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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2011, 12:49:55 PM »

Yvonne Nova Cat?

When you're accepted into a Clan you take the Clan name as your surname. Phelan became Phelan Wolf, etc. If Yvonne was ever eligible for a Bloodname it's possible she'd lose the Nova Cat, but unlikely unless a new Bloodhouse is created.

Pretty much, her family status doesn't mean much to the Nova Cats despite the Khan's cover up of her relationship with Canin

2nd December 3063
   saKhan Canin Rosse informs Khan Santin West of his proposal to Yvonne Nova Cat.  The Nova Cat Khan is shocked and more than a little angry at the saKhan's plan and wonders if his time spent in the Federated Suns has brung destruction to the Nova Cats.
   Canin refuses to abandon Yvonne and refuses to abandon his Clan and position.  Santin West sees the conviction in the man and the willingness to see this to the end.  The two leaders dress up the proposal in a fabricated vision to suit their purposes, knowing the general Nova Cat population and most warriors would completely support such a claim and that this would allow the Nova Cats and Federated Suns to stay linked through Yvonne.

I'm not sure if a Nova Cat Khan has ever used a vision or 'seen' a vision for a specific situation but it worked when writing it
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2011, 01:13:29 PM »

Charging into 3064

- new merc/pirate company - Clan trouble - new AFFS OmniMech - Ross 248 attacked - DCMS/LAAF trouble - Chaos March all but disappears - Clan marriage? - Nova Cat and FedSuns make deal - First heir of New Avalon - Assassins on Skye - Third Whitting on Luthien -


4th January 3064
   Newly formed Mercenary/Pirate company Graves' Dancers assault Harrow's Sun in the Draconis Combine threatening to spark another border skirmish between the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine.

15th January 3064
   Clan Hell's Horses is driven from the Inner Sphere by Clan Ghost Bear.

16th January 3064
   In the Clan Homeworlds Star Colonel James Cobb becomes the new Hell's Horses Khan.

22nd January 3064
   Partially funded by the Hasek Family, General Motors and the AFFS High Command the AFFS debut the Stealth OmniMech, a new advanced version of the popular medium BattleMech.

18th February 3064
   The Outworlds Alliance Aerospace defences defeat a Star of Clan Snow Raven warriors in a Trial winning a Titan DropShip as Isorla.

28th February 3064
   Khan Stanislov N'Buta (Star Adder) kills Khan Karianna Schmitt in personal combat on York.  Clan Stone Rhino makes a claim to all remaining Blood Spirit warriors and resources.  Clan Star Adder abandon all of York wanting nothing to do with the remains of a dead Clan.

4th March 3064
   The Word of Blake launch an assault against Ross 248 Anchorage controlled by ComStar.  Both sides take heavy damage but ComStar refuse to surrender and the Word of Blake retreat from the system.
   The ComGuards are supported by the arrival of the Saratoga, the first Intrepid-class Troopship.

14th March 3064
   Working on Intell that Omiko Kurita's assassin was sponsored by the Aten family of Skye the Draconis Combine led by Duke Minoru Kurita's newly formed 3rd Genyosha Regiment strike at several Lyran worlds.
   La Blon and Rigil Kentarus fall quickly.  On Port Moseby however the Draconis Combine hit the 3rd Royal Guards RCT and the 26th Lyran Guards RCT and neither give up digging in.  With enough supplies to support an entire invasion both sides find a stalemate.

18th March 3064
   LAS Cairo (Hyperion) and the DCS Draconis Rift (Kyushu) engage in Port Moseby system as the 7th Alliance Guard RCT land on the planet.

20th March 3064
   Draconis Combine support Port Moseby invasion with the Ryuken-Go Regiment.

21st March 3064
   Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion calls on SLDF aid to end the fighting between her nation and the Draconis Combine.  Hohiro Kurtia as standing First Lord refuses aid and refuses to use SLDF troops to aid either side.  Instead he orders the 151st Light Horse of the Eridani Light Horse to render Humanitarian Aid.

26th March 3064
   151st arrive on Port Moseby almost at the same time as the 26th Lyran Guards RCT cease to be a combat unit.

28th March 3064
   45th Dieron Regulars assault the Mobile Fire Mercenary regiment on Accrington.  The Mobile Fire are forced off planet but the 44th cease to be a combat effective unit.

18th April 3064
   The Wolf's Dragoons ship Beowulf (Congress) returns to Outreach following upgrades.

24th April 3064
   Clan Steel Viper attempt to attack York but are badly beaten off the planet by Stone Rhino forces.  Within these Stone Rhino units almost every warrior is a former Blood Spirit accepted as a warrior by Clan Stone Rhino.
   The Steel Vipers gain intelligance that the Stone Rhinos are building their Primary Genetic Repository on the planet turning the Blood Spirit's fortress into their home.

4th May 3064
   Duke George Hasek of the Capellan March acts deploying the Lexington Combat Group, Illician Lancers, the Wild Geese and two Syrtis Fusiliers RCTs to Arboris and Genoa in the Chaos March.
   On Genoa the Lexington Combat Group destroy the Heavyhell Raiders with the 4th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT.
   On Arboris the Illician Lancers Brigade and the Wild Geese supported by the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT take out the Little Richard's Panzer Brigade and an unidentified Battalion of advanced Mechs and Battle Armour.

9th May 3064
   The Capellan March deploy DMI Battle Armour Battalions to Genoa and Arboris to combat Bloody Hand Terrorists on both planets.  Duke Hasek gifts both the Lexington Combat Group and Illician Lancers Brigades a Stealth OmniMech each in thanks for their work.

10th May 3064
   Jade Falcons step up raids on ARDC worlds.

12th May 3064
   Jade Falcon forces take control of Barcelona, Newton Square, Mogyorod and Kikuyu in a series of raids.  Leutenant-General Adam Steiner falls in combat on Barcelona as his unit is routed by the Jade Falcons.

15th May 3064
   Archon Katherine Steiner Davion orders the LAAF forces on Port Moseby to abandon the system and move to counter the Jade Falcons.  She also swallows her pride and opens a dialogue with Duke Morgan Kell.  SLDF Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion moves the 151st Eridani Light Horse from Port Moseby to the Clan border and also moves the 19th Calvary Regiment from Dieron.

17th May 3064
   Khan Phelan Kell leads his Alpha Galaxy of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) attacking Clan Jade Falcon attacking Antares, Graus and Blair Athol causing more trouble for the Jade Falcons and taking the heat of the LAAF.

20th May 3064
   Clan Ghost Bear launches assaults on Clan Wolf for their supporting of Clan Hell's Horses brief war.  The Ghost Bears strike Hermagor, Dawn, Nox and Balsta all.

25th May 3064
   The Wolf Clan have retreated from Hermagor, Dawn and Balsta only holding Nox against the Bears.
   Star Colonel Ragnar commander of the 1st Rasalhague Bears secures Rasalhague from the Wolves in a new raid.

12th June 3064
   Word of Blake Militia forces land on Caph and order the Devil's Advocates to surrender their forces.  The mercenary company refuses and falls back into Caph's wastelands hoping the Lyrans would arrive to relieve them.

23rd June 3064
   Officially classed as a pirate force Graves' Dancers assault Royal in the Draconis March.  Capturing munitions and supplies from the militia forces.

4th July 3064
   Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion meets with Kommandant Konstantin Wolff-Ploetig on Tharkad in a briefing marked as Top Secret.

14th July 3064
   Victor Steiner-Davion, Danai Centrella-Davion, Peter Steiner-Davion and Isis Steiner all trust the Nova Cats with their lives and travel to the hidden Nova Cat capital, New Barcella for the joining of Canin Rosse and Yvonne Nova Cat.
   When they arrive Victor and Peter are taken to the Nova Cat Hall while Danai and Isis travel to guest quarters.
   At the hall the Khan and saKhan of Clan Nova Cat are dealing with a situation as a merchant Buccaneer hits the ocean of New Barcella and begins to sink.  The Nova Cats lose the ship but are able to rescue the crew.
   First Prince Davion offers the Nova Cat Khan a trade deal 2 Rapier-class Destroyers and a Persecutor-class Submarine for Nova Cat assistance in working with Hyper Pulse Generators including some technicians based at NAIS and Savonburg, the site of three secret Federated Suns Labs dedicated to unlocking HPG secrets.  The Nova Cat Khans neigotiate further and are allowed to send one of the Merchant Carracks into the Federated Suns to support these scientists and make trade deals under AFFS Naval escort and trader cover.

20th July 3064
   Canin Rosse and Yvonne Nova Cat are married in a private ceremony presided over by Victor Steiner-Davion.  Khan Santin West explains to other Nova Cats that this is fullfillment of his vision with saKhan Rosse.
   During the ceremony a pair of adult nova cats move through the crowd of assembled guests.  The two animals do not attack anyone only walk around the newly married pair before leaving the site.  The Nova Cats throughout the Den are awed by the appearance of the two animals.
   Following the conclusion of the ceremony Danai Centrella-Davion goes into labour with her first child.  Later that night Burton Davion, first son and heir for Victor Davion is born at the Phillip Drummond Medical Facility.
   Soon after the Federated Suns party leave the world.

31st July 3064
   saKhan Canin Rosse, Yvonne Nova Cat and the Watch Cluster head to the Clan Homeworlds aboard the WarShip Spirit Sight (Fredasa).  The unit is carried aboard the modified Conquistador-class DropShip Vanguard which the Nova Cats gained before leaving the Federated Suns.

4th August 3064
   General Harry Sanders, 1st Battle Armour Corps, sends Colonel Wu Tsen Lo along with the 3rd Royal Battle Armour Battalion to Fletcher on the Federated Suns border.  There they are charged with securing a site suitable for the headquarters for the 2nd Battle Armour Corps.

10th August 3064
   Duke George Hasek, AFFS Capellan March, sends the 1st Federated Suns Armoured Calvary and the 12th Vagan Rangers to Fletcher to secure the world for the Federated Suns.

16th August 3064
   Victor Steiner-Davion announces that Challenge Systems of Panpour will begin producing Congress Block-II Frigates as it did previously during the Star League era.  The ship has been upgraded since the original Congress and mounts far newer weapons over the previous model.
   Launching from the shipyards is the FSS Jason Hasek, the first ship to be produced.  Media questions spiral out of control asking where this ship was built but the First Prince refuses to comment.
   At the presentation Victor announces Burton Davion to the Federated Suns press and public.

8th September 3064
   ComStar's 299th Division and the Word of Blake's Militia comes to blows on Caph near the planetary HPG.  By the end of the day the ComGuard unit is laying destroyed at the Word of Blake's feet and the world is nearly completely under the Word's control.  Caph government claim the ComGuards attacked the WoB forces who were passing on humanitarian supplies to the population.

12th September 3064
   Devil's Advocates engage WoB forces on Caph holding off the defenders long enough for the Advocates to send a message to a JumpShip in system which immediatly jumps clear.  The Devil's Advocates take damage and retreat into the background radiation on Caph.

14th September 3064
   A Snow Raven trade envoy arrives on Avellar's Hope Space Station in the Alpheratz system for neigotiations.

21st September 3064
   Wolf's Dragoons WarShip Beowulf (Congress) arrives in the Caph system with two Battalions of the Dragoons Alpha Regiment.  Maeve Wolf launches an immediate attack on the Word of Blake forces and evacuates the Devil's Advocates Company from the planet.
   Jamie Wolf aboard Beowulf begins to see the Word of Blake exactly for what it is.

28th September 3064
   In the Outback region of the Federated Suns rumours of high end weapons manufacturers and trades travelling from world to world aboard massive JumpShips are passed from world to world.  The AFFS are able to hide the fact this is actually Clan Nova Cat and the JumpShip is actually the Guiding Vision (Carrack Merchant) a WarShip.

5th October 3064
   The Federated Suns' Capellan March welcomes the Duchy of Small into its claimed territory with the arrival of the Vanguard Legion on Small World and Ingress.

10th October 3064
   Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht presents the Geneva (Artemis) to Duchess Candice Liao and the St Ives Compact.

20th October 3064
   Precentor Tharkad Gavin Dow presents the Free Rasalhague Republic with the Hilton Head (Artemis) in an effort to give all the Star League nations a feeling of unity (each nation recieving the same type of ship).

2nd November 3064
   In the middle of a riot on Skye over the start of a new Star League conference on Luthien, while the Lyran Alliance is at a defacto state of war with the Draconis Combine.
   The Aten family residence is attacked by a group of unidentifed warriors using Kage Battle Armour.  Duchess' Margret and Ilse Aten are both killed by these assassins.
   Duchess Harmione Aten youngest of the family is avoids the bloodbath at the Aten household as she is on the otherside of the planet on a break.  The assassins disappear without another sight.
   The 36th Lyran Guards declare martial law after the discovery of the deaths at the household causing further bloodshed and fighting.

7th November 3064
   Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion misses start of Third Whitting Conference on Luthien.
   Colonel Neil Campbell, commander of the Royal Black Watch Regiment, announces his units intention to expand beyond regimental strength with a Battle Armour Battalion and Aerospace wing being added.
   Funding for the SLDF is increased from the Succession States.  Sun-Tzu Liao suggests other nations be added to the SLDF.  He points to the Magistracy of Canopus for this position.  Thomas Marik nominates the Word of Blake and the Free Rasalhague Republic pushes for ComStar to gain full voting rights.  The official vote is postponed until the Lyran leadership arrives on planet.

9th November 3064
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion pays his respects to Omiko Kurita under the watchful gaze of Coordinator Hohiro Kurita.

10th November 3064
   Magistracy of Canopus, ComStar and the Word of Blake are added to the Star League Council with no potential for voting rights for three years, until relevant checks can be done.

11th November 3064
   Victor Steiner-Davion nominates Duchess Candice Liao, St Ives Compact, for position of First Lord.  Katrina Steiner-Davion nominates Christian Mansdotter, Free Rasalhague Republic, for the position as the two siblings try and bend the council to their will.
   Both Thomas Marik and Hohiro Kurita abstain from voting and Christian Mansdotter is named the new First Lord following Sun-Tzu Liao's vote.

12th November 3064
   Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion brings evidence that the Draconis Combine sponsored the assassinations of Aten family members on Skye.
   Coordinator Hohiro Kurita refutes these claims pointing out that the Draconis Combine has sold dozens of Kage suits to all sorts of people in the years since their debut.  He then brings information to the table that points to Duchess Margret Aten hiring the assassin who killed his sister Omiko Kuria.
   With both sides unable to bring charges against the other without incriminating their own nation neither pursue this further.  The Council breaks up for another three years.

19th November 3064
   Clan Jade Falcon continue assaults on Lyran Alliance.  During the battle of Blair Atholl General Nadine Killson faces against Khan Marthe Pryde.  Although Killson's 23rd Arcturan Guards are able to stall the Jade Falcon advance she is badly injured during the battle and captured by Clan Jade Falcon.  Jade Falcon WarShips also shoot down a Monarch Civilian Liner attempting to escape killing all civilians aboard.

22nd November 3064
   Jade Falcon's Lightning Strike (Vincent) is destroyed by SLS Shining Claw (Congress) in the Antares system.  On the planet a huge firefight between SLDF, Lyran and ComStar forces and the Jade Falcons.
   During a long battle on the ground the SLDF forces are forced to retreat.  Off planet weeks later the 19th Striker Regiment of the Eridani Light Horse and the ComGuard's 244th Division are merged into one SLDF command brining the 19th back upto strength following heavy losses against the Jade Falcons.

27th November 3064
   Clan Wolf attacks the Jade Falcon worlds of Steelton, Persistence, Winfield, Quarell and Jabuka in a series of trials.  Khan Marthe Pryde is forced to divide her forces between the Lyran Alliance and Wolves.

4th December 3064
   saKhan Canin Rosse, Nova Cat, arrives on Strana Mechty.  Yvonne Nova Cat acts as his civilian aide, their marriage kept secret from the other Clans.
   Canin Rosse and Oathmaster Zane Carns meet with Wolf saKhan Marialle Radick on Strana Mechty.  There Canin proposes a trial for all genetic data on the Wolf Bloodname Lervoux, sister name to the Nova Cat's own and a former Widowmaker Bloodname.
   Wolves have no interest in fighting over a Widowmaker Bloodname instead they trade with information on the Nova Cat's Anna Rosse Battlecruiser, Stone Rhino OmniMech and a Cluster's worth of Nova Cat OmniMechs enough to have Wolves pass over the data and material.

28th December 3064
   Part of the trade between the Federated Suns and Nova Cats the two Rapier-class Wet Water Destroyers and the Persecutor-class Attack Submarine arrive on New Barcella aboard a modified Mammoth DropShip.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2011, 02:07:02 PM »

Yvonne Nova Cat?

When you're accepted into a Clan you take the Clan name as your surname. Phelan became Phelan Wolf, etc. If Yvonne was ever eligible for a Bloodname it's possible she'd lose the Nova Cat, but unlikely unless a new Bloodhouse is created.

I had forgotten that (or I never knew it :P)

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2011, 07:43:15 PM »

3065 - Raids - Clan trouble - Skye marriage - Dragoons on move - Adam Falcon? - Changing Bloodlines - Free Worlds League falls - Word of Blake trouble - 15th Battle of Hesperus II - Capellan long range steal - SLDF taken in FWL refugees - SAS reformed


4th January 3065
   Graves' Dancers land on Clovis in the Draconis March.  They strike the local militia base however they are turned away with the arrival of elements of the 2nd Robinson Rangers.  Half the Graves' Dancers were destroyed by the AFFS force.

10th January 3065
   Jade Falcons conquer Dell and Vulcan in the Wolf OZ.

12th January 3065
   Duke Rober Ryan Kelswa-Steiner marries Duchess Hermione Aten on Skye.

15th January 3065
   Continuing Jade Falcon attacks the Wolf OZ the 21st Freeborn Cluster joins two other Freeborn/training units and takes Severn in the Wolf OZ.  Leading the 21st Freeborn is newly raised Star Colonel Adam Falcon.

21st January 3065
   The Nova Cat vessel Guiding Vision (Carrack Merchant) is escorted into he Robinson system with an AFFS Fox-class Corvette only to encounter the Pathfinder (Carrack) under the control of Clan Diamond Shark.  It appears Clan Diamond Shark's merchants are conducting trade also.
   Nova Cat merchants are ablt to trade for sever Robinson produced designs including the Sagittaire BattleMech.

28th January 3065
   Clan Jade Falcons Delta and Kappa Galaxies launch attacks on Melissa capital of the Melissa Theatre in the Lyran Alliance.
   Following a sixteen hour battle 6th and 14th Donegal Guards cease to be as does the 7th Talon Cluster and the 8th Provisional Cluster.

1st February 3065
   21st Freeborn Cluster arrives on Melissa commanded by Star Colonel Adam.  He calls out the Inner Sphere forces to a Trial of Single Combat.  If an Inner Sphere warrior can defeat him then the defenders will be allowed to evacuate Melissa.
   Colonel Laura Ziskin, commander SLDF's Avatars of Painful Death.  Laura's Penetrator fights against Star Colonel Adam's Hellbringer (Loki) and defeats the Star Colonel but she is unaware she could claim him as a bondsman releasing him from his Jade Falcon bonds.  With the Jade Falcon commander defeated the Inner Sphere force abandons Melissa to the Jade Falcons.

10th February 3065
   Hsien Hotheads arrive on Hsien in Chaos March under contract with the planetary Duke.

15th February 3065
   Baron Montong hires Always Faithful Regiment on Hsien opposing the Hsien Hotheads.

17th February 3065
   Word of Blake's 17th Division arrives on Hsien taking over the HPG.

20th February 3065
   3 Word of Blake officers are dumped outside the HPG murdered.  Several bar brawls across Hsien break out between the two on planet mercenary commands.

21st February 3065
   Acamar petition to rejoin Federated Suns.  A day later the Wild Geese Mercenary Regiment under AFFS Contract arrives and sets up a base on planet.   Three days later the 1st Kestrel Grendaiers Regiment arrive on planet.

27th February 3065
   Travelling secretly to the Wolf's Dragoons Hiring Halls on Outreach First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and Prince's Champion Peter Steiner-Davion meet with Jamie Wolf and Colonel Maeve Wolf.
   There Peter Steiner-Davion joins the 7th Kommando as the Federated Suns hires the elite unit for a top secret very special mission.

14th March 3065
   War breaks out on Hsien as the Hsien Hotheads and Always Faithful engage in open combat.

23rd March 3065
   The 1st McCarron's Armoured Calvary Regiment and Shin Legion of the CCAF escorted by the Elias Jung (Feng Huang) arrives on Hsien.  The Feng Huang almost immediatly opens fire on the HPG site destroying the building and almost all of the Word of Blake's 17th Division.

24th March 3065
   On the ground two warring mercenary commands retreat from combat watching the Capellans land.  The commander of the 1st McCarrons claims Hsien as a Capellan holding and orders the units off planet.  The Hsien Hotheads refuse and the Capellans answer by bombarding their base from orbit, Always Faithul are allowed clear of the world.
   MRBC places an immediate hiring ban on Capellan Confederation and the SLDF bring the Capellan Confederation's place within the SLDF Council into question.

25th March 3065
   An ancient Vampire-class DropShip penetrates Dieron Security and docks with the Horizon (Vincent) captured from Clan Smoke Jaguar.  The DropShip explodes moments after it docks with the WarShip destroying the Corvette and causing heavy damage to the Dieron Shipyards.  The damage is so heavy the shipyards will need upwards of three years to repair damage.
   The Black Dragon Society claims responsibility for the bombing publicily broadcasting the explosion across the Draconis Combine.
   Coordinator Hohiro Kurita orders the ISF to eradicate the Black Dragons.

28th March 3065
   Elias Jung (Feng Huang) travels to Elgin, word of the Hsien conflict has spreead and the world capitulates without a shot fired.

31st March 3065
   An unidentifed Capellan WarShip appears over the capital city of Hall and forces the planet to submit to Capellan rule.

7th April 3065
   Clan Diamond Shark land on Twycross with an entire Galaxy of Second-line troops.  The Jade Falcons taking an afront to the merchant Clan's use of second line designs also uses second-line designs and losses the battle, they then refuse to return to the world.

12th April 3065
   Clan Diamond Shark 'discover' a substance similar to HarJel on the sytem's second inhabited planet Reach.

14th April 3065
   A small group of 7th Kommando troopers infiltrate the Jade Falcon command base on Melissa.  Under Federated Suns Contract and with Peter Steiner-Davion along as proof of their intentions they eliminate the guard on the base and recapture Star Colonel Adam from the planet.
   At the nadir the newly upgraded Beowulf (Congress Block II) engages and destroys the Jade Falcons Green Lantern (Congress) allowing the Dragoons to escape the system.
   Aboard the Wolf's Dragoons vessel Adam Steiner is put in solitary confinenment as he believes he has been captured by an enemy.

16th May 3065
   The Lyran Alliance, ComStar and SLDF forces on the Jade Falcon border counter attack striking Hot Springs, Beta VII and Blackjack retaking all three in short order.

1st June 3065
   Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion meets with a representitive of Clan Jade Falcon on Sudeten following a general cease fire.  The Jade Falcons and Lyran Alliance agree a lasting truce.
   Many within the LAAF are angered at the truce thinking the Jade Falcons have over extended themselves with Melissa but Katherine is convinced Adam Steiner is still in Clan hands and wishes to keep things this way.

8th July 3065
   3rd Drakons of Free Rasalhague Republic attack Clan Wolf's OZ striking at ever worlds in search of the 37th Striker Cluster led by Star Colonel Marcos Radick.

16th July 3065
   On the world of Thun the 3rd Drakons luck runs out as Overste Joan Dahlstorm's Axman is felled.  As the unit is routed Overste-Lojtnant Gordon Jorgensson fights the near perfect fighting withdrawal saving the unit.

18th July 3065
   Clan Diamond Shark declare a trial of possession for Trondheim in the Ghost Bear Dominion.  The Ghost Bear rulers counter this with an offer to allow the Diamond Sharks a trading post and a cut of the worlds GNP while the Ghost Bears remain in control - the merchants soon agree.

21st July 3065
   3rd Drakons limps back to the Free Rasalhague Republic they are criticised for going off mission however their actions make them national heroes in the eyes of the Rasalhague people.  Gordon Jorgensson is promoted to full Overste and command of the 3rd Drakons.

2nd August 3065
   Graves' Dancers launch a covert raid on Fellanin II in the Draconis Combine capturing three brand-new OmniMechs before retreating without being seen.  This more than makes up for losses on Clovis.

13th August 3065
   saKhan Canin Rosse enters the Arc Royal system with the WarShip Spirit Sight (Fredasa) and the Watch cluster.  Initially the Clan Wolf (in-Exile) forces are prepared for an invasion however when saKhan Rosse's DropShip Vanguard transmits to Wolf City Khan Phelan Kell is surprised to see his cousin Yvonne (Steiner-Davion) Nova Cat on the video.  She asks them to allow the DropShip safcon to the planet and a landing pad near the Kell estate.  Following consultation with his father Phelan warns off his WarShip Werewolf (McKenna).

18th August 3065
   Yvonne Nova Cat introduces her husband saKhan Canin Rosse to Khan Phelan Kell and Morgan Kell on Arc Royal.  Morgan initially suspects Victor Steiner-Davion of selling his sister off as a Clan slave to secure peace but Yvonne convinces the Grand-Duke that it was her choice.
   At an evening meal on the Kell estate Canin Rosse makes the intentions of his visit known.  Like the Nova Cats recent deal with the Wolves the Nova Cats want the Widowmaker Lervoux genetic legacy held by the Exiles.
   Khan Kell refuses to trade for the name instead the two forces will fight the next day a limited trial to determine its fate.

19th August 3065
   Clan Nova Cat defeats Clan Wolf (in-Exile) to claim the Lervoux (Widowmaker) Genetic Legacy in a limited trial that ensures both Clans do not pay too heavy a price for the legacy.  Although the Exiles care more for the legacy than the Crusaders they still can't waste resources on it.
   Now the Nova Cats have full control over all the Lervoux Legacies.

26th August 3065
   Clan Diamond Shark claim Itabiana from the Draconis Combine as another trade world.  To ensure the Draconis Combine does not strike back at them the Sea Foxes 'pay' the Draconis Combine an amount of technology and military assets for Itabiana's worth in Clan sums.  Although the Draconis Combine accepts this bribe they are unsure if it was truely worth it.

2nd September 3065
   Over Alpheratz in the Outworlds Alliance the new Corax OmniFighter gets its fighting debut in combat against pirate forces.  The new craft proves its worth to the periphery nation.

8th September 3065
   Clan Steel Viper attempts to wrest control over Lum in the Clan Homeworlds using their new Mercer DropShip to run Snow Raven blockades.  A ground battle erupts between the two Clans.

12th September 3065
   Draconis Combine opens official trading agreement with Clan Diamond Shark on Itabiana as well as landing several ISF agents onto the planet.

16th September 3065
   Adam Steiner is delivered to New Avalon and immediately moved into the Davion family's personal wing of the Palace.  The Dragoons are rewarded with their full payment and a contract for Blackwell industries to produce Federated Suns Rotary Autocannons and Targetting Computers under license on Outreach.
   Adam is initially hostile to Victor blaming him for his capture from his Clan and vowing to escape and return to the Jade Falcons to bring death to the Steiner-Davion hoard.
   After observing Adam's condition Peter Steiner-Davion questions if Adam can recover.  Victor informs his brother that Peter had better hope Adam would recover as he will be the younger man's General of Armies in the future, much to Peter's astonishment.

21st September 3065
   Across the Inner Sphere HPGs recieve the same message
   "“People of the Human Race, today I bring you grave news.  We have been lied to by the very people who claim they no longer interfere with Inner Sphere politics and the Succession States.  The Information I present comes directly from the information vaults on Terra and Tukayyid. Captain-General Thomas Marik is a fake.  The man the Inner Sphere knows as Thomas Marik is not the same man who joined ComStar.  The bomb blast that our Captain-General claims he was disfigured by killed the real Thomas Marik at the same time as it killed his father and brother, ComStar used it to place one of their ROM Agents at the head of a Succession State.  Files attached to this document show that these two men are two different individuals.  Unfortunately for ComStar the man they turned into Thomas Marik refused to be their puppet and instead served the Free Worlds League loyally.  Despite this loyalty he is not a member of the ruling family of House Marik and his continued support of the Word of Blake will bring the Free Worlds League’s people to ruin.  People of the Inner Sphere, people of the Free Worlds League I plead with you renounce this man and bring ComStar’s and the Word of Blake’s influence over the Succession Lords to an end.  Death to the Children of Jerome Blake!
   The HPGs across the Inner Sphere and Periphery then fail for a total of eighteen hours in that time the damage is done.

28th September 3065
HPG Conference between Succession Lords
   Paul Marik informs the Succession Lords that the traitor known as Thomas Marik has been executed on Atreus.  And that parliament has dissolved the illegal Resolution 288 returning power to Parliament.  He goes on to announce the Free Worlds League's immediate and non-neigotiatble withdrawal from the Star League Defence Force.
   Sun-Tzu Liao immeidately calls for a vote of no confidence in the Star League however the vote fails and the Conference is disolved.  The SLDF surviving its first body-blow.

31st September 3065
   Parliement in the Free Worlds League is disolved as the nation's leaders are unable to reach an agreement.

1st October 3065
   13th and 15th Marik Militia both go AWOL from their posts as attacks across the Free Worlds League are carried out against the Word of Blake and their supporters.

3rd October 3065
   1st 2nd and 3rd Free Worlds Legionaries attack Gibson supported by the WarShips Delphi (Thera), Bors and Kay (Eagle).

7th October 3065
   Field Marshal James Sandoval leader of the Draconis March suffers a major stroke and ends up in a coma on Robinson.  Baron Tarncred Sandoval, his son takes on responsibility for the Federated Suns' Draconis March.

8th October 3065
   1st Free Worlds Legionaries and the WarShip Kay (Eagle) limp into a friendly Marik system.  They report the destruction of the Delphi and Bors as well as the annihalation of the majority of the 2nd and 3rd Free Worlds Legionaries.

9th October 3065
   The Krushers Mercenary Regiment enacts an emergancy clause in their contract and abandons Conventry in the Lyran Alliance.

12th October 3065
   WarShips Liberty (Vincent), Raven, Schrack (both Essex), Nueva Badajoz and Olympic (both Aegis) and the Xanthos (Black Lion) all go AWOL from their Free Worlds League posts.

13th October 3065
   Clan Steel Viper strikes at the Snow Raven holdings on Lum for a second time.  However this time it is not an invasion force instead an attempt from the Steel Vipers to evacuate their embattled forces.  Unwilling to accept Hegira they strike the system.
   Half way through the Vipers evacuation the Snow Raven WarShip Avalanche (Sovetskii Soyuz) strikes out at the evacuating Steel Viper DropShips.  Whether by chance or intent the Snow Raven battage strikes Khan Perigrad Zalman's DropShip annihilating the ship and crew in a second.  The Steel Vipers learn the cost of striking at the Snow Ravens.

14th October 3065
   Reports from Atreus say that new Captain-General Paul Marik has been murdered by an unknown individual.

15th October 3065
   Xanthos (Black Lion) appears in the Wasat system and destroys the FWLS Jonas Marik (Imparvido) before leaving the system again.

16th October 3065
   WarShips Santorini (Thera), Lancelot (Eagle) and Galahad (Eagle) engage defences around Atreus as the Gold and Silver regiments of the Knights of the Inner Sphere drop on the world.
   Freeing Sherryl Halas and her three children Jonas, Christopher and Jessica.  The troops then withdraw from the systems heading for Oriente.

18th October 3065
   Blackhearts Mercenary Regiment arrive in Fletcher system and request SLDF sanctuary.  They tell of the degeneration of the Free Worlds League and the multiple factions rising.
   Colonel Wu Tesn Lo accepts their request and offers them SLDF protection from their former FWL employers.

20th October 3065
   In the Mackenzie system elements of the FWL Navy engage renegade elements.  The WarShips FWLS Impavido (Impavido), FWLS Attica (Zechetinu), FWLS Haptopodar (Zechetinu II) and FWLS Aeneas (Agamemnon) engage four renegade vessels Phrgia (Impavido), Acari, Scorpion and Ixodida (Zechetinu II).
   The eight WarShips engage in one of the largest battles in recent WarShip history.  FWLS Attica is targetted by the three renegade Zechetinu IIs and quickly the corvette is gutted by the fire.
   Midway through the battle the FWLS Haptopador jumped from the system abandoning its post defending Mackenzie and leaving the defenders down to the FWLS Impavido and FWLS Aeneas.
   The two remaining vessels engaged and destroyed the Phrgia using their combined strength to crush the renegade destroyer.  The three remaining renegade Zechetinu IIs attempted to strike at the systems shipyards however the FWLS Impavido matched their speed and movements while the FWLS Aeneas engaged its jump drive executing a dangerous inter-system jump meeting them before they could reach their target.
   The three Corvettes engaged the two heavier WarShips surprising the defenders who severely outgunned and massed them.  The Acari rammed the Impavido opening a gap in the defenders lines allowing the Scorpion to carry on and strike at the planet and shipyards.
   The Ixodida surrendered to the Aeneas however as the Heavy cruiser came alongside to transfer marines aboard the vessel a member of the Ixodida's crew activaded the vessel's K-F Drive blowing both vessels to pieces.
   With all the defenders dead this freed the Scorpion to move over shipyards and planet.  Instead of accepting the surrender of the shipyards the Scorpion engaged them with nuclear tipped capital missiles destroying ever orbiting complex.  The Scorpion then began a bombardment of the planet shattering Romanov's Crusaders, a defending Mercenary Regiment and very major city on the planet.
   The Scorpion then spent three days shooting down any DropShip or small craft attempting to leave the planet before Jumping clear of the system from a pirate point.

22nd October 3065
   In Clan space saKhan Brett Andrews becomes the new Steel Viper Khan winning a series of trials.

24th October 3065
   Duchy of Andurien seeds from the the Free Worlds League striking against the Fedral troops in the Duchy.  The 5th Free Worlds Legionaries and 8th Legionaries are first struck from within by a disabling flu like virus then attacked from outside as the Duchy troops strike.  Refusing to allow the two Legionaries Regiments to retreat they are both killed to the man.

25th October 3065
   Misaro Archipelago joins Duchy of Andruien in what Misaro officials describe as protecting their best interests for survival in a mutal defence and authority move.

26th October 3065
   31st Marik Militia is destroyed on Shiro III by Duchy of Andruien forces.

27th October 3065
   First medical ships arrive in the Mackenzie system they discover a population suffering from radiation sickness and shock.  What remains of the authorities admit the planet cannot sustain its population and a general evacuation begins a Mackenzie is abandoned to history.

28th October 3065
   Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion (SLDF) arrives on Fletcher and speaks with Colonel Marcus Johnson commander of the Blackhearts.  After listening to the horror stories of the former-FWL Morgan offers Johnsons unit a new home with the SLDF.

29th October 3065
   After consultation with his people Marcus Johnson and the majority of his Blackhearts become the core of the new SLDF's SAS Division a plan still in Morgan Hasek-Davion's mind more than reality.  The unit reverts to its former SLDF designation the 77th Special Operations Group and is to be assigned to the defence of the Advisory Council and Focht War College on Tukayyid.

4th October 3065
   Burning to the Jumppoint the Blackhearts and the WarShip SLS Covenant (Covenant) were placed on high alert as two damaged WarShips and four Invader-class JumpShips enter the system.
   These identify themselves as the FLWS Sparta (Zechetinu) and the FWLS Troy (Agamemnon) escorting elements of the Gold and Silver Regiments of the Knights of the Inner Sphere.
   Colonel Dame Clarisse Boyer Boards the Covenant to meet Commanding-General Hasek-Davion.  She informs him that Sir Paul Masters the founder of the Knights is dead and that with his final breath he ordered the Knights to the SLDF with the two WarShips as escorts.  The Knights and WarShips join the SLDF with the Knights which number a single regiment combined sent to Kittery for further training/SLDF indoctrination while the WarShips are sent one to the Lyran's Alarion shipyards the other to the Federated Suns New Syrtis shipyards for repairs.

18th November 3065
   Landing on Arcadia in an attempt to replenish their drinkable water supplies following a freak accident the Krushers Mercenary Regiment is ambushed by the 2nd Donegal Guards RCT.
   The Donegal Guards claim the Krushers are to be arrested for breach of contract which Kirsten Marik refuses to accept, taking her regiment into the Arcadia outback to save civilian lives in the coming conflict.

25th November 3065
   While the Krushers defended Lt. Colonel Jiri Rousset (unit XO) the Lyrans surrounded the mercenary unit.  Digging in they were ready for the end however early in the day the unit was saved as Marshal Jeremy Brett and the 6th Marik Militia escorted by the WarShips Sardis (Thera), Tristram and Bedevere (both Eagle) arrive on the planet.
   Kirsten Marik's Albatross is found after the fighting missing its head, gun camera footage shows a Lyran Fafnir firing at the Mech.  Kirsten is pronounced dead and Marshal Brett evacuates all the remaining forces to the Free Worlds League.

5th December 3065
   Lyran Alliance's Bolan Province attacks the Free Worlds League.  On Rochelle the 11th Atrean Dragoons are forced off planet by the 4th Skye Rangers RCT.
   On Wing 13th Marik Militia is destroyed by the 3rd Tikonov Republican Guards Regiment.
   On Zosma The Steel Guard are defeated by the Tamar Cavaliers in a one sided battle.  The Tamar troops put the survivors into prisons with common criminals.
   Both Uhura and Alula Australis fall without a fight as Lyran troops threaten them also.

12th December 3065
   Free Skye erupts on Hesperus II and Skye.  1st Skye Jaegers secure Skye while 17th and 22nd Skye Rangers assault the 15th and 36th Lyran Guards on Hesperus II begining the 15th Battle of Hesperus II.

13th December 3065
   Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion orders the Gray Death Legion to Hesperus II.

25th December 3065
   Capellan Confederation special forces troops and marines board the Illium Naval Engineering Shipyards and board the newly completed FWLS Delos.  At the same time the WarShips Franko Martell, Aleisha Kris and Sundermann Rhys (all Feng Huang) enter the system.  These ships engage the defending Kay (Eagle), Kustarachnae (Zechetinu II) and Menellaus (Agamemnon).
   Quickly the Kustarachnae is cut to pieces by the invading Capellan forces.  Creating a gap for the Delos to move through.  The Kay attempts to ram Delos but is intercepted by the Aleshia Kris which impact destroying both craft.  Capellan Marines board Menellaus turning the ships attention towards its own defence.
   As their marines continue to fight the Franko Martell, Sundermann Rhys and captured Delos exit the system.  Alone aboard the Menellaus the marines detonate a series of explosions aboard the craft, one of these explosions penetrates one of the Agamemnon's magazines causing a horrific explosion which consumes the vessel.
   The three escaped WarShips use uninhabited systems to exit Capellan space making it a huge PR success for the nation despite the loss of a prized Feng Huang Cruiser.

Hope you enjoy
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2011, 03:59:34 PM »

Into 3066 - changes for St Ives - Loss for the Grey Death - re-imaged Titan - Carlyle AWOL - heir for Draconis Combine -  Fronc Reaches form - MRBC move - Snow Raven raze Dante - Taurian trouble - Calderon Protectorate forms - Peter Steiner-Davion returns - WoB trouble for ComStar


1st January 3066
   Duchess Candice Liao passes away in her sleep on St Ives.

2nd January 3066
   Duke Kai Allard-Liao becomes St Ives new leader.  He selects Colonel Tamas Rubinsky, executive officer of the Rubinsky Light Horse to suceed him as commander of St Ives military.

8th January 3066
   Gray Death Legion are attacked on Glengarry as they prepare to assault Hesperus II.  Their attackers are identified as the 1st and 2nd Tikonov Republican Guards Regiments.
   Fighting a rear-guard action Colonel Lori Kalmer-Carlyle is killed but the majority of the regiment is able to escape into the wilderness.  Baron von Glengarry is able to elude Republican Guard forces and rejoins the Legion despite being severely ill.

14th January 3066
   saKhan Canin Rosse discovers that Yvonne Nova Cat is pregnant while enroute back to the Nova Cat' Den.

28th January 3066
   The Outworlds Alliance leader Mitchell Avellar announces the construction of a new type of DropShip at the Quatre Belle facility.  The Raven-class Aerospace Carrier is heavily based on the Titan-class DropShip employed by the first Star League and carries 30 aerospace fighters obviously influenced by the Snow Raven engineers that helped design it.
   Mitchell Avellar no longer shys away from admitting Snow Raven influence within his nation announcing Khan Lynn McKenna to a startled crowd.

12th February 3066
   Marik-Stewart Commonwealth forces raid New Canton, Styk, Old Kentucky and Camertown in the Capellan Confederation in response to the raid on Ionus.
   On New Canton they discover no Capellan troops intead met by SLDF forces which inform them New Canton is a no-fire zone and off-limits to petty Succession Lord battles.

19th February 3066
   Hauptmann Alexander Carlyle leads his command lance and their family owned Mechs go AWOL from their 1st Royal Guards Mechbay on Tharkad, with them are the rest of Alexander's comany in an APC leaving their Lyran owned machines.
   He'd orginally planned to go alone however his troops had soon changed their mind.  Alexander Carlyle the heir to the Gray Death Legion was intent on saving his families people even if it drive them from the Lyran Alliance.

21st February 3066
   Kirsten Marik forms the Rousset-Marik Alliance breaking several worlds clear from the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  Kirsten and her children Ana, Jonas and Alys form a core around this small but strong nation.

28th February 3066
   New MRBC offices open on Galatea setting the MRBC seperate from the Wolf's Dragoons for the first time in 30 years.

4th March 3066
   Duke James Sandoval passes away on Robinson never waking from his coma.  Baron Tarncred Sandoval becomes the new Duke of Robinson.

17th March 3066
   22nd Benjamin Regulars attack Breed however the 1st Chisholm's Raiders meet them and turn back the attack.

22nd March 3066
   The Gray Death Legion rescue hundreds of political prisoners on Glengarry from the Republican Guard firing squards.
   At the same time they execute a head-hunter attack that kills several of the Republican Guards leaders.  Unfortunately the Gray Death Legion's plan costs them the life of Grayson Death Carlyle when his forces are ambushed en route back to the Legion's mountain base.

27th March 3066
   Vincent Kurita, first born of Coorinator Hohiro Kurita is born on Luthien.

6th April 3066
   Fronc Reaches declares its independance from the Magistracy of Canopus and Taurian Concordat.  Magistracy troops continue to garrison Detroit however the Fronc Reaches count it as part of their number.  With overwhellming public support on all the worlds for the move.

11th April 3066
   Zion Province and the Duchy of Oriente merge to form the Oriente Protectorate.

13th April 3066
   17 members of Clan Cloud Cobras Rossei Cloister travel to the Nova Cat's Den aboard a Diamond Shark trade ship and present themselves to Clan Nova Cat's leadership.  Following words from Star Colonel Jal Steiner, a former Cloud Cobra and Nova Cat Oathmaster, saKhan Canin Rosse allows them to participate in trials to become members of Clan Nova Cat.

17th April 3066
   All Cloud Cobras have passed their Trials of Possession and allowed places within Clan Nova Cat.  Star Colonel Jal Steiner challenges Galaxy Commander Elianna Deleportis and becomes new commander of Xi Galaxy.  saKhan orders the Galaxy strengthened to front-line status.

20th April 3066
   Duke Jonas Rousset-Marik leads the Krushers regiment on a raid against Iran in the former Free Worlds League.
   On arrival on the planet Jonas Rousset-Marik meets with the 7th Free Worlds Leagionaries commander on planet and convinces them to turn on their fellow defenders the 3rd Marik Militia quickly securing Iran.  Against two units the 3rd Marik Militia agrees to leave without a fight.

25th April 3066
   An Overlord DropShip of the Fighting Urukhai attempts to land on Taurus after making its way through the Hyades Cluster unmollested.  The DropShip and its Battalion of carried troops are swiftly eliminated by the Taurian local defence fighters.

26th April 3066
   Capellan Confederation forces raid Conquista and Andurien.  The Conquista operation goes off without a hitch but on Andurien things go wrong as the Andurien Sentinels mob the attacking Capellans forcing the remains of Marshigama's Legionaries Regiment to surrender.
   With the MechWarriors clear of their Mechs the Andurien troops line them up and execute the survivors.  Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao strikes the unit from Capellan rolls.

15th May 3066
   Alexander Carlyle, his AWOL Royal Guards Company, and the Denebolah Warriors Mercenary unit land on Glengarry.  With elements of the Gray Death Legion bottled up in Beggers Canyon Alexander struck at Tikonov control units allowing the Legion survivors to break out and for the two units to merge together.  In the forest north of Dunkeld Alexander Carlyle discovers the deaths of his parents and officially becomes commander of the Gray Death Legion.  The battle of Glengarry was long over however...

31st May 3066
   Capellan Confederation forces arrive on Tikonov in the Capellan March.  Seven Warrior House Battalions supported by Capellan WarShips secure the system eliminating the Tikonov Training Battalion and its campus in the first round of attacks.
   Imarra, Dai Da Chi, Ma-Tsu Kai and Ijori all assault the 1st Argyle Lancers Regiment on planet.  Although they are able to cripple Warrior House Imarra the AFFS Regiment are forced off planet.

4th June 3066
   Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant form together to form a new political alliance in Clan Fire Mandrill.

13th June 3066
   ComStar and the SLDF SAS forces on Tukayyid begin testing the Kobold Battle Armour unit in joint trials.

20th June 3066
   Nova Cats begin testing the Shoden Tactical Missile Tank on New Haiti, the origin of the name is unknown but the sheer volume of ATMs this vehicle can bring to a battlefield is impressive.

5th July 3066
   James McKenna (McKenna) brings President Mitchell Avellar and Khan Lynn McKenna to the Dante system home of the Omniss Cult.
   In the system they discover a Baron-class Destroyer and various armed groups on the planet.  When McKenna asks if these are Outworlds Alliance forces Avellar says they are not.  The Snow Raven instantly calls for Trials against these forces.
   A naval battle erupts in the system between the James McKenna and the Baron.  Surprisingly the Baron puts up a fight instead of running deploying 72 fighters and turning to engage.  A broadside volley from the James McKenna soon changes the battle's picture and eliminates the destroyer the Snow Ravens are able to claim air superoirity in the system.

6th July 3066
   James McKenna reaches Dante orbit.  They discover dozens of DropShips, armed camps, training grounds and what appears to be prison/slave camps.  Mitchell Avellar claims no knowledge of anything he sees.  Lynn McKenna personally leads the Snow Raven Alpha Galaxy against the ground forces.
   On the planet the Snow Ravens find several examples of advanced BattleMechs, Battle Armour and of advanced cybernetic technology.  They also discover biological weapons stockpiled in a bunker.
   Following three days of battle Lynn McKenna returns to the James McKenna and informs Mitchell Avellar the Snow Ravens are claiming full ownership of Dante whether the Outworlds likes it or not.

16th July 3066
   SLDF Lieutenant-General Marcus Johnson (formerly Blackheart Mercenary) finds himself convincing the Killer Bee Mercenary Battalion to sign on with the SLDF becoming another part of the newly formed SAS Division.
   The Killer Bees officially become the 78th Special Operations Battalion on 18th July 3066.

20th July 3066
   MRBC issue the SLDF with a warning to cease its "Company Store" policy with promising Mercenary Commands stating the Inner Sphere has changed too much for the SLDF to try and fix every problem.
   Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion states that they only look to hire and recruit units with previous SLDF roots and with ideals that merge with the SLDF.  He also challenges the MRBC to be stupid enough to try and stop the SLDF.

22nd July 3066
   ComStar begins testing the Focht Light OmniMech on Tukayyid.

1st August 3066
   Fighting Urukhai attack Taurus en mass causing heavy damage to the Taurian Defenders, Taurian Guard and Taurian Commandos based on planet.  When it appears the Fighting Urukhai will not only win the battle for the capital but also the planet Protector Grover Sharplen draws the mercenaries into a trap by offering his surrender in Samantha, the capital.
   Once a majority of the Fighting Urukhai are in the city looking for Grover's blood the Taurian leader detonates several nuclear devices under the city wiping out the city, 16 million inhabitants and the majority of the mercenary unit.
   Hours later from a secure bunker Grover blames the nuclear detonation on the Federated Suns, claiming the Fighting Urukhai were "agents of evil" and declares a "holy-war" against their old enemies.

6th August 3066
   DMI agents bring evidence to the Star League Intelligence Corps and MRBC proving the Fighting Urukhai were an independant unit and that they were not armed with Federated Suns nuclear weapons.

8th August 3066
   Taurian units flood into the Pleiades Cluster on the Taurian Concordat's border.
   Victor Steiner-Davion turns the Capellan March and its leader George Hasek on the Taurian Concordat forces.

21st August 3066
   Gray Death Legion secure Glengarry from Tikonov Guard forces declaring the world for the Lyran Alliance once again.  Katrina Steiner sends word of her great forgiveness for Alex and his unit going AWOL and awards him his father's title Baron von Glengarry.
   On Glengarry the Denebolah Warriors which joined Alex in his trip to Glengarry merge with the Gray Death Legion.  Its commander Major Samantha Logan rekindling a previous relationship with Alex Carlyle during the fighting.

28th August 3066
   With the MRBC backing down following the Commanding-General's challenge Morgan Hasek-Davion continues to head-hunt top units to kit out his growing SLDF.
   Approaching Captain Charlene Cypher of the Devil's Advocates he hires the small mercenary unit on a trial basis as NBC specialists/hostile enviroment specialists for the SLDF.
31st August 3066
   1st Tikonov Republican Guards arrives on Hesperus II joining Free Skye forces.  DefHes falls under Free Skye influence.
   With survivors of the 15th and 36th Lyran Guards under his command Leutenant-General Keane Sortek brings the 15th Battle of Hesperus II to a stalemate forming an uneasy peace with the Free Skye forces unwilling to accept more damage to the factories and to his forces in a fight he cannot win.  Retreating to Maria's Elegy, the planetary capital, he allows his troops some rest and time to re-arm.
   Keane the nephew of Arden Sortek remained in Lyran Alliance following the withdrawal of AFFS forces.

6th September 3066
   Calderon Protectorate under Marshal Cham Kithrong splits from the Taurian Concordat.  Cham takes the majority of VI Corps with him and officially stands as regent to Erik Martens-Calderon who he claims is the true Heir to the Taurian throne.  He condemns the destruction of Samantha as a desperate attempt to hold power by a leader who has lost his was and of a nation that deserves better.

14th September 3066
   Canin Rosse and Yvonne (Nova Cat) become parents when Grayson Nova Cat is born.  Nova Cats across Barcella think the birth of the child is a vision given form and call for Santin West to stand aside for Canin Rosse.  Canin refuses the call however claiming Santin West is the Clan's true leader chosen by Combat and Honour there he will remain until the Nova Cats need another leader.
   Yvonne is given a secluded spot in Phillip Drummond City to raise her child.  To Canin Rosse it is an alien concept but he vows to stand by them both.

4th October 3066
   One jump from Hesperus II the battered Gray Death Legion prepare to enter the fight and end Free Skye's trouble on the planet when they are confonted by the FSS Intrepid (Fox).
   A shuttle from Intrepid docks with the JumpShip and Peter Steiner-Davion accompanied by Adam Steiner board the JumpShip.  Peter explains that Victor Steiner-Davion will not allow the Lyran realm to degenerate into internal fights as the Clans hold a threat.
   With the SLDF and Morgan Kell's ARDC Peter has assembled a force of the Fox's Teeth, the 77th Special Operations Battalion (Blackhearts), the 1st Royal BattleMech Regiment, the 20th Arcturan Guards and the Kell Hounds 1st Regiment 1st Battalion.
   Alex Carlyle is unsure of the SLDF forces roll but Peter assures him they will be delivering humanitarian aid and ensuring the SLDF stake in DefHes is not destroyed.  Alex Carlyle turns his back on Katherine Steiner-Davion and throws his lot in with Peter and Adam Steiner.

8th October 3066
   Duke Peter Steiner-Davion's forces including the Gray Death Legion enter Hesperus II space.  Immediately Lt. General Keane Sortek declares his forces for the returning Duke.
   This immediately begins the 16th Battle of Hesperus II.

12th October 3066
   On Dieudonne in the Former Free Worlds League the 25th Marik Militia falls into chaos as various elements of the unit declare for various leaders of the Free Worlds League.

18th October 3066
   Duke Jonas Marik and the Krushers arrive on Dieudonne and crush the remains of the 25th Marik Militia.  Bringing the world into the Rousset-Marik Alliance.

21st October 3066
   Field Marshal George Hasek blockades the Tikonov system with the FSS Jason Hasek (Congress II) and the FSS Charles Davion (Davion III).  Interdicting any DropShip or JumpShip attempting to enter or exit the region through normal means.

3rd November 3066
   ComStar use the Star Nova Galaxy name to attack the Word of Blake on Caph causing heavy damage to the Word of Blake forces on planet.

14th November 3066
   Khan Santin West moves Yvonne Nova Cat, and her baby, off New Barcella by forming the New Worlds Cluster.  Based on a Carrack-Merchant vessel its job is to scout out other systems for colonization and help secure two new worlds the Nova Cats have begun to land people on.

28th November 3066
   Adam Steiner is killed on Hesperus II fighting Free Skye forces.  Peter Steiner-Davion finds his force rally to his call for revenge and quickly Free Skye's lines crumble under increasing fire from the Lyran Duke's forces.

2nd December 3066
   Fighting on Hesperus II officially ends.  Duke Peter Steiner-Davion promotes Keane Sortek to full General and charges him with maintaining the defence of the world while he leaves with the Gray Death Legion and Kell Hounds in support heading for Skye.

10th December 3066
   Duke Peter Steiner-Davion secures free passage to Skye for himself and his forces landing at an abandoned Firebase he is escorted to the Royal Estate meeting with Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner and Duchess Hermonie Aten.
   Peter lays down several doomsday scenarios for an independant Isle of Skye if the Lyran Alliance was to pull out and makes a deal with the Isle's leaders that they agree to one one condition.

12th December 3066
   Peace reins on Hesperus II and Skye as Peter Steiner-Davion convinces the Free Skye elements to back down.  He then travels with the Gray Death Legion to Glengarry to attend Grayson Death Carlyle's funeral.  En route he is met by Duchess Isis Steiner.  The two make a very public show of their relationship to the people of Glengarry making it obvious to all they were a new power in the Lyran nation.

20th December 3066
   Naval battle between the Word of Blake and ComStar at Ross 248.  The vessel CSWS Ranger (Lola III) missing since Task Force Serpent reappears in Word of Blake service initially trying to fake its way into the system as a damaged ComStar vessel.
   Ranger is found out by its sister ship Leader (Lola) in service with ComStar and the Word of Blake controlled Ranger immediatly engages destroying the Leader in a devastating broadside.  The Ranger then attempts to engage the troopships at Ross 248 but is destroyed by the Blake's Strength (Black Lion) still undergoing repairs since its defence of Titan Shipyards years before.  ComStar continue to evaluate the Word of Blake's threat potential.

Hope you enjoy more along soon
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2011, 08:31:13 AM »

Continuing into 3067 - betrayal for Ravens - Clan trials - New Champion - Tikonov raids - New Circe - CASE WHITE - Carver V revolution - Martial Olympiad - Peter arrives on Tharkad - Wolf on Tharkad - Katrina's time comes - Next Whitting Conference - WoB lash out - Rasalhague withdraws - Ghost Bear moves


1st January 3067
   Snow Raven WarShip White Cloud (Sovetskii Soyuz) wins a trial against DCMS forces in the Kazanka system.  Winning a charge for their K-F Drive the Snow Raven WarShip moves alongside the station to accept the charge only for the entire station to explode taking the White Cloud with it.  The Kazanka people are proud of their actions, the Ravens see the true dishonour of the Inner Sphere.

3rd January 3067
   Katherine Steiner-Davion tries to hurt Peter Steiner-Davions forces officially charging Alexander Carlyle and the survivors of his company with dishonourable discharges, being AWOL and stealing Lyran technology.  She also strips Carlyle of his Title and Discharges the Gray Death Legion from Lyran contract turning them into renegades within the Lyran Alliance.
   Unfortunately for Katherine Peter has already confirmed Carlyle's place amoung the hearts and minds of the people of Glengarry, Keane Sortek remains in control of Hesperus II and Skye has made a deal with Peter.  So all in all her actions come to nothing.
23rd January 3067
   Taurian Concordat's Pleiades Hussars and Lancers launch attacks into the Pleiades Cluster supporting other Taurian forces.  For the first time the Taurians have a numerical advantage over the AFFS troops.

2nd February 3067
   Clan Fire Mandrill's Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant and Star Adder engage in trials on Tathis overall neither Clan force makes any headway.

14th February 3067
   Marshal Andrew Redburn is officially made Prince's Champion by Victor Steiner-Davion following the departure of Peter Steiner-Davion.

16th February 3067
   Prince's Champion Andrew Redburn leads the 1st Kathil Uhlans, 1st Federated Suns Lancers RCT and several irregular formations to Tikonov.  Immediatly the irregulars disappear into Tikonov's population and remote areas.
   At the same Redburn's forces lead several APCs worth of dispossessed warriors into the heartland of Tikonov's manufacturing complexes.  Despite the apperance of Warrior House Imarra and Ijori the Davion forces hold off the Capellans long enough for two Battalions worth of Dispossessed MechWarriors to claim a Mech of their own.

17th February 3067
   The whole AFFS force from the Tikonov system leave the planet with valuable intelligence on the Capellan Forces and with assets now in play on the planet.

28th February 3067
   SLDF hire the Crater Cobras Regiment on a six year contract as an OppFor force on Kittery.  With the force amoung SLDF forces again they revert to their Star League designation the 789th Striker Regiment.  On Outreach and Galatea they close their hiring office.  Effectively closing the Cobras for future employment.  The MRBC officially list them as off the books and 'company stored' by the SLDF.

8th March 3067
   Seven Mercenary Regiments, the FSS Reynard Davion (Davion III) and the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT arrive in the Pleiades Cluster and quickly begin overwhelming the Taurian forces with superior firepower and numbers.

27th March 3067
   Yvonne Nova Cat's New Worlds Cluster land on a planet within the Nyna system 37ly from Tortuga.  The Nova Cats have named this world New Circe and Yvonne's plan is to make the colony a success.
   The Planet's military commander tries to hold sway over Yvonne treating her with little respect and dismissing her standing.  Yvonne reveals that she is a warrior within Clan Nova Cat despite not being a practicing fighter and that the Khan had granted her a merchant/warrior commision similar to that of a Diamond Shark merchant.
   Challenging the Star Captain Yvonne defeats him in an augmented Trial and claims command of his unit as well as her own before concentrating on New Circe's success.

1st April 3067
   Traditional April Fools Day kicks off with a bang as ComStar launches CASE WHITE against the Word of Blake invading the Terra system with almost all there forces.
   Across the Inner Sphere there is shock however none of the Succession Lords interfere.  In the first twelve hours two ComGuard armies (11th and 7th) and twelve WarShips, including two recently reactivated Intrepid-class Troopships are torn to pieces by the Terran Ground based lasers and defence satellites.
   As the second wave enters the Terra system the Vision of Truth (Potemkin) is torn to pieces as the Swift Justice (Aegis) turns on ComStar and opens the Potemkin to space with a broadside of Naval Autocannon.  The Swift Justice is subsiquently destroyed by ComStar forces.
   Eighteen Word of Blake WarShips are destroyed in engagements with ComStar forces and Terra is invaded.

2nd April 3067
   ComStar troops begin making headway against the Word of Blake unfortunately the Word of Blake resort to Santa-Ana Nuclear warheads destroying the TerraSec forces/ComStar forces and the city of Riga in one massive blast.

3rd April 3067
   ComStar's Independent WarShip squadron enters the Terra system with Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht aboard the CSWS Terra (Artemis).  Almost as soon as Focht arrives the WoBS Righteous Justice (Farragut) jumps almost right ontop of the squadron opening fire on the Avenging Sword and Immortal Spirit (Aegis) while trying to gun down the Precentor-Martial's WarShip.
   Unfortunately for the Blakists the Terra is far too maneoverable and escapes this allowing Focht to land on Terra joining forces in the city of Sydney in Australia, one of the few places ComStar find little trouble in.
   In space the two damaged but not out Aegis Heavy cruisers roll presenting the Farragut with fresh armour and pumble the Farragut with several broadsides of Naval Autocannons.  Unfortunately the Farragut has enough life in it to destroy the Avenging Sword and launch several naval guass rounds at Sydney tearing up huge swaths of the planet.  The crew of the Immortal Spirit make the ultimate sacrifice ramming the huge Battleship obliterating both craft.
   ComStar forces identify both the 13th and 15th Marik Militias on Terra two confirmed AWOL FWL units.

8th April 3067
   City of Hong Kong, two ComStar Divisions and three Word of Blake Divisions are wiped out when the Word of Blake resort to nuclear weapons launched from a previously dormant satellite.
   Anastasius Focht orders all orbiting satellites destroyed before this can happen again.
   A Winchester-class Crusier arrives in the Terra system running a ComStar blockade of Terra to dispatching three further Divisions of troops.  The Ship then joins WoB forces around Mars.
   ComGuard forces fail to take Titan Shipyards repelled by WoB forces using previously unseen Battle Armour designs (Codename DEMON).

10th April 3067
   Word of Blake units still operating within the Chaos March assault several worlds still claiming independance.  Their join is pure destruction.  The Northwind Highlanders, Wolf's Dragoons and Dismal Disinherited form the Allied Mercenary Command (AMC) to counter Blake forces.

11th April 3067
   Word of Blake forces strike at Ross 248 and Luyten 68-28 intent on destruction they destroy both ComStar bases and the Faslane-class vessels at these anchorages.

12th April 3067
   First Royal Battle Armour Corps HQ on New Canton becomes a target of the Word of Blake forces cut off from Terra.  Fortunately the Racicre River Raders Regiment of the 2nd Royal BattleMech Brigade is on planet and they assist the First Royal Battle Armour Corps repel the Word of Blake forces.
   The Racicre River Raders a former ComStar unit merged with the 3rd Davion Guards to form a new SLDF command is badly damaged in the attack.  Colonel Harry Sanders, commander of 1st Corps, is injured in the attack.  He transmits a message to the AMC five words.
   "The SLDF is with you"

21st April 3067
   Revolution begins on Carver V.
   Factions owing alleigance to House Steiner, Liao and Davion begin a three way battle for the world.
   A relatively unkown mercenary operator The BattleCorps is hired by the local population to help them force the three Houses to listen to the population.

28th April 3067
   BattleCorps and local civilans destroy House Liao forces on Carver V completely.

3rd May 3067
   Clan Fire Mandrill goes through political revolution of its own as a new powerful Kindraa Mick-Kreese-Kline forms on Atreus (Clan Homeworld).

5th May 3067
   Martial Olympiad is reconvened on Tukayyid by the SLDF.  Each Succession Lord and Periphery state sends a Battalion of competitors and almost all the Clans send a Cluster.  Even Steel Vipers and Stone Rhinos from the homeworlds send a Cluster to the event.
   Rubinsky's Light Horse represent the St Ives Compact officially confirming they are now a house unit of St Ives Compact.  Sun-Tzu Liao allows Magistracty of Canopus MechWarriors and Taurian infantry to represent his nation cementing their Trinity Alliance.

10th May 3067
   BattleCorps force House Steiner to pull back from major population centres back into a fortified mountain base.

14th May 3067
   Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion reveals to First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion that she is pregnant for a second time.

16th May 3067
   The BattleCorps and local irregular forces with House Davion backing force House Steiner loyal forces to accept defeat and surrender to Carver V's population.

18th May 3067
   A series of car bombs explode across the Inner Sphere and Periphery in almost perfect unison.
   On New Avalon the Royal Court is badly damaged killing hundreds as a Lewis Skimmer Bus carrying 86 civilians and eighteen tons of explosives detonates.
   On Northwind four Clan elders are killed in three seperate bombings
   On Outreach Colonel Maeve Wolf is badly injured by a massive explosion outside the Wolf Hall.
   On Tamar a power station is blown to pieces cutting the Clan Wolf capital off from power for three hours.
   On Sudeten a DropShip laden with explosives explodes over a busy spaceport.
   And Alshian one of the Bears Genertic Repository buildings for the Tseng Bloodname is targetted fortunately the explosion happens several kilometres from the building as Bear Battle Armour discover it and stop the driver.

19th May 3067
   As Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion sees the reports of terrorist attacks he directs the newly formed SAS to begin a hunt for the terrorists.
   A bomb blast destroys the ComStar Delegation's barracks on Tukayyid killing almost every member of the Martial Olympiad team.

20th May 3067
   Word of Blake's barracks are also destroyed on Tukayyd by a massive explosion.

21st May 3067
   Both ComStar and Word of Blake officially withdraw from Martial Olympiad.

28th May 3067
   2nd Davion Guards RCT lands inside Tikograd capital of Tikonov. They encounter the McCarron's Armoured Calvary on planet.  The Capellan troops use the Tikonov civilians as human shields.  The planetary HPG explodes in what appears to be a napalm explosion.
   The 2nd Davion Guards retreat from the planet.

30th May 3067
   Carver V officially forms a new government.  The first act is to rename the world Liberty.
   BattleCorps pull off planet.  Libery contacts the AMC for protection from WoB forces still causing damage in Chaos March.

8th June 3067
   Victor and Danai Davion's secret pregnancy is leaked to New Avalon Press by unknown source.

21st June 3067
   Galaxy Commander Timur Malthus becomes a proxy Khan for Marthe Pryde as both true Khans head for the Inner Sphere.

22nd June 3067
   Clan Diamond Shark is forced to defend their merchant practices as Clan Jade Falcon challenges them.  This challenge escalates and soon the forces of both Clans are fighting a Trial on Strana Mechty.
   Diamond Sharks win the trial much to the annoyance of the Jade Falcons.

24th June 3067
   Clan Diamond Shark gain several Nova Cat designs and rights to manufacture them in exchange for the remaining Diamond Shark territory on Barcella (Clan Homeworlds) giving the Nova Cats 100% control over world.

4th July 3067
   Black Thorns Mercenary Company are ambushed on Jezersko by Ghost Bear forces during a raid under DCMS contract.  During the opening salvos Rianna Rose, the unit's XO and the commanders sister, is ghot from her Mech and badly injured.  Unable to abandon or move Rianna the unit appears to have reached its end.

9th July 3067
   Sgt Dan Jackson, a member of the Black Thorns, is able to break through Ghost Bear lines and defeats the Ghost Bear commander in combat.  He is able to convince the Ghost Bear commander who has been humbled in combat to accept the Black Thorns retreat with their remaining equipment.

11th July 3067
   Captain Jeremiah Rose enacts an emergancy escape clause in the Black Thorns DCMS contract and sets his unit on course for Northwind.

12th July 3067
   Rousset-Marik Alliance units engage the 3rd Oriente Hussars on Van Dieman IV.  The Rousse-Marik forces feeling particularly bloodthirsty open the battle up by engaging the Oriente DropShips with several salvos of artillery from their attached support Battalion.
   With the DropShips destroyed or disabled the Rousset-Marik forces wipe out the remains of the 3rd Oriente Hussars.

18th July 3067
   Clan Snow Raven forces invade Antallos in the Periphery.  Three Clusters of Ravens engage local defenders Vinston's Vigilantes and Vance Raszek's Band of the Damned.  Both are destroyed however before the Snow Ravens can claim dominance.  A group of Dark Caste warriors and a Word of Blake Division surprise them and begin the battle for the world all over again.

19th July 3067
   On Northwind Cornelius Rose suffers a stroke on hearing that his daughter has been disabled from the neck down.

21st July 3067
   Losing 2 Clusters of troops and forced to pull in further forces including WarShip support Clan Snow Raven secure Antallos for a second time proving that the periphery has some bite left in it.

30th July 3067
   Black Thorns arrive on Northwind.  Cornelius still weak from his stroke makes an empassioned speach to the Clan Elders and Regiment Commanders to allow the Black Thorns to join the ranks of Northwind units.

4th August 3067
   Duke Peter Steiner-Davion enters the Lyran Throne Room on Tharkad.  Wearing the uniform of a General of Armies and with Isis Steiner at his side in a shimering blue dress.  In the throne room waiting for them are Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion and the true General of Armies Nondi Steiner.
   Peter claims it is only a social call dropping by before travelling to Coventry to see his good friend Duke Bradford.  Katherine informs her brother she will not be unseated by Victor's puppet.  Peter replies saying he said nothing about claiming the Lyran throne before leaving Katherine to her anger.
   In orbit the WarShip LAS Flygia (Mjolinir) already scheduled to travel to Coventry offers to take Duke Peter to the system which the Duke happily accepts.

14th August 3067
   Clan Wolf launches multiple Trials of Possession taking La Grave and Orkney from the Jade Falcons.  Before crossing into the Lyran Alliance and launching trials against Toumans, Rasalgethi, Fort Loudon, Borghese and Crimond only stopping just above the Tukayyid Truce line.

16th August 3067
   Clan Jade Falcon try to upstage the Wolves launching trials for Lyran worlds Ballynure, Graceland and Koinz.  On Koinz Barber's Marauder IIs Mercenary forces refuse a Trial and are destroyed to the last man.

20th August 3067
   In less than a week the Wolves launch their second round of Trials attacking Pandora at the same time as the Jade Falcons assault the world.
   In a three way battle the 6th Lyran Guards RCT, Pandora War College Training Battalion and 3rd Donegal Guards find themselves sandwiched between saKhan Samantha Clees and the Gryfalcon Galaxy (Jade Falcon) and Khan Vlad Ward's Wolf Spirit Galaxy (Wolf).
   Initially the two Clan forces pound the Lyran lines to a pulp leaving little between them before pounding each other into a pulp.  Three Wolf Clusters are destroyed as are two Jade Falcon Clusters before Vlad Ward orders his troops to retreat.  Before leaving planet Vlad spots Samantha Clees Summoner in the Jade Falcon battle-line.  Calling out a Circle of Equals Khan Ward in a Timber Wolf OmniMech out moves and disables the Jade Falcon saKhan.  As a parting gift to the victorious Jade Falcon forces Ward steps on Clees' cockpit crushing the Jade Falcon saKhan.

22nd August 3067
   Star Colonel Diana Pryde and the Falcon Guards arrive on Pandora.  Diana Pryde under orders from the Khan defeats each of the surviving Jade Falcon Star Colonels in single combat and claims control over the Gryfalcon Galaxy before also claiming the position of saKhan.  There are no challengers despite her status as a freeborn.

23rd August 3067
   The DCS Maushi (Yamato-class Battleship) is launched at the New Samarkand shipyards.  1.5 million tonnes it is the largest vessel in the DCMS Navy.

28th August 3067
   Medusans Mercenary DropShip Squadrons capture a group of Taurian supply DropShips in the Pleiades Cluster.  On one of the DropShips is a cargo of front-line Capellan equipment and advisors on how to use it.  On a second DropShip are six Santa Ana nuclear warheads.

30th August 3067
   Field Marshal George Hasek is informed the Taurians have raised the stakes in Pleiades.  He turns to First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and his father Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion of the SLDF.

2nd September 3067
   SLDF deploy the Killer Bees to the Pleiades Cluster to search out other Taurian secrets.

15th September 3067
   Second Babylon Diet in the Kerensky Cluster with Clans Cloud Cobra and Diamond Shark forming a far stronger defence than at the previous Diet.
   Clan Cloud Cobra and Clan Nova Cat officials knock heads as the recent defection of the Rossei Cloister to the Nova Cats is revealed.

17th September 3067
   SLDF's 151st Eridani Light Horse Regiment and two ComGuard Divisions (two of few not in CASE WHITE forces) supported by the SLS Sparta (Zechetinu II) attack Butler in the Jade Falcon OZ.
   Unfortunately in the Butler system is the Falcon's Nest (Texas).  Not waiting for the Inner Sphere force to organize the Falcon's Nest destroy several DropShips of the 77th Division with a full broadside of naval lasers.
   The SLS Sparta is destroyed soon after lasting a total of one minute-fifty-eight seconds against the mighty Clan vessel.  This is enough of a destraction for the ground forces to break away and head for the planet.

18th September 3067
   Clan Wolf launches a new set of Trials against the Lyran Alliance claiming Grundwald, Summit and Kandersteg.  Although on Kandersteg continuing heavy fighting with irregular forces slows the Wolf advance.

20th September 3067
   Clan Jade Falcon launches its own offensive striking Dustball, A Place and Bountiful Harvest.

21st September 3067
   In the Kandersteg system the LAS Yggdrasil (Mjolinir), and LAS Robert Marsden (Fox) arrive and engage Clan Wolf naval forces destroying the Blood Drinker (Black Lion) as more Lyran troops reinforce the resistance.
   On Coventry a botched assassination attempt against Peter Steiner-Davion results in the death of Duke Thomas Bradford, noble leader of Coventry.  The assassin is identified as Kommandant Konstantin Wolff-Ploetig someone the LAAF lists as killed in action fighting the Draconis Combine.
   Peter blames Katherine and decides enough is enough.

22nd September 3067
   Surviving units of the 151st Light Horse and the 211th ComGuard Disivion arrive on Butler engaging and destroying the 7th Provisional Garrison Cluster of the Jade Falcon Defece and engaging the 51st Garrison Cluster.  The Falcon's Nest pursues them to the planet but refuses to engage ground forces with its naval lasers.
   Standing in front of the destroyed Bradford family home Duke Peter Steiner-Davion and makes an empassioned speach for the Lyran people to raise with him against a leader who would look to Chaos and assassination instead of the defence of their realm.  He called on Katherine to peacefully leave office or suffer his forces arrival on Tharkad.
   Within hours of the announcement units across the Lyran nation were calling for Peter to take Katherine's place.  Many seeing Peter the leader able to succeed Victor in fighting the Clans.

23rd September 3067
   Clan Wolf (in-Exile) WarShip Ulric Kerensky (Cameron) is rammed by the Jade Falcon's Hawker (Sovetskii Soyuz) in the Bountiful Harvest system.

24th September 3067
   6th Alliance Guards Regiment along with two Wolf (in-Exile) Clusters liberate Clermont from Jade Falcon forces.

25th September 3067
   Falcon's Nest (Texas) recieves orders from Jade Falcon command and initiates orbital bombardment on the planet of Butler destroying all major military bases and the planetary HPG before landing ground troops to mop up the remaining SLDF/ComGuard personnel.  Approximately two Battalions worth of ground troops are captured almost without a fight as the ground forces are still demoralized and in shock from the bombardment.

28th September 3067
   General of Armies Nondi Steiner resigns from her post following news of Katherine's actions against Melissa Steiner and against Duke Bradford.
   Simon Gallagher emerges from the background and takes the post to the surprise of everyone, many who thought he was in the Federated Suns.

2nd October 3067
   WarShips Dire Wolf (Sovetskii Soyuz), Stealthy Kill (Black Lion) and Victoria Ward (Liberator) all arrive in Tharkad system commanded by Khan Vladimir Ward of Clan Wolf.  He broadcasts throughout the system his intention to take Katherine Steiner-Davion as his bondsman stating that Katherine has failed to deliver on what was promised.
   Lyran naval defenders LAS Athens (Hyperion), LAS Robert Kelswa and LAS Angela Franks (both Fox) move to engage.  Stealthy Kill and Dire Wolf cut both Foxes to pieces in a murderous crossfire which claims many Lyran DropShips and fighters also.  Dire Wolf is badly damaged but still active.
   Victoria Ward engages the Athens first with its own weapons before deploying conventional and battle armoured marines.  The Athens crew is quickly overpowered by the Wolf marines and Athens is claimed as a Wolf vessel.

10th October 3067
   Clan Wolf WarShips Dire Wolf, Stealthy Kill, Victoria Ward and newly captured Athens arrive in orbit of Tharkad.  Sixteen Wolf WarShips carrying the Wolf Spirits (Alpha) Shadow Wolves (Beta), and Wolf Hussars (Gamma) three front-line Galaxies.
   Outside the capital city there were met by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Royal Guards RCTs, the 1st Donegal Jaegers Regiment, the Mobile Fire Mercenary unit and a Level II from the 66th Division of ComStar's 10th Army.
   Battle commenced at 12:03Hours (Tharkad Local Time) with the Wolf Hussars engaging the 1st Donegal Jaegers and 3rd Royal Guards.
   15:15Hrs (TLT) Shadow Wolves engage the Lyran forces led by saKhan Marialle Radick they take the fight into Tharkad City.  During the battle the Lyrans are completely thrown by the appearance of the Lycurgus Assault OmniMech, an eighty-five ton monster.
   16:00 (TLT) Mobile Fire Regiment is wiped out by Wolf Spirits led by Vlad Ward.
   16:20 (TLT) 66th ComGuard Division assault Wolf DropShips taking out an Overlord-C, a Sassanid and a Miraborg before being driven back by the Wolf Hussars.  The 66th Division retreats into the rear elements of the Shadow Wolves and is destroyed by the two combined Wolf Galaxies who remember Tukayyid well.
   17:45 (TLT) Spirit Wolves supported by Shadow Wolves arrive at the Lyran Royal Court and engage the 1st and 2nd Royal Guards.
   23:52 (TLT) Second Royal Guards and Royal Court are almost completely detroyed.  1st Royal Guards and surviving 2nd Guards forces retreat to Steiner Palace.  Wolf forces make camp for night.

11th October 3067
   07:00 (TLT) Lyrans accept a truce with Wolves - Khan Vlad Ward and Golden Keshik are allowed to approach the Royal Palace.  Katherine Steiner-Davion meets with Vlad in person and alone.  She argues he has arrived a year earlier than they planned and she is not ready.  Vlad informs her that she has failed in her missing and he is collecting his debt before she is worthless.  Vlad promises that he can make her great within the Wolves and that if she surrenders the Wolves will retreat to their original borders and leave Tharkad with no further damage.
   Katherine surrenders herself to Khan Ward and orders all Lyran troops to remain on station but cease combat operations against the Wolves.  Vlad Ward kisses Katherine on the lips as he slips her bondcord around her wrist.
   Vlad leaves the Palace allowing Katherine to bid fairwell to the Lyran people.
   09:30 (TLT) 1st Coventry Jaegers Regiment, Coventry Militia and several units of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) arrive under command of Peter Steiner-Davion.
   Katherine speaks to her brother via radio and asks him to look after her Alliance.  Peter promises he can save her Katherine refuses informing Peter that one of the duties of being a good Archon is knowing what you can sacrifice and knowing when to surrender from a battle to live again.  Katherine asks for the new Archon's Blessing before she leaves Tharkad with the Wolves, which Peter grants.

12th October 3067
   Peter Steiner-Davion is confirmed as the new Lyran Alliance Archon.
   Nondi Steiner is discovered dead in her home, natural causes.
   Simon Gallagher disappears from Tharkad.
   General Keane Sortek still on Hesperus II is confirmed as Peter's new General of Armies despite his young age.

16th October 3067
   Field Marshal George Hasek orders Free Capella off Spica by the 25th October 3067.

18th October 3067
   A Wolf's Dragoons Vandal OmniFighter makes a low pass over the Wolf's Dragoons Home Guard buildings on Outreach dropping a pair of Fuel-air bombs on the buildings.  This destroys the Home Guard and cuts off power to much of Harlech City.
   Soon after fighting is reported across Harlech as Waco's Rangers leads several units on a suicidal charge against the Dragoons.  Several other units try to support the Dragoons but they are targetted also.  Ace Darwin's Whipits and Battle Magic are amoung those destroyed.
   Supreme Commander Jamie Wolf is killed fighting with the Waco's Rangers as they reach the Wolf Hall near the centre of the city.
   General Maeve Wolf still in a hospital bed following a terrorist explosion months before order Condition Feral to all Dragoon forces.  All HPG traffic from Outreach is cut off as the Dragoons target all forces on the planet.  Allies are given one chance to stand down before being destroyed hostile forces are destroyed with overwhelming force.
   Broadsword Legion betray Wolf Spider Battalion all but destroying it before being destroyed themselves.  51st Dark Panzer Jaegers, Smithson's Chinese Bandits, Tiger Sharks and Stealthy Tigers are all destroyed by the Dragoons.
   Wolf's Dragoons Gamma Regiment is folded into other Dragoon units following heavy damage.  General Maeve Wolf orders all non-Dragoon units off Outreach and the MRBC Hiring Halls closed.

19th October 3067
   After disappearing from Outreach two weeks before the Lone Wolves Mercenary Regiment arrive on Galatea and offer their services as the MRBC's defence force.

28th October 3067
   With trouble around the Inner Sphere and with the Clans the Martial Olympiad ends with almost no notice as Imperator David Gladding of the Marian Hegemony leads his people to victory.
   Jade Falcon, Wolf and Lyran Alliance forces break out into a huge brawl on the outskirts of Memoria which threatens to spiral out of control before SLDF forces led by the Knights of the Inner Sphere break up the fighting.

4th October 3067
   ComStar call all forces to Terra to end the war with the Word of Blake.  The 21st Centuri Lancers Mercenary Force is also drafted as they are still under ComStar contract.

6th November 3067
   Free Capella forces ejected from Spica raid several Capellan March worlds.  They reach New Hessen and find a stumbling block as Hampton's Hessen's Mercenary Brigade engage them.  Out of Contract and rebuilding on their homeworld the Hessens jump at a chance for real combat and hand the Free Capella forces defeat after defeat destroying the Jie Fang Legion and driving the Blackwind Lancers from the world.
   Following the retreat Field Marshal George Hasek offers the Hessens a five year rolling contract with a promise to leave one Regiment of the Hessens on their homeworld at all times.

8th November 3067
Fourth Whitting Conference
   Held on Orestes under heavy guard of the Royal Black Watch, the Knights of the Inner Sphere and the WarShips SLS Unity City (Artemis), SLS Troy (Agamemnon) and the SLS Covenant (Covenant).
   As both ComStar and the Word of Blake had voting rights Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion and Generals Archer Christifori and Neil Campbell sit in on the conference and would act as a deadlock breaker in any voting tie.
   Christian Mansdotter steps down as First Lord.
   Protector Grover Sharplen nominates Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao to the post of First Lord.  With the Magistracy of Canopus seconding this vote.
   New Archon Peter Steiner-Davion nominates First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion for the post noting that the Federated Suns is the one nation that has remained peaceful and in control over the last four years only defending itself.
   St Ives Compact's Duke Kai Allard-Liao second this nomination.
   That afternoon Sun-Tzu Liao meets with Hohiro Kurita privately to gain Draconis Combine's vote the Draconis Combine leader want Stealth Armour and a Company of Men Shen OmniMechs for the vote.  Sun-Tzu agrees.

9th November 3067
Fourth Whitting Conference - First Lord vote.
   Lyran Alliance - Federated Suns
   St Ives Compact - Federated Suns
   Taurian Concordat - Capellan Confederation
   Magistracy of Canopus - Capellan Confederation
   Draconis Combine - Capellan Confederation
   Word of Blake - Capellan Confederation
   Free Rasalhague Republic - Federated Suns
   ComStar - Federated Suns
   With four votes each falls to SLDF to break deadlock - Anastasuis Focht votes for Victor Steiner-Davion and the Federated Suns who accepts the post of First Lord.

10th November 3067
Fourth Whitting Conference
   Word of Blake gain St Ives Compact's support in upcoming vote giving them technical specs for the C3i Computer and Capellan Stealth Armour.

11th November 3067
Fourth Whitting Conference
   An attempt by Word of Blake to gain SLDF support against ComStar fails as both ComStar and Word of Blake present their cases.  Cameron St Jamis charges out of the conference in anger.   
   Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht continues his breifing stating that on top of Hong Kong and Riga, the cities of Cape Town and Baghdad have also been destroyed in the fighting between Word of Blake and ComGuard forces and that ComGuards have landed on Mars.
   St Ives Compact and Federated Suns come to an agreement in regards to the information St Ives has gained on Stealth Armour.

12th November 3067
Fourth Whitting Conference
   Conference breaks up - First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion, the Royal Black Watch Regiment and SLS Unity City leave Orestes.

5th December 3067
   All foreign leaders left Free Rasalhague Republic.  Elected Prince (Regent) Christian Mansdotter announces that the Free Rasalhague Republic is immediatly withdrawing from the Star League.  All ComStar and SLDF forces will be given three years to evacuate Free Rasalhague territory or be considered a hostile force.

7th December 3067
   A Baron-class Destroyer jumps into the Tukayyid system and destroys the ComStar vessel Enlightened Path (Volga).  It then bombards Memoria and the Focht War College.
   The bombardment finishes when the Ursula Major (Nightlord) arrives in system.  The Clan Ghost Bear vessel shatters the destroyer and clears the way for the arrival of the Rasalhague (Leviathan 2).
   Focht War College, ComStar Battle Armour factory and over one hundred thousand civilians are dead on Tukayyid.  Clan Ghost Bear forces offer assistance to planet.

8th December 3067
   First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion is informed of Ghost Bear move and contacts Christian Mansdotter via HPG.  Mansdotter informs the First Lord his nation is outwith SLDF territory and does not need their assistance, the Free Rasalhague Republic has joined the Ghost Bear Dominion.

9th December 3067
   Star Colonel Prince Ragnar Magnesson arrives on Orestes and officially welcomes the Free Rasalhague Republic into Clan Ghost Bear.

21st December 3067
   Clan Hell's Horses launch an invasion into Clan Wolf and Jade Falcon territory taking nineteen worlds from the over extended Crusader Clans.

Hope you enjoy
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2011, 09:25:03 PM »

3068 - Condition Feral brings peace - Nova Cats reveal Den - Clan trouble - Assassination Attempt - New Marshal of Armies - Avalon's gift - McCarron captured - End of Terra battle - proposal for Christifori - Ares battles - New blood


4th January 3068
   Wolf's Dragoon secure Outreach fully eliminating all trouble makers and forcing all other mercenary forces off planet.
   Ceremony of Jamie Wolf takes place with the Supreme Commander's ashes fired over Lake Kearny by a Dragoon Aerospace fighter.  Several royals from around the Inner Sphere including Victor Steiner-Davion and his wife Danai attend honouring the Dragoon founder and commander.
   Before they can return to their DropShip Danai Centrella-Davion goes into labour for the second time - eight hours later at a Dragoon Medical Facility Jaylen Davion is born.
   Dragoons raise another five metre high, four metre long section of their Wall of Honour for fallen mercenaries.

17th January 3068
   Ice Hellion attempts an invasion of the Inner Sphere and after several knock backs by the Hell's Horses, Clan Wolf and the Ghost Bears the Hellions retreat to the Nueva Castile territories.
   Overwhelming the local Umayyad and Castillian forces the remaining Ice Hellions set up shop thye have three remaining WarShips and roughly two Galaxies of troops.

21st January 3068
   Khan Santin West reveals the Nova Cat's Den's location to the other Clans.  Th other Clans believe that the Nova Cats have endangered them all by crossing the Tukayyid line however West counters them informing the Clans that no Nova Cat clansman has gotten any closer to Terra than the distance Tukayyid is from Terra.  Unlike the Wolves, Jade Falcons and most recently Ghost Bears who have all crossed the Truce line.
   Khan Brett Andrews (Steel Vipers) intent on beating Galaxy Commander Timur Malthus declares a Trial of Refusal against the Nova Cat Khan.  Khan West and Brett Andrews immediately attacks him despite Loremaster Kael Pershaw's call for order.
   Khan West defeats Brett Andrews his superior Elemental training cutting down the MechWarrior with a series of coordinated heavy blows showing compassion he refuses to kill the Steel Viper Khan.  Unfortunately for Santin West Khan Riana Montrose (Ice Hellion), her own Clan in trouble trying to reach the Inner Sphere, attacks the Nova Cat Khan.
   Although barely touched by Andrews Khan West was no match for the younger Montrose and soon the Nova Cat Khan was dead on the floor of the Great Hall.  Several Clans called for the abjurment of the Nova Cats however Clan Diamond Shark, Snow Raven, Ghost Bear, Cloud Cobra and Goliath Scorpions closed ranks and voted against action on the Nova Cats.

2nd February 3068
   Nova Cat vessel Thunderbolt (Black Lion) is ambushed in the Clan Homeworlds by the Steel Viper vessels Coiled Serpent (Vincent), Snake Pit (Lola III) and Martial Legacy (Essex).  All three Steel Viper WarShips refuse to adhire to Zellbrigen and the Thunderbolt is destroyed by its oppenents but not before taking the Coiled Serpent and Snake Pit with it.

3rd February 3068
   Again outside a Trial this time in the Barcella system the Nova Cat vessels Righteous Return (Vincent) and Growler (Lola III) are engaged by Clan Ice Hellion vessels.  Although the Nova Cats are able to destroy the Chaos Sailor (Aegis) they are hopelessly outgunned.

4th February 3068
   Aware of the previous attacks on Nova Cat shipping saKhan Canin Rosse arrives in the Bearclaw system with the WarShips Lucian Carns (Anna Rosse), Vision Quest (Aegis) and Far Vision (Vincent) all ready for a fight.
   Approaching them are the Jade Falcon vessels Turkina's Pride (Cameron), Gauntlet (Liberator) and White Aerie (Black Lion) surprisingly the Jade Falcons offer the Nova Cats Zellbrigen which the Nova Cats agree to.  In the following battle the Turkina's Pride is destroyed, Gauntlet is boarded and captured by Nova Cat Elementals and the White Aerie is forced to retreat.  All three Nova Cat WarShips are heavily damaged with the Far Vision abandoned shortly after the battle.
   Canin Rosse with the Lucian Carns and his Watch Cluster continues onto Strana Mechty while the Vision Quest escorts the Gauntlet to Barcella along with the saKhan's Delta Galaxy.

17th February 3068
   saKhan Canin Rosse calls for a Grand Council almost before he sets foot on Strana Mechty.  At the council he calls into question the honour of the assembled Khans risking a Circle of Equals as he critizises the assembled Khans for allowing a Khan to be killed on the floor of the Grand Council, for allowing their WarShip fleets to attack Nova Cat vessels outside Trials like packs of dogs.
   saKhan Rosse calls for a representive of Clan Steel Viper to answer for their actions against Clan Nova Cat.  As Khan Brett Andrews is still recovering from wounds sustained fighting Santin West Canin calls out saKhan Nicole Hoskins.  The Steel Vipers refuse to fight achknowledging they were wrong in the face of all the Clans and offer the Nova Cats a Ransom of the Nova Cat Clan's choosing.
   Canin Rosse demands two WarShips the Constrictor (Whirlwind) and Steel Python (Aegis) repaying the Nova Cats for their losses.  The Steel Vipers refuse initially however Canin Rosse counters with simple words "you give us both vessels or I'll kill both your Khans today."  The Steel Vipers seeing the anger in the Nova Cat saKhan's face agree to terms and promise to deliver the vessels.
   The Nova Cat saKhan then turns on Galaxy Commander Timur Malthus challengine his right to even be within the room before challenging a Circle of Equals pointing out that the WarShip force that welcomed the Nova Cat Delta Galaxy would not have been in position unless ordered to intercept and kill Canin Rosse.
   Khan Vlad Ward supports Canin Rosse's arguement.  Malthus initially tries to worm his way out of the fight however Canin Rosse makes a simple threat "The Nova Cats have five WarShips, Four Galaxies of Troops and nothing to lose - try us" around the chamber the Khans realize that Canin Rosse isn't just acting like an angered saKhan he is acting like a Khan approval of his Clan or not.
   Again Loremaster Kael Pershaw is powerless as Timur Malthus engages in hand-to-hand combat with the younger Canin Rosse.  The battle is almost over before it begins and the Jade Falcon lies dead at Canin's feet.
   Before the dust has settled over the fight Canin turns on Riana Montrose but before he can issue a challenge Khan Vlad Ward steps in informing the Nova Cat saKhan he cannot defeat everyone in a fight in one day and that it would be best for the Nova Cats for Canin to cease his behaviour.  Riana Montrose informs Canin Rosse he does not have to issue a Circle that she realizes her dishonour and will step down as Khan of Ice Hellion for her own dishonour.

18th February 3068
   Khan Vlad Ward calls for a vote of no-confidence in Loremaster Kael Pershaw for time and again failing to control the Grand Council.  Following a vote Clan's Diamond Shark, Wolf, Nova Cat, Steel Viper, Coyote, Ghost Bear, Snow Raven, Ice Hellion, Goliath Scorpion and Cloud Cobra all support the motion.
   An hour later Star Adder Loremaster Dagmar Lahiri is elevated to the post of Grand Council Loremaster.
   By the end of the day Canin Rosse is confirmed as the new Nova Cat Khan.  He promotes Galaxy Commander Jal Steiner to the post of saKhan ending the Day of Turmoil on Strana Mechty.

8th March 3068   
   Leaving Outreach travelling via an uninhabited system First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion aboard the FSS Alexander Davion (Davion III), with the SLS Unity City (Artemis) along aswell, is ambushed by five WarShips - 2 Zechetinu Corvettes, 1 Naga Destroyers and a pair of early model Essex Destroyers.
   Unity City uses its HPG provided by ComStar to call for Federated Suns assistance while Fleet Admiral Andrea Petain coordinates the Alexander Davion, Unity City, 3 DropShips and two fighter wings in a series of evasive moves that takes the Destroyer within a local Stellar fragment.
   The Alexander Davion and Unity City are able to destroy both Zechetinu-class vessels however the heavier unidentified vessels prove a far more challenging set of opponents.  With the Vengance-class Carrier off the Unity City and both of the Davion's DropShips cut to pieces by Naval Autocannon fire.
   After a cat and mouse duel the Alexander Davion is rapidly being herded by the three attacking vessels when the SLS Unity City dedicated to the protection of the First Lord and escorted by the remains of the Royal Black Watch aerospace wing charges the enemy formation.  The Unity City using its huge engine rams the lead essex at nearly 5Gs acceleration destroying both craft - the remaining Black Watch fighters ram the other WarShips causing further damage allowing the Alexander Davion to slip away again.

12th March 3068
   After running at nearly full engines for four days the Alexander Davion is low on fuel, ammunition and places to run.  Victor Davion steps on Fleet Admiral Petain's shoes ordering the Alexander Davion to go out swining instead of running.  The Alexander Davion takes heavy damage and is close to defeat when two more vessels jump into the system identifying as the WDS Darius and WDS Nelson (both Lola III) of the Wolf's Dragoons.  Intercepting the Unity City's call for help the Dragoons had answered the call.
   The enemy Naga and remaining Essex turn on the Dragoon vessels concentrating on the Darius they are able to do enough damage to force the inexperianced Dragoons to abandon ship however this leaves them in perfect position for the Dragoons remaining vessel Nelson to dispatch both remaining enemy vessels and offer assistance to the Alexander Davion.
   Victor Steiner-Davion meets with General Maeve Wolf as further AFFS vessels arrive and promises to repay the Dragoons.

1st April 3068
   Nova Cat vessel Path of Honour (Aegis) enters the Hector system to evaluate Ice Hellion targets.  Star Commodore Alan Lankenau commander of the vessel almost immediately launched a Trial of Possession on the Ice Hellion's Coterie (Potemkin) fully laden at the Jump point.
   Three Ice Hellion Aerospace Fighter Stars engage two Stars of Nova Cat OmniFighters.  Although the Ice Hellions held the numerical superiority the heavier and more advanced fighters of the Nova Cats proved decisive and the Coterie became a Nova Cat vessel.
   Not wanting the Ice Hellion ground forces attached to the Vessel the Nova Cats offered the civilians and troops back to the Ice Hellion ground forces commander only taking the ship and its attached DropShips.

9th April 3068
   Clan Diamond Shark vessel Nagasawa (Sovetskii Soyuz) appears in Hector system and transfers a Prize crew aboard the Coterie leaving the Nova Cat's Path of Honour to leave the system.  What the Nova Cats gain for the vessel is a mystery to the other Clans.

18th April 3068
   Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion suffers a stroke and passes away in his office on New Avalon.  First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion orders a week of national mourning.
   Marshal Reinhart Steiner unofficially takes over Jackson's duties.

25th April 3068
   New Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner officially takes over Jackson Davion's position on New Avalon.
   Field Marshal Tarncred Sandoval welcome the move however Field Marshal George Hasek opposes it stating "we don't need a Steiner's influence in the AFFS, we've had enough of it already."

1st May 3068
   Colonel Loren Jaffray announces on Northwind that the AMC stands with ComStar in its fight against the Word of Blake who have been successfully unmasked throughout the Chaos March.

3rd May 3068
   1st Kearny Highlanders Regiment and Wild Geese Regiment assault a hidden Blakist base on Liberty eliminating a hidden Division.

4th May 3068
   Grim Determination Mercenary Regiment, Burton's Brigade and the 13th Stalking Horse attack a Blakist unit operating on Caph identified as the 12th Shadow Division.

6th May 3068
   Word of Blake's worse nightmares come true as the WarShips WDWS Athena (Sovetskii Soyuz), Mars (Vincent) and Beowulk (Congress II) lead eight regiments of AMC afflicted troops to Terra.  Jumping in at a ComStar secured point they almost immediately begin moves towards Terra and Mars.

8th May 3068
   A Word of Blake flottila engage the AMC forces in space.  2 Lola-class Destroyers, 2 Vincent-class Corvettes and the Blake's Sword (McKenna).
   Both Blakist Vincents are destroyed in the engagement with heavy damage to the Dragoons own MarsAthena suffers heavy damage at hands of the Blake's Sword and is abandoned in space however the Beowulf and several other ComStar vessels protect the AMC forces which are able to land on Terra.

10th May 3068
   Blakist forces try to run the ComStar/AMC blockade of Terra again.  The Winchester-class vessel in Blakist ranks was cut to pieces while the Blake's Sword again was forced to pull back.

16th May 3068
   Following several Capellan March based interviews questioning Reinhart Steiner's ability to command the AFFS.  Reinhart Steiner challenges any of the Syrtis Fusiliers to take on his 1st New Avalon Guards RCT in a mock battle at the neutral Star League facilities on Kittery.

21st May 3068
   Morgan Hasek-Davion suffers a heart attack on Kittery but is resuscitated by Star League medics.  Doctors order he takes at least a month off work.  General Archer Christifori becomes SLDF's temporary commander.

23rd May 3068
   1st Aragon Borderers BattleMech Regiment supported by two Armour Regiments and an infantry Brigade land on Sheratan welcoming the world to the Federated Suns.

1st June 3068
   Intense fighting erupts at Titan Shipyards in the Sol system.  While 3 ComGuard WarShips engage four Blakist vessels Precentor IV Theta Sarah Chambers leads an elite ComGuard Blake's Wrath unit onto the station.  Equipped with Clan Snow Raven built Aerie Power Armour they engage Blakist occupiers in close quarters.
   They breach the command room and secure the Titan control facility just as the Invisible Truth (Cameron) explodes amidships.  Moments later the mighty vessel's magazines explode spreading its wreckage across the system.  The triumph of securing Titan quickly became a hollow victory.

5th June 3068
   1st New Avalon Guards RCT, under Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner, engage the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT, under Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek, on Kittery in a mock excersise. 

8th June 3068
   Duchess Isis Steiner gives birth to Jessica Steiner, her first child and an heir for Archon Peter Steiner-Davion.

9th June 3068
   Not to be outdon Duchess Hermonie Aten gives birth to her daughter Ilse Kelswa-Aten an heir for Skye.

12th June 3068
   Mercenary units on Galatea begin to cause problems for local authorities.  Lone Wolves join with local militia units to try and control problems.

18th June 3068
   Under directions from the AMC the 3rd Dismal Disinherited land on Galatea joining Lone Wolves in cleaning up mercenary mess.

23rd June 3068
   Reinhart Steiner's forces constantly best the Syrtis unit on Kittery and Nathaniel calls for an end of the battles declaring Reinhart the true Marshal of Armies.

25th June 3068
   Both 1st New Avalon Guards RCT and 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT leave Kittery system with FSS Lucian Davion (Avalon) and the 1st Kittery Borderers Regiment.

28th June 3068
   Peace reins on Galatea as the Dismal Disinherited, Lyran Militia and remains of Lone Wolves regiment declare martial law.
   Dead units on Galatea include Sathen's Snipers, Deliah's Gauntlet, Carson's Renegades and Jacob's Juggernauts.

29th June 3068
   FSS Lucian Davion, 1st New Avalon Guards RCT, 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT and the Kittery Borderers arrive in Ares system of Capellan Confederation.
   On the ground the 5th McCarron's Armoured Calvary attempt to defend attacking the AFFS troops as soon as they land.  The Federated Suns forces surround the Capellan unit.  Reinhart Steiner offers Sang-shao Lord Richard Carson a way out single combat between the two commanders.  Carson refuses and the 5th McCarron's attempt a break out which is quickly held back.

30th June 3068
   Tharkad is on red alert as an unidentified WarShip enters the system unannounced.  To a surprised Lyran Alliance the FSS Peter Steiner-Davion (Avalon) arrives in the system - a gift from Victor Steiner-Davion to his brother following the birth of Jessica Steiner.
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion accepts the gift and arranges transport for the crew home.  He renames the vessel Archon's Pride to reflect how he feels about his newly born daughter.

1st July 3068
   A single McCarron's Armoured Calvary Men Shen OmniMech enters Reinhart Steiner's camp.  Sao-shao Faith McCarron announces that Richard Carson was dead from wounds and that she was in command of the Armoured Calvary.
   Faith offers her surrender to Reinhart Steiner in exchange for her units safe extraction from the planet.  Although he has the unit where he wants it Reinhart agrees and accepts Faith's surrender.

2nd July 3068
   Faith McCarron is assaulted by members of the Syrtis Fusiliers on Ares, two defending New Avalon Guards troopers are also attacked.  Luckily Reinhart Steiner is close and dispatches Battle Armour troopers to escort Faith out of the mob attack before it gets out of control.  He informs everyone involved in the attack that they can expect militia assignments following their tour on Ares.  Nathaniel Hasek takes the Marshal of Armies actions one step further arresting several ring leaders of the mob as examples.
   Faith McCarron is moved to secure quarters amoungst the 1st New Avalon Guards troopers.

3rd July 3068
   Capellan March forces land on Epsilon Indi and Epsilon Eridani overwhelming an unidentified Battalion sized unit and theLangendorf Lancers on Epsilon Indi.
   On Epsilon Eridani both the Lone Star Regiment and Redfield's Renegades pull off planet without resistance knowing better than to fight the Capellan March without support.

4th July 3068
   Byrant, New Home and Keid all join the Capellan Confederation.  Burr's Black Cobras are badly hurt on Byrant fighting a delayed action.  Both Clifton's Rangers and Hanibal's Hermits disappear on Keid refusing combat.  On New Home Blanc's Coyotes are destroyed almost to the man as the unit attempts to engage the Capellan forces.

5th July 3068
   Disagreements between Clans Nova Cat and Cloud Cobra boil over as three Cloud Cobra WarShips and an entire Galaxy of ground troops invade the Morgan's Holdfast system of the Nova Cat's Den.
   The engagement for the system begins at the Zenith Jump Point as Nova Cat vessels Promise (Aegis) and Spirit Vision (Vincent) defend against the Nebulous (York), Predition's Faith (Fredasa) and Cataclysm (Lola III).
   As ground forces head for the planet the Nova Cat's Spirit Vision is destroyed while the Cobras lose the Predition's Faith and Cataclysm causing heavy damage to the Promise.  The Nebulous and its fighters destroy the Promise following further combat.

7th July 3068
   Nova Cat vessel Faithful Rite (Carrack Merchant) is destroyed by Cloud Cobra ground forces landing on Morgan's Holdfast.  Aboard the vessel the 115th Garrison Cluster is also destroyed.

9th July 3068
   Cloud Cobras overwhelm Nova Cat defenders on Morgan's Holdfast.

11th July 3068
   Nova Cat's Severn Lervoux (Anna Rosse) enters the Morgan's Holdfast system carrying several carrier DropShips.  Over one hundred fighters quickly overwhelm the Cloud Cobra's Nebulous and Nova Cat marines are able to put a prize crew aboard the heavily battered Destroyer.

14th July 3068
   Nova Cat saKhan Jal Steiner leads Nova Cat Xi and Kappa Provisional Galaxies onto Morgan's Holdfast.  Two further days of heavy fighting continues until Star Colonel Penelope Steiner, the surviving Cloud Cobra warrior, accepts defeat and surrenders to Jal Steiner.  The remaining Cloud Cobras less than three Binaries troops become Bondsmen to Clan Nova Cat.
   Following the battle saKhan Jal Steiner renames Morgan's Holdfast Rossei's Triumph in light of the several Rossei Cloister members in Xi Galaxy.

17th July 3068
   SLS Shining Claw (Congress II) on patrol of the Melissa system in the Lyran Alliance encounters the Ice Hellion vessel Maker (Carrack).  Quickly overwhelming the Clan vessel with Battle Armoured Marines the vessel is claimed as property of the SLDF and sent to Dieron Shipyards.

21st July 3068
   3 Ice Hellion Galaxies and their escorting four WarShips invade the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone.  Unfortunately in the first thee hours the Taney (Aegis) is pounded to a pulp by the Jade Falcon's Frost Falcon (Aegis).  On board the vessel is Khan Conner Rood who is killed when the Taney explodes.

24th July 3068
   Ice Hellion Zeta and Zeta Prime Galaxies go rogue as Ice Hellions suffer another defeat on Goat's Path.  Along with the Impaler and Radiant (Lola III) disappear into the Periphery becoming Dark Caste.

28th July 3068
   Cages's Pride (McKenna) makes a run for Terra straight into Clan Wolf space.  In the Kandis system the ship is met by the Wolf WarShips Jerome Winson (former Liberator recently upgraded to Anna Rosse configuration), Rogue (Congress) and Dire Wolf (Sovetskii Soyuz).
   The Cage's Pride ignores Wolf calls to surrender engaging immediately.  The Rogue crumbles under volleys of Naval Particle canon while the Jerome Winson's heavy fighter force and capital missiles from the Dire Wolf causes damage to Cage's Pride's engines while Wolf Elementals board the craft.
   The Ice Hellion troopers aboard the ship refuse to surrender and Wolf forces are forced to eliminate all members of the crew.  The Wolf Commander claims the Cage's Pride as a Clan Wolf vessel.  Khan Vlad Ward orders the ship repaired and renamed Ward's Legacy after his Bloodhouse.

31st July 3068
   Clan Vlad Ward officially announces the destruction of Clan Ice Hellion's remaining forces.  The Clan's homeworld territories are deemed forfiet and the Clan is removed from the Grand Council.
   Clan Stone Rhino claim Ice Hellion territories on Hector including two Cluster's of troops left behind in the Clan's suicidal charge at the Inner Sphere.

8th August 3068
   Ross and Rachel McKinnon become parents as Canin Aleksandr McKinnon is born on New Avalon.

13th August 3068
   Battle of Mars begins in Terra system.  ComGuards encounter several experemental drone craft as well as orbital defence satelites as they assault the Word of Blake's last Terran stronghold.  The CSWS Terra is destroyed in the fighting along with several vessels on both sides.
   During the battle three DropShips are observed leaving the system via an Invader-class DropShip at a pirate point.  One of these DropShips is later identified as an experimental Tiamat-class Pocket WarShip.

20th August 3068
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion and Khan Phelan Kell sign the Arc-Royal Protocols officially recoignizing Clan Wolf (in-Exile)'s position within the Lyran Alliance as an independant power.
   Arc-Royal Theatre officially formed with Grand Duke Morgan Kell named as Margrave of the new threatre.  This includes all worlds of the ARDC and those of the former Pandora Theatre.

25th August 3068
   A Carson-class Drestroyer appears over Columbus in the Periphery and begins a six hour bombardment flattening the facility.  The two Faslane-class Yardships are also destroyed.
   Draconis Combine Explorer Corps and ComGuards surviving the attack try and mount rescue missions.

29th August 3068
   Draconis Combine overwhelm Word of Blake's 3rd Division on Caph, the one unit that had so far been left by ComStar and AMC.  Draconis Combine officially annex the world as well.

4th September 3068
   Federated Suns Capellan March forces supported by mercenary forces take Terra Firma and Capolla two of the last free Chaos March worlds.  On Terra Firma the 2nd NAIS Regiment encounter the Shin Legion of the Capellan Confederation.
   The two Succession State forces engage with the better equipped NAIS forces winning initially however the arrival of Warrior House Hiritsu turns the battle once again.  The arrival of the Wild Geese Mercenary Regiment helps finish off the Shin Legion and forces Warrior House Hiritsu to retreat.

8th September 3068
   On the Nova Cat colony world of New Dagda just beyond the Nova Cat's Den borders in the Periphery Yvonne (Steiner-Davion) give birth to her second child which she names Sonja.

14th September 3068
   Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao orders Warrior House Mai-Tsu Kai and the 2nd Capellan Reserve Calvary to Ares to wrest the world from Federated Suns control.  On planet defemders 3rd MAIS and 1st Capellan Dragoons are both badly damage but hold their ground.  The FSS Admiral Michael Sallie (Hound) is deployed to the system to support AFFS ground forces.

28th September 3068
   Mars is secured by ComStar/AMC forces.  Amoung the dead on the planet are 8 ComGuard Divisions, Six Word of Blake Militia Divisions, Marian Cuirassiers Mercenary force, 6th Free World Legionaries Regiment and a Word of Blake ROM Division using large quantities of cybernetics and advanced BattleMechs.  Ten thousand plus civilians are also dead killed in the crossfire between ComStar and the Word of Blake.

30th September 3068
   Acting Commanding-General Archer Christifori travels to Thorin, his homeworld.  Archer's honour guard is met by Colonel Felix Blucher's 15th Arcturan Guards 1st Battalion.
   Blucher questions the SLDF Commanding-Generals presence on planet, Archer explains that they are here to scout out the former University of Thorin site in Remmington Forest.
   Archer is reunited with his sister Andrea Christifori, Darius Hopkins, his mentor, and with Hauptmann Katya Chafee, the local militia's intelligence officer and someone Archer had gotten close to after the end of the Clan War.

31st September 3068
   Archer Christifori and Katya Chafee are seen in a resturant in downtown Ecol City on Thorin.  At their meal Archer proposes to Katya, which she accepts.

4th October 3068
   Major Michi Noketsuna intelligence officer of the Wolf's Dragoons arrives on New Avalon by invitation of First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.  Michi is informed that the Federated Suns is willing to sell the Dragoons one of the new built Davion Block III-class Destroyers to replaced the destroyed Darius (Lola III) after three days the Federated Suns and Dragoons agree to a price.  In thanks for the Dragoons saving of the First Prince.

8th October 3068
   FSS Admiral Michael Sallie (Hound) is destroyed in Ares system by Capellan Naval assets.  Further Capellan troops landed on Ares.

14th October 3068
   Calish sytem is raided by mercenary forces stealing four brand new Corax OmniFighters.  Outworlds Alliance fighters give chase aand captured one of the mercenaries who admits to a contract within the Draconis Combine, although not one connected to the Coordinator.

3rd November 3068
   In orbit over Nouveaux Paris in the Deep Periphery Clan  Diamond Shark transfers the Bloodlust (Aegis) and Swift Strike (Fredasa) to control of Clan Nova Cat in exchange for the Coterie (Potemkin) and the Nebula (Carrack-Merchant).  Aboard the Swift Strike are 1,500 brand new Gauss SMGs which the Diamond Sharks include in the deal.
   Diamond Sharks rename Coterie, Typhoon.

18th November 3068
   Grand-Duke Morgan Kell passes away on Arc-Royal following a severe heart-attack during his sleep.
   Wolf (in-Exile) Khan Phelan Kell announces that Colonel Daniel Allard and his sister Megan Kell will be entrusted with safeguarding the Kell Hound Mercenary Unit.
   Phelan Kell becomes Grand-Duke of Arc-Royal despite his position as Khan of Clan Wolf (in-Exile).  Morgan Kell is buried at a hidden site somewhere on Arc-Royal.

21st November 3068
   Snow Ravens recieve ComStar distress calls from Columbus Base.  They deploy WarShips to the area and evacuate 300 survivors to the Outworlds Alliance.

28th November 3068
   First Prince/First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion presents an area of Defiance within the Federated Suns Crucis March to the SLDF as new grounds for the Martial Olympiad.
   He states "that on the grounds that prepared us for the Clan War future generations will be able to train and compete for glory."
   The SLDF plan to build new Advisory Council Buildings on the world as well as the Martial Olympiad grounds, and a training complex.
   Because of Defiance's tainted atmosphere the SLDF/NAIS began to look at ways to clear the tainted air terraforming it into a perfect planet.

4th December 3068
   On Galisteo within the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby Swann's Cavaliers are mercenary band are involved in a local march with turns into a massacre as the Cavaliers destroy multiple local IndustrialMechs.  Local civilians are also caught in the crossfire.
   Soon word passes throughout the entire former Free Worlds League of the Black Rock Massacre.

8th December 3068
   Khan Canin Rosse arrives back in Nova Cat's Den for the first time in 2 years with seven WarShips and a dozen additional JumpShips taking further supplies from the Clan Homeworlds.
   Clan Nova Cat begin to build a small arms weapons facility on New Dagda copying the Diamond Sharks Gauss SMG.
   With new WarShips in the fleet the Nova Cat's Admiralty begin to reorganise their Naval assets into new Naval stars.

18th December 3068
   FSS Robert Davion (Avalon) leads two Davion Block III-class Destroyers into the Ares system intent on smashing the Capellan blockade.  CCSS Zhejiang (Impavido) is destroyed after a brief battle.
   Then closer to the planet the FSS Robert Davion and the Franko Martell (Feng Huang) are both destroyed in a second battle.  Both Federated Suns Destroyers are badly damaged but operational.  Further AFFS forces land on planet to reinforce its defences.

25th December 3068
   Rasalhague Dominion officially unites the Free Rasalhague Republic and Ghost Bear Dominion in a ceremony on Orestes.  Alshian, Rasalhague and Orestes are recoignized as equal worlds of leadership commanding three districts of the new Rasalhague Dominion.
   Galaxy Commander Ragnar is granted an uncontested Trial of Bloodrite for the name of Magnesson.  The Magnesson Bloodhouse begins trials throughout the Rasalhague Dominion for the next twenty-four places within the Bloodhouse.  Ghost Bear scientists also take in samples from the local Rasalhague population to bolster the Bloodhouse's genetic make up.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 08:52:21 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2011, 03:35:01 PM »

You know the only thing that could make this better is a year by year map of the border changes done by blacknova  ;)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2011, 03:37:12 PM »

You know the only thing that could make this better is a year by year map of the border changes done by blacknova  ;)

Maybe one for 3081
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2011, 03:44:52 PM »

Carrying on into 3069 - Trade of assets - McCarron released - New Champion - Capellan marriage - Jarnfolk/Diamond Shark - Sirians in Pleiades - Federated Suns liberate Tikonov - new duke - Assassination attempt - Kindraa AWOL - FSS New Avalon -


9th January 3069
   Former Steel Viper vessel Constrictor (Whirlwind) under Clan Nova Cat control slips into the Kathil system at an AFFS secured pirate point.  There the Nova Cat crew transfer to a newly completed Avalon-class Cruiser named FSS Yvonne Steiner-Davion while a Davion crew take command of the Constrictor.
   The trade done the Yvonne Steiner-Davion under Nova Cat control jumps clear of the system while the Constrictor is taken to the McKenna shipyards under heavy security and escort.

14th January 3069
   As promised House Davion delivers a brand-new Davion Block III-class Destroyer to the Wolf's Dragoons on Outreach.  On Outreach Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner finds the Wolf's Dragoons still struggling to repair damage done to their world during the Mercenary Riots of 3068.
   Offering the Dragoons further aid and supplies to get the world back on its feet Reinhart gains a deal with the Dragoons' partner Blackwell Industries for exclusive production of the Marauder II BattleMech for a period of one year from the New Valencia plant.  Maeve Wolf amends the deal making one in five of these Mechs produced the Marauder II C variant used almost exclusively by the Wolf's Dragoons.

15th January 3069
   On Outreach Reinhart Steiner offers Faith McCarron her freedom informing her he has created an account on Outreach that has enough for her transport anywhere within the Inner Sphere.
   Faith asks him where Reinhart is due to travel as her JumpShip will be following him.  She informs him that she'd met McCarron's in the Federated Suns removed from her family's line that resides in the Capellan Confederation and that those in the Federated Suns had welcomed her with open arms and that she found a connection with Reinhart.  Although she has no future as a MechWarrior within the AFFS she is willing to travel the path with Reinhart if he is.

18th January 3069
   Ross McKinnon recieves a promotion to Colonel in the AFFS and is charged by First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion to raise a special operations command around the Fox's Teeth answerable to the First Prince and Marshal of Armies only.
   Ross McKinnon also becomes the new AFFS Prince's Champion as Marshal Andrew Redburn announces his retirement.
   Leftenant David McKinnon, Ross' cousin in the 20th Avalon Hussars is transfered to the Fox's Teeth as their new commander promoted to Captain despite reservations looking at David's spotty record.

30th January 3069
   Tired at the Draconis Combine's constant probing and wanting revenge for the White Cloud the Snow Raven launch an invasion into the Draconis Combine refering to their forces as the Raven Alliance.
   Targetting Bad News, Zlatoust Kazanka and Enif only Bad News puts up resistance with the 19th Galedon Regulars and three WarShips defending.  The Snow Ravens burn down the Luthien (Kyushu), Shiro (Kirishima) and Valiant (Vincent) not even pretending to attempt to capture any of the vessels destroying them even as the crews abandoned ship.
   In the battle the Snow Raven's own Blizzard (Cameron) is disabled and too badly to be repaired and has to be destroyed.
   On the ground the 9th Raven Strike Cluster fights against the 19th Galedon offering no terms of surrender the Ravens show they are no weaker than any of the other Clans and destroy the 19th Galedon to the last man.

31st January 3069
   As the public of the Outworlds Alliance hear of the Snow Raven movements they are shocked at the Ravens slaughtering DCMS troops to the man.  President Mitchell Avellar announces the Snow Ravens have also taken his DNA and plan to create a sibko for their armed forces from it.  The public don't know if they should celebrate of worry.

14th February 3069
   Coventry World Council meet and agree to begin and concerns over Clan WarShips leads to the agreement to place money aside each year into creating their own SDS similar to those seen around Terra and around other worlds during the Star League era.
   This project will include dozens of BattleSat SDS Laser Stations, Capitol SDS Defence Stations and enhanced Defence stations at the Jump Points.
   The LAAF supports this project offering to go 50-50 in with the Coventry into the creation of the system.  The LAAF also look at Coventry as a viable option for creating a new shipyard.

21st February 3069
   Heart of Blake registers for employment as merceanries on Galatea their equipment an Invader-class JumpShip, an Overlord-class DropShip and Fortress-class DropShip are very similar to three vessels that blasted their way off Mars during the closing battles for that planet.  The Tiamat is missing however and the Heart of Blake refuse to comment on their units full history or Word of Blake afflictions if any.
   The MRBC rate the Heart of Blake lowly however Duchy of Tamarind-Abby leader Captain-General Jeremy Brett sends word he is willing to hire the unit and they almost immediately leave Galatea for Duchy space.

1st March 3069
   Tikonov's HPG is taken offline by Word of Blake techs in routine maintenance operations.  Word of Blake techs inform Capellan Confederation leaders it shouldn't be offline for more than three weeks.  In the meantime a tempoary portable HPG is being dispatched from Terra.

2nd March 3069
   Wolf's Dragoons refuse contract terms with the Capellan Confederation for a short term contract defending Tikonov.

12th March 3069
   86 light years from the Cirincus Federation onboard the Cyclops station Pirate Queen Jennifer Briton II is killed by a former Smoke Jaguar Elemental in a bar brawl.  Jennifer's daughter Gabriella (18) then kills the Clan warrior and claims the Queen title for herself.

28th March 3069
   Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao and Magestix Naomi Centrella officially marry on Sian in the Capellan Confederation officially linking the two nations.

31st March 3069
   Word of Blake Precentor Liza McDade announces to Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao that the Word of Blake will not be restoring the HPG on Tikonov nor will they be transporting a moble HPG to the world.  Sun Tzu demands to know why.  The Word of Blake Precentor announces that on the 29th March 3069 Word of Blake officials were ejected from the world of Tikonov by its military and royal rulers.
   Sun-Tzu demands to know what she means.  Word of Blake Precentor announces to an enraged Capellan Chancellor that on the 28th March 3069 (his wedding day) the Federated Suns launched the entire Crucis Lancers Brigade and the Wild Geese Mercenary Regiment at Tikonov.
   On Tikonov they destroyed the 3rd and 5th McCarron's Armoured Calvary as well as the 16th Word of Blake Division.  In reply the 7th Crucis Lancers RCT were also destroyed.
   The Word of Blake officer goes on to announce that it now appears that Colonel Paul Bowman, exiled son of Tikonov's Duke and officer of the Wild Geese, has returned home made peace with his father and become the worlds new planetary Duke under House Davion control.
   Naomi Centrella-Liao grabs the Precentor around the throat as she asks of the Sundermann Rhys (Feng Huang) which had been charged with protecting the system.  The Word of Blake officer struggles to inform her that three Federated Suns WarShips crushed the Feng Huang, before she finishes Naomi breaks her kneck allowing the Precentor to fall dead to the floor of the Forbidden Palace.  Although Sun-Tzu has little to be happy about he smiles as the Precentor lies on the floor vowing revenge on the Federated Suns and Word of Blake.

7th April 3069
   Clan Snow Raven continues attacks against the Draconis Combine invading Pondicherry and Sulanheer.
   On Pondicherry the 5th Raven Stoop Cluster amd Beta Sohlama Clusters are ambushed by DCMS troops intent on slowing the Snow Raven advance however the world falls to the Snow Ravens advance.
   On Sulanheer the Second Long Road Legion also fall into a trap, its Armour Battalion strays into an oil filled field which the DCMS troops light, many of the Outworlds Alliance troopers burn alive in their armoured vehicles before help can arrive.
   The Snow Raven WarShip Spur (Lola) scouts out the Tabayama system and runs straight into two of the Draconis Combine's Tatsumaki-class Destroyers.  The Spur is heavily damaged before the crew are able to activate the Lithium Fusion Battery and escape.  Snow Raven engineers think the ship would need a year in a refit facility before combat capable again.

18th April 3069
   Field Marshal Robert Christian McCarthy head of the DMI is killed on New Avalon when his personal vehicle explodes in the car park near his office within the Fox's Den.
   No-one else is injured in the attack - several hours later the Thugee Cult claim a great victory for the Capellan Confederation.

30th April 3069
   Captain David McKinnon training with the Fox's Teeth on Ziliang thinks quickly on his feet as an unidentified Capellan Battalion attempts to take out the unit.
   Leading them into a boxed canyon the Fox's Teeth make a show of standing their ground for a last stand when the Capellans get hit from behind by a mass of LRM and SRMs coming from the rocks.  Concentrating on the Mechs the Capellans had missed three platoons of camoflagued Battle Armour suits.  The combination of the surprise attacks from the Battle Armour and the Fox's Teeth charging from the front shatters the Capellan force with only two Fox's Teeth Mechs destroyed.
   A very impressive combat debut for the Hauberk and Grendadier Battle Armour suits and very welcome additions to the AFFS.

1st May 3069
   SLDF's Acting-Commanding-General Archer Christifori holds a press conference in the Furillo system of the Lyran Alliance.
   1st he announces that the 1st Sirian Lancers Brigade is ready for deployment and will be posted on a peacekeeping missing to the Pleiades Cluster.
   2nd the Sirian Concordance worlds of Pollux, Sirius, Graham IV and Procoyn have offical become Star League Protectorate world
   3rd he is on his way to Tharkad for a meeting with Archon Peter Steiner-Davion

14th May 3069
   Heart of Blake attack Gray's Ghosts on Hardisey's Haven eliminating the wanted command in less than thirty minutes of sustained.

28th May 3069
   Following a dozen high level assassinations Capellan Confederation Sun-Tzu Liao hires the Bounty Hunter to eliminate Tamroy from Sian.
   To show that Tamroy is not put off by this Tamroy eliminates Sang-iang-jun Talon Zhan.

9th June 3069
   Neigotiations between the Fronc Reaches, Magistracy of Canopus and Taurian Concordat ends with the Magistracy of Canopus/Capellan Confederation giving up control of Detroit but the Magistracy of Canopus retains 30% of the plant, the Taurian Concordat 10% and the Fronc Reaches the remaining 60%.

10th June 3069
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion meets with Archer Christifori on Tharkad.  There Peter agrees to join the SLDF and fund 50% of the rebuilding and expanding of the University of Thorin.  As proof to the Inner Sphere that the new SLDF is not only about making War.

11th June 3069
   Prince-Marshal Dirk McEvans marries Erde Centrella on Fronc at the McEvens Estate.  Dirk officially recoignizes Erde's daughter Emma as his own daughter.

19th June 3069
   Clan Wolf (in-Exile) and Clan Jade Falcon both start working with Improved Jump Jets at nearly the same time making many thing the two are using shared research.

6th July 3069   
   Clan Diamond Shark move into Jarnfolk space enmasse - for years they'd had a mercentile relationship which the Diamond Sharks wanted to continue but they also wanted a bigger piece of the Jarnfolk market.  The Diamond Shark's new Typhoon (Potemkin) and the entire Predator Galaxy their insurance that the Jarnfolk did nothing stupid.
   Setting up on Hofn they also began modifications to the Jarnfolk's small but operational shipyard facility.

14th July 3069
   DMI and MIIO not a severe increase in terrorist activities in the Capellan and Draconis Marches.

24th July 3069
   In response for the terrorist attacks and Field Marshal McCarthy's assassination the Fox's Teeth and several Rabid Fox teams raid the Capellan Confederation distabalizing many worlds forcing the Capellans to focus on the home front.

31st July 3069
   Assassination attempt against Reinhart Steiner on New Avalon at his Official Residence fails. 3 AFFS guards are killed but both Reinhart and Faith McCarron, who was also in the house, escape injury.

19th August 3069
   Six assassinations in one day on Sian are all attributed to Agent Tamroy.
   Displeased with the Bounty Hunter's work Sun-Tzu Liao fires the Bounty Hunter and has his Mule-class DropShip escorted from Capellan Confederation space.

30th August 3069
   FSS New Avalon (Whirlwind Block II) is launched from Kathil shipyards, the vessel formerly known as Constrictor has been changed slightly with its Clan weaponary replaced with Inner Sphere grade weapons for ease of maintenance and upgraded anti-fighter defences.

12th September 3069
   Seven ComStar and six Word of Blake units are destroyed as the city of Moscow disappears in a nuclear fireball.
   Similarly Manhatten Metropolises suffers major fire damage as fires rage uncontrolled.
   With Millions dead or displaced ComStar finds itself fighting a humanitarian disaster as well as the Word of Blake.

14th September 3069
   Faith McCarron and Reinhart Steiner marry on New Avalon, recent assassination attempt brining feelings to the fore.  Faith forsakes her McCarron heritage and becomes Faith Steiner.

17th September 3069
   ComStar WarShip Fire Fang (Whirlwind) is heavily damaged and left to drift away from Terra breaking a Word of Blake force inbound to Terra, the Word of Blake unit two Pinto-class Corvettes and a Bountaventure-class Corvette named Sheridan are disabled or destroyed.

20th September 3069
   ComStar vessel Blake's Strength (Black Lion) jumps to Thorin from the Terra system there, just as General Archer Christifori returns from Tharkad ComStar requests the SLDF provide humanitarian aid to the people of Terra.

25th September 3069
   Across the Inner Sphere HPG services are disrupted as ComStar leaves multiple HPG sites unmanned.  Lyran Alliance turns to Clan Wolf (in-Exile), Federated Suns ask Clan Nova Cat for help and Draconis Combine begins neigotiations with Clan Diamond Shark as each succession state is paralized by the ComStar withdrawal.

18th October 3069
   ON Donegal General of Armies Keane Sortek awards the 3rd Lyran Guards RCT status and announces there will be several new BattleMech regiments being raised.
   At Port Sydney Yards in the Alarion system the LAS Fredrick Steiner (Fox) is launched further bolstering the LAAF.

23rd October 3069
   In the Dagda system of the Clan Homeworlds, at exactly 00:00hrs the 3 WarShips under Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant abandon their territory refusing all communications with other Clans and even the Fire Mandrill Khans.  In orbit they are met by the three WarShips of that Kindraa and soon after the entire group disappear from the Dagda system and the Clan Homeworlds.
   Clan Wolf investigates the Fire Mandrill territory on Dagda finding that 80% of all Fire Mandrill military, scientific and civilian personnel have abandoned the system.  Clan Wolf retreat from the area as Clan Star Adder and Goliath Scorpion both lay claims to the region.

7th November 3069
   Following an extensive search of the periphery around Clan Homeworlds Clan Fire Mandrill declare Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant as Dezgra.

15th November 3069
   SLS Troy (Agamemnon) escorts the 1st Sirian Lancers Brigade into the Pleiades Cluster.  The first SLDF troops to be in the region since the Reunification War.
   Taurian aerospace fighters attack the WarShip soon after the SLDF troops enter the system, they are quickly repulsed.  Federated Suns forces in the region offer the Sirian troops assistance however Lt. General Jason Thrall refuses all help from the Federated Suns ordering them to remain clear of all SLDF forces.

20th November 3069
   Faith Steiner returning to Avalon City with her new husband Reinhart Steiner announces that she is pregnant.
   By special order of First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion Faith Steiner is made a Captain within the AFFS and confirmed as her husband's aide-de-camp.

21st December 3069
   Lt General Jason Thrall and a young female SLDF Leitenant Ann Cain are abducted from the SLDF base in the Pleiades Cluster.

22nd December 3069
   Lt General Jason Thrall's body is found a kilometre from the SLDF base in the Pleiades Cluster.  He is naked, burned and hung from a cross.  Across his chest are the words "SLDF - GET OFF OUR PLANET" cut into his skin.
   Lt Ann Cain is left at the foot of the cross similarly naked she is barely alive suffering from exposure and has been badly beaten.

23rd December 3069
   1st Sirian Lancers charge from their base in the Pleiades Cluster targetting both military and civilian targets.  The Sirian troops mad with rage are only tempered by a group of Federated Suns troops who stand in their way and threaten to act if the Sirians continue to target civilians.
   Federated Suns troops escort the Sirians back to their base.

31st December 3069
   Nova Cats finish work on the Shoden Tactical Missile Tank and the Ocelot BattleMech on New Haiti.  Both are completed with help from captured Draconis Combine scientists captured in the first days of Nova Cats raiding the periphery.

Hope you enjoyed

Comments welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2011, 05:32:31 PM »

You know the only thing that could make this better is a year by year map of the border changes done by blacknova  ;)

Maybe one for 3081

Oddest thing...
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2011, 03:46:55 PM »

3070 arrives - Sirians and Taurians - Albatross flies - Screaming Eagles surprised - SLDF support CASE WHITE - Isle of Skye Accords - 2nd Martial Olympiad - Terra Liberated - Capellan heir - Gabriel - 5th Whitting Conference - SLDF and Falcon - 


8th January 3070
   Two weeks of fighting reults in the 1st Sirian Lancers eliminating much of the Pleiades Cluster resistance with AFFS forces only stepping in to protect civilians when Sirian forces got out of hand.
   Taurian's Corps III and Corps IV come together - 4 Mech Regiments, 2 Vehicle Regiments and 3 infantry regiments including a Battalion of Battle Armour.  All assault the Sirian Lancers base.

12th January 3070
   Four days besieged in their base slowly being destroyed unit by unit the 1st Sirian Lancers Brigade are saved by the arrival of the Lexington Battle Group and the Medusans Battle Squadron.  Under orders to remove Sirian troops from Pleiades willingly or forcefully.
   The beleguered SLDF troops quickly agree to the AFFS Mercenary forces orders and Taurain troops are quickly in retreat with the Lexington Combat Group in pursuit.  Corps III is all but wiped out by the combined Mercenary/SLDF forces however so are the 1st Sirian Lancers with less than a Battalion of combined troops remaining combat capable and more than a regiment walking wounded.

16th January 3070
   Remains of Taurian Corps IV retreat from Pleiades Cluster.

21st January 3070
   Hidden deep within the Hyades Cluster at a secret location the TCS Vandenberg (Vincent) powers up obiterating its own defence squadrons and two space stations before jumping clear of the Hyades Cluster.

2nd February 3070
   Primus Helen Thrall of the Sirian Concordance worlds recieves word of her sons death.  She calls for the immediate removal of the Taurian Concordat from the SLDF.  She gets little answer though First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion promises to bring it to the next Star League Council.

5th February 3070
   Screaming Eagles Mercenary Regiment under AFFS contract jumps the Outworlds Alliance border.  When they enter the Ramora system they find Outworlds Alliance and Snow Raven fighters in force within the system.
   Fighting their way back out of the system they lose a Battalion and exec Lt. Colonel Chris Lewis before they are able to clear.

12th February 3070
   Colonel Tam Lafayette informs AFFS command on Kilborne that the AFFS intelligence about Ramora was wrong.  However Tam is interupted as the 6th Raven Battle Cluster supported by Outworlds Alliance fighters attacks the Screaming Eagles base camp.
   Colonel Lafayette is injured and another Battalion's worth of the Screaming Eagles is put out of commisison before the Snow Ravens retreat.

13th February 3070
   Colonel Tam Lafayette is informed no orders from AFFS March ord High Commands was sent to the Screaming Eagles and the Screaming Eagles conduct is under investigation.

14th February 3070
   SLDF vessel SLS Shining Claw (Congress II) arrives in the Terra system with the 1st Royal BattleMech Brigade ready to provide humanitatian aid to Terra's civilians.  This marks the first SLDF unit in the Terra system since the departure of the SLDF under Aleksandr Kerensky.
   The SLS Shining Claw is immediately called apon to act as it gets involved in the final battle between ComStar/AMC and the Word of Blake.  In the final part of the Battle the Nelson (Lola III) under Wolf's Dragoons control is destroyed.
   The last Word of Blake vessel active Blake's Sword (McKenna) under heavy fire accelerates away and eventually jumps clear of the system escaping.  Leaving the ComStar vessels Blake's Strength (Black Lion) and Saratoga (Intrepid) intact but heavily damaged.  The Wolf's Dragoons vessel Alexander (Aegis) intact and operational and the SLS Shining Claw the only WarShips in the system.
   Amoung the destroyed Word of Blake vessels is the Heracles a Colt-class Battle-cruiser, believed to be the last of its kind and the vessel attributed to the destruction of the JumpShip yards in the New Syrtis System.

27th February 3070
   Taurian Concordat troops lash out at the Fronc Reaches and Federated Suns in anger over the loss of the Vandenberg.  In the Fronc Reaches Magistracy of Canopus units repulse the attack helping the Fronc Reaches forces defend the worlds.  While in the Federated Suns the attacks do little but annoy the Capellan March more.

8th March 3070
   Isis Steiner and Peter Steiner-Davion become parents for a second time as Melinda-Anne Steiner is presented to the Lyran people.  The child appears at least three to four weeks old and few within the Lyran Alliance even knew Isis was pregnant for a second time.

10th March 3070
   Following a series of secret meetings Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner and Duchess Hermonie Aten appear in public on Tharkad.  With Peter Steiner-Davion the two Skye leaders sign the Isle of Skye Accords with the Archon.
   In these Accords it states that:
   - the Isle of Skye will be one region merging the Freedom Theatre into the region all commanded from Skye.
   - that the Isle of Skye will run its own miliary affairs in concert with the Lyran High Command on Tharkad.
   - The Isle of Skye will be responsible for paying its troops within the Isle and it will not go to war with a neighbour without the consent or support of Tharkad.
   - Isle of Skye is also responsible for the hiring of its own mercenaries.  Similarly Tharkad will not station House or Mercenary troops in the Isle of Skye without Skye permission.
   Peter Steiner-Davion sees this as a way forward and hopes that the Skye leaders agree.  Just incase something goes wrong he asks High Command to draw up a plan for the LAAF to take back the region quickly and efficently.

17th March 3070
   Isle of Skye agree to join the Lyran Alliance/SLDF funded University of Thorin Project.  From across the newly christened Isle construction companies begin to try and attract SLDF funding and access to the site.
   15th Arcturan Guards vacate The Fort in Ecol City to SLDF troops.

25th March 3070
   All Federated Suns Ambassadors are ejected from the Raven Alliance.
27th March 3070
   Raven Alliance forces land troops on Hazelhurst, Inner End and Kennard three lightly defended Draconis March border worlds.

29th March 3070
   AFFS troops within Draconis March begin major shake up in preparation for a major Snow Raven assault into their nation.

9th April 3070
    Coventry brings online its forteenth and last BattleSat Orbital Laser platform as its SDS network begins to take shape.  These weapons pointing outwards are designed to cross lines of fire and defend the planet from DropShip and fighter attack.  Against true WarShips they'd have little chance but it was a start.

18th April 3070
   Lyran Alliance forces launch assaults against La Blon, Rigil Kentarus, Accrington and Port Moseby.

22nd April 3070
   La Blon and Accrington are secured by Lyran forces.

26th April 3070
   Draconis Combine forces assault Ko trying to drive Lyran Alliance forces back.

30th April 3070
   Rigil Kentarus and Port Moseby are secured by Lyran forces.

6th May 3070
   44th Dieron Regulars Regiment are driven from Ko by Lyran Alliance forces.

12th May 3070
   Commanding-General Morgan Hasek Davion sends a message to Tharkad, Skye, Luthien and Dieron informing all for national and regional capitals that the fighting stops now or the SLDF will intervene.

18th May 3070
   2nd Martial Olympiad opens on Defiance.  In a special opening ceremony the Royal Black Watch 1st Battalion led by First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion and the Knights of the Inner Sphere 3rd Battalion led by Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion put on a show using powered down weapons a paint ammunition.
   As the competition gets underway Victor and Morgan hold a meeting with the Star League Advisory Council and they agree that as well as Martial Olympiad Grounds, a new Training Facility and Higher Education facility will also be built on the planet.
   Victor also announces that the NAIS is working on solutions to thickening up and cleaning Defiance's harsh atmosphere.

4th June 3070
   Onboard the WarShip Tsunami (Potemkin) Khan Barbara Sennet is defeated by Star Colonel Hanna Coston in a Circle of Equals.  Hours later the Diamond Shark Clan council confirms Hanna Coston as the Clan's new Khan.

7th June 3070
   As Galisteo erupts into rebellion with Swann's Cavaliers Mercenary Regiment threatening to use Military force against rioters. Camacho's Caballeros arrives on planet, the Caballeros mostly from Galisteo or her neighbouring Trinity Worlds immediately assault the Swann's Cavaliers fircing them to retreat and finally leave the planet in unmarked DropShips.

12th June 3070
   Colonel Carlos Camacho is accepted as the new President of Galisteo.  His unit is accepted by the world as the new House Guards.

17th June 3070
   Faith Steiner gives birth to twins Richard and Ariana on New Avalon.  Faith permanently resigns her commission as her husbands aide.

30th June 3070
   In secret on Arc-Royal Ranna Kerensky, saKhan of Clan Wolf (in-Exile), gives birth to a son Evan Wolf.  The child is placed within a freeborn creche and will be monitored by Phelan and Ranna from a distance.  He will be treated as any other freeborn.

3rd July 3070
   Hilton Head Island on Terra is captured without a shot fired on the ground.  In the air over Hilton Head an Excalibur-class DropShip is destroyed by ComGuard aerospace fighters.

12th July 3070
   Precentor-Martial Cameron St Jamis is killed along with his True Devotion Division less than four hundred metres from the sealed grounds of the long abandoned Unity City.

16th July 3070
   AMC, from Lindon's Battalion, the Northwind Highlanders and Dismal Disinherited, and ComStar forces advance on Word of Blake units near the T'ienchen Castle Brian in China.  During the fighting these units are positively identified as the 38th Division, still sporting Draconis Combine colours, the Widowmakers Mercenary Regiment and units believed to be afflicted to Free Capella.
   As they close on the castle it explodes from within taking almost the entire mountain, the 38th Division, the Widowmakers, Lindon's Battalion and elements of both the Northwind Highlanders and the Dismal Disinherited.
   Some elements of the Word of Blake appear to disappear into the Chinese Mountains however ComStar is unable to track them.

18th August 3070
   The FSS Tancredi VI (Hound) meets the Snow Raven's Arc Royal (Conqueror) in the Bastrop system.  The Corvette fights a delaying action which allows several civilian units to escape however it is not match for the Arc Royal and her fighters and is swiftly destroyed.
   The Raven forces quickly secure Bastrop eliminating the local milita forces.

22nd August 3070
   ComStar forces roll into Sandhurst Military base in England.  Word of Blake forces surrender to the Wolf's Dragoons and elements of ComStar.

23rd August 3070
   Fighting is officially over on Terra with the commander of TerraSec Precentor David Alsace and President of the Terran Congress Duke Christopher Winsor-Cameron meeting with Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht, Colonel Loren Jaffery and General Maeve Wolf in London, England.

25th August 3070
   The Arc Royal (Conqueror) appears over Kilborne and its fighters elimanate the Screaming Eagles Regiment and the Kilborne Militia.  The Ravens then occupies the ComStar HPG site with Elementals and broadcasts a message throughout the Federated Suns - "Leave the Raven Alliance Territories and we will leave you alone."

30th August 3070
   Additional SLDF Humanitarian Aid vessels arrive in the Terra system moving on both Earth and Mars.

31st August 3070
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion deploys the Davion Heavy Guards RCT and the 2nd Crucis Lancers RCT and three additional WarShips to the Draconis March to secure the border.  He also sends a message to Duke Tarncred Sandoval ensuring he knows that no offensive moves against the Snow Ravens or Draconis Combine will be tolerated.

8th September 3070
   Travelling to Terra Primus Shori Mori is found dead in her stateroom on the JumpShip Uniting Breeze.  It is soon confirmed by ComStar Med Techs that was a heart attack.

11th September 3070
   General of Armies Keane Sortek leads the Lyran Alliance to victory at the Martial Olympiad on Defiance.

14th September 3070
   Magestix Naomi Centrella gives birth to Dao-Shen Liao on Sian, the first child between she and Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao.

16th September 3070
   Anastasius Focht speaking in London on Terra announces that the ComStar First Circuit has confirmed that he will be the new Primus.  He chooses Precentor Peter McGillary as the new Precentor-Martial of the battered nearly defunct Order.

21st September 3070
   McKenna Shipyards in Kathil is sabotaged when a series of orbital warehouses holding critical WarShip components explodes in a chain of explosions.
   Luckily none of the Avalon-class Cruisers under construction are damaged but construction is slowed to a snails pace as the Federated Suns have to rebuild the warehouses and completely rebuild all the WarShip parts again.
   Construction at the Shipyards are put back nearly five years.

30th September 3070
   Gauntlet (Liberator) is renamed by the Nova Cats as the Santin West Clan Nova Cat's newest Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser.  The Santin West replaces its LB-X Autocannons with the new Hell's Horses developed Heavy Assault Gauss Rifle for enhanced anti-fighter defence.

4th October 3070
   Filtvelt and the worlds of Skepptana, Marielund, Lackland, Gillingham, and Mararn announce they stand alone from the Federated Suns.

5th October 3070
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion orders the 3rd NAIS to Broken Wheel and orders the FSS New Avalon (Whirlwind) FSS Filtvelt (Hound) to return to New Avalon and meet with the 1st Davion Guards RCT to escort him to Filtvelt.
   Field Marshal Roger Waters moves on New Avalon.

10th October 3070
   With Victor distracted Field Marshal George Hasek orders Agent Tamroy to kill Naomi Centrella-Liao, Sun-Tzu Liao and Dao-Shen Liao.
   DMI controllers on Sian stop Tamroy stopping the start of a Fifth Succession War.  The DMI remove Tamroy from Sian to avoid further bloodshed.

13th October 3070
   A letter is delivered to Atreus informing the Captain-General that Jardine is believed to be found within the Free Worlds League borders by someone working for Captain-General Thomas Marik, the letter is delivered to the local press and broadcast throughout the former Free Worlds League borders.

15th October 3070
   ComStar find the Ruins of Gabriel in the Lyran Odessa system, they find the facility nearly completely abandoned with a dozen half completed ships and with only a single operational WarShip the LCS Invincible (Tharkad).  The craft painted in the colours of the SLDF has been completely abandoned and ComStar cannot identify who found or repaired the craft or who has been using the Gabriel facilities.
   Given ComStar's battered state they keep the location of Gabriel hidden.

21st October 3070
   The Lyran Alliance and Draconis Combine meet on Ko in Lyon's Thumb and agree to end fighting as had been ordered by Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion.

24th October 3070
   Victor Steiner-Davion arrives on Filtvelt and meets with Marquees Helen Trempealeau and Colonel Erich LeBeau leaders of the newly formed Filtvelt Coalition.
   Soon after he voices his displeasure that these worlds having chosen this path but as a leader he has seen that these worlds do not want to owe loyalty to Federated Suns and that he will not allow Civil War destroy the principles the Federated Suns stand for.
   He also goes onto say that if these worlds ever wanted to return to the Federated Suns he would welcome them with no recriminations.

28th October 3070
   On Northwind Colonel Loren Jaffray announces that the AMC has disbanded with all mercenary commands that were part of it returning to their own commands.

8th November 3070
5th Whitting Conference - Defiance
   Because of the Star League facilities already on Defiance the decision was made to hold the next Conference there instead of New Avalon.  Several of the Succession Lords were affronted by the movement but these subsided as they saw what their contributions had built on Defiance. As Victor is still a few days away from Defiance the day breaks up early.
   Soon after the end of the first day of meetings Victor's family (minus Victor), Archon Peter Steiner-Davion's family and the family of Reinhart Steiner all have a Steiner-Davion reunion in the Federated Suns wing of the conference hall.

10th November 3070
5th Whitting Conference - Defiance
   Primus Anastasius Focht reveals the Ruins of Gabriel and the LCS Invincible to Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion.  The two hatch a plan to removed the spacedock facilities at Gabriel.

12th November 3070
5th Whitting Conference - Defiance
   The Lyran Alliance is formally presented with the Martial Olympiad Trophy by Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion.

20th November 3070
5th Whitting Conference - Defiance
   Victor Steiner-Davion arrives on Defiance
   Danai Centrella-Davion reveals to her husband Victor that she is pregnant for a third time.

22nd November 3070
5th Whitting Conference - Defiance
   A vote to suspend the Taurian Concordat's voting privledges and increase tax levels on the due to the events in the Pleiades Cluster are passed.  For 3 years the Taurians will have no voice within the Star League.

24th November 3070
5th Whitting Conference - Defiance
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion is voted in as the new First Lord of the Star League.
   The SLS Invincible is presented to the Star League by ComStar.  Peter Steiner-Davion accepts the Lyran built vessel to the Star League.

5th December 3070
   Clan Jade Falcon cross the border into the Lyran Alliance.  In the opening hours it is reported the 15th Arcturan Guards have been overwhelmed and destroyed on Kelenfold.

6th December 3070
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion, the 1st Royal Guards RCT, the Royal Black Watch Regiment and the WarShip LAS Yggdrasil (Mjolinir) and SLS Invincible (Tharkad) leave Defiance.
   Peter also cuts orders for the SLS Troy recently recalled from Pleiades with the remnants of the 1st Sirian Lancers to move to the Clan border.

9th December 3070
   Andrew Redburn watches as his youngest son Damien (18) enrolls with the Kittery Training Battalion, even though he could go to any Federated Suns academy.
   Although Andrew cannot understand his son's choice he respects it.  Damien is assigned an ancient Valkyrie as technician and training pilot.

14th December 3070
   DropShip Caesar's Gift (Gazelle) under the command of Captain Sharapay Wilson discover a badly battle damaged and abandoned Dart-class Light Cruiser in the Marius's Tears Asteroid Cluster of the Marian Hegemony.

21st December 3070
   Caesar Julius O'Reilly congratulates Sharapay Wilson on her find promoting her two places in rank to Admiral and commander of the newly discovered Dart.  He seals the day by sharing his new Admiral's bed.

22nd December 3070
   Kelenfold and Meacham secured by Jade Falcon forces.
   Khan Marthe Pryde leads an attack on Blue Diamond with the WarShips Falcon's Nest (Texas) and Black Talon (Aegis) and Gamma Galaxy.

25th December 3070
   SLS Troy (Agamemnon), SLS Invincible (Tharkad) and Yggdrasil (Mjolinir) enter the Blue Diamond System escorting the 1st Royal Guards RCT, the 1st Royal Black Watch Regiment and Archon Peter Steiner-Davion.

27th December 3070
   Black Talon and Falcon's Nest engage SLDF forces.  The SLS Troy is targetted by the Falcon's Nest and quickly overwhelmed by a combination of Naval Lasers and autocannon fire from the Texas-class Battleship.
   LAS Yggdrasil and SLS Invincible engage the two Jade Falcon WarShips.  While the Air Wings of the 1st Royal Guards and 1st Black Watch Air Wing smashed a path clear for the incoming inner sphere troops.
   Seeing the Invincible decked out in SLDF colours have the Falcon's Nest crew panicing and they quickly disenged leaving the olighter Black Talon to fend for itself.  The Aegis-class Cruiser was quickly destroyed.  Away from the battle the Falcon's Nest commander was killed in a Circle of Equals as the ship watched the Inner Sphere troops land on Blue Diamond.

29th December 3070
   Remains of 7th Alliance Guards RCT which had been garrisoning Blue Diamond are folded into the 1st Royal Guards RCT as Archon Peter Steiner-Davion announces his intention to meet Khan Marthe Pryde in combat.

30th Decemer 3070
   1st Royal Guards RCT and Royal Black Watch face off against the Jade Falcon's Gamma Galaxy.  In a stand up traditional Clan battle the two forces are well matched.  During the first day of battle a company of almost unrecoignizable Spartan BattleMechs carrying new and advanced weapons engages both forces.  The Mechs are painted in Beige fronts, with Blood red backs and black weapons.
   These Mechs do not loose a single one of their number and cause more than a Battalion of LAAF losses and a Trinary of Jade Falcons.

31st December 3070
   2nd day of Battle of Kelenfold - Jade Falcons running low on ammunition.  One Spartan BattleMech destroyed by Jade Falcon Elementals, the Mech explodes when destroyed leaving nothing to identify it.
   Marthe Pryde realises she cannot win the battle and abandons the world under the escort of the Falcon's Nest.  Both Yggdrasil and Invincible harry the Jade Falcon forces but they are allowed to escape the system.

Hope you enjoy comments welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2011, 05:09:19 PM »

No time for a guide but I hope you enjoy 3071


8th January 3071
   2 days after returning from the Star League Conference Primus Anastasius Focht dies on Terra.
   Precentor Gavin Dow decalres himself Primus (pro-tem) until another can be appointed.

18th January 3071
   Clan Hell's Horses strike at the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone seizing Erewhon, Anywhere, Toland and Lackhove.  Jade Falcon's Mu Galaxy retreat in tatters barely able to put up a defensive line.

20th January 3071
   Clan Wolf strike at Colmar and Dompaire in the Jade Falcon OZ.

21st January 3071
   Clan Wolf strike at Ft. Loudon in the Jade Falcon OZ.

22nd January 3071
   Wolves strike at Ueda in the Rasalhague Dominion destroying the 2nd Rasalhague Armour and the 9th Bear Regulars Clusters however failing to secure the world.

24th January 3071
   After months of training and building on Northwind Captain Jeremiah Rose is approached and asked to stand before the Highlander Colonels.  Thinking he was going to be asked to leave Northwind as his command was not a Highlander unit Jeremiah brough himself infront of the Colonels.
   To his surprise the Northwind Colonels asked Jeremiah, impressed that his unit had survived the Clans and impossible odds, to form a Northwind Command under the Black Thorns name.  Jeremiah Rose surprises all the Colonels by asking for some time to think about it.

2nd February 3071
   ComStar struggling to regain any sort of strength and worried about Terra's security agree to turn the world over to the Star League's defence.  The remaining ComGuards are turned over to the SLDF.  The 1st Royal ComGuard Division will be four Divisions strong built and trained to ComStar's organisation structure as well standard SLDF formations.
   The TerraSec forces will be reformed into the 1st Terran Guard Brigade assigned specifically to Terra's defence.  The unit is to be commanded by Colonel David Alsace, the former TerraSec commander who'd been cleared by the SLIC and ROM as being a defender of Terra and not a Word of Blake die-hard.

19th February 3071
   Rim Collection join with the Lyran Alliance with Able's Aces, the military folded into the LAAF.  General of Armies Keane Sortek promised the Regiment would be looked after and so would the Rim Collection.  Plans for the Distant Rim Brigade begin to form.

21st February 3071
   On New Avalon Danai Centrella-Davion and her children Burton (7) and Jaylen (4) aboard a Deusenberg One type hovercraft, escorted by an OmniMech Lance and Battle Armour troopers, are abushed on Rostock Continent of New Avalon.  An entire Battalion Firerider Dunebuggy's each weighing ten tons shower the Hovercraft and Mechs with Rocket, Short Range Missile and machine gun fire.
   Fortunately for Danai and her children two conventional fighter test pilots from Nock Engineering Inc detected the battle and a call for assistance from Danai's escort.  Using their two testbed aircraft they eliminate the remaining Dunebuggies buying the escort enough time to come together and defend the destroyed Deusenberg.  Aboard the hovercraft the three royals are shaken but safe.
   DMI and MIIO investigators track the Dunebuggies base down to an abandoned Mule-class DropShip in the Daring Flood Plains of the Rostock continent.  The DropShip is tracked to an origin within the Capellan March but nothing further than that.  Security around Danai, her children and the First Prince is hightened by the 1st Davion Royal Guards.

28th February 3071
   The Star Adder WarShip Centaur (Vincent) along with two Carrier DropShips assault Nova Cat controlled homeworld Barcella.  They charge the Nova Cats with helping the Inner Sphere against the Clans and revealling the Clan Homeworlds.  With them are DropShips carrying the 312th Cluster and the 1015th Provisional Cluster, the 97th Adder Sentinels.
   The Nova Cats refute this raising to meet the Star Adders with six newly built Vanguard-class DropShips supported by four Carrier-class DropShips and three Aerospace Fighter wings.  The Vanguard-class, based on the Conquistador-class vessel gifted to Canin Rosse following the Watch Cluster's time in the Federated Suns, was a troop cruiser with the firepower of an assault ship.
   Because the Star Adders had refused a Batchall with the Nova Cats the lifting Nova Cat DropShips engage the Star Adders in orbit shattering the 312th in space.  While the two Carrier DropShips are also quickly overwhelmed by Nova Cat fighters.
   To compound the Adder position the Rememberance (Aegis) arrived offering the Centaur a chance to surrender.  The Corvette answered with Naval Autocannon and missile fire.  The Nova Cat Heavy Cruiser answers with a broadside of autocannon fire bombarding the Vincent into pieces within minutes.
   The 1015th lands on the planet and is quickly surrounded by three Nova Cat Alpha Clusters forcing the Adders to surrender or be destroyed.  In space the 97th Adder Sentinels aboard a disabled DropShip also surrender and are taken as Isorla by the Nova Cats.

12th March 3071
   The Chancellor's Pride (Thera) formerly known as Delos leaves the Victoria Shipyards supporting the Capellan Confederation's small navy.  Sun-Tzu Liao speaks building national pride and reclaiming the Conferation's glory days with the Chancellor's Pride at the front.

18th March 3071
   Following Sun-Tzu's words and knowing the Chancellor had never given up on the former Chaos March worlds.  Morgan Hasek-Davion offers Northwind and Outreach Protectorate status.  Under the SLDF the two Mercenary Worlds will remain independant but if the Star League Protectorate worlds are attacks then they will help defend them.  If Northwind or Outreach are attacked the Star League's full power will support them.

22nd March 3071
   Star Adders reappear in force within the Inner Sphere using their foothold as a start they launched attacks on Draconis Combine worlds of Almunge, Brocchi's Cluster, Virentofta and Coudoux.
   In the Brocchi's Cluster the DCS Takashi (Kirishima) is attacked and destroyed by the Divine Conquest (Sovetskii Soyuz).

24th March 3071
   With all four worlds except Coudoux secured the Star Adders add more troops to the Coudoux offensive as the 8th Sword of Light Regiment put up a far stronger fight than expected.

31st March 3071
   Holding off against six Star Adder Clusters the 8th Sword of Light have been devastated down to a single Battalion.  Galaxy Commander Fletcher Daniels (Star Adder Delta Galaxy) allows Draconis Combine commander Tai-sa Chin Sung Lee a chance to retreat honourably.
   The Combine commander refuses informing the Star Adder commander that although in Clan eyes honour had been served to leave now the 8th Sword of Light would be dishonoured in his own peoples eyes.  Impressed with the Sword of Lights commitment.  Daniels calls a cease fire for six days while his force and the Combine force can repair and so they can fight a single battle to end the battle.

1st April 3071
   An assassination attempt against George Hasek within The Cave command complex on New Syrtis fails with the AFFS defenders flooding the corridors with Battle Armour troopers cutting down all three would be assassins before they clear the second major checkpoint.

2nd April 3071
   SLDF's SLS Maker (Carrack) and the 151st Light Horse Regiment and 21st Striker Regiment assist Combine troops in their defence.  The SLS Maker still crewed by mostly former Ice Hellions makes dozens of jumps into and out of Star Adder territory dropping off ISF teams and supplying Draconis Combine Irregular forces.

5th April 3071
   8th Sword of Light fight against a cluster made up of units from all Star Adder units on Coudoux.  During the following battle both Chin Sung Lee and Fletcher Daniels are slain as the world falls to the Star Adders.   

12th April 3071
   Passing his first set of tests with flying colours Damien Redburn becomes a fully fledged member of the Kittery Training Battalion.

16th April 3071
   In front of both Nova Cat and Diamond Shark merchants and warriors on New Haiti Nova Cat engineers demonstrate the SM-1 Tank Destroyer Hovertank.  Scientists inform the observers that this is the first of a planned five vehicles on the same chassis.
   Diamond Shark merchants almost instantly see potential sales and start trade neigotiations.

24th April 3071
   Fronc Reaches and Filtvelt Coalition form the Reaches Coalition Pact mutual defence and trade agreement.  Despite the distances between them each sees the benefit in having an ally in the area.

8th May 3071
   Hidden from prying eyes the Capellan Confederation beings construction of a new shipyard in the Trznadel Cluster deep within the Magistracy of Canopus.
   A wing from the Hell's Black Aces are assigned to the protection of the Cluster.

16th May 3071
   Nova Cats retaliate for the Star Adder Attack on Barcella.  Deploying the Nebulous (York) and Blood Oath (Aegis) to the Star Adder's Sheridan system.  Once jump point is secured the entire Nova Cat Upsilon Galaxy of five Clusters enter the system.

17th May 3071
   Star Adder vessel Nygaard (Sovetskii Soyuz) attempts to intercept the Nova Cat Upsilon Galaxy and its WarShips.  The Nebulous (York) and three Aerospace Trinaries from the Nova Cats engage the Sovetskii Soyuz which quickly finds itself out matched by the Nova Cats.
   The Nygaard abandons the system before it is destroyed after sustaining heavy damage.  The Nova Cats claim a single Carrier-class DropShip from the battle as Isorla however the Nova Cat aerospace forces have been badly damaged.

18th May 3071
   Further into the Sheridan system the Blood Oath (Aegis) still escorting the Nova Cat Upsilon Galaxy engages the Cameron's Flame (Lola III).
   After a series of Capital missile strikes and two 'flying passes' from the Blood Oath the Cameron's Flame is barely operational.  Following an agreement between the two commanders the Cameron's Flame agrees to remain out of battle with the Nova Cats and allow the battle for the planet to run its course.

19th May 3071
   Nova Cat Upsilon Galaxy lands on Sheridan because of previous aerospace battles they lack much aerospace forces.  Fortunately the Star Adders do not contest landings on the barren northern continent.
   The Nova Cat and Star Adders agree to hold a Batchall.  Elements of the 889th and 1114th Gatekeeper Clusters of the Star Adder's Tau Galaxy are bid against units from the Nova Cats.
   Six hours later the battle ends with both Star Adder Clusters destroyed and both the Nova Cat's 109th and 274th Battle Clusters reduced to a single operational Trinary.  The Nova Cats claim the field of battle taking all salvage and a dozen bondsmen from battle but soon after abandon the territory, the Nova Cats hold Barcella completely and that is enough and they have hurt the Star Adders which is a nice bonus.

21st May 3071
   Star Adders attack Jade Falcon Terretories on Eden, the 1st Adder Sentinels and the Gaaxy command Trinary of Kappa Galaxy successfully defeat the Jade Falcon's First Falcon Dragoons and 3rd Falcon Velites on Eden throwing the Jade Falcon Clan off Eden in its entireity.

28th May 3071
   Following the arrival of the 300th Adder Sentinels the Star Adders launch a second campaign on Eden this time targeting Clan Wolf's 12th Regulars Cluster.  Following a brief set of trials the Wolf unit abandons Eden leaving only Star Adders and Stone Rhinos on the planet.

29th May 3071
   Not willing to go to war with an ally the Star Adders and Stone Rhinos make a range of agreements regarding the territories on Sheridan.

14th June 3071
   Jade Falcons Zeta Galaxy engage Star Adder units holding Dagda.  In an embaracing defeat the Jade Falcons are forced to retreat losing their 53rd Battle Cluster in the process.

18th June 3071
   Following two years of refit the FSS Yvonne Steiner-Davion (Avalon) now in Nova Cat hands is relaunched in the Varnay system as the Excalibur, honouring its origin.  The vessel has been changed from its original Avalon configuration and so the Nova Cats rename the class the Scimitar-class Heavy Cruiser.

8th July 3071
   Newly Commissioned Nova Cat vessel Excalibur (Scimitar) arrives above Randis, home of the Brotherhood of Randis.
   At the Nadir point the FSS Intrepid (Fox) also enters the system.

10th July 3071
   As the first Nova Cat DropShip a Vanguard-class DropShip lands on Randis.  From the DropShip twenty-five Battle Armoured Elementals left the DropShip and formed a line.  Opposite them walked a second line of twenty-five Nighthawk XXI Pwer Armoured troopers carrying Gauss SMGs.  On each of the Nighthawks was the insignia of the Brotherhood of Randis.
   Moments later two Mechs Canin Rosse's Dragon Cat and Yvonne Nova Cat's  specially modified Striker BattleMech walk onto Randis.
   Opposite them a single Kingfisher OmniMech piloted by Grand-Knight Lucas Beckett stood.  Behind him are the members of the Brotherhood of Randis.

12th July 3071
   FSS Intrepid recieves orders from the Excalibur to leave the Randis system that Randis is officially Nova Cat territory and any incursions will be considered hostile.  Not looking to anger the Nova Cats the FSS Intrepid returns to Federated Suns space.
   On Randis the Brotherhood of Randis begin the long process into transforming into the 1st Brotherhood Cluster of the Nova Cat's Delta Galaxy.  The people of Randis also have to adapt to becoming members of the Clan.  The Nova Cats choose to return the planet to the name it was founded under Hope.

15th July 3071
   Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion gives birth to twins Sarah and Fredrick Davion in Flensburg on New Avalon.  The Medical Facility the twins are born at is renamed Camelot Royal Medical Facility.

8th August 3071
   Nova Cat Oathmaster Zane Carns meets with Snow Raven Loremaster Klaus Harper.  The two agree to trade the Raven-class Aerospace Carrier for the Vanguard-class Aerospace Carrier.
   Following further neigotiations the Ravens give the Nova Cats specifications for the Corax OmniFighter and the Nova Cats pass on specifications for the Ocelot BattleMech and Shoden Assault Tank.

19th August 3071
   Jeremiah Rose agrees to link his Black Thorns to the Northwind Highlanders.  The Black Thorns become the Northwind Renegades Regiment.  Jeremiah is promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel.

20th August 3071
   Marian Hegemony launch a series of raids into the Free Worlds League claiming equipment, materials and people required to renovate their Dart-class Cruiser.

4th September 3071
   Aboard the WarShip Terror of the Deep (Nightlord) Clan Diamond Shark officially reform and become Clan Sea Fox, the name from which they were formed.

18th September 3071
   Cosara Weaponaries begin construction of the BKW-01 Black Watch OmniMech.  Based on the original Black Watch BattleMech this Mech is far more advanced and capable than the original design.

21st September 3071
   Clan Star Adder and Clan Jade Falcon engage on Lum, Huntress and Marshal.  The Jade Falcons are sent reeling from all three attacks.

23rd September 3071
   Clan Jade Falcon's White Talon (Aegis) at Huntress is destroyed by the Star Adder's Exodus Avenger (York).  While the ground forces are sent into retreat.
   At almost the same time the Stone Rhino forces on Huntress along with the 178th Adder Sentinels launch attacks on te Jade Falcons on the ground forcing the Falcons to retreat into a mountain firebase.

26th September 3071
   On Marshall the Adders take heavy damage to the 935th Gatekeeper Cluster however they destroye the 8th Falcon Cluster in the battle.

28th September 3071
   The Jade Falcon's Blue Aerie (Black Talon) is destroyed in the Lum system by the combined force of the Star Adder's Warlock (Lola III) and the Constantineau (Liberator).  The Warlock is lost on the Star Adder side while the Constantineau is badly daamaged.   

1st October 3071   
   SLS Maker escorts SLDF/ComStar engineers to Ruins of Gabriel only to find the dozen mothballed vessels that had been there when ComStar first found the facility are gone.

13th October 3071
   Coordinator Hohiro Kurita announces the 2nd and 3rd Sword of Light are to be stood down and reformed following heavy fighting with the Clans.  He also announces the Genyosha Regiments will be given permenant WarShip support.

28th October 3071
   On the Clan Homeworld of Atreus Clan Sea Fox reborn claim the Fire Mandrill vessel Jungle Heat (Potemkin) following a series of Trials.  Kindraa Leader Andrew Kreese of Clan Fire Mandrill is killed in combat.

9th November 3071
   Colonel Sandra Barclay of the Eridani Light Horse is recalled to Dieron and finds out her unit the 71st Light Horse will be going back to the Clan Homeworlds.

12th November 3071
   Marian Hegemony raid the Ionus Shipyards within the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  Unfortunately for the Periphery raiders the Mordred (Eagle) intercepts them and virtually eliminates the entire force before it can get near the facility.

14th December 3071
   Clan Ghost Bear debut the Clan Standard Battle Armour suit on Orestes.  Designed specifically for freeborn Rasalhague warriors these suits are like a cut down Elemental suit with one shot launchers in place of the dual shot, a fixed flamer and a jump booster system.
   Clan Sea Fox almost instantly go for a trade deal for the suit.

25th December 3071
   On Taurus there is an announcement that Protector-Governor Grover Sharplen is dead, died in his sleep.
   The aged and still ill Brenda Calderon termporally steps into the position of Protector.  Brenda instantly sends word to the Federated Suns informing them that all Taurian forces are being ordered to stand down and asks permission for Janice Calderon to travel to the NAIS for treatment of Brisbane Syndrom which is agreed.

26th December 3071
   Brenda Calderon sends word to Marshal Cham Kithrong to begin neigotiations for peace with the Calderon Protectorate.

29th December 3071
   Clan Sea Fox does a deal with Clan Hell's Horses in exchange for the WarShips Tracy and Sharon (both Essex) and the Space Hunter and Predator (Lola III) the Sea Fox gain control over the Hell's Horses Agamemnon and Blood Horse (both Potemkin)
   From Twycross the work Khanate and mentions of the Great Split begins.


4th January 3072
   Duke Jonas Rousset-Marik is assassinated on Augustine in the Rousset-Marik Alliance.  Rousset-Marik Alliance security and CCTV footage identify the assassin as the Bounty Hunter after seeing his green power armour suit.

12th January 3072
   Marshal Cham Kithrong meets with Protector (Pro-Tem) Brenda Calderon and reunites the Calderon Protectorate with the Taurian Concordat.  Cham Kithrong becomges Protector (Pro-Tem) until Erik Martens-Calderon comes of age.  Cham Kithrong insists he is only a Marshal doing his duty.

13th January 3072
   Marshal Cham Kithrong sends a message to Magestix Naomi Centrella-Liao and Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao informing them of the Taurians withdrawal from the Trinity Alliance.

14th January 3072
   Marshal Cham Kithrong sends a formal appology to both the Federated Suns and Star League Defence Force for Taurian acts in the Pleiades Cluster.

28th January 3072
   Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao and Magestix Naomi Centrella-Liao announce that Sian's Forbidden City and Canopus' Crimson City will be joint capitals of a new united Capellan Confederation.

3rd February 3072
   Katrina Wolf (formerly Steiner-Davion) becomes a Warrior within Clan Wolf and is assigned a Griffin IIC and to Alpha Galaxy.  It is an open secret within Clan Wolf that she is also involved in a relationship with Vlad Ward.

12th February 3072
   A car-bomb detonates on Augustine just as a convoy with Duchess Anna Marik is passing by.  Over one hundred are killed including Ana.  Alys Rousse-Marik the only surviving Rousset-Marik child becomes Duchess of Augustine and of the Rousset-Marike Alliance.

14th February 3072
   Marik-Stewart Commonwealth WarShips engage and destroy the Jiri Rousset (Impavido) within the Iran System.

1st March 3072
   Coordinator Hohiro Kurita is attacked on Luthien while on the training range with his 1st Genyosha Command Company.  Three Companies of completely unknown designs of Mechs engage and kill the Coordinator and his bodyguard company before disappearing from Luthien without a trace.

4th March 3072
   Deep in the Luthien system DCMS WarShips detect the jump signature of an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser leaving the system.

7th March 3072
   Warlord Minoru Kurita is accepted as leader of the Draconis Combine until Hohiro's son Vincent comes of age.

14th March 3072
   Marian Hegemony invades and occupies the Niops Association using their newly operational MHS Caesar (Dart) to shoot down almost every Niops DropShip and to flatten the Niops Government buildings killing Director Rayanne Nellis, leader of the association.
   Brigadier L. Jamieson Fallon announces his surrender to Caesar Julius Caesar moments before being publically beheaded.

18th March 3072
   Damien Redburn is promoted to Leftenant (junior grade) within the Kittery Training Battalion.  Instead of being given a lance command he is transfered to the NAIS for Officer Candidate School training.

22nd March 3072
   Kirsten Marik (Eagle) ambushes and destroys the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Gawain (Eagle) in the Oceana system.  The Krushers land on the planet under the command of Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik.

28th March 3072
   During the last hours of the battle for the Oceana system Rousset-Marik forces are engaged by a company of SPT-NX Spartan BattleMechs.  These Mechs engage and destroy a company of Rousset-Marik Mechs before disengaging.
   Soon after the remains of the 5th Free Guards Regiment surrender to Rousset-Marik forces on Oceana.

4th April 3072
   Clan Wolf forces cross the border engaging the Rasalhague Dominion forces on Karbala and crossing the border into Meacham in the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone.

5th April 3072
   Battle on Karbala ends swiftly with two Ghost Bear Clusters destroyed along with half of the Wolves 8th Battle Cluster.

6th April 3072
   Meacham fails following a brief battle the world falls under Clan Wolf control.

8th April 3072
   Clan Wolf forces cross over into Lyran Alliance space.  Invading Blue Diamond, Fatima, Morningside and Gangshoren.
   Blue Diamond falls rapidly with two Battalions of the 4th Lyran Regulars eliminated.  Clan Wolf WarShip Trailblazer (Vincent) destroys the Lyran Regulars DropShips before they can clear the atmosphere.

9th April 3072
   On Fatima the Wolves face the Grave Diggers defending the world.  The unit decemated twice fighting the Clans fought a reactive battle counter-striking against the Wolf's 2nd Lancer Cluster.  However after five hours the Grave Diggers are forced to retreat off world after losing two Companies.
   At the same time as this battle goes off the 12th Wolf Regulars Cluster land on Apostica out with the original targets assaulting the Delilah's Gauntlet Mercenary Company and the local milita.  The Battle quickly ends with the destruction of the mercenares.
   A new BattleMech in the Wolf force is tentively identified as a Wasp IIC however it appears to have been modified with BattleMech sized wings.

10th April 3072
   3rd Wolf Lancer Cluster landed on the ground and crushe the 3rd Battalion of the 4th Lyran Regulars and two Battalions of conventional militia.  Unlike Blue Diamond the Wolves allow the remains of the Lyran force to retreat off world.

11th April 3072
   Gangshoren falls to Clan Wolf the 1st Alarion Jaegers Combined arms Regiment and a wing of aerospace fighters.  Sixteen hours after arrival the Wolves arrive the Jaegers retreat off planet.
   Clan Wolf forces continue on with the Nicholas Kerensky (Texas) entering the Arcturus system.  Defending the system the Fredrick Steiner (Fox) and Flygia (Mjolinir) engage.
   The near-legendary jinx that was the Mjolinir-curse within the Lyran navy struck as the Flygia's main drive completely failed during the battle setting it on a course out of the system.  Fortunately it was not going fast however throughout the battle the Flygia was stuck on a set course.
   The Nicholas Kerensky's crew noticed this and concentrated on the Fredrick Steiner ripping a huge hole in the front of the Corvette leaving it to drift disabled, the majority of its crew dead.
   Ignoring the Flygia the Nicholas Kerensky escorted the ground forces to the planet.

13th April 3072
   Galaxy Commander Katya Kerensky contacts General of Armies Keane Sortek and Commanding-General Archer Christifori on Arcturus.
   A Batchall was agreed between both forces.  Galaxy Commander Katya Kerensky and Star Colonel Cameron Vickers are both killed and the Wolves lose the battle retreating from battle.

14th April 3072
   After recieving Myomer implants Rianna Rose walks down the isle on Northwind in her wedding to Dan Jackson, another member of the Black Thorns.  Lt. Colonel Jeremiah Rose give away his sister in the wedding.  All the Northwind Colonels attend.

18th April 3072
   Clan Ghost Bear strike at the Wolves back claiming Kandis, Memmingen and Thannhausen threatening Tamar.  The Ward's Legacy (McKenna) blunts the Ghost bear assault on Memmingen as it destroys the Bear's Den and badly damages the Great Bear (Leviathan 2).

22nd April 3072
   Marik-Stewart Commonwealth attempts to land forces on Augustine as it tries to wipe out the Rousset-Marik Alliance leadership.  They are driven back however when four nuclear armed mines explode in high orbit wiping out the Percival (Eagle) and the majority of the Gryphons BattleMech Regiment.

4th May 3072
   19th Striker Regiment of the SLDF's Eridani Light Horse are relieved on Huntress.  As the unit packs up so to do the 2nd Trinary, 3rd Scorpion Seeker Cluster of the Goliath Scorpions Chi Galaxy.  Under the command of Star Captain Rufus Myers the unit has agreed with Star League Ambassador Edward J. Lynnis to operate within the Eridani Light Horse as it covertly accompanies them back to the Inner Sphere.

13th May 3072
   The Absolute Truth (Nightlord 2) engages the Draconis Combine's DCS Musashi (Yamato-class Battleship).  The Absolute Truth is badly damaged and forced to retreat in the face of the Draconis Combine vessel.

20th May 3072
   Draconis Combine and SLDF forces land on the remaining four Star Adder worlds within the Inner Sphere driving the Clan from their worlds with sheer mass of numbers.  Star Adder forces retreat from the Inner Sphere content with their dominance of the Kerensky Cluster.

20th June 3072
   Hell's Black Aces officially become part of the Capellan Confederation's armed forces.

24th June 3072
   Clan Nova Cat debut the SM-2 Tank Destroyer on New Haiti with a Gauss Rifle replacing the Ultra Autocannon this is the sniper of the series. Eight Micro Pulse Lasers replace the machine guns.
   Initial units are sent to the Nova Cat's Tau Galaxy, garrison of New Haiti.  Within the clan there is a definente feeling that Tau Galaxy is becoming nothing more than a show unit for new vehicles.

14th July 3072
   Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik meets with a contractor for a special job in the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth

23rd July 3072
   Marian Hegemony launches an all out attack on Cirincus Federation crushing forces on Blantleff, Maximillian, Zron's Keep and Hardisey's Haven.  Over Zron's Keep the newly operational MHS Caesar (Dart) keeps watch over the battle.
   On the ground Bullard's Armoured Calvary and a Battalion of the McIntyre House Guard hold off Marian forces initially but they fall back morale broken following an orbital laser blast from the MHS Caesar.

14th August 3072
   Part demonstration unit, in part to show their scientists what they have accomplished the Nova Cats commission the 1st Nova Cat Armoured Cluster made up exclusively of newly produced Nova Cat vehicles and Battle Armour.  The unit is assigned to the Tau Galaxy much to the annoyance/amusement of the other Nova Cat Galaxies as further talk of Tau Galaxy being a show unit runs through the Nova Cat's Den.

20th August 3072
   With former ComStar technicians working for both companies Cosara Weaponaries of Northwind and Gray Death Industries of Glengarry jointly present the Bruce Assault Battle Armour suit.
   Named for an ancient folklore hero of Terra the Bruce uses mimetic armour originally seen on the Purifier.  Offensively it mounts a Support Particle Canon, a Battle armour Claw and two anti-personnel weapons.
   Initial shipments will be sent to the Gray Death Legion, Northwind Highlanders and Lyran Armed Forces.  Following this the SLDF, other mercenaries and finally other states will be offered the suit.  Almost immediately the SLDF Quartermaster's office places an order for the new suit in order to support the growing SLDF Battle Armour formations.

14th August 3072
   The Great Split is made official within Clan Sea Fox.  Each group is split along former Galaxy and WarShip formation lines however all agree to answer to their Khan if called.  Unlike the Fire Mandrill Kindraa formations each newly formed "Khanate" agrees to work towards a better Clan Sea Fox.

4th September 3072
   Interested in Marian Hegemony movements and more interested in claiming more territory to boost national morale the Lyran Alliance invades the Ciricus Federation.  Hitting the worlds of Andiron, Baltazar III, Deirdre's Den and Thadora's Land all almost simultaneously.

6th September 3072
   Mirroring the Marian Hegemony movements and the movements of the Lyran Alliance almost perfectly the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby invade Cirincus and Clayborne II ensuring every world within the former Cirincus Federation is under attack almost at the same time.
   On Cirincus the Stone Ponies Mercenary Company switches sides as Colonel Photon Brett-Marik offers them a better deal.

12th September 3072
   New St Andrews is accepted into the Lyran Alliance as a Protectorate world.

20th September 3072
   Cirincus Federation effectively ceases to exist as a state and an independant territory.  Only Baltazar III continues to resist.  Forces on the planet are tentively identified as a Word of Blake formation.

23rd September 3072
   Gray Death Legion reinforce Lyran Alliance forces on Baltazar III as Lyran Intelligence identify the Word of Blake formation as the 47th Shadow Division (Azazel's Watchers).  These forces continue to put up signifigant resistance including near suicidal charges in previously unseen BattleMech, Armour and vehicle designs. (Celestials, Demons, Spectral)

29th Sepember 3072
   Gray Death Legion and 3rd Lyran Guards RCT finally end fighting on Baltazar III.  None of the 47th Shadow Division have allowed themselves to be captured alive and much of their technology is badly damaged however both the Gray Death Legion and Lyran Guards have salvaged some interesting equipement.
   Also deep in the mountains the Lyrans find a factory capable of producing BattleMechs of the same design fielded by the Forty-seventh however all the factories systems have frozen in place and will need much work to get them operational.
   Gray Death Legion remain on station as garrison force.

5th October 3072
   In the Baltazar III system Archon Peter Steiner-Davion's vessel the LAS Archon's Pride (Avalon) is attacked by the MHS Caesar (Dart) as the Marians take interest in the newly discovered BattleMech factory.  The Archon's Pride is able to convince the Caesar to retreat before either vessel is badly damaged.

19th October 3072
   Due to their constantly changing nature and their dealings with the Inner Sphere Clan Sea Fox narrowly avoid being abjured by the Clan Council.

28th October 3072
   Returning to Barcella (Clan Homeworld) Khan Canin Rosse faces a challenge from Star Colonel Fresic Irons commander of the 109th Battle Cluster of Upsilon Galaxy.
   Star Colonel Irons challenges Canin over his leadership of the Clan for the support of Clan Sea Fox, his relationship with Yvonne Nova Cat and strangely Khan Rosse's support of Armoured Vehicle developments.
   Khan Rosse answers the challenge by meeting Star Colonel Irons in Mech combat.  Canin's Dragon Cat against Iron's Summoner is fought on the plains of Barcella's main firing range and in front of nearly all the Nova Cat population.  Khan Rosse defeats Fresic Irons when the Summoner's gyro is destroyed however Canin realizes that his Homeworld troops are struggling to cope with the lack of combat.

3rd November 3072
   Clan Star Adder's battered troops arrive back from their Inner Sphere.  Khan Stanislov N'Buta orders instant attacks on the other Clans securing his Clan's position.
   First a trial at Lum against the Ravens for use of the shipyards and engineers to repair the battered Absolute Truth.

4th November 3072
   Star Adders strike eight seperate Clans within the Clan Homeworlds in a whirlwind of uncoordinated rage.

8th November 3072
   Taking Clan Coyote by surprise on Foster the Star Adders destroy an entire Cluster of Coyote warriors claiming a firebase.

12th November 3072
   Clan Star Adder WarShips engage and destroy the Fire Mandrill vessel Rancor (Lola III)

14th November 3072
   Keeping to ComStar's promise to provide the Inner Sphere states with an Artemis-class Diplomatic vessel each Titan shipyards has two empty slips which they fill with the WoBS Liberty and the CSWS Determination (both Vincent) Titan hope the modular nature of the Vincent will allow them to relaunch as SLDF vessels quickly.

16th November 3072
   Star Adders extend their attacks to the Nova Cat dominated Barcella.  Becoming the perfect target for the bent up Nova Cat rage.  The Star Adder WarShip Constantineau (Liberator) engages the Severn Lervoux (Anna Rosse) while two clusters charge towards the planet intent on causing trouble.
   That afternoon the Constantineau out gunned and out moved by the Severn Lervoux surrenders to a Nova Cat prize crew.

17th November 3072
   Naomi Centrella-Liao informs her husband Sun-Tzu Liao she is pregnant for the second time.

20th November 3072
   Two Star Adder Clusters are annihalated on Barcella by Nova Cat forces.  Khan Rosse intentionally sends the restless 109th Battle Cluster into combat.  The former-Jade Falcon unit does well despite losing nearly a binary of troops.

28th November 3072
   At the Dagda Nadir point Nova Cat WarShip Nebulous (York) engages several Star Adder JumpShips and their escort aerospace fighters in a series of trials.  This is in retaliation for the assault on Barcella and nets the Nova Cats several DropShips worth of resources and warriors.

3rd December 3072
   Returning to the Inner Sphere minus their leader and their pride the 19th Striker Regiment of the Eridani Light Horse are engaged by a Pinto-class Corvette and a Riga-class Frigate/Carrier.  With only an aerospace wing and three assault DropShips escorting them the 19th are sitting ducks.
   Three of the five JumpShips are able to 'hot-load' their K-F drives and jump away however only two of these vessels arrive at their intended system the third is listed as missing presumed lost.  Draconis Combine admiralty vessels find no sign of the two rogue WarShips.

24th December 3072
   Just outside Marik orbit between the Cornith (Thera) and the planet a bone-white Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser enters the system.  Four Assault DropShips carrying naval grade missiles (2 Excalibur, 1 Union and 1 Leopard) engage the Cornith while the Black Lion orientates for an orbital pass over Marik.
   Passing around the planet just outside standard orbital range the Black Lion fires several full broadsides into the planet ignoring raising aerospace fighters.  These blasts are aimed at the Marik family fortress at Dormuth, the royal residence and all major government buildings on the planet.
   The Black Lion then turns away from the planet as its DropShips try ram attacks against the Cornith the rogue Battle-cruiser jumps out of the system at another pirate point.
   Captain-General Corrine Marik is critically injured in the attack.

27th December 3072
   Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik meets with her contact who informs her that the missing was a success.  Alys is shocked at the measures used by her contact informing him she only wanted the Captain-General eliminated.  The contact informs her the job meritted force and capability, which his organisation had provided.  Alys turns on the man knocking him out with a series of punches while Rousset-Marik Military Police arrive and take him into custody for questioning.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2011, 04:37:00 PM »

Almost fully upto date with CBT forum now - more along shortly


12th January 3073
   University of Thorin engineers/archaeologists finish work looking at the ruins of the University and begin renovation/construction work.

21st January 3073
   Taurian Concordat leader Marshal Cham Kithrong and the Federated Suns Baron George Hasek meet and officially make peace between the two states.

29th January 3073
   Taurian Concordat leader Marshal Cham Kithrong meets with Fronc Reaches and Filtvelt Coalition and joins the Reaches Coalition Pact forming a bridge between the two nations.

4th February 3073
   Primus Helen Thrall, of the Sirian Concordance worlds, is gunned down on Pollux at a popular restaurant in what appears to be a random act of violence.

19th February 3073
   Nova Cats debut the SM-3 Tank Destroyer.  This vehicle subsitutes the autocannon and gauss rifle with a Heavy Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle (class 30).

25th February 3073
   Clan Sea Fox surrender all their territory on Tathis (Homeworlds) to Clan Star Adder in exchange for control of the Renown (Potemkin) and Cho Plu (Volga)

26th February 3073
   Clan Stone Rhino takes control over the General Stuart (Aegis) one of the oldest cached ships in the Clan Homeworlds.

8th March 3073
Third Martial Olympiad
   Begining of the third annual competition on Defiance.  New to the Martial Olympiad is a new WarShip event.

11th March 3073
Third Martial Olympiad
   Three days into the WarShip event it becomes very obvious that it is a two horse race between the Snow Raven's Lord Death (Aegis) and the Nova Cat's Vision Quest (Aegis) much to the disappointment of the organisers who hoped for more competition.

14th March 3073
Third Martial Olympiad
   Lord Death (Aegis) claim the WarShip Event prize - narrow victory
   Clan Sea Fox's Nagasawa (Sovetskii Soyuz), Nebula (Carrack) and Red Tide arrives in Defiance system - the Potemkin appears to have been extensively modified.  At the Star League Council Chambers (also on world) the Sea Fox saKhan Angus Labov meets with representitives from all offering them cut price deals for clearance for the Sea Foxes to travel across any border and conduct open business.  All the states interested in obtaining Clan technology agree quite quickly.

27th March 3073
   Star League Intelligence Operatives note the arrival of Anton Gramash of Lyran Intelligece on Odessa.  Gramash hands the Snord's Irregulars a new contract extending their stay on Odessa and increased resources attached to their Ruins of Bealton dig-site.  Gramash also begins an investigation into Count Fisk's financial records.

3rd April 3073
   With Victor Davion on Defiance, many would have thought it was a bad April Fools joke but on New Avalon and for the Davion family it was the Federated Suns worse nightmare.  Over a decade of planning came to one day's climactic events.  The Varnay Family returned to the Federated Suns in the form of Jacob Varnay.  Supporting him were the Varnay Irregulars, 1st Capellan Dragoons and the 11th Avalon Hussars RCT who dropped near Avalon City demanding Victor Steiner-Davion's surrender.
   At the Nadir point at almost the same time the Thunderchild (First Prince - formerly FSS Hanse Davion), the 17th and 22nd Avalon Hussars RCTs emerged into the system.  Soon after the 32nd Avalon Hussars RCT also arrives.
   The FSS Alexander Davion, FSS Sandra Black-Davion (both Davion III) and the FSS Simon Davion (Avalon) move to engage the Thunderchild.
   On the ground the 1st Davion Guards RCT, 1st and 2nd New Avalon Guards RCTs and 1st Albion Academy Regiment opposed the pro-Varnay forces.  At the Fox's Den Head of the Avalon Hussars Brigade Roger Waters is found dead on his desk an order to all Avalon Hussars Regiments to arrest Victor Davion for assassinating Hanse Davion during the Clan War.

4th April 3073
   Pro-Victor forces on New Avalon have their first major loss against the pro-Varnay forces with the death of Field Marshal Ardan Sortek, killed when his Templar's cockpit is destroyed.

6th April 3073
   Further Varnay forces arrive in the New Avalon system as the Indefatigable, Fox (both Fox) and Ian Davion (Avalon) arrive in the system all claiming for the Varnay family's claim of Victor's guilt and a general AFFS cover up.  Behind these three WarShips are the 1st and 2nd Chisholm's Raiders, 39th 41st and 42nd Avalon Hussars RCTs all claiming for the Varnay family.
   On Defiance Victor Davion is informed of the arrival of the Varnay family.  The assault on the Royal Palace and the betrayal of almost the entire Avalon Hussars Brigade and several naval assets.  Victor instantly removes the Federated Suns from the Martial Olympiad and heads to Galax with Reinhart.  Victor sends word to Camelot Command ordering them to "Bring out the Pegasus"

7th April 3073
   Pro-Varnay and Pro-Victor naval forces engage in the Avalon system.  The FSS Sandra Black Davion was disabled following a concentrated attack from the Thunderchild.
   The FSS Simon Davion is badly damaged attempting a jump to escape oncoming fire from the Thunderchild and Ian Davion.  The FSS Simon Davion never arrives at its intended destination.
   While the FSS Alexander Davion charges at the two Fox-class Corvettes and moves to engage the pro-Varnay ground force transports.  Destroying the Indefatigable and several DropShips before the Fox, Thunderchild and Ian Davion were able to get into defensive positions.
   Under orders not to allow all WarShips to be destroyed the FSS Alexander Davion jumps to Galax to report the trouble in the New Avalon system.
   Pro-Varnay naval forces salvage the damaged Sandra Black-Davion conscripting the vessel abandoned by Victor's forces.

8th April 3073
   Under orders from Victor Davion the Wild Geese Mercenary Regiment and Federated Freemen Mercenary Regiment jump into the Avalon system with several assault DropShips.  While the ground forces continue to New Avalon the DropShips regroup with AFFS defence forces just outside New Avalon space.
   On the ground the two mercenary regiments are sent straight to Avalon City helping bolster the remains of the 1st Davion Guards RCT.  The Varnay forces have however taken three quarters of the city and caused heavy damage to all areas.
10th April 3073
   Pro-Victor loyalists are boosted in Avalon City as Prince's Champion Ross McKinnon takes to the field along with the Fox's Teeth augmented Company.  Beside the Fox's Teeth are a Company of DMI Rabid Fox operators using the new Infiltrator III Heavy Battle Armour.
   Unfortunately the Fox's Teeth are ambushed and soon on the run along with several cadets from the NAIS.  Herded into an open park area the Fox's Teeth have no coice to run a gauntlet of Varnay units.  Attacked from three sides the Fox's Teeth are quickly under heavy fire.  They are only saved by the arrival of a Dire Wolf kitted out in the Kathil Uhlans colours.
   Designated Sword One - Ross McKinnon identifies the voice as Andrew Redburn.  Unfortunately even a Dire Wolf has no chance against the arrayed Varnay forces.  As it falls the Fox's Teeth escape.

11th April 3073
   Jacob Varnay enters the Davion Palace Throne Room with his daughter Teri Varnay, a member of the Avalon Hussars, someone who had for years been living under the Davion's noses under an assumed name.  Someone who had served with almost all the Avalon Hussars Regiments who had built a reputation for integrity and good Battlefield command.

12th April 3073
   Several assault DropShips and almost all the remaining pro-Victor aerospace fighters assault the rest of the Varnay forces inbound on New Avalon.  The force is ineffectual against the incoming mass Varnay forces and is wiped out.
   Both Chisholm's Raiders Regiments land one on New Scotland one on Rostock intent on finding and capturing Victor's heir.
   The Second Chisholm's Raiders land less than a kilometre from Burton's school however the pro-Victor forces appear to have expected this as the Federated Freemen charge their landing zone almost immediately after landing.  In a battle that neither can win and with no retreat position for the Federated Freemen both units are cut down to almost no strength.
   On New Scotland First Chisholm's Raiders engage the Wild Geese Mercenaries and the First Albion.
   17th, 22nd, 32nd, 39th, 41st and 42nd Avalon Hussars land around Avalon City engaging the 1st Davion Guards and both Avalon Guards RCTs.

14th April 3073
   Gray Death Legion engage the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby on Baltazar III.

20th April 3073   
   FSS Andrew Davion (Avalon) escorts the 18th Federation Airborne Brigade into the New Avalon system.  As the brigade goes to the planet the FSS Andrew Davion engages the Ian Davion (Avalon) and Sandra Black-Davion (Davion III).
   The FSS Andrew Davion is able to destroy the Sandra Black-Davion and escape from the system before other Varnay WarShips can react.

28th April 3073
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion welcomes the FSS Pegasus (Columbia) to Galax.  Akin to the Lyran's Invincible it was a ship long thought lost by the AFFS.

3rd May 3073
   The FSS Pegasus leads the FSS Andrew Davion (Avalon), the FSS Alexander Davion (Davion III) and more than two dozen JumpShips as the Davion Assault, Heavy, Light, 2nd, 4th, and 5th RCTs all enter the New Avalon system commanded by First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.
   From the bridge of the FSS Pegasus Victor Steiner-Davion refutes all charges laid by Jacob Varnay and orders all renegade AFFS vessels and regiments to stand down.

5th May 3073
   pro-Varnay vessels Thunderchild, Fox and Ian Davion all meet the pro-Victor force mid-way between the nadir point and New Avalon.  A massive battle erupts as the FSS Pegasus uses its speed and armour to charge through the Varnay lines escorting a group of Conquistador-class Troopships.  With the DropShips clear the FSS Pegasus turned and re-engaged the Varnay vessels.
   The FSS Andrew Davion and FSS Alexander Davion both engage the Varnay vessels destroying the Fox quickly before turning on the already badly damaged Ian Davion which soon explodes in a ball of flame.
   As the FSS Pegasus engages and destroys the Thunderchild in a traditional shoot until your enemy drops or armour gives way Battleship battle.
   This ends the Naval battle in the Avalon system allowing the Davion Brigade to make landfall greeted by elements of the 18th Federation Airborne Brigade who have prepared landing zones across New Avalon.

6th May 3073
   With Victor on planet and now the entire Davion Brigade on New Avalon this proved to be a death kneel to the pro-Varnay forces entrenched in Avalon City.  Within the first day the 39th and 41st Avalon Hussars RCTs both units outside Avalon City, and the 1st Chisholm's Raiders were destroyed leaving only the forces surrounding the Fox's Den and within Avalon City.

7th May 3073
   A Riga-class Frigate and a Pinto-class Corvette enter the New Avalon system at a pirate point and make a run at the Davion Naval forces.  These vessels are unidentifiable but immediately attack the FSS Alexander Davion disabling the Davion-class Destroyer.
   The FSS Andrew Davion and FSS Pegasus turn their fire on the two incoming vessels.  The Pinto is quicly destroyed by the FSS Pegasus' Naval Lasers while the Riga takes several capital missile strikes disabling its main engines and its main guns.  Unable to move effectively and with the Davion WarShips moving in to deploy marines the Riga's crew activates explosive charges blowing the vessel to pieces.

8th May 3073
   The Davion Assault Guards RCT under First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion liberates the Fox's Den relieving the under seige New Avalon Guards RCTs.  Neither unit is combat capable.  From intelligence gained at the Fox's Den Victor learns that the remains of the 1st Davion Guards and the Fox's Teeth are fighting in the city against the remaining Varnay occupation forces.

10th May 3073
   The 20th Avalon Hussars RCT arrives in the New Avalon system via a pirate point.  They are intercepted by the FSS Andrew Davion however General Jack Roberts commander of the RCT informs the they are here to clean the Avalon Hussars name of trechery and offer their full support to Victor Steiner-Davion.
   Unwilling to allow them access to the First Prince direct they are sent to the Rostock continent hunting down remnants of the Second Chisholm's Raiders.  From orbit the unit is monitored by the two in system WarShips to ensure it does not stray from its designated duties.

11th May 3073
   Victor Steiner-Davion contacts Jacob Varnay and demands his immediate surrender.  Varnay refuses and informs the First Prince that Avalon City and all its remaining inhabitants will burn if Victor launches a full push into the city.

27th May 3073
   Fox's Teeth Augmented Company tracking the remaining battalion of the Varnay Irregulars follows the unit to a Davion bunker within Avalon City where Danai Centrella-Davion and her children have been hidden since the start of the Crisis.
   With elements of the 1st Davion Guards the Fox's Teeth under Prince's Champion Ross McKinnon engage the Irregulars forces which Ross discovers is under the command of Tera Varnay.
   After four hours of constant combat the Fox's Teeth are destroyed however the bunker and family remain intact.  The Varnay Irregulars are all but destroyed.

28th May 3073
   Jacob Varnay discovers the Clan Nova Cat embassy in the centre of Avalon City and moves his forces in on the facility.  So far the Nova Cats have watched this "Trial" for control of the Federated Suns - as long as they were not attacked then the Nova Cats would not become involved.  Jacob's attack rallied the Nova Cats on New Scotland and deeper in the system.

29th May 3073
   During the inital naval battles of the New Avalon system the Severn Lervoux (Anna Rosse) flagship of Clan Nova Cat had entered the system.  Canin Rosse aboard the vessel had intended on watching the battle and if need be neigotiate with the new leaders of the Federated Suns if the Varnay family came out ontop.
   The attack on the embassy had insenced the Nova Cat Khan.  Watching the Varnay forces attack his diplomatic team breaking the "honour" of the battle.  Ignoring the Victor loyal WarShips Khan Canin Rosse led his Watch Cluster in a high atmosphere drop over Avalon City landing in a park near their embassy.
   Cutting swaths through the city the Nova Cats charged at the Varnay forces cumilating in almost six Nova Cat BattleMech engaging and destroying Jacob Varnay's Atlas BattleMech before falling back into defensive positions around the embassy.  The arrival of additional Federated Suns troops, including the 20th Avalon Hussars, led by Victor Steiner-Davion destroyed or forced the remaining six combined-arms regiments to stand-down.   

8th June 3073
   Official cease fire on New Avalon.  AFFS and Federated Suns begin counting their dead.  Avalon City is in ruins, the Avalon Palace is destroyed.

14th June 3073
   Victor Steiner-Davion announces that all troopers currently in custody of the AFFS for actions against the Davion crown (four combined regiments worth) are to be banished from the Federated Suns and are never to be welcome again.  Victor also announces that once the fire of conflict has settled he will make an official statement to the people of the Federated Suns and Inner Sphere.
5th July 3073
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion makes a speach in the centre of Avalon City.  There he publically condems the members of the Avalon Hussars and of the Chisholm's Raiders.  He announces that both sets of units are to be permenantly struck from the AFFS Rolls except for the 20th Avalon Hussars RCT, the one unit that stood by the First Prince, and the unit that were defending the conference.
   He announces a rebuilding of Avalon City and for the first time ever announces the presence of Clan Nova Cat within the Federated Suns.  As the conference continues a Star of Clan Nova Cat BattleMechs enters the area and Khan Canin Rosse dismounts joining Victor on the podium.
   Victor publically thanks the Khan for Clan Nova Cat's actions, Canin informs the First Prince that he was defending Clan Nova Cat's interest in peace.  The Davion family were willing to work with his Clan, Victor cements this by offering Clan Nova Cat an official Embassy Ground in the City of Dundee on the New Scotland continent, along with the permenant ceeding of the Firebase previously used by Canin's Watch Cluster.  Khan Rosse accepts.
   The assembled reporters are too stunned to ask any questions.  Not only were Clan Nova Cat on New Avalon they were classed as allies.

8th July 3073
   The 20th Avalon Hussars RCT are transformed into the 3rd New Avalon Guards RCT and are slated for rebuilding.

14th July 3073
   Colonel Ross McKinnon is promoted to Leftenant-Colonel and given command of the newly added to the rolls 4th New Avalon Guards which are to be built around the Fox's Teeth Company.

24th July 3073
   Clan Nova Cat's 44th Nova Cat Cavaliers Cluster under Star Colonel Cassin Drummond arrive on New Avalon and begin to talk to Federated Suns construction companies about using local labour to construct the embassy.  Initally they refuse to deal with the Nova Cats however when the Nova Cats offer access to Clan technology and construction methods they are flooded with requests from companies.

3rd August 3073
   Following the public announcement of the Federated Suns agreement with Clan Nova Cat.  Both the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine strike at the Federated Suns.
   Capellan attacks are half hearted at the best and easily contained by Capellan March forces.
   The Draconis Combine attacks are concentrated on Proserpina intent on retaking their Prefecture Capital.  Defending the world are the 2nd Robinson Rangers RCT and the Robinson Training Battalion.  The 1st Ghost Regiment, the 2nd and 7th Arkab Legions both push the AFFS force instantly.

13th August 3073
   Baron George Hasek is assassinated on New Syrtis by Agent Tamroy.
   Soon after Tamroy is captured as the Bounty Hunter's lance surrounds and captures Tamroy on the snow covered New Syrtis plains.

14th August 3073
   On Proserpina AFFS Major-General Coran DaMateo calls in Orbital support from the FSS Admiral Corrine Donnings (Fox) to cover the retreat of the 2nd Robinson Rangers.  The covering fire from the Corvette shatters the 2nd Arkab Legion however it buys the ground forces the time they need to escape joining the WarShip in orbit as the Federated Suns abandons the system.

20th August 3073
   Tamroy is handed over to Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao as the Bounty Hunter claims his bounty despite being previously taken off the contract by the same Chancellor.

21st August 3073
   Snow Raven WarShips Storm Crow (Sovetskii Soyuz) and Snowflake (Potemkin) provide industrial and farming supplies to the world of Rudolpho as the Snow Ravens try to win the hearts and minds of the Outworlds population.

22nd August 3073
   Clan Star Adder WarShips Nygaard (Sovetskii Soyuz) and Exodus Sentinel (York) and Exodus Crusader (York) enter the Rudolpho and engage the Snow Raven vessel.  With their DropShips planetside the Snow Raven vessels fight with only their vessels.
   The Star Adders concentrate on the Snowflake and although the Potemkin causes heavy damage to all the Star Adder vessels it is soon an expanding fireball in Rudolpho's sky.
   The Storm Crow's elite crew are able to destroy the heavily damaged Exodus Sentinel and finish off the Nygaard however its lack of support craft cost the vessel in the end and the Storm Crow, one of the Snow Raven's command vessels is destroyed in the system.
   On the ground Star Adder units overwhelm the Snow Raven defenders and claim the world as their own.

8th September 3073
   In a series of lightning raids Rabid Fox teams of the Federated Suns secure all Grade-A HPG sites within three hours of the first attack.  The SLDF/Department of Communications Staff do not resist.
   In exchange for raw materials, access to Federated Suns military technology and records the Nova Cats have helped the NAIS complete their partially assembled HPG on New Avalon.  With Nova Cat assistance the Federated Suns begins to manage its own HPGs.
   SLDF formerly repremands the AFFS for its actions and withdraws all Class-A-B and C HPG services.  For three weeks AFFS units rely on Black Box technology to relay communications while NAIS/Nova Cat scientists move into position by 30th October 3073 almost all the HPGs within Federated Suns are under Federated Suns control.
   Within the Federated Suns a new Department of Communications is formed under Director Julie Forman, who reports directly to the First Prince.

12th September 3073
   Burial of George Hasek on New Syrtis.  Nathaniel Hasek is offically made Field Marshal of the Capellan March.  Baroness Kim Hasek (George Hasek's wife) is enobled for life.  Morgan Hasek-Davion attends however Victor Steiner-Davion does not.

24th September 3073
   With the Federated Suns declaring the Nova Cats allies Broken Wheel, Wetumpka, Morven and Memphis all hold referendums breaking away from the Federated Suns joining the Filtvelt Coalition.
   Broken Wheel Militia and Training Battalion refuse to abandon the AFFS leaving the world with all their equipment heading for Defiance.

4th October 3073
   Loremaster Bryan Pryde, of Clan Jade Falcon, claims the Martial Olympiad trophy.
   SLDF hands over the Sandhurst to the Federated Suns and the Berlin to the Lyran Alliance (both Artemis-class) control keeping with ComStar's agreement with the Succession States.

8th October 3073
   In a joint project based out of the New Haiti vehicle Plant Clan Nova Cat and Clan Sea Fox debut the Predator Attack VTOL.

16th October 3073
   With a reduced TO&E since the Varnay Crisis the Federated Suns hire 2 Wolf's Dragoons Regiments, Alpha and Beta, and a Northwind Highlander's 2nd Kearny Highlanders Regiment to bolster the AFFS.

4th November 3073
   In the Tikonov system onboard the FSS New Avalon (Whirlwind) First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion is brought evidence that SPT-NX Spartan BattleMechs were involved in the Varnay Crisis on New Avalon attacking forces loyal to Victor.
   Victor speaks with a planetary contact on Tikonov and orders for The Bounty Hunter be contacted and for a contract to be placed on the SPT-NX Spartan company.

12th November 3073
6th Whitting Conference - Terra, Unity City
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion opens the Whitting Conference for the election of the newest First Lord.  Since the Star League had taken over on Terra legions of IndustrialMechs had been hard at work on Terra clearing out Unity City begining to try and restore the city.  So far only a portion had been touched however the Star League was very proud of this accomplishment and intended for every Whitting Conference to happen now on Terra.
13th November 3073
6th Whitting Conference, Terra, Unity City
   It is agreed that the SLDF's High Command will move its command to Sandhurst, England.  Kittery will be maintained as a Training world under joint SLDF/Federated Suns control.
   Taurian Concordat's vote is returned to full voting status.
   Star League Protectorate gains a vote on the Council with Governor of Terra Gavin Dow the voting member although voting privleges would have to wait a year.
   Duchy of Tamarind-Abby accepted as a member of the Star League - no vote for three years.
   Capellan Confederation leader Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao and St Ives Compact leader Duke Kai Allard-Liao are nominated for the post of First Lord.

14th November 3073
6th Whitting Conference, Terra, Unity City
   Duke Kai Allard-Liao is voted the new First Lord of the Star League narrowly beating the Capellan Chancellor.

5th December 3073
   Snow Ravens return to Rudolpho with the WarShips Mount Batton (Texas), Nestling (Carrack) and Black Justice (Aegis) all escorting Alpha Galaxy.
   The badly damaged Nygaard is unable to resist so instead the Snow Raven's Black Justice against the Star Adder's Exodus Crusader (York).  Following a brief bloody battle the majority of the Snow Raven fighters and DropShips on both sides are destroyed while the Exodus Crusader is badly damaged.

8th December 3073
   Snow Raven's Alpha Galaxy and the Outworlds Alliance Avellar Guards engage Star Adder's Omicron Provisional Galaxy on Rudolpho.
   The Snow Ravens allow the Star Adders to make a bid and engage in honourable combat.  On the Snow Raven/Outworlds side the Avellar Guard's Armour and Aerospace forces fight while Snow Raven Mechs and Battle Armour fight.
   Two hours later the Star Adders accept defeat having destroyed the majority of the Snow Raven Mechs and Outworlds Armour while losing almost their entire force to bombing raids and Elemental attacks.  The Star Adders are escorted to the Nygaard and out of the system by the Mount Batton.  The Star Adders are forced to abandon the Exodus Crusader allowing the Snow Ravens to salvage it.

14th December 3073
   Clan Sea Fox land on Spica on the St Ives/Federated Suns border there the commander of the Fox's Whelps Khanate Damien Kalasa meets with a pregnant Duchess Cassandra Allard-Liao and Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek.  There they agree that the Sea Fox's Fox's Whelps will have a permenant presenace on Spica in exchange for trade agreements with the Federated Suns and St Ives Compact.

16th December 3073
   Clans finally react to the Nova Cat's 'agreements' with House Davion.  The Jade Falcon's 12th Talon Cluster and Gryfalcon Eyrie Cluster supported by the Frost Falcon (Aegis) attack Barcella (Clan homeworld).
   The aerospace fighters of the Nova Cat Titans Cluster and the Nova Cat vessel Blade (Aegis) engage however the ground forces sneak through.

20th December 3073
   12th Talon Cluster and Gryfalcon Eyrie Cluster land on Barcella.  The Jade Falcons immediately go on the attack and quickly crush the Nova Cat's 489th Assault Cluster (Alpha) and crush a small settlement resulting in over 300 civilian deaths.
   The five other Nova Cat units converge on the Jade Falcons and crush both clusters with less than two Trinaries able to escape the planet.

21st December 3073
   Almost as soon as Clan Jade Falcon leave Barcella Clan Wolf's Athens (Hyperion) supporting the Wolf's 101st Battle Cluster (Kappa) land on Barcella and engage Nova Cat forces.  The Wolves overwhelm the local Nova Cats taking a Cluster of Nova Cat OmniMechs before boosting off planet.

25th December 3073
   Nova Cat's Blade (Aegis) engages the Wolves Athens (Hyperion) as it tries to stop the Wolves escaping the Barcella system.  The Wolf WarShip destroys the Blade using its heavy naval particle cannons overwhelming the Blade quickly.  The Wolves then leave the system having their price in blood.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2011, 08:56:57 PM »

Brining everything up to date into 3074 - just behind CBT forum now.  This history will continue yearly unless there is an objection.  The CBT will continue 3 months at a time.

As always comments welcome


8th January 3074
   The independant member world of the former Free Worlds League Kyeinnisan, also known as the gamblers world becomes home to Clan Sea Fox as the Territorial Waters Khanate moves forces onto the world.
   The independant leaders of the world welcome the Sea Fox troops when the Territorial Waters promises to not stand in the way of profit and free trade.

20th January 3074
   Having punished the Federated Suns the Draconis Combine also planned to punish Clan Nova Cat.  Positioning naval forces throughout the known periphery routes the Draconis Combine Admiralty ordered its vessels to interdict any convoy travelling through the area.
   After three independant/Jarnfolk units the Pride of New Samarkand (Kyushu-Carrier variant) were getting tired of the duty however they hit the jackpot when a Lola III escorting four Carrack-Merchants jumped into the system.
   Despite being heavily out numbered the Pride of New Samarkand charged into combat fire concentrating on the Destroyer while its 100+ fighters engaged the Nova Cat merchants, DropShips and aerospace fighters.  Initially the Pride targetted the escorting Lola III however when the Merchants tried to escape the Frigate turned its guns on the Carracks.
   Within moments the Glory Road and Bright Star were floating dust their poor armour not able to control heavy fire.  Moments later the Enlightened Path followed its sister ships.  Only one Carrack was able to escape along with its escort Destroyer.  A single Draconis Combine Frigate doing plenty of damage all on its own.

28th January 3074
   Gray Death Legion engages two Legions of the Marian Hegemony as they attempt again to gain control over Balatazar III.

10th February 3074
   Lord James Cavannah of the Star League's "Royal" Corps of Engineers arrives on Thorin to take over construction of the University of Thorin.

18th February 3074
   125th Dragoon Cluster of Clan Cloud Cobra supported by the Brimstone (York) seize the Nouveaux-Paris Deep Periphery colony from Cloud Cobra. Clan Nova Cat's 66th Garrison Cluster (Zeta) is lost in the battle those warriors who survived taken as bondsmen to Clan Cloud Cobra.

21st February 3074
   Tikonov is officially recoignized as capital of the Crucis March as the Federated Suns attempts to diversify its command and control.  Duke Paul Bowman, former member of the Wild Geese is named as Field Marshal of the new March with Marshal Galen Cox assisting him.  Paul's former position within the Wild Geese give him the equivilent rank of Colonel within the AFFS Galen Cox's position is seen as tempoary and unlikely to be long.
   Duke Bowman is authorized by the AFFS High Command to raise a house guard in line with that of the Syrtis Fusiliers and Robinson Rangers as long as he understands these units will fall under AFFS authority.  By the end of the year the 1st Tikonov Cossacks is operational it attains RCT status before July 3075, the first of a planned 3 formations.

23rd February 3074
   To appease the Capellan March (following the loss of Tikonov) the worlds of Songgang, Peirce, Caldwell, Monotour and Verdrigreis all of the Crucis March Periphery border are transfered to Capellan March command of the Taurian border.

1st March 3074
   Star League Stadium opens its doors on Solaris in the International Zone of Solaris City.  This will be the new home of the Star League Games as well as a new event on the Solaris yearly Grand Championship tour.

Star League Stadium Stats
   - includes the same Lostech barrier seen in the Steiner Stadium.
   - seats 14,000 on regular seating and 4,000 in boxes
   - 362 cameras covering the action from various actions.
   - The Stadium is a map of the Inner Sphere with a central raised hill shaped as a Star League Cameron Star, a Pink Cherry Blossom Field (Draconis Combine), a Medieval Fort (Federated Suns), Two Green Fields and a replica of the Great Wall of China (Capellan Confederation and St Ives Compact), Many Islands in an open water section (Free Worlds League) and Steiner’s copy of the Colluseum's Arch with a Chained Fist (Lyran Alliance)

13th March 3074
   Lothario breaks away from the Marian Hegemony with the surrounding systems of Lordinax, Lummatil, Leximon, Lindassa and Logan Prime.  Forming the Lothian League under Duchess Lorelei Logan.

29th March 3074
   In the Ruins of Bealton on Odessa the Snord's Irregulars and LIC agent Anton Gramash discover a sealed vault.  Within this vault is records that point almost directly to the Ruins of Gabriel, previously discovered by the SLDF/ComStar, still hidden from the Lyrans within the system.

31st March 3074
   A Car bomb explodes in New Bealton on Odessa collapsing a multi-storey car park.  As security forces Draft Snord's Irregulars to help with heavy lifting work.  A squad of Gray Death Scout Battle Armoured SLIC agents armed with tranquilliser guns and knock out gas storm the bunker overwhelming the infantry forces left defending the vault.
   They kill no-one and take nothing from the bunker but they copy every single data base within the bunker and are gone before Snord's Irreguars or LAAF units can return.

5th April 3074
   Nova Cat WarShips Bond, Chronicle and Path of Honour (all Aegis) enter the Glory system populated by the Jade Falcons and Wolves.
   The Jade Falcons refuse a trial with the Nova Cats instead two WarShips an Aegis and a Black Lion.
   The three Nova Cat WarShips formed in a triangular formation, 2 above and one below, when engageing the two Jade Falcon vessels alongside them the 2nd Nova Cat Titans Cluster and three Titan-class DropShips.
   The White Aerie (Black Lion) eliminated the Chronicle but at a cost of itself as all three Nova Cat WarShips tried to weapons fire.  The White Aerie was took so much damage it was unable to avoid a cluster of Nova Cat Elementals boarding the vessel.  The Janice Hazen (Aegis) sustained heavy damage exploding minutes after the White Aerie as Alpha Galaxy continued past heading for the planet.

9th April 3074
   The Nova Cat Alpha Galaxy continued in system to the planet engaging a Wolf Aerospace Trinary and the Nature's Wrath (Lola III) closer to Glory.  Unlike the falcons the Wolf commander agreed to a trial the Path of Honour (Aegis) meeting the Lola III.
   Both WarShips fought a brief trial before the Wolf vessel agreed the Path of Honour was a superior vessel and allowed Alpha Galaxy to land on the vessel.
   On the ground Alpha Galaxy land on and occupy an abandoned Widowmaker firebase Zulu on the South West Peninsula.  Iota Provisional Galaxy of Clan Jade Falcon and the Wolf's Tau Galaxy answers the Nova Cat challenge.  Like their naval forces the Jade Falcons refuse any batchall while the Wolf force accepts a Trail of two Clusters bid.
   With two Clusters the Shiva Keshik and the 449th Assault Cluster assaulting the Wolves the 1st Nova Cat Guards and 450th Assault Cluster assault the Jade Falcon advance.  Three hours later Shiva Keshik and a much depleted 449th Assault Cluster emerge victorious against the Wolves while the 1st Nova Cat Guards and the 450th Assault Cluster have made headway against the Jade Falcons securing two Overlord-class DropShips.
   Six hours later the Jade Falcons agree to allow the Nova Cats to leave the planet with one of the two captured Overlords.

18th April 3074
   A Filtvelt Coalition registered Invader JumpShip meets with a Nova Cat merchant trading vessel.  Soon after the Spirit Sight (Fredasa) arrives in system and on the traders suggestion the Nova Cat warriors allow the Filtvelt vessel to leave and continue to trade with the Nova Cats.

22nd April 3074
   Brenda Calderon passes away on Taurus.  Cham Kithrong officially becomes Regent for Erik Martens-Calderon.

8th May 3074
Fourth Martial Olympiad
   For his first official duty as Field Marshal of the Crucis March Duke Paul Bowman opens the ceremony.

10th May 3074
   Colonel Harold Kerr, formerly of the 1st Chisholm's Raiders forms the Broken Sword Mercenary Regiment.  Harold Kerr keeps his Regiment of Mechs and combined arms Battalion of vehicles and infantry through sheer force of personality, of the force of his fists.
   They sign a three year deal with the Rousset-Marik Alliance requesting a posting to Van Dieman IV so they can have the possibility of combat against the AFFS.

12th May 3074
   Graduation Ceremony on New Avalon as Damien Redburn completes his training at Albion academy.  Because of his previous combat during the Varnay Crisis and time within the Kittery Training Battalion he is promoted directly to Captain and assigned to the newly forming 4th New Avalon Guards under Ross McKinnon.
   When he meets Ross McKinnon he suggests reforming the Delta Company, Morgan Hasek-Davion's original genesis for the 1st Kathil Uhlans.  Something that McKinnon is interested in.

15th May 3074
   Gray Death Legion end their time on Baltazar III.  As an added bonus the factory provide the Legion with a lance of modified C-MK-0 Malak OmniMechs, one of the three designs the plant is capable of producing, they have been modified with standard cockpits and the C3i Computer has been removed.
   Officially the Mechs are on extended trial.

20th May 3074
   Erik Martens-Calderon joins the Taurian Military Academy enrolling in the Infantry Corps.  He plans to join the Battle Armour training program.

25th May 3074
   Clan Steel Viper raid the weakened Jade Falcons on Glory gaining combat experiance for the newest 1st ProtoMech Assault Cluster, and equipment from both the Wolf and Falcon.

28th May 3074
   Two Olympus Recharge stations are completed in the Coventry system.  They are also half way through completion of a Bastion-class Space Station.

1st May 3074
First Star League Games
   The First Star League Games begins at the Star League Stadium on Solaris.  A free for all tournament with anyone from the Succession States or the Clans able to take part.
   To open the event First Lord Kai Allard-Liao piloting Yeng-lo-Wang leading company of the 1st St Ives Lancers against a company of the Royal Black Watch led by Colonel Neil Cambell.

9th May 3074
First Star League Games
   MechWarrior Lisa Haskin of the Former Free Rasalhague Republic wins the tournament piloting her customized Berserker BattleMech.

18th June 3074
   The Capellan Confederation launches a deep raid against Tikonov.  Led by the Chancellor's Pride (Thera) escorted by the Elias Jung and Ilsa Huang (both Feng Huang).
   In the system they encounter the FSS Tikonov (Fox) and the FSS Admiral Kenneth Jones (Hound).  Overwhelmed by hundreds of aerospace fighters the two Corvettes are destroyed quickly giving the Capellans free rein in the system.

20th June 3074
   The FSS Damien Hasek (Congress Block II) and the FSS Lucian Davion and FSS Andrew Davion (both Avalon) enter the Tikonov system at two different pirate points.
   The FSS Lucian Davion and FSS Andrew Davion and their attending DropShips fill the air with capital missile fire at long range taking down many of the Capellan Aerospace fighters as the FSS Damien Hasek charges in close to the Chancellor's Pride threatening the Thera-class vessel.
   Unwilling to risk their vessel in its first major engagement and happy for the damage they have already done the Capellans retreat exiting the system.
   Following the Capellans ability to swat the Federated Suns covettes aside Duke Paul Bowman calls for the permenant assignment of an Avalon-class Cruiser to the system and begins to task researchers and engineers around building an SDS system.

28th June 3074
   Clan Stone Rhino raids Glory as the weakened Wolf and Jade Falcon forces continue to find themselves pray to yet another Clan looking for easy trials.  The Stone Rhinos are forced off the world after three hours after the Wolf force loses its temper and charges at the Rhinos as soon as they land.

29th June 3074
   Clan Star Adder assaults Dagda attacking both Steel Viper and Coyote territory.

8th July 3074
   Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion travels to New Avalon and confronts First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion concerning the death of his son.
   Morgan gets into an arguement with Victor and during the course Victor admits he ordered George Hasek's death.  Soon after Morgan suffers a fatal heart attack.

14th July 3074
   Deborah Hasek, George Hasek's wife, is officially made Duchess of New Syrtis.  Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek supports the appointment and remains as Field Marshal of the AFFS units stationed in the March.

21st July 3074
   Memphis and Morven both defect from the Crucis March to join the Filtvelt Coalition following open refferendums. On both worlds AFFS personnel allow free votes and vacate the worlds soon after.

3rd August 3074
   General Archer Christifori of the SLDF's 1st Division officially becomes the new Commanding-General.
   General Vladimir Rostov of the Second Brigade takes over command of the 1st Division.

8th August 3074
   Nova Cat's 1st Brotherhood Cluster conducts a long range strike against the Cloud Cobra forces on Nouveaux Paris Colony.  Led by Star Colonel Lucas Beckett the Nova Cat's reclaim control over the colony.

15th August 3074
   AFFS Forces invade the system of Liao.  With the FSS Pegasus (Columbia) and Wolf's Dragoons Alexander (Aegis) in escort the Dragoons Beta Regiment and Zeta Battalion supported by the 1st New Hessen Irrgulars.
   Alexander is badly damaged by Capellan Aerospace fighters carrying new Anti-Ship Missiles however the Dragoons and Irregulars are able to land on the planet.
   Fighting to Liao's factories within the Dragooon and Irregulars forces were dozens of AFFS troopers without their own transport.  Released in the Capellan factories they commandeered about three combined arms Battalions of equipment in the classic snatch-and-grab operation.
   Capellan Confederation complains against raid however following their recent raid against Tikonov and the destruction of 2 Federated Suns Corvettes the Star League isn't interested.

20th August 3074
   In a bid to show solidarity with the former Bortherhood of Randis fighters in the 1st Brotherhood Cluster the newly formed 2nd Botherhood Cluster made up of freeborn warriors from Randis and former Tortuga Dominions is formed by Clan Nova Cat and deployed to join the 1st Brotherhood on Nouveaux Paris.

4th September 3074
   Skye lowers the annual funding to the Isle of Skye's planetary defence budgets.  Instead using the money to work on the Isle's own shipyard and improve the Skye Guards Regiments.
   He also sponsors the Training Battalion initiative once sponsored by the Federated Commonwealth.

10th September 3074
   On Arc-Royal a new 2 Battalion strong Mercenary force known as the Splinted Shield form.  Made up largely of former AFFS/AFFC personnel they almost immediately accept a contract with the LAAF defending the Clan border.  They do however refuse any contract neigotiations with the Federated Suns.

18th September 3074
   SLDF purchase a Davion III-class Destroyer from the Federated Suns.  This vessel will be the next completed Davion-class and will be named the SLS Morgan Hasek-Davion in honour of the fallen Commanding-General.
   Federated Suns also gain access and future salvage rights to the CSWS Fire Fang (Whirlwind) still adrift in the Terra system in exchange for maintenance to all SLDF WarShips for five years.

30th September 3074
   Following raids against Nova Cat merchant shipping the Clan strike back against the Draconis Combine.  The WarShips Severn Lervoux (Anna Rosse) leads the Santin West Naval Star including the WarShips Santin West (Anna Rosse), Karl Devalis (Anna Rosse), Path of Glory (Vincent 42), Bloodlust (Aegis), Future's Triumph (Vincent 42).
   The Nova Cat armada quickly secure the Nadir and Zenith points destroying the two Olympus Recharge Stations and ten BattleSats at the two jump points.
   The Path of Glory is badly damaged by the BattleSats as they target the smallest ship.  As the other five vessels head in system the Path of Glory remains at the jump point as a picket vessel.

2nd October 3074
   Nova Cat WarShips engage the DCS Wisdom of a Warrior (Tatsumaki) in the New Samarkand system.
   The Bloodlust (Aegis) engaged the DCS Wisdom of a Warrior in a trial.  The Tatsumaki was destroyed by the Bloodlust's massed Autocannons and capital missiles however at a great cost.  The Nova Cats are forced to scuttle the Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser.

3rd October 3074
   Nova Cat WarShips arrive at the New Samarkand Shipyards and spy their prize.  The Trial of Retribution was about repaying the Draconis Combine for the damage done to their merchant fleet but also in claiming the Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser at New Samarkand.  A former Star Adder vessel named the Stellar Serpent it was recovered during Operation Bulldog and moved by the Combine Government for refit.
   Near the shipyards a dozen Draconis Combine Assault DropShips attack the Nova Cat's remaining four vessels.  Quickly the Nova Cats eliminate all DropShips and static defences.
   Nova Cat Elementals then board the station quickly overwhelming Combine marines and securing a portion of the Shipyards capturing the Stellar Serpent.  Finding the K-F drive operational but the main drives badly damaged Nova Cat DropShips begin to pull the WarShip clear of its moorings heading on a vector out of the system.

5th October 3074
   Nova Cat's Path of Glory (Vincent) is destroyed as two Vengence-class DropShips ambush the Corvette at the jump point.  Overwhelming the Corvette the Nova Cat vessel has no chance.

8th October 3074
   Marian Hegemony brings online the Lothario (Galley) a new WarShip type vessel, tiny compared to most WarShips it is little more than an enlarged assault ship.

31st October 3074
Season Grand Final
   During the final of the Game season on Solaris VII.  During the final free-for-all battle a massive fireball erupts from within the stadium killing nearly 3,000 civilians destroying nearly a third of the stadium.
   An aparent terrorist attack the Lyran Alliance moves the Northwind Renegades to the planet as a peacekeeping force and the LIC asks the Star League Intelligence Corps for assistance.

8th November 3074
   LAS Ian McQuistion (Fox) "discovers" the Ruins of Gabirel main habitat following intelligence found in the Bealton ruins.
   Cut into the biggest asteroid of the Odessa system there is only a habitat with almost all the external refit and construction facilities removed.   

14th November 3074
   Nova Cats debut the SM-5 Tank Destroyer carrying two massive ATM-12s this is the missile support variant.  saKhan Jal Steiner challenges the scientists to create an OmniVehicle of the SM-Series.

21st November 3074
   Federated Suns forces land on Mitchell, Menke, Jacson, Yuris, Zanzibar and Madras.  Supported by the Wolf's Dragoons, Illician Rangers, Khorsakhov's Cossacks and several WarShips.

25th November 3074
   On Menke General Maeve Wolf is killed by a headhunter Lance of Capellan Stealth Armour equipped BattleMechs singles out her command.  The remaining Wolf's Dragoons Commander called in orbital support fire from the FSS Charles Davion (Davion III) intent on breaking the Capellans back destroying nearly all the DropShips on the ground destroying almost the entire spaceport and costing 15,000 civilian lives.
   The Dragoons ignore these troubles instead completing the destruction of the 1st Canopian Brigde in the Dragoons rampage.

26th November 3074
   Clan Steel Viper assaults Grant's Station attacking the Wolf 1st and 13th Regulars.  Following the defeat of these Clusters the Wolf Clan abandons all their territory on Grant's Station.

29th November 3074
   2nd St Ives Lancers and the Wild Geese Regiment assault Hustaing securing it from Vong's Grenadiers Regiment.

3rd December 3074
   Clan Sea Fox makes a deal with the Capellan Confederation gaining a continent of the world of Sarna to act as a trade base within the Capellan nation.

5th December 3074
   Armed with nuclear tipped warheads Capellan reserve fighters engage the FSS Charles Davion (Davion III) intent on paying it back for Menke.  Although almost an entire wing of Capellan fighters are destroyed two fighters get through striking the FSS Charles Davion engulfing it in nuclear fire.

8th December 3074
   Filtvelt Coalition makes a deal with Clan Nova Cat to deal natural resources for non military technology.

12th December 3074
   1st Kittery Borderers RCT launch an attack on Homestead.  Initially the unit has success against local forces.

14th December 3074
   Federated Suns forces secure all targetted Capellan worlds.

16th December 3074
   Capellan Commando Jason Zaklan and the Youling Zhanshi become the core of the resistance on Homestead dealing the 1st Kittery Borderers RCT some telling defeats.

20th December 3074
   The 1st Kittery Borderers RCT retreat from Homestead with Jason Zaklan a national hero.

22nd December 3074
   Colonel Sandra Barclay of the Eridani Light Horse tracks down Star Colonel Colton Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon.  Sandra kills Colton in a one-on-one Circle of Equals.

31st December 3074
   Nova Cats finally begin to refit the Stellar Serpent (Aegis) salvaged from the New Samarkand Shipyards refitting the vessel into something further than a standard Aegis.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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