I think it could work out, Ice, btu it will all boil down to fluff. Let's say your cluster is involved from day one, and hit DCMS/FedCom borderworlds, where the fighting is much more bitter. The losses, henceforth are heavier, but the survivors gain metric craptons of experience. Now, we're about a year in, your regular rated unit is a shell of it's former self, with only half of it's warriors left to reap the full benefeits. Is your cluster illustrious? is it downtrodden or disreputable within it's clan? This matters, because of where your replacements come from. Let's say another cluster is disbanded due to losses, and your cluster receives a supernova binary from them. Now, you have, quite likely, some elite forces, some veteran forces, but nothing lower until your fresh-from the sibko replacements arrive. Thus teetering you out at the veteran mark.
by the same token, your replacements if your clan didn't value your unit as much as it had, would be freebirths and unblooded warriors for you to blood.(Falcons were good for this. Take a unit that got hammered, fill it with recruits, and hit a hard target with them. Seems wasteful at first, until that battlefield experience turns into very capable commanders once they leave their blooding.) in which case you'd still be a regular unit.
Prestige plays a HUGE role into whether your unit will gain the experience required to move up in rating, or if it will be maintained as a regular line unit for other purposes. Rarely does a unit which lacks prestige build into a more seasoned unit. Individuals may be retained, but overall they'll remain the same when new recruits are drawn in.