicking a lock of red hair over her shoulder motioning towards the door. Jake took a step towards the negotiator again but then stepped over his still cowering form “until next time.†He threatened
Outside a light rain had started as Jake and the mystery merc stepped outside. “I’m sorry for your loss Colonel, as a mercenary myself if I lost family as you have to your own employer, I’d be angry too. Lt Colonel Naomi Wrangler of the Thunder Road†she said extended her hand as they stepped down the first set of stone steps.
“Jocoam Chowla†he said formally introducing himself his touch was remarkably light for such a size and following the anger he’d shown. “Thank you, they owe us. I’ll get what I’m owed either here or I’ll go to Regulus and take it from there.â€
“You’ll get what’s owed to you Colonel, I know the MRBC has already looked into the case and is looking for a response from the District of Regulus. They cannot afford to be taken off the hiring lists, you’ll get compensation for this, but I know whatever they give you will not help make up for your loss.â€
“Nothing ever will†he said stomping off down the remaining steps and into the rain Naomi Wrangler stood on the steps watching for a moment before retreating inside.
The following day Colonel Ariel Peregrine-Simpson and a couple of the other Chaos Irregulars attend the Hiring Hall they bypass the District of Regulus hiring hall going straight to the MRBC’s central hall. There their case is heard and evidence the Irregulars claimed from Wallis is taken into account before a ruling is made. The MRBC rule that Regulus broke the contract with the Chaos Irregulars by bringing down orbital bombardment on their position with adequate warning. They rule that Regulus owes the Chaos Irregulars equipment equal or superior to what the Irregulars lost, payment for the rest of their contract and compensation to the families who lost loved ones. The District of Regulus agrees to make payments to the Chaos Irregulars.
A few days later the District of Bowang offer the Chaos Irregulars a piece of land on the planet of Molokai where they can claim their compensation from the District of Regulus, rest their troops that survived Wallis and train new troops in exchange for them agreeing to help defend Molokai should it be attacked. Colonel Ariel Peregrine-Simpson agrees on behalf of the unit, once on Molokai Jocoam Chowla takes some personnel time leaving Chaos Irregulars base camp in his captured Deva OmniMech heading into the Molokai wilderness to grieve.
RCS Warrior (Warrior-class battlecarrier)
Viborg Fleetyards
Viborg, Rim Collection
26th March, 3114Loremaster Jordan Trustcott of Clan Fire Mandrill watched the holovideo in distaste. Three weeks ago, the dezgra Word of Blake and their lapdogs in the Circinus Federation had attacked the vital Viborg Fleetyards. They had sprung the Rim Collection’s trap and the Rim Collection nearly destroyed the CF Erinyes before it fled from battle.
It was a costly victory, he knew. The RCS Cassandra had taken heavy damage in holding the heavier WarShip at bay until the right moment for the RCS Warrior to jump in. Worse, the drone fighters the dezgra dogs had brought with them had been committed to an all-out kamikaze attack against the already damaged WarShip in the dezgra WarShip’s successful escape. The battered support cruiser was now just beginning repairs from the RCS Eye of Providence. It was estimated the WarShip would be back in action by the beginning of next year.
For three weeks the Rim Collection had detailed entire stars of Hunter-class JumpShips to find the dezgra vessel. And for three weeks, nothing was found of the missing vessel. That was until today.
The missing CF Erinyes had been found in the depleted system of Tatopani. Immediately the RCS Collection had been ordered to jump into the system and the other WarShips on the border with the Circinus Federation were ready to deploy. Unfortunately, before the RCS Rim Collection could engage the severely damaged dezgra WarShip, it had left the system.
But the holovideo was not of CF Erinyes’ escape from the wrath of the Rim Collection. It was instead focused on Ender’s Deep, a populated oceanic world in the Ender’s Cluster. Four days after the battle here at Viborg, the significantly important agricultural world had reported a pirate force entering the system with the IFF matching one of the Circinus Federation JumpShips that had fled the battle at Viborg.
Eight days later, an emergency HPG message had been broadcasted out loud and clear from the world, requesting immediate humanitarian aid. While the local militia had been able to neutralize the dezgra forces, it was not before they had set the planet’s primary fusion power plant into meltdown. Already, large amounts of radiation had begun to enter the important oceans and atmosphere that fed the huge schools of fish and underwater forests of kelp and seaweed that fed much of the remaining worlds of the Ender’s Cluster and supplied the cluster with medicinal herbs from the world’s aquafarms. Without immediate aid, the world would die and a famine would be unleashed across the remaining worlds of the Ender’s Cluster.
And that was the trick. Due to how the ten-star systems in the Ender’s Cluster aligned together, while JumpShips could jump freely between the ten systems often enough to keep trade and transport alive within the cluster, jumping into and from Ender’s Cluster was altogether a different story. The only time JumpShips could enter or leave the cluster was every eighty-two days for five-day windows and that window had sadly already passed. Very small windows of normally mere seconds and much more rarely a few minutes, enough for only a singular JumpShip to make the journey, but very dangerous, for whatever JumpShip that did not time its jump perfectly would be destroyed by the HPG bubble being affected by the cluster’s gravitational forces.
Already, multiple riots had been reported on all ten worlds as civilians began a mad dash to gather and hoard medicine and food. While the riots on the other worlds were forced back and law and order restored, if strained, the situation at Ender’s Deep was worsening by the hour. Order had ceased to exist within the first week, with the local nobility being lynched and as of yesterday, the HPG compound was barely holding on against rioters and rogue militia personnel. Without immediate aid, contact with the doomed world would end and complete and likely unstoppable anarchy would begin.
Now, only minutes ago, the Lyran Commonwealth had effectively announced they were abandoning the cluster!
Not abandoning, he amended a moment later. Archon Jessica Steiner was mobilizing a fleet of JumpShips at Florida. JumpShips laden with DropShips of food and medical supplies and personnel were arriving in the system. Two entire regimental combat teams were to help bring order to the cluster and the fleet to jump in as soon as the next window opened.
In two months.
In two months, the situation would be too far gone. Thousands, likely millions might die by then. That was unacceptable to him!
“Ender’s Cluster will not fall!†the tall battlemech-genotype warrior harshly whispered, causing the others on the bridge to stop what they were doing.
“Ender’s Cluster will not fall,†he reverently repeated himself as he stood up and scanned the bridge. He lacked the authority of what he was about to do. And he would answer for this, he well knew. But he would know he did the right thing.
“Comms!†he barked out. “Have all JumpShips assemble. I want all DropShips in the system to get loaded up and ready with supplies and send word out to all nearby units we will need any and all assistance they can provide, Collection and Lyran alike. And get me direct comms with Ender’s Cluster immediately! The Lyran Commonwealth may have abandoned the Ender’s Cluster but the Rim Collection will NOT! Seyla!â€
“Seyla,†the others among the bridge answered his own and soon a renewed purpose was restored. Within minutes, word had spread throughout the WarShip. Within an hour, various Rim Collection units and local governments across the Rim Collection were coordinating with each other.
An hour past that, communication with Ender’s Cluster had been established when the videostream of a haggard young depressed woman who had all but lost hope finally came through. “This is Grafina Natalie Sereal of the Ender’s Cluster. I was told you wanted to help?â€
“Aff,†Jordan responded. “I am readying multiple JumpShips to carry aid into the Ender’s Cluster. We should have the first ready by the end of the day. All we need are the coordinates and exact timings of all known jump points.â€
The young Lyran noble raked her hand through her hair in obvious irritation. “We already thought of that approach! We might get a few JumpShips through, but many’ll be lost. It’s too dangerous.â€
“Maybe for Lyran JumpShips but not those of the Rim Collection,†he steadily answered her. “Provide me those coordinates and any and all astrogation information you have for Ender’s Cluster and I vow assistance will arrive before the end of the month and regular assistance by end of next week.â€
Jordan Truscott watched the conflict that spread across the young woman’s face. And hoped she chose the right decision.
She did. “I don’t have much choice. Either I burn in hell among the Estates General when I inherit my father’s seat or I burn in hell when the riots begin again.†she paused, sighing. “I’ll get everything sent asap.â€
Truscott nodded approvingly. The young woman in the holostream was a born leader. Too bad she was Lyran. “Comms, relay her information as soon as we receive it to all worlds and ships within the Collection. I want everyone even remotely trained on astrogation to analyze every single particle of data she sends over. We need to plan this down to the second! We just became Ender’s Cluster’s only hope. Now move!â€
Trial of Possession
Vega, District of Vega
Rasalhague Dominion
27th March 3114 The Second Legion of Vega Regiment raid the world of Vega facing off against the Eighth Bear Cuirassiers Cluster in a series of Trials of Possession. The veteran Rasalhague Dominion unit are too strong for the Second facing off and defeating each of the District of Dieron forces before allowing them to leave the plant due to the honour they had shown in battle.
Briefing Room
LCS Iron Fist (Mjolnir-class battle-cruiser), Tharkad Orbit
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
31st March 3114Archon Jessica Steiner made notes on her datapad as she reviewed the holovideo the Rim Collection was ‘kind’ enough to give to her government nearly a month ago. Really a short holofilm of separate battle ROMs the Collection had spliced together for public consumption and propaganda, it amounted to nearly all the hard evidence the Lyrans had on the Collection’s first home-built WarShip class. She had paid the class only a courtesy briefing a month ago, but that changed with news of the RCS Warrior, the lead ship of the class, had surprised the entire Commonwealth with something thought all but impossible; jumping into the Ender’s Cluster outside of the quarterly jump window.and immediately declaring it was there for the duration of the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
Worse, the damn Collection and their pet monkeys had effectively taken the astrogation charts of the Ender’s Cluster and had figured out when to time their JumpShips to nearly a pinpoint accuracy for multiple of the jump points every day, allowing relief to reach the embattled cluster of stars. And they had done it less than a week after her announcement the Commonwealth planned to send a relief fleet as soon as the next quarterly jump window arrived.
In two months.
She clenched her teeth and her pride when the news broke publicly. To be fair, her government was warned two hours ahead of time and should the first jump be successful, the Rim Collection would immediately send their WarShip into the cluster and send their constructed jump algorithm for Ender’s Cluster to the Commonwealth. She and her staff had just enough time to write and go over a short speech complimenting the Rim Collection for their assistance during this crisis and agreeing to the RCS Warrior’s humanitarian assistance.In the same speech, she made sure the first Lyran responders, Colonel Varnay and her First Fesnyng, would jump into the star cluster using the Collection’s algorithm tomorrow morning.
While the Federated Suns-born colonel would lead the relief efforts on the ground, Jessica had given the Varnay scion a secret mission. Find out all she could of the RCS Warrior without starting a war with the Rim Collection and to investigate rather the Lyran Commonwealth could still hold onto the star cluster after this humanitarian crisis had run its course and if not, to quietly put in Lyran intelligence operatives.
While Jessica hoped for the best, she well knew she had likely lost the entire star cluster to the Rim Collection, especially with the Rim Collection risking another attack on their Viborg Fleet yards, all but saying the Ender’s Cluster was more important than that vital system. And it was a bitter pill to swallow; yet should the Lyrans acquire more information on the Rim Collection WarShip, the loss could at least be somewhat mitigated, she reflected privately to herself as she stared at the image of the RCS Warrior.
And what she saw worried her. The damned Rim Collection had once again pulled a proverbial rabbit out of their hats. Classified as a multi-role battle-carrier, Jessica read between the lines... Nominally a battleship and carrier hybrid in ancient and modern naval theories. The class was built to fight battleships. And able to bring in more DropShips and aerospace assets into battle than any WarShip the Lyran Commonwealth currently fielded. Most modern naval theorists, herself included, had thought the classification only effective with the heavier battleship hulls as shown by House Davion in their Mercury-class battleship.
Should it prove capable, it would be a massive coup and a downright impressive feat as the class was marked at 920,000 tons, noticeably below one million tons, the tonnage of what most modern naval theorists classified as the minimum for battleships and less than half the tonnage as the Mercury. Effectively a pocket battleship. The short holoreel of battle ROMs confirmed this to the Lyran Archon.
And if it did prove worthy of its classification, Jessica Steiner knew it was a slap in the face to long standing modern naval theory and tradition. Modern naval theory heavily stressed fleets should keep their multi-role WarShips limited to escort vessels like frigates and destroyers and often argued for their specialization, or to cruisers expected to be on independent patrol. These were the workhorses of any fleet. Battleships and battle-cruisers served as the heavy hitters and should be in the thick of the fighting. Conversely, carriers and transports should be protected and were primarily for support. And by tradition, nearly all respectable navies followed that train of thought.
The Warrior-class, if effective, merged all the concepts together and in a hull smaller than a battleship. A truly frightening and sobering thought. It meant the Rim Collection had the potential to effectively create a fleet that could outperform her own in the long run and could be much easier maintained and built, with production streamlined to only one class. The fact it took only an average of seventeen months to build both cemented the later fact.
The thought made her nauseated and she quickly flicked the holoterminal off and began making notes on how to mitigate the Collection’s advantage.