Firstly I hope this is in the right area, if not say and i'll delete/move it

The Delranes project was something I was working on in 2016 with art from Matt Plog and Shimmering Sword. It is designed to be written as a pure fluff book, like something you'd see in a book shop in the military section for armchair generals and admirals to look at and read.
It covers the WarShips of the SLDF and Clans as well as having some non-canon vessels in it too.
The book is being expanded upon to include the IS ships from TRO:3057 and will expand upon the non-canon vessels as well.
I did this because I hated the look of the art for the WarShips in TRO:3057 (although the revised versions 'lost' ships at the back are great

Whilst I liked the look of some of the designs like the Aegis and Cameron classes, the rest were varying flavours of bad in how they looked. So I set about working with Plog and a bit with Shimmering Sword to correct this.
You can download it here; its free, and any comments are most welcome. The expanded version 2 is being worked on and with luck will be out sometime towards the end of the year