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Thank you for the advice. I'm used to Army Lists and such. BT can be a little intimidating when it comes to building combat units.
OK, cool. My favorite mail order place does have a Highlander IIC but not the others you mentioned. I just realized, the Savage Wolf is Wolf Hunters, isn't it? I was looking at RofS on CSO. Obviously I need to buy FM:3085. Guess which FM Noble Knight just sold out of? Thank you for the advice. I'm used to Army Lists and such. BT can be a little intimidating when it comes to building combat units.
Yeah, the Wolf Hunters are kind of an interesting idea. I'll have to see more about them before I commit to painting them. I'm looking forwards to ER:3145, just to learn more about everybody.Right now, I'm painting Stacy Church's Black Widows, from Starterbook Wolf and Blake. It was comforting to have an "army list" for them. 5 more to paint, then the decals I bought from FPG, and I'll be ready to show them. I think because I literally haven't played since like 1991, I just don't know quite where to get started. I mostly buy minis that I like the looks of, then I feel spoiled for choice on how to organize them and paint them.