I don't know if you guys have read any of david webers' honor harrington novels , but his forum board has discussed this same subject many times . both bt and hhu use 18th century sail model for space combat . that is why is the hhu ship classification/rating is determined by tonnage ... ie ist rate sd/superdreadnought , 2nd rate dn/dreadnought , 3rd rate ca/heavy cruiser , 4th rate cl/light cruiser , 5th rate dd/destroyer and no vessels in the frigate or corvette class ranges as being to small to survive combat in which thermonuclear bomb pump x-ray lasers are the primary weapon , with stand off ranges of up to 20 light minutes . it is a very interesting universe of which I have read many alusions to in quite a few posts here on the OBT . in both bt and hhu there are chase mounts and broadsides mounts for your big guns or missles , and rolling ship from side to side is common practice in both universes written material and gaming material . the only thing bt doesn't have that hhu has is the impenetrable grav bands above and below a warship which protects it during a roll to present the undamaged side to combat . the hhu gaming material is put out by final sword productions in pelican rapids minesota . some people think their attack vector gaming engine is to hard to use , but i've used it with bs and got very good results .
sd/6,000,000-8,500,000tn dn/4,000,000-6,000,000tn ca/160,000-350,000tn cl/90,000-150,000tn dd/65,000-80,000tn
there once was a frigate class , but it got retconned several years back , by mr. weber himself .