From my AU (links in signature) and based off a unit originally developed by James Tanaga
Fesnyng Rapid Response Command - React, Annoy, Kill
Attached Military: Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces
Brigade Command: Provincial/Theatre Commander - Independent
Strength: Maximum two Battalions
Originally formed as Militia Rapid Response Units as part of planetary and Provincial forces these commands have been officially renamed the Fesnyng in honour of the first of its type which distinguished itself in combat against the Stone Spirit forces. By Lyran law the Fesnyng are kept smaller than two Battalions but a command of this size would be a rarity instead most are a single Combined Arms Battalion relying on their small size to move quickly and respond to threats.
The Fesnyng are designed to be able to move rapidly from planet to planet and to hit as hard as possible when they arrive at their target. These units traditionally go against Lyran military thinking relying on fast stealth movement and an out of the box approach to combat attacking an enemy from directions they would not expect. Unlike most LCAF units you are unlikely to encounter a single assault class unit within a Fesnyng and Heavy units are a rarity instead light and medium units relying on speed and stealth are where most of their firepower come from. These commands approach warfare more ike a Davion unit with small units working together in concert to keep enemies guessing and to bring down larger enemy commands this has led to many senior Lyrans disparaging these small units as worthless and ignoring their potential uses.
Because of their rapid response nature the Fesnyng must operate on their own with limited support. To support these commands the Lyrans have developed a thirty thousand ton aerodyne DropShip specifically for their use these DropShips are capable of defending themselves in a fight and carrying all elements of the Rapid Response unit. Unfortunately because much of their support is tied to this DropShip if it is lost, the command becomes isolated from their DropShip or bogged down in battle multiple units can be lost without the means to fully repair and support them.
Rumours suggest that the Lyrans plan to form at least a dozen of these units based throughout the realm and able to move within hours of recieving their commands. At present there are four active Fesnyng Commands in the Lyran Commonwealth including the first which remains under the command of Colonel Kelly Varnay, the unit's commander during the Stone Spirit invasion.
Unit Listing
First Fesnyng Rapid Response Unit - Colonel Kelly Varnay
Second Fesnyng Rapid Response Unit - Major Matthew Llewellen
Third Fesnyng Rapid Response Unit - Major Ben Snape
Fourth Fesnyng Rapid Response Unit - Major Klaudia Woloski
Notable Personnel
Kelly Varnay b. 3072 (37 in 3109) - Colonel - CO First Fesnyng
Youngest child of Jacob Varnay she was only a year old when her father attempted to overthrow House Davion and take control of the Federated Suns. Her mother brought her to the Lyran Commonwealth so she would have a chance of a life without the stigma her name held in the Federated Suns. As she grew up Kelly felt the need to become a MechWarrior and serve something bigger than her and she chose to enlist in the Lyran Commonwealth. Over the years she was promoted to the rank of Kommandant and joined the Kaumberg Militia so she could serve on the front line. When her people were caught behind enemy lines she utilized what she had to create the First Fesnyng from the remains of the Kaumberg Militia Expeditionary Forces creating a new command in the process.
Fesnyng Rapid Response Unit
1 x Scout-class JumpShip
1 x Fesnyng-class DropShip
6 x Aerospace Fighters
12 x Light/Medium OmniMechs/BattleMechs
20 x Combat Vehicles
12 x Battle Armour Squads (Scout/Sniper specialists)
1 x medical detachment (limited to what is carried aboard the DropShip)
1 x technical detachment (limited to what is carried aboard the DropShip)
1 x Mobile HPG (Fitted to DropShip)
The Fesnyng DropShip