I found that to be a very fascinating article about plausibly based science fiction and it is interesting to imagine how warfare will be different in the future but I think there are a few things we have to keep in mind with the BattleTech Universe and to a certain extent future warfare in general.
1) BattleTech physics =/= Real World Physics, horribly inadequate ranges and leathality to weapons next to relatively high movement and agility (talking mainly about BattleMechs here) make older models of fighting more, if not effective, at least easy. There are differences in aero, dropships/warships, etc. but overall the difference from real world physics IMO make it easy not to branch out.
2) BattleTech structures =/= Real World political structures and in fact the core of the BattleTech political structure is a loosely feudal based system with some small variations (Clans are a little different, some IS/Periphery factions have varying levels of individual freedoms, but the differences are actually quite minor).
3) Also keep in mind that besides the introduction of the Airplane, modern military structure has changed very little since the dark ages - if it works it works.