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Dragon Cat

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Alternate Timeline with thanks
« on: April 08, 2011, 03:58:24 AM »

I created this a while ago and regular readers on the CBT forum will be familiar with it.  Simple put BattleTech is great, great to play, read, and create.

I created this because of 2 reasons.  1) I didn't like the Jihad and DA (a statement I've now changed but still the genesis) and 2) all the units created by players of BattleTech and myself and that I wanted to feature in a single story.

This is an expansive timeline and it wouldn't have gotten here unless it was for you the BattleTech readers/creators/players/developers.  So special thanks to all and lets get started.

Early parts have canon details mixed in so stick with it through the early years it really takes off in 3060s but there are different bits back a bit too and sets scenes later.


14th August

   ComStar's JumpShip Spirit of the Periphery encounters the Cyclops station (formerly a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser) in the periphery Core-ward of the Cirincus Federation.  There Captain Isabelle Cain meets with Queen Jennifer Briton II the leader of the station and makes a deal to turn the station into a freeport and allow ComStar to house assets there.


   Mostly per canon as the Inner Sphere states rebuild and the Clan Crusader movement is thwarpted by the Wardens.  Until Outbound Light arrives in the Huntress system and the Invasion plans begin.


22nd January 3049

   Clan Nova Cat withdraw from the Invasion Trials for Operation Revival as Oathmaster Biccon Winters informs them that she has had a vision of the Nova Cat's destruction if they invade the Inner Sphere.  A white mist that will destroy all the Clans if given a chance.  Clan Star Adder becomes a relief Clan with Clan Steel Viper in the Trials behind Clans Wolf, Jade Falcon, Ghost Bear and Clan Smoke Jaguar.


   Operation Revival proceeds much as per canon with the Wolves far out ahead of the others conquering much of the Free Rasalhague Republic under Khan Ulric Kerensky and his aide Phelan Kell, a captured Bondsman.
   Time and again Clan Jade Falcon fail to capture Prince Victor Steiner-Davion in the Federated Commonwealth.  While the Ghost Bear Clan struggle along their joint Rasalhague and Draconis Combine border.  Clan Smoke Jaguar annihalate the city of Edo on Turtle Bay following riots against their occupying force as the invasion continues.


   The Invasion continues until a Rasalhague fighter rams the Clan Wolf Flagship Dire Wolf killing the ilKhan, Leo Showers, and stopping the Invasion for a whole year.
   During this year of peace the Succession State leaders travel to Outreach to learn about the Clans from the Wolf's Dragoons Mercenary Command which reveals itself to be former Clansmen.  Also the Inner Sphere makes massive leaps forward in weapons technology creating new Mechs to combat the advanced Clan OmniMechs and new Battle Armour suits in an attempt to counter the Clan's Elemental.
   During this time Myndo Waterly becomes Primus of ComStar and despite her best efforts she cannot break the Dragoon lock-out of the Outreach system.  Instead she turns her attention to the Clans and the Succession States and begins her own plans.


14th January 3052
First Battle of Luthien

   The Clans return to the Inner Sphere with Clan Smoke Jaguar and Clan Star Adder launching a full assault on Luthien, capital of the Draconis Combine.
   Even with the presence of the Wolf's Dragoons and Kell Hounds the Inner Sphere forces are devastated and forced to abandon their defence of the world.  On the world both Coordinator Takashi Kurita and his son Kanrei Theodore Kurita are missing presumed dead while Theodore's son and daughter are whisked from the planet on Theodore's order.
   On Pesht Hohiro is made Warlord of the Draconis Combine until the fate of the Coordinator and Kanrei can be decided.

13th March 3052
Second Battle of Luthien

   After an agreement between many of the Inner Sphere nations Warlord Hohiro Kurtia leads a multi-national force to Luthein.  There following six weeks of heavy fighting Luthien is liberated.
   Wolf's Dragoons Beta and Delta Regiments are destroyed as is the Kell Hound's Second Regiment.  The Star Adders lose all of Beta Galaxy and the WarShip Eagle (Essex) when an out of control Capellan DropSHip slams into the destroyer.  The Destroyer out of control enters the atmosphere and crashes into one of Luthien's Dragon's Tears Islands causing a huge fireball and explosion rendering the island uninhabitable.
   This liberation proves that the Inner Sphere can work together if they are willing.

19th May 3052
   Theodore and Takashi Kurita's bodies are found on the ruins of the Imperial Palace floor on Luthien.  Both were killed by a single strike against the back from an ancient curved scimitar blade but no sign of the blade is found.  ISF officially mark it as death by the Clans.
   Hohiro Kurtia becomes Coordinator of the Draconis Combine.

June 3052
Battle of Tukayyid

   As per canon following the discovery that the Clans intended to take their fight to Terra and beyond ComStar's Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht challenges the Clans to a Trial on the Rasalhague world of Tukayyid.  Later because of Second Battle of Luthien the Battle takes place in the middle of Tukayyid's wet season.
   Six Clans pit themselves against the whole ComGuard army on Tukayyid in a battle that lasts nearly three weeks in total.  Of all the Clans only Clans Wolf and Star Adder succeed in defeating the ComStar forces against them with Clan Ghost Bear holding them to a stalemate with all other three Clans loosing and being routed from the Planet.
   This victory for ComStar means the Inner Sphere has fifteen years of peace to prepare themselves for the next round of Clan Invasions.  Following the battle Primus Myndo Waterly attempts to launch Operation Scorpion which is intended to kill leaders of the Inner Sphere and kill all communications brining the Inner Sphere to its knees under ComStar's rule.
   The plan fails dismally as the Inner Sphere nations work together and ComStar is utterly out preformed by the clans.  A few minor rebellions rise but they are crushed within days.  Myndo Waterly
 is assasinated by Precentor Martial Focht shortly afterwards and Precentor Shori Mori becomes the new Primus.  Soon after the Word of Blake form in the Free Worlds League on Gibson becoming ComStar's new enemy.

New Avalon

   Days after the Battle of Tukayyid First Prince Hanse Davion passes away on New Avalon following a heart-attack.  His son Victor refuses to position of Archon-Prince instead placing his mother Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion as head of the Federated Commonwealth.


28th February 3053
   Brian Cameron assigned to Jamie Wolf's lance as a communications specialist and the Wolf's Dragoons recieve a year-ban from contracts following a broken contract.

March 3053
   Wolf's Dragoons Civil War - two full regiments of Wolf's Dragoons warriors are killed as the Dragoons engage in a brutal Civil War over the leadership of the Mercenary Brigade.

19th June 3055
   Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion is killed on Tharkad at a charity bombing.  Also there is Morgan Kell and his wife.  Though Morgan's wife is killed in the bombing Morgan walks away without a scratch for months he questions why he escaped the Blast while his wife and Melissa perished.
   Victor Steiner-Davion becomes the first official Archon-Prince of the Federated COmmonwealth.


April 3056
   Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion survives an assassination attempt on Solaris VII while Galen Cox, is long term aide, is killed.  Days later Victor is assigned a new aide Jerrard Cranston.  Victor talks to the man as if he is an old friend making many question Galen's motives and identity but Victor trusts him implicity.
   Four days later Duke Robert Steiner is killed by a sniper.  Federated Commonwealth new services are a wash with stories on who killed Robert Steiner.

14th July 3056
   Wod of Blake attack the Cyclops station in the Deep Periphery tagging it as a ComStar Base.  Queen Jennifer Briton II orders her the gathered pirates and her band to uphold the Laws of the Cyclops which states that all forces must help defend the station and not fight each other.  The Blakist force is destroyed without a single survivor and ComStar's position is secured on the Cyclops.


September 3057
   Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion covers up the death of Joshua Marik on New Avalon following a long battle with Leukaemia.  Thomas Marik, the son's father discovers the trechery and sends his forces into the Federated Commonwealth's Sarna March.  A Capellan Confederation force happy to take advantage of a weakened Federated Suns also attacks securing many lost worlds.  The Federated Commonwealth is seperated into two nations again.
   Katherine Steiner-Davion takes advantage of her brother's mistake and breaks the Lyran half of the Commonwealth off from the Federated Commonwealth and creates the Lyran Alliance claiming the position of Archon for her own.
   The former Sarna March becomes the Chaos March as Lyran troops are recalled from the region, the entire region becomes near lawless as the remaining Commonwealth struggle and fail to hold against the FWL and Capellan forces.

September-December 3057
   Following charges of genocide against ilKhan Ulric Kerensky with his decision to proceed with the Battle and subsiquent Truce of Tukayyid.
   Clan Jade Falcon leads the charge againt Clan Wolf removing Ulric as ilKhan and calling for the Wolves absorption into the Jade Falcons.
   Ulric and Natasha Kerensky lead the Crusade Wolves against the Jade Falcons in the Refusal War which devastates both Clans while Khan Phelan Kell leads his Warden Wolves into Exile on Arc-Royal in the Lyran Allance.
   (All losses per canon)

Hope you enjoy, comments and questions are welcome, I'll post non-canon/modified designs like I have in the regular CBT forum so anyone who missed them there should pick them up here

Hope you enjoy
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 02:14:22 PM by Knightmare »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2011, 05:56:00 AM »

Excellent to see you here. I look forward to rereading the saga.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2011, 05:57:55 AM »

Carrying on into 3058 and a bit more depth and changes

- formation of a new Clan - Archon and the Wolf - Coventry threatened - A new Den in Tortuga - First Whitting Conference - Battles in Sol - Reborn SLDF - Target chosen - Nova Cat and Jaguar fight - Hyperions arise - Nova Cat and ComStar deal and dual - ancient relic of past discovered

12th January 3058
   At the Grand Council of the Khans on Strana Mechty Star Colonel Thomas Perez, a Smoke Jaguar Warrior, addresses his assembled leaders.
   There he speaks for all the Smoke Jaguar's troubles and its mistreatment of civilians both in the Clan Homeworlds and in the Inner Sphere he asks for the Council to grant his request and form another Clan seperate from the Smoke Jaguars allowing those with a consience to forge forward.
   He goes onto defeat both Lincoln Osis and Brandon Howell in Trials of Grievence called against him but refuses to kill either stating to kill the head will not change the beast.
   In a split vote over mainly Warden and Crusader lines with 8 for 7 against and 3 abstains the Clans decide that Thomas Perez has proven he has a right to form his Clan beating his challengers.

13th January 3058
   The Stone Rhino Clan forms on Strana Mechty they are gifted the Avalon base in the De Chavillier Valley on Strana Mechty and a grace period of one year where no other Clan may attack them.  Lincoln Osis sends word to Khan Perez that in one year the Smoke Jaguars will happily absorb them back within their Clan.

14th March 3058
   Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion is captured by Clan Wolf in a reckless attempt by the Lyran leader to curry favour from Clan Smoke Jaguar to aid her nation in brining the Inner Sphere to its knees.
   Instead Khan Vlad Ward challenges Katrina to creating a power base within the Inner Sphere so that when his Wolves are ready in 3085 to invade she will support them.  He also states that if she fails he will track her down and she will become a bondsman of Clan Wolf.

March-April 3058
Battle of Coventry
   Clan Jade Falcon penetrate deep into the Lyran Alliance threatening Coventry.  Though Lyran defenders supplemented by mercenary warriors are able to hold back the invaders the deadlock is only broken with the arrival of Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and a Multi-national force.

4th August 3058
   From nowhere Tortuga Prime is invaded from space.  The Tortuga Fusiliers are thrown into chaos as Mechs bearing the crest of Clan Nova Cat invade the tiny pirate nation.
   Though the Fusiliers are able to kill both Nova Cat Khans, Severn Lervoux killed when his fighter takes three particle cannons to the nose and he loses control, Lucian Carns killed when the pirates colapse a building on his OmniMech.
   By the end of the second day Tortuga is conquered and word is filtering in of Nova Cat units landing on all the Dominion worlds conquering the pirate nation.  Former leader of the nation Twyla "The Major" Sameral is marched through the smashed streets of Tortuga City naked beaten and bleeding, as she had done to many of those who had opposed her in the past, then in front of Elemental executioners and the population of the city the leader of the Fusiliers is executed.
   Clan Nova Cat now call the Periphery their Home.

1st October 3058
First Whitting Conference
   Conference held on Tharkad held by Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion - first day much bickering between Successor Lords including Kai Allard-Liao warning Sun-Tzu Liao to watch his mouth or Sian would pay the price.

2nd October 3058
   At the Khan Grand Council on Stana Mechty ilKhan Lincoln Osis questions why the Nova Cat Khans are not present and instead Oathmaster Biccon Winters in their place.  Clan Ice Hellion also questions where the Nova Cat Touman is as it has all but disappeared.  Biccon reveals that the Nova Cat Khans are dead and if the Ice Hellions wanted to see the Nova Cat Touman they should come to Barcella and feel their claws.
   The ilKhan attempts to pull rank over Oathmaster Biccon Winters and Galaxy Commander Karl Devalis for a location on the Nova Cat fleet and Touman but the Nova Cats refuse to answer.

13th October 3058
   Star Colonel Santin West, Clan Nova Cat, arrives on Tortuga after a long journey aboard the Thunderbolt (Black Lion).  He is ferried to a Nova Cat safe zone on the planet by MechWarrior Zane.  Zane reveals that the Nova Cats are still putting down resistance after two months of occupation.
   During the journey Zane's Arctic Cheetah is attacked by a pair of renegade Panthers.  Zane expertly out pilots both Panthers and is able to protect his Elemental passenger from any major damage. 
   Santin West comes face to face with Tortuga's civilian population during the encounter at the wrong end of a pair of sawed-off Shotguns.  Knowing the weapons would do little damage to his armour Santin intstead turns to them and tells the people that the Nova Cats wish them no harm infact they want to work with them and build a new nation.  He also promises to award Zane's skill once West becomes Khan.

14th October 3058
   First Lord elections.  Thomas Marik and Victor Steiner-Davion are nominated for the position of First Lord as a reborn Star League is agreed.  Captain-General Thomas Marik becomes the new First Lord with Victor Steiner-Davion agreeing to become the new Commanding-General.
   Commanding-General Victor Steiner-Davion uses his position to set up command circuits to bring Federated Suns troops home off the Lyran Alliance/Clan border and send Lyran troops back to the Lyran Alliance.  Katherine Steiner-Davion complains that Victor is abusing his position however Victor points out that by removing these troops he removes a blade placed at Katherine's throat if he ever wanted to take his realm back.  Katherine sees his point and steps down. 
   With this announcement he also points out that the Federated Commonwealth, a dream of his father's, is dead and that the Federated Suns is reborn.  He then announces that the 10th Lyran Guards RCT, his Revenants, will remain in service of the Federated Suns causing Katherine to again complain.
   He also pledges the Davion Assault Guards, Davion Heavy Guards, 1st Kathil Uhlans and the 10th Lyran Guards to future operations against the Clans.

14th October 3058
Clan Space
   Clan Smoke Jaguar make plans for a renewed offensive in the Inner Sphere and one against the other Clans.  Lincoln Osis agrees to using Watch operatives in the other Clan's Occupation Zones to cause unrest and for increased production and work on the Huntress Project.

15th October 3058
Terra system
   In the Terra system the Word of Blake and ComStar do battle.  Though they successfully take control of Mars they are driven back from Titan Shipyards by two ComStar WarShips the Narbone (Dante) and Blake's Strength (Black Lion).  Though the Narbone is destroyed by the Blake's Sword (McKenna) the Word of Blake vessel is badly damaged by the Blake's Strength and forced into a humiliating retreat.  Word of Blake Precentor Martial Trent Adrian watches the battle and has the Blake's Sword's commander executed after the battle.

15th October 3058
Strana Mechty
   Ice Hellion saKhan Sellen Cage and Nova Cat Galaxy Commander Karl Devalis meet in Karl's personal quarters on Strana Mechty.  There the saKhan tries to get information out of the Nova Cat by using her female charms breaking a bed in the process.  Karl however refuses to pass on any information.

16th October 3058
Occupied Tortuga Dominions
   Star Colonel Santin West becomes Khan of Clan Nova Cat winning his Trials of Position on Tortuga Prime.

16th October 3058
   The Eridani Light Horses become part of the SLDF.

17th October 3058
   ComStar produce evidence they have the location of Clan Smoke Jaguar's homeworlds.
   Clan Smoke Jaguar is picked as a target by the reborn SLDF.  TASK FORCE BULLDOG and TASK FORCE SERPENT are first mentioned.

18th October 3058
   In the Clan Occuption Zone the Smoke Jaguars begin making moves against Clan Star Adder in an attempt to remove them from their Occupation Zone.

19th October 3058
   Khan Santin West begins deploying Nova Cat WarShips throughout the periphery regions around the Tortuga Dominions searching for a suitable planet to become the Nova Cat's new home.
   Tau Galaxy formed by removing clusters from other Galaxies streamlining the Nova Cat command structure.

22nd October 3058
   Xi and Sigma Galaxies are sent back to the Clan Homeworlds.  With them is a letter from Khan Santin West to Galaxy Commander Karl Devalis and Zane Nova Cat who will take part in the Bloodright Trials for the Carns bloodname vacated by Lucian Carns.

24th October 3058
   Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht and Precentor Naval Allan Bersick agree ComGuard naval forces commited to BULLDOG, SERPENT and the defence of TITAN.

30th October 3058
   Sigma and Xi Galaxies escorted by nine WarShips and a dozen JumpShips leave the newly christened Nova Cat's Den and begin to head back towards the Clan Homeworlds.
   Santin West is handed information on a new system the Nova Cats have found which includes an Olympus-class Recharge Station completely intact only abandoned.  They have also found three further systems worthy of colonisation and one in particular is perfect for a new Nova Cat home.
   Khan West names the world New Barcella and the entire Nova Cat population begins to move there.

3rd November 3058
   The Smoke Jaguars continue operations against the Star Adders within their Occupation Zone.  On several worlds they are running low on consumables forcing the Jaguars to concentrate on laser and particle weapons.

5th November 3058
   Nova Cats leave a token force belonging to the Watch on Tortuga moving almost their full military to New Barcella.  Locals are welcome to join the Nova Cats though most decide to try and rebuild Tortuga with the pirates and Nova Cats gone.

7th November 3058
   Clan Smoke Jaguar are driven back on Irece by Clan Star Adder with the arrival of the WarShip Exodus Ranger (York) which provides air superiority for the Star Adders.

9th November 3058
   Elements of Clan Nova Cat's Sigma Galaxy raid Clan Smoke Jaguars Transfer Facility 4 in the Periphery.  capturing much needed supplies that were bound for the Smoke Jaguar front lines.
   MechWarrior Zane captures a Smoke Jaguar warrior named Camilla who fought against him.  Zane takes Camilla as his bondsman and salvages her disabled Owens OmniMech for later use.

11th November 3058
   Clan Smoke Jaguar accuse Clan Nova Cat of trying to destroy their invasion force by cutting the Jaguar supply lines.  As Nova Cat forces have not yet returned to the homeworlds Biccon Winters claim's to have no knowledge.
   Smoke Jaguars deploy the Jaguar's Rage (Texas) to Barcella to teach the Nova Cats a lesson.

14th November 3058
   Jaguar's Rage engages the Anna Rosse (York) and the True Vision (Congress) in the Barcella system of the Clan Homeworlds.  Although the Anna Rosse is destroyed in the fighting the damage done to the Texas fore armour allows missiles from True Vision and Nova Cat aerospace fighters to penetrate the Texas' forward armour detonating the naval autocannon ammunition stored there.

15th November 3058
   New Avalon moves to full military alert when a WarShip jumps in over Avalon City and a further eight WarShips appear at the Nadir point.  Anastasius Focht appologises for the unannounced arrival as ComStar's contingent for BULLDOG and SERPENT arrive for training.  Forces from the Lyan Alliance and Draconis Combine also enter Federated Commonwealth space heading for Defiance, the training world.

16th November 3058
   Ioto Galactic Enterprises CEO Duke Anatoly Serfass reveals to Lyran Fleet Admiral Lyn Hood that Ioto have hidden two delerict hulls of the Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser in the Alarion system since the Second Succession War and though stripped of all weapons and barely space worth Ioto are willing to refit them at Alarion Shipyards with full state backing.  After consultation with Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion Ioto Galactic recieve full State backing for the project.

18th November 3058
   Travelling ahead of the Nova Cat Galaxies en route to the Homeworlds Star Colonel Jal Steiner arrives in the Clan Homworlds and delivers his message to Karl Devalis.  The Galaxy Commander becomes the Nova Cat's new saKhan.
   Karl follows Santin West's instructions and enters neigotiations with the Snow Raven and Diamond Shark Clans gaining three cached Avatar-class Cruisers from one of the Clan Naval Caches in exchange for most of the Nova Cat's Homeworld Territory.

20th November 3058
   A Smoke Jaguar Battle Armour test site in the Deep Periphery is raided by unknown bandits no Smoke Jaguars survive but all equipment is removed from the site.

24th November 3058
   Travelling with Jal Steiner to make his Trial of Bloodright Zane Nova Cat wins a series of Trials on the world of Tranquil to become Zane Carns.

12th December 3058
   Clan Smoke Jaguar and Star Adder engage in a major battle on and above Avon in the Clan Occupation Zone.  Costing the Star Adders the WarShip Stellar Serpent (Aegis) and forcing the Smoke Jaguars to scuttle the Lioness (York).  On the ground both forces are devastated with the Smoke Jaguars losing three Clusters and the Star Adders retreating with a devastated Beta Galaxy.

15th November 3058
   saKhans Sellen Cage and Karl Devalis again meet on Strana Mechty.  There Sellen admits something - she's fallen in love with Karl.  Something of a rarety among Clan Warriors and almost unheard of in the higher ranks.

16th November 3058
   Clan Star Adder and Clan Stone Rhino make a pact to take territories from the Smoke Jaguars in the homeworlds, the Star Adders sweeten the deal by transfering three Essex Mk I class Destroyers to the Stone Rhino's control.  Strictly between Khan Cassius N'Buta and Khan Thomas Perez they agree to kill the Smoke Jaguar.

18th December 3058
   En Route to the Nova Cat's Den the three Nova Cat Avatar-class Cruisers and a trade convoy of one Lola III and four Carrack Merchants chance apon a ComGuard Faslane-class Yardship and its escort an Essex-class Destroyer.
   Nova Cats do not engage straight away instead begin a neigotiation process with the ComGuards focused around the future of the Faslane.

22nd December 3058
   Precentor Padraig O’Bhaoil arrives with the Avenging Sword (Aegis) to support their WarShips in the Periphery.  He meets with the Nova Cat Commander Star Admiral Fredrick Bavros aboard the lead Avatar.
   There after a six hour long neigotiation period the Nova Cats agree not to destroy the three ComStar WarShips instead they agree to trade two Carrack-Merchant Transports for control over the Rosslare (Faslane).  Stripped of their cargo the loss of the Carracks would hurt the Nova Cat merchant fleet but would greatly benifit the Nova Cats in their Periphery home.

25th December 3058
   Following a ComStar leak of Clan forces in the Periphery Captain Ross McKinnon is called to the Fox's Den to meet with Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.  There he is tasked with taking his company, the Fox's Teeth, to Tortuga posing a pirates to ensure the Tortuga pirates are behaving themselves and to ensure no Nova Cat forces have made home there.

26th December 3058
   Clan Stone Rhino take over a Deep Periphery Star Adder base name Gwithian as part of their deal.  Soon after their take over they are attacked by an unidentified force.  The force does heavy damage to the Stone Rhino force there and the civilian encampment.

31st December 3058
   Khan Santin West is called to the salvaged Olympus-class Recharge Station as Nova Cat forces have found something in the system they have designated the Varnay Anchorage.
   When he arrives he finds the three expected Avatar-class Cruisers and his Trade Star minus two Carracks.  Instead the Rosslare (Faslane) is present.
   When he asks his naval commanders why they have named the system Varnay Anchorage they show him captured images of an abandoned vessel in the asteroid belt.  A Varnay-class Battleship named the Thunderchild.  West orders the vessel recovered.

Comments welcome, hope you enjoy
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2011, 03:36:26 PM »

I don't get what the Cyclops is supposed to do.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2011, 03:59:37 PM »

A deep space station (think Babylon5) made from a derilict Potempkin (i think).

Hey Dragon Cat, good to see you on here, i was wondering if you'd turn up on here eventually.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2011, 04:29:47 PM »

I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for bringing it here Cat
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2011, 03:09:11 PM »

Thanks for the welcomes

I don't get what the Cyclops is supposed to do.

A deep space station (think Babylon5) made from a derilict Potempkin (i think).

Pretty much a deep space station in the Periphery beyond the Cirincus Federation.  dead potemkin abandoned by SLDF when its KF was shot originally created by JA Baker on CBT forum.  In this it's a bit of a way station for pirates, mercs and traders.  The area is classed as a no-fire zone by its leaders.  At present Queen Jennifer Briton II

At the moment it plays a small part - in the future it'll play bigger part.

I'm going to post full years here instead of three month parts on CBT - more info to digest but should be more flowing (at least I hope) pass back some feedback if you think the other way is better.

- ComStar tracks Cats - Oathmaster's death - Burrock confronted - Blood Spirit intrusion - Watch Trinary formed on Tortuga - Fox's Teeth enter Den trap - New Nova Cat Khan - Blue Star SLDF contract - Serpent and the Bulldog - Raiders strike Horses research team - Titan falls - Battle of Trafalgar


3rd January 3059
   A tracker placed by ComStar on the Rosslare activates placing the Nova Cat fleet near the Tortuga Dominions

5th January 3059
   New Avalon again is on high alert as the Righteous Fury (Aegis) under ComStar flag arrives in the Avalon system dispatching a Fortress-class DropShip.  Victor Steiner-Davion warns that if the Cruiser approaches the planet any and all measures will be taken to repulse them.  Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht informs the Archon-Prince that he has information of the utmost importance.
   Landing near a country retreat several kilmoetres from Avalon City the Precentor Martial meets with Victor.  There he informs him that ComStar has reason to believe that Clan units belonging to Clan Nova Cat have crossed the Tukayyid Truce line and are in the region of Tortuga Dominions.  Focht believes that these Clan units believe that the Tukayyid Truce line is circular around Terra instead of across the Inner Sphere like the other Clans.  Victor informs Focht of the Fox's Teeth mission to the Tortuga Dominions and says that if they discover Clansmen there Ross McKinnon will bring words to New Avalon.
   Once Focht has left Victor contacts Jackson Davion Marshal of the Davion Guards Brigade.  One of the highest placed members of the Davion family in the AFFS Victor order Jackson to Camelot "to bring forth the firepower New Avalon may need to survive."

8th January 3059
   Khan Thomas Perez (Clan Stone Rhino) brings word to the Grand Council of attacks in the deep periphery by unidentified enemies armed with advanced technoloy.  And his belief that there may be a Clan Burrock involvement.  Calls of Grievance are made but no challenge is made.

17th January 3059
   Clan Stone Rhino's 12th Black Lancer Cluster attack a Burrock outpost on Tathis intent on finding evidence of their involvement with the Dark Caste.
   During the attack the Stone Rhinos are successful but at a cost with saKhan Kirsten Kotare killed in the fighting.

21st January 3059
   Oathmaster Biccon Winters (Clan Nova Cat) commits suicide allowing for a new Oathmaster to be called.  Her personal candidate Zane Carns is nominated to take part.
   Before her death Biccon Winters and Star Colonel Jal Steiner share a vision. Of a Dagger approaching the Nova Cat's home, a Nova Cat striking it down and a sword slaying a Nova Cat and destroying its Den.
   Jal Steiner realizes this is the Nova Cats new home and that the Sword is the Federated Suns although he cannot identify the Dagger.  He takes this information to saKhan Karl Devalis who immediatly orders Jal to take what forces are avalible and make best speed to the Nova Cat's Den ignoring all challenges.

3rd February 3059
   Clan Star Adder and Clan Stone Rhino discuss their evidence against Clan Burrock.

4th February 3059
   Clan Star Adder take the evidence to the Clan Council and call for Clan Burrocks Absorption or Annihalation.  Only Clan Blood Spirit vote against them.

14th February 3059
   Clan Star Adder begin absorption War against Clan Burrock.

23rd February 3059
   Clan Blood Spirit attacks Clan Star Adder during the Absorption War.  The Burrocks turn away from their Star Adder enemies and attack the Blood Spirits driving them back to York informing all the clans they will stand alone or not at-all.

27th February 3059
   Clan Star Adder complete Absorption War - Clan Burrock's remaining assets and territory are passed to Clan Star Adder.  Clan Burrock Khan ejected from the Clan Council, Clan Burrock officially struck from Clan Rolls two days later.

8th March 3059
   Clan Blood Spirit evict all other Clans from York.  All Blood Spirit troops and military forces are returned to York.

10th March 3059
   Clan Stone Rhino forces appear in the Inner Sphere occupation Zone capturing Smoke Jaguar Worlds Richmond, Idlewind and Rockland.  They destroy the Smoke Jaguar WarShip Razor Cat (Vincent).  Using Black Box technology the ISF operatives on Richmond pass the information back to the Combine.

12th March 3059
   Canin Rosse joins the newly formed Nova Cat Watch Trinary on Tortuga Prime.  Although thought to be a Ristar Canin's choice of the Watch is seen as him killing his career before it has started.
   The Trinary is the only Nova Cat unit on planet other than conventional security forces - the Watch begin to build a sprawlling complex on the world which will serve as their new Headquarters.

18th March 3059
   The Fox's Teeth arrive in the Tortuga system.  Under orders from Tortuga the system's WarShip Spirit Sight (Fredasa) remains unseen and allows the unit to proceed in system.
   Once the Fox's Teeth are gone the Spirit Sight disable the Fox's Teeth JumpShip and captures the crew for interrogation.

22nd March 3059
   The Fox's Teeth supported by a Rabid Fox Battle Armour Platoon land on Tortuga Prime just outside the city of Raider's Roost.  They find the planet strangely quiet.
   Before Ross McKinnon's command lance can get within range of the city his Mech, a Centurion, is challenged by Star Captain Mathis informing them they have invaded the Nova Cat's Den.
   Star Captain Mathis declares a trial of annihalation against the pirates.  MechWarrior Canin Rosse argues the units orders are to disable any intruders for interrogation to gain information on the local area.  The two Can warriors engage in a Circle of Equals with the Federated Suns troops confused about what they are seeing.
   Canin Rosse a bloodnamed warrior in his youth piloting a Timber Wolf easily destroys the aged Mathis in his Summoner claiming command over the Trinary and claiming the "intruder force" as prisoners.  He warns Ross McKinnon any miss-step and they will be executed.
   As the Watch Trinary and their Fox's Teeth prisoners returned to the Watch base Canin Rosse recieves a communication from Khan West on Barcella, "Under no circumstances are Federated Suns troops to be destroyed until the Khan could speak with them."

23rd March 3059
   Jumping into the system at a Pirate point Khan Santin West lands on Tortuga just over twenty-four hours after the Fox's Teeth are captured.  Santin West supports Canin Rosse's actions fully and confirms his Circle of Equals against Mathis as a Trial of Position confirming him as a Star Captain and in charge over the Watch Trinary.

28th March 3059
   Nova Cat OmniMech debuts in the Clan Homeworlds

1st April 3059
   Khan West meets with Captain Ross McKinnon on Tortuga.  He informs the Captain that the Fox's Teeth will be the Nova Cat's guests on Tortuga for a while and provides them with an entire building for the Fox's Teeth's use.  West informs them that he considers the building to be soverign Federated Suns territory and will treat it as such on the agreement that the Fox's Teeth do not attempt to escape instead they listen to the Nova Cats talk about their plans for their new home.

3rd April 3059
   Khan Santin West, Alpha Galaxy and two WarShips depart Nova Cat's Den heading for Clan space.

5th April 3059
   ilKhan Lincoln Osis challenges Khan Thomas Perez over Stone Rhino Clans in the inner sphere.  Perez informs the ilKhan that they have only attacked worlds held by the Clans, keeping with the agreement that Stone Rhinos can call trials against any of the other Clans without attack for a year.
   Thomas Perez also reveals that the Stone Rhino Clan has debutted the Stone Rhino OmniMech, a new Quad-chassis based design.  ilKhan Osis informs the Stone Rhino leader that his new Mech like his Clan is an affront to everything the Clans find important.

10th April 3059
   Star Captain Canin Rosse reveals a newly upgraded Fox's Teeth company to its MechWarriors.  The Mechs basic structure, and engine remain unchanged but all twelve Mechs have been ugraded with Clan technology making them far more deadly.  Ross McKinnon mentions to the Clan commander that tempting his troops with Mechs they can never use is mean but Canin counters this with an offer that Ross cannot refuse.  As the Nova Cats have detected further intruder DropShips entering the system.
   As with the Fox's Teeth entry the Spirit Sight has allowed them to continue to the planet.  Canin offers the Fox's Teeth company a chance to ride into combat with the Nova Cats.

11th April 3059
   In Clan space Elizabeth Radick becomes the saKhan of Clan Stone Rhino.

13th April 3059
   Clan Nova Cat's Watch Trinary and the Fox's Teeth engage a battalion sized pirate force on Tortuga.  They defeat the pirates with minimal losses and the Rabid Fox detachment attached to the Fox's Teeth capture one of the pirate DropShips - a Monarch-class vessel full of civilians.
   As none of the pirates can provide creditable information Canin Rosse agrees to dispossess the pirate force and civilians and release them into Tortuga's much depleated civilian population.  Weaponless they would prove to be little trouble for the Nova Cat touman.

14th April 3059
   Clan Stone Rhino launches a trial of possession against Clan Nova Cats territory on Dagda winning the battle with little more than a one on one fight between Elementals.
   They then launch an attack on the Smoke Jaguar territory on the planet.  Almost an entire cluster of Smoke Jaguars perish under Stone Rhino guns as the clan occupy a quarter of the territory on the world.

16th April 3059
   Galax shipyards service the Blue Star Irregulars WarShip Kerensky's Blues (Fredasa) as the Blue Star accept a contract with the Federated Suns.  Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion offers them a different contract from their current one.
   If they accept they will return to the Lyran Alliace under SLDF contract for one year.  At the end of that year they will be allowed to return to the SLDF as full time officers and enlisted if not they can return to the Federated Suns to a world of their own.
   The Blue Star Irregulars former SLDF troops jump at the contract and a chance to serve the SLDF again. Victor also gives them generous prices on the best Inner Sphere technology the Federated Suns can produce in echange for access to the Kerensky's Blues and for the majority of the Blue Star Irregulars' Clan technology.  The Irregulars agree buying enough to bring the Avatars of Painful Death Regiment back upto fighting strength.  Their Clan tech is shuttled away to NAIS for study.

1st May 3059
   Task Force Serpent leaves Defiance

13th May 3059
   FSS Intrpid (Fox) arrives at Luthien with majority of Task Force Bull Dog - units involved in Operation Bird Dog begin operations.

20th May 3059
   Operation Bulldog begins striking Hynar, Port Arthur, Tarazed, Kiamba, Teniente and Asgard.
   Star Adders put up firm resistance ComStar WarShips Strength Through Adversity (Lola III) and Hammerstrike (Essex) destroyed over Teniente.  Star Adders lose Vicious Fang (Fredasa) and Pompeii (Volga) in same battle.  As SLDF troops fail to even make it to the planet.
   Draconis Combine lose Night of Agony and Swiping Claw (both Inazuma) over Tarazed however they disable and capture FireCrest (Congress)

23rd May 3059
   Hynar secured by 1st Sword of Light who have destroyed the 3rd Jaguar Cavaliers on planet.

24th May 3059
   Both Port Arthur and Tarazed are confirmed secured by elements of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) and the Wolf's Dragoons.

27th May 3059
   Kiamba is secured by ComStar and the Northwind Highlanders supported by three smaller mercenary forces.
   Fighting continues on Asgard.

4th June 3059
   Asgard finally secured by SLDF badged units

14th June 3059
   Hell's Horse research base is randsacked on Eden in the clan Homeworlds over 100 members of scientific cast are killed.  412th Strike cluster dispacthed to hunt down attackers.

29th June 3059
   412th tracks down raiders to Radick Ridge crossing a canyon into Clan Wolf held territory.  The Hell's Horses chase them onto the bridge however from the other side an Inner Sphere built Panther stands targetting the bridge constantly as Power Armoured raiders blew the supports for the bridge destroying nearly the entire cluster.
   On the far side of the bridge the raiders destroy a Clan Wolf Trinary which they catch by surprise.  As with the wreckage of the 412th the raiders take no prisoners or salvage from the battle.

1st July 3059
   Clan Wolf, Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar, Ghost Bear, Star Adder and Steel Viper engage in Harvest Trials in Clan Homeworlds.  Off all the Clans Clan Wolf does best while Clan Ghost Bear does worse.

15th July 3059
   Delayed for over a week as fighting from Wave One continued Wave Two of Operation Bulldog begins.
   Turtle Bay and Almunge fall without battle as the clans abandon them.  On Avon they find the remains of an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser and a York-class Destroyer in orbit.  On the ground the 10th Lyran Guards RCT and the 2nd Genyosha supported by the Wolf's Dragoons Spider Battalion and the 9th ComGuard Division encounter two ravaged Clan units from both Clans, both of which fall within hours.  Of the Inner Sphere units only the 9th ComGuard Division suffers major damage as one DropShip is shot from the sky by Clan forces and another, carrying the unit commander, suffers engine trouble landing it in hostile territory.

19th July 3059
   Byesville and Hanover are captured as the Smoke Jaguars fall back almost immediatly after SLDF landings and the Star Adders agree to an honour trial before withdrawl.

25th July 3059
   Trial of Possession: Itabaiana, Clan Star Adder and Clan Wolf (in-Exile) engage in a traditional Trial of Possession led by Khan Phelan Kell and Khan Cassius N'Buta.  If Kell wins the Star Adders will cease fighting on the worlds they are currently engaged on and retreat.  If N'Buta wins the Wolf (in-Exile) Clan will fully withdraw from Operation Bulldog.
   Khan Phelan Kell leads his troops to victory on Itabiana forcing the Star Adders to admit defeat and begin a full withdrawal from the Inner Sphere.

28th July 3059
   Clan Smoke Jaguar launch a counter attack.  Striking at Pesht, McAlister, Matamoras, Meinacos and Lonaconing.
   On Pesht they had gone after Pesht's industry and supply bases intent on causing as much damage as possible but the 7th Sword of Light and Ryuken-san supported by the 1st Kell Hounds broke their attack.  In orbit the Simas Osis and Vulture (both Vincent) were destroyed by ComStar's Blake's Vision (Lola III) and Wolf (in-Exile)'s Valiant (Vincent).  Following the battle Blake's Vision is scuttled by ComStar and Valiant lacks a K-F Drive, although the Exiles believe the wreckage of the Smoke Jaguar Vincents may allow them to salvage an intact core.
   On McAlister Smoke Jaguar forces did far more damage destroying two ammunition dumps before the 1st McCarron's Armoured calvary can react.  The Davion Heavy Guards uses DropShips to jump Continent to continent and drops directly ontop of the Smoke Jaguar force breaking their backs.

29th July 3059
   After two weeks of fighting Caripare falls to ComStar, Mercenary and DCMS forces.  In the system the Broken Claw (Fredasa) of Clan Smoke Jaguar is captured.

31st July 3059
   Fighting on Yamarovka, Virentoften, Nykvarn and Labrea is concuded with two full Clan Smoke Jaguar Galaxies destroyed with non retreating.  The Inner Sphere lose the Kingston's Rangers on Nykvarn, the 6th An Tang Legion (DCMS) on Labera and the 22nd Benjamin Regulars on Yamarovka.

3rd August 3059
   Clan Star Adder Khan Cassius N'Buta addresses all the Khans via HPG informing them of Clan Wolf (in-Exile)'s trial against them and the Star Adder loss.  Khan N'Buta informs the other Khan that information he recieved from Phelan Kell suggests that the Inner Sphere are only targetting the Smoke Jaguars mainly because of the trouble in their OZ, Turtle Bay and the attack on Luthien.
   This announcement destroys all support the Smoke Jaguar leaders had been assembling.

12th August 3059
   Attack on Luzerne gets off to a horrible start as the 3rd Davion Guards RCT, 208th ComGuard Divison and the Ryuken-roku are ambushed in space by a pair of Smoke Jaguar WarShips.
   The Inner Sphere WarShip force Winds of Heaven (Inazuma) Draconis Rift (Kyushu) and Indomitable (Fox) all attack however the Smoke Jaguar Fredasa ignored them instead attacking the DropShips while still in transit.  22 DropShips in total are disabled in space or outright destroyed before the Fredasa is destroyed by the Indomitable.
   The Black Lion retreats from the sytem under heavy fire from all three Inner Sphere WarShips.

14th August 3059
   Commanding-General Victor Steiner-Davion deploys a second ComGuard Division, the Davion Light Guards RCT and both DCMS Night Stalkers Regiments to Luzerne to reinforce depleted invasion force.

28th August 3059
   Begining wave three except for Luzerne the Smoke Jaguars begin a full withdrawal from the Inner Sphere two full Front-Line Galaxies and two WarShips retreat the Inner Sphere barely damaged by the SLDF.
   Victor Steiner-Davion draws his commander to the Werewolf (McKenna), flagship of Clan Wolf (in-Exile).  There he announces his plan to chase the Smoke Jaguars back to Huntress and confront the Clans on their own soil supporting Morgan Hasek-Davion's Task Force Serpent.
   Although House Master Fah Li Shei of Warrior House Dai Dai Chi speaks out against it he is bound by honour to the SLDF's banner.
   Victor selects the 10th Lyran Guards RCT along with Danai Centrella's command battalion, the 1st Genyosha Regiment, the First St Ives Lancers, ComStar's Invader Galaxy, the 2nd Knights of the Inner Sphere, the Capellan's Red Lancer Regiment, the Free Rasalhague Republic's 3rd Drakons and the Lyran's 1st Royal Guards Regiment a true Inner Sphere wide force.  Escorting them would be 4 ComStar WarShips, 2 Federated Commonwealth WarShips and 2 Draconis Combine WarShips.
   With Victor would be Coordinator Hohiro Kurita, Kai Allard-Liao and Anastasius Focht key leaders of the Inner Sphere who would bring the Clans to their knees.
   Khan Phelan Kell is charged with mopping up Inner Sphere operations and securing the Clan border.  With Minoru Kurita charged with the safety of the Draconis Combine and Yvonne Steiner-Davion made regent of New Avalon and the Federated Commonwealth.

29th August 3059
   Luzerne is Liberated the 3rd Night Stalkers are completely destroyed and both the 3rd Davion and the 208th ComGuard Division lose over half of their force and are stood down on Luzerne for the rest of Operation Bulldog.

30th August 3059
   The Word of Blake attack Titan Shipyards with four WarShips.  In the battle Alacrity (Vincent) for ComStar is destroyed, Holling's York (Congress) is disabled and captured and Resilience (Vincent) betrays ComStar and joins the Word of Blake.  This gives the Word of Blake full control over the Terra system.

8th September 3059
   Jal Steiner becomes Clan Nova Cat's new Oathmaster beating all in the Grand Melee on Barcella in the Clan Homeworlds.

16th September 3059
   Khan Santin West (Nova Cat) arrives on Strana Mechty.  He almost catches saKhan Karl Devalis and saKhan Sellen Cage in a compromising position but Karl is able to cover it up.

20th September 3059
   Khan Santin West travels to Barcella to meet with Oathmaster Jal Steiner who has been locked in Biccon Winter's personal sanctuary for twelve days without food and with the barest of water.
   Khan West challenges the man to forfill his duties instead of remaining within the sancturary.  Jal Steiner instead gives the Khan a vision.  And with that he agrees to leave the sanctuary.

The vision:
   â€œThe Jaguar will be fatality struck from by the well travelled Serpent, the Bears have followed another’s path and have almost finished their great journey, but may need help at home, the Bulldog and the Prince will rise and the war will end.”

21st September 3059
   Khan West, saKhan Devalis and Oathmaster Steiner attempt to piece together the vision.  They predict that Huntress will be attacked sooner rather than later.  They decide to test the Ghost Bear clan's resolve by launching a trial for control over the rest of Barcella.
   Khan West transfers Delta Galaxy to the Oathmaster's control temporarily sending the Galaxy and Oathmaster to the Nova Cat's Den.  While keeping saKhan Devalis in the Homeworlds with his Shiva Keshik.  Deploying them to Strana Mechty Khan West takes up Nova Cat Operations on Barcella.

29th September 3059
   Clan Nova Cat's Alpha Galaxy secure almost all of Clan Ghost Bear territory on Barcella.  The Bears fight bravely but their bases and civilians are gone confirming Nova Cat suspicions of a major move.

15th November 3059
   End of the so-called Harvest Trials.  Both Blood Spirit and Stone Rhino Clans have taken forces from the invading Clans - the only Homeworld Clans to make gains.

18th December 3059
Battle of Trafalgar
   In deep space Task Force Serpent's lead ship the Ranger (Lola III) into a system with four Clan Ghost Bear WarShips and a group of JumpShips present.  Unwilling to allow their force to be discovered the rest of the Serpent WarShips also enter the fray.
   Draconis Combine DEST Troopers in Battle Armour board the Ghost Bear's Fire Fang (Whirlwind) while Morgan Hasek-Davion boards the FSS Sharpened Blade (Claymore) and escorts the Eridani Light Horse's Rear Admiral David Natale as the mercenaries turned SLDF troops launch an attack of their own to capture a Ghost Bear Congress.
   Federated Suns Rabid Fox teams assist DEST troops in securing Fire Fang, they are later further supported by ComGuard marines.  A second Ghost Bear Whirlwind and a Vincent are destroyed under Serpent guns.  While David Natale confirms the end of the battle by broadcasting to Serpent from the bridge of his newly captured Flagship Shining Claw (Congress).
   Following the battle and the relocation of over seven hundred Ghost Bear Civilians to a habitable planet the Star League commanders agree that the heavily damaged Ranger should return to the Inner Sphere.  The rest of Serpent and their two newly captured WarShips continue onto Huntress.
   The Ranger has suffered heavy damage to most decks, has no port weapons or any fighter bays.  The ship is crewed by a skeleton crew and sent back to the Inner Sphere but it never arrives at Columbus Base and is not traced by the Explorer Corps.

I'll probably post the snippets as I have the CBT forum shortly and post links to this thread.

Hope you enjoy

Comments welcome
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 03:11:32 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 03:36:11 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2011, 04:57:35 PM »

Thanks for all the additional material, its great.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2011, 07:06:55 PM »

Continuing to 3060

Serpent encounters The Voice - Morgan Hasek-Davion survives assassination attempt - Huntress - Great Refusal - 3rd FedCom goes Rogue - Sirian Concordance revolts against FWL - Fox's Teeth released - St Ives War begins - Archon driven from New Avalon - Nova Cats deal - New Colony Region trouble - A Varnay returns to the Federated Suns

2nd February 3060
   Khan Bjorn Jorgensson orders Ghost Bear units to search periphery as four WarShips and a civilian JumpShip fleet go missing enroute to the Inner Sphere.

14th February 3060
   Task Force Serpent encounters The Voice in the Deep Periphery, a recording of Aleksandr Kerensky when he arrived on the Pentagon Worlds.
   Morgan Hasek-Davion survives an attempted assassination attempt - the assassin is blown out into space by a faulty airlock robbing the SLDF a chance to interogate him.

2nd March 3060
   Kyushu-class DCS Haruna jumps into Huntress system and deploys a Broadsword-class DropShip carrying DEST teams to the planet.

8th March 3060
   DEST troopers assault the Fang's Mountain Range Defence Complex on Huntress disabling the SDS system for the planet.

12th March 3060
   Task Force Serpent reaches the Huntress system.  In system are a Jaguar Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser and two Vincent-class Corvettes.  A naval battle begins at the Nadir point.
   The battle costs the Inner Sphere force the FCS Rostock (Fox) and causes heavy damage to the Starlight (Essex) however it clears the way for the ground troops.

16th March 3060
   ilKhan Lincoln Osis convenes Ground Council informing the other Clans of the Inner Sphere attack and tries to rally support for his Clan.  Wolf, Jade Falcon and Star Adder leaders counter him and the Smoke Jaguars are left to live or die alone.
   ilKhan Osis leaves Strana Mechty with the Streaking Mist to reinforce Huntress forces.

15th March 3060
   Following a High G burn in Task Force Serpents ground forces arrive on Huntress.
   Canon losses on both sides from main engagement

19th March 3060
   Serpent secure Huntress and begin destroying the Smoke Jaguars military capabilities.
   General Ariana Winson (Eridani Light Horse) is killed fighting off a Smoke Jaguar counter assault on the Genetic Repository.

22nd March 3060
   Smoke Jaguar Occupation Forces arrive in Clan Space bearing down on Huntess a Liberator-class Cruiser, a Fredasa-class Corvette and a Vincent-class Corvette escort.
   Invisible Truth (Cameron) and Bordeaux (Dante) both take heavy damage.  Antrim (Fox), Haruna (Kyushu) and Fire Fang (Whirlwind) are all damaged but all operational.  Shining Claw (Congress) is undamaged in orbit of Huntress.
   Starlight (Essex) is lost in a collision with the Smoke Jaguar Vincent.  The Liberator is destroyed and the remaining Fredasa is disabled and scuttled by the Smoke Jaguars in one last piece of defiance.

26th March 3060
   Shining Claw engages several incoming DropShips heading for Huntress and informs the ground forces.
   Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion brings his forces together and breaks them into two armies one with the Eridani Light Horse, ComGuards and St Ives lancers deffend the capital Lootera while the second force the 1st Kathil Uhlans, Warrior House Lu Sann, Kings of the Inner Sphere and Northwind Highlanders hold the factories beside Lake Osis.
   A third relief force consisting of the Kingston's Legionaries, 4th Drakons amd Lyran Guards (each under 50%) operational capacity are assigned to the continent Abysmal with Serpents DropShips.

27th March 3060
   Smoke Jaguar ground forces land on the Plains of Lootera and challenge the SLDF to one last battle before charging towards the city.  Morgan Hasek-Davion ordered as many artillery rounds placed on the Smoke Jaguar force as the invasion army could manage.
   The Smoke Jaguars met the St Ives Lancers first crushing the remains of the unit.  Next ComStar was steam rolled as the force continued on into the Eridani Light Horse under Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion.
   Leftenant-General Andrew Redburn led his 1st Kathil Uhlans from their position beside Lake Osis on a sprint hitting the Smoke Jaguars from behind causing a gap in their lines.  Instead of the Eridani Light Horse charging out the Uhlans continued into the thick of the gap meeting up with the beseiged SLDF troops.  Standing side by side in captured Clan Dire Wolf OmniMechs Redburn and Hasek-Davion held the Smoke Jaguars until the Northwind Highlanders could arrive as a second relief force.  The remaining Smoke Jaguars retreated to their DropShips.

28th March 3059
   As the SLDf recovered Lootera word arrives that saKhan Brandon Howell of the Smoke Jaguars and a force of Smoke Jaguars have overrun SLDF forces on Abysmal crushing the Kingston's Legionaries and the 4th Drakons sending the Lyran Guards into full retreat.
   To cover the remains of the relief forces Morgan Hasek-Davion orders a repositioned Shining Claw to fire their weapons until they are empty of ammunition or they explode in a savage desperate move to stop the Smoke Jaguars.  This move of desperation shatters the Smoke Jaguar morale and kills saKhan Brandon Howell.
   At the same time ilKhan Lincoln Osis arrives in the Huntress system at a pirate point.

29th March 3059
   ilKhan Lincoln Osis lands on his homeworld.  While the Streaking Mist (Black Lion) moves to engage the SLDF fleet.
   The ilKhan's arrival brings all the remaining Smoke Jaguars out to the field for one last final stand.  They charge on seeing the Black Watch insignia on Northwind Highlander Mechs standing side by side with the white Mechs of the ComGuard.
   The most elite troops of Clan Smoke Jaguar charge straight into the comStar and Black Watch force causing extreme damage to the ComGuard Division reducing it to less than a single Level III formation.  Turning to pull back for a second attack the Smoke Jaguars run straight into the remaining Northwind Highlander forces of McLeod's Highlanders.  Instead or turning again the Smoke Jaguars try and run straight into the Highlanders but the mercenaries hold firm.  This battle costs the Northwind Highlanders over a third of their remaining forces including Colonel William McLeod his Huron Warrior crushed by a charging Warhawk.
   Captain Neil Campbell, of the Black Watch, accepts a Star League field promotion from Morgan Hasek-Davion to Major and takes command of the remains of the Northwind force.

30th March 3059
   The Jade Falcons based at their mountain training base try and move to assist the Smoke Jaguars seeing a chance for glory - to be remembered as the warriors who saved the ilKhan.
   However they are cut off by the Rabid Fox teams in position since the initial landings Captain Roger Montjar orders his troops to detonate massive explosive charges placed throughout the Eastern Mountain range crushing every single route the Jade Falcons could take without harming a single Jade Falcon warrior.  Only a DropShip, which the Jade Falcons did not have, could get them clear of the area.
   The Rabid Fox teams retreat to Lootera.

31st March 3060
   Streaking Mist and the most elite aerospace fighter Stars in the Smoke Jaguar Touman engage the SLDF fleet at the nadir point.  This engagement destroys the Antrim (Fox) and the Bordeaux (Dante) with broadsides of Naval Autocannons.  The Streaking Mist also cripples the Fire Fang (Whirlwind).
   Fortunately the Invisible Truth, Haruna and Fire Fang are able to rally and destroy the Streaking Mist and the remaining aerospace fighters before further losses could be taken.  Dowin to three badly damaged vessels Commodore Beresick recalls the Shining Claw from Huntress for more support.  In the area of the Nadir and Zenith points are the wreckage of nine Inner Sphere and Clan WarShips.

3rd April 3060
   Unable to continue to hold Lootera and with no DropShips the SLDF forces on Huntress retreat into the Jaguar's Fang's Mountains.  The remaining Jaguars attacked them often at night before disappearing into hidden mountain passages.
   The SLDF under Morgan Hasek-Davion continued on not realizing they were heading straight for a Smoke Jaguar trap.  Entering a small clearing the SLDF units numbering perhaps three regiments combined came across three Smoke Jaguar Clusters attacking from all sides.
   For eighteen hours the battle continued with Morgan Hasek-Davion marshalling his forces constantly forward through the Smoke Jaguar ambush deeper into the mountains followed by the remains of the Jaguar Touman.

4th April 3060
   Two squads of Rabid Fox and DEST troopers who had secretted themselves in Lootera report the arrival of the Stone Rhino Clan in system.

5th April 3060
   Khan Thomas Perez challenges ilKhan Lincoln Osis to a Trial of Absorption.  Osis unable to turn down a challenge leaves the remains of Morgan Hasek-Davion's force and returns with all his remaining forces to the Plains of Lootera.  They agree to fight in two days.
   Clan Jade Falcon sends word of the Stone Rhino interferance in the Inner Sphere's Trial of Annihalation against the Smoke Jaguars.

8th April 3060
   Clan Nova Cat's Thunderbolt (Black Lion) Snow Raven's Snow Raven (Nightlord), Wolf's Touman (Texas) and the Jade Falcon White Aerie (Black Lion) all arrive at the Huntress system's nadir point.  Commodore Allan Beresick offers his immediate and unconditional surrender unable to match even one of the Clan vessels.
   The Clan forces ignore him unable to accept surrender as that would be as much as a violation of the Trial as had Clan Stone Rhino's interferance.  The Clan fleet orders the Stone Rhinos to withdraw from the planet, a message that arrives just after the two Huntress based Clans had begun their Trial.  The Stone Rhinos immedately broke off fighting however the damage had been done, in the Smoke Jaguar's last volley before also holding fire Khan Thomas Perez (Stone Rhino) had been killed.
   The remaining Stone Rhino force evacuated the planet three days later taking ProtoMech technology with them.

12th April 3060
Serpent's Miracle
   As the Stone Rhino Clan withdrew from the system Task Force Bulldog arrived in the Huntress system led by Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion. Seeing the Clan and remaining Serpent WarShips not fighting Victor saw an opportunity and tried to challenge all the Khans at once to a single ground based Trial.  The four Clan WarShips immediatly left the system transmitting a single message to Victor before their departure.

   "Clean up Huntress first, if you can"

16th April 3060
   Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion's Bulldog arrives on Huntress as Clan Smoke Jaguar launch a new offensive against the cornered Serpent forces.  The week of quiet on Huntress had allowed the Smoke Jaguars to bring more units online giving them nearly five full clusters of warriors in fighting condition.
   Seeing Serpent's forces close to breaking Victor ordered a combat drop of his entire force on the Smoke Jaguar positions. In less than thirty minutes the Smoke Jaguars were in full retreat.   

17th April 3060
   With ilKhan Lincoln Osis successfully evading the Inner Sphere force Victor Steiner-Davion challenges all the Khans of a trial on Strana Mechty to end the Clan War and Clan Smoke Jaguar once and for all.  The Clan's agree.

20th April 3060
   A series of trials between the Crusader Clans and the Inner Sphere forces begins on Strana Mechty.  Surprisingly Clans Ghost Bear and Nova Cat refuse to participate, they are followed by all the Warden Clans.

Smoke jaguar vs Federated Commonwealth - Inner Sphere win.  Elements of the 10th Lyran Guards and 1st Kathil Uhlans with Danai Centrella Leftenant-Colonel Archer Christifori downing three Mechs himself.  Danai Centrella is knocked out by a blast to her cockpit during the fight but survives after brief surgery.
Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion kills ilKhan Lincoln Osis in personal combat.

Wolf vs St Ives Compact - Draw - Khan Vlad Ward against Duke Kai Allard-Liao Kai beats Vlad but the Wolves beat the St Ives Lancers.

Star Adder vs Draconis Combine - Draw - Hohiro Kurita is defeated and badly injured by Cassius N'Buta but the 1st Genyosha force beats the Star Adders.

Jade Falcon vs ComStar - ComStar force slaughters Jade Falcons as the clansmen driven by rage make themselves easy targets.

Blood Spirits vs Free Worlds League - Second Knights of Inner Sphere under command of Sir Paul Masters are badly beaten by the smallest of the Crusader Clans.

Fire Mandril vs Capellan Confederation - Capellan's Red Lancers prove a worthy force beating the Fire Mandrill Khan's command unit.

Hell's Horses vs Free Rasalhague Republic - Hell's Horses beat 4th Drakons as the two forces engage with an almost pure Armour and infantry battle.

Stone Rhino vs Lyan Alliance - 1st Royal Guards against newly risen Khan Elizabeth Radick's command.  The Stone Rhino's medium/heavy force out moves the assault Mechs of the Lyran Royals and gives the Clans another win.

Ice Hellion vs Task Force Serpent (SLDF) - under Morgan Hasek-Davion and Major Neil Campbell the company are painted as a Royal unit of the SLDF with not a single national flag on any of the 12 Mechs.
   The sight of the Royal Black Watch's insignia molded into Campbell's Highlander drives the Ice Hellions to engage the SLDF force up close and personal very early on.  The Ice Hellion Khan is killed when his Visigoth is struck by Gauss rifle blast while saKhan Sellen Cage is crushed inside her disabled Linebacker as Neil Campbell's Highlander trips landing on the downed Mech severely injuring Campbell and killing the saKhan.
   With both Khans dead the Ice Hellion force refuses to surrender and are killed to the man by the SLDF force.  With a four-three win with two Draws the Inner Sphere has won the Refusal War ending the united Clan invasion.

23rd April 3060
   Victor Steiner-Davion addresses the Clan Council the Refusal War is rectified by all the remaining Khans.  A permenant SLDF presence on Huntress is agreed and Sir Paul Masters is chosen as the first Ambassador.

24th April 3060
   saKhan Karl Devalis (Nova Cat) challenges Major Neil Campbell to a trial over the death of Sellen Cage.  Devalis claiming that Campbell murdered the saKhan.  Campbell defeats the Nova Cat warrior in combat ending the matter for now.

27th April 3060
   Khan Bjorn Jorgensson (Ghost Bear) announces that Clan Ghost Bear have left the Clan Homeworlds for their Ghost Bear Dominion in the Inner Sphere.

29th April 3060
   Last major assets Clan Nova Cat has in Homeworlds leaves for Nova Cat's Den under heavy WarShip escort only Barcella and Strana Mechty territories remain.
   Nova Cat genetic legacies are aboard one of the Nova Cat WarShips.

8th May 3060
   The 3rd Federated Commonweath Corps RCT goes rogue from New Aragon moving its base of operations to the Strana Supremacy intent on assisting this tiny two world nation in the heart of the Capellan Confederation in their fight for survival.

12th June 3060
   Oathmaster Jal Steinr arrives on Clan Nova Cat's new capital New Barcella landing in at the Rosse Starport in the heart of Phillip Drummond City.

13th June 3060
   Sun-Tzu Liao discovers that Victor Steiner-Davion, Hohiro Kurita and Kai Allard-Liao have all been out of the Inner Sphere for over a year and that they may not return.  He begins plans to crush the St Ives Compact.

14th June 3060
   Clan Ghost Bear capture three worlds from the Wolf Occupation Zone.

15th June 3060
   The three Sirian Lancer Regiments under Helen Thrall break from the FWLM and assault the former Sirian Concordance worlds within the Chaos March Sirius and Procoyn.  They quickly break former ComStar Adept Alexander Gyrn's hold on the planet.
   Expelling all ComStar and Word of Blake personnel new leader Helen Thrall declares the Sirian Concordance an independant nation from the Free Worlds League before ceasing all communications.

19th July 3060
   In deep space en route to the Inner Sphere Victor Steiner-Davion and Morgan Hasek-Davion discuss their next crisis.
   1) Katherine Steiner-Davion and the Lyran Alliance
   2) Hohiro Kurita and the Draconis Combine over Victor's relationship with Omi Kurita - which Victor says has ended.
   3) Danai Centrella - following the end of his relationship with Omi Victor had spent far more time with the periphery Duchess and already people within the SLDF forces had noticed and begun talking.

12th August 3060
   Ross McKinnon shows Canin Rosse the location of one of the Federated Suns spy satellites in the Nova Cat's Den as a gesture of goodwill and as a stepping stone to getting his Fox's Teeth released.  With the discovery of one satelite the Nova Cat's sophisticated sensors mounted on their WarShips are able to find all within the Nova Cat's Den

22nd September 3060
   As the Nova Cats continue to destroy spy satellites within the Nova Cat's Den systems the WarShip Chronicle carrying Ross McKinnon and Canin Rosse is intercepted by the Righteous Return (Vincent).
   Oathmaster Jal Steiner boards the Chronicle, Canin Rosse is promoted to the rank of Star Colonel and placed in command of the Watch Cluster, a newly formed unit.
   Oathmaster Steiner explains he has had a vision and that Star Colonel Canin Rosse and the Watch Cluster must escort the Fox's Teeth and the Thunderchild to Federated Suns space.

26th September 3060
   Blackwind Lancers attack the Capellan Confederation world of Hustaing.  Decimate Warrior House Hiritsu and secure Duchess Isis Marik.  Sun-Tzu Liao orders the McCarron Armoured Calvary to retake Hustaing at any cost ignoring the fact Isis is in danger.

29th September 3060
Star League HPG Conference
   Special command circuits are set up by ComStar allowing the Succession lords to speak with little delay over huge distance.  ComStar complains of the cost but each lord agrees to pay.
   Candice Liao asks for SLDF aid against Capellan Confederation military forces.

1st October 3060
   Captain-General Thomas Marik orders the WarShips Karelia (Zechetinu) and the Menelaus (Agamemnon) along with the 1st and 2nd Free Worlds Leagionaries and the 1st Free Worlds League Guards to Hustaing.
   All three regiments land on the planet battering both the Capellan Confederation forces and the rogue Blackwind Lancers on planet.  They rescue Duchess Isis Marik and escort her to Solaris VII system where her personnel JumpShip meets her.
   Unwelcome within the Capellan Confederation or Free Worlds League Isis Marik heads for Luthien to see an old friend.

27th October 3060
   Hell's Horses take three Clan Wolf Worlds on their border with the Ghost Bear Dominion.

9th November 3060
   failed assassination attempt against Capellan Confederation Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao.  A security breach is found within the Forbidden City resulting in a purge of staff 642 deaths within staff.
   Capellan agents in Capellan March and Chaos March continue to cause more and more trouble.

18th December 3060
   Unable to cope with mounting troubles Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion calls for assistance from her older sister Katrina Steiner-Davion.  Katrina arrives in the New Avalon system with the newly renovated WarShip LAS Athens (Hyperion).
   At almost the exact same time as the arrival of Katrina in the system the newly launched Clan Nova Cat flagship Severn Lervoux (Anna Rosse, modified Avatar) arrives in the system launchign four carrier DropShips and over one hundred and thirty Aerospace fighters.
   Instead of staying and adding her Hyperion's firepower to the two local Federated Suns Fox-class Corvettes Katrina orders her ship home leaving the Federated Suns to their own problems.

19th December 3060
   With neither side firing and after a standoff at the Nadir point Captain Ross McKinnon contacts New Avalon to talk.  As the Severn Lervoux still lacks Nova Cat colours New Avalon at first thinks the SLDF are in control of the vessel.

20th December 3060
   The Severn Lervoux is escorted to a hidden pirate point in the New Avalon system known to the DMI as Point Zulu to hide it from the public eye.  Ross McKinnon warns them that the DMI maintains a secret base close by and that a second option exists.
   Point Galahad is a second pirate point that only exists every twelve hours for thirty minutes before other objects get in the way.  Star Admiral Anders McKenna, the commander of the Severn Lervoux, believes it is suicide however the pilot believes he can do it.
   Three hours later the ship jumps from the Nadir point to Point Galahad completely disappearing from Federated Suns sensors. The Severn Lervoux launches two Overlord-C DropShips and jumps out again joining the other Nova Cat vessels still out of the system with the Thunderchild as the Fox's Teeth and Watch Cluster head in system.

22nd December 3060
   Two Overlord C DropShips are detected making a high G run into New Avalon atmosphere.  Ross McKinnon speaks directly with Yvonne Steiner-Davion and stresses that the forces with him do not mean the Federated Suns harm.  They are escorted to a Davion mountain retreat by Federated Suns aerospace forces.
   On the ground the two DropShips are surrounded by the 1st Davion Guards RCT.  Fox's Teeth and Rabid Fox troopers from Tortuga stand with Nova Cats against Marshal Bishop Sortek's orders.
   Canin Rosse, Ross McKinnon and Rachel McKinnon (Rabid Fox) are escorted to the retreat so the Nova Cat commander can speak to Yvonne Davion.
   At the retreat Canin Rosse meets Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion, Baron Tarncred Sandoval, Field Marshal Christian McCarthy (DMI) and Field Marshal Jackson Davion.
   Canin Rosse informs them that the Nova Cats have occupied the Tortuga Dominions and that the Clan does not threaten the Federated Suns stability.  Instead they are willing to work with them and present the Federated Suns with a gift.
   Field Marshal McCarthy mentions that with the information the Federated Suns could gain from Canin's men the Federated Suns could capture the so-called Nova Cat's Den themselves within three weeks.  Canin counters this by telling the gathered Federated Suns officials that within those three weeks the Nova Cat WarShip fleet could make Turtle Bay look like a bar brawl, Rosse's savagery and anger even surprises Ross McKinnon who believed he knew the man well.
   Star Colonel Canin Rosse invites Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion aboard the Severn Lervoux so he can show her the Nova Cat gift to the Federated Suns.  Yvonne takes a leap of faith, despite Jackson Davion's objection, and joins the Nova Cat Star Colonel aboard his ship the Overlord returns to orbit.
   Both Fox's Teeth Company and Rabid Fox Platoon are taken into protective custody by Field Marshal McCarthy and the DMI.

23rd December 3060
   The Severn Lervoux takes Yvonne away from the New Avalon system to a dead system one Jump away from the New Avalon system.  When the Severn Lervoux unexpectedly jumps Yvonne loses her balance however Canin catches her and holds her as she regains her composure.  Afterwards she remarks that perhaps if they see each other again Canin should call her Yvonne instead of her rank.
   In the dead system Yvonne sees just how strong the Nova Cats are the Severn Lervoux is joined by two Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers and the Nova Cat gift to the Federated Suns the Varnay-class Battleship FSS Thunderchild.
   Yvonne is surprised and angry at the mention of the vessel's origin and questions if the Clans have connections to "that damned family" when Canin explains where the ship was found she calms down.  She remarks that he is unlike most Clansmen she has heard about, Canin replies that they are human, no different to anyone else in the end.

24th December 3060
   Protector Jeffery Calderon and Magestix Emma Centrella are taken hostage on the New Colony Region world of Detroit by 'President' Sherman Maltin.

25th December 3060
   Federated Suns recovery teams and the FSS Invincible (Fox) arrive in the system to recover Yvonne Davion and take ownership over the Thunderchild away from prying eyes.  Nova Cat's leave the Federated Suns without being detected by the AFFS once.

Hope you enjoy that's the end of 3060 - more along soon
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2011, 03:10:50 PM »

Next update 3061

- St Ives War continues - Rescue on Detroit goes wrong - Bulldog and Serpent return - Katrina turns on ComStar/WoB - Centrella chooses exile - Steel Vipers accept Hegira - New Syrtis attacked - Battle Armour Corps begins to form


27th January 3061
   Taking advantage of the Inner Sphere's pre-occupation with the Clans and the lack of leadership in the Star League Council the Capellan Confederation invades a further three St Ives worlds.  Federated Suns units, the 1st Capellan Dragoons, 1st Kittery Borderers and the half disbanded 7th FedCom Corps RCT are all caught up in the fighting.
   Capellan and Federated Suns WarShips spar in the Milos and Nashur systems although none are badly damaged.

9th February 3061
   Magestix Emma Centrella and Protector Jeffery Calderon are killed during a botched rescue attempt by Capellan Confederation Commandos led by Colonel Naomi Centrella.
   Not knowing of Task Force Bulldog's fate Naomi declares herself the Magistracy of Canopus' new leader.  Lord Grover Sharplen is installed on Taurus.

20th March 3061
   Task Force Bulldog and Serpent arrive back in Inner Sphere arriving at Luthien shortly afterwards.  Coordinator Hohiro Kurita invites Commanding-General Victor Steiner-Davion to spend time on Luthien in his official capacity as commander of the SLDF, Victor declines citing trouble at home.
   Morgan Hasek-Davion steps down as AFFS Marshal of Armies and becomes SLDF Commanding-General full time.  Morgan accepts Hohiro's invitation to the Commanding-General of the SLDF as the person was not specified.
   Danai Centrella discovers that her mother has been killed on Detroit and her sister has taken her throne.  Instead of contesting this she decides Exile is best and accepts Victor's invitation to New Avalon.
   Forces from Task Force Serpent and Bulldog form the 1st Royal BattleMech Regiment.  Leftenant-Colonel Archer Christifori accepts a SLDF promotion to command the regiment reisgning from the AFFS.
   Omiko Kurita and Victor Davion exchange parting words as they go their seperate ways putting duty ahead of all else.

25th March 3061
   ComStar gift the first Artemis-Diplomatic Vessels to The Free Worlds League, the SLDF and one to itself.

3rd April 3061
   Clan Steel Viper attempt to remove Clan Jade Falcon from their joint Occupation Zone.  After early victories the Steel Vipers are on the back foot.

9th April 3061
   Clan Star Adder reoccupy three Draconis Combine worlds still in the possession of Clan Stone Rhino.  The Stone Rhinos leave the Inner Sphere with eight Mule-class DropShips briming with supplies and isorla.

29th April 3061
   Katrina Steiner-Davion arrives back on Tharkad.  Her first order of business is to seize ComStar's Precentor Dag Kesselring and a ROM team and place them under house arrest.  Publically Katrina charges them with spying on the Lyran Alliance, Privately Katrina exposes the Precentor and his ROM team as being Blakist plants within ComStar's ranks much to ComStar's gratitude.

6th June 3061
   Word of Blake's Precentor Martial Trent Adrian and his second Suzanne Mulvanery are killed on Terra in an apparent terrorist attack.  Almost immediately afterwards Precentor Cameron St Jamis becomes the new Precentor Martial.
   Following this event the Word of Blake seal the Terra system to outside visitors.

12th June 3061
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion leads the 1st Kathil Uhlans and the 10th Lyran Guards RCT triumphantly throught the streets of Avalon City.  Beside him is Danai Centrella's BattleMech painted as a Mech of the Davion Guard.  Scandalvids across the Federated Suns are soon beaming pictures of Victor's Dire Wolf and Danai's Falconer triumphantly marching side by side through the streets full of cheering crowds.
   They are met at the Davion Palace by Arthur and Yvonne Steiner-Davion.  Yvonne officially steps down as Regent.
   Arthur makes a comment of Victor moving from the Drac-snake queen to the Canopian Carnival Princess which results in Victor pining his brother on the floor warning him to learn some manners on Robinson before returning.
   Jackson Davion explains the situation with Clan Nova Cat, Katherine Steiner-Davion running away and Yvonne's response to the situation along with the Nova Cat's gift.
   Danai Centrella is led on a tour of the Davion Palace by Yvonne Davion as the two become fast friends.

14th June 3061
   Victor Steiner-Davion finds out about the treatment of the Rabid Fox and Fox's Teeth units at the hands of the DMI and orders their immediate release.  Ross McKinnon admits to helping the Nova Cats remove Davion spy satelites to aid the release of his men - Victor grants his betrayal an instant pardon and orders both units commended for their time in captivity,

4th July 3061
   Khan Marthe Pryde forces the Steel Vipers to accept Hegira from the Inner Sphere after a string of impressive victories.

29th July 3061
   Fox's Teeth Commander Ross McKinnon and Rabid Fox Commander Leftenant Rachel Mongomery get engaged on New Avalon after over a year together in the Nova Cat's Den.
   Ross McKinnon is promoted to rank of Major.

18th August 3061
   Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion arrives on New Avalon and after a lengthy meeting with First Prince Victor Davion he steps down as Marshal of Armies of the AFFS to focus on building the SLDF to a respectable force.
   Marshal Jackson Davion is named the new Marshal of Armies by Victor Davion.
   Agreed at the meeting the survivors of the 3rd Davion Guards RCT and the 208th ComStar Division merge into one unit under the SLDF Flag forming the 2nd Royal Regimental Brigade.

19th August 3061
   Duchess Yvonne Steiner-Davion introduces Danai Centrella to the New Avalon night life dropping by at Stringfellow's of New Avalon amoungst other places.

20th August 3061
   Following continued discussions on New Avalon the SLDF are granted permission to build a significant base and training facility on Kittery in the Capellan March.

21st October 3061
   The New Syrtis Shipyards are attacked by an unknown WarShip design supported by three DropShips armed with capital missiles.  The attacker targets the New Syrtis Jump Point based shipyards vapourizing them and two Fox class Corvette defenders costing the Federated Suns a vital JumpShip production facility and twenty-three thousand lives.  The WarShip and surviving DropShips escape the system before further AFFS forces can arrive.  Neither Indomitable or Robinson (Both Fox) are salvagable.
   The WarShip is later identified as a Colt-class Battle-cruiser, the Heracles.  A Taurian Concordat design thought destroyed since the fall of the Star League.

10th November 3061
Second Whitting Conference
   Based on Marik Thomas Marik hosts the leaders of the Second Star League.  Danai Centrella remains with Victor Davion and Naomi Centrella remains with Sun-Tzu Liao neither saying a single word to the other.
   Due to Victor's recent connection to Danai Hohiro Kurita finds his sister's honour betrayed and treats Victor hostilly showing that their alliance during the Clan War was over.
   Morgan Hasek-Davion announces new training centres on Kittery, Warlock and at the Focht War College in the Freee Rasalhague Republic.

12th November 3061
   Ross McKinnon and Rachel Montgomery plan their wedding on New Avalon, they agree they'd like to see the person who brought them together attend - Star Colonel Canin Rosse, Clan Nova Cat's Watch commander.

14th November 3061
   First Lord Thomas Marik announces his decision to donate the 5th Brigade of the Fusiliers of Oriente to the Star League Defence Force.  They are to re-assume their designation as the 28th Hussar Regulars.
   Thomas Marik nominates Katherine Steiner-Davion to succeed him as First Lord.  The Lyran leader refuses the nomination.  She claims to want nothing to do with an organisation soley reformed to annihalate the Clans.  Victor Steiner-Davion offers his sister an olive branch and agrees with her.  He continues by nominating Hohiro Kurita to succeed Thomas Marik as First Lord.
   Katrina intent on matching her brother seconds the nomination.  Hohiro accepts the nomination with a smile remarking it was something the Draconis Combine would long treasure.
   Sun-Tzu Liao nominates Elected-Prince Christian Mansdotter to the position which Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht seconds.

15th November 3061
   Hohiro Kurita becomes the second First Lord of the Second Star League winning by four votes to two over Christian Mansdotter.
   Katherine Steiner-Davion confronts Victor over her belief of a mystery WarShip in the New Avalon system.  Morgan Hasek-Davion surprisingly comes to the First Prince's aid by claiming it was a half finished Kirishima-class Cruiser donated to the SLDF by the Draconis Combine.
   Morgan Hasek-Davion attempts to force Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao to remove his forces from the St IVes Compact but he ignores it.

17th November 3061
   2nd Royal BattleMech Regiment of the SLDF join the defence of the St Ives Compact on order of the Commanding-General.  Landing on Milos as peacekeepers the SLDF unit finds itself immediately under attack from Capellan forces.

15th December 3061
   Omi Kurita suggests a retreat for Isis Marik called Saint Marinus House on Zaniah in the Lyran Alliance.  She suggested meeting someone there who could possibly help her with her current troubles.

21st December 3061
   Colonel Harry Sanders, commander of the Stalwart Support Regiment, meets with Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion on Outreach.  There he agrees for his Infantry Regiment to become SLDF troops.  Split into Battalion sized units the unit is to become the core of a new Battle Armour Corps Morgan wishes to form.
   Harry Sanders agrees to accept an SLDF promotion to General in command of the 1st Corps.  Each Corps is planned to have 10 Battalions of Battle Armour, each Battalion with an attached artillery and VTOL support.
   New Canton, the Stalwart Support's current posting becomes headquarters to the First Royal Battle Armour Corps and New Canton becomes a Star League Protectorate World.

Hope you enjoy

comments and questions very welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2011, 12:32:54 PM »

Continuing into 3062 - this is a long one

Trouble for Blue Star - Novo Franklin falls - Yvonne Steiner-Davion travels to Tortuga - Victor and Danai enjoy time on beach - Word of Blake ROM discover attacks in Periphery - Black May attacks - Delta Galaxy long range mission - Yvonne Davion and Canin Rosse meet - DCMS/LAAF clash - Isis Marik travels to St Marinus House - Trinity Alliance Formed - Solaris Explodes into Riots - Alshian Avengers make a mistake - Dragoons take FedSuns contract - First Babylon Diet - Nova Cats on New Avalon - McKinnon marries - Coyote Khan killed - Sirian Concordance joins Star League - Ghost Bears strike - Star Adders arrive in IS - Omiko Kurita assassinated - Draconis March strikes Dragon - tragedy for the AFFS/Davion family


21st January 3062
   Antares system, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone.  Faulty intelligence provided by the LIC costs the Blue Star Irregulars their WarShip Kerensky's Blues (Fredasa) when they are ambushed by the Emerald Talon (Whirlwind).  The Blue Star vessel unable to escape with its ground forces intact turned on the Emerald Talon ramming the Jade Falcon vessel destroying both craft.

22nd January 3062
   Following their debacale against the Jade Falcons the Blue Star Irregulars refuse to accept any information coming from the LIC instead relying on the Clan Wolf (in-Exile)'s Watch and the SLIC operatives within the Arc Royal Defence Cordon.

4th February 3062
   Stalwart Support Regiment are called to order at Griffin Base on New Canton.  There they are met by Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion who invites them to join the SLDF.  During the discussion newly promoted Leutenant-Colonel Harry Sanders is seen in an Elemental Battle Armour suit used as a persuasion to the rest of the regiment.

19th February 3062
   Clan Nova Cat's Kappa Provisional Galaxy raids the Draconis Combine world of Nowhere during its trip from the Clan Homeworlds. During the attack they destroy the local HPG and the local militia.

24th February 3062
   Star Colonel Canin Rosse (Clan Nova Cat) and the Watch Cluster are dispatched to Randis.  The Nova Cats plan to build relations with nearby worlds Randis included he enters neigotiations with Grand Knight Lucas Beckett for the Nova Cats to trade with the defending Brotherhood.

1st March 3062
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion visits Galax shipyards and meets with a design team which have devised a plan to rebuild the FSS Thunderchild (Varnay) as a First Prince-class Battleship.
   Following this he spends a week on Galax conducting ground manoeuvers between the Davion Heavy Guards RCT and the 10th Lyran Guards RCT.

3rd March 3062
   Clan Nova Cat's Tau Galaxy under Galaxy Commander Ajax Drummond is given its combat debut on the Novo Franklin's City-states.  During the attack on the Fiefdom of Galus the Vision Keshik is attacked by a large group of cybernetically enhanced warriors running crazy through the streets engaging the Nova Cats and the local population.  These warriors are able to fight Elementals in full armour in close combat with a chance of winning and only their disorganized nature allows the Nova Cats to overcome them.  These people feature some of the most advanced implants and limbs the Nova Cats have ever seen although the extremes of the modifications sickens the Clan warriors.
   As the Nova Cats close on the home of Robert Galus three Triumph-class DropShips attempt to take off and run from the planet.  These craft carrying more impressive weapons and capacity than original craft (think Assault Triumph) are able to escape Tau Galaxy however they fail to take into account the Rememberance (Aegis).  Tau Galaxy's escort in high orbit.
   The Rememberance opens fire with naval autocannons on the DropShips from orbit.  The Nova Cat gunners are liberal with their weapons fire as the DropShips attempt to cross the city.  Over a quarter of the city is destroyed by the Nova Cat's Orbital weapons fire while another third of the city burns as one of the Assault Triumphs crashes into part of the city and explodes in a huge fireball.  Uninterested in fighting this fire the Nova Cats allow the city to burn.

4th March 3062
   Harm Fiefdom on Novo Franklin is crushed by Nova Cats with little fight and no modified warriors.
   Celt Fiefdom is taken without a fight.

5th March 3062
   The last two Fiefdom's on Novo Franklin are taken.  Trellis Fiefdom is taken but with heavy Nova Cat losses as they encounter very advanced BattleMechs within the cities limits.
   Finally Fiefdom New Saar is taken mostly intact.  Within the city the Nova Cats find holding pends for nearly six thousand people who have all face torture and indoctornation at the hands of the One True ComStar.

10th March 3062
   Two Nova Cat Carrack-Merchant ships arrive around Novo Franklin as the Nova Cats evacuate the entire population of the world taking them to Tortuga Prime for evaluation before the Nova Cats make them full members of the Clan.

12th March 3062
   Yvonne Davion and Danai Centrella discuss falling in love with someone not from their own nation and the sacrifices that are made when life takes an unexpected turn.
   Danai admits that she hates leaving the Magistracy of Canopus but she knows her place is within the Federated Suns supporting Victor Davion.
20th March 3062
   Major Ross McKinnon pulls on almost every favour he has ever earned for an audiance with Yvonne Steiner-Davion at the Davion Royal Palace.  There he informs her that he and Rachel Montgomery are to be married and that they want Star Colonel Canin Rosse and the members of his unit to be there.
   Yvonne admits she'd like to see the Nova Cats again but she is unsure of how to get them back.  She makes no commitment for the Nova Cat's return but says she will try.

21st March 3062
   Luthien finds out about the raid on Nowhere.  Coordinator Hohiro Kurita adds more money to the Explorer Corps in an attempt to help find these "raiders"

25th March 3062
   Duchess Yvonne Steiner-Davion finds out that First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion plans to travel the Nova Cat's Den to neigotiate a peace plan with the Nova Cats and access their strength.
   Yvonne convinces Victor that she has dealt with the Nova Cats once and that she can handle it again.  She asks her brother to trust her with something vital to the Federated Suns.  He agrees and Yvonne joins the newly launched FSS Melissa Davion (Avalon) as it heads for the Nova Cat's Den.

27th March 3062
   With Yvonne left for Nova Cat territory in Victor's place the First Prince takes Danai Centrella to an uninhabited New Hebrides Island on New Avalon.  There Victor cooks Danai a dinner on the beach in his shorts.  Although the food looks much like charcoal Danai is happy to see Victor as he was during the Clan War more happy relaxing with his troops than leading a nation.
   During an evening under the stars Victor Ian Steiner-Davion proposes to Danai Kyalla Centrella asking her to spend the rest of her life with him.  Danai accepts.

12th April 3062
   Precentor ROM Kernoff and Precentor Martial Cameron St Jamis discuss the recent loss of several of their bases and Katherine Steiner-Davion turning on them.  They also discuss the Word of Blake's plans for the Marian Hegemony and Cirincus Federation.

14th April 3062
   Clan Snow Raven's flagship Snow Raven (Nightlord) returns to Brim Shipyards for upgrades.

2nd May 3062
   2nd Royal BattleMech Regiment suffers a serious setback on Milos in the St Ives Compact.  The Former Davion Guard and ComGuard officers including Regimental commander Lieutenant-General Marguerite McCafee are killed when a suicide bomber is taken to her command tent claiming to have information on local terrorist forces.  A follow up NBC attack kills more than a company of the units infantry following a poisoning of their water supply.

3rd May 3062
   In what would become known as the BLACK MAY attacks by Thugee troops loyal to Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao's insane sister Kali thousands of St Ives Compact civilians are killed following a series of terrorist attacks on almost every single St Ives Compact world.
   Coordinated to cause the maximum amount of damage and death total amoung the deaths are Mandrinn Tormano Liao leader of Free Capella Resistance Group.

5th May 3062
   Nova Cats deploy a deep space HPG booster station.  Effectively a floating box in the middle of an uninhabited system in the far deep periphery it is crewed by four technitians who are soley responsible for maintence of the HPG Array.

8th May 3062
   A second HPG Booster station is deployed by Clan Nova Cat in the deep periphery near the Exodus Road allowing the Nova Cats to send messages from the Nova Cat's Den to other Clan stations and from there to the Clan Homeworlds.

10th May 3062
   Kali Liao is arrested by her brother Sun Tzu Liao and banished to Highspire for her crimes.

12th May 3062
   saKhan Karl Devalis of Clan Nova Cat leads his Delta Galaxy on a trip through the Periphery towards Astrokaszy escorted by the Lucian Carns (2nd Anna Rosse), the Vision Quest (Aegis) and 2 Carrack Merchant Transports.

15th May 3062
   Sirian Lancers begin to purge non Sirian Concordance born personnel from their ranks.  The FWLM deploy the 4th Free Worlds League Leagionaries and the 37th Marik Militia to try and stop the purge however instead of coming in fighting the two units agree to transfer out unwanted personnel and conduct no offensive operations against the Sirian units on Sirius or Procoyn.

18th May 3062
   With the majority of its command staff dead the 2nd Royal BattleMech Regiment of the SLDF is recalled to Kittery following the Black May attacks robbing St Ives of a valuable ally.

29th June 3062
   FSS Melissa Davion (Avalon) arrives in the Tortuga Prime system.  Surprising the AFFS crew they find no immediate Nova Cat presence in the system and instead head for the planet further in system.
   Behind Tortuga's star the Future Triumph (Fredasa) operating on near minimal power sends an HPG message to New Barcella and Tortuga Prime.

30th June 3062
   Less than a day from Tortuga's star the FSS Melissa Davion detects the Future Triumph.  Turning to communicate with the vessel the Avalon-class Cruiser is surprised by the arrival of two Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers at near point blank range both aming their weapons at the AFFS vessel.
   Unable to move without being cut to shreds and hopelessly outgunned Duchess Yvonne Steiner-Davion as commander of the mission orders the FSS Melissa Davion, the Federated Suns first Avalon-class Cruiser to surrender without a shot fired.  And the sister of Victor Steiner-Davion finds herself a prisoner of Clan Nova Cat.

5th July 3062
   Duchess Yvonne Steiner-Davion's Excalibur-class DropShip is escorted to Tortuga by Nova Cat fighters.  In orbit the FSS Melissa Davion is monitored by the two in system Aegis-class vessels.
   On the ground Yvonne meets with Star Colonel Canin Rosse, who had been cleared by the Nova Cat Khans to talk to the Federated Suns noble woman and if nessessary claim her as a bondsman and capture her vessel.  Instead of listening to Yvonne neigotiate Canin informed her clearly that Clan Nova Cat wished no war with the Federated Suns at present.  They had cleared a bandit threat and were creating a home.  They returned Federated Suns property in the form of the Fox's Teeth and the Thunderchild as a show they meant no hearm.  The presence of Yvonne and the Melissa Davion was a direct challenge to the Nova Cats.
   Ever the politian Yvonne counters by saying to Canin that she is only here to deliver a gift to the Nova Cats.  Within her DropShip are twenty-four ProtoMechs of various type captured by Task Force Serpent.  Inner Sphere engineers have already determined they are of no use without Clan science instead as a peace offering they are to be returned to a Clan as lost property.  She also hands Canin a personal gift from Ross McKinnon to the Star Colonel - an invitation to McKinnon's wedding.  Yvonne said she had promised the Fox's Teeth commander even through it was unlikely the Star Colonel could attend.
   After several hours talking Yvonne trusts Canin to pursue her real reason for being on Tortuga.  The Federated Suns want Clan technology.  For this to happen they are willing to allow limited amounts of Nova Cat units to travel through Federated Suns space and engage AFFS units in mock combat and the Federated Suns enemies in real combat.  Canin claims he cannot speak further on this and allows Yvonne some guest quarters while he consults with the Nova Cat Khans.

6th July 3062
   Yvonne Steiner-Davion's escort troops engage Clan Nova Cat in training battles on Tortuga as Yvonne and Canin Rosse continue neigotiations.
   Seeing Yvonne's interest in how her people are doing against their Nova Cat counterparts Canin invites her to try herself.  Yvonne says she is no warrior and wouldn't know where to start.  Canin claims there is noway a deal can be made if the Nova Cats do not deal with a warrior of the Federated Suns (in truth the Nova Cats are close to agreement).
   Yvonne takes up his challenge and joins Canin within a Star League vintage Crockett BattleMech which still includes its training console.  Although only used by the Nova Cats as an OppFor Mech it is in perfect working order.
   On the field Canin gives Yvonne basic piloting lessons as well as gunnery.  Although very shaky on her feet (in the Mech) and unable to control the Mech with Jump Jets Yvonne proves to be a natural shot.  During the excersise a training laser targetted on the Crockett's cockpit blinds Canin temporally in the flash of the laser Canin sees a vision of a Nova Cat warrior in full knights armour fighting with the Nova Cats and brining new life to the Nova Cat family.  Although Canin does not share this with Yvonne he believes it is a vision of what is to be.
   Stalling Yvonne for a short time Canin consults with his Khan via HPG over what he has seen.  During the night Yvonne realizes that today if it had been a real combat mission she would have killed others and if that laser had been real she could have been killed or badly injured.  She seeks out Canin Rosse and the two spend the night together.

7th July 3062
   Neigotiations complete Yvonne trades the ProtoMechs and her escort's OmniMechs for eight Clan OmniMechs and the Services of the Watch Cluster for one year.  The Nova Cats also gain the Federated Suns agreement for two Nova Cat Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers to use Federated Suns shipyards for maintenance in exchange the ships will defend the shipyards stopping another New Syrtis attack.
   Yvonne Steiner-Davion and the FSS Melissa Davion leave Tortuga, the Nova Cats will follow three months later.

12th July 3062
   Mechs in the colours of 15th Dieron Regulars attack Skye in the Lyran Alliance.  Facing off against elements of the 1st Skye Jaegers they do little damage.  However this is enough to annoy the Jaegers to chase the 15th back to their base world Ko.

21st July 3062
   Duchess Isis Marik arrives on Zaniah at St Marinus House.  She is met by a monk who claims to have had similar experiances to her.  He goes simply by the name of Peter.

1st August 3062
   15th Dieron Regulars HQ world of Ko is attacked by the 1st Skye Jaegers.  In the middle of a sandstorm the two forces fight the 15th hopelessly outclassed by the Lyran front-line forces.  Survivors are moved to a makeshift prison while the 1st Jaegers secure the world for Skye.

6th August 3062
   The Trinity Alliance between the Capellan Confederation, Magistracy of Canopus and Taurian Concordat officially comes into being with signings taking place on Sian.
   Magistracy forces immediatly join the fight in the St Ives Compact while Taurians are some time behind.

8th August 3062
   Skye reinforces the 1st Jaegers on Ko against High Command orders sending the 17th Skye Rangers to support the invasion.

9th August 3062
   Draconis Combine officially seize the other seven worlds of Lyon's Thumb which previously they had held as peacekeepers.

12th August 3062
   Reforging its commitment to the St Ives conflict the SLDF deploy the 1st Royal BattleMech Regiment (veterans of Huntress) to Milos supported by two ComStar WarShips and two ground divisions badged as SLDF units all under the command of Colonel Archer Christifori.
   Despite large amounts of Zhanzheng de Guang terrorists on the planet and much hostility towards the forces the SLDF force stops the fighting and ends the fighting on the planet.  Not trained for anti-terrorist operations that continue after the initial fighting Commanding-General Morgan Hasek deploy the 1st Royal Battle Armour Battalion from New Canton and the Eridani Light Horse from Dieron for further support.

15th August 3062
   Fighting explodes out of the arenas on Solaris VII as Michael Searcy and Victor Vandergriff take their personal grudge match onto the streets.  This turns into a street by street battle between multiple factions as fighting spirals out of control.
   ComStar's Local 394th Division try to hold order intiating a shoot first type action within the city in an attempt to bring a curfew into effect.

20th August 3062
   Group W under Lyran Alliance Contract arrive on Solaris VII to enforce ComStar's curfew and end the fighting.  With arena combatants put in their place by professional fighters the mercenaries also order the 394th back to their base as the mercenaries take control of the planet's security and police actions.

21st August 3062
   Jamie Wolf, Commander of the Wolf's Dragoons travels to New Avalon aboard the Beowulf.  There he meets the First Prince of the Federated Suns and signs one of his Regiments (Epsilon supported by Zeta Battalion) over to the Federated Suns for a newly signed contract.  Beowulf also travels to Galax for 'maintenance'
   Victor and Jamie remark that the Inner Sphere should be running scared now that the Dragoons and Suns are back together.

5th September 3062
First Babylon Diet
   On the Clan Homeworld of Babylon Clan Cloud Cobra holds the first religious Diet.  Including members from all the Clans and several Inner Sphere religions.

7th September 3062
   Oathmaster Jal Steiner invites Clan Diamond Shark to the Nova Cat's Den to build a trade post.  In exchange for handing the Diamond Sharks this trust (location of Nova Cat's Den) the Nova Cats want access to Diamond Shark engineers and supplies to improve the Nova Cat's Den's infastructure.

9th September 3062
First Babylon Diet
   Star Commander Zane Carns and his former bondsman MechWarrior Camilla Nova Cat stumble over an attack force intent on surprising the Diet's defenders during a vision quest.  They are able to evade the forces and head back to the Diet.  There they discover the main attack has began.  Convincing the Cloud Cobras the two Nova Cat Mechs (an Arctic Cheetah and a modified Owens) they join the Cobras in the defence of the Diet.
   During the fighting the two Nova Cat warriors turn the Hell's Horses line shattering a star of vehicles between them unfortunately this action causes the death of Camilla.  One of the final Smoke Jaguar fires burns out.

21st-29th September 3062
   Davion Heavy Guards RCT supported by Wolf's Dragoons Zeta Battalion raid Celentaro, Predition and Logan's Land all in the Taurian Concordat ensuring the Taurians know their place following their recent signing of the Trinity Alliance.  None of the Taurian defenders are able to stand up to the Davion or mercenary forces.

4th October 3062
   Grover Sharplen complains that the Capellan Confederation is exploiting the Taurian Concordat following recent Davion attacks.  Sun-Tzu Liao wanting to keep the three Regiments on loan to his nation sends the 2nd McCarron's Armoured Calvary to support his Periphery allies as well as a platoon of Fa Shih Battle Armour for Taurian Concordat use.

10th October 3062
   The Nova Cat Watch Cluster arrive on New Avalon's New Scotland continent in the middle of the night intent on arriving unseen by New Avalon's public.  They are immediately challenged for the right to be on the planet by Victor Steiner-Davion and his 10th Lyran Guards RCT.
   The Nova Cats using 9 Broadsword A1 DropShips and a single Carrier-class vessel hold back the FedSuns forces with straffing attacks as the Nova Cat ground forces assembled.
   On the ground the Nova Cats fight one-on-one battles Canin picks out a Dire Wolf Assault OmniMech wondering if a warrior who can capture a Clan Mech can fight like one.  Victor Davion answers the call and the two leaders fight Victor's Dire Wolf against Canin's Dragon Cat.  Both warriors fight well but Victor's heavier Mech is able to overpower the clansman's Mech.  The remaining Nova Cats fight on for another hour and a half but when further 10th Lyran Guards mechs enter the fight the Nova Cats surrender.
   Later that day at the Nova Cat Staging Base, nicknamed by the Nova Cats as Castle Barcella, on the same continent they had landed on Canin Rosse meets with Reinhart Steiner, Jackson Davion and Victor Steiner Davion as each welcomes them to New Avalon.  Yvonne Davion arrives during the proceedings in her Crockett BattleMech though she claims an AFFS officer brought her to the battle that same officer admits to Victor Davion that he was the passenger not the Duchess.
   During this meeting Ross McKinnon arrives and formally invites Canin and his command unit to his wedding.  Victor Davion allows this as long as no Nova Cat colours are present, the Nova Cat presence on New Avalon is to remain a secret for as long as possible.  When Nova Cat units are on display they are to be in the colours of the Davion Guards, then any questions of their presence on New Scotland can be attributed to a training unit.
   That evening Star Colonel Canin Rosse is invited to the Davion Royal Palace for a formal dinner.  Canin is informed he does not have to his who he is as all will know of the Nova Cat presence.  Canin chooses to arrive in a standard black battle uniform instead of the traditional Nova Cat dress uniform.  The only addition to this uniform is a different jacket with the collar and cuffs lined with leather and the shoulders covered in Nova Cat fur, a slight variation of the standard and dress uniforms.
   At the dinner Canin butts heads with both Tarncred Sandoval, who has recently broken off a relationship with Yvonne Steiner-Davion, and Arthur Steiner-Davion the youngest of the Steiner-Davion children.  But overall he is welcomed by the assembled nobles and officers.  During one particular discussion about relationships and sex started by Arthur Canin puts the young man in his place by being a blunt to the point Clan Warrior.  This causes Yvonne Steiner-Davion and Danai Centrella to leave the room angry at Arthur for degrading the conversation in front of guests.
   Before Canin leaves the palace via VTOL Yvonne Steiner-Davion meets him on the VTOL pad to confront the Clansman about the night they spent together on Tortuga.  Canin admits that the night they spent together meant something more than casual sex to him also and gifts her his jacket because she is cold before leaving the palace.  Yvonne wears the jacket all the way back to her quarters passing members of the Sandoval, Hasek and Davion family not caring who saw the Star Colonel's gift.

11th October 3062
   Nova Cat Watch Cluster excersise at the Albion Training Ranges on New Avalon.  They put Duke Arthur Steiner-Davion's training lance to shame on the range, much to the annoyance of the young Duke who leaves New Avalon the day after returning to Robinson with the Sandovals.

18th October 3062
   Baron Tarncred Sandoval and Duke Arthur Steiner-Davion are forced to defend Robinson from an apparent DCMS attack although the unit is not identifiable.  Arthur distinguishes himself by destroying two enemy Mechs.

19th October 3062
   Alshian Avengers Brigade supported by the DCS Dragon's Last Tear (Tatsumaki) assault the Ghost Bear Dominion world of Alshian.  These forces are rogue units acting under Black Dragon Society influences.  They are destroyed to the man.

20th October 3062
   Breed and New Ivaarsen both in the Draconis March of the Federated Suns are raided by AFFS attacks.

21st October 3062
   Royal suffers a raid by DCMS forces and Robinson suffers a second attack.

26th October 3062
   After days of calls from the Draconis March New Avalon authorises retribution strikes against seven Combine worlds.

31st October 3062
   In a small New Avalon Town called Banchory on the Rostock continent deep within the Graveston's Gorge Ross McKinnon marries Rachel Montgomery.  Their Honour Guard to and from the church take the form of Canin Rosse's Watch Trinary which had been with them all that time on Tortuga.  The Nova Cat equipment is painted in the colours of the Fox's Teeth to hide their identity.  Although more than one person notes that the Fox's Teeth have a lot of Clan Technology.
   Victor Steiner-Davion announces the Draconis March's attacks against the Draconis Combine and his engagement to Danai Centrella.

2nd November 3062
   Clan Coyote win a Trial for ProtoMech technology against Clan Star Adder on Huntress.  During the battle Khan Sullivan Koga (Coyote) is killed but the coyotes win the technology.
   saKhan Silas Kufahl becomes the new Coyote Khan.

3rd November 3062
   A bar brawl between FWLM troopers and troops of the Sirian Lancers on Sirius ends with two Sirian troops dead, one in a coma and three dead FWLM troopers.  Eighteen civilians are also injured in the brawl which carries out onto the streets.

4th November 3062
   General Adiss Sullivan orders her 4th Legionarries and the 37th Marik Militia to lock down all Sirian Lancer units and confine them to quarters.  The Sirian forces refuse to be locked down.  Two members of the Generals staff are kidnapped.

5th November 3062
   Two members of Generals staff found dead hung from a tree outside a Legionnaries base.  With 'Independant Sirius Now' written on their bodies.

6th November 3062
   General Sullivan orders Sirian forces to assist her forces in finding the killers of her men.  General Helen Trall informs Sullivan that her people will not begin a witch hunt on their homeworlds.  And orders the two FWLM units to leave the Sirian Concordance worlds as it has declared independance from the Free Worlds League.

7th-12th November 3062
   FWLM forces under General Sullivan attempt to force the Sirian Lancers into cooperation or destruction.  The 3rd Sirian Lancers folds under heavy assault but the remaining units stand firm and push the FWLM forces back.  General Thrall offers the FWLM forces an exit or destruction, the FWLM units leave the planet.

15th November 3062
   Primus Helen Thrall hires the Northwind Highlanders Stirling's Fusiliers to defend her new nation as they find their feet.  She also contacts New Canton and requests Star League Protectorate status for her worlds.

23rd November 3062
   Tai-sho Tomoe Sakade, is elevated to commander of the Pesht District following the death of Tai-shu Teyasu Ashona fighting the Ghost Bears.
   In total six Draconis Combine worlds have fallen to the Ghost Bear attack Maulang, Yamarovaka, Kiesen, Schuyler and Luzerne.  With ten further worlds under attack.

24th November 3062
   Clan Star Adder look to increase the size of their Occupation Zone taking Turtle Bay from the Draconis Combine.

25th November 3062
   Stirling's Fusiliers arrive on Sirius, a Mercenary Regiment, badged as an SLDF unit and supported by the 4th and 5th Royal Battle Armour Battalions that offer Humanitarian Aid to the still struggling Concordance worlds.

28th November 3062
   Clan Star Adder forces take Jarett, Constance and Thule from Clan Ghost Bear.  Bringing a true fight to the Ghost Bears.

29th November 3062
   Ghost Bears counter the Star Adders in the Pinnacle system with the Bear's Den (Black Lion).  In the system they destroy the 11th Armoured Cluster in space with massed Naval Autocannon fire then brutalize the Star Adder WarShip Exodus Ranger (York) claiming it as their own.

8th December 3062
   Omiko Kurita is assassinated on Luthien a masked assassin.  Luthien is locked down shortly afterwards however the assassin is gone.  Minoru Kurtia is given a loan of the SLS Unity City (Artemis), the First Lord's transport, to hunt down the assassin while his brother Coordinator (First Lord) Hohiro Kurita puts personal loss behind him to continue the defence against the Ghost Bears.

22nd December 3062
   Draconis March forces open a second front on the DCMS attacking Marduk, Paris and Tripoli in the Irurzun Prefecture and Fellanin II, Sheat, Kathandu and Proserpina in the Proserpina Prefecture.
   Taken by surprise and by overwhelming force only on Fellanin II, Presepina and Marduk do the AFFS/Mercenary forces find trouble.
   On Fellanin II he 2nd Crucis Lancers RCT and Wilson's Hussars engage the Shin Legion.  The Shin Legion destroy the Wilson's Hussars and heavily damage the 2nd Cruicis Lancers before reinforcements in the form of the Wild Geese Regiment help eliminate the remaining Shin Legion forces.
   On Prosepina the First Robinson Rangers, Davion Heavy Guards and Wolf's Dragoons Zeta Battalion face the 1st and 4th Proserpina Hussars in the hostile enviroment the fighting is brutal. During the fighting newly promoted Leftenant Arthur Steiner-Davion is seperated from the main AFFS force and declared missing in action.

25th December 3062
   Following reinforcements from the Illician Lancers 59th Strike Regiment Proserpina is secured.  Arthur Steiner-Davion's Enforcer III is found its head completely missing from what appears to be a PPC blast to the head.  A sobering christmas present for the Davion family and the Federated Suns.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2011, 12:20:52 PM »

Into 3063 - further Draconis March attacks - Coordinator Hohiro Kurita deploys SLDF - Grave's Dancers go AWOL - Danai Centrella attacked - Capellans strike Death Commandos - SLDF inspect Sirius Worlds - Delta Galaxy land on Astrokazsy - Magistracy occupies Detroit - Snow Raven launches - 10th Lyran Guards RCT stood down on New Avalon - Diamond Sharks on Tortuga - DCMS counters AFFS - Nova Cats strike Capellans - Blue Star become SLDF - FSS Hanse Davion launches - Minoru Kurita gets revenge - Blood Spirits embattled - Victor Davion marries - Yvonne Davion abandons Federated Suns - Canin Rosse recalled - Peter Steiner-Davion returns - Nova Cat saKhan makes a choice - Nova Cat Khan launches a cover up


1st January 3063
   Following news of Arthur's death reaching Robinson Duke James Sandoval calls for further strikes against the Draconis Combine.  Victor Davion tempers his rage and instead orders the captured worlds to be integrated into the Draconis March.

3rd January 3063
   Coordinator Hohiro Kurita uses his position as First Lord to deploy Star League observers and troops to the worlds lost to the Federated Suns.  These will ensure that Combine loyal citizens are fairly treated or repatrioated to friendly worlds.

8th January 3063
   A Reinforced Battalion using advanced Mechs and Battle Armour attack the world of Bennet III.  They destroy a good portion of the spaceport and local militia.
   During the fighting Leftenant Jean Graves leads her company through the fighting boarding a Union-class DropShip and forcing the commander to take the ship off planet.  Several days later they commandeer a Merchant-class JumpShip ordering the commander to exit the system.
   AFFS Declare the unit rogue.  Jean Graves forms the Graves' Dancers Mercenary/Pirate force.

15th January 3063
   Under orders from the First Lord Commanding General Morgan Hasek-Davion deploys the 28th Hussar Regiment and the 2nd BattleMech Regiment to the lost Combine worlds.  He attaches a Battle Armour Battalion to each for anti-terrorism activities.

16th January 3063
   A memorial service is held on Robinson for Duke Arthur Steiner-Davion.  Victor Steiner-Davion and Yvonne Steiner-Davion travel to Robinson for the service.  Although invites Katherine Steiner-Davion refuses to enter the Federated Suns while it is under what she believes to be Clan influence.  Peter is unreachable on Zaniah.

19th January 3063
   Julius O'Reilly begins his conquest of Illyrian Palatinate.

18th January 3063
   Commanding-General contracts Group W as its contract with the Lyran Alliance ends.  He deploys them to shore up SLDF lines in the St Ives Compact.

21st January 3063
   With Victor and Yvonne off planet Duchess Danai Centrella decided to spend time with the Battalion of troops that had joined her from the Magistracy of Canopus.  Around them there was a small budding community of other ex-patriots from the Magistracy who had made their way to the Federated Suns.
   Taking her unit to the New Scotland continent on New Avalon she planned to excersise against the Clan Nova Cat force however enroute to her objective the unit is ambushed by a suspected Capellan Confederation forces.  Marshal Bishop Sortek is able to warn the Duchess of the attack giving her unit a chance following the destruction of the WarShip Murmansk (Fox) in orbit.  AFFS Forces in Avalon City find over a dozen sabotaged DropShips intended for the 1st Davion Guards and the 10th Lyran Guards.
   During the fighting which ensues Star Colonel Canin Rosse's Watch Cluster from Castle Barcella invite themselves to the action striking behind the Capellan forces allowing Danai's forces to retreat into a box canyon.  The Nova Cats withdraw allowing the Capellans to pursue into the canyon before re-engaing with Danai's forces hitting them from one side and the Nova Cats hitting from behind the Capellan force tentively identified as the Death Commandos is ground to pieces.  Following the battle Danai confesses she did not trust Nova Cat motives but is now convinced they mean the Federated Suns well.

23rd January 3063
   Draconis Combine forces led by Hohiro Kurita capture Sternwerde two jumps from Alshian in a spirited counter attack led by the Coordinator.  Hohiro calls for an end to the dishonourable conflict with an HPG message to the Bear Khans.  They reply they will stop when they are ready and launch their own counter attack.

25th January 3063
   Capellan Confederation national television attempts to counter Federated Suns 'propoganda' by showing the Death Commandos still on Sian (in fact it is the Red Lancer Regiment with differently painted units).
   Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao orders the Death Commandos struck from the roles as soon as the media quieten down.
   A new guard are raised to replace them the Centrella Black Guards named for the Chancellor's newly announced fiancee Magestix Naomi Centrella.

28th January 3063
   Commanding General Morgan Hasek-Davion travels to Sirius aboard the WarShip SLS Covenant (Covenant) newly completed at the New Syrtis Shipyards.  In the system he is challenged by a Free Worlds League registered Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser which intended to blockade the system.  When Covenant pushes past with its DropShip force the Agamemnon stands down and allows them to pass unwilling to fire on an SLDF ship.

30st January 3063
   Morgan Hasek-Davion offially welcomes the four Sirian Concordance worlds into the Star League Protectorate following a meeting with Primus Helen Thrall.  The Sirian Lancer regiments that have survived the fighting against the FWLM instantly become SLDF units placed to defend the Protectorate worlds.  Morgan Hasek-Davion promises reinforcement and supply mainly in the form of Battle Armour forces from New Canton's 1st Battle Armour Corps Training Academy.

5th February 3063
   After months jumping through the Periphery Clan Nova Cat's Delta Galaxy arrives in the Astrokaszy system.  Dropping onto a specific part of the planet they engage the pirate forces on the planet around a dig site.
   Securing it the Nova Cats open the hidden Supply Depot.  Inside they find almost a full Regiment of Nighthawk Power Armour suits as well as a cache of Nuclear weapons.
   Loading all the warheads onto one of the DropShips the Nova Cats are forced to defend from a second attack by pirate forces many former Smoke Jaguars.  During the fighting saKhan Karl Devalis is mortally wounded.  Ordering that the Nova Cats complete General Order OOO saKhan Karl Devalis joins the warheads aboard the DropShip despite his condition.  The Nova Cats launch the DropShip into orbit and send it on a course with the system's sun escorted by the Pathfinder (Carrack-Merchant).
   Near the nadir point a Riga-class Frigate of unknown origin enters the system and attempts to board the DropShip.  The Pathfinder attempts to stop them but the Riga easily overpowers the lightly armed vessel destroying the Nova Cat vessel.
   Chasing down the DropShip marines from the Riga board the DropShip to be met by Karl Devalis and a skeleton crew of Clansmen ready to die.  A fight breaks out onboard the vessel while outside the Lucian Carns (Anna Rosse) which had been keeping its distance with the nuclear DropShip closes on the action engaging the Riga.
   Though Karl Devalis and his suicide crew of Nova Cats are beaten on the DropShip Astrokaszy's star has the DropShip in its grasp and the Lucian Carns is easily able to overpower the Riga.  The remains of Delta Galaxy pay their respects to Karl Devalis before begining the long trek back to the Nova Cat's Den.

13th February 3063
   Following reports of massive fighting on Astrokaszy and unwilling to lose control over the BattleMech factory there.  The Magistracy of Canopus garrison's Detroit in the New Colony Region despite Taurian protests.

15th February 3063
   Clan Snow Raven's Flagship Snow Raven leaves the Lum Shipyards.  The upgraded vessel is officially classed as a Nightlord II but the Snow Ravens name it a class of their own - the Snow Raven-class Battleship.

23rd February 3063
   Leftenant-General Reinhart Steiner, commander 10th Lyran Guards RCT, requests to First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion that the 10th Lyran Guards RCT name is stood down from the AFFS rolls.  Reinhart believes it causes divisions within his unit and sets Victor's Revenants apart from the rest of the AFFS.
   Victor promises to come up with a solution.  Following hours of consultation with Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion and Marshal Bishop Sortek they come up with a solution.  Merging the 10th Lyran Guards RCT and the New Avalon Militia into one double regiment before splitting them along equal lines half and half forming two RCTs the 1st and 2nd New Avalon Guards.  The core of a new AFFS Brigade.
   Reinhart Steiner is named commander of the 1st, and promoted to Marshal, while Lyran born Marshal James McFarland will command the 2nd Guards.  The Revenants will not only survive they will grow.
   Quiet rumours on New Avalon speak of the Avalon Hussars commanders unhappy that another Brigade will be formed with the Avalon name, something they think should be their perogiative.

26th February 3063
   Field Marshal Roger William Waters commander of the Avalon Hussars Brigade begins looking at other options beyond the AFFS following news of the New Avalon Guards Brigade being made public.

12th March 3063
   The Diamond Shark's Kraken (Potemkin) arrives in the Nova Cat's Den with cargo and equipment to help improve the Nova Cat's Den worlds.  They also begin to constuct their trade outpost on Tortuga Prime.

21st March 3063
   Elements of Clan Nova Cat's Sigma Galaxy going from the Clan Homeworlds to the Nova Cat's Den stumble across the Farstar Colony.  Nova Cat Elementals secure the small facility on the planet in less twenty minutes as the Colony has no defences.
   After several hours interogation Galaxy Commander Kelly Hardo decides to transport the three hundred colonists/intelligence staff from the planet to the Nova Cat's Den for further debriefing.  From orbit the Righteous Return (Vincent) destroys the colony from orbit leaving nothing for follow up expeditions.

28th March 3063
   Working on Intelligence gained from the Farstar prisoners Elements of Sigma Galaxy strike at Antallos.  The pirate hole puts up signifigant resistance but it gives Sigma Galaxy exactly what they want a live training field after a long journey from Clan Space.  Destroying Vinston's Vigilantes and bringing at least a tempoary peace to Port Krin the Nova Cats leave.

31st March 3063
   Nova Cat forces drop on Razek's Hole using intel from Farstar and Port Krin.  On planet they find a Battalion of standard Pirate forces however after breaching the first compound they come across a far larger more advanced force similar to those encountered by Tau Galaxy on the Novo Franklin.
   These forces cause significant damage to Sigma Galaxy including the 189th Battle Cluster, the Lachesis Keshik and Galaxy Commander Kelly Hardo.  The loss of their commander drives the remains of Sigma into a bloodlust fury cutting down enemy units at every turn they do however lose nearly another two full clusters before the fighting dies down effectively destroying Sigma Galaxy's war making potential.

14th April 3063
   Several Battalions worth of DCMS troops assault the recently lost worlds to the Federated Suns.  Although these assaults fail to cause any real damage or to threaten the hold the AFFS troops have it does fuel anti-Davion sentiments on the planet and allow the Combine to infiltrate several intelligence and special forces units.

18th April 3063
   In the Marduk system the FSS Invincible (Fox) is destroyed by the DCS Lair of Mighty Wyrms (Tatsumaki) as Combine agents on planet escape with four DropShips full of newly completed Mechs and equipment.

21st April 3063
   The FSS Brest (Fox) is destroyed in the Proserpina system by the DCS Lair of Mighty Wyrms (Tatsumaki) as more Combine agents hijack Federated Suns supplies and sabotage several factories.

28th April 3063
   Following the poor display of the Fox-class Corvettes on the Draconis Combine border Fleet Admiral Andrea Petain orders the designers of the vessel to come up with something better.

26th May 3063
   Following an agreement between Star Colonel Canin Rosse and First Prince Victor Davion Clan Nova Cat's Watch Cluster launch an attack on Hustaing in the Capellan Confederation.  With their equipment painted in every colour known to the Inner Sphere and Clans Canin identifies himself as Khan Kane Kotare of the Star Nova Galaxy Mercenary Regiment.
   The Hustaing Reserve Calvary try to defend themselves on the ground the Nova Cats aptly outgun the Capellan adversarys as their Bloodcovered-Talon (real name Blade - Aegis) watches over the assault.  When Capellan DropShips fail to reinforce the planet the ground forces surrender.     Under the guise of Khan Kotare informs the surviving Capellan Commander that if the Capellans war against the Star Nova's employer does not end the Bloodcovered-Talon will fly over Sian and reduce it to rubble.

29th May 3063
   Bloodcovered Talon is seen over Sarna in the Sarna Supremacy.

6th June 3063
   Clan Hell's Horses strikes at several Ghost Bear worlds following intelligence from Clan Wolf that the Ghost Bear War with the Combine had weakened the warden Clan.
   A wave of terrorist attacks are recordered on dozens of worlds world wide.

16th June 3063
   Capellan Intelligence reports the Bloodcovered Talon in the Glasgow system one jump from Sian.

22nd June 3063
   Blue Star Irregulars end the contract with the SLDF they return to Talon in the Capellan March of the Federated Suns.
   There they meet with Field Marshal George Hasek and Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion.  The Blue Star Irregulars present the two Federated Suns Marshals with an Overlord-C DropShip carrying the Jade Falcon's insignia along with a large amount of Clan salvage.
   Also aboard the DropShip is a Hauptmann OmniMech, an Arctic Fox OmniMech and a brand-new Stilleto OmniMech from Duke Morgan Kell's Arc Royal Defence Cordon.  Colonel Wu Sen Tang delivers a message for Victor Steiner-Davion from Morgan Kell.

25th June 3063
   Following three further reports of the Bloodcovered Talon around Sian the Capellan Confederation declares peace with the St Ives Compact officially seeding Hustaing to the St Ives Compact as part of a neigotiated peace.
28th June 3063
   Blue Star Irregulars present their remaining forces to Commanding-General Morgan Hasek-Davion on Kittery officially presenting themselves for service within the SLDF as full time troops giving up their mercenary status.

30th June 3063
   A Conquistador-class DropShip arrives in the Kittery system from Victor Steiner-Davion to the Blue Star for services rendered aboard is a lance of Templar OmniMechs from Duke Hasek.

14th July 3063
   The FSS Hanse Davion (First Prince-class is launched at Galax shipyards.  Victor Steiner-Davion addresses the media aboard Galax's Floating Tower claiming the vessel is based off plans found in an old SLDF cache and was constructed at a secret base named Camelot.  He completely ignores its true heritage.

23rd July 3063
   Duke Minoru Kurita tracks down Omiko Kurita's assassin on Kazenjov in the Draconis Combine.  In an abandoned warehouse he breaks the man before turning him over to the ISF for further interrogation.

24th July 3063
   Coordinator Hohiro Kurita officially announces the death of his sister to the nation and Inner Sphere.

29th July 3063
   Capellan Confederation troops land on Sarna and Sakhalin with overwhelming forces immediatly going on the offence against the former 3rd FedCom Guard RCT.

6th August 3063
   Marshal Charles Finnigan leader of the Sarna Supremacy is killed in combat against the Capellan Confederation.

7th August 3063
   Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao arrives on Sarna to offially accept the surrender of the two break-away worlds - naming it a great day for the Confederation.

8th August 3063
   Julius O'Reilly survives an assassination attempt on Alphard.  Confronting and eventually killing his father Sean O'Reilly Jullius proclaims himself Caesar of the Marian Hegemony.

18th August 3063
   In secret on Wrenke the Nova Cat's Watch Cluster conduct military operations with the 1st Kathil Uhlans, Victor Steiner-Davion and Danai Centrella.  Before the final battle the Nova Cats invite many of the Uhlans and the Federated Suns leader to a Ritual of Battle held in a remote Wrenke valley on the Vesper continent.
   During this event Canin Rosse acts as the Oathmaster of the Ritual and all the Inner Sphere guests become fully engrossed in the event.  Even Tigret, Victor's former Smoke Jaguar bodyguard, becomes entranced in the event.
   During the event Victor Davion and Canin Rosse speak candidly about recent observations Victor has made of his sister, Yvonne, being besotted by the Nova Cat Star Colonel.  Canin admits he also feels something for Yvonne that compells him to see her.  Victor admits he would not stand in the way of something happening between them.
   Following the event Victor presents Canin with a Limp Sword Medal and a Medal Excalibur for the Nova Cat actions in ending the St Ives conflict and securing the Federated Suns border.  Canin accepts on behalf of the unit refusing them personally.

22nd August 3063
   Two jumps from Columus Base in the Periphery.  The ComStar vessel Brandenburg Crusader (Essex) and the Draconis Combine DCS Dream of Kessel (Kyushu) are destroyed by unknown forces during a routine trade meeting.

25th August 3063
   ComStar begin reactivating three ancient Intrepid-class Troopships at a hidden anchorage.   

28th August 3063
   Clans Star Adder and Stone Rhino launch a full strike against York, home of Clan Blood Spirit, in the Clan Homeworlds.  The Blood Spirit WarShip forces are destroyed in orbit.  The Star Adders lose the Pegasus (Vincent) and the Stone Rhinos lose the Red Rhino (Essex I) several other ships are heavily damaged or crippled.  The Stone Rhinos capture the Ensanguine (Aegis).
   During the first six hours on York the fanatical Blood Spirit forces destroy the Star Adder's Gamma Galaxy.  The survivors are folded into other units.

30th August 3063
   Khan Karianna Schmitt of Clan Blood Spirit discovers that both Khan Stanislov N'Buta and Khan Elizabeth Radick (leaders of Star Adder and Stone Rhino) are on planet.

31st August 3063
   Word of Blake's Hidden Meaning (Essex) is found disabled, from heavy damage, its crew dead in the deep periphery by an explorer corps team following what appears to be a miss-jump.

1st September 3063
   Clan Blood Spirit are in full retreat losing Beta, Sigma and Tau Galaxies to massed assaults they return this by destroying the majority of the Star Adder's Alpha and Beta Galaxies as well as the Stone Rhino's Delta Galaxy.

2nd September 3063
   In a whirlwind campaign the Saiph Triumvirate is conquered by the Capellan Confederation.  The Capellans ignore New Canton leaving it to the SLDF.

3rd September 3063
   Clan Blood Spirit destroy another combined Galaxy facing them but across York they are in retreat.

4th September 3063
   Field Marshal Roger Waters meets with Jacob Varnay and Simon Gallagher at the New Avalon Rivers Football Team stadium during an end of season cup game.  There Roger reveals that the Avalon Hussars are tired of weak undirected leadership.  While Simon reveals the truth about the Hanse Davion.

5th September 3063
   The Styk Commonality falls to the Capellan Confederation.

14th September 3063
   Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao visits the Saiph Triumvirate for a welcome to the Capellan Confederation.

28th September 3063
   Victor Ian Steiner-Davion and Danai Kyalla Centrella marry on the New Hebrides Island that the First Prince proposed on.  With AFFS engineers building a huge sprawling complex specially for the weddng.
   Duke Kai Allard-Liao and Arden Sortek act as Victor's two best-men while Yvonne Steiner-Davion and Cassandra Allard-Liao are Danai's bridesmaids.
   Around the island the AFFS form a fifty kilometre no-fly zone allowing no press to get near the proceedings.  Yvonne Steiner-Davion invites Canin Rosse as her partner to the wedding dressed in ceremonial leathers but minus the headpiece he is obviously a Clansmen surprising more than a couple of Victor's guests.
   The proceedings don't get off to a good start as right at the start of the main ceremony an orbital shuttle arrives on the planet escorted by two Lyran Alliance Rapier fighters.  Surrounded quickly by AFFS Battle Armour security Victor is surprised to see Duke Peter Steiner-Davion, Victor's younger brother exit the craft dressed in AFFS uniform.  Beside him is Duchess Isis Marik who Peter introduces as Isis Steiner, his wife.
   With their new guests welcomed the ceremony continues however before the couple can say I do.  A second shuttle followed by a pair of Clan Nova Cat Batu OmniFighters appear over the island landing beside Peter's shuttle.
   From the shuttle comes a single officer and two Elementals in full armour.  As Canin Rosse meets with the three clansmen Victor and Danai are made man and wife.
   Moments after their declarations to be together for the rest of their lives Canin Rosse returns and announces that he will be leaving the Federated Suns, and his unit will be replaced by the 1st Nova Cat Guards Cluster.  As Canin Rosse walks away Yvonne Steiner-Davion realizes where she belongs and following a heartfelt fairwell she leaves New Avalon with Canin Rosse, turning her back on her life for something new.

8th October 3063
   From the Galax system the WarShip Blade (Aegis) collects a specially modified Conquistador-class DropShip before leaving the system heading back to the Nova Cat's Den.  The ship has been specially modified to carry the whole Watch Cluster as part of the Federated Suns gratitude for Canin's work in the Federated Suns.

9th October 3063
   Victor Steiner-Davion announces his brother Peter has returned and rejoined the AFFS as his Prince's Champion.  Peter's first job is working within the Fox's Den coordinating Federated Suns wide operations.  Victor also takes Peter to the Fox's Den's private Mechbay reserved for Davion and High Ranking AFFS Officers Mechs.  There Victor hands Peter one of the Hauptmann OmniMechs recently gained from the Blue Star Irregulars.  Instead of this advanced Mech however Peter spies one of the Fafnir BattleMechs and after a brief discussion with his brother Peter takes command of the massive 100 ton design.

10th October 3063
   At a private meal in the Davion Palace with only Victor, Danai, Peter and Isis.  Danai Centrella-Davion announces to her hisband that she is pregnant with their first child.
   Victor surprised, happy and excited runs through Avalon Palace past his Royal Guards before running out onto a balcony overlooking Avalon City.  There he screams at the top of his voice that the couple were having a baby.
   Victor's personal message to New Avalon soon travelled across New Avalon and then the Inner Sphere.  Everyone knew that Victor Steiner-Davion would soon be a father, soon have an heir.

14th October 3063
   Yvonne Steiner-Davion arrives at her new home New Barcella in the Nova Cat's Den.  During the travel from New Avalon Yvonne had proven herself to every member of the Lucian Carn's (Anna Rosse) crew personally winning three Trials of Grievance over her presence there. (One simulated Mech dual, one a chess game and another an arm wrestle).
   Yvonne is surprised looking at New Barcella from orbit and marvelled by what she sees.  The planet is mostly a ball of water with no polar caps and only one massive land mass the size of two Terran Africas.  The capital a sprawling city named Philip Drummond City is based on Katyusha City on Strana Mechty but without the segrigation seen on the Clan Homeworld.  In the centre of the city was the Nova Cat Hall surrounded by a perfectly circular knee level hedge that covered a full square kilometre on ground.  On this ground are four statues
   one of Phillip Drummond, the Nova Cat founder
   one of Anna Rosse, the one that brought visions to Clan Nova Cat
   one of Nicholas Kerensky the founder of all the Clans
   one of Aleksandr Kerensky, the Great Father.
   Inside the Nova Cat Hall Yvonne is presented to Khan Santin West.  Unofficially Canin introduces her as the Federated Suns ambassador to Clan Nova Cat.  Officially Yvonne presents her as someone who wishes to join the Clan as a full time member.
   Khan Santin West accepts Yvonne as a bondsman to the Clan until a place can be found for her.  At the same time he promotes Star Colonel Canin Rosse to be his new saKhan, replacement of saKhan Karl Devalis.  Canin officially takes command of Delta Galaxy with his Watch Cluster forming his command Keshik.

21st October 3063
   While saKhan Canin Rosse joins Delta Galaxy on New Port Royal Khan Santin West encourages Yvonne Nova Cat to explore New Barcella providing her with an unarmed Savannah Master captured from a pirate force.
   She travels around the city before travelling to the Ways of Seeing National Park to the north of the capital.  This park is sacred ground to the Nova Cats and Yvonne is marvelled by its beauty.  Stopping Yvonne near a large pool Yvonne takes a dip to cool down in the tropical heat of the Nova Cat Homeworld.  While in the water a nova cat approaches the water for drink, the big cat for which the Clan was named looked at her in the water regarding her not as prey instead as something of interest.  It watches over her as she continues to bath then allows her to leave the pool unhindered.  By this time it was dark and Yvonne was lost to her vehicle.  The nova cat guided her through the woods to the Savannah Master and safety.
   Returning to Phillip Drummond City Yvonne relates her encounter to the Nova Cat Khan.  Santin West is marvelled by the story and Yvonne's intricate detail of the event before he informs her that the nova cats on New Barcella are still held in captivity and she could not have seen a real cat.
   Yvonne wonders if she has seen a vision, Khan West informs her that if she has then its meaning will play out.

12th November 3063
   Oathmaster Jal Steiner of Clan Nova Cat refuses to stand for a second term as Oathmaster at the Grand Melee on Barcella in the Kerensky Cluster.  Instead Star Commander Zane Carns claims the position competing in and winning the Grand Melee.

17th November 3063
   Khan Malavei Fletcher (Hell's Horses) leads a second round of assaults against the Ghost Bear Dominion.  Leading forces to Preditz he fights against Star Captain Jake Kabrinski, a Ghost Bear ristar who has recently found a poor step in form.
   Jake Kabrinski an Elemental fights and kills Malavei Fletcher in single combat defeating the Hell's Horses Khan's heavier Gnome Assault suit.

28th November 3063
   Yvonne Nova Cat fights her Trial of Position on New Barcella.  She only defeats a single warrior in combat but this is enough to secure her position within the Clan's warrior caste.  Yvonne admits to Khan Santin West she is better at politics and administration than being a warrior and would give up the position if she could help the Nova Cats in other areas.
   Accepting her as a MechWarrior second and an administer first Santin West assigns her to Administer the running of Phillip Drummond City stating that her running of the Federated Suns while Prince Victor was away proves she is capable of such a task.  This also frees Khan West's desk of the paperwork that was accumilating for the city.  Khan West further distances himself from the tasks of city governor by informing Yvonne all her requests would go through saKhan Canin Rosse, this also turns out to be a good excuse for the two to spend lots of time together when Canin is on planet.

30th November 3063
   saKhan Canin Rosse returns to New Barcella to find Yvonne deeply engrossed in the paperwork Khan West had left unattended since arriving on the planet.
   Attempting to help her Canin soon finds Yvonne taking charge of the office full of clerks assigned to her staff and that he either helps or goes.  Canin comments "yes, wife" after something he'd heard a Federated Suns warrior say on New Avalon.
   The two stop work and look at each other for long moments and although Canin Rosse knows it is nearly impossible for this to ever happen he asks Yvonne Nova Cat to marry him... she accepts.  Sending the couple on a collision course with Clan traditions and history.

2nd December 3063
   saKhan Canin Rosse informs Khan Santin West of his proposal to Yvonne Nova Cat.  The Nova Cat Khan is shocked and more than a little angry at the saKhan's plan and wonders if his time spent in the Federated Suns has brung destruction to the Nova Cats.
   Canin refuses to abandon Yvonne and refuses to abandon his Clan and position.  Santin West sees the conviction in the man and the willingness to see this to the end.  The two leaders dress up the proposal in a fabricated vision to suit their purposes, knowing the general Nova Cat population and most warriors would completely support such a claim and that this would allow the Nova Cats and Federated Suns to stay linked through Yvonne.

15th December 3063
   Tomoe Sakade commits seppuku on Luthien as she is unable to stop the Ghost Bear attacks on the Combine.
   The War with the Hell's Horses has taken its toll on the Ghost Bear Clan however and when Coordinator Hohiro Kurita challenges the Bears to a single Trial to finish the war honourably they agree.  Courchevel is chosen as the world for the Trial.

22nd December 3063
   Clan Ghost Bear win the Courchevel trial against the Draconis Combine claiming the world while all other worlds are returned to their pre war rulers.

31st December 3063
   Clan Nova Cat claim full control over Barcella in Kerensky Cluster

Hope you enjoyed - comments and questions welcome.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2011, 01:59:04 PM »

Yvonne Nova Cat?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2011, 03:26:59 PM »

Yvonne Nova Cat?

When you're accepted into a Clan you take the Clan name as your surname. Phelan became Phelan Wolf, etc. If Yvonne was ever eligible for a Bloodname it's possible she'd lose the Nova Cat, but unlikely unless a new Bloodhouse is created.

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.
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