With the Battletech Activity book we were given a glimpse of the Starhawk Omni. Now Shrapnel 19 as made this official as a Clan Snow Raven Heavy Omni created in 2948. We are also given the Grotesque Assault Omni and Sidewinder Heavy Omni (the Sidewinder was apocryphal as a Cloud Cobra creation according to Sarna.) as a possible Clan Jade Falcon creation. Also mentioned is the Magnum Assualt Omni circa 3054 Clan Wolf creation possible Woodsman torso on Gargoyle legs. Shrapnel 19 kindly gave us Prime versions of the Grotesque, Starhawk and Sidewinder RS. Maybe we will see the Warlock Assault Omni along with the Magnum someday? How can they be incoporated into a Star/Binary/Trinary? Would they add value and strength or be a hinderance?