3068 - Condition Feral brings peace - Nova Cats reveal Den - Clan trouble - Assassination Attempt - New Marshal of Armies - Avalon's gift - McCarron captured - End of Terra battle - proposal for Christifori - Ares battles - New blood
4th January 3068
Wolf's Dragoon secure Outreach fully eliminating all trouble makers and forcing all other mercenary forces off planet.
Ceremony of Jamie Wolf takes place with the Supreme Commander's ashes fired over Lake Kearny by a Dragoon Aerospace fighter. Several royals from around the Inner Sphere including Victor Steiner-Davion and his wife Danai attend honouring the Dragoon founder and commander.
Before they can return to their DropShip Danai Centrella-Davion goes into labour for the second time - eight hours later at a Dragoon Medical Facility Jaylen Davion is born.
Dragoons raise another five metre high, four metre long section of their Wall of Honour for fallen mercenaries.
17th January 3068
Ice Hellion attempts an invasion of the Inner Sphere and after several knock backs by the Hell's Horses, Clan Wolf and the Ghost Bears the Hellions retreat to the Nueva Castile territories.
Overwhelming the local Umayyad and Castillian forces the remaining Ice Hellions set up shop thye have three remaining WarShips and roughly two Galaxies of troops.
21st January 3068
Khan Santin West reveals the Nova Cat's Den's location to the other Clans. Th other Clans believe that the Nova Cats have endangered them all by crossing the Tukayyid line however West counters them informing the Clans that no Nova Cat clansman has gotten any closer to Terra than the distance Tukayyid is from Terra. Unlike the Wolves, Jade Falcons and most recently Ghost Bears who have all crossed the Truce line.
Khan Brett Andrews (Steel Vipers) intent on beating Galaxy Commander Timur Malthus declares a Trial of Refusal against the Nova Cat Khan. Khan West and Brett Andrews immediately attacks him despite Loremaster Kael Pershaw's call for order.
Khan West defeats Brett Andrews his superior Elemental training cutting down the MechWarrior with a series of coordinated heavy blows showing compassion he refuses to kill the Steel Viper Khan. Unfortunately for Santin West Khan Riana Montrose (Ice Hellion), her own Clan in trouble trying to reach the Inner Sphere, attacks the Nova Cat Khan.
Although barely touched by Andrews Khan West was no match for the younger Montrose and soon the Nova Cat Khan was dead on the floor of the Great Hall. Several Clans called for the abjurment of the Nova Cats however Clan Diamond Shark, Snow Raven, Ghost Bear, Cloud Cobra and Goliath Scorpions closed ranks and voted against action on the Nova Cats.
2nd February 3068
Nova Cat vessel Thunderbolt (Black Lion) is ambushed in the Clan Homeworlds by the Steel Viper vessels Coiled Serpent (Vincent), Snake Pit (Lola III) and Martial Legacy (Essex). All three Steel Viper WarShips refuse to adhire to Zellbrigen and the Thunderbolt is destroyed by its oppenents but not before taking the Coiled Serpent and Snake Pit with it.
3rd February 3068
Again outside a Trial this time in the Barcella system the Nova Cat vessels Righteous Return (Vincent) and Growler (Lola III) are engaged by Clan Ice Hellion vessels. Although the Nova Cats are able to destroy the Chaos Sailor (Aegis) they are hopelessly outgunned.
4th February 3068
Aware of the previous attacks on Nova Cat shipping saKhan Canin Rosse arrives in the Bearclaw system with the WarShips Lucian Carns (Anna Rosse), Vision Quest (Aegis) and Far Vision (Vincent) all ready for a fight.
Approaching them are the Jade Falcon vessels Turkina's Pride (Cameron), Gauntlet (Liberator) and White Aerie (Black Lion) surprisingly the Jade Falcons offer the Nova Cats Zellbrigen which the Nova Cats agree to. In the following battle the Turkina's Pride is destroyed, Gauntlet is boarded and captured by Nova Cat Elementals and the White Aerie is forced to retreat. All three Nova Cat WarShips are heavily damaged with the Far Vision abandoned shortly after the battle.
Canin Rosse with the Lucian Carns and his Watch Cluster continues onto Strana Mechty while the Vision Quest escorts the Gauntlet to Barcella along with the saKhan's Delta Galaxy.
17th February 3068
saKhan Canin Rosse calls for a Grand Council almost before he sets foot on Strana Mechty. At the council he calls into question the honour of the assembled Khans risking a Circle of Equals as he critizises the assembled Khans for allowing a Khan to be killed on the floor of the Grand Council, for allowing their WarShip fleets to attack Nova Cat vessels outside Trials like packs of dogs.
saKhan Rosse calls for a representive of Clan Steel Viper to answer for their actions against Clan Nova Cat. As Khan Brett Andrews is still recovering from wounds sustained fighting Santin West Canin calls out saKhan Nicole Hoskins. The Steel Vipers refuse to fight achknowledging they were wrong in the face of all the Clans and offer the Nova Cats a Ransom of the Nova Cat Clan's choosing.
Canin Rosse demands two WarShips the Constrictor (Whirlwind) and Steel Python (Aegis) repaying the Nova Cats for their losses. The Steel Vipers refuse initially however Canin Rosse counters with simple words "you give us both vessels or I'll kill both your Khans today." The Steel Vipers seeing the anger in the Nova Cat saKhan's face agree to terms and promise to deliver the vessels.
The Nova Cat saKhan then turns on Galaxy Commander Timur Malthus challengine his right to even be within the room before challenging a Circle of Equals pointing out that the WarShip force that welcomed the Nova Cat Delta Galaxy would not have been in position unless ordered to intercept and kill Canin Rosse.
Khan Vlad Ward supports Canin Rosse's arguement. Malthus initially tries to worm his way out of the fight however Canin Rosse makes a simple threat "The Nova Cats have five WarShips, Four Galaxies of Troops and nothing to lose - try us" around the chamber the Khans realize that Canin Rosse isn't just acting like an angered saKhan he is acting like a Khan approval of his Clan or not.
Again Loremaster Kael Pershaw is powerless as Timur Malthus engages in hand-to-hand combat with the younger Canin Rosse. The battle is almost over before it begins and the Jade Falcon lies dead at Canin's feet.
Before the dust has settled over the fight Canin turns on Riana Montrose but before he can issue a challenge Khan Vlad Ward steps in informing the Nova Cat saKhan he cannot defeat everyone in a fight in one day and that it would be best for the Nova Cats for Canin to cease his behaviour. Riana Montrose informs Canin Rosse he does not have to issue a Circle that she realizes her dishonour and will step down as Khan of Ice Hellion for her own dishonour.
18th February 3068
Khan Vlad Ward calls for a vote of no-confidence in Loremaster Kael Pershaw for time and again failing to control the Grand Council. Following a vote Clan's Diamond Shark, Wolf, Nova Cat, Steel Viper, Coyote, Ghost Bear, Snow Raven, Ice Hellion, Goliath Scorpion and Cloud Cobra all support the motion.
An hour later Star Adder Loremaster Dagmar Lahiri is elevated to the post of Grand Council Loremaster.
By the end of the day Canin Rosse is confirmed as the new Nova Cat Khan. He promotes Galaxy Commander Jal Steiner to the post of saKhan ending the Day of Turmoil on Strana Mechty.
8th March 3068
Leaving Outreach travelling via an uninhabited system First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion aboard the FSS Alexander Davion (Davion III), with the SLS Unity City (Artemis) along aswell, is ambushed by five WarShips - 2 Zechetinu Corvettes, 1 Naga Destroyers and a pair of early model Essex Destroyers.
Unity City uses its HPG provided by ComStar to call for Federated Suns assistance while Fleet Admiral Andrea Petain coordinates the Alexander Davion, Unity City, 3 DropShips and two fighter wings in a series of evasive moves that takes the Destroyer within a local Stellar fragment.
The Alexander Davion and Unity City are able to destroy both Zechetinu-class vessels however the heavier unidentified vessels prove a far more challenging set of opponents. With the Vengance-class Carrier off the Unity City and both of the Davion's DropShips cut to pieces by Naval Autocannon fire.
After a cat and mouse duel the Alexander Davion is rapidly being herded by the three attacking vessels when the SLS Unity City dedicated to the protection of the First Lord and escorted by the remains of the Royal Black Watch aerospace wing charges the enemy formation. The Unity City using its huge engine rams the lead essex at nearly 5Gs acceleration destroying both craft - the remaining Black Watch fighters ram the other WarShips causing further damage allowing the Alexander Davion to slip away again.
12th March 3068
After running at nearly full engines for four days the Alexander Davion is low on fuel, ammunition and places to run. Victor Davion steps on Fleet Admiral Petain's shoes ordering the Alexander Davion to go out swining instead of running. The Alexander Davion takes heavy damage and is close to defeat when two more vessels jump into the system identifying as the WDS Darius and WDS Nelson (both Lola III) of the Wolf's Dragoons. Intercepting the Unity City's call for help the Dragoons had answered the call.
The enemy Naga and remaining Essex turn on the Dragoon vessels concentrating on the Darius they are able to do enough damage to force the inexperianced Dragoons to abandon ship however this leaves them in perfect position for the Dragoons remaining vessel Nelson to dispatch both remaining enemy vessels and offer assistance to the Alexander Davion.
Victor Steiner-Davion meets with General Maeve Wolf as further AFFS vessels arrive and promises to repay the Dragoons.
1st April 3068
Nova Cat vessel Path of Honour (Aegis) enters the Hector system to evaluate Ice Hellion targets. Star Commodore Alan Lankenau commander of the vessel almost immediately launched a Trial of Possession on the Ice Hellion's Coterie (Potemkin) fully laden at the Jump point.
Three Ice Hellion Aerospace Fighter Stars engage two Stars of Nova Cat OmniFighters. Although the Ice Hellions held the numerical superiority the heavier and more advanced fighters of the Nova Cats proved decisive and the Coterie became a Nova Cat vessel.
Not wanting the Ice Hellion ground forces attached to the Vessel the Nova Cats offered the civilians and troops back to the Ice Hellion ground forces commander only taking the ship and its attached DropShips.
9th April 3068
Clan Diamond Shark vessel Nagasawa (Sovetskii Soyuz) appears in Hector system and transfers a Prize crew aboard the Coterie leaving the Nova Cat's Path of Honour to leave the system. What the Nova Cats gain for the vessel is a mystery to the other Clans.
18th April 3068
Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion suffers a stroke and passes away in his office on New Avalon. First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion orders a week of national mourning.
Marshal Reinhart Steiner unofficially takes over Jackson's duties.
25th April 3068
New Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner officially takes over Jackson Davion's position on New Avalon.
Field Marshal Tarncred Sandoval welcome the move however Field Marshal George Hasek opposes it stating "we don't need a Steiner's influence in the AFFS, we've had enough of it already."
1st May 3068
Colonel Loren Jaffray announces on Northwind that the AMC stands with ComStar in its fight against the Word of Blake who have been successfully unmasked throughout the Chaos March.
3rd May 3068
1st Kearny Highlanders Regiment and Wild Geese Regiment assault a hidden Blakist base on Liberty eliminating a hidden Division.
4th May 3068
Grim Determination Mercenary Regiment, Burton's Brigade and the 13th Stalking Horse attack a Blakist unit operating on Caph identified as the 12th Shadow Division.
6th May 3068
Word of Blake's worse nightmares come true as the WarShips WDWS Athena (Sovetskii Soyuz), Mars (Vincent) and Beowulk (Congress II) lead eight regiments of AMC afflicted troops to Terra. Jumping in at a ComStar secured point they almost immediately begin moves towards Terra and Mars.
8th May 3068
A Word of Blake flottila engage the AMC forces in space. 2 Lola-class Destroyers, 2 Vincent-class Corvettes and the Blake's Sword (McKenna).
Both Blakist Vincents are destroyed in the engagement with heavy damage to the Dragoons own Mars. Athena suffers heavy damage at hands of the Blake's Sword and is abandoned in space however the Beowulf and several other ComStar vessels protect the AMC forces which are able to land on Terra.
10th May 3068
Blakist forces try to run the ComStar/AMC blockade of Terra again. The Winchester-class vessel in Blakist ranks was cut to pieces while the Blake's Sword again was forced to pull back.
16th May 3068
Following several Capellan March based interviews questioning Reinhart Steiner's ability to command the AFFS. Reinhart Steiner challenges any of the Syrtis Fusiliers to take on his 1st New Avalon Guards RCT in a mock battle at the neutral Star League facilities on Kittery.
21st May 3068
Morgan Hasek-Davion suffers a heart attack on Kittery but is resuscitated by Star League medics. Doctors order he takes at least a month off work. General Archer Christifori becomes SLDF's temporary commander.
23rd May 3068
1st Aragon Borderers BattleMech Regiment supported by two Armour Regiments and an infantry Brigade land on Sheratan welcoming the world to the Federated Suns.
1st June 3068
Intense fighting erupts at Titan Shipyards in the Sol system. While 3 ComGuard WarShips engage four Blakist vessels Precentor IV Theta Sarah Chambers leads an elite ComGuard Blake's Wrath unit onto the station. Equipped with Clan Snow Raven built Aerie Power Armour they engage Blakist occupiers in close quarters.
They breach the command room and secure the Titan control facility just as the Invisible Truth (Cameron) explodes amidships. Moments later the mighty vessel's magazines explode spreading its wreckage across the system. The triumph of securing Titan quickly became a hollow victory.
5th June 3068
1st New Avalon Guards RCT, under Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner, engage the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT, under Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek, on Kittery in a mock excersise.
8th June 3068
Duchess Isis Steiner gives birth to Jessica Steiner, her first child and an heir for Archon Peter Steiner-Davion.
9th June 3068
Not to be outdon Duchess Hermonie Aten gives birth to her daughter Ilse Kelswa-Aten an heir for Skye.
12th June 3068
Mercenary units on Galatea begin to cause problems for local authorities. Lone Wolves join with local militia units to try and control problems.
18th June 3068
Under directions from the AMC the 3rd Dismal Disinherited land on Galatea joining Lone Wolves in cleaning up mercenary mess.
23rd June 3068
Reinhart Steiner's forces constantly best the Syrtis unit on Kittery and Nathaniel calls for an end of the battles declaring Reinhart the true Marshal of Armies.
25th June 3068
Both 1st New Avalon Guards RCT and 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT leave Kittery system with FSS Lucian Davion (Avalon) and the 1st Kittery Borderers Regiment.
28th June 3068
Peace reins on Galatea as the Dismal Disinherited, Lyran Militia and remains of Lone Wolves regiment declare martial law.
Dead units on Galatea include Sathen's Snipers, Deliah's Gauntlet, Carson's Renegades and Jacob's Juggernauts.
29th June 3068
FSS Lucian Davion, 1st New Avalon Guards RCT, 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT and the Kittery Borderers arrive in Ares system of Capellan Confederation.
On the ground the 5th McCarron's Armoured Calvary attempt to defend attacking the AFFS troops as soon as they land. The Federated Suns forces surround the Capellan unit. Reinhart Steiner offers Sang-shao Lord Richard Carson a way out single combat between the two commanders. Carson refuses and the 5th McCarron's attempt a break out which is quickly held back.
30th June 3068
Tharkad is on red alert as an unidentified WarShip enters the system unannounced. To a surprised Lyran Alliance the FSS Peter Steiner-Davion (Avalon) arrives in the system - a gift from Victor Steiner-Davion to his brother following the birth of Jessica Steiner.
Archon Peter Steiner-Davion accepts the gift and arranges transport for the crew home. He renames the vessel Archon's Pride to reflect how he feels about his newly born daughter.
1st July 3068
A single McCarron's Armoured Calvary Men Shen OmniMech enters Reinhart Steiner's camp. Sao-shao Faith McCarron announces that Richard Carson was dead from wounds and that she was in command of the Armoured Calvary.
Faith offers her surrender to Reinhart Steiner in exchange for her units safe extraction from the planet. Although he has the unit where he wants it Reinhart agrees and accepts Faith's surrender.
2nd July 3068
Faith McCarron is assaulted by members of the Syrtis Fusiliers on Ares, two defending New Avalon Guards troopers are also attacked. Luckily Reinhart Steiner is close and dispatches Battle Armour troopers to escort Faith out of the mob attack before it gets out of control. He informs everyone involved in the attack that they can expect militia assignments following their tour on Ares. Nathaniel Hasek takes the Marshal of Armies actions one step further arresting several ring leaders of the mob as examples.
Faith McCarron is moved to secure quarters amoungst the 1st New Avalon Guards troopers.
3rd July 3068
Capellan March forces land on Epsilon Indi and Epsilon Eridani overwhelming an unidentified Battalion sized unit and theLangendorf Lancers on Epsilon Indi.
On Epsilon Eridani both the Lone Star Regiment and Redfield's Renegades pull off planet without resistance knowing better than to fight the Capellan March without support.
4th July 3068
Byrant, New Home and Keid all join the Capellan Confederation. Burr's Black Cobras are badly hurt on Byrant fighting a delayed action. Both Clifton's Rangers and Hanibal's Hermits disappear on Keid refusing combat. On New Home Blanc's Coyotes are destroyed almost to the man as the unit attempts to engage the Capellan forces.
5th July 3068
Disagreements between Clans Nova Cat and Cloud Cobra boil over as three Cloud Cobra WarShips and an entire Galaxy of ground troops invade the Morgan's Holdfast system of the Nova Cat's Den.
The engagement for the system begins at the Zenith Jump Point as Nova Cat vessels Promise (Aegis) and Spirit Vision (Vincent) defend against the Nebulous (York), Predition's Faith (Fredasa) and Cataclysm (Lola III).
As ground forces head for the planet the Nova Cat's Spirit Vision is destroyed while the Cobras lose the Predition's Faith and Cataclysm causing heavy damage to the Promise. The Nebulous and its fighters destroy the Promise following further combat.
7th July 3068
Nova Cat vessel Faithful Rite (Carrack Merchant) is destroyed by Cloud Cobra ground forces landing on Morgan's Holdfast. Aboard the vessel the 115th Garrison Cluster is also destroyed.
9th July 3068
Cloud Cobras overwhelm Nova Cat defenders on Morgan's Holdfast.
11th July 3068
Nova Cat's Severn Lervoux (Anna Rosse) enters the Morgan's Holdfast system carrying several carrier DropShips. Over one hundred fighters quickly overwhelm the Cloud Cobra's Nebulous and Nova Cat marines are able to put a prize crew aboard the heavily battered Destroyer.
14th July 3068
Nova Cat saKhan Jal Steiner leads Nova Cat Xi and Kappa Provisional Galaxies onto Morgan's Holdfast. Two further days of heavy fighting continues until Star Colonel Penelope Steiner, the surviving Cloud Cobra warrior, accepts defeat and surrenders to Jal Steiner. The remaining Cloud Cobras less than three Binaries troops become Bondsmen to Clan Nova Cat.
Following the battle saKhan Jal Steiner renames Morgan's Holdfast Rossei's Triumph in light of the several Rossei Cloister members in Xi Galaxy.
17th July 3068
SLS Shining Claw (Congress II) on patrol of the Melissa system in the Lyran Alliance encounters the Ice Hellion vessel Maker (Carrack). Quickly overwhelming the Clan vessel with Battle Armoured Marines the vessel is claimed as property of the SLDF and sent to Dieron Shipyards.
21st July 3068
3 Ice Hellion Galaxies and their escorting four WarShips invade the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone. Unfortunately in the first thee hours the Taney (Aegis) is pounded to a pulp by the Jade Falcon's Frost Falcon (Aegis). On board the vessel is Khan Conner Rood who is killed when the Taney explodes.
24th July 3068
Ice Hellion Zeta and Zeta Prime Galaxies go rogue as Ice Hellions suffer another defeat on Goat's Path. Along with the Impaler and Radiant (Lola III) disappear into the Periphery becoming Dark Caste.
28th July 3068
Cages's Pride (McKenna) makes a run for Terra straight into Clan Wolf space. In the Kandis system the ship is met by the Wolf WarShips Jerome Winson (former Liberator recently upgraded to Anna Rosse configuration), Rogue (Congress) and Dire Wolf (Sovetskii Soyuz).
The Cage's Pride ignores Wolf calls to surrender engaging immediately. The Rogue crumbles under volleys of Naval Particle canon while the Jerome Winson's heavy fighter force and capital missiles from the Dire Wolf causes damage to Cage's Pride's engines while Wolf Elementals board the craft.
The Ice Hellion troopers aboard the ship refuse to surrender and Wolf forces are forced to eliminate all members of the crew. The Wolf Commander claims the Cage's Pride as a Clan Wolf vessel. Khan Vlad Ward orders the ship repaired and renamed Ward's Legacy after his Bloodhouse.
31st July 3068
Clan Vlad Ward officially announces the destruction of Clan Ice Hellion's remaining forces. The Clan's homeworld territories are deemed forfiet and the Clan is removed from the Grand Council.
Clan Stone Rhino claim Ice Hellion territories on Hector including two Cluster's of troops left behind in the Clan's suicidal charge at the Inner Sphere.
8th August 3068
Ross and Rachel McKinnon become parents as Canin Aleksandr McKinnon is born on New Avalon.
13th August 3068
Battle of Mars begins in Terra system. ComGuards encounter several experemental drone craft as well as orbital defence satelites as they assault the Word of Blake's last Terran stronghold. The CSWS Terra is destroyed in the fighting along with several vessels on both sides.
During the battle three DropShips are observed leaving the system via an Invader-class DropShip at a pirate point. One of these DropShips is later identified as an experimental Tiamat-class Pocket WarShip.
20th August 3068
Archon Peter Steiner-Davion and Khan Phelan Kell sign the Arc-Royal Protocols officially recoignizing Clan Wolf (in-Exile)'s position within the Lyran Alliance as an independant power.
Arc-Royal Theatre officially formed with Grand Duke Morgan Kell named as Margrave of the new threatre. This includes all worlds of the ARDC and those of the former Pandora Theatre.
25th August 3068
A Carson-class Drestroyer appears over Columbus in the Periphery and begins a six hour bombardment flattening the facility. The two Faslane-class Yardships are also destroyed.
Draconis Combine Explorer Corps and ComGuards surviving the attack try and mount rescue missions.
29th August 3068
Draconis Combine overwhelm Word of Blake's 3rd Division on Caph, the one unit that had so far been left by ComStar and AMC. Draconis Combine officially annex the world as well.
4th September 3068
Federated Suns Capellan March forces supported by mercenary forces take Terra Firma and Capolla two of the last free Chaos March worlds. On Terra Firma the 2nd NAIS Regiment encounter the Shin Legion of the Capellan Confederation.
The two Succession State forces engage with the better equipped NAIS forces winning initially however the arrival of Warrior House Hiritsu turns the battle once again. The arrival of the Wild Geese Mercenary Regiment helps finish off the Shin Legion and forces Warrior House Hiritsu to retreat.
8th September 3068
On the Nova Cat colony world of New Dagda just beyond the Nova Cat's Den borders in the Periphery Yvonne (Steiner-Davion) give birth to her second child which she names Sonja.
14th September 3068
Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao orders Warrior House Mai-Tsu Kai and the 2nd Capellan Reserve Calvary to Ares to wrest the world from Federated Suns control. On planet defemders 3rd MAIS and 1st Capellan Dragoons are both badly damage but hold their ground. The FSS Admiral Michael Sallie (Hound) is deployed to the system to support AFFS ground forces.
28th September 3068
Mars is secured by ComStar/AMC forces. Amoung the dead on the planet are 8 ComGuard Divisions, Six Word of Blake Militia Divisions, Marian Cuirassiers Mercenary force, 6th Free World Legionaries Regiment and a Word of Blake ROM Division using large quantities of cybernetics and advanced BattleMechs. Ten thousand plus civilians are also dead killed in the crossfire between ComStar and the Word of Blake.
30th September 3068
Acting Commanding-General Archer Christifori travels to Thorin, his homeworld. Archer's honour guard is met by Colonel Felix Blucher's 15th Arcturan Guards 1st Battalion.
Blucher questions the SLDF Commanding-Generals presence on planet, Archer explains that they are here to scout out the former University of Thorin site in Remmington Forest.
Archer is reunited with his sister Andrea Christifori, Darius Hopkins, his mentor, and with Hauptmann Katya Chafee, the local militia's intelligence officer and someone Archer had gotten close to after the end of the Clan War.
31st September 3068
Archer Christifori and Katya Chafee are seen in a resturant in downtown Ecol City on Thorin. At their meal Archer proposes to Katya, which she accepts.
4th October 3068
Major Michi Noketsuna intelligence officer of the Wolf's Dragoons arrives on New Avalon by invitation of First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion. Michi is informed that the Federated Suns is willing to sell the Dragoons one of the new built Davion Block III-class Destroyers to replaced the destroyed Darius (Lola III) after three days the Federated Suns and Dragoons agree to a price. In thanks for the Dragoons saving of the First Prince.
8th October 3068
FSS Admiral Michael Sallie (Hound) is destroyed in Ares system by Capellan Naval assets. Further Capellan troops landed on Ares.
14th October 3068
Calish sytem is raided by mercenary forces stealing four brand new Corax OmniFighters. Outworlds Alliance fighters give chase aand captured one of the mercenaries who admits to a contract within the Draconis Combine, although not one connected to the Coordinator.
3rd November 3068
In orbit over Nouveaux Paris in the Deep Periphery Clan Diamond Shark transfers the Bloodlust (Aegis) and Swift Strike (Fredasa) to control of Clan Nova Cat in exchange for the Coterie (Potemkin) and the Nebula (Carrack-Merchant). Aboard the Swift Strike are 1,500 brand new Gauss SMGs which the Diamond Sharks include in the deal.
Diamond Sharks rename Coterie, Typhoon.
18th November 3068
Grand-Duke Morgan Kell passes away on Arc-Royal following a severe heart-attack during his sleep.
Wolf (in-Exile) Khan Phelan Kell announces that Colonel Daniel Allard and his sister Megan Kell will be entrusted with safeguarding the Kell Hound Mercenary Unit.
Phelan Kell becomes Grand-Duke of Arc-Royal despite his position as Khan of Clan Wolf (in-Exile). Morgan Kell is buried at a hidden site somewhere on Arc-Royal.
21st November 3068
Snow Ravens recieve ComStar distress calls from Columbus Base. They deploy WarShips to the area and evacuate 300 survivors to the Outworlds Alliance.
28th November 3068
First Prince/First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion presents an area of Defiance within the Federated Suns Crucis March to the SLDF as new grounds for the Martial Olympiad.
He states "that on the grounds that prepared us for the Clan War future generations will be able to train and compete for glory."
The SLDF plan to build new Advisory Council Buildings on the world as well as the Martial Olympiad grounds, and a training complex.
Because of Defiance's tainted atmosphere the SLDF/NAIS began to look at ways to clear the tainted air terraforming it into a perfect planet.
4th December 3068
On Galisteo within the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby Swann's Cavaliers are mercenary band are involved in a local march with turns into a massacre as the Cavaliers destroy multiple local IndustrialMechs. Local civilians are also caught in the crossfire.
Soon word passes throughout the entire former Free Worlds League of the Black Rock Massacre.
8th December 3068
Khan Canin Rosse arrives back in Nova Cat's Den for the first time in 2 years with seven WarShips and a dozen additional JumpShips taking further supplies from the Clan Homeworlds.
Clan Nova Cat begin to build a small arms weapons facility on New Dagda copying the Diamond Sharks Gauss SMG.
With new WarShips in the fleet the Nova Cat's Admiralty begin to reorganise their Naval assets into new Naval stars.
18th December 3068
FSS Robert Davion (Avalon) leads two Davion Block III-class Destroyers into the Ares system intent on smashing the Capellan blockade. CCSS Zhejiang (Impavido) is destroyed after a brief battle.
Then closer to the planet the FSS Robert Davion and the Franko Martell (Feng Huang) are both destroyed in a second battle. Both Federated Suns Destroyers are badly damaged but operational. Further AFFS forces land on planet to reinforce its defences.
25th December 3068
Rasalhague Dominion officially unites the Free Rasalhague Republic and Ghost Bear Dominion in a ceremony on Orestes. Alshian, Rasalhague and Orestes are recoignized as equal worlds of leadership commanding three districts of the new Rasalhague Dominion.
Galaxy Commander Ragnar is granted an uncontested Trial of Bloodrite for the name of Magnesson. The Magnesson Bloodhouse begins trials throughout the Rasalhague Dominion for the next twenty-four places within the Bloodhouse. Ghost Bear scientists also take in samples from the local Rasalhague population to bolster the Bloodhouse's genetic make up.