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Author Topic: PUBLISHING FANBOOK, THE PERIPHERY: 3145  (Read 1011 times)

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Red Pins

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« on: April 10, 2016, 01:56:20 AM »

I've decided that although this project of mine needs a "final polish" to apply the art, I just can't bring myself to be interested in the effort it would take to learn and finish it.  I enjoyed the planning, design, writing, and editing of the project, I just don't want to do the artistic stuff.  If somebody wants to do so and give this a decent look, please do.

I'm going to post these units in the appropriate threads, but I'll post the BA here.

Red Pins

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« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 02:02:02 AM »

First of the BAs is the Saboteur, a design intended to attack and cripple JS, something LOKI, the Lyran intelligence agency might have appreciated.  BA isn't normally my forte, but I liked the back-history aspect of this one.


Produced By: Unknown (Salvage)
Introduced: Unknown
Mass: 750 kg
Classification: Light Battlearmor
Tech Base: Star League
Movement Type: Ground         Maximum Speed: N/A
Weapons and Equipment:
  Space Operations Adaption
  ECM Suite
  Cutting Torch
  Magnetic Clamps
  Mission Equipment

     Discovered adrift with a failing emergency beacon in 3143 by the crew of the Raven Alliance JumpShip Void Raven in the deep Periphery, investigation of the mummified oc-cupant has tentatively identified the suit as JarnFolk in origin, providing an intriguing glimpse into the feuds of the JarnFolk Great Families.

     Fully adapted to its environment, the suit offers extended power and life-support to engage in covert operations against enemy JumpShips.  The Alliance Watch has concluded an operator would use both a small SRB (Solid Rocket Boost-er) and enhanced thruster system to cover short distances between JarnFolk ships or hitch a ride on another ship with its magnetic grapples, depending upon an ECM suite and stealth armor apparently salvaged from a suit of Star League Nighthawk Mk. XXI power armor.
     Upon reaching its target undetected, the suit can use either its dedicated Salvage arm to damage the exterior components or explosive charges to cripple or strand the vessel until repairs can be made.  The suit also carries a tem-porary airlock, allowing the operator to exit the suit and infiltrate his target without raising an alarm.

Battle History
     At this time, it remains uncertain if the former occupants of the suit succeeded in their missions.  Confirmation of the suit’s existence and updated safety protocols to defend against their use has been circulated to civilian authorities, but its actual abilities have been kept confidential to pre-vent its spread.

     Given the advanced technology inherent to the design, Watch analysts expect it to remain exceedingly rare amongst the JarnFolk, and no variants are expected.  Technicians and volunteer Watch operatives have experimented with the suit to determine the desirability of creating a version with Clan technology and the level of threat to Alliance shipping in the Periphery, but because of the inherent dishonor of such a role, no plans to manufacture such a suit exist at this time.

Notable Troopers
Warrior Daniel, Clean Sea Fox
     Warrior Daniel of the Alliance Watch, the senior test operator of the project, was unexpectedly killed during a long-endurance test under controlled conditions when a concealed mission clock activated a hidden circuit, disabling the suit and suffocating him.  After intense scrutiny, Techni-cians identified the cause and have concluded the repro-grammable timer would allow an operator to fulfill his mis-sion before activating an emergency beacon for retrieval, killing him without fear of repercussion.  Having familiarized themselves with ComStar’s records of the JarnFolk, Watch operatives have concluded the suit is designed to give the occupant a “hero’s death” without the fear of sparking a feud.

Type: Saboteur
Manufacturer: None
     Primary Factory: None

Tech Base: Star League
Chassis type: Humanoid
Armor Type: Stealth (Basic)
Weight Class:   Light (750 Max)
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: N/N/N/N

Equipment      Slots   Mass
Chassis:             100 kg
Motive System
  Ground MP:      1
  Jump MP:
  Left: Salvage Arm
  Right: Armored Glove
Armor Value:    2+1      3   110 kg

W & E      Loc   Slots   Mass
Space Ops
  Adaption            1   100 kg
Cutting Torch    RA      1        5 kg
Magnetic Clamps         2      30 kg
Mission Equipment     B      1    275 kg
  Temporary Airlock
  SRB (4x1s Duration)

Red Pins

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« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 02:19:53 AM »

The second (and final) BA of the book is the Templar, created by (who else?) "Warrior Arms" of Randis IV, a production facility created and funded by the Knights of Randis.  Sure I could have used the Hope Industrial Works to produce it, but I never checked the planet's entry at Sarna or knew about it at the time, and what the heck, why not have a second producer?  This one was intended to be a common design across several factions, something the larger "Federal" forces of a Periphery-wide alliance could use as a sort of BA Model T, affordable by planetary militias in the Periphery.

*There's a note regarding the armor mass on the Word file; I suspect a typo, but without the HMP Light program, or time to run it down and recreate it with paper and pen its just going to stay wrong.  Incidentally, I've tried to squeeze out every typo and design error, but the two BA designs (and the rest of these designs) have been produced by hand.  I take back all the harsh words for FASA and 3025 I've every spoken; its harder than it looks.

Templar Mk. II

Produced By: Warrior Arms (Randis IV)
Introduced: 3124
Mass: 1,000 kg
Classification: Medium Battlearmor
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Ground         Maximum Speed: 33.4 kph
Weapons and Equipment:
  MRM-1 (8 )
  Small Laser (50)
  Light Machine Gun (30)

Despite the Brotherhood’s decision to embrace BattleMechs as the ultimate form of honorable combat, the Brotherhood was forced to accept the need for Battlearmor on the battle-fields of the 32nd Century after a Sea Fox Elemental Point attached to one of the Brotherhood’s pirate-hunting expedi-tions was responsible for the capture of a pirate Union and the successful rescue of nearly a hundred women and chil-dren being transported as slaves.
     Deciding to manufacture a suit for the Periphery market, engineers kept to guidelines which would give it Periphery-wide appeal; cost, reliability, and survivability.

     The Mk. II relies on impressive ground speed to provide mobility while remaining concealed, reaching speeds over 32.4 kph in tests.  To reduce its vulnerability, engineers have managed to improve both the quantity and quality of the suit’s armor, reaching its near-maximum to extend its battle-field lifetime.  Like the prototype Mk. I, the production Mk. II relies on the traditional small laser/machinegun combina-tion to provide anti-armor and –personnel capabilities, alt-hough a Light Machinegun has been substituted for the standard machinegun of the Mk. I.
     The L-MG, capable of greater stand-off distance offers less damage to the enemy, but the Mk. II’s new primary weapon – the MRM-1 launcher, with its 8-round magazine – makes up for it.  Range and damage potential are not as high as some advanced Inner Sphere or Clan designs due to the inherent inaccuracies of the MRM system, but the ammunition is cheap and easy to manufacture while ensuring the Mk. II remains a threat as long as the armor holds out.

Battle History
     Farmers on the Periphery planet of McEvedy’s Folly had reason to praise the Order’s Battlearmor troops in 3136, as a squad of Battlearmor instructors defended several settle-ments from a pirate band on the planet for ‘R+R’.  Capturing the Leopard DropShip, the squad began a systematic search for the survivors and nearly a dozen collaborators while train-ing a volunteer militia.
     The squad successfully captured the pirates and turned them over to planetary authorities for trial, but died in ac-tion with the remainder of the pirates when they arrived to locate the rest of their band.  The militia fought a successful guerilla campaign, keeping the pirates on the defensive until the Order returned and assisted in their capture before re-turning home with their fallen brothers.

     Although the MRM version has become a widespread among smaller Periphery nations for its ease of maintenance and easily-manufactured ammunition, an LRM-equipped version was developed for domestic production due to the MRM’s inaccuracy.
Notable Troopers
Brother Werner, Knights of Randis (formerly Point Com-mander Werner, Gamma Aimeg)
     Sole survivor of the Sea Fox Elemental Point, Werner failed to interest his superiors in purchasing a licence to produce the suit.  Having impressed the Order with his skill and moral courage, Werner was offered an opportunity to join the Brotherhood in 3118.
     Upon acceptance into the Order, Werner helped develop the Templar Battlearmor and adopt the Brotherhood’s moral code to the needs of Infantry combat.

Brother Evard Pope, First Battalion, Knights of Randis
     One of Randis’ most respected Battlearmor trainers, Evard has spent most of his Infantry career training recruits in the finer points of Battlearmor strategy and tactics while uphold-ing the Order’s strict chivalrous code of conduct.  Able to turn proud and independent Periphery volunteers into com-petent soldiers, Evard’s skill with his suit’s MRM launcher is legendary across several Periphery planets.

Type: Templar MK II
Manufacturer: Warrior Arms
     Primary Factory: Volcroth, Randis IV

Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)
Chassis type: Humanoid
Armor Type: Standard (Advanced)
Weight Class: Medium (1000 Max)
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Y/Y/Y/Y

Equipment      Slots   Mass
Chassis:             175 kg
Motive System
  Ground MP:    3
  Jump MP:
  Left: Basic Manipulator
  Right: Battle Claw         270 kg
Armor Value:    9+1      5   630 kg

W & E             Loc     Slots   Mass
Small Laser (30)    RA      1   200 kg
Light-MG   (50)    LA      1     75 kg
MRM-1        B      1     60 kg
   Ammo (8 )     B      2     35 kg


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« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 02:23:05 PM »

Well, the last of the fanbook's designs are up.  I wanted to mention how much I enjoyed the process of creating it, even if interest in it waned when the fluff was finished.

I'm outlining a new project, the "Blake Threat File".  Its going to contain;
  • The complete set of Serpentus Series vehicles (With the canon Bolla and the WiGE Raider from this project, to use one of every motive type, wheeled, WiGE, tracked, hover, VTOL, and Submersible.)
  • Additional Blakist 'Mech variants, mostly from Militia units.  Maybe some of the MD Omnis too, since their configs give me hives.
  • Stats for the WoB Erinyes, the modified YardShip.  Perhaps with a bit of fluff explaining how its been returned to its original config to assist in the surviving Blakists' build-up and colonization somewhere in the Periphery.  This one may be fairly interesting, done from a future historical perspective.
  • And the real reason for this project - a selection of different drones and variants.  Since their publication, I have been interested in their rules, given their potential (in RL as well as the game universe) to completely change the military situation.  Drones have even made an appearance in my AU, using the same kind of limited commands as found in the original Wing Commander video game - "Assume formation", "Attack my target", "Go here", etc.

First of all, I have to get copies of the appropriate rules, which means money.
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