You've also got all those systems in the Cluster that is difficult to navigate the Taurians probably had the best defended capital until someone dropped a big rock on it
Don't get me started on that Dragon Cat. The Taurians, whom the Powers That Be have consistently and mind-bogglingly have labelled as
paranoid-obessive to the point of psychosis, the people who have an entire arm of their armed forces devoted to Asteroid Service, somehow don't notice when people with no business in their system begin playing around with asteroids and rocket-thrusters? What?
Now, either the Taurians are stubborn, paranoid, SOBs obessed with House Davion, who are willing to go to extreme lengths to protect their worlds (human wave attacks, civilians with bombs, WMDs, etc.) with a 5,000-man strong elite-rated Special Asteroid Space Force or . . . they're not. In the latter case, yes, the rocks fall everyone in Samantha City dies thing can happen. But in the first case? First rock that starts to move in a way that orbital mechanics doesn't allow for (they have had SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS to chart any and all errant rocks in their HOME system, after all), and a horde of DropShips, aerospace fighter carriers, and small craft would be swarming over that 'troid before it move so much as a million kilometers.
Yeah, yeah, yeah; I've heard people suggest that there were 'stealth' sytems on the asteroids that prevented them from being picked up on sensors. But that does jack for telescopes,
which are the primary means of watching your own local space for errant rocks from the heavens.
And then they blame it on the Davions with no explanation of how the Fed Suns could have gotten a team into place and do this. Ignoring the WOBbies (in SPAAAAAAACE) who just so happen to have this restored WarShip named
Vengeance fully stocked with nuclear missiles for you to take your revenge.
Don't get me started on how much the current regime has screwed with my Taurians.
Master Arminas