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A Different Take on Technology
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:23:37 AM »

I am toying with a two ideas for the Kapteyn Universe and wanted a little input from the crowd.  Both ideas revolved around technology: OmniMechs and Technological Advancement.


I have always found BT technology upgrades a little clunky and have been toying with one for the KU that would be somewhat different.  Basically, each step up in technology gives a 10% increase in an items benefits (more armour, damage) and reduces the costs associated with the item (weight and criticals).

For example, these are the new stats for the following bits of kit:

System   Tech   Range   Dam   Heat   Crit
Med Laser   Pre-AoW   7   4   4   1
   Early AoW   7   4   4   1
   Late AoW   8   5   3   1
   Standard   9   5   3   1
   Star League   10   6   3   1
   Golden Century   11   6   2   1
   Current Clan   12   7   2   1
   Advanced Clan   13   7   2   1

System   Tech   Range   Dam   Heat   Crit
PPC   Pre-AoW   13   7   14   4
   Early AoW   15   8   12   4
   Late AoW   16   9   11   3
   Std   18   10   10   3
   SL   20   11   9   3
   A   22   12   8   2
   Cl   24   13   7   2
   Advanced Clan   26   15   7   2

System   Tech   Range   Dam   Heat   Crit
AC/5   Pre-AoW   13   4   1   5
   Early AoW   15   4   1   5
   Late AoW   16   5   1   4
   Std   18   5   1   4
   SL   20   6   1   4
   A   22   6   1   3
   Cl   24   7   1   3
   Advanced Clan   26   7   1   3
Additionally, these would be the base changes to the stats of four different Mechs (ignore that some where not made until after the AoW).

Mech   Tech   Weight   Engine   Structure   Armour   Arm Pts   Sink Weight   Heat Sinks   Weaps   Total
Commando   Early AoW   25   6.8   3.1   4   52   0.0   10   9.9   23.7
   Late AoW   25   6.1   2.8   4   58   0.0   10   8.9   21.8
   Standard   25   5.5   2.5   4   64   0.0   10   8   20.0
   Star League   25   5.0   2.3   4   70   0.0   10   7.2   18.4
   Golden Century   25   4.5   2.0   4   77   0.0   10   6.5   17.0
   Current Clan   25   4.0   1.8   4   85   0.0   10   5.8   15.7
   Advanced Clan   25   3.6   1.6   4   94   0.0   10   5.2   14.5

Mech   Tech   Weight   Engine   Structure   Armour   Arm Pts   Sink Weight   Heat Sinks   Weaps   Total
Griffin   Early AoW   55   19.1   6.8   4   123   2.5   12   20.3   52.7
   Late AoW   55   17.2   6.1   4   137   2.2   12   18.3   47.8
   Standard   55   15.5   5.5   9.5   152   2.0   12   16.5   49.0
   Star League   55   14.0   5.0   9.5   167   1.8   12   14.9   45.1
   Golden Century   55   12.6   4.5   9.5   184   1.6   12   13.4   41.5
   Current Clan   55   11.3   4.0   9.5   202   1.5   12   12.0   38.3
   Advanced Clan   55   10.2   3.6   4   223   1.3   12   10.8   29.9

Mech   Tech   Weight   Engine   Structure   Armour   Arm Pts   Sink Weight   Heat Sinks   Weaps   Total
Marauder   Early AoW   75   23.4   9.2   4   149   7.4   16   30.8   74.8
   Late AoW   75   21.1   8.3   4   166   6.7   16   27.8   67.8
   Standard   75   19   7.5   11.5   184   6.0   16   25   69.0
   Star League   75   17.1   6.8   11.5   202   5.4   16   22.5   63.3
   Golden Century   75   15.4   6.1   11.5   223   4.9   16   20.3   58.1
   Current Clan   75   13.9   5.5   11.5   245   4.4   16   18.2   53.4
   Advanced Clan   75   12.5   4.9   4   269   3.9   16   16.4   41.7

Mech   Tech   Weight   Engine   Structure   Armour   Arm Pts   Sink Weight   Heat Sinks   Weaps   Total
Atlas   Early AoW   100   23.4   12.3   4   247   12.3   20   44.4   96.4
   Late AoW   100   21.1   11.1   4   274   11.1   20   40.0   87.3
   Standard   100   19   10   19   304   10.0   20   36   94.0
   Star League   100   17.1   9.0   19   334   9.0   20   32.4   86.5
   Golden Century   100   15.4   8.1   19   368   8.1   20   29.2   79.8
   Current Clan   100   13.9   7.3   19   405   7.3   20   26.2   73.7
   Advanced Clan   100   12.5   6.6   4   445   6.6   20   23.6   53.2

Additionally, things like lighter engines, better heat exchange systems and better armour would not have extra criticals assigned, instead, Mechs would have limited criticals, based on the following:

Mass   Head   CT   RT/LT   Arms   Legs
20   6   5   5   5   4
25   6   5   5   5   4
30   6   6   6   6   4
35   6   6   6   6   4
40   6   7   7   7   4
45   6   7   7   7   4
50   6   8   8   8   4
55   6   8   8   8   5
60   6   9   9   9   5
65   6   9   9   9   5
70   6   10   10   10   5
75   6   10   10   10   5
80   6   11   11   11   6
85   6   11   11   11   6
90   6   12   12   12   6
95   6   12   12   12   6
100   6   12   12   12   6


The following is taken from the currently in development Clan Sourcebook for the KU Clans:

With the debut of the OmniMech in Clan Coyote, the Clans suddenly saw the future and embraced the new machines.  However, the expense of creating new designs based on OmniMech technology saw many Clans retrofit Omni-technology onto older SLDF designs, creating the O-Series Mechs.  Although OmniMechs, the O-Series has never had the same level of success as the purpose designed OmniMechs.  All of the SLDF’s proprietary designs were upgraded to OmniMech status by one Clan or another, as were a handful of Inner Sphere designs, seen as a cheaper alternative by many Clans. 

Following the O-Series was the O2-Series, which consisted of designs that started as non-OmniMech chassis and then were later modified to create OmniMechs.  The O2 Series has continued to be created over time, as a standard chassis is made, the model tested and if successful, modified into an OmniMech chassis.  Many Clan designers see this development path as the safer bet.  However, like the original O-Series, the O2-Series retains several drawbacks over pure Omni designs.

Since the introduction of the -O and -O2 series of designs, the pure OmniMechs have become known as the OM-Series, with these designs technical sophistication and expense seeing them used only by the finest warriors of the Clans.  All three Series continue to be built, with -O2 Series Mech still being designed, however, the –OM Series is the preferred machine of most Clan pilots.

The time taken to repair a –OM series Mech is about 30% that of an equivalent Inner Sphere BattleMech, with –O2 Series taking about 45% of the time and the –O Series about 60% of the time.

Those were my initial thoughts and have been expanded to the following level for more game detail:

O-Series OmniMechs

Design Failure Rate: 15%

Base Repair Rate: 60% of standard

The second type of OmniMech was created by the ever resource strapped Blood Spirits in 2869.  The O-Series sought to take the ideas of the OmniMech and Mercury BattleMech and meet halfway, due to long development process and high failure rate of what would become the –OM-series.  The Blood Sprits began work on what would become the Mercury-O upon receiving OmniMech data from the Fire Mandrill Kindraa Smythe-Jewel.

The O-series OmniMechs take existing stock Mech chassis and rebuild the weapons compartments, allowing them to mount different weapons configurations.  This provides some flexibility to the design, but has two major drawbacks: the cooling system and weapons bays. 

As the cooling system is hardwired into the original chassis, the O-series is unable to utilise pod mounted heat sinks, greatly reducing the flexibility of these models in comparison to the OM-series, which have an adaptable, modular cooling system.

The second weakness is that the pods for weapons are located where the weapons were on the original chassis and are capable of only taking pods of the same weight, again limiting the flexibility of the design against the OM-series.  However, compared to the original Mech, the O-series is far more flexible, especially due to other changes to the base chassis, structure, myomer and actuator packages, which allow for faster repair times.

With a low conversion failure rate and the advantage of allowing pilots to remain with a familiar Mech, the O-series was highly popular throughout the Golden Century and is still produce in large numbers today.  Being cheap, to both design and produce, was also an advantage and many Clans was learnt the ropes of OmniMech production on the O-series before attempting mass OM-series production.

O2-Series OmniMechs

Design Failure Rate: 30%

Base Repair Rate: 45% of standard

The second OmniMech program (third in historic order of the OmniMechs) of the Blood Spirits was started in 2869, but did not produce a Mech until 2870, the Blood Kite-O2.  Realising the limitations of the O-series, the Blood Spirits sought to produce a more flexible design system than what the Mercury-O possessed, but not at the cost of a full OM-series chassis.

The O2-series sought to address what the Blood Spirits saw as the major flaw of the O-series: the lack of a modular cooling system.  In order to produce a Mech that was cost effective, a base model of the proposed Mech would be produced, with a fixed weapons package and the modular cooling system in place, as well as other improvements to the base chassis like those of the O-series.

Should the test bed model be successful, it would then be upgraded, by having the same weapons pods installed as was the case for the O-series.  This simple route made a much more flexible design, but did double the failure rate of new models, although this was still only half the failure rate of the OM-series.

OM-Series OmniMechs

Design Failure Rate: 60%

Base Repair Rate: 30% of standard

Developed by Clans Coyote and Diamond Shark, the OM series OmniMechs were many times close to abject failure.  The histories tell us of the four models the Coyotes debuted in combat against the Jade Falcon in 2868, however, what they do not tell us of are the seven failed models, representing an enormous amount of lost time and resources to both Clans.

However, the advantage of the OM-Series was readily apparent to all, as weapons and equipment could be easily switched in and out of use and mounted wherever needed on the chassis, which provided the –OM series with unparalleled flexibility.

The OM-series had not only a modular cooling system, but also the ability to mount weapons and equipment anywhere on the Mech, without limitation brought on by a previous chassis and the design requirements that came with it.  These machines were not only truly flexible, but could often be mistaken for a different design, depending on the weapons package installed.  Additionally, the design of these Mechs, Omni from the ground up, with no compromises, made them the easiest to repair and refit of all three classes.

Despite this flexibility, the three-in-five possibility that any one attempt at an –OM series design would end in failure, due to the technical complexity of the OmniMech, made pursuing such programs en masse the province of only the most well endowed Clans.

Because of this limitation, it would be a lesser Clan who would simplify the OmniMech, ensuring that those Clans with limited resources would be able to garner some of the flexibility of the OmniMech, but at a fraction of the cost.

I would be interested to see what people think of this as this is all a first draft.

Also, the tables are in the attached document, for easier reading if you need it.
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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 01:10:51 AM »

Clunky is an understatement like this idea very much
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Ice Hellion

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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 01:43:14 PM »

Why do you want to improve everything at once?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2012, 06:16:37 PM »

It is more fun that way  :)   ;D    :P
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2012, 09:17:47 PM »

Easier to keep track of.
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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2012, 09:27:52 PM »

I actually never had a problem with the clunkiness of tech advancement itself. After all, war does indeed drive progress.

My main doubt here is if you plan to apply this across the board? To mechs only, or vehicles, ASF, etc.?


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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2012, 09:38:33 PM »

Noy sure yet, as the tech is just a thought.  However, the Omni technology will be in there.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2012, 12:46:48 AM »

...I think it a marvelous idea trying to modify the old SL designs to O-versions.  You might mention the difficulties of fitting larger weapons like LRM-20s or AC/20s.  Perhaps something like the rules for Omni-equipped tank turrets?  It would certainly allow short-term use to get the technology out into the field, but for longer term you want the added flexibility of an original design.


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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2012, 12:58:24 AM »

I don't know that it's necessary to change all dimensions (mass, range, damage, heat, etc) simultaneously.  A sliding scale where some of them can be changed at the expense of others -- similar to the ER series energy weapons -- rather than pure monolithic "a medium laser is a medium laser is a medium laser" would suit me more than the existing system without getting so complex as what you're proposing.

But the existing system was merely a convention for simplicity's sake, as often happens in games. 
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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2012, 02:13:09 AM »

I'm already tossing the technology, it meant well but started to get to pat to quick.

Keeping the Omni's though.
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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2012, 07:51:46 AM »

An Example of the OmniMech: The Wolverine

The fifty five ton Wolverine is a well known Mech in the Inner Sphere, a workhorse of many armies and a successful design, utilised by most powers.

The Wolverine is also an excellent Mech with which to demonstrate the OmniMech.  The Wolverine-II, a SLDF upgrade of the venerable design was a large component of Clan wolverines Striker and Battle units and was one of the first Mechs the young Clan upgraded to OmniMech status.  The upgrade saw the Wolverines modularise the Mechs weapons areas, allowing it to carry:

•   An 11 ton weapons/equipment pod on the right arm;
•   A 5 ton weapons/equipment pod in the left torso; and
•   A 2 ton weapons/equipment pod in the head.

The Wolverine II-O was also incorporated Star League armour, structure and heat dissipation systems, making it a powerful medium Mech.  However, no pod mounted upgrades to the heat dissipation system could be made.

The Diamond Sharks Trialled for and captured the Wolverin-III-O2, which was renamed when Clan Wolverine Trialled for the name of the Mech.  Although they had got the Wolverine-III-O2 to the end of the design stage, the loss would see them never produce it.  Renamed the Conjurer, the Mech was five tons lighter, but a more advanced model with:

•   An 6 ton weapons/equipment/heat pod on the right arm;
•   A 3 ton weapons/equipment/heat pod in the left torso; and
•   A 2 ton weapons/equipment/heat pod in the right torso.

The Conjurer was a more flexible design, able to mount additional heat units, as well as possessing Clan tech chassis, armour and heat systems.

The final design, the Wolverine-III-OM, debuted recently and returned to the 55 ton range.  The Mech is built with Clan tech Endo-Steel, Ferro-fibrous armour, 10 double heat sinks and an XL engine.  The movement profile of 64/97 km/h is backed by a 180m jump capacity.  Additionally the Mech can mount another 21.5 tons of weapons, equipment and heat sinks on any part of the Mech as required, providing unlimited flexibility.
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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2012, 09:14:44 AM »

I will buy that for a dollar
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2012, 06:33:25 PM »

Nice development, I'll take a Star for each cluster
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2012, 11:14:42 PM »

Yeah I see where you are going with that Dragon Cat. They add a nice bite to the cluster
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

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Re: A Different Take on Technology
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2012, 07:17:31 AM »

great thing with the original SL designs we've already seen a few of them as the IIC versions, omni-fying them is a nice logical step

Yeah I see where you are going with that Dragon Cat. They add a nice bite to the cluster

Got to build these Clans some way...
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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