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Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with thanks  (Read 54407 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2011, 03:37:43 PM »

Jumping straight into 3075


8th January 3075
   Northwind Renegades declare martial law on Solaris VII following a break out of riots near the rubble of Star League Stadium.  Local Lyran forces are unable to control the world SLDF and Lyran neigotiators begin to speak about the SLDF permanently garrisoning the world.

14th January 3075
   General Caradoc Trevena of the SLDF takes information to Skye in regards to the bombing on Solaris VII.  All evidence points to the Free Skye Movement.
   Duke Robert Ryan Kelswa-Steiner and Duchess Hermonie Aten request SLIC Agents and SAS troops from the SLDF to assist in hunting down the Free Skye Movement.

20th January 3075
   The first Venturer-class Light Cruiser MSCS Corrine-Marik is launched at Loyalty Shipyards.

28th January 3075
   Naomi Centrella-Liao assassinates Sun-Tzu Liao in the Celestial Throne Room, she then kills Kali Liao as well claiming the position of Chancellor of the Capellan nation.  Her first act is to drop the Liao from her surname.

2nd February 3075
   An assassination attempt against Chancellor Naomi Centrella on Sian at a press conference.  Centrella Black Guard troopers find a bomb in the conference building which detonates when tampered with 300 Capellan lives are killed in the blast.

7th February 3075
   Clan Wolf opens three new facilities on Tamar for the production of Battle Armour, BattleMechs and for weapons development.

18th February 3075
   An entire regiment of Free Capella Mechs, Armour and infantry appear from nearly nowhere on Sian.  Hidden for years watching ensuring there wasn't another insane leader on Sian they'd held their time with Sun-Tzu who had been an able leader.  Now they emerged crushing the newly risen 2nd Centrella Black Guards Regiment and the Warrior House Imarra.

22nd February 3075
   Free Capella is crushed by the Centrella Black Guards first regiment and Warrior House Doru.

8th March 3075
   Under order from Chancellor Naomi Centrella the remaining 8 unassigned Warrior House Battalions drop on the Sea Fox trading post on Sarna eliminating the 13th Cruiser Cluster of Clan Sea Fox's Steel Soul Khanate.
   The Capellan troops then systematically eliminated ever member of the Sea Fox trade mission the WarShip Xizang (Impavido) held low orbit threatening to shoot down any Clan DropShip trying to escape.

22nd March 3075
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion unveils Melinda-Anne Steiner, his 5 year old child, the reason for this secrecy is unveiled as Melinda is booked into a Clan Wolf (in-Exile) medical facility for an ongoing medical condition.

25th March 3075
   A series of attacks from Clan Steel Viper and Coyote on Hoard, Dagda and Huntress all places both Clan Star Adder and Clan Stone Rhino are in control.
   On Hoard they secure 2% of the planet from the Star Adders.  The Steel Vipers secure this terrirory before the Coyotes can.
   In the Huntress system the Steel Vipers Snake-in-the-Grass (Whirlwind) destroys the Stone Rhino's Striking Rhino (Riga)

29th March 3075
   On Dagda the Coyotes secure almost half the Stone Rhino territory destrying an entire Stone Rhino Cluster in the ensuing combat.

8th April 3075
   The DCMS launch the DCS Omi Kurita formerly known as the DCS Mount Niitaka (Kaga) is launched.  Not only has the vessel been renamed the class is also named after the fallen Kurita noble.  Over 1.5 Million tonnes in size and capable of carrying over 300 aerospace fighters this ship brings a new set of capabilities to the table.

14th April 3075
   The 1st McCarron's Armoured Calvary and the3 2nd Reserve Armoured Calvary supported by the Ilsa Huang (Feng Huang) raid the St Ives Compact.
   A Battle around Touchstone on the planet of Touchstone erupts between the Capellan force and the 1st Janissaries.

20th April 3075
   Unable to make any headway on Milos Colonel Cheng Zhi commander of the 1st McCarrons orders a scorched earth approach to Milos however the 1st McCarron's refuse the order instead abandoning the world leaving the 2nd Reserve alone to face the 1st Janissaries.  Much to the anger of the new Chancellor.

28th April 3075
   During a tour of the former Sea Fox facilities on Sarna Chancellor Naomi Centrella is attacked by a lance of BattleMechs 2 FRB-2E Firebees and 2 Heretic BattleMechs (which were originally Word of Blake Mechs)
   The battle is short and brutal with Naomi's heavy escort turning on these four rogue Mechs tearing them to pieces in very short order.  Although uninjured Naomi realizes that not all Capellans support her.

11th May 3075
   19th Calvary Regiment of the Eridani Light Horse is reactivated following heavy losses in the Periphery and on Huntress.  Under the command of Colonel William Kyle former commander of the Pathfinders Battalion.

16th May 3075
   Clan Coyote's Ancestral Home (Texas) appears in the Babylon system of the Pentagon Worlds.  The ship long thought to have a disabled K-F drive has been extensively modified into something far greater than a standard Texas.
   Four Coyote clusters named only as Beta Galaxy land on the planet.  Within hours the Sea Fox trade post is overrun.  By the end of the day Cloud Cobra lose a small vilage and Clan Stone Rhino are forced out of their heavily fortified firebase.

19th May 3075
   Clan Sea Fox counter attack against Clan Coyote forces on Babylon however the Coyotes counter the Sea Foxes with almost an entire Cluster of brand-new OmniMechs the Sea Fox name Pariah.

27th May 3075
   Clan Hell's Horses Bucephalus (Congress) arrives in the New Haiti system of the Nova Cat's Den switching all Nova Cat defences throughout the Den to high alert including both defending WarShips the Swift Strike (Fredasa) and Promise (Aegis).
   Instead of an 'invading' force, the 99th Mechanized Calvary Cluster, the Hell's Horses under Star Colonel Elisa Bekker challenge the Nova Cat Tau Galaxy to a series of challenges for the new Nova Cat vehicles produced on New Haiti.

3rd June 3075
   Begining of Nova Cat/Hell's Horses trials on New Haiti.
   1st Trial
      Hell's Horses Target BE700/701 Joust Battle Tank
      Defending Nova Cats - 2nd New Barcella Guards Cluster, 1st Trinary
   In a brutal battle between the Nova Cats and Hell's Horses the Hell's Horses win the battle however the Nova Cats cause severe damage to the Hell's Horses claiming an almost new Bruin BattleMech as a ransom.

4th June 3075
   On another continent of New Haiti the Nova Cats fight the Hell's Horses again this time over the SM-series of Hovertanks.
      Hell's Horses bid 2 Trinaries - prize all 5 models
      Nova Cats Defend 9th Nova Cat Regulars - ransom Balius OmniMech.
   In a six hour battle the Nova Cats are defeated unable to even claim their ransom.

7th June 3075
   Hell's Horses engage the 1st Armoured Calvary Cluster for ER Pulse technology while the Nova Cats fight for the Hell's Horses Chemical laser technology.
   Instead of being able to defeat each other but after fighting to a draw the two Clans come to a mutual trade agreement.

12th June 3075
   Clan Sea Fox's Steel Soul Khanate supported by the Terror of the Deep (Nightlord) return to Sarna in the Capellan Confederation.
   The Opal Skate and the 15th Air Assault Cluster assault the planet attacking the Warrior House Imarra while the Terror of the Deep assault the Xizang (Feng Huang).
   The Xizang is no match for the Sea Fox WarShip and is soon drifting uncontrollably into the depths of the Sarna system.
   On the ground the Sea Foxes force Warrior House Imarra to abandon the city surrounding the Tengo Aerospace facility.  Soon after a company of SPT-NX Spartan BattleMechs also assault the facility attempting to destroy the Sea Fox unit.

13th June 3075
   Bounty Hunter arrives on Sarna engaging the SPT-NX Spartan company as they retreat from the Tengo Aerospace Facility disabling and securing one of the Mechs unfortunately the warrior commits suicide before they can be identified.  Supporting the Bounty Hunter is a BattleMech that can completely disappear from sight.

14th June 3075
   Clan Sea Fox abandon Sarna for the second time - as they boost off planet the Tengo Aerospace Facility is engulfed in a huge fuel-air explosion.

15th June 3075
   Clan Hell's Horses test their new Cygnus BattleMech engaging Clan Jade Falcon's Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster (Kappa) on Apollo.  The Cygnus despite being a standard Mech destroys the Jade Falcon defences.

19th June 3075
   3rd Brigade (Bolton's Rangers) of the SLDF replace the Northwind Renegades on Solaris VII as the world officially becomes a Star League Protectorate world.  Among the SLDF force is an entire Battalion of Elemental Battle Armour troopers making many locals worried about the SLDF force this alone keeps the peace.

19th June 3075
   Clan Star Adder begins reactivating the SLS Peth (Lola II), SLS Harvest, SLS Gladiator (both Essex) and the SLS Duty, Honour and Grace (3 Bug-Eye type vessels.)

20th June 3075
   Following the Adders lead the Stone Rhinos begin reactivating the ancient Exeter (Quixote) and an ancient Samarkand Block II Carrier which they rename Unleashed.

30th June 3075
2nd Star League Games
   MechWarrior Jan Swallow leads the field early on using a previously unseen BattleMech named the Raptor II which is capable of completely disappearing from sight.  This Mech is the same model as the one seen fighting with the Bounty Hunter on Sarna earlier in the month.

3rd July 3075
   In the far North East of the Brunswick continent, on New Avalon, a single Mule-class DropShip landed at a top secret DMI facility.  From the DropShips a single Spartan BattleMech was wheeled from the cargo bay aboard a BattleMech recovery vehicle.  Beside the recovery vehicle was a single green power armour suit - the Bounty Hunter - with the Spartan passed to DMI control the Bounty Hunter left New Avalon payment in hand.

14th July 3075
   Following the agreement to sell the SLS Morgan Hasek-Davion to the SLDF the FSS Intrepid (Fox) is authorized to enter the Sol system.  Arriving at the Nadir point immediately five DropShips, three Octopus and two Elephant-class Tugs detached and all six vessels began to approach the CSWS Fire Fang (Whirlwind) still drifting near Terra.  SLDF naval assets monitored the Federated Suns vessel but did not interfere.

26th July 3075
   The Hell's Black Aces are replaced defending the Magistracy of Canopus shipyard by the newly formed 1st Centrella Black Aces AeroWing attached to the Centrella Black Guards regiment.

8th August 3075
   Star League opens a training facility on Defiance.  AFFS and SLDF plan to form training units at the joint facility.  1st Defiance Training Battalion of the AFFS activates by end of month.

13th August 3075
   Friday 13th.  DMI facility on New Avalon's Brunswick continent is overrun by eleven Spartan BattleMechs.  The Company of DMI Battle Armour defending the facility are killed to the man and the facility is left burning as the Spartan is also recovered.
   The only information the DMI had been able to gain from the Mech was the SPT-NX Spartan was a factory built model featuring advanced tech from the Inner Sphere and Solaris VII.

23rd August 3075
   Jade Falcons unveil the Kestrel OmniMech, a light design which features a fixed wing as standard equipment.

30th August 3075
   Chancellor Naomi Centrella announces the merging of the McCarron's Armoured Calvary, Capellan Reserve Calvary and St Cry's Armoured Hussars units.  Becoming a single command named simply the Armoured Calvary.
   McCarron's leader Colonel Baxter complains at this affront however the Chancellor demands that the Capellan warriors that are the McCarron's follow their Chancellor's orders.

8th September 3075
   Nova Cat's Den and Filtvelt Coalition agree trade terms Filtvelt Coalition resources for Nova Cat expertise.

22nd September 3075
   Clan Wolf and Clan Coyote meet over Grant's Station.  Clan Wolf hands over all Grant's Station territory to the Coyotes while Clan Wolf gains the Coyote WarShip Steel Fang (Sovetskii Soyuz).  The Wolves rename the Steel Fang, Razor Teeth and it begins its long journey to the Inner Sphere.

8th October 3075
   A massive EMP explosion detonates near the centre of New Saso City on New Syrtis.  Although little of the military technology in the city is affected almost half of the cities commercial and residencial zones are plunged into darkness.
   In the air above the city a Michelson MA-80 Delta Air Cruiser and a Federated-Boeing FB-335 Long haul aircraft both lose all power dropping into the city demolishing many buildings setting nearly a third of the city on flames.
   It takes local AFFS troops eight days just to get the wild fires undercontrol before any investigations can begin.  A combined DMI and MIIO team arrive on planet to assist local forces.

22nd October 3075
   Clan Sea Fox fight Clan Jade Falcon on Bountiful Harvest capturing several Wasp IIC BattleMechs and a Kestrel OmniMech following the break down of neigotiations.

8th November 3075
   8 high ranking members of the McCarron's Armoured Calvary meet on New Canton in Star League Protectorate territory.

14th November 3075
   Clan Hell's Horses attack the Outpost system escorted by the Black Knight and Space Hunter (both Lola III).  Unfortunately for the Hell's Horses the Wolf Clan had invested heavily in the system building a shipyard in the system.  Moving clear the Dire Wolf (Sovetskii Soyuz upgrade) engages the two Hell's Horses vessels in a classic WarShip sniper battle.
   Engaging at near extreme range the Dire Wolf does damage to both the Black Knight and Space Hunter disabling the Black Knight's K-F Drive.  The Hell's Horses WarShip conducts a suicidal charge at the upgraded Wolf vessel and is subsiquently destroyed in the engagement.  Clan Hell's Horses abandon the system.

16th December 3075
   Clan Ghost Bear (Rasalhague Dominion) win a trial against Clan Jade Falcon on Persistence wining the Partial Win technology.

25th December 3075
   AFFS engineers discover the CSWS Fire Fang (Whirlwind) disabled in the Terra system requires a new K-F core the original previously unaccessible has been completely destroyed the FSS Intrepid and her engineering crews discover they will be there a while longer.
31st December 3075
   The captured Stellar Serpent (Aegis) is relaunched by Clan Nova Cat as the Dragon's Failing (named specifically because the DCMS had failed to keep it) the vessel has upgraded anti-fighter weapons, newly installed Sub-capital, and Capital missile launchers to a total of 20 Capital and 18 Sub-capital missile launchers.
   Not an Aegis-class vessel any longer the Nova Cats rename the class a Patriot-class Heavy Missile Cruiser.

Hope you enjoy comments welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2011, 03:42:57 PM »

Excellent as always.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2011, 03:32:09 PM »

3076 in its entirety


8th January 3076
   McCarron's Armoured Calvary officers begin transfering like minded warriors and officers into the 1st McCarrons while others are transfered to the other Regiments.  The 1st McCarrons support elements are also beefed up officially to turn the 1st McCarrons into a unit that could engage a Federated Suns RCT and win.

14th January 3076
   Taurian Concordat, Fronc Reaches and Filtvelt Coalition officials meet and iron out some trade deals.  During the deal the Filtvelt diplomats hide two members of the Nova Cat watch who are gaining intelligence on the other realms.
   The Nova Cats pass the Filtvelt Coalition two stars of classic SLDF designs for Filtvelt's use as payment for their inclusion in the trade deal.

21st January 3076
   Clan Sea Fox's Predator Khanate opens a small arms factory and munitions factory on Memphis within the Filtvelt Coalition in exchange for the territory the Sea Fox's agree to trade thirty percent of the weapons to the Filtvelt military at cut price for three years.

30th January 3076
   Chancellor Naomi Centrella looked to a way to strengthen her nation and bring the various factions back together.  And so she orders an attack.  Early on the 30th Warrior House Kamata and Hiritsu jump the border landing on Conquista enaging and destroying the 1st Andruien Sentinels regiment of the Duchy of Andurien.

31st January 3076
   Within hours of the Conquista attack Warrior House Dai Da Chi and Ma-Tsu Kai land on Lurgatan securing the world from the understrength 4th Andurien Sentinels.  unfortunately Andurien aerospace fighters destroy two of their JumpShips crippling the Warrior Houses transport.

1st February 3076
   Victor Steiner-Davion talks to his brother Peter via an HPG Communicatons Link between New Avalon and Tharkad.  Victor invites Peter Steiner-Davion and his still critically sick daughter Melinda-Anne Steiner to the NAIS on New Avalon.  Peter questions's Victor's motive and record in such matters however Victor promises to cater for the child's every need that he has learned from past mistakes.
   Peter agrees to send his daughter along with his wife Isis to New Avalon for the duration of Melinda's treatment.  Escorting them for the trip are the WarShips the LAS Adam Steiner (Fox), LAS Berlin (Artemis) and the Wolf (in-Exile)'s Killing Blow (Vincent 42) which has been outfitted with the best Clan medical facilities the Wolf (in-Exile) clan can create.

2nd February 3076
   Warrior House Fujita landed on Sadurni of the Duchy of Andurien without resistance.

3rd February 3076
   The last of the Capellan's first wave attacks Warror House Ijori understrength but dedicated to their Chancellor attack Shiro III engaging gurella defenders.

8th February 3076
   Second round of Capellan assaults begin against the Duchy of Andurien.  The 1st Canopian Cuirassiers landed on Aspropirgos and Butzfleth conqueroring both quickly.

9th February 3076
   Continuing Round 2 of the assaults the 1st Canopian Light Horse land on Pirapolis and Fagerholm taking them quickly engaging a small locally formed/hired mercenary band Cent Aces Spent.  This force no more than three Battalions split over both worlds folds quickly.
   On Fagerholm the Capellans occupy the local Heavy Vehicle Construction plant further reinforcing Capellan forces.

10th February 3076
   A complete reversal from other invasions the 1st Canopian Fusiliers are welcomed to Claybrooke with open arms by the rebellous population.

16th February 3076
   Clan Steel Viper assaults Clan Coyote on Grant's Station.  The newly settled Coyotes on the planet happily engage and hold back the Steel Vipers for six days before the Vipers give up and leave gaining nothing.

20th February 3076
   Launching a Third Wave.  The Red Lancers recently ejected from Sian by the new Chancellor assaulting the 3rd Andruien Sentinels on El Giza and Hudeiba.  The Elite, extremely well equipped and angry Capellan regiment tears the Andruien regiment to pieces.
   The Sung's Rangers launch an attack on Mosiro attacking the 7th Andurien Sentinels.  The 7th Andurien continue to resist until April 3075 before folding and giving up the world.

24th February 3076
   The 2nd Canopian Cuirassiers Regiment landed on Villenueva and Igonish which each fall within six hours the populations of the worlds inform the Canopians all Andruien troops have been recalled to Andruien to support its defence.

25th February 3076
   1st Canopian Fusiliers move from Claybrooke to Cursa fining the 5th Andruien Sentinels half way loaded onto the DropShips.  Several artillery barrages on the DropShips force the 5th to surrender nearly completely intact unable to escape their damaged DropShips or make orbit.

27th February 3076
   Chancellor Naomi Centrella leads the Centrella Black Guards to Lopez personally leading troops into the capital Orton.   Meeting with the worlds leader Secretary General Charles Cunin she gives him a choice "surrender or have your tourist world burned."  Twenty-four hours later Lopez becomes the Confederation's newest tourist attraction.

28th February 3076
   Clan Sea Fox sell the Filtvelt Coalition the production information for the BattleAxe and Hammerhands BattleMechs two classic Federated Suns BattleMechs and two of the first ever designs.  Although vastly out matched by modern standards the two vessels are constructable with Filtvelt resources and capabilities.

9th March 3076
   On Sadurni Warrior House Fujita's leader Juan Bautista Wyeth, the oldest of the House leaders at 96, is assassinated as an entire lance of Longbow Assault Mechs breaches the Warrior Houses outer defences and showers the command and accomodations of the Warrior House.
   The resulting explosions tore the tents to pieces killing half the warrior house personnel including the House leader.

15th March 3076
   With the Capellan back turned the Federated Suns sees an opportunity to reclaim lost territory from the Federated Commonwealth era launching attacks on Hsien, Elgin, Hall, Keid, New Home and Byrant almost at the same time.
   On Hsien the 6th Syrtis Fusiliers, the 59th Illician Lancers supported by the FSS James Sandoval (Congress Block III) assault the 3rd Confederation Armoured Cavalry Regiment forcing the unit off planet.
   On Hall the 180th Dragoon Combat Group of the Lexington Combat Group assaulted Hall.  Unlike Hsien this world fell without a shot fired.
   On New Home the 1st Capellan Defence Force were assaulted by the 9th Illician Rangers and the Wild Geese Regiment.  For an entire week the Capellan Defence Force hold off the two mercenary units push towards the primary Capellan Defence base they were caught in the largest trap ever known.  A kilometre in width the two mercenaries were hit by hundreds of exploding mines, inferno explosions and multiple pits.  Both Mercenary forces lost almost all their infantry and more than three companies of Mechs between them.  Before they could close on the base the capellan base was consumed in fire as the Defence Force fell back on Scorched Earth tactics as they retreated from the planet.
   On Keid the 32nd Recon Combat Group (Lexinton Combat Group) had almost no trouble on Keid as Capellans abandon the world.
   On Elgin the Wolf's Dragoons Gamma Regiment has no trouble instead they use the mission to practice a fast burn hover-drop move using the newly aquired Wolf Pack (Davion III).

22nd March 3076
   In the Byrant system the 3rd Robinson Rangers RCT, Medusans Mercenary fleet, New Hessen Armoured Scouts and the WarShip FSS Lucian Davion (Avalon) assault the system.
   Defending is the Chancellor's Pride (Thera).  The Medusans, FSS Lucian Davion and the Air Wings of the Robinson Rangers assault the massive Thera as the ground forces head to the planet.
   In the battle the Chancellor's Pride is damaged and driven back but the Medusans lose four of their DropShips, the Lucian Davion is badly dmaged and the Robinson Rangers air wing is completely gutted.  The ground forces make it to the planet securing it for the Federated Suns.

28th March 3076
   Clan Coyote assaulted the Steel Viper enclave of Coven on Grant's Station in the Kerensky Cluster.  Ignoring the defenders the Coyotes targetted buildings and DropShips in the area causing heavy damage to the Steel Viper support assets.
   Declaring a trial of annihalation against the Coyote forces the Steel Vipers fell on the Coyote unit however the damage was done, the Viper support structure was destroyed, and 1600 civilians were dead.
   Clan Steel Viper recover no Coyote warriors from the attack but vow to take this to the Clan Grand Council.

8th April 3076
   Intending on not being upstaged by other states and even mercenary forces the Capellan Confederation debut the Ying Long Battle Armour which further expands its avaliable combat unit types.

12th April 3076
   Marian Hegemony launches an attack against the Magistracy of Canopus half of the Capellan Confederation.  Supported by the MHS Caesar (Dart) and MHS Lothario (Galley) the forces commanded by Imperator David Gladding take the worlds of Thraxa, Vixen, Gambilon, Palladix and Techne's Revenge.  Among the Marian units appears to be a new type of Centurion carrying multiple rocket weapons.

18th April 3076
   First of a new yearly competition between the Federated Suns training units and Clan Nova Cat takes place on New Avalon's New Scotland continent.  Leftenant-General Ross McKinnon commands the 1st Defiance Training Battalion and Captain Damien Redburn's Delta Company against the Nova Cat's 44th Nova Cat Cavaliers Cluster.
   The Nova Cats run amoke against the Federated Suns trainees and none walk away on their own power.  General McKinnon is only glad that they were using simulated weapons.

25th April 3076
   Without warning five JumpShips, a Monolith, 2 Tramps, an Invader and a Scout travelling in a convoy disappear on Trading route 3.16 one of the Magistracy of Canopus' main trade and entertainment routes.
   The CCSS Anhui (Impavido) and a wing of the Hell's Black Aces are directed to assist in the search but no sign of the convoy's demise or future path are revealed.

29th April 3076
   The newly launched CCSS Tikonov, a Tikonov-class Carrier, supports the Capellan Confederation's invasion of Andruien.  The ship barely out of the spacedocks of Necromo uses the attack as a space trial supporting Capellan troops from orbit.
   Eight Regiments of Capellan troops invaded the world.  Warrior House Kamata making the biggest impact smashing into the Botanical Gardens famous throughout Inner Sphere known space.
   Four Regiments of Andurien troops led by the Humphreys Royal Guards led the defence however against twice as many Capellan troops and surgical naval bombardment strikes they soon fold.

2nd May 3076
   Final Andurien reistance crumbles at the Humphreys Royal Palace Duchess Delma Humphreys and her family surrender themselves to the Red Lancers Regiment.

4th May 3076
   Musashi Flotilla is formed in the New Samarkand system of the Draconis Combine.  These ships the Musashi (Yamato), Pride of New Samarkand (Kyushu), Fire Crest (Congress), Lair of Mighty Wyrms (Tatsumaki) along with dozens of assault DropShips were all linked by the Combine's Naval C3 system and for their first job they were deployed to the Periphery in an attempt to engage the Clans.

5th May 3076
   Mass riots break out on Andurien against Capellan occupiers.  St Cyr's Armoured Hussars open fire on the crowds using live ammunition killing 300 civilians.

8th May 3076
   Following further trouble on Andurien Chancellor Naomi Centrella still on Lopez following her 'victory' there sent word to the Red Lancers to break Andurien resolve.

9th May 3076
   Humpherys Royal Family are lined up against the Wall of Martyrs in Jojoken and shot in front of a protest crowd.

10th May 3076
Fourth Martial Olympiad
   The SLDF surprise the House militaries by deploying the SLS Liberty (Vincent 45) a newly modified Vincent hull salvaged from the Sol system.  Modified to carry two wings of aerospace fighters and with impressive anti-fighter weapons the ship is nicknamed a Pocket Carrier.

15th May 3076
   Eleven days into deployment the Musashi Flotilla engages Clan Snow Raven's Brim Naval Star travelling to the Raven Alliance.  Unfortunately for the new Flotilla the Ravens were far more experianced and ready for combat.
   Led by the Arc Royal and Conqueror (Both Conqueror), the Magpie (Congress), the Huninn (Vincent 42), William Adams (Whirlwind) and the Trechery (Potemkin) the Snow Raven force is also escorted by nearly one hundered fighters from the Outworlds Alliance.
   While the larger vessels engaged at range the Fire Crest and Lair of Mighty Wyrms moved in ton engage the Snow Ravens in close and were met by the Magpie, Huninn and William Adams.
   The Huninn, Magpie, Lair of Mighty Wyrms and Fire Crest are all destroyed in the mid-battle combat.  The two Raven Conquerors and William Adams continue to trade long range fire with the two remaining Draconis Combine vessels before they jump clear of the system.  The new Combine flotilla is not exactly a success.

6th June 3076
   International News Network report a Black Lion and Potemkin type of vessel in the Magistracy of Canopus.  The CCSS Anhui is deployed to the region (it's already searching for a missing convoy) when the Anhui arrives the vessels are gone.

14th June 3076
   Clan Wolf trades the new specifications of the Dire Wolf (Sovetskii Soyuz) to Clan Sea Fox in exchange for thousands of conventional weapons, HarJel and a supplie of Clan Standard Battle Armour.
   In deep space within Jarnfolk space the Snapping Jaws Khante begin upgrades to their own Sovetskii Soyuz the Nagasawa.

21st June 3076
   A Bug-Eye is spotted in the Panpour system by the FSS Adam Davion (Davion III).  The vessel jumps clear before it can be tracked down.

31st June 3076
Third Star League Games
   A former Clan Wolf pilot going by the name Spectre takes the game trophy piloting his Clan Tech Lycurgus Assault OmniMech.   

3rd July 3076
   Dao-Shen Centrella (6) kills kills three opponents during sword practice.  Dao-Shen claims all three were trying to kill him.  Naomi believes her son and orders the three men's families killed as retribution for the "assassination" attempt.

13th July 3076
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion announces the Lyran Alliance is no more with the Lyran Commonwealth reborn.

19th July 3076
   During a Nock Engineering Inc aerospace fighter test - the XF-301 - the sixty-five ton aerospace spins out of control mid way through flight tests and crashed into the New Avalon wilderness.

22nd July 3076
   Clan Wolf copies Clan Star Adder's move removing three Bug-Eye type vessels from a Clan cache.  They name the vessels Wolf, Fox and Hound brining a new set of capabilities to the Wolf Clan.

8th August 3076
   Clan Nova Cat begin tests of Extended-Range Pulse lasers for first time.

10th August 3076
   Transporting Melinda Anne-Steiner and Isis Steiner to the Federated Suns the Killing Blow (Vincent 42), LCS Berlin (Artemis) and LCS Adam Steiner (Fox) are ambushed by the Cornith (Thera), Leodegrance (Eagle) and Venturer (Venturer).
   As the Killing Blow and LCS Adam Steiner provide covering fire the Berlin charges and rams the Cornith at nearly 5G of speed.  The two remaining WarShips severely damage the Adam Steiner in the return fire.
   Mid way through the battle the LCS Kevin Tamar (Fox) jumps in behind the remaining Leodegrance and Venturer.  The Kevin Tamar launches three Aurora-class DropShips configured as gunships and two Claymore Interdictor type DropShips.  Dispatched from Skye the DropShips engage the two WarShips.
   The LCS Adam Steiner (Fox) is destroyed in the continued fighting before the Leodegrance and Venturer abandoned the system and many of the Cornith's fighters.
   The Killing Blow continues onto the Federated Suns now alone without escort.

30th August 3076
   ISF Director Shakir Jerrar commits seppeku after informing Warlord Minoru Kurita of the Musashi Flotilla's operation in the periphery.
31st August 3076
   A training Sibko of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) is wiped out by unknown Mechs on Morges in the Lyran Commonwealth.

3rd September 3076
   Lyran Commonwealth launches the LCS Snow Fire (Mjolinir) at the Port Sydney Shipyards, Alarion system.

12th September 3076
   Clan Nova Cat vessel Principle (Aegis) encounters and destroys a Bug-Eye type vessel in the Tortuga system.

18th September 3076
   Big Mac March.

23rd September 3076
   Lady Death Paula Trevaline is forced from Gillingham as Filtvelt Coalition forces repulse a major raid by her Death's Consorts.  During the fighting Trevaline encounters a Star of Clan BattleMechs capturing one of the warriors she finds the warrior is from Clan Nova Cat which so far she has avoided dealing with.  Trevaline realizes she now may have a problem in the future with the Clan.

3rd October 3076
   Star League Defence Force Command decides to halt production of the Artemis Diplomatic Vessel.
   The last two Artemis-class vessels are sent to the Draconis Combine and the Duchy of Tamarind Abby.  The Combine vessel is named Tokyo and the Duchy's vessel is named Moscow.
   The Combine regard the vessel as useless and mothball the vessel in the Dieron system.

14th October 3076
Fourth Martial Olympiad
   The competition ends wit the Federated Suns victorious.  Marshal Galen Cox leads a Battalion of the 6th Crucis Lancers RCT on the world.
   During the battle the Lyran Commonwealth debut a Fafnir carrying experimental Improved Heavy Gauss Rifles.  The Nova Cats also debut their ER Pulse laser tech.
   Snow Raven's Lord Death (Aegis) wins the comptetition.

20th October 3076
   Isis and Melinda-Anne Steiner arrive on New Avalon escorted by the Killing Blow.  During the journey Melinda-Anne had taken a turn for the worse and was rushed into an NAIS Isolation Wing on the planet.

30th October 3076
   The Marian Hegemony welcome the MHS Illyria (Galley) into their small fleet.  Experts suggest it would be nearly impossible for the Marian Hegemony to continue to produce vessels even with the bassicness of the Galley.

14th November 3076
Seventh Whitting Conference
    Chandrasekhar Kurita brings the Hegemony Memory Core to the Star League Conference brining with it a whole range of new designs, technology and historical information.
   Federated Suns provides information on the Bug-Eye type vessel they encountered in the Panpour system.

15th November 3076
Seventh Whitting Conference
   Duchy of Tamarind-Abby diplomats and Draconis Combine diplomats agree to a trade of Naval C3.

16th November 3076
Seventh Whitting Conference
   Marik-Stewart Commonwealth petitions to join SLDF.  They make a formal appology to Archon Peter Steiner-Davion for the attack against Lyran WarShips in the Isle of Skye.  They also present the SLS Helm (Venturer) to the SLDF named for the memory core that saved the Inner Sphere during the Clan Invasion.
   Archon Steiner-Davion rejects the proposal and the appology.
   Following a split vote Gavin Dow, Governor of Terra, votes for the proposal breaking the vote including the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth nation into the SLDF with no vote for 3 years.

17th November 3076
Sevent Whitting Conference
   Warlord Minoru Kurita of the Draconis Combine becomes the new First Lord of the Star League.

25th November 3076
   Duchy of Tamarind-Abby presents the variable pulse laser to the SLDF on Terra.  During the testing they also show off a new prototype Mech known simply as the Seraph.  The Duchy claim the Mech is purely a test chassis but SLDF engineers believe it may be a new OmniMech.

4th December 3076
   Engaged in orbit of Galedon V the DCS Hohiro (Kirishima) and the DCS Coordinator's Blessing (Vincent 42) are attacked by a McKenna-class WarShip of unknown origin.  The McKenna painted bone white engages and destroys both vessels then settles over the planet.
   From orbit it initiates a sixteen minute bombardment of the planet's population centres wiping out 63% of the population.  The vessel then moves off leaving the planet.

11th December 3076
   As medical assistance ships arrive on Galedon V they discover various viruses are ravaging the planet.  Galedon V is placed under quarantine.

16th December 3076
   1st Nova Cat Armoured Cluster arrives in the Hell's Horses Occupation Zone escorted by the Spirit Sight (Fredasa).  The Nova Cat unit initiates a trial for the Bellona Hover Tank and the Zephyros Infantry Fighting Vehicle which have both began testing wining both.
   The Nova Cat unit then trades the rights to manufacture the Nova Cat OmniMech for rights to manufacture the Balius OmniMech.

22nd December 3076
   1st Nova Cat Armoured Cluster arrived on Twycross to initiate neigotiations with Clan Sea Fox.

31st December 3076
   Fighting breaks out on Quentin as the 40th and 24th Dieron Regulars assault the Davion Heavy Guards RCT.  During the fighting the Draconis Combine troops encounter the AS8-D Atlas a new production model of the classic design featuring TSM, MMLs and a Rotary Autocannon.
   The new Atlas shows exactly how effective it is by pysically picking up a Combine Wasp and throwing it into a building.

As always comments are welcome

My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2011, 05:54:26 PM »

3077 in its entirety


8th January 3077
   Faith McCarron meets with the command of the now independant 1st McCarron's Armoured Calvary.  The survivors of Capellan rule include Angel Bodez, Elizabeth McCarron and Steven Risner in their mumbers.  They offer Faith the position of commander of the McCarron's Armoured Calvary as she is the most senior member of the McCarron family with the regiment.
   Faith turns down the offer she is settled in the Federated Suns with young children instead Faith nominates Elizabeth for the position despite her young age.  Elizabeth agrees and as Angel Bodez leaves to head for Galatea to register the unit with the MRBC Faith offers the 1st McCarrons Armoured Calvary a five year OppFor contract with the AFFS.

15th January 3077
   Victor Steiner-Davion informs Isis Marik there is nothing NAIS can do for her daughter Melinda-Anne.  Isis breaks down so Victor suggests an alternitive option of brining in Clan Nova Cat.  Isis complains the Wolf (in-Exile) Clan failed how would another help.  Victor bluntly points out it would couldn't hurt to try.

22nd January 3077
   Lady Death Paula Trevaline leads three regiments to Filtvelt including a Mule-class Q-Ship.  Intent on breaking the Filtvelt Coalitions command and control facilities and finding out exactly how much Clan Nova Cat forces were based in the tiny realm.
   Unfortunately for Lady Death as soon as they jump into the system a Nova Cat vessel Far Star (Carrack Merchant) is also in system.  As the pirates head for the planet the pirate aerospace fighters and JumpShips come under fire from the Nova Cat vessel.

26th January 3077
   On Filtvelt Lady Death and her Death's Consorts come under attack from the Filtvelt Guardians.  Initial probes from the Death's Consorts make headway towards Governement buildings however a trinary of the 246th Battle Cluster of Clan Nova Cat step in their way intent on defending their agreements with the Government for mining rights.
   Turned back the Death's Consorts try to escape by running back at the Filtvelt Guardians caught in a murderous crossfire the Death's Consorts are cut to pieces with Paula Trevaline's own Orion brought down by Nova Cat Elementals.

27th January 3077
   Stripped and battered Paula Trevaline is dragged through the streets of the capital by Nova Cat Elementals.  In the central civic square Nova Cat Elementals execute the former pirate queen with a bullet to the back of the head leaving her there for Filtvelt officials to clean up.
   The message is crystal clear the Nova Cats don't like pirates and protect their agreemnts.  Filtvelt officials although happy to have such a powerful trade partner are scared to death the Nova Cats will turn on them despite current good relations with the Clan.

28th January 3077
   Clan Wolf (in-Exile) forms Zeta Galaxy a formation built with warriors from trueborns with genes taken during the Clan Invasion.

4th February 3077
   Clan Nova Cat turns their SM-series of Hovertank into the Snow Tiger OmniVehicle on New Haiti and begin mass production selling their SM-type standard vehicles to other Clans and their neighbours.

12th February 3077
   Clan Snow Raven comes to the New Samarkand system with the Snow Raven (Nightlord II) and challenges the Draconis Combine to a Trial of Possession for the newest Yamato-class Battleship the Nagato.
   The Draconis Combine agrees to a trial 20 Snow Raven OmniFighters and a single DropShip engage 18 Draconis Combine Aerospace Fighters and 2 DropShips.  The Snow Ravens are defeated during a short battle and exit the system.

18th February 3077
   With Paula Trevaline dead the Pirate's Haven welcome a new Pirate Queen to their numbers Portia 'Torrent' Ryan.
   A career arsonist Torrent begins her rule by rounding up all Trevaline's former allies locking them in Lady Death's former home and torching the building with four Firestarter BattleMechs.

12th February 3077
   5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT and Wild Geese land on Meneke supported by the FSS New Avalon (Whirlwind) driving the 3rd Capellan Defence Force back from the planet.

13th February 3077
   6th New Syrtis Fusiliers RCT supported by the Arcadians Mercenaries secure Mitchel with little resistance.

14th February 3077
   8th New Syrtis Fusiliers RCT and the Federated Freemen secure Jacson on the Capellan border.

16th February 3077
   Star League Council officially sends word to the Federated Suns to cease seeking war with the Capellan Confederation or face sanctions from the SLDF.

17th March 3077
   FSS New Avalon (Whirlwind) is joined by the FSS New Syrtis (Fox) and the FSS Kathil (Hound) as they invade the Victoria system.  Defending the system the Prefectorate Guard and Olson's Rangers along with the WarShip Ilsa Huang (Feng Huang).
   The Ilsa Huang concentrates on the FSS Kathil immediately after the AFFS emergance causing extreme damage to the forward sections of the Hound disabling it.
   The FSS New Avalon and FSS New Syrtis however are able to move into flanking positions and destroy the Capellan Feng Huang.

20th March 3077
   Leaving their mercenaries to hold their newly aquired worlds the 5th, 6th and 8th Syrtis Fusiliers RCTs land on wind swept Victoria.
   Olson's Rangers are sent against all three RCTs with the local militia and the Victoria training unit as the Prefectorate Guard lay traps and demolition charges in and around Shengli Arms, Victoria Arms and Technology Academy and near major underground access lanes.
   Olson's Rangers have no chance and are destroyed to the man.  Soon after Emile Nan Loen commander of the Prefectorate Guard recieved a surrender order from the New Syrtis troops however they refused.

21st March 3077
   All resistance on Victoria ends with the demolition of the Prefectorate Guard.  AFFS troops occupy Victoria Shipyards however they find key components destroyed, removed or sabotaged and experts suggest the shipyards will not produce a single ship for three years or more.

3rd April 3077
   First building of the University of Thorin opens for term.  While many other buildings are still under construction.  Star League Instructor Commandant Edward Belaya takes over day-to-day campus operations.  Initially only ten instructors and 150 students attend the university however this is expected to raise to over 1,000 by the end of the year.

15th April 3077
   Nova Cat Liaison Force with the Federated Suns fight the 1st Defiance Training Battalion for the second time.  They do well against the Nova Cats capturing an SM-1 Tank Destroyer during the simulated fight.  Following the fight the Nova Cat commander gifts the captured SM-1 to the Training Battalion as a prize for their efforts.

18th April 3077
   SLDF, Lyran Commonwealth and Isle of Skye engineers meet in the Thorin system to discuss funding for a pair of Recharge stations in the system.

22nd April 3077
   Clan Steel Viper return to the Inner Sphere hitting Newton's Square and Clermont, two Jade Falcon worlds in fast Trials of Possession.

23rd April 3077
   The massive Steel Viper vessel Serpents (Potemkin) arrives over Kolovarity as Steel Viper forces capture the world along with Pangkalan, Annuziata and Chapultepec from the Lyran Commonwealth.

25th April 3077
   Lyran Commonwealth retaliates against new Steel Viper intrusion sending the LCS Snow Fire (Mjolinir), and the LCS Cairo and LCS Barcelona (two Hyperion) along with the 4th Donegal Guards RCT, the 3rd Alliance Guard RCT, the 1st Coventry Jaegers, the Sprinted Shield mercenaries and the 2nd Kell Hounds to the new invasion corridor.

26th April 3077
   Nova Cat vessel Ranger (Lola III) enters a WarShip cache in the Strana Mechty system containing the majority of the Bug-Eye type vessels not used by the Clans in years.
   The Nova Cats confirm six vessels have been removed by other Clans.  The Ranger deploys the 2nd Watch Cluster via small craft throughout the cache and selects four vessels for their own use the SLS Storm, SLS Barrier Reef, SLS Luna and SLS Clarkston all Bug-Eye type.
   Using the Ranger's ECM cover the WarShip then guides the four Bug-Eyes beyond the cache's automated defence weapons and out of the system.   

27th April 3077
   Clan Wolf (in-Exile) join their Lyran allies deploying the Implacable (Black Lion) and the newly formed Zeta Galaxy to oppose the Steel Vipers.

30th April 3077
   Slower to react purely because the news had further to travel the SLDF deploy the SLS Shining Claw (Congress Block II), the 21st Rim Worlds Brigade and the Avatars Brigade to the region.  Already in the area are the 1894th Light Horse based on Melissa.

4th May 3077
   LCAF forms the 1st Thorin Training Battalion on Thorin at the University of Thorin.

10th May 3077
   Following constant raids by the AFFS forces on the Liao Commonality Chancellor/Magestix Naomi Centrella asks the Star League for aid.  The Star League Commanding-General Archer Christifori informs the Chancellor that as she withdrew the Capellan nation from the Star League the Star League is not bound to assist them.  Archer informs Naomi that if she was to re-align her nation with the Star League then they would be able to assist.

18th May 3077
   Clan Steel Viper assault Melissa in the Lyran Commonwealth escorted by the Martial Legacy (Essex).  Landing enmasse Stee Viper Gamma Galaxy are attacked by the 6th Alliance Guard, 1894th Light Horse and Melissa Theatre Militia.
   Within an hour the Militia is no-more torn to pieces by the Steel Vipers.

20th May 3077
   Clan Wolf unveils its Tundra Wolf BattleMech.

21st May 3077
   With reinforcements still days away the 6th Alliance Guard buys time by engaging the Steel Vipers unfortunately after eight hours constantly engaging two Steel Viper Clusters there is little left of the regiment.  What remains is folded into the 1894th Light Horse Regiment.

22nd May 3077
   The LCS Barcelona (Hyperion) escorting the 3rd Alliance Guards RcT enters the system.  As the Barcelona holds the Martial Legacy at bay the regiment is able to land on Melissa.

25th May 3077
   Reduced to three operational Clusters the Steel Viper Gamma Galaxy abandon Melissa.

26th May 3077
   The 6th Alliance Guard is officially folded into the SLDF's 1894th Light Horse and taken off Lyran rolls.

30th May 3077
   Nova Cat scientists arrive on New Avalon to assist with the treatment of Melinda-Anne Steiner.  Nova Cats have been given access to two mines on
Covington by Victor Davion as payment for their assistance.

4th JUne 3077
   Word reaches Luthien that the ilness on Galedon V is out of control.

8th June 3077
   General Edwin Amis, commander of the Eridani Light Horse, challenges orders from Commanding-General Archer Christifori over an order to attack the Ghost Bear Dominion.

9th June 3077
   Commading-General Archer Christifori confirms to General Edwin Amis there are no orders to engage the Ghost Bears.

10th June 3077
   Eager to prove themselves the 3rd Sirian Lancer Regiment supported by the SLS Invincible (Tharkad) attack the Ghost Bear system of Rudigen supporting the 2nd District of Dieron and the 5th Sun Zhang Training Cadre.
   As the SLS Invincible engages the Dieron's Run (Cameron) and the Den Mother (Carrack) the ground forces land and engage the Raging Bears Cluster.  In space the Dieron's Run is disabled by the Invincible while the Den Mother is destroyed.

10th June 3077
   Recieving the same orders the 789th Striker Regiment (Crater Cobras) of the SLDF and the DCS Lioness (York) attack the 8th Bear Cuirassiers Cluster on Toffen.

11th June 3077
   DCS Haruna (Kyshu), 9th Pesht Regulars and 3rd Dieron Regulars attack the Ghost Bear world of Mannedorf on the plnaet they engage the 73rd Battle Cluster of Clan Ghost Bears Delta Galaxy.
   On the ground the 73rd Battle Cluster are soundly defeated with nearly two trinaries surrendering to the Combine troops.  Taking no prisoners the Combine troops execute all the surrendered clansmen.

12th June 3077
   8th Dieron Regulars supported by the 4th Pesht Regulars attack the Ghost Bear world of Setubal finding it nearly undefended.

13th June 3077
   In response to the LCAF forming a training Battalion on Thorin the Isle of Skye Command also form the 1st Isle of Skye Training Battalion on the world anchoring their claim to the world and the University of Thorin.

18th June 3077
   Steel Viper Khan saKhan Nicole Hoskins leads Steel Vipers to vicoty on Kwangchow Wang as Viper warriors also secure Medellin and Adelaide.

22nd June 3077
4th Star League Games
   Hesperus II national Colonel Alex Hutchings wins the tournament on Solaris VII.  Many claim that Skye has bought the Games as Alex's Atlas II is brand-new and he was given a full month off from his unit, the 17th Isle of Skye Guards Regiment, to prepare for the competition.

26th June 3077
   A single Fa Shih armoured trooper assassinates the new Davion installed commander of the Victoria Arms and Technology Academy by blowing up an entire lecture hall.
   As emergancy services arrive the trooper then detonates a second device destroying many of the emergency services vehicles as well.  An Enforcer III intercepts and destroys the Fa Shih before it can do further damage.

12th July 3077
   DCS Galedon Explorer arrives in Galedon system with orders to shoot down any DropShip attempting to exit Quaranteen zone.

16th July 3077
   Less than a week in the Galedon system the DCS Galedon Explorer is forced to shoot down four vessels as three DropShips attempt to dock with an Invader-class JumpShip.

18th July 3077
   Gray Death Industries produce the Shedu Quad Battle Armour suit for the LCAF's exclusive use.  Rumours abound that the Gray Death Industries did not design this Battle Armour that it gained the design from Baltazar III.

20th July 3077
   Clan Wolf (in-Exile) land on Kikuyu which is under Steel Viper occupation.  As Zeta Galaxy take the fight to the Viper ground forces the Implacable (Black Lion) engages the Viper's already damaged Martial Legacy (Essex).  The Steel Viper naval crew refuse the Implacable Zellbrigen to the Martial Legacy's cost.  The Steel Viper vessel is soon spining out of control deeper into the system disabled and opened to space by the Wolf (in-Exile) WarShip.
   On the ground the Wolf (in-Exile) force lose their 2nd and 3rd Mountain Wolf Clusters however they destroy the 423rd and 428th Assault Cluster of Clan Steel Viper as they claim Kikuyu back from the Clan.

21st July 3077
   LCS Cairo (Hyperion) escorts Lyran Commonwealth Regiments the 1st Coventry Jaegers and the Tamar Cavaliers into the Roadside system.  In system they find the Serpents (Potemkin).
   The Cairo distracts the Serpents allowing the ground forces to run but at a cost the heavy cruiser is destroyed by the massive Clan transport although the Serpent's engines and port armour are heavily damaged.
   The Lyran ground forces ignore the lost WarShip pushing to the ground and immediately engage the Viper ground force.  When it becomes clear the Clan WarShip commander is unwilling to engage in orbital bombardment the Steel Vipers ground force the 104th Assault Cluster abandon the planet with less than a third of their equipment.

25th July 3077
   The Combined SLDF and DCMS attack had awakened the Ghost Bear Clan and the counter attack begun on Mannedorf as the Rasalhague Galaxy led by Galaxy Commander (Elected-Prince) Ragnar Magnesson and escorted by the Ursla Major (Nightlord) led the Bear force.
   The battle for the system started as the Haruna (Kyushu) engaged the Ursla Major.  The Combine frigate a capable vessel in its own right stood no chance against the huge Battleship and was quickly overwhelmed.
   The Rasalhague Galaxy found little reistance on the planet from three mixed-arms Battalions of DCMS forces.

3rd August 3077
   A massive explosion rips through the under construction Bastion-class Space Station in the Coventry system setting back construction by 8 months or more.
   An a hour after the explosion Democracy Now claim responsibility for the explosion.

12th August 3077
   Commanding-General Archer Christifori is visited at The Fort facility on Thorin as SLDF take over the facility from LCAF troops.  Lt. Colonel Marcus Jayne commander of the Thorin Militia admits to the SLDF Commanding-General that members of his unit were involved in the Coventry attack and now he is afraid of LCAF and Loki reprisals against his unit and asks for political asylum for his entire unit.
   Archer a fellow Thorin native informs the militia commander he will send word to the Archon that the SLIC have begun their own investigation following evidence from the Thorin Milita and that they will publish the results to Lyran High Command.
   This action effectively places the Thorin Militia in protective custody of the SLDF and all their weapons are taken into SLDF custody.

18th August 3077
   Snow Raven Black Justice and Blue Lancer (two Aegis) arrive in the Varnay system of the Nova Cat's Den.  They are guided into Nova Cat shipyard faclities in the system.

20th August 3077
   Snow Raven vessels Tenacity and Scavanger (both Volga) are transfered to Nova Cat control as work begins on the Black Justice and Blue Lancer.

21st August 3077
   Relaying orders from the Commanding-General.  General Edwin Amis sends word to all SLDF troops engaging the Ghost Bears to return to their original stations.  All units except the 789th Striker acknowlege these orders.  The 789th is in the Toffen system with the DCS Lioness (York) and unable to withdraw themselves.

22nd August 3077
   Clan Jade Falcon WarShips Jade Talon, Red Talon and Blue Talon (all Aegis) supported by the Jade Aerie (Black Lion) raid a Steel Viper supply convoy in the periphery capturing six JumpShips, the Pride of New Kent (Carrack) and the Sarna Mercer (Sovetskii Soyuz) in the engagement.  They also destroy the Pit Viper (Fredasa) and the Anaconda (Lola III).
   With this near bloodless victory Khan Marthe Pryde cannot help but taunt Khan Brett Andrews mentioning if they cannot defend their own ships how should they deserve Inner Sphere space.

27th August 3077
   Ghost Bears continue counter attack attacking the Combine worlds Mellen, Kiessen, Chandler and Nurnki pushing deeper into the Draconis Combine.

29th August 3077
   SLS Invincible (Tharkad) arrives in the Toffen system to evacuate the 789th Striker Brigade.  The DCS Lioness (York) which had been blocking the SLDF regiment's exit tried to engage the SLDF WarShip however the Invincible was under orders and refused to yeild disabling the smaller destroyer in a short brutal engagement.  Leaving the Lioness to drift away from the planet.

31st August 3077
   SLS Invincible escorts 789th Striker out of Toffen system just as Ghost Bear forces arrive the DCS Lioness unable to maneuver is captured by Ghost Bear Elementals.

3rd September 3077
   Rival Training Battalions the 1st Thorin and the 1st Isle of Skye engage each other in a live fire excercise that gets out of hand.  The SLDF's 1st BattleMech Division is forced to intervene breaking up the fight.
   Under command from Commanding-General Archer Christifori all Lyran forces either High Command or Isle of Skye are ordered to return to their bases.  Unofficially Archer Christifori takes full command of Thorin's planetary defence as well.

18th September 3077
   DCS Theodore (Kirishima) strays into the Bad News system of the Raven Alliance.  The Snow Raven's Eternity (Essex) attempts to block their path however one of the DCMS DropShips launches a brace of nuclear tipped missiles at the Snow Raven vessel engulfing it in fire.
   The DCS Theodore avoids further damage and escapes the system.

21st September 3077
   Colonel Andrea "The Cat" Stirling retires from command of the Northwind Highlanders Stirling's Fusiliers Regiment.  Her XO Lt. Colonel Alice Roberts takes command of the unit.  The Highlanders allow the regiment to keep Stirling's name for the interm.

22nd September 3077
   Closer to the planet Bad News a second Snow Raven WarShip the Bloody Talon (Lola III) engages the DropShips however an ancient Dictator-class DropShip is able to land three companies of Ronin warriors on the planet.
   Following six hours of heavy combat all the warriors are killed however so are nearly 5,000 civilians and half of the 5th Raven Wing Cluster.

25th September 3077
   The Ghost Bears push deeper into the Draconis Combine landing troops on Suladal with the Exodus Crusader (York) in system.  For the first time however DCMS troops get lucky.  The Dedication to Duty (Tatsumaki) was already in system.  With the Ghost Bear troops in system the DCMS Destroyer engages the Ghost Bear DropShips and the Exodus Crusader.
   Caught in space the 300th Battle Cluster (Rho) of Clan Ghost Bear is shattered in combat.  The Exodus Crusader attempts to buy its ground forces some time turning to engage the Tatsumaki however the Dedication to Duty designed fore close combat and supported by plenty of Assault DropShips destroys Ghost Bear WarShip.
   As the Ghost Bear ground forces scatter attempting to retreat DCMS Marines board and capture 2 Broadsword-class DropShips each carrying 5 OmniMechs.

3rd October 3077
   Following the Bad News attack Clan Snow Raven begins a campaign against the Draconis Combine.  The Snow Ravens supported by Outworlds Alliance air wings attack Valantina, Weisau and Delacruz landing troops on each within hours of each other.
   In the Valantina system the Snow Ravens deploy the Hunter (Lola III), the 1st Raven Phalanx Cluster, the 1st Avellar Guard Cluster and the 2nd Alliance Air Wing.  In the system they discover the DCS Theodore (Kirishima) the vessel that supported the attack on Bad News.
   As the Hunter and the 2nd Alliance Air Wing attack the Kirishima the ground forces rip into the 2nd Galedon Regulars based on the planet.  The Snow Ravens offer no quarter are they annihalate the DCMS Ground forces in a rage brought on by the Bad News Attack.
   On Valantina the Snow Ravens smash up the planetary spaceport when the milita resists.  Within hours the planet surrenders.  Weisau falls without incident.

5th October 3077
   The Governor of Kesai VI is visited by a mysterious figure offering assistance against Clan Snow Raven.

6th October 3077
   On New Samarkand the newly commisioned 1st District of Midway Regulars is activated as unofficial control of the District is transfered to Midway as the Galedon Plague gets out of control.

7th October 3077
   Outworlds Alliance's 1st Long Road Legion launches an attack on Nile alone with the 2nd Avellar Guard Cluster.  The 1st Long Road Legion is now built around four Cluster-type formations made up of Outworlds citizens and Snow Raven Freeborns.
   The four Clusters of troops had little trouble securing initial landing zones but an hour later the 7th Sword of Light Regiment revealed itself.  Assaulting the Raven Alliance troops as they moved from their landing zones.  The Veteran DCMS Regiment had little trouble running over the green/regular troops against them crushing one of the 1st Long Road Legion support units and severely damaging the others.
8th October 3077
   Snow Raven and Outworlds Alliance fighters begin a concentrated bombing campaign on Nile against 7th Sword of Light command and ammo bases.  Sixteen hours solid of bombing kept the 7th's heads low before a charge from the 2nd Avellar Guard Cluster broke resistance.  The remaining 2 battalions of DCMS troops along with the leaders of the world soon fleed the planet.
   The Alliance Borderers land on Grovekl III finding the DCMS have abandoned the world.

10th October 3077
   The FSS William Davion (Avalon) escorts the 1st Robinson Rangers RCT commanded by Duke Tarncred Sandoval to Kesai VI under the aegis of peacekeepers.
   Commander of the 4th Arkab Legion Tai-sa Jacal Sharief challenges the governor who admits he asked for assistance defending against the Snow Ravens.  Tai-sa Sharief executes the Governor and launches his air wing along with two Nekohono'o Assault DropShips against the incoming WarShip.
   The William Davion deploys three Overlord A3-class Assault ships as it burns in system the Nekohono'os and the air wing are destroyed with minor damage to the William Davion and one of the Overlords, a Gazelle and a Union-class DropShip carrying Robinson troops are destroyed in the exchange.

18th October 3077
   The 1st Robinson Rangers RCT land on Kesai VI and are almost immediately attacked by the 4th Arkab Legion.  Duke Sandoval orders his troops to fight to disable as they are here to help.

19th October 3077
   Nock Engineering Inc complete testing of the F-302 and F-302/A Vanguard Aerospace fighters which the AFFS agree to order.  The aircrafts testing sucess is attributed to Leftenant-Colonel Cameron Mitchell a veteran AFFS pilot from the Clan War.

21st October 3077
   Following the destruction of a Clan Wolf (in-Exile) training Unit a Clan Wolf training unit is destroyed on Mortiz.  The attached training base is also destroyed resulting in a total of 302 deaths.  Clan Wolf begin a complete search of the area finding only that each of the 12 enemy Mechs carried a Bloodied red hand.  And that they were extracted by an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser.

22nd October 3077
   4th Arkab Legion driven into the Kesai VI deserts agree to call a cease fire with the Davion troops and agree to share the defence of the planet.  Duke Tarncred Sandoval says he cannot trust troops at his back who have fire on him and his men and order them off planet.  With the FSS William Davion in orbit the Arkab troops have little luck.

25th October 3077
   Intent on brining an end to the fighting with Clan Ghost Bear the DCMS launch a risky attack on Alshian targetting the Great Bear (Leviathan 2) in the system intent on showing the bears they too could do damage if this war continued.
   The DCS Nagato (Yamato), DCS Victory at Walcott, DCS Dieron Star (both Kyushu), the DCS Tomoe (Kirishima) and the Order of the Five Pillars (Tatsumaki) attack the Alshian system engaging the Great Bear which was supported by 19 Assault DropShips of a new type and over 300 Aerospace fighters.
   The Great Bear engages and destroys the Tomoe quickly however after a strike by DCMS aerospace fighters carrying oversized missiles the Great Bears main drives are damaged and the Ghost Bears begin to concentrate on the aerospace fighters.
   This opens up the Great Bear to attacks from Nagato from range and the two DCMS Kyushu frigates from the flanks.  The Order of the Five Pillars engages Ghost Bear forces from one of Alshian's moon bases.
   Even being flanked by two DCMS Frigates and being snipped by the Nagato and a group of Nekohono'o Assault DropShips the Great Bear continues to soak up the fire destroy the Dieron Star and cripple the Victory at Walcott.
   DCMS vessels Nagato, Order of the Five Pillars and their supporting DropShips continue pounding the Great Bear's armour until a salvo of Kraken Telescopic Missiles penetrate the massive ships armour exploding deep within the vessel.  The resulting explosion turned the massive proud Great Bear into a huge fireball gutting the vessel in an explosion that could be seen even from the ground of Alshian.
   The remaining Nagato, and Order of the Five Pillars then fought their way back out of the system as they engaged dozens of aerospace fighters.  Both vessels took heavy damage and all their escorting DropShips, and remaining fighters, are destroyed but ultimately the two DCMS vessels are able to escape the system.
   The Ghost Bears remain slightly shocked even though they have destroyed an entire DCMS flotilla they have taken a loss they never expected to have.  The DCS Victory at Walcott adrift is beyond repair and the vessel is obliterated by Ghost Bear aerospace fighters.

30th October 3077
   Luthien hears of the Kesai VI 'peacekeepers' and asks for Star League intervention.  The SLDF agree to send the 1st Special Operations Battle Armour Battalion and an SLIC team to he planet to monitor Davion actions on the planet.

2nd November 3077
   The LCS Yggdrasil arrives in the Thorin system transporting Archon Peter Steiner-Davion.
   After a brief discussion with Commanding-General Archer Christifori he agrees the Thorin Militia is not completely loyal to Democracy Now but that he has to make an example of the unit.  The Thorin Militia is officially struck from LCAF rolls.  Many of the troops are transfered to SLDF training facilities by Christifori or find employment within Christifori Express the Commanding-General's family business run by his sister.
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion is not completely happy with the SLDF solution but admits it is better than a witch-hunt.

5th November 3077
   Snow Raven's Scabbard (Aegis) escorting a group of JumpShips is engaged by the DCS Lyon's Thumb (Kyushu) in the deep periphery as the Draconis Combine tries to cut Snow Raven supply lines.
   The Scabbard is destroyed in the battle as is two JumpShips one carrying the 6th Raven Auxiliaries Cluster.  The Snow Raven's Void (Carrack) and one other JumpShip are able to escape the system.

8th November 3077
   Jade Falcons attack Steel Viper worlds of Kolovraty, Pangkalan and Annazuita.  Kolovraty falls with a simple trial.  Both other worlds feature Naval forces as well as ground forces.
   In the Pangkalan system the Hawk Eye (Aegis) engages a Steel Viper Aegis-class vessel the Steel Python.  Both vessels are heavily damaged both needing naval facilities for repair.  On the ground the Steel Vipers fight a trial against the Jade Falcons and lose.
   In the Annazuita system the Serpents (Potemkin) previously damaged fighting the LCS Cairo is drafted to front-line service as it is ordered to engage Jade Falcon ground forces in space as safcon is refused.  Under fire from the Serpents the Jade Falcons retreat the 1st Falcon Jaegers Cluster are destroyed while the Falcon Guard Cluster is badly damaged.

14th November 3077
   The Fire Fang (Whirlwind) makes its first Jump from the Terra system since the Liberation of Terra under escort from the FSS Intrepid (Fox)

28th November 3077
   Following a series of double jumps through Federated Suns the LCS Yggdrasil arrives at New Avalon.  In orbit it is met by the FSS Lucian Davion (Avalon), two ships that had once been destined to be in the same military.

29th November 3077
   Under agreement from the AFFS the Severn Lervoux (Anna Rosse) and the Nagasawa (Dire Wolf/Sovetskii Soyuz) arrive around New Avalon.  Khan Canin Rosse and Khan Hanna Coston meet with Archon Peter Steiner-Davion on the planet.
   Both Clan Nova Cat and Sea Fox are awarded free trade rights with the Lyran Commonwealth after their scientists acts had saved Melinda-Anne Steiner.

15th December 3077
   Snow Raven attacks continue as Snow Ravens assault Tabayama, Pondicherry and Suinhaer taking all three in rapid assalts even Tabayama falls with little resistance despite its place as a Prefecture capital.

25th December 3077
   All factions of the Steiner-Davion and Rosse families enjoy Christmas with a difference on New Avalon.  The Nova Cat children do not take gifts instead they take vineers from the party.

26th December 3077
   Clan Jade Falcon and Steel Viper continue their fight within their Occupation Zones.
   General of Armies Keane Sortek leads the 1st Commonwealth Guards, 1st Skye Jaegers, 11th Arcturan Guards RCT, 7th Donegal Guards RCT and Clan Wolf (in-Exile)'e Zeta Galaxy on a series of attacks against the two Clans.
   In a series of battles the Steel Vipers are routed from the Inner Sphere for a second time while the Jade Falcons successfully hold several worlds they had taken from the Vipers they are also forced backwards.
   Liberating four worlds from the Vipers and Falcons Keane Sortek makes much talk within the Lyran nation and many wonder if a Son of the Suns could one day be a Lyran Archon...
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2011, 08:32:47 AM »

Now on my signature is a link to this collection (thanks Knightmare) and to the original thread on CBT forum both will be updated the CBT 3 monthly and this one the whole year at once.

Hope you continue to enjoy

comments always welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2011, 12:57:10 PM »


5th January 3078
   Erik Martens-Calderon graduates from Taurian Military Academy as a Battle Armour trooper.  He is assigned a squad of six newly-bought Bruce Assault Battle Armour suits.

14th January 3078
   Commanding-General Archer Christifori recieves a request from the Draconis Combine requesting assistance against Clan Snow Raven.  Archer agrees to the request as long as the SAS are allowed to look for the Black Dragon Society within Combine borders.

22nd January 3078
   Brewer family of Hesperus II form the 1st Hesperus II Training Battalion although this is officially for the LCAF and the Isle of Skye few are under any illusions that the Brewer family are building up their own defences.

6th February 3078
   Taurian Concordat deals with the Filtvelt Coalition.  10 Battalions of Hammerhands and BattleAxe BattleMechs over three years for three Taurian built Snowden Space Stations in a trade exchange.

15th February 3078
   Clan Coyote assaults Clan Steel Viper's enclave on New Kent in the Kerensky Cluster.  Seizing a Steel Viper enclave.

17th February 3078
   Smelling weakness the Stone Rhino Clan assault Clan Steel Viper on Dagda.  The Steel Viper garrison puts up a strong fight and pushes back the Stone Rhino assault.

26th February 3078
   The SLDF engage Clan Snow Raven with the Draconis Combine as the SLS Covenant (Covenant), SLS Shining Claw (Congress Block II), the 151st Eridani Light Horse Regiment and the 1st Royal Pathfinders Battle Armour Regiment arrive on the Combine/Raven border.
   Entering the Tabayama system they destroy the Venture Star (Carrack) almost immediately before heading in system.

1st March 3078
   SLDF forces led by Commanding-General Archer Christifori land on Tabayama and engage the Snow Ravens joining in the worlds defence.  In orbit the two SLDF WarShips engage the Snow Raven's Morning Violence (Aegis).  Only the skill of the Snow Raven crew saves the ship as it limps to away from the planet.

4th March 3078
   Montbatton (Texas) arrives in the Tabayama system along with Khan Lynn McKenna and Alpha Galaxy.

8th March 3078
   Clan Snow Raven's Alpha Galaxy engages the 151st Eridani Light Horse and DCMS forces on Tabayama.  In six hours of combat the Snow Raven Khan asks the SLDF Commander Archer Christifori for Hegira which Christifori accepts and allows the Ravens to collect their dead and leave the planet.

14th March 3078
   The newly commissioned LCS Morgan Kell (Hyperion) travels to Pain in the periphery following a report of a Black Lion-class Battlecruiser in orbit of the planet.  The LCS Morgan Kell finds nothing there.

22nd March 3078
   Following reports of the Nova Cat's upgraded Aegis-class Cruiser, the Patriot-class, SLDF engineers propose an upgrade to the Star League's own wrecked Aegis-class vessels.
   Unfortunately the SLDF cannot afford such an undertaking.  The head of Virgin Global Industries and Interstellar Transport Sir Richard Branson X (tenth) approaches the SLDF and asks the buy the Blake's Vengance (Sovetskii Soyuz) wrecked in the Terra system.
   The Star League initially refuse however when Virgin's plans are proposed they agree for a large sum of cash believing that if anything Virgin will be bankrupted by the plan.
   Refits begin on one of the wrecked Aegis-class vessels in the Terra system soon after.

24th March 3078
   Khan Brett Andrews (Steel Viper) orders three vessels from a WarShip cache reactivated.  2 Sovetskii Soyuz, 1 Dart.

25th March 3078
   Clan Stone Rhino claim the vessels Clan Steel Viper have begun to reactivate.

27th March 3078
   Clan Steel Viper Elementals engage Stone Rhinos aboard the Viper's Legacy and the Crazy Horse, Dart-class.  Securing both in a Trial while the Stone Rhinos are still able to secure the third vessel which they name Eden's Blessing (Sovetskii Soyuz).

5th April 3078
   Opacus Venatori attack Clan Ghost Bear after sneaking onto Alshain.  Although they had recently pulled off operations against both halves of Clan Wolf however this time a second Bear unit was close by taking down two members of the Venatori.  Berith personally executed Portia Thomas insider her Buccaneer when Bear Elementals closed on it.  The Venatori retreated for three days downing a further star of Bears before escaping off planet.

9th April 3078
   Isle of Skye Command orders raising of further training units within the region to bolster its defence.  The first of these to be raised is the 1st Skye Training Battalion.

14th April 3078
   Clan Nova Cat liaison force with the Federated Suns engages the 1st Defiance Training Battalion on Lee in the Capellan March in their annual contest.  As it is in the region the 1st Kittery Borderers and 1st Kittery Training Battalion join in the engagement.
   Unhappy with this continued relationship Warrior House Fujita jumps the border and attacks the Nova Cat/AFFS force.  Recently reinforced with an entire Battle Armour Battalion and an irregular force of regiment strength raised from the planet of Highspire (Fujita's base).
   Even with the reinforcements Fujita has no chance although both Training Battalions and the 1st Kittery Borderers are damaged there are more equipment loss than personnel losses.  During the fighting the Nova Cats salvage a tank using stealth armour (Bolla) which they take to study.

22nd April 3078
   Believing the Opacus Venatori attacks were Combine sponsored Rasalhague Dominion refuse peace talks with SLDF and Combine.  Ghost Bear forces land on Dalkeith, Sakhalin (both Lyran Commonwealth), Camlann and Port Moseby (both Draconis Combine).

31st April 3078
   Draconis Combine makes a contract with Clan Sea Fox to repair damage done to the New Samarkand shipyards by Clan Nova Cat and by Clan Snow Raven.  The choice of allies to make the repair work seems strange however the Draconis Combine sees the Sea Fox as the only option.
   Sea Fox engineers also offer to renovate the DCS Togura (Samarkand) which has been steadily falling to pieces in the system.

10th May 3078
   Clan Sea Fox's Terror of the Deep (Nightlord) escorts a Fredasa-class Corvette into the Outreach system.  Star Admiral Arnold McKenna Clan Sea Fox declares he wishes to speak to the the Dragoon Colonels and a single Outpost-class DropShip is permitted to land on the planet.

13th May 3078
   Sea Fox DropShip lands on Outreach from the vessel members of Clan Sea Fox, Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Hell's Horses and Clan Wolf saKhan Marialle Radick meet with the Colonel's of the Dragoons and Michi Nocketsuna head of WolfNet.
   The Clan force led by Radick recruits the Wolf's Dragoons to track down the Opacus Venatori and eliminate them.  The Fredasa which accompanied the Terror of the Deep is the Dragoons payment.  The Dragoons take the contract with the Wolf Spider Battalion assigned to the hunt.  The Fredasa is renamed the Widow's Lair by the Dragoons.

21st May 3078
   Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Rousset-Marik Alliance come to terms calling a cease fire between them and brokering a trade deal.

28th May 3078
   Clan Wolf (in-Exile) declares trails against Clan Jade Falcon on Koinz and Blair Athol.
   Koinz is secured quickly in a simple trial.
   Blair Athol is more of a problem.  They refuse to give honourable combat to the Wolf's 2nd Wolf Legion Cluster and engage in combat within the capital city causing thousands of deaths before the Wolf (in-Exile) force is able to secure the planet - there are no Jade Falcon survivors the entire 57th Striker Cluster is destroyed.

12th June 3078
   Fire Fang (Whirlwind) finally arrives at Galax shipyards following a long journey from the Sol System.  The vessel is immediately towed into dock for refit.  The FSS Intrepid (Fox), the Fire Fang's escort and home to the Federated Suns engineers, is also taken in for refit.

19th June 3078
   Clan Wolf (in-Exile) and Clan Jade Falcon engage in further combat.  With the Exiles landing on Goat's Path and Antares brining both back into the Lyran Commonwealth.

21st June 3078
   Jade Falcons attack Machida and Zhongshan.  On Zhongshan the Fighting Intellectuals Mercenary Company is destroyed by Loremaster Bryan Pryde.
   Jade Falcon WarShips are also seen in the Chahar, Blue Hole, Pandora and Arcturus system appear to be scouting the systems.

27th June 3078
   Archon Peter Steiner-Davion sends word to the Wolf (in-Exile) Clan to cease further attacks against the Jade Falcons.
   Khan Phelan Kell agrees to slow the attacks.  Phelan Kell also recieves several messages from Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner thanking him for reclaiming Tamar loyal worlds.

30th June 3078
   Leftenant Anna Holmes, from the 1st Kestrel Grenadiers Regiment wins the 5th Star League Games in her Stealth OmniMech.  In the final battle she defeats local favorite Alexander of Zellbrigen stables in his customized Wraith BattleMech.
   Before Anna Holmes returns to the Federated Suns she fights a Trial of Possession against Alexander winning the design specs for Alexander's Partial Wings.  She is then whisked off to New Avalon for medals and a promotion to Captain her prize for her victory.

2nd July 3078
   Clan Hell's Horses Eta, Theta, Iota and Kappa Galaxies strike at Clan Wolf, Jade Falcon and Clan Ghost Bear Occupation Zones.
   The Wolf worlds of Steelton, Persistence and Winfield all fall to Hell's Horses assaults.  Only Persistence causes problems with the Wolves 103rd Striker Cluster resisting.  saKhan DeLaurel debuts her Balius OmniMech in battle along with a star of Cygnus type assault Mechs.

5th July 3078
   Hell's Horses forces strike Maxie's World in the Jade Falcon OZ finding almost no resistance.

8th July 3078
   Hell's Horses assault Romulus taking it from the Jade Falcons in a Trinary level trial.

10th July 3078
   61st BattleMech Cluster of Clan Hell's Horses strike Icar wining the world from Clan Jade Falcon.

13th July 3078
   69th BattleMech Cluster of Hell's Horses land on New Caledonia capturing the world.

14th July 3078
   Thr Green Machine are proclaimed heroes of San Nicholas in the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby   

15th July 3078
   Further Hell's Horses forces assault saKhan De Laurel leading elemtns of Omega Keshik and the WarShips Selipnir (Cameron) and Mount Olympus (Volga) assaulting the planet securing it in three hours.

22nd July 3078
   Scouting for the next set of targets the Selipnir (Cameron) engages the Wolf's Moore's Honour (Essex) destroying the destroyer.

23rd July 3078
   Wolf's Dragoons Wolf Spider Battalion is ambushed in a warehouse on Galatea by the Opacus Ventaori.  Eight Wolf Spider Mechs and nine Dragoons warriors are killed including Captain Dirk Samuels.  Tarantula Trinary is folded into the other Wolf Spider units.

24th July 3078
   Clan Hell's Horses assault and fail to take New Oslo as Clan Wolf debut three Trinaries of their Sun Cobra and Tundra Wolf BattleMechs.  The Hell's Horses attack break when saKhan De Laurel loses her Balius OmniMech.  The saKhan escapes capture however the Hell's Horses are soon retreating from planet.

4th August 3078
   Loremaster Bryan Pryde's 1st Falcon Lancers lands on Blairs Atholl both Jade Falcon and Wolf (in-Exile) each share the world Inner Sphere analysts notice that there were only two OmniMechs in the entire force appeared to want to capture the world using it as a training ground.

22nd August 3078
   Clan Steel Viper attack and destroy the Clan Hell's Horses Golden Clydesdale (Carrack) in the Tiber system on the planet the Steel Vipers destroy the 888th Mechanized Strike Cluster claiming the Hell's Horses territory.

24th August 3078
   2nd Genyosha supported by the Covenant's Commandos and the 1st Kearny Highlanders assault Tessalonika in the ghost bear dominion.
   The 17th Provisional Garrison Cluster of the Bears is quickly destroyed while the 2nd Claw Cluster fall back becoming almost like resistance fighters in Battle Armour.

29th August 3078
   1st Sword of Light Regiment supported by the Always Faithful Regiment, the Crimson Crusaders and the Clifton's Rangers Mercenaries attack Soverzine under Ghost Bear occupation.
   On planet they find the 8th Bear Regulars.  The two forces fight a Trial of Possession the next day however when defeated the 8th Bear Regulars MechWarriors are shot in their cockpits by the mercenary troops annihalating the force.

1st September 3078
   Despite being pushed back on San Nicholas the Marian Hegemony continues attacks on the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby.
   Captain General Jeremy Brett directs several units with WarShip support to the area.

4th September 3078
   1st Tamarind Militia and Heart of Blake Mercenary unit supported by the Tamarind (Impavido) hits Landfall pushing back Marian forces.

5th September 3078
   2nd Tamarind Militia supported by The Furies Armour Regiment attack Hazeidean again outclassing invading periphery troops.

8th September 3078
   Continuing counter attacks from the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby the Therese Brett-Marik (Impavido) supports the 4th Tamarind Militia and the Harlock's Mercenary command liberating Huntington.

14th September 3078
   Colonel Photon Brett-Marik with the 2nd Tamarind-Abby Guards Regiment assault Reykavis in the Marian Hegemony.  In system the MHS Caesar (Dart) engages the Marian forces however the vessel is badly requiring maintenance and is unable to stop the Tamarind unit landing on the planet.

20th September 3078
   With the Marian Hegemony in mass retreat Capellan Confederation forces within the Magistracy of Canopus are able to push back Marian picket forces left on several of their worlds.

22nd September 3078
   Star Colonel Trent Higall of the Nova Cat's 15th Battle Cluster turn on Clan and periphery merchants on Broken Wheel in the Filtvelt Coaltion killing over 300 locals and clansmen alike before abandoning the world with four DropShips and an Odyssey-class JumpShip

25th September 3078
   Niops Association rebels against Marian occupiers unveiling a previously unseen Power Armour suit (Nighthawk series)  The conventional Marian forces with a few BattleMechs have no chance against the Niops forces desperate to liberate themselves.

13th October 3078
   Taurian Regiment the Protector's Guardians assault Detroit during a trade deal between the Nova Cats and the Filtvelt Coalition.  Initally the Nova Cats refuse to engage the Taurian forces despite Fronc pleas however when Taurian Artillery strikes one of the Nova Cat Mules the 1st Trinary, of the 100th Strike Cluster, assaults Taurian force.
   The Nova Cat strike turns the Taurian attack back as the Taurian force folds around Subaltern Erik Martens-Calderon's unit.  During the fighting Erik's unit had engaged an Elemental Point.  Although Erik's forces had killed two of the Elementals four members of Erik's squad were dead and the furture Protector was badly injured.
   The Taurians abandon Detroit soon after taking a Nova Cat Huntsman OmniMech and several Elemental suits with them.

20th October 3078
   Khan Bjorn Jorgensson and Elected-Prince (Galaxy Commander) Ragnar Magnesson (Rasalhague Dominion) meets with Warlord Minoru Kurita in the Toffen system.
   Bjorn Jorgenson insists the Rasalhague Dominion is a soverign state of the Inner Sphere and the Draconis Combine will recoignise it as so before peace talks can continue.  Minoru Kurita agrees.

30th October 3078
   New Pirate band the Liger Warriors assaults Malagrotta in the Federated Suns.  The Liger Warriors appears to have several Clan and Star League units within its number and Elemental Battle Armour suits.
   In the Malagrotta defences there are several ARB-001 Arbiter Combat IndustrialMechs.
   The Liger Warriors lay waste to the local defenders capturing a large amount of supplies as well as one of the Arbiters and a Phoenix Hawk BattleMech before abandoning the world without loss.

2nd November 3078
   In a joint statement on Augustine Captain-General Corrine Marik and Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik speak of a united Free Worlds League as their two nations sign peace accords.

5th November 3078
   On Luthien LAW debuts the RYO-0-P Ryoken KU OmniMech a direct copy of the Clan OmniMech.  The same tonnage as the Clan Mech of the same it will initially be sent to the Sword of Light and Genyosha Regiments.
   DCMS High command also announce the first of the new Inazuma II-class Corvettes will soon enter service.

8th November 3078
   Clan Coyote and Clan Steel Viper clash in the Huntress system (Kerensky Cluster).  Raids get out of hand when the Steel Viper's Dark Asp (Nightlord) and the Great Coyote Spirit (Nightlord) engage each other in the system.
   Both two of the mightiest WarShips in known space neither can get the upper hand until the Great Coyote Spirt's main drives are badly damged.  Unable to avoid a collision one or both of the ships activate their K-F Drives and disappear from the system.

14th November 3078
   New pirate band the Liger Warriors raid Norman's World in the Taurian Concordat.  Destroying much of the capital city they raid much food and consumables before abandoning the system.

26th November 3078
   Liger Warriors raid the Hobson system in the Federated Suns Capellan March.  An AFFS supply convoy consisting of an Invader-class JumpShip and three Mammoth-class DropShips are engaged by the Liger Warriors.
   Defending AFFS fighters, two DropShips and the JumpShip are destroyed by the Liger Warriors mainly Clan fighters and a Carrier-class DropShip.  The Liger Warriors empty the final Mammoth of cargo including six Dagger OmniFighters intended for a Syrtis Fusiliers Regiment.  Also within the DropShip are several crates of Light Autocannons and Autocannon ammunition.

28th November 3078
   AFFS Capellan March Command deploy the FSS New Syrtis specifically to hunt down the Liger Warriors.

29th November 3078
   Wolf's Spider Battalion (Wolf's Dragoons) is refit on Arc-Royal following ambush on Galatea.  The Wolf's Dragoons troops challenge the Kell's Hounds and Clan Wolf (in-Exile) to a series of trials winning some new parts at cut down price including a brand-new Zeus BattleMech which uses something called a Blue Shield system.  As she lost her Mech in the Galatea ambush the new Zeus is assigned to Captain Stacy Church commander of the Black Widows Trinary.

3rd December 3078
   Dr David Lear takes a position at Chicago university on Terra making huge news on the Interstellar News Network.  Dr Lear's exact position is up to much debate.

8th December 3078
   Liger Warriors cross the Federated Suns border landing on Warlock in the St Ives Compact.  The 2nd St Ives Lancers attempt to engage them however they are swept aside by the Liger Warriors who capture three Highlander BattleMechs, an Emperor BattleMech and a stealth armour equipped Marauder BattleMech.
   On a brighter note for the St Ives Compact as the battle continues at Ceres Metals the 2nd St Ives Lancer's commander Duchess Cassandra Rubinsky (Allard-Liao) gives birth to twins Justin and Marko at the Warlock Royal Hospital.

12th December 3078
   Great Coyote Spirit and Dark Asp (both Nightlord) are officially declared lost by their parent clans following extensive seaches of the surrounding systems.

18th December 3078
   Free trader JumpShip Lucky Two stumble across the Trinity Moons system in the Former Free Worlds League near the Rim Commonality.  The system lost since the Fist Succession War has a strong aerospace continent including ancient Vulcan Aerospace Fighters however their real prize is a series of small Space Stations capable of deploying squadrons of fighters throughout the system.
   Following some neigotiation the Lucky Two takes several members of the Trinity Moons leadership to the Rim Commonality to neigotiate the Trinity Moons return to the public domain.
   The Rim Commonality welcome another system into their ranks with open arms however more interesting is their Trinity Moons space station.  Modernized with modern technology the Rim Commonality believe the stations could be perfect for defending their remote systems.

21st December 3078
   Knights of St Cameron Mercenary command enact an emergency escape clause in their contract with the Lyran Commonwealth boosting off Odessa they disappear from the Main Street system of the Lyran Periphery.

26th December 3078
   Star League High Court of Justice forms on Terra led by Commisioner Jillian Elton the court is an impartial extension of its member state law Courts and a place the Succession Lords can hammer out Legal differences.

Comments, questions, requests always welcome

My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2011, 03:33:02 PM »

1st Royal Pathfinders Battle Armour Regiment?

This sounds interesting.
Can we have more info on it?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2011, 02:59:31 AM »

With all these World Changes it would be very helpfull to have a map.

And is these Trinity Moons World your own idea or is it on any canon map?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2011, 08:30:12 AM »

1st Royal Pathfinders Battle Armour Regiment?

This sounds interesting.
Can we have more info on it?

Request and you will have

With all these World Changes it would be very helpfull to have a map.

And is these Trinity Moons World your own idea or is it on any canon map?

Originally the Trinity Moons idea came from a non-canon design on the CBT forums (I can't remember who created).  I'll post the design later and hopefully it will explain the Trinity Moons more clearly.

A map will be available in 3081 courtesy of Blacknova which will detail exactly how this AU Inner Sphere looks like.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2011, 03:07:12 AM »

A question that has always bugged me, yet one which I never asked:

Why is this called An Alternate Timeline With Thanks?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #40 on: May 23, 2011, 04:57:27 PM »

A question that has always bugged me, yet one which I never asked:

Why is this called An Alternate Timeline With Thanks?

Because I didn't set everything in this up when I first wrote the timeline and as it continues I've borrowed from the works of others BergStorm, JABaker and others used their designs and ideas I've also used things from Canon to bring the timeline into something better

I've even been tempted by your Splendid idea Blacknova.

So my thanks are to everyone who has ever pitched an idea into BattleTech Canon or non-Canon

And may it continue.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #41 on: May 23, 2011, 07:13:36 PM »

The Splendid is yours.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2011, 11:15:52 AM »

The Splendid is yours.

Many thanks

And continuing 3079 in its entirety


12th January 3079
   Liger Warriors assault New Hedon on Herotitus overwhelming the small defence force securing the capital.  Within three days the world is fully secured.  With President Allison Carver deposed the people of Herotitus were actually quite happy with the results as the Liger Warriors left everyone to get on with what they were doing.

18th January 3078
   Erik Martens-Calderon takes his place as Protector of the Taurian Concordat.  Recently recovered from injuries sustained on Detroit Erik cautions about the threat of Clan Nova Cat.

21st January 3079
   Clan Sea Fox approach the SLDF with a request to purchase the wreck of the Vision of Truth (Potemkin) in the Terra system.

26th January 3079
   Amy Frews sneaks onto Hope in the Nova Cat's Den aboard a merchant trade ship.  She is able to avoid Nova Cat security patrols and disappear into the capital's downtown area.

2nd February 3079
   Coyotes commision the Temple Hill and David's Point (both York)

4th February 3079
   In the New Earth system the CAP of the 22nd Isle of Skye Guards are destroyed by a heavily armed Leopard-class DropShip.  Two Union-class DropShips then orientate themselves directly over the Isle of Skye Guards and the New Eart Trading Company and began firing capital weapons at the surface.
   During the bombardment a single Killer Whale missile explodes over Mopelia Island showering the 40,000 inhabitants with a chamical agent.  The Three DropShips then retreat from planet.
   Lyran Archon declares New Earth a Disaster Zone.

18th February 3079
   Star League's 79th Special Operations Battalon - Devil's Advocates deploy on New Earth to assist with clean up operations.

20th February 3079
   Katya Christifori givess birth to Morgan Christifori, her first child by Commanding-General Archer Christifori.

26th February 3079
   1st Special Operation Group and the SLS Helm (Venturer) arrives in the New Earth system to support the clean up operations.

28th February 3079
   Two Lyran Fox-class Corvettes the LCS Katrina Steiner and the LCS Ian McQuiston arrive in New Earth system with support troops and supplies for clean up operations.

8th March 3079
   Protector Erik Martens-Calderon speaks with the Privy Council on Taurus with plans to increase security around the Concordat considering their enemies.  The Privy Council is happy with current levels however when an HPG message from Khan Canin Rosse, of the Nova Cat's Den, welcomes the New Protector but warns not to anger or attack his Clan.  The Privy Council completely support the Protector's plans.

14th March 3079
   Clan Stone Rhino attack Clan Steel Viper launching a trial of Possession for the King Viper (Sovetskii Soyuz) a newly brough online vessel.
   The Viper fighters out fly their Stone Rhino opponents.  When the Stone Rhino Carrier-class vessel attempts to support its fighters the King Viper's main guns destroy the DropShip.

19th March 3079
   Opacus Venatori attack a Snow Raven supply base on Brasha.  They are attacked by the Qum'ram Guard however these defenders are no match for the Opacus.
   Berith orders the sacking of the world however the Wolf's Dragoons Wolf Spider Battalion.  During the fighting Major John Cavell of the Dragoon command is killed fighting Berith.
   Trinary Captain Stacy Church rallys the remaining Wolf Spiders and retreats from the planet.  Captain Church takes command of the mission leading from her Black Widows Company.

24th March 3079
   Samantha Logan-Carlyle gives birth to Dana Lori Carlyle daughter of Alexander Carlyle commander of the Gray Death Legion.
   The Gray Death Legion also takes a contract with the Star League Protectorate.  Three Battalions of the Gray Death will forfill the contract while the remaining Battalion protect Glengarry.

27th March 3079
   1st Colonial Marshals and Gabhardt's Carabineers Mercenaries attempt to help drive the Liger Warriors from Herotitus.  However attacked in orbit by the Liger Warriors Carrier-class DropShip and aerospace fighters the Colonial Marshals and mercenaries are on back foot straight away.
   Three hours later they capitulate to the pirate forces of the Liger Warriors and are detained in a secure facility.

12th April 3079
   1st Defiance Training Battalion fight the Nova Cat Liaison force on Defiance at the Star League Training Grounds.  Surprising the Nova Cats the Training Battalion emerge victorious wining four Standard Clan Battle Suits.
   Following the battle the Federated Suns contact Clan Nova Cat via their embassy and request assistance in the production of a new OmniMech.

20th April 3079
Third Babylon Diet
   Held at the Cloud Cobra city of Versailles on Babylon.  The Diet passes without trouble.

6th May 3079
   NAIS bring online the first atmospheric scubber comes online on Defiance.  As tall as 3 BattleMechs and hidden deep in the Devil's Backbone Mountains.  The scrubber's intent is to produce an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere.
   The plan is for several more scrubbers to be activated on the planet to clean the tainted atmosphere.

15th May 3079
   Clan Stone Rhino and Clan Steel Viper engage in a series of trials on Dagda.  Steel Vipers refuse to take any Stone Rhino warriors as Isorla as two Stone Rhino Galaxies and two Steel Viper Galaxies are devastated in the fighting.
   In orbit the Stooping Kite (York) was destroyed by Steel Viper units.

22nd May 3079
   Clan Star Adder attempt to bail out Clan Stone Rhino by engaging Steel Viper forces on Dagda.  However with their back turned the Star Adders are challenged to a series of trials by Clan Coyote.
   Suddenly the fight on Dagda is a four Clan affair each for its own.

1st June 3079
   On York Steel Vipers force onto the Stone Rhino stronghold destroying the Stone Rhino vessel Crazy Rhino (Essex) at the Nadir point.

7th June 3079
   Evidence is brought to First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion that the Combine possess two Robinson-class Transports in an unmarked system.

8th June 3079
   Against Steel Viper ground forces the General Stuart (Aegis) and Unleashed (Smarkand II) engage in orbital bombardment on York.
   On the planet at precisely 12 noon 6 DropShips raise from New Tara Spaceport all bearing the crest of Clan Stone Rhino's Omega Galaxy.  Of all Stone Rhino forces Omega Galaxy had the largest concentration of Blood Spirit warriors and from the City of New Tara over a quarter of the population os found to be missing.
   The two WarShips and DropShips then boost away from the planet and exit the system with heavy Steel Viper support in pursuit.

12th June 3079
   Following the actions on York the Grand Council declare the Stone Rhino Omega Galaxy and its WarShips Dezgra.  Clan Fire Mandrill show an almost unheard amount of cooperation and agree to chase down the Stone Rhinos.
   Clan Coyote agree to support this by sending their two new York-class vessels.

14th June 3079
   Dr David Lear approaches Fleet Admiral David Natale of the SLDF with information that there is a SLDF Research base hidden in the Kuiper Belt which has gone unfound since the fall of the original Star League.  Dr Lear also says he wants to lead an expedition to the Kuiper Belt.
   Admiral Natale refuses to waste resources on unfound rumours.

16th June 3079
   Clan Goliath Scorpion and Clan Cloud Cobra both enter the Hector system declaring the Stone Rhino Clan dezgra.
   Fortunately for the Stone Rhino Clan the two entering Clans engage each other before they even leave the jump points.
   The Cloud Cobra Incense (Cameron) and the Goliath Scorpions Serket (Sovetskii Soyuz) are both destroyed.

21st June 3079
   Clan Stone Rhino continues to break conventional Clan wisdom as the defence of York becomes desperate.  The WarShip Exeter (Quixote) bombards Steel Viper positions annihalating two Viper Clusters with Capital missiles.
   The bombardment causes violent volcanic eruptions near New Tara on the planet.  Khan Brett Andrews leads Chi Galaxy to York supporting actions against Clan Stone Rhino.

22nd June 3079
   2nd Canopian Fusiliers and the Regulators Mercenary Regiment assault Herotitus.  On the planet the two Capellan units find the Liger Warriors have been reinforced by three conventional battalions raised from local pirates and Herotitus nationals.
   The Liger Warriors allow the three conventional Battalions supported by two dozen Arbiter Combat IndustrialMechs to keep the Capellan unit busy as the Liger Warriors abandon the planet.
   The Liger Warriors support units suddenly realize their Clan-tech support is gone and fall to pieces in an orgy of violency conducted by the Cpaellan forces.  Not a single warrior of the Liger support force survives while most of the Liger Warriors escape the planet without damage.

24th June 3079
   Clan Stone Rhino are officially declared Dezgra by the Clan High Council.  Clans Wolf, Jade Falcon and Sea Fox do not attend the proceedings while Clan Nova Cat is only represented by the Oathmaster.
   Khan Radick (Stone Rhino) defends the challenge and is killed fighting Khan Brett Andrews of the Steel Vipers.  With no Khan to turn back the vote Clan Stone Rhino is classed as forfeit and dezgra.

28th June 3079
   Clan Wolf's Athens (Hyperion) trades long range shots with the former Stone Rhino vessel General Stuart (Aegis) in the deep periphery near the Hanseatic League.  The Stone Rhino vessel avoids combat and escapes the system.

30th June 3079
   Clan Stone Rhino's 42nd Guard Cluster surrenders at Avalon Base on Strana Mechty.  The Cluster is captured by the Ebon Keshik, guards of the Great Hall of the Khans.  The Cluster is removed to a secret location on Strana Mechty.

2nd July 3079   
   Clan Wolf launch a raid on Yed Prior in the Isle of Skye (Lyran Commonwealth).  The Wolves engage then disengage the local mercenary force before retreating from the system.
   Experts are confused by this before Intelligence operatives note that ever Long Range Missile fired by the Wolf force hit its intended target leading to speculation that this is a new Streak LRM system.

8th July 3079
   Clan Jade Falcon are attacked on Strana Mechty by other Clan Coyote.  It takes six hours before the Ebon Keshik, Katyusha Keshik and other Auxillary forces on Strana Mechty can restore order.

12th July 3079
   Nova Cat mistake on Herotitus

22nd July 3079
   During a Jade Falcon raid against Clan Wolf on Ft Loudon the two Clan forces are attacked by a reinforced company of Lyran Assault Armour naming itself the Eisenjaegers.
   Using new advanced armour designs including two Challenger XVC vehicles the Eisenjaegers use their suprise appearance to cause heavy damage to both Clan forces before retreating.

1st August 3079
   Clan Jade Falcon hurt Clan Coyote on Hoard destroying the 81st Strike Cluster (Zeta) of Clan Coyote.

6th August 3079
   The Black Widows are engaged on New Canton by the Opacus Venatori.  They are bailed out by the arrival of the Golden Legion.  The Golden Legion an experemental unit of classified origins had a Caesar, Legionnaire, a Hoplite and a Centurion.  Each Mech had been extensively modified and its origins a closely guarded secret.

12th August 3079
   1st Freedom Training Battalion forms on Freedom in the Isle of Skye.  The Lyran Commonwealth High Command challenges the Isle of Skye on how many of these units they will form.  Duke Kelswa-Steiner replies when the Isle feels safe they will stop.

15th August 3079
   During a Trial of Bloodrite for the West Bloodhouse.  Clan Goliath Scorpion and Cloud Cobra challenge Clan Nova Cat on Barcella in the Kerensky Cluster.
   During the initial fighting Clan Nova Cat warrior Star Colonel Elson Novacat an Elemental of the 449th Assault Cluster impresses Oathmaster Zane Carns gaining him entry into the Trial of Bloodrite.

17th August 3079
   Despite continuing fighting Star Colonel Elson Novacat competes for a vacant West Bloodhouse name.  Fighting off against six other Nova Cat warriors he is victorious becoming Elson West.

19th August 3079
   Galaxy Commander Ajax Drummond of Tau Galaxy becomes the new Nova Cat saKhan replacing Jal Steiner.  Tyrina Drummond becomes new Galaxy Commander of Xi Galaxy.

23rd August 3079
   Liger Warriors make a pit stop on Niops V to gain supplies following a trek through Free Worlds League space.  On the planet they find a population still struggling to cope with independance following Marian occupation.
   Provisional Prime Minister Christopher Devin approaches the Liger Warriors overlooking their reputation he offers them a garrison contact to aid in defences.  Colonel Trent Higall admits his people are former Nova Cats but if the planet is willing to accept them the they will stay he agrees that a change of pace would be good for the Ligers.

25th August 3079
   Clan Nova Cat retake full control over Barcella (Kerensky Cluster)

28th August 3079
   Clan Snow Raven begin construction of their first SkyCity on Quatre Belle following several incidents between Snow Raven and Outworlds civilians.

8th September 3079
   During Live fire testing of a new Templar variant known as Pendragon on New Valencia something goes wrong and the Mech explodes causing a nearby clif-face to colapse into the New Valencia sea.
   Behind this colapsed cliff-face the Davion engineers find a buried hanger with a half crushed Vampire-class DropShip hidden deeply within.  On board the Vampire is a memory core of the AFFS with several incomplete notes regarding the Robinson-class Transport, New Syrtis-class Strike Cruiser and the several references to the Golden Lion.
   AFFS High Command order the entire region sealed off by AFFS forces.

14th September 3079
   Clan Nova Cat retaliate against Clan Cloud Cobra and Clan Goliath Scorpion on Homer finding elements of both Clans.  Oathmaster Zane Carns leads the Nova Cat's Alpha Galaxy and the WarShips Rememberance and Path of Honour (both Aegis) to the system.
   At the nadir point the Nova Cat WarShips force the Cloud Cobras Hell's Fury (Fredasa) and Trump (Vincent) to stand down while Nova Cat ground forces head to the planet.
   On the ground the Nova Cats engage a force comprised of both Clans in a Trial of Refusal for the attack on Barcella.  During the fighting the Nova Cats successfully pay back both Clans for the attack, although they take heavy damage.
   With Honour satisfied the Nova Cats return to Barcella.

20th September 3079
   Field Marshal Jonathon Davion is rushed into the Salem Miliary Hospital with serious injuries following an accident in the repair bay.

22nd September 3079
   Liger Warriors prove their worth on Niops defeating a raid by the Second Order of the Faithful on Niops V.  The Ligers are equally impressed by the locally produced Nighthawk Power Armour.

30th September 3079
   Rim Commonality world of Lesnovo comes under attack by the Order of the Faithful.  Answering a call to assistance the Liger Warriors completely turn from Pirate to defender as Trent Higall leads a force of Ligers supported by Niops produced Arbiter Combat IndustrialMechs and Nighthawk Power Armour.

8th October 3079
   Members of the Niops Association and the Rim Commonality meet on Lesnovo defended by the Liger Warriors as the two nations cling to each other for trade and defence becoming the Rim Association.
   The Liger Warriors supported by the Arbiter Combat IndustrialMech and the Nighthawk Power Armour will form the core of the new defence under General Trent Higall.

9th October 3079
   Wolf's Dragoons accept a contract with the Lyran Commonwealth
   Kelly Yukinov stands down as Alpha Regiments commander officially becoming General of the Dragoons, the first since Maeve Wolf's death.

15th October 3079
   Field Marshal Jon Davion joins PROJECT MUSE on New Avalon as his injuries suffered on Salem preclude him serving with a line unit.  Jon makes his intentions clear he wishes to return to the Heavy Guards however he also marvels at the LGN-2X1 Legionnaire MUSE FIRE and the ENF-7X Enforcer MUSE COMPACT, the first two designs he sees at facility 44-J2A on New Avalon.

27th October 3079
5th Martial Olympiad, Defiance
   Clan Wolf's 13th Battle Cluster under Star Colonel Evon Ward wins the competition.
   In Space the Nagasawa (Sovetskii Soyuz) of Clan Sea Fox narrowly defeats Clan Snow Raven's Lord Death (Aegis)   

5th November 3079
   At a second time of asking with further evidence shown Dr David Lear is given permission to explore the Sol System's Kuiper Belt by the Star League Admiralty.

10th November 3079
   Warlord Minoru Kurita announces that 90% of Galedon's population have perished to the viruses running rampant on the world.  He announces the world will be permenantly placed on the No Travel list and any discovered travel to the planet will be punishable by death.

14th November 3079
8th Whitting Conference, Terra
   Warlord Minoru Kurita, sitting First Lord, begins the conference.  Both the Regulan Fiefs and the Capellan Confederation are admitted into the Star League.  The Regulans must wait unit 3082 for voting rights while the capellans will have to wait unit 3085 because of their leaving and returning to the League.

16th November 3079
8th Whitting Conference, Terra
   Commanding-General Archer Christifori announces the return of the SLDF's Project Gunslinger.  Based on Procoyn he announces the ghost town of Cleveburg, which has steadly been abandoned by its people will be turned into a live fire zone for Battle Armour, Armoured Vehicles and BattleMechs while a bombing range was also being constructed nearby.
   Archer also announces the Earthwerks facility nearby to Cleveburg would be continued as an indepenant factory however a training school and barracks would be constructed nearby for the Gunslinger school.  He also announces the SLDF has placed orders with Earthwerks that will keep them busy for twenty years or more.

18th November 3079
8th Whitting Conference, Terra
   Captain-General Jeremy Brett becomes the new First Lord of the Star League narrowly defeating Archon Peter Steiner-Davion.

20th November 3079
8th Whitting Conference, Terra
   New Earth in the Lyran Commonwealth becomes a Star League Protectorate world.  Following the NBC attack on Mopelia Island the population has fled the world in droves and now more people are employed by the SLDF than by native companies.

22nd November 3079
8th Whitting Conference
   Clan Sea Fox address the council via HPG they petition to have their trade fleets travel through the whole Inner Sphere making deals.  Only Taurian and Capellan leaders refuse the rest seeing the benifit to allowing the Clans to trade openly with them.

4th December 3079
   Knights of St Cameron reappear over Luthien following their disappearance from Lyran space.  The unit now has four Collosus-class DropShips each carrying a combined arms regiment of troops.  The Clan tech the unit previously fielded is now gone instead each of the Knight's units are of Star League "Royal" quality.
   Because of their Knights abandoning their contract in the Lyran Commonwealth the MRBC downgrades them to a Class-B unit and rates them as questionable.  The Draconis Combine however is happy to have them especially at the reduced rates a class-B unit can charge.

12th December 3079
   Dr David Lear is almost killed in the Sol System's Kuiper Belt when he discovers what he has been chasing.  The hidden records have led him to an imobile Newgrange-class vessel defended by four Lola I-class Destroyers.  Each of these vessels fire on Dr Lear's DropShip however their shots are very inaccurate and the vessels do not move to close on the DropShip.
   Following further study it appears Dr Lear's team have discovered a Casper construction and testing zone.  Star League authorities are contacted soon after.

14th December 3079
   Captain General Corrine Marik gives birth presents Joseph Marik her five-year old son to the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth government.  Joseph's birth and early years appear to have been hidden by the Captain-General as this is the first acknowledgement of his existance.

18th December 3079
   Interstellar Expeditions team is saved on Astrokaszy by the Silver Sabres under command of Samantha Silver.  As a reward IE helps the Silver Sabres gain an MRBC rating and hires them on a long term contract.

Hope you enjoy

Comments questions welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2011, 08:10:14 AM »

My thanks to Knightmare for helping with the clean up
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2011, 05:20:09 PM »

My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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