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Alpha Strike
« on: March 18, 2013, 04:43:12 PM »

I just posted this same thread topic over on the BT boards, so apologies for the duplication.


As noted in the most recent round of BattleChats, the upcoming Alpha Strike core module is starting to take shape:

Alpha Strike
[17:45] <Pa_Weasley> Can you give any nuggets of information about the Alpha Strike book/product you mentioned in previous chats? (Sorry if that's already  been asked.)
[17:48] <@Habeas2> At present, the book is well into writing, and is planned to release as a hardcover, full-color supplemental rulebook. The core writing is largely done or well underway, and we have ample material for a series of PDF-exclusive support products that simply wouldn't have fit in there without breaking the bank. Fans of miniature wargaming, in particular, should find it a great resource.

[17:55] <garydee> Is Alpha Strike Quick Strike renamed?
[17:58] <@Habeas2> Garydee - Mmmmmmmmmmaybe?
[18:06] <@Habeas2> Pa_Weasley - You're not the only one.

Alpha Strike:
[01:05] <Jo_Jo_Monkey> Is the Alpha Strike book considered a “core” rulebook?
[01:06] <@Habeas2> Jo_Jo_Monkey - It is core in the same way the A Time of War Companion is considered core, but it is not an actual part of the Total Warfare-Interstellar Ops thing.

[01:38] <Nerroth> Is there a particular era in which Alpha Strike will be set, or will it come with enough rules to allow it to cover all six currently-listed eras?
[01:39] <@Habeas2> Nerroth – Yes

[01:40] <Nerroth> So, if a new player were handed a copy of AS, along with a copy of a 3145 pdf (as and when such a file becomes available), he ir she would have all they need to get started with Quick Stike-level play in the Dark Age era?
[01:41] <Nerroth> I mean, a pdf QS set based on the units in TRO: 3145, akin to the sets already available for the likes of TRO: 3050.
[01:41] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - It is possible, yes.

While we wait for more news to surface regarding exactly what kind of material the new book will have in store, are there any particular options or ideas which you hope may be incorporated into it?

And of the little we do know about it (in the public realm, at least), is there enough to warrant your attention?

Personally, I would be interested to see if the book will only support ground-based action, or if it might also offer a means of handling WarShip combat in a more abstracted manner. But even if that wasn't to be, I think this book has the makings of what would essentially be the spiritual successor of MechWarrior: Dark Age; not in rule terms, but in the sense of allowing new players wary of diving head-on into Total Warfare a means of enjoying the setting (and, hopefully, in enough numbers to constitute a viable set of players in their own right).

I'm particularly keen on the idea that various eras would be supported right off the bat. As and when we see a PDF-based set of cards supporting TRO:3145, I like the concept of then being able to use them alongside the AS rulebook to jump right in to the Dark Age, with the minimum of fuss. (Or into any other era, with the right card sets; from the RetroTech of the Age of War through to the experimental systems of the Jihad and the Wars of Reaving.)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 08:33:08 PM by Nerroth »


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2013, 08:32:22 PM »

I know jack squat about this other then what you just posted, and I was trying to dig for details about it for a couple of months.

I like the idea of making an easy to play all ground based version of the game, it was why despite it's many flaws I loved MechWarrior Dark Age so much.

I am in wait and see mode before I report on this.
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 05:38:14 PM »

Herb can't say much as he is not allowed to.  But from watching the community and being involved in community projects through my work, I have worked out you have the following options:

1. Tell then little to nothing and get hated for it as they think you're hiding something; and

2. Tell them more and get hated for it as it was not exactly what they wanted to hear.

Besides, considering the harassment the guy must get, I'm not surprised that he gives a little back.  I'd just snap and open up with both barrels.
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 09:35:41 PM »

Herb can't say much as he is not allowed to.  But from watching the community and being involved in community projects through my work, I have worked out you have the following options:

1. Tell then little to nothing and get hated for it as they think you're hiding something; and

2. Tell them more and get hated for it as it was not exactly what they wanted to hear.

Besides, considering the harassment the guy must get, I'm not surprised that he gives a little back.  I'd just snap and open up with both barrels.

This. +1
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2013, 11:44:49 PM »

It was noted that Alpha Strike will be a supplemental rulebook, akin to A Time of War Companion; it'll be technically count as a book of "rules", but not in the sense that it would sit directly in between any of the core rulebooks from Total Warfare through to Interstellar Ops.

That's not to say it won't be standalone (or, indeed, that it will be; we'll have to wait and see for more info to emerge), but that it doesnt seem to cause any issues for the future development of however many modules IntOps will end up becoming when all is said and done.

And I'm not sure if the ADB comparison is an ovely fair one, since SVC is the head of the company and the final arbiter of authority for the Star Fleet Universe, while Herb as Line Developer still (from what I gather) has to answer to others in terms of what he can and cannot divulge. And even ADB have projects which are not open for public discussion, or at least are not far along enough in their development for them to "go live".
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 11:57:07 PM by Nerroth »


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2013, 12:09:41 AM »

Well BS, I totally disagree with you. 

We get plenty of tit bits, when fans ask "...can you tell us what is coming up?" and are answered with "Can't divulge" or "X, Y and Z are up next."

Look at this thread http://www.ourbattletech.com/forum/general-discussion/upcoming-release/ and then tell me we don't know what is coming (though I do have to update it a little).

If each future release that is still in the dev/writing stage does not have a full blurb on the coming releases page, that's because the detail is not complete and CGL does not want to announce details until they know all the details.  The same way that I don't give clients reports until I have all the details, so that they don't make erroneous assumptions.

Considering what happened when a few details were released about 3250, I am not surprised things are played close to the chest. 

If I remember correctly when some details were leaked about 3250, the sky started falling, BT was about to die, you would have to burn all your books, Herb was about to start eating babies and the Great Satan was coming.

It all got a little bit stupid.  If I was faced with that, I'd tell no one anything again, EVER.

If you have a personal beef with the way the line developer does things then that is just tough.  That's the way it is.  However, a more objective look at the situation provides the a look as to why it might be that way.

Seriously, if I had clients like parts of the BT fan base, I'd find a new job.  Where the basis for the whinging and sense of entitlement comes from is beyond me.

There is another option.  You could just ignore the BattleChats and Forums and wait for announcements from Drive Through RPG that new BT has been released and save yourself the angst of having to read what Herb says.

Ignorance is bliss.
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2013, 12:11:53 AM »

Herb and Catalyst are a little gunshy about giving out details and release dates after the fanpro years, where thier evil overlords made them announce products and then not give the kind of budget needed to actually do them.  Herbs silence on future product detials are understandable at this point
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2013, 12:56:37 AM »

One of the posters on the BT forums offered a link to this; confirmation from Randall that AS is, or will be, stand-alone QS.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 12:58:04 AM by Nerroth »


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2013, 11:49:58 AM »

If they want to be vague and tease users that have nothing but a title, its just rude.

Perhaps with so many still in the game being overly obsessed with it justifies Herb's teasing, but I still find it unprofessional.

The film industry has been doing this for generations. A placeholder screen with just a title is a common tac in modern film marketing. Not only is professional, but it generates buzz. This thread is proof. Love it or hate it, the tactic gets people talking—and thinking—about the product.

Whether or not you agree with the situation is irrelevant, the system works.

Sidebar: Whether you (not you directly Bad) dislike or disapprove Herb's actions, or Herb himself really isn't important. Those feelings will have little bearing—ultimately—on your decision to purchase BattleTech. Unless you feel personally slighted by an inanimate game line, as opposed to a real person, you'll buy BattleTech. You'll buy BattleTech because you like the game, and liking the game typically overrides childish malice. If it doesn't—oh well—it's no big loss for either party. The offended individual gets to walk, and the game line keeps on gaming. Win, win. It's like a failed marriage, but better since a disgruntled player gets to go all deadbeat dad and just abandon any self commitment without fear of reprisal.

Sidebar to the Sidebar: Sorry I haven't been around much. I haven't been feeling so good lately, and I've been straddled with a number of pressing work commitments. I'm clearing my plate as fast as I can, but I can only spend so much time in front of a computer each day before I burn out. Don't worry! I haven't forgotten anything, and I plan on tackling some overdue requests within the next week.     
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2013, 01:21:56 PM »

Sorry I haven't been around much. I haven't been feeling so good lately, and I've been straddled with a number of pressing work commitments. I'm clearing my plate as fast as I can, but I can only spend so much time in front of a computer each day before I burn out. Don't worry! I haven't forgotten anything, and I plan on tackling some overdue requests within the next week.     

Then I want to say: Get well soon Knightmare!



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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2013, 03:50:26 PM »

Sidebar to the Sidebar: Sorry I haven't been around much. I haven't been feeling so good lately, and I've been straddled with a number of pressing work commitments. I'm clearing my plate as fast as I can, but I can only spend so much time in front of a computer each day before I burn out. Don't worry! I haven't forgotten anything, and I plan on tackling some overdue requests within the next week.     

no worries brother, looking forward to seeing you back in action.
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2013, 03:57:39 PM »

Apples to oranges, I'm sure CGL wishes it had the proceeds of just 1 blockbuster.

Well duh. There isn't a fan alive of any game line that doesn't want that to happen.

Proof on how dangling practically no information helps with sales compared to releasing tons of information please.

Never said it would help with sales. The tac generates buzz, i.e. discussion—both positive and negative—which is the sole purpose. Otherwise Production Companies wouldn't produce Trailers, which are designed to generate a different target audience response. Media Marketing 101 hombre.  :)

True, and even if I thought Herb was a horrible person, it wouldn't change me from purchasing BT products (though I question every purchase I make, as I seriously doubt I'll ever play it again).

Dude, I haven't played a serious game of BT in almost a decade, but I still buy every BT product released because I love BattleTech—regardless of era or faction—and for the sake of collecting. The last game I played was a QS game against my wife (she soundly kicked my butt).

no worries brother, looking forward to seeing you back in action.

Thanks. I'll be more active in the coming days. Just dealing with some fall out.
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2013, 05:42:59 PM »

You can't please all of the people all of the time.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2013, 06:18:04 PM »

Though I do like your policy. Antagonize everyone, all the time.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2013, 07:13:09 PM »

Though I do like your policy. Antagonize everyone, all the time.

Everyone is equal in my eyes.  ;)
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