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Author Topic: Ballistic weapons/ Energy weapons/Missle weapons combinations  (Read 6780 times)

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Re: Ballistic weapons Vs Energy weapons
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2017, 11:47:56 AM »

Unfortunately long range autocannons were not invented or rediscovered. I guess you could say the Gauss Rifle was the upgrade.


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Re: Ballistic weapons Vs Energy weapons
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2017, 11:56:59 AM »

The LBX and later Ultra AUtocannons have more range than standard Autocannons, but yeah its Gauss Rifles that are basically the replacements using 3039+ technology.

However there are Hypervelocity Autocannons past 3060, but the Gauss Rifle is superior to the HPV Autocannon-10 so I dont know the point



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Re: Ballistic weapons Vs Energy weapons VS Missle weapons
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2017, 06:16:31 AM »

I honestly expected this thread to go further, taking about successful equipment combinations.

I like the Pillager as a base design as it combines Jump Jets, long range Gauss Rifles, and energy weapons. Its missing Missiles and it can only use all of its weapons at less than half its maximum range.
The Mad cat Mark II furthers that design as its clan technology means its energy weapons and overall the entire design is longer range, its faster and 10 tons lighter.

Missiles and Energy weapons are easily compatible. Its easy to back up some long range energy weapons with ShortRangeMissiles and use LongRangeMissiles with medium range energy weapons like Medium Lasers. Ballistic weapons are more difficult as they are just so heavy and the damage differences between models is massive. Converting from different Models of LRMs or SRMs is easy but changing from and Ac-5 to and Ac-20 is a drastic design change.
Differences between the Mechwarrior games and the tabletop change things heavily. What works on one probably wont on the other. Jump Jets are very useful on the tabletop while in video games they are overrated aside from Mechcommander where they are very useful. Technically aside from some obvious improvements from clan technology there are no "bad" tabletop designs, just ones that are situational.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2017, 11:09:22 PM by Chaosticket »


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Re: Ballistic weapons/ Energy weapons/Missle weapons combinations
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2017, 05:49:02 AM »

Since you mentioned the computer games, the newest one did more to differentiate them. IIRC the lasers are relatively unchanged but autocannon do more damage at a trade off of recoil making them less accurate for every consecutive round they fire. Meanwhile missiles have an increased impact on stability, giving you a better chance of causing PSRs.

I haven't tried the game myself but it does give the different types of weapon a more distinct feel.
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