Clan Territories
June 3052
(just after Tukayyid)
Blood Spirit (2)
Arcadia (22%)
York (90%) *
Territorially, the Blood Spirits have been among the smallest Clans never holding more than five worlds throughout their combined history. In the early 2830s the Spirits were forced off Albion and Homer thanks to the malevolent efforts of Burrock and Mongoose. During the mid 2800s the Spirits briefly attempted to expand its holding by colonizing Foster. This mineral rich enclave was raided incessantly by the Burrocks resulting in its exchange for OmniMech technology with Kindraa Smythe-Jewel. Since then this time the Spirits territories on York (90%) and Arcadia (22%) have remained relatively static. While they are reclusive at this point in their history they have not taken up the extreme isolation that followed the Absorption War.
Burrock (4)
Dagda (24%)
Albion (100%) *
Hoard (35%)
Paxon (0%) Krakau
Priori (24%)
In 2821 they liberated Dagda (24%) as part of Operation Klondike along with Fire Mandrill, Goliath Scorpion, and Widowmaker. In the early 2830s the Burrock’s drove the hated Blood Spirits from Albion (100%) eventually establishing exclusive control over this planet and making it their capital. During the Golden Century they colonized successful enclaves on Priori (24%) and Hoard (35%) remaining on the offensive. Aside from these four earthward possessions the Clan enjoys a significant presence in the Paxon (0%) system. This extra solar holding along with the Tanite (Alexandria, Tanis, and Stacha) Agreement gives the Clan material abundance.
Cloud Cobra (3 + 3 Tanite)
Babylon (26%)
Brim (30%)
Homer (80%) *
Liberating Babylon (26%) together with Coyote, Diamond Shark, and Ice Hellion earned the Cobra’s one of their first territorial enclaves. Possession of Brim (30%) was apparently split with Nova Cat early in Clan history. In 2839 the Cloud Cobra’s established a thriving colony world named Zara which would come under attack by the Jade Falcons in 2850. Khan Homer Telinov was valiantly killed during defense of planet but his grateful Clan would rename the planet in his honor. Homer (80%) has since become the Clan’s capital which they guard jealously against any interlopers. In 2965 the Cobras discovered the Tanite Worlds and quickly set about bringing them into the fold. While Tanis (100%), Alexandria (100%), and Stacha (100%) all fell to the Clan resistance remains a constant problem. In order to help garrison these worlds the Cobras contracted the Burrocks for additional forces in exchange for resources.
Coyote (6)
Babylon (27%)
Tamaron (100%) *
Delios (36%)
Foster (40%)
Londerholm (24%)
New Kent (19%)
The Clan experienced unparalleled growth during the Golden Century establishing almost a dozen colonies in the Kerensky Cluster.
The sizable Coyote enclaves on Homer and Brim were lost in the mid-2950s during the beginning of the Cloud Cobra feud.
The Clan was forcibly ejected from its enclaves on Marshall and then again on Hoard in the early 3000s.
In 2994 the Coyotes were pushed from Priori by the Star Adders and slightly more than fifty years later lost Albion to Burrock.
Diamond Shark ( 8 )
Babylon (24%)
Delios (44%)
Lum (18%)
New Kent (9%)
Priori (52%)
Strato Domingo (65%)
Tathis (50%)
Vinton (40%)
Fire Mandrill (5)
Dagda (24%)
Atreus (30%)
Foster (30%)
Marshall (15%)
Shadow (100%) *
Ghost Bear (4)
Arcadia (25%)
Bearclaw (80%) *
Tokasha (65%)
Paxon (62%)
Goliath Scorpion (4)
Dagda (29%) granted by Wolf for its help with Widowmaker
Marshall (36%)
Roche (83%) *
Tokasha (21%)
Hell’s Horses (5)
Eden (23%)
Kirin (50%)
Niles (100%) *
Strato Domingo (35%)
Tiber (50%)
Ice Hellion (9)
Babylon (23%)
Atreus (30%)
Foster (15%)
Hector (100%) *
Hoard (25%)
Londerholm (24%)
Marshall (9%)
New Kent (6%)
Tathis (30%)
Jade Falcon (9)
Dagda (9%)
Eden (25%)
Gatekeeper (50%)
Glory (45%)
Huntress (1%)
Ironhold (100%) *
Marshall (6%)
Tokasha (14%)
York (5%)
Nova Cat (7)
Circe (27%)
Barcella (100%) *
Bearclaw (20%)
Brim (30%)
Delios (20%)
Gatekeeper (50%)
Hoard (40%)
Smoke Jaguar (10)
Circe (23%) from Mongoose Absorption
Eden (26%) Pentagon liberation
Atreus (40%)
Foster (15%) seized Arctic Cheetah (Hankyu) factory from Ice Hellion circa 3040
Homer (10%)
Huntress (99%) *
Kirin (50%)
Londerholm (52%) infamous revolt
Tranquil (70%)
Vinton (60%) recent battles with the Diamond Sharks
Snow Raven (5)
Circe (28%)
Brim (19%)
Hellgate (100%) traded in 3051 by Jade Falcon for Naval Support
Lum (82%) *
York (5%)
Star Adder (6)
Arcadia (26%)
Brim (21%)
Marshall (13%)
Paxon (0%) Krakau
Priori (24%) Forge 7 producing the Sulla
Sheridan (100% *)
Tathis (20%)
Steel Viper (5)
Arcadia (27%)
Grant’s Station (55%)
Homer (10%)
Marshall (21%)
New Kent (66%) *
Wolf (9)
Circe (22%)
Dagda (14%)
Eden (26%)
Glory (55%)
Grant’s Station (45%)
Paxon (38%)
Roche (17%)
Tiber (50%)
Tranquil (30%)
Strana Mechty (divided by 17 Clans, Diamond Shark and Wolf have their capitals* located here)
5% each Clan originally – now 5.88% with three Clans absorbed or annihilated