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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #90 on: September 10, 2022, 07:58:27 PM »

This was how this timeline started and I was feeling a bit nostalgic so here's 3096, I'm going to make a better effort this time and try to catch it up with the normal timeline

I like a little bit of detail so while the timeliness approach is fine I hope to see some more stories one day.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #91 on: September 11, 2022, 08:39:55 AM »

This was how this timeline started and I was feeling a bit nostalgic so here's 3096, I'm going to make a better effort this time and try to catch it up with the normal timeline

I like a little bit of detail so while the timeliness approach is fine I hope to see some more stories one day.

Oh I promise you the regular timeline will return, I just wanted a break from it and to look over what I've already written.  I actually found a storyline I'd forgotten about and plan to revisit it.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #92 on: January 11, 2024, 03:25:37 AM »

As promised - this was how I wrote the timeline originally when it went online for the first time... then folk wanted to know how I actually wrote it... so I'm going to update it to match the actual timeline for those that prefer reading the shorter version


4th January
Draconis Combine begin moving four Star League-era relics, Narukami-class Destroyers, to Midway jumping them from the Shimoda system. Assisting these movements are the two Draconis Combine factory ships and several JumpShips.

11th January
Raiders strike at Port Arthur in the Irece system with hundreds killed and the militia left in disarray. Word comes that the damage was done by four BattleMechs who were going by the name The Undead Lance

14th January
Archer Chirstifori stands down as Commanding-General of the Star League Defence Force personally taking responsibility for the terror attack against Unity City the year before.
General Victor Focht, son of Anastasias Focht becomes the new Commanding-General. Less than a month goes by before Archer Christifori becomes Governor of Thorin

16th January
Ariana Steiner recovers in hospital on Solaris VII. Her brother Richard Steiner visits her and tells her to stop blaming herself for their parents deaths.

22nd January
The Wolves trade the rights to several star systems for a Hell’s Horses HH1-class Yardship. The HH1 also known as a Forge-class is a Clan version of the Faslane-class vessel.

29th January
Clan Wolf invade the FWL’s Autumn Wind system

2nd February
Jessica Steiner announces that her father Archon Peter Steiner-Davion has passed away, she becomes the next Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth

10th February
Clan Nova Cat assault invade Ebro in the Filtvelt Coalition

14th February
Clan raids against the Lyran Commonwealth and Draconis Combine by the Rasalhague Dominion and the Ebon Keshik. The Rasalhague Dominion debut their Mad Dog Mk III OmniMech
Loremaster of the Clans Klaus Harper is killed on Accrington

23rd February
   The Raven Alliance explores systems of the former Outworlds Alliance adding Halla, Bell, Vinstra, Mindrel, Ictus and Eigerland. Snow Raven warriors also raid Tancredi VI in the Federated Suns

27th February
   Victor Focht makes his first official visit as the new Commanding-General travelling to Northwind visiting the Halidon Training Annex
   While there he discusses the possibility of Northwind and the Northwind Highlanders officially aligning themselves with the SLDF.

1st March
   Duchess Isis Steiner, wife of Peter Steiner-Davion, passes away on Tharkad with a broken heart having lost her husband.

13th March
   The Bounty Hunter attacks Clan Wolf on Preston sniping several of Wolf warriors before disappearing before they can react.

20th March
   The Sphinx Raptor faction of the Rim Collection moulds itself into a special forces and intelligence gathering force supporting the Rim Collection and Clan Fire Mandrill.

23rd March
   Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation trade raids

26th March
   The First Dragonlords Regiment push the Snow Ravens off Kennard.

3rd April
   The Hell’s Horses breed new TankWarriors from their artificial wombs on Csesztreg for the first time these trueborn warriors have been bred exclusively for vehicle combat. The Hell’s Horses also trail use of a ProtoMech which is larger than 9 tons.

10th April
   Capellan WarShips bombard Necromo following the outbreak of a plague on the world.

15th April
   The Wolf’s Dragoons continue to build facilities on Home in the Bowang Free Trade Sphere. As a second “Outreach” the Dragoons are building fortifications and facilities to support their entire Brigade.

17th April
   State funerals for Peter Steiner-Davion and Isis Steiner are held on Tharkad is attended by leaders from across the Inner Sphere and Clans.

21st April
   Clan Wolf assault Tamarind in revenge for the attacks on Preston.
   TWAS Bedevere and TWAS Tristram (Both Eagle) are destroyed by Wolf WarShips as the planet is invaded. TWAS San Nicholas (Unity) fires nuclear warheads from its AR-10 launchers causing massive damage to the Nicholas Kerensky (Texas), San Nicholas is also destroyed.

3rd May
   The Shadow Guard begin searching for a League-class Destroyer in the Spirit system

11th May
   Capellan Confederation “Stealth” Lances launch an attack on St Ives specifically targeting the Allard-Liao residence. None of the Allard-Liao family are injured by the residence itself it ruined. Defenders rally and force the Capellans off the world.

26th May
   Prince Burton Davion and his wife Sterling Davion have a second child which they name Leah

29th May
   Clan Nova Cat strike the Filtvelt Coalition targeting several worlds. The Coalition have no answer for the Clan’s superior firepower.

8th June
   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion arrives on Kennard with the Davion Heavy Guards and challenges the Dragonlords. The First through Fifth Dragonlords are officially adopted into the AFFS as their own Brigade. The five regiments have been built by local systems under the auspice of the Federated Suns Household Guard Act.

11th June
   Further tragedy hits the Steiner family with the death of Blaine Steiner, first born of Archon Jessica Steiner, he experiences a serious allergic reaction.

22nd June
   Ariana Steiner rejoins the First McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry on Clinton fighting Clan Wolf

28th June
   Six Sea Fox JumpShips arrive at Terra Firma included within the forces are several Hell’s Horses DropShips which land at and occupy the crash-site of the Pillar of Autumn (Halcyon). The Hell’s Horses plan on cleaning up the wreck and making it safe preserving it as a monument of the Manei Domini Crisis. SLDF double the defences on the world.

30th June
   Twenty-Fifth Star League Games – Rasalhague Dominion warrior Gunton wins piloting a Kodiak II BattleMech.

5th July
   SLDF reinforce Tamarind SLS Morgan Hasek-Davion (Davion III) destroyed inserting troops

19th July
   Ambassador Damien Redburn arrives on Gillfillian’s Gold as the Federated Suns Ambassador to the Rim Collection. He meets Karen Able

23rd July
   Battle Armour equipped terrorists attack civilians on Sirius VI-a followed by an airstrike against the facility leaving hundreds dead. The terrorists use a Mowang-class Small Craft to escape before SLDF QRF teams arrive.

27th July
   Several systems of the Filtvelt Coalition call for Federated Suns protection Great Gorge, Sodertalje, Maram and Gillingham join the Federated Suns.

2nd August
   On the world of Augustine Quinn Ana Rousset returns to her families ruined residence for the first time in seven years.

11th August
   Duchess Nikki White meets her father-in-law First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion on the world of Minette with her unit the Fourth Ceti Hussars LCT.

19th August
   Battle of Tamarind continues as Clan Wolf moves through the capital system of Tamarind. The Wolves win the final Trial of Possession between Khan Nathan Fetladral and Chloe Brett-Marik Nathan Fetladral is successful. But SLDF forces violate the agreement of the Trial and attempt to retreat with their arms. The Wolf WarShips fall on their retreating DropShips causing heavy damage. The Wolves secure Tamarind and its shipyards.

23rd August
   Lyran Commonwealth liberate Jesnice, Chapultepec, Machida and Zongshan from Clan Jade Falcon.

9th September
   Clan Coyote and Clan Jade Flacon trade several worlds in Trials of Possession both Clans fight traditionally with the rules of Zellbrigen honoured at every step

11th September
   LexaTech Industries of the Draconis Combine and Gilmour MilTech Industries of Talitha combine forces and debut a forty-ton Land Air Mech design named the Yurei. The design debuts the LAM Gyro which splits its bulk into either side torso of the design and halves the weight of the piece of equipment.

22nd September
   Quinn Ana Rousset meets with Governor Bannister Cameron on Augustine they discuss her long-term missing

2nd October
   A nuclear explosion devastates the capital city of Denbar with tens of thousands of people killed. The Capellan Confederation rush to the planet’s aid but it is not a secret that the people of Denbar have caused Sian issues for years.

14th October
   Khan Nathan Fetladral deals with internal Clan Wolf issues on Sheridan following his victory on Tamarind and the honour he gave Chloe Brett-Marik in the final battle.

17th October
   Trial of Possession between Clan Hell’s Horses and Clan Jade Falcon for Baker 3 – the Hell’s Horses debut their Marathon-class Battle-cruiser a successor to their Halcyon-class Cruiser with several similar features.

22nd October
   Trial of Possession between the Rasalhague Dominion and Clan Coyote over Udea, Karbala and Meachem. Coyotes are victorious

1st November
   SLDF Peacekeepers and relief arrive on Denbar with an entire SLDF Brigade deployed to protect aide workers. Capellan forces open fire on the SLDF units only for them to respond turning an aide mission into a warzone.

7th November
   Lyran Commonwealth forces and Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey forces come into conflict along their shared border with the Lyrans striking 11 systems. Lyrans capture Cavanaugh II, Bolan and Cirincus

14th November
   The SLDF throw up an iron curtain around New York City on Terra as the Star League Conference takes place there instead of Unity City.
   Governor Bannister Cameron is elected to the post of First Lord

23rd November
   Lyran Commonwealth and Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey forces continue to spar on their border

30th November
   The leaders of several broken Free Worlds League States meet on Bowang. The leaders of the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey and Bowang Free Trade Sphere join to form the Outer League Alliance reuniting a third of the Free Worlds League under one banner.

10th December
   Trial of Grievance on All Dawn between Major Canin McKinnon of the AFFS against the Fire Mandrills following losses taken in battle. While battered in the hand to hand trial he is victorious over saKhan Jacob Faraday, an Elemental warrior, killing the warrior responsible for the losses in the Cauldron of Blood. Following the trial the House Davion troops leave the Rim Collection heading home.

13th December
   A test of the Headhunter Missile on Hesperus II shows the strength of the armour penetrating weapon. The weapon is designed to decapitate an enemy BattleMech.

30th December
   The Shadow Guard mercenary command track down and salvage the League-class Destroyer which is orbiting the Spirit system. Several DropShips attach lines to the vessel and slow the vessel allowing them to board the ship. They name the vessel Stormchaser.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #93 on: January 24, 2024, 10:44:13 PM »


14th January
An Interstellar Expeditions Survey DropShip goes missing over Versailles a planet in the Federated Suns Crucis March which was believed to be dead since the Succession Wars.

22nd January
Public disturbances against the Rasalhague Dominion following several victories by Clan Coyote in Trials of Possession. The native population do not understand how Clan trials work with the Rasalhague population not used to the Dominion being on the receiving end of such trials. Bears show restraint no casualties.

25th January
Recently captured Inner Sphere born prisoners to the Raven Alliance are briefed by a Outworlds Alliance native who informs them that if they cooperate, they will have a chance to return to military service and if they do they will retain their freeborn names, although these will not count in warrior circles or count towards the Snow Raven genetic program.

29th January
Dr Dana Carlyle daughter of Alexander and Samantha Carlyle (both of the Grey Death Legion) becomes a surgical resident at the Geneva Medical Institute on Terra turning her back on the mercenary trade

9th January
A terrorist attack on New Earth strikes at a soccer game with first explosives and then an attack by six white painted Battle Armoured figures. The New Earth Guard Regiment activate to try and capture the BA troopers but they are bogged down by the need to provide aide. 1600 civilians are killed.

13th February
Shadow Guard Mercenaries take a contract with Marik-Stewart Commonwealth. As part of their payment they take parts for their League II-class Destroyer which is in the Spirit system.

19th January
Following months of internal issues Loremaster of the Clans Zane Carns speaks with Clan Nova Cats First Eridani Lancers Cluster on Tukayyid. The unit had been captured from Clan Goliath Scorpion but had originated in the SLDF’s Eridani Light Horse Regiment and most of its unit was well into their 60s including their command Star Colonel Sandra (Barclay). The unit has never adapted to Nova Cat ways and Zane Carns, a Nova Cat by birth, announces that the Nova Cats are willing to release the unit from service without further trials. The majority of the unit decide to return to the Inner Sphere while several join the Ebon Guard on Tukayyid. The Nova Cats deroll the unit permenantly.

22nd February
An SLDF aide DropShip is turned away from Denbar by Capellan Confederation assault ships.

26th February
A small detachment of Clan Wolf warriors and civilians join the Hell’s Horses enclave on Terra Firma. Work continues on cleaning up the Pillar of Autumn (Halcyon) crash-site

7th March
Marian Hegemony raid several worlds in the Free Worlds League periphery region – Declaration of the so called Periphery War

11th March
Taurians produce their first home built Compact Jump Drive in the Sterope system, it is more of a proof of concept than a production model but a step in the right direction for the shipyard.

15th March
Interstellar Expeditions brief Field Marshal Paul Bowman, senior members of the Crucis March military and SLDF commanders regarding their missing DropShip in the Versailles system reporting they believe the ship was shot down by naval gun fire from the planet’s surface.

22nd March
Lockheed/CBM of Tharkad produce their first Isis-class Scout Carrier which uses an advanced Sub-Compact KF Drive and is able to transport six small craft or aerospace fighters along with BA equipped troops. The LCAF buy the first full production line naming the first ship the LCS Isis Steiner.

28th March
Nova Cats take control over the independent system of Caphai near the Nova Cat’s Den. They put down resistance without mercy and demand all citizens surrender their own personal arms. BA equipped Elementals patrol the streets of all towns throughout the night for weeks.

31st March
Raid against Astrokaszy. Tortugan Phalanx repel the Marian Hegemony forces showing who is in charge on the planet.

5th April
The Lyran Commonwealth raid the Free Worlds League’s newly rebranded Outer League Alliance debutting their new Hetzer Jagdpanzer II a 45 ton fuel cell powered conventional vehicle.

10th April
Gallatin, Midkiff and Autumn Wind are liberated by the Lyran Commonwealth, SLDF and Marik Stewart Commonwealth in raids by the Inner Sphere against the Wolf Empire.

18th April
FSS Tikonov II (Hound II) is ripped in half by naval laser blasts fired from Versailles. AFFS and SLDF WarShips bombard weapons emplacements from orbit while ground forces land. Commanding-General Victor Focht (SLDF) leads the SLDF charge against BattleMechs which had once been common in the forces of the Word of Blake. SLDF and AFFS Battle Armour and infantry forces then fight level by level though the massive Castle Brian style bunker for hours afterwards. They eventually discover production lines for the Gurkha, Buccaneer, Raijin, Legacy and Vanquisher BattleMechs alone with 8000 civilians.

25th April
Clan Clan Hell’s Horses raid the Coyote OZ. Targetting Vulcan, Skokie, Sevren, Colmar. The Hell’s Horses use their speed and massive firepower to implement their Mongol Doctrine outclassing the Coyote defences.

6th May
Duke Fredrick Davion resorts to using naval bombardment to break a Snow Raven attack on Hazelhurst.

11th May
Forces from the FWL system of Twin Sons raid multiple systems of the Marian Hegemony in retaliation for previous raids.

23rd May
Hell’s Horses abandon 26 systems in their periphery regions to reinforce other Inner Sphere worlds. They build fortifications on Star’s End and Toland.

29th May
Shadow Guard repel a Wolf attack on Midkiff losing half their unit, they recover more than a Battalion worth of equipment.

2nd June
Protests on Denbar against the Capellan Confederation the Capellan security forces resort to using tear-gas and live rounds to break up the crowd, hundreds are killed in what would become known as the Massacre of Denbar

12th June
Further unrest against the Ghost Bears in the Rasalhague Dominion – the Bears crack down on any violence but otherwise allow the protests to run their course.

19th June
Fighting continues in the periphery as the Magistracy of Canopus annexes the system of Joppa from the Fronc Reaches.

26th June
Jake Kabrinski Khan of Clan Hell’s Horses defeats several opponents in Trials of Refusal over the Mongol Doctrine and the continued expansions of the Horde Clusters

30th June
In the periphery region abandoned by Clan Hell’s Horses The Ragnarok Union, a new nation, emerges encompassing Botany Bay, Last Chance, Gotterdammerung, Erewhon and Lackhove

4th July
Rim Collection hire the Northwind Highlanders Gurkha Battalion for training of their forces. They pay the mercenaries with Titan-class DropShips and their more powerful Titan Monitors. The Clan factions within the Rim Collection do not like the arrangement but respect the Highlanders skill.

7th July
Duke Joseph Marik, heir to the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, leaves the FWL for a religious mission at the behest of the Church of Latter Day Saints. He travels to the Federated Suns to serve on New Avalon.

13th July
Fighting continues between the Marian Hegemony and several other periphery realms as the Marians try too show they can strike anywhere. They are aided by the Fronc Reaches which strike against the Magistracy of Canopus.

29th July
26th Star League Games – Kommandant Hans Hohmann pilots an experimental BattleMech known as the Maus and is victorious but at the cost of his life to a freak cockpit strike.

4th August
Emergency HPG Conference – called by Magestix Ilsa Centrella.
The Magistracy call on SLDF assistance as they are attacked by the Marian Hegemony and Fronc Reaches. – Granted by council
First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion reveals that his DMI have uncovered evidence that the Ebony Guard (Magistracy) and agents attempted to assassinate Dirk McEvens, the leader of the Fronc Reaches, and sabotage Detroit MechWorks.
Governor (First Lord) Bannister Cameron announces to the conference that the SLDF had liberated Denbar from the Capellan Confederation.
Capellan Confederation withdraw from the SLDF in protest.

17th August
Hell’s Horses raid Clan Coyote OZ raiding Cusset, Blota, Rastaban and Wheel capturing them all

24th August
An attack on the Hell’s Horses enclave on Terra Firma by a BattleMech company. The Hell’s Horses conventional defenders drive them back and into the clutches of the SLDF who eliminate the cluster.

30th August
Taurian Concordat take the Periphery War into the Federated Suns periphery region. They capture the FSS Jason Hasek (Congress II) in the Bromhead system.

8th September
In the Lance Championship on Solaris VII the Undead Lance take the championship by storm defeating all comers until the Semi-Finals when they are defeated by a Draconis Combine lance of Ookami Heavy BattleMechs.

19th September
Clan Wolf debut the Shadow Wolf a new 100ton BattleMech with long range firepower they use this Mech in an attack on Rasalas and Bainsville

25th September
With SLDF firepower and negotiators the Magistracy of Canopus and Fronc Reaches broke a peace

29th September
Federated Suns add fire to the Periphery War as they strike back at the Taurian Concordat with heavy hits. They believe that the Capellan Confederation have funded the Taurian Concordat and Fronc Reaches assaults and may have routed weapons to the Marian Hegemony.
The Federated Suns strike the systems between the Taurian Concordat and Capellan Confederation intending on making transport through the area difficult.

8th October
Rim Association joins the Outer League Alliance unifying half of the Free Worlds League under one government.

10th October
Draconis Combine invade the Rasalhague Doinion. In one week, they capture five systems destroying three clusters and one WarShip.

15th October
Over Tukayyid at Clan Shipyard Alpha two York-class Destroyer/Carriers are built one is named Crusader the other Warden the two factions that divided the Clans during the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere.

24th October
Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and SLDF launch a multi-system assault against the Wolf Empire. For eight days the two factions fight on Shasta, Ideyid and Zortman at the end Khan Fetladral of the Wolves is dead and all three systems have been liberated.
saKhan Jennifer Winson becomes Khan, Galaxy Commander Amina Kerensky becomes the new saKhan.

2nd November
With the Federated Suns adding fire to the fighting on their borders the Periphery War continues as the Magistracy of Canopus attempt to push out the Marian Hegemony forces which had dug in on several worlds.
After four days of fighting the Marian Hegemony use nuclear weapons to destroy the MCS Belisong (Shoung Bi Shou) in the Gambillion system breaking the naval blockade.

4th November
Duchess Jaylen Davion struggles with her husband Tristen Allard-Liao over a decision by her father First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion to declare war on the Capellan Confederation and Taurian Concordat. Federated Suns invade Muridox, Lasha, Corodiz and Rollis systems.

17th November
The Lyran Commonwealth test new weapons and BattleMechs against the Outer League Alliance while they fight with the Marian Hegemony and Wolf Empire.

25th November
Elder Joseph Marik arrives on New Avalon to begin religious mission

2nd December
Assassination attempt on Frank Able, son of Jerry Able, on Gillfillan’s Gold by Purifier Battle Armoured suits. The two Clan forces within the Rim Collection join in the hunt for the would be assassins.

12th December
Wolf Empire plans a strike at Stewart intending on breaking Marik-Stewart Commonwealth resistance. The ground force are to be escorted by contracted Nova Cat and Sea Fox WarShips.

18th December
First Prince Victor Steiner Davion and Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion visits the bunker on Versailles as the AFFS deploy aide to the civilians who remain. He learns that the Manei Domini rulers of the world had lied to the remaining population saying they were a fail-safe world for the Federated Suns and that they were entirely loyal to the Federated Suns despite their isolation. They claim their world is named Taussen.
Victor takes personal stewardship over the planet. He also announces that his intention is to allow the entire population out of the bunker and live on the surface of the planet allowing the people to live under the sun for the first time in centuries. While the atmosphere is not 100% viable for human life Victor promises that will change and that the AFFS will clean up the unused munitions on the surface.

19th December
Clan Sea Fox assault and capture Zortman destroying the MSC Cook (Venturer) and debut their new Tribune BattleMech

25th December
Rim Collection strike against Kwangjong-ni in the Lyran Commonwealth for their role in the assassination of her Frank Able. Karen Able announces that Defiance Industries will pay retribution for what they did.
As he watches the message President Jerry Able suffers from a huge heart attack on Gilfillian’s Gold and passes away.

30th December
Clan Wolf escorted by Clan Snow Raven and Clan Nova Cat forces to the system of Stewart. Two Venturer-class Light Cruisers are destroyed. MSC Gambit (Zechetinu II) also destroyed
During the fighting the Nova Cat WarShip Principle (Aegis) is crippled and drifts out of control.
Invasion fleet move in system
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #94 on: January 26, 2024, 12:56:08 PM »

Very cool DC, keep up the good work right into the 32nd century and beyond!

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #95 on: January 27, 2024, 08:39:04 PM »

Very cool DC, keep up the good work right into the 32nd century and beyond!

The plan is to at least get it even with the full timeline.


2nd January
Rim Collection forces invade Kwangjon-ni in the Lyran Commonwealth as the Rim Collection continue to punish the Lyrans for the assassination of Frank Able.

9th January
Clan Nova Cat start the new century with the launch of the largest WarShip ever fielded by Clan Nova Cat the Sacred Rite (Nightlord II) which was captured from Clan Goliath Scorpion when it was known as the Atropos.

14th January
Clan Wolf crush the First and Second Stewart Home Guard to capture the world of Stewart after gaining control over the system’s space.
Duke Leonard Stewart survives after fighting the Wolves with his Land-Air-Mech Wing.
The Nova Cat WarShip Principle (Aegis) is left adrift in the system for the Wolves to salvage.
End of Nova Cat and Snow Raven contract with Clan Wolf.

21st January
Archon Jessica Steiner is forced to evacuate the LCS Archon’s Pride (Alliance) in the Summit system fighting Clan Jade Falcon. She is recovered by Lyran forces.
37th Lyran Guards destroyed on Summit

25th January
A terrorist attack on Liberty by Battle Armour equipped troopers. SLDF deploy across planet hunting for them. The attackers reportedly escape in a Mowang Small Craft. Duke Bannister Cameron announces that throughout the Star League Protectorate all private, corporate, and military Mowang Small Craft will be impounded and inspected until the terrorists are caught.

3rd February
The Rasalhague Dominion counter attack against the Draconis Combine over six days they strike Courcheval, Luzerne, Byesville, and Labrea.

9th February
Captain Duchess Kym Hasek returns to New Syrtis she is met by Colonel Richard Steiner, her former commander, and her fiancée.

13th February
Duchess Danai Centrella II is born to Magestix Ilsa Centrella, she is the heir to the Canopus throne

20th February
Two thirds of the Grey Death Legion mercenary command is destroyed in an Isle of Skye raid on Clan Wolf controlled Concord. Included among the dead are the units’ commanders and owners Alexander Carlyle and his wife Samantha. Ownership passes to Dr Dana Carlyle who is based on Terra, the unit retreats to Glengarry.

21st February
Duchess Kym Hasek and Colonel Richard Steiner marry on New Syrtis

23rd February
Clan Nova Cat invade the Draconis Combine opening a new front with the invasion of Tabayama. The raid is supported by the Sacred Rite (Nightlord II) and sees the combat debut of the Nova Cat II Heavy OmniMech.

12th March
Oriente Protectorate invade and capture the Capellan Confederation system of Harsefled with a company of the newly developed Leonidas Battle Armour deployed during the battle.

14th March
Orient Protectorate invade and capture Carbonis from the Capellan Confederation

17th March
Duke Akira Kurita is made Warlord of the Military District of Dieron of the Draconis Combine

24th March
On New Avalon the newly reactivated Third Davion Guards RCT parade in front of the First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion. Beside them walk the Second Royal Regimental Brigade of the SLDF which was built with members of the previous Third Davion Guards and ComStar’s 208th Division during the Clan War.
Third Davion Guards deploy to the Second Royal’s base world of Fletcher in the Star League Protectorate for 1 year of testing and training in a join mission.

29th March
Pirate Queen Portia “Torrent” Ryan is killed in a battle on Pirate’s Den in the Pirate Cluster. Nathaniel Gordon takes control over the Cluster. Her body is cremated in a Funeral Pyre

1st April
Lyran Commonwealth counter attack against the Rim Collection with Operation Wut – Lyran Commonwealth strike at Halifax, Wiltshire and Timbuktu – a guerrilla campaign behind Lyran lines slows the invasion.

3rd April
Jana Pryde becomes saKhan of Clan Jade Falcon.
She is threatened by Khan Ruel Chistu that her death will come as quickly as he can find her replacement

9th April
Dr Dana Carlyle arrives on Glengarry taking an extended leave of absence due to the deaths of her parents and the losses the unit had taken. She is not a warrior but decides to give the Grey Death Legion a chance.

13th April
Clan Wolf push onto Uhuru they give tur SLDF and Lyran defenders the run-around for several days before retreating from the planet. SLDF debut the Tribune Mobile Tactical Command Vehicle and the Lyrans test a new variant of the Hetzer Jagtiger III which uses a fuel cell and a snub-nosed Long Tom Artillery Cannon.

16th April
The Oriente Protectorate continues to push into the Capellan Confederation invading Bernado, Ibstock, and Suzano. Oriente WarShips resort to Orbital Bombardment to break Capellan military ground forces.

25th April
Fighting between the Rim Collection and Lyran Commonwealth as both sides reinforce the battle lines on Wiltshire and Halifax.

27th April
Filtvelt reinforce the world of Meowing in response to Nova Cat manoeuvres across the border.

5th May
Khan Jake Kabrinski killed on Montmarault.
Hell’s Horses raid Jade Falcon and Coyote OZs and raid Crimmond in Lyran Commonwealth
Star Colonel Teresia Cooper becomes Khan of Clan Hell’s Horses

11th May
Michiko Kurita, daughter of Minoru Kurita, is killed fighting Clan Ghost Bear on Asgard along with half of the Seventh Sword of Light. DCS Kujan (Inazuma II) is destroyed
DCMS forces counter striking the Rasalhague Dominion forces on Caripare and Asgard
Rasalhague Dominion forces also strike Kiamba and Kanowit seizing both

19th May
Lyran Commonwealth assaults on Rim Collection stagger to a stop as they are unable to secure initial gains. Reinforcements for their second wave are sent to reinforce positions taken in the first wave.
Isle of Skye strike Clan Jade Falcon opening an unneeded second front while mercenaries also strike at the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, including killing Captain-General Corrine Marik (MSC) on Kalidasa bringing the ire of Archon Jessica Steiner.

20th May
Lyran Commonwealth reinforcements of Timbuktu are intercepted by the RCS Elysium and RCS Resolute. LCS Carl Steiner (Hyperion) engages Rim Collection ships.

22nd May
End of naval battle in Timbuktu LCS Carl Steiner still active but damaged – Lyran support ships depleted. Further Rim Collection forces land on Timbuktu

9th June
Marko and Justin Rubinsky graduate from NAIS and join the AFFS. Both are assigned to the First St Ives Lancers RCT.

11th June
Halifax, Issaba and Lost surrender to the Lyran Commonwealth from the Rim Collection.

14th June
27th Star League Games unknown MechWarrior Michael Locke piloting an experimental Awesome BattleMech wins the games. Locke then joins the Solaris Gaming League and the main championships on Solaris VII

22nd June
Loremaster Zenos von Jankmon killed in a raid on Lyran Commonwealth
Star Colonel Beckett Malthus becomes new Loremaster of Clan Jade Falcon.

29th June
Terrorist attack on Altair by Battle Armour equipped troopers striking at a petrochemical attack. SAS (SLDF) are prepared for attack and ambush the terrorists. The troopers put up a fight but are eliminated. Their Mowang Small Craft is found destroyed.

30th June
With the war in stalemate the Rim Collection and Lyran Commonwealth come to peace.
LCS Carl Steiner (Hyperion) is abandoned in the Timbuktu system.

8th July
Duchess Giselle Marik, Marik Stewart Commonwealth is shot and severely wounded on Amity. She is placed in a medically induced coma. Duke Leonard Stewart assumes control over the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.

12th July
Clan Nova Cat raid Anjin Muerto in the Federated Suns. They fight a series of honour trials. At the end of the battles the Nova Cats gift a Pack Hunter BattleMech and a platoons worth of Gauss SMGs to the militia.

19th July
Sea Foxes join the Hell’s Horses/Wolf Enclave on Terra Firma

22nd July
Acubens join the Star League Protectorate protesting Duke Leonard Stewart takeover of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth

27th July
Capellan Confederation recapture Suzano and conquer Ventabren

1st August
Captain-General Giselle Marik, younger sister of Joseph Marik, dies on Marik from wounds sustained on Amity

10th August
Elder Joseph Marik is informed of his mother’s death on New Avalon. He turns down the call to return to the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and remains on his religious mission.

14th August
AFFS Invade the Capellan Confederation striking the Victoria Commonality at the systems of Pojos, Quirnberton, Vard, and Culmbine all fall with minimal resistance.

16th August
Victoria is invaded. FSS John Gordon (Congress II) is destroyed. Duchess Kym Hasek is involved in the fighting.

20th August
Clan Nova Cat invade Cogdell defenders immediately attack the Nova Cats – Nova Cats capture the world.

23rd August
Archon Jessica Steiner holds a press conference she informs the nation of an assassination plot against her family by the Brotherhood of Cincinnatus. She declares them a terrorist organisation.

30th August
Connaught declares itself for the Star League Protectorate

7th September
Lt Morgan Christifori graduates from Sandhurst Military Academy in England on Terra. His ill father Archer Christifori has his personal Penetrator BattleMech delivered for Morgan’s use.

18th September
The McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry raid Helen on behalf of the Federated Suns.

23rd September
Clan Wolf end “Call of Dezgra” against all non-Clan enemies – they are now willing to fight honour duels against the nations around them who fight honourably.

25th September
Pirate forces commanded by Pirate King Nathaniel Gordon invades Malagrotta overrunning the AFFS defenders. They retreat from the planet with hundreds of civilian slaves.

11th October
Capellan Confederation attempt to reinforce the defences on Victoria with Warrior Houses Kamata and Dai Da Chi along with additional WarShips.

14th October
Clan Nova Cat complete construction of a large space station that they name Terminal One which can supply WarShips as they travel through the Nova Cat’s Den and space for civilians. It is the first of six space stations.
Federated Suns raid Brockton, Sherwood and Ebro

28th October
Asta follows Acubens and Connaught to become another world of the Star League Protectorate

29th October
Elder Joseph Marik is informed of his sister Giselle’s death and Duke Leonard Stewart’s take over of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.
He is attacked by members of New Avalon’s populus. Joseph is trained in self defence and kills one of his assailants. He is arrested. Over the next several days there are further attacks against members of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints (Joseph’s church). Joseph leaves New Avalon.

9th November
Ninth Lyran Regulars Regiment assault the Brotherhood of Cincinatus on York. They destroy the Brotherhood’s main base of operations.

12th November
Prince Lester Cameron-Jones becomes a father again as his third child Rene Cameron-Jones is born

16th November
Clan Nova Cat wins a naval Trial of Possession against Clan Snow Raven when the Sacred Rite (Nightlord II) defeats the Snow Raven (Nightlord II) – the Nova Cat’s win a Swiftsure-class Cruiser from the Trial

23rd November
Rim Collection run a salvage mission on the LCS Carl Steiner (Hyperion) which was abandoned in the Timbuktu system. The vessel is missing.

2nd December
Federated Suns raid on New Vandenberg is driven off by Taurian Concordat defences.

17th December
A DMI raid on the Pirate Cluster goes wrong and the unit is killed or captured. 9 survivors of a 24 strong unit are paraded through the streets by the pirates and publicly executed by hanging. As the execution is ongoing the last remaining Rabid Fox troopers mercy-kill their captured comrades and execute Nathaniel Gordon and his top lieutenants. Although they critically injure Gordon severing his arm they fail to kill him.

19th December
Leftenant Christopher Grant and the remaining Rabid Fox in the Pirate Cluster plan their mission to flatten the Brigand BattleMech Factory in the Cluster.

22nd December
Clan Nova Cat declare a Trial of Possession over Morven in the Filtvelt Coalition. They capture it in a brutal close quarters battle.

27th December
Terrorist attack on Cate’s Hold. A Thermo-nuclear bomb is detonated wiping out the Canopian Highlanders Regiment
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #96 on: February 04, 2024, 01:10:38 PM »

Oh man, I liked the Canopian Highlanders.  :'(

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #97 on: February 18, 2024, 09:26:33 AM »

Oh man, I liked the Canopian Highlanders.  :'(

Me too, died here and the official timeline.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #98 on: February 18, 2024, 03:36:23 PM »

Oh man, I liked the Canopian Highlanders.  :'(

Me too, died here and the official timeline.

Official timeline is not dead I'm just on an extended break I'll get back to it just getting things in order
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #99 on: July 19, 2024, 05:14:12 PM »

Oh man, I liked the Canopian Highlanders.  :'(

Me too, died here and the official timeline.

Official timeline is not dead I'm just on an extended break I'll get back to it just getting things in order

Hey DC, how are you doing?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with thanks
« Reply #100 on: July 24, 2024, 06:58:57 AM »

Still living and breathing, life has just pulled me away from writing recently, it's certainly not dead. Probably on life support tbh just haven't the time at the moment
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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